Aerobic Oxidative Amination of Unactivated Alkenes Catalyzed by Palladium
Aerobic Oxidative Amination of Unactivated Alkenes Catalyzed by Palladium
Aerobic Oxidative Amination of Unactivated Alkenes Catalyzed by Palladium
Metal-catalyzed addition of amines and related nucleophiles to the relative stability of intermediates 2 and 3 toward β-hydride
alkenes represents a challenging but attractive strategy for the elimination. The β-hydrogens in both structures either lie on the
preparation of nitrogen-containing molecules.1,2 Despite significant opposite face of the ring or occupy a bridgehead position.13
recent advances in this area, unactivated alkyl olefins, the most
abundant and least expensive class of alkenes, are generally
ineffective substrates.2a,3 Since the discovery of the Wacker process
(eq 1) in 1959,4 significant efforts have focused on development
of related methods for the oxidative amination of alkenes (eq 2).5
Amines, however, often coordinate more strongly to palladium than
alkenes and inhibit catalytic turnover. Recently, we and others The oxidative amination of linear alkyl olefins exhibits some
demonstrated that nonbasic nitrogen nucleophiles, such as carbox- success under these reaction conditions. For example, 1-octene
amides, carbamates, and sulfonamides, undergo effective oxidative reacts with the secondary nucleophile phthalimide to generate
coupling with activated alkenes, including acrylic esters and amination products in ∼60% yield, but a complex mixture of alkene
styrene.6,7 Here, we report the first general method for oxidative isomers is formed. A solution to this problem arose from concurrent
amination of unactivated alkyl olefins made possible by cocatalyst- studies with styrene that revealed Pd(OAc)2 is an effective oxidative
free reaction conditions, in which the palladium catalyst undergoes amination catalyst even in the absence of a copper cocatalyst. For
direct dioxygen-coupled turnover.8 example, the oxidative amination of styrene with phthalimide
generates the Markovnikov enimide product in good isolated yield
(eq 3). With p-toluenesulfonamide as the nucleophile, the N-tosyl
ketimine product is obtained (eq 4).
Table 1. Catalyst Screening Data for the Aerobic Oxidative The oxidative amination of cyclic olefins, cyclooctene, and
Amination of 1-Octene with Phthalimidea cyclopentene (entries 4-6) yields allylic amine products rather than
the corresponding enamine or imine derivatives. These observations
are readily explained if amination of the double bond occurs via
cis-aminopalladation, as observed for norbornene (Scheme 1). If
cyclic alkenes react in this manner, only the allylic C-H bond in
entry catalyst additive yieldb (%)
the intermediate can achieve the orientation necessary for syn-β-
1 Pd(CH3CN)2Cl2 <1 (32) hydride elimination.13
2 PdCl2 5% NEt3 17 (37)
In conclusion, we have achieved a remarkably general method
3 5% pyridine <1 (40)
4 10% pyridine 3 (5) for aerobic oxidative amination of unactivated alkyl olefins, and
5 5% CuCl2 <1 (66) the results highlight the value of cocatalyst-free oxidation condi-
6 3 equiv of CuCl2 NR tions. Ongoing studies are focused on exploring the scope of this
7 2 equiv of benzoquinone 10 (28) reactivity and probing the catalytic mechanism.
8 Pd(OAc)2 81 (4)
9 5% NEt3 17 (3) Acknowledgment. We thank Ilia A. Guzei for X-ray crystal-
10 5% pyridine 82 (3) lographic characterization of 1, and we gratefully acknowledge
11 10% pyridine <1 (0) financial support from the National Institutes of Health (RO1
12 5% PPh3 70 (5) GM67173-01), Dreyfus Foundation (Teacher-Scholar Award), and
13 5% CuCl2 <1 (79)
14 2 equiv of benzoquinone 10 (<1) the Sloan Foundation (Research Fellowship).
15 Pd(O2CCF3)2 4 (1) Supporting Information Available: Experimental descriptions
16 5% pyridine 3 (1) (PDF) and X-ray crystallographic data (PDF, CIF). This material is
17 5% CuCl2 <1 (79) available free of charge via the Internet at
a Reaction conditions: 3 mmol 1-octene, 0.5 mmol phthalimide, 0.025
mmol [Pd], additive, 0.75 M phthalimide in PhCN, 1 atm O2, 60 °C, 24 h. (1) For recent reviews, see: (a) Müller, T. E.; Beller, M. Chem. ReV. 1998,
b 1H NMR yield of product containing terminal methylene with 1,3,5-
98, 675-703. (b) Brunet, J. J.; Neibecker, D. In Catalytic Heterofunc-
trimethoxybenzene internal standard, based on initial phthalimide. Paren- tionalization; Togni, A., Grützmacher, H., Eds.; Wiley-VCH: New York,
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Utsunomiya, M.; Hartwig, J. F. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 2702-
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