1 - Introduction
1 - Introduction
1 - Introduction
The 2014 ACI Code presents load factors and load combinations
in Chapter 5, which are from ASCE/SEI 7-10, Minimum Design
Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, with slight
The ACI Code uses the subscript u to designate the required
strength, which is a load effect computed from combinations of
factored loads. The sum of the combination of factored loads is U
as, for example, in
U = 1.2D + 1.6L
where the symbol U and subscript u are used to refer to the sum
of the factored loads in terms of loads, or in terms of the effects
of the factored loads, Mu, Vu, and Pu.
Structural failures usually occur under combinations of several loads.
In recent years these combinations have been presented in what is
referred to as the companion action format. This is an attempt to model
the expected load combinations.
The load combinations in ACI Code Section 5.3 are examples of
companion action load combinations chosen to represent realistic load
combinations that might occur. In principle, each of these combinations
includes one or more permanent loads (D or F) with load factors of 1.2,
plus the dominant or principal variable load (L, S, or others) with a
load factor of 1.6, plus one or more companion-action variable loads.
The companion-action loads are computed by multiplying the specified
loads (L, S, W, or others) by companion-action load factors between
0.2 and 1.0. The companion-action load factors were chosen to provide
Results for the companion-action load effects that would be likely
during an instance in which the principal variable load is maximized.
In the design of structural members in buildings that are not
subjected to significant wind or earthquake forces the factored
loads are computed from:
U = 1.4D
For combinations including dead load; live load, L; and roof
U = 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5(Lr or S or R)
L = live load that is a function of use and occupancy
Lr = roof live load
S = roof snow load
R = roof rain load
For the common case of a member supporting dead and live load
U = 1.2D + 1.6L
If the roof load exceeds the floor live loads, or if a column supports a
total roof load that exceeds the total floor live load supported by the
U = 1.2D + 1.6(Lr or S or R) + (1.0L or 0.5W)
In the above equation the roof loads are principal variable loads.
Strength-Reduction Factors, f
Other actions
Shear and torsion f = 0.75
Bearing on concrete f = 0.65
Strut-and-tie model f = 0.75
Concrete and Reinforced Concrete
0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003 0.0035 0.004
• The curves are roughly straight while the load is increased from zero
to about one-third to one-half the concrete’s ultimate strength.
• Beyond this range the behavior of concrete is nonlinear. This lack of
linearity of concrete stress–strain curves at higher stresses causes
some problems in the structural analysis of concrete structures
because their behavior is also nonlinear at higher stresses.
• Of particular importance is the fact that regardless of strengths, all
the concretes reach their ultimate strengths at strains of about 0.002.
• Concrete does not have a definite yield strength; rather, the curves
run smoothly on to the point of rupture at strains of from 0.003 to
0.004. It will be assumed for the purpose of future calculations in
this text that concrete fails at 0.003 (ACI 10.2.3).
• It should be further noticed that the weaker grades of concrete are
less brittle than the stronger ones—that is, they will take larger
strains before breaking.
Static Modulus of Elasticity
Concrete has no clear-cut modulus of elasticity. Its value varies with
different concrete strengths, concrete age, type of loading, and the
characteristics and proportions of the cement and aggregates.
Furthermore, there are several different definitions of the modulus:
• The initial modulus is the slope of the stress–strain diagram at the
origin of the curve.
• The tangent modulus is the slope of a tangent to the curve at some
point along the curve—for instance, at 50% of the ultimate strength
of the concrete.
• The slope of a line drawn from the origin to a point on the curve
somewhere between 25% and 50% of its ultimate compressive
strength is referred to as a secant modulus.
• Another modulus, called the apparent modulus or the long-term
modulus, is determined by using the stresses and strains obtained
after the load has been applied for a certain length of time.
• Section 8.5.1 of the ACI Code states that the following expression
can be used for calculating the modulus of elasticity of concretes
weighing from 1500 to 2500 kg/m3 (f ’c in N/mm2 or MPa)
𝐸𝑐 = 4700 𝑓′𝑐
Poisson’s Ratio