Gambling: April 2013
Gambling: April 2013
Gambling: April 2013
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Gambling addiction can have a profoundly negative impact on individuals, families, and
communities. Gambling is an activity that involves any betting or wagering, for self or others,
whether for money or not, no matter how slight or insignificant, where the outcome is
uncertain or depends on chance or skill (Gamblers Anonymous, 2000; McCormick & Cohen,
2007). The DSM 5 reclassified pathological gambling from an impulse control disorder to a
behavioural addiction (APA, 2012). The rationale for this change is that the research,
especially on the brain’s reward pathways, has revealed many similarities between
pathological gambling and substance-use disorders. Both involve cravings and highs; have
genetic factors; and the same forms of treatment (APA, 2012).
A person must have four of the nine behaviours listed below over a 12-month period to be
diagnosed with a gambling disorder in the DSM V (APA, 2012). A change from the DSM IV TR is
that illegal acts are no longer listed as a sign of pathological gambling because this criteria did little
to help form a diagnosis (APA, 2012). People who do not meet the criteria of four behaviours may
still have serious problems requiring early intervention.
Excerpted from: You bet your life, CBC News: The Fifth Estate. Retrieved, April
2013; Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission's 2011- 2012 Annual Report and BC Partnership for Responsible Gambling.
(2007) Internet gambling
Screening tools may be helpful in determining the presence of a gambling issue. The
following is an overview of the screening tools available (Centre for Addiction and Mental
Health, 2012).
South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS): The SOGS, which was developed in the US,
is a 20-item questionnaire used to screen for pathological gambling in clinical settings.
This instrument was developed many years ago based on an inpatient population of
males in a Virginia hospital and limitations in the instrument have been identified.
South Oaks Gambling Screen – Revised Version (SOGS – RA): The SOGS-RA is a
revised version of the SOGS that was developed in order to measure pathological
gambling among adolescents.
CAMH Gambling Screen: This tool, developed at the Centre for Addiction and Mental
Health (CAMH), is intended as a short screen to quickly identify people who might
have a problem, but who are currently not seeking treatment for problem
gambling. The screen could be used by anyone who wants to investigate gambling as
a possible issue without completing a longer questionnaire. Clients can use the CAMH
Gambling Screen as a self-assessment tool, or can use it as part of a screening
The original 31-item tool, which measures gambling involvement, problem gambling
behavior and adverse consequences, was developed to measure the prevalence of
gambling and problem gambling in the general population. Research is currently being
done to test its use with a treatment population.
Utilizing gambling screening tools will provide information to guide decisions about whether
the individual is, in the most severe case, a pathological gambler or if the individual is, in the
least severe instance, a recreational gambler. The following table illustrates an example of the
difference between an individual who struggles with a pathological gambling addiction
(pathological gambler) and an individual who does not (recreational gambler).
Adapted from Fong, T. W., Reid, R. C. & Parhami, I. (2012). Behavioral addictions: Where to draw the lines? Psychiatric Clinics of
North America, 35, 279-96.
Levels of Gambling
Shaffer, Hall, and Vander Bilt (1997, 1999) describe gambling-related behavior as existing on
a continuum from abstinence, to severe problems, to pathological gambling (cited in Alberta
Health Services, 2009). As a result, three levels of gambling were proposed on this
continuum, including level one, level two, and level three. The first level describes no
gambling at all or recreational gambling, as discussed above. People in the first level on the
gambling continuum, gamble for social and recreational purposes, do not typically exceed
self-imposed monetary limits, and experience little or no financial, psychological or
interpersonal damage (Alberta Health Services).
The second level describes problem gambling and requires some indicators of a gambling
problem or sub-clinical levels that can cause issues but do not meet the full diagnostic criteria
for pathological gambling (Alberta Health Services). Problem gambling is defined as an
The third level describes a significant behavioural addiction to gambling and occupies the end
of the continuum. Compulsive gambling is characterized by a continuous or periodic loss of
control over gambling activity; a preoccupation with gambling and with obtaining money with
which to gamble; irrational thinking; and a continuation of the behavior despite negative
consequences (Arizona Council on Compulsive Gambling).
Adapted from Emshoff, J., Perkins, A., Zimmerman, L., Moos, A., Zorland, J. (2007). Pathological gambling
treatment literature review (2 ed.). Georgia State University.
Pathophysiology of Gambling
Abnormalities in serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, glutamate, and endorphins have been
found in individuals with pathological gambling issues (Pallanti, Rossi, & Hollander, 2006;
Ibanez, Blanco, Perez de Castro et al., 2003; Fong & Reid, 2012). Research shows evidence
of decreased activity or availability of serotonin which contributes to decreased feelings of
well-being and happiness within the pathological gambler. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of
norepinephrine were determined to be higher in pathological gamblers (Roy, Adinoff,
Roehrich, et al., 1988). Norepinephrine function is associated with arousal and sensation
seeking (Gould & Sanders, 2008). As a stress hormone, norepinephrine affects the amygdale
in the brain which is responsible for responses of heightened attention. Norepinephrine, in
tandem with epinephrine, modulates the fight or flight response which when activated,
increases heart rate, releases glucose as available energy from storage, increases oxygen-
rich blood available to skeletal muscle and the brain, and can also suppress
neuroinflammation within the body.
Suicide risk is a very serious consequence for individuals who are challenged by a
pathological gambling addiction. Battersby, Tolchard, Scurrah et al. (2006) found that 81% of
pathological gamblers in treatment displayed some suicidal ideation, and 30% stated that they
had one or more suicide attempts in the preceeding 12 months. Several studies have found
that the risk for suicide attempts or ideations is notably higher in those who suffer from
gambling addiction compared with those of other disorders (Blaszczynski, & Farrell, 1998;
Zangeneh, 2005; Ledgerwood & Petry, 2004; Petry & Kiluk, 2002). Thus, it is important for
health care professionals to be vigilant in assessing for suicidal thoughts, especially during
admission to the program and during individual relapse by conducting a suicide risk
1) An activity-monitoring schedule may be useful for a clinician and client to develop clarity
about the addictive activity.
2) Treatment goals should be realistic and abstinence may not always be possible.
Controlled or regulated behaviour may be the goal initially.
3) Behaviour based strategies may be useful to reduced prolonged gambling activity in the
initial stages.
4) CBT and especially cognitive restructuring is useful to modify the core beliefs about
5) Psychoeducation is a useful adjunct to CBT.
6) Motivational Interviewing is a useful adjunct to CBT.
Like all addictions, gambling is rooted in neurobiological brain structures that are especially
susceptible to adverse events in early development. Personal strengths and resilience can
counter balance these vulnerabilities. The mid-1990s were the beginning of a remarkable
expansion of gambling availability in Alberta and may have added had a negative weight to
this scale for many people. On the other side of the balance, effective treatment for behavioral
addictions are emerging and treatment outcomes for these conditions appear to be similar to
those with other addictive disorders (Fong & Reid, 2012). Recovery based services offer hope
of living a meaningful and satisfactory life, building on strengths, and developing resilience.
Set a Limit Alberta: A resource to facilitate learning with understanding gambling and its process
that facilitates educated decision-making in relation to gambling behavior on an individual level.
Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission: A Government of Alberta agency responsible for
administering the Gaming and Liquor Act regulation, ensuring the gaming and liquor activities in
Alberta are conducted honestly, openly and with integrity, and maximizing the economic benefits of
gaming and liquor activities in Alberta This is an online community supported by the Centre for Addiction and
Mental Health (CAMH) that provides information about pathological gambling to sufferers, others
and health care professionals.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Journal of Gambling Issues: This is an online forum
that illustrates developments in research, policy and treatment related to gambling and its
associated behaviors through peer-reviewed journal articles.
International Centre for Youth Gambling and High-Risk Behaviors: Members of the Centre
conduct research projects that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the area of youth
gambling and concurrent disorders. In addition, the Centre is involved in training, treatment,
prevention, and policy development related to youth gambling.
The Alberta Gambling Research Institute: Is a consortium of the University of Alberta, the
University of Calgary, and the University of Lethbridge (Alberta Gambling Research Institute, 2013)
that is funded by the Government of Alberta. Its primary purpose is to support and promote
research into gambling in the province (Alberta Gambling Research Institute).
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