The Ruler, Protector, and Father of All Gods and Humans
The Ruler, Protector, and Father of All Gods and Humans
The Ruler, Protector, and Father of All Gods and Humans
Leda was a daughter of Thestios, the King of Pleuron. Leda was married to
King Tyndareus of Sparta. Leda was a beautiful woman, and her beauty
attracted the attention of Zeus, the ruler, protector, and father of all gods and
humans who spied her from his throne on Mount Olympus. The beauty of
Leda roused Zeus to action, and the god transformed himself into a
prey, Zeus lay down next to Leda, and impregnated her. Leda would
subsequently produce one or two eggs, from which four offspring were born;
the children being Helen of Troy, the most beautiful of all mortals;
poemOzymandias; Castor and Pollux, the twins who lead Spartan army
eternal as constellation Gemini. A lesser known version of the myth sees the eggs being
laid by the goddess Nemesis, after a relationship with Zeus, and the Spartan Queen simply
The fame of the four children would far outstrip that of their mother.