Cyclotron Bunker Shield
Cyclotron Bunker Shield
Cyclotron Bunker Shield
6332 Med. Phys. 37 „12…, December 2010 0094-2405/2010/37„12…/6332/6/$30.00 © 2010 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 6332
6333 A. Facure and W. F. França: Optimal shielding design for bunkers of compact cyclotrons 6333
TABLE I. Most used positron emitters and reactions employed for their pro-
duction 共Ref. 1兲.
TABLE II. Neutron source term used in the simulations. Neutron doses and neutron average energies at 1 m from
the target and at the vault door were simulated in order to
Neutron energy Neutron fluence
共MeV兲 共n/s兲 study the impact of the bunker design in the neutron energy
distributions. Tenth value layers 共TVLs兲 were assessed for
0–1 1.1⫻ 1011 the neutron source term employed for ordinary concrete and
1–2 1.0⫻ 1011 5% borated polyethylene. The tenth value distance 共TVD兲
2–3 5.9⫻ 1010
was also evaluated. This parameter gives the distance inside
3–4 2.9⫻ 1010
the maze that neutrons should cross, from the inner maze
4–5 1.4⫻ 1010
5–6 6.4⫻ 109
entrance up to the door, in order to reduce the doses to one-
6–7 2.9⫻ 109 tenth of its original value.
7–8 1.2⫻ 109 The position of cyclotron body and target play a role in
8–9 5.1⫻ 108 the neutron dose rates at the entrance, since the cyclotron
9–10 2.1⫻ 108 magnet itself can potentially act as a partial shield. In order
⬎10 1.1⫻ 108 to study this effect, the isotropic neutron source 共target兲 was
positioned behind an iron cylindrical structure, with 2.0 m
diameter and 0.50 m height. The neutron dose rates in a
simple maze vault configuration entrance were simulated,
cm in the X direction was opted. The height of the vaults was with and without the iron cylinder. The number of histories
set to 360 cm. Vault walls are 200 cm thick, except for the used 共NPS兲 in all cases was 7.5⫻ 108, which assures statis-
maze, which were set to 150 cm. Similarly, all the maze tical errors associated with the results to be less than 2%.
corridors and room entrances are 150 cm in width. In order to verify the validity of the results, a comparison
The effect of lining some bunkers walls with sheets of 5% was performed between MCNP simulations and measurements
borated polyethylene or used at the inner maze entrance for in a direct-shielded door vault that had neutron and photon
vaults shown in Figs. 1共b兲 and 1共c兲 was studied. The compo- area monitors inside the vault. The neutron detector used in
sition of this shielding material is described in Table III. the measurements was a 3He Ludlum detector model 42–30
The well-known variance reduction technique point detec- H and the photon ion chamber was the model 3–0070 from
tor 共F5 tally兲 belongs to the group of partially deterministic Rotem Industries. The location of point detectors in the
variance reduction methods implemented in MCNP5. For each simulation matches the real position of the detectors.
source particle and collision event, a deterministic estimation The comparison of the neutron and photon measurements
of the fluence contribution is made at the point detector. For with the simulation results was performed by selecting three
this work, the F5 tally was used in order to provide the different cyclotron runs, under the same conditions, for an
neutron fluxes at point detectors in 共X, Y, Z兲 coordinates. The average current of 30 A.
DE and DF cards allow modeling an energy-dependent dose All the studied vaults were simulated without doors and
function that is a continuous function of energy from a table the point neutron detectors were located at 30 cm outside.
whose data points need not coincide with the tally energy bin The exception was the condition where experimental mea-
structure.11 Here, the DF and DE tally cards have been used surements are compared to simulation results. In this particu-
to convert the flux from units of neutrons/ cm2 to ambient lar case, aiming to reproduce the same condition of the mea-
dose equivalents 共pSv cm2兲, with the flux-to-dose conversion surements, the Monte Carlo simulations were conducted
factors obtained from ICRP Publication 74.13 considering the bunker as being completely closed.
TABLE III. Chemical composition of shielding materials considered in the III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
simulations 共relative weight contribution兲 共Ref. 14兲.
Figure 2 shows the transmission curve for the ordinary
5% borated polyethylene Conventional concrete concrete simulated in this work, taking into consideration an
共0.94 g / cm3兲 共2.26 g / cm3兲 a isotropic source emitting a neutron spectrum described in
Element 共%兲 共%兲 Table II. As a result, the TVL for ordinary concrete barriers
H 11.60 0.92 is 33 cm. For the 5% borated polyethylene used in the simu-
C 61.20 — lations, a TVL of 13 cm was noted.
Na — 1.71 In Fig. 3, results of the TVD inside a maze of the cyclo-
O 22.20 49.83 tron vault are shown. According to the simulations, a value
B 5.00 of 430 cm can be considered as a reasonable parameter to be
K — 1.92 used in shielding calculations for a simple maze, such as the
Al — 4.56 one depicted in Fig. 1共b兲.
Si — 31.58
The neutron spectrum at 1 m from the source, inside the
Ca — 8.26
standard vault shown in Fig. 1共a兲, is represented in Fig. 4. It
Fe — 1.22
is clear that a low-energy component is present; this is due to
Data from Ref. 14. neutron scattering in the walls.
FIG. 2. Percent transmission versus thickness of ordinary concrete for the FIG. 4. Neutron spectra at 1 m from the source, inside a standard cyclotron
neutron source term studied in this work. bunker.
TABLE IV. Neutron and photon ambient dose equivalents rates and average neutron energies at the entrance of the vaults studied in this work for 1 A of
integrated proton current hitting the 18O target.
Neutron ambient dose equivalent Neutron average energy Photon ambient dose equivalent
Vault configuration 共Sv h−1兲 共keV兲 共Sv h−1兲
were not constant as expected. Measurements showed other effects that may cause an erratic behavior, such as ra-
0.27⫾ 20%, 0.60⫾ 20%, and 2.18⫾ 20% mSv/h for 1 A diofrequency and magnetic fields.
of integrated proton current, while the obtained result from
MCNP simulations was 4.85 mSv/h. These discrepancies in
neutron measurements can be attributed to the uncertainties
and error terms associated with factors such as beam loss due
to gas stripping and collision with cyclotron internal compo- For the design of a vault that will house a cyclotron ac-
nents, nontarget reactions from foils, collimators, beam-line celerator, some factors might be considered. In many cases,
components, and the difficulties inherent to neutron detec- the direct-shielded door configuration is the preferred choice,
tion, such as low efficiency, dead time and pile up effects, but due to the door weight and size, the closing and opening
radiofrequency in unshielded detector, and magnetic field. process of the vault becomes an engineering problem and
Concerning the photon ambient dose equivalents, an av- can delay the production of radionuclides. On the other hand,
erage reading of 118.7⫾ 10% Sv h−1 was observed in the vaults designed with mazes can improve personnel access
ion chamber, taking into account the three different cyclotron and movement, but accurate shielding calculation for bun-
runs and for 1 A of integrated proton current, whereas the kers with mazes is complex; there is no deterministic ap-
result obtained from the MCNP simulations was proach for this type of situation.
91.8 Sv h−1. Possible explanations for obtaining a lower In this work, neutron and photon ambient dose equiva-
photon dose rate value in the simulations is that the photon lents at the entrance of cyclotron vaults were simulated in
detector inside the bunker is also measuring the activation order to verify the neutron energy degradation due to the
compounds produced in the cyclotron metallic body, which reflections on the walls; it was found that the addition of
is a component that was not assessed in this work, and the maze legs reduces the neutron energies at the vault entrance.
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