The Genus: Elll - ,::1 ' - ... '8
The Genus: Elll - ,::1 ' - ... '8
The Genus: Elll - ,::1 ' - ... '8
Nail to
Figure 1. Agapornis suffices.
Upright nest boxes for lovebirds are
in my experiences better than horizontal
serve as by Rainer R. Erhart
hanger Standard boxes. This is particularly true for the
nest box white eye ringed species which stuff their
with we can assume that their breeding behav- boxes so full with material that the lid of
hinged lid ior is similar to those of the Nyasa love- the horizontal box is forced open more
birds. readily than that of the vertical box.
8" Peachface lovebirds seem to be most A simple box type is easiest to con-
versatile and most adaptable to a variety struct and to maintain, however, some
of environmental conditions (perhaps this alterations are beneficial in aviaries where
is also the reason why they are such more than one pair is breeding. For
adaptable and prolific breeders in cap-
example, to preserve privacy and to re-
success of breeding parrots in tivity). Thus they may be seen nesting strict quarreling the entrance can be
captivity depends on a great number of in rock cavities, eaves or cracks of build- protected by extending the side walls
factors including diet, aviary space and ings and hollow logs. Yet most frequently (Fig. 2). This gives each pair their own
nesting facilities. Often the least amount they have been observed nesting in large little private b_alcony. Incidentally, a run-
of planning goes for the proper nest box, communal nests of weaver finches. Here ning board in front of the entrance hole is
which is a requirement for all but the several pair may occupy separate spaces very much preferred over a simple perch.
monk parrot. The mere sight of a newly within the same large weavet nest measur- Furthermore, it is best not to let the roof
introduced nest box often sets into ing two, three or more feet in diameter. protrude. Young which have just left the
motion courtship and mating behavior. A most unusual nesting site is selected nest can more easily make it back to their
Once a box has been selected this facility by the Redfaced lovebird (A. pullaria), boxes if chased by other birds by gliding
serves as the sacred quarter where all the which seeks out arboreal termite mounds. down from the roof or over nest box
intricate biological processes of egg lay- In it, it burrows tunnels leading to an en- onto the running board and into the hole.
ing, incubating and the rearing of young larged cavity. A thin layer of leaves final- I have observed this behavior many times.
take place. Many failures of rearing the ly finishes the spartan looking maternity Since my boxes are all hung up on the
young are directly attributable to a room. Ornithologists believe that the aviary wire a simple procedure of a slant-
poorly designed, poorly arranged or nests of Black-collared lovebirds (A. ed nail will keep the nest box in place.
otherwise unacceptable nest box. In this swinderniana) are also found in arboreal However, make sure that the nails are
article I will address myself to many of termite mounds but no one has ever secure enough so they won't loosen and
the questions relating to nest boxes for proven it. Of all the nine species of love- the box is in danger of dropping onto the
lovebirds (genus Agapornis). birds swinderniana leads the most secre- floor. Screw-type nonrusting nails (Ardox,
Natural History: All serious breeders tive existence in the dense tropical rain- gold) are best for this job, just as I prefer
are interested in how their aviary sub- forest of central Africa. It is the only to use these same nails in the construc-
jects behave and survive in their natural species which to our knowledge has never tion of the wooden nest boxes. There cer-
environment. Unfortunately, written been successfully kept by any aviculturist.
accounts of lovebirds living in the wild From my brief description of lovebird
are quite incomplete, and for two of the nesting facilities in the wild it is clear that
nine species we have no recorded sight- most can be provided with similar nest
ings of nests, eggs or young. A summary
of what is known follows.
boxes. Only pullaria and swinderniana
need special consideration and since these
Hollow tree trunks are the favorite arrangements are so very unique I will
nesting site for Abyssinian (A. taranta) omit further reference to these two
& Madagascar (A. canal lovebirds. species. A description of their nesting
Though they line their nest with small behavior would deserve a separate article.
pieces of leaves and sometimes bark, Nestbox Construction: I prefer a stan- Figure 2.
this lining is very thin and never produces dard size nestbox for all but the Mada-
a domed nest seen in some of the other gascar lovebird. The boards used for con-
species. Fischers' (A. fischeri) , Masked struction measure 8 inches wide for the
(A. personata) and Nyasa (A. liliana) also sides and 7 inches for front and back.
use predominately hollow trees, however, This gives an interior measurement of
their nests are intricately filled with an roughly 6~ by 616 inches (you should
abundance of nesting materials. In addi- remember that an 8 inch board has an Nest box
tion, these latter three species have also actual measurement of only 7~ inch, for Madagascar
been observed nesting in and around while a 7 inch board is only 6~ inches Lovebirds
buildings of towns and villages. The wide). I limit the height of the box to 10
Nyasa lovebird is also known to occasion- inches (see Figure 1). Using a larger box
ally utilize communal nests of weavers. is wasteful and often undesirable. Humid-
Though nothing is known about the nest- ity and temperature levels are maintained
ing sites of Blackcheeked (A. nigrigenis) better in smaller spaces, provided the box
tainly is less warping of boards with such ever seen a wild bird using the same nest
A slightly different nest box construc-
for his second clutch? Most certainly,
it would be much to risky and losses too HERBST and CROWN
tion may be of benefit with the Madagas-
car lovebird. First the interior measure-
ments should be smaller; more on the
high. Yet we do it all the time, some-
times not even bothering to completely
clean and sterilize the boxes.
order of 5 inches x 5 inches. Secondly, You probably have observed that Breeding· Flight· Decorative
because Madagascar have very thin- most starlings, woodpeckers, and parrots
shelled eggs the approach to the nesting
cavity should not be direct. Hence a
in the wild use the same hollow tree
trunk year after year. So what's wrong LUSTAR and PLANIT
slanted box gives the best results (Figure
Materials Used: Now that we have an
with reusing the same nest boxes in our
aviaries. Well, if we would work as
efficiently as nature it probably would be
(picture brochures of above available)
idea of dimension, let us talk about what alright but often nature provides much
to use in the construction of nest boxes. better biological cleaning processes. Be-
Proper materials are extremely important sides what works in nature may not * * Something New **
for good breeding results. They should necessarily work with your inbred birds, P. SLUIS PRODUCTS
breathe, be j non-toxic, not Itoo soft, well or birds which have not built up the same
insulating and easily washable. Consider- resistency to various bacteria. I therefore Canary Fortifier
ing all these requirements·it leaves you suggest that nest boxes be removed and Budgerigar Fortffier
only with a choice of solid, untreated thoroughly cleansed after at least every Universal Food
wood. (Don't use redwood or cedar; these second clutch. Insectivorous Food
types of woods are too soft, too splintery Cleaning a nest box is not totally Cardboard Bird Carriers
and perhaps even slightly toxic). I use 1 accomplished by dumping all the old
inch thick pine; it is inexpensive and nesting materials, scraping off the excre-
comes in a great variety of dimensions. ment from all surfaces and then running KELLOGG'S
One of the least desirable boards to hot water over the entire box. That's only
use is plywood. Other poor materials are the beginning. After the nest box seems
press board, particle board and a whole really clean, you should soak it in anti- KELLOGG'S CANARY, FINCH
line of plastic fibers. Most lovebirds keep bacterial, anti-fungal and possibly anti- AND PARAKEET MIXES
their nest boxes quite moist. Once mois- viral agents used in hospitals and. in quar- LYRIC HEALTH GRIT
ture gets into the layers of plywood or antine stations. I use Nolvoasan, but if
for all birds
begins to act with the glues and other you are in doubt on any product consult
chemicals, the boards begin to split or with your veterinarian. COCKATIEL and PARROT MIXES
warp. Furthermore the moisture filled After I have thoroughly washed and
cracks will harbor undesirable fungi, bac- disinfected the boxes I place them into
teria, fleas and lice. Even a good cleaning direct sunlight for a few days, then store Anise, Charcoal, Flax, Hemp, Let-
tuce, Poppy, Peppers, Safflower,
job will not rid the box of such unhy- them for use during the next breeding CANARY (Domestic and Moroc-
gienic conditions. In fact, laboratory re- season. If I have to use a box without can), Teazle, Niger, Milo, Sesame,
ports of dead young lovebirds and even proper sun or storage, I will stick it into Kelp, Gelatin, Peanuts, Ground
dead in the shell have often traced the the baking oven at about 300 0 . Your wife Cuttlebone, Peas, Peanut Hearts
cause of death ot a variety of lethal may not like it, but neither do all those and Runners, Unhulled Rice, Pump-
fungi associated with man-made boards. bacteria. kin, Japanese Millet. Water Grass
So why take a chance; it's much more Miscellaneous Considerations: Many seed.
reassuring to have a solid wooden box, breeders use wire ladd~rs for all nestboxes.
which is more easily cleaned, breaths I prefer to use them only for cana and
better and hence produces a tempera- taranta. The ladders are a definite nui- TRILL BRAND Mineral Blocks
ture and humidity environment more sance in those boxes filled with nesting (by C&W)
similar to the inside of a tree trunk. materials, because it is next to impos- NUTRO'S CAGE & AVIARY
Chemical Hygiene: Over the years sible to clean underneath them. SPRAY
many articles have appeared recommend- Nest boxes are often supplied with a
ing one or the other powders or sprays to number of holes near the top. This is to PLASTIC CANARY EGGS
assure hygienic conditions quring the assure better air circulation and hence (made in USA by LUSTAR)
breeding season. Since this subject is very prevent a build.up of heat. This is espec- Many other items.
controversial and since there are so many ially important for our southern states
products on the market I hesitate to where temperatures even in spring and
Send STAMPED 24c business size
make any recommendations. I find that fall may climb into the eighties or nine- envelope for AUGUST 1977 price list.
most products specifically designed for ties. During the heat of the summer,
aviaries are too weak to do any good however, even a number of holes may not
(chemists trained in pesticides agree) yet prevent the box from overheating. NORSHORE
other chemicals for use on farms and in Finally, there is the important sub-
chicken coops are definitely too danger- ject of the proper selection of nesting PETS
ous to use in nest boxes. Therefore, I materials which lovebirds carry into their P.O. Box 271, Marengo, IL 60152
try to stay away from pesticides as much boxes. This topic has had its share of con- Phone: 815 - 568 - 6732
as I can. troversy and I propose that a separate Hours: Monday thru Friday 8 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Reusing Old Nest Boxes: Have you article be devoted to it in a future issue.