Ijtee20110302087093 PDF
Ijtee20110302087093 PDF
Ijtee20110302087093 PDF
In this investigation; analysis and design of an automobile air conditioner was made by utilizing the available diesel
engine exhaust waste energy to provide the required heat for the generator. Because automotive air conditioning is one
of the most equipment that heavily uses CFC compounds, and the leakage of CFCs from such air conditioners affect the
environment, the absorption cycle was found to be an ideal option. Cooling load for the automobile has been estimated
and found to be within acceptable ranges which are about 1.37 TR. The reported results show that the COP values
directly proportional with increasing generator and evaporator temperatures. Measured COP values of the proposed
model varied between 0.85 and 1.04.
The generator was designed and fabricated for optimal performance and could be rapidly transfer to the industrial
applications, The system was found to be applicable and ready to produce the required conditioning effect without any
additional load to the engine The proposed system decreases vehicle operating costs and environmental pollution caused
by the heating system as well as causing a lower global warming. Simple experiments were carried out to examine the
performance of the generator heat shown the benefit of exhaust gases as an alternative heating source.
Keywords: Generator ; Absorber ; COP; Waste Energy; Cooling Load; Aqua- ammonia
Corresponding author. Tel.: +96232250326
Fax: +9623 2250002; E-mail: kqdah@ttu.edu.jo
© 2010 International Association for Sharing Knowledge and Sustainability
AlQdah et al. / Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering, 3 (2011) 87-93
AlQdah et al. / Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering, 3 (2011) 87-93
different vehicle loads diverge with the increasing
engine speed.
Consequently, the heat generated or energy available in 300
Exhaust Temperature
the exhaust gases variation with the engine speed
explored in figure 3. Directly proportional relation
between Qg and engine speed as a result of exhaust gas 260
temperature increasing. Therefore, absorption
refrigeration system may be able to take advantage of
the exhaust gas power availability and provide the 220
cooling capacity required for automotive air
conditioning. The heat available in the exhaust gas it is
able to evaporate the aqua-ammonia solution to 180
complete this cycle. The waste heat energy available in
800 1800 2800 3800
exhaust gas is directly proportional to the engine speed
and exhaust gas flow rates in addition the exhaust gas
flow temperature which was indicted by figure 4. RPM
Higher COP for the diesel engine using exhaust waste
energy can be achieved at the
From the previous discussion regarding the COP value, Figure 2. The effect of diesel engine speed on the exhaust
it can be seen that this COP depends mainly on the gas temperature
evaporation and regeneration energies. So, changing the
values of these two will change the COP produced.
This indicates that higher regeneration temperatures are 6.5
needed in order to allow the system to work efficiently.
From the results obtained in this work, it is clear that 6
Qg (Kw)
800 1300 1800 2300 2800 3300
Figure1. Exhaust gas flow through the heat exchanger
Qg (kW)
180 230 280 330
Exhaust Tem perature ( °C )
AlQdah et al. / Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering, 3 (2011) 87-93
fouling resistance of the tube, is given by the equation If 2(S – D) > (S – D), then
V ST (10)
1 1 dO do d 1 (5) where:
= * + * ln ( o ) +
U hi di 2k s di ho Vg =velocity of the exhaust gases through the
V∞= velocity of the exhaust gases entering the
To find (hi) inside heat transfer coefficient from Nusselt generator.
number D =outer diameter of the tube.
h D Then the following correlation will be used in the
Nu i i (6) design [20, 21] :
L pr 0.25
As the flow inside the generator is two-phase flow. The N UD C (Re) n (pr) 0.36 ( ) (11)
following equation can be used as long as liquid wets prs
the wall [17,20]: A steel tube can be used for the generator material
0.28 0.87
Di Gx because the steel does not reacted with the
Nu 0.06 1 Pr 0.4 (7) ammonia solution A schedule 40 steel tube of 1.6
Pv 1 cm inner diameter and 2.134 cm outer diameter
was used for the generator, then according to this
hi Di size:
Nu 1246.549 (8) S = 4.268 cm, S =3.201 cm, S =3.847 cm
kl T L D
AlQdah et al. / Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering, 3 (2011) 87-93
ST 0.2
C 0.35( ) 0.37073 (12) 6. Conclusion
Diesel engines can be considered as a potential energy
sources for absorption refrigeration systems, because of
Pr∞= Prandtls at fluid temperature = 0.703
the energy wasted through the exhaust gas.
Prs= Prandtls at surface temperature = 0.705 the absorption refrigeration system may be able to take
advantage of the exhaust gas power availability and
n = 0.6, C = 0.37073
provide the cooling capacity required for automotive air
Tf = 510 k So we take the properties at T = 510k conditioning.
The waste heat energy available in exhaust gas is
Pr = 0.69
directly proportional to the engine speed and exhaust
From Silva and Costa [22] , the properties for the gas flow rates. The coefficient of performance found to
exhaust gas can be found as : be between 0.85 and 1.045 which has a good
0.694kg / m 3
353 353 agreements with data reported in literature. Reducing
g the fresh air intake and sealing the automobile body can
Tg 508 result in a saving in cooling requirements such as door
g 1.348 *105 2.68 *108 Tg sealing and tinting the glass.
Feasibility study should made to decide the unit’s
g 2.74 *10 5 Ns / m 2 chances to be produced on commercial scales. Also,
applying this project practically in Jordan, because it
k g 8.459 10 3 5.7 10 5 Tg has many advantages from the pollution and economic
point of view.
k g 0.037915 W / mk
Vg= 14 m/sec
Re 7567.13
Nu= 69.88
ho 124 W / m3 k
Substituting values in U
ksteel= 42 w/m2k [ 16 ]
Figure 6. Schematic diagram for fluid flow in the
U= 122.139 W/m2k proposed generator
Qg= 4.6 kW
So the Area required As= 0.196 m2 and L=2.932 m
AlQdah et al. / Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering, 3 (2011) 87-93
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