Let it been known that God's penmanship has been signed with a language called
That's why my breath is felt by the deaf
And why my words are heard and confined to the ears of the blind
this intro to my store are from the Kanye West Song "Never Let Me Down"
life is a journey of self discovery and we all have our own destiny to fulfill. im on
mine right now and so are you.
as you all sit back and read my latest installment in the diary of Tommy please
remember this is my story and it's all true. so if you wanna read more then please
i start in 2004: i was in year 12! even thou it wasn't hard i was getting stressed big
time. was getting teased for being brown and for not doing boy things! such as
footy and stuff instead i was a singer and danced etc!
i was getting so work up over these things that i turned to drugs to numb the pain.
dope at first! but one night i was @ my friends party n a some of my girlfriends ask
me to go with them i said ok! when we hoped in the car we started having a cone
little did i know that this was all gonna end badly! this dope was laced in speed!
within moments of inhaling this stuff my body started to shut down!
i couldn't move, speak (much to my mates enjoyment) it was very scary! i had a
drug overdose and was left top die in the middle of a park!
the girl whose party it was was so scared for me she picked me up and sat me
inside and looked after me!
Tommy’s Testimony
im happy to informed you i don't chat to the people who drugged me n i m so happy
to say drugs no longer have a hold on my life!
It was a perfect day late last year when my world got turned upside down and i was
never the same again. i was walking home when i saw an old man who was in his
late 60's and he was sitting in his car. he looked lonely so i being the nice young
man that i am said hello and it then i realized that he was masturbating. i really had
to go to the toilet and i could see his eyes looking at me he had hoped out his car
and had followed me. i ran a bit and by that time he was gone. it still didn't help the
fact that i was busting and @ any moment was gonna cause a prison break if i didn't
reach a toilet soon so i went back into the now infamous local toilet.
i was singing away when i opened the door he had reappeared and was standing
there. i tried to get past him n i did i washed my hands then ran....
i went to town with a mate. i started doing things really out of character such as
writing death notes, threat, and the pain got way to much for me that one day wen
my mate left the house i walked onto a busy freeway and stood in front of an on
coming car luckily i felt something pull me off the road. it was the holy spirit.
on the way home this song came on the radio it called i promise.
here's a little sample of the words that made us cry. the reason is i told him i was
gonna died really soon and was gonna kill myself and he was to play this @ my
i also in the year 2005 got possessed by Satan n also let him into my life. i upset the
very person/s who loved me. i wanted to kill my best friend. i couldn't look at
another cause i got told by satan that he was dead! it was hard as i love both these
guys as brother!
i then got prayed for n satan n his army haven't returned since. i am a child of the
lords n he has me in the protection of his wings.
a few months ago i fell into a horrible trap. full of all things impure. i did something
that really through me off track i was getting really strange sms' photos of men! etc
and i didn't know who this person was. so when he phoned me back i arranged to
meet this person! i knew it was wrong but i needed to see!
he sounded nice enough and i was naive and very stupid! if i could remove the last
few months i would! but the fact is i can't!
i did meet n the worst possible thing happened. the unforgettable.... i think u can
guess! i was emotional and physically scared! and have been edgy around people
every since!
anyway i have had many sleepless nights, mood swings, tears and a lot of longing
to belong since that horrible day in january. i have had nightmares about it and was
shattered! i even tried a lot of things n it has taken me a long time to move on from
but by the grace of god i have found my inner strength to stand up and walk on this
Tommy’s Testimony
journey all by myself again n the healing is starting.
read below for another one of my favorite songs: "Stand Up For Love" by Destiny's
the next verse is awesome n i believe that one of the people reading this story is
gonna do what it saids.
if one of us stands up for the grace of god the rest will follow.
Tommy’s Testimony
this was a huge year for myself... it was the year i was in a coma and was woken by
the beautiful song Taller Stronger Better by Guy Sebastian.
2008: i had recovered and started my studies into youth and community work
i was a youthworker in sydney
i now write my own songs & i plan in the coming years to release my debut album!
And am also im on the right path again!
And have just got back from a Tazzie where i undertook a course called
"Foundations" It was awesome" i made alot of new friends! love ya all! he he
so inclosing,
when you are faced with the hardships and the wrong doings. please think before
and about the actions that are going to follow. i didn't think n my actions affected
alot of different people alot of whom are reading this right now. and to those of you i
am sorry but am happy to imform you that Jesus Christ is my Rock and my salvation
and through going on a recent camp i have made alot of new friends who r also
helping me heal! 1 in particular!.
the other thing that i love is that through everything that has happened I am now in
a place i am happy. i am able to inspire others to never allow a dream to die or a
light to shine....
we are each made up of unique beauty and inspirational that in time can be shone
upon others.
so in closing.... who deserves to set there inner light free and shine unto the world
like the star they are?
Tommy’s Testimony
Love Tommy x