ARTP (Adaptive Rank Truncated Product) Package: Detailed Examples of Computing The Gene and Path-Way P-Values
ARTP (Adaptive Rank Truncated Product) Package: Detailed Examples of Computing The Gene and Path-Way P-Values
ARTP (Adaptive Rank Truncated Product) Package: Detailed Examples of Computing The Gene and Path-Way P-Values
> library(ARTP)
[1] "/tmp/RtmpqzSrr9/Rinst1a73f3a1816d1/ARTP/sampleData/pheno_data.txt"
> print(geno_file)
[1] "/tmp/RtmpqzSrr9/Rinst1a73f3a1816d1/ARTP/sampleData/geno_data.txt"
The phenotype file is tab-delimited text file and has columns, ”ID”, ”Y”,
”X1”, and ”X2”, where ”ID” is the subject id, ”Y” is the case-control status, ”X1”
and ”X2” are continuous variables. Define the list that describes the phenotype
> pheno.list <- list(file=pheno_file, delimiter="\t", header=1, id.var="ID",
+ response.var="Y", main.vars=c("X1", "X2"))
The genotype file is also a tab-delimited text file of type 2 where row 1 has
the string ”ldat” followed by the subject ids. The first column of this file has
the SNP ids. Define the list that describes the genotype data:
> geno.list <- list(file=geno_file, delimiter="\t", file.type=2)
We need to choose a directory that has write access to serve as the directory
where the output files will be created. For this example, let this directory be
the working directory.
> out.dir <- getwd()
> print(out.dir)
[1] "/tmp/RtmpqzSrr9/Rbuild1a73f30334c9c/ARTP/vignettes"
We also need a file that gives the SNPs belonging to each gene. Let us use
the sample gene-SNP file which is a tab-delimited text file with columns ”SNP”
and ”Gene”.
> gs_file <- system.file("sampleData", "gene_SNP_data.txt", package="ARTP")
> print(gs_file)
[1] "/tmp/RtmpqzSrr9/Rinst1a73f3a1816d1/ARTP/sampleData/gene_SNP_data.txt"
glm(formula = response0 ~ phenoData0[, -snpcol] - 1, family = family,
model = FALSE, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.168 -1.128 -1.097 1.227 1.272
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
phenoData0[, -snpcol]x1 -0.1115 0.2396 -0.465 0.642
phenoData0[, -snpcol]x2 0.1024 0.3087 0.332 0.740
phenoData0[, -snpcol]x3 -0.1211 0.3168 -0.382 0.702
Residual deviance: 691.08 on 497 degrees of freedom
AIC: 697.08
Now we have the observed p-values and permutated p-values stored in the
files obs.outfile and perm.outfile so that we can compute the gene and pathway
p-values by using the default parameters for op (see the manual for details).
> set.seed(76523)
> ret <- ARTP_pathway(obs.outfile, perm.outfile, nperm, out.dir, gene.list=gs.list)
> print(ret)
[1] 0.07843137
Gene N.SNP Pvalue
1 Gene_3 17 0.9803920
2 Gene_4 12 0.0784314
3 Gene_1 9 0.0196078
4 Gene_2 12 0.1176470
[1] 50
Now compute the pathway p-value assuming all the SNPs belong to the same
gene. Note that if gene.list is NULL, then the program assumes all SNPs belong
to the same gene.
> set.seed(76523)
> ret <- ARTP_pathway(obs.outfile, perm.outfile, nperm, out.dir)
> print(ret)
[1] 0.09803922
Gene N.SNP Pvalue
1 gene 50 0.0980392
[1] 50