Two-Level Downlink Scheduling For Real-Time Multimedia Services in LTE Networks
Two-Level Downlink Scheduling For Real-Time Multimedia Services in LTE Networks
Two-Level Downlink Scheduling For Real-Time Multimedia Services in LTE Networks
Long Term Evolution represents an emerging technology that promises a broadband and ubiquitous
Internet access. But several aspects have to be considered for providing effective multimedia services to
mobile users. In particular, in this work, we consider the design of a QoS aware packet scheduler for real-
time downlink communications. To this aim, a novel two-level scheduling algorithm is conceived. The
upper level exploits an innovative approach based on discrete-time linear control theory. Instead, at the
lower level a proportional fair scheduler has been properly tailored to our purposes. The performance and
the complexity of the proposed scheme have been evaluated both theoretically and by using simulations.
A comparison with recently proposed scheduling strategies has been also presented, considering several
network conditions and real-time multimedia flows. Particular attention has been devoted to the evaluation
of the Quality of Experience provided to end users. Results have clearly shown that the proposed approach
is able to greatly outperform the existing ones especially in the presence of real-time video flows.
Index Terms
Authors are with the “DEE - Dip. di Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica”, Politecnico di Bari, v. Orabona, 4 - 70125, Bari, Italy.
e-mail: {g.piro,a.grieco,g.boggia,r.fortuna,camarda}
A preliminary version of this work appeared as A Two-level Scheduling Algorithm for QoS Support in the Downlink of LTE
Cellular Networks in Proc. of European Wireless, EW2010, Lucca, Italy, Apr. 2010.
The continuous raise of real-time multimedia services in the Internet and the need for an ubiquitous
access to them are driving the evolution of cellular networks. Beside the huge bandwidth requirements,
real-time multimedia flows need to be treated differently from other ones in order to reach a target Quality
of Service (QoS). To face this ever growing demand for packet-based mobile broadband systems, the
3GPP has introduced the LTE (Long Term Evolution) specifications as the next step of the current
3.5G mobile networks. In particular, an enhanced access network (i.e., the E-UTRAN, Evolved-UMTS
Terrestrial Radio Access Network) and an evolved core network have been defined. At the present, more
than 20 cellular operators worldwide have already stated a commitment to LTE (they represent together
more than 1.8 billion of the 3.5 billion mobile subscribers in the world) and more than 32 million of LTE
subscribers are forecast by 2013 [1]. Starting from this premise, it is clear that the optimization of all
LTE aspects is a topic worth of investigation for both industry and academia communities, particularly
considering multimedia applications.
In general, the most important objective of a multimedia service is the satisfaction of end users, i.e., the
Quality of Experience (QoE). This is strictly related to the system ability to provide to application flows
a suitable QoS [2], generally defined in terms of network delivery capacity and resource availability, i.e.,
limited packet loss ratio and delay. As example, a limited packet loss ratio enhances the quality of a
reconstructed video, limiting distortions due to lack of video data packets, while a low delay allows to
reproduce multimedia content at receiver side in real-time, i.e., with a small playout delay. In real-time
multimedia services, such as VoIP or video-conference, end-to-end delay constraints in content delivery
have to match the requirements related to the human perception of interactivity. For the Internet telephony,
a delay of 100 ms is considered as the limit for a good perceived quality, while the delay has to be less
than 300 ms for a satisfactory quality [3]. In order to respect audio/video synchronization, also for video
delivery, the delay bounds have to be the same. In [4], for example, a delay of 200 ms is considered
for video interactive applications. Once the video decoding process starts with a playout delay chosen
in this range (let us say [0 ms; 300 ms]), the respect of this deadline becomes mandatory for every
encoded packet. In fact, every packet will be decoded with a playout delay after its generation time, and,
if the packet does not arrive within the deadline, it will be considered lost. In this sense, in multimedia
services, granting bounded delivery delays actually means lowering packet losses. This problem becomes
very relevant for wireless access networks, such as LTE, due to the unpredictable behavior of radio links.
To face with QoE related issues, LTE specifications introduce a bearer identifying each flow that
requires a particular policy [5]. The scheduler classifies packets belonging to a given bearer (i.e., a
specified flow with QoS requirements) using a packet filter based on the well-known five-tuple: source
and destination IP addresses, source and destination ports, protocol identifier. Thus, packet schedulers can
allocate radio resources on a per-flow basis. To indicate the QoS level expected by the considered data
flow, each bearer is associated to a QoS Class Identifier, defined by specifying up to four parameters:
service class, priority, target delay, and packet loss ratio.
LTE specifications do not impose the adoption of any specific scheduler, thus leaving vendors free
to implement their own solution. Anyway, despite the number of proposal already available in literature
(see Sec. III for a summary of related works), lightweight algorithms able to schedule resource blocks
for satisfying very sharp delay bounds still have to come. To bridge this gap, in this work we propose a
novel approach to the problem, based on a two-layer scheduler, for real-time downlink communications.
Following LTE specifications, in our approach, time is seen as an endless sequence of frames, which
are further split in time intervals. At the highest level, an innovative low complexity resource allocation
algorithm has been designed using discrete time linear control theory (which will be referred to as Frame
Level Scheduler, FLS). At the beginning of each frame, FLS computes the amount of data that each
real-time source should transmit within the frame, to satisfy its delay constraint. Then, the lowest level
scheduler, to ensure a good level of fairness among multimedia flows, assigns radio resources according
to the Proportional Fair (PF) algorithm [6] subject to the constraint imposed by FLS. Radio resources
left free by real time flows can be used to provide a best effort service using the PF algorithm [6], which
enforces fairness also for this kind of flows.
The performance of the proposed algorithm has been tested using an open source simulator for LTE
networks, i.e., the LTE-Sim [7]. A comparison with respect to recently proposed scheduling strategies,
such as Exponential (EXP) rule and Logarithmic (LOG) rule [8] has been proposed, considering several
network conditions and real-time voice/video multimedia flows. Particular attention has been devoted to
the evaluation of the QoE perceived by end users. Results clearly show that the proposed approach is
able to greatly outperform other schemes in terms of network performance and QoE, especially in the
The requirements of LTE networks are very ambitious [6]: they will provide high peak data rates
(up to 100 Mbps in downlink and 50 Mbps in uplink with 20 Mhz of bandwidth), increased cell edge
throughput, less than 5 ms user plane latency, significant reduction of control plane latency, support for
high user mobility, scalable bandwidth from 1.25 to 20 MHz, and enhanced support for end-to-end QoS.
To fulfill these goals, the Radio Resource Management block has been designed to support a mix of
advanced MAC and Physical functionalities, like packet scheduling, link adaptation, and Hybrid ARQ.
At the physical layer, as many existing wireless broadband systems, the LTE radio interface supports
several duplexing techniques, based on frequency and time divisions. Radio transmissions are based on
the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation scheme. In particular, the Single
Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) and the OFDM Access (OFDMA) are used
in uplink and downlink transmissions, respectively. Differently from basic OFDM, they allow multiple
access by assigning sets of sub-carriers to each individual user. OFDMA can exploit subsets of sub-carriers
distributed inside the entire spectrum whereas SC-FDMA can use only adjacent sub-carriers. OFDMA
is able to provide high scalability, simple equalization, and high robustness against the time-frequency
selective radio channel fading. On the other hand, SC-FDMA is used in the LTE uplink to increase the
power efficiency of user equipments (UEs), which are battery supplied. In addition, MIMO techniques
can be exploited (both in downlink and uplink) to improve transmission reliability and data rate: it is
possible to use up to a maximum of four transmission (receive) antennas [9].
According to [10], radio resources are allocated in a time/frequency domain. In the time domain, they
are distributed every Transmission Time Interval (TTI), each one lasting 1 ms. Furthermore, each TTI is
composed by two time slots of 0.5 ms, corresponding to 7 OFDM symbols in the default configuration
with short cyclic prefix; 10 consecutive TTIs form the LTE Frame lasting 10 ms. In the frequency domain,
instead, the whole bandwidth is divided into 180 kHz sub-channels, corresponding to 12 consecutive and
equally spaced sub-carriers. A time/frequency radio resource, spanning over one time slot lasting 0.5 ms
in the time domain and over one sub-channel in the frequency domain, is called Resource Block (RB)
and corresponds to the smallest radio resource that can be assigned to a UE for data transmission. Note
that, given that the sub-channel dimension is fixed, the number of sub-channels varies accordingly to
different system bandwidth configurations (e.g., 25 and 50 RBs for system bandwidths of 5 and 10 MHz,
At the base station, i.e., the so called evolved node B (eNodeB) the packet scheduler distributes radio
resources among users. Scheduling decisions are strictly related to the channel quality experienced by
UEs. In particular, the UE periodically measures this channel quality using reference symbols; then, it
sends a Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) feedback to the eNodeB, with an uplink control messages [6].
The information about the quality of the time and frequency variant channel is exploited by the link
adaptation module to select, for each UE, the most suitable modulation scheme and coding rate at the
physical level with the objective of the spectral efficiency maximization. This approach is known as
Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) and it has been adopted by several wireless technologies, such
as EDGE [11] and WiMAX [12]. Considering that each modulation scheme (i.e., QPSK, 16-QAM, and
64-QAM in LTE) corresponds to a fixed physical data rate, the link adaptation module establishes the
maximum available physical data rate for each UE (based on the received channel quality information)
for providing an optimal resource allocation among all users.
In LTE networks, the role of resource scheduling is very important because a great performance gain
can be achieved by properly adapting the amount of frequency channels assigned to users in each TTI.
As a consequence, the problem of finding low complexity algorithms able to distribute time slots and
frequency carriers to users has attracted the attention of many researchers of the field. Such algorithms
should take into account the expected QoS level, the behavior of data sources, and the channel status.
The problem becomes even more challenging in the presence of users with different requirements in term
of bandwidth, tolerance to delay, and reliability.
Classical approaches based on Maximum Throughput (MT), PF [13]-[16], Weighted Round Robin [17],
and Adaptive Token Bucket [18] are not strictly applicable to handle real-time multimedia services. In
fact, it is difficult to demonstrate their ability to satisfy strong requirements on packet loss ratio (PLR)
and delay in a general network setting.
For this reason, several recent contributions (e.g., [8],[19]-[22]) propose channel-aware schemes that
privilege flows having head-of-line packets approaching a target deadline. They mainly differ to each other
depending on the weighting functions adopted to optimize fairness in bandwidth allocation and timeliness
in packet delivery (see Tab. I for a complete description of parameters used by each scheduler).
MT [13] x
PF [13] x x
QoS Oriented Time x x
and Frequency Domain
Packet Scheduler [14]
CABA [15] x x x
Proportional Fair Mul- x x
tiuser Scheduling [16]
ATBFQ [18] x x
Quality-Driven Cross- x x
Layer Scheduler [17]
Packet Scheduling x x x
Scheme to Support
Real-Time Traffic [19]
Frequency-Time Schedul- x x x x
ing for Streaming Ser-
vices [20]
Multi-Service QoS x x x x x
Guaranteed Based
Downlink Cross-Layer
Scheduler [21]
EXP-PF [22] x x x x x
M-LWDF [22] x x x x x
EXP Rule [8] x x x x
LOG Rule [8] x x x x
Notably, in [8], a very thorough discussion on related works in this field has been reported. Furthermore,
EXP and LOG rules have been presented as the most promising approaches for downlink scheduling in
LTE systems with delay-sensitive applications.
We remark that all the aforementioned approaches cannot offer any strict guarantees on packet delivery
delay, which, for the considerations already reported in Sec. I, plays a major role in the end-user
In general, to meet QoS constraints, it is not sufficient to provide guarantees on the average packet
delay, but it is necessary to enforce guarantees on the upper bound of packet delays. It is worth to
note that only in [23] a generic scheduling for channel-adaptive wireless networks has been proposed to
provide absolute delay guarantees to real-time flows, but this scheme presents a very high computational
complexity and it is hard to adopt it in the LTE radio interface.
Furthermore, another important limitation of discussed prior works is that they do not consider that
some flows with pending data near to the deadline could experience a sudden decrease of the channel
quality just before packet deadline expiration, with the consequent violation of the target delay.
Finally, all previous works consider the problem of radio resource allocation TTI by TTI without
any medium-term planning; such a planning could improve the system performance by exploiting the
requirements of all competing flows over a larger time-scale.
For this reason, herein we propose a two-level scheduler able to target bounded packet delays by taking
into account the advantage of statistical multiplexing in resource allocation.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with respect to the best solutions proposed so far,
we chose to compare our proposed scheduler with both EXP rule and LOG rule, considering several
network conditions, scenarios with real-time multimedia flows and best effort flows, and analyzing also
the impact of the PLR on the provided QoE. Results will emphasize the effectiveness of the proposed
allocation scheme describing how it is able to fully respect QoS requirements of multimedia flows with
respect to other ones.
The conceived novel scheduling strategy targets real-time service provisioning in the LTE downlink. It
has been built on two distinct levels (see Fig. 1) that interact together in order to dynamically assign radio
resources to UE. They take into account the channel state, the data source behaviors, and the maximum
tolerable delays.
At the highest level, an innovative resource allocation algorithm, namely FLS, defines frame by frame
the amount of data that each real time source should transmit to satisfy its delay constraint. To solve
the problem using a solution with a low computational complexity, FLS exploits a discrete-time linear
control loop [24]. Once FLS has accomplished its task, the lowest layer scheduler, every TTI, assigns
RBs using the PF algorithm [6] by considering bandwidth requirements of FLS.
In other words, FLS defines on the long run (i.e., in a single frame) how much data should be
transmitted by each data source. The lowest layer scheduler, instead, allocates resource blocks in each
Lower Level Scheduler (PF)
Link Adaptation
Schedule RBs in TTI Best Effort queue
PF scheduler
TTI to achieve a trade-off between fairness and system throughput. It is important to note that FLS
does not take into account the channel status. On the contrary, the lowest layer scheduler assigns RBs
first to flows hosted by UEs experiencing the best channel quality and then (i.e., when these flows have
transmitted the amount of data imposed by FLS) it considers the remaining ones. In particular, the lowest
layer scheduler decides the number of TTIs/RBs (and their position in the time/frequency domains) in
which each real-time source will actually transmit its packets.
It is very important to remark that the proposed approach is very general and it is independent on the
model used for describing incoming data. For this reason, we do not need stochastic flow models. In
fact, the control theoretic approach describes a flow as a signal modelling the bit-rate produced by the
application layer.
The FLS scheduler (that is, the upper level of our two-level scheduler) has been designed using discrete-
time linear control theory arguments. In our system, we suppose that N active traffic flows share the
wireless channel. Packets waiting for transmission are stored in a queue associated to each flow. FLS
evaluates the transmission needs of all queues at the beginning of each LTE frame.
The role of the FLS scheduler at the upper level is to evaluate, by a closed control loop scheme (see
Sec. IV-A), the quota of data, ui (k), that the i-th real-time source should transmit in the k -th frame to
meet its QoS constraints. A control law is used to compute ui (k) and it is defined to provide sharp delay
bounds to real time flows as will be shown below.
The quota of data ui (k) assigned to the generic i-th flow is decoupled from the ones assigned to
the remaining flows. For this reason, we describe the mathematical analysis of the proposed scheduling
strategy considering only a generic flow (i.e., the i-th flow). However, the same considerations are valid
for all flows.
Let be tk,i the starting time of the k -th frame for the i-th real-time source. Therefore, the sampling
interval ∆t(k) = tk+1,i − tk,i is equal to the LTE frame duration, Tf .
Now, the following equation holds:
where qi (k) is the i-th queue length at time tk,i ; qi (k + 1) is the i-th queue length at time tk+1,i ; ui (k)
corresponds to the amount of data that is transmitted during the k -th frame; di (k) is the amount of data
that filled the queue during the k -th frame, i.e., it models the behavior of the data source feeding the i-th
In the following, we will refer to Qi (z), Di (z), and Ui (z) as the Z -transforms of the signals qi (k),
di (k), and ui (k), respectively.
At the beginning of the k -th frame, FLS has to compute the quota of data ui (k) that the i-th flow
should transmit in the considered frame. Thus, we have to design a control law that should provide
bounded packet delays and, at the same time, the BIBO (i.e., Bounded Input Bounded Output) stability
[24] of the system defined by eq. (1).
We start assuming the following general control law:
d (k )
qiT = 0 u (k ) − q (k + 1)
+ Hi (z) +
q (k )
z −1
Fig. 2. Control loop of the allocation algorithm at the upper layer of the scheduler.
Assuming qi (0) = 0 (i.e., empty queues at the beginning), our design strategy is to find the proper
function Hi (z) that ensures the BIBO (Bounded Input Bounded Output) stability to the system and
guaranteed queuing delays.
As well known, BIBO stability means that the output of the system remains bounded in amplitude,
provided that the input is bounded too. This property (which is equivalent to the asymptotic stability in
linear systems) ensures that FLS will never try to allocate an infinite bandwidth because the system input
(i.e., the incoming data rate) is bounded in amplitude since any realistic application cannot produce an
infinite packet rate. BIBO stability is only a propaedeutic requirement because it is not able to guarantee
any specific performance index related to transient and steady-state system behavior [24]. Hence, in our
case, FLS is designed to be BIBO-stable and, at the same time, to satisfy delay bounds of served flows.
To this aim, we need the following theorem (see Appendix A for the proof).
Theorem 1: The system is BIBO stable and a queuing delay for the i-th queue smaller than Mi + 1
sampling intervals can be provided, if the closed-loop response to the Kronecker pulse δ(k) [24] (i.e.,
the system pulse response) has the following expression:
hsi (k) = ci (n)δ(k − n) (4)
where Mi is the length of the pulse response and
Remark 1: Considering that each sampling interval lasts Tf , the upper bound of the queuing delay, τi ,
τi = (Mi + 1)Tf . (6)
Now we can design the transfer function Hi (z). In fact, the eq. (4) for the system pulse response is
satisfied when the transfer function of the controller is (see Appendix B):
[ ]/M
Ui (z) ∑
Mi ∑i
Hi (z)= = (1 − z) ci (n)z +1 ci (n)z −n. (7)
Qi (z)
n=0 n=0
finite pulse response with Mi coefficients means that FLS is able to guarantee bounded delays, because
the transmission of enqueued data is spread over no more than Mi consecutive sampling intervals. This is
the meaning of the afore-presented Theorem 1 and of the consequent remarks. The values of coefficients
ci determine how the enqueued data are spread over the Mi consecutive sampling interval, as pictured
in Fig. 12 of Appendix A.
3) Impact of packet retransmission to the scheduling behavior: As in a generic wireless networks,
also for LTE radio interface there is the probability to have errors at the PHY layer. LTE provides a
couple of retransmission techniques (the first one at the MAC layer and the second one at the RLC layer)
which are used for recovering part of data lost at the PHY layer. We discuss now how the ARQ process
impacts on the FLS behavior. FLS works on top of ARQ so that, retransmissions are simply perceived
as a reduction of the available bandwidth which is mitigated by the closed-loop. In other words, ARQ
impacts on the transmission queue level qi (k), which is in turn used by FLS to throttle the bandwidth
assignment ui (k). In this way, the behavior of lower layers is compensated by FLS at each new frame
by new bandwidth assignments that take into account what happened in past frames.
For each of the ten TTIs forming a frame, the lower level scheduler allocates the RBs to real time
flows. At the k -th TTI, only flows that have not yet transmitted their quota ui (k) in the previous TTIs of
the same frame will be scheduled. Thus, as soon as a real time source has transmitted its quota of data
ui (k) defined by FLS, it looses the opportunity to transmit until the beginning of next frame.
To achieve a high level of fairness among multimedia flows, the lower layer scheduler uses the PF
algorithm [6]. In particular, every TTI, the link adaptation module evaluates the maximum instantaneous
supportable data rate for each UE, in each sub channel. This value is computed using feedbacks on
channel quality sent by the UE in the previous TTI (see Sec. I). The PF algorithm assigns RBs to
downlink connections belonging to UEs with the best ratio w, computed as the instantaneous available
data rate over the average data rate. That is, with reference to the i-th UE in the j -th sub-channel:
wi,j = Ri,j /Ri , (9)
M and R are the instantaneous maximum available data rate and the estimated average data
where Ri,j i
rate, respectively.
We note that the Ri,j value is updated every TTI using a weighted moving average formula and by
where Ri (k − 1) represents the data rate achieved by the i-th users during the previous sub frame.
It is worth to note that, for a given amount of data ui (k), the number of RBs required to transmit is
not fixed, but it depends on both the digital modulation scheme chosen by link adaptation every TTI and
the protocol/physical overhead.
For what concern the radio resources left free by real time flows, they are assigned using even the PF
scheduler in order to provide a high degree of fairness.
Fig. 3 shows a simple example of the proposed resource allocation scheme: the RBs can be assigned
to best effort flows if and only if all real time flows have been served according to FLS rules.
2 RBs
The proposed scheduler has been conceived using a two-layer approach. The upper layer (i.e., the FLS
scheduler) has been designed for guaranteeing bounded packet delays to multimedia flows. It is clear that
FLS targets can be achieved only when the lower layer scheduler is able to assign to each multimedia
flow the quota indicated by FLS itself (i.e., the quota of data ui (k)). To this aim, the lower layer strategy
assigns to multimedia flows a higher priority than the one assigned to other kind of flows, until they have
accomplished the transmission of ui (k) data ruled by FLS. An important concept we have to consider is
that the amount of radio resources (i.e., the number of PHY resource blocks) that the i-th flow requires
for sending ui (k) depends on the channel quality experienced by the UE that receives that flow. For this
reason, FLS will be able to guarantee bounded delays if and only if the channel quality of each UE
receiving multimedia flow is large enough to accommodate FLS assignments. If a given user perceives
a bad channel condition, neither FLS nor any other algorithms would be able to guaranteed targets for
which they have been designed. But, in this case, the proposed approach has an advantage with respect
to other scheduling algorithms due to the use of a control loop scheme. In fact, if a user measures a
reduction of the channel quality in a given temporal slot and it is not possible to transmit the whole ui (k)
assignment, FLS algorithm will implicitly take into account the pending packets (which remain stored in
the transmission queue), thus scheduling them in the next frame.
To study the effectiveness of the proposed scheduler, we used the LTE-Sim [7], an open source simulator
for LTE networks. A comparison with the well-known scheduling strategies LOG rule and EXP rule [25]
has been also provided. Furthermore, to appreciate the effectiveness of our proposed allocation scheme
in realistic settings, both the influence of inter-cell interference and the impact on the QoE perceived by
end users for real-time flows have been analyzed.
Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed resource allocation scheme is able to respect target
delays of real time flows (i.e., the considered QoS constraints), in all operative conditions, assuring the
best QoE with respect to other scheduling strategies.
Finally, we described as the proposed approach, despite its simplicity, it is able to provide better
performance for multimedia flows.
A. Simulation Scenario
We have developed a realistic multi cell scenario composed by 19 cells with radius equal to 0.5 km.
To guarantee for each cell a bandwidth of 10 MHz in the downlink, frequencies of the first operative
LTE bandwidth2 are distributed among clusters composed by 4 cells (see Fig. 4). In each cell, there are
one eNodeB and a variable number of UEs in the range [10-20]. Mobility of each UE traveling cells
is described with the random way-point model [27]. Moreover, to analyze both pedestrian and vehicular
users, we have considered a speed equal to 3 and 120 km/h, respectively.
We have imposed that each UE receives at the same time one video flow, one VoIP flow, and one best
effort flow, as shown in Fig. 5.
For the video flow, herein we consider the results obtained using a traffic trace created from the video
test sequence “highway.yuv”. Note that we tested performance of the scheduling algorithms also with
other video clips (i.e., “mobile.yuv” and “foreman.yuv”), achieving very similar results not reported here
for lack of space3 . The original sequence at 25 frame per second [fps], CIF resolution 352 × 288 and
The first operative bandwidth for LTE is defined in the range [1929-1980] MHz for the uplink and [2110-2170] MHz for
the downlink, in FDD mode [26].
All the considered video sequences are available at
cell 7
cell 8 cell 18
cell 2 cell 6
cell 3 cell 5
cell 12 cell 14
cell 13
YUV format has been firstly repeated for the whole simulation time. Then, the obtained video sequence
has been compressed using H.264 standard compression at the average coding rate of 128 kbps.
Instead, for G.729 voice flows we have adopted an ON/OFF Markov model, where the ON period is
exponentially distributed with mean value 3 s, and the OFF period has a truncated exponential pdf with
an upper limit of 6.9 s and an average value of 3 s [28]. During the ON period, the source sends 20
bytes sized packets every 20 ms (i.e., the source data rate is 8 kbps), while during the OFF period the
rate is zero because we assume the presence of a voice activity detector.
Finally, for the best effort flows we have considered infinite buffer sources.
Each simulation lasts 100 s and all simulation results are averaged over 5 simulations.
The main simulation parameters used in the LTE-Sim simulator are summarized in Tab.II.
Parameter Value
Packet scheduling analysis is based on the parameters for the downlink of the LTE E-UTRAN suggested
by 3GPP specifications [9].
At the PHY layer, we suppose that the eNodeB uses two antenna ports and a power transmission
equal to 43 dBm, uniformly spread over the all 50 available sub-channels. The Transport Block Size,
or in other words, the quota of data that a flow can transmit at the MAC layer during a TTI and using
one sub-channel, is obtained from the selected MCS, taking into the account the physical configuration
proposed in [29]: normal prefix code, 2 antenna ports, 3 OFDM symbols for the Physical Downlink
Control Channel (PDCCH), no sync signal, and Physical Broadcast Channel (PBCH) not present.
Regarding channel model, a propagation loss model for an urban cell has been considered according
to [9]. Such a model takes into account four different phenomena affecting channel conditions: (i) the
path loss, (ii) the penetration loss, (iii) the shadowing, and (iv) the effect of fast fading due to the signal
multipath. In particular, the path loss, PL , is given by the expression PL = 128.1 + 37.6 log d, where d
is the distance between the eNodeB and the UE, in kilometers. The large scale shadowing fading has
been modeled through a log-normal distribution with 0 mean and 8 dB of standard deviation. According
to [9], the penetration loss has been set to 10 dB. Finally, the time-frequency correlated signal multipath
chosen target delay. Moreover, with reference to eq. (4), we set the ci (n) coefficients as follows:
In this way hSi (k), described in eq. (4), has a linear pulse shaping, so that enqueued data waiting for
transmission will be spread uniformly over Mi consecutive sampling interval. (see Sec. IV-A2 for further
Finally, both EXP rule and LOG rule have been developed as proposed in [25]. For these schedulers,
best-effort flows are managed by using the common PF algorithm (i.e., as described in Sec. IV-B).
Tab. III reports scheduling metric used for multimedia flows with the related parameter sets for both
EXP rule and LOG rule. We note that i, j , Ki,j , and wi represent the user identity, the sub channel
identification, the spectral efficiency of the i − th user for the j − th sub channel, and the head of line
packet delay for the i − th user, respectively. These parameters have been optimized in [25] following
guidelines proposed in [33].
C. Scheduling performance
The performance of EXP rule, LOG rule, and FLS have been evaluated by varying the number of UEs,
the speed, and the target delay imposed to real time flows, also considering the inter-cell interference.
The comparison has been divided on the basis of several performance indexes such as the PLR and the
QoE of multimedia sessions as well as the goodput and the fairness of best effort flows.
Regarding multimedia flows, we note that PLR is a standard metric traditionally used to evaluate the
Quality of Service offered by the system at network layer. Moreover, additional metrics for Quality of
Experience evaluation have to be considered to generally evaluate system performance in terms of user
satisfaction. Since an optimal metric for quality of experience evaluation has not yet been standardized, we
choose the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) [34], which is nowadays one of the most diffused metrics
for evaluating user satisfaction, together with the interactivity level, in real time video applications.
Since best-effort flows do not required strict QoS specifications, we chose to compare scheduling
strategies by considering both aggregate goodput and fairness index provided to by these flows.
Figs. 6 and 7 show the PLR achieved for video and VoIP flows, respectively. It is possible to observe
that the PLR increases with the number of UEs, due to the higher network load. We note also that users
with the highest speed achieve the greatest PLR. When the user speed increases, in fact, channel quality
changes in two consecutive sub frames are more likely; thus, there could be more frequent errors in MCS
selection. As expected, a lower value of the target delay implies a higher value of PLR due to a larger
quota of packets violating the deadline.
The most important result we have obtained is that the smallest PLR is obtained using the proposed
allocation scheme. This is a clear demonstration that imposing a bound on the maximum tolerable delay
can greatly improve the quality of multimedia services in LTE system. Moreover, it is very important to
note that performance reached by LOG rule and EXP rule are different from those described in [25]. The
reason is that we have analyzed scheduling performance in a more complete and complex scenario with
respect to those simulated in [25] . Thus, in these considered environments EXP rule is able to obtain
better performance with respect to LOG rule.
It is worth to note that VoIP flows experience significantly smaller PLRs than video ones. The reason
is that VoIP flows, having a lower source bit rate, get the highest priority from the PF scheduler.
Finally, we verified that PLR is almost uniformly distributed over the UEs within the cell.
In Sec. V-D, it will be shown as a higher value of PLR translates in a bad level of QoE.
To study the behavior of best-effort flows, Fig. 8 shows the aggregate goodput, defined as the rate of
useful bits successfully transmitted by this kind of flows during th whole simulation. We note that the
goodput decreases as the number of UEs and the user speed increase. When the number of UEs is equal
to 10, all the considered schedulers register a similar aggregate goodput. Moreover, when the number
of UEs increases, note that, using both LOG rule and EXP rule allocation schemes, we obtain a higher
goodput for best-effort flows with respect to the use of the FLS algorithm. This result was expected
because, as seen in Figs. 6 and 7, LOG rule and EXP rule provide a worser service to multimedia flows
(with respect to our proposal), thus leaving a higher quota of bandwidth for best-effort flows.
Finally, Fig. 9 shows that all considered schedulers provide a high degree of fairness.
Latest considerations we would remark regard the impact of the PLR on the QoE perceived by users
receiving VoIP and video flows. This analysis is very important because it allow us to understand how
LOG rule - speed = 3 km/h
EXP rule - speed = 3 km/h
FLS - speed = 3 km/h
10 LOG rule - speed = 120 km/h
EXP rule - speed = 120 km/h
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Target Delay [s]
PLR of video flows [%]
PLR of video flows [%]
Fig. 6. Packet Loss Ratio (PLR) of Video flows in a scenario with (a) 10, (b) 15, and (c) 20 UEs.
LOG rule - speed = 3 km/h
EXP rule - speed = 3 km/h
10 FLS - speed = 3 km/h
LOG rule - speed = 120 km/h
EXP rule - speed = 120 km/h
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Target Delay [s]
LOG rule - speed = 3 km/h
EXP rule - speed = 3 km/h
10 FLS - speed = 3 km/h
LOG rule - speed = 120 km/h
EXP rule - speed = 120 km/h
PLR of VoIP flows [%]
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Target Delay [s]
PLR of VoIP flows [%]
LOG rule - speed = 3 km/h
EXP rule - speed = 3 km/h
FLS - speed = 3 km/h
0.001 LOG rule - speed = 120 km/h
EXP rule - speed = 120 km/h
FLS - speed = 120 km/h
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Target Delay [s]
Fig. 7. Packet Loss Ratio (PLR) of VoIP flows in a scenario with (a) 10, (b) 15, and (c) 20 UEs.
LOG rule - speed = 3 km/h
Aggregate Goodput of BE flows [Mbps]
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Target Delay [s]
LOG rule - speed = 3 km/h
Aggregate Goodput of BE flows [Mbps]
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Target Delay [s]
Fig. 8. Goodput of FTP flows in a scenario with (a) 10, (b) 15, and (c) 20 UEs.
Fairness Index
Fairness Index
Fig. 9. Fairness Index of Best Effor flows in a scenario with (a) 10, (b) 15, and (c) 20 UEs.
the packet loss influences the quality of the received real-time flow.
To estimate the perceived speech quality of VoIP flows we have used the well-known Mean Opinion
Score (MOS) using the ITU E-model [35]. In particular, the output of the E-model (i.e., the transmission
rating factor) has been computed assuming a constant end-to-end packet delay, equal to the target delay,
due to the presence of the playout buffer at the receiver, as described in [35]. Then, the transmission
rating factor has been mapped to the proper MOS value, considering the mapping function proposed in
Imposing a playout buffer at the receiver equal to the target delay, we have obtained a MOS higher that
4 for all considered schedulers. According to [36], the MOS value above 3.6 corresponds to satisfaction
for almost users. For this reason, all schedulers are able to provide a good speech quality in all operative
conditions. This result was expected given the very small packet loss ratios provided to VoIP flows (see
Fig. 7).
The quality of received video data has been estimated computing the PSNR between the transmitted
and the received videos. PSNR [34] offers a way for quantifying the impact of losses on video quality
and, together with the interactivity level assured by the system, can be considered one of the key metrics
for Quality of Experience evaluation in real-time video streaming systems. The PSNR has been computed
without considering the quality degradation inserted by the encoding process, in order to highlight the
video distortion due to packet losses.
In particular, Fig. 10 shows the PSNR computed for the Y video components which has the strongest
impact on the QoE [37].
As expected, the PSNR increases as the PLR decreases. However, the most important result we have
obtained is that the proposed allocation scheme is able to provide the highest PSNR in all operative
conditions. Notably, the proposed approach is able to guarantee a PSNR gain up to 30 dB with respect
to both LOG rule and EXP rule in scenarios having more than 10 UEs.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, on our lab web site it is possible to
appreciate the quality of received video in a scenario with inter-cell interference, where users travel at 120
km/h and the target delay for real time flows has been set to 40 ms (some significant pictures taken from
these videos are reported in Fig. 11). It is worth to note that, despite the critical considered scenario, the
Note that in the case of zero losses a maximum PSNR value is reached, clipped to 100 dB (as suggested by the JM H264/AVC
reference software encoder,
3 120 3 120 3 120 3 120
10 km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Target Delay [s]
10 3 120 3 120 3 120 3 120
km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h km/h
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Target Delay [s]
Fig. 10. PSNR of the Y component of video flows in a scenario with (a) 10, (b) 15, and (c) 20 UEs.
FLS allocation scheme is able to provide a perceived video quality better then other considered allocation
Fig. 11. Significant pictures taken from received videos (20UEs, 120 km/h, target delay = 0.04s). Sent video (a) vs received
video using LOG rule (b), EXP rule (c) and FLS (d) algorithms.
This work has considered the problem of packet scheduling for multimedia real-time flows in the
downlink of LTE mobile networks. A two-level algorithm has been designed by exploiting discrete time
feedback control theory. The properties of the proposed approach have been theoretically investigated
to demonstrate that it is suitable to provide both real-time and best effort services. Finally, numerical
simulations have been presented to confirm the analytical results. The effectiveness of the proposed
approach have been highlighted comparing it with other well-known scheduling strategies and considering
both the effect of the inter-cell interference and the impact of the packet loss ratio on the QoE of real-
time flows perceived by end users. Future research will consider also the more challenging problem of
scheduling, at the same time, both the uplink and the downlink directions using also non-linear controllers.
Herein, we will prove Theorem 1. First of all, if eq. (4) holds, it is possible to show that the system
is BIBO (Bounded Input Bounded Output) stable. In fact, we have [24]:
+∞ ∑
|hsi (k)| = |ci (k)| < +∞. (12)
k=0 k=0
Now, we can demonstrate the constraints on coefficients ci (n). To this aim, it is important to illustrate
the system behavior in response to a pulse di (k) = δ(k). Signals di (k), ui (k), and qi (k) are shown in
Fig. 12.
c1 c2
c0 ck cMi
c1-c2 ck+1-ck
c2-c3 cMi-1-cMi cMi
1+c0-c1 =0
t0,i t1,i t2,i t3,i tk,i tM,i tM+1,i k
If we consider a Kronecker pulse as input to the i-th queue (this models a burst of data), obviously
the queue response given by eq. (4) cannot be negative, because it represents data to transmit. Therefore,
it holds that hsi (k) ≥ 0 ⇔ ci (n) ≥ 0. Moreover, the queue cannot contain more data than its input (i.e.,
a pulse with width equal to 1). It means that hsi (k) ≤ 1 ⇔ ci (n) ≤ 1.
Furthermore, to guarantee the system causality, we have to set ci (0) = 0 and ci (1) = 1. In fact, a
pulse of data arriving during the first sampling interval [t0,i , t1,i ] will be enqueued during that interval
and it will be transmitted not before the second sampling interval [t1,i , t2,i ]. In other words, assuming at
time t = 0 an empty queue, i.e., qi (0) = 0, and a single data pulse as system input, i.e., di (k) = δ(k),
we have to impose that qi (1) = 1. This means, equivalently, that it should be ci (0) = 0 and ci (1) = 1 in
eq. (4).
Now, considering the Kronecker pulse as system input, i.e., di (k) = δ(k), from eqs. (1) and (4) it
turns out that:
Mi ∑
ui (k) = δ(k) + ci (n)δ(k − n) − ci (n)δ(k + 1 − n). (13)
n=0 n=1
After a bit of algebra, we obtain:
M i −1
Finally, we can prove that if eq. (4) is the system pulse response, it is possible to obtain bounded
packet delays, smaller than Mi + 1 sampling intervals.
This requires that the queue backlog measured in tk+1,i will be transmitted in at most Mi + 1 sampling
interval. In this way, a generic packet that entered the queue during the time interval [tk,i , tk+1,i ] will
wait in queue for at most Mi + 1 sampling intervals. This can be expressed as:
ui (k + n) ≥ qi (k) ∀k ≥ 0 (16)
which, by considering eq. (1), can be equivalently rewritten as:
di (k + n) ≥ qi (k + Mi + 1) ∀k ≥ 0 (17)
Considering eq. (3), we obtain:
qi (k) = hsi (k) ∗ di (k) = ci (n)di (k − n) . (18)
Substituting eq. (18) in (17), the eq. (17) is equivalent to the following inequality:
Mi ∑
di (k + n) ≥ ci (n)di (k + Mi − n + 1) (19)
n=0 n=0
Imposing m = Mi − n + 1, it becomes:
Mi ∑
di (k) + di (k + n) ≥ ci (Mi − m + 1)di (k + m) (20)
n=1 m=1
that is
di (k) + [1 − ci (Mi − n + 1)]di (k + n) ≥ 0 (21)
Remembering that di (k) ≥ 0 and 0 ≤ ci (n) ≤ 1, the last inequality (21) holds for all k values. This
proves the thesis.
In this appendix, we demonstrate that the eq. (4) for the system pulse response is satisfied when the
transfer function of the controller is given by eq. (7).
In fact, by definition, the system transfer function HSi (z) is just the Z -transform of the system pulse
response hSi (k), assuming qi (0) = 0. With reference to Fig. 2, we have:
Qi (z) 1
HSi (z) = = = Z[hSi (k)]. (22)
Di (z) z − 1 + Hi (z)
that is, considering eq. (4):
{M }
∑i ∑
Z{hSi (k)} = Z ci (n)δ(k − n) = ci (n)z −n . (23)
n=0 n=0
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