User Manual - OptiPro eSX
User Manual - OptiPro eSX
User Manual - OptiPro eSX
1 Contents
2 Contacting OptiPro................................................................................................................................ 6
3 Document Revisions.............................................................................................................................. 7
4 Safety .................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Employer’s Responsibilities........................................................................................................... 8
4.2 General Safety Concerns ............................................................................................................... 8
4.2.1 Personal Safety...................................................................................................................... 8
4.2.2 Electrical Safety ..................................................................................................................... 9
4.2.3 Pneumatic Safety .................................................................................................................. 9
4.2.4 Chemical Safety ..................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Safe Operation of the Machine ..................................................................................................... 9
4.4 In An Emergency ......................................................................................................................... 10
5 Machine Overview and User Controls ................................................................................................ 11
5.1 Work Area and Machine Axes ..................................................................................................... 13
5.2 Operator Panel Interface ............................................................................................................ 14
5.2.1 Jog Panel ............................................................................................................................. 14
5.2.2 Jog Pendant ......................................................................................................................... 16
5.2.3 Door Interlock ..................................................................................................................... 17
5.2.4 Emergency Stop .................................................................................................................. 17
5.2.5 Coolant Recirculation Control ............................................................................................. 18
5.2.6 USB ports............................................................................................................................. 18
5.3 Utility Control Panel .................................................................................................................... 19
5.4 Vacuum Work Holding ................................................................................................................ 20
5.5 Coolant System ........................................................................................................................... 21
5.5.1 Coolant Tank ....................................................................................................................... 21
5.5.2 Centrifuge............................................................................................................................ 22
5.5.3 Spindle Chiller ..................................................................................................................... 23
5.6 Electrical Cabinet A/C unit .......................................................................................................... 23
5.7 Pneumatic Automatic Greaser .................................................................................................... 24
5.8 Tool Spindle & Tool Holder Precautions ..................................................................................... 25
OptiPro Systems, LLC. Page 2 of 111 Last Modified: 8/27/2014
User Manual – eSX
2 Contacting OptiPro
Main Office
OptiPro Systems
6368 Dean Parkway
Ontario, NY 14519
For Sales
Contact: Sales Coordinator
3 Document Revisions
The following is a summary of changes to this document.
4 Safety
Safe usage of the machine requires careful adherence to all safety protocols as specified in this manual.
In order to ensure that all protocols are followed, the machine operator must be trained in all
operational aspects of the equipment. Operator safety is the number one priority at all times. Standard
shop safety protocols should always be observed to minimize mechanical, electrical, and chemical
When working inside the machine make sure that all motion is disabled by powering down
the machine and turning off the main air valve (See Section 6), and follow proper lock-
out/tag-out procedures.
Never leave a loose part or tool in the work area.
Avoid using any tools in pinch points when possible.
Safety glasses must be worn at all times.
Loose fitting clothing, long sleeves, neckties, jewelry and other objects or clothing that could
become caught by moving parts must not be worn.
Rings, watches, and other jewelry can scratch or otherwise damage delicate machine
components and should not be worn.
Long hair must be tied back.
Always wear closed-toe footwear with a good quality tread.
Avoid walking through or standing in water, coolant, or other spills. Clean up any spills
immediately following precautions outlined in the relevant MSDS.
Never operate the machine with any doors open or safety guards removed, disabled or
Remove or properly secure all loose tools and work pieces before operating the machine.
Keep hands and all other body parts outside of the machine when moving any axis or
Use reduced feed rates and extreme caution if a manual axis jog is necessary.
Never aim or adjust coolant nozzles while spindles are moving.
Clean all coolant leaks or spills immediately following precautions outlined in the relevant
Do not tamper with, override, remove, or otherwise hinder the functionality of safety
equipment installed on the machine.
Personal injury or equipment damage can be avoided when operating the machine as
Always turn the chiller off before service or maintenance.
4.4 In An Emergency
The emergency stop button is located on the operator control panel. When the emergency stop button
is pressed all machine motion and spindle motion is shut down. The controller, however, remains active
and the software functions may be used. Once the reason for the Emergency Stop has been determined
and corrected, normal operations may resume by turning the EMERGENCY STOP button clockwise until
it releases from its locked position. The RESET button must then be pressed to clear the error bar (found
in the top right corner of the display).
Main Air
Main Power
Disconnect Side Access
Left Side
Pinch Valve
Coolant Through
Spindle Filters
Tool Spindle
Work Spindle
NOTE: If the machine is a twin spindle grinding machine, then the left spindle is referred to as S1 and the
right spindle is referred to as S3. A single spindle grinding machine refers to the spindle as the left spindle
or S1.
Touch Screen
Jog Panel
16 17
Not used on
18 19 20 21 22
Feed Rate
Axis Selection
+/- Movement
Jog Wheel
Button Description
Axis Selection Selects which axis on the machine to move.
Feed Rate Control Controls the feed rate of the selected axis.
Jog Wheel The JOG WHEEL can be used to move all axes (X, Y, Z, 4, or 5). When Axis
Selection is on 4, the B-axis can be rotated. When Axis Selection is on 5,
the work spindle (S2) can be rotated.
Emergency Stop The EMERGENCY STOP (E-STOP) button should be used to stop the
machine if there is any danger to the operator, machine, or process. See
Section 6.3 for more information.
+ / - Movement Press to move the selected axis in the + or – direction.
See Fagor manual for additional information
Twist in the direction of the arrows to release the E-STOP button. Pressing RESET then SERVOS on the
jog panel is also required to return the machine to a fully operational state. See Section 6.3 for more
Coolant Recirc
Coolant Recirc
USB Ports
Caution: Never run processing programs directly from a USB drive; always copy programs to the internal
storage before running.
Main Air
Drain Tube Main Air
Air Prep
Regulator Filter
The pneumatic panel houses all of the air regulators and switches machine. They are set when your
machine is first installed by OptiPro in your facility, and should not require further adjustment.
Caution: When draining the vacuum drain tube, vacuum suction will be lost at the work piece. Be sure
the machine is not running and that the work piece is adequately supported or removed from the
machine before draining the vacuum drain tube. Remember to close the drain tube when finished.
The work holding vacuum level can be controlled by a lever valve on the front of the machine. The lever
valve will turn the vacuum on or off. The Vacuum Gage display below will show the instantaneous
vacuum level in inHg. The vacuum circuit contains the Vacuum Safety Cup which will fill up in a situation
where the vacuum drain tube overfills, and will shut off any vacuum going to the pump so the pump will
not be damaged.
Vacuum Gage
Lever Valve
Vacuum Safety
Caution: Verify that all motion on pump motors have stopped before attempting to service.
Work Area
Coolant Pump
5.5.2 Centrifuge
The controls to turn the centrifuge on and off are located on the side of the Operator Panel (Figure
5-10). The centrifuge is part of a coolant recirculation circuit, and will be turned on and off with the
entire circuit. The centrifuge is equipped with a safety switch to cut power to the centrifuge
automatically if the cover is removed without first turning the centrifuge off. However, the centrifuge
and motor will still be spinning until they coast to a stop.
Caution: Wait to remove lid on centrifuge until the motor and drum have completely stopped. This can be
observed by the fans on the motor (See Figure 5-14: Centrifuge).
The centrifuge is used to collect grinding particulate from the coolant system. According to the
machine’s grinding load, particulate will accumulate at different rates. It is recommended that the
centrifuge be checked and cleaned regularly. Failing to do so could result in the centrifuge spinning out
of balance and ineffectively filtering particulate from the coolant. The valve on the top of the centrifuge
controls the flow of coolant coming in from the recirculation pump and coolant agitator. The valve can
be adjusted to optimize coolant flow between the agitator and the recirculation pump. For instruction
on cleaning the centrifuge, see Section 9.7.
Input from
Coolant Tank
Liner Lid Centrifuge
Output to
Coolant Tank
5µ Coolant
Through Spindle
10µ Coolant
Figure 5-14: Centrifuge Through Spindle
If the eSX machine has a coolant through spindle, there will be a coolant through spindle filter on the
back of the centrifuge. This filter will run coolant through a 10 micron then 5 micron filter to collect any
grinding particulate left in the coolant. This ensures no particulate will be pushed through the spindle.
Fluid Level
Air Filter
A/C Unit
Air Filter
This machine uses the HSK 63F style tool interface. Only use tool holders conforming to the
HSK 63F standard.
For machines NOT EQUIPPED with Coolant-Through-Spindle (CTS), only use tool holders
WITHOUT through-holes or those with plugs. Thread-in plugs can typically be purchased
from the tool holder manufacturer.
Figure 5-19: HSK 63F Tool Holder back end with threaded plug installed.
For machines EQUIPPED with CTS, coolant nozzles must be installed in the tool holder to use
the CTS. When not using CTS the holder must be plugged. Plugs and nozzles can be
purchased from the tool holder manufacturer.
Figure 5-20: Coolant Nozzle installed in HSK holder for CTS applications.
The maximum tool weight for this machine platform is 6kg (13.2lbs.), including the tool
holder, and must never be exceeded.
Tools should be as short, compact, and light as possible.
Never exceed the tool manufacturer’s recommendations for operating speed.
Hardware, such as bolts and collet nuts, must be properly tightened.
Tools and holders that are damaged should never be used
Always make sure tools and holders are properly balanced, and never use a tool that has
excessive vibration.
Tool kinetic energy must not exceed 1000 Joules (J) in the machine: ,
where I is the tool inertia in kg/m2, is the programmed angular velocity of the tool in
rad/s (never to exceed 30m/s linear edge velocity).
See Section 9.9 for cleaning instructions.
Never actuate the chuck without a properly manufactured shank in the chuck.
Only use steel, aluminum, or similar metals and alloys.
Reducing collets are available. Contact OptiPro Systems for details.
All shanks inserted into the chuck must be within the following tolerance:
Shank Diameter (either 25mm or 1.25”, depending on customer option) of h7 tolerance
(+0μm to -21μm) or better. OptiPro recommends -8μm to -18μm for best performance.
Length between 52mm [2in] and 63.50mm [2.5in] must extend into the chuck (see print
Figure 5-21: Recommended Shank design. “Nominal” refers to either 25mm or 1.25”
Use care when inserting or removing tools to avoid gouging or scratching the chuck.
Always check that the chuck and tools are clean and free from burrs before inserting.
For best performance, turn the chuck actuation screw until it bottoms out. The screw should
always be hand tight. Do not over tighten, and do not use an extension bar or power tool.
Tool Probe
Work Probe
Spherometer Bell
The integrated handheld spherometer is located on the utility tray on the front of the machine. The
spherometer can be used in correcting a radius. Spherometer bells are interchangeable. See Section for additional information on using the spherometer.
Make sure all fixtures, parts and tools have been removed from the machine.
Release the E-STOP button.
Next, start the referencing routine, and all axes will move to their home positions. There is
no control over feed rate during the reference routine; however when the machine finishes
referencing the feed rate override becomes fully functional again. Press the RESET button
found on the control panel. Then press the ZERO button followed by the CYCLE START
Once motion has stopped your machine is now ready for normal use.
6.2 Shutdown
The following options can be chosen based on your company policy.
Note that E-Stop does not disrupt air pressure or vacuum in the machine.
7 Software Interface
7.1 Screen Layout
Figure 7-1 shows the main screen at startup; this is the Manual Jog Mode Screen. The current mode of
the machine is indicated in the top left box. The top right box displays fault and status messages; the box
can be expanded with the down arrow button to display multiple messages if they exist. See Table 8-1
and Table 8-2 for all Fault and Status messages for reference. The left side of the display consists of the
Operation buttons, each button will bring up sub menus which will be covered in detail throughout the
following pages. The top left corner of the screen shows the G which indicates this machine is a grinder.
Double tapping on the [G] will bring up a sub menu as seen in Figure 7-2.
Button Description
G Double-tap to access the G-Series Submenu (Section 7.2).
New Job Tap to navigate to New Job screen (Section 7.6.3).
Load Job Tap to Load and existing job (Section 7.6.1).
Save Job From the HOME screen, Saves the current job and its parameters.
Setup Blank Navigates to the SETUP BLANK screen (Section
Home Navigates to the HOME screen of the currently loaded Job. Not available when
a Job is running or while the machine is in motion.
Navigation / Function These buttons provide additional screen navigation and function options and
Buttons change based on the current screen.
Option Description
Manual Mode This mode allows manual jogging and the ability to use the MDI function
(Section 7.3).
Auto Mode The main screen for running jobs or automatic programs (Section 7.4).
Offset Tables These tables are used by qualified technicians in the Tram Procedure
(Section 10.1).
CNC Action List Buttons for commonly used Manual commands. Includes turning ON/OFF
Coolant, Vacuum, Vacuum Monitoring, and Enable/Disable C-axis mode.
Tool Library Navigates the user to the Tool Library where all tools will be input and pulled
from for each process (Section 7.5).
RDS Calculator Opens an RDS Calculator (Radius-Diameter-Sag).
SDR Calculator Opens an SDR Calculator (Sag-Diameter-Radius).
Settings Navigates to the password protected Settings pages (Section 7.7).
PLC Displays the machines PLC program for service and troubleshooting. ONLY
Minimize Will minimize the G-Series software to the operating system.
Close Exits the G-Series software to the operating system.
About Displays the current software version number.
Close Menu Closes the menu and returns to the previous screen.
The machine can be jogged manually in this mode by using the axis buttons combined with the Feed
Rate Selector and the Feed Rate Override controls found on the control panel (Section 5.2.1).
Additionally, MDI commands are executed here by typing a command in the MDI Command field and
pressing CYCLE START. Always reduce Feed Rate Override (FRO) to 0% before pressing CYCLE START and
increase slowly in MDI mode to reduce the risk of collisions. See Section 10.2 for additional information
regarding MDI commands.
The Manual Jog Mode screen (Figure 7-3) displays real time axis position, spindle load, and axis and
spindle speed information.
Axis Status
Window Spindle Load
Active M
and G Codes
Note: Some machines are equipped with Constant Torque Technology (CTT) to improve surface finish.
With CTT, the Spindle Load Meters will start in the 60%-70% range and will have only slight variation
during operation.
The Automatic Mode screen (Figure 7-4) will display axis position, spindle speed and load information,
cycle time, and (optionally) program lines. The Progress bar indicates the percent of the program that is
complete. Active M and G codes are shown in the lower right corner for reference.
Overriding the feed rate will impact the total processing time, however, the Estimated Time is based on
100% Feed Rate and will not update to reflect the override.
Cycle Time
To pause the cycle in a non-emergency situation, press the MOTION STOP button (Figure 5-6). Note that
only axis motion will stop; spindle motion will continue as will coolant, vacuum, and any other utilities.
To continue select one of the follow options:
a. Press E-STOP on the Jog Panel (Figure 5-9) to stop all axes, spindles, and coolant flow; work
holding vacuum will remain active. See Section 6.3 for more information regarding E-Stop.
b. Continue the cycle by pressing the CYCLE START button on the Jog Panel (Figure 5-6).
c. After MOTION STOP is pressed tap [ENABLE JOG] in the Function Bar to enable axis jogging
functionality within Automatic Mode; jog the machine as needed. Use extreme caution when
manually jogging the axes to prevent a collision. See Sections 5.1, 5.2, and 7.3 for additional
information regarding manual jogging. From here do one of the following:
i. Press E-STOP to stop all axes, spindles, and coolant flow; work holding vacuum will
remain active.
ii. Continue the cycle by pressing the CYCLE START button.
iii. Stop the spindles and immediately terminate the program by pressing RESET.
d. Press RESET on the Jog Panel (Figure 5-6) to stop the spindles and immediately terminate the
CAUTION: G-Series software has built in safety features may not be available when using external
programs. Only operators who are trained and qualified to write and execute machine tool code, well
versed in CNC machine setup, programming, and operating, and well trained and experienced on this
machine should attempt to run programs not generated within the G-Series software.
1. Access the Offset Tables from the G-Series Submenu (Section 7.2).
2. G56, G57, and G58 Offset can be used for external programs, adjust these values as required for
the application.
3. Enter AUTO MODE from the G-Series Submenu (Section 7.2).
4. Tap [LOAD PROG] in the Navigation/Function Bar, browse for and open the desired file.
In Emergencies: Press the E-STOP button on the Jog Panel (Figure 5-9) in any situation in which the
operator feels it is warranted to immediately halt axis motion. See Section 6.3 for more information
regarding E-Stop.
Begin by selecting a tool type from the main Tool Library screen (Figure 7-5).
3. Tap [OK] to load the selected job. The job can now be modified if needed to update the last
saved parameters (i.e. tool, blank, or process parameters). Modifying an existing job follows a
similar procedure and uses the same software screens as creating a new job; see Section 7.6.3
for details related to modifying an existing job and Section 7.6.4 to run a job.
After loading an existing job it is advised to re-probe tool lengths and part reception height before
processing. Once they have been setup and checked by a qualified operator, the job is ready to run.
1. To setup a new job, tap the [NEW JOB] Operation Button from any screen.
2. Enter a Job Name in the labeled field (i.e. Part Number, Job Number, or other unique name)
3. The next screen is the Lens Blank Setup Screen. Proceed with Section below.
Note: Remember to save your job regularly during set-up. The [SAVE JOB] button only works when you
are at the HOME screen. This is done to safeguard against saving an incomplete process. When the
[SAVE JOB] button is inactive, the text color will be red.
4. Fill in the required parameter fields to accurately define the lens blank.
5. Verify the parameters were entered correctly by observing the graphic representation of the
lens on the screen.
6. After entering the Lens Blank Parameters, use the probing sequence to set the reception height
a. Secure the blank in the work spindle.
b. Tap [PROBE] at the bottom of the Lens Blank screen.
7. Tap [OK] to accept the values entered in the Lens Blank Parameter fields and enter the job
HOME screen to begin adding processes to the job, detailed in the sections below.
1. From the HOME screen, select [ADD] followed by [SPHERE], both in the Navigation Bar.
2. Provide a name for the process (ex. 100mm CC Grind Rough Tool).
3. Define the shape to be cut using the Lens Parameter fields and verify with the graphical
representation provided.
Table 7-14: Spherical Process – Cut and Feed Parameters and Descriptions
12. Determine whether the part has a Left or Right side nib by observing the cutter marks; then tap
[LEFT NIB] or [RIGHT NIB] in the Function Bar. Note that the images will reflect if the current
process is convex or concave.
13. Enter the diameter of the nib in the field.
14. Tap [APPLY] to accept the changes and return to the main Spherical Process Corrections screen.
15. Tap [OK] to accept the new or modified process and return to the HOME screen. Save the
changes to the job by tapping [SAVE JOB].
When correcting a nib, the part should ALWAYS be cut again before doing any other corrections as the
nib correction can affect CT and radius correction.
Always use caution when using the automated probing sequences to avoid collisions.
18. Tap [APPLY] to accept the changes and return to the main Spherical Process Corrections screen.
19. Tap [OK] to accept the new or modified process and return to the HOME screen. Save the
changes to the job by tapping [SAVE JOB].
iii. Place the integrated spherometer on the test plate and press the trigger button
ONCE to calibrate, or tap [CALIBRATE].
iv. Place the integrated spherometer on the work piece and press the trigger button
ONCE again to capture the Measured Radius, or tap [STORE].
v. Tap [APPLY] to accept the correction value.
c. Manual method:
22. Tap [APPLY] to accept the changes and return to the main Spherical Process Corrections screen.
23. Tap [OK] to accept the new or modified process and return to the HOME screen. Save the
changes to the job by tapping [SAVE JOB].
This adjustment is used to make small alignment changes to the Y-axis as required. The graphic will let
the operator know if the machine requires positive of negative adjustment. After making an adjustment,
tap [ACCEPT] to store the value.
The amount of adjustment should not exceed 20μm under normal conditions. If excessive adjustment is
required, then the machines tram should be checked (see Section 11).
1. From the HOME screen, select [ADD] followed by [ASPHERE], both in the Navigation Bar.
2. Provide a name for the process (ex. ASPHERE FINE CUT).
3. Provide the prescription of the lens using the Asphere Parameter fields and verify with the
graphical representation provided.
4. The [+/-] button is a global sign converter that is used to ensure the correct asphere is defined. It
should be used if the sag table does not match the optical prints sag table.
5. Display the Sag table calculated by G-Series by tapping [SAG TABLE] and compare to a known
table as an additional verification that the parameters have been entered correctly.
Table 7-17: Aspheric Process – Cut and Feed Parameters and Descriptions
13. Correct nib and center thickness (CT) (See Figure 7-30 and Table 7-18).
a. Nib Corrections: Enter the measured nib, can be positive or negative
b. Center Thickness: Enter the measured CT, or tap [PROBE CT] to initiate the automated
probing sequence.
14. The G-Series software allows for form correction on aspheres by loading asphere departure files.
a. [ADD FILE]: After measuring the asphere departure offline, load the metrology file,
typically a .csv file from a contact profilometer, to automatically correct the form.
b. [REMOVE FILE]: Remove the selected file in the “Active Corrections” window, thus
disregarding that correction in the future.
15. [CLEAR ALL]: Remove all corrections from the current asphere process. This includes nib, CT, and
form correction.
16. Tap [OK] to accept the new or modified process and return to the HOME screen.
17. Save the changes to the job by tapping [SAVE JOB].
1. From the HOME screen, tap [ADD] followed by [EDGE], both in the Navigation Bar.
2. Provide a name for the process (ex. FINISHED DIAMETER).
3. Input required Lens Parameters and verify with the graphical representation provided.
Table 7-21: Edge Process – Cut and Feed Parameters and Descriptions
12. To clear all active corrections for this process tap [CLEAR ALL].
13. Tap [OK] to accept the new or modified process and return to the HOME screen. Save the
changes to the job by tapping [SAVE JOB].
1. From the HOME screen, tap [ADD] followed by [BEVEL], both in the Navigation Bar.
2. Provide a name for the process (ex. FIRST SIDE BEVEL).
3. Input Lens Parameters to define the bevel.
Table 7-25: Bevel Process – Cut and Feed Parameters and Descriptions
16. To clear all active corrections for this process tap [CLEAR ALL].
17. Tap [OK] to accept the new or modified process and return to the HOME screen. Save the
changes to the job by tapping [SAVE JOB]. Fixture
The Fixture process allows the operator to cut vacuum chucks in the machine using an end mill. The
following steps describe adding a Fixture Process to a Job.
1. From the HOME screen, tap [ADD] followed by [MORE], then [FIXTURE], all in the Navigation
2. Provide a name for the process (ex. Fixture Cut).
3. Input Lens Parameters to define the shape of the lens to be vacuumed.
Table 7-29: Fixture Process – Cut and Feed Parameters and Descriptions
12. To clear all active corrections for this process tap [CLEAR ALL].
13. Tap [OK] to accept the new or modified process and return to the HOME screen. Save the
changes to the job by tapping [SAVE JOB]. Scooping
The following steps describe adding a Scooping Process to a Job.
14. From the HOME screen, select [ADD] followed by [MORE], then [SCOOP], all in the Navigation
15. Provide a name for the process (ex. Scoop)
16. Input Lens Parameters to define radius to be scooped.
Table 7-33: Scoop Process – Cut and Feed Parameters and Descriptions
25. To clear all active corrections for this process tap [CLEAR ALL].
26. Tap [OK] to accept the new or modified process and return to the HOME screen. Save the
changes to the job by tapping [SAVE JOB].
Tap [Probe] to begin automated probing routine to determine dressing stick reception height. NOTE:
Always use caution when probing dressing stick, collision issues my occur.
1. See Section 7.6.1 for loading an existing job and Section 7.6.3 for modifying an existing job or
creating a new one.
2. After loading an existing job it is advised to re-probe tool lengths and part reception height
before processing. Once they have been setup and checked by a qualified operator, the job is
ready to run.
3. Once a job has been created or loaded and the tools and parts have been probed, tap the
checkbox of the processes to be executed.
4. Tap [RUN] in the Function Bar.
5. The screen will switch to Automatic Mode and the process will start by pressing the CYCLE
START button on the Jog Panel (Figure 5-6). See Section 7.4 for more information regarding
Automatic Mode.
In Emergencies: Press the E-STOP button on the Jog Panel (Figure 5-9) in any situation in which the
operator feels it is warranted to immediately halt axis motion. See Section 6.3 for more information
regarding E-Stop.
7.7 Settings
The settings pages store machine specific configuration information. Access to the settings is password
protected; the password is provided to a supervisor during training.
The machine tramming procedure is executed from Page 1 of the Settings by tapping [TRAM]. See
Section 10.1 for more information regarding tramming.
The relative flow is indicated by the number of green LEDs lit. When the coolant flow is below the
displayable range the 1st LED will flash green. The last LED flashes green for a flow above the readable
For example: If you see a low air pressure error message, it may be because your air compressor was
shut off at some point causing the machine to fault out. If your compressor has already been turned
back on, the only step needed to clear the error is to hit the RESET button. If the software has been
closed, the axes are no longer referenced. This will cause an error message to appear. Press the RESET
button, turn the SERVOS on, then ZERO and then CYCLE START. This will reference the axes and your
machine will be ready for production.
9 Machine Maintenance
Proper maintenance of the machine is very important for maintaining performance, longevity, and
safety. Observe all safety guidelines in Section 4. Only qualified technicians should perform inspection,
maintenance, and repair of pneumatic, electrical, and mechanical systems. For a list of spare parts and
part numbers see Section 10.3.
4. Remove the rubber liner by gripping its sides and pulling straight up. Replace with the spare
liner that was supplied with the machine. Be sure to follow your company’s policies for
disposing of centrifuge wastes.
5. Bolt the top back on the catch basin, making sure to line up the dowel pin.
6. Put the lid back on the centrifuge, making sure that the safety switch is in the correct
orientation, and tighten the 4 wing nuts.
OptiPro Systems recommends that machine enclosure windows made of polycarbonate be replaced
every three (3) years with Makrolon AR2 brand polycarbonate 6mm thick. A longer term upgrade option
is to replace existing polycarbonate panels with laminated glass complying with ISO 23125-B1 standard.
1. Unbolt the left, right, and top brackets from the inside face of the window panel. Unbolt the
outer two screws first (the screws in the slots). When removing the third (middle) screw, be
sure to hold the bracket so it doesn’t drop when the screw is clear.
2. While removing the bottom bracket, make sure the window does not fall out of its frame. Most
windows will be held in with silicone. Firmly apply pressure to the window from the outside to
push it out of its frame from the outside to unstick it from the silicone bead. Hold the inside as
shown to stop the window from falling out when it comes unstuck.
Silicone Bead
Polycarbonate Window
3. Place the new piece of glass or polycarbonate into the window frame. Holding the window in
place, reinstall the bottom bracket. Install the screws in the middle (unslotted) holes first and
then add screws to the slotted holes. Make sure all screws are tightened down. Warning: Over
tightening of bracket screws may cause windows to crack. Use care when tightening screws.
Install the other three window brackets in the same method.
Before starting the procedure to remove the window in the front of the machine, make sure
there is space enough to place the door once it is removed.
1. Remove the two clips on the bottom of the door holding the door to the rail (shown) with an
Allen wrench.
Inside of front
door of machine
Inside front face
of machine
Rail Clips
Table cover
2. Remove the plate on the left inside face of the machine with the rubber window wiper attached.
3. (Two-person lift) Slide the door all the way open (completely to the left facing the machine).
Using two people, lift the handle of the machine and the lower left simultaneously up and
Support Here
Support Here
4. Follow the directions for removing the windows from the side doors to remove the window
from the front doors. If the silicone bead in the machine comes out with the window, remove
the remaining silicone with a plastic putty knife from the metal window frame. Place another
bead of silicone along the inside of the window frame before installing the new window.
Window Brackets
5. (Two-person lift) Lift the window back into the lower channel in reverse of step 3, ensuring that
the bearings on the top inside face of the door are seated correctly in the rail, and replace the
two brackets removed in step 3.
Figure 9-2: Tool Holder taper (1) and stop (2) must be clean. Figure 9-3: Spindle taper (1) and stop (2) must be clean.
Use clean soft cloths when cleaning the Tool Spindle and Tool Holder. Never use abrasive instruments
such as wire tool, metal scrapers, emery cloth, acids, or other aggressive media to clean. Do not direct
jets of compressed air into the spindle shaft when the tool-holder is absent.
1. Lightly spray MetaFlux in the grooves between the fingers of the drawbar on the tool spindle (Figure
2. After applying the MetaFlux, perform a number of tool changes with an HSK tool holder. This will
help distribute it evenly.
3. Remove the HSK tool holder, and wipe away any visible lumps of grease with a clean dry cloth.
10 Appendices
10.1 Tram Procedure
When running any automated tram programs, be sure to:
Alignment should be checked bi-annually, or if there was a crash. Your machine was supplied with a
tram kit that includes all the necessary items to perform a tram operation.
The tram screens will actively set the fixture offsets (G54 for single grinding spindle, G54 & G55 for twin
grinding spindles), and update probe locations in the settings page.
A single spindle grinding machine can be configured as a LEFT or RIGHT spindle. Because of this, it is
recommended that you press the SET LEFT and SET RIGHT buttons whenever possible during the tram
procedure. This will ensure that the proper values are being used for your machine configuration.
Before starting the tram procedure, make sure that your work holding chuck does not have excessive run
out. If it does, loosen the bolts, tap it in, and retighten the bolts.
3. Spin the C-axis and check the indicator. The run out of the chuck should be between 0-2µm. If
the run out is greater than 2 µm then the chuck needs to be adjusted.
1. Slightly loosen the four M8 bolts holding the chuck to the table.
2. Spin the C-axis and stop on the greatest value on the indicator.
3. Gently tap the hydraulic chuck, using a small rubber mallet or brass bar, to decrease the
reading on the indicator by about half.
4. Slightly tighten the four mounting bolts without moving the chuck.
5. Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 until the indicator reads between 0-2 µm.
6. Make sure all bolts are tightened completely and the chuck is still within the 2 µm.
The SET UP screens are password protected. The password is provided to a supervisor during training.
After the password has been accepted, the screen should be active. At the bottom of the screen you
should see TRAM. Tap [TRAM] or the F4 key to start the tram procedure.
spindle. The X and Y axes are jogged around until the indicator reads the same number as it is swept
around the pin. This operation is performed for each tool spindle as equipped.
To execute this operation, follow the instructions on the screen (see Figure 2). You should move to the
previously found B zero and spindles aligned position by tapping [MOVE LEFT] or [MOVE RIGHT] for each
tool spindle accordingly. This is an important step that will ensure you are using the correct B-axis zero
position for each tool spindle that was found in the previous tram page.
Figure 10-3: Tram - Spindles Aligned screen to make the tool and work spindle centerlines coaxial
The Y-axis should be moved as far forward as possible so that the tool spindle does not collide with the
tram ball in the work piece spindle.
You will have to move the Z-axis down to locate the center of B. Depending on your machine
configuration, this may cause a collision issue with the Tool Probe located behind the work piece spindle.
Proceed with caution, and remove the probe tip or probe assembly as necessary. To remove the probe tip
or probe assembly, use the spanner wrenches provided in your tram kit.
The instructions on the screen will guide you through performing this task (see Figure 3). Utilize the
[MOVE] command to go to the last known center of B position. This should get you close to the proper
location. Make sure that you mount the magnetic base indicator to a stable place on the B-axis that will
allow it to move freely with the B-axis. Once set up, rotate the B-axis in both directions and record the
values on the indicator. If the values are different from left to right then an adjustment in the X-axis is
required. If the values on the sides are equal but different from the value on top of the ball, then an
adjustment in the Z-axis is required. Mastering this technique takes practice, and can be time consuming
if you are unfamiliar with it.
Figure 10-4: Tram - Center of B. This page walks the user through locating the center of the B-axis to the center of a tool ball
The tram kit is supplied with a 0.127mm (0.005”) thick metal feeler gage and 25.4mm (2”) precision gage
block that should be used for touching off the HSK tool Pin (also in the tram kit) on the tram ball and the
Schunk face. If the gages are missing, you can use any known thickness shim you want. When using the
gages it is recommended that you use 10 micron or less incremental jog steps when close to touching off.
For a single spindle machine it is recommended to set both the set left and set right conditions in this
Do not forget to tap [SET OFFSET] before continuing to the next screen.
Figure 10-5: Tram - Pinch Test screen. This screen establishes the heights between the tool and the work piece in relation to
the center of B
This will have to be performed for each grinding spindle that the machine is equipped with. For a single
grinding spindle application it is advised to run both [ALIGN L] and [ALIGN R] to make sure the values are
input in the proper location for your machines configuration.
Figure 10-6: Tool Probe Screen. This screen will automatically find the alignment of the tool probe
If the old B-axis number is not correct, you can place the magnetic base indicator on the C-axis (in
Position Mode), and run it up and down in the Z-axis direction on the side of the body of the probe to
adjust the B-axis angle until the indicator dial does not move.
Figure 10-7: Tram - Lens Probe screen. This screen will find the alignment of the lens probe
10.1.9 Validation
After the Lens Probe operation is complete, tap [OK]. This will bring you back to the main SETTING page.
Tap [VALIDATE] to accept the new tram values. From here you can tap [HOME] to return to the
previously loaded job, and use your OptiPro grinding machine normally.
Warning: Always set the Feed Rate Override knob on the control panel to 0% before pressing the CYCLE
START button for a manual command!
Warning: Feed Rate Override knob does not control spindle speeds!
M Code Description
0 Feedhold Program STOP
1 Feedhold Conditional Program STOP
3 Work Spindle(S2) clockwise rotation; Left Tool Spindle(S1) clockwise rotation
4 Work Spindle(S2) counterclockwise rotation; Right Tool Spindle(S1) clockwise rotation
5 Stop spindle rotation (M5.S1, M5.S2)
6 Perform Tool Change (T5M6, T1-8)
7 Turn on Thru the Tool Spindle Coolant
8 Turn on coolant
9 Turn off coolant
10 C-Axis Break On
11 C-Axis Break Off
12 Initiate lube cycle
15 C-Axis Position Mode Disable, Work Spindle Mode Enabled
16 C-Axis Position Mode Enable
18 Perform reset for C-Axis Position Control
20 C-Axis Vacuum Enable
21 C-Axis Vacuum Disable
26 C-Axis Vacuum Monitoring Enable
27 C-Axis Vacuum Monitoring Disable
29 End of Spindle/Axis Switch Command
30 End program, Stop Spindles
31 Reference Program Complete
35 Enable Tool RFID Cycle
36 Trip Tool RFID Cycle
38 Orient Tool Spindle Disable
39 Orient Tool Spindle Enable
50 Laser Probe Enable
51 Laser Probe Disable
54 CTS Flow Monitoring Enable