Reflective Writing
Anita Virani
Post RN Year 3
2 Reflective Writing
On 19th May 2011, I had a clinical rotation in Medicine Unit. I was assigned on a
55 year old male patient with the diagnosis of Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Patient was
currently admitted with hyperglycemia, high blood pressure, febrile episodes and
Shortness of Breath. Patient was on 2 liters oxygen by nasal prongs. IV insulin infusion
was at 8 units per hour was in progress. While doing physical assessment of the patient, i
observed that patient was drowsy, lethargic and diaphoretic. Glasgow coma Scale was
6/15. Vital signs were recheck which was 90/60 mm Hg. Upon checking stat reflo of the
patient, the reading appeared to be 30 mg /dl .I immediately hold the Insulin Infusion.
25% dextrose IV push of 100ml was administered as per physicians order. Normal Saline
Boluses was also initiated. On inquiring, it was found that previous staff did not check
hypoglycemia including seizures, cerebral injury, dementia etc. were revolving in all over
my mind.
This incident occurred due to multiple reasons. Firstly, staff was unaware about the
insulin infusion protocols. She did not give importance to check reflo according to the
protocol. Lack of knowledge regarding insulin infusion protocol was missing. Secondly
staff did not observe initial sign and symptoms of hypoglycemia which were confusion,
delirium, altered mental status, and decreased blood pressure etc. Thirdly, the role of
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trained to every staff and its monitoring should be checked on ongoing basis by Incharge
Nurse, Team Leader or Management. Insulin infusion protocol suggests checking reflo
on hourly basis. After checking reflo, infusion is tapered off or increased as per
requirement given in protocol. Apart from that, disease process and its pathophysiology
should be discussed in ward session to aware staff regarding early signs and symptoms of
disease so that they make take initiative in preventing patient from fatal events.
The classic signs of hypoglycemia alarms early intervention which can reduce the
much insulin can lead to loss of consciousness and coma. Severe hypoglycemia is a
medical emergency that may result in seizures and permanent damage to the nervous
system if not treated. Unconsciousness due to hypoglycemia can occur within 20 minutes
to an hour after early symptoms and is not usually preceded by other illness or symptoms.
Twitching or convulsions may occur as well. Early signs if hypoglycemia includes paler
depression, and cardiac arrhythmias which can be fatal as well. Additionally, the role of
team leader should be highlighted in ward. Team leader should perform on going round
to identify various mishaps and should take prompt action in any misconduct. Team
leader is the one who has the responsibility and hold over all staff
this incident .This incident is a learning point for other staff and health care team
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members to closely monitor patients with Insulin Infusion. My classmate also appreciated