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Operators should be aware of potential errors when determining takeoff reference speeds and put verification procedures in place to catch errors.

Flight crews consider many factors including gross weight, center of gravity, flap position, engine thrust level, pressure altitude, wind, and runway conditions when determining takeoff reference speeds.

Entering zero fuel weight instead of gross weight and selecting an incorrect flap setting are examples of typical errors that can significantly impact takeoff reference speeds.


Operators have reported the use of excessively low takeoff reference speeds that
have resulted in tail strike, high-speed rejected takeoffs (RTO), and other instances
of degraded performance. These incidents were caused by a variety of human
errors that typically resulted from using an erroneously low value for gross weight
or an incorrect flap reference setting when determining takeoff speeds. Boeing is
taking several steps to help operators of all transport airplanes improve the
process for determining proper takeoff reference speed. These include identification
of the points in the calculation process where human error commonly occurs,
recommendations for reducing the occurrence of errors and for detecting any errors
that still occur, related flight deck equipment options and standard procedures,
and a risk assessment checklist for operators’ management and flight crews.

July 2000, No. 11




July 2000, No. 11

■ Making a keystroke or transposition
light crews consider 1 TYPICAL ERRORS

error when entering reference
many factors when
Determining airplane weight and speeds manually.
determining correct
takeoff reference computing takeoff reference speeds ■ Line-selecting a speed into the
speeds, or V speeds, both involve numerous steps, which wrong field on the Takeoff
for a particular airplane on a create many opportunities for human Reference (TAKEOFF REF) page.
particular runway. These include error to occur. Based on the assumption
that all elements of an airplane’s ■ Selecting an actual takeoff flap
gross weight (GW); center of setting that is different from the
weight are available and accurate, the
gravity; flap position; engine flap setting used to compute
following are some examples of human
thrust level; bleed air configura- takeoff reference speeds.
errors that can result in erroneous
tion; pressure altitude; outside takeoff reference speeds:
air temperature; wind; runway MAGNITUDE OF VARIOUS
length, slope, and surface
■ Making a math error when convert- 2 TYPES OF ERRORS
ing diverse units of weight (for
conditions; clearway; stopway; Simple human errors can cause sur-
example, pounds to kilograms, or
obstacles; and status of any gallons or liters of fuel to pounds), prisingly large inaccuracies in takeoff
minimum equipment list (MEL) or failing to convert mixed units reference speeds (fig. 1). Some
items such as inoperative brakes, to the standard unit of weight for examples are:
spoilers, or thrust reversers. GW that airplane. ■ Entering zero fuel weight (ZFW) in
itself encompasses numerous the GW field can result in a weight
■ Selecting the wrong weight value
components, most of which error equal to the weight of fuel on
from multiple figures on the load
change for each flight. The board. This error has been linked
result is many opportunities for to several in-service incidents, and
human error during calculation ■ Making a keystroke or transposition the potential for it to occur exists
of V speeds, even when the error when entering weight into on all flight management computers
process is highly automated. the control display unit (CDU). (FMC) on large commercial air-
Operators have addressed this ■ Line-selecting weight into the planes. The FMC has boundaries
situation through training and wrong field on the Performance that define the acceptable range
by devising reliable processes Initialization (PERF INIT) page of for ZFW, fuel weight, and GW. In
for flight crews and dispatchers the CDU. many cases, this error will result in
to follow. However, despite a calculated ZFW less than the
■ Selecting the wrong table in the
these preparations, occasionally minimum allowable, and the FMC
quick reference handbook when
an error occurs that is significant will identify the invalid entry.
determining speeds manually.
enough to cause tail strike or However, each model has a range
■ Making an error while using the of ZFW and fuel weight that will
noticeably degraded performance
chart when determining speeds permit ZFW to be accepted as GW.
during takeoff and initial climb. manually. For a 777-200 Extended Range
Operators may considerably
reduce their exposure to such
incidents by slightly adjusting 1 VR SENSITIVITY TO OPERATOR ERROR
their process for determining FIGURE
takeoff reference speeds, making 717-200* 737-700 747-400 757-300* 767-400* 777-200
minor revisions to their associ-
Zero fuel weight
ated training, and understanding
(ZFW) used as
the information available on the gross weight 16 26 36 27 27 27
following subjects:
1. Typical errors. ZFW digits
2. Magnitude of various types transposed 30 16 17 41 19 16
of errors.
Fuel in
3. Consequences of errors. kilograms
4. Recommended practices. versus pounds 12 25 34 18 19 38
5. System aids. Incorrect flap 4 13 7 25 13 12
6. Risk assessment checklist.
*Flight management computer does not compute takeoff V speeds.

July 2000, No. 11 AERO

Boeing has identified some guidelines to
reduce the likelihood of error while calculating
takeoff reference speeds.

tail clearance. Erroneously low VR guidelines to reduce the likelihood of

on takeoff has been recorded as error while calculating these speeds,
the cause of several incidents of regardless of the specific process
tail strike. followed:
airplane with 160,000 lb of fuel ■ High-speed RTO. The airplane will ■ Provide accurate weight data to
and ZFW of 430,000 lb, line- not lift off at the normal attitude the person responsible for deter-
selecting ZFW to the GW line or time. This abnormal performance mining takeoff reference speeds.
would result in a takeoff rotation has prompted flight crews to per-
speed (VR) that is 27 kt too low.
■ Present the weight data in a clear
form high-speed RTOs.
and unambiguous format.
■ In some cases, a transposition Other effects may be less obvious,
error in which a flight crew mem-
■ Establish procedures to manage
and are usually not significant with all
ber reverses two digits of a number time pressure and out-of-sequence
engines running. However, they may
when entering it into the CDU may operations.
become very significant if combined
be undetected by the FMC. Many with an engine failure: ■ Always enter ZFW on FMC-equipped
potential transposition errors airplanes.
■ Overweight takeoff. This can occur
involving ZFW will result in values
if the flight crew subsequently uses ■ Establish reliable procedures for
outside the allowable range and
erroneous GW to decide whether a verification of manual operations.
will be detected. However, certain
runway is acceptable for departure.
transpositions that result in a
Increased runway length required.
Provide accurate weight data to the
large weight error can be missed. ■

Premature rotation increases drag

person responsible for determining
For a 757-300 with a ZFW of
and significantly increases the
takeoff reference speeds.
210,000 lb, entering “120” instead
of “210” would result in a VR that distance from rotation to liftoff. Although this may appear to be an
is 41 kt too low. obvious step, it is important to perform
■ Reduced obstruction clearance. in order to reduce the many opportu-
■ Boeing safety records indicate Increased drag is present from the nities for error that can occur when
that several incidents were caused point of rotation until the airplane determining ZFW and fuel weight. Each
by the flight crew using the wrong accelerates to the normal climb operator should provide a robust process
chart to determine V speeds. speed profile. Climb gradient is and proper training for any personnel
Depending on the range of allow- reduced during this time. who may be responsible for computing
able takeoff flap settings, inadver- ■ Degraded handling qualities. After ZFW, GW, and fuel weight (when
tently using a chart for the wrong liftoff, there is reduced maneuver required). All weight computations
flap setting could cause an error margin to stall until the airplane should be performed in the dispatch
in VR of up to 25 kt. This example accelerates to the normal climb office or an equivalent environment
of 25 kt is for a 757-300 for which speed schedule. Achieving the that is subject to fewer distractions
VR is computed for “flaps 20” but proper climb speed schedule proba- than exist on the flight deck.
the takeoff is performed with bly will not occur until after the
“flaps 5.” Training and procedures must include
airplane passes acceleration height, information to ensure that conversion
because takeoff safety speed (V2) to proper units, such as kilograms to
3 CONSEQUENCES OF ERRORS will also be erroneously low. pounds, is accomplished when needed
and performed correctly. Operators
If human error in determining takeoff
reference speeds is not caught and 4 RECOMMENDED PRACTICES should exercise special care if dis-
patching an airplane under the MEL
corrected, the following adverse The systems and procedures that with the fuel quantity indication
effects can result: operators use to determine takeoff system inoperative. They should also
■ Tail contact with the runway. reference speeds vary considerably. ensure that all airline MEL procedures
Premature rotation reduces runway However, Boeing has identified some are followed to determine actual fuel

July 2000, No. 11 AERO

on board. Because human error can and printout for operators who use measures are necessary to ensure that
occur when transcribing numbers from ACARS to uplink weight data to the this can be achieved.
one document to another, the process flight deck.
for computing the final values for the Always enter ZFW on FMC-equipped
load sheet should minimize the number Establish procedures to manage airplanes.
of times that numbers must be tran- time pressure and out-of-sequence This is essential because ZFW, once
scribed from the initial source to the operations. established, is a constant value for the
final product. Operators must first ensure that their entire flight, but GW changes as fuel
normal operating procedures permit is burned. Also, planned fuel weight
Present the weight data in a clear sufficient time for the flight crew may not equal actual fuel weight
and unambiguous format. to perform the steps of determining because of variations in fuel density or
The load sheet should be formatted to V speeds carefully and with proper ver- a math error, such as a unit-conversion
reduce the possibility that the pilot ification. Secondly, if a task must be error. By entering ZFW, the flight crew
will select the wrong weight value for performed out of the normal sequence, uses a known, constant value and lets
making performance calculations. time pressure and multitasking can the FMC perform the calculation. The
Boeing has revised its standardized occur, which increase the risk of error. FMC will apply the current, actual fuel
load sheet to highlight the ZFW value, Therefore, operators should establish on board to obtain the most accurate
and has added the note “Enter ZFW processes to ensure that final weight and less error-prone value for GW. The
into FMC” to further highlight the ZFW data is ready for the flight crew in time FMC will also maintain an accurate GW
value (fig. 2). Boeing recommends to conduct normal preflight procedures for the remainder of the flight. Another
that operators who use their own load in sequence. Finally, if it becomes reason to always enter ZFW is that
sheet review its format and modify it, necessary to enter or update the flight crews who alternate between
if necessary, to decrease the number weight data after engine start or push- using GW and ZFW become accustomed
of opportunities for the pilot to select back, the flight crew must be sure to to using both fields on the PERF INIT
the wrong weight value. This recom- use the same care and verification pro- page. The Boeing position is that
mendation also applies to the format of cedures they would use if the airplane these flight crews are more likely to
the aircraft communications addressing were still at the gate. Operators should enter a weight value on the wrong line
and reporting system (ACARS) display encourage flight crews to take whatever (GW on the ZFW line or ZFW on the
GW line). In January 2000 Boeing
began modifying all operations manuals,
as necessary, to indicate that entering
2 ZFW INFORMATION ON MODIFIED LOAD SHEET ZFW is the normal procedure. These
FIGURE revisions for all Boeing commercial
airplanes will be completed by
ZERO FUEL WEIGHT January 2001.
Enter ZFW into FMC.
Max. 138300 LB 16± =
Dest. Speci
Establish reliable procedures for
± = verification of manual operations.
Human error continues to occur while
Total Fuel 30 + calculating takeoff reference speed,
TAXI WEIGHT even with the training and procedures
Max. 170000 LB ± = designed to minimize such error.

LMC However, a thorough check by another
properly trained person should reduce,
Taxi Fuel — by several orders of magnitude, the
likelihood that these errors will not be
Max. 169500 LB ± =
caught. Operator procedures and train-
± =
ing must be established to ensure that
this verification is accomplished con-
Total Fuel (Ram
Taxi Fuel — sistently and carefully. The appropriate
Taxi Fuel method of verification, however, is
LANDING WEIGHT different for automated systems and
Max. 146300 LB ± = manual systems:
± =
■ For the FMC and other computer-
Form A D043A680-TBC01, 9/97 ized systems, one flight crew
member should always cross-check
CDU entries made by the other

July 2000, No. 11 AERO

■ Allow FMC to ■ Ensure that ■ Verify accuracy
calculate GW. FLAPS entry of manual
■ Compare it with agrees with entries.
planned takeoff actual takeoff
GW on load flaps.

■ Flight crew
enters ZFW.
■ Verify that
entry is
accurate and
on correct line.

flight crew member. The FMC and and a dispatcher, independently bugs are set, V2 must also be set
other equivalent computerized using the same method, such as manually in the mode control
systems are certified to produce the airport/runway analysis chart. panel IAS/MACH window as the
accurate results based on accurate It could also involve the use of target reference speed. This manual
input. When the input is wrong, two different methods to determine entry also requires verification.
the results are wrong, so operators the values, such as a lookup table
must ensure that the input is and a performance chart.
correct. Procedures must be modi-
■ Manual operations to set speed In addition to a reliable process for
fied, if necessary, to state that
bugs also require verification.
the entries of one flight crew calculating takeoff reference speeds,
On airplanes equipped with an
member must receive a thorough some automated system features can
FMC that calculates V speeds, or
verification from the other flight help prevent the errors that may result
into which dispatch-calculated
crew member. The verifying flight from this process: ACARS with FMC
V speeds can be entered from an
crew member needs to confirm communications feature and GW entry
uplink, the FMC and display system
that the correct values have been inhibited.
automatically set the speed bugs.
entered, and that they have been
Because this process is not subject ACARS with FMC communications
entered onto the correct lines on
to human error, no special speed feature.
bug verification is required as
pages (fig. 3). As an additional For airplanes with ACARS and a suitably
long as the original data entries
step to detect an input error, both equipped FMC (see paragraph below),
were verified. Other airplanes
flight crew members should also ZFW and takeoff reference speeds may
require manual entry of takeoff
cross-check the resulting GW value be uplinked directly from the operations
reference speeds through the CDU,
against the planned GW on the office into the FMC. Flight crews can
the speed reference selector, or
load sheet. send a request for data to their opera-
physical positioning of the bugs.
■ For operators who use manual Because manual entry provides an tions center directly from the PERF
processes to compute takeoff opportunity for human error to INIT page of the CDU. Data may also
parameters, takeoff reference enter the process, verification is be uplinked to the airplane unsolicited
speeds should be determined by required at this step as well. as part of normal procedures. Received
two independent processes and Operating procedures should data is displayed on the CDU. After
compared. The independent include a requirement for both verification, the flight crew member
processes could involve two flight crew members to confirm simply needs to accept the data, and
personnel, either two flight crew that the bugs are set correctly. can do so by pushing the ACCEPT line
members or a flight crew member Regardless of how the speed select button.

July 2000, No. 11 AERO

Airplane model FMC type/software Target update Estimated availability

737-NG 4 modular concept units/Ada 10.4 3Q 2001

747-400 Advanced FMC/Pascal First update after load 15 Potential 3Q 2002
757 and 767 Pegasus/Ada Pegasus 2001 2001/2002
777 Airplane information AIMS 2001 3Q 2001
management system (AIMS)
line replaceable module/Ada

This uplink capability requires the GW entry inhibited.

airplane’s FMC to be equipped with the Another system approach for reducing 6 RISK ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST
FMC communications feature and either calculation errors would be to disable
the performance initiation function Boeing has developed a risk assessment
the manual entry of GW on the PERF
or the takeoff data function, or both. checklist to help operators assess the
INIT page. This proposed feature would
These features are available on current- adequacy of their own processes for
eliminate the possibility of a flight crew
production 737, 757, 767, and 777 member inadvertently line-selecting determining correct takeoff reference
airplanes. The ACARS/FMC system can the ZFW onto the GW line. (This option speeds (see p. 21). This checklist
eliminate several, but not all, poten- will not affect the current capability consists of a series of questions and
tial sources of error. Weight data must to manually enter GW on the Approach relevant examples for self-evaluation.
be entered manually at some point in Reference page.) Boeing will make this Operators are encouraged to review
the calculation process, so verification feature available as an option in their operating procedures using this
is still required in the dispatch or future FMC software updates. Figure 4 checklist and to adjust their processes
operations office to ensure that the lists the targeted FMCs and probable to address any deficiencies that may
numbers entered manually were correct. incorporation points. be revealed as a result.

The occurrence of human error while establishing takeoff reference speed
has caused tail strike, high-speed RTOs, and other instances of degraded
performance. These errors can occur in a variety of ways. Operator proce-
dures are the primary means for eliminating these errors. Establishing proper
procedures can reduce these errors by helping flight crews avoid situations
that make the initial error more probable. These procedures must also
ensure that any error that does occur is caught and corrected before it can
cause a problem during takeoff or initial climb. The primary method for
eliminating error is to ensure that comprehensive, independent verification
steps are accomplished at key points where a manual task is performed.
Operators are encouraged to review each step of their process and make
adjustments to address any deficiencies they may uncover. Boeing has
developed a risk assessment checklist as a tool for this review. Operators
should also consider two automation features that eliminate known points
of error input. One is the ACARS/FMC communications feature, which is
available on most current-production airplanes. The other feature is the
option to disable FMC GW entry, which will become available with future
FMC software updates.

July 2000, No. 11 AERO

By using the following checklist, operators can assess the
adequacy of their processes for determining correct takeoff
reference (V) speeds. Each process is followed by a question,
a rating of the degree to which an error committed in the
process can affect takeoff, and examples of practices (best,
good, and poor) used to complete the process:
1. Determine zero fuel weight.
2. Determine gross weight.
3. Communicate weights to flight crew.
4. Include complete information for deriving V speeds.
5. Cross-check manual operations.
6. Set speed bugs.


1a. Operating empty weight (OEW). How is the OEW established for each airplane? Effect of error: small.
Best practices Good practices Poor practices
■ An airplane specifier (e.g., tail ■ An airplane specifier is used. The ■ Airplanes are not weighed at a
number) is used to calculate and airplane is weighed when equip- specified interval or when signi-
track OEW. ment changes are made, but ficant modifications are made.
■ Each airplane is periodically periodic weighings may not keep ■ An average operating fleet weight
weighed to keep weight accurate up with smaller changes over time is used for all airplanes of the
and up to date. (e.g., accumulated dirt). same type (e.g., 737) regardless
■ Airplanes are weighed after any ■ An average operating fleet of configuration, weight or CG
significant modification (e.g., weight is used for airplanes of the differences.
weight change of ± 0.5% of same configuration provided their
maximum takeoff weight, or center individual OEW and CG are within
of gravity (CG) change of ± 0.5% established tolerances of the fleet
mean aerodynamic chord). average, as described in AC 120.27c,
■ A system is in place that documents IATA AHM 531, or equivalent.
weight and CG changes for all
airplanes or engine modifications
that have been accomplished.
■ The weights of different meal ser-
vices are known and applied to obtain
an accurate OEW for different routes.

July 2000, No. 11 AERO

1b. Cargo (baggage and nonbaggage) weight. How is cargo (baggage and nonbaggage) weight determined?
Effect of error: medium; errors in determining cargo weight can have a sizable effect on airplane weight.
Best practices Good practice Poor practices
■ All cargo and baggage are weighed ■ Nonbaggage cargo has not been ■ Nonbaggage cargo weight comes
before loading onto the airplane. weighed prior to loading, but the from the central load planner
■ Load contents are determined shipper has provided accurate based on what is expected to be
according to what is actually loaded, weights. loaded, but this weight is not
instead of by what is planned to be compared to actual loading.
loaded. ■ Nonbaggage cargo weight infor-
■ Procedures require a final check of mation comes in with varying
the cargo and its position loaded weight units (e.g., pounds versus
on the airplane. kilograms).

1c. Passenger count and weight. How is passenger count and weight determined?
Effect of error: small; a big passenger difference is required to result in a large weight difference.
Best practices Poor practices
■ Passenger count is determined ■ Final passenger count is not used
when boarding is complete, and to update ZFW.
differences from expected count are ■ Average passenger weight is not
used to update ZFW. adjusted for significant changes
■ Average weight value for passengers in passenger characteristics.
and carry-on baggage is adjusted
as significant changes occur (e.g.,
seasonal differences, special char-
ters, or nonstandard weight groups),
in accordance with AC 120.27c,
IATA AHM 531, or equivalent.


2a. Fuel weight (FW). How is fuel weight determined?
Effect of error: medium; some errors, such as using incorrect units, can have a sizable effect on fuel weight.
Best practices Good practice Poor practice
■ Sensed fuel quantity is passed to ■ Fuel weight is not input to the ■ No fuel quantity indications are
the flight management computer FMC automatically, but fuel on available and Dispatch Deviation
(FMC); the FMC determines fuel board is known. A process exists to Guide procedures are not
weight. ensure that the correct fuel weight implemented effectively. For
■ Standard processes are in place to is provided to the flight crew. example, no adequate procedure
ensure accuracy when manual Flight crews manually enter fuel exists for ensuring that fuel units
calculations or entries are required quantity into FMC and verify entry. are consistent (e.g., gallons or
(e.g., when dispatching under liters must be converted to pounds
Master Minimum Equipment List). or kilograms).
■ All stations use the same units of
measurement for fuel quantity.

2b. Input ZFW into FMC. Do procedures standardize entry of ZFW into the FMC CDU?
Effect of error: large; a GW error equal to the weight of fuel on board could occur.
Best practice Poor practices
■ The flight crew always enters ZFW ■ The flight crew has a choice of
onto the Performance Initialization entering ZFW or GW into the FMC.
page of the CDU. FMC will compute ■ The flight crew may enter a GW
GW based on entered ZFW and estimate initially, then enter ZFW
sensed fuel quantity. later when final data is available.

July 2000, No. 11 AERO

3a. Document weights clearly for flight crew. Are weights put in a form so that it is easy for the flight crew
to find the ZFW or the GW without any additional computation? Effect of error: large; significant errors such
as selecting the wrong weight can occur when transferring weights from a form.
Best practices Good practice Poor practices
■ ZFW and GW values are easy to ■ ZFW and GW values are easy to ■ ZFW and GW values are hard to
locate and interpret on the load locate and interpret on the load locate or interpret in dispatch
sheet, and the appropriate weight sheet. papers.
(ZFW for FMC use, GW for chart ■ The flight crew has to transfer
method) is highlighted effectively. information from multiple sheets
■ All stations and FMCs use the same to get GW or ZFW.
units of measurement for weight. ■ The flight crew has to do some
■ The same load sheet format is used computation or interpretation to
at all stations. get a GW or ZFW value.
■ The flight crew has to convert
between different units of

3b. Provide timely information. Do crews receive weight information in a timely manner?
Effect of error: large; late-arriving information and time pressure can lead to significant input errors.
Best practice Good practice Poor practice
■ The flight crew receives final weight ■ Weight data is sometimes provided ■ The flight crew frequently receives
information by the time it is needed out of sequence, but procedures final weight data out of the
for the normal preflight sequence. have been established to ensure normal sequence, when time
There is little time pressure. that the flight crew can enter and pressure is high.
verify the data without distraction
or high time pressure.

3c. Communicate weights to flight crew; aircraft communications addressing and reporting system
(ACARS) is used. Is accurate weight data input to ACARS, verified, and uplinked to airplane?
Effect of error: large; significant errors such as transposing numbers can occur while entering weights in
ACARS and transmitting them.
Best practice Good practices Poor practices
■ An accurate ZFW is checked, ■ An accurate ZFW is checked and ■ ACARS presentation/format is
uplinked via ACARS and loaded uplinked via ACARS to the flight confusing or poorly laid out
automatically into the FMC. deck. (e.g., ACARS values are not clearly
■ ZFW is clearly identified. labeled).
■ Either ZFW or GW are missing
from ACARS; only their compo-
nents are provided.
■ Weight data is not verified prior
to ACARS uplink.


4a. Gather all relevant information. Is all relevant information available for calculating V speeds?
Effect of error: medium or small, depending on which factors are not included.
Best practice Poor practices
■ Complete information (GW or ZFW ■ Atmospheric variables estimated
and fuel weight, pressure altitude, for time of departure are not
temperature, flap setting, wind updated despite weather change.
component, runway slope, thrust ■ Incomplete information is
derate, obstacles, bleed status, provided for deriving V speeds.
defects) is sensed or provided, and

July 2000, No. 11 AERO

5a. Make flight crews aware of potential for errors. Does the flight crew give consideration to the potential
for errors? Effect of error: small; errors may occur regardless of training.
Best practice Poor practice
■ The flight crew has been trained ■ The flight crew is insufficiently
on the possible adverse outcomes cautious about V-speed errors.
of a V-speed error.

5b. Input check (FMC or other computer system). Do standard procedures require verification of FMC or other
computer entries? Effect of error: large; a good check by the other flight crew member can catch big errors.
Best practice Poor practices
■ Airline procedures require that the ■ No verification procedures are in
CDU entries made by one flight place.
crew member are always verified by ■ Verification procedures are vague.
the other flight crew member. The
verifying flight crew member con-
firms that the entries are accurate,
complete, and entered in the
correct field.

5c. Final check (FMC or other computer-based V-speed calculation). Is a GW check in place for checking
V-speed values? Effect of error: large; a good check system can catch big errors.
Best practice Poor practice
■ Dispatch provides their GW value ■ No GW check is used.
and airline procedures direct flight
crew members to cross-check this
value against the GW computed by
the FMC.

5d. Process check (manual V-speed calculation). Is an alternate method used for computing V-speed values?
Effect of error: large; a good check system can catch big errors.
Best practices Poor practice
■ Dispatch makes an independent ■ No backup method is used to
V-speed calculation as a check on verify manual calculations.
the method used by the flight crew.
■ One flight crew member makes an
independent V-speed calculation as
a check on the method used by the
other flight crew member.
■ Prior to entering the manually com-
puted V speeds into the FMC, the
flight crew member compares them
to the FMC-computed V speeds.

5e. Final check (manual V-speed calculation). Do standard procedures require verification of manually entered
V-speed values? Effect of error: large; a good check system can catch big errors.
Best practice Poor practices
■ Airline procedures require that ■ No verification procedures are in
manual V-speed entries into the place.
CDU are always verified by the ■ Verification procedures are vague.
other flight crew member.

July 2000, No. 11 AERO


6a. Set V speeds on airspeed indicator. Are airspeed bugs set correctly?
Effect of error: large; flight crew member will respond to speed bugs rather than actual V speeds (if different).
Best practice Good practice Poor practice
■ Speed bugs are set automatically ■ Speed bugs are set manually and ■ Manual entry is required to set
from FMC values accepted by the procedures require verification by speed bugs and procedures do not
flight crew. the other flight crew member. require verification by the other
flight crew member.


March 1999 Discussion topic at Boeing Flight
Operations Symposium.

December 1999 Technical bulletin issued.

December 1999 Format improvements for Boeing standardized

load sheets.

March 2000 Risk Assessment Checklist sent to operators.

January 2001 Operations Manuals updated.

May 2000 Topic incorporated into Flight Operations

Safety Program (airline visits).

2001 Flight management computer option to disable

gross weight entry on Performance Initialization
page, beginning with Airplane Information
Management System on 777 airplane.

July 2000, No. 11 AERO


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