TZ Smallholde Profitability of Fertilizer Use finalWP PDF
TZ Smallholde Profitability of Fertilizer Use finalWP PDF
TZ Smallholde Profitability of Fertilizer Use finalWP PDF
David Mather, Betty Waized, Daniel Ndyetabula, Anna Temu, and Isaac Minde
Abstract: We use plot-level data from the National Panel Survey to estimate maize-N
response rates and the profitability of inorganic fertilizer use. We find that average
smallholder maize-N response rates are not even 50% of those from zonal research center
trials, implying that there is a considerable gap between actual and potential returns from
fertilizer use. Fertilizer use on maize is only marginally profitable for farmers with average
response rates, even in higher potential zones. Farmers who fallowed a plot more recently
and/or received an extension visit have higher response rates and more profitable fertilizer
use, yet fallowing is infrequent and extension does not reach most farmers. These results
strongly suggest that regardless of whether NAIVS continues or not, the government must
consider complementary strategies (beyond NAIVS) to help increase the profitability of
fertilizer use on maize, otherwise, it is doubtful if the gains in farmer use of fertilizer on
maize under NAIVS will be sustained when an increasing number of farmers must pay the
market price for fertilizer (as NAIVS continues to scale down or stop). We provide a number
of strategies that can help improve the profitability of fertilizer use on maize: (i) continuing
and completing on-going efforts to update the country’s soil maps and recommendations
for fertilizer use and integrated soil fertility management practices for maize and other key
staple crops; (ii) effective dissemination to smallholders of this new information to enable
them to sustainably increase maize productivity through both appropriate fertilizer use
improved soil fertility; (iii) improving maize price levels and their predictability; and (iv)
reducing fertilizer costs from the port to rural villages.
Author affiliations:
David Mather (Assistant Professor, International Development) and Isaac Minde (Professor,
International Development) are from the Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource
Economics, Michigan State University (East Lansing, Michigan, USA). Betty Waized
(Lecturer), Daniel Ndyetabula (Lecturer) and Anna Temu (Senior Lecturer) are from the
Department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness, Sokoine University of Agriculture
(Morogoro, Tanzania).
Corresponding author:
David Mather (email:
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Financial support for this study was provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
(BMGF) through the Tanzania component of the GISAIA project (Guiding Investments in
Sustainable Agricultural Intensification in Africa). One component of GISAIA/Tanzania
involves collaborative research and capacity building between Michigan State University
(MSU) and Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA).
The authors are grateful for the financial support provided by BMGF, without which this
study would not have been possible. We thank Dr. David Nyange (MSU) for greatly
facilitating meetings with MALF officials (both current and past) who were directly involved
with NAIVS implementation as well as other key fertilizer supply chain stakeholders.
We thank Dr. Donald Mmari, Director Growth and Development at REPOA for access to the
World Bank/REPOA household, agro-dealer, and village leader survey data, and we thank
Cornel Jahari of REPOA for very helpful information regarding the survey implementation.
We also wish to thank the following key informants from government, private sector, and
civil society for their time and for sharing their knowledge about NAIVS and fertilizer and
seed supply chains: Dr. Andrew Msolla (AFAP), Mr. Canuth Komba (MALF, Agricultural Inputs
Section of the Directorate of Crop Development), Dr. David Rohrbach (World Bank), Dr.
Madhur Gautam (World Bank), Pal Stormorken (Yara International), Salum Mkumba
(Tanzania Fertilizer Company), Export Trading Group (Manoj Shekwani), Premium Agro-
Chemicals Ltd, Janet Bitegeko and Susan Masagasi (Agricultural Council of Tanzania), and
Prof. Malongo Mlozi (Sokoine University of Agriculture). We also wish to thank the many
agro-dealers, extension agents, village leaders, hub agro-dealers, and district agricultural,
irrigation and cooperative officers (DAICOs) that we interviewed in 2014 for their time and
for sharing their knowledge and experience.
The opinions expressed in this report are those of the authors alone and do not represent
the views of BMGF.
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While Tanzania has enjoyed strong growth in GDP per capita since 2000, this growth has led
to neither substantial reductions in rural poverty nor improvements in household nutritional
status. This seeming paradox of economic stagnation amid rapid aggregate growth is also
seen in the agricultural sector of Tanzania, as the source of impressive recent growth in
agricultural GDP has been concentrated among large-scale producers of rice, wheat, and
traditional export crops. As has been recognized by donors and African governments alike
in recent years, one of the keys to reducing rural poverty and improving the nutritional
status of rural households in Tanzania will be to achieve wide-spread improvements in food
crop productivity among smallholder farmers. Prior to the international food price crisis of
2007/08, maize yields in Tanzania remained low, averaging between 800-900 tons/ha
nation-wide, despite Tanzania’s favorable agro-ecological potential. Subsequently, maize
production stagnated during the 2000s and did not keep pace with population growth.
While there are likely to be a range of factors which contribute to low maize yields in
Tanzania, an obvious constraint is the fact that as of the Agricultural Census of 2007/08,
only 14.3% of smallholder maize producers applied inorganic fertilizer to maize, though this
varied considerably by agro-ecological zone from a low of 0.9% in the Lake zone to 21% in
the Southern highlands and 24% in the Coastal zone (Mather et al, 2016a). Likewise, use of
improved maize seed (either OPVs or hybrids) was also low, as only 23.3% of smallholder
maize growers used it in 2007/08 (ibid, 2016a). Although the southern highlands produce
much of the country’s maize and is a high potential zone, only 17% of maize growers there
used improved maize seed in 2007/08. Although some of these growers may have seen
demonstration trials of these improved inputs, they had not seen the potential the benefits
of fertilizer and improved seed use in maize/rice production, relative to the costs, on their
own plots.
In order to address both the short-term challenge of high food insecurity in 2008/09 and the
longer-term challenge of improving smallholder demand for and access to inorganic
fertilizer and improved seed for maize production, in 2008/09 the GoT, with significant
funding from the World Bank, scaled-up an existing pilot targeted voucher scheme that by
2012/13 had provided up to 2.5 million smallholders with access to a limited quantity of
inorganic fertilizer and improved maize seed at 50% of the market price (100% subsidy for
maize seed) (World Bank, 2014a). The National Agricultural Input Voucher Scheme (NAIVS)
was implemented from 2008/09 to 2013/14 and had two main short-term goals: (1) to
improve farmer access to inorganic fertilizer for use on maize/rice and improved maize/rice
seed; (2) to provide a rapid, sustained and predictable increase in smallholder farmers’
effective demand for inorganic fertilizer and improved maize/rice seed so as to promote
longer-term investment by the private sector fertilizer and seed supply chains (World Bank,
2009a). A third and long-term goal of NAIVS was that by improving both physical access to
fertilizer for smallholders and reducing the financial risk involved for both smallholders and
the supply chain suppliers, this would provide a relatively low-risk learning opportunity and
experience for all actors in the supply chain for fertilizer and improved seed use in maize
and rice production. Ideally, this lower-risk ‘experimentation period’ would lead to both an
increase in smallholder demand for commercially priced fertilizer and improved seed, and
an increase in supply chain actor investments in physical infrastructure, human capital, and
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exchange relationships so as to ‘jump-start’ the development of a spatially wider market-
driven agricultural input distribution system.
However, whether or not experimentation with subsidized fertilizer and improved seed in
smallholder maize production during the NAIVS period leads to an increase in their demand
for market-priced fertilizer for use on maize– and thus contributing to the longer-term goal
of sustainable increases in smallholder maize yields – is largely a function of the extent to
which actual smallholder use of inorganic fertilizer is/was profitable under typical market-
based input (fertilizer) and output (maize) prices.
In this paper, we use plot-level data from the National Panel Survey (NPS) panel household
surveys, which were implemented during the NAIVS period, to address the following
research questions:
1) How do observed smallholder maize-N response rates compare with those from
agricultural experiment station ‘researcher-managed’ trials?
a. To what extent do smallholders’ maize-nitrogen response rates vary by zone, and
use of complementary inputs and plot management practices?
2) To what extent is smallholder use of inorganic fertilizer and/or improved seed in maize
production profitable under typical smallholder conditions, given prevailing fertilizer and
maize prices?
a. How does profitability of fertilizer use on maize vary by zone, soil type, and
complementary crop inputs and management practices?
3) What implications do the findings from (1) and (2) have for GoT strategies for improving
the profitability of use of fertilizer and improved seed in smallholder maize production,
and thereby improve the sustainability of higher maize yields in general in the longer-
term, given that continuation of large-scale direct input subsidies appears to be
financially unsustainable?
The paper is organized as follows. In section two, we describe the data sources used for
descriptive and econometric analysis. Section three provides our conceptual framework
and section four our empirical model. Section five discusses estimation issues, and section
six our descriptive and econometric results. We conclude in section seven with a summary
of findings as well as policy implications.
2.1 Plot-level data on household input use and crop production
In this paper, we used household survey data from two main sources. The first is the
National Panel Survey (NPS) implemented by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), which
consists of a sub-sample of both urban and rural households from the 2005/06 Household
Budget Survey. This sub-sample was first interviewed in 2010 and for rural households it
asked retrospective questions about household consumption within the past two weeks. In
addition, the agricultural component of the NPS survey asks rural households retrospective
questions regarding household-, crop- and plot-level information regarding land access and
use, crop production and marketing, input use, livestock production and sales, etc during
the previous main and short seasons.
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The sub-sample was then re-interviewed in 2011 (to cover the 2010/11 main and short
seasons) and in 2013 (to cover the 2012/13 main and short seasons). Focusing on only
mainland Tanzania, the NPS managed to re-interview n=1,389 households (68%) of the
original 2008/09 sample in the two subsequent waves; n=209 (8.9%) were not re-
interviewed in any wave; n=393 (17.5%) were re-interviewed in the second but not third
wave; and n=111 household (5.5%) were re-interviewed in the third wave but not the
The aim of this paper is to assess whether or not smallholder fertilizer use on maize –
whether they obtained fertilizer at a 50% subsidy or at the full market price – is profitable
using standard economic profitability measures within reasonable bounds of risk and
uncertainty. In this section, we outline the conceptual framework from which we derive an
estimable model by which we estimate the observable factors that affect smallholder maize
yields. We begin by recognizing that Tanzanian smallholder farm households are
multiproduct firms that typically grow a range of crops and are often involved in livestock
and/or a variety of off-farm activities. We assume that these households maximize utility
subject to constraints across all these activities. Given these assumptions, our yield models
as derived from the constrained utility maximization model can be expressed as follows, as
described by Sadoulet and de Janvry (1995):
(1) 𝑌𝑌 = 𝑓𝑓(𝑋𝑋w , 𝑍𝑍 𝑝𝑝 , 𝑉𝑉 𝑝𝑝 , T)
where Y represents smallholder maize yield, and 𝑋𝑋w is a vector of inputs chosen by the
household (including fertilizer). 𝑍𝑍 𝑝𝑝 is a vector of fixed household productive assets and
human capital related to maize yield, and 𝑍𝑍 𝑝𝑝 represents a vector of village-level agro-
ecological factors also related to maize yield. T represents the fixed transaction costs of
accessing an output or input market, such as travel time to the nearest town or distance to
the nearest fertilizer retailer, as de Janvry et al (1991) and Key et al (2000) such costs can
limit farmers’ ability to participate in markets.
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4.1 Estimable Model
From the conceptual model above, we estimate the effect of output prices and market
access on output supply and input demand as follows:
Yijt refers to the dependent variable of interest for output supply or input demand for
household i, plot j, village k, in year t (the 2010/11 and 2012/13 main seasons). 𝑋𝑋𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 is a plot-
level vector of inputs chosen by the household, such as the actual levels of nitrogen per
hectare, phosphorous per hectare, use of improved seed (or not) used by the farmer on that
plot, type of intercropping used (if any), years since the plot was last fallowed, and the
respondent’s classification of the plot’s soil type. 𝛾𝛾𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 a is a vector of fixed household-level
productive assets and human capital, financial assets, household receipt of an extension
visit, and household consumption characteristics. 𝜔𝜔𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 is vector of village-level controls for
agro-ecological potential and seasonal rainfall.
The error term 𝜀𝜀𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 in (3) is a function of two components. The first component ci represents
unobserved time-constant household-level factors such as soil quality, farm management
skill, and/or risk preferences that may be correlated with observable household-level
determinants of household commercial fertilizer demand. The second component 𝜇𝜇𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖
represents unobserved time-varying shocks that may affect smallholder yields, such as
adverse climatic, pest or crop disease events, household-specific health shocks, among
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(MVCRijt) = (PYt) * (MPPNijt) / wijt (4)
(PYt) is the annual average price of maize 1 in the marketing period of production year t. We
note that profitability analysis can use either expected 2 or actual output (maize) prices, and
we choose to use actual prices. We do this is because one of our main research questions is
whether or not the smallholder fertilizer use observed in the NPS survey was actually
profitable for those farmers, assuming they had all obtained fertilizer at the market rate.
That is, we are interested to see whether or not farmers’ use of fertilizer in those NPS years
– whether obtained at market or subsidized rates – led to positive net returns, in which case
we might expect such farmers to continue using fertilizer if the returns are high enough to
remain profitable even if fertilizer is not subsidized. Thus, we value the additional maize
produced (by either the last unit of fertilizer applied, or for all fertilizer used) using the
annual average rural retail price (by region) of the marketing year for the main season
production from 2010/11 and 2012/13 observed by NPS.
wijt represents the unit price of fertilizer (w) used by household i on plot j in time t.
Although we have estimated the MPP of nitrogen from observed plot-level survey data,
when farmers decide whether or not to apply an input like inorganic fertilizer (and the
amount to apply), they do not know at the time of application (at planting and early in the
season) what their actual MPP of nitrogen will be (given the uncertainty of weather
conditions, among other factors). However, our interest is in assessing ex post whether or
not fertilizer use observed during the NPS survey years was profitable, had the fertilizer all
been obtained at commercial rates.
Where (APPNijt) represents the average physical product of Nitrogen for household i on plot j
in time t, which is typically computed as the household’s quantity of maize production (on
plot j in time t) divided by the quantity of fertilizer applied to that plot. However, in
previous work on profitability of fertilizer use (Sheahan et al, 2013), the APP is computed as
As shown by Sheahan et al (2013), the maize price used by a given farmer in making input use decisions is
likely to depend upon the farmer’s intended use for his/her maize. For example, farmers growing maize as a
surplus or cash crop may well use the average expected sale price in the months following the harvest. By
contrast, for those who only sell some of their harvest to ease liquidity constraints but store and consume the
rest, the value they place on own maize production is likely to be closer to the opportunity cost of ‘not having
maize’ for consumption at various points during the year – thus the average expected village retail price.
When deciding whether or not to purchase and apply inorganic fertilizer in maize production, a farmer must
base their assessment of the likely net returns to fertilizer use on an expected price of maize (and their
expected maize-N response rate), given that both post-harvest prices and actual yields that season are not
known by the farmer when fertilizer is applied to their maize. Sheahan et al (2013) use expected maize prices
in their analysis of the profitability of fertilizer use in Kenya because fertilizer use there is widespread, and
their main research question is the extent to which farmers are making fertilizer use decisions that are
consistent with profit-maximizing behavior.
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YijtW is the predicted maize yield for household i on plot j in time t with observed fertilizer
use Nijt, while YijtWO is the predicted maize yield for that same household without fertilizer
use. This method of calculating the average product describes the gain in maize yield
(kg/ha) for household i on plot j in time t with observed fertilizer use Nijt, relative to a
counter-factual scenario in which that household had not used any fertilizer.
An AVCR greater than 1.0 means that, for a risk neutral household, the additional value of
maize produced from applying nitrogen is greater than the cost of that nitrogen. In other
words, an AVCR that exactly equals 1.0=1 implies that the farmer “breaks even”, while an
AVCR>1 means that the farmer’s net returns to using fertilizer are positive. That is, an
AVCR>1 means that fertilizer use is ‘profitable’ and the farmer is better off using fertilizer
than not using it.
By contrast, the MVCR tells us how close the farmer is to achieving the economically optimal
level of use of an input. For example, an MVCR > 1.0 indicates that the farmer could
increase the value of his/her maize production (income) by increasing his/her rate of
fertilizer application (i.e., the additional value of maize produced from the last kilogram of
fertilizer applied is greater than the cost of that unit of fertilizer). By contrast, if a farmer’s
MVCR < 1, this implies that the farmer’s income would be higher if they used less fertilizer.
The profit-maximizing level of fertilizer use would be an MVCR=1 (i.e. the cost of the level of
fertilizer use at which the last unit of N applied (kg/ha) equals the value of additional maize
produced from that last unit of N.
While above we have indicated that a “risk-neutral” household would view an AVCR>1 as
though the technology in question has positive net returns (i.e. is profitable), following
Anderson et al (1977), general practice in assessing the profitability of use of a new
technology (Kelly, 2005) and that of similar studies (Xu et al, 2009; Sheahan et al, 2013), we
adjust the level of the MVCR and AVCR by a risk premium ρ=1. This implies that for fertilizer
use to be profitable, the MVCR and/or AVCR should be >= 2.0. This risk premium adjusts the
level of returns required for a farmer to assume that the returns from fertilizer use will be
greater than not simply the additional costs of the technology itself for various reasons:
1) There is inherent uncertainty in what maize-N response rate the farmer may obtain
in a given season (given the unpredictability of weather conditions and other biotic
and abiotic stresses);
2) The output price of maize during the post-harvest period is uncertain at the time
that the farmer decides whether or not to use fertilizer (and how much to use;
3) The MVCR and AVCR assumes that there are no additional costs of using fertilizer
apart from the actual purchase price, yet there are often unobserved transaction
costs associated with obtaining fertilizer.
In summary, adding a risk premium of 1.0 helps to approximate the rate of return at which
fertilizer use is profitable enough for a farmer to take the risk of investing in fertilizer use on
a rainfed crop like maize, given the uncertainty of rainfall and post-harvest maize prices.
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4.3 Maize yield specification
4.3.1 Functional form
There is a large literature that address the choice of functional form in studies of crop
productivity, with two general categories of approaches. The first uses a quadratic or other
polynomial form, which by imposing concavity on yield response to inputs is consistent with
the observation of diminishing marginal returns in crop production processes. The second
approach argues that the polynomial neglects the fact that minimum levels of certain inputs
are necessary for growth, and thus are based on the von Liebig functional form. However,
this approach assumes that either the limiting factor of production is known, or, if unknown,
is the same for all observations. Burke (2012) notes that while such an approach may be
appropriate for experimental trial data -- where control of inputs and agro-ecological
conditions may be quite controllable -- the inherent heterogeneity of smallholder crop
production as captured by survey data makes the polynomial approach more appropriate.
Burke’s intuition is supported by work by Berck and Helfand (1990), which shows that under
heterogeneous conditions, the results from polynomial and linear response and plateau
(LRP) approaches (the latter being a form of von Liebig) converge, implying that the
polynomial is more appropriate for use with the spatial and temporal variability inherent in
longitudinal household survey data. We use a quadratic functional form for reasons given
by Burke (2012) and because this is the form used by a number of similar studies (Traxler
and Byerlee, 1993; Xu et al, 2009; Burke, 2012; Sheahan et al, 2013).
4.3.3 Plot-level use of inorganic and organic fertilizer and complementary inputs
Based upon information from the survey respondent regarding the type and quantity of
fertilizer used on a given plot, we convert fertilizer quantity applied to a given plot to
nitrogen and phosphorous. We also add the farmer’s estimate of quantity (kgs) of manure
applied to each plot, as organic fertilizer can increase soil fertility and thus fertilizer
response rates. We note that the NPS survey effort did not include soil testing, thus we do
not observe the amount of key macro and micro nutrients actually available in the soil at
planting or after fertilizer application.
Because hybrids and improved OPVs generally respond better to fertilizer than traditional
varieties (assuming adequate rainfall), we include a binary variable that =1 if the household
used an improved OPV or hybrid on that maize plot. We also include a binary indicator that
This rainfall variables are derived from rainfall estimates based on data from satellites (such as on cloud cover
and cloud top temperatures) and rain stations, which are combined to interpolate estimates of decadal (10-
day period) rainfall, which can be matched to sample households/villages using global positioning system (GPS)
coordinates. Rainfall estimates were matched to 1360 sample households using GPS coordinates, and to the
village for the remaining households (World Bank, 2010/2012/2014).
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=1 if the household planted maize with a legume that season, given evidence from Kenya
that intercropping maize with leguminous crops improves maize yield (Rao and Mathuva,
2002). Another complementary input for crop production is the education level of the
manager of a given plot, as adoption of improved inputs and their proper application has
been found in other studies to be positively correlated with higher education levels (Feder,
Just, and Zilberman, 1985; Foster and Rosenzweig, 1995; Foster and Rosensweig, 1996). The
NPS plot-level data tells us which individual in the household ‘decided what to plant’ on any
given plot.4 We assume that this implies that this individual is the ‘plot manager’, and we
therefore use that individual’s number of years of schooling as a plot-level measure of
human capital.
The survey instrument also asks the respondent to indicate the general soil structure of
each plot, prompting them with the following options: sandy, clay, loam or other. As there
were very few cases of ‘other’, we combine these with clay, make that the intercept, and
generate binary indicators that =1 if the plot soil is ‘sandy’ (as per the farmer’s knowledge)
and another than =1 if the plot soil is ‘loam’.
Information regarding who makes this decision is provided for about 60% of the maize plots we observe; for
those with missing information, we assume that the ‘plot manager’ is the household head and thus use his/her
years of education for cases with missing information on the plot manager.
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There are various ways by which knowledge can be disseminated regarding the potentially
positive net benefits of using inputs like inorganic fertilizer and improved seed, as well as
their proper application. For example, a household might receive a visit or participate in a
demonstration led by a government or non-government extension agent, receive an
extension pamphlet, and/or perhaps learn farmer-to-farmer from either trained or
untrained farmers. The NPS survey instrument collected information at the household-level
on whether or not the household received an extension visit in a given year, the content of
the visit, and the source of the extension agent. We use this information to generate two
separate binary indicators for household receipt of an extension visit that pertained to “crop
production or marketing”. The first is an indicator that =1 if the household received an
extension visit from a government extension agent (from any source) that pertained to
agricultural production, the second =1 if the household received an extension visit from
‘private sector’, ‘NGO’ or ‘farmer cooperative’. 5 We note that the knowledge gained from
an extension visit may have an effect on crop production (or not, depending on whether the
farmer decides to act on the advice) not only in the year of the extension visit, but also in
later years. Thus, we define the extension indicator for each household to =1 if they
received an extension visit that year, and any subsequent NPS panel year.
A priori, we would expect that household receipt of a visit by an extension agent (which
could be from the public extension system, a fertilizer or seed company, NGO, etc) should
be expected to increase the probability that the household follows the recommended
fertilizer application rate and timing as prescribed by the NAIVS program and/or other
evidence-based application information. For example, anecdotal evidence suggests that
some farmers who are not properly informed about optimal fertilizer application rates may
take the fertilizer they received at a subsidized rate from NAIVS (two 50 kg bags, intended
for one acre of maize) and spread it over more than one acre of maize. Because this
variable could potentially be endogenous, we outline below how we test for endogeneity of
household receipt of an extension visit.
5.1 Controlling for unobserved time-constant heterogeneity 𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒊
If unobservable time-constant characteristics such as soil quality, farm management ability,
or risk preferences are correlated with household’s input use decisions, this can lead to a
form of endogeneity termed “omitted variable bias” by Wooldridge (2002) that results in
biased coefficient estimates. In addition to the actual soil fertility of a given plot, other
important factors that are unobserved by our data include the household’s seeding rate and
“Private sector” extension likely refers to extension agents that work for some of the larger fertilizer and/or
seed companies.
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the timing of fertilizer application. The household data set used in this paper is longitudinal,
which offers the analytical advantage of enabling us to control for time-constant
unobservable household-level characteristics (𝑐𝑐𝑖𝑖 ). To control for these unobserved time-
constant household characteristics, we use a fixed effect (FE) estimator, as it requires no
assumption regarding the correlation between observable determinants (vector 𝑋𝑋𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 ) and
unobservable heterogeneity (𝑐𝑐𝑖𝑖 ). Use of the FE estimator combined with information on
‘years since fallow’ should minimize if not eliminate the potential for bias from unobserved
soil quality, given that factors such as soil organic matter (SOM) do not change quickly over
time. Assuming that the household uses the same seeding rate and fertilizer application
timing over time, use of FE would also control for unobserved heterogeneity across
households regarding those input decisions.
Using OLS-FE implies that any time-constant variables such as elevation, soil type, etc are
included within the household-level fixed effect (i.e. one cannot estimate a partial effect
from time-constant regressors if we use OLS-FE). However, our primary interest is in
estimating Maize-N response, and how it varies by agro-ecological factors, use of other
inputs etc, thus if any of these interaction terms are time-constant, they do not drop out of
our estimated model given that the nitrogen application rate (kg/ha) is not time-constant.
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As distance from village to the nearest extension office was not observed by NPS, we
instead use “number of years the head’s spouse has lived in the village” as an IV for a
“household receipt of a government extension visit.” We use the natural log of “distance
from the village to the district capitol” as an IV for “household receipt of a non-government
extension visit”. Because we are separately controlling for factors typically correlated with
use of improved inputs such as agro-ecological potential and wealth levels (in the set of
controls Xit), as well as controlling for time-constant unobservable factors (thru use of OLS-
FE), there is little reason to suspect that our IVs would be correlated with any remaining
time-varying factors in the error term of smallholder plot-level maize yield, as described by
equation (3).
To test for attrition bias in our input demand regression (2), we follow the regression-based
approach described in Wooldridge (2002) and define an attrition indicator variable that is
equal to one if the household dropped out of the sample in the next wave of the panel
survey, and equal to zero otherwise. This binary variable is then included as an additional
explanatory variable in each regression model for each crop, which is run using all
household observations from 2007/08 (in panel villages only). If the coefficient on this
binary variable is statistically different from zero, this indicates the presence of attrition bias
with respect to that model.
6.1 Descriptive analysis of maize plots and input use
6.1.1 Fallowing, cropping patterns, and use of improved inputs
We first note that the percentage of fields planted with maize that were fallowed in the
previous year is not high in 2008/09 (9.6%), yet this percentage declines dramatically to only
2.8% in 2012/13 (Table 1). Subsequently, the average number of years since the plot was
last fallowed increases over time. However, when we look at the percentage of fields
planted without maize that were fallowed in the prior year, these values are at least double
those of fields planted with maize in each year (18% in the southern highlands; average of
21% overall in 2008/09) (Table 2). While the fallowing of non-maize fields also falls over
time, this decline is only seen in the third panel wave (2012/13) and the decline is not as
steep (from 21% in 2010/11 to 14.9% in 2012/13).
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Table 1. Cropping, input use, and plot management of maize fields by year
2008/09 % Years % applied % used % % plots % plots % plots
% int- % used % used
fallowed since % mono- cropped inorganic improved i.fert & applied manure & that are that are that are
zone last year fallow cropped w/legume fertilizer maize seed IMS manure i.m.seed loam clay sandy
S.High 9.4 16.3 45.5 34.9 30.1 8.9 5.9 12.7 1.8 74.3 8.4 13.1
Northern 5.5 17.6 19.8 40.5 16.5 28.6 13.2 31.3 11.1 79.9 7.1 12.3
Eastern 4.8 15.6 34.9 24.3 1.7 10.9 1.5 3.4 1.9 78.9 15.8 5.4
Central 17.9 12.8 48.4 38.5 5.6 9.6 3.2 20.1 0.8 64.0 17.2 17.8
Lake 10.4 17.2 23.5 44.1 1.1 20.0 0.5 8.2 2.1 42.2 18.2 35.8
West 7.5 14.2 25.3 57.0 10.8 6.9 2.0 9.3 0.0 75.9 14.0 10.1
South 8.6 14.5 13.7 22.3 2.2 4.7 0.0 1.1 0.0 48.2 11.4 39.8
Total 9.3 15.8 35.4 36.2 14.5 12.1 4.1 12.1 2.3 67.9 12.4 17.4
S.High 7.4 18.3 46.2 36.6 36.8 9.3 6.3 14.6 2.1 65.8 18.3 14.0
Northern 5.3 19.5 21.1 48.6 16.3 30.9 10.2 32.1 10.3 82.4 7.4 9.1
Eastern 6.9 16.7 36.3 26.0 1.9 5.1 0.0 3.6 0.5 71.4 21.7 6.3
Central 1.6 15.8 50.8 20.7 4.9 4.2 1.4 20.8 2.1 68.2 13.8 17.9
Lake 17.4 15.4 27.4 48.4 0.7 9.4 0.7 13.1 2.5 68.3 13.2 18.5
West 2.4 17.2 33.9 35.9 13.8 0.0 0.0 7.6 0.0 70.0 17.1 12.8
South 4.6 14.9 17.0 16.3 2.9 3.3 0.0 1.4 0.0 34.5 16.6 49.0
Total 7.0 17.2 37.6 34.0 17.3 8.7 3.4 13.5 2.3 66.6 16.5 16.1
S.High 2.0 20.2 43.7 35.5 31.3 14.6 6.1 14.2 1.7 56.4 21.4 16.9
Northern 1.3 20.5 29.9 49.8 15.6 56.5 11.1 34.8 22.2 72.8 13.6 11.5
Eastern 2.7 18.2 35.8 27.2 0.7 18.2 0.0 4.6 0.5 71.1 15.3 7.1
Central 2.3 16.8 58.8 21.0 6.2 11.4 4.4 24.8 4.3 60.7 12.3 25.3
Lake 6.2 18.8 26.6 39.7 0.7 30.7 0.0 16.6 6.2 69.8 14.9 13.6
West 2.3 18.7 35.8 50.7 12.7 11.1 3.0 10.2 2.2 75.4 14.0 8.7
South 2.2 17.8 13.8 16.4 2.4 5.6 0.0 1.6 0.0 45.6 11.5 42.3
Total 2.8 19.1 37.1 35.1 14.4 20.2 3.8 14.9 4.3 63.6 16.5 16.4
Source: NPS survey data. n= 2,820 (2008/09); n=2,269 (2010/11); n=2,928 (2012/13)
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Table 2. Plot-level fallowing among non-maize plots
Plots cultivated without maize All plots
% plots fallowed in mean years since last % plots with some maize
1 1
previous year fallow year planted1
Zone 2008/09 2010/11 2012/13 2008/09 2010/11 2012/13 2008/09 2010/11 2012/13
S.Highlands 19.2 16.0 13.4 16.1 18.0 19.6 71.6 60.8 76.9
Northern 13.7 17.2 14.0 19.1 19.9 21.5 66.8 51.2 65.4
Eastern 21.3 23.5 20.1 15.1 17.0 18.8 61.0 45.3 64.8
Central 23.1 6.4 10.9 13.3 17.8 18.5 45.8 46.4 46.8
Lake 22.9 35.9 17.8 16.7 17.9 19.3 43.7 21.1 46.7
West 24.0 26.8 19.6 15.1 16.6 18.2 55.4 29.1 59.7
South 19.0 19.2 10.7 14.6 14.5 17.0 54.0 40.8 62.9
Total 21.0 22.4 15.7 15.8 17.5 19.1 58.2 41.7 61.2
Source: NPS survey data. Notes: 1) computed using plots that were cultivated in the main season
Given that 60 to 75% of plots in all zones but the Lake zone and the drier Central zone are
planted with maize in each of these seasons, the low fallowing rate and long duration between
fallows on maize plots is worrying because it is well-known that unless a farmer employs
cropping, plot management and/or input use to maintain soil nutrient levels, then continuous
cropping – especially with a crop like maize – can mine micro and macro nutrients from the soil
over time. This is especially important within the context of a smallholder maize yield
improvement strategy such as that of NAIVS because grain responses to inorganic fertilizers can
be far below potential if micronutrient and SOM levels are low (Marenya and Barrett, 2009). As
we might expect, the zone with the highest population density (northern highlands) – and
subsequently the highest number of adults per hectares cultivated (Table 3) has the lowest rate
of fallowing both maize and all other plots (Table 1, Table 2).
We also find that, relative to growers in other zones, those in the northern highlands are more
likely to use an improved maize variety (27.5%), apply manure to maize (32%), to combine
inorganic or organic fertilizer with an improved variety, and/or to intercrop maize with a
legume (45%). Each of these decisions are ways in which to increase yields via yield-enhancing
input use or use of cropping systems that restore and/or maintain soil nutrient levels. There
are a number of potential explanations for the relative lack of improved maize seed use in the
southern highlands relative to the northern regions. First and foremost, Tanzania’s maize (and
other seed) companies are based in Arusha (northern region), thus growers in the north have
long had better access to improved seed than those in the south. 6 Second, population density
In 2011/12 and 2012/13, the average distance to nearest seed seller is similar in the south and north, but that is
likely due to the fact that NAIVS targeted the south with more vouchers than any other zone. Unfortunately, we
do not have access to a measure of distance to nearest seed seller for 2008/09 (first year of NAIVS), and this
question was not included in the Ag Census of 2007/08.
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in Arusha and Kilimanjaro are so high that the economic incentives for land-saving inputs (such
as improved seed) are undoubtedly higher than in the south.
Third, maize prices in the north are consistently higher than in the south, due to strong export
demand from Kenya. When these three factors are taken together, it suggests first that
growers in the south are likely to have simply had less exposure to improved seed varieties than
those in the north (prior to NAIVS), and that the economic returns to seed are likely higher in
the north due to more favorable output (maize) prices. In addition, during key informant
interviews with seed companies in Arusha, they told us that in several zones of the country,
their perception is that farmers believe that they can attain sufficient yield gains with fertilizer
alone and that the additional cost of seed is not worth the additional yield gain. That said, the
lack of improved seed use in the south even after several years of NAIVS suggests a need for
further investigation, which we address to some extent in the profitability analysis section.
As noted in the section above, additional factors that can affect maize yield include access to
extension, availability of family labor, rainfall and elevation. Government extension and/or
non-government extension visits were received by sample households across all zones, though
it appears that households in the higher potential areas (southern highlands and northern
zones) were more likely to have received a visit from a government extension agent in that year
(or in a previous NPS survey wave year) (Table 3). This may be due to the fact that NAIVS
targeted predominantly more of its input subsidy vouchers to those zones, and/or that it is
easier for extension agents there to visit more households per week given higher population
densities. The higher population densities of the southern highlands and northern zones is seen
in the higher average number of adults per hectare (Table 3). In addition, the greater average
seasonal rainfall in the southern highlands is clear from Table 3.
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Table 3. Plot-level measures of household or village-level characteristics
% HHs received Years of Rainfall
2008/09 extension visit1 # HH education wettest
Priv Sector, adults 15- of plot quarter Elevation
zone GoT NGO, etc 64 per ha manager (mm) (m)
S.High 16.0 5.0 3.7 6.3 677 1,426
Northern 19.7 8.9 3.1 7.2 168 1,279
Eastern 11.2 1.2 2.0 6.3 308 615
Central 36.2 7.3 1.7 6.1 408 1,146
Lake 14.4 8.5 2.5 6.7 477 1,235
West 4.6 9.8 1.6 6.0 535 1,217
South 10.5 6.4 2.2 6.6 540 389
Total 16.6 5.9 2.8 6.4 500 1,149
S.High 11.3 8.1 4.4 6.6 656 1,438
Northern 10.8 2.6 3.9 7.5 300 1,345
Eastern 3.9 1.5 3.5 6.0 461 597
Central 5.1 6.5 2.3 6.2 343 1,191
Lake 10.9 4.8 4.0 6.8 441 1,251
West 3.9 5.3 2.8 6.3 464 1,218
South 3.4 4.2 3.0 6.6 875 371
Total 8.2 5.5 3.7 6.5 534 1,155
S.High 7.4 4.6 4.5 6.6 628 1,392
Northern 7.8 1.5 4.2 6.9 283 1,365
Eastern 0.7 0.7 3.4 6.3 343 641
Central 12.3 3.8 2.6 6.2 373 1,183
Lake 8.3 3.6 3.4 6.9 509 1,238
West 5.2 15.6 3.3 6.7 540 1,269
South 3.3 1.1 3.7 6.7 591 387
Total 6.7 4.4 3.8 6.6 503 1,161
Source: NPS survey data. Notes: 1) Household reported receipt of an extension visit related to
agricultural production that year.
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Table 4. Plot-level average and median maize yields, with and without inorganic fertilizer or
manure application by year
2008/09 ----------------- Plot-level maize yield (kg/ha) ------------------
No inorganic or applied
organic fertilizer inorganic
All growers applied fertilizer applied manure
zone mean median mean median mean median mean median
S.Highlands 1,410 1,006 1,176 848 1,852 1,307 1,549 1,113
Northern 1,249 949 1,225 970 1,458 934 1,622 1,176
Eastern 1,136 756 1,162 756 578 757 1,502 1,051
Central 1,125 887 1,039 824 2,076 1,716 1,249 830
Lake 1,207 563 1,176 486 1,132 910 1,036 771
West 1,269 716 1,083 685 1,794 1,548 1,204 706
South 640 392 636 391 880 812 919 537
Total 1,233 798 1,108 710 1,781 1,301 1,373 938
S.Highlands 1,549 1,113 1,447 981 1,730 1,300 1,435 1,235
Northern 1,622 1,176 1,651 1,123 1,850 1,519 1,487 832
Eastern 1,502 1,051 1,529 1,059 1,895 2,470
Central 1,249 830 1,159 729 1,658 970 1,616 932
Lake 1,036 771 989 627 4,776 4,776 1,166 1,029
West 1,204 706 1,261 772 1,110 671 728 291
South 919 537 931 543 696 518 398 518
Total 1,373 938 1,305 875 1,700 1,270 1,378 953
S.Highlands 1,454 988 1,284 891 1,843 1,235 1,409 787
Northern 2,049 1,511 2,054 1,497 2,376 1,853 1,794 1,246
Eastern 1,471 970 1,441 943 1,415 1,415 2,150 2,062
Central 1,181 692 1,135 679 1,368 872 1,387 762
Lake 1,176 741 1,136 714 1,457 1,457 1,379 819
West 1,205 659 1,169 593 1,509 1,141 1,146 768
South 1,061 599 1,049 593 1,851 1,644 353 475
Total 1,382 852 1,282 785 1,842 1,375 1,485 904
Source: NPS surveys
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6.2 Econometric analysis of plot-level maize yields
6.2.1 Test for Panel Attrition
Approximately 7% of plots on which maize was grown in 2008/09 were cultivated by
households that were not re-interviewed in either of the two follow-up survey waves (2010/11
or 2012/13). The results of our regression-based attrition test find that the binary indicator of
attrition is not significant (p=0. 0.736). We next add interaction terms between the attrition
dummy and our key regressors: quantity of nitrogen applied (kg/ha), years since fallow, and use
of an improved variety. The interaction between nitrogen quantity applied and the attrition
dummy is not significant (p=0.595) nor are the combined terms interacted with attrition
significant (p=0.393). Given that these results suggest that there is not panel attrition bias with
respect to our smallholder maize yield model and the regressors of most interest to us, we
proceed by applying the household sampling weights from the first wave 2008/09 to
observations from subsequent waves (without an adjustment for panel attrition).
Of the n= 3,752 plots cultivated with maize observed across the three survey waves, 86.3% of
these were cultivated by households that were interviewed in all three waves, 9% from
households interviewed in the first two waves only, and 4.7% from households interviewed in
the first and third wave. In the following analysis, we use an unbalanced panel of plots (on
which maize was cultivated that main season) from households that were observed in at least
two of the three survey waves.
The plot-level crop inputs section of the survey instrument in 2008/09 only enabled enumerators to ask
respondents whether or not they applied one type of inorganic fertilizer on a given crop (and then asked for the
quantity applied of that type of fertilizer).
In fact, when we use all three years of NPS plot-level data, we find slightly higher maize-N response rates, but as
noted already, this is very likely an upward bias due to missing data on fertilizer quantity applied to maize (for at
least some farmers).
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6.2.3 Test for endogeneity of household receipt of extension visit
As noted in Section 5.3 above, we use a control function approach to test for two potential
endogenous variables related to household receipt of an extension visit. The first stage of this
approach is to estimate a separate probit regression for the two extension binary indicators, as
a function of all the regressors in equation (2), plus the instruments for both potentially
endogenous variables, noted above. The partial effect on the IV “number of years the spouse
lived in the village” is significant (p=0.027) and positive in the probit of “1=household received
visit by government extension agent”. Likewise, the partial effect of the IV “log of distance
from village to district capitol” is significant (p=0.028) and positive in the probit of
“1=household received a visit by a non-government extension agent.” We then add the
endogenous variables and the residuals from each first stage probit to the plot-level OLS model
of maize yield (3). We find that the residual from the probit of government extension visit is not
significant (p=0.399), nor is the residual from the probit of non-government extension
significant (p=0.653). The implication is that both of our binary extension indicators are
exogenous in our maize yield regression, after controlling for other observable factors.
First, as expected, we find significant and positive effects of the quantities of both nitrogen and
phosphorous applied. For example, an additional kg/ha of N increases maize yield by 7.5 kg/ha
(i.e. this is the maize-N response rate), while an additional kg/ha of P increases maize yield by
8.2 kg/ha (Table 6) – holding all other factors fixed at average levels. Likewise, an additional
kg/ha of manure increases maize yield by 0.10 kg/ha. Although the coefficient on use of an
improved maize seed variety (OPV or hybrid) is positive and sizeable at 104, it is not close to
being significant. Given that below we find that households that use fertilizer achieve higher
maize-N response rates if they also use an improved variety, the lack of a significant positive
effect of improved maize seed by itself may be due to the fact that hybrid varieties are bred to
perform best when combined with inorganic fertilizer, and quite a few improved seed users do
not use fertilizer 9.
Unfortunately, the NPS data do not enable us to distinguish between OPV and hybrid seed.
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Table 5. Plot-level OLS regression of smallholder maize yield, 2010/11, 2012/13
OLS-FE at household level
Dept Var = maize yield (kg/ha)
Explanatory variable Coefficient P-value
Year dummy (1=2013) -79.03 0.549
ln(wettest quarter cumulative rainfall (mm)) 4,877 0.261
ln(wettest quarter cumulative rainfall (mm)), squared -389.2 0.251
Qty of Nitrogen applied to maize (kg/ha) 12.15 0.544
Qty of Phosporous applied to maize (kg/ha) 120.9* 0.0242
1=improved OPV or hybrid seed 1,868 0.394
Qty of manure applied to maize (kg/ha) -0.292 0.394
Qty of manure applied to maize (kg/ha), squared -9.37e-07 0.120
years since fallow 24.99 0.750
years since fallow, squared -0.126 0.779
1=maize was intercropped with non-legume 514.4 0.780
1=maize intercropped with legume -1,287 0.458
1=plot soil is sandy 1,490 0.502
1=plot soil is loam -1,683 0.317
1=HH has title to plot 114.9 0.321
# of HH members age 15-64 (#/ha) 21.06 0.261
# of HH members age 15-64 (#/ha), squared 0.994 0.129
Total landholding size (ha) 4.015 0.416
ln(total farm asset value) -4.29e-05 0.475
Education of the plot manager (years) 12.99 0.673
1=HH received extension visit, government -27.67 0.932
1=HH received extension visit, non-govt -647.9+ 0.0940
Qty of N (kg/ha)*ln(wettest quarter rainfall) 1.461 0.604
Qty of N (kg/ha)*elevation -0.00400* 0.0466
Qty of N (kg/ha)*1=year 2013 2.206 0.207
Qty of N (kg/ha)*Qty of P (kg/ha) -0.0174 0.484
Qty of N (kg/ha)*1=used improved variety 3.584 0.184
Qty of N (kg/ha)*# of HH members age 15-64 (#/ha) 0.0203 0.886
Qty of N (kg/ha)*Qty of manure (kg/ha) 0.000479 0.252
Qty of N (kg/ha)*1=years since fallow -0.113+ 0.0936
Qty of N (kg/ha)*1=maize intercropped w/legume -1.585 0.412
Qty of N (kg/ha)*1=maize intercropped w/non-legume -5.687+ 0.0542
Qty of N (kg/ha)*1=HH received extension visit, GoT 0.779 0.688
Qty of N (kg/ha)*1=HH received extension visit, non-GoT 2.769 0.158
Qty of N (kg/ha)*plot manager education (years) -0.800+ 0.0666
Qty of N (kg/ha)*1=plot soil is sandy -2.441 0.532
Qty of N (kg/ha)*1=plot soil is loam -2.287 0.387
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Table 5, continued
Qty of P (kg/ha)*ln(wettest quarter rainfall) -17.75* 0.0331
Qty of P (kg/ha)*elevation -0.00750 0.404
Qty of P (kg/ha)*1=year 2013 6.296 0.230
Qty of P (kg/ha)*1=used improved variety -0.121 0.982
Qty of P (kg/ha)*# of HH members age 15-64 (#/ha) 0.0689 0.847
Qty of P (kg/ha)*1=years since fallow -0.0379 0.844
Qty of P (kg/ha)*1=maize intercropped w/legume 2.852 0.582
Qty of P (kg/ha)*1=maize intercropped w/non-legume -8.026 0.164
Qty of P (kg/ha)*1=HH received extension visit, GoT 1.830 0.773
Qty of P (kg/ha)*1=HH received extension visit, non-GoT -3.795 0.624
Qty of P (kg/ha)*plot manager education (years) 1.186 0.287
Qty of P (kg/ha)*1=plot soil is sandy -7.638 0.257
Qty of P (kg/ha)*1=plot soil is loam -3.002 0.581
1=used improved variety (IV)*ln(wettest qtr rainfall) -296.0 0.365
1=used IV*plot manager education 5.796 0.868
1=used IV*1=HH received extension visit, GoT 24.73 0.945
1=used IV*1=HH received extension visit, non-GoT -31.64 0.941
1=used IV*1=year 2013 -78.50 0.742
1=used IV*1=maize intercropped w/legume 106.2 0.694
1=used IV*1=maize intercropped w/non-legume 263.2 0.360
1=used IV*# of HH members age 15-64 (#/ha) -26.02 0.129
1=used IV*1=plot soil is sandy 138.9 0.694
1=used IV*1=plot soil is loam 15.75 0.958
Qty of manure (kg/ha)*ln(wettest qtr rainfall) 0.0559 0.336
Qty of manure (kg/ha)*elevation -4.00e-05 0.508
Qty of manure (kg/ha)*1=use improved variety -0.0670+ 0.0604
Qty of manure (kg/ha)*years since fallow 0.00198 0.238
Qty of manure (kg/ha)*1=maize intercropped w/legume 0.0104 0.853
Qty of manure (kg/ha)*1=maize intercropped w/non-leg -0.0318 0.494
Qty of manure (kg/ha)*1=year 2013 0.0529 0.136
Qty of manure (kg/ha)*# of HH members age 15-64 (#/ha 0.00350 0.138
Qty of manure (kg/ha)*1=plot soil is sandy -0.0481 0.642
Qty of manure (kg/ha)*1=plot soil is loam 0.0576 0.198
ln(wettest quarter rainfall)*years since fallow -4.703 0.699
ln(wettest quarter rainfall)*1=plot soil is sandy -272.5 0.437
ln(wettest quarter rainfall)*1=plot soil is loam 277.2 0.296
ln(wettest quarter rainfall)*1=maize intercropped w/leg 205.9 0.441
ln(wettest quarter rainfall)*1=maize intercropped w/no 25.38 0.928
1=maize intercropped w/legume*elevation (m) -0.166 0.845
1=maize intercropped w/legume*1=year 2013 -64.05 0.648
1=maize intercropped w/legume*years since fallow 4.878 0.556
Page 23 of 45
Table 5, continued
1=maize intercropped w/legume*1=plot soil is sandy 87.79 0.692
1=maize intercropped w/legume*1=plot soil is loam 82.84 0.638
1=maize intercropped w/non-legume*elevation (m) 0.257 0.199
1=maize intercropped w/non-legume*1=year 2013 -120.7 0.455
1=maize intercropped w/non-legume*years since fallow 2.189 0.809
1=maize intercropped w/non-legume*1=plot soil is sand 22.06 0.931
1=maize intercropped w/non-legume*1=plot soil is loam -496.1* 0.0167
Constant -14,116 0.318
Number of observations (plots) 3,035
Number of households 1,216
Household-level fixed effects included YES
R-squared 0.152
Source: Authors’ computations from NPS survey data 2010/11, 2012/13
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Given the high demands for labor in land preparation and weeding in maize production, and the
fact that the labor in smallholder maize production is primarily provided by family members, it
is not surprising that we find that an additional adult aged 15-64 per hectare increases maize
yield by 26.7 kg/ha. As expected, we also find a nearly significant effect of fallowing on maize
yield (p=0.13), as an additional year since the last fallow (of the plot) reduces maize yield by 6.8
kg/ha (Table 6). Another nearly significant effect (p=0.14) is that smallholders who plant maize
in an intercrop with legumes enjoy an average yield of 135 kg/ha higher than those that do not.
The positive effect of intercropping legumes may represent nitrogen fixed by legumes that
season, or more likely reflects N fixed by a similar maize/legume intercrop in the previous
season. Another unsurprising finding is that maize yields on sandy soil are on average 216
kg/ha lower, as sandy soils leach nutrients much faster relative to clay, loam or other soils.
The effect of the cumulative rainfall in the wettest quarter on yield is positive as expected,
though is not significant (Table 6). It appears that household receipt of a non-government
extension visit in 2008/09 (or a later year) by non-government extension (i.e. private sector,
NGO, cooperative) results in a nearly significant (p=0.11) yield loss of 629 kg/ha, which is
counter to what one would expect to find. That said, this partial effect takes all other variables
at their average levels, and there are not a lot of cases of households that receive a non-
government extension visit (Table 3), and even fewer from among them who also apply
inorganic fertilizer and/or improved seed. For example, below we find that households that
received either government or non-government extension have considerably higher maize-N
response rates than those without a visit. Given that result plus the fact that some of these
non-government visits are by NGOs (some of which target resource-poor farmers), it may be
that this binary indicator may be capturing the lower yields of resource-poor farmers who are
not using improved inputs.
6.3 Smallholder maize-N response rates and the profitability of fertilizer use on maize
6.3.1 By zone
We find that the average maize-N response rate (i.e. also called the marginal physical product
of nitrogen or MPP) in the southern highlands is 7.0 kg of maize per kg of N, while it is 7.1 in the
northern zone (Table 7). By contrast, the maize-N response rate in the other zones10 is 7.8
(Table 7). With the exception of the Western zone, median quantities of N applied per hectare
(Table7) are considerably higher in the high potential zones, thus we would expect that
marginal returns to N would be somewhat lower in areas where N application rates are
considerably higher, if N application rates were high enough to reach the part of the MPP curve
that slopes downward due to diminishing marginal returns to a variable input (when the level of
other inputs is held constant). 11 However, because we did not find concavity in the relationship
between N use and maize yields (i.e. the squared N term was not significant), the fact that the
high potential zone maize-N rate is lower than that of the medium/lower potential zones,
We do not attempt to compute the average maize-N response rate for zones outside of the southern highlands
and northern zones because of the relatively small numbers of observations of fertilizer use outside of those high
potential zones.
While the Lake zone has high median application rate of N, this comes from only a few cases.
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combined with higher N application rates in higher potential zones, suggests instead that the
MPP curve itself is lower for high potential zones relative to other zones. A priori, one might
expect that the MPP curve for smallholders in higher potential zones to be higher than that of
medium/lower potential zones, given that the southern highlands has more rainfall on average
than the East, Central, and South zones. On the other hand, that yield advantage may well be
offset by two crop/plot management practices more common in the southern highlands than
elsewhere. First, average years since fallow for maize plots is somewhat higher in this zone
(Table 1) – and fallowing is almost non-existent in the Arusha region in the north. Second, the
southern highlands has the highest percentage of maize plots that are mono-cropped (Table 1).
The combination of infrequent use of inorganic fertilizer in the southern highlands prior to
NAIVS (only 21% of smallholder maize producers) with continuous cultivation (very infrequent
fallowing) and monocropping of maize suggest that these practices have led to lower levels of
residual N and soil organic matter in the soils of the southern highlands, which may well offset
the yield advantage of higher seasonal rainfall.
Maize-N Average
2010/11 2012/13 2010/11 2012/13 response Product of MVCR AVCR
Zone rate (MPP) N (APP)
S.Highlands 36.8 31.3 57.0 61.8 7.0 8.2 1.00 1.17
Northern 16.3 15.6 66.7 88.9 7.1 9.9 1.33 1.86
Eastern 1.9 0.7 18.5 5.0 7.8 11.8 1.40 2.12
Central 4.9 6.2 36.3 25.9 7.8 11.8 1.49 2.26
Lake 0.7 0.7 127.8 71.0 7.8 11.8 1.33 2.01
West 13.8 12.7 71.3 68.1 7.8 11.8 1.22 1.85
South 2.9 2.4 5.8 91.0 7.8 11.8 1.44 2.18
Notes: 1) MPP and APP derived from plot-level maize yield regression using 2010/11 & 2012/13 data;
MVCR & AVCR computed using expected maize and fertilizer prices by region for 2008/09, 2010/11, &
Regardless of the zone, the maize-N response rates are less than 50% of those reported from
recent agricultural research zonal trials (Mlingano ARI, 2013a). While it is common for farmer
yields and maize-N response rates to be lower than those of researcher trials – which typically
use improved inputs applied at optimal rates and times – this nevertheless demonstrates that
there is an enormous gap between actual and potential smallholder returns to fertilizer use in
maize production, on average. More significantly, the low average maize-N contributes to a
relatively low average variable cost ratio (AVCR) of only 1.17 in the southern highlands, 1.86 in
the northern zone, and 1.85 in the west (Table 7). As will be discussed more in Section 6.4
below, this means that in these zones, fertilizer use on maize is not profitable enough to fully
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compensate for production and market price risk, thus it means that fertilizer use is marginally
profitable for the average smallholder in these zones (especially in the southern highlands).
First, we find that use of an improved maize seed (OPV or hybrid) generates a considerably
higher maize-N response of 10.2 as compared with the 7.1 achieved by fertilizer users who do
not use an improved variety (Table 8). Second, households that have a title to their land have a
higher maize-N response rate (8.6) relative to those without a title (6.7) (Table 8). Conventional
wisdom holds that households with more secure land tenure are more likely to fallow their land
and/or make other investments to improve soil health and/or water retention. However, as we
are controlling separately for years since fallowed, the plot-level binary indicator for ‘title’ may
be picking up unobserved plot or crop management practices over time or perhaps simply
higher productivity from a better quality plot.
Table 8. Maize-N response rates and profitability of fertilizer use by complementary input use
Mean across survey years1 given observed
quantity of Nitrogen (N) applied
Maize-N Average
response Product of
Complementary plot input use & soil type 1 rate (MPP) N (APP) MVCR AVCR
used improved seed 10.2 11.2 1.73 1.90
did not use improved seed 7.1 8.0 1.20 1.36
HH had extension visit (GoT) 2008/09 or later 3 8.1 10.0 1.37 1.70
HH had extension visit (other) 2008/09 or later 3 9.6 10.0 1.63 1.70
HH did not have extension visit since 2008/09 7.2 7.9 1.22 1.34
HH has title to plot 8.6 10.9 1.46 1.85
HH does not have title to plot 6.7 7.4 1.14 1.26
plot fallowed within last 6 yrs 9.1 8.9 1.54 1.51
plot last fallowed within 7-12 yrs 8.5 10.9 1.44 1.85
plot last fallowed within 13-18 yrs 7.7 9.6 1.31 1.63
plot last fallowed within 19-25 yrs 7.0 7.9 1.19 1.34
plot last fallowed within 26+ yrs 6.1 7.4 1.04 1.26
sandy soil 7.3 8.2 1.24 1.39
clay / other soil 9.4 10.2 1.60 1.73
loam soil 7.0 8.6 1.19 1.46
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Third, we find that fallowing has a large positive effect on average maize-N response rates, as
plots fallowed within the last six years have a response rate of 9.1, yet this rate declines
significantly the more years it has been since the plot has been fallowed (Table 8). Although
NPS data does not contain actual measures of macro and micro nutrients prior to fertilizer
application, this finding of a negative relationship between years since fallow and maize-N
response rates is consistent with the empirical findings from Kenya (Marenya and Barrett,
2009) that grain-N response rates decline considerably as soil organic matter declines – and
SOM falls over time in the absence of fallowing and/or ISFM practices that can maintain SOM.
Fourth, we find a large positive effect of an extension visit on maize-N response rates. For
example, households that received a government extension visit related to agricultural
production (in that season or an earlier season) have an average maize-N response rate of 8.1,
those with a non-government extension visit a maize-N response rate of 9.6, while households
without an extension visit have a maize-N rate of 7.2 (Table 8). Because we are controlling
separately for education and wealth (and we tested for the potential endogeneity of receipt of
an extension visit), the positive effect of receipt of an extension visit on maize-N response rates
may indicate that the household received technical assistance regarding proper fertilizer use
(i.e. timing and fertilizer application rate) and/or use of complementary inputs or crop/plot
management practices (i.e. seeding rate) and applied those recommended practices – none of
which are observed by the NPS data. For example, we observe that households that received
an extension visit applied fertilizer at rates much closer to those recommended by NAIVS (247
kg/ha), in the higher potential zones are more likely to have used both basal and top-dressing
fertilizer, and fallowed their plot more recently, on average (Table 9). These factors could well
explain the higher relative maize-N response rates of households that received an extension
Another potential way to improve maize-N response rates is for the household to implement
timely weeding of their maize plots. While NPS data does not record the number of weedings
nor their timing, it does tell us the ‘person-days’ spent (from family labor and from hired labor)
on a given plot for various activities, such as land preparation, weeding, harvest, etc. We do
not see a positive correlation between plot manager education or extension visit and greater
number of person-days per hectare spent on weeding (Table 9). However, there could be other
factors we do not observe that are recommended by extension agents and then applied – such
as following an optimal planting date, using the recommended seed density, applying fertilizers
at the appropriate times, and performing weeding when needed.
Fifth, we find that plots with sandy soil have a lower maize-N response rate than those with
clay/other soil (Table 8). However, given that sandy soils leach nutrients considerably faster
than other soils, we would have expected to have found that the response rate on sandy soils
to be considerably lower than both clay and loam plots, yet it is similar to that of loam plots.
While more investigation is needed to try to understand the unexpected relationship between
soil types and maize-N responses, we do note that when considering the effect of soil type on
yield, we did find that plots with sandy soils have yields that are 216 kg/ha lower, on average.
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Table 9. Plot-level input use and/or plot management decisions by household receipt of
extension visit since 2008/09 or not
HH received extension
Smallholder input decisions among those since 2008/09?
who applied fertilizer to maize Zone Govt Other None
Median fertilizer quantity applied to Hi 243.5 237.5 173.0
maize (kg/ha) Low 84.5 319.7 134.0
Hi 42.5 60.8 35.0
1=HH used basal & topdressing (%)
Low 8.3 34.6 19.5
1=HH used improved maize variety with Hi 23.1 21.2 22.5
inorganic fertilizer (%) Low 20.0 7.8 22.3
Hi 11.0 15.2 8.0
1=plot fallowed within the last 6 years (%)
Low 24.0 0.0 8.3
Hi 18.7 17.0 21.5
Mean years since plot was fallowed
Low 15.4 16.0 18.5
Median days/ha of family/hired labor for Hi 20.6 31.7 29.6
weeding Low 25.9 32.0 36.1
We find that the low average maize-N contributes to a relatively low average variable cost ratio
(AVCR) of only 1.17 in the southern highlands, 1.86 in the northern zone, and 1.85 in the west
(Table 7). This means that in these zones, fertilizer use on maize does better than breaking
even (it is profitable), yet fertilizer use on maize is not profitable enough to fully compensate
for production and market price risk. Thus, fertilizer use is marginally profitable for the average
We generate an expected village-level retail price of maize for each region by first computing the average annual
average wholesale price of maize during the year prior to planting and multiplying this by 1.2 in order to adjust the
wholesale price for transportation costs from the regional capital to an average village. We use the annual average
price as the approximate value of maize to smallholders, though in reality, those who are net sellers may base their
fertilizer use and quantity decision on the expected farmgate sale price of maize in the post-harvest period, while
those who are net buyers may well base their input use decisions on the expected farmgate buying (retail) price of
maize throughout the year.
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smallholder in these zones (especially in the southern highlands). The implication of this finding
for Tanzania the profitability of fertilizer use on maize in key production areas such as the
southern highlands is low enough that it remains to be seen to what extent these farmers’
experience with fertilizer use on maize – which during these three NPS survey years was greatly
facilitated by NAIVS – will result in sustained demand for commercially-priced fertilizer for use
on maize. That is, although NAIVS helped to improve smallholder fertilizer access for use on
maize (and experience using it on maize) from 2008-2014, more risk averse farmers may not
purchase fertilizer at commercial rates for use on maize as their returns are simply not
sufficiently high enough to enable the farmers’ fertilizer use on maize to be profitable enough
to cover potential production and/or market price risks.
While the southern highlands and northern zones have similar maize-N response rates, the
AVCR is considerably higher in the northern zones because maize prices are higher there
(Appendix Table 1). In fact, although the southern highland maize producers have the
advantage of greater expected rainfall, they have relatively poor market access relative to other
zones. That is, they are physically further from large centers of demand for maize grain, and
road infrastructure is considerably less dense than it is in the north (which further decreases
the prices that southern highland farmers receive for maize grain).
We next note that the MVCR in the southern highlands = 1.0. This implies that farmers there
are already using fertilizer at a rate that maximizes their net returns to fertilizer use. In other
words, their average and marginal returns would actually fall if they used more fertilizer than
they currently do. The fact that smallholder maize producers in the southern highlands are only
achieving an AVCR of 1.17 (marginally profitable) while maximizing their net returns clearly
indicates that they need to improve their maize-N response rates. Evidence from Table 8
indicates that these smallholders can improve maize-N response rates by combining fertilizer
use with complementary inputs such as use of an improved variety, more frequent fallowing,
and access to extension advice about crop production. As we will discuss in the conclusion
section, there are also strategies by which the GoT can help these smallholder improve their
net returns to fertilizer use by improving expected maize prices and lowering the costs of
For zones that have an AVCR>=2.0, this implies that fertilizer use on maize is sufficiently
profitable to cover for production and market price risk. However, the maize-N rates are low
enough on average that farmers across Tanzania could dramatically improve their net financial
returns to fertilizer use if they were to adopt not only inorganic fertilizer use in maize
production, but also complementary inputs such as use of an improved variety, more frequent
fallowing, access to extension advice about crop production, etc. Regardless of zone, the
maize-N response rates and corresponding AVCRs in all zones are low enough that in order for
smallholder maize intensification to continue and advance further (beyond the period of NAIVS
subsidies), MAFL should consider shifting considerably attention and resources from its primary
goal of NAIVS (improving access to fertilizer and improved seed) to improving farmers’
understanding of the wide range of complementary inputs and plot-management practices that
Page 30 of 45
combined can help them dramatically improve not only their maize-N response rates but also
their maize yields with or without fertilizer or improved seed use.
Before proceeding to discuss the results shown in Table 10, we first need to note some data
limitations of our computations, which mean that the results should be viewed as an
approximation. First, as NPS does not record the quantity of seed used per hectare, we
assumed that farmers used the recommended 10 kg/acre (and this was the amount provided
free via NAIVS). Second, the NPS did not record any information about seed type other than
distinguishing between “traditional variety” and “improved (hybrid or OPV)” seed. This is
unfortunate because there are a number of different seed brands that may perform differently
with or without fertilizer, and hybrids are typically bred to require inorganic fertilizer use for
optimal results.
Table 10. Profitability of use of improved maize seed, with and without fertilizer use
Zone and use of improved maize seed (IMS) APP AVCR
used IMS - southern highlands 8.0 0.97
used IMS - northern zone 6.4 1.01
used IMS - other zones 7.4 1.52
used IMS & inorganic fertilizer - southern high 12.0 1.45
used IMS & inorganic fertilizer - northern 13.0 2.06
used IMS & inorganic fertilizer - other zones 12.5 2.57
Source: APP estimated from regression showed in Table 5, maize prices from Appendix Table 1, village-
level fertilizer prices from NPS.
We first note that the APP of use of improved maize seed (IMS) is considerably higher when
IMS is combined with fertilizer, as we would expect to find (Table 3). We find that the three-
year average AVCR of improved maize seed (IMS) without fertilizer use is 0.97 in the southern
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highlands, 1.01 in the northern zone, and 1.52 elsewhere (Table 10). The fact that net returns
to IMS in high potential zones is only at the ‘break-even’ point is perhaps due to the fact that
many of these IMS are likely hybrids, which are bred to give optimal yield response when
combined with fertilizer. Thus, when smallholders use IMS combined with fertilizer, the AVCR
in the southern highlands is 1.45 and 2.06 in the north. As we noted with the AVCRs for
fertilizer, although the APP of IMS is similar between the southern highlands and northern
zones, what makes the AVCR of IMS higher in the north (relative to the south) are higher maize
prices due to closer proximity to large urban markets (Arusha, Nairobi).
The fact that the AVCR in the southern highlands is less than 2.0 is relatively consistent with
what seed companies have heard from farmers in the southern highlands – that farmers believe
that the returns to seed when combined with fertilizer are not high enough to justify use of
improved maize seed. However, given that our estimates are an approximation due to data
limitations, plot-level trials (and demo plots) of IMS use with and without fertilizer by private
companies and by zonal research centers could provide smallholders in the southern highlands
with more direct and concrete evidence of the relative returns to IMS use.
7.1 Motivation for this paper
In order to address the long-term challenge of improving smallholder demand for and access to
inorganic fertilizer and improved seed for maize production, in 2008/09 the GoT scaled-up an
existing pilot targeted voucher scheme that by 2012/13 had provided up to 2.5 million
smallholders with access to a limited quantity of inorganic fertilizer and improved maize seed at
subsidized prices. One of the main goals of this program was to provide a relatively low-risk
learning opportunity and experience for smallholders who previously had not used fertilizer on
maize to see for themselves how the returns to use of fertilizer and improved seed in maize
production compare with the additional costs. While the program succeeded in getting
vouchers primarily to smallholders who had previously not used fertilizer on maize (Mather et
al, 2016b), the extent to which this dramatic increase in smallholder experience with fertilizer in
maize production leads to a sustainable increase in smallholder demand for market-priced
fertilizer is likely to be in large part a function of how profitable fertilizer use on maize is/was
for these smallholders, considering their actual maize-fertilizer response and the typical
market-based input (fertilizer) and output (maize) prices they face.
In this paper, we use plot-level data from two separate large-scale panel household surveys
implemented during the NAIVS period to address two main research questions. First, what is
the maize-nitrogen response rate under smallholder conditions in Tanzania, and how does it
vary by zone, complementary crop inputs and management practices? Second, is inorganic
fertilizer use on maize profitable under typical smallholder conditions and at prevailing fertilizer
and maize prices, and how does profitability vary by zone, use of complementary inputs, etc?
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7.2 Main findings
We have three main over-arching findings. First, we find that maize-N response rates are, on
average, only about 50% of those obtained under zonal research trial conditions, even in higher
potential zones such as the southern highlands. This implies that there is considerable
potential for improving maize-N rates, as discussed more below.
Second, these low response rates contribute to AVCRs that indicate that fertilizer use on maize
is only marginally profitable, on average (i.e. AVCRs<2.0 in the southern highlands, north and
west). In short, while farmers using fertilizer are doing better than breaking even (on average),
their returns from fertilizer use are not large enough to compensate them for the considerable
uncertainty they face in both production (weather conditions) and market (price) conditions.
Standard assessment criteria thus suggest that fertilizer use on maize is not profitable enough
to provide an incentive to smallholders to use fertilizer on maize (at commercial prices), on
average, given average maize-N response rates and typical fertilizer and maize prices.
Third, our results suggest that there are several means by which smallholder maize-N response
rates can be improved:
a) Combined use of an improved variety with N yields higher a maize-N response rate (on
b) Response rates (and profitability of fertilizer use) are considerably higher if the farmer
fallowed the plot within the last 6 to 12 years
c) Response rates are higher for households that received an extension visit related to
crop production. Although more work is needed to trace the effect of extension access
on complementary input use that improves maize-N response rates, it is clear that
household receiving extension are more likely to have used both basal and top-dressing
fertilizer and/or to have used an average quantity of fertilizer per hectare closer to the
recommended application rate than other households.
The GoT’s main agricultural growth strategy since 2008 (and the largest single item in their
annual budget for most years since then) has been to use a large-scale fertilizer subsidy
program (NAIVS) to improve smallholder access to fertilizer and improved seed for maize
production, and to do so in a way that builds longer-term and sustainable smallholder demand
for market-priced fertilizer/seed in maize production. The GoT succeeded in primarily targeting
vouchers to farmers who had not previously used fertilizer on maize, thus NAIVS provided very
valuable experience for voucher recipients to experiment with fertilizer on their own plots at
lower financial risk (Mather et al, 2016b). However, the results from our analysis show that
fertilizer use on maize is only marginally profitable in key production regions of the country
(southern highlands, north), thus it is doubtful if the gains in farmer use of fertilizer on maize
under NAIVS will be sustained when an increasing number of farmers must pay the market
price for fertilizer (as NAIVS continues to scale down or stop).
In summary, our analysis thus strongly suggests that regardless of whether NAIVS continues or
not, the GoT must consider alternative and/or complementary strategies at this point in time
(beyond NAIVS) that can help to improve the profitability of fertilizer use on maize, and thereby
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build on the gains in smallholder experience with fertilizer use from 2008 to the present. This
begs the question of what is the appropriate role for the GoT in influencing the three key
components of the profitability of fertilizer use on maize:
1) How can smallholder maize-N response rates be increased?
2) How can expected maize sale prices levels and predictability be improved?
3) How can the unit cost of fertilizer be lowered for inland regions?
First, Tanzania’s existing soil map is over 30 years old (De Pauw, 1984), thus there is an urgent
need for widespread soil sampling and in order to update knowledge of current soil
characteristics. Fortunately, there are currently two efforts underway toward a goal of
providing an updated soil map for all currently cropped areas by 2017. These include the GoT
Tanzania Soil Information System (TanSIS) and the Taking Maize Agronomy to Scale in Africa
(TAMASA) project, which are coordinating their efforts so as to avoid duplication (Meliyo,
Second, there is a need for widespread agricultural research trials to update existing fertilizer
recommendations for maize, rice, etc. The existing district-level recommendations for most of
the country are from 1993 (MoF, 1993), and soil testing and fertilizer response trials organized
by Mlingano in 2010 and 2011 in 11 districts showed that updated recommendations are in fact
needed, due to negative changes since 1993 in soil health (Mlingano ARI, 2013a). For example,
a related report noted that in many areas, levels of soil organic matter, macro and micro
nutrients were lower than they had been when the last systematic soil testing and maize yield
trials were organized (1993-1994) (Mlingano ARI, 2013b). Mlingano’s finding is not alone, as a
remote sensing assessment a few years ago found that 40 percent of cultivated land in Tanzania
is degraded (Bai et al, 2008). Thus, in several districts, the GoT official fertilizer
recommendations called for increased application rates of certain fertilizers, while other areas
that previously had been assessed to be suitable for profitable use of fertilizer on maize are
now considered to not be (ibid, 2013b).
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The National Soil Service project has also recently done trials in an additional 12 districts,
though it plans to continue until covering all districts. In addition, the recent evidence of low
soil fertility noted above (ibid, 2013b)and our results suggest that significant efforts should be
made to evaluate not only optimal fertilizer use in a given district, but also agronomic and
economic returns to various forms of Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM), such as
maize/legume intercropping, crop rotations, improved fallows, etc, that are needed to help
improve and maintain a level soil fertility required for inorganic fertilizer to be profitable.
However, simply increasing funding for public extension will not be sufficient unless extension
agents (combined with other means of information dissemination to smallholders) disseminate
up-to-date and appropriate fertilizer recommendations and other best practices needed for
sustainable increases in smallholder maize yields. For example, recent research in four key
regions found that agro-dealers and extension agents know the NAIVS blanket fertilizer
recommendations for maize, but not the 1993 district-specific ones (Mather et al, 2016a). In
addition, in villages targeted by NAIVS across 11 regions, a majority of voucher recipients did
not know the recommended application rates for urea or DAP on maize in 2011, and virtually
none of the non-recipients knew them (ibid, 2016a). Of those who responded, most gave the
NAIVS blanket recommendations. These results suggest that the NAIVS blanket fertilizer
recommendations do not appear to have been effectively disseminated to farmers, as most
farmers do not know them (even in villages targeted by NAIVS).
The findings above suggest a need for more effective linkages between zonal agricultural
research stations and district-level extension offices, in order to ensure that technical
information disseminated to farmers is both appropriate and up-to-date. Yet such linkages are
difficult to manage if a program like NAIVS, which was designed in a top-down manner,
continues to promote blanket fertilizer recommendations. For example, MAFC’s own district-
level recommendations from 1993 indicate that blanket recommendations for fertilizer use on
Page 35 of 45
maize are not appropriate in the first place. Given that NAIVS implementers managed to fix
district-level prices for the top-up amounts paid by recipients for subsidized fertilizer, this begs
the question of why NAIVS did not coordinate with the agricultural research and development
directorate and the national extension system to deliver district-level recommendations for
maize and fertilizer to extension agents in areas targeted by NAIVS .
7.4 Strategies to improve expected maize sales price levels that smallholders receive and
their predictability
As demonstrated in our profitability analysis above, higher maize prices (such as in the north)
can improve the profitability of an input such as fertilizer, and thus provide a greater incentive
for smallholders to apply fertilizer to maize. However, recent research has found that the
implementation by the GoT of a maize export ban between July to December 2011 resulted in
maize prices that on average were 8.7% lower across the country than they would have been in
the absence of an export ban, and that maize prices in Songea would have been 31% higher in
December 2011 without the ban that year (Baffes et al, 2015). Thus, in 2010/11, farmers who
applied fertilizer to maize received considerably lower net returns to fertilizer than they would
have in the absence of the export ban.
Yet, an unpredictable change in trade policy does not only results in adverse effects on farmers
and other value chain actors in the season in question who made investments that season, but
can have lasting negative effects on private sector investment. For example, farmers do not
know what maize prices will be in the post-harvest period at the time that they need to decide
whether or not to use fertilizer (and how much to use) -- they must make their fertilizer use
decision based on their expectation of what maize prices will be in the post-harvest period.
Thus, there is an inherent link between the predictability of trade policy and sustained
technology adoption, because higher and more stable/predictable maize prices tends to
increase smallholder demand for yield-enhancing inputs such as fertilizer or improved seed. By
contrast, maize price instability can reduce smallholder farmer adoption of and sustained use of
improved inputs such as fertilizer, by making the net returns more difficult to predict, and
therefore more risky. For example, research using panel household data from Kenya finds that
an increase in maize price volatility has a significant negative effect on the adoption of fertilizer
for use on maize (Marenya et al, 2011).
While government intervention in food staple markets is typically made with good intentions
(to stabilize prices and/or prevent price spikes), paradoxically, the result of intervention
typically is greater price instability than would have occurred in the absence of government
intervention. For example, research using 15-30 years of monthly market price data from
Zambia, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Mozambique, and Uganda demonstrates that
countries with the least government intervention in maize markets had the most stable maize
prices over the period of data available (Chapoto and Jayne, 2009). One of the main reasons for
this is because increased uncertainty in trade and marketing policy for a given staple crop
typically leads private sector marketing actors (importers/exporters, wholesalers, retailers) to
have less confidence in their ability to anticipate future maize/grain output prices (as they are
unsure of whether or not the government may change the status quo trade policy again). This
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loss of confidence in their ability to predict future grain prices leads them to reduce both their
long-term investments (storage facilities) and short-term investments (in grain), either of which
results in thinner markets and thus higher food price instability (Tschirley and Jayne, 2010).
Although the GoT pledged in 2013 to stop using maize export bans, potential exporters now
must obtain an export permit from a district official in order to export maize, and approval of
such permits is sometimes refused (i.e. a region in the southern highlands has recently declared
a maize export ban). Thus, continuing grain price uncertainty caused by unpredictable export
bans and/or removal of import tariffs may well be undermining the gains made during NAIVS in
smallholder demand for commercial fertilizer for use in maize and rice production. There is thus
an urgent need for GoT to adopt predictable, transparent, rules-based trade & marketing
policies to reduce the risk/uncertainty of farmer, trader, and wholesalers’ expectations of
future maize prices.
Second, if the Presidential Delivery Bureau’s (PDB) Big Results Now (BRN) initiative to establish
warehouse receipt systems for maize and rice is successful, Collective Warehouse Based
Marketing Systems (COWABAMAs) could help to sustain smallholder demand for yield-
enhancing inputs such as fertilizer by enabling participating farmers to obtain much better
prices for their surplus maize, while also providing them with a source of credit for inputs the
following season.
7.5 Alternative strategies to reduce the unit costs of fertilizer for smallholders
Urea and DAP are the most commonly used fertilizers on maize, and both are imported.
However, approximately 40% (33%) of the cost of urea (DAP) in rural Tanzania are domestic
costs including port charges, transportation to an inland region, and wholesaler/retailer costs
and margins (IFDC, 2012). These costs can be considerably reduced with a combination of
investments and regulatory reforms:
1) Increased investment in improved port infrastructure (IFPRI, 2012).
2) Regulatory reform to enable the Tanzania Fertilizer Regulatory Authority (TFRA) to truly
be a ‘one-stop-shop’ for importers to meet internationally-recognized regulatory
standards – currently there are overlapping mandates among a large number of
regulatory agencies, which result in costly delays in unloading ships and duplication of
effort (and taxes). This will require amendment of existing legislation for a variety of
regulatory agencies so that TFRA is the sole regulatory authority for the importation of
3) Reform of railway management of TAZARA and between Dar es Salaam-Kigoma, Dar es
Salaam-Moshi, Tanga-Moshi and Tabora –Mpanda – maize/fertilizer are bulk
commodities that could be shipped much cheaper to inland regions, but fertilizer
importers report that they use truck transportation because of the unreliability of rail.
4) Increased investment in rural trunk and feeder roads to lower transportation costs for
both farm inputs and outputs. Road investments should focus on reducing transport
costs on rural roads, because they account for the largest share of transport costs,
despite the shorter distances covered (World Bank, 2009b). For example, transport
Page 37 of 45
costs are four times higher per ton/kilometer on rural roads than on tarmac roads (ibid,
Investment in (1) port and (4) road infrastructure would both reduce village-level costs of
fertilizer while improving the prices at which farmers can sell their surplus maize. Likewise,
improved ports/infrastructure will reduce input costs for both farm and non-farm businesses
while increasing the output prices that they receive. This helps to explain why evidence from
southeast Asia shows that rural roads consistently have the highest rate of return of all
potential rural investments in reducing poverty (EIU, 2008; Fan et al, 2008) – considerably
higher than that of input subsidies. We note below two empirical studies show that the rate of
return (in terms of income growth) in Tanzania is 9 times higher for rural roads than it is for
In addition, a recent study (Ariga and Jayne 2009) argues that Kenya’s impressive growth in
smallholder fertilizer use during the 2000s was due to synergies between liberalization of input
and maize markets and investment in public goods (such as in rural roads) in support of
smallholder agriculture (both beginning in the 1990s), which appear to have stimulated
investment by the private sector in both maize and fertilizer marketing. These investments led
to dramatic reductions in average distances from the farm to private fertilizer retailers and
lower real fertilizer prices over time (ibid, 2009), which these authors credit with driving
increases in smallholder fertilizer use since 1997. For example, as of 2007, between 85 to 95%
of smallholder maize producers in medium to high potential zones in Kenya applied inorganic
fertilizer to maize (Mather and Jayne, 2015). The case of Kenya therefore demonstrates that a
stable policy environment – with respect to fertilizer, land, and maize markets – can induce an
impressive private sector response over time that has helped to make fertilizer accessible to
most small farmers (Minde et al 2008).
In Appendix Table 2, it is clear that fertilizer use on maize is much more common in Kenya than
in Tanzania, as even the low potential Eastern Lowlands zone of Kenya had a larger percentage
of maize growers applying fertilizer to maize (61.8%) in 2009/10 than the region in Tanzania
with the highest percentage of maize growers using fertilizer on maize (Iringa, with 58%) in the
same year. Distance from the village to the nearest paved road represents a very important
proxy for transportation costs either incurred by smallholders who bring their maize to a paved
road, or costs deducted from their sales price if they sell their maize in the village to a trader.
Likewise, distance to the nearest fertilizer retailer is a proxy for the search and transportation
costs that smallholders incur if they do not have a retailer in their village. While distance to
paved road and the nearest fertilizer retailer are only two of many variables that affect a
smallholder’s decision regarding fertilizer use on maize, it is clear Kenyan smallholders are
much closer on average to the nearest paved road and the nearest fertilizer retailer than
Tanzanian smallholders, with the exception of Arusha and Rukwa (Appendix Table 2).
The implication for Tanzania of the finding noted above from Kenya (Ariga and Jayne 2009) is
that investment in rural trunk and feeder roads – combined with stable and predictable maize
trade policy – can create an environment in which smallholders can be physically closer to both
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input dealers and markets, thus lowering their fertilizer costs and raising their maize sale prices.
Such a combination appears to have been a key to Kenya’s achievement in dramatically
increasing both the percentage of maize growers using fertilizer and their application rates.
7.6 Alternatives strategies (other than NAIVS) for increasing rural household incomes
There is considerable evidence that between 2008/09 and 2013/14, NAIVS succeeded in its
primary goals of:
a) Managed to effectively target a strong majority of vouchers to farmers who actually fit
the program’s targeting criteria (World Bank, 2014; Mather et al 2016b); and
b) By meeting the targeting criteria in most cases, NAIVS introduced smallholder
maize/paddy farmers to the use of fertilizer (and to a lesser extent, improved seed) for
farmers who had not used it before (World Bank, 2014; Mather et al, 2016b)
c) Helping to ‘jumpstart’ private investments in the private sector fertilizer supply chain,
which will likely improve the physical access of many smallholder maize growers to
agro-dealers even after NAIVS stops relative to their access prior to NAIVS (Mather et al,
However, now that the ‘learning’ and ‘jumpstart’ effects of NAIVS have largely been achieved as
intended by 2013/14 (Mather et al, 2016a), continuing NAIVS will likely result in much lower
income growth and poverty reduction than shifting expenditure from NAIVS into increasing the
provision of several traditional public goods, which can lead to considerably larger increases in
income growth from both agricultural and non-agricultural economic activities, relative to
NAIVS. For example, evidence from Tanzania on the growth and poverty reduction effects of
various types of public expenditures (Fan et al, 2005) shows that the national average benefit-
cost ratio for investments in rural roads is 9.1,13 in agricultural research and development is
12.0, and in rural education is 9.0. By contrast, the official public expenditure review of NAIVS
(World Bank, 2014) shows that the average national benefit-cost ratio of NAIVS for maize
growers was 1.3 (though this ranged from 0.58 in Ruvuma to 2.77 in Rukwa). 14 This evidence
suggests that increased investment in rural roads, agricultural research and rural education are
not only vital to increasing the level and sustainability of smallholder maize yields, as noted
above (by making fertilizer use more profitable, and by increasing the adoption of ISFM
practices to maintain and improve soil fertilizer), but that they can also achieve much higher
income growth per million Tsh invested than can the same amount invested in NAIVS.
The highest returns were found in the southern highlands, central and western zones, and lower returns in the
northern highlands.
The World Bank’s rate of return analysis did not include a multiplier effect. However, even if a traditionally
assumed multiplier effect level were applied to that analysis, the benefit-cost ratio of NAIVS would still be much
lower than that of rural roads, ag research, and rural education.
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Appendix Table 1. Maize and fertilizer prices used for profitability assessment by year
Prices 2008/09 2010/11 2012/13
S.Highlands 479 498 458
North 638 674 575
Farmgate maize Eastern 644 638 532
price (Tsh/kg) Central 645 678 601
Lake 628 745 617
West 567 701 568
South 685 591 592
S.Highlands 1,931 1,636 1,440
North 1,931 1,636 1,440
Eastern 1,931 1,636 1,440
Price of DAP (Tsh/kg)
Central 1,931 1,636 1,440
Lake 2,231 1,926 1,680
West 2,231 1,926 1,680
South 1,931 1,636 1,440
S.Highlands 1,287 1,128 1,200
North 1,287 1,128 1,200
Price of Urea Eastern 1,287 1,128 1,200
(Tsh/kg) Central 1,287 1,128 1,200
Lake 1,487 1,328 1,400
West 1,487 1,328 1,400
South 1,287 1,128 1,200
Source: Maize prices are in real 2012/13 Tsh terms and are from the MIT Agricultural Marketing System;
these are the annual average regional wholesale prices, with a 20% markup for the average value of
village retail maize prices. Urea prices are the median household-level purchase price by year in the
southern highlands, with a +200 Tsh price increase for the Lake and West zones; due to low numbers of
DAP prices in the NPS data, we base these farm-gate prices on the farm-gate urea price (from NPS)
multiplied by the ratio between DAP/urea from “annual average go-down DAP/urea prices” from the
Directorate of Agricultural Inputs, MALF.
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Appendix Table 2. Village access to paved road, input retailer, and percentage of smallholder
maize growers applying fertilizer to maize, Tanzania and Kenya
Distance from % of
Distance from village to smallholder
village to nearest input maize growers
nearest paved or fertilizer using inorganic
Country road (km) retailer1 (km) fertilizer
Tanzania (2009/10) by region ------ mean ----- -- % --
Arusha 15.5 3.5 12.7
Kilimanjaro 5.3 11.0 36.7
Morogoro 25.4 11.1 2.8
Ruvuma 4.6 6.0 45.3
Iringa 18.7 31.1 59.4
Mbeya 33.7 29.8 48.3
Rukwa 27.0 49.0 13.4
Kigoma 15.6 30.3 4.4
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