A 1d Convolutional Network For Leaf and Time Series Classification
A 1d Convolutional Network For Leaf and Time Series Classification
A 1d Convolutional Network For Leaf and Time Series Classification
series classification
Dongyang Kuang
1 Introduction
Vast amount of plant species exists on earth, according to [1,2], there are about
220,000 to 420,000 different species just for flowering plants alone. The large
number of plant species, together with the fact that large in-species variations
and small cross-species variations make it a difficult and tedious work for identi-
fying them by human, particularly for non-experts. As with the fast development
in techniques of machine learning and deep learning methodologies as well as the
growing power of computation, automatic recognition with these species become
a more and more natural solution.
From a descriptive point of view, plant identification are traditionally based
on observations of its organs, such as flowers, leaves, seeds, etc. A large portion
of species information is contained in leaves. It also appears for a considerable
amount of time during plants’ life cycle. This brings benefits for database con-
struction. Traditionally, features from leaves can be roughly divided into three
categories: shape, color and texture. Shape descriptors (especially the the con-
tour) usually are more robust compared to the other two. For a single leaf, color
descriptors may vary depending on lighting conditions, image format, etc. Tex-
ture descriptors can vary if there are worm holes on the leaf... Another advantage
of a shape descriptor is that features like centroid center contour curve (CCDC)
can be converted to time series [3], hence techniques in time series classification
such as dynamic time warping (DTW) [4] can be applied. On the other hand,
techniques that are suitable for leaf classification with this kind of shape descrip-
tor can be easily modified to general time series classification tasks, which will
result in a broader field of applications.
2 D. Kuang et. al
2 Related Work
Effort for developing classification tools can generally be divided into two parts:
extracting features that are more discriminative and designing more effective
On the side of shape features, they can be extracted based on botanical
characteristics [6,7]. These features may include: Aspect Ratio, Rectangularity,
Convex Area, Ratio, Convex Perimeter Ratio, Sphericity, Circularity, Eccentric-
ity, Form Factor, etc. [8] discussed some other features applied on leave shapes
and introduced two new multiscale triangle representations. There are also a lot
of other work done with more in-depth design aiming for general shapes than
just leaves. [9] defines inner distance of shape contours to build shape descrip-
tors. [10] develops the visual descriptor called CENTRIST (CENsus TRansform
hISTogram) for scene recognitions, it get good performance when applied to
leave images. Authors of [3] uses the transformation form shape contours to 1
dimensional time series and present the method of shapelet for shape recognition.
[11] describes a hierarchical representation for two dimensional objects that cap-
tures shape information at multiple levels of resolution for matching deformable
shapes. Features coming from different method can be stacked together, these
bagged features can usually help provide better performance as discussed in [12].
Among these features used, centroid center contour curve (CCDC) is a fea-
ture that is from a relatively easy concept and can be efficiently/conveniently
extracted from leaf images. Some early work [13,14] used it as the single feature
or in addition to other features. It was not used (at least not as a single feature)
in recent years because people doubt that it may not have enough discrimina-
tive power. This paper argues that if a classifier is designed properly, it can
reveal more hidden information out of CCDC and provide comparable or better
performance when compared to some state-of-art methods mentioned above.
To obtain CCDC representation, one first apply a filter such as a canny filter
[15] on the image to obtain the leave contour. For point (x, y) on this contour,
A 1d convolutional network for leaf and time series classification 3
(x0 , y0 ) is the image center and can be computed from image moments [16].
Values of ρ then can be sampled on a uniform grid of θ by interpolation. CCDC
is obviously translation invariant. It can also be rotation and scale invariant after
proper normalization.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Fig. 1. An example of CCDC. Left: Outline of one Quercus leaf; Right: the converted
Compared with methods mentioned above which tackles the difficulty in clas-
sification by designing complicated hand crafted deep features, convolutional
neural networks (CNN) [5] can take simple features as input and automatically
abstracts useful features through its early convolutional blocks for later classifi-
cation tasks [17]. In this way, the difficulty is transferred into heavy computation
where modern hardware now can provide sufficient support. It is more straight-
forward if we apply a CNN directly on leave images combining feature extraction
task and classification task together, but this will make a model of unnecessary
large size with a lot of parameters and they usually require a lot of data and time
to be trained well with more risk of overfitting the data at hand. The key idea
of this paper is to take the advantage of convolutional architecture, but apply it
on the extracted single 1d CCDC feature to reduce the computational cost.
3 Classifier Design
feature to species label directly. The other way is to use it as an automatic feature
extractor in a “pretrain-retrain” style. During the training phase, the network
is first pre-trained to certain extent with earlystopping or a checkpoint at best
validating performance. In the testing phase, the model weights are frozen, the
top layer is then taken off and its input as pretrained features are fed to a
nonlinear classifier such as a SVM or a kNN classifier for final classification.
It is like a transfer learning design, but the difference is in transfer learning,
the model is not trained on the same dataset. The idea is from heuristic that a
nonlinear classifier may performance better than the original linear classification
performed by the top layer. Experiments done in the next sections shows this
(referred as 1dConvNet+SVM) usually will help contribute a little more accuracy
to the classification.
Fig. 3. The architecture of the neural network classifier. The right most layer is a
classifier layer (CL). It can be a linear classifier, a (kernel) SVM classifier, a knn
classifier or other classifiers. The merge layer is simply concatenation of features. Batch
normalization (BN) [19] layer can be asserted after the output of convolutional or full
connected layer (FC) to help better training. The three convolutional layers are with
different sizes and strides.
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4 Experiment Results
Swedish leaf data set [20] contains leaves that are from 15 species. Within each
species, 75 samples are provided. It is an challenging classification task due to
its high inter-species similarity [8].
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
Fig. 4. The first sample of each species in the Swedish leaf dataset. 1. Ulmus capinifolia,
2. Acer, 3. Salix aurita, 4. Quercus, 5. Alnus incana, 6. Betula pubescens, 7. Salix alba
’Sericea’, 8. Populus tremula, 9. Ulmus glabra, 10. Sorbus aucuparia, 11. Salix sinerea,
12, Populus, 13. Tilia, 14, Sorbus intermedia, 15. Fagus silvatica
Table 1 lists some existing methods that uses leaf contours for classification.
All listed methods in the table use leaf contours in a non-trivial way that involves
more in-depth feature extraction than CCDC.
top methods listed in Table 1. With a SVM on pretrained features from the
network, it is able to provide a better accuracy. A 3NN classifier on the same
pretrained features does not give better performance in this experiment.
The UEA & UCR Time Series Classification Repository [26] provides an ex-
plicit split of training/test set of this dataset and a list of performances from dif-
ferent time series classification methods, which allows a more direct comparison
with the proposed 1d convolutional network. Table 3 lists the best performance
reported on the website and results obtained by the proposed 1d ConvNet. The
result is obtained by averaging the test accuracy among 5 independent runs with
different random states. 20% of the training samples are used as validation for
stopping the training process2 . As seen in both comparisons, with top layers
replaced by a SVM, the accuracy can be further improved. The reason may be
the fact that if the network is already trained properly, information that flows
into the top layer is almost linearly separable, hence a nonlinear classifier built
on top will help increase the accuracy by correcting some mistakes made by a
linear classifier. Figure 5 shows the TSNE embedding [28] with the outputs of the
16 kernels with window size 8 and stride 4.
Unless specied otherwise, accuracies recorded in the rest experiments of this paper
is obtained with the same way.
8 D. Kuang et. al
Method Accuracy
COTE[27] 96.67%
1dConvNet 96.10%
1dConvNet+3NN 96.16%
1dConvNet+SVM 97.47%
Table 3. Performance comparison on the explicit training/test split from the UEA &
UCR Time Series Classification Repository.
network before the last classification layer from the whole dataset. As one can
see in this 2 dimensional feature projection, the 15 classes are almost separable.
UCI’s 100 leaf dataset [29] was first used in [12] in support of authors’ prob-
abilistic integration of shape, texture and margin features. It has 100 different
species with 16 samples per species3 . As for the feature vector, a 64 element
vector is given per sample of leaf. These vectors are taken as a contigous de-
scriptors (for shape) or histograms (for texture and margin). An mean accuracy
of 62.13% (with PROP) and 61.88% (with WPROP) was reported by only using
the shape feature(CCDC) from a 16-fold validation (10% of training data are
hold as validation). The mean accuracy raised up to 96.81% and 96.69% if both
three types of features are combined. Following the evaluation of 16-fold valida-
tion, the performance of using the 1d ConvNet is summarized in Table 4. For
results by combing the 3 features, the author simply concatenates them together
to form a 192 dimensional feature vector per sample.
Again, the proposed network works better on both kinds of features. The
3-NN with pretrained features from the network did not perform better than
the original network. Part of the reason may be because kNN classifier is more
sensitive to changes in data and 3 may not be a good choice for k in this dataset
which has 99 different classes.
One sample’s texture feature from the first species is missing, so actually data from
the other 99 species is used in this experiment.
A 1d convolutional network for leaf and time series classification 9
20 11
−40 3
−60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60
Fig. 5. TSNE embedding of the whole dataset using the inputs from the classification
layer. The 15 classes are almost linear separable.
The classifier does not only achieve good performance in classifying different
leaves on single CCDC feature, it can also be directly used for classifying 1 di-
mensional time series data from end to end. In order to demonstrate this, the
author selects four different data sets from UEA & UCR Time Series Classi-
fication Repository [26]: ChlorineConcentration, InsectWingbeatSound, Distal-
PhalanXTW and ElectricDevices4 for test. These data sets comes from different
backgrounds with different data sizes and length of feature vectors. A good
classification strategy usually requires some prior knowledge. With the help of
convolutional architecture, the proposed network is able to help reduce such
prior knowledge from human. This kind of prior knowledge is “learned” by the
network during training. The current best performance reported on the website
and performance achieved by this 1d convolutional net are compared in Tabel
5. For all the four datasets, the network’s architecture and hyperparameters are
Details of these data can be found at the website [26].
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5 Conclusion
This paper presents a simple 1 dimensional convolutional network architecture
that allows classification tasks of plant leaves on single CCDC feature instead of
further extracting more complicated features. The same architecture is directly
applicable to classify 1 dimensional time series allowing an end-to-end training
without complicated preprocessing of input data. Experiments of this classifier
on some benchmark datasets show comparable or better performance than other
existing methods.
The author thanks Prof. Tanya Schmah and Dr. Alessandro Selvitella for their
kind help in providing many useful suggestions.
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