OPUS Report Final
OPUS Report Final
OPUS Report Final
Volume I
0. Introductory remarks:
OPUS–Background of the project ……………… 1
3.1. Science, technology and the media in six countries ………… 118
Ulrike Felt
The pervasiveness of science and technology‘s influence in every aspect of modern life
implies a real necessity for citizens to understand and appreciate the contributions, but
also the limits, of what research and technological development can/should provide for
human society and the natural environment. While these issues have for a long time
been confined to the nation states and were — according to the cultural, social, political
and economic context — handled in very different ways, they have definitely become a
common European concern. Solutions to societal questions closely linked to scientific
and technological development — e.g. biotechnology and food, health, communication,
environmental issues, technology and labour market, economic development — can
not be addressed anymore only on the national level, but have to be considered as a
European challenge with the aim of finding suitable common policies. 1 This means that
on the one hand public awareness of the European dimension of scientific and
technological development has to be addressed taking into account the diversity of the
European regional and national contexts. On the other hand, questions of public
awareness of science and technology cannot be ”answered” anymore after scientific
and technological developments have taken place, but they have to become integral
part of a European and national science policy. Combining these two approaches
would allow an increased public involvement in the process of agenda setting 2 , TP PT
TP See Amsterdam treaty; CEC (1997): European Union Consolidated Treaties (incorporating the Treaty of
Amsterdam, signed 2/10/97 and entered into force on 1.5.1999) (Luxemburg); Action Plan Science and
TP For the policy questions see: J. SEARGEANT and J. STEELE (1998): Consulting the Public: Guidelines and
Good Practice, (Policy Studies Institute, London); L. ROSENBERG et.al., (1998): Scientific Opportunities and
Public Needs: Improving Priority Setting and Public Input at the National Institutes of Health, (National
Academy Press, Washington, DC); S. JASANOFF (1996): ”Is Science Socially Constructed, and Can It Still
Inform Public Policy?” Science and Engineering Ethics, 3 (2), 263-276
TP In the recent years a number of studies have hinted to the importance of trust in the relation between
science and the public. For a broad and very interesting collection of articles, see A. IRWIN & B. WYNNE
(eds.) (1996): Misunderstanding science? The public reconstruction of science and technology.
(Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press). B. WYNNE, B. (1995): Public Understanding of Science. S.
Jasanoff Gerald E. Markle, James C. Petersen, Trevor Pinch (Eds.), Handbook of Science and Techology
Studies (Thousand Oaks/London/New Delhi: SAGE): 361-388.See also the publication of the papers
presented at a conference organized by the Social Science Research Center Berlin in cooperation with DG
XII on public understanding of science: M. DIERKES & C. VON GROTE (Eds.): Between understanding and
trust: science, technology and the public (Berkshire: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1999)
OPUS – Background of the Project 2
The barriers to communication and interaction between researchers and the diverse
publics are of high complexity, depending on a combination of social, cultural,
educational and practical factors. While increasing institutionalization and specialization
has led science and technology to develop even faster and more efficiently, and global
network building has fostered the transnational and transdisciplinary component of
science, these developments have also contributed to construct and continuously
reinforce the boundaries of the science system to the outside world. Scientific research
and technological development has become a central profession with clear conditions
of access, control over ”reproduction” being exclusively in the hands of scientists. And,
although this profession shapes our life in decisive ways, the wider public has little idea
about the kind of work that is performed and about the precise nature of scientific and
technological advances, their possibilities and constraints.
This fact seems to become a crucial problem when science moves to the public space
in the framework of controversies. While scientists have learned to actively manage
uncertainties and contingencies that are inseparably linked to the complexity of the
scientific enterprise, the public image of science as producing ”objective knowledge”
and thus eliminating uncertainties is still strongly (re)present(ed). This more naive and
politically powerful image of science is thus confronted with the fact that there often
exist different legitimate interpretations of data and different models of explanation. 4 TP PT
These tensions between being ”confronted with” but ”not really grasping their technical
possibilities and limitations” is gaining importance also in the field of technological
development in modern societies. While technologies have moved into the most
remote corners of work and every-day life and all of us have become acquainted to
using them, they have at the same time become more and more opaque. 5 We know TP PT
how to handle them, but only few people grasp their basic functioning principles. All this
taken together leads — even in the case of apparently unquestioned domains of
science and technology — to a system-inherent situation of ambiguity, which means
that public perception of science can rather unexpectedly shift from support and
admiration to refusal and fear. 6 TP PT
Despite this, recent studies by Gibbons and others have diagnosed another major
change taking place in the field of scientific and technological development with a new
phenomenon appearing, which they label ”knowledge production mode 2”. In contrary
to the classical disciplinary organized knowledge production the new way is
characterized by a large heterogeneity in the organizational structures involved, by the
temporary character of the research groups, by the transdisciplinarity of the
TP S.M. FRIEDMAN, S. DUNWOODY & C.L. ROGERS (eds.) (1999): Communicating Uncertainty – Media
TPM. BAUER (ed.) (1995): Resistance to New Technology. Nuclear Power, Information Technology and
the United Kingdom the shift in the discussion from popularisation of science and
related problems to public understanding of science as a challenge both for scientists
and science policy makers has taken place already in the first half of the 80ies. A
number of initiatives and research programmes have been undertaken covering both
more theoretically oriented perspectives but also empirical work. 9 On the contrary, in
Austria the idea of taking measures to raise public awareness of science and
technology is only a very recent preoccupation, and still shows a rather low profile with
actions taken that are neither concerted nor placed in a more general framework. Or to
mention a third example, in France the debate is much more structured around issues
of ”mise-en-culture de la science”, thus aiming at a cultural integration of scientific and
technological issues. In many ways, there is a clear lack of a broad knowledge base,
partly of theoretical reflection and surely on systematic cross-national empirical work on
the image of science that is promoted in certain key-actions. Putting actions on the
national as well as the European level in the context of a large variety of methods
TP M. GIBBONS et. al. (1994): The new production of knowledge (Thousand Oaks: Sage); NOWOTNY ET AL.
(2001): Re-thinking Science. Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainty.(Cambridge: Polity Press)
TP For a discussion of the developments in the field of science-society interactions see: FELT U. (2003):
Science, Science Studies and its Publics: Speculating on future relations, in: H. NOWOTNY; B. JOERGES:
Social Studies of Science & Technology: Looking Back, Ahead, Yearbook of the Sociology of Sciences,
TP See for example: ESRC New Opportunities Programme in the Public Understanding of Science. One of
the OPUS-network members (J. Stein) is taking part in this programme with a project called: The Changing
Mores of Science: Public Understanding and Public Accountability.
OPUS – Background of the Project 4
and know-how would surely bring an overall benefit, but would for example also
allow to address key-questions such as the gender issue in public awareness of
science and technology in a more systematic way. 10 TP PT
At the European level, the communication barriers are even higher. There seems to be
a general lack of public awareness of European-level research activities and their
impact on the economy, the quality of life, employment and environment. 11 There is TP PT
can be acquired by everybody in a direct way and does not need the mediation of an
expert. 13TP PT
TP The issue of science and technology has been widely debated both from the perspective of gender in
science and gender of science. See S. HARDING (1991): Whose Science, Whose Knowledge: thinking from
women's lives. (Milton Keynes: Open University Press); H. ROSE (1994): Love, power and knowledge
(Cambridge: Polity Press). However so far very little research has been done on gender and public
understanding of science. S. DOONAN, and F. HENWOOD (1990): Women, Science and Technology: what's
it all about?: an evaluation of a new adult education course. (London: Workers' Educational Association).
TP This has in particular been discussed in the framework of the EUROBAROMETER opinion polls:
Commission of the European Communities (1993): Europeans, Science and Technology. Public
Understanding and Attitudes. EUR 15461. Such a tool only allows for a rather restricted vision of the
attitude people have towards science, offering little hints for solutions. There are number of other
European as well as national projects which try to approach to issue of public perception/
comprehension/up-take in particular in sensitive research areas such as biotechnology.
TP See DOLBY, R. G. A. (1982): On the autonomy of pure science. The construction and maintenance of
barriers between scientific establishments and popular culture, Scientific Establishments and Hierarchies,
Sociology of the Sciences VI: 267-292.
TP See Irvine & Wynne (1996), op.cit.; NOWOTNY, H. (1993): ”Socially distributed knowledge: five spaces
for science to meet the public.”, Public Understanding of Science 2(4): 307-319.
OPUS – Background of the Project 5
relationship with science taking into account ”existing relationships, division of labour,
dependency and trust.” 15 An excessive emphasis on promotion can diminish the
credibility of the proponent and prove detrimental to public attitudes towards research,
science and technology in the long run. The same holds for excessively ”masculine” or
elitist values attributed to science and technology in the public domain, which could
alienate both men and women. Hence, it is not obvious and straightforward to develop
good ways to manage communication in a constructive fashion.
In order to be able to answer these and related questions a broader and comparative
approach between different European countries is required. We therefore propose
on the one hand to examine the underpinning theories of public awareness and public
understanding in the different national contexts, but also in the framework of the
academic debate in the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS). On the other
hand we want to seek out examples of particularly successful, practical instruments in
order to improve the process of communication between science and the public and
thus reach both more engagement from the side of the public but also increased
possibilities of participation. As the field of public communication of science and
TP U. FELT (1999): The social and cultural tayloring of scientific knowledge in the public space, in M.E.
technology is already a rather differentiated field with both practitioners of various kinds
as well as academics working on these issues, we are confronted with a high degree of
heterogeneity and diversity but partly also with ignorance of expertise and practical
experience that may be present in closely-related specialities. Hence, we propose to
use the results of the European-wide analysis and synthesis to develop practical
resources for students, professionals and policy makers that will allow sharing a
knowledge-base. This might contribute to optimising the processes of building public
awareness of science and technology.
• Compare the dynamics of the various national systems studied with regard
to promoting public awareness of S&T and sketch out their different and
possibly convergent paths of evolution. This will allow us to step back and to
learn through a more distanced look from local initiatives on a more global
Consider the gender perspectives that are embedded in these issues, as gender-
sensitivity in the interactions between science and society might turn out to have a wide
ranging impact on future developments of science and society
• define the structure and the conceptual issues (12 th to 13 th May 2000),
• a second internal workshop (“2 nd OPUS Network Meeting”) in Lisbon (12 th May
November and 1 December 2001)
Apart from these instances the team-members presented the work in progress at
international conferences such as the EASST-conference "Responsibility under
Uncertainty", July 31 - August 3, 2002 in York and at numerous other conferences as
well as at one meeting of the ENSCOT Network. Further the work was presented at
one meeting of the HLG group, who was in charge of bench-marking aspects of
science and society.
The report was written and structured in such a way that it is not explicitly addressed to
on particular restricted readership. Our audience embraces colleagues working in the
domain of social studies of science and technology or policy studies dealing with
questions of public understanding and up-take of science and technology, policy
makers as well as practitioners at science-public-interfaces. We also would like engage
OPUS – Background of the Project 8
in exchange and discussion with people working in any of the spaces or activities that
we have analysed and are dealing with questions of communicating science and
technology – i.e. policy makers – both on the national as well as the EU level, people
working in media, museums, etc. The material brought together in this report and the
reflections behind it is also meant to form an interesting background for science
journalist training courses.
Reflecting this broad variety of potential readers we imagined, the report has been
written in a way that opens many different ways to access it. It does not necessarily
need to be read in a linear way starting with the introduction. One can access through
country reports, through special spaces of communication, enter through a more
theoretical and conceptual reflection or look into the issues of transferability of
experiences as well as to the European perspective. Links between the chapters and to
information sources on the web allow the reader to wander through the text, stop and
get more details, just to continue at another point in the report.
Given the idea of this report as an open document through which each user chooses its
way according to individual interests, we decided that the different chapters should also
be readable as more or less independent units. This has the disadvantage that some
elements might reappear several times throughout the report and might sound
repetitive if all the elements are read. Even if one only reads one country in all its
perspectives, there will be overlaps caused by this policy.
As already explained on the first page, this report is the outcome of a networking
activity under "Raising Public Awareness of Science and Technology" over the last
three years. The financial support which was granted by the European Commission
allowed us to organise a start-up meeting and three workshops/conferences. The first
two workshops were meant to build a common agenda and to reflect on the
approaches we would take in detail to carry out our project.
As there was no money available to do genuine research in the domain, we could only
build on our previous research experiences and on work that had been carried out by
others. This fact explains why the chapters are neither homogeneous in structure nor
do we have comparative material for all the countries. We also had to make choices in
the sense that it would have been, for example, interesting to focus on the role of
science communication by industrial research labs, but as there is no analysis
available; this domain had to be excluded. Similarly, we did not go into the role of
OPUS – Background of the Project 9
science and technology education in the school sector, which was touched upon only
very briefly.
The more important it is to underline that our descriptions and analysis remains much
on the production side and does not look into the mechanisms of interaction and
learning which take place in the different communicational settings.
What our work showed very clearly is the lack of a systematic, qualitative reflection
within the national contexts about the directions in which this field as a whole is moving
and what this means with regards to its roots within a larger European context.
We understand this project as a first step to be taken – others could follow.
The second chapter deals more explicitly with the policies behind activities in the field
of science-society interactions. This chapter contains six reports from the countries
(Austria, Belgium, France, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom) represented in this
study as well as a header, synthesising and analysing the similarities and differences in
the national approaches. This chapter should convincingly show the multiple ways that
were chosen to address the issue of public understanding of science on a policy level,
OPUS – Background of the Project 10
the different time-lines in the national developments which hint at different histories and
political traditions but also dig out some interesting similarities between countries.
In the third chapter we enter the empirical core of this report that is entitled “Spaces
where sciences encounter their publics”. We start by developing a basic conceptual
frame which will allow us to structure the multiple settings, actors and activities that
take place in the field of science communication and raising public awareness activities
in the different countries. This conceptual frame is based on the idea that the
interaction between science, technology and publics takes place in different kinds of
settings, for which we will use the notion of “spaces”. These spaces differ
fundamentally in the driving force that makes them interact with different segments of
the public. We introduce this metaphor of spaces in order to hint at the
multidimensionality of these interaction processes, at the fact that interactions between
science and society always take place in settings which open possibilities but also have
constraints, and at the fact that the concrete arrangements need to be foreseen. Finally
the spatial metaphor also alludes to the fact that there are entry-barriers which make
the interaction with science more or less easily accessible. At the same time it is
central not to imagine any kind of homogeneity within these spaces. We have
distinguished five such spaces, namely those which
Given the limited resources and the fact that this was a network and not a research
project we hade to select a number of examples for such spaces. We selected the
• Media and their PUS activities, Science museums and Exhibitions, Science
Weeks and Festivals as examples for spaces that are explicitly oriented
towards science communication;
• universities as they are an excellent case for the space where scientific
knowledge is produced and communicated;
• Public Consultation and Foresight exercises, which partly belong to what we
call the hybrid space and partly to the policy space;
OPUS – Background of the Project 11
Each of these chapters gives an analysis of the situation in the six national contexts
and is headed by a comparison and analysis of the findings.
The fourth chapter titled "National Profiles in Public Understanding of Science and
Technology" then attempts to bring together these different elements and observations
made in the previous chapters. It is meant to build a condensed, more general picture
of the six countries and their positioning with regard to the PUS-question.
The concluding remarks will round off the picture and stress the most important
elements. Furthermore we would like to share some of our experiences in working in
this network, which reflect also the differences between European approaches.
OPUS – Background of the Project 12
Ulrike Felt
Vienna Interdisciplinary Research Unit for the Study of Science and Society
Department for Philosophy of Science and Social Studies of Science
University of Vienna
Sensengasse 8/10
A-1090 Vienna
Martina Erlemann
Vienna Interdisciplinary Research Unit for the Study of Science and Society
Department for Philosophy of Science and Social Studies of Science
University of Vienna
Sensengasse 8/10
A-1090 Vienna
Gérard Valenduc
Patricia Vendramin
Philippe Chavot
IUT Louis Pasteur
30, rue A. Traband
67500 Haguenau
Anne Masseran
Institut de Recherches Interdisciplinaires
sur les Sciences et la Technologie
IUP info-com
Université de Nancy 2,
UFR de lettres
23 bd. Albert 1er
F - 54000 Nancy
Instituto Superior de Ciencias do Trabalho e da Empresa
Avenida das Forcas Armadas
P-1649-026 Lisboa
Instituto Superior de Ciencias do Trabalho e da Empresa
Avenida das Forcas Armadas
P-1649-026 Lisboa
Jan Nolin
Dick Kasperowski
Fredrik Bragesjö
Section for Theory of Science Department for History of Ideas and Theory of Science
Box 200
Göteborg University
SE-405 30 Göteborg
United Kingdom
Ulrike Felt
Introductory remarks
This first chapter, which has the aim to set the conceptual frame for our analysis, will
start with a short reflection on the choice of the project title “Optimising public
understanding of science and technology in Europe”. Why use the British notion Public
Understanding of Science (PUS) and not for example the French notion of “scientific
and technological culture”? Why not follow the rhetoric move on the European level to
new notions such as “Raising Public Awareness of Science and Technology”, or to
“dialogue between science and society”? And why speak about “optimizing”, which
implicitly alludes to the existence of one “best practice” in organising this interaction
between sciences and publics?
In order to be able to answer the first question a few observations should be made. To
start with, the notion of PUS, introduced in the mid-80ies in the British context, stands
for a shift in the attention of policy makers and analysts from the production side of
public representations of science to the public up-take of science. This was an
extremely important change, which brought a lot of movement into the debates around
the relations between science and society. Yet one should not overlook that it did not
fundamentally question the role and position of “the public”: The latter was still
supposed to understand science and not the sciences had to aim at a better
comprehension of the social worlds the act and encounter publics in. In that sense the
PUS movement could be interpreted, at least in those parts that followed the
argumentative logics of the Royal Society Report on PUS published in 1985, as a far-
reaching enlightenment programme, with the aim of making people admire, appreciate
and support science.
The subsequent shift from Public Understanding of Science to Public Awareness of
Science and Technology on the European policy level hints at the idea that people
should – if they are not really able to understand – at least realise the wide ranging
positive consequences of science and technology, get a feeling for the potential behind
these developments, accept the explanatory authority of science and in a certain way
subscribe to the idea of social and economic progress through scientific and
technological advances. Although a more active role was now attributed to the public,
the power relationships embedded in this new notion had not been altered
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 17
fundamentally as compared to the initial PUS idea: it is still the public that should raise
its awareness of science and technology whereas the scientists are not expected to
increase their awareness of public expectations and agendas.
The introduction of the notions dialogue and participation, which have become more
prominent recently, in a certain sense signalize change. However the realisation of
such dialogue-oriented settings – as will be seen in the empirical parts of this report –
still remains rather episodic.
Having made these observations, it was decided to keep the term Public
Understanding of Science in the title of our project, as the focus of our interest was on
the relational settings in which communication of science and technology takes place
as well as on reflecting the ideas, expectations and power structures that are behind
them. Taking PUS as a point of departure, we will try to account for the consecutive
shifts, to describe and analyse the relation between the accompanying rhetoric and the
realisations of concrete science-society interactions. Further, using the PUS notion
accounts for the fact that in a number of national contexts, which have largely been
inspired by the “British model”, this notion is still in use at least as a point of reference.
The second question one could pose concerns the use of the term “optimising”? Does
this notion not implicitly contain the idea that there is one best way to communicate
science and to get into interaction with the public? In a sense using “optimizing” in the
project title is meant to challenge the idea of best practice in this domain, which is
rather powerful both in the science system as well as in the policy circles. Assuming –
as we do in this project – that while science has managed to implement a global
system of exchange of information and knowledge, science communicated to different
publics happens in local settings which shape this interaction, one would have to
question what the reference frame and the criteria applied would be for judging an
initiative or a communicational setting as a best practice and who would be those that
are entitled to decide on this issue. We will investigate the different national traditions in
the PUS-area, will explore similarities and differences and observe how ideas and
experiences in science communication moved across Europe, were successfully
adapted or failed to make sense in a different cultural setting. In our context the term
“optimizing” means leaving the classical understanding of best practice as a recipe that
can be followed, and make the effort of creating possibilities of mutual learning from the
experiences with science-society interactions in different European countries, while at
the same time keeping cultural traditions and differences alive.
Having clarified the way the project title should be understood, I now shortly want to
touch on the different notions used in the report to describe science-society
interactions. We will use terms like popularising or communicating science and
technology, we will speak about PUS-activities and -initiatives, in France and Portugal
we will meet the term “scientific culture” – although with different meanings – and in
Belgium “Raising awareness for science and technology”. We understand the
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 18
interaction between science, technology and publics as a process in which many layers
of communication and experience-making overlap and criss-cross to form a variety of
attitudes and images of science in the public space in the end. It is an open-ended
process whose outcome is impossible to control. In that sense we understand the
different initiatives to be investigated as being situated in a broad spectrum of concepts
of how and where people encounter science and what they can learn about science.
In what follows I will proceed in three steps. I will start with a historical account on the
development of science and society over the past decades. What were the main steps
taken, how did the understanding of and the expectations behind science/society
interactions evolve and what changed in the relation between science and the public? –
are but some of the central questions. I will try to show that it is not a linear history in
which one conceptualisation of the relationship replaced the other, but much more new
concepts and discourses overlap existing ones and create an bewildering diversity of
perspectives, rhetoric and concrete realisations in this domain.
The second part will then be organised around three central questions: Why should
people understand science and technology? How does this interaction between
science and technology take place? and, What should be understood about science
and technology? Providing some elements to answer these questions should lead us to
a better grasp of what happens in the encounters between science and society. In this
part I will also address the basic paradoxes characteristic of science communication.
The third and final part will then be devoted to the question of the “publics” with regard
to science and technology. How are they imagined, constructed and addressed in the
diverse settings of PUS initiatives? And what consequences does this have for the
position of technoscience in society?
How the question of the interactions between science and publics developed over the
recent decades as a research territory, looking at its past performances, its basic
assumptions, they ways in which paradigms changed or remained partly stable, is the
focus of the following account. Important elements to investigate will be the specific
relations between science, politics and publics at a given point in space/time, the ways
in which the boundaries of science were defined and drawn, the concepts that are
introduced to describe the relationship between science and its publics or the general
democratic agenda, which is supposed to be at stake. Further the growing tensions
TPThis sub-chapter is drawing on a recent paper U. Felt (2003): Science, Science Studies and its publics:
Speculating on future relations, in H. Nowotny/B. Joerges, (eds.): Social Studies of Science & Technology:
Looking Back, Ahead, Yearbook of the Sociology of Sciences.
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 19
Phase 1
The deficit approach to science–public relations
While science communication to selected lay-audiences had taken place already for
some centuries 17 , more systematic reflections on the role, meaning and impact of it
both on society as well as on the science system have only started in the second half
of the 20 th century. The idea of a linear communication between science and larger
publics characterises best this first phase of dealing with science-public relations,
which lasted until the late 70ies. Building on the sender-receiver model that was taken
over from communication sciences it described scientists in their role as the producers
of genuine scientific knowledge, which would then be “translated” into a more easily
understandable language in order to be transmitted to a wider public. Restricted to the
role of quite passive consumers and perceived as a rather undifferentiated ensemble of
individuals not much power of action was attributed to “the public”.
The hierarchies inherent in the model are clear: Scientific knowledge was understood
as being clearly distinguishable from folk-knowledge and it was seen as superior
because of its specific form of rationality. Scientific knowledge became the symbol for
complexity, while the public's knowledge could be ignored because of its alleged
simplicity and emotionality. Interactions were thus unidirectional, from the producers to
the consumers/receivers of knowledge. As a consequence only scientists could claim
the status of being experts.
TP See Shapin, S. (1990): Science and the Public. R. C. Olby et al. (Ed.), Companion to the History of
Raising the density (and partly also the quality) of the communication and stimulating
the public's readiness to open themselves up towards science was seen as the solution
to answer any criticism science and technology would encounter in the public sphere.
The public was basically conceptualised as ignorant about science, this ignorance
however being coupled with an alleged keenness to become knowledgeable about it. If
lay-people would reject science then it was explained as due to a lack of information,
which caused distance to, fear of and alienation from science. The importance and
value of science in society could thus supposedly be conveyed through large
information/education campaigns. Yet, in the end such an approach did not open up
science to wider publics through communication activities, but quite on the contrary
simply reinforced and enacted the authority of science.
Thus much of the early reflections and analysis devoted to this issue remained oriented
pedagogically, dealing with questions of how to better translate for and speak to a
wider public about science. Little attention was given to the role of the concrete settings
in which communications took place, to the symbolic character of parts of
communication (e.g. the use of images and metaphors) and what happened at the
moment people encounter and have to make sense of this information handed over to
them. Above all, it was not reflected that this type of uni-directional communication had
two rather contradictory effects: while it conveyed the impression to give people access
to science, at the same time distance to science was (re)constructed. Getting involved
with science was most of the time linked to being told about the complexity and its
inaccessibility for non-scientists. Thus one could say that the powerful and distanced
position of science with regard to society was constructed precisely through creating an
"imagined closeness". 18 TP PT
The kind of knowledge people should have about science also became increasingly a
normative issue. Through looking at questionnaires developed for surveys on public
knowledge of and attitudes towards science carried out during this early phase one can
get an idea about the dominant vision on science and society issues. From the late
50ies onwards such surveys became an integral part of the US-American context, a
fact that analysts ascribe to the Sputnik shock as well as to the extraordinary growth of
financial needs for science and technology. 19 TP PT
This approach pretended to offer the possibility to observe and follow the position of
science and technology in American society over time in an “objective” manner. Yet
critics would underline that these questionnaires in fact do nothing else than reflect the
TP See Felt, Ulrike. (1997): Wissenschaft auf der Bühne der Öffentlichkeit: Zur "alltäglichen"
Popularisierung von Naturwissenschaften in Wien, 1900-1938 (Habilitationsschrift, 300 p), Felt, Ulrike
(2000): "Why should the public »understand« science? Some aspects of Public Understanding of Science
from a historical perspective", In M. Dierkes and C. von Grothe (Eds.): Between understanding and trust:
the public, science and technology. Berkshire: Harwood Academic Publishers: 7-38.
TP See Wynne, Brian (1995): “Public Understanding of Science”, In Jasanoff, Sheila, Gerald E. Markle,
James C. Petersen, Trevor Pinch (Eds.), Handbook of Science and Technology Studies Thousand
Oaks/London/New Delhi: SAGE: 361-391; Lewenstein, Bruce (1995): "Science and the media". In
Jasanoff, Sheila et al., op.cit.: 343-360.
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 21
Phase 2
The performative character of communication on science and technology
The late 1970s could be characterised both by a growing critique and scepticism
towards science and technology in general as well as towards the ways in which the
science-technology-society relationships were conceptualised. Social movements like
the environmental movements, peace movement or women's movements were the
contexts in which doubts about science and its impact on society could be raised in a
legitimate way. Alternative knowledge forms started to claim their place in societal
decision making, thus questioning the classical model of decision-making based on
technoscientific expertise. In this context the classical linear communication models
also started to be questioned.
During this period, which witnessed an increasing number of technoscientific
controversies and the growth of risk issues in the public sphere, also the research on
public perception of risk and the study of public controversies on science and
technology started 20 . Increasingly the rather positive vision of science and technology
TP This corpus of literature would for example embrace work such as Dorothy Nelkin's on controversies
(e.g. Nelkin, Dorothy Ed. (1979): Controversy: Politics of technical decisions. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage),
but also the early work by Brian Wynne (e.g. Wynne, Brian (1980): "Technology, risk, and participation:
The social treatment of uncertainty." In J. Conrad Ed., Society, Technology and Risk. London: Academic
Press: 83-107). Wynne, Brian (1982): Rationality and Ritual: The Windscale Inquiry and Nuclear
Decisions in Britain. Chalfont St. Giles, UK., British Society for the History of Science) on risk and
participation, to give but two examples of researchers in this domain.
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 22
performative nature of the public discourses on science and technology. 21 In this sense
one could paraphrase Jacobi and Schiele: the very fact that discourse on science and
technology exists and the framework it offers practitioners became more important than
the question whether the information that is processed was right or wrong. 22 Thus it TP PT
was the power of the narratives on science, technology and society that were
questioned, counter-narratives were developed and conflicts between them broke out
The strong critique of science and technology did not only cause an increase in
communication activities. In parallel also concepts such as technology assessment
were developed as a way to handle technological developments as well as the policies
that would accompany them in a more systematic and controlled way. Like that it was
hoped to be able to better get grip on the societal boundary conditions for technological
development. Other answers to this increased tension between societal perception and
technoscientific development were for example more interaction-oriented and open
settings such as the science shops in the Netherlands which tried to act as
intermediary institution between the science system and the public sphere. Again in
other national contexts the idea of a growing necessity of educating the public with
regard to science and technology was dominant. Only if one could convince a larger
segment of the public to accept the technoscientific rhetoric of progress as well as the
new artefacts and procedures, would scientific and technological development be able
to continue its trajectory in an unhindered way.
In that sense it became clearer how multiple the possibilities and motivations were for
scientists when moving to the terrain of science communication. Popularisation of
science was seen as a way to exert influence on institutional settings and society at
large by imposing certain visions/images of the world around us, and the public stage
had developed into an extended terrain to fight scientific controversies.
Thus on the level of analysis one could see a clear shift away from the idea that
scientific knowledge was communicated in a simplified way, towards studying the
power relations that were embedded in such undertakings as well as in the narratives
produced. Through popularisation of science so-called "icons of truth" 23 would be TP PT
produced, which would then be able to transport the non-explicit and non-deliberative
dimensions of science. Michel Cloître and Terry Shinn brought this aspect nicely to the
point: "In the case of popularization of science, the language, the reasoning and the
images do not manage to elucidate the phenomenon, but quite to the contrary there is
a tendency to create a conceptual incomprehension. (…) Popularization constitutes
TP A good example would be the articles which appeared in the following yearbook: Shinn, Terry and
Richard Whitley (1985): Expository Science: Forms and Functions of Popularization, Sociology of the
Sciences Yearbook, Dordrecht: Reidl.
TP Jacobi, Daniel and Bernard Schiele (eds.) (1988): Vulgariser la science - Le procès de l‘ignorance.
thus not an efficient instrument for the transmission of a better knowledge about the
physical world. Its force and its pertinence lay in the links which it establishes between
a scientific subject and the social sphere". 24 TP PT
What happened to the role of the public in this period of change? With a few
exceptions, it remained in the classical role of the knowledge acquirer and the
scientists stayed the producers, although the former started to be perceived as much
more diverse, structured and guided by different interests and as having a potential
impact on techno-scientific development.
Phase 3
From performing technoscience to attributing meaning to it in the public sphere
In 1985 the well-known Royal Society report with the title "Public Understanding of
Science" was published. 25 The public and how to make them "understand" science
bourgeoisie and later also the working class, are striking, in particular if we consider
TP Cloître, Michel and Terry Shinn (1986): ”Enclavement et diffusion du savoir.” Information sur les
Royal Society.
TP Royal Society (1985), op.cit.note 10.
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 24
that we find ourselves in the late 20 th century, in a period which would be described by
analysts as reflexive modernisation. TP PT
The lines of research which managed to develop from this starting point where at least
two-fold. The first would actually build on the survey research experiences and define
the notion "understanding" as operationalisable through defining and measuring a set
of "factual" knowledge about science – which scientists would decide upon beforehand.
These tests of what was called "scientific literacy" had started to become more regular
in the 1980s first in the US context and later on also in Europe. 28 In that sense this
strand can be seen as a clear reinforcement of the separation of science from its
publics and thus as a safeguard of the authority status of the former. The basic
assumption was that a minimum scientific literacy would be required in order to allow
citizens to fully appreciate technoscientific progress in contemporary societies.
Guided by the idea that science functions in a universal manner and is communicated
in highly standardised ways in networks that span our world, it was assumed that one
should also search for "best practice" models for science communication and to
implement them widely. Starting from this perspective much effort and money was
invested in regularly observing public opinion on science and technology issues. Wide
ranging surveys questioning the attitudes people have towards, but also the knowledge
they would hold on scientific issues were perceived as an ideal policy tool to monitor
this domain. 29TP PT
Underlying these surveys was/is a set of rather normative ideas about science.
Scientific knowledge is equated to a number of facts - and this after years of research
that convincingly argued how strongly contextualised scientific knowledge is, how
interpretation processes and tacit knowledge are needed to produce it and how deeply
it is dependent on consensus building processes within a social community. Questions
in these surveys generally allow for one correct answer , even if the former would be
TP See for example Beck, Ulrich (1992): Risk society: Towards a new modernity. London: Sage.
TP See Miller, John D (1983): The American people and science policy: The role of public attitudes in the
policy process. New York: Pergamon; Durant, John R., G.A. Evans and G.P. Thomas (1989): “The Public
Understanding of Science”, Nature 340 (6 July): 11-14; National Science Board (1989): Science and
engineering indicators: 1991. Washington DC: Government Printing Office.
TP See for example the following DG Research Report from the Expert group: Benchmarking the
of internal coherence among survey data is not itself evidence of wider validity – only of
consistency. Too often the latter is mistaken for the former." 30 TP PT
Rather than entering once more into the methodological debate, I would like to point to
the power of the discourse that developed around the results of these surveys on the
science policy level and in the media. As they seem to produce “hard data” and “prove”
the public deficits with regard to science and technology, they can more easily be used
in argumentative contexts.
The second line of research triggered by the PUS-debate embraced more qualitatively
oriented studies. They focused on the ways in which people would up-take science in
concrete settings. The processes of knowledge dissemination were thus increasingly
deconstructed. Especially the rigid demarcation between genuine and popular
knowledge turned out to be rather problematic as non-experts appeared to have their
own models and representations about the world surrounding them which could not
simply be ignored or declared as too simplistic and bare of rationality. As a
consequence also the dichotomy between scientific texts on the one hand and
popularised accounts on the other had to be replaced by the picture of a continuum of
different kinds of texts. Popularization started to be understood increasingly as a
negotiation of meaning and it was underlined that both the very act of popularization as
well as popular knowledge would be fed back into the process of knowledge production
and thus have an impact upon the cognitive dimension of science itself. 31 TP PT
What lay-people do with scientific information, how they interpret it with regard to the
existing knowledge-structures and what place they give to scientists and scientific
institutions in their decision making, these are but a few of the questions that became
central. The shift that took place was therefore twofold. First, it was not so much the
production side of popular science accounts which was studied, but the way people
would attribute meaning to the scientific knowledge and information they managed to
obtain, or were offered. Secondly, not abstract knowledge structures were of interest,
but particular settings in which people would encounter science and be forced to take
decisions, which would at least partly involve technoscientific knowledge. Thus our
attention was drawn to the fact that the public up-take of science depended upon
previous experiences, on the social setting in which people would meet science and
what expectations they would have with regard to science. These negotiations concern
the degree of importance that would be attributed to scientific knowledge and expertise
as compared to other forms of knowledge and expertise as well as how scientific
knowledge was socially mediated and embodied when it was experienced by people. 32 TP PT
TP Wynne (1995), op.cit.note 4: 370. Felt (2000), op.cit. note 3.
TP See for example, S. Hilgartner (1990): „The dominant view of popularization: conceptual problems,
science", Public Understanding of Science 1: 281-304; Irwin Alan and Brian Wynne (eds.) (1996):
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 26
Much of the research focused on the way people framed techno-scientific problems in
society and thus attributed meanings. The conclusion reached was that people would
live/experience science through social relations and that the core of the problem was
thus less the lack of knowledge about science, but trust in the science system and in
If we look at the impact these two research strands have on the policy level, it is easy
to perceive the powerful position of the quantitative indicator oriented research. The
more qualitatively oriented research strand was criticised and partly ignored, as the
evidence produced was deeply embedded in a particular setting and thus seemed less
generalisable or would not offer easy ways to compare and monitor the developments
in these areas. Further the case studies addressed socially rather coherent knowledge
networks, such as patients touched by a particular illness, sheep-farmers or Saami
population who would have particular ways of confronting "outside" knowledge
compared to those who could not draw upon this quite organised collective kind of
experience or knowledge. 33 Thus at a first glimpse is was seen as less attractive on
the policy level or as steering instrument and much more attention was given to the
"hard facts" produced by survey research. A further key reason for this “resistance” to
qualitative research was that it quite explicitly understood that the "PUS problem" was
one of scientists’ understanding of the public as much as of public understanding of
science. 34 Thus it to a certain extent represented a challenge to scientific culture and
institutions too.
An interesting hybrid phenomenon emerged in the public terrain as a consequence of
this “clash” of different approaches. While the more reflexive positions found their place
mainly in general statements or in the preface to papers and reports, the "hard core" of
argumentation and practice would much more follow the rhetoric development around
the quantitative survey results. Yet we should draw attention to the fact that survey
research ironically produced results, which in fact challenged its own basic
assumptions. For example the assumed correlation between ignorance and non-
acceptance of science (e.g. in the case of GMO risks) did not correspond with the
results obtained. Or, after years of information campaigning and increased
communication efforts the responses to the questionnaire did not really shift
fundamentally. 35 Thus the "hard-core" of the PUS policy could not really built on the
results of such survey research, but much more on the very method of this social
Misunderstanding science? The public reconstruction of science and technology. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press; Michael, Mike (1992): "Lay Discourse of Science: Science-in General, Science-in-
Particular, and the Self", Science Technology and Human Values, 17 (3): 313-333.
TP Wynne, Brian (1992): op.cit. note 17; Paine, Robert (1992): "Chernobyl reaches Norway: the accident,
science, and the threat to cultural knowledge", Public Understanding of Science 1: 261-280; Irwin, Alan
and Brian Wynne (eds.) (1996), op.cit note 17.
TP Lévy-Leblond, Jean-Marc (1992): "About misunderstandings about misunderstandings", Public
Eurobarometer 55.2.
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 27
Phase 4
Repositioning science in society: dialog and participation
Stretching our narrative to the most recent period, one can see that Public
understanding of science has become an issue of growing concern both for national
governments as well as on a supranational level (e.g. in the European Union) and for
research institutions and enterprises in the technoscientific area alike. 36 It has been
reformulated in many different ways using the notions of Raising Public Awareness on
Science and Technology or Dialogue between science and society, which is a clear
indicator for the difficulties one is facing and the search for new ways of addressing
them. Indeed the growing ambivalence expressed by wider segments of the public
towards technoscientific development represent a threat for a number of actors.
Governments are threatened to loose science as an advisory/legitimatory device as
people’s trust in expert opinion seems shaken. 37 Scientists feel this change both in the
growing number of occasions in which the ethical and societal dimensions of their
research is questioned, but also in a decreasing number of science students in recent
years. Enterprises in the technoscientific domain are concerned because of the
seemingly "unpredictable and irrational behaviour" of consumers, who start to be
reluctant to accept technoscientific progress at any price.
The UK crisis with regard to BSE has clearly shed light on the doubtful role scientific
advisors have come to play in the public eye and the weakness of the relation between
science and politics has become highly visible. 38 The analysis made in the report
Science and Society pointed at diminishing trust in science from the side of the public
although people showed interest in science and this was perceived as having major
consequences for public policies in a number of ways. It underlined the need for
science to better understand the changes in society and also shift its positions
Rejection of technoscientific innovations by the public could no longer be easily argued
as being simply due to a lack of information. New ways of interaction and
communication between science and the public were called for and public participation
in decision making for sensitive technoscientific issues had to be considered as central.
TP See for example Fuller, Steve (1997). Science. University of Minnesota Press, Ashworth, J. ed.(1997):
Science, Policy and Risk London: The Royal Society., Collins, Harry M. and Trevor Pinch (1993). The
Golem - what everybody should know about science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
TP Hilgartner, Stephen (2000): Science on Stage - Expert Advice as Public Drama. Stanford CA: Stanford
University Press.
TP Science and Society (2000): Science and Society: Report by the Select Committee appointed to
Trust, co-operation, dialogue and participation have become the buzzwords that
dominate the discourse. Examples would be the British Science and Society report by
the Select Committee appointed to consider Science and Technology, the British
Department of Trade and Industry White Paper, the OECD report on Promoting public
understanding of science and technology, the "Memorandum: Dialog Wissenschaft und
Gesellschaft" by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft and finally the
Report of the EU working group "Democratising expertise and establishing scientific
reference systems". 39 All of them would in one way or the other address this
To close this first part, it is fascinating to observe how elements of the deficit model still
manage to get their place and thus keep alive the hierarchies and power-relations that
assure an exceptional status to science and technology in many of the
communicational settings that inscribe themselves in this new rhetoric. In that sense
one could follow the convincing analysis of Lévy-Leblond: „The problem we face is not
so much that of a knowledge gap which separates lay people from scientists, but that
TP OECD. Promoting public understanding of science and technology. Paris: OECD, 1997; Science and
Society (2000), op.cit. note 23; White Paper dti. Excellence and Opportunity – a science and innovation
policy for the 21 st century.
P P Department of Trade and Industry, 2001
http://www.dti.gov.uk/ost/aboutost/dtiwhite/ ; Stifterverband. Memorandum zum "Dialog Wissenschaft
TP Nowotny Helga, Michael Gibbons and Peter Scott (2001): Re-Thinking Science. Knowledge and the
of the power gap which puts scientific and technical developments outside of
democratic control.“ 41 TP PT
Looking at the in part highly emotionalised debates on PUS issues in different national
settings as well as on the European level, one is tempted to question the core motives
that drive different actors to engage in science and technology communication activities
of various kinds. In fact one could even argue, that we cannot understand what
happens in these interactions, nor speak about effectiveness or success of any PUS-
initiative without trying to clarify the “political paradigms” behind, the underlying tacit
assumptions as well as the roles and functions such communication initiatives would
Taking a closer look, two distinct categories of motives can be identified. The first set of
motives is rather situated on the meta-level and has to be understood as closely linked
to the authority claims of science and technology in contemporary societies, to the
request of the science system for autonomy as well as to the wish to enforce the
epistemic model of science as a dominant way of societal knowledge-production.
Within this first set we find however two somewhat different approaches. One
motivation behind the abundant communication activities is linked to the wish of the
technoscience system to clearly demarcate its territory. Indeed, if one assumes that the
meaning of “technoscience“ is not fixed in time and is subject to negotiations and if
there is no obvious clear-cut societal set of demarcation criteria to distinguish science
from non-science, then the public representations constructed in the course of science-
public interactions come to play an important role.
Within the scientific community considerable effort is devoted to formalisation and
standardisation procedures precisely to be able to delimit scientific knowledge
production from non-science. This „boundary-work“, as it was labelled by Thomas
Gieryn, „occurs as people contend for, legitimate, or challenge the cognitive authority of
TP PT Lévy-Leblond (1992), op.cit. note 19.
TP PT Parts of the here presented concepts have been developed in Felt (1997, 2000), op.cit. note 3.
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 30
The preoccupation to draw a borderline between science and other forms of cultural
knowledge production is omnipresent in the discourse around popularization of
science. 44 Indeed folk-knowledge as a kind of alternative knowledge-system seems
very powerful in the public domain and thus threatening to science: It is generally more
sensitive towards the preoccupations of the public, often has a visionary component
and is "pragmatic rather than rigorous and testable." 45 But above all folk-knowledge
can be acquired by everybody in a direct way and does not need the mediation of an
expert. Thus „effective“ popularization of science is seen as an important counter-
measure in areas where folk-knowledge is powerfully represented. But this
engagement into science communication also means to enter into negotiations about
what was to be considered science and what not on a hybrid territory (being both
scientific and public) where the public becomes a relevant actor to be convinced.
Finally, boundary work is also linked to the important question of who has the
legitimation to speak for science. Should these link-persons be scientists or should we
greet the professionalization of science journalism as a way of gaining a clearer and
maybe more critical view on science and technology from the “outside”? To whom
should it be left to define „patterns of cognition, interpretation, and presentation, of
selection, emphasis, and exclusion“ and thus to choose one version of reality to be
present in the public sphere? 46 TP PT
TP Gieryn, Thomas F. (1995) "Boundaries of Science". In Jasanoff, Sheila, Gerald E. Markle, James C.
Petersen, Trevor Pinch (Ed.), Handbook of Science and Techology Studies Thousand Oaks/London/New
Delhi: SAGE: 393-443. See also Gieryn, Thomas (1999): Cultural Boundaries of Science: Credibility on the
Line. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
TP See Felt (1997, 2000), op.cit. note 3.
TP See Dolby, R.G.A. (1982): “On the autonomy of pure science. the construction and maintenance of
barriers between scientific establishments and popular culture“, in N. Elias, et. al. (eds.), Scientific
Establishments and Hierarchies, Sociology of the Sciences, Volume VI: 267-292, quotation p. 271
TP LaFollette, Marcel (1990): Making science our own: Public images of science 1910-1955. Chicage: The
science in general and thus to run into difficulties in reproducing the field of research
largely motivates scientists to get personally engaged in communicating research to
wider publics. Science Weeks, but also other activities such as open house events are
very good examples for direct engagement of scientists.
The third and last aspect to be mentioned here is linked to a growing public demand for
accountability and legitimation, which should be answered through an increased public
communication. Linked to the enormous expansion of the technoscience system, to the
increasing specialization and the growing cost-intensiveness, but also to the obvious
partly negative consequences of scientific and technological developments,
accountability for the funds spent and ever better strategies to legitimise both additional
money but also the kind of research to be carried out (see for example the debates
around stem-cell research) have become integral part of strategies of scientists and
scientific institutions alike. Popularization of science thus also has to be discussed
under the aspects of power, political usefulness and accountability.
Paradox 1:
Reconstructing distance through offering closeness
Although we witnessed a multiplication of media opening up new spaces where
science meets the public in the course of the 20th century, thus allowing for new and
qualitatively different ways of creation and diffusion of representations about science
(e.g. internet), this did paradoxically not lead to a rapprochement between science and
the public nor to the birth of something one could label “mise en culture de la
science”. 47 Quite on the contrary, the increasing sophistication and density of the
information exchange did on the one hand privilege those people who already had a
considerable intellectual starting capital — a phenomenon which was labelled as the
“increasing knowledge gap”, while on the other hand it also signalled the increasing
complexity and inaccessibility of science and technology. One could thus say that the
idea of “bridging the knowledge gap” 48 between the science system and the public by
Bernadette (2001): A genealogy of the increasing gap between science and the public, Public
Understanding of Science, 10: 99 –113.
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 33
time also reconstructs the distance – a phenomenon already pointed out in the first part
of the chapter (phase 1).
TP See Beck U. (1992): op.cit. note 12.; Giddens, Anthony (1991): Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and
problems at all, or just not to do so.” 50 Thus the systematic and reflexive study of
science and technology and of the expertise produced in this context, has not
strengthened the cognitive authority of technoscience in the public space, but rather
shown its limitations. In particular disputes between experts and counter-experts over
the scientific assessment of risk are convincing examples. One can thus say that the
uncertainties linked to scientific and technological development definitely cannot be
resolved by simply producing more knowledge and increasing its public
Leaving the reflections on the three paradoxes of science communication, I now want
to investigate the conditions under which communication can take place. To do so I will
introduce two key-notions, “boundary object” and “popular scientific language”.
The concept of „boundary objects“ was developed by Susan Leigh Star and James R.
Griesemer in their work on the creation of the Berkeley Museum of Vertebrate Zoology.
Following their definition, boundary objects, which are central in creating common
grounds for exchange and negotiation of science have to be understood as “objects”
being „both plastic enough to adapt to local needs and the constraints of the several
parties employing them, yet robust enough to maintain a common identity across
sites." Said more plainly, this means that one and the same „object“ can obtain
different meanings and functions for the different groups appropriating it, while at the
same time having sufficiently common features to allow for exchange and some
understanding between the actors. In this sense all kinds of „popular science products“
such as articles, exhibitions, documentary films etc. can be regarded as such boundary
objects. "They have different meanings in different social worlds, but their structure is
common enough to more than one world to make them recognisable, a means of
translation." It is thus possible that the scientists, the mediators, those financing the
popularisation effort, policy makers and the different publics keep their own reading,
their own interpretation while at the same time rallying around specific boundary
objects. 51 TP PT
Much of the „success“ of popularisation of science thus lies in the fact that apparently
there is no need to share one interpretation of a popular science artefact. Quite on the
contrary, according to the different social or cultural contexts in which boundary objects
are shaped, read, visited, used, ... they will acquire completely different meanings. This
flexibility of interpretation and the importance of openness in the act of communication
are thus integrated in the concept of the boundary object. At the same time, as stated
above, in order to assure a possibility of co-use of the communicated elements despite
TP:See Beck (1992):op.cit. note 12: 163
TP See Star, Susan L. and J. R. Griesemer (1989): "Institutional Ecology, 'Translations' and Boundary
Objects: Amateurs and Professionals in Berkeley's Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, 1907-1939", Social
Studies of Science, 19: 387-420.
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 35
these different interpretations, there must be a sufficiently common basis to make the
popular science artefact recognisable to all actors involved.
What could be this common basis most participants in this interaction process share?
Could it be what often is vaguely labelled common scientific culture? Can we discern
something like a general agreement on certain aspects of science, which seem central
to most of the actors involved? Or are there collective concerns that can be identified?
These in fact become the key-questions to be investigated rather than only looking at
the content level and the forms of representation of science and technology in the
public space.
had been said earlier about the negotiation of meaning in the case of boundary work,
we could assume that different actors involved define the notion "popular" in
accordance with their respective interests, prejudices or expectations. Needless to say
that this definition happens without any of the actors being obliged to justify their
definition or even to feel the necessity to make it explicit.
This offers an explanation for the fact that we very rarely come across in depth
discussions of what public understanding or of what popular could mean with respect
to science. Thus ideas and visions that are at the basis of the concept of popular
science do not necessarily rely on concrete observations or experiences, but much
more on expectations and projections.
Further Bourdieu underlines that communication of members of the popular class in
public places is, contrary to the impression of superficiality one might have at first sight,
in reality highly ritualised and submitted to rather strict rules. Here it would be
interesting to draw a parallel between what Bourdieu observes for the relation between
popular language and educated language and the relation between the language used
in popularisation of science and scientific language. He attracts our attention to the
TP See Bourdieu, P. (1993): Sagten Sie “populär”? In G. Gebauer und C. Wulf (Ed.), Praxis und Ästhetik.
eloquence that can be observed with members of the popular class in public places,
"which is interpreted by the unfamiliar perception as a kind of unrestrained momentum"
and which "is in its kind not more nor less free than the improvisations of academic
eloquence." This eloquence, this capacity to communicate is based on ideas and
expressions, which had stood the test and which were well suited to transmit the
feeling that they are participating in an exceptional event to the others who have no
command over those ideas or expressions. 53 In this sense science popularisation has
– to draw the parallel – developed its own rhetoric, and a particular kind of vocabulary,
metaphors and images, "which have stood the test" and which implicitly or explicitly
transmit certain values about science. As popular language is linked to a particular
constellation of actors, has a certain tradition and is rooted in a precise cultural context,
it seems central to understand popular science language with regard to the cultural
context and the social background of those involved.
does it mean that the public should become familiar with the way „how, with what
confidence, and on what basis, scientists come to know what they do“? 55 Or is it simply
TP See Bourdieu (1993) op.cit. note 37: 87-88
TP Collins, Harry (1987): "Certainty and the Public Understanding of Science: Science on Television",
of Science, 1: 27-30.
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 37
Breakthroughs, revolutionary new findings, outstanding results are the kind of news
that often capture public attention. Other such privileged moments are of more
commemorative kind, presenting the exceptional contributions of “big men” of science.
In such constellations science can be presented as unquestioned, as outstanding, as
challenging the frontiers of knowledge and as opening new territories to be conquered.
As described just above there is little, if any, possibility to question these findings or to
learn more about the context of discovery and justification. Science is already
presented in form of neatly sealed “black boxes” in which the processes of knowledge-
production and the boundary conditions have somehow disappeared. Generally these
knowledge-entities have “forgotten” their history, the difficult ways that had to be taken
in order to arrive at them as well as the time horizons that were involved. The
advantage of such a form of representation is that science is portrayed as an enterprise
producing facts, which then – through more or less lengthy processes – can be
transformed into products contributing to societal progress.
Presenting science-in-the-making, however, would mean that one shows the
messiness of the processes which lead to producing knowledge, the role played by the
social structures in which knowledge is generated, the negotiations that take place
between scientists as well as the complex boundary-conditions under which it becomes
possible to claim the validity of a scientific result. While this would definitely not
produce an easier public image of science and technology as an enterprise, it would
surely form the basis of a more reliable and down-to earth vision of what science and
technology can contribute to the shaping of society and where other forms of
knowledge and judgements should find their place and be given voice.
The second point to make is linked to the fact that when studying public up-take
ofscience we also have to consider that even the very notion of science may be quite
different according to national traditions. This has so far been largely ignored as the
Anglo-Saxon context played a rather dominant role and strongly formed the structure
and development of the debate. Yet, if we want to understand the ways people
perceive science we surely have to take these variations into account. Thus it is
important to remark that the very notion of Wissenschaft – to take the German example
– has a profoundly different meaning than science. It does not only embrace the social
sciences and humanities, but it addresses also different features that were seen as
central during the formation process of the science system, a fact which was also
reflected in the German programme dealing with science-society relations. 56 The title
"Public Understanding of Science and Humanities" (PUSH) expresses clearly the much
more extended notion of "Wissenschaft", which is not reduced to natural sciences and
technological applications.
TP PT Stifterverband (1999), op.cit. note 24
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 38
Thirdly, „understanding“ science would partly also mean developing a certain kind of
admiration for science and technology as a cultural enterprise, and having trust into a
small elite that produces dominant explanations of the world. Here the focus is neither
the process of science nor its products. Reading popular science books, listening to
talks of scientists and being able to physically encounter the “objects of science” for
example in museums and exhibits, the public was meant to participate in the
fascination and in the complexity of scientific thought, even though they were not
expected to grasp the details. These reflections also fit with the increasing
scientainment character of part of the science communication activities. But in this
context it is interesting to underline that science is used in some of the national
contexts to contribute to the definition of “national culture” and was/is used for identity
Yet part of the efforts – and this is the fourth perspective – were also devoted to make
science understood as a particular way of thinking, as a specific form of rationality,
which is supposed to be unquestionably superior to any other kind of rationality.
Presenting science and scientific knowledge in different public contexts was expected
not so much to contribute to the establishing of a scientific way of thinking and
reasoning in society at large, but people should recognize and trust in this way of
arguing and thus attribute less trust and power to forms of knowledge which follow in
their production other rationalities.
Finally, science and technology should be appreciated as being a source of innovation
that contributes in an important way to the economic development of a country. This
belief of the coupling of national scientific investment and economic progress was
strongly present well into the 1980s. Only slowly one had to realise and publicly admit
that in a globalised world it was difficult, if not impossible, to claim that money invested
in a national science system would quasi automatically lead to a more prosperous
economic development of this country. The relationships between the two systems –
technoscience and economy – would thus be much more complex and dependent on
multiple factors: on the structure and the innovative force of the economic system, on
the quality of the person-power available and on a certain diversity and flexibility of the
knowledge production system. In that sense it also became increasingly difficult to give
credibility to the simplistic version of this claim in the public sphere and to sell science
as the central motor for economy.
To sum up: In fact when taking a closer look at the interaction of science and the public
we discern a complex process of negotiation of meaning and value of scientific
knowledge. The social context and the relational networks people live in impinge upon
the ways they perceive scientific knowledge handed down from institutions as if already
validated and closed. Science alike has to be seen as imbued with social interest, and
thus has an impact upon existing relations, identities and value systems. However,
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 39
when we realise how little past experiences in the field of science popularization are
reflected in the actual discourse, I can but agree with Brian Wynne stressing that
„science appears to be unable to recognize these social dimensions of its own public
forms or the fact that public readiness to ‚understand‘ science is fundamentally affected
by whether the public feels able to identify with science‘s unstated prior framing.“ 57 We TP PT
assist thus the encounter of two cultures: the scientific culture, which tends to reduce
issues to those of control and prediction, and social worlds, which are much more
The general public – The danger of aiming at everybody and reaching nobody
Once the number of public controversies on science and technology has started to
grow from the 1970s onwards, public trust in the technoscientific establishment started
to decrease and also social science research started to strongly criticize the deficit
model of science communication, it became evident that the public could not be
conceptualised anymore as a homogenous group of knowledge acquirers, but needed
better specification and understanding in its development. Habermas has provided us
with a detailed account of the transformation process of the public from a small critically
discussing public in the 18th century through a complex set of steps to a public sphere
dominated by mass media and mass culture and obtaining power in mass
TP Wynne (1995), op.cit. note 4: 377
TP Parts of this chapter have been developed in the presentations “Framing the relation(s) between
technology and the public: Imagining and constructing “the public””, given at the summerschool on
“Technology and the Public” in Deutschlandsberg (A), 9/7/2002, and “Public-Citizens-consumers: Shifting
roles and changing political paradigms” given at the EASST Conference “Responsibility under
Uncertainty” in York (UK), 31/7/2002.
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 40
democracies. These gradual and successive changes were closely linked to the
formation of classes, growing urbanisation, cultural mobilization and new
communication structures. TP PT We now seem to witness a further shift towards a much
more individualised society, a fact that poses completely new challenges to PUS-
Using the term public in relation to science in the 20th century indeed opens a large
range of possible meanings: more abstract constructions like „public opinion“ which has
mainly strategic and legitimatory functions coexist with rather differentiated and
specialized publics while at the same time the public appears often represented by
institutions, as users of knowledge, spectators, referees and in many other roles. I
would therefore agree with Neidhardt stating that, „in modern democracies the public
plays an important role — but nobody seems to know exactly what the public is.“ TP PT
There are however two basic assumptions all constructions of „the public“ have in
common: the public is ignorant with regard to scientific knowledge, and simultaneously
has the wish to know. Indeed it is a specific condition distinguishing the popularization
of science from many other enterprises of knowledge transfer, that the supposed
audience is always perceived as a mixture of ignorance and something which was
often labelled “natural curiosity“, a libido sciendi.
To reach a better understanding of the notion public we could also investigate the
process of drawing the boarder-line between scientists and non-scientists. Even if we
are tempted to adopt a very simplistic definition of scientist by the fact of belonging to
the institutional setting of science and of lay-public by the fact of being excluded, we
quickly run into conceptual difficulties. With increasing specialization and differentiation
within scientific disciplines the ideal of the generalist becomes a fiction and as a
consequence also the boarder line between science and the „lay-public“ increasingly
gets blurred. Jean-Marc Lévy-Leyblond brought the problematic aptly to the point:
“When discussing the public understanding of science, a serious, but current fallacy is
to equate the 'public' with 'lay people', that is 'non-scientists'. However, it must be
recognized that we all, scientists and non-scientists alike, share a common 'public
misunderstanding of science'. Indeed, given the present state of scientific
specialization, ignorance about a particular domain of science is almost as great
among scientists working in another domain as it is among lay people." 61 TP PT
The users
This second notion, which often appears in the debates around science, technology
and society, is that of the user. It is already rather more focused than the notion of the
public and is often linked to discussions around technology development. The user and
TP See Habermas, J. (1962/1990): Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp; Neidhardt,
TP Lévy-Leblond (1992), op.cit. note 19
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 41
his/her role, power, possibilities and degrees of involvement have been discussed
widely. 62 This notion conveys the impression that there is a clear segment of the public
The consumer
While the user is a notion, which is generally based on the idea that there are
collectives of people that are touched by scientific and technological change in a very
concrete way and who would thus also express needs, fears and expectations in
similar ways, the notion of the consumer is more individualized while at the same time
being also collective. The collective idea of the consumer is a theoretical construction,
an imagined entity of people represented by consumer associations and similar
institutions. In the individualized concept of the consumer he/she is confronted with
taking decisions and making choices whether or not to consume certain goods. With
regard to PUS-issues one would have to understand the notion “consumer” as linked to
more global changes, such as the rise of consumer culture and the increasing
aesthetisization of everyday life. 63 People would thus choose technoscientific
informations and artefacts among a broad spectrum of other offers and thus there
would be a clear competition between the science system and other explanatory
contexts. In that sense we can for example partly explain phenomena such as the
growing market-share of scientainment-events compared to other ways of
communicating science and technology or the boost in para-medical literature which
positions itself as alternative to scientific explanations. Popularised science is thus sold
to wider segments of the public. As a consequence even the most local settings of lay-
culture would be influenced by these changes and science and technology would
become a consumer good as many others.
TP In the domain of constructivist studies of technologies there is a broad variety of studies that have been
Both the notion user and consumer hint at a more pragmatic view on the science-
society relationship, the success of which is evaluated along criteria of public
The Citizen
The citizen is the most recent notion that appeared in the discussions around
interactions between science, technology and society. Without wanting to enter here a
more in-depth discussion about this notion, which has very different meanings and
histories in the different national/cultural contexts, there are some fundamental features
implicitly embedded in this notion, which are of relevance to our discussion. The first
aspect is that these citizens are living in knowledge-societies and thus also citizenship
becomes up to a certain degree “scientific”. 64 Using this notion of “scientific citizenship”
implicitly addresses both the rights but also obligations of these persons: the right to be
informed, to position oneself, to engage in debate and decision making, but also the
obligation to confront, to take responsibility, to be supportive to collective interests and
to participate. A citizen in this sense is supposed not only to act as an individuum, but
also in the sense of the collective, it would mean defining rights but also conferring
obligations, to create new forms of informed engagement. The objective is to give voice
not only to stakeholders but also to other “ordinary” members of society in shaping
future relationships between science, technology and society.
While the introduction of this notion is generally not questioned, I would just like to hint
at two critical details. First the concept cannot only be interpreted in the sense of a
freely deciding citizen, but it is often used to remind the individual of its duty as member
of the collective. In particular in highly emotionalised debates, such as the one around
gene-food, it was frequently underlined that citizens should not act short-sighted, but
see the collective interest of economic benefit and technological progress and thus
stop protesting against this development. Second, citizenis a more exclusive concept
than “the public”, and could in its classical meaning hint at the fact that not everybody
living in a given context would have the same possibilities to raise voice and be heared.
TP Irwin, Alan (2001): Constructing the scientific citizen: science and democracy in the biosciences, in:
Public Understanding of Science 10: 1-18. Irwin, Alan (1995): Citizen science: a study of people, expertise
and sustainable development. Routledge.
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 43
anything about or even engage with it. People become consumers of divers popular
science goods. This role appears in a dominant way, when science is staged as
unique, magic, powerful and promising and the important part is not the scientific or
technological information but a message, an image that is transferred. There is a large
variety of science popularization literature but also museums and exhibitions, which are
mainly aiming at conveying this celebrating science mood. We found and find it in
spectacular scientific performances at science weeks or festivals, in popular science
books be they fiction or non-fiction, or in museum exhibits, to mention just a few
examples. The public is clearly perceived as a consumer and science popularization as
a good of mass consumption meant to entertain.
The second role attributed to the public was that of supporters for science. Science
was „sold“ to them as a general cultural good or its practical applicability underlined.
Once convinced of the importance of scientific knowledge, the public was supposed to
be an ally in arguing for more funding or even exert direct pressure to invest into
particular scientific domains. 65 Many analyses link the phenomenon of "selling science"
to the cost intensification of research in post World War Second science, but also
numerous earlier examples can be found. Economic arguments play also a central role
Third, the public had the function of witnesses — a role that existed in divers forms and
out of different motives since the early beginning of modern science. The public (often
selected according to suitable criteria) was used to testify experimental results and thus
to assure credibility as well as priority of the author over others. It was the
administration of the scientific proof in which the public took a decisive role. With
increasing institutionalization and differentiation of the science system also the reward
system became more formalised and standardised. However, we still find the public as
witnesses at moments when the conventional procedures of the science system
threaten to break down. Then scientists tend to use for example the press or other
mass-media to announce their scientific findings, well before their research is published
or submitted to the critical eye of colleagues. Recent examples for such behaviour
have been the cold fusion story or high-temperature superconductivity. 66 But this role
of witnessing could also be extended to situations where science and technology are
put in the situation of needing to account for and legitimate the funds spent. In this
situation the public is called to testimony the past successes of science and what it
brought to them.
TP In the medical sector the formation of self-help mouvements can be observed who then also influence
research in this domain. See for example, R. von Gizycki (1987): “Cooperation Between Medical
Researchers and a Self-Help Movement: The Case of the German Retinitis Pigmentosa Society“, in:
Blume S.S. (Ed.), The Social Direction of the Public Sciences, Sociology of the Sciences. Dordrecht:
Reidel: 75-88.
TP See B. Lewenstein (1996): „From Fax to Facts: Communication in the Cold Fusion Saga“, Social
Studies of Science, 25: 403-436; U. Felt (1993): „Fabricating scientific success stories“, Public
Understanding of Science 2: 375-390.
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 44
Finally, the public was also attributed the role of participants. While one could think of
amateur scientists when using the notion of participants, we much more mean here the
public as actors in hybrid forums where science and technology issues are up for
decision-making. Be they users, consumers or citizens they would get involved and
have an impact on both concrete decision-making as well as on the way future steps to
take are planned. 67 TP PT
that has direct or indirect interaction with regard to a certain epistemic territory, they
collectively are the carriers of the history of this territory, of the knowledge as well as of
the practices and cultures that are embedded in there. What all members of a thought
collective share is a thought style, a way of approaching issues. But every single
person does not only belong to one such though collective but to numerous and rather
different ones. Thus one could be at the same time member of the thought collective of
environmental activists, be a person having children, be a car user, have to face a
specific job, be a long-standing passionate reader of a certain newspaper, belong to a
political party and many more. In each of these different roles one does belong to
different thought collectives, they overlap and influence each other. In some cases one
particular thought collective gets a dominant role, while all others are moved to the
background. If this holds for a strongly tied together social group, then I would speak of
collective public epistemologies. 69 On the other hand most citizens who are not
TP See for example: Epstein, Steven (1995): The Construction of Lay Expertise: AIDS Activism and the
Forging of Credibility in the Reform of Clinical Trials, in: Science, Technology and Human Values 20/4:408
– 437.
TP Fleck, Ludwik (1935/80): Entstehung und Entwicklung einer wissenschaftlichen Tatsache. Frankfurt a.
M.: Suhrkamp
TP The sheep-farmer community described in Brian Wynne’s case study (1992, op.cit.) could be
strongly tied to one social setting will develop out of this multitudes of partly
contradictory thought-styles they are confronted with, an individual epistemology which
shapes his or her position towards technoscientific issue.
Following this logic one quickly has to realise, that it will hardly be possible to easily
“guide” public attitudes towards science and technology, as many different visions and
perceptions encountered in different social settings collectively form what then
becomes visible as public perceptions of science.
TP My favourite quotation comes from the renowned Physicist Ernst Mach, who explained the need for
educated women the following way: „The uncivilised woman cultivates and preserves carefully all kinds of
usual superstitious beliefs, down to the fear of the number 13 and of spilled salt, transfers them
conscientiously to the future generations, and is thus always an object of attack for all movements of
regression. How can mankind advance in security, if not even half of them is walking on enlightened
paths!“ E. Mach (1896/1910): Populär-wissenschaftliche Vorlesungen. 4. vermehrte und durchgesehene
Auflage. Leipzig: Johann Anbrosius Barth: VIII.
Conceptualising the relationships between sciences and publics 46
The second issue to take up is that women are often identified as target group,
because they should be made interested in engaging into studies in the science and
technology domain. At times when student numbers are decreasing in the core fields of
science, women have become an important resource in order to assure reproduction of
the scientific fields and thus indirectly also allow for future developments. In particular
communication activities of universities aim at attracting this target audience. However
it is often overlooked, that science as a way of working, thinking and being is
communicated implicitly in many different places and dominant stereotype images of
science with strong masculine connotations are omnipresent in the public sphere.
But women are often also addressed as a group that is said to be much more sceptical
about technoscientific innovations than men. In particular the survey research
exercises have often underlined the fact that women tend to be more critical about
certain technoscientific innovations and express more clearly their doubts, ambivalence
and fears than men. In that sense once certain issues – such as genetically modified
food – have entered the arena of public debate and democratic deliberation processes
will take place, information campaigning often tries to address women in specific ways.
Only rarely initiatives aim at fostering the empowerment of women with regard to
science as an institutions where women should also get their places in the upper-levels
of hierarchies, but also with regard to technoscientific issues that have a large impact
on women in their personal development, on the female body and on the gender
relations within society in general. 71 TP PT
Finally, if one wants to realise the project of embedding science and technology in
general culture and to make society function along these lines, it proved important that
also women would subscribe to these basic ideas and be supportive to them. In that
sense efforts are made in order to convince this specific segment of the public rather
than getting involved with their visions of technoscientific developments.
TP In recent years a number of studies in the STS field have tried to address the ways in which
technological change is also transforming the gender relations on the personal and private level as well as
at work.
PUS Policies – Introduction 47
Throughout the twentieth century, concerns about the access of the public to scientific
knowledge spread from the academic to the economic and political realms. This
movement was directly related to the growing recognition of the role of science and
technology in economic development and social welfare. The issue of scientific and
technological literacy entered a new political discourse where it became linked with the
notion that people living in a complex technological civilization should possess a certain
degree of scientific and technological knowledge and know-how. In more advanced
economies, the attention to the levels of the workers technical skills, and their impact
on industrial competitiveness has been recurrent.
Since the mid-1970s, knowledge of science has become also associated with the
understanding of science in the sense of social acceptance of technological change. In
fact, the interest shown by political authorities concerning the levels of knowledge, as
well as the attitudes of the general public towards science and technology may be
explained by their need to obtain social support for their investments in research and
development, especially at a time when the credibility of science was being challenged
to some extent in technologically advanced societies. Policy action in this new field can
thus be regarded as a prerequisite for reducing the distance and tension between
science and society (Gonçalves, 2000).
By the same token, a wide set of arguments has been put forward in favour of the
popularisation of science in a changing world: scientific, economic, military, ideological,
cultural, intellectual, aesthetic and ethical arguments. These broad approaches meet
the thesis of the well-known report by the Royal Society of London on “The public
understanding of science”, published in 1985. According to this report, “better public
understanding of science can be a major element in promoting national prosperity, in
raising the quality of public and private decision-making and in enriching the life of the
individual” (The Royal Society, 1985).
One should, therefore, not be surprised by the recognition, by the Organisation for
Cooperation and Economic Development, since 1987, that governments, as part of
their policies for science and technology, should play a role in the promotion of
scientific and technological literacy through education and other means (OECD, 1987).
In the European Union (EU) scientific literacy has been the object of the Eurobarometer
public opinion surveys since the late 1970s. Under the 5th Framework Programme, the
PUS Policies – Introduction 48
EU launched a specific research line into issues of public awareness about science
and the public understanding of science. In July 2002, a plan of action was adopted by
the European Commission to stimulate and to support popularisation of science
activities as such at the EU level.
Notwithstanding the common recognition by governments of European countries of the
need to engage in an active promotion of the diffusion of science in society, as well as
the understanding of science by the people, the variety of the approaches adopted, and
the means resorted to by public bodies to improve the relationship between science
and the public should be acknowledged. A comparative overview of the policies carried
out in this area in some Member States of the European Union (Austria, Belgium,
France, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom) indeed shows remarkable
contrasts regarding, in particular:
As might be expected, these differences reflect the variety of national science histories,
the relative strength of scientific systems, and the differing perceptions by public
authorities about the social and economic role of science, and the various degrees of
industrial and technological development.
The question may be raised whether these differences are being – or should be –
reduced by European integration processes, and to what extent it may make sense to
talk about best practices in this regard.
Historical background
One could point out at the outset that, whereas in some European countries, such as
France, Sweden and the United Kingdom, science popularisation has a long history,
going back to the Enlightenment, in others, such as Austria or Portugal, the diffusion of
science has not been encouraged in a systematic manner until recent times.
The relevance assigned to people’s access to scientific knowledge is not separable
from the recognition, by the States and by economic actors, of the role of science and
technology in social progress and in economic growth. In Belgium, France, Sweden
and the United Kingdom, scientific institutions were, as a rule, supported by
government, and benefited from a favourable educational and cultural climate, and a
PUS Policies – Introduction 49
Just like each painter possesses a favourite and distinctive palette of colours, by which
he can be recognised, each culture has, in a particular moment in time, favourite words
for describing and constructing its social reality. These words carry a history with them,
and their meaning is a product of social negotiation. It also happens that for issues
socially recognised as relevant, most of our words come in oppositional pairs, and each
term of the pair can be used in different discourses. As a consequence, different
cultures use different words, different opposition pairs of words, different expressions
and thus different discourses.
Under the label of “scientific literacy”, “scientific culture” or the “public understanding of
science”, in all the countries analysed both the governments and the scientific
communities now share a common concern with the awareness and knowledge of
science by the general public. As the relationship between science and society became
politicised, a tendency developed to broaden the scope of the concepts used.
TP Differences of degree between these two countries should, however, be acknowledged: whereas in
Austria R&D industrial expenditures account today for 40% of the total R&D expenditures, in Portugal they
account for just 25%; and whereas, in Austria, public investment in R&D amounts to 1,8% of GDP, it only
amounts to 0, 65% in Portugal.
PUS Policies – Introduction 50
However, the contexts in which such concern was born and developed, and the
underlying philosophies vary to a great extent: whereas in some cases, civic and
cultural considerations have prevailed, in others, economic and industrial purposes
The United Kingdom is regarded as a pioneering and innovative country in both the
theory and the practice of Public Understanding of Science (PUS), understood as a
new field of public and political interest and of social research. In this country, the
objective of the initiatives put forward in this field from the 1980s onwards was twofold:
improving people’s capabilities as active professionals and informed citizens in an
increasingly technological society, and of securing the public’s support for the State’s
investments in R&D. It was not a coincidence that the Royal Society of London’s
influential report on “The Public Understanding of Science” (the “Bodmer report”) was
elaborated and published at the time of Mrs. Thatcher’s conservative government with
its constraints on public funding and the corresponding pressures for public
accountability of research.
In contemporary France, efforts to carry out an explicit policy designed to further the
penetration of science in society may be said to have been pro-active, rather than
reactive: they followed the options made by the socialist government which came to
power in 1981. One of the outcomes of this policy was the establishment throughout
the country of “centres de culture scientifique, technique et industrielle”.
In Sweden, the relationships between culture and science have been credited as being
of prime importance in the last two decades. The Council for Planning and
Coordination of Research, established in 1979, has been the foremost actor to
stimulate and support efforts to popularise science.
The actual political relevance of the “public understanding of science” in both Sweden
and France appears to be a result of the recognition by law, as early as 1977, in
Sweden, and 1981, in France, of a clear assignment (the “third assignment” besides
teaching and research) for scientists and academics to become actively involved in the
dissemination of the outputs of their work towards the general public. Similarly, the
emergence of universities as a leading actor in this field in Belgium can be related to
the implementation of their statutory mission to provide services to the community.
In Sweden, the third assignment was ultimately reoriented towards more practical
ends: applied research, industrial R&D, commercial utility and competencies-building
have gained momentum in the directions of policies for scientific institutions.
The decisive role played by Belgian regional and local authorities in the promotion of
awareness about science can be related to a somewhat similar aim: that of
encouraging an innovative and industrial culture among students and entrepreneurs.
Emphasis has been placed on the building up of a scientifically and technologically
competent workforce, combined with initiatives to raise awareness about science
among the general public. It should be recalled in this connection that in this country
PUS Policies – Introduction 51
business expenditure amount to 72% of total R&D expenditure. Besides, the ratio of
researchers’ vis-à-vis the active population is one of the highest in Europe.
A nexus can therefore be recognised between the levels of industrial development and
industrial investment in research and development, and the emphasis of public policies
on technical or technological, besides scientific culture.
This hypothesis is reinforced if one considers the Portuguese case. In Portugal,
industrial expenditure in R&D amount to only 20% of total expenditure. The explicit
“policy for scientific culture”, led by the Portuguese Ministry of Science and
Technology, was guided by an ideological frame of reference inherited, one might say,
from the philosophy of “Les Lumières” according to which science is essentially the
search for the laws of nature and of things, based on logic and deduction. The same
ideology espouses the values of liberty and of democracy and takes them as intrinsic
elements of scientific practice. The “Ciência Viva” (Science alive) programme, the
major initiative launched in this context, lies on the notion of scientific practice as the
understanding and manipulation of nature and of scientific instruments. One of its main
underlying goals is to counter the traditional theoretically based teaching of sciences,
by a methodology of teaching based on experimentation. Technological and industrial
development provides, at the most, indirect or implicit goals of this policy.
It was also in the 1990s that the Austrian government (firstly through the Ministry of
Science and Transport and since 2001 through the Ministry of Education, Science and
Culture) acknowledged the need to invest in this new policy area. During these years,
an increasing interest for science and technology was also perceivable in the Austrian
media. Pressure for problem-oriented research combined with the decrease of public
funding, and the intense public debate about science-issues such as GMOs and
related scepticism and distrust towards science (triggered by applications by national
and international research institutes to release GMOs in Austria) were at the origin of
the recognition of the need to work out new forms of communication of science to the
public. Their central objectives have been to attract young people to scientific
professions, and to secure public acceptance of science and technology.
As it comes out from this brief sketch of the economic and social contexts, and the
goals of national policies in this field, highly industrialised countries, namely France and
Belgium, have actively promoted the dissemination of science and technology in
society as part of broader public policies, at the central or regional levels, aimed at
furthering the synergy between science and technology, industrial growth and
competition, on the one hand, and at raising awareness about science and bringing
science into culture, on the other hand. These options account for the fact that the
concept commonly used in political and social discourse be “scientific, technological
and industrial culture”.
In Sweden, a combination of the civic tradition that relates science to democracy, and a
more practical, economically oriented tradition of industrial exploitation of science can
PUS Policies – Introduction 52
be observed as well. The democratic argument has played a major role in policies for
the university and the public understanding of science: as early as the beginning of the
20th century, public university professors were seen as civil servants close to the
people and undertook popularisation activities. The social and political culture that
characterises this Nordic country underlies the positive receptivity of the general public
to initiatives undertaken in this area.
A somewhat different path seems to have been pursued by the United Kingdom.
Against the background of an old tradition of popularisation of science, recent efforts in
this area, and the new language used to frame it (the “public understanding of
science”), have been strongly motivated by the need to counter the retreat of the State
from research funding. Here, public acceptance became a chief preoccupation of
policy-makers and scientists.
In contrast, in Portugal, a country at an intermediate state of development, the new
policy in this field “was born out of a decisive debate against Portuguese scientific
backwardness”, to use the words of the Science Minister. This policy found its origin in
the recognition of the need to struggle for the “general appropriation of scientific culture
by the Portuguese population”. Popularisation is seen, in this context, as both a
responsibility of the national scientific community, and a “collective responsibility”. The
concept most commonly used has been that of “scientific culture”. This reflects both a
cultural and a civic, but not so much a technological approach to the public
understanding of science.
Despite the actual dilution of the left/right divide, one may wonder whether there is any
link between the ideological or political beliefs of particular governments and their
orientations in the field of the public understanding of science. At first sight, social
democrats (in Sweden, for example) and socialist governments (in particular France
and Portugal) attached more credence to this policy area than conservative
governments did. This hypothesis needs a more in-depth inquiry in order to be tested.
One would need to assess, in particular, whether the less active role of some
governments is part of a more general political will to reduce the scope of public
intervention or a genuine devaluation of the importance of specific policies for scientific
culture as compared to education and training ones.
Office of Science and Technology (POST), in the United Kingdom, and the “Office
parlementaire des choix scientifiques et technologiques”, of the French Parliament
provide examples of parliamentary structures that have actively encouraged reflection
and discussion about the relationships between science and society, and public
consultation exercises. 73 Reference should also be made to the Flemish institution for
TP Important initiatives have been, in the United Kingdom, the inquiry on Science and Society, by the
House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology, the POST’ review public consultation
initiatives in S&T related areas; and, in France, the citizens’ conference on GMOs organised by the Office
parlementaire des choix scientifiques et technologiques, in 1998.
PUS Policies – Introduction 54
As could be expected, the design and the operation of public bodies that formulate or
implement policies in this area and the relative role of the State and of scientific
communities do reflect the underlying cultures of both the political and the scientific
systems. Contrasting social and institutional cultures also shape the involvement of
non-governmental actors in decision-making.
In the United Kingdom, may be more than in any other country, scientists themselves
have been pushing reflection and action. The Bodmer report was a product of the
Royal Society in response to political and social pressures for increasing accountability
of scientists. It led to the establishment of the Committee on the Public Understanding
of Science (COPUS) under the auspices of the Royal Society and the British
Association for the Advancement of Science. The “PUS movement” has been largely
expert-led, and involved a dynamic bottom-up activity by schools, science clubs,
industrial and professional associations, and even individuals. Public funding followed
this movement, supporting mainly small activities by practising scientists to
communicate their work often through schools.
Initiatives under the “PUS movement” evolved gradually into more interactive exercises
involving dialogue between experts and lay members of the public. Both the British
Parliament and the Prime Minister’s Office have taken a strong interest in participatory
PUS Policies – Introduction 56
methods. At the level of the Prime Minister office internet-based consultation exercises
have been carried out inviting public feedback as input to the development of a code of
practice to apply to scientific advisory bodies, and a science forum website encourages
discussion about the best way to communicate the benefits and risks of science and
In Britain, as in other European countries, the recent emphasis on public consultation
and participation, particularly since the late 1990s, has been a response to social
pressures for increased social control of the use of science in decision-making. British
administrative procedures and, in particular, those that frame the provision of expert
advice, have traditionally been rather secretive. These procedures evolved to more
transparent and open ones, in the aftermath of the crisis of confidence in science and
governance that accompanied the BSE affair. Three official bodies set up by the British
government during 1990s now have a specific remit to include public consultation in
their decision-making processes: the Food Standards Agency, the Agricultural and
Environmental Biotechnology Commission, and the Human Genetics Commission.
It has been at local level, however, and in the health sector that public consultation has
been most highly developed and widespread. By 1997, over 40 local authorities had
used citizens’ panels. Science and technology related public consultation in the health
sector involved the stakeholders in the processes of defining the content of the study,
selecting the contractors, advising on the study programme, interpreting data, and
drawing conclusions. In Sweden, the regionalisation of research and innovation policies
facilitated the participation of local users in policy-making.
The role of universities has been very active in Sweden, a state of things that is not
alien to the generous funding of information activities, leading to the establishment of
information secretariats in all Swedish universities and colleges. In Belgium,
universities have come to play a major role in science popularisation activities as well,
partly as an element of their strategy to attract students to science faculties. Swedish
activities in this area have been marked by both the active involvement of researchers,
teachers, non-governmental actors, and a markedly extensive participation by civilians.
Belgium has an important tradition of consulting social partners (employers and trade
unions). Consultation was included in the research and development policy system
since it’s beginning. The workings of technology assessment mechanisms (namely, the
foundation for technology assessment under the Flemish socio-economic regional
council) contributed to reinforce the involvement of social actors in the making of this
policy. The increasing concern with public awareness about the role of science in
development and competitiveness that gained momentum in Austria in the late 1990s
also favoured participatory approaches in science-based issues of public relevance.
Contrary to this trend, in Portugal, the policy for scientific culture has been
implemented mainly through centralised initiatives, namely, the “Ciência Viva”, program
and public lectures organised by the Science Ministry. The “Ciência Viva” programme
PUS Policies – Introduction 57
whose objective is to mobilise the educational and scientific communities, gave a major
impulse to cooperation between, primary and secondary schools, on the one hand, and
universities and state laboratories, on the other hand. Governmental action has
involved the scientific and academic communities, and enabled them to put into
practice popularisation activities that they could hardly pursue on their own. Contrary to
this trend, the involvement of social partners in policy-making has no significant
expression in Portugal. Despite rising social pressure for opening the debate on
science-based policy issues, no significant steps have been taken in this direction.
“The crisis of trust has produced a new mood for dialogue”, the British Parliament’s
House of Lords recognised in its report about science and society. In other countries,
however, one might say that the “mood for dialogue” has more ancient roots. That is
the case of Sweden, for example, where, in the late 1970s, the nuclear power debate
paved the way for the perception by the authorities of the need to organise and give an
impulse to the efforts being made to communicate science.
In France, the strengthening and adaptation of policies for science, technology and
industry throughout the 1980s and 1990s were not indifferent to social pressures.
“Citizens” replaced the word “public” in French political discourse. With a view to
restore public trust in science and technology, new spaces where science and society
interact were opened in France, and the actors directly involved in science
popularisation modified their communication practices. One important expression of
this trend was the Citizens’ Conference on GMOs, organised by the “Office
Parlementaire des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques” of the French Parliament, in
1998. Ultimately, the attention paid, at the highest political level, to public awareness
and understanding of science was manifest, for example, in the Conference on
“Science and Society: The Public Understanding of Science”, held in Paris, in 2000,
under the French Presidency of the European Union.
The recourse to new modes of including citizens in science-based public debate as a
means to respond to public concerns and the crisis of confidence surrounding science
was also apparent in the United Kingdom, where, as already pointed out, two
“consensus conferences” where organised on a national basis. In this case, as in the
French one just mentioned, the topics discussed provide an indication of domains
which have generated public concern: biotechnology, genetic engineering, and
management of dangerous waste, among other.
In Austria as well as in Portugal, the emergence of critical attitudes towards science
seems to be a more recent phenomenon, closely associated with recent food and
PUS Policies – Introduction 58
environmental controversies. In Portugal, this evolution was largely driven by the media
and was not indifferent to the struggle by the scientific community for political
recognition and greater external visibility. But, as noted above, the public policy for
scientific culture tended to exclude both the discussion on the nature of science and
technology themselves, and the consideration of the respective social, economic and
political contexts, from the learning and awareness processes. This policy is, therefore,
out of phase with the public image that science is acquiring in the mass media in
Gonçalves. Maria Eduarda (2000), “From Northern to Southern Europe - Political
motivations behind recent discourse on the public understanding of science”, in M.
Dierkes and C. von Grothe, Between Understanding and Trust. The Public, Science
and Technology, Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, pp. 61-74
OECD (1987), The Contribution of Science and Technology to Economic Growth and
Social Development, Discussion Paper, Paris: OECD
Royal Society, The (1985), The Public Understanding of Science, London: The Royal
TP PT See http://www.cordis.lu/era/activities.htm .
Austrian policies on Public Understanding of Science 59
Ulrike Felt
First, Austria seems to suffer from what could be labelled the "golden past syndrome".
There had been a sharp decline of the Austrian science system following World War I,
due to the exodus of most of the outstanding scientists, which started in the 1920s and
was accelerated in the post-Anschluss period. Yet, despite the ubiquitous regret of
having lost the status of scientific leadership, the Austrian government of the second
TP This process lasted for several months and a number of consultation workshops were held in this
framework. The "end product" was the so-called "Grünbuch" which is a unique document in the Austrian
science policy tradition.
TP It is important to remark that the very notion of Wissenschaft has a profoundly different meaning than
science. It does not only embrace the social sciences and humanities, but it addresses also different
features that were seen as central during the formation process of the science system, a fact which was
also reflected in the German PUS programme. It is called "Public Understanding of Science and
Humanities" (PUSH).Stifterverband (1999): Memorandum zum "Dialog Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft",
Austrian policies on Public Understanding of Science 60
republic made no concerted effort to compensate these cultural and human losses.
There were no programmes for restitution or restoration by bringing exiled Austrian
scientists back into their institutions. 77 The policy adopted was mainly to avoid
addressing the problem explicitly. For the place of science in public perception, this
meant mainly resignation with regard to the present situation. No efforts were made to
actively communicate science to a wider public and where at all it was being
communicated, the focus was on the far away past of science and its outstanding
Secondly, the relatively slowly evolving Austrian Research and Development system –
measured by the expenditure for R&D in percentage of the GDP – is far behind the
average of European countries, a fact which could be interpreted in the light of the lack
of public presence of science. After years of promises and some efforts undertaken by
the respective governments Austria has just reached 1.8% GDP funding for R&D,
however it is still lagging far behind the European average. 78 The explanations given
as mainly taking place in small and medium sized enterprises and mostly in sectors
with low level of innovation. As a result Austrian enterprises involved in research carry
only about 40% of the overall expenses on R&D, which is far below the EU as well as
the OECD average.
Furthermore many analysts of the Austrian situation stress, that a large segment of
Austrian research is conducted in the universities, which are 97% state funded. For a
long while research was – through the basic financing of the universities –
"automatically" also financed without evaluation or submission to any accountability
structures. This there was little competition between research institutions. As a
consequence no necessity was seen to really engage with a wider public and regularly
communicate about the work accomplished within the research institutions – a fact
which is undergoing a dramatic change while this paper is written.
Finally the minimal efforts that were made to create/shape a clear and active science
and technology policy should not be overlooked. Science and technology were seen
more as to be administrated instead of being driven by visions and political
engagement for future developments in this area. This would hold both for the
governments, which paid little attention to elaborating policies in this domain as well as
TP Stadler F. & Weibel (1995): The cultural exodus from Austria (New York: Springer-Verlag)
TP This statement would also hold if one takes other indicators such as number of scientists/working
citizen. Here Austria is together with Spain, Greece and Portugal at the end of the ranking in European
Countries. See B. Felderer & D.F.J. Campell (1994): Forschungsfinanzierung in Europa: Trends - Modelle
Empfehlungen für Österreich, (Wien: Manz). For the most recent figures see http://www.bmbwk.gv.at .
TP Forschungsbericht 2000, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur
Austrian policies on Public Understanding of Science 61
for the large majority of the institutions, which were not very active in this domain
The situation started to change fundamentally during the 1990s and a number of
elements within and surrounding the science system can be identified as triggering the
rise of the Public Understanding of Science issue in Austria.
The first group of changes concerns the science system itself and the universities in
particular – an important repositioning among the whole network of knowledge
producing institutions was about to take place. One of the ever-present metaphors
used in this context was the "ivory tower" which the university would have to leave.
Scientists would have to meet "society" in a more open-minded and proactive way. The
realisation of this aim was planned through a sequence of reforms. A structural reform
of the university in 1993 80 was the first step, which aimed at implementing the idea of
TP This law which was voted in 1993 brought along an important reorganisation within the universities.
These include a slightly higher degree in autonomy, the abandoning of most of the democratic and
participative decision making structures, the making of regular evaluations of research and teaching
obligatory and installed clearly hierarchical structures in the decision making processes.
Austrian policies on Public Understanding of Science 62
to argue for money and to create a far-reaching visibility appear central. On the other
hand even basic financing will not be automatically guaranteed anymore and will need
argumentative strategies in order to assure stability. In that sense raising public
awareness about research being carried out as well as stimulating public debate about
the need of science and technology seems to be an obvious, crucial strategic element
for assuring future development.
The main policy guidelines of the Ministry for Education, Research and Culture make
these issues even more explicit:
Research is funded to a highly significant degree from public funds: as a result there is
an obligation to have a greater problem-oriented approach, where research commits
itself to working on issues which affect society and seeking to provide solutions to
areas of conflict. At the same time, this approach can promote communication with the
general public and can raise the status of research. However, researchers themselves
must contribute to this improved understanding by projecting the results of their
activities "to the outside world". 81 TP PT
Three elements seem clearly present in this statement. First the importance of applied
problem oriented research is underlined. Second both application- orientation and
increased efforts to communicate with the public will assure a higher status of science
in society. Thirdly, scientists should be the ones involved in the communication of their
A further important element triggering an increased need for science communication
can be identified around the referendum against the release of Genetically Modified
Organisms (GMOs) which took place in spring 1997 (and was extremely successful
with over 1.2 million people signing). It became probably the most widely and
emotionally debated "science-issue" in Austria and was only comparable with the
debate over civil nuclear energy in the late seventies 82 in which scientific practitioners,
TP BMBWK homepage: http://www.bmbwk.gv.at (2001).
TP Perhaps it would be also relevant to add the "Anti-Temelin" Debate, although the structure of the debate
development, and there was/is a huge lack in the culture of information and dialogue
between scientists, science policy makers and wider public. This clear refusal of
genetically modified food was interpreted rather differently by the different actors
involved, all of them however started to realise that part of the problem was the
enormous lack of culture in publicly debating issues with regard to science and
Finally, one should not overlook the importance and the impact of policies on the
European level in the domain of science-society relations. The strong focus that
appeared in this domain in the 1990s on the EU level and the explicit formulation of the
"Raising Public Awareness" issue in the 5th framework programme, surely have
contributed to the rethinking of Austrian policies in this domain.
As has already been stated, it is in this climate of general change that the Ministry of
Science and Transport undertook in 1999 for the first time the effort, after a period of
consultation, to formulate an overall national science policy statement, which has
become known as "Grünbuch" 83 . It was one of the last steps taken by the
socialist/conservative coalition government in the science policy area. With this science
policy document and the debates that accompanied its production, a first initiative was
taken towards creating political and public awareness about the importance of
adequate research funding for national development and international competitiveness.
Further it addressed the difficulty of a national innovation system mainly based on state
financing. With regard to science-society interactions, the Grünbuch expresses a clear
statement towards participatory approaches in questions regarding societal issues of
science and technology, in favour of more problem-oriented research as well as of a
"stronger involvement of society".
A full chapter was devoted to the science-society issue and the following points were
• There should be wide ranging information available to the public and the
possibility for a broad debate that does justice to the doubts and wishes of the
people as well as to the matters concerning researchers.
• "An interesting dialogue relevant to the diverse groups involved" should be
TP Grünbuch zur Österreichischen Forschungspolitik, Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Verkehr,
Wien 1999.
Austrian policies on Public Understanding of Science 64
• "The public within the democratic process has the role of contributing, from its
everyday experience, knowledge that otherwise possibly remains unseen by
politics, law and administration."
• Action is to be "taken in order to make accessible the work, results and
possibilities of research in Austria to a wider public."
Further, the Grünbuch stressed a clear weakness of the Austrian science system to
which attention should be drawn, namely the high degree of centralisation of science
and technology as well as of science communication in and around Vienna. While this
is evidently also a historically rooted phenomenon, it is also linked to the role Vienna
plays with regard to the rest of Austria. By its mere size (1.6 million inhabitants versus
8 million for the whole of Austria) and how ‘embedded’ it is in international networks it
has become an attractive centre for all kinds of initiatives. Also, more than half of the
national research sites are located in and around Vienna. 84 With regard to this aspect TP PT
we can therefore find the following considerations with respect to Public Understanding
of Science: "The centralised competence to be found in the East of Austria (i.e. Vienna
and surroundings) should – via suitable measures – also be made accessible to the
western Länder". 85 TP PT
Innovation and Technology TP PT on the other hand. Whereas the former promotes the
TP PT "Forschungsstättenkatalog 1994", Österreischisches Statistisches Zentralamt, Wien
TP PT Grünbuch, p.78;
TP PT http://www.bmwf.gv.at/
TP PT http://www.bmv.gv.at/
Austrian policies on Public Understanding of Science 65
"classical" science domains like universities, university research and education, the
latter is responsible for administering and promoting the domains of infrastructure,
technology, applied and especially regional corporate research, following as can clearly
be remarked the ideal of the "New Economy". Additionally, the new government has
created the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development 88 , which TP PT
consists of university and non-university research experts appointed equally by the two
ministries. 89 This body has several functions, which include:
• Advising the federal and the regional governments with regard to issues of
research, science and technology;
• To develop long term strategies for R&D in Austria;
• To strengthen the position of Austria within the international science and
technology system and;
• To develop measures in order to improve the interaction between
universities and industry/companies. 90 TP PT
The major shifts in the university system, which took place during the same period,
have already been documented above.
With regard to the Public Understanding of Science issue the new government, the
responsible ministries, and the Council for Research and Technology Development
have remained largely in line with the ideas of the Grünbuch. The first official statement
with regard to Public Understanding of Science by the new government was the
'Declaration of the Federal Government on Current Issues in Research and
Technology Policy' from July 2000:
It is interesting to note that from the point of view of rhetoric this declaration would
allow the drawing of some parallels to the 1985 report on Public Understanding of
Science by the Royal Society rather than following the conceptual framework
developed in the documents of the EU. Although it is difficult to make clear
TP With regard to the concrete composition of the Council shows however a clear bias towards integrating
no member part of the social science or the humanities. This clearly underlines a shift towards more
application oriented research vision with a clear focus on science and technology.
TP Bundesgesetz zur Förderung der Forschung und Technologieentwicklung, BGBl. I Nr. 48/2000, 11. Juli
Austrian policies on Public Understanding of Science 66
interpretations from these few sentences, such phrasing would hint at a relatively
uncritical approach to the complex relationship between science and the different levels
of the public and could be inscribed in the information/enlightenment paradigm.
Since the beginning of 2001 different levels of policy were discussed to develop more
concrete programmes or projects. The Ministry for Education, Research and Culture
has developed such a policy paper for this area. Concretely the Ministry funded partly
the new science internet portal maintained by the ORF (Austrian Radio and Television
company) which should be underlined as a major innovation, which went on-line in
January 2001, the Science Week (which was held annually from 2000-2002) as well as
a number of other smaller initiatives. Also the federally funded and co-ordinated
research programme on Genomics (Gen-Au) set accompanying measures to improve
the public dialogue in the domain of human genetics. To this end they organised by the
end of 2002 a so-called "Discourse-day on genetic diagnosis". TP PT
The programme on science and society which is under preparation by the Austrian
Council for Research and Technology Development – a newly created science policy
advisory body -, carries the heading "Programme for the creation of awareness for
research, development and innovation". This should run for three years and will be
financed by public money with a sum of up to 6 Million Euro. 92 The programme – which
is mainly geared towards promoting technological innovation and not science in its
larger sense – has so far sponsored a PR-campaign for innovation, has financed partly
a one-year training course for science journalists, the citizen conference on gentic data
(www.dialog-gentechnik.at) and a number of other smaller initiatives. Although, it
sponsors all kinds of initiatives, there is a clear bias towards Public Relation activities
towards for science and technology rather than focusing on the more interactive
components (see also governmental initiatives).
TP For the Science Week home-page see http://www.scienceweek.at ; at the time when this report the
organisational concept of the science week is discussed and a new concept should be put in place. An
evaluation had been carried out during the 2001 and 2002 Science Week, The full reports: Felt U. et al.
(2001): Evaluierung der Science Week @Austria 2001: Ein Experiment der Wissenschaftskommunikation
in Österreich as well as Felt U. et al. (2002): Evaluierung der Science Week @Austria 2002 can be found
under http://www.univie.ac.at/wissenschaftstheorie/virusss (in the research section).
For the information on the Gen-au programme and the discourse day see www.gen-au.at ; an TU UT
accompaying evalution carried out; for the report see Felt U./Fochler M./Strasnigg M. (2003): Evaluierung
des Diskurstages Gendiagnostik (Wien, 24.10.2002) can be found under
http://www.univie.ac.at/wissenschaftstheorie/virusss (in the research section)
TP http://www.rat-fte.at
Austrian policies on Public Understanding of Science 67
It is also worthwhile to draw attention to two other aspects. The first concerns the
notion of science being applied in different contexts and communication setting. In both
initiatives – Science Week and ORF internet portal – the humanities and the social
sciences find their (although small) place side by side with science news, which is an
important innovation in the Austrian context and which is explicitly fostered by the
Ministry. The Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development programme
however, is much more directed towards natural sciences and technological innovation
and stresses in many ways the economic role public acceptance of science plays in
future developments.
The second perspective to be considered concerns the publics that are addressed
through these initiatives. In line with the debate on the European level two key-groups
can be identified in this context. One consists of the school children, which should
meet science in such a way that fascination is produced. This should assure an
increase in the number of young people interested in following higher education in
these domains and thus assure reproduction and stability in particular for the classical
domains like physics, electrical engineering etc. The other group are women. Here the
necessity for increased communication efforts to gain their interest is argued at least in
two ways. First of all they represent an important community which might show
resistance to certain technologies and thus more information should lead them to a
better understanding, hence acceptance. Here we meet again the classical expectation
that better understanding would lead to a higher degree of acceptance. Second, as
boys seem to show a decreasing interest in certain fields of the natural sciences,
women are seen as an excellent resource to compensate the decline in number of
To summarise, one can definitely say that there is still too little concerted, clearly stated
policy concerning Public Understanding of Science Initiatives in Austria. However, it
should be mentioned that many of the activities concerning Public Understanding of
Science are nevertheless publicly funded, especially by the Ministry for Education,
Science and Culture and more recently by the Austrian Council for Research and
Technology Development. The broad variety of initiatives incorporating very different
philosophies of science-communication – as we will see – can be taken as an indicator
for a rather open attitude. Or to put it differently; they have not "done" Public
Understanding of Science, but made Public understanding of Science possible on very
different levels. It could be argued that this is positive or negative – most contemporary
voices hold the latter – though it points to one of the basic features of the Austrian
political culture: it is still extremely state-centred.
Austrian policies on Public Understanding of Science 68
• One can definitely say that there is still little concerted, clearly stated policy
concerning PUS-initiatives in Austria until the beginning of the 21st century.
• However, the activities concerning PUS were often (at least partially)
publicly funded, especially by the Ministry for Education, Science and
Culture. The variety of initiatives incorporating very different philosophies of
science-communication can be taken as an indicator for a rather open
attitude. Or to put it differently: Until the late 90ies the government has not
"carried out" PUS initiatives, but made a few PUS initiatives possible on very
different levels.
• Since 2000 one can say that PUS has entered the terrain of science policy
and thus also different players become visible and formulate their policy.
Besides the two ministries who are dealing with research and education, the
Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development is now trying to
position itself as key-player.
• With a few exceptions the initiatives are inscribed very much in the linear
communication paradigm, enhancing the idea that what is needed for better
positioning science in society is PR work
• Thus it is possible to conclude that there have been central changes taking
place in the last three years; however we are still some steps away from a
broader debate on public participation in science and technology issues and
its realisation.
The Belgian policy context 69
This paper deals with the institutional and political aspects from the Belgian perspective
in the way that public understanding of science and technology activities are carried
out. Since the mid 90’s, S&T policies, as well as public awareness on S&T issues have
been shaped by the new institutional context that is set up by the federalisation process
of science, technology, education and culture. Besides these institutional aspects, the
country is characterised by the co-existence of two main languages and cultures, which
have closer links to the Netherlands and France, respectively, than to each other. S&T
policies are therefore characterised by a high level of decentralisation. Policy initiatives
and decisions in the areas covered by the OPUS project belong more to the federated
entities than to the federal State TP PT . Instead of a national policy context, it should be
referred to as two regional policy contexts, receiving impulse or support from the
federal level.
“Public understanding of science and technology” (PUST) is a seldom-used term in
Belgium, in either French or Dutch translations. Discourses and practices are closer to
the expression “public awareness on S&T”, as used by the European Commission, and
the most widespread term is simply “scientific and technical culture”, such as in France.
The process of federalisation of S&T policy is historically linked to the second step of
institutional reforms (constitutional reform and regionalisation laws of 1988 and 1990),
which aimed at transforming the whole structure of the State into a decentralised
system, based on three territorial Regions (Flanders, Wallonie and Brussels) and three
cultural “Communities”: the Flemish and French Communities (overlapping each other
in the bilingual Brussels Region) and the smaller German Community (belonging to the
Walloon Region). Universities, education and culture were transferred to the
Community level, while research and innovation policies were transferred to the
Regions, except for some matters of national interest (for instance, nuclear research
TP More precisely: the Federal State (federal government), the Flemish institutions (one single government
for Flanders and the Flemish Community) and the Walloon and Brussels institutions (Walloon government,
Brussels government and French Community Wallonie-Brussels government).
The Belgian policy context 70
Moreover, the federalisation process refreshed several R&D institutions, increased the
visibility of R&D policies for the general public and gave a new impulse to policy
initiatives in various areas, including public awareness. Since the 90’s, public
awareness of S&T is not only considered a topical issue for media and communication,
but also as a way to legitimate innovation policies and to develop an innovative culture.
This is one of the reasons why regional institutions play the most important part.
Consultation of the social partners (employers and trade unions) was included very
early in the R&D policy system, through consultative bodies at the national level and in
semi-public funds for industrial research. The new institutions now overtake this
principle of involvement of the social partners. Each of the Federal State, the Flemish
Region and the Walloon Region has set up its consultative council on science policy.
These councils are composed of representatives from universities and high schools,
public authorities, employers’ federations and trade unions. They have an advisory
role, either on their own initiative or when the government requires advice.
TP Other key features of the Belgian S&T system are:
• Gross domestic expenditure in R&D (1999) represents 1.87% of GDP (EU average: 1.85%),
among which 72% business expenditure and 28% public expenditure.
• Public research is mainly carried out in universities; other public research centres only
represent a very small part of public research. There is no similar institution to CNRS in France
or TNO in the Netherlands.
• Industrial research is highly concentrated in two sectors (chemistry and pharmacy: 35%;
electronics and telecommunication: 34%) and in a limited number of enterprises (20
enterprises spend 50% of the total business expenditure in R&D).
• The ratio “number of researchers / working population” (1997) is 0.75%, which is one of the
highest in Europe (EU average: 0.49%). Total employment in R&D (researchers and others)
increased from 36799 to 43980 full-time equivalents, from 1993 to 1997, mainly due to
employment growth in industrial research.
The Belgian policy context 71
In the area of public awareness of S&T, the policy of Walloon public authorities puts
strong emphasis on the promotion of innovation and the creation of an innovative
climate, involving enterprises, universities, research centres and to a lesser extent,
social forces.
The Bulletin Athena is a good illustration of this combination of a shop-window for
regional scientific and technological activities, with a wider promotion of scientific
culture. Athena is a 48-page monthly magazine, created in 1984 by the first regional
government, as a quarterly information support for a promotional campaign of
technological innovation. This aspect of promotion of regional technology is still present
in the bulletin, but the purposes have evolved. The bulletin also deals with general
scientific subjects and regularly includes articles on science and society issues. It also
includes bibliographical notes, accounts of scientific events, etc. Athena is financed by
DGTRE and currently has approximately 33 000 subscribers (free subscriptions) and
an estimated audience of about 50 000 readers. It functions mainly as an information
tool, not a policy one.
The overall budget devoted by the Walloon Region to the promotion of innovation and
the diffusion of scientific and technical culture is about € 5.4 M (2001). Only since 1999
has there been a dedicated department for scientific and technical communication
within DGTRE.
organised with science journalists, researchers and policy makers, in order to draw up
a state of the art science communication in the French-speaking part of the country.
Although the series of Technology weeks ended in 1996, most of the issues debated in
1995 have been overtaken in the following years.
TP PT Dossier Les Wallons, la recherche et la culture scientifique, in Bulletin Athéna, n° 110, avril 1995.
The Belgian policy context 72
TP PT Graitson D., Les rencontres de la recherche, dans le Bulletin Athéna, n° 136, décembre 1997.
The Belgian policy context 73
TP Borey S., Flanders: a case study, in the proceedings of the conference Public awareness of S&T in
Europe and its regions: building bridges with society, Brussels, December 2001.
The Belgian policy context 75
“Pavilion of sciences”, as a joint initiative of the science faculty and the government of
Flanders, in order to promote Flemish scientific culture in Brussels.
generally speaking with public awareness on S&T. Since 2000, STV has been
renamed “Innovatie en arbeid” (Innovation and work).
During the last few years, several proposals of law were debated in the Flemish
Parliament, in order to set up a parliamentary office of technology assessment,
following the models of similar institutions in many other European countries. The last
one succeeded. In December 2001, the Flemish Parliament officially set up a new
institution named “Vlaamse Instelling voor Wetenschappelijke en Technologische
Aspectenonderzoek” (Flemish institution for research on scientific and technological
aspects). This institution is financed by the regional parliament but independent from
the regional government. Like similar institutions in the Netherlands and Denmark, the
Flemish TA-institution’s functions are not only to advise the members of the parliament,
but also to organise public debates on science and technology issues and to promote
direct participation and involvement of the public.
Despite the high regionalisation rate of R&D (68% of public R&D budgets), the federal
science policy office (SSTC/DWTC) plays an important part in the Belgian context of
TP Berckmans P., Stichting Technologie Vlaanderen and participative technology assessment, in
R&D policy, as it remains the only reputed national institution in this area. The role of
federal institutions may be characterised by three key words: subsidiarity, impulsion
and coordination.
• Subsidiaries: in federalised matters, the federal level only acts when and where
its intervention is planned to be more efficient than multiple decentralised
• Impulsion: SSTC often start new programmes and new research themes, from
federal initiative in cooperation with the Regions: for instance in the areas of
sustainable development, transport and mobility, social sciences.
• Coordination: the federal level has to coordinate regional authorities and to
represent Belgian science policy abroad.
5. Final comments
TP Mormont M., Zaccaï E., Loots I., La communication scientifique en matière de développement durable,
During the long history of science popularisation in France, the very meaning of
science and technology has hardly been questioned. They have continuously been
associated with social progress. Their social usefulness appeared as a sufficient
argument to promote their development. Science popularisation was supposed to
enlighten or to educate the public, not to discuss the various stakes related to scientific
and technological development. 100 Discussion on the benefits and threats related to
science were only obvious after WW II and the use of nuclear weapons. Then criticisms
against science started to emerge.
In the 1950s and 1960s, the left wing movements were getting more and more involved
in the criticism of the expansion of capitalism. They considered scientific findings to be
diverted from "fair" causes, and that only those likely to be "profitable" were selected.
Hence, liberal capitalism was accused of ruining the development of "good science".
Nonetheless, the legitimacy of science remained uncontested. It was the uses that the
capitalists put sciences to which were considered perverted and so there was a need to
purify science and ensure its autonomy. In the public space, science benefited from
such a positive consensus that it was totally protected from political debates, or even
from public debates.
The 1968 revolt led to a reform of the universities that reduced the power of mandarins
and led to a growth in student population. In the same move, the operation of research
and academic institutions 101 , and the existing hierarchies within them, were directly
questioned, i.e. the division of labour between scientists and laboratory workers and
the exclusion of females from higher status). Other criticism, more related to the social
function of science, was voiced by the radical left movement and then by ecologists.
Both were struggling to make science and scientists responsible for the social, cultural
and environmental consequences of scientific research 102 . Hence, a reflexive attitude
tended to develop within the scientific community. It aimed not at questioning the core
of scientific activities, but to discuss the possible threats related to scientific
developments: scientism, but also potential risks related to nuclear research and
TP In France, science popularisation started in the 17 th century with the work of Fontenelle, among others.
The 18 th century was dominated by the large enterprise of building encyclopaedias within which science
and mechanical arts occupied an important place. Popular education movements appeared in the 19 P P
century together with the institutionalisation and the specialisation of science. They would be reinforced by
the growth of positivism (see the chapter on National Profile France).
TP In France, there is a clear partition between national research centres (CNRS, INSERM, INRA) and
Paris, 1973.
Public Understanding of Science in the French policy context 79
genetics. This movement, carried by young research workers (who were labelled
"scientifiques contestataires") influenced by the 1968 revolt, expressed their opinions
through trade unions and several protesting publications (Impasciences, Labo-
contestation, Survivre et vivre...). While some actors of this movement launched the
first critical studies on science popularisation, others inspired today's initiatives to
promote what is going to be called the Culture Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle
(CSTI). From then on, the idea that the public demands more scientific and
technological information was being taken for granted.
The first policies aiming at placing science and techniques into the general culture of
the French population were designed in early 1981, a few months after the victory of
the socialists at the national election. They led to the institutionalisation of Centre de
culture scientifique, technique et industrielle (CCSTI). However, the first initiatives
came from outsiders who aimed at de-localising scientific knowledge and expertise. In
the early 1980s, law, health and management "shops" were flourishing in France,
aspiring at helping citizens face institutions, law as well as orthodox medicine. The first
French science shops were established in that context in 1981 and 1982 103 . Just like TP PT
the Dutch science shops, the French structures were expected to listen to citizens’
demands and provide counter-expertise that would challenge expertise offered by
industries and institutions: this way, they would help people to defend themselves
against risks related to scientific, technological and industrial developments.
The creation of science shops could clearly be related to the change of the political
context. It was as if new spaces of negotiation that could transform the working of
institutions had appeared. Scientists who had taken part in the 1970s criticism
movement promoted these shops. They were either members of the Amiante Collectif
of the Jussieu University or of the group Biologie et Société who had initiated the first
courses Science-Technology-Society at Jussieu and Lyons. However, at the very time
the first science shops were created, the new government promoted actions that would
thereafter leave their influence on most CSTI activities of the 1980s and 1990s. These
actions were part of a more general policy that aimed at putting science back "at the
forefront in the international competition". 104 TP PT
The global aim was to "get out of the crisis" TP PT with the help of science and technology.
But it was necessary to ensure that the entire population be conscious of efforts made
to develop science and technology, and of the results of these efforts. From then on,
one could speak of a governmental policy towards CST. A “large” Ministry of Research
TP In 1982, there were five science shops in France and a sixth one was in the process of being
established in Strasbourg. However, other shops existed: the same year 50 health shops and 20
management shops were in existence. Cf. A. Blanchard et al, Le phénomène "boutiques", recherche
collective de licence, Université Paris Val de Marne, December 1982.
TP Fr. Mitterand, speech delivered on April 22th 1981. This speech, given a few days before the national
and Technology had been created to give a new impulse to French research and
technology. Within this framework, the necessity of valorising and developing CSTI was
underlined and became one of the crucial missions of the Ministry. In order to do so,
the new government organised forums at local and national level, 106 which led to a first
meeting with local actors and allowed the orientations for CST initiatives to be defined.
They were also preparatory works of a sort for the two laws that had been voted for in
1982 and 1984 that have given scientists and academics a fourth assignment: to
become active in "the dissemination of CST to the whole population and, more
particularly, young people". 107 TP PT
They promoted a large number of actions ranging from the valorisation of Industry
Museums to Science exhibitions. This situation certainly resulted from the difficulties of
finding a model: CCSTI were French creations and they could not – as the science
shops did – draw from any references for their development. Hence, the spectrum of
TP As a first step, 31 forums were organised at regional level from October 2 nd to November 21 st. The
conclusions of these forums were addressed during the national conference “Recherche et Technologie”
held on 13-16 January 1982.
TP Quoted from “Loi d’orientation et de programmation pour la recherche et le développement
technologique de la France”, Loi 1982-610 of July 15 th 1982, article 24. Cf also, “Loi n° 84-52 of January
26 1984 sur l’enseignement supérieur”.
TP Bernard Maitte, Les CCSTI, rapport pour le Ministère de la culture, October 1985, p. 26.
TP Ibid.PT
Public Understanding of Science in the French policy context 81
activities they could favour often depended on local contingencies. However, despite
their heterogeneity and the insufficient funding coming from the state and the cities, the
CCSTI have multiplied, transformed their missions and progressively became the shop
windows of local dynamism as far as scientific and technological developments is
concerned. 110 Local dynamism has often been concealed by the most prestigious
achievement of the government: the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie de la Villette (La
Cité), which opened in 1986. It was designed to demonstrate the French ambition to
become a leader in the concert of Nations in scientific, technological and related
industrial developments. The Cité, as a showcase of French science, would benefit
from large public funding and from sponsoring actions. Faced with this large enterprise
– the “largest CST centre of the world” 111 – the local CCSTI would have to play only a
secondary role. Hence, this paradox: the socialist government, and especially his
Minister of research, Jean-Pierre Chevènement, aimed at decentralising CST actions,
making them accessible in the provinces. But, the modern "concept" of CST would be
built and inaugurated in Paris and would be considered, from then on, as an example
for the development of CCSTI and other centres in the provinces. CST actions reflect
well the force of the still patterning French centralism.
On another level, one can observe that while the CCSTI were multiplying and growing,
the Science Shops were declining. This move from Science Shops to CCSTI can also
be interpreted as a move from the ideal of participative democracy to a renewal of the
linear model for the diffusion of scientific knowledge. In that context the so-called public
demand is progressively reduced to a demand of scientific knowledge.
A new start was given to CST initiatives in the late 1980s, after the end of the first
governmental left-right cohabitation. The new minister of Research, Hubert Curien,
aimed at restoring a dialogue with the citizens and borrowed a concept already
developed in other countries (in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom), the Fête de
la science (Science week). While the Fête de la science often appears as a
demonstration of scientific, technological and industrial developments, the government
attempts every year to give it a new meaning and encourages actions to "make science
go to the street and to the public". "Science, he said, should be closer and "convivial",
shared by the whole society". 112 Also, if a hiatus exists between political discourse and
TP In 1991 15 CCSTI where in existence. This figure increased to 29 by the year 2001..
TP As it is claimed in Lettre d'information du Ministère de la Recherche et de la Technologie, n° 74, April
1991, p. 12.
TP R. G. Schwartzenberg, Minister of Research and Technology, Discourse for the opening of the Science
week 2001, Palais de la découverte, October 15 2001. P P
TP One may wonder what "sharing" within this quite unilateral communication means: the Science week is
supposed to educate the publics to science without feedback, without the possibility for the latter to offer
knowledge or insights to the scientists. For instance, in 2001, the organisation committee of the Science
week included 9 scientists, 3 social scientists but no citizen.
Public Understanding of Science in the French policy context 82
A critical debate around science and technology surfaced during the 1990s. Scandals
(such as the contaminated blood scandal in the late 1980s or, more recently the issue
of mad-cow disease) and pressure from the public (such as AIDS activists aiming to
establish a relationship of equality between physicians and patients, making patients
take part in decisions related to clinical trials), show that a reflexive democracy is
progressively taking root in France. 114 The equation scientific progress / progress of
human condition are also being questioned. Citizens who do not base their opinions on
scientific authority are also heard in public controversies. Expert knowledge is
counterbalanced by other types of knowledge and the debates on scientific and
technological developments are no longer limited to the scientific sphere, they are
becoming political too.
Politicians have measured the weight of the pressure coming from society and have
adapted their CCSTI policies. At rhetorical level, the "general public" is no longer
addressed as such but rather as "citizens". However, even if the concept of citizen –
as it is used – is equated with an ignorant public in search of scientific guidelines, this
concept led actors involved in CSTI initiatives to transform their way of communicating
science and technology. This rhetoric attests of a political willingness to recapture the
issue and to secure the place of science in society. Different institutions commit
themselves to affirm their legitimacy in the public controversies related to scientific and
technological development: CSTI has become a priority in the spectrum of actions
initiated by the Ministry of research, while other ministries are also active to face the
crisis (such as the Ministry of Health and of the Environment). In 1999, the Conseil
scientifique de la culture et de l'information scientifiques et techniques et des musées
was created. Its pamphlet states that "the issue is not to enhance CST but to see that
science benefits again from its true cultural dimension (to put science into culture)". 115 TP PT
However, once again, quite different meanings could be given to this statement.
On one hand, the institutions attempt to restore the public's confidence by asserting the
transparency, the integrity and the independence of science (mainly with regard to
economics). In that case, they try "to domesticate" these protest movements by offering
them new areas, which are also areas aiming at promoting science and technologies.
For instance, a first – and unique – citizens' conference had been organised on GMO's
in 1998. Although the concept was borrowed from Scandinavian countries, it has been
largely adapted to the prevalent policy: the underlying aim of this conference was
mostly to convince the public of the central role that science should play in such
controversies and to reinsure the "consumer-citizens". This first experience was
TP For an introduction on the concept of reflexive modernity, see BECK U., "Risk Society and the
Provident State", in LASH S. & al., Risk, Environment & Modernity, Towards a New Ecology, Sage,
London, 1996, pp. 27-43.
TP Pour une politique de culture de l'information scientifique et technique", Document d'orientation du
followed by others consulting actions aimed at the public whose protocol was largely
differing from the original model. Specific agencies have also been created, such as
the Agence Française pour la Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments (AFSSA), whose goal is
not only to advice politicians on the right decision to take but also to inform/reassure
the public on the validity of this decision.
On the other hand, critics are forcing open the doors of the institutional arenas to get
their points of view across to the institutions (that happened during the recent public
debates on GMOs that were aimed at collecting the "point de vue citoyen" but that
were literally colonised by anti-GMO critics). In that case, science is equated with other
forms of knowledge, and its status as an ultimate resource is negated. At least, new
spaces have appeared that allow scientists and citizens to confront each other, such
as, some of the Cafés des Sciences (Science Cafés).
In brief, the areas where science and society interact have been largely redefined
during the previous years, and some of them are constantly colonised by different
pressure groups. Also, after a long history in which science was both protected and
kept at a distance from critics, science is finally questioned in the public space.
Most recently, several CST forums had been organised between November 2001 and
January 2002 during which various issues were addressed. 116 They demonstrated the
multiplicity of views, of actors and of meanings that are attached to CST. The first
forum gathered institutional actors (coming from Ministries, Research institutions,
National Museums, CCSTI…) and aimed at drawing up the states of art. Two others
addressed specific questions: science on TV and women in science and technology
(during which the disaffection of young people from scientific studies was addressed).
Finally, a last forum organised by the Association Science-Technique-Société (ASTS),
gathered 1200 people. It led to the diffusion of a call aiming at organising a public
consultation on "Society, Science and Technology". Stating that the "gap" between
science, technology and citizens is growing wider than ever, this call is a plea for
actions in order to protect society against two resulting "risks": scientism and
obscurantism. Hence, the solution, it is said, is to promote a large cultural enterprise
that would reinstate the true meanings of science, technology and industries. 117 TP PT
Hence, the success of such forums should not mask that the prevalent ideas of CST
are based on robust representations of the public and of the role of science in society:
the public is seen to demand knowledge needed to help them to face the evolution of
society. Science and technology remain central references for political decisions and
to establish "a new humanism".
TP PT See TUhttp://www.recherche.gouv.fr/manif/2001/assises/default.htm UT and
TU http://assises.sciencecitoyen.org/UT
TP See http://assises.sciencecitoyen.org/centre.phtml?edito=9 .
Public Understanding of Science in the French policy context 84
In addition, France attempts to get closer to other Europeans countries and work on
CST issues. It is within the French presidency of the EU, in 2000, that an international
meeting was organised "Science and society: the public understanding of science".
However, in the same way that the concept of CST is clearly detached from other
federating European concepts – such as PUS or Raising public awareness of science –
the policies of French "cultural exception" still place France apart from European
Policy-public interface in Portugal 85
1. Introduction
research institutions, and other scientific institutions (namely, scientific societies) have
also been socially and politically isolated for a long time. All these factors underlie the
fragility of structures and activities for the diffusion of science until present times. No
modern science museum was established until the mid-nineties. A limited number of
initiatives in the popular science press survived only for a short period of time for lack
of support, as well as of market.
In October 1995, a Department of Science and Technology was established, for the
first time in Portugal, within the government formed by the Socialist Party. The role of
this Department has been instrumental in the ongoing process of growth and
institutionalisation of scientific and technological research in this country. Growth
indicators of scientific development, such as the number of PHDs in science (12% per
year) and of scientific production (16% per year) are the highest in Europe (EC, 2002:
8, 12). The Department of Science and Technology has also introduced as one central
axis of its policy the promotion of scientific culture of the general public.
The involvement of the Portuguese government in the launching of programmes and
measures aimed at the popularisation of science underlies the higher visibility acquired
by science and new technologies in Portuguese society, particularly among the
youngest segments of the population. The apparent evolution of social attitudes
towards science in recent years should not be separated either from the increasing
number of science-based public controversies, widely covered by the mass media,
which have ocurred in the country throughout the 1990s (on environmental policy
issues, on BSE, on the Foz Côa dam, and so on).
TP Recent studies have shown the contradictions involved in the “intermediate” role of Portuguese
fact, the government has played a decisive role, since the mid-nineties, in encouraging
scientists and scientific institutions’ involvement in the diffusion of science to the public.
To the extent that it does not consider the social and political dimensions of scientific
activity, this scientific culture policy is out of phase with the public image that science is
acquiring in the mass media in Portugal. Because this is an image of science that
views it as, on the one hand, something increasingly relevant to people’s lives and, on
the other hand, as something uncertain and controversial.
It should be added that the very use of the word "experimental" in describing the turn
towards "science as it is actually done" 120 tends to reinforce the epistemological
TP It should, however, be pointed out that there has been one, but just one, experiment of the programme
in the field of sociology: the initiative was taken by the Centre for Research and Study in Sociology (CIES),
of ISCTE, in 2000.
TP This was the title of a cycle of public lectures organized by the Ministry of Science, in Lisbon, between
October 1996 and January 1998, which brought to Portugal a number of philosophers and historians of
science, as well as many of the most prominent names in STS. The lectures, which consistently had a high
attendance of students and high school teachers, were published shortly after the cycle ended (Gil, 1999).
Policy-public interface in Portugal 88
The main dimension that seems worth mentioning in connection with the question of
the public understanding of science, is the one pertaining to the intense use by the
Minister of the idea that science and scientific expertise can decide environmental
matters via a direct transposition of its findings to public policy. Translation and
interpretation from the scientific data realm to the public policy realm were thoroughly
constructed by the Minister as inexistent. Science was presented as something
specialists do in their offices and is able to come up with unproblematic answers.
These unproblematic answers were, afterwards, to be used as the basis for
governmental decisions. Since the local authorities and the populations from the
chosen places were not “illuminated” by science, but instead “obscured” by local
interests, their voices could not be taken into account for an informed governmental
This version of science – and of scientifically informed policy - echoed positively in
large sectors of public opinion, and even strengthened the Minister’s position in his own
party. He is now often presented in the press as someone who is capable of informed
decision-making, even if facing public (defined as local) contestation.
3. Conclusion
In attempting to articulate a brief conclusion about the intersection the role of the
Portuguese state vis-à-vis the public understanding of science in Portugal one is forced
to acknowledge the central role played by the government in this field.
The Science Ministry has been the main actor in the promotion of the various initiatives
devised to foster a scientific culture in the public and is responsible for the main
reflexive instrument for the assessment of this culture, the scientific culture survey.
Governmental initiatives in this field have involved the scientific and academic
communities, and enabled them to put into practice popularisation activities that they
could hardly pursue on their own.
This central role of the state is of course neither new nor specific of this field, since
ours has traditionally been a centralized society highly dependent upon state’s financial
and institutional support.
European Commission (2002), Commission Staff Working Paper. Benchmarking
National RTD Policies: First Results, Brussels, 31.1.2002
Gil, Fernando (ed.) (1999), A Ciência Tal Qual Se Faz, Lisboa: Sá da Costa.
MCT (1999), Ciência Viva, Livro de Actas, 2º Fórum Ciência Viva, http://www.mct.pt .
the largest countries in Europe, with boundaries stretching from the Baltic Sea in the
south to a point in the north well above the Arctic polar circle. There is a long coastline
that circumscribes much of the country's contours. This geographical and demographic
setting has always been problematic: large distances have to be covered in order to
connect various cities and regions.
When it comes to education and public understanding of science, this is still a notable
aspect. 85% of the population is concentrated in three major urban areas, and of these
three one stands out. Stockholm and its surrounding area host two of the country's four
traditional universities. It also has as many inhabitants as the two other major regions
together, west Sweden and the south of Sweden. Most of Sweden's political,
intellectual and cultural resources are invested in Stockholm. State-driven PUS efforts
therefore mostly originate in Stockholm in a context where the political, cultural and
commercial powers are top-heavy.
For the majority of the 20 th century, Sweden was ruled by strong Social Democratic
governments. After World War II, in which Sweden was not directly involved, a
thorough welfare state was created. This meant large investment in the public sector.
The distribution of science to citizens and the use of scientific findings in public
administration were seen as important parts of democracy and rational governmental
ruling. However, in the 1990’s Sweden as an industrial country experienced a deep
structural crisis. Half a million people were pushed out of work, mostly coming from the
traditional manufacturing industries. Governmental policy was to redefine Sweden as a
knowledge based economy and the Swedish labour market was geared towards the
expanding information technology area. This shift has of course changed the way
knowledge is viewed. Increasingly, it is seen as something that can be commercially
exploited. In Sweden there has been, as we shall see, an interesting merger of the civic
tradition of public understanding of science with a more practical and economic
tradition of industrial exploitation of science. 121 TP PT
TP Talerud, B, 2000, Högskolans arbete med sin samverkansuppgift. (University strategies for interaction)
As will be evident, both the features of the traditional welfare state and the changes
due to the crisis in the 1990’s have influenced science policy and PUS in Sweden.
Questions of democracy, social relevance and economic growth have directed the
governmental efforts in different ways and at different times. However, initiatives on
PUS in Sweden since the early 1970’s are many and diverse and are not connected to
a particular actor.
It should also be noted that the Swedish concept “Vetenskap”, like its German
counterpart “Wissenschaft”, is much broader than the English notion of “Science”. It
includes not only the natural sciences, medicine, agriculture and engineering sciences,
but also the humanities and social sciences, legal science and theology. This broad
conceptualisation means that issues of PUS are potentially connected to every
important societal issue within the public sphere. There is thus also a certain potential
for topics to be popularised through several distinctly different perspectives, i.e.
highlighting social aspects when dealing with the natural sciences.
Sweden has four large traditional universities which also act as generators of scientific
information to broader publics. Two of them lie in the Stockholm region (Stockholm
University and Uppsala University). One is situated in the west of Sweden (Göteborg
University). The fourth is located in the south (Lund University). In addition, one
university was created in 1965 in the northern part of Sweden (Umeå University). There
are also a number of colleges that have experienced gradual growth, culminating in
their assumption of university status; Karlstad, Växjö and Örebro are recent
successful cases. Linköping University earned its university status as early as 1975.
During the last decade there was a thorough discussion on the governmental policy of
decentralising university funds from the traditional universities to the new colleges. 122 TP PT
The proponents of this policy have suggested that the state give research resources to
these areas so that the intellectual capacity in the surrounding region can be
stimulated. Opponents on the other hand have maintained that Sweden is too small a
country to disperse its research funding in this way. In order to produce university
departments of international excellence, they say, one has to focus resources on a few
places in a sparsely populated country. Colleges do not have the right to award PhDs,
thus candidates have to be linked to a university, which supplies the necessary
TP PT Tvärsnitt, 1994, no 3-4.
PUS-Policy: The Swedish Context 92
By and large the Swedish research system continues to be dominated by the old
universities, which are characterised by well-established disciplines. 123 The new TP PT
colleges for their part are much more geared towards interdisciplinary institutional
forms and toward crossing the boundaries between academia and the rest of society.
Together with the County Councils and Regional Districts (landsting) they often
promote regional and local development policies to stimulate industry and the public
domain. With these newer institutions a different style of scientific information is
brought to the fore, more commercial in tone. While the traditional universities highlight
their international research links, the newcomers are integrated into regional settings
and are motivated into supporting regional growth. Seen in another way, the traditional
universities have taken a national responsibility for PUS, but this task has never been
very high on the priority list. The colleges have taken a regional responsibility and this
kind of interaction has from the very start been of great importance.
Apart from the tensions between new and old institutions, another important factor for
understanding the Swedish context is the deeply rooted academic chair system.
Traditionally, one professor led the department and was responsible for quality and
academic orientation. In many cases a university department would only have this one
professor. This old system is a survivor from the time when one professor was
supposed to know “everything” in his field. In today's specialised science, this system
has become obsolete. Professorships, as they had been so scarce, were extremely
sought after and the basis for many academic conflicts. With the new system,
established in 1997, the title of professor is awarded not on availability but on merit.
Whilst in recent years, many researchers have acquired the title of professor, the
fundamentals of the chair system still remain. The new system, which bears some
resemblance to the American tenure track system, does seem however to exacerbate
one of the problems in the Swedish system, namely the lack of academic mobility. 124 TP PT
For the future the new tenure track system is an important feature when it comes to
different PUS initiatives, since teaching is counted in merit portfolios.
TP Wittrock, B & Elzinga, A, (eds.) 1985, The university research system: The public policies of the home
of scientists. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International; Agrell, W, 1990, Makten över forskningspolitiken.
Science and technology policy studies 1. Lund: Lund University Press.
TP In the Swedish research system, it is very common to take your degree at one university and then stay
put there for most of your academic career. One of the few incentives to move has been the chair system
with very few positions available on the national scene. These have been so attractive that it has seemed
to be worth the move. In the new system this impetus seems to have lost some of its attractiveness.
PUS-Policy: The Swedish Context 93
Three aspects of Swedish science policy and its connection to general policy and PUS
will be highlighted here: the sectorial principle, the “Third Assignment”, and recent
changes in the research funding structures.
The first general science policy reform of interest here is the sectorial principle, a
Swedish variant of the Rotschild principle TP PT, and introduced in the early 1970s. In
accordance with this idea, the university is the main public repository for science that
may solve problems within various societal sectors, be it housing, supply of energy,
national transportation and local systems, environmental protection, health and welfare,
etc. 126 TP PT
In the Swedish context it therefore became important to view research in the academic
domain as open to public scrutiny and transparency. This means that efforts must be
made to inform a wider audience about the existence of this kind of research, making it
accessible particularly to various user categories.
The way this sectorial principle has been played out in the Swedish context makes for
a very special situation. In most other countries a wide array of special research
institutions and in-house research units have been created. To a large extent, these will
then supply specified knowledge to users within government. This relieves a burden
from university scientists, who in general can focus their work inside academia.
However, many Swedish researchers, it has been claimed, work within two different
worlds and are continuously asked to fulfil the needs of both the university and the
outside world. 127 It is interesting to relate this to the ideas of PUS. As many Swedish
researchers work within these two worlds, the task of communicating with the public is
not as well motivated and at best comes third on the list.
TP Elzinga, A, 1993, ”Universities, Research, and the Transformation of the State.” In Sheldon Rothblatt &
Björn Wittrock (eds) The European and American University since 1800. Historical and Sociological
Essays. Cambridge University Press, p 191-233. The Rothschild principle is a policy initiative, which entail
a contractual relationship between researcher and funder, in which the latter supplies resources on the
condition that the knowledge produced has specific policy and social relevance; see A Framework for
Government Research and Development. London: HMSO 1971, usually referred to as the Rothschild
126 See Elzinga, A, 1980, ”Science Policy in Sweden: Sectorisation and Adjustment to Crisis”, Research
Policy, vol 9, no 7, April, p 116-146; 1990, ”Triangeldramat bakom forskningspolitiken”, (Tri a ngleplay in
research policy), in Wilhelm Agrell (ed), Makten över forskningspolitiken Lund: Lund University Press, p
41-60. This means very little applied research is done in special government laboratories or institutions
that fall under the direct authority of one or another ministry. Instead ministries support special research
funding agencies that receive both unsolicited and solicited grant proposals from universities. These are
sometimes called "sectorial research councils" to distinguish them form the more traditional basic research
oriented councils which continue to allocate funds on the basis of a pure peer review process. The
sectorial councils combine criteria of societal relevance and scientific excellence in their review
procedures. In some cases the former dominate over the latter, in other cases the two-tier approach starts
with scientific merit. Of course there has been a lot of debate around these procedures, they may be
compared to the notion of "extended peer review". T
TP Flodström, A, 1999, Utredning av vissa myndigheter. Näringsdepartementet, 19 nov. See also Talerud,
B, 2000, Högskolans arbete med sin samverkansuppgift. National Agency for Higher Education, 2000:2
PUS-Policy: The Swedish Context 94
During the 1970’s, a number of new sectorial funding councils were created. With this
came an increasing attention to user information, both before projects were begun and
indeed after they were finished. 128 TP PT For example, information was transferred via
contacts with the media, special brochures, research catalogues, and the creation of
sectorially oriented publications funded by the sectorial councils themselves.
A second general and a very important policy initiative is the requirement for
researchers to disseminate their results. 129 In the new University Act of 1977, a new
task supplemented the earlier two officially proscribed responsibilities assigned to the
universities, teaching and research, and was thus called ”the Third Assignment” (tredje
uppgiften). Such disseminated research information (forskningsinformation) should
provide insight into how new knowledge had been gained and how it could be
practically useful. Subsequent revisions of the University Act have come to modify the
text, changing somewhat its intended aims. Some core ideas are, however, still
present, which goes back to the fact that the universities are part of a unitary national
system and publicly funded.
An important element of the “Third Assignment” is the emphasis on the democratic
significance of research-based knowledge. Research as a resource for changing
society produced two democratic problems from a political perspective. 130 One of themTP PT
was that the citizens needed to increase their awareness and control over these
changes. As knowledge increasingly became important for the possibility of citizens
exercising their democratic rights, it also seemed increasingly problematic that
dissemination processes were traditionally relatively marginal and skewed in favour of
those in power, at the cost of the broader public.
The roots of this view are sometimes said to go back to the previous century when the
Swedish democratic movement sought legitimisation by reference to contemporary
scientific knowledge and scholarship. An important part of their argument was that
education and not revolution is better for empowering people to change society and
become democratic beings. 131 TP PT
The notion of an officially stipulated “Third Assignment” is not as alien as might appear.
Because the universities are national institutions, the Swedish academic tradition has,
128 Several studies have been carried out during the 1980s on research utilization and modes of
131 Se e. g. Gustavsson, Bernt, 1991, Bildningens väg: Tre bildningsideal i svensk arbetarrörelse 1880-
1930. (”Bildningens” way: Three ideals of educative formation in the Swedish labour movement 1880–
1930.) Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand; Wallerius, Bengt, 1988, Vetenskapens vägar: om akademiker
och folkbildningsarbete. (The ways of science: On academics and popular education) Stockholm:
PUS-Policy: The Swedish Context 95
since the beginning of the 20th century, prided itself on professors being “civil servants
close to the people” (folkliga ämbetsmän). In the 1920’s and 30’s, this ideal was
perhaps more prominent than it is today; at Göteborg University, for example,
professors held annual public lectures which were then published in a special university
series. 132
TP PT TP Now that universities are under pressure to define their identities, profiles
and raison d’être more clearly, mission statements or ‘visions’ in some cases find
encouragement from this chapter from the past.
Over the years, the “Third Assignment” has been criticised for being powerless. 133 Very TP PT
little money has been allocated to support what is a monumental task. In addition, there
has been very little pressure put on researchers to invest in popularising their research.
It is still common in some disciplines to find that popularisation is detrimental to ones
academic career. The universities have for the most part been satisfied by delegating
“Third Assignment” to specific information units. Furthermore, some researchers, very
good at popularising, are frequently used by the media consulting them free of charge
since it is taken for granted to be part of your duties as a scientist. Other colleagues not
burdened by such assignments can dedicate more time to research. This reinforces the
prejudice that popularisation efforts on behalf of scientists are far from meritorious
within academic credibility cycles.
A new formulation of the “Third Assignment” (1997) was intended to foster a more
intense interplay between the universities and society at large but in particular with
industry. In the Ministry of Education’s directive it was apparent that universities and
colleges are meant to increase the extent of their collaboration with industry, public
administration, organisations, cultural life and popular education. The objective of the
most recent Science Bill is not only the dissemination of research information to the
public, it now explicitly states that industry must be a recipient in the dissemination
process. 134 To make this easier, it is proposed that universities may create subsidiary
companies, co-operating with industrial partners. 135 At the same time it is underlined
However, many now interpret the “Third Assignment” as a demand that universities and
colleges should interplay more intensely particularly with industry. 137 This associates TP PT
132 Se e. g. Olsson, Björn, 1998, ”Att torgföra vetenskap: Det vetenskapliga föredragets och
populärföreläsningen teori, praktik och kultur.” (To promote science) Svensk sakprosa, nr 24, Lund;
Poppius, Ulla, 1991, När lundaprofessorerna höll bondföreläsningar: Centralbyrån i Lund för populära
vetenskapliga föreläsningar, folkbildningsavdelning vid Lunds universitet 1898-1970. (When Lund
professors held lectures for the peasantry.) Lund: Skånes bildningsförbund.
133 Högskolans samverkan med näringslivet (Interaction between higher education and industry).
Riksrevisionsverket, RRV 1996:53, RRV 1996:56.
134 FoU och samverkan i innovationssystemet (R&D and cooperation in the innovation system).
Regeringens proposition 2001/02:2, p. 31.
135 Ibid., p. 44.
136 Forskning och samhälle. (Research and society) Regeringens proposition 1996/97:5, s 60.
137 Brulin, G, 1998, Den tredje uppgiften: Högskola och omgivning i samverkan (The Third Assignment:
Higher Education and its surroundings in interaction). SNS Förlag och Arbetslivsinstitutet.
PUS-Policy: The Swedish Context 96
the “Third Assignment” with forms of interaction that go beyond informing about R & D
results. One of the driving forces is globalisation, which is often referred to as a motive
for developing university-industry landscapes to improve local or regional
competitiveness in the marketplace. In addition, the government has recently stated
that the “Third Assignment” has been important to foster the new entrepreneurial spirit
in universities and colleges. 138
A third general policy regulative is the change which Swedish research funding is
currently experiencing. Research granting agencies, of which there were previously
many, are now brought together into a small number of integrated agencies. Earlier the
responsibility of allocating research grants was divided between the Swedish Council T
for Planning and Coordination of Research (FRN), the Swedish Council for Research in
the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSFR), the Swedish Medical Research Council
(MFR), the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (NFR) and the Swedish
Research Council for Engineering Sciences (TFR). In the beginning of 2001, a new
body, The Science Council (Vetenskapsrådet) was established, taking over all of the
commitments of the previous agencies.
The Council has three divisions: one for humanities and the social sciences, one for
medicine and one for the natural and engineering sciences. 139 The objectives of the TTP PTT
Council, in addition to “supporting research” and “promotion of the scientific quality and
renewal of basic research in Sweden”, also include a responsibility “on a national level
P FoU och samverkan i innovationssystemet (R&D and cooperation in the innovation system).
P See http://www.vetenskapsradet.se .
P Forskning och samhälle. (Research and Society) Regeringens proposition 1996/97:7, p 45-47.
PUS-Policy: The Swedish Context 97
on’ to other, (in the minds of faculty) more important activities. In a recent Science Bill,
notably titled The Open Higher Education, it is explicitly said that the “Third
Assignment” must take resources from teaching and research. 142 TP PT
The results of these changes in research funding and their effect on the initiatives of
public understanding of science are yet to be seen. However, there is a clear
adjustment in the funding system toward further economic exploitation. However, the
objective of The Science Council to take responsibility for research information in a
more traditional manner may indicate that the commercialisation of the “Third
Assignment” for example is best viewed as a supplement to the original intent rather
than a fundamental change.
To be used to evaluate the different national settings, the following points briefly
summarise the most important PUS initiatives and themes in Sweden. The first three
are of a more general character, followed by a number of specific initiatives of PUS.
General aspects
Democracy and the legislation of the “Third Assignment” (1977). In addition to the
traditional obligations of education and research, the University Act of 1977 added a
third mandate to the universities. The universities in Sweden would henceforth be
responsible for disseminating research information to the public. The idea was
connected to democratic ideals: 1) it was necessary that the public was aware of the
P Den öppna högskolan (The Open Higher Education). Regeringens proposition 2001/02:15, p. 220.
P Forskning för framtiden: En ny organisation för forskningsfinansiering. (Research for the future: A new
Specific initiatives
The Council for Planning and Co-ordination of Research (FRN). Created in 1979, this
Council was established to support among other things the “Third Assignment”. In
relation to the Swedish referendum on nuclear power, a publications series called The
Fount (Källa) was launched, focusing on controversies amongst experts. As of January
2001, FRN has been integrated into the larger Science Council.
Humanities days (Humanistdagarna). Since 1985, the humanities faculties at the
traditional universities have opened their doors to the larger public, featuring popular
lectures and opportunities to visit various departments. Due to the broad Swedish
concept of vetenskap, initiatives such as these are seen as placed within the
mainstream popularisation of science.
The Nordic Forum for Research Information. In 1970, this forum was established to
create networks of researchers and practitioners. It focuses on discussions of
knowledge transfer and theoretical and methodological questions in this area.
The Swedish Association for Science Journalism (1972). The Association organises
science journalists, informateurs at the universities, colleges and public agencies. It
also produces a newsletter called Ugglan (The Owl).
The Museum of World Culture. As in most countries, Sweden has a rich body of
museums. In recent years, a large project has been the creation of The Museum of
World Culture (Världskulturmuseet). Set to open in 2003, its aim is to promote public
understanding and appreciation of different cultures
Universeum. There exist some 20 different science centres in Sweden, most of them
established in the 1980s. A more ambitious centre (Universeum) has recently been
created in Gothenburg, required to have a national responsibility. Location wise
Universeum is placed adjacent to The Museum of World Culture. This was originally
seen as a way of making the two cultures interact or at least appear together as twin
institutions to the general public.
PUS-Policy: The Swedish Context 99
The Nobel Museum (Nobelmuseet). Opened in 2001, this museum has an emphasis
on the great men and women of science. The Nobel Museum is a very different kind of
science museum, since it contains the special categories prize-worthy in the will of
Alfred Nobel. This makes for a special mixture dominated by the hard sciences of
chemistry, physics, and medicine. These are then mingled with literature and issues of
politics (the Peace Prize). In order to make this heterogeneous assembly congruent, it
was decided to create a permanent exhibition of creativity. This theme was seen to link
all dimensions of the Nobel Prize.
The International Science Festival in Gothenburg (1997). The Science Festival in
Edinburgh served as a model for the Swedish festival, attempting to popularise an
image of science as being fun. It is now also being copied in Stockholm. Amongst its
sponsors are the universities, whom see contributing to such schemes as a way of
fulfilling the “Third Assignment”; other sponsors are interested in attracting good will.
Media. There have been many different attempts to popularise science in the Swedish
media. Science is visible and present in the press, books, and in broadcasting. A
common feature for all these media types is a boom in the 1980s. This includes both
publication of popular science journals and books and a larger coverage of science in
the press and broadcasting. This boom may in some respects be linked to the
referendum on nuclear power in 1980.
Public Understanding of Science and the Policy Context in the United Kingdom 100
The Public Understanding of Science movement in the United Kingdom, dating from
the mid 1980’s, was closely associated with the promotion of an informed, democratic
society as much as it was with the promotion of science as a “public good”. More
recent emphases on public consultation, particularly since the late 1990s, arose as
declining public confidence in expert advice and authority more generally placed
increasing strains upon traditional forms of science-related governance. Science policy
and scientific advice to government, which had hitherto been constructed around
expertise offered by a patriarchal and stable self-validating elite, began to face
accelerating demands for more direct forms of democratic accountability and control.
At the formal, institutional level, the UK has a highly developed set of governmental,
government-supported and independent organisations devoted to improving public
awareness of science and technology. Academic research on and critiques of
“traditional PUS” have also emerged from the UK, which have not only influenced
intellectual currents far beyond its shores, but have influenced national policies. More
consultative forms of PUS and dialogue with the public have become more common -
but whether they influence policy is still an open question.
The Public Understanding of Science movement arose from a perceived need in the
scientific community to increase public knowledge of science in order both to improve
the basic competence of the citizenry and to promote public support for government
R&D expenditure. PUS was animated by observations of public “scientific illiteracy” as
measured by surveys that revealed extensive public ignorance of specific “general
knowledge”-level established scientific facts and theories. This ignorance, it was
feared, indicated an inability of the citizenry to exercise responsible democratic
influence over public issues increasingly based on science and its applications.
The Bodmer report was very much a product of Thatcherite Britain, in which public
expenditure of all kinds had to be justified in terms of its contribution to national
prosperity. The Royal Society, the UK's preeminent professional scientific society,
responded to political pressures for public "accountability" by setting up the committee
on PUS, with a mandate to examine the interface between scientific knowledge, the
public, and the scientific enterprise (ie, the creation of new knowledge). The main
conclusions of the Bodmer report are summarised in the UK National Profile section of
this OPUS report. Suffice it to say here that the "bottom line" of the Bodmer report was
that there being few public issues without some scientific content, public understanding
of science was essential to the proper functioning of Britain as a democracy. The
scientific community was called upon to simultaneously come to the aid of the ailing
British economy -- and an ailing British democracy.
The Bodmer report came as a tonic to the British scientific community. Although
cutbacks continued in public funding for research, scientists did receive a form of public
approbation. The call for relevance and accountability struck a chord with both the
public and the scientific community, and once sounded, the policies (and the funding
priorities) followed. In a time of declining budgets, one couldn't affort not to subscribe to
the new orthodoxy. Whether reluctantly or enthusiastically, the scientific community
responded. PUS activities began to flower.
In specific terms, the Bodmer report laid the groundwork for a new body, the
Committee on the Public Understanding of Science (COPUS), which was established
jointly in 1986 by The Royal Society, the Royal Institution and the British Association
for the Advancement of Science (BAAS). COPUS has provided a focal point for the
expert-led PUS movement, coordinating a stream of activities. Both the Bodmer report
and COPUS served as a catalyst for a more widespread and diffuse movement to
promote science: the Public Understanding of Science movement.
Traditional or standard PUS activities have not acknowledged the public’s less formal
understanding of everyday phenomena; nor have they examined the public’s capacity
to absorb and deliberate on scientific theory and evidence when offered in a balanced
and interactive format. The PUS movement drew criticism for its failure to acknowledge
lay competence in absorbing and assessing scientific evidence in context, and for its
Public Understanding of Science and the Policy Context in the United Kingdom 102
failure to recognise the ability of social movements and individuals to undertake their
own research and form their own working models of, for example, reliability and risk.
Wynne and Irwin's critiques 144 of the so-called 'deficit model' (the idea that PUS
Technology Foresight
The failure of both Technology Foresight and standard PUS activities to achieve two-
way directionality of information flow (ie, to include "scientists' understanding of the
public") led to many other initiatives designed to achieve mutual understanding through
interaction between scientists and the public, often with an explicit objective to
influence policy. However, the bulk of PUS activities in the United Kingdom continue to
fall under the rubric of the Public Understanding of Science movement as characterised
by the deficit model. Many PUS activities have become more entertaining and more
interactive, but retain more of the traditional "mission to explain" (a phrase often
employed by the BBC) than a "mission to understand" in a mutual sense.
The PUS movement in the UK is underpinned by both implicit and explicit policies,
most of which are framed at national level but with important policymaking powers and
initiatives delegated downward through all administrative and organisational levels to
that of the individual. It is impossible to do justice to the extensive British PUS
P A. Irwin and B. Wynne, eds, Misunderstanding Science? The public reconstruction of science and
Involvement in RTD: Concepts, Practices and Lessons (Luxembourg: European Commission, 1996).
Public Understanding of Science and the Policy Context in the United Kingdom 103
More information on each of these are contained in the UK National Profile section of
the OPUS Report, as well as overviews of the main categories of actors in the “spaces”
around the world were invited to make opening statements, after which the
cyberconference was open for unmoderated electronic discussion. Although some
have long regarded science itself as a cultural phenomenon, the cyberconference
extended this idea to Public Understanding of Science as well; it is one example of the
leadership position that the UK has achieved in PUS research.
The British Council, an organisation that promotes British culture, commissioned a six-
week cyberconference Towards a Democratic Science in September - October
2000 147 . The "e-conference", as the organisers called it, covered a different topic each
• Perceptions of science
• Risk and uncertainty
P www.dur.ac.uk/~dss0www1/
P www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/democraticscience-all/files/volume1.htm
TU www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/democraticscience-all/files/volume2.htm UT
Public Understanding of Science and the Policy Context in the United Kingdom 104
and the results of each week's electronic discussions were summarised and posted to
conference participants. While neither the content of the conference nor the
conclusions were particularly original or surprising, what is striking is how Public
Understanding of Science has come to occupy such a central position in British life that
the British Council should choose to organise such a conference as an expression of
British culture. And this was not an isolated exercise.
As a follow-up to the e-conference, the British Council sponsored an electronic
International Seminar on Democratic Science involving scientific experts from 17
countries around the world. The week-long "e-seminar", which ran for the week of 12
March 2001. The UK is clearly eager to establish itself as a leader in world electronic
discussion fora on PUS issues.
Some activities within the PUS movement have gradually evolved into more interactive
exercises involving dialogue between experts and lay members of the public. Most
examples can be considered experimental and are not embedded into policymaking
structures. However, the Parliament has taken a strong interest in participatory
methods, a necessary - though not sufficient - prerequisite for more influential forms of
strong or direct democracy to develop in the UK. Some of the major activities are
described briefly below and in more detail elsewhere in the OPUS report.
Consensus conferences
There have been two consensus conferences in the United Kingdom, both organised
on a national basis. The first of these, on Plant Biotechnology in 1994, was sponsored
by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and organised by the
Science Museum. The second, on the management of nuclear waste, was sponsored
by the Centre for Economic and Environmental Development in 1999. In both cases,
the organisers were satisfied by the outcomes; the citizens' panels in both cases
expressed both concerns over the applications of science and technology while
supporting further research. In both cases, the House of Lords had conducted their
own inquiries in these areas prior to the consensus conferences.
Public Understanding of Science and the Policy Context in the United Kingdom 105
Under the banner "Have Your Say", the Prime Minister's office launched an Internet-
based consultation on "Scientific Advice and Public Confidence" in November 2000.
The Website invited public feedback as input to the development of a new Code of
Practice to apply to all scientific advisory bodies (released in December 2001). The 10
Downing Street Science forum Website 150 provided links to some of the main S&T-
related government departments and activities, and identified six specific issues for
public feedback. One of these related directly to PUS itself: "How do you think the risks
and benefits in science and technology might best be communicated?"
P S. King, I. Muchimore et. al., Public Perspectives on Human Cloning: A Social Research Study,
P www.number-10.gov.uk/default.asp?PageID=2846
Public Understanding of Science and the Policy Context in the United Kingdom 106
The main stated objective of the exercise is in itself is a fitting encapsulation of the
state of British Public Understanding of Science:
At the end of the Home Page, it said "We want to know what you think. Click here to
join in the discussion."
Whether this initiative will lead to new public understanding of science, or new
understanding of the public by scientists and government, remains to be seen. Whether
it genuinely improves democratic processes for public "ownership" and "management"
of science is an even more open question. It does, however, convey New Labour's
strong predilection for public relations.
The Parliament:
The House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology undertook an
inquiry into Science and Society, drawing upon not only the ESRC Programme but a
great body of additional studies and PUS activities. The report 151 TP PT took a
comprehensive look at:
The Lords Committee heard or received written evidence from over 100 professional
associations, S&T-based companies, agencies, research institutes, media companies,
non-governmental organisations and individual experts. The House of Lords' report
recognised the existing crisis in public confidence in S&T and science advisory
systems. It endorsed earlier calls for openness in the UK scientific advisory system,
and while vigorously supporting the need for independent advice, encouraged
scientists to be explicit about their sponsorships and affiliations. The Lords
acknowledged and supported the PUS movement, although the report significantly
P United Kingdom House of Lords, Science and Society: 3 rd Report, (London: HMSO), 23 February
Public Understanding of Science and the Policy Context in the United Kingdom 107
finds that "the crisis of trust has produced a new mood for dialogue." Traditional forms
of PUS, in other words, are no longer enough, according to one of the most elite and
exclusive bodies in Britain.
In response to the House of Lords' report, the Parliamentary Office of Science and
Technology (POST) undertook a review of public consultation initiatives in S&T-related
areas, looking also at experience of consultation exercises in local government and
health care. The POST report 152 examined instances of deliberative polling, standing
At the same time that the United Kingdom has put enormous effort and resources into
Public Understanding of Science activities and research into PUS, it has experienced
one crisis after another in public confidence in science, technology and the ability of the
government to support and regulate S&T-related industries in the public interest.
The Public Understanding of Science movement was intended to improve
communication between scientists and citizens in a way that would strengthen the
basis for informed citizenship and improve responsible governance. However,
secularisation and post-modern scepticism characteristic of the late 20 th century P P
P Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, OPEN CHANNELS: Public dialogue in science and
serve to reassure the public, or will efforts to communicate merely arouse further public
suspicions and lead to further consumer and citizen revolts?
Has the recent flourishing of public consultation exercises in S&T had identifiable
influence on science-related policy? Will consensus conferences come to complement
other types of expert-led science advice, or will they become regarded as costly
exercises that merely broadly replicate the results of House of Lords inquiries? It may
be too soon to say. However, there are some indications that the current interest in
public dialogue may turn out to be a passing fancy. The POST Report on "Open
Channels" was launched on the same day as a House of Commons S&T Committee
Report on "The Scientific Advisory System", but at a separate event. One might infer
that public consultation is fine but the decisionmaking process will remain firmly under
the control of the policymakers on the basis of expert advice, as it has been "all along".
Meanwhile, plans to massively increase investment in Public Understanding of Science
activities arouse suspicion that the public will be presented with a surfeit of new
museums and exhibitions. Investment of money from the National Lottery must be
matched by other sources of funding and revenue, and is not intended to cover
operating costs. Many people are asking what fate will befall all these new science
centres, which may well go the way of the Millennium Dome. Are they merely a sponge
to soak up both public and private funds for the benefit of a relatively small (and
invariably underestimated) segment of the British population, and would they in reality
cater to the "converted" at the expense of the "masses"? Is the balance between
conveying knowledge and sheer entertainment appropriate?
What of public funding for research, one of the primary objectives of the PUS
Movement? The election of New Labour in 1997 did not result in any significant
changes to the structure of the national budget. Science, and academia, continued to
suffer cuts. Only in the budget year 2001-2002 has the 20-year decline in research and
academic funding been reversed. There have been small increases throughout the
system since, but actual receipts of government funding have not always matched the
figures given in the budget statements, especially since the war in Iraq. Recent world
economic conditions, combined with the political sensitivities associated with increasing
taxation levels do not bode well for most Western governments primary sources of
income, and the UK is no exception. The political will to increase funding for education
and science may have recovered, but if the tax base does not recover, political backing
may be of only “academic” interest, while real-life academics and researchers
themselves see little change.
Public Understanding of Science in the UK has become an issue of national
importance, and it has become embedded into British culture. But, somewhere along
the line, science itself would appear to have been forgotten.
Spaces where publics encounter „their“ sciences 109
Ulrike Felt
With the third chapter of the report we enter the concrete settings in which the sciences
encounter their publics in different ways.
We will start by elaborating a model that aims at structuring and understanding the
multi-layered interactions that take place between different publics and sciences within
the national contexts. This way we try to avoid simply describing a large number of
singled out activities in this domain; such an approach should allow us to get a clearer
picture of a particular national setting, of an overall “culture” of science communication,
of innovative approaches and it can give us a possibility of analysis and comparison.
In the seven subchapters that will follow – media and Internet; museums and
exhibitions; science weeks and festivals; universities/research institutions; public
consultation and foresight exercises; non-governmental initiatives; governmental
initiatives – we will then analyse different sets of actions in the domain of public
understanding of science in detail. Each national setting is presented in its basic
structures, in the central initiatives that have taken place, as well as in its specific
approach. In each case, the six national perspectives are introduced by a chapter
summarising and analysing similarities and differences between them.
Our basic starting assumption is that the science system has to be understood as
embedded into society at large. Science and society are thus neither understood as
homogeneous nor clearly separated entities, but are tied together in multiple ways. In
that sense we could use the image of Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond: “Science is not a large
island separated from the mainland of culture, but a vast and scattered archipelago of
islets, often farther apart from one another than from the continent.” 153 While science
and technology shape the societies in which we live in a very important way, society
also exerts a formative force on the development of science and technology.
However, while we stress this intertwined relation of science, technology and society
one should not overlook that at the same time the technoscience system has managed
to draw a border-line around itself, to define rules of access to this created space and
to claim authority for the explanations of “the world” it produces. This boarder, however,
P Lévy-Leblond, J.-M. (1992): About misunderstandings about misunderstandings, Public Understanding
of Science, 1: 17-21.
Spaces where publics encounter „their“ sciences 110
is never a sharp, clear and stable one, but has rather to be seen as a grey zone in
which different actors try to stabilize, question or negotiate it. In that sense it is always
contingent and flexible.
Yet while this border exists and exerts its power, it does not become visible and is
virtually never debated in the every-day context, as it is tacitly assumed that everybody
implicitly knows how to distinguish science from non-science. However, as the
American sociologist Thomas Gieryn 154 has pointed out convincingly, “boundary-work”
– i.e. the negotiation of the border-line between science and society – „occurs as
people contend for, legitimate, or challenge the cognitive authority of science.“ If there
is interest from the part of scientific and/or societal actors in „claiming, expanding,
protecting, monopolising, usurping, denying, or restricting the cognitive authority of
science“ then pragmatic demarcations of science from non-science all of a sudden
become very important. In such a perspective science is seen as a field „that acquires
its authority precisely from and through episodic negotiations of its flexible and
contextually contingent borders and territories.“ The meaning of science and of the
science system and with it the authority and power it holds in explaining and modelling
the world around us, remains thus rather vague and implicit until there is a need for
definition and „its borders (get) drawn amidst context-bound negotiations over who and
what is ‚scientific‘“.
Given the fact that the boundary of science is negotiated simultaneously in different
places and by different actors all along the border, there never is one clear definition of
science which can be regarded as stable over time. And even if the border would be
unanimously accepted within the scientific field, this would not necessarily hold for the
societal actors that find themselves “outside” the science system. This explains the
importance of understanding the interaction processes that take place along this
border: How does science manage to position itself in the societal field and what
impact does this have on both the possibilities and the restrictions of its development?
Science communication – and we subsume a large variety of activities under this
notion – is one privileged setting in which the meaning of science in society is
negotiated. This is why it seems central to understand how these communications and
interactions participate in the construction of the meaning of science.
In order to investigate the different places, settings, forms and actors which can be
observed in the communication of science in a more structured way that goes beyond
the mere enumeration of activities, we need to develop a better understanding of the
basic logics that drive these processes.
P See Gieryn, Thomas F. (1995) "Boundaries of Science". In Jasanoff, Sheila, Gerald E. Markle, James
C. Petersen, Trevor Pinch (Ed.), Handbook of Science and Techology Studies Thousand
Oaks/London/New Delhi: SAGE: 393-443. See also Gieryn, Thomas (1999): Cultural Boundaries of
Science: Credibility on the Line. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Spaces where publics encounter „their“ sciences 111
One could achieve this by describing the different types of media (like print media,
exhibitions, talks, brochures, web-pages, etc.) that are used in these interactions. In
this perspective the possibilities and restrictions of these media would be in the focus
of our description. Or we could focus on the single actors and then study the different
ways that exist for them to shape their environment and to intervene in the attribution of
meaning to science in the public sphere.
In this project a hybrid-way was taken. The model on the basis of which our description
and analysis will be built, has at the centre the notion of “spaces of encounter
between science and publics” and focuses on the different “communication
paradigms” that define and largely structure these spaces. The introduction of the
metaphor of “spaces of encounter” tries to subsume several characteristics, which we
observed in the concrete settings. First the notion hints at the fact that communication
of science and technology is always taking place in specific settings, with rather
concrete barriers of entry and with an implicit or explicit limitation of access. These
barriers of access can be understood in a physical sense, i.e. who goes to a museum,
has access to internet, can afford to buy popular science journals etc., but can also be
realised on a more symbolic level i.e. through the kind of language chosen to
communicate science. Second, the notion of space stands for the multidimensionality
of the interaction processes that take place as well as for their heterogeneity. Finally,
the notion of spaces was used because the interactions between the science system
and the publics do not take place in the same way all along the border. Rather, there
are “agglomerations of interactions”, which play a dominant role in these border-
drawing processes. Needless to say that these agglomerations have fuzzy boarders
and partly overlap with each other.
What specifies and differentiates these “dominant agglomerations”? We
introduce the second notion here: the term communication paradigm which is used in
parallel to Thomas Kuhn’s notion of paradigm in science, meaning implicit values and
aims behind the communication (why does a certain actor do communication and what
is expected to be reached as a goal through this communication?), methods used to
structure the interaction with the public (from different written genres, to talks, exhibits,
etc.), questions that are put at the centre of the communication (what topics or features
of science are put in the centre for these kinds of communications and interactions),
tools applied (e.g. the use of metaphors, images, ….) as well as ways of acting (what
roles are claimed by the communicators?) that are prevalent in a specific space. Each
space, we argue, has a dominant communication paradigm, which is then developed
by a variety of actors into a broad spectrum of rather different initiatives.
All the interactions to be found in the model which is presented in Figure 1 are taking
place more or less at the same time, sometimes they overlap in the sense that the
same groups of people are involved or addressed, sometimes they reinforce each
Spaces where publics encounter „their“ sciences 112
other, at other moments they create a contradictory cacophony of voices which causes
more confusion that creating anything like a clear picture.
Yet, besides these more structured interactions between sciences and publics every
single member of society, be he/she a scientist, a science policy maker, or of whatever
position or profession, holds experiences of a very personal kind with science and
technology in the everyday context. Out of that develops what Jean-Marc Lévy-
Leblond 155 describes as „practical (...) skills, without being integrated into an overall
consistent theoretical frame – but (which) constitute a working knowledge and (...)
belong to the general culture“. He labelled this ensemble of culturally rooted know-how
with regard to technoscientific issues „spontaneous technoscientific culture“.In science
and technology classes at school, when using technology throughout the everyday life,
from the working context to the home, in meeting professional experts such as for
example medical doctors etc., we always encounter science and technology in its
various forms. In parallel people are involved in different phases of their lives in
“collective educational experiences” which definitely shape their visions of science and
technology. The term educational stands for a certain ideology of enlightenment and
also has a strong normative connotation. As a consequence the position citizens take
with regard to science and technology is always a result of various interactions and
forces, different forms of knowledge and experiences that overlap. Thus it is not a
simple MORE in communication or the use of ONE particular method or setting of
communication which will manage to shift the public perception of and attitudes
towards science and technology in a predictable way. This explains very nicely why in
controversial situations information campaigns often do not yield the results expected
by those who believe in them.
In the following we have differentiated five such spaces in which sciences and publics
encounter. The distinction is based on the respective fundamental underlying
paradigms of communication. Yet these categories should – as is the case for all
classifications – be understood neither as clear-cut distinctions nor as the only way to
structure the material. However we believe that the following categories will help us to
get – beyond the description of the single events – an impression of the power
distribution in this field of negotiation, we will see in which spaces most of the energy
and finances are invested and we will be able to understand the different kinds of
impact these spaces will have.
P P Lévy-Leblond, J.-M. (1992): op.cit. note 1:19.
Spaces where publics encounter „their“ sciences 113
(print, TV or radio), over science exhibitions and museums, to the internet and many
more. The basic paradigm is that they understand themselves as diffusing scientific
information and that they often measure their success through the readiness of people
to read, visit or watch their products. They are platforms for others to present science
while at the same time also being actors in forming the public image of science. They
generally work on a market basis needing to “sell” science in the sense of making
science communication a good, which can be positioned in the public sphere. The
detailed logic behind these enterprises ranges as widely as do the different formats in
which science is communicated.
Further it is important to differentiate this space into those initiatives that offer a direct
contact with the publics (like museums, science weeks and festivals, etc.) and those
where direct interaction is impossible because of the specific production and
distribution processes (like printmedia or media). However it is important to say that,
even though this process is interrupted, that does not mean that there are no feed-back
loops implemented and that not at least some interaction does take place.
3. Space of hybrid-actors
This third space tries to regroup all those actors and initiatives which are not scientific
institutions, but which explicitly aim at developing their own position and expertise with
regard to technoscientific issues. We call them hybrid, because they can neither claim
the label of being a scientific institution/actor, nor do they accept to be put in the
passive role of being only informed about science. They are both rooted in the public
sphere, but active in producing knowledge and know-how of relevance to
technoscientific questions. Actors in this space try to break with the asymmetry
between science and other forms of knowledge, to offer new, different and more
Spaces where publics encounter „their“ sciences 114
Having made these distinctions in order to identify major approaches to the science-
society interactions, we have to be aware that the borderlines between these
categories are not as clear-cut as it might seem. In the case of the science centres and
museums – to give an example – some would be rather situated as mainly being
engaged in communication of scientific knowledge, while others would still have their
identity rooted in the traditional concept of the museum, which saw the museum as
both, a place of knowledge production as well as a place of knowledge dissemination.
The borderlines between the categories also get blurred once certain actors start to
play their roles in different spaces. And complexity rises if the explicit self-positioning of
the actor tends to claim a more interactive component, while we as analysts would
identify his/her activities mainly as top-down, unidirectional communication.
Spaces where publics encounter „their“ sciences 116
policy arena
Science System knowledge
production and
(regulations;citizen participation) System distribution of
explicit enterprises of
science communication individual
collective encounters
educational with technoscience
Figure 1: Spaces of interaction between the Technoscience System and the publics
Spaces where publics encounter „their“ sciences 117
Given the large diversity of possible places to observe how science and different
publics interact, and given the limited resources available in a network, we decided to
make choices and elaborate mainly on those spaces where we had know-how in the
In order to cover the first space, which is explicitly devoted to science and technology
communication, we have described and analysed three different settings: media
(including the internet), museums and exhibitions and science weeks and festivals.
While the first group is a classical representative for this kind of space, museums and
science weeks/festivals can partly also be seen as belonging to the second space.
While we have already shortly explained the different developments in the sector of
museums, important differences are also to be observed for the science weeks and
festivals. In fact in many countries the main actors in science weeks are universities
and thus they partly follow the communication logics that is more typical for the second
type of space than it is for the first. Science festivals, however, have often a clearer
market orientation.
For the second space we take a close look at the universities (and partly the
governmental research institutions) and at their initiatives in science communication.
Universities fulfil the classical characteristics of a place where knowledge is produced
but which increasingly realises that it has to become more active in communicating the
knowledge not only to its students, but far beyond that to society at large. We did not
take into account the industrial actors as virtually no research on these actors exists so
far. However it would definitively be rewarding to work on this question.
Space three, the hybrid-space, is covered through at least two bigger subchapters, one
on public consultation and foresight exercises and a second which is concerned
with the science communication aspects in the work of NGOs and other non-
governmental actors. Here we will analyse the more interaction-oriented approaches
on the one hand, while on the other hand also the efforts to develop alternative
expertise will be highlighted. Part of the initiatives dealt with here are also initiated by
organisations or groups representing a particular profession. The fourth space is thus
also covered in these two above mentioned subchapters.
Finally the concrete governmental initiatives will be described and analysed, which
typically fall into the space we labelled the “science and technology policy arena”.
Science, technology and the media in the six countries 118
The way the media are covering science and technology seems to be caught up in a
somewhat paradoxical situation at the moment. On one hand, the media are regularly
under attack, accused as they are – particularly by scientists and politicians – of
betraying the contents or even the very purpose of scientific specialities. On the other
hand, however, the government has never made so much effort to increase and
improve the production of scientific "information". Two main characteristics have to be
taken into account to understand why the media have crystallised the interests of both
scientists and politicians, and how the public can figure out the way the media cover
science and techniques. Indeed, the media represent a specific space in its own right,
regulated by a professional logic and with its own set of rules. It is a non-specialised
space in which science and techniques are presented in more or less the same way as
other topics. It is also a kind of frontier, interacting with all other fields of activity related
to scientific and technical popularisation (museums, institutions, universities, NGOs,
Therefore the media is, in the first instance, a specific space. This fact bears several
consequences. First of all, it affects the way science and techniques are covered – an
area in itself subjected to general rules: i.e. the journalists' agendas, the investigation,
possibly an intention to make science spectacular – modes of presentation used in the
fields of science do not differ much from those used in the sphere of politics. When
science and techniques are "on the agenda" of a news report or magazine the
objective is rarely to undertake a popularisation action per se. In some cases the
efficiency of some technique or medical approach is brought to the fore in order to
demonstrate its interest to society. At other times the objective is to report on an
innovation or some world first and, in this case, it is the spectacular aspect of the
progress achieved in some field of knowledge that will constitute the entry point. The
rivalry existing between scientists or laboratories may be treated as "affairs", as
happened in France in the early 80s with the intense media cover given to the conflict
between Gallo and Montagnier on the paternity of HIV. Finally, a mention of the
Science, technology and the media in the six countries 119
existence of risks, concerns and controversies regularly comes out of editorial lines and
non-specialised programmes: in this case the subject dealt with is social acceptability…
The public's representations of the way science and techniques function is therefore
directly built around other representations, referring to non-scientific subjects and
depending on domains of knowledge far removed from scientific knowledge (politics,
agriculture, food…): there is a permanent social re-contextualisation of scientific and
technical information. This essential fact is often ignored by scientific and political
institutions and it partially explains why the media can be so criticised – accused as it is
of fostering mass panic, tarnishing the benevolent image of science and its actors:
labelled as too alarmist, too simplifying, providing too much misinformation, … the
media is then suspected of betraying "real science". In 1999-2000, the debate revolving
around GMOs in Britain and the way the media were accused by scientists and by the
Prime Minister is an excellent illustration of the distinction existing between "science
distorted by the media" and "real science". Whether this issue, which seems to be of so
much concern to the scientific community, is really bothering the general public is a
question worth raising.
Indeed, non-specialised media (such as the press, radio, television,…) constitute the
main access route for the public to reach science, these media being as they are: so
integrated in our daily life that no specific step is necessary to access scientific
information. Watching televised news, for example, is enough for the public to have
access to scientific news without even choosing it. Yet Dorothy Nelkin suggests that for
the public at large, science's "reality" is the reality proposed by the media 156 . However,
one ought to question the degree of trust that the public grants to the media as a
specific institution. On one hand, if we are to believe recent studies, the degree of trust
is relatively low; on the other hand, it seems that the public perceives some media, like
the radio, to be more trustworthy than others, particularly the press 157 . In this respect
the "reception" of scientific news via the main non-specialised media, as well as their
public apprehension, could be closer to defiance or even indifference, than to sheer
P NELKIN, D. (1987): Selling Science: How the Press Covers Science and Technology. (New York:
Science, technology and the media in the six countries 120
Furthermore, the media do not represent a uniform ground. Indeed, they are made up
of sub-elements, each having its own characteristics. Beside the generalist media,
some non-specialised media (magazines, popularisation programmes, etc) seem to
perpetuate the educational tradition of an enlightenment given to people already aware
of science and technology. Such diversity is also clearly visible in the medium used
(book, press, radio, television, electronic means) and in the purpose of the media and
its products (specialised or not, didactic, informative, entertaining, etc). The manner in
which a given media operates as an institution is also important: is it a private body or a
public institution? What are the editorial lines? One should also identify the functions of
media production: are the objectives to be mainly educational, entertaining, awareness-
raising, critical? … (Note that these functions are often interwoven). It seems difficult to
assimilate what goes on in the press with what happens on television, or what is said in
a specialised television programme and in the news, without running the risk of
becoming over-simplistic. We therefore propose in this introduction to consider only the
main developments, transnational trends and national characteristics.
II. Current trends in the media cover given to science and techniques.
A – Transnational trends
Two transnational trends may be identified in the analysis of the media cover given to
science and techniques in the various countries under consideration: on one hand the
strength of traditional popularisation and, on the other hand, the increasing
development in the scope of current affairs, of a debate surrounding scientific and
technological progress. Both presentation modes coexist in all the countries examined,
sometimes even overlapping. Thus the linear model of a transmission of "information",
which seemed however to be a characteristic of popularisation, is still predominant in
the way science and techniques are covered when they are related to current affairs.
1. Popularisation
The history of the media and that of popularisation have been interwoven for a long
time. From the major French and English encyclopaedias of the 18th century, for
example, all the way to the most recent developments of media spaces dedicated to
Science, technology and the media in the six countries 121
B – National characteristics
These transnational trends are balanced by the specific traditions and contexts of each
country (which may even vary from one region to another) and these will influence the
specific format of media production.
in others. Indeed, one could not understand the small output of popularising media in
Portugal without taking into account the political history of this country.
A second factor comes into account when we consider the development of scientific
popularisation. Larger countries with strong traditions develop their own products and
import few programmes or publications. Indeed, the BBC, for example, even exports its
products on the basis of its prestige. On the other hand, in Belgium, Austria or
Portugal, home products remain scarce. Popularisation, in its various forms, is usually
imported from "bigger" neighbouring countries (France and the Netherlands for
Belgium, Germany for Austria). Thus a third of Walloon readers of popularising
publications receive their information from French publications. Written media are not
the only ones concerned as television programmes work, to a lesser extent, according
to the same principle. This assessment brings us to moderate the idea of a strict
contextual specificity of popularising activities in the field of science and technology.
Indeed, it seems that on the strength of a long tradition ensuring both know-how and
prestige, some countries have managed to adopt a position of exporters of media
products whereas others remain, to a certain extent, dependent.
III. The media facing the critics: challenges and institutional answers.
The main problem which runs through the media cover of science and technology finds
an echo in all the countries under review, namely that the agendas of journalists,
scientists, politicians or even the media’s “new actors” such as NGOs and associations,
seem irreconcilable. Where scientists are working on long-time events, journalists
follow the rhythm of current events, scoops and “hot” topics. Both worlds, that of
journalists and scientists, are obviously moving further apart.
This discrepancy generates a manner of tension which then translates into
accusations, or even condemnations, against the world of media. This tension is all the
stronger that controversies around scientific and technical developments are on the
increase and the politicians making decisions should be in a position to take sides. In
our opinion, the reconciliation of these agendas is a challenge to which the actors of
scientific media coverage will be increasingly confronted, both at national level and, a
fortiori, at European level.
Measures which have been implemented up to now in order to solve tensions remain
very traditional, it could even be said that these solutions demonstrate the strength of
the deficiency model which, this time, is applied to journalists:
• the objective is, by using training and exchanges, to educate journalists
considered as “ignorant” of scientific facts, to assist them in understanding
scientific theories and life in a laboratory;
• vice versa, communication techniques are taught to some scientists considered
too “clumsy” in their approach. Furthermore, this type of measures is
accompanied by the creation of communication cells turned to the media, in the
public as much as in the private sector of scientific research;
Science, technology and the media in the six countries 127
The first three solutions under consideration are raising new problems. First of all, they
seem to be built around assumptions which are rarely challenged, namely:
• the reason why journalists mistreat science, or even criticise certain scientific
products, is due to the fact that they don't understand enough of it;
• it is assumed that scientists are not "cut" for communication;
• the way science is dealt with should necessarily be different from the way other
fields are covered, such as politics, etc;
Secondly, these answers are hiding deep problems and what is at stake is of primary
importance. Indeed, who are the actors who will decide of the criteria according to
which a practice will be deemed to be "good"? They will come under the authority of
which institutions? These issues have to be raised if one doesn't want to get lost in
generalities and truisms. Scientists and journalists have specific skills which have to be
integrated into the way the media cover science. However, does this call for the
journalist to be trained in basic scientific knowledge in all fields? Beside the fact that
this does not seem to be feasible, it may not even be desirable. Indeed, the closer
scientific journalism gets to scientific contents, the higher the risk of seeing priority
being given to this perspective, maybe at the expense of the citizen role played by the
Finally, one wonders if the tensions existing between different agendas and
competencies should really be solved with training actions which seem to privilege the
sole scientific approach. This is particularly relevant where topics are controversial. The
media scene remains one of the spaces most open – relatively speaking – to an
interaction between the various interpretations of issues related to the development of
Science, technology and the media in the six countries 128
science and technology. Such wealth implies that the debate can revolve around
issues that are not only scientific but which often become political, in the widest sense
of this term. This being accepted, one has to acknowledge the fact that the journalist
brings about a manner of complementary "proficiency" to the official scientific expertise.
Technoscience in the Austrian media landscape 129
Introductory remarks
Before entering into the details of the Austrian media landscape, we would like to
shortly reflect on the difficulty of conceptualising media spaces as national. While this
problem holds for all the countries, it gains a particular weight in the case of smaller
countries, where the same language is spoken as in the neighbouring bigger national
settings. Indeed in recent decades – through developments like cable-TV, internet, etc.,
but also through accelerated newspaper distribution across European countries – the
question of national territories cannot be posed anymore in the same way as before.
People do not necessarily stick to their national information-sources, but draw on all
kinds of international contexts. For Austria in particular Germany plays a rather
dominant role, as there exists, partly shared cultural values, common histories and
above all a common language.
It thus seems important to ask in how far this changes and redefines the concept of the
"national" with regard to communication with wider publics about science and
technology. Whereas a context of national production of activities, programs and sites
is manageable, the context of their consumption becomes increasingly blurred,
internationalised and difficult to seize. Foreign magazines and newspapers are bought,
German and also foreign language TV and the world-wide web have entered Austrian
homes. In particular, the latter shows a clear tendency to overcome language barriers
by e.g. offering optional languages on web-sites which accentuates the described
trends further. An important segment of Austrian population – in particular the younger
generation – has a sufficient command of English language in order to make use of
these multilingual offers.
Secondly it should be considered that the different actors in the field of media do not
restrict themselves to using one type of communication medium: Print media for
example maintain at the same time web-sites where they can permanently update the
latest news and can offer a larger diversity of shorter as well as longer articles. Radio
and TV stations offer next to the schedules and program outlines also introductions to
oncoming radio and TV emissions on the web. This web presence in classical media
like newspapers, TV or radio allows not only to establish an additional communication
Technoscience in the Austrian media landscape 130
channel with wider publics, but through the introduction of electronic discussion forums
the lack of interaction with the consumers is partly compensated.
The chapter will cover print media, followed by electronic media (television, radio and
internet as new medium of science communication) and will close by some reflections
on science journalism in Austria.
In what follows we will clearly focused on the production and not on the reception side.
For the latter we have virtually no qualitative information, which could give a refined
picture on how Austrian citizens consume science information offered in the media. 158 TP PT
Further it should be stressed that the English term science is used in this part
equivalent to the German notion “Wissenschaft” thus including all scientific disciplines
and not only the “exact” sciences.
One of the special features of the Austrian media landscape is the quasi-monopoly of
two actors, namely Mediaprint and News-Verlagsgruppe, the latter being nearly
exclusively owned by the German holding Gruner+Jahr. This close relationship to
Germany has however not only to be understood in terms of ownership, but Austrian
magazines (mainly produced by the News Verlagsgruppe) are (and have also been in
the past) partly modelled along German examples. This quasi-monopoly, however, also
leads to a low level of competition between the different journals and to more mutual
arrangements of the actors.
The way science and technology are covered in the newspapers spans a wide
spectrum ranging from the newspapers which have regular science sections
(sometimes even with different special foci), over papers where science only comes
into focus when techno-scientific controversies with political impact are at stake 159 , TP PT
over those who give only occasional news about science, to those that focus on certain
aspects of private life trying to give a partly alleged "scientific" treatment of the issue,
such as health, wellness or social life 160 . TP PT
P Most of what is pretended to be known about public understanding of science in Austria stems from
Eurobarometer and other survey research. This learns us, however, very little about the more subtle
mechanisms that are at work when people are confronted with technoscientific knowledge.
P Such instances are e.g. the legalisation of medical use of embryonic stem cells, the political conflict on
Table 1 shows the range of coverage by the different newspapers, we have taken into
consideration from which one can get a hint on the potential impact they have on the
science communication landscape as a whole.
Coverage in
Name of the daily newspaper Range of coverage TP PT % absolute numbers
x 1000
National quality press
Der Standard 5,7 383
Die Presse 5,3 361
Salzburger Nachrichten 4,5 301
Wiener Zeitung TP PT 25
Regional press
Kleine Zeitung 12,4 835
Oberösterreichische Nachrichten 5,3 355
Tiroler Tageszeitung 5,1 345
National press
Der Kurier 11,1 748
Tabloid (nationally sold)
Kronen Zeitung 43,4 2.930
The Austrian daily quality press with nation-wide distribution is represented by four
newspapers: Der Standard 163 , Die Presse 164 , and the Wiener Zeitung 165 all of them
published in Vienna as well as the Salzburger Nachrichten TP PT which is published in the
region of Salzburg.
The coverage of science and technology has experienced a clear rise in this
segment of newspapers over the last few years, both in quantity and quality. What
they all have in common is a designated section for science news, which is
predominantly placed in the weekend-issues as well as separate pages one or two
days a week with science reporting. Also, on the level of journalists writing for the
P See www.media-analyse.at/frmdata2002.html ; the percentage given in the column “coverage” is
calculated on the basis of having reached these people at least once. For details see http://www.media-
P For the Wiener Zeitung there doesn’t exist any data of coverage since this daily paper is not recorded
by “media-analyse”. Thus the circulation, e.g. the number of copies printed, is indicated in the table. For
comparison, the Standard has a circulation of about 69.000 copies.
P http://www.derstandard.at
P http://www.diepresse.at
P http://www.wienerzeitung.at
P http://www.salzburg.com
Technoscience in the Austrian media landscape 132
the “science page” is included in the "culture"-section where it first shared one page
with the technology oriented "communication"-column two to three days a week. Now
has become a whole page on its own. Sporadically a supplementary page with science
reports sponsored by the Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung FWF
(Fund for the Advancement of Scientific Research) is edited. Additionally Der Standard
has also a weekly supplement, the Album, where science and technology issues are
treated in form of feuilletons. This corresponds to a trend also observable in the
German context, namely that science and technology is discussed in more
heterogeneous contexts, its social implications are questioned and ethical dimensions
are reflected in a broader way. This explains also why controversial issues are often
treated in the Album. A few times a year this newspaper also produces special so-
called Beilagen (added issues) on education and universities.
The Salzburger Nachrichten prints daily science and technology news on one page
titled with "Knowledge, Medicine, Environment" that is placed in the first bound of the
newspaper. The weekend-issue supplies one extra page concerning "Science" and
"Health". It is important to underline that Salzburger Nachrichten has a very long-
standing tradition in high quality science reporting, well ahead of other newspapers in
Austria and was for a while a privileged source when people wanted to get news about
scientific developments from daily papers. The Salzburger Nachrichten however also
plays an important role for the local universities as it offers the possibility to present the
work of the university publicly through the co-operative production of the magazine of
the Paris-Lordon University Salzburg which is then added to the journal 4 times a year.
P P Media Analyse MA '99
Technoscience in the Austrian media landscape 133
Also Die Presse allocates pages to longer science reporting in its weekend supplement
called "Spektrum", which also includes other topics. Additionally, one can find a one
mid-week page treating "Education" and "Health". The space allocated to science was
doubled over the last years.
Similarly the Wiener Zeitung offers a Friday-supplement "Extra", with a feuilleton-like
section with essays, book reviews, cultural affairs, including alternating one page about
"Astronomy" and "Science". Medical subjects are placed also in the "Society",
"Magazine" and the "Today's life" section. There is also a "Research" section being
published on Wednesday. Scientific topics appear quite regularly in varying sections
throughout the paper. It is interesting to note, however, that the selection of topics is
not so closely linked to the value of novelty the same extent as in other papers of the
quality press.
Overall one can say that scientific journals like Nature and Science serve as reference
journals for the quality press. Besides the regular science sections, techno-scientific
aspects appear also in the political sections once there is a public controversy over
such issues. There science is often represented in form of producing strategic
expertise, decisive for problem-solving.
During recent years all the quality newspapers have started to offer online
versions of their newspaper, all having science sections. Using new-media however
does not only allow to increase the potential number of readers, but also facilitates
quicker up-dating of information, permits the allocation of more space to news and
offers the possibility of discussion forums. So far however the latter idea has not really
worked out, as qualitative debates on issues regarding science and technology are still
extremely rare.
With regard to the regional newspapers, the Kleine Zeitung 168 , the regional TP PT
contrary to the newspapers mentioned above, the Kurier has not a separate science
and technology section. Although there is a debate about establishing one, scientific
P P See on http://www.kleinezeitung.at
P P See on http://www.nachrichten.at
P P http://www.derkurier.at
Technoscience in the Austrian media landscape 134
topics appear irregularly and dispersed over the "News"-, "Life"- or "Business"-sections
as well as in the Sunday special, where longer series on various topics – both from the
natural sciences and the humanities – are published. More regular science reporting
only can be observed during public controversies or in areas of broad public concern
such as health care and alimentation.
The tabloid sector in Austria is more or less monopolised by one single
newspaper: Die Kronen Zeitung 171 is the most read Austrian newspaper (see Table 1)
and is, concerning coverage, allegedly the most successful paper in the world. In the
print version science and technology are not featured regularly and find place only
when it can be staged as of immediate relevance to peoples lives (cancer and other
wide-spread diseases, genetically modified food, mad-cow disease) and where it
contains a high level of newsworthiness (e.g. "The Killer-Potato" also known as
genetically modified potatoes). In the online version there is – although hard to find on
the site map of the Kronen Zeitung – a regular science section with about 10 science
news articles. This newspaper is however of high interest – not for the quality of its
science reporting – because of its capacity to influence public opinion in Austria also
with regard to science and technology issues. Therefore in public controversies, the
position of the tabloid is rather crucial. This has in the past become especially
important when there are public or political decisions to be taken, as it happened in the
GMO-debate in 1997 172 . TP PT
Weekly Newspapers
Two weekly newspapers should be mentioned here, the Falter 173 with a relatively low TP PT
range of coverage not exceeding 10% (1,3% TP PT on a national scale) for the area of
Vienna TP PT (42.000 circulation). The Falter has no specially labelled section reporting
science and technology news related topics, which are treated mainly in the political
sections. Six time a year they produce, however, a supplement called Heureka, 176 TP PT
dealing with more critical analyses of scientific practise, science policy, science/society
issues and university. The authors are mainly social scientists being partly also from
the Science and Technology Studies field and therefore trying to present science and
technology in its social and societal contexts. Each issue has a thematic focus, e.g.
Genetics, Science and Politics, Science and the Third Reich or Public Understanding of
Science. The magazine does not only reach the Falter-readership, but is supposed to
P http://www.krone.at
P Weber, Stefan (1995) Nachrichtenkonstruktion im Boulevardmedium. Die Wirklichkeit der "Kronen
Zeitung", Wien: Passagen. One could observe that this right-wing newspaper entered a coalition with the
left-wing actor Global 2000 in order to fight the release of GMOs in Austria.
P http://www.falter.at
P http://www.media-analyse.at/frmdata2002.htm
P This number is also due to the fact that the Falter provides a complete weekly schedule for cultural
events, cinemas, theatres, concerts etc. and this being the incentive to buy this weekly paper.
P http://www.fcc.at/heureka
Technoscience in the Austrian media landscape 135
The highest coverage of readership has Die Ganze Woche with 19,9%. While it has no
science section, it is interesting to remark that in articles dealing with health and
wellness issues, diets and physical training, alleged "scientific facts" are often used in
order to push particular recommendations.
To sum up, one can say that the sector of weekly newspapers is not very active with
regard to science and technology.
News Magazines
The segment of weekly news-magazines is mainly represented by Profil 178 (8,1% TP PT
circulation), in parallel to the TV series with the same title. Being sponsored by the
Austrian National Science Foundation (FWF) it features documentations to the
P It is sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture.
P http://www.profil.at/aktuell/index.html
P The figures given for the coverage are taken from http://www.media-analyse.at/frmdata2002.html
P http://www.news.at/format/ or directly http://www.format.at
P http://www.news.at/ via this site, Format as well as some other magazines can be accessed; not the
least it gives one example of the high concentration of the Austrian news magazine industry.
P http://www.universum.co.at/
Technoscience in the Austrian media landscape 136
corresponding TV series (which is mainly on nature and animal life) but also on general
issues of science, technology and nature. However the themes are selected according
to the criteria of being non-conflictual and pleasure/aesthetic-oriented, this policy being
reflected in the magazine's subtitle ”The most beautiful magazine of Austria”.
In the medical sector there are two magazines Gesundheit (Health) and Gesünder
Leben (Healthier living) with a rather broad distribution. They do however not
understand themselves as popular science magazines.
In addition to those there exist several magazines focusing on specific leisure activities
that integrate also scientific knowledge directly linked to specific topics. Thus in the
area of hunting, gardening, or domestic animals one finds science communication from
the fields of zoology, ethology or veterinary science. Of course the audience is in those
cases extremely selected.
An example of magazines with a clear stakeholder orientation (entrepreneurs,
managers, engineers, scientists and students) is Austria Innovativ published six times a
year (12 000 circulation). It cannot be bought issue by issue in book stores or
bookstalls since it is distributed to selected consumers directly. It contains news from
the – mainly Austrian – science and technology field with a clear focus on technological
issues, presents new research projects and products, highlights their use and
implementation, and regularly features articles on policy issues, sometimes also on the
meaning of certain technologies for society at large.
When dealing with issues printed by small research institutes one should mention the
example of Soziale Technik. Journal für sozial- und umweltverträgliche
Technikgestaltung (Social Technology. Journal for the Shaping of Socially and
Environmentally Sustainable Technology) 183 . It is issued by the IFZ 184 (Interuniversity
Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture) four times per year and has a
circulation of 1500. The journal is divided into the sections "new biotechnology",
"environment and energy", "women and technology", "information and communication
technologies" and additionally hosts a guest-editorship where national and international
research departments get the opportunity to present their work. The basic idea of the
journal is to socially and politically contextualize S&T while at the same time advocating
practical solutions and approaches. The publics addressed are also already quite
specialised thus it is not available in the ordinary press shop.
P P http://www.ifz.tu-graz.ac.at/
Technoscience in the Austrian media landscape 137
Although formally the national broadcasting monopoly of the Österreichischen
Rundfunk ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation) 185 fell a few years ago, there is
nationwide still only little competition when it comes to the Austrian news sector on TV
and radio. The ORF still has the right to charge fees, and, despite the quasi-liberation
of the market pretends to continue to fulfil its task of playing a central role in education
and culture (öffentlicher Bildungsauftrag). At the same time it tries to adapt, especially
in the entertainment field, to the new requirements emerging through competition with
private channels that mainly broadcast from/in Germany. However one can definitely
state, that features and series on science and technology are not perceived as
attractive enough to a wider public, and thus this domain remains rather marginal in the
overall program. 186 TP PT
Universum TP PT and of a nearly one hour long late-evening broadcast called "Kreuz und
Quer" (criss-cross). Modern Times aims at producing techno-science news in an
entertaining way and claims promoting ”new developments and tendencies that will
concern larger audiences”. 189 This is perceivable in style as well as in content, as the
image of science produced is that of a problem solver. Recently, there is trend towards
addressing more of Austrian science and technological issues in order to create a
positive image of Austrian research and its positive societal and economic impact.
Also, environmental and "sustainable" technologies are at the centre of interest. Every
two weeks this broadcast is focused on health issues and technologies. Modern times
has a strong internet presence with audio and video technology, it has already
published two CD-Roms, the latest called "Planet Erde 2000". Both could be labelled
as infotainment having roughly the same design, focusing on ”all important questions of
the future at the end of the century”. These products are advertised on ORF TV, and it
is important to note the mutually reinforcing nature of these activities within a quasi-
monopolistic set-up as described above.
Universum is transmitted two times during the week in the main evening time slot at a
quarter past 8 pm. The topics chosen come virtually exclusively from the domains
nature observations and wildlife in the style of ”celebrating the beauty of nature”. 190 TP PT
Science is thus represented in an extremely uncritical way using the image of science
P P http://www.orf.at/
P P The TV series Universum is the only exception.
P P http://www.orf.via.at/modern.times/
P P see also the popular science journal mentioned above
P P See on http://kundendienst.orf.at/sendungsinfos/sendungsprofile/orf2/mt.html
P P See on http://kundendienst.orf.at/sendungsinfos/sendungsprofile/orf2/univdi.html
Technoscience in the Austrian media landscape 138
as ”solving secrets and enigmas of nature”. In their profile the producers state that this
design aims at motivating people to preserve nature or how they call it "the miracles of
the blue planet”. The editors clearly avoid any intrusion of environmental
problems/catastrophies as having an all too negative connotation. The Tuesdays'
series are mainly on topics in zoology and biology, the documentaries on Thursdays
focus on the earth and the cosmos, that is on the geo-sciences and space sciences.
"Kreuz und Quer" touches on a large variety of issues regarding from humanities and
social science issues over philosophical topics to science and technology.
Besides the two Austrian channels there exists broadcasting co-operation with 3sat
and BR Alpha. BR Alpha is the educational channel of the Bavarian television. Each
day of the week 3sat broadcasts – similar to Modern Times – a series about science,
technology and medical issues at early evening-time, called Nano. Regarding the
subjects there is a topical focus on new media and telecommunication. Once a week
“HiTec features news from the technology sector. Since 2002 Alpha Austria broadcasts
daily at 9 p.m. with a science focus on Mondays. These are partly retransmissions,
partly special productions for Alpha Austria.
Overall one can say that there is little space attributed in the Austrian TV to science
and if so, it is generally placed in the late evening slots, where the audience is rather
limited. The only exception is Universum, where its nature orientation seems to make it
suitable for a main evening programme.
throughout the week. Furthermore there is Dimensionen. Die Welt der Wissenschaft
(Dimensions – The World of Science), a daily magazine of 30 minutes in the early
evening giving an overview on a specific research topic from the sciences or
humanities or discussing scientific products, their generation, their practical and
sometimes societal implications. A slightly different approach towards science and the
humanities has Menschenbilder (Images of the Human) that portrays specific
professionals, mostly social scientists. Here, instead of scientific outcomes and
research results, the biography of the portrayed scientist stands in the foreground. It is
the only emission where scientists from a human perspective come into focus. Two
regular broadcasts touch very shortly on science and nature: Vom Leben der Natur
(The Living of Nature) where – mostly biological – scientists talk five minutes about
animals or plants, the other five-minutes-long program is called Wissen aktuell
(Knowledge up-to-date). Other specialised programmes are Matrix, a journal on
computers on Sundays and Von Tag zu Tag, der Radiodoktor (Day by day, the radio
doctor), a forum where the auditors can pose questions via telephone abut medical
subjects. The Salzburger Nachtstudio, a programme mainly for a rather educated
audience deals among others issues with philosophy and humanities, as also does
Diagonal, Radio für Zeitgenossen (Diagonal, radio for contemporary people). Both
present science and humanities in a feature-like way.
Another important field of activity of ORF radio (mainly its department of Science,
Education and Society) is the organisation and documentation of symposia and so-
called "Enqueten" (investigations into specialised subjects). The latter are mainly one-
day fora where invited guests – mostly scientists – give talks that are then discussed by
a broader audience. Past events have been for example on "Molecular medicine and
the new human being" or "Austrian language in the Age of Information". Seen from the
advertisement and the level of presentation and discussion it clearly aims at touching
an interested, rather educated audience. Three times a year, international symposia
usually lasting for two or three days are organised (e.g. "The Future of the Cities"; "The
Future of Youth" and "The Future of Information"), where international experts in the
field are invited to discuss these issues. These Symposia raise more specific questions
and become, in part, fairly academic, but seem to attract a large part of the respective
local professional communities around a certain topic of interest. These events are all
documented on audio and video, the longer features of them are then broadcast on Ö1
and/or on TV summarising the argumentation and trying to make it accessible to a
wider audience.
science and technology but also as a forum and information resource for those
From being a rather specialized tool, the internet has meanwhile been ascribed as
being a motor of societal democratisation, a shift that means an extreme change in
functionality. 191 It is stated frequently that everyone who seeks for special information
via the web is seen to be able to do so and likewise everybody would have the right to
give whatever information about whatever topic onto his/her website to be read by the
web-public. Therefore a widespread argumentation on the impact of the internet on
society goes as follows: The web would offer possibilities to overcome societal, sexual
and racial constraints and even the construction of virtual identities should allegedly
now be possible. Especially, the opened and freed access to information resources
would imply an emancipatory effect on the public. The openness or "freeing" is often
seen as subversive in a political sense in the way that it will change the society at
large. But, when actually looking into these media one gets the impression, that the
expectations are by and large not really fulfilled. The discussion fora are a good
example for that. So far they are widely offered, but not widely accepted and used by
the public.
For our purpose it might be important to recollect the web as a medium where science
and technology can be communicated under special conditions and in which way
benefits are taken from it. The permanent stressing of the increasing meaning of the
internet for modern life has presumably lead to a pressure on organisations, companies
and institutions to design their web presence as well to create spaces (e.g. internet
portals) on the web where they can optimally profit from the communication possibilities
provided by the internet.
It must however be stated that still in Austria, the rate of people with internet facilities is
(still) relatively low, especially home “connections”. Further the "medial internet-
literacy", as one could call the competence of using the web, is not given among large
parts of the population, depending on age, gender and class. In particular people with a
higher educational level get easier access to the information present on the web.
Furthermore it should also be taken into account that obtaining a piece information is
not the same as acquiring knowledge which would then allow people to make decisions
or set actions. The question of how people manage to convert the information they find
on the web into applicable knowledge remains still open and unpredictable.
Nearly all the media, organisations and institutions mentioned in other chapters can
also be accessed through the web. In addition, it is getting more and more common for
Austrian quality newspapers to refer to web sites at the end of articles where further
information about a topic, full versions of an interview or other hints can be found, not
to mention their online-services with additional link-collections or the maintenance of
P Nowadays the internet is often equalised to the world-wide-web that we describe here since it is the
Internet Portals
The ORF's internet site has installed an online-portal on science under the address
http://www.science.orf.at, the Science ORF Portal. This project was mainly
implemented by the science department of the ORF radio station, but includes now
also the work of the ORF TV station's science department. To realise this project the
ORF co-operated with a lately founded firm called "ORF.ON". It is in the Austrian
context the largest initiative in this sector and thus shall be described in more detail
The portal consists of three components:
1. Announcements and documentation of the events organised by the ORF like
symposia and enquetes: The idea behind it is to have in the long run a full
documentation of all past events as an archive. Also the abstracts of all talks
and contributions are collected there, especially in advance to current events.
Thus interested persons can inform themselves more thoroughly.
2. The science news channel maintained under the co-operation with the science
departments of ORF radio station and TV station. Scientists have been largely
invited to become authors of contributions to the news section.
3. The so-called "forum" which is designed as an interactive space between
science and the public with discussion rooms about science beyond the usual
practise of science reporting. Austrian natural scientists, social scientists and
representatives from the humanities take on the position of ”hosts” and – ideally
– independently produce input concerning their work, their academic life and
the assumed implications of their work for society. They are free to design and
appropriate this space, so that they can invite guests or involve their students in
the discussion. The public is invited to comment and enter the discussion via
emails that are published online. Also, the chosen group of scientists should be
personally accessible for interested readers via email.
Technoscience in the Austrian media landscape 142
In the whole the Science ORF Portal has become a major information source with
regard to science in Austria – and beyond –, as well as links connecting to the broad
spectrum of institutions and initiatives concerned with science and technology. Since
the launch of the portal roughly two years have passed. It is interesting to see that the
forum idea has not been worked out as what it was initially proposed to be as most of
the news are produced by the ORF journalists themselves and not by scientists. The
same holds for the discussion discussion-fora which are not used in a very extensive
way. If it comes to a debate, the quality is extremely varied which is also due to that the
forum is not moderated. 192 TP PT
Moreover, there have been constructed several internet services that are exclusively
online and can be classified as active attempts to contribute to a public understanding
of science however all of them having a bias towards medical and health subjects. One
is surfmed 193 , which went online in late September 2000. It is a kind of health site – this
style being very common in the US – run by a company that provides extensive
information on health prevention, healthy diet, balancing life style, beauty, consultations
for "love and life" and spiritual wellbeing going along with a hypertext structured
handbook on all kinds of illnesses, their symptoms and treatments. Also, a medical
practitioner specialised in the relevant field and practising geographically close to the
patient can be chosen via the web site. A "surfmed-club" can be joined at a certain fee
which gives access to the following services: individual health and diet plans, personal
expert advise obtained electronically within 48 hours. Further health video tapes can be
borrowed by members, and a personal email-service gives news and updates tailored
to the member's fields of interest and medical conditions.
From a quite different perspective the Gesundheitsinformationsnetz GIN (Health
Information Net) 194 , is also an internet information resource on health, medicine and
social welfare, maintained by the medical faculty of the University of Innsbruck in co-
operation with the company Prodata that supported the web pages. It aims at providing
information on and linking to a large amount of institutions in the Austrian health and
social services structure. Different form the former the services of a health information
site are designed from a medical professional perspective.
A third so-called Health Server is Gesundes Leben (Healthy Life) 195 with up-to-date
health news as the organisers put it. It was founded by the Fonds Gesundes Österreich
(Fund for Healthy Austria) 196 which is a platform for "supporting health" as it is stated
on its website. The fund provides listings of projects and activities concerning health
P Bernhofer, Martin (2001): Cyberscience – Was macht die Wissenschaft im Internet?, Gegenworte
P http://gin.uibk.ac.at/
P http://www.gesundesleben.at
P http://www.fgoe.org/
Technoscience in the Austrian media landscape 143
prevention, maintain a service for self-help-groups and launches requests for project-
proposals in the health sector.
The Health Server Gesundes Leben which is one of the central activities of the
association informs about health prevention, fitness, alimentation and healthy lifestyle
as well as about illnesses and its therapies. Also, one can find an event calendar with
dates of medical congresses and lectures, courses, spiritual seminars and sports
workshops and also longer articles on special topics reaching from backbone exercises
over the danger of tick stabs up to how to make an ecological compatible spring-
cleaning. Spaces of interaction with the audience are given by an email service tailored
to the interests of the user and a discussion forum. The former is a newsletter whose
topics are personally chosen in advance by the user as being of interest and
comprehends an event calendar and short news concerning health. The discussion
forum provides an ”open-accessed, democratic discussion platform” for users where
they are invited to discuss on given topics such as depressions, diets or allergies.
Comparing to surfmed which has a similar aim at providing a health information
service, Gesundes Leben stresses the plurality of opinion that would inspire the
discussion on contended issues as it is said on the website. At surfmed the interaction
space does follow the common pattern of ”patient asks– expert answers”.
Multimedia Products
Regarding the multimedia product sector the market is also, like the print media
market, dominated by foreign companies, mostly German and English-speaking
products are offered. A mentionable exception are some CD-Rom's by the ORF that
are for sale. The already mentioned TV emission Modern Times published both, the
first one, ”The Modern Times CD-ROM” in 1997, was based on contents of their regular
emissions; the latest one being called "Planet Erde 2000" (Planet Earth) is a guided
tour throughout the new millennium, its ”challenges of science” and its ”most
spectacular missions of research”. Both contain interactive applications where the user
”could verify his knowledge about the future” 197 . The design is a composition of
If one wants to understand the relation of science and media in Austria, it is quite
revealing to look at the situation of professionalisation of science journalism and of
other science mediators. Indeed for quite a long time there were no science journalists
P P All citations from http://www.orf.via.at/modern.times/magazin/ausgaben/archiv/mt118.html
Technoscience in the Austrian media landscape 144
in the strict sense, instead journalists covered among other issues also science and
technology. Thus this topic was seen as of minor importance and could be treated for
many years only on a spot basis.
Despite this more marginal role played by science journalism there existed a Club of
Austrian Education and Science Journalists, founded in 1971, which is member of
EUSJA, the European Union of the Societies of the Science Journalists, since 1973. In
1991, it initiated the Central European Association for Science Journalism with the
members Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Another indicator for this lack of importance attached to science journalism is the fact
that the Austrian programme that counts as internationally accredited and is described
as an all-round training for future journalists 198 , offered no special focus on science
Thus most science journalists in Austria come from the disciplines or fields they
eventually write about and have usually acquired their skills "learning by doing", i.e.
while already working in the media field. It means however also that there is neither
debate about common standards in science journalism nor is there any corporate
identity developed in this area.
Things started to change during the last years, as the need for specialised science
communicators was gradually perceived as crucial. A first such training course in
science communication started – largely funded by public money – in autumn 2002, its
prolongation for another year is still unclear by the time this report was written. 200 TP PT
Finally, it should be mentioned that efforts are made to advance quality in science
journalism by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. They award a biannual
State Prize for Science Journalism to individuals who "take up issues of science and
research in a generally comprehensible and competent way to raise and deepen the
interest in and acceptance of science and research among the public" 201 TP PT
• The situation of media is in many ways rather curious in the Austrian context: quasi-
monopoly of two media groups; TV and partly radio there is still in a situation of
quasi state-monopoly; among the daily newspapers one tabloid holds a quasi-
monopoly on mobilizing a broader public on controversial scientific or technological
P http://www.donau-uni.ac.at/journalismus/
P Hömberg, Walter (1990) Das verspätete Ressort. Die Situation des Wissenschaftsjournalismus,
Konstanz: Universitätsverlag
P http://www.scimedia.at/
P Ministry for Education, Science and Culture
Technoscience in the Austrian media landscape 145
1. Background
In the mid 90s, the presence of science in the media was in the hollow of the wave:
there was more TV broadcasts, and there was minimal representation in the press. The
general context of re-investment of the regional authorities in science communication,
already described when dealing with science centres and universities, had a positive
impact on the position of science in the media. Recent events such as the GMO
controversy, the dioxin crisis in spring 1999, the ESB crisis, etc., also contributed to an
increase in the supply and demand of scientific information for the general public.
In view of the media, the linguistic division of the country is obvious and any item has a
twofold aspect. Some general features of the Belgian media, which must be taken into
consideration, are:
• The small size of respective Flemish and Walloon audiences and market shares
(about 6 million / 4 million inhabitants) makes “national” publishing activities
slightly profitable in specialised areas such as PUST. Dutch and French
publications and TV-programmes are widespread in Belgium not only for
cultural reasons, but for market reasons as well.
• The Belgian press especially the daily newspapers were subjected to a
profound restructuring process at the end of the 90s: concentration of press
groups, disappearance of newspapers, re-looking of newspapers and
decreasing readership (mainly on the French-speaking side). At present, there
is a crisis of readership and financial survival. In this context, journalism is also
threatened. There is an increasing proportion of free-lance journalists, in other
words, majority of the Journalists involved in science communication are free-
2. Science at the TV
French-speaking side
The French-speaking public service television channel RTBF, decided in 1998 to
resume a 52-minute monthly science programme, entitled “Matière grise” (Grey
matter), broadcasted on Thursday evening (around 21:30) on RTBF1. This initiative
Science and the media in Belgium 147
was positively acknowledged, since RTBF was often criticised for having left off
scientific culture. The first season’s audience ratings were considered a success by the
management of RTBF. The budget allocated by RTBF is € 600 000 per year; since
1999, there has been complementary sponsoring from the Walloon Ministry for
Research (DGTRE) and from industry (Siemens and the federation of chemical
industries). The influence of sponsors is quite visible in the “brief news” section at the
end of the programme, which always contains news from the chemical and electronic
industries, and about the activities supported by DGTRE. “Matière grise” is carried out
by a team of two full-time journalists whose main objective is to produce “a magazine
that lets you reflect without thinking about it”, and aims at “giving a dynamic and young
image of research and the researchers, with an emphasis on Belgian researchers” 202 . TP PT
The monthly health magazine “Pulsations” is somewhat older (1994) and has got a
more established audience. It is realised by one full-time and two-part -time journalist,
(and a specific technical team. It is broadcasted in the same time slot as “Matière
grise”. Both magazines broadcast again on RTBF2, on Tuesday at evening prime time.
The appeal of both programmes allows for the enhancing of the team of scientific
journalists and correspondents and the production of frequent notices to be included in
radio and TV news.
On RTBF’s web site, there is an extended section on “science and technology”,
coordinated by an “electronic science journalist” 203 . This web page contains all the
texts of the notices written by science journalists for any radio or TV news; most of the
notices are linked with a longer on-line article, containing references and links with
other web sites. The coordinator of these web pages intends to develop a real “on-line
science journal”, as an aspect of the RTBF policy to implement on-line information
RTBF also broadcasts the French series “C’est pas sorcier”, which has been produced
by France 3 since the autumn of 2000. Sequences of “C’est pas sorcier” are integrated
once a week in the children’s programmes “Ici Blabla”, during the evening prime time
for children.
Apart from these programmes, which are explicitly considered as science
communication by RTBF itself, there are other programmes that can be partially related
to science and technology:
• The weekly TV-broadcast “Cyber-café”, which is simultaneously broadcasted on
Saturday night on RTBF2 and on the Internet (together with an on-line forum),
and the daily radio notice “Multimedia” at 8:40 a.m. on the first radio channel.
P Lits M., Rony G., Verhaegen P., Programmes à caractère scientifique à la télévision : diffusion et
Science and the media in Belgium 148
Dutch-speaking side
Within the framework of the Action plan for science information 205 , the production and
P P Lits M. & al., op.cit.
P P http://www.innovatie.vlaanderen.be/knap
Science and the media in Belgium 149
order to assess the impact on the attitude of the Flemish population towards
technology and innovation 206 .
P Sofres-Dimarso, Enter 21 : bekendheid, bereik, evaluatie en impact, Actieplan Wetenschapsinformatie,
Science and the media in Belgium 150
administration, and the regularity of publication became monthly at the beginning of the
eighties. The aspect of “promotion of regional technology” is still present in the bulletin,
but the purposes have evolved. The bulletin also deals with general scientific subjects
and regularly includes articles on science & society issues. It also includes
bibliographical notes, accounts of scientific events, etc. Nowadays, the development of
scientific culture is presented as one of the key purposes of the bulletin.
Subscription to the Bulletin Athena is free and there are currently about 33 000
subscribers. At regional scale, it is a very extensive distribution, as high as that of many
newspapers. As there are many institutional subscribers (libraries, schools,
documentation centres, etc.), the estimated cumulated readership is about 50 000
In 1997, the editorial board of Athena carried out a survey among the subscribers, in
order to characterise the journal’s readers. The average age of the readers is 43.5
years; 25% are less than 30 years old, 20% between 31 and 40, 25 % between 41 and
50. The readership is composed of employees (19%), professionals and executives
(18% upper level, 14% middle management), and teachers (14%). 68% of them have
high school degrees. The main motivations of the readers are the improvement of their
scientific culture (70%), the need for information on new technology (65%), the
enrichment of their professional documentation (26%, mainly teachers and students).
The reading ratio is relatively high: 38% of the readers read more than a half of the
pages. The average satisfaction of the readers is rated 8/10.
The Bulletin Athena is a long-standing initiative of the Walloon public authorities,
combining the promotion of scientific culture and a shop-window for regional scientific
and technological activities. The financial investment of the Region is relatively low and
the results are fruitful.
4. Internet
The role of the Internet as a public space, open to scientific culture and science
communication, seems rather obvious, but there are not yet any available studies on
the various uses of the Internet to this purpose. All science centres, universities,
administrations and associations concerned with public awareness on S&T are now
running their own web sites. Relevant web sites are systematically quoted as footnotes
in the other “spaces” papers.
The purpose of this paper however is not to make an exhaustive directory of PUST
Belgian web sites. The first section of the paper draws a typology of the uses of
Internet in the PUST area. The second section summarises basic data on public
access to Internet, in order to give a picture of the potential audience of this new
information and communication means.
• Portals: many sites include a section on selected links, allowing for browsing to
other sites in Belgium or at the international level. Both regional administrations
AWI and DGTRE have extended portals ( http://www.innovatie.vlaanderen.be ;
P P http://www.2mens.com
Science and the media in Belgium 152
In the Flemish part of the country, there is an on-line science journal titled “InterAxis”
which was created in 1997 by a non-profit association of professors, researchers and
teachers (http://www.interaxis.org). InterAxis is designed as an interdisciplinary and
popular science journal with the aim of “bringing science to human scale”. This
electronic journal publishes thematic issues, of which the themes are planned and
announced on the web by the editorial board. It operates like other science journals,
with reviewers, editorial guidelines, etc. Recent themes include natural sciences,
technology, social sciences and humanities.
c) Internet as a forum
There are however very few well-known initiatives using the Internet as a forum for the
organisation of public debates on science and technology, although many socio-
political NGOs have a forum section on their web site (e.g. Greenpeace Belgium). The
only significant experiment was carried out by SSTC and the Museum of Natural
Sciences in 2001, using the opportunity of an exhibition on GMOs in the food chain
(“Gènes au menu”) to organise an Internet debate on this topic during the exhibition.
computer and 36% of the population above 15 years regularly or occasionally use the
Internet, at home, at work or at school. Gender imbalances remain important: about
42% of men are regular or occasional users, as opposed to 29% of women. Correlation
with age is obvious: 50% of the 15-29 years are regular Internet users (at least four
times a week), against 25% of the 30-44 years and 15% of the 45-59 years ( 208 ). TP PT
The survey also asks what kind of on-line information people are looking for. S&T is of
course not specifically addressed, but “cultural information”, which is a much wider
topic is. This item ranks second in the private sphere (31% of regular Internet users)
and third in the professional sphere (28%). There is no significant difference in gender
or age.
In comparison to other countries, the use of the Internet in Belgium is somewhat lower
than in Nordic countries, the Netherlands and the UK, but higher than in larger
countries like France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
As a conclusion: the use of the Internet as a media is no longer limited to the
intellectual elite, but the cost of equipment is still much lower than that of television.
5. Concluding remarks
P Delacharlerie A., Usages des TIC par les citoyens wallons : analyse détaillée des résultats de l’enquête
A – Introduction
In 1995, the Comité National d'Ethique issued an opinion on ethical issues raised by
the transmission of scientific information related to biological and medical research
(Avis sur les questions éthiques posées par la transmission de l'information scientifique
relative à la recherche biologique et médicale) 210 . This opinion accounted for
significant transformations in scientific journalism from the mid-1980s. First of all, the
number of scientific columns in press and TV news significantly increased. Secondly,
scientific journalists act more and more as experts with regard to scientific
development. Science - like politics or economics - has become a field of investigation
for journalists. Faced with this mutation, the ethics committee aimed at a new
regulation of journalists' practices. Hence, they call for journalistic ethics when issues
such as public health are raised and for a better management of press relations by
In some ways, this opinion aimed also at protecting science against investigative
journalism as, since the 1980s, it has deeply affected the public perception of science
and technology. Indeed, scientific and technological developments are increasingly
debated in public – particularly issues related to health or the environment. In this
context, popularisation programmes have multiplied on TV and radio; the press also
integrates this move with the creation of new popularisation magazines and the
multiplication of pages devoted to science in the general press.
It is true that the media brought into the public arena problems that are related to
scientific and technological developments (contaminated blood, organs trafficking,
asbestos, GMOs...). In addition, activists have fought to make themes related to health
or daily life appear in the media: this has led to the multiplication of programmes such
as Téléthon, Sidaction, La minute du consommateur. But important changes have also
taken place in practices related to scientific information. Many scientific institutions
have now set up their own press relation services, which control information
broadcasting. In addition, many years ago, the Association des journalistes
scientifiques de la presse d'information (AJSPI, Society of scientific press journalists)
P CNE, "Avis sur les questions éthiques posées par la transmission de l'information scientifique relative à
established a "club" that brings together the main actors in charge of relations with
major research institutions and industries. This club organises meetings every year to
encourage contacts between institutions and journalists.
Let us emphasise the fact that this journalists' society is deeply involved in the
optimisation of scientific information broadcasting. The AJSPI was established in 1955,
following the initiative of scientific journalists who had already started their career in
daily newspapers or weekly magazines. Its main objective was - and still is - to support
active collaboration between journalists and researchers from all scientific fields in
order to guaranty the objectiveness and reliability of information broadcast. Moreover,
in 1984, they signed an agreement with the administrators of the future Cité des
sciences et de l'industrie de la Villette, which would make them active in the
organisation and operation of the newsroom of Science-Actualité, considered the
window of "science and technology in the making."
In addition, the AJSPI took part in the European negotiation that led to the "charter of
Laxenburg", which defines the rights and duties of persons in charge of informing the
public. It has also been involved in a reflection on practices and ethics of scientific
journalism with the organisation of debates. The debates that have been organised so
far focused on military nuclear tests, mad-cow disease, and GMOs. 211 TP PT The most
recent actions undertaken by this association have been focussing on visiting scientific
sites in France and abroad, as well as organising meetings and debates including
journalists, scientists and politicians.
B – The Press
It is primarily persons with scientific training (whether or not they have a scientific
occupation) who read the first category of "high scientific level" magazines. Two
monthly magazines share this market: La Recherche, and Pour la science (the French
translation of the Scientific American). These two journals, which until recently were
P Source, the AJSPI web site: http://www.multimania.com/ajspi . This web site presents information on
the life of the AJSPI and advises for those who are going to enter this profession.
French media 156
known for presenting science in a rather austere fashion – just as the scientific journals
– have recently changed their format. They seem to have integrated the idea that
science contents are always negotiated and that science and technology do not
develop independently from society. La Recherche, in particular, has created new
columns in which scientists, philosophers and sociologists may express their views on
particular issues. In addition, these journals intend to enhance interactivity with pages
devoted to the reactions of readers and with the creation of electronic forums. Apart
from these two journals we may add a journal specialised in medicine, Medecine-
Science, which devotes an important space to debates among scientists.
The second category of magazines includes popularisation journals for the general
public. Here, the market is dominated by three major magazines offering a rather
traditional format (Science et Vie, Science et Avenir, Ça m'intéresse). The logic
presented here consists in educating the public about science, to explain science, by
translating its most technical aspects into understandable words and notions while
insisting on their social utility. In this group of journals, we find two older publications:
Science et Avenir, established in 1947, which has a print run of 230 000 issues, and
Science et Vie, established in 1913, which has a print run of 350 000 issues. The latter
has been demonstrating much energy over the last 10 years with the creation of three
specialised formats, two of them being aimed at the young public: Science et Vie
Découverte, and Science et Vie Junior. Since 1991, it publishes Les Cahiers Science
et Vie, with an aim to cover specific discoveries or particular scientific or technological
developments, placing them into their historical and sociological contexts. It is worth
mentioning that the contextualisation of science – that may proceed either by focusing
on science in the making or on the relationship between science, technology and
society - is more important in the two publications intended for young readers.
The third popularisation magazine intended for the general public is more recent.
Created in 1981, Ça m'intéresse, has a print run of 250 000 issues. It pursues its
objective of popularisation with a more radical method: the scientific and the
technological contents are over-simplified and journalists tend to systematically link
these contents with the supposed daily concerns of the readers. This tendency clearly
affects the way editors select their topics as well as the way these are covered:
numerous articles focus on daily life technologies with headlines such as "How does
my TV work?"
Until 2001, this range was completed by a magazine titled Eureka, established in 1995,
which was offering a slightly different format. The aim was no longer to educate people
but to inform them. Published by Bayard Press (who published the famous Cosmos
magazine from 1885 to 1940), this magazine focused on young adults (20-45 years), a
group who is considered – according to the chief editor, Eric Jouan – to be aware of the
French media 157
importance of science in our society and who wants to understand the stakes and the
risks related to scientific and technological developments. Hence, this magazine
developed a multidisciplinary approach: science was sometimes covered from the
standpoint of its contents and, at other times, through economical, social or political
issues related to its development. Many columns were devoted to links between
science and society and some focused on social sciences. This new magazine
benefited from great success, with a print run of 110 000 issues 18 months after its
launch. Despite its success, this magazine ceased publication.
a – Health magazines
Private experience and also an individual internalisation of its "scientification" may help
to explain the existence of a large number of popularisation magazines devoted to
health. In France, the most significant journals are Top Santé (print run of 750 000
issues), Santé Magazine and the Franco-Quebecois monthly magazine Capital Santé.
Other magazines complement the scene: La tribune de la Santé, Réponses à tout
Santé, Vie et Santé, Génération Santé, Alternatives Santé plus a publication aimed at
the female market, Psychologies. 212 TP PT
André Giovanni established the monthly magazine Santé Magazine in January 1976.
Its mission was to concretise, through the education of the general public, the opinion
given by the WHO: "the mental, social and physical wellbeing." 213 A team made up of
and beauty, consultation on dietetics and help in educating and protecting children. A
large number of articles are devoted to protecting the environment, an issue which,
according to the editors, is clearly connected to human health. Recently, Santé
Magazine has started to offer medical information on the web.
In 2000, the monthly magazine Capital Santé had a print run of 55 000 issues and
estimated readership of 228 000 readers (in France and Quebec). Like most
magazines of this kind, it targets families. Hence the favoured topics are related to
prevention, hygiene, wellbeing, nutrition, beauty, children's health, medical
P With regard to the importance of the press devoted to health, we have chosen to detail only the
magazines intended to the general public. Many journals are intended to health workers (especially
general practitioners) and constitute a specific form of scientific popularisation.
P Source, Santé Magazine web site : http://www.sante-mag.com/
P Ibid.
French media 158
b - Astronomy
Historically, scientific enthusiasts have largely contributed – and still contribute – to the
making of astronomy. The skies and the stars stimulate the interest of people who are
not really scientists – or do not want to be scientists! – but have a wide knowledge of
the skies. In this context, the press aimed at enthusiasts of varying levels of knowledge
has been flourishing since at least the 19 th century. This press is closely connected to
the activities of learned societies, like the Société Française d'Astronomie (SAF), the
Société d'Astronomie Populaire (SAP), the Association Française d'Astronomie (AFA)
as well as local societies or clubs. In this context, journals often serve as informative
and practical resources and as relay between the various clubs and societies.
The Société Française d'Astronomie (SAF), founded in 1887 by the astronomer and
science populariser Camille Flammarion, brings together professional astronomers and
enthusiasts. In accordance with the ideals of its founder, the SAF is not only a society
devoted to astronomical research but also to disseminate knowledge for all members of
the public. 215 As well as the actions aimed at promoting CST 216 , this society publishes
is half scientific journal and half magazine intended to the general public. Most articles -
often written by scientists - focus on various and specialised issues.
Since its creation, in 1947, the Association Française d'Astronomie (AFA) has
multiplied initiatives and popularisation actions as well as advertising campaigns for
astronomy and related sciences. Its objective is to make astronomy a shared leisure,
open to all, and to develop access to the scientific culture. This society wants to be a
link bringing closer the general public, professional astronomers, enthusiasts and the
media. The monthly magazine Ciel et Espace, published by the AFA, is devoted to the
practice of astronomy, with a particular interest in space exploration and sciences of
the universe. With a print run of 65 000 issues and a number of readers estimated at
400 000, it can be considered to be the largest astronomy journal of French-speaking
Europe (France, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg). Reports and investigative
articles are written by science journalists with advice from astrophysicists. Based on a
"democratic" idea of astronomy (the observation of the sky is a leisure that anybody
can practice), Ciel et Espace encourages the development of astronomical leisure.
P The SAF is acknowledged by the Ministry of Youth and Sports as a national society for youth and
popular education.
P See the chapter devoted to "La nuit des Etoiles" in the present report and the SAF web site:
http://www.iap.fr/saf/ .
French media 159
Each month, it informs on the celestial configurations, provides sky charts and practical
advice for observation, and gives a list of training courses, conferences, clubs. 217 TP PT
We will end this review with Pulsar, the publication published by the SAP for more than
90 years. Different from the other two magazines, Pulsar is edited by and aimed at
enthusiasts. Its various columns are resolutely directed towards the practical aspects of
astronomy. To maintain a high level of quality and not to become dependent on
commercial constraints, Pulsar is distributed by subscription only. Every two months,
this journal is supplemented by a diskette containing software, images or files related to
amateur astronomy. Finally, other journals exist, such as Eclipse or Astronomie
magazine that act as mediator between the various clubs of enthusiasts.
Croix offer a good coverage of scientific issues. Five years ago, Le Monde attempted to
propose a specific treatment of scientific information through a collaboration with the
British science magazine Nature. This collaboration started with the announcement, in
January 1995, of a new description of the primary infection by HIV, which opened
possibilities for new therapies (known as the bi- and the tri-therapies). On this
occasion, English and French science journalists (Henry Gee and Jean-Yves Nau) as
well as the chief editors of the two journals (Jean-Marie Colombani and John Maddox)
contributed to the journal by giving their opinion on the issue. This collaboration with a
scientific journal illustrates well the way the general press – of the moderate left wing –
consider citizens’ education to sciences. According to Le Monde chief editor, this
alliance allowed him to "popularise in French the results, the progress, and the multiple
challenges related to this fantastic quest for knowledge, which at the end of the century
excites as never before communities of physicians and scientists". 219 The last TP PT
P See Ciel et Espace web site: http://www.cieletespace.fr/home.htm .
P According to a Figaro journalist.
P Jean-Marie Colombani, " "Le Monde" et "Nature"", Le Monde, January 13, 1995. On that point see
MASSERAN A., "Rupture dans l’image médiatique du VIH", GIORDAN A., MARTINAND J.L.,
RAICHVARG D. (dir.), Les sciences, les techniques et leurs publics (Actes des XVIIIe journées
internationales sur la communication, l’éducation et la culture scientifiques et industrielles), 1996, pp.
French media 160
1 – Science on TV
For more than 10 years, television has also radically changed its way of dealing with
scientific issues. Each editorial team who works on the creation of a TV programme,
has integrated experts for scientific and technological issues. Changes have also
occurred in other TV programmes. Traditional and austere popularisation has
disappeared from the TV screens since the 1980s. This was not done without the
influence of politicians: in 1988, Hubert Curien and Catherine Tasca (Minister of
research and Minister of communication, respectively) proclaimed that as regards
sciences, TV is "a cultural desert". Did the situation change in the course of the
In November 2001, a special day (Aux sciences, citoyens !) was organised following
the initiative of Association Science et Télévision in the scope of the Assises de la
Culture scientifique et technique (General meetings on scientific and technical culture)
launched by the Ministry of research. This day was an opportunity to bring together
representatives of each generic French television channels (except TF1), researchers
and producers of scientific TV programmes or films. The objective was to determine the
means to fill in an existing information gap in matters of science (this determination was
a consequence of a survey carried out in 2000, showing that 63% of people felt they
were insufficiently informed on scientific discoveries). There is no element to give a
measure of the impact of the day. However, actions undertaken by producers and
heads of scientific programmes were clearly stating that television should be answering
the citizens' "needs" for scientific information. Accordingly, a manner of consensus
between broadcasters/producers and researchers emerged as to the philosophy of
televised scientific programmes: beside traditional popularisation programmes, the
coverage of current themes linking science and society (cloning, etc) should be
reinforced. 221
P DE CHEVEIGNÉ S., VERON E., "Nobel on the front page: the Nobel physics prizes in French Newspapers",
journalistic reliability – Envoyé Spécial and La Marche du Siècle (which was interrupted
in June 2000) – sometimes propose in-depth investigations on scientific and
technological issues and can even voice accusations. Similarly, science has taken a
place in TV debates such as the weekly programme shown during prime time Ça se
discute. Finally, several weekly programmes devoted to science and technology were
created in the 1990s and 2000s. Among them we can mention:
• programs devoted to health such as Savoir plus Santé (on France 2 since 1992)
and the Journal and the Magazine de la Santé (on France 5 – formerly known as
La Cinquième – since 1994);
• popularisation programmes for the general public such as On vous dit pourquoi?
(on France 2 since 2002), Archimede (on Arte) and E=m6 (on M6)
• programmes intended to children and young adults such as C'est pas Sorcier (on
France 3);
However, some of these programmes have ceased to be broadcast: Nimbus (shown on
France 3) and E=m6 junior, for instance.
Let us mention that none of these programmes, apart from E=m6 spécial, are
broadcast during prime time during the week. Most of them are shown at week-ends
(E=m6, on Sunday at 20h, Savoir plus Santé, on Saturday at 13h, C'est pas Sorcier, on
Saturday and Sunday morning…). In fact, everything continues as if science on TV was
to be considered a family subject, useful for the education of the youngest and for
helping the oldest on issues related to health. These programs are often presented by
two journalists, with a specific division of labour: the first one – the expert – is in charge
of presenting the technical issues; the second one, the candid one, addresses related
issues such as the social or the psychological aspects. This specific scene provide
dynamics that allow for the establishment of both a relation with the public and links
between science and society. Moreover, this setting can take a particular form, which
preserve or even consolidates the authority of science. For instance, Savoir plus santé
works on the physician-patient relationship, C'est pas sorcier, on the expert-learner
relationship: in both cases a power-relation is at work. 223 These remarks are still
hypothetical, but it is obvious that this setting of science and of its relation to society
constitute a current trend that needs further examination.
P In 2000, percentages expressed in number of hours dedicated to scientific magazines and
documentaries were, respectively: France 5: 34,2% ; Arte: 18,6% ; M6: 1,2% ; Canal +: 2,5% ; France 3:
3,4% ; France 2: 3% ; TF1: 1,5%.
P In the second program, the role of women is limited to tell funny stories, to have a naive look at the
Another trend has appeared, particularly on France 5 and series including about 20
episodes dedicated to scientific themes are increasingly broadcast (Gaïa, Chasseurs
de gènes, Psyché…). In order to widen its scope as a pedagogical channel,
complements to the television programmes are available both on the channel's website
and in teachers' folders designed for secondary schools.
Finally, let us mention one last type of scene in TV channels devoted to health: Santé
Vie. This channel, which is part of the company Canalsatellite, legitimates its existence
by stating that "health is the most important subject of concern for the average
man." 224 So, a specialised TV channel is – according to the editor – the best means to
meet this demand. But what will a TV channel propose that would not be already
offered by the many written publications? First of all (we summarise here the
argumentation presented on the web site of this channel), a 4.5-hour program every
day during which, both health specialists and journalists interact to produce magazines,
talk shows, debates, reports, documentaries and fiction works. During the first years of
its existence, the channel was allocating special time slots to the medical profession
and only health professionals subscribing to the channel could avail of these
programmes (i.e. the general public did not have access to them). The latter,
amounting to 200,000 individuals in France – may subscribe to view specific
programmes (before 9 am and after 11pm). These programmes are crypted and
available on subscription (only doctors may subscribe), far from being intended to the
general public, it is supposed to guaranty a level of quality, like in the case of expert
committees working away from society. This division was supposed to represent a
guaranty of scientific quality for Santé Vie. Nowadays, programmes are increasingly
turned towards entertaining popularisation, with programmes such as Bistouri & Cie,
hosted by star-presenter Claude Sérillon and focussed on surgery. Other programmes
are dedicated to daily health concerns (C'est mon poids is a daily programme
dedicated to weight issues, Femmes-enfants deals with mother-child relationships,
etc). Finally, dialogues between medical doctors, journalists and television viewers are
granted a large share of airtime.
2 – Science on radio
Although in France there is a large number of radio stations, only a few programmes
are devoted to science. None of the "peripheral stations" (i.e. radio stations which, for
historical reasons, had to broadcast from abroad, for instance Europe 1, Radio Monte-
Carlo…) devote programmes to science and technologies. Science is only present in
the programmes that can address scientific issues following current events and news. It
is also present in interactive programmes that can allow members of the public to
P P Source: the Santé Vie web site: http://www.sante-vie.com/.
French media 163
participate – such as En direct avec les auditeurs (Europe 1). That sort of programmes
also exists in public radio stations such as France Inter: for instance, Alter Ego and
Radiocom c'est vous often invite guest scientists who comment or answer questions
from the public. Recently a weekly programme was launched on France Inter: CO2
mon amour. This programme followed an initiative carried out by journalists in 2003. It
offers debates focussed on environmental and ecological issues and includes
scientists, associations and listeners 225 . TP PT
As far as thematic stations from the public service are concerned, there is no radio
airtime devoted to sciences and technology. The channel that devotes the largest
number of programmes to science and technology is France Culture, a branch of
Radio-France created in 1970. Offering three weekly programmes, France Culture
offers a wide variety and adopts the traditional approach of scientific culture 226 . L'élogeTP PT
du savoir is close to the format adopted by popular universities since it offers lectures
from the Collège de France and conferences organised by the Université de tous les
savoirs 227 . Continent Science is a popularisation programme focussing on science in
the making, inviting scientists from a variety of horizons to explain the nature of their
work. Finally, Science friction, co-produced with daily newspaper Le Monde, is a
programme aiming at placing science in the centre of a debate relating to current
affairs. The three main targets of CST are thus represented: general public education,
understanding world activity, science and the science-society debate.
D – A glance at a profession
P http://www.radiofrance.fr/chaines/france-inter01/emissions
P http://www.radiofrance.fr/chaines/france-culture2/emissions
P Université de tous les savoirs was an operation undertaken in the scope of the Year 2000 events. The
idea was to offer, all along the year 2000, a daily conference with a prominent scientist involved in nature
or human sciences. The success of the operation and the size of its audience allowed for a partial renewal
of the initiative.
French media 164
could say that criticising prominent scientific figures - depicted as individual who are all
too ordinary – consolidates the concept of purity surrounding scientific constructions.
On the other side, the standard science popularisation does not put science into its
political, sociological or economic context except to demonstrate the usefulness of
science: indeed, science is expected to be admired rather than discussed. The only
exception is the magazine Eureka which favours a multidisciplinary approach.
explained by the fact that a large majority of science journalists had scientific training,
but are self-trained in journalistic techniques: only one third have received journalist
training while 60% have been trained in science (with 47% having completed a
postgraduate diploma). 229 However, it is clear that even if a majority of the science
journalists have a good scientific training, they probably never stayed in that field long
enough to practice science and work in a laboratory. Hence, they transpose in the
media arena their education to science and not their practice of science. In addition,
their familiarity with science may also push them to act as guards of the temple and to
conceive popularisation as a means to separate in the public arena true science from
its avatars, and then to convince "the man in the street" of their own perception of
science. On the other hand, these journalists must also face the competition with the
investigative journalists and the "expert journalists" who, without scientific training for
most of them, put science back into its social context, a process that obviously can
undermine the institution. Finally, the scientific training of science journalists may
confer them a legitimacy which, when critics threaten science (either investigative
journalists or groups of activists), needs to be reaffirmed. Hence speaking about
science becomes similar to defending science. The implications are twofold: first, the
public is seen as an undifferentiated mass waiting for science to be delivered ; second,
attempts made by scientific journalists to speak about true science go against attempts
made to place science in a debate.
Finally, let us underline that this profession largely suffers from a division of work based
on gender. If the proportion male / female is somewhat similar to that found in
journalism in general (with a ratio of two males for one female), positions of power and
the most technical subjects remain the province of men. In the world of televised
P This standard popularisation refers to a particular conception of the public: they need science, they
want science, but they do not understand science. Hence, this type of popularisation considers that the
scientific authority must be consolidated by the transmission of a positive image of science to a receptive
public who is asking for more. This explains why the legitimacy of science and technology is rarely
questioned: science and technology are the legitimate authorities that tell us what the world is and how to
improve matters.
P François Tristani-Potteaux, Les Journalistes Scientifiques, médiateurs des savoirs, Paris, Economica,
French media 165
scientific information these differences appear most clearly. The programme Savoir
plus Santé, presented by two journalists, a male and a female, constitutes a good
illustration. Whatever the issue dealt with, the technical, economic, and institutional
aspects are systematically explained by the male journalist who, generally, also acts as
programme director. The female journalist tackles related issues which highlight the
human aspect of science and medicine, interviews patients, speaks about suffering.
Between January 1998 and January 2000, the number of Internet users increased
more than eleven-fold. The policy relating to public and school-based Internet facilities
(hundreds of cybercentres) had a marked influence (in 2000, the figures showed that
10 out of 13 million school children connected to the net). The Internet access rate
continues to increase.
Today, there are 18.7 million Internet users 232 , i.e. 36.8% of the French population and
6.2 million households have Internet access, i.e. 25.2% of French households
(Médiamétrie, December 2002). 40% of Internet users connect every day or almost
daily (Médiamétrie, May 2001) and meantime spent monthly on the web amounts to 6
hours and 13 minutes (Netvalue, September 2001).
P Abramatic Jean-François, Développement technique de l’Internet, report to the government, 1999.
P Programme d’action gouvernemental. Préparer l’entrée de la France dans la société de l’Information,
month, whatever the location from which the connection was established.
French media 166
The use of the Internet tends to become more accessible to all. However, it is still of
particular interest to the upper social categories (representing 63% of Internet users –
Jupiter MMXI 2001), and to males (representing 65% of Internet users – Jupiter MMXI
2001). Large cities and the Paris region show a penetration rate twice as large as rural
areas and small towns (Netvalue, December 2000). After having mainly touched the
younger generations, the Internet begins to show an age pyramid closer to that of the
At the same time, contents of French origin have developed on the web. Administrative
institutions, businesses, scientific institutes, cultural centres, associations, etc, have an
increasing presence on the Internet, even if this is still far from being common practice.
Since 2000, the breakthrough of pedagogical sites is particularly significant.
However, studies undertaken with the parties involved, on topics such as website
traffic, show that the new opportunities offered by the Internet – reciprocity of
exchanges, flow of information, establishment of spaces for cooperation, hybridisation
of contents, etc – are by far under-exploited by groups and institutions. On the other
hand, individuals are taking advantage of them - debating issues in forums and making
use of lists of recipients as well as creating "personal web pages" with numbers
constantly on the increase.
Numerous debates took place during the development phase of the Internet. They
involved "techno-optimists", who were enthusiastic about this reinforcement of
democracy and better distribution of knowledge, "techno-sceptics", concerned about
cyber-crime and numeric fractures and "techno-cautious", bemoaning the fact that "new
technologies" were causing such turbulence. Now, it seems that these debates have
lost their intensity and the Internet is on its way to becoming more commonplace in
French society.
Most of these centres limit their scope to a presentation of the activities undertaken by
the institution, sometimes including quizzes or games or some hypertext documents.
The Internet is considered as a means to attract people towards traditional productions,
exhibitions, publications or audio-visual works. The value of the website is its ability to
act as a bait: "do it online and, if you enjoyed it, come to the Cité to learn more about it
and try other experiments" this, for instance, is declared by the Cité des Sciences et de
l’Industrie de la Villette in the introduction to its online contents.
The function of locating and analysing other existing websites is mostly neglected. If,
again, we take the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie as an example, its "web guide to
learning" only includes about 40 projects, completed by about 60 additional links.
Sections presenting the exhibition and information areas of the Cité do mention a
variety of Internet sites – see for instance the area dedicated to health – but these may
not be accessed online.
These institutions claim economic, technical or legal difficulties to justify the fact that
they have not made better use of the Internet, which they consider to be an extremely
useful tool for the purpose of fulfilling their mission. In particular, the fear of seeing the
number of "real" visitors dropping with the increase of "virtual" ones is a very common
feeling. Beyond these explicit obstacles, a deeper reluctance may be perceived. The
reinforcement of network collaborations, the reconfiguration of the relationship with
customers, the loss of control over contents are so many transformations cultural
bodies back away from.
As it turns out, individual initiatives provide the most prominent presence on the French
web. Enthusiasts, students, teachers, researchers, medical doctors etc. make up a
large group of voluntary workers posting thousands of web pages on scientific,
technical or health issues. These sites are hosted by access providers offering free
space to their subscribers, on the sites of "virtual communities" such as Multimania, or
on sites of schools, universities or scientific bodies. It may happen that sometimes a
personal initiative leads to the constitution of a group, more or less formal in its
organisation, which pursues the work undertaken; sponsorships of a more official
nature may then be required. The range of these websites is extremely wide, from a
French media 168
dozen pages to highly developed portals. The driving power behind these individual
initiatives is fuelled by the passion for a topic, the desire to share one's knowledge, a
taste for joint actions, and an interest in active leisure.
All types of scientific and technical domains seem to be represented on the French
web, earth sciences, life sciences, physics, chemistry, telecommunications, space,
mathematics, etc. Some are covered by a higher number of initiatives than others. This
is the case of health, on which general 233 or thematic 234 portals are forever multiplying, TP PT TP PT
Low-level accessibility
As a result, the PUS scene is extremely fragmented on the web. The guide of French-
speaking Internet sites on astronomy and space science, established by the
association Ciel et Espace 235 provides a typical example of this situation. This non-
exhaustive guide - with about 140 references – includes web pages built by individual
enthusiasts, universities, research centres, associations of non-professional
astronomers, aerospace companies, pupils, teachers, students, multimedia publishers,
scientific publications, ministries, learned societies.
The sheer diversity of contents producers allows for ensuring a certain multiplicity and
horizontality of points of view, especially as the web also gives access to sources
aimed at specialists in addition to those destined to the general public. However, this
diversity constitutes a considerable hurdle when Internet users try to access
A person looking for information on a scientific or technical topic is faced with nothing
short of an obstacle race. He will find countless contents but the chances are that he
will lose his way in an information and communication jungle. A few figures suffice to
give the measure of this maze - here are the results of a search undertaken with the
search engine Google.fr, therefore on the French-speaking web: 58,100 items came up
with the word “GMO”; 99,200 for “astronomy”; 253,000 for “biology”; 631,000 for health;
823,000 for sciences.
P www.santeweb.com , www.e-sante.fr , www.sante-mag.com , www.taSante.com , www.medecine-et-
www.doctissimo.com , etc....
P www.diabsurf.com , www.obesite.com , www.nutrition-sante.com ,
P TU UT TU www.santetropicale.com , UT TU UT TU UT
P www.cieletespace.fr
French media 169
There is no centralising point. Inventories of web links are present on almost every site
but most of them are rather fragmented and this makes the search all the more difficult
for the Internet user. Quite often, these inventories are limited to a small institutional
circle, ignoring associations or individual sites while it is indeed on the side of individual
initiatives that they are most open. The only project of considerable stature is the portal
realised by the Ministry of Education intended for teachers and realised with their
contribution, www.educasource.education.fr .
Sites whose authors are not identified cause an additional difficulty. Quite often
sections such as “who we are” or “credits” are either non-existent or muddled. Sites
developing identification procedures so far as to actually give the name and function of
the author of each web page are rather exceptional. The range of non-identified
resources is affected and people are being more and more aware of the issue.
Finally, let us mention sites that charge visitors; this is apparently still rare but is being
increasingly developed in the field of e-learning.
Restricted interactivity
The contents of sites vary tremendously, and all forms of information and
communication developed on the Internet are used to explain and/or discuss sciences
and technologies. Two main types of proposition can be identified, although they can
co-exist on one same website, they both require a different mode of participation from
the Internet user.
The first type tends to keep the user within the narrow limits of the status of information
receiver. These are:
• Hypertext documents – they represent, by far, the most widespread type of projects
– structured as magazines, files, virtual exhibitions, chronologies, glossaries,
dictionaries, encyclopaedia, pedagogical fact sheets, etc, or newsletters sent
electronically to Internet users who opt to subscribe;
• games making use of multimedia means to some extent, such as animation,
quizzes and tests;
• databases, more or less well-stocked, offering texts, photographs, video clips,
cards, etc;
• viewing procedures, using web cams or panoramic systems.
hybrid creation via the electronic mail, forums or personal web pages – he will,
however, remain unable to act on the contents of the site or enter into an exchange
with authors.
In this case, interactivity is reinforced. The Internet user may enter into a relationship
with the authors of the site, or even with other users, and may contribute to the
contents. The bi-directionality of exchanges gives limited access to a space where the
role of producer and receptor of information may be swapped and where the various
approaches to science and technique may be mixed.
The first proposition largely dominates the French web. As for the second, not only are
they numerically in a minority – particularly those of the most participative type – but
they are often used to give the Internet user the illusion of having the possibility to
express his/her views. The archetype of these “communication illusions” 236 is the TP PT
online survey. “Should scientists be allowed to change the universal genetic code to
create new living beings” asks, for instance, the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie to
its Internet visitors in the section dedicated to surveys which comes with its e-magazine
Sciences et Actualités. Neither the professionals of the Cité nor scientists or site
visitors can believe in the impact of a survey to which about a hundred Internet users
took part. The low level of participation to this type of survey shows that Internet users
are not fooled by such procedures.
P Vidal Geneviève, L’interactivité et les sites web de musée , Publics et musées, n°13, janvier-juin 1998,
French media 171
Web pages only rarely come in line with the STS approach and set out to place
sciences in their social, economic or political context. The history of sciences is
underdeveloped and it is usually limited to a portrait gallery of prominent scientists,
prestigious discoveries or famous instruments. Unless the user visits sites dedicated to
social sciences, sociology is conspicuously absent and, at best, the Internet user may
find fragmented information on the "professions" present in one or another field of
activity or a few stories told by famous researchers giving an account of their scientific
Even the all too rare initiatives with the set objective of creating discussion forums
dedicated to science and society have difficulties in getting away from offering joint
presentations. The site Sciences et citoyen 237 (Science and the citizen) created by the
Scientific Culture Mission of the Université Pasteur provides a typical example of the
difficulty of getting away from traditional models. Explanatory documents, questions to
ask scientists and their answers, selection of publications and websites are proposed
around a topical theme (GMOs, prion diseases, greenhouse effect, bioethics, etc),
"creating links between science and society", as expressed on the homepage. Despite
its claims, this system still maintains the citizen in the role of learner, comforting the
researcher in his position of expert and continuing to exhibit science as an independent
Individual projects also fit in the overall picture. When an enthusiast or a science or
technology professional creates personal web pages, it is generally with the underlying
aim of disseminating knowledge and making it more accessible to the layman.
P P http://science-citoyen.u-strasbg.fr
French media 172
The objective of the website and list of recipients entitled Veille citoyenne sur les
OGM 239 (citizens watch on GMOs) is to set up "a French-speaking information centre,
Associations provide a particularly fertile ground for the emergence of such initiatives,
institutions may prove themselves to be innovating. EDF (the French electricity board)
who took the opportunity offered by the Internet to develop its communication policy
already shows remarkable activity (exhibitions, publications, visits of facilities) and has
posted online a site specifically dedicated to nuclear energy, Edf Infos nucléaires 240 . Its TP PT
structure and pitch are in contrast with other projects present on the web: "virtual
museum", "Internet guide to energy through edutainment", "the school of energy", "a
voyage through electricity", etc). The site offers a detailed presentation with key figures,
a list of incidents-accidents including dates and locations, files on health, safety, the
environment and the future of nuclear energy, a forum (moderated but open to anti-
nuclear contributions), a section including frequently asked questions, web links,
webcam set up on production sites. Obviously, the will to appear transparent and open
to debate is more of a façade than a reality. "We are not the only ones to express our
views on nuclear energy. In this section you will find links leading you to what others
are saying", may be read in the introduction of a list of links which mentions only two
anti-nuclear associations.
The Ministry of Health also opted to throw itself in the venture and created a website
named Etats généraux de la santé 241 . Set up to facilitate a "genuinely free and
P P Callon Michel, Défense et illustration des recherches sur les sciences , Revue Alliage, n°35-36, 1998.
P P http://www.infogm.org
P P http://nucleaire.edf.fr
P P http://www.sante.gouv.fr/egs/index.htm
French media 173
to be "the progressive working tool of a mission on asbestos", highly dense and less
orientated towards the general public. In particular, the administration doesn't really
leave much space to health associations.
The emerging uses of the Internet are so much of a nature to disturb old habits in
matters of scientific and technical communication that they don't give rise to much
resistance and this tends to shape these participative systems on traditional models.
The establishment of networks is still very fragmented and the participation of the
public is still a relative concept, the concept of horizontality of exchanges is still in
infancy, the visibility of relationships between sciences and societies is barely
established. Furthermore, the sociology of Internet users limits the access of the
population to these new areas. Finally, this approach is not at all widespread. However,
the development of Internet access rates and the growing demand for a more
participative democracy could act in favour of the continuation and consolidation of
these experiments.
Five years have passed since what has been labelled the "beginnings of the Internet"
in France. Propositions are far from being stabilised, opening a shifting space and
uncertain future. According to Pierre Levy 243 , three trends are confronting each other
P P http://www.Sante.gouv.fr/amiante/index.htm
P P Pierre Levy, Cyberculture. Rapport au conseil de l’Europe, Paris, Editions Odile Jacob, 1997.
Media and PUS in Portugal 174
1. Background
In a country with low levels of public and private R&D funding, a weak scientific
community, and a low degree of scientific and technological culture, science has been
relatively invisible both in the public sphere and in the schools until recent decades.
These conditions did not encourage the mass media to engage in the popularisation of
science in an active manner.
Political democratisation following the 1974 revolution, and most of all, accession to the
European Community in 1986 paved the way for a progressive, though slow, opening
of the mass media to scientific issues and information. During the 1970s and 1980s,
the volume of articles in newspapers and TV programmes, while pointing to an
increasing trend, was still quite low. 244
Again, the last two decades also saw some changes in this area. From the mid-eighties
onwards science and technology were included in the political agenda in Portugal; and
from the mid-nineties a specific line of policy for scientific culture was launched. These
factors eventually had its impact upon the treatment science and technology received
in the various media (the press, TV, radio and popular magazines).
2. The press
P Machado, F.L. and I. Conde (1989), “Públicos da divulgação científica”, Sociologia - Problemas e
P H. Mendes, “Visibilidade da Ciência na Imprensa. A Tematização da Ciência nos Jornais Público,
In 2000, the daily newspaper “Público” promoted a survey where it asked the subjects their audience
would like to see more developed. The two subjects most selected were tourism and science, technology
and environment. Some months later, two supplement sections appeared about these subjects (the one
dedicated to science, technology and environment is called “Terra” (“Earth”)). In the TV arena, this trend
was followed and reinforced by the emergence of a programme called “Saúde Pública” (“Public Health”) in
SIC Notícias (the first Portuguese channel dedicated fully to information and news).
Media and PUS in Portugal 176
issues including BSE, co-incineration, genetics, depleted uranium and cloning have
been recurrent topics in the pages of Portuguese newspapers in recent times (Duarte,
2001: 71). 246
The emphasis on controversies has been viewed as triply damaging: for scientists and
scientific institutions, for the political institutions responsible for scientific and
environmental issues, and for scientific and technological culture itself. These concerns
could well be justified: it is likely that highly media-driven events - which reach TV
prime time and radio news, and not only newspapers - are prone to shape the public’s
image of science and scientists in a stronger way than the daily news appearing mainly
in the newspapers, read by a relatively small number of people.
3. TV and radio
According to results of the most recent survey of scientific culture undertaken by the
Science and Technology Observatory (STO), only 8.3% and 19% of the respondents
declared that they read news articles on science and technology “regularly” and “once
in a while”, respectively, in the press. The TV, not surprisingly, enjoys a larger slice of
the market: 13.4% and 32.6% of the respondents declared that they have watched TV
programmes on science and technology “regularly” and “once in a while”, respectively.
However TV programmes with science and technology focus are not very many.
There are four Portuguese, regular TV, channels (two public and the other two private).
Only public Channel 2 presents a weekly programme (“2001”) on science and
technology, with a special focus on information technology. There have also been in
the past (last five years) some series of short duration, two of which are coordinated
and presented by a well-known physicist, who also regularly publishes books in the
area of history of science.
Apart from this, there is cable TV, which offers Odyssey, and Discovery, for instance.
As for radio programs, there is a daily, short science commentary which lasts just a few
minutes called Twenty-first Century on TSF, sponsored by the Science Ministry.
4. Magazines
4.1 Introduction
Scientific periodicals have no consolidated and broad presence of in Portugal. Their
number is exiguous, their distribution limited, and their life span has often been short. It
is, therefore, not surprising that, in a recent survey on reading practices of science
P Joana Duarte, Análise de Imprensa: Artigos de ciência e tecnologia. In A. Firmino da Costa, Patrícia
Ávila e Sandra Mateus, Publicações e Públicos de Ciência. Relatório Preliminar. Lisboa: CIES/ISCTE,
2001, pp. 71-99.
Media and PUS in Portugal 177
magazines, 73% of those inquired declared that they never read such magazines,
while 8.8% declared to read them regularly (on a weekly or monthly basis) (Costa,
Ávila and Mateus, 2001: 13).
This may seem paradoxical at a time when, as we have pointed out, science is more
and more present in political discourse and the media, and the scientific community is
increasingly involved in popularisation activities, namely under the Ciência Viva
program. Some indicators indeed point to an expansion of the public for such
publications (ibid: 6).
5. Internet
The use of the Internet in Portugal has grown at a rapid pace. According to data from
Marktest surveys (Bareme-internet, http://www.marktest.pt ), in the first trimester of
Media and PUS in Portugal 178
2001, 36.5% of the respondents had access to the internet, although only 20.4% had
home access (Lima, Pinto, Baptista & Castro, 2001).
The Ministry of Science and Technology, established by the Socialist Government
(1995-2002), had a central role in the promotion of the use of information technologies,
through a number of programmes for the building of an information society in Portugal.
These followed the approval by the government of the policy orientations contained in
the Green Book on the Information Society, in 1997, and the Operational Programme
for the Information Society, in 2000. TP PT
Among the governmental policy actions in this field, reference should be made to the
Science, Technology and Society network ( http://www.rcts.pt/ ), which links the
this site, the OST has relied on support by the Centre for Research and Studies in
Sociology of ISCTE. The site includes a forum for the presentation, diffusion and
debate of research results and reflects on scientific culture, as well as a data base
containing information about research projects, publications, researchers, and
institutions involved in research in the broad field of the scientific culture and the
knowledge society.
Also in the MCT page, there is a Permanent Forum on Science and Technology policy
( www.mct.pt/forumCT/wellcome2.htm ).
P P Http://www.mces.pt/ .
Media and internet in the Swedish context 179
The first part of this chapter examines how initiatives of PUS are manifest in Swedish
media. Inevitably, such a discussion will also discuss the broader issues concerning
the relation between science and media in Sweden.
We can connect developments in Swedish policy to the how PUS initiatives are
perceived specifically in and by the Swedish media. For example, the reforms
characterising Swedish universities and colleges during the 1960s and 70s, such as
the ‘sectorial principle’ 248 and the legislation of the “Third Assignment” 249 , demanded
All Swedish universities and colleges have now established information units or
Contact Secretariats (Kontaktsekretariat). Following the introduction of the “Third
Assignment”, new requirements are often integrated into the usual activities being
undertaken by these units. Research information was previously often communicated
in connection with motives coming from The Vice Chancellors office. Primarily, the
work of these units focused on executing information strategies, and the “The Third
Assignment” was an added on task to these. 251 Some information units started to
P In accordance with this idea, the university is the main public repository for science that may solve
problems within various societal sectors, be it housing, supply of energy, national transportation and local
systems, environmental protection, health and welfare, etc. The argument for this system of engaging
academics in applied research is, firstly, that the universities are all national civil service facilities,
belonging to the national unitary system of science and higher education. In the Swedish context it
therefore became important to view research in the academic domain as open to public scrutiny and
transparency. This means that efforts must be made to inform a wider audience about the existence of this
kind of research, making it accessible particularly to various user categories
249 In the new University Act of 1977, a new task supplemented the earlier two officially proscribed
responsibilities assigned to the universities, teaching and research, and it was thus called ”the Third
Assignment” (tredje uppgiften). Such disseminated research information (forskningsinformation) should
provide insight into how new knowledge had been gained and how it could be practically useful.
Subsequent revisions of the University Act have come to modify the text, somewhat changing its intent.
Some core ideas are, however, still present, which goes back to the fact that the universities are part of a
unitary national system and publicly funded. An important element of the “Third Assignment” is the
emphasis on the democratic significance of research-based knowledge.
P Hjort, C, et al, 1981, Ut med forskningen. UHÄ & Liber, Södertälje, p 149.
P Jan Nolin (1993) ”Democracy and the program of Science information in Sweden” in John Durrant &
Jane Gregory (eds.) Science and Culture in Europe. London: Science Museum 1993, pp. 187-193.
Media and internet in the Swedish context 180
produce newsletters for both internal information and external promotion of the image
and profile of their university or college. The quality of these newsletters and university
tabloids is somewhat sketchy. They serve primarily as an information source for
university employees but do have a wider circulation, most notably to students and
major news media.
The Swedish Association for Science Journalism was established in 1972, at the same
time as the introduction of the ‘sectorial principle’. 252 The Association’s purpose today
is to facilitate open but critical science journalism regarding the impact of science on
society. Furthermore, it facilitates collaboration between members and pursues
discussions relating to professional ethics. Also of importance is the promotion of
international co-operation. To this end the Association is a member of the European
Union of Science Journalists’ Associations (EUSJA). The Swedish Association, which
had 135 members by 2000, organises science journalists from the media, as well as
informateurs at the universities, colleges and public agencies. Since the mid-1990s,
together with the Institute for Future Studies and the Science Radio station (public
service), the Association has organised recurrent annual meetings. These meetings
constitute one of the very few fora in Sweden at present where representatives from
research on popular science (often international guest speakers), journalists and
natural scientists can meet and exchange ideas, experiences and opinions. The
meetings are normally held in a large auditorium. They draw a huge crowd, consisting
mostly of mainstream journalists, although many of those attending only have a slight
interest in the research angle. The meetings have, of course, served the purpose of
promoting the research angle among other journalists. The association also produces a
newsletter called Ugglan (The Owl).
Another important Swedish policy episode affecting the representation of science in the
media was the referendum on nuclear power held in 1980. Due to this debate, several
of Sweden’s larger daily newspapers established editorial teams and feature pages on
science in the late 1970s and early 1980s. However, due to falling advertisement
revenues and circulation in the 1990s, some of these initiatives have now disappeared,
whilst some publications cover science as they would any other possible newsworthy
Sweden’s three largest morning dailies (Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet and
Göteborgs-Posten) all employ editorial staffs concentrating on science as both a news
and feature domain. Almost all of Sweden’s morning papers have cultural pages
covering literature, art and they act as a forum for cultural criticism. They also
P The sectorial principle meant that efforts must be pursued to inform a wider audience about the
existence of different kind of research and making it accessible particularly to various user categories. See
Elzinga, A, 1980, ”Science Policy in Sweden: Sectorisation and Adjustment to Crisis”, Research Policy, vol
9, no 7, April, p 116-146; 1990. The sectoral councils combine criteria of societal relevance and scientific
excellence in their review procedures. In some cases the former dominate over the latter, in other cases
the two-tier approach starts with scientific merit. Of course there has been a lot of debate around these
procedures, they may be compared to the notion of "extended peer review".
Media and internet in the Swedish context 181
frequently include research in the humanities. The highest proportion of PhD holders in
the Swedish press is probably to be found in the editorial staff and freelance writers
from cultural sections.
As such, Swedish tabloids often include cultural pages but lack special sections
focusing on science. However, most tabloids include special magazines, most notably
on Sundays, featuring research results on popular topics such as health, nutrition,
beauty, lifestyles and psychology. These articles are written and graphically packaged
in a very popular form. Scientific results are redressed by journalists who often know
very little by way of research and its background. Nevertheless, these articles have a
very large readership. Two additional aspects of these kinds of articles are worthy of
note. Firstly, while some research material is featured in two-three pages, it is just as
common to see results condensed to a few lines and displayed almost as an object of
curiosity. Secondly, scientific knowledge is often placed adjacent to knowledge from
other professions and even beside articles from the ‘New Age’ sphere.
Recently a new publication devoted to science has been created. It is called Dagens
forskning (Science Today) and is published on a fortnightly basis. Its editorial staff was
recruited from other newspapers and magazines focusing on science; in addition,
several scientists are involved as resource personnel. The economic base for Dagens
forskning is surprisingly sound: two main financiers (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond [The
Bank of Sweden’s Tercentenary Foundation] and the publishing house/foundation
Natur & Kultur [Nature & Culture]) have injected a combined 20 million SEK into the
project. With some other financiers, the overall start capital is well above 30 million. As
such, a beneficial consequence of this is that the paper does not actually need to
generate an economic profit during its first five years after establishment. It is worth
mentioning here that it is common in Sweden to subsidise cultural products of high
quality, in order for them to compete favourably with sheer commercial publications. 253 TP PT
Another example of this system is the creation of the high quality popular science
magazine Forskning och framsteg (Research and Progress, 1966-) in the mid-60s.
Several sectorial councils supported the establishment of a foundation, which has
financed the journal ever since. 254 However, it is very much independent and has a
readership of about 50,000 for each of its 8 yearly issues. This would enable it to be
solvent even without the money from the Foundation. Still, this extra money enables
the journal to put together a product without advertisements, which further ensures
independence and integrity. Many of Sweden's most noted science journalists are on
the staff of this journal and articles are either written solely by these or in collaboration
253 See Johan Berggren (2002) “Tung lärdom på modet”, Dagens Nyheter (9th of February 2002), p. B04.
See also Resumé, 17th of January 2002, p. 8. Dagens forskning can be found at
www.dagensforskning.se .
254 The Foundation is supported by several sectoral councils, but also among other the Humanities and
Social Sciences Research Council (HSFR), the Medical Research Council (MFR), the Social Science
Research Council (SFR), the Engineerings Sciences Research Council (TFR), and the Royal Academy of
Media and internet in the Swedish context 182
with a researcher. In the latter case a process starts with the researcher producing an
article in as populist a form as s/he can muster. This is usually not sufficient and the
journalist thereafter rewrites the article and feeds it back to the original author who will
then perform a further rewrite. In fact, articles from this journal often carry some weight
within academia, despite their popular form. As it is serious and research driven, many
researchers read it in order to keep up with research fields other than their own in order
to maintain a general scientific literacy.
Apart from this very important initiative, Sweden had its commercial boom of popular
science magazines in the beginning of the 1980s. Again in the mid 1990s there was a
rise in publications of this kind. Some of the earlier magazines were rather short lived,
for instance: Populärvetenskap – Rymd, medicin, teknik, framtid (Popular science –
Space, medicine, technology, future, 1982-83), Teknikmagasinet: Populärvetenskap,
äventyr, science fiction, rymd, data (The Technology Magazine: Popular science,
adventure, science fiction, space, computers, 1983-86) and Vetenskap för alla:
Populärvetenskapligt magasin (Science for all: Popular science magazine, 1985-87).
Illustrerad vetenskap (Illustrated science, 1984-) which boasts a circulation of around
140,000 is the most widely read popular science magazine in Sweden at present and
indeed seems to proliferate. Illustrerad vetenskap presents science stressing visual
representations and sometimes features archaeology and social anthropology. In a
slight contrast to this publication stands Teknik och vetenskap (Technology and
science, 1985-) issued by Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg together with
a commercial publishing firm. Like Forskning & framsteg this publication is research
driven and researchers read it in order to keep up with other research fields. With a
circulation of 13,700 it aims to reach technicians, civil engineers and decision-makers
in trade and industry.
The journal Tvärsnitt (1979- Crosscuts) is an example of a PUS-initiative from a cultural
angle. The journal is funded through the Humanities and Social Sciences Research
Council (HSFR) and has a circulation of approximately 5,000. Its successive editors
have come from the field of the history of ideas and science, a discipline which has a
special Swedish tradition, and enjoys widespread popularity when it comes to
cultivating the national heritage of learning. Several scholars in the history of ideas and
science are also active in research on the popularisation of science in Sweden, e.g.,
Kjell Jonsson, former editor of Tvärsnitt, Gunnar Eriksson (former Chair of Department
of History of Ideas and Learning, Uppsala University), and others.
Tvärsnitt features articles mostly from the realm of the humanities and social sciences,
but recently began to feature science and technology studies in a broader sense. The
ambition is explicitly to contribute to a greater cultural and civic public understanding of
contemporary scientific theories, research and debate.
A new journal in the same mould, Axess (Access), was established in early 2002. It is
financed by the Ax:son Johnsonstiftelsen (The Ax:son Johnson Foundation), and its
Media and internet in the Swedish context 183
objective is to disseminate research results in the humanities and social sciences. This,
it is claimed, will create opportunities for friendly relations between science, society and
industry. 255 The journal features sections devoted to news, reviews, debate and in-
depth essays.
Populär arkeologi (Popular archaeology, 1983-) is an example of another research
driven publication with both cultural and civic ambitions. Civic ambitions are
represented in debates and articles emphasising the societal function of archaeology in
connection with issues such as peace, democracy, civilisation critique, etc. Articles are
written by professional archaeologists presenting projects and relating them to the
research front. As with Forskning & framsteg, the editorial staff rewrites articles and
subsequently feeds them back to the original author who will then rewrite. With a
circulation of 4,500 the magazine functions as a source of information for professional
archaeologists both in and outside academia, but is for the most part intended in style
and form for the greater public. The articles featured in Populär arkeologi often stress
prehistoric production and technology together with new methods in archaeology, in
particular those drawn from the natural sciences.
The beginning of the 1990s saw, to an extent, a resurgence in popular science
magazines in Sweden. For instance Fakta: Om natur, geografi, kultur och forskning
(Facts: Nature, geography, culture and research) replacing Vetenskap för alla from the
earlier period, Populär historia (Popular history), Månadsmagasinet Lexicon (Monthly
Lexicon), Populär vetenskap: Månadstidning om teknik, vetenskap och forskning
(Popular science: Monthly issues on technology, science and research) and Facts &
fenomen (Facts & phenomena). Whilst some of these publications experienced
desirable circulation figures at their outset (Facts & fenomen, 49,400 in 1996 and
Populär vetenskap 30,000 the same year) only Populär historia survived beyond 1997.
Populär historia (Popular history, 1991-) has a circulation of around 22,000 for its bi-
monthly issues and is well supplied by texts from eminent historians based at Swedish
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (perhaps best known for awarding the Nobel
prizes in physics and chemistry) publishes a newsletter Akademin anser (According to
the academy) where prominent members of the academy discuss the scientific aspects
of important societal problems. The academy has a long tradition (the oldest in Sweden
according to some) in PUS with a focus on the practical side of science. By 1741 the
Grundregler (Ground rules) already stated that as soon as a research result ‘matured’ it
should be brought to the attention of the public. 256 TP PT
In addition to the above, The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Science also
publishes a newsletter (IVA-Aktuellt ). This features a practical public understanding
P See http://www.axess.se . See also Thord Eriksson (2002) “Axess ger access till humaniora” [Axess
give Access to the Humanities], Dagens Nyheter (25 of January 2002), p. B01.
P Kärnfelt, J, 2000, Mellan nytta och nöje. (Between utility and pleasure) Diss: Institutionen för idé- och
lärdomshistoria, p 70.
Media and internet in the Swedish context 184
Reviews and comments on this kind of literature have not been particularly abundant
on the cultural pages in the press. However, Sweden has since the late 1980s
experienced a boom in popular history, starting with historian Peter Englund’s Poltava
– The defeat of an army (Poltava - Berättelsen om en armés undergång) in 1988.
Englund has since written a number of books and has also been active in cultural
journalism where he is currently connected to the daily Dagens Nyheter. In connection
with the boom of popular history, Sweden had its own modest version of a science war.
Well-known journalist Herman Lindquist wrote several books and was featured in a
series of documentaries (1993-1995) on Swedish public television under the title
Hermans historia (Herman’s History). Following Lindquists first book a rather hectic
discussion on his (outdated) perspective of Swedish history – which his opponents
sometimes characterised as reducing history to important personalities and events –
engaged professional historians (among them Peter Englund) on the cultural pages of
Dagens Nyheter.
One book, which gained short-lived but intense attention in the 1990s, was written by
the linguist Sven Öhman who has a background in science. His book entitled
Svindlande perspektiv 258 (Dizzying perspectives: 1993) prompted a series of debate
articles in the cultural pages of major national newspapers. One of Öhman’s most
prominent and most discussed theses is that popularisation can be or indeed is
dangerous – it seduces the reader into believing that s/he knows something when that
is not really the case. Popularisation is dangerous because it erodes ordinary people’s
P See for instance the books by astronomer Marie Rådbo, 1998, Runt i rymden (Around in space), Opals
förlag, Stockholm; 1996, Rymdens gåtor (Enigmas of space), Opals förlag, Stockholm.
P In Swedish the word svindlande also means cheating.
Media and internet in the Swedish context 185
common healthy anchorage in the world of everyday reality around them, a world they
have no problem navigating in normal situations. What popularisation of science can
do, says Öhman, is to destroy this sense of certainty, forcing people to take seriously
the fact that their understanding and life experience actually does not rest on the solid
ground that it is often claimed to do, thus removing the seemingly secure basis for
taking a position on fundamental questions. 259 TP PT
The 1980s saw the advent of commercial TV and radio in Sweden, which subsequently
boomed. The Swedish based commercial channels occasionally take up science. Now,
an array of channels is available via satellite which offer many popular science
programs (Discovery etc). Sweden is a country of nature romantics, as such nature and
wildlife programming has a strong tradition in both TV and radio. Almost all of the
Swedish based commercial channels have regular programmes on nature and wildlife.
Occasionally foreign produced programmes on science are broadcast, with higher
production values. Commercial radio in Sweden has so far not included any initiatives
concerning PUS. However one commercial radio station is collaborating with the
arrangers of The Göteborg International Science Festival for shorter feature reports
during the event.
Public service television and particularly radio in Sweden have a long tradition in
PUS. 260 Beginning in 1949 and developing during the 1970s and in the late 1990s,
Swedish public service radio (SR) now boasts an extensive editorial staff and several
programs (news and features) covering the humanities, social and natural sciences
and medicine.
Swedish public service TV (SvT) started covering science in 1971, but already by the
late fifties, progress in technology was regularly featured on Tekniskt magasin
(Technology magazine). The programme Vetenskapens värld (The world of
knowledge) on SVT1 has since made feature-length programmes often jointly
produced with TV-companies in England and the USA. “Nova” on SVT2, which has a
more news oriented perspective on science started in 1994. In 1995 Hjärnkontoret
(Upper storey) on SVT1 was launched. This programme presents science for
schoolchildren often followed up with discussions and question and answer sessions
with scientists online.
Swedish public service network also broadcasts educational programmes both on TV
and in the radio, often in collaboration with the universities. Recently some of the
universities have started broadcasting lectures on TV, sometimes as part of distance
education programmes. With the onset of digital TV, a new commercial knowledge
channel (K–World) has been created featuring high-quality programmes specifically
259 Öhman, S, 1993, Svindlande perspektiv, Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand, s 160
260 Nordberg, K, 1998, Folkhemmets röst: Radion som folkbildare 1925–1950. (The voice of the people)
Eslöv: Symposion.
Media and internet in the Swedish context 186
pertaining to science and culture. However, due to severe financial problems, this
channel had unfortunately closed down by the beginning of 2002.
The following section analyses how Internet is used in different Swedish PUS efforts.
As most initiatives of PUS use the Internet in one capacity or another, many aspects
have been discussed elsewhere. The objective here is to take an overall look at how
Internet is employed in both traditional and newer PUS efforts.
Swedish Internet usage scores twice the European average. 262 This means that the
Internet is a very important forum when trying to reach people with regard to different
PUS efforts.
these kinds of efforts often function as a navigation tool to other information resources
for the public, administrators and practitioners. For instance Forskningsrådsnämnden
(the Council for Planning and Co-ordination of Research (FRN)) was established early
on the Internet with an extensive web site and the on-line newsletter Vetskap
(Knowing). Today the Swedish system of research funding has undergone great
changes, but the successor of the old funding agencies – Vetenskapsrådet (The
Science Council) –also has a comprehensive web page. It features a news service as
well as a section for research information and a specific division for contacts with the
press. 264
P See http://www.scb.se/press/press2002/p022.asp . This investigation was executed in September of
P Figures from database ”Ditt land och ditt liv” (Your country and your life) created and controlled by
Forskningsgruppen för samhälls- och informationsstudier (The researchgroup for societal and information
issues). These figures are not to find in any public report, but made accessible on request.
P See the section of the Swedish policy context.
P See http://www.vetenskapsradet.se
Media and internet in the Swedish context 187
Private actors are also frequently represented on the Internet. Daily newspapers
featuring a scientific section more often than not also have these sections published on
the Net. 268 This is also the case with popular science magazines, such as Forskning
och Framsteg (Research and Progress) 269 and Illustrerad vetenskap (Illustrated
P See http://www.kunskapskallarn.goteborg.se .
P See http://www.nrm.se .
P See http://www.universeum.se .
P See for example www.SvD.se and www.dn.se .
P The Internet edition of Forskning och Framsteg has grown rapidly. At the end of 2001, the web page
Science) 270 . Magazines with a focus on the social science and the humanities, such as
Tvärsnitt (Crosscuts) and Glänta (Glade), are also represented on the Net. 271 In this TP PT
area we also find a publication that only uses the Internet as forum: Alba
( www.alba.nu ). The magazine was launched in 1997, publishes about seven issues a
year, and by the beginning of 2002 had over 3,000 visitors a week.
Because of the growth of the Internet, several other actors also find it an interesting
and valuable medium to utilise. Even the highly traditional Nobel Foundation has
opened a web page. ( www.nobel.se ). It features information about the Nobel Prizes
and the prize-winners, and publishes various texts authored by laureates. In addition,
there are sections containing educational material of the scientific disciplines that have
a Nobel Price (such as medicine, chemistry, and physics). The usage statistics of the
web page are very impressive: from about 1 million in 1995-96, the total number of hits
(number of documents opened) has reached close to 240 million in 2001. 272 This figure
not only reflects the efforts put into producing a high quality Internet resource, but also
the strengths of the Nobel trademark. Mainly, the visitors come from educational
sectors in the United States, Western Europe and Japan.
While there is a great deal of Internet activity of PUS-actors, the general impression of
PUS efforts on the Internet is that the quality level is uneven. Some have very ample
presentations and a variety of features, while some have just the most basic
characteristics. Another conclusion is that there is surprisingly little interactivity in these
sites, a frequent observation is that the web pages are quite traditional. In some cases,
however, there are fora for debate and personal contact.
P P See http://www.illustreradvetenskap.com .
P P See http://www.ssp.nu/tvarsnitt resp. www.glanta.org .
P P See http://www.nobel.se/about/visitors/index.html .
Media and New Media in the UK 189
In many respects, the UK could be viewed as a media saturated society. The UK public
has access to two state run terrestrial television stations (BBC1 and BBC2), three
independent terrestrial channels (ITV, Channel Four, Channel Five) and now up to 120
additional channels available through cable/satellite and digital services. Radio
comprises five BBC radio stations and numerous independent stations. Almost all
households own a television receiving terrestrial channels (98%) and in 2000-2001,
45% of households had access to non terrestrial television. Between 87% and 89% of
adults listen to the radio regularly (Social Trends 2002).
The Internet has become increasingly important as a site of engagement between
science and its publics in the UK. Significant opportunities clearly exist to greatly
expand public access to scientific information through web sites and web based
information systems; significant challenges are also apparent in achieving truly
widespread access throughout British society.
Government statistics show that more that two fifths of UK households own a personal
computer in 2000-2001 compared to only 13% in 1985 (Social Trends, 2002).
According to national statistics 40%-45% of residential homes are connected to the
Internet (Oftel, 2002). However, class, gender and age variables significantly influence
ownership patterns of computers and access to the Internet.
Access to the Internet may improve. The present UK government is committed to
challenging the "digital divide", for example through a £200 million programme
launched in 2000 to network public libraries. However, as Thomas and Wyatt (2000)
observe, patterns of Internet use reveal that many assumptions about growth in usage
and diffusion of access throughout all segments of society are demonstrably incorrect,
and that the evolution of the Internet may exacerbate the "digital divide" without
sustained and significant public intervention. Similar arguments can be extended to the
use of digital television as a future vehicle for PUS and participatory democracy.
Nevertheless, the extent to which connectivity has been prioritised by UK government
at all levels, and by the British “PUS Industry”, makes this form of science
communication one of the more dynamic, innovative and increasingly significant
elements of PUS and democratic engagement in the UK.
Media and New Media in the UK 190
Print media
The UK presently has eleven national daily newspapers which in 2000/1 were read by
53% of the population (down from 60% 1993/1994) (Social Trends, 2002). They are
traditionally divided into the tabloids (The Sun, The Mirror, The Star, The Daily Mail,
The Daily Express) and the ‘quality’ or broadsheet newspapers (The Times, The
Telegraph, The Guardian, The Financial Times, The Independent). 12% of the
population read a quality or broadsheet newspaper. Every broadsheet newspaper now
has a science page and a science correspondents. In addition, two ‘middle market’
tabloids have science correspondents.
All the major current affairs weekly magazines in the UK (The Economist, The New
Statesman, The Spectator) have science correspondents or regular contributions from
scientists and science writers. New Scientist is the leading weekly magazine serving
the UK science community, selling over 130,000 copies a week. In addition, the UK has
a range of magazines which cover science related affairs in a more generalist/populist
fashion from ‘The Ecologist’ (which focuses on environmental issues and philosophy)
to ‘Focus’ (a futurology/new technology popular magazine).
From the early days of the BBC, science popularisation was viewed as an integral part
of its public information role. From the Second World War onwards, state concerns
about health and nutrition were particularly significant in shaping the initial development
of BBC Radio science (Gregory and Miller 1998:34). From 1942 onwards, a 'Radio
Media and New Media in the UK 191
Doctor' gave advice on diet and health to wartime populations coping with bombing,
dislocation and rationing (Gregory and Miller 1998: 34). Radio coverage of scientific
topics broaden considerably in the 1950's. The British cosmologist Fred Hoyle gave
radio talks on 'The Nature of the Universe' which were extremely popular (Gregory and
Miller, 1998:37).
Since the 1960's and up to the present, BBC Radio Four has continued to be an
influential medium for science information and for some degree of science-public
engagement. Important science popularisation series that have run over recent years
include the BBC Radio Four weekly programme on environmental concerns 'Costing
the Earth'. The history of science has also been discussed at length on BBC Radio
programmes such as 'In these Times', while an acclaimed radio programme 'Standing
on the Shoulders of Giants' provided an overview of great inventors and technologies.
At a more discursive level, the highly influential Radio Four ‘Today' programme (an
early morning news and current affairs radio programme that frequently sets the news
agenda for the day) gives coverage to science stories and has recently added a
scientist to improve its coverage of science matters.
The BBC Radio Four weekly roundtable discussion programme 'Start the Week' is also
a major bridge for the ‘two cultures’. This programme regularly brings together leading
figures in the natural sciences, the social sciences, philosophers, ethicists, historians
and assorted other academics to discuss their work and interact with each other.
The first science programme television broadcast occurring in April 1948 (Gregory and
Miller:41). 'Science Review', the first full length documentary screened in 1952 was
watched by over 10% of the population. Over 20% of the British population watched
'Zoo Quest', the first natural history programme shown on the BBC. The BBC's
astronomy programme 'The Sky at Night' began broadcasting in 1957 and is presently
the longest running program in the history of television.
All the major terrestrial channels have science reporters for their news shows.
Generalist current affairs programmes such as the BBC’s Panorama or Newsnight also
cover science from a social or political angle where relevant.
Further contemporary science programming which would deserve mention include
'Horizon' - in many senses the BBC's flagship science programme, broadcasting since
1964 (attracting audiences up to 5 million), 'Tomorrow's World' a programme primarily
concern with 'future inventions' but containing some scientific content and the variously
titled natural history programmes made by David Attenborough and his colleagues.
Recently the BBC has also shown a range of series: ‘The Human Body’, ‘Earth Story’
and ‘The Planets’ at peak time. The BBC has also provided science programming for
children in the area of zoology, natural history and mathematics.
Media and New Media in the UK 192
Of the independent TV channels in the UK Channel Four probably makes the most
substantive contribution to science programming, providing an estimated 100 hours of
Science programming a year. (House of Lords, 2000:91). Equinox is Channel Four’s
flagship science show. In 2000, it included films on germ warfare, the Swedish
sterilisation/eugenics programme, risk and risk consciousness, and digital conver-
gence. Channel Four also runs a wide variety of 'one-off' forms of science
programming e.g.: ‘The Baby Makers’ provided a history of in vitro fertilisation and
‘Body Story,’ a six part series on the human body.
With the spread of cable and satellite television, science programming has been greatly
extended in the UK. The launch of the ‘National Geographic Channel’ and the
‘Discovery Channel’ has been particularly important here in establishing TV channels
solely dedicated to showing science and technology-related programming.
There are now so many Websites with science-related information that the Wellcome
Trust Information Service operates a service that vets and catalogues relevant Internet
Resources. It offers guidance to the public on how to assess the reliability of scientific
information posted on the Web, and makes its own catalogue available through a
searchable database known as pUBLIC sciENCE comMUNICATION TP . PSciCom
P P http://omni.ac.uk/psci-com/
P P http://www.sciencenet.org.uk/scienceline/index.html
P P http://omni.ac.uk/
P P http://www.patient.co.uk/
Media and New Media in the UK 193
good quality web sites about health related issues. Health and illness-related
databases are reviewed and links are added to a searchable database.
Boxminds online educational website TP PT is a subscription-based service which provides
video e-lectures by leading British academics such as Prof. Richard Dawkins and Prof.
Susan Greenfield.
Science Journalism
P P http://www.boxmind.com/
P P http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/
P P http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/scienceshack/
Media and New Media in the UK 194
venture. Science journalism, for now, remains a preserve of the print and broadcast
Print media
Bauer et al’s (1995) four volume quantitative study of Science and Technology
coverage in the British press found that front page science in the UK has declined
since its post war peak in 1952. Bauer et al argued that two phases could be
discerned, the first of which was between 1950-1965 in which the coverage of science
was ‘positive and celebratory’. In a second phase, between 1965-1990, the overall tone
was ‘negative and critical’ (Bauer, 2002:8) and a discourse of risk increases sharply.
There has also been a shift away from the physical and towards the social and bio-
medical sciences. Tendencies were also found by Bauer et al (1995) to celebrate
national rather than international achievements.
The House of Lords Select Committee on S&T (2000) found that popular science
journalism is currently 'thriving' in the UK, based on observations that over the last
decade the number of science correspondents in the general press has risen.
However, the House of Lords also cites a report commissioned by the Scottish Science
Trust that notes three leading French newspapers employed a total of seventeen
science journalists while UK papers such as The Times, The Daily Telegraph and the
Independent only had 10 science journalists between them. (House of Lords, 2000:
54). Hargreaves and Ferguson also argue that while the would appear to have been a
growth in the number of science journalists (membership of the Association of Science
Writers has risen form 50 to 600 between 1950 and the present, there has not been a
marked increase in science staff in the last decade.
making excessive use of dramatic licence and speculation in its visual reconstructions
in "Walking with Dinosaurs".
Criticisms have also been made against Channel Four’s Science coverage which has
been accused of being sensationalist and inaccurate. A Channel Four Series entitled
‘Against Nature’ was widely criticised for its one-sided dismissal of environmental
questions. Channel Four followed the showing of the final programme with a ‘Right to
Reply’ debate. Environmentalists confronted prominent ecosceptics and debated the
merits of the programme.
More generally, it has been argued by some (notably Nobel Prize winning chemist
Harry Kroto) that science programming often leaves out much science since it is
believed this would be too difficult for the public. Consequently Kroto (1999) argues
that much science programming focuses on the uses of science rather than science
Controversies about science programmes have opened up new spaces for dissenting
voices. The interaction between science and the public through the traditional media
has so far been largely one way. With new media technologies, opportunities are
opening up for more interactive engagements between science and the public such as
deliberative polling, which are discussed in more detail below. Firstly, though, we
examine the relations between science and the media through the traditional media,
and how public controversy is manifested and perceived.
A concern first raised in the Bodmer report of 1985 has been the limited attention given
to training scientists to use the media to communicate with the public. As a result, there
has been some response from various bodies.
COPUS and the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals (now "Universities UK")
organised a conference in 1999 entitled "A Better Press For UK Science?" (see
Roberts, 1999). Problems diagnosed as limiting more healthily science-society
relations include a perceived cultural bias against science in the media, differences of
time scales, priorities and objectives between scientists and journalists. Difficulties
were also identified to get journalists to talk to the media with many UK scientists being
Media and New Media in the UK 196
The recent and current relationship between science and the UK media has been
marked by 'bitter recriminations' according to Hargreaves and Ferguson (2000). Polling
suggests that only one in ten of British scientists believe that recent coverage of BSE
and GM food in the British press has clarified the general public's understanding of
science (MORI, 2000: 31). This, as MORI notes, reflects ‘scientists low level of trust in
the media to portray science accurately’ (MORI, 2000: 31).
A MORI poll conducted in 1999-2000 found that 35% of scientists interviewed identified
the UK media as one of the greatest barriers to greater understanding of science
amongst the public. Reflecting on the GM debate, Prime Minster Blair in 1999 stated
the view that:
‘Parts of the media have conducted such an extraordinary campaign of distortion, its
hard to know where to begin. Anyone who has dared to raise even the smallest hand in
protest is accused of being either corrupt or Dr Strangelove’ (cited in Hargreaves and
Ferguson, 2000).
As a result of this sense of discord, Professor Susan Greenfeld in her Millenium lecture
in 1999 proposed ‘clear codes of practise ‘between scientists and journalists and the
establishing of day long science updates reported in full to the public by the media’
(cited in Hargreaves and Ferguson, 2000:1). The Royal Society has followed through
with a code of conduct for newspaper editors. In a parallel development, the Royal
Institution has set up a Science Media Centre which will put approved experts in touch
with journalists. The former development has been endorsed by the House of Lords
Select Committee on Science and Technology who have recommended that the Press
Complaints Commision adopt this measure. However, other critics remain less
convinced. Wakeford (2001) has argued that such a code marks ‘the first time since
World War II that the rights of free speech of scientists have been threatened’.
Media and New Media in the UK 197
More generally, complaints have been raised about the portrayal of science in the
media. Chaloner (1999) repeats a longstanding complaint of the scientific community
by noting that persistent media images linger of scientists as mad, bad, socially inept,
workaholic or otherwise dysfunctional, although some signs of improvement in this
caricuture are recognised. Such work mirrors previous work by Jones who found ‘the
boffin’ was the most common sterotype of scientists that could be found in post war
British films between 1945-1970 (Jones, 1970).
The House of Lords report identified additional difficulties with science journalism in the
UK, notably in a highly competitive market, there is a significant clash between the
reporting of science and news values or the desire for 'a story'. Moreover, science
stories which do not have significant dimensions of controversy in them are frequently
ignored. Research conducted by Hansen (1994) has suggested that UK science
reporters see themselves as journalists first and scientist writers second.
For the most part, the traditional (print and broadcast) media offer limited opportunity
for public engagement, most commonly through letters from readers and interviews or
Media and New Media in the UK 198
That much of the quality of scientific material on the Internet material is highly variable
has become a central area for concern. The House of Lords noted that peer review
material often has to be purchased which can result in an advantage to material of
lower quality. (House of Lords, 2000b: 31).
A consultancy "People Science & Policy" was set up in late 2000, to provide "support
for science communication to improve relations between science and the public at
local, national and international levels." It is placing an emphasis on its Website as a
primary communications medium.
However, it is in the public sector that Internet consultation has become most
prominent. The UK government is progressively putting more discussion documents
online TP . Between 1999 and 2000 POST (The Parliamentary Office of Science and
Technology) with the Hansard Society organised two internet dialogues, on the Data
Protection act and on The Experience of Women in Higher Education. Outside
Westminster, the new regional assemblies are also developnig forms of electronic
dialogue (see section on Government initiatives).
Under the banner "Have Your Say", the Prime Minister's office launched an Internet-
based consultation on "Scientific Advice and Public Confidence" in November 2000.
The home page of the Website invited public feedback as input to the development of a
new Code of Practice that now applies to all scientific advisory bodies.
The 10 Downing Street Science forum Website provided links to some of the main
S&T-related government departments and activities, and identified six specific issues
for public feedback. One of these relates directly to PUS itself: "How do you think the
risks and benefits in science and technology might best be communicated?"
The main stated objective of the exercise is in itself is a fitting encapsulation of the
Government's attitudes towards public consultation and PUS itself:
P P TU www.online.gov.uk UT
Media and New Media in the UK 200
Finney has argued that electronic citizens juries can effectively supplement face-to-
face citizen consultations. (Finney: 63).
The First Global Cyberconference on Public Understanding of Science, organised by
Steve Fuller of the University of Durham with the support of the ESRC, ran from 25
February to 11 March 1988 TP . Thirty-five selected expert commentators from
countries around the world were invited to make opening statements, after which the
cyberconference was open for unmoderated electronic discussion. The conference
attracted nearly 2000 hits from 35 countries on every continent (Fuller, 1998).
Although this was not so much a British as a global exercise, it does demonstrate an
aspect of the leadership position that the UK has achieved in PUS research. The most
interesting result to emerge from this exercise was the extent to which PUS is
understood differently according to the cultures in which it is embedded. Although
some have long regarded science itself as a cultural phenomenon, the
cyberconference extended this idea to Public Understanding of Science as well.
The cultural character of PUS was also a feature of a subsequent cyberconference, but
this time as an explicit expression of British culture. The British Council, an
organisation that promotes British culture, commissioned a consultancy (River Path
Associates) to run a six-week cyberconference Towards a Democratic Science in
September - October 2000. The "e-conference", as the organisers called it, covered a
different topic each week:
• Perceptions of science
• Risk and uncertainty
• The need for regulation
• Ethical responsibility
• Public consultation
• Consumer protection
and the results of each week's electronic discussions were summarised and posted to
conference participants TP . While neither the content of the conference nor the
P www.dur.ac.uk/~dss0www1/
P www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/democraticscience-all/files/volume1.htm ;
TU www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/democraticscience-all/files/volume2.htm UT
Media and New Media in the UK 201
Where traditional media have been relatively better at raising controversial science-
related public issues than the on-line media, which are still predominantly used as self-
published promotionalism, the traditional and the new media are in practice converging.
The internet offers an admittedly imperfect but real possibility for contributing towards
resolution or social closure of science-based controversy in the public sphere.
Whether use of the Internet in the UK will expand to the point that it will lead to
improved public understanding of science, or new understanding of the public by
scientists and government, remains to be seen. Whether it genuinely improves
democratic processes for public "ownership" and "management" of science is an even
more open question.
Durant, J; and Lindsey, N (2000) 'The Great GM Food Debate: A Report to the House
of Lords Select Committee' Report 138, POST Parliamentary Office of Science and
Famelo 'From Big Bang to Damp Squib' in R.Levinson and J.Thomas 'Science Today'
London, Routedge, 1997.
Finney, C. (1999) Extending Public Consultation via the Internet: the Experience of the
UK Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing Electronic Consultation.
Finney, C. (2000) ‘The Electronic Citizens jury model complemented a concurrent face
to face citizens jury’s Electronic Citizens Jury Science and Public Policy 27, no 1, p45,
Fuller, S. (1998) ‘The First Global Cyber Conference on Public Understanding of
Science’ Public Understanding of Science 7 pp. 329-341.
Hansen, A. (1994) “Journalistic Practices and Science Reporting in the British Press
Vol. 3., Issue 4., April 1994, pg 111-134.
Hargreaves and G Ferguson (2000) ‘Who’s Misunderstanding Whom?’ ECRC,
House of Lords (2000) Science and Society - Report and Evidence , HMSO, London.
Jones, R.A (1997) ‘The Boffin: A Stereotype of Scientists in Post War British Films’
Public Understanding of Science, 6, 31-48.
Media and New Media in the UK 202
September, 1999.
MORI (2000) The Role of Scientists in Public Debate’ December 1999-March 2000
Research Study Conducted By Mori for the Welcome Trust.
National Statistics (2002) Social Trends 2002 United Kingdom, no.32.
OST/Welcome Trust(2001) Science and the Public: A Review of Science
Communication and Public Attitudes Towards Science in Britain’ Public Understanding
of Science 10, 2001, 315-330
POST Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology ‘Open Channels: Public
Dialogie in Science and Technology’ Report No.153, March 2001.
Roberts, A (1999) ‘A Better Press For Science’ Science and Public Affairs August
Thomas, G. and S. Wyatt (2000) "Access is not the only problem: using and controlling
the Internet", in Technology and In/equality: Questioning the information society, S.
Wyatt, F. Henwood, N. Miller and P. Senker, Eds (Routledge, London).
Wakeford, T (2001)‘Lysenko’s Return to the lab’ Science and Public Affairs August
Museums and Science Centres as Spaces for OPUS 203
1. Introduction
As science museums can be up to several centuries old, they are probably one of the
most established and most important institutions of public understanding of science.
Their long history make them prestigious, both nationally and internationally.
Traditionally, museums have been a place where the public meets objects and ideas
derived from science and scientific practice. However, museums and their role in
society are undergoing changes: several institutional additions have been created in
recent decades as well as transformations of already long established museums.
This chapter will review and discuss the role of museums and science centres within
the public understanding of science. To be able to pin down and analyse these
features, we will work with a number of themes throughout the chapter.
The first theme will discuss the question of effects on museums and science centres by
cultural and regional policies. An important difference can be seen in different
perspectives on the role and purpose of museums and science centres coming from
conservative, liberal and social democratic politics. This also impinges on the subject of
decentralisation and on the question of how policy areas are supposed to deal with
these issues. The latter will, as we will see, have consequences on the development of
museums, science centres and their role respectively.
Some countries have one dominating and prestigious institution on the scene of
museums and science centres, some don’t. The consequences of these differences will
be discussed under a second theme called Dominating institutions.
A last and concluding theme will deal with current trends involving museums and
science centres. Here we once again will highlight the question of decentralisation and
will see that it is possible to talk of different kinds of decentralisation. This theme will
also show how different institutions are adapting to a changing society and trying to
cope with economic pressure and competition. Another part of this section will discuss
the overall tendency to invest more in science centres than in what could be termed
traditional museums.
Museums and Science Centres as Spaces for OPUS 204
Before commencing with these themes we will, however, discuss how different
conceptualisations of science affect both our analytical work and the social scene of
museum and science centres.
It is difficult to draw a clear distinction between the two institutions, science museums
and science centres. Increasingly as museums have been modernised, the similarities
between the two have increased. Some institutions embody characteristics of both.
Basically, the science museum has been part of a museum tradition occupied with
displaying artefacts as instruments of science or linked to the results of scientific work.
Science centres are built on a much younger tradition, starting with Frank
Oppenheimers Exploratorium in San Francisco established in 1969. Paradoxically, this
science centre is now labelled a science museum. This clearly shows some of the
problems of drawing a line between these two institutional forms. The focus of science
centres is, however, on interaction rather than displaying. There is also a difference in
the targeted audience, mainly children and youths. A third difference is that the
museum plans a number of exhibitions with different themes, whereas the set-up of the
science centres is usually more or less fixed.
The problem is made even more difficult by the conceptual device of “informal learning
centres”, launched by James Bradburne as the future for science centres. These types
of institutions would distinguish themselves from science centres by being more
flexible, much more sophisticated when it comes to interaction and by contextualising
scientific knowledge within societal conflicts. 283 TP PT
P James Bradburne (1998) “Dinosaurs and White Elephants: the science centre in the twentieth century”,
Public Understanding of Science vol. 7, pp. 237-253. Also see Per-Edwin Persson (1998) “Science centres
are thriving and going strong”, Public Understanding of Science vol. 9, pp. 449-460.
Museums and Science Centres as Spaces for OPUS 205
Science is still regarded as something highly intellectual, something few people can
exercise or even understand. This is something museums have contributed to. When
analysing how the general public actually do get in touch with science and discussing
methods of this interaction, this “high culture” obstacle may of course be a severe
problem. The people you would most like to visit museums for educational purposes
will probably be the hardest to get there. As a way to overcome this, museums need to
carefully consider how they shall present themselves to the public.
Some museums choose to display themselves without an explicit reference to science.
An example of this is Världskulturmuseet (The National Museum of World Cultures) in
Göteborg, Sweden. A result of presenting the museum in this way, so to speak, without
Museums and Science Centres as Spaces for OPUS 206
the header “Science”, may be that people that normally would not go to a scientific
museum are not excluded. Other examples are the Austrian Haus der Natur (House of
Nature) and the Haus des Meeres (House of the Sea) that also avoid using the word
“Science” in their headers in order to attract their dominant target groups, among them
predominantly school children.
Other museums, like The Science Museum in London, are explicitly research-based in
their presentation of social sciences and history. Although this may frighten some
possible visitors, it certainly will lend credibility and prestige to the museum. This is
possibly also attracting an audience, although perhaps different and smaller than with
an implicit reference to science. As Eckstein and Feist note in relation to the UK
museum scene, “museum visiting in the UK remains primarily a white/upper middle
class pastime” (1992:77). A part of the explanation for this is probably found in the
“high culture” connotation of the notion of Anglo-Saxon “science”. Along a similar line
for example the Natural History Museum in Vienna, would also underline besides its
activity in exhibiting science its research work carried out, especially in the field of
history of science and history of musealisation.
These two approaches are thus also connected to the different conceptualisations of
science. A narrow definition of science, will lead to more explicit presentations of
scientific museums: it is hard to present an exhibition of chemistry, astronomy etc., as
something else but scientific. In relation to this definition, the discussion of populism
would also be more acute. As a consequence of this, with a more inclusive
conceptualisation of science, the possible methods of presenting the museum will be
more flexible. However, flexibility is of course no guarantor to eliminate the possible
high culture obstacle.
In addition, even with a more Anglo-Saxon conceptualisation of science it has still been
possible to have exhibitions that contextualise science with mainstream cultural
representations. Examples of this in the Science Museum in London, UK, are the
exhibition on science in sport – a theme also taken up recently in the Technical
Museum in Vienna – or the theme on James Bond for 2002.
An innovation in the Austrian science museums sector is the ZOOM Kindermuseum
(Museum for Children) since this exhibition is explicitly desigend for children in order to
offer them a location ”where they can research, experience and learn in a playful way.” TP
PT Additionally external experts and researchers have the posibility to initiate research
projects that are carried out within the museum and thus will contribute their research
results to the fields of didactic, pedagogic, media, technology and related topics. The
research focuses on children’s and adolescents’ experience with technology and
science in addition to the influences that the interaction with communication
technologies have on visiting children. Thus the targeted audience is at the same time
P P See on http://www.kindermuseum.at/main2.html
Museums and Science Centres as Spaces for OPUS 207
an object of research and the museum is not only a place where research products are
mediated and presented to a specific public but also a location where research about
the very target group is done. The ZOOM Kindermuseum is thereby an intermediate
location between a knowledge producing space – about children and their education –
and a knowledge mediating space – targeting children.
Further, this can highlight so called conflicts of learning. This has to do with different
perspectives on what science is as well as whom the public are. One vital issue is the
debate discussing if museums can and should disseminate scientific knowledge and if
this means a simplification or even a distortion of scientific facts and work. Important
here is to which public the museums are directing their attention and if the museum is
part of an institution where scientific research is undertaken. Further, this relates to the
theoretical discussion in the literature of Public Understanding of Science and notions
as “scientific literacy”.
In Sweden, museums have had a long tradition of support from the Ministry of Culture.
With a context and history of considering science and popular knowledge as important
to democracy and the cultural life of the citizens, the museums became a vital mean to
reach the public with scientific knowledge. The inclusion of the museums under the
Ministry of Culture implied a steady governmental support. Apart from the direct
support, there also exists co-operations between various governmental bodies,
different institutions and museums. An example of this was Forskningsrådsnämnden
(The Swedish Council for Planning and Co-ordination of Research (FRN)), which with
the recent structural change in the Swedish funding system was replaced by
Vetenskapsrådet (The Science Council). In some projects, FRN tried to link different
actors in the Swedish PUS landscape; this was the case with the national initiative of
Populärvetenskapens vecka (The Week of Popular Science). The arrangement is
localised at a different university each year working as a hub in an array of activities
linking universities, local governments, businesses with museums and science centres.
Sweden has actively worked with museums as a tool of regional policy. As a result of
this, all larger cities have a museum of their own. 286 In addition, all counties (län) have
museums with different focus. TP PT These are often mirroring some of the local features,
in and around the city or county. Different kinds of Museums of Art and History are
common throughout the country. In the university cities, more science-oriented
museums are becoming an important element. An example of this is Gustavianium in
Uppsala, established in 1677 and located in the oldest building owned by the
P Another aspect of the Belgian example with the late development of science centres cannot be
overlook: although Belgium did not have any science centre until 1996, the Belgian public had access to
science centres in France, the Netherlands and Germany.
P For an example, see the City Museum of Norrköping, featuring exhibitions on the history of textiles and
handicraft ( http://www.norrkoping.se/stadsmuseet/ ).
P With a focus on cultural history and art, an example of a county museum is the one in Stockholm; see
http://www.lansmuseum.a.se/ .
Museums and Science Centres as Spaces for OPUS 209
university. The museum aims both at informing about the institutional history of the
university and of the research performed within the university. Today, the museum
features four permanent exhibitions; the first highlights the history of the university from
1477 to the present; the second exhibits anatomical and medical studies in the
Anatomical Theatre of Gustavianium; the third is the Augsburg Art Cabinet, showing
objects such as the thermometer of Celsius; the fourth is an exhibition of the antiquity
and the Middle Ages in Sweden. In addition, the museum also has a space for
temporary exhibitions. 288 TP PT
On the national level, there are a large number of museums specialising in some
specific area. In addition to displaying their huge collections, they execute research in
line of the featured area. Examples of this are Nationalmuseum (The National
Museum), featuring both exhibitions of and research in art and art history; and
Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (The National Museum of Natural History), displaying large
collections of and exhibitions in biology and geology whilst also performing research in
those areas. 289 TP PT
All these museums are a part of the broad political commitment of trying to educate the
public. It also shows how deeply rooted the inclusive conceptualisation of science, with
not only the natural but also the social sciences and the humanities, is in the cultural
and political life in Sweden.
Continuing with the Swedish and Belgium cases, we can see how disparate political
systems uses museums and science centres differently. Two trends can be identified.
Firstly, there is one using museums as instruments to reach certain objectives of
cultural policies. This instrumentalist perspective can be divided into two parts: one of
strengthening cultural identity and integration, and one of adapting citizens to the
knowledge society by making them more attuned to modern science and technology.
An example of the former can be found in the case of Världskulturmuseet (The National
Museums of World Cultures), in Göteborg. Established in 1999, it is a state museum
authority that groups together four museums with collections originating mainly from
outside of Sweden and Europe. Three of the museums are located in Stockholm: The
Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, the Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern
Antiquities, and the National Museum of Ethnography; and one in Göteborg: the
Ethnographic Museum in Göteborg. The Museum of World Culture in itself is one of the
largest museum projects in Sweden in recent years. The general mission of the
National Museums of World Culture is to display, represent, and interpret the various
cultures of the world. The museum authority strives to further the understanding of the
world and humankind through cross-disciplinary scientific work, and through new forms
of exhibits and public outreach activities, using a range of artistic, archaeological,
ethnographic, historical, and other perspectives. The aim is to promote public
P P See http://www.gustavianum.uu.se .
P P See http://www.nationalmuseum.se and http://www.nrm.se .
Museums and Science Centres as Spaces for OPUS 210
Examples of the ambition to adapt citizens to the knowledge society can be found in
the Belgian investments in science centres. Traditionally, the boundary between
science and technology is more transient in a science museum. They are also more
oriented towards modern findings of science. The PASS in Mons, for instance, includes
a section called “Grebier des histoires” displaying the industrial past to the
technological future. The Science Centre of Parentville will open a new permanent area
devoted to biotechnology in 2004, and the Technopolis in Mechelen has as one of its
missions to bring science and technology closer to the public. As science centres by
nature also are more interactive, with ideas of learning by doing, than is usual in
museums, the process of showing the possibilities and future developments of modern
science and technology to the people will be more practical in its spirit. Large parts of
these ideas are present in every science centres built in Europe and are probably a
main explanation to the large investments in science centre in recent decades.
Against this trend of viewing museums and science centres instrumentally, there is a
more conservative and neo-liberal perspective. This is perhaps most clearly evident in
the example of UK and the policy change coming with New Labour.
Earlier, successive Conservative governments sought to reduce the dependency of
museums on state funding, through gaining a bigger audience and charging entrance
fees or through gaining sponsorship or offering corporate hospitality (Hooper-Greenill
1994; Hooper-Greenill 1996). Marketing managers were appointed during the 1980’s
and museums were encouraged to brace themselves to engage with the cool winds of
market forces. As Barry notes, what was deemed to be required is ‘a new recognition
of the competitive character of the visitor business in addition to the older
preoccupation with scholarship and public education’ (Barry, 1998:101).
The need to open up new audiences became ‘a matter of survival’ for many museums
in the UK. A steady withdrawal of public funding coupled with an economic recession
ensured that the museum industry itself in Britain experienced a severe recession in
the mid 1990’s. Thus Hooper-Greenhill could report in 1995:
Museums in Britain, and especially local authority museums, are now at a time of great
crisis. Many museum people are losing their jobs, and many others are under threat.
Nearly every local authority museum has been restructured, and some of the larger
independent museums are on the verge of bankruptcy (Hooper Greenhill 1995:2).
P In order to establish closer collaboration between Göteborg University and The National Museums of
World Cultures, Museion has been created. As a multidisciplinary research and educational agent Museion
is also said to embody the “Third Assignment” thus initiating seminars and university courses with
alternative forms of exams. This however has illustrated the difficulties trying to merge university culture
with its strict demands for knowledge control in exams and the museum culture Frank Oppenheimer
described as “nobody fails in a museum”. See James M. Bradburne (1998) “Dinosaurs and white
elephants: The science centre in the twenty-first centrury”, in Public Understanding of Science, vol. 7, pp.
Museums and Science Centres as Spaces for OPUS 211
Now, under New Labour, museums are increasingly identified as part of a broader
government strategy to capitalise on the UK strengths in the cultural industries. In this
respect, they have been increasingly viewed as part of the creative economy and been
expected to open new cultural networks which might foster creativity in society
(Anderson, 1999). Perhaps the defining feature of the current government policy
agenda, though, has been its concern with ensuring that the arts (broadly conceived)
are accessible, that they play a central role in tackling social exclusion and that they
contribute to 'life long learning'.
To develop this agenda in May 2000, the Department of Culture Media and Sport
published a policy document 'Centres for Social Change: Museums, Galleries and
Archives for All'. This document seeks to ensure that museums view social exclusion
as a policy priority. To achieve this various policy recommendations have been made
which include:
• Ensuring that there is the widest possible access to collections and archives
• Making full use of ICTs to make collections more accessible
• Ensuring that outreach activities are an integral part of the museums activities
• Making catalogues and key documents available on line
(Department of Culture Media and Sport: 2000).
One of the most significant policy shifts that this has generated is that the government
is more open to providing subsidies for national museums. Free admission for children
has been in place since 1 st April 1999, and for those aged 60 and over from 1 st April
2000. The 2001 Budget introduced new VAT measures, which has allowed many
museums to charge free admission for all adults from 1 December 2001.
In the examples discussed above, we can see how cultural and regional policies are
used in a number of ways to deal with scientific knowledge and the public. This
question is thus, not only a matter of science and technology policy, but interacts with
other relevant policy areas. Examples for the latter become evident in the action of
decentralisation of museums and science centres, as well in the usage of museums in
strengthening cultural identity and education. What is also evident is that the goals of
these policy actions are dependent upon the current political administration.
4. Dominating Institutions
it will have the resources to follow and act on the latest developments and have the
potential to produce spectacular exhibitions that can draw crowds from far away. There
are also drawbacks and these can be connected to the earlier discussion on
Thus, even though local regions are given resources for their own museums and
centres, these will not have the same kind of attractiveness as found at a dominating
institution, usually situated in the nation’s capital. This is a variation of a common
theme in PUS activities. What is difficult to avoid is that certain elite groups are
privileged by PUS work. In a way, any activity that is locally situated and extremely
successful will in a small way contribute to increasing the gap between those involved
and groups at other sites. PUS activities can also be seen as a part of a larger
structure in which cultural resource tend to be focused at the nation’s capital city.
Most of the aforementioned European countries covered, have one or two dominating
institutions on the scene of museums and science centres. In the UK this is particularly
true, e.g. the Science Museum in London.
The Science Museum attracted over 2.8 million for the year 2000/2001 291 . It has been
P P http://www.museums.gov.uk/museums/index.html
Museums and Science Centres as Spaces for OPUS 213
The ‘Here and Now Conference’ held at the Science Museum, London on 21-23
November, 1996, sought to explore how public engagement with science could be
developed further. Central themes that were discussed at this conference included the
relative merits of interactive and thematic exhibits, questions relating to how exhibits
deal with scientific complexity (de Rosnay, in Durant, 1992); questions were raised
about the specific message that museums were meant to convey.
Although in a very different cultural context, Portugal also has dominating institutions
on the scene of museums and centres. The “classical” museums – namely, the
Science Museum and the Natural History Museum of the University of Lisbon – are
major structures established in the capital, Lisbon. They cover a broad range of
subject-matters and historical periods of scientific knowledge and instruments. The
new, more modern spaces tend to be decentralised from Lisbon. They are more
flexible structures, using new and interactive technologies, and, in some cases, they
specialise in particular subject-matters (e.g., astronomy, geosciences, climate change
or mathematics), and historical periods, and target specific audiences.
Although, this does not mean a disinvestment in the “classical” museums – in fact, the
latter have been politically supported in recent years and have also been following the
modernising strategies employed in the science centres, including the use of interactive
technologies – there has indeed been an important change in the conception of both
the role and the organisation of these interface spaces between scientific knowledge
and the public.
In a structurally similar way, Belgium have only one federal science museum devoted
to scientific culture, The Museum of Natural Sciences in Brussels. The museum was
created in 1846 and has been situated at its current location since 1891. It is a part of
the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences, which is entrusted with the conservation and
management of the State collections of natural sciences (zoological, anthropologic and
prehistoric collections, minerals, fossils, etc.). Since the federalisation of the State, it is
managed by the Federal Ministry for Scientific and Technical Affairs (SSTC/DWTC) as
a “bi-cultural” institution. In 1997, the Museum got a radical “lifting”, aimed at
rejuvenating and modernising its design and image.
The restructuring process of the Museum pursues several purposes 292 : TP PT
• to implement seasonal thematic exhibitions, quite apart from the presentation of the
collections, in order to organise scientific and cultural events at the national level;
• to improve the provision of services for teachers and groups from secondary
• to get a more active involvement of the young public, through the organisation of
holiday workshops or Wednesday / Saturday afternoon workshops.
P P http://www.sciencesnaturelles.be/museum
Museums and Science Centres as Spaces for OPUS 214
During the last five seasons, very successful thematic exhibitions were organised: “Five
billion humans, all parents, all different” (1998-99), “To live or to survive” (1999-2000),
“Communication” (2000-01) and “Very touch” (2001-02). Most of these exhibitions have
an international trajectory, being adapted from or exported to other museums in
The preparation and implementation process of thematic exhibitions sometimes
involves a wide participation of university researchers and potential users. For
instance, “To live or to survive” was prepared in close cooperation with the research
teams involved in a federal R&D programme on sustainable development. Different
groups from the civil society were also associated with the project: environmental
groups, North-South cooperation organisations, parents and teachers associations, the
Federal Council for Sustainable Development
In relation to the UK, Portugal and Belgium, Sweden is somewhat odd by lacking in a
major actor. Both national (mostly located to Stockholm but in some cases also to
Göteborg), local and regional museums are customary in Sweden. On the local or
regional level, all larger cities have a museum of their own. 293 In additional, all counties
(län) have museums with different focus. TP PT These are often mirroring some of the local
features, in and around the city. Different kind of Museums of Art and History are
common throughout the country. In the university cities, more science-oriented
museums are an important element.
The roots of Sweden’s different structural arrangement in relation to the other countries
are possibly manifold. In part it is due to the geographical conditions of Sweden: it is a
vast country with a sparse population. In addition, the population was not living in one
or two large industrial areas but was scattered into small towns and villages. This
meant that there was a greater need for many small museums in addition to one big.
Furthermore, there is also a political dimension of this: the Social Democratic
governments that ruled Sweden for almost the whole 20 th century saw distribution of
P For an example, see the City Museum of Norrköping, featuring exhibitions on the history of textiles and
handicraft ( http://www.norrkoping.se/stadsmuseet/ ).
P With a focus on cultural history and art, an example of a county museum is the one in Stockholm; see
http://www.lansmuseum.a.se/ .
Museums and Science Centres as Spaces for OPUS 215
large collections of and exhibitions in biology and geology whilst also performing
research in those areas. 295 TP PT
Another new museum initiative in Sweden is the Nobel Museum (opened in 2001),
which will become a major actor on the museum scene. This museum benefits from
one of the strongest trademarks available in science. There will of course be a heavy
emphasis on the great men and women of science but with an initial exhibition on the
theme of creativity.
Preparations for this museum have been ongoing for several years. The name Nobel
associates to excellence in several ways and of course the museum itself has to excel
and have exhibitions of the highest possible quality. The museum project has also
attracted both people with high competence and generous fund givers. The Nobel
trademark is strong and there are many that want to be associated with it.
The first exhibition of the museum had creativity as its theme. It is thought that this will
work to find something in common in research, literature and peace work. The
exhibition was produced in three copies. One of these will stay put in Stockholm while
the others two will tour the world.
Interestingly enough, there is a bridging of the two cultures involved in the project. The
ideas put down by Alfred Nobel a hundred years ago make this connection necessary.
Prizes are awarded both to natural science and to literature. The construction of the
Nobel categories, formulated so long ago, places restrictions on how research can be
treated in the museum. It also makes for strange bedfellows and a rather exciting
combination, something that would not be put together like this in any other
5. Current trends
There are a number of active trends on the scene of science museums and science
centres. Some of these matters have already been mentioned earlier, but it is important
to include them in this section too as somewhat of a summary of what we have stated.
Three themes have been identified.
P P See http://www.nationalmuseum.se and http://www.nrm.se .
Museums and Science Centres as Spaces for OPUS 216
strengthening cultural identity and adapting citizens to the modern knowledge society.
To reach such goals, it is important to all parts of the population in the country. Thus
the question of decentralisation has been almost omnipresent.
P Until 2001, The Knowledge Pavillion received more than 300 000 visitors (A. F. Costa, P. Ávila and S.
Near Oporto, an interactive science centre has been established as well, the
Visionarium, under the initiative of a private body, the Industrial Association from
Six additional “Ciência Viva” centres are planned to open in the near future in cities of
medium or small dimension all over the country. The underlying policy goal is to
establish a dense network of science centres throughout the country, which, in
articulation with the “classical” science museums.
Regarding science centres in Austria far too strong centralisation can still be observed.
For the genre of the classical museums the situation is different. Each of the Austrian
provinces keeps its own so-called Landesmuseum (Regional Museum) that focus on
natural scientific as well as on cultural themes but, with a special bias on displaying
topics that are relevant for the particular region. Similar to the Swedish museums of the
counties, the aim is to underpin the local specialties of the region, albeit the Austrian
ones covering rather the fields of history of science and history of culture. Since the
museums are quite traditional, most of them were founded at the beginning of the 19 th P P
century, one can observe quite a different pattern of decentralisation compared to the
Portuguese context where predominantly young, innovative forms of museums, e.g.
science centres, are subject to decentralisation purposes.
The second type of decentralisation is when museums and science centres are placed
in other big cities and important regions, rather than at the largest city. The relationship
between the first and second city in the country is often one of systematic skewness in
the distribution of resources. It can therefore be argued that rather than decentralising
by allocating money to smaller towns that have nothing, you might want to increase
resources in the second and third largest cities. This will enable them to close in on the
gap between them and the first city.
A good example of this can be found in Sweden, Världskulturmuseet (The National
Museum of World Cultures), which is a new museum located in Göteborg, the second
largest city in the country. To decentralise to other big cities can be a political
alternative, if the institution is large-scaled as in the example of Världskulturmuseet. To
locate a large museum on the countryside would be problematic and politically
challenging in a number of ways. First of all, it would be economic difficulties, both to
get the amount of visitors needed and the affluent corporate sponsors; secondly, there
can also be a problem to engage and find the broad competent staff required in a large
museum. In the case of Världskulturmuseet, there have also been collaborations with
Göteborg University.
Museums and Science Centres as Spaces for OPUS 218
A second similar example is the Haus der Natur (Haus der Natur) in Austria, located in
Salzburg, the capital of the identical named region, which is one of the few provincial
science museums that have super-regional reputation.
In contrast in Vienna there have been plans, for nearly a decade, of installing a science
centre but its realisation still lacks of funding perspectives and a decision on its
potential location in Vienna. The absence of an umbrella organisation that could
provide a network basis for younger innovative kinds of museums and that could push
the realisation of the devised science centre might be one reason for Austria’s belated
development compared to other European countries in this concern.
Instead the tendency goes towards adding science-centre elements to the classical
science exhibitions, mostly in course of a thorough reconceptualisation of particular
traditional museums. There can be mentioned the Technisches Museum (Technical
Museum) in Vienna which functions since its reopening as a hybrid between traditional
science and technology museum and a modern science centre as it includes hands-on-
experiments as well as a stronger involvement of new media in the exhibition.
Science centres do not have the inheritance and solemn connotation of the science
museum, making them more flexible both in their methods of presentation and objects
of display. It is more common in centres, than in museums, to use hands-on
exhibitions, utilising new and interactive technology. These centres also try to provide a
public space of exploring the ethical, social and political dimensions of science. Such
innovative moves by the centres on a scene earlier overloaded by tradition-bound
science museums, are probably a part of the explanation to this success of the science
A possible new trend for the science centre is to strengthen its links to schools by
maintaining particular services that support daily classroom teaching. Such an outreach
service is the Jason project, which was created by American deep-sea scientist Robert
Ballard. As Ballard investigated the wreck of the Titanic, he also worked with the idea
of sending a live broadcast of these types of research events. In connection with this,
school classes could be in on science in action and thereafter pose questions to
researchers. 297 The Jason Foundation today has two programs, one aimed at school
children and another towards their teachers. The goal is to put more science and
fascination for research activities into schools.
Ballard’s ideas have been translated to other counties outside the US. In Sweden, for
instance, the science centre Universeum maintains a Jason project since the year
2001. The project also serves to fulfil the requirement of having a national
responsibility. 250 school classes from primary schools and gymnasiums participate in
the project lead by Universeum. One fifth of these are located in the west of Sweden
and thus are potential visitors.
P P See http://www.jason.org/ ; http://www.universeum.se/jason/
Museums and Science Centres as Spaces for OPUS 220
A new theme is focused on each year. The year 2001 had as a theme “Frozen Worlds”,
dealing with polar research. This year the theme is “From Coast to Sea”. One can
speculate that themes relating to areas that are emphasised at the science centre are
favoured since this would mean that it becomes easier to connect “Jason classes” to
the stationary exhibits of Universeum.
There are seemingly many advantages of the Jason project. Children are ideally invited
into the research process and meet science when it is still open-ended. There is also
an opportunity to see “the messiness” of knowledge production. Perhaps it is easier for
children to become involved with science when meeting it at this unfixed stage, being
drawn into what can be framed as an adventure. There are also obvious drawbacks.
The Göteborg broadcasts are dressed up as live TV shows. But in reality this can often
be difficult to attain. One such broadcast that we viewed contained very little live
material and interview. Instead of following scientists in action, we were delivered a
fairly traditional science program with an emphasis on recruitment efforts. Additionally,
instead of confronting senior researchers, graduate and Ph.D. students were
interviewed. This may also reflect the ambition to display people in science that youth
could easier identify with rather than more knowledgeable senior researchers.
Partly due to this challenge and competition from science centres, the traditional
science museums also have to reconsider their strategies. Ideas seem to be
exchanged between different institutions, from centres to museums and vice verse. It is
possible to distinguish between four answers to this question of how to adapt these
institutions to meet the needs of the future:
2. To working towards flexibility and interactivity. Not only in science centres the ideas
of flexibility and interactivity is important, but even the most prestigious institutions
are influenced by this. In 1995, the Science Museum in London embarked upon
designing and building the largest new wing in its 150 year history. Funded by the
national lottery (£23 million) and the Wellcome Trust (£17.75 million), the Wellcome
Wing 298 focuses entirely on developments in contemporary science and is explicitly
In recent years, there has been a discussion on the future of science centres and
museums. James Bradburne, prolific exhibition designer and researcher, has claimed
that the science centre in its current form is doomed. He argues that these institutions
are doing rather badly. Maintenance costs are too high and since the exhibition area is
so fixated there is little room for flexibility and linking on to current societal events.
Furthermore, this will make it difficult to attract repeat visitors, i.e. once you been there
your have seen it all and since it does not change there is no incentive to return. Those
who disagrees with Bradburne, instead claims that science centres have never been
more successful than now. 299 TP PT
P http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/wellcome-wing
P James Bradburne (1998) “Dinosaurs and White Elephants: the science centre in the twentieth century”,
Public Understanding of Science vol. 7, pp. 237-253. Also see Per-Edwin Persson (1998) “Science centres
are thriving and going strong”, Public Understanding of Science vol. 9, pp. 449-460.
Austrian museums and exhibitions 222
Looking at the role of science museums and exhibitions from the perspective of what
they contribute to shaping the relations between science, technology and the diverse
public is interesting for a number of reasons.
First, museums have in their historical development always been institutions with a
double vocation. They were places where scientists did research with the objects they
had been “collecting”, but also places where science was exhibited and staged, was
contextualised and embedded in wider cultural settings, was ordered in particular ways
and thus gave shape to a particular gaze. They were thus in a certain way rather
powerful places of shaping the way in which science and technology were seen as
contributing to the power of a nation. 301 TP PT
Second, museums are interesting because an important shift has been taking place in
this landscape of institutions. New types of exhibiting practices are being realised as
well as new ways of conceptualising and encountering the visitors have been
developed. The idea of science-centres with hands-on exhibits and thus the possibility
to engage with scientific and technological object has definitely created a
counterbalance and has put pressure on the classical museums.
Thirdly it is revealing to take a closer look at museums as they seem to be increasingly
torn apart between their educational vocation, which is still inscribed very much in the
enlightenment paradigm and their wish to offer “scientainment” and thus to attract
people of all age-groups.
Austria has got a relatively small number of museums that present science and
technology, even if understanding the notion broadly. A large-scale science museum
P A more detailed analysis and description of the museums and exhibition scene can be found in Felt U.,
a.M., Campus
Austrian museums and exhibitions 223
that covers the spectrum of scientific fields is missing and indeed most of the museums
that deal with science are restricted to specific scientific fields.
Austria had throughout its history managed to build a large number of rather interesting
scientific collections. Some of them are even quite old and have kept their expository
structures for some hundred of years or more. As a consequence those are more
interesting from the historical perspective of science museums and also the history-of-
science perspective. Since the building of these collections combined both doing
scientific research as well as exhibiting the objects and results of knowledge
production, they reveal interesting insights into the production of scientific knowledge
and in the practice of science in former days. However for a wider public these
collections would need either a better contextualization or they would have to be re-
conceptualized completely.
Virtually all the major Science and Technology museums are concentrated in Vienna,
which is a clear indicator for the centralisation of power this town has over the past
The Naturhistorische Museum (Museum of Natural History) 302 in Vienna was founded
as a private collection by the former emperor as early as 1748. About 20 years later it
was opened to a wider public by Empress Maria Theresia, who is well known for her
social reformist efforts at the time to educate a wider public and introduction of
compulsory school attendance for all children in Austria. The museum contains several
natural sciences collections such as zoology, botany, mineralogy, pre-history, geology,
palaeontology, anthropology, all belonging to the classical fields of the musealisation of
nature and natural science. 303 Each separate department does its own research,
P See on http://www.nhm-wien.ac.at/NHM/
P It is interesting to note that in the 1990ies there was a heavy public controversy around the
“Rassensaal” (Hall of the Races) where a categorisation of humans and ethnic groups into races was
Austrian museums and exhibitions 224
Another museum in the style of the “nature cabinet” is the Vienna Josephinum, founded
as a surgery academy in 1785. It hosts nowadays the department of History of
Medicine of the Vienna University exhibiting numerous anatomical and gynaecological
wax-preparations. A further significant collection of anatomical wax-models, founded in
1796, can be found in the Pathologisch-anatomischem Bundesmuseum (Federal
Pathologic-anatomical Museum) in Vienna 304 , located in the so-called Narrenturm
(Madhouse Tower that is located on the Vienna University campus) that was built in
1784 as part of the first psychiatric hospital. It is allegedly the world's biggest and
oldest of its kind.
In fact these “museums of museums” just described only marginally allow people to get
into an interaction with science. They offer virtually no possibility to contribute in public
communication on contemporary issues of science and technology. Aspects of societal
relevance are generally only treated in the framework of the rare temporary exhibitions.
Worth mentioning in this respect would be the Haus der Natur (House of Nature) 305 in TP PT
fauna and flora, the departments being arranged by the different natural environments
of plants and animals. Consequently the museum shows zoological and botanical
knowledge similar to a zoo by exhibiting animals and plants in their quasi-natural
contexts. As a selected target group again school children are addressed with special
offers of museum guiding tours.
Since the early nineties, there has been a discussion on the installation of an Austrian
Science Museum in the style of North American science centres that would create
innovative spaces for the science-public-interaction and would overcome the strictly
didactic ideal of informing and enlightening the public towards a more dialog-oriented
and interactive approach. Following a common concept for this type of interactive
P P See on http://www.pathomus.or.at
P P See on http://www.hausdernatur.at
P P See on http://www.haus-des-meeres.at/
Austrian museums and exhibitions 225
larger-scale museum of science, technology and industry in Austria. After a seven year
renovation period, it has now emerged as a hybrid between a classical technical
museum, with departments of heavy industry, transport, musical instruments and
others, and a modern science centre, where natural phenomena, science and
technology are mediated interactively. This is realised by aid of the new media, by the
possibility for hands-on-experiments for the visitors and by a special program for
children and school classes. 308 Furthermore the museum hosts temporary exhibitions
offers the possibility to experts and researchers to initiate research projects (“in the
field of tension between children resp. adolescents and the knowledge fields of
didactic, psychology, pedagogic, media, technology, medicine, neurology, physics and
sociology” 310 ) to be carried out within the museum and to contribute with their research
results to the so-called research board. The research focus lies on issues about
children’s and adolescents’ experience with technology and science, or, to put it
shortly, with the exhibited scientific content and on the influences that the interaction
with communication technologies will have on them. That means that the targeted
audience is at the same time object of research. Insofar as the museum is not only a
place where research products are mediated and presented to a specific lay public but
also where research about the very target group is done. It is thereby an intermediate
location between a knowledge producing space – about children and their education –
and a knowledge mediating space – targeting children.
Unlike other countries in Austria there is no umbrella organization under which
conceptually rather innovative museums could be linked to each other. However, there
P See on http://www.tmw.ac.at/
P H. Burger, Maschinenzeit Zeitmaschine. Technisches Museum Wien 1918-1988, 1991; Vortrag 2000;
Rebernik, Peter (1990) Museumskonzept Technisches Museum Wien "MUT", Wien: TMW
P See on http://www.kindermuseum.at/main2.html
P See on http://www.zoomlab.at/zoomlab/main2.html
Austrian museums and exhibitions 226
are plans for a classical science centre in Vienna for several years. The so-called
“Experimentarium” should be installed to “improve the understanding of new
technologies via interactive and playful occupation with technology” as the public
authorities state it. 311 But neither the question of funding nor that of location are yet
Finally each of the Austrian provinces has a Landesmuseum (Regional Museum)
focusing on local history in natural scientific perspective as well as in a cultural
perspective. Instances are the Landesmuseum Klagenfurt 312 for the land of Corinthia TP PT
or the Vorarlberger Landesmuseum TP PT and the Vorarlberger Naturschau 314
When speaking about science communication and exhibiting practices in a wider sense
one would have to go beyond the classical museums and also look at the way science
and nature are represented in astronomical observatories, in zoos and animal parks as
well as in natural parks (Naturparks). The former are extremely interesting because in
the field of astronomy there is exists a rather lively scene with regard to amateur
scientists who also carry much of the science communication activities. In this sense a
boarder-crossing between science and society occurs in many different ways. Zoos
and nature parks are interesting because they try in a certain way to represent nature
under “controlled conditions” and in that sense transmit very strong though implicit
messages to the visitors.
One example of such an astronomical observatory would be the Kuffner-Sternwarte, an
observatory for lay people, where popularisation of astrophysical knowledge for an
interested public lies predominantly in the foreground. Science is presented from a
rather academic angle with high educational claims since the observatory tries to
convey a clear idea about scientific practises in astronomy. The institution puts it as:
“Apart from regular guided tours, we are developing an educational and cultural
programme. The programme focuses on a new concept of education in astronomy,
astrophysics and space research. We aim to link education, science and culture in the
P P See on http://www.magwien.gv.at/stadtentwicklung/donaucity/projekte/weitere.html
P P See on http://www.landesmuseum-ktn.at/Information.htm
P P See on http://www.vlr.gv.at/Landesregierung/iic/lmuse/lmusen.htm
P P See on http://www.naturschau.at/index-e.html
Austrian museums and exhibitions 227
the Sternwarte also undertakes its own research in history of astronomy and restores
ancient astronomical instruments.
From the point of view of zoos one should mention the Schönbrunner Tiergarten 316 TP PT
(the zoo). Under the new directorate, which was installed a few years ago the zoo was
completely restructured and got a new image. Guided tours, visits in the night to watch
animals and other more educational activities for different publics are now organised,
clearly showing a repositioning in the sense of an increased will to do science-
communication in selected areas.
Finally there is an increasing number of natural parks, which try to get involved with
communication of scientific findings about the “natural object” they “exhibit” in their
parcs. One example would be the Naturpark Hohe Tauern with the BIOS 317 visitorsTP PT
At last a rather special institution, the Ars Electronica 318 that combines science with art
should be mentioned. This, in the subtitle called Festival for Art, Technology and
Society, is carried out each year in Linz since 1979. Its main focus lies on the
presentation of international artists using digital technologies – in the year of 1979
those were surely an avantgarde – exhibiting their work and provoking theoretical and
critical reflection on new digital technologies which occupy more and more spaces in
society. Although the reflection was focused on new possibilities for aesthetics and art,
the discussion changed gradually towards possibilities, hopes but also threats for
human lives that are posed by new technologies. Accordingly, the festival enlarged its
focus in recent years to controversial issues, like the "info war" in 1998 which
addressed the role of technology in warfare after the gulf war. In several years – 1993,
1997, 1999 and 2000 – the focus has been on genetic engineering, biotechnology and
life sciences in their relation to digital technologies and art whereas other festivals are
dedicated to non-scientific topics like the festival of 2002 that was on global conflicts.
Generally, there is a two to three day-symposium where mostly prominent speakers
from science and research, art theory, sociology and philosophy are invited to present
their perspectives on the thematic motto.
The Ars Electronica Center. Museum of the Future is a permanent museum in co-
operation with the festival thus, it shows also special festival exhibitions and organises
P P Cited from http://www.kuffner.ac.at/eng/index.html
P P http://www.zoovienna.at
P P http://www.bios.mallnitz.at
P P http://www.aec.at
Austrian museums and exhibitions 228
events in the framework of the permanent exhibition about computing and its diverse
aspects. It conceives itself “as an interface of art, technology and society” 319 and TP PT
initiates art and science events as their mission is described. The approach to mediate
technology and to bring it into discursive contact to the public is shown in detail by the
following citation:
“Instead of embalming and preserving the history of technology, the Ars
Electronica Center conceives itself as the prototype of a new sort of
museum. The Museum of the Future calls upon visitors to display initiative,
and makes the technologies of future generations accessible right now to
individuals in every age group in a way that is fun and easy, and requires no
prior knowledge of computers. The human being is the measure of all things
- and not mere technical feasibility. The individual and the Information
Society determine one another in reciprocal fashion. To be sure, work and
society are increasingly shaped by communication technologies and the
processing of information; nevertheless, these technologies can establish
themselves only on the basis of broad social acceptance.” TP PT
Additionally, courses in internet use and graphical design are offered throughout the
year, some of them especially targeted to young people and – remarkably as being
very rare – seniors. Besides this, there are guided tours on themes like virtual reality
and robotics.
A variety of people visit the "Ars", though the tendency is towards young, academic
visitors, working in computer-related fields.
P P See on http://www.aec.at/center2/english/index.html
P P See on http://www.aec.at/center2/index.html
Austrian museums and exhibitions 229
General observations:
• Over the past few years one could observe movement in the museum and
exhibition scene in Austria. Many museums rethink or are about to
reconstruct their exhibition areas. They inscribe themselves in an international
trend to render science and technology museums more interactive and more
accessible to a wider public from a large variety of educational background. In
that sense Austria is maybe late in comparison to other European countries but
the issues that are at stake have been realized.
• Some of them also realize the role science and technology play in the wider
sense of being a cultural heritage and start to rethink their position.
• While museums are changing or are trying to investigate the possibilities of
innovating their exhibition space, they are often still hesitating between focusing
on the educational task they see for themselves and the fun character. Often it
is seen as difficult to be reconciled.
• Within the group of museums there is a split to be observed between those
who function still on the classical assumption that museums are places of
scientific research and exhibition, while others have taken more the line of a
science centre, which is exclusively oriented towards exhibiting science and
• Problematic surely is that there is little visible connection between the
different museums and centers and there is little public debate about what
roles they should and could play.
• What is exhibited about science and technology is often strictly speaking only
artifacts and little space is given to the role of “science and technology in
the making”. Thus what is transmitted is a quite static picture.
• Through this artifact orientation in museums, it is extremely difficult to
“exhibit” social sciences and humanities. Indeed there are rare cases where
this has been tried out. Cultural objects are in most cases the center and the
scientific knowledge that is embedded in the way an exhibition is
conceptualized often remains invisible for many of the visitors.
• The connection between art and science is only developed on a very spot-
like basis, but building on some interesting experiences in the framework of the
Ars Electronica it could be extended well beyond as a means to bring
communication about science on a rather different level.
Museums and science centres in Belgium 230
1. Background
closed in 1969 and which has since 1989 been classified as an industrial patrimony.
This choice of location was explicitly intended to bridge the past with the future. The
( 321 ) http://www.pass.be
Museums and science centres in Belgium 231
architecture traduces this option: a foot-bridge, designed as long coloured pipe, linking
the old building with the new one, leads the visitor from the exhibition of the former
industrial patrimony to the new area of interactive scientific activities.
The project is supported by DGTRE, the regional ministry for research and technology,
and financed by the European structural funds (€16 millions from the European Fund
for Regional Development (FEDER) and € 5 millions from the European Social Fund
(FSE)). The design stage of the project started in 1996. The main reference sources
used by the designers were the Futuroscope in Poitiers (F), the Experimentarium in
Copenhagen, the Civilisation Museum in Québec and, to a lesser extent, the Cité des
sciences et de l’industrie of La Villette in Paris. The construction of the project started
in 1998 and it was inaugurated in May 2000. Private sponsors and public agencies are
now involved with financing the activities and exhibitions of the PASS 322 . TP PT
The PASS includes two permanent areas: the “Pass’age”, dedicated to children, and
the “Grenier des histoires” (from the industrial past to the technological future). Eight
other areas are devoted to sometimes temporary thematic exhibitions (planned for one
or two seasons). A set of “scientific and diverting expeditions” have been proposed
Outside for the park of adventures (40 ha): an ecological exploratory walk, a walk-down
in an ancient mining tunnel with experiments on sound and light, a park of experimental
machines of human propulsion, and a set of scientific observatories disseminated in
the park.
The management of PASS expects about 300 000 visitors a year, not only from
Belgium, but also from the North of France. Through the European programme Inter-
Reg II, agreements have been made with partners in France and Flanders. It is
primarily targeting schoolchildren, students and teachers, who are estimated to provide
about 40 % of the visitors. PASS develops specific marketing initiatives towards
children, schools and teachers: packages for families, scientific documentation files for
teachers and special conditions for school groups.
Another original initiative is that visitors are not left alone. A welcome team of scientific
mediators address groups and individuals and propose pathways, schedules and
expeditions in the park as well as documentation for a fruitful visit. This service is
provided in French, Dutch and English. Scientific mediators are recruited and trained in
the region of Mons, through a specific training programme supported by the European
Social Fund.
More recently (2002), the PASS opened its activities to “arts and science”, through the
festival VIA (supported by Inter-Reg III), a new international festival of digital theatre,
dance, music and arts, in close cooperation with the Manège project in Maubeuge
P P Quintart J-C., Pass … port pour l’avenir, in Athéna, n° 159, mars 2000.
Museums and science centres in Belgium 232
belonging to the Free University of Brussels (ULB), who inherited it from the well-
known industrial family Solvay. The ULB transformed the ancient Solvay domain in a
new infrastructure for science popularisation. The science centre is mainly designed for
scholars and students. Its location near Charleroi allowed the University to get
supplementary funding from the European structural funds, as an Objective 1 zone.
Initially named “Museum of sciences and techniques”, it was renamed “Centre of
scientific culture” in 2002 324 . TP PT
The science centre includes a permanent area of interactive scientific activities, named
Experimentation Space, and another permanent Communication Space (sponsored by
the regional administration DGTRE). A third permanent area, devoted to biotechnology,
will open in early 2004. Other areas are devoted to temporary exhibitions. The science
centre also organises workshops and conferences for the students in the last three
years of secondary school aged between 15 and18 years. During the holidays, science
weeks are organised for children aged 10 and14 and teenagers between the ages of
15 and18. The centre of Parentville also develops a series of partnerships with local
cultural associations. Its integration in the ULB allows for close relationships with
university researchers and professors, who are invited to give conferences and
presentations in Parentville.
The science centre of Parentville takes part, as a Belgian correspondent, in several
initiatives for scientific culture in France: for instance the night of stars (end of March)
and the science week (November). The science centre of Parentville is currently
hosting the coordination of the European network of science museums ECSITE.
( 323 ) http://www.ulb.ac.be/ccs
( ) Léonard J-L., Quand un musée fait peau neuve, in Athéna, n° 178, février 2002.
Museums and science centres in Belgium 233
with the “Action Plan Science Communication” which is set up yearly under the
authority of the Flemish government.
Technolopolis, which is defined as the “Flemish interactive centre for science and
technology”, was launched in 2000 325 . The regional government of Flanders made an
initial investment of €12.4 million. The regional government, the Antwerp province and
a set of industrial sponsors grant the operating budget. Technopolis includes a
permanent area of 259 interactive experiments and demonstrations, an auditorium
(Kegel, the cone) with similar functions to the Geode in La Villette and a cosy theatre
(Zwarte Doos, the back box) with a performance of automatic 3-D theatre on the
human body.
Like PASS, Technopolis is mainly oriented to the younger members of the public, either
through schools or through their families. A welcome programme for school classes is
organised (each day a different school level) and a series of leaflets are published in
Dutch for teachers and pupils. Packages are designed for further experiments in the
classroom, after the visit to Technopolis.
P P http://www.technopolis.be
P P http://www.sciencesnaturelles.be/museum
Museums and science centres in Belgium 234
2.5. Miscellaneous
Besides these institutions that are formally recognised as science centres and
integrated in international networks of science museums and science centres, other
initiatives that participate in PUST albeit indirect should be cited:
• Leisure centres related to scientific or technological themes.
• Museums and centres of technical and industrial patrimony.
Leisure centres intend to combine tourist attractions with exhibitions related to
technology or natural sciences. Examples of this category are (without attempting to be
• In all regions of the country, a lot of natural reservations are combining
exhibitions of the local ecosystem and tourist activities.
• The Euro-Space Centre, located in Libramont (Belgian Luxembourg), is an
interactive exhibition of space technology, mainly attractive for children and
• The Belgacom Centre in Lessive (Belgian Luxembourg) is a permanent
exhibition on the history of the telephone and the new information and
communication technologies, located in the site of spatial telecommunication
antennas of the historical Belgian telecom operator.
• At the Belgian coast, the Sea Life Centre of Blankenberg is a permanent
exhibition devoted to marine life and costal zone protection.
Technical and industrial patrimony also offers many opportunities of awareness of
science and technology. Some of them are more oriented to the past, attempting to
reconstitute the context of working and living conditions at the beginning of the
industrial era. Others try to bridge the past and the future, and to show the trajectories
from ancient techniques to new technology. Initiators of such centres claim to play an
important part in public awareness of science and technology, as they are acting on a
Museums and science centres in Belgium 235
3. Concluding observations
P Berckmans P., Charlier G., Daels L., Van industrie tot erfgoed, Ministerie van de Vlaaamse
created in 1989, was set up and implemented from Belgium 328 . The creation of TP PT
P http://www.ecsite.net
P Wautrequin J. (general secretary of SSTC) at the inauguratory meeting of ECSITE in 1991, quoted in
the presentation paper of ECSITE by W. Staveloz, downloadable from their web site.
Exhibiting science and technology in France 237
We have opted to limit the scope of this chapter to main achievements (i.e. seminal
institutions in France) while also providing information on smaller structures (e.g.
Musée Pasteur and Musée Curie in Strasbourg). Indeed, a comprehensive catalogue
including all museums and exhibitions existing in France in the field of CST is
impossible to establish for a variety of reasons.
First, from a purely geographical standpoint, France is quite a large country where
despite (or should we say "due to") a well established centralism, regional
characteristics remain strong. Initiatives are therefore both numerous and strongly
influenced by their regional background.
Along the same lines, it should be stressed that French regions vary significantly from
one another: some, like Lyonss at present, experience powerful development whereas
others are more subdued. Although there is a definite national determination in France
in favour of facilitating initiatives, distinct differences do exist between regions. Thus
when the Centres de Culture Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle (CCSTI – Centres
for Scientific, Technological and Industrial Culture) were developed in the 80's, a
certain determination to spread across the entire national territory was observed.
However, it is clear now that certain CSSTI developed rather randomly, in some areas
and not in others, and that they varied in importance and dynamism. These differences
are mainly due to the degree of determination at regional level and to the level of local
Furthermore, if drawing up an inventory of all initiatives is impossible, it is not solely
due to their sheer number but also to the multiplicity of their forms. As an example, it is
extremely difficult to draw a comparison between, say, an institution such as La Cité
des sciences – nurtured by the various governments, centre of attraction for tourism
and genuine national showroom – and a small natural history museum like the one in
Colmar or Marseilles, which are confronted with financial difficulties.
Third point, museology specialists in charge of these establishments adopt a variety of
philosophies and objectives, even if a certain unification may now be observed, or
should we say a tendency to be strongly inspired by a limited number of models like La
Villette and Le Futuroscope.
Finally, the scientific museological scene is currently undergoing an important phase in
the course of its evolution: new projects are on the horizon (Jardin des sciences in
Exhibiting science and technology in France 238
Although they are often considered as part of our national heritage, most museums
have changed greatly during the two last decades and, simultaneously, new forms of
communicating scientific and technical knowledge have appeared. During the same
period, new sites were created, such as La Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie de la
Villette. In addition, thanks to the actions of the Minister of research of the 1980s, Jean-
Pierre Chevènement, new organisations devoted to CST were created: the Boutiques
des Sciences (Science shops) and the Centres de Culture Scientifique, Technique et
Industrielle (CCSTI, Centres for Scientific, Technological, and Industrial Culture). The
latter have largely contributed to the multiplication of initiatives in science
All these spaces – from the new Museums to the CCSTI – can be ranked in two
categories: the Commemorative spaces and the Science centres. This typology
accounts for the general goal of these institutions, the way they put science into context
and the way they intend to make the public active or not when faced with exhibitions or
other demonstrations.
Because these institutions integrate a temporal dimension (either by accounting for the
history of nature or the history of science and technology), we have grouped together,
under the name of commemorative spaces, the Natural History Museums, the
Museums of science and technology, and the sites of scientific remembrance. The fact
that the new arrangements of the Natural History Museums tend to integrate
commemorative spaces – accounting for the works of people who had contributed to
the advancement of science or to the creation of the Museum – confirms the relevance
of this grouping.
Taking into account the goals of Museums of Natural History, one may consider that
these institutions should be neutral with regards to the social context of scientific
development. However, it is worth noting that these institutions pursue several
vocations: education, science popularisation and research. Hence, CST actions that
Exhibiting science and technology in France 239
these institutions develop may carry a particular meaning, not disconnected — even if
these links do not appear clearly — with a representation of “proper science” conveyed
by natural scientists.
The second category of institution, the Science Centres, does not attach so much
importance to the past. Instead, it focuses on the current and future development of
science and technology. Indeed, the main vocation of these institutions is to inculcate a
scientific culture to the public, in order to raise their awareness of the importance and
of the usefulness of science and technology in our society. Hence, these spaces are
often submitted to a much wider political project and sometimes transform themselves
into propaganda places.
A – Commemorative spaces
Since the 1980s, these ageing institutions are being modernised in many ways. In most
cases, the aim is to preserve or even amplify the patrimonial function of these
museums. The most prestigious collections are valued by making them part of the
history of science. In a few cases, the modernisation of the structures allowed to re-
order part of the collections according to a new dynamics, closer to contemporary
scientific thought. Besides, attempts have been made to use new information
technologies to enhance interactivity in knowledge acquisition.
In this movement, the most prestigious realisation of the last years is the transformation
of the Galerie de Zoologie du MNHN, renamed Grande Galerie de l'Evolution in 1994.
There, numerous innovations have been made: the use of electronic and audio-visual
interactive devices, exhibitions integrating a strong aesthetic component, the opening
Exhibiting science and technology in France 240
of a new exhibition accounting for the actions of Mankind on Nature. However, the
function of the Museum as a scholar space remains intact. Since renovation, the
MNHN also intends to raise issues of a societal nature, relating to the development of
science and techniques. Its organisation revolves around evolution mechanisms and,
above all, around the concept of biodiversity. In a way, the original objective set by the
team in charge of modernising the Grande galerie combines all these elements, as
highlighted by Van Praët, Grande galerie director (…): "on behalf of the museum,
showing the nature of our work, being connected to society, enabling society to see the
collections, fulfilling a role in terms of education and learning to facilitate the
transmission to society of concepts which, we feel, it should master – the importance
and the origins of biodiversity. Evolution appears from the outset […], but what we
intended to demonstrate is that evolution explains biodiversity" 330 . P P
2 – Places of remembrance
Besides the spaces devoted to natural history, there are numerous sites dedicated to
the history of science and technology. These institutions can be very different
depending on the institution or the group of persons who initiated the project.
Among these sites, the most prestigious is the recent Musée des Arts et des Traditions
(MAT, Art and Traditions Museum) of the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
(CNAM, Arts and Crafts Academy), inaugurated in Paris in March 2000. It presents an
P P Interview with M. van Praët conducted by Ph. Chavot and A. Masseran (Paris, 2002).
Exhibiting science and technology in France 241
The actions that led to the institution of the Musée Curie are not isolated. Numerous
initiatives, generally coming from natural scientists, aim to protect the scientific heritage
or to glorify the past, as was done with nuclear physics. It is the case with the Espace
Exhibiting science and technology in France 242
Zoé, instituted round the nuclear reactor Zoé, in 1985. First established by researchers
against the wish of the administration, this arena is now part of the facilities of the
Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA) and open to public visits. Similarly, soon
after the dismantlement of the Collision ring of Orsay, near Paris, in 1988, several
scientists tried to protect this historical instrument by establishing a Museum. In both
cases, scientists are trying to revalue a research domain which, for a decade or so, has
been of secondary interest for the authorities. Hence, support comes less from the
Ministry of Research – except by the means of the CCSTI – than from the Ministry of
Culture. The Orsay Collision ring project is still waiting for money and
acknowledgement by the administration.
Similar actions have appeared also in the provinces. Strasbourg's case illustrates well
the current tendencies, as well as the difficulty that CST people encounter in the
provinces when they wish to establish new sites. There, a group of scientists have
made, since the early 1980s, several attempts to protect the scientific heritage. These
actions have led to the rehabilitation of the astronomical observatory and the
establishment of the Museum of Seismology and Earth Magnetism. In addition, they
have saved lot of scientific instruments dating back to the 1870's. While they
succeeded in these actions this group of scientists had a more ambitious project: to
establish a science centre in Strasbourg. To do so, they have established an
Association, l'AMUSS (Association for the Strasbourg Museum of Science) which until
now has hosted most activities these people have carried out since the 1980s.
However, this effort is hardly acknowledged by the institutions. While both the
University and the town authorities managed to obtain support from the State and the
local administrations to establish a Science Museum at Strasbourg, none of the
Strasbourg people involved in CST since the 1980s have been consulted.
B – Science centres
At its creation, the aim of the MNHN was to spread enlightenment, to redistribute
knowledge acquired within the institution and help with the progress of humanity. In
order to pursue this goal, the Museum entrance was kept free for several decades. 331 P P
Similarly, when the first science centres were established – The Palais de la
Découverte in the 1930s and, later, the CCSTI in the 1980s – they were expected to
fulfil precise political goals. During these two periods, the same prevailing idea existed:
society should follow the path given by science and technological developments.
Hence, new institutions were needed that would help to improve the scientific
education of citizens and facilitate the social acceptance of the new knowledge and
P Cf. LIMOGE C., "The development of the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle of Paris, 1800-1914", in FOX R.
& WEISZ G. (eds), The Organization of Science and Technology in France 1808-1914, Maison des
Sciences de l'Homme and Cambridge University Press, 1980.
Exhibiting science and technology in France 243
technologies. In addition, as was the case in the 1980s, these sites may help stop the
destructive criticism of science. Thus, in most sites science would be exhibited in its
purest form, devoid of historical, sociological, or political perspectives.
The creation of the Palais de la découverte was largely inspired by the model of the
Universal Exhibitions, where scientific and technological progress was staged as a
spectacle. 332 That may be due to the circumstances of its creation: the Palais was first
The Palais de la découverte would not be a model for further developments. Its fault
has been to leave the public distant from the demonstration: they can do nothing
except remain passive and watch the truth unfold in front of them. In the 1960s, a
different attempt at communicating scientific truth was made with the creation by
Oppenheimer of the Exploratorium of San Francisco. There the public was no longer
distant from science but could experiment physical or sensory phenomena thanks to
simple devices or instruments. They could directly experiment and integrate “scientific
truth”. That is this model of direct experiment – more than that of the Palais de la
découverte – that will spread in France in the 1980s, when numerous science centres
were created.
One of the political orientations of the socialist government of the early 1980s was to
base economic development on scientific and technical developments. In order to be
efficient, this policy needed a large support from society. As stated during the
colloquium Recherche et technologie, organised in 1982 by the Ministry of Research,
there was also a need to answer destructive criticisms of science which had remained
P Before the creation of specific sites, the only places where science and technology were put into
spectacle and glorified were the Universal Exhibitions that largely embodied the idea of progress.
P For a comparison of the philosophies supporting the creation of the Palais and the other scientific
museums of the 1930s, see SHAFFER S., "What is Science", in Science in the XXth. century, KRIGE J. &
PESTRE D. (ed), Harwood Academic Publisher, Amsterdam, 1997, P. 27-41
P The current objective of the Palais remains rather identical to its initial vocation: "make science and its
applications understandable by all". The only visible change concerns the use of new information
Exhibiting science and technology in France 244
active since the 1968 revolution. Both the Ministry and scientists feared to face an
ascent of anti-science movements that, with the repercussion of the economical crisis
of the mid-1970s, may endanger France's social and economical stability. The 1982
colloquium, underlines Patrick Petitjean, 335 terminated the public debates on science
development and constitutes the starting point of new ways to include science in
In the early 1980s, the socialist government set up two new institutions aiming at
promoting CST: the Boutiques des sciences (Science Shops) and the Centres de
Culture Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle (CCSTI). A third initiative appeared in the
1990s, with the organisation of the Fêtes de la Science.
The first institution, the Boutiques des Sciences, had a rather short-lived existence.
One of the only Boutique which is still functioning is the Boutique des sciences of
Strasbourg (whose actions are quite similar to those of a CCSTI). Furthermore, what
they were supposed to do is difficult to appreciate. According to some, Boutiques were
created to answer questions citizens may ask on specific scientific issue: Boutiques are
shops-like structures devoted to scientific reasoning. For others, the Boutiques des
Sciences had to play the role of bringing a new dynamics in the different attempts
made to promote scientific culture at the local level.
The CCSTI benefited from a better existence than the Boutiques des sciences and are
still playing a crucial role in promoting CST actions. Of the about forty CCSTI that exist
today some manage big Museums or Science Centres, such as the Centre national de
la mer Nausicca in Boulogne-sur-Mer, Oceanopolis in Brest… But the role of the
CCSTI is mainly to promote scientific culture through different delocalised actions.
They have initiated numerous itinerant exhibits, publish local magazines, they also
organise conferences, debates, Cafés des Sciences, workshops and animations for
children. CCSTI are also responsible for organising local demonstrations for the yearly
Fêtes de la science. Hence, the CCSTI have created numerous new spaces promoting
CST. But these spaces can, in return, be colonised by institutions, politicians or
associations. Nonetheless, because CCSTI actions are supported mainly by the
Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education, they benefit from a certain autonomy
with regard to scientific institutions. Even if an orientation is often given to their actions
or demonstrations, the CCSTI contribute in some way to the democratisation of the
debate on scientific and technological developments.
As was already the case for the museums of natural history, it would be very difficult to
propose an inventory of the various actions undertaken at local level by the various
CCSTIs. We will try, in the next report, to describe the main trends as well as some of
CCSTI's actions that we consider to be the most innovative.
P P PETITJEAN P., "La critique des sciences en France", Alliage, n°35-36, automne 1998, pp. 118-133
Exhibiting science and technology in France 245
In spite of the variety of actions made at the local level, the French reference in CST is
the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie de la Villette (“La Cité”). The initial project that
led to the establishment of La Cité was twofold: to establish a museum of techniques
that will promote the collections of the CNAM; to enhance the development of history of
sciences with the creation of a media centre, of a history of science institute and an
archives centre. However, in 1986, when La Cité was inaugurated, it looked like a mere
institution aiming at promoting French technosciences, with large spaces devoted to
Space or Energy sciences. Nonetheless, the media centre would soon be considered
as an important resource for historians of science. However, historians and archivists
who had been recruited within the new establishment scarcely contributed to the
actions undertaken to promote the CST within La Cité.
Although it is still considered a showcase of French science and technologies, La Cité
des sciences de la Villette has progressively widened its action and initiated new ways
of promoting CST. Soon after its creation, it has accommodated an Exploratorium built
on the model of the San Francisco site (cf. infra). In addition, thanks to the large
spaces devoted to temporary exhibitions La Cité benefited from enough flexibility and
freedom to promote new concepts, to inform about new subjects or implement new
practices in science communication. Indeed, these spaces often present exhibitions on
the development of sciences that are problematic and are at the core of public
controversies. These exhibitions, together with public debates or conferences
organised around the exhibit, offer food for thought to a public who generally discovers
that science may be problematic through the media. However, even if these initiatives
may enhance reflection, the main research institutions (CNRS, INSERM, INRA) are
often present in the organisation of these exhibitions as well as in public debates and,
often, they act to preserve the legitimacy of science.
As has been said in the introduction to this report, La Cité des Sciences is a model in
the field of scientific information and communication. It is one of the largest cultural
sites visited in France, with more than 3.5 million visitors per year. But La Cité also
plays an important role as a provider of services or ready-made exhibitions. Indeed,
most temporary exhibitions presented in Paris may thereafter be proposed to other
sites in the provinces. Hence, they could be visited by 500,000 additional persons per
year. Finally, La Cité constitutes also a model to create new CST spaces in the
provinces. Despite this dependency being badly perceived by local people, La Cité is
often present in projects made in the provinces either as a consulting expert, or as
promoter. It is one of the effects of French centralism that has already been mentioned
in the introduction.
Exhibiting science and technology in France 246
As may be observed at present, there is a firm connection between leisure parks, in the
realms of recreation and consumption, and museums, which belong to education and
culture. A manner of cross-fertilisation has caused the emergence of a specific offer,
highly recreational, aiming at attracting a wide audience and more particularly families,
with the added intention to fulfil a role in science and techniques popularisation. These
hybrid structures, to which we refer as "scientific and technical leisure parks", represent
an important trend which was developed in France in the 90's. It places an emphasis
on state-of-the-art technical means – particularly multimedia and info-electronics – and
uses these to entertain the general public. Le Futuroscope in Poitiers and La Cité de
l'espace in Toulouse, are among the most famous cases illustrating initiatives of this
nature and give a concrete expression of this approach to science and techniques.
Therefore, these structures belong to the field of CST and may be considered "related"
to La Villette – they are also somewhat linked to the concept of leisure parks, defining
themselves as tourist attractions in their own right, on an equal footing with national
monuments 336 .P P
Le Futuroscope
Le Futuroscope is the eldest of these scientific leisure parks. Located near the town of
Poitiers, it offers a specific presentation of science and techniques. Firmly adopting a
spectacular approach – advertising materials emphasise themes like discovery,
emotion, imagination, sensation 337 – its main objective is to entertain its visitors. Le
Futuroscope is therefore at the crossroads where CST meets leisure parks. It may be
defined as a "Palais de l’Image" (a temple of images) offering a large number of films
perpetually renewed. Giant or hemispheric screens, 3-D effects, simulators and all
manners of technical means are developed to stimulate sensations, emotions and a
sense of wonder.
Open to the public in 1987 following several years of construction (works started in
1984) – Le Futuroscope was created on the initiative of the Conseil Général de la
Vienne (council of the French territorial district Vienne) and its president, René Monory,
former minister for education. The first two attractions were Le Pavillon du Futuroscope
and Le Cristal (225,000 visitors). At a later stage, Le Futuroscope developed further
and offered additional attractions (giant screens, raised images, 360° projection,
moving seats and, from 1996, 3-dimensional imaging). Le Futuroscope has been run
P Vulcania, located in the Auvergne region, was designed with similar mind-sets although science is less
by the Amaury Group since April 2000 but the hypothesis of future nationalisation has
been put forward – also in 2000, business was stimulated with the opening of a high-
speed train station in the vicinity.
It seems, however, that the playful approach to "science-entertainment" might have
reached its limits since, following remarkable success in the mid-90's (with over 2
million visitors in 1994), Le Futuroscope now experiences a constant drop in
attendance despite attractions being constantly renewed and themes being diversified
(these range from the life of pandas to "taste workshops", including the theme of
Atlantis and a visit in outer space).
landscaped park, close to the city centre of Toulouse. La Cité de l'espace (the CE) is
self-defined as being in contrast with the traditional museum model and intends to
make the public take an active part 340, providing visitors with the opportunity to
experiment and placing them in "real-life" situations. In brief and according to its own
specifications, the CE is defined as "a theme park with a scientific purpose where the
public comes to be entertained as much as to learn." Thus the CE is set to fulfil three
main objectives: to educate, to be a tourist attraction and to act as a technological
The attractions evoke "the odyssey of outer space", staging it with a variety of
activities, interactive exhibitions, shows and audio-visual elements. The CE is
organised around four centres of interest: the Park, which allows for reckoning
distances and scales, the Exhibitions Pavilion, where interactive experiments take
place, the Planetarium which includes a hemispheric screen and finally the
This entertaining set up includes original items of primary importance: a real-size MIR
station, inaugurated in 1998 in the presence of a large number of former crew
members and a life-size model of the Ariane 5 rocket. Since the beginning of the new
millennium, the theme of outer space has been enlarged to include planet Earth with
the addition of the Terr@dome. The Terr@dome is a giant sphere in which visitors
P http://www.cite-espace.com/
P The Regional Council of Midi-Pyrénées, the ministries of Public facilities, Transport, Defence,
Education, Research and Technology, CNES (Centre National d’Études Spatiales), Météo-France (French
meteorological office), EADS, Astrium, etc, also including many companies with the status of "associated
P Indeed, website visitors are encouraged to participate.
Exhibiting science and technology in France 248
discover "the origins of the earth" and its evolution. The entertainment factor is
combined here with an environmentalist approach as the objective is to highlight the
importance and fragility of our terrestrial heritage.
Thus, while the CE may be concentrating on large items "making" history and large-
scale science, it also draws from current affairs and contacts with the men and women
who take part in conquering outer space. As an example, the CE organised an event
which drew much media attention. In October 2001, it broadcast a dialogue between
"the first Frenchwoman in space" – i.e. the famous Claudie Haigneré, now minister of
Research – live from the International Space Station with individuals from various
backgrounds (politicians, scientists, technology specialists). It should be stressed here
that dialogues with "those who make science" are regularly organised by the CE:
personalities such as JC and C Haigneré or Hubert Reeves are invited to meet the
general public. The fact that these individuals are the focus of media attention, or have
a somewhat symbolic personality (Reeves the storyteller, Haigneré the first
Frenchwoman astronaut) is indeed to be related to this determination to stage science
and present it as an entertaining spectacle 341 . P P
In this respect, this "culture of scientific entertainment" is in line with the concept of
"showroom" which was clearly dominant in the 80's (only now it is not so much a
showroom for French science and technology and has developed a wider European
dimension) while having also broken away from this approach. Whereas formerly the
interactive dimension of scientific exhibitions was limited – and indeed often criticised
as merely providing "button pushing" activities – we now have access to interactions of
spectacular magnitude: all events are staged in such a way that the most
"sophisticated" information technologies which are supposed to represent a symbol of
P Unlike Le Futuroscope, since it was opened to the public the Parc européen de l’espace seems to be in
a position to keep up its number of visitors (i.e. over 300,000 visitors per year).
Exhibiting science and technology in France 249
our modernity (simulation, 3-D, multimedia, internet, etc) come to reinforce the "state-
of-the-art" aspect of the relevant science and technologies.
New projects are currently being developed within the sphere of influence of this trend.
Combining science and spectacle, they also intend to include "civic concerns"
(whatever the meaning given to the expression). They seems to constitute an attempt
in synthesising past experience – or at least their most positive aspects – while also
intending to bring about an original approach. The novelty of these projects rests in the
fact that they are not solely based on an inventory and reflection on existing structures
but also includes pooling the experience of the various partners. Two observations
stand out:
The experience taken into account is not limited to France anymore but is truly
enlarged to encompass Europe. Thus in 2002 a series of round table discussions was
organised in Strasbourg to foster a common reflection revolving around scientific
museology. The personalities invited to take part in the project naturally included
parties involved in French scientific museology and also European counterparts from
Barcelona, Luxembourg, Neuchâtel, Munich, etc.
A new profession seems to develop an increasing importance in the design stages of
projects: that of scientific museology specialist. It is currently undergoing a fundamental
For the sake of illustrating the above points, we propose to examine briefly two specific
projects: the Musée des confluences in Lyons and the Jardin des sciences, in
Thus this museum, covering 2,000 sq. m, will be situated in the heart of the city centre,
located on a peninsula at the confluence of two rivers, the Saône and the Rhône. The
main building was the subject of an international architectural competition. It will be
cloud-shaped, stand over the rivers whilst being rooted in the earth. Following the will
of its designer, the Canadian architect Michel Côté, it will be a museum dedicated to
science and society as its ambition is to analyse the interactions between science and
society with an aim to raise questions and bring about an awareness of the challenges
of our times, both on a small and a large scale.
The origins of this project are to be found in the need to renovate an old natural history
museum and other existing structures (this background is similar to what we find in
Strasbourg). The initial project has spread rapidly to include the creation of a science
and society centre, to be developed over four locations disseminated over the entire
city: a park/museum, a research centre with the collections, a museum dedicated to
world cultures and the future Musée des confluences, designed to be the overall
Finally, the determination to synthesise the various fields of science, society and nature
also appears in the overall theme chosen for Musée des confluences: Life itself. Firstly,
this theme allows for endless developments (a large proportion of surfaces will be
dedicated to temporary exhibitions) and, secondly, the magnitude of this theme
demonstrates the ambition of a project where all is orchestrated with the intention of
creating overall links and making connections.
in Strasbourg stems from a reflection where common ideas were shared with the
underlying philosophy of synthesis as described above. Again, the starting point was
the renovation of the zoological museum, property of both the city of Strasbourg and
the university (this shared ownership is a fact worth mentioning). Over the years, the
project developed and spread to finally encompass the university park, the planetarium,
the seismological museum, etc, and includes the synergy of various facilities,
structures and partners (negotiations were stormy and included a succession of
partners). The intended public is extremely wide-ranging: individuals involved in the
academic world, who are already aware of these issues and may be specialised,
people with an interest in science, the regular visitors of museums and also others –
P P The first phase should be finalised in 2006.
Exhibiting science and technology in France 251
children and adults – who are not necessarily aware of the subjects covered. The
objective is to raise the awareness of the general public with regards to science and
techniques whilst also providing entertainment (reference is clearly made to the large-
scale projects of Poitiers and Toulouse). Furthermore, the intention is to present a
history of science, its current state and integration in current affairs, therefore following
the steps of La Villette, combining spaces dedicated to permanent or temporary
exhibitions and information products such as discussion forums like Osez le savoir 343 , P P
i.e. a meeting place where researchers and the general public raise topical issues. Like
in Lyons, the overall theme of this museum will be particularly wide and directed to Life
itself. 344 It should be stressed that this project is somewhat cautious when it comes to
The new role of mediator is currently emerging but the partners involved in CST have
not yet agreed on its identity. Should it be a scientist? It seems that this possibility is
less and less envisaged and, increasingly, the mediator is seen as being a museology
specialist or expert in popularisation.
New projects and recent restructuring grant human and social sciences a more
prominent place.
Activities related to CST museology are increasingly turned towards the coexistence of
various types of structures and do not fit the former model of scientific museology
which seems to be affected by chronic disaffection (see La Villette, etc).
The willingness to synthesise is perceptible at all levels with the development and
participation in the network of European science museums, the concept of a balance
having to be struck between nature and human sciences, the existence of an array of
themes relating simultaneously to science and society, the combination of
entertainment and education while also aiming at the adult public.
P The designer of the Jardin des sciences is indeed coming from La Villette where he implemented Osez
le savoir.
P Themes are not yet firmly determined and, according to Gaudenzi, the overall theme should be along
1. Background
The science museums are generally seen as decisive arenas for the creation and
diffusion of scientific and technological culture. In this case, the agents of the
popularisation of science and technology have the control over the instruments of
diffusion, whereas in the case of the mass media, they remain dependent on
journalists. It is also true that in the past, science museums were usually seen as part
of “high culture”, and this socio-cultural definition 345 was an obstacle to a popularisation
2. New trends
This change implies a strategic reorientation of the organisation and role of these
institutions. The “classical” museums namely, the Science Museum and the Natural
History Museum of the University of Lisbon are major structures established in the
capital, Lisbon. They cover a broad range of subject-matters and historical periods of
scientific knowledge and instruments.
The new more modern spaces tend to be decentralised from Lisbon. They are more
flexible structures, using new and interactive technologies and in some cases, they
specialise in particular subject-matters (e.g., astronomy, geosciences, climate change
or mathematics), historical periods and target specific audiences.
Although this does not mean a disinvestment in the “classical” museums – in fact,
these have been supported in recent years by political institutions and have also been
following the modernising strategies employed in the science centres, including the use
of interactive technologies there has indeed been an important change in the
P P Here the science museums share the characteristics common to the art or archaeological museums.
Science museums in the Portuguese context 253
conception of both the role and the organisation of these interface spaces between
scientific knowledge and the public.
The flexibility of the new structures has made it possible to expand their number and
their distribution throughout the country.
In recent years, various science centres were created in different cities. Besides, the
“Ciência Viva” programme has given rise to the establishment of “ciência viva” centres,
conceived as interactive meeting spaces. Examples of these centres are:
the “Centro Ciência Viva” of Algarve,
the Planetarium of the Centre of Astrophysics of Oporto,
and the Infante D. Henrique Exploratorium of Coimbra.
An interactive science space, the Visionarium has been established near Oporto, as
well, under the initiative of a private the Industrial Association from Oporto.
Six additional “Ciência Viva” centres are planned to open in the near future in cities of
medium or small dimension all over the country. The underlying policy goal is to
establish a dense network of science centres throughout the country, which, in
articulation with the “classical” science museums.
P Until 2001, The Knowledge Pavillion received more than 300 000 visitors (A. F. Costa, P. Ávila and S.
As is the case in many countries, Sweden has a rich variety of museums. In addition,
these museums have traditionally played an important role in initiatives of public
understanding of science. As such, this text cannot cover all aspects or all museums in
a profound way, but instead will try to highlight the most important and distinct features
regarding PUS. It is also important to remember the Swedish definition of ‘vetenskap’
(science), incorporating the social sciences and the humanities as well as the natural
sciences, as this effects the possible selection of museums here. To this end, and for
purposes of this text, it is not only museums of the natural sciences which will hence be
Sweden has a number of science centres, similar in purpose and nature to other
countries. Arguably, these institutions are remarkably similar from country to
country. 347 Therefore, the decision has been made to focus on the ‘regular’ museum.
An exception has been made for the new science centre, Universeum, which carries a
national responsibly.
After the Second World War, in which Sweden was not directly involved, a thorough
welfare state was created. This meant a large investment in the public sector. The
distribution of scientific knowledge to citizens and the use of scientific findings in public
administration were seen as important parts of democracy and rational governmental
ruling. Two effects of this can be observed at the policy level during the second half of
the century: the ‘sectorial principle’ and the “Third assignment”.
In the early 1970s, the ‘sectorial principle’ (a Swedish variant of the Rotschild principle),
was introduced into Swedish science policy. 348 In accordance with this idea, the
P See James M. Bradburne (1998) “Dinosaurs and white elephants: The science center in the twenty-first
century”, in Public Understanding of Science, vol. 7, pp. 237-253. For a critique of Bradburne, see Per-
Edvin Persson (2000) “Science centers are thriving and going strong!”, in Public Understanding of Science,
vol- 9, pp. 499-460.
P Elzinga, A, 1993, "Universities, Research, and the Transformation of the State.” In Sheldon Rothblatt &
Björn Wittrock (eds) The European and American University since 1800. Historical and Sociological
Essays. Cambridge University Press, p 191-233. The Rotschild principle is a policy initiative, which entail a
contractual relationship between researcher and funder, in which the latter supplies resources on the
condition that the knowledge produced has specific policy and social relevance; see A Framework for
Government Research and Development. London: HMSO 1971, usually referred to as the Rothschild
Science museums in Sweden 255
university is the main public repository for science that may solve problems within
various societal sectors, be it housing, supply of energy, national transportation and
local systems, environmental protection, health and welfare, etc. 349 TP PT
In the Swedish context it therefore became important to view research in the academic
domain as open to public scrutiny and transparency. This means that efforts must be
made to inform a wider audience about the existence of this kind of research, making it
accessible particularly to various user categories.
During the 1970s, a number of new sectorial funding councils were created. With this
came an increasing attention to user information, both in the initial and final stages of
projects. 350 The information was, for example, transferred via contacts with the media,
them was that the citizens needed to increase their awareness and control over these
changes. As knowledge increasingly became important for the possibility of citizens
exercising their democratic rights, it also seemed increasingly problematic that the
P See Elzinga, A, 1980, "Science Policy in Sweden: Sectorisation and Adjustment to Crisis", Research
Policy, vol 9, no 7, April, p 116-146; 1990, "Triangeldramat bakom P forskningspolitiken", (Triangleplay in
research policy), in Wilhelm Agrell (ed), Makten över forskningspolitiken Lund: Lund University Press, p
41-60. This means very little applied research is done in special government laboratories or institutions
that fall under the direct authority of one or another ministry. Instead ministries support special research
funding agencies that receive both unsolicited and solicited grant proposals from universities. These are
sometimes called "sectorial research councils" to distinguish them form the more traditional basic research
oriented councils which continue to allocate funds on the basis of a pure peer review process. The
sectorial councils combine criteria of societal relevance and scientific excellence in their review
procedures. In some cases the former dominate over the latter, in other cases the two-tier approach starts
with scientific merit. Of course there has been a lot of debate around these procedures, they may be
compared to the notion of "extended peer review".
P Several studies have been carried out during the 1980s on research utilization and modes of
P Om forskning. (About research) Forskningsproposition 1986/87:80.
Science museums in Sweden 256
reach the public. Besides direct support to museums, there also exist cooperative
agreements between governmental bodies, different institutions and museums. An
example of this was Forskningsrådsnämnden (Swedish Council for Planning and
Coordination of Research (FRN)), which, due to the recent structural change in the
Swedish funding system was replaced by Vetenskapsrådet (the Science Council).
In some projects, FRN tried to link different actors in the Swedish PUS landscape; this
was the case with the national initiative of Populärvetenskapens vecka (The week of
popular science). The arrangement is localised at a different university each year
working as a hub in an array of activities linking universities, museums, science
centres, communes and business companies. FRN also had a role of initiating and
giving support to projects directed towards schools at the gymnasium level (ages 16-
18). A strong ambition was to overcome the culture gap between natural sciences and
the humanities. This has resulted in a nation-wide theme around the environment as
history. Taken up by gymnasium schools around Sweden, this has led to a variety of
exhibitions at museums and public presentations.
own specific focus. TP PT These often mirror some of the local features, in and around the
city. Different kinds of Museums of Art and History are common throughout the country.
In the university cities, more science-oriented museums are an important element. A
good example of this is Gustavianium in Uppsala, erected in 1677 and located in the
oldest building owned by the university. The museum aims to inform visitors about both
the institutional history of the university and of the research performed within the
P For an example, see the City Museum of Norrköping, featuring exhibitions on the history of textiles and
handicraft ( http://www.norrkoping.se/stadsmuseet/ ).
P With a focus on cultural history and art, an example of a county museum is the one in Stockholm; see
http://www.lansmuseum.a.se/ .
Science museums in Sweden 257
university. Today, the museum features four permanent exhibitions; the first highlights
the history of the university from 1477 to the present; the second exhibits anatomical
and medical studies in the Anatomical Theatre; the third is the Augsburg Art Cabinet,
showing objects such as the thermometer of Celsius; the fourth is an exhibition of the
antiquity and the Middle Ages in Sweden. In addition, the museum also has a space for
temporary exhibitions. 355 TP PT
On the national level, there are many museums specialising in one specific area or
another. In addition to displaying their huge collections, they execute research in their
featured field. Examples of this are Nationalmuseum (The National Museum), featuring
both exhibitions of and research in art and art history; and Naturhistoriska riksmuseet
(The National Museum of Natural History), with displays large collections of and
exhibitions in biology and geology whilst also performing research in those areas. 356
Another large and important museum is Tekniska museet (The Museum of Science
and Technology), founded in Stockholm 1924 by the Federation of Swedish Industries,
the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, the Swedish Association of Engineers
and Architects and the Association of Swedish Inventors. The building currently
housing the museum was built in 1934-1936. The idea of a museum of Swedish
engineering and industrial history had been around since the start of the twentieth
century. The museum's collections and exhibition area have grown considerably over
the years, and the total exhibition area is now 18,000 square metres. The museum
attracts around 200,000 visitors every year.
Although most large museums are quite old and well established, investments in new
ones still occur. Göteborg was recently the scene for a massive political and economic
effort in creating a new institution, Världskulturmuseet (The National Museums of World
Culture). Established in 1999 it is a state museum authority that groups together four
museums with collections originating mainly from outside of Sweden and Europe.
Three of the museums are located in Stockholm: The Museum of Far Eastern
Antiquities, the Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities, and the
National Museum of Ethnography; and one in Göteborg: the Ethnographic Museum in
Göteborg. The Museum of World Culture is in itself one of the largest museum projects
in Sweden in recent years. The general mission of the National Museums of World
Culture is to display, represent, and interpret the various cultures of the world. The
museum authority strives to further the understanding of the world and humankind
through cross-disciplinary scientific work, and through new forms of exhibits and public
outreach activities, using a range of artistic, archaeological, ethnographic, historical,
and other perspectives. The aim is to promote public understanding and appreciation of
different cultures, their histories, as well as their interrelationships.
P P See http://www.gustavianum.uu.se .
P P See http://www.nationalmuseum.se and http://www.nrm.se .
Science museums in Sweden 258
Another new museum initiative in Sweden is the Nobel Museum, which opened in
2001. This museum benefits from one of the strongest trademarks available in science.
There will of course be a heavy emphasis on the great men and women of science but
with an initial exhibition on the theme of creativity.
The Nobel Foundation is an institution that has changed very little during its 100 years.
The activities undertaken are rather circular, whereby each year; everything is done
according to the same procedure as last year, culminating in the Nobel festivities.
Nearing its Centennial in the year 2001, the foundation decided to do something
radically different. It was decided to make Nobel more public. A Nobel museum would
be erected to celebrate the prize-winners, science, literature and peace. There are
already several other Nobel museums in the world, placed were the donator Alfred
Nobel has marked his presence. Sweden and Stockholm are thus rather late in joining
the list.
Preparations for this museum have been ongoing for several years. The name Nobel is
associated with excellence in several ways, so of course the museum itself has to
excel and have exhibitions of the highest possible quality. As such, the museum project
has attracted people with high competence and also generous fund givers. The Nobel
trademark is strong and there are many that want to be associated with it.
While most reactions to this initiative have been very positive, there has been some
criticism regarding its funding. The Nobel Foundation is obviously very wealthy, yet the
foundation has claimed that it cannot fund the museum out of its own resources. It is
said that the money in the foundation can only be used for the Nobel awards and the
ceremony surrounding it, since that is what is stipulated in the testament of Alfred
Nobel. This has meant that the municipality of Stockholm has agreed to finance the
building, while the foundation is responsible for filling it with content of high quality.
Thereafter, the foundation applied for funds from a large amount of Swedish fund
givers and also from various business sponsors. Most of these reacted positively.
However, there have been some complaints that if the testament could have been
interpreted more generously, then the foundation would have been able to use some of
its own wealth for the project. Instead, money has been taken from fund givers who
would otherwise have given it to research.
P See James M. Bradburne (1998) “Dinosaurs and white elephants: The science center in the twenty-first
While this has been a valid complaint, the people working with the museum have
answered that the total amount of money being taken is, in perspective, so slight and
taken from such a diverse amount of fund givers that it does not warrant such
complaints. In addition, what comes out is the opening of a great public window for
science in Sweden and an added profile for Swedish research. Therefore, this is a
prime example of the “Third Assignment” in action.
The first exhibition in the museum had creativity as its theme. It is thought that this will
mean common ground can be found between research, literature and peace work. The
exhibition was produced in three copies; one of these will stay put in Stockholm while
the others two will tour the world.
Interestingly enough, there is a bridging of the two cultures involved in the project. The
ideas put down by Alfred Nobel a hundred years ago make this connection necessary.
Prizes are awarded both to natural science and to literature. The construction of the
Nobel categories, formulated so long ago, places restrictions on how research can be
treated in the museum. The categories make strange bedfellows, but offer a rather
exciting combination, something that would not be put together like this in any other
Science centres
Apart from a range of museums based on the specialities specific or several scientific
disciplines, there also exist some 20 different science centres in Sweden, most of them
established during the 1980s. In Göteborg, a more ambitious science centre – The
Universeum – has been created (inauguration in June 2001). The centre is supposed
to have a national responsibility, thus serving others science centres with innovation,
knowledge and ideas.
The objectives of this centre are to generate experiences that increase the desire to
enhance knowledge and active involvement with science and technology; to publicise
know-how and research at universities and in the world of business; and to enhance
the attractiveness of the region of West Sweden. The primary target group is children
and young people. The centre is a joint venture by the Municipal Association of the
Göteborg Region, Göteborg University, Chalmers University of Technology and the
Western Swedish Chamber of Industry and Commerce, in close collaboration with the
business community.
Science museums in Sweden 260
Swedish museums, both new and old, are, for the most part well represented on the
Internet. One objective of having a web presence is of course to attract visitors, but
many of museums have very comprehensive presentations of their particular areas of
science. A good example is Naturhistoriska museet (The National Museum of Natural
History). In addition to a presentation of their collections, they offer in-depth information
resources regarding animals, planets and the environment and introductions to the
areas in which the museum pursue research (e.g. biology, geology and
palaeontology). TP PT For the newly established Världskulturmuseet (The National
Museums of World Culture), it is also a natural step to have an Internet page. In
addition to providing information on the museum, it shows a complete physical
representation of the museum. 359 TP PT
P P See http://www.nrm.se
P P See http://www.universeum.se .
Museums and science centres in the UK 261
Museums in the UK have long played a central role as institutions presenting the world
of science to the public. Barry argues the modern science museum originally
developed in Britain in the 19th century as a place where the success of the imperial
state could be displayed (Barry, 1998:100). He also notes though science museums
also sought to be ‘a liberal space within which a bourgeois public would participate, and
be seen to participate in their own cultural and moral improvement’.
Until recently, science museums presented a largely celebratory account of humanity’s
mastery of the natural world (Durant, 1996). As Durant notes, most science museums
were ‘founded by industrial cultures that were imbued with a sense of great optimism
about science and technology’ (Durant: 1996: 158). A visit to a science museum is as
MacDonald notes: ‘…a cultural ritual…a visit to a temple to gaze upon the holy
relics…an object lesson in the progress of civilisation’ (MacDonald, 1995).
Museums in the UK attract a mass audience (Hooper-Greenhill, 1994:60). While
difficulties exist in gaining accurate museum visitor statistics (& many researchers do
not include people under 16 in their figures) it is estimated that more than 80 million
visits are made each year to the United Kingdom's 2,500 museums 360 . In 1990, the
Science Museum and the Natural History Museum, both in London, were amongst the
top 39 tourist attractions in the UK, attracting 1 million visitors (Hooper-Greenhill,
1994:60). The Science Museum attracted over 2.8 million for the year 2000/2001 361 . TP PT
The museum remains a bourgeois preserve; according to Eckstein and Feist (1992:77)
‘museum visiting in the UK remains primarily a white/upper middle class pastime’.
Those from more highly educated backgrounds are more likely to become a museum
visitor in the UK, and Afro-Caribbean and Asian groups tend to be underrepresented.
(Hooper-Greenhill, 1994:65).
However, over the last twenty years the challenges posed by the spread of neo-liberal
policy agendas; cultural developments such as detraditionalisation, the rise of
heightened reflexivity and the challenge of coping with a perceived crisis in the
relations between science and publics has generated significant changes in the status
and functioning of science museums in Britain.
P P http://www.museums.gov.uk/museums/index.html
P P http://www.museums.gov.uk/museums/index.html
Museums and science centres in the UK 262
As public bodies, museums in general in the UK have been accused of being ‘too
paternalistic, too dominated by the concerns of curators and the fetishism of the
artefact, and too dependent on public subsidy’ (Barry, 1998:101). As a consequence
science museums (alongside museums in all other sectors) have been required to
become more market friendly, interactive and more accessible to a public which is
increasingly critically questioning many features of the classic enlightenment
understanding of science. According to Barry, the Science Museum, ‘is increasingly
expected to respond to the public’s demands rather than simply tell the public what it
needs to know’ (Barry, 1998:98).
The result has been that museums of science in Britain have come to adopt new
technologies of display, new interpretative experiments and new concerns with their
visitors and communities (MacDonald, 1998:14). Pressure is on for science museums
and indeed for museums in general to move from being ‘static storehouses for artefacts
into active learning environment for the public’ (Hooper-Greenhill, 1994:1). In addition
the UK has also seen a significant extension of science centres, industrial heritage
sights and more very modest experimentation with science shops as part of expanding
the public understanding of science.
‘Museums in Britain, and especially local authority museums, are now at a time of great
crisis. Many museum people are losing their jobs, and many others are under threat.
Nearly every local authority museum has been restructured, and some of the larger
independent museums are on the verge of bankruptcy’ (HooperGreenhill 1995:2).
Museums and science centres in the UK 263
• Ensuring that there is the widest possible access to collections and archives
• Making full use of ICTs to make collections more accessible
• Ensuring that outreach activities are an integral part of the museums activities
• Make catalogues and key documents are available on line
(Department of Culture Media and Sport: 2000).
One of the more significant policy shifts that this has generated is that the government
is more open to providing subsidies for national museums. Free admission for children
has been in place from 1 April 1999, and for those aged 60 and over from 1 April 2000.
The 2001 Budget introduced new VAT measures which has allowed many museums to
charge free admission for all adults from 1 December 2001. The new policies were
intended not only to increase the numbers of visitors, but to diversify the population of
museum-goers to include less advantaged social groups.
Free admission has, at least on paper, doubled the numbers of visitors to participating
museums by 2003. To some, this demonstrates the efficacy of the policy of free
admission in making science etc. more accessible to a wider public. Sceptics have
argued that museums may simply be attracting more repeat visitors, or attracting more
people from the same socio-economic groups. However, no data exists that would
confirm or refute this hypothesis. Direct observation by one of the co-authors of this
paper (JS), though highly anecdotal, indicates that museums have become much more
interested in counting visitors. Those returning after a lunch break outside the museum
may get counted twice.
Museums and science centres in the UK 264
The emergence of the PUS movement over the past two decades has placed further
pressure on British science museums to contribute more directly to facilitating the
emergence of a scientifically literate society and a more communicative relationship
with the public (Durant, 1996, Hooper-Greenhill, 1994). Following the Bodmer report in
1985, museums were increasingly expected to become involved in developing science
communication strategies in the UK.
The hands-on movement in the UK has indigenous roots that can be traced back to the
introduction of push button working models in the Children’s Gallery in the Science
Museum of the 1930’s (Durant 1996:156-157). The model for modern interactive
museums in the UK has come from the Exploratorim in San Francisco, California
(Simmons, 1996:79). Many of the interactive technique developed in the US were first
introduced into the UK via the Bristol Exploratorium in 1987. With the opening of the
'launch pad' gallery at the Science Museum, interactive ideas have gone on to exert a
‘significant degree of influence in museum displays in a wide range of areas’(Simmons,
1996:79). Barry argues proponents of interactively constituted something akin to a
movement with the formation of associations such as the British Interactive Group
It has been argued, however, that the radical concerns of the San Francisco
Exploratorim with empowerment have been marginalised in favour of more concerns
such as the attractiveness of science to visitors. (Barry, 1998:104). Conservative
cultural critics have viewed the spread of hands-on exhibits as an example of ‘dumbing
down’. Alternatively, Richard Gregory, founder of the Bristol Exploratorium, has argued
that one of the ironies of traditional science museums is that they have very little
science in them. He argues if we see the essential feature of science as
experimentation, hands on experiences are of critical importance. (Gregory, 1989
quoted in Barry, 1998:104)).
There seems no doubt though that as elsewhere the explosion of the science wars in
the UK has generated stimulating forms of academic discussion over the ‘social
relations, celebrations and omissions of science cultures’ (MacDonald, 1995:8). Critical
questions clearly have emerged concerning such issues as:
Questions have also emerged from public constituencies directly. The Parliamentary
and Scientific Committee organised a discussion meeting on "Communicating Science:
The role of museums and science centres" on 17 July 2000, which attracted a diverse
At a reception following this meeting, several teenagers, who had sat largely in silence
during the discussions in the imposing Grand Committee Room of the Palace of
Westminster, were invited to offer their opinions of science museums in a more
informal setting. These young people, most of whom were planning to go into science,
made the point, quite forcefully, that most science museums seemed designed "for
kids". In other words, for children aged 15 and older, there wasn't enough of the sort of
information they were interested in. What they would prefer, they said, was an
opportunity to meet real scientists, to have them explain their work through exhibits and
hands-on experiments, and to be able to ask them questions.
The Natural History Museum in South Kensington has been credited with leading the
way towards developing more innovative engagement with the PUS agenda as an
academic curatorial style has increasingly given way to more popular presentations of
its collections. (House of Lords, 2000). Sterile display cases with row upon row of rocks
and minerals, difficult for most adults to cope with let alone children, have been
replaced by rather more exciting, dynamic displays that are more accessible,
imaginative and entertaining. This has been accompanied by other innovations in the
museum's provisions for the public (see Bloomfield: 63):
• Making science ‘fun’ and popular – most notably in the context of encouraging
interest by younger people through careful design of exhibitions and linking
classroom work to exhibitions, providing worksheets etc.
• Opening access – recent shifts have seen attempts to provide much greater
access to the archives and to the museum as a whole by providing ‘behinds the
scenes’ tours where the public are given an opportunity to meet scientists and
curators that are involved in developing the exhibitions.
• Providing a basic framework for understanding science as a process though the
development of thematic exhibitions
• Providing knowledge resources – examples here include lecture programmes
and courses for self motivated adults; contributions to tertiary education and
post graduate training (see Bloomfield: 63). The National History museum has
Museums and science centres in the UK 266
recently opened the Clore Centre for Education in the basement which seeks to
provide an exploratory area for life sciences.
On this latter issue, Bloomfield also notes that as the Natural History Museum has
extensive libraries and research collections, ‘it also aims to move significantly beyond
popular communication towards providing much greater public access to ‘knowledge
resources’ (House of Lords, 2000). Information technology and the Internet may well
play a central role here. The Natural History Museum is presently exploring the
possibility of effective science databases from its collections which could be accessed
by the public through the internet. (See section on Internet as a space of Interaction
Between Science and Publics in the UK for further details here)
The ‘Here and Now Conference’ held at the Science Museum, London on 21-23
November, 1996 sought to explore how public engagement with science could be
depended further. Central themes that were discussed at this conference included the
relative merits of interactive and theme exhibits, questions relating to how exhibits deal
with scientific complexity (de Rosnay, in Durant, 1992); questions were raised about
the specific message that museums were meant to convey.
In 1995, the Science Museum embarked upon designing and building the largest new
wing in its 150 year history. Funded by the national lottery (£23 million) and the
Wellcome Trust (£17.75 million), the Wellcome Wing 362 TP PT focuses entirely on
developments in contemporary science and is explicitly forward-looking. It provides the
latest in interactive entertainment through a series of suites that provide continuously
updated exhibitions and an IMAX cinema.
The Science Museum is planning a new National Centre for the Public Understanding
of Science, to be "a forum at which scientists and the public can debate issues
concerning science and technology." (Cossons and Farmelo:66, 2000).
Science Centres
P P http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/wellcome-wing
Museums and science centres in the UK 268
have been seen as traditionally difficult to attract to science museums, most notably
teenagers, the elderly, the disabled, and people from lower socio-economic groups.
Plans to greatly expand the national network of science centres in the UK arouse
suspicion that the public will be presented with a surfeit of new museums and
exhibitions. The £400 million they (and similar projects) received from the National
Lottery awarded by the Millennium Commission in 2000 has been described as ‘the
largest single investment in science communication to take place in the UK’ (Thomas:
2000:64). It has gone to support science centre projects such as @Bristol, a National
Space Science Centre in Leicester, Millennium Point in Birmingham, which focuses on
technology and innovation, Magma, a museum on the site of a disused steel mill,
Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh and Island 2000, on the Isle of Wight. This money must be
matched by other sources of funding and revenue, and is not intended to cover
operating costs. It has been argued by Durant that the Science Centre sector will need
30-35% of its income supported by state funds to maintain themselves over the longer
period (Durant, 2002). Even those promoting the scheme admit it is a risky business,
arguing that by spreading the money around they are spreading the risk.
Many people are asking what fate will befall all these new science centres. Are they
merely a sponge to soak up both public and private funds for the benefit of a relatively
small (and invariably underestimated) segment of the British population, and would
they in reality cater to the "converted" at the expense of the "masses"? Is the balance
between conveying knowledge, building mutual understanding with the public and
sheer entertainment appropriate? Will the funding arrangements be adequate to
maintain the new science centres over the long term?
Science Shops
Two science shops also exist in the UK. The Northern Ireland Science Shop opened in
January 1989 and is linked to the University of Ulster and Queens University Belfast.
The Merseyside Science Shop ‘Interchange’ began in January 1990. It is supported by
three of the local Universities in Liverpool and the City Council (Irwin, 1995). Irwin has
stressed here the positive potential the Science Shop could play in the UK as a
mediation point between academic institutions and community groups (Irwin, 1995: 2).
Responses amongst community groups to science shops have been ‘overwhelmingly
positive’ (Irwin, 1995:3). However, academic responses to this venture have been
‘more cautious’ since work related to this has ‘neither the prestige nor the income
generating potential other forms of research activity’ (Irwin, 1995:3).
Museums and science centres in the UK 269
General Bibliography
Anderson, David (1999) ‘A Common Wealth: Museums in the Learning Age’ A Report
to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport HMSO.
Barnes, B and Shapin, S. (1979) Natural Order: Historical Studies in Scientific Cultures
London, Sage.
Bauer, M ‘The Museum visit and Scientific Knowledge: An examination of Britain,
France, Germany and Holland’ get full version from author.
Bauer,M., Durant, J. Ragnarsdottir, A., Rudolphsdottir, A. (1995) Science and
Technology in the British Press 1946-1990 London, The Science Museum, London.
Bedini, S. 'The Evolution of Science Museums' Technology and Culture 6 (1965)
Bloomfield, R (2000) ‘Memorandum for the Science and Technology Sub-Committee,’
in House of Lord ‘Science and Society: Evidence’ Select Committee On Science and
Butler, S. Science and Technology Museums Leicester University Press, 1992
L Day 'A Short History of the Science Museum' Science Museum Review 14-18 1987
Department of Culture, Media and Sport 2000'Centres for Cultural Change: Museums,
Galleries and Archives for All' May (http://www.culture.gov.uk/heritage/index.html).
Durant, J. Ed. (1992) Museums and the Public Understanding of Science London,
Science Museum.
Durant, J. Ed. (1992) Museums and the Public Understanding of Science London,
Science Museum.
Durant, J. (1995) ‘A New Agenda for the Public Understanding of Science’ Inaugural
Lecture 28 th November 1995, Imperial College, London.
Eskstein, J and Feist, A (1992) Cultural Trends, 1991, Policy Studies Institute, London.
Fuller, S. (1998) ‘The First Global Cyber Conference on Public Understanding of
Science’ Public Understanding of Science 7 pp. 329-341.
Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean (1994) Museums and their Visitors Routledge.
Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean (1995) (Ed) Museums, Media, Message Routledge.
Merriman 'Museum Visiting As A Cultural Phenomena' in P.Vergo The New Museology
(London, Reaktion Books).
Irwin, A (1995) Science at the Service of the Community? The Nuffield Foundation
Science Shop Initiative’
Irwin, A and Wynne, B. Ed (1996) Misunderstanding Science: The Public
Reconstruction of Science and Technology Cambridge University Press.
Museums and science centres in the UK 270
Jones, R ‘Why Can’t You Scientists Leave Thinks Alone? Science Questioned in British
Films of the Post War Period’ (1945-1970).
Kettle, M. 'Two Cultures Still' The Guardian February 2 nd , 2002.
Layton, D. (1973) Science for the People London, Allen and Unwin.
MacDonald, S. (1995): ‘Editorial: Science on Display’ Science as Culture Vol..5, Part.1,
S. Macdonald 'Authorising Science: Public Understanding of Science in Museums' in
Irwin, A and Wynne, B. Ed (1996) Misunderstanding Science: The Public
Reconstruction of Science and Technology Cambridge University Press.
Macdonald, S. (1998) ‘Supermarket Science – Consumers and the Public
Understanding of Science’, in: The Politics of Display: Museums, Science, Culture
London, Routledge, Ken Arnold.
Macdonald, S.(1998) The Politics of Display: Museums, Science, Culture London,
Hilary Rose ‘Science Wars – My Enemies Enemy Is Perhaps My Friend’ in Ralph
Levinson and Jeff Thomas Science Today Problem or Crisis? London, Routledge,
OST/Welcome Trust ‘Science and the Public: A Review of Science Communication and
Public Attitudes Towards Science in Britain’ Public Understanding of Science 10, 2001,
Simmons, I ‘A Conflict of Cultures – Hands On Science Museums in UK Museums’ in
Susan Pierce (Ed) Exploring Science In Museums.Athlone Press, London, 1996.
Thomas, G ‘Memorandum by @bristol’ in House of Lord ‘Science and Society:
Evidence’ Select Committee On Science and Technology.
Wynne, B ‘Public Understanding of Science’ in Jasanoff, S et al Handbook of Science
and Technology Studies, 1995.
Science Festivals and Weeks as Spaces for OPUS 271
If the science museums are the oldest and most prestigious institution in public
understanding of science, the science weeks and science festivals are one of the most
recent initiatives in the current PUS landscape. However, there are examples of
festivals- and week-like activities much older: Gregory and Miller have observed that
since the beginning of the 19 th century, the British Association for the Advancement of
Science has held an annual weeklong meeting where leading scientists gave public
lectures to ensure that the latest research had the broadest possible audience
Notwithstanding this, probably the first modern annual festival of science in Europe was
started in Edinburgh (The Edinburgh International Science Festival) in 1988. Since
then, events like this have spread around Europe and different kinds of science
festivals and weeks are nowadays quite common. They do appear on both
international, national, regional and local levels and serve a number of different
This chapter will try to review both festivals and weeks. The first section will discuss
festivals. The second will concentrate on weeks, while the third will mention activities
which carries similarities with festivals and week, but have another name or can not be
included under our definition of festivals and weeks respectively. Lastly, we will go in-
depth with a case study of the emergence of the science festival in Göteborg and in
particular the festival of the year 2000.
where scientists travel all around southern Sweden giving lectures adapted to local
interests. 363 TP PT
The science festival, on the other hand, is an initiative located to the city of the
university. As a consequence, it therefore enjoys a higher profile: everybody in
Edinburgh or Göteborg knows that there is a science festival going on when it is.
A second difference can be seen in the presentation of science in festivals and weeks.
In the former, the perspective is much more of a popular science event with an
emphasis on science as being fun. In addition, the festivals are often engineered by
non-scientists. In comparison, the science week is more university driven, arranged by
scientists at the university. The presentation of science is in effect more serious in tone.
Another entity from which the Science Festival should be distinguished from is the
Open House, in which a faculty or a university for one or a few days shows samples of
their activities. This constitutes a local initiative, which however, is much smaller in
scale often being a result of efforts of single departments. To further complicate things,
an Open House activity can however be a part of a science week or festival.
Another aspect that should be mentioned is the different definition of science. The
Anglo-Saxon definition of “science” (used in the UK) incorporates only the natural and
physical sciences, where the German notion of “Wissenschaft” (utilised in for example
Scandinavia or in Austria) also includes the social sciences and the humanities besides
the natural sciences. This has repercussions on the actual activities during the festivals
and weeks: a broader notion of science will easily allow events from the humanities to
be included, where this possibly will be a problem with a more narrow idea of science.
Science Festivals
Celebrated Science
In consequence, this has meant that there are a large portion of celebratory activities in
the modern science festivals. This has been important to attract a large audience,
working with topics as the great discoveries of science, displaying simplified scientific
P P “LUM; Lunds universitet meddelar”; (LUM: Information from The University of Lund), nr 10, 1997.
Science Festivals and Weeks as Spaces for OPUS 273
experiment and giving lectures on exciting subject matters in a popular tone. Despite
attracting a large amount of attendants, a central objective of the festivals has been
recruiting people to science: the organisers have wanted to interest young people in a
future in science.
In this perspective, a popular display of science, scientific work and subjects are
probably important. However, these ideas and the celebratory presentation of science
become somewhat of a paradox: in one respect science festivals are a clear example
of efforts of public understanding of science, but in another they lack essential
components from the research of PUS. In the effort of attracting people, the problems
of science – social, political and ethical – is seldom discussed. The complex inner
workings of scientific activities are also sacrificed in the quest for celebration and
entertainment. Such topics have been a central part of the last decade of PUS
research. Seen from this perspective, this must be considered somewhat of a
There are a couple of examples of science festivals profiled as international, the
Edinburgh International Science Festival (UK) and the International Science Festival in
Göteborg (Sweden). By “international” the festival marks that the participants not only
come from the hosting country. Also, it implies that there is some kind of international
collaboration in producing the festival. In the case of Göteborg, universities in Norway,
Finland, France and other European countries were involved. However, international
festivals such as those at Edinburgh and Göteborg still are very much regional
manifestations in respect of visitors and sponsors.
Drawing from the city's historical role as the centre of the Scottish Enlightenment, the
Edinburg festival was launched in Spring 1988. The festival receives government
support. Contributions are also made by the district councils of Edinburgh and Lothian,
and further ‘financial and practical support’ given by industry, commerce, professional
scientific bodies, charities and the univerisites (Scottish Office, 1994). We will discuss
the case of the Göteborg festival at length later on.
A national festival can be found in the UK. The Festival of Science, run by the British
Association for the Advancement of Science (the "British Association" or just the "BA"),
is held in a different city in England or Wales every September. This festival is aimed at
school children, journalists and the general public, and attracts thousands of people
every year. The Festival features displays, interactive exhibitions, lectures, site visits,
Science Festivals and Weeks as Spaces for OPUS 274
discussions and special events. It has been criticised as "preaching to the converted",
but the level of enthusiasm amongst the participants does lend the Festival a highly
positive and energetic atmosphere.
"Creating Sparks", the BA’s millenium festival, was a major, monthlong science festival.
Drawing together nine organisations, 450 events were staged which attracted over
250,000 people. At one event, Exhibition Road, home of the Science Museum, The
Victoria and Albert Museum and Imperial College, was closed to traffic for the first time
in its history. Crowds were treated to choreographed abseilers descending down the
face of the Natural History Museum and a floating heliosphere swooping down on the
crowd. The 2002 BA Science Festival will take place at the University of Leicester,
exploring the theme ‘Science and the Quality of Life’.
One of the principle aims of The Festival of Science has been to 'create a burst of
publicity for science' (Ghosh, 2001). Ghosh has argued that during the 1980's, the
festival often served a useful purpose in this respect as science stories were often
difficult to get into the national press or on TV. As science coverage matured, gained
increasing importance and became increasingly critical in the 1990's, it has been
argued that the BA festival has made less of an impact. More recent shifts in the
Festival have seen scientists become more outspoken in their criticism of government
and commerical interests, leading some to claim that the festival is renewing itself
(Ghosh, 2001).
2000) and “Science happening” each odd year (7 edition in 2001). Although different
in their practical organisation (location, duration), both events have similar target
publics: families and school kids. They also involve the same partners, among which
universities have a leading role.
The UK also have examples of more regional oriented festivals. The BA sponsors
science festivals at the regional level, such as those organised by its North West
Branch with a range of events for adults and children. In addition, there have been a
number of independent ventures emerging over the last decade, a disproportionate
amount of these in Scotland. An annual science festival is held in the Orkney
Islands 364 , in which energy and environmental issues are prominent. The festival is
noted for its large number of participants from Iceland and Scandinavia (Scottish
Office, 1994:23). The Moray Science Festival, is held at Moray College, Elgin,
Scotland. The Argyle Science Festival occurred in 1993. Elsewhere, the Newcastle
P P www.orknet.co.uk/scifest/exhibit2001.html
Science Festivals and Weeks as Spaces for OPUS 275
Science Fair ran a open day fair in 1999 supported by COPUS in a school in
Staffordshire (COPUS, 1998).
Established cultural festivals have also added science to the list of concerns that they
address. Thus, in Wales the ‘Urdd Eisteddfod’ (a festival celebrating Welsh language
and culture) has asked the Centre for Alternative Technology to run workshops in its
science and technology pavillion. The Cheltenham Festival of 2002 365 has added a TP PT
science and also to work in a proactive way in recruiting students. Other sponsors are
interested in attracting good will and also in the long-term strategy of getting more
people into the universities and then into local companies, that is implementing a long-
term practical understanding of science. Some sponsors also see this as good
citizenship more stressing the civic aspects of public understanding of science.
P www.cheltenhamfestivals.co.uk/
P In the new University Act of 1977, this new task supplemented the earlier two officially proscribed
responsibilities assigned to the universities, teaching and research, and it was thus called ”the Third
Assignment” (tredje uppgiften). Such disseminated research information (forskningsinformation) should
provide insight into how new knowledge had been gained and how it could be practically useful.
Subsequent revisions of the University Act have come to modify the text, somewhat changing its intent.
Some core ideas are, however, still present, which goes back to the fact that the universities are part of a
unitary national system and publicly funded.
Science Festivals and Weeks as Spaces for OPUS 276
attitude and expectations of the public, the changes induced in their perception of
science and technology, and (among the young people) the influence on their selection
of future curricula 367 . The surveys are carried out in two sub-samples (participants and
Science Weeks
In comparison with festivals, as stated in the beginning, science weeks are more
serious in tone. They are also clearly research oriented, trying to use current research
to discuss and highlight different questions that concern people. There seems not to be
as clear celebratory elements in science weeks as in festivals. However, there are of
course exceptions: in the UK, The National Science week is known for its ‘refreshingly
madcap approach to presenting science’ (Boddington and Coe, 2000) to the general
public; or in the case of Austria the subtitle of the science week even underlines
explicitly the entertainment character.
your call - the science hotline”, where citizens could call scientist asking questions on
burning topics, and “Shadows of the infinite”, where scientist and artists unite to “knock
down the walls between science and the arts to widen interest in scientific concepts
using the large audiences currently enjoyed by the visual arts”. 369
P Sofres-Dimarso, Effectstudies wetenschapsfeesten en wetenschapshappeningen in Vlaanderen,
P http://www.cordis.lu/scienceweek/home.htm
P http://www.cordis.lu/scienceweek/act_act.htm
Science Festivals and Weeks as Spaces for OPUS 277
It is notable that this is not an effort to co-ordinate existing national and/or regional
science weeks, but a rather top-down initiative. On their homepage, one can find a
request for interested parties to apply for financial support and a stamp of official
approval from the European Commission. 370 TP PT
In the UK, the National Science Week (formerly SET –Science Engineering and
Technology week) has run as such since 1994. It was initiated by Brian Gamble of the
British Association, who sought to emulate the success of Edinburgh in a more
dispersed fashion (Boddington and Coe, 1998). The first science week, known as
SET7 was the first major event in the government's PUS campaign (Scottish Office,
1994). The annual event is co-ordinated by the BA and supported by the Department of
Trade and Industry. The central aim of this week is to ‘celebrate science and its
importance to our lives’ 371 . It endeavours to open up opportunities for the general
In Portugal, each year since 1997, a Science and Technology Week is organised by
the Ministry. During this week, which includes “the national day of scientific culture”, a
series of events take place all over the country, including the opening of the doors of
some scientific institutions to the public, films, conferences and seminars on different
scientific topics. There is also an exhibition of the projects developed by the students
within the programme networks.
Austria is the latest in this group, having started the science week only in 2000. So far it
was held every year organising many hundreds of events throughout the country.
Organised by a private enterprise and financed by the Ministry during the first three
years, it was a bottom-up organised event in which scientists could decide if, what and
where they presented their research. It is now being reviewed and it remains to be
seen in what form, under what label and with what public support such a kind of event
will continue in the years to come. 372
P http://www.cordis.lu/scienceweek/act_bepart.htm
P www.The-ba.net/
P Ulrike FELT, Annina MÜLLER, Sophie SCHOBER (2001): Evaluierung der Science Week @ Austria 2001:
Some of the new and growing colleges in Sweden, such as the colleges in Skövde,
also arranges science weeks. In 2001, the focus was on the importance of science and
technology for the commonweal. In this way, the science week vindicates economic
investments in the city college. 375 TP PT
Atttempts are made by the BA to ensure that the event is as inclusive and participatory
as possible. Prior to the week, the BA organises a series of National Science Week
Awareness meetings. These provide opportunites for people who might wish to
organise events to gain more details of funding opportunities ( www.The-ba.net ). Small
‘a dampening of enthusiasm and confidence after the initial rapid and innovative growth
of public understanding activites in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s’
P P “LUM; Lunds universitet meddelar”; (LUM: Information from The University of Lund), nr 10, 1997.
P P See “LUM; Lunds universitet meddelar”; (LUM: Information from The University of Lund), nr 10, 1997.
P P See http://www.skovde.se/jubileet/sidor/seminarier.htm .
Science Festivals and Weeks as Spaces for OPUS 279
It has also been suggested that the engineering and industrial communities provide
'feeble' (Famelo, 1997:180) support for the event. As Brian Gamble notes, 'industry has
been slow to grasp the opportunities presented by the Weeks, perhaps because they
do not fit comfortably with the public relations campaigns mounted by industry' (cited in
Farmelo, 181). Farmelo has argued that a key factor in the success of media coverage
of Science Week is the backing provided by the BBC.
Other activities
There are some activities resembling science festivals and science week, but is named
something else. Above we saw an example of the in the case with Belgian “feasts” and
“happening”. Another important one is the “Science Year”, which is organised in the
2001-2002 was declared as Science Year 376 by the UK Government. This project is
sponsored by the Department of Education and Skills, who have committed £6 million
to its support. The event is co-ordinated between the BA, the Association for Science
Education (ASE) and the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts
The event has been described as ‘a UK-wide educational initiative aimed at 10-19 year
olds, their teachers, parents and other members of the community’
(www.scienceyear.com). Science Year has various aims, notably to:
increase pupil engagement in science subjects particularly in the 10-15 age group
increase parent engagement in science
strengthen links between schools, industry and higher education
celeberate achievements in science and identify role moels
increase pupil engagement with science subjects,
Numerous activities have been organised to achieve these aims which include:
P P T www.scienceyear.com T
Science Festivals and Weeks as Spaces for OPUS 280
the University of Hertfordshire; it seeks to find the nation's funniest joke and explore the
psychology behind it.
touring productions which look at ethical issues in genetics, aimed at fourteen year olds
a travelling musical hosted by the popular children’s entertainer and science TV
presenter Johnny Ball, which aims to stimulate chidren to consider science as a career
option through introducing them to leading figures of science in a fun and accessible
special lectures orientated to science teachers
BA Conference "The Future of Science in Society" in September 2002, to be run as
part of the Festival of Science; it will ‘take a hard look’ at the role of formal and informal
education sectors on attititudes to science and technology. (BA Annual Review 2001).
Prior to the launch of Science Year, applications were invited from organisations and
individuals seeking funding for projects that would become part of the programme.
Applications were judged by how far they engaged with the target audience and the
extent to which projects might be inclusive and sustaining beyond the end of the year
(see Scienceyear.com). Nine projects were selected, including after-school science
clubs, dramatisation of science photography and enhanced teaching resources for
schools 378 . Science Year also attracted funds from a range of corporate bodies,
including from INTEL and Pfizer, both of which sponsored additional set of projects.
The Science Festival in Edinburgh served as a model for the Göteborg initiative.
Several trips were made to study its set up. It was noted that the two cities had some
structural similarities, suggesting that matching arrangements could work in Göteborg.
Ideas for a festival in Göteborg started in the late eighties and early nineties with a
small group of people working in the intersection between Göteborg University and the
municipality of Göteborg. In 1994, a survey was made among schools, companies,
municipality and the university on attitudes towards a possible science festival. The
survey had a positive outcome. With this result in hand it was rather easy to set things
in motion and start implementing the idea.
The key institution is Göteborg & Co., which works to promote the development of all
types of activities in Göteborg. This institution is divided into several sections, for
instance one dealing with tourism, another with industry and a third engaged in
P P www.laughlab.co.uk
P P www.scienceweek.com
Science Festivals and Weeks as Spaces for OPUS 281
attracting major events to the city. Mostly Göteborg & Co. only has a supporting role in
the latter. However, the Science Festival is one of two events that they actually
organise themselves, with a staff of four people working full time to draw in necessary
funds and implement the festival.
In implementing the Science Festival in Göteborg one tried to imitate the simplicity,
creativity and sense of excitement from Edinburgh. A major difference, however, was
that in Edinburgh events cost money, in Göteborg almost all attractions were to be free
of charge. The basic idea was to have two programmes, one for schools and one for
the general public. To attend the school programme, there was an initial charge. The
public programme was to be free of charge. The rationale for this lay in their outlook on
target groups. Basically, the organisers wanted to reach everybody in the City. Still, the
people were divided into five different target groups. These were: academics, non-
academics, senior citizens, students and youths. An additional target group was
children, which was automatically covered by the school programme. Extensive yearly
evaluations have shown that members of groups that rule more freely over their time
are more prone to interest – academics, senior citizens and students – are extensively
involved in the festival. The problem groups are non-academics and youths and in
order to have a good chance in attracting these groups it was necessary to have the
attractions free of charge.
There exists a necessary ambition to work with flexible concepts and rejuvenate the
Festival each year. Surveys have shown, not surprisingly, that the most popular
subjects are medicine, space and history. The Festival will thus typically revolve around
themes connecting to these. At the same time, there is a need to connect with current
events. In the year 2000 the work started with the selection of four themes. These were
communication, scientific turning points, science in everyday life, and life and medicine.
In addition, a project leader was selected for each of these. Thereafter, a general
invitation was made to researchers to give talks on subjects of their own choice.
Contributions coming in this way that could not fit into the themes were instead put
under the heading of a fifth theme: Elementary and extraordinary.
To take care of the logistics, some 80 students are recruited and trained into working
as festival hosts. They serve as guides and see to it that the attractions work smoothly,
checking equipment and so on.
Some of the most interesting activities at the Festival should be noted. In the middle of
the central shopping complex of Göteborg, the festival sets up a scene, which features
the “academic quarter”. Here, researchers are invited to attract crowds in a 15-minute
talk. Usually, this is a condensed version of a full talk that is scheduled later at some
other place. This is thus a vehicle for trying to get new people into visiting new places.
Many researchers shy away from this scene, perceiving it as both unserious and
unsettling. Many however have found it a refreshingly relaxed experience. In the first
Science Festivals and Weeks as Spaces for OPUS 282
year, only three of a large number of invited retired professors showed up for this
activity. In 2000 there were 43 researchers doing the academic quarter.
The idea of new places for new crowds is essential for other activities as well. The
ambition is to attract people who are not used to and uncomfortable with the buildings
associated with the university. Instead, attractions are placed in buildings and places,
which are not associated with science, such as coffeehouses, museums, squares,
parks and shopping malls.
Another interesting activity is the co-operation with the local science centre. The
science centre is invited to test its new instruments and machines during the Festival.
These are then thoroughly evaluated by staff as large crowds have a go at them.
An innovation this year was the so-called "private shows". In these, a researcher sits in
a tent, available for private consultations. Each individual is given five minutes. This
quickly turned into a very popular attraction and queues could become rather long.
The Science Festival has been arranged one year at the time, each year awaiting an
evaluation to see if there is to be a continuance next year. Perhaps there will soon
come a decision on a commitment for three years. This would make it easier to collect
funds for the Festival, which is always a difficult process. The budget is 5.2 million
Swedish crowns (SEK). Of these, the main sponsors provide 2 million, this being
Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg University, Business Region Göteborg
and Göteborg & Co. Each of these invests 500,000 SEK. In addition, large amounts of
money are donated by two industries in the region: Volvo and SKF. Some 20 other
partners donate smaller amounts of money. The regionally dominating morning daily,
Göteborgs-Posten, also plays an important part, freely printing and distributing the
festival programme to its subscribers. The newspaper also puts in free advertisements
of activities each day of the festival. In the year 2000 there also was a co-operation
with a local commercial radio channel. Surprisingly, none of the big research fund
givers put up support.
It is important to note that starting up a major event like this is something relatively
easy in Göteborg. There exists an easy-going and rather quick decision-making
structure among major actors. This can be contrasted with the situation in Stockholm,
with many more actors, with both a national and local responsibility, exhibiting a much
more complex and time-consuming decision-making process. Perhaps this is one of
the advantages of being a second city, such as Göteborg. It is not uncommon for major
initiatives to first be set up in Göteborg and after a few years be copied in Stockholm.
Such has been the case with the Göteborg Film Festival and the Book Fair. Both of
these have been successes and later copied in Stockholm and now this also is the
case with the Science Festival.
Science Week and festivals in Austria 283
In fact the “Ars Electronica”, which we have described in the chapter on museums and
exhibitions, was for a long time the only event, which could, in the Austrian context, be
classified as a science festival if one uses the term in a broader sense. In the years
where science topics had been chosen as the leading topic one could find a large
variety of different manifestations, ranging from workshops, to exhibitions and artistic
special events.
Nothing else can be listed for the Austrian context under this heading until in May 2000,
when the first Austrian "Science Week" 379 took place. It was modelled along similar
events organised in other European countries since years like the "National Science
Week" in Britain, "La Semaine de la Science" or “Science en fête” in France, Belgium
and Switzerland. The undertaking was initiated and organised by a private firm,
however it was almost entirely financed by the two Ministries in charge of research and
technological development.
The main feature of this science week is, with contrast to other "Open House" events,
that academic research activities should not be presented within the scientific
institutions and laboratories, but science should move into the public space. Under the
WISSENSCHAFT“ (a pleasure trip through science) during more than a week university
departments, schools, associations and very view private firms presented throughout
Austria their work and their results in shopping centres, on streets and public places, in
railway stations and on markets. In this setting science should not be presented by
professional mediators, but the scientists themselves should play an active part in this
interaction. It were also the scientists who would decide whether or not they
participated in the science week, they would chose the precise topic they wanted to
present, the kind as well as place and time of presentation. In that sense the Austrian
science week was conceptualised as a complete bottom-up event, the organiser having
the role of a platform where information would be pooled and distributed to a wider
Two specificities make this concept different from other events of this type: First all
scientific disciplines were to take part and not only the natural sciences as this was the
case in Britain. Second, school classes would not only get the role of “consumers” of
P P T www.scienceweek.at/ T
Science Week and festivals in Austria 284
presentations during the science week, but could get involved actively through
preparing their own presentations.
The benefit of such an interaction between scientists and the wider public was seen to
be manifold. First lay-people would meet science in their everyday context, and thus
the threshold for them to enter into communication with scientists was much lower than
in other contexts. One hoped that through this direct interaction both sides would learn
to appreciate the visions and perceptions of the other. And finally the public would not
only be confronted with results, as this is the case in many other classical
communication settings, but scientists could try to convey the complexity of scientific
work, but also the fascination as well as the limitations that go with it.
Right from the start many hundreds of events took place during the science week and
the number of events has increased in the following year to more than 700 in 2001 and
nearly 1000 in 2002 – a fact which raised some criticism as it became increasingly
difficult to get a clear overview of what was happening when and with what quality. For
2003 no public funding was made available as the decision was taken to rethink the
concept as it was used so far. Thus only a much smaller version of the event could
take place.
As our research unit had two contracts to do qualitative evaluations of the science
week in 2001 and 2002 380 it is possible for us to say a bit more about the way these
interactions with the public took place and how the idea managed to be turned into
reality. While the details can be read in two extensive reports the idea is to only pick
out a few relevant points that seem important to our reflections on public understanding
of science initiatives.
To start with it is interesting to see the science weeks as an experiment to transfer a
concept that was developed in a different context to Austria. In fact it turned out that a
number of rather important adaptations to the direct environment had to be made. In
the case of other countries such as the UK or France the science weeks were
embedded as part of a broader spectrum of initiatives, which all were meant to
communicate science. Thus they could draw on the fact that people were quite used to
meeting science in varying forms and in different contexts. In Austria science
popularisation is not a very well developed field. As a consequence the need to engage
in such an enterprise was not seen as a belonging to their tasks by many of the
researchers, the publics were not used to getting in touch with science in such a direct
and intense way as also, the organisers did not manage to create wider visibility and
get synergy effects through a broad media coverage. In that sense the science week
P Ulrike Felt, Annina Müller, Sophie Schober (2001): Evaluierung der Science Week @ Austria 2001:
had, in the Austrian context, to develop into a recognisable and legitimate space in
which science and publics could meet and interact. This need for fine-tuning and
adaptation was definitely underestimated by the organisers, a fact that caused tension
and some problems. To leave the whole event only to bottom-up initiatives of scientists
without any activity of clustering, networking or focusing, turned out to make the event
difficult to become a publicly recognisable event. Thus one could say that the transfer
of the idea of the science week did work out only partially, as there is still a lot of work
to be invested in order to better tune it to the specific local context.
Let us now mention a few more specific points that appeared during the evaluation.
First of all one can say that people were in principle rather positive towards the idea of
a science week. In particular the visitors appreciated strongly the possibility to directly
get in touch with scientists, to get to know them also as human beings and to be able to
directly formulate questions. What is more the fact of being able to personally
participate in doing experiments, to have hands-on-exhibits and to get additional
information material to take along was seen as essential to such an undertaking.
The concept of leaving the institutional places where knowledge was produced and to
enter public places showed in fact to be crucial if one was not only addressing the
higher educated segments of the population. Indeed the overwhelming majority of the
people present in events that took place with Universities had at least finished high-
school as educational background, whereas in science week events which took place
in more public spaces also people with a working-class or with lower formal educational
background would participate.
Particularly highly appreciated by the visitors were those events, which had a clear
connection to some kind of every-day experience. In a certain way people then were
able to link their own experiences to what they saw in the science week presentations
and thus could better make sense of the information they received.
What was quite interesting to observe was the way scientists and the public perceived
and imagined each other. For example the central organiser and also many scientists
underlined that the public would only be ready to engage with science when the fun
character was very high, some of the visitors explicitly criticised the partly exaggerated
“scientainment” character. They underlined their readiness to engage with science in a
much more in-depth way than part of the scientists actually imagined. On the other
hand the visitors had also quite stereotyped imaginations about “the scientist” which
were linked a lacking capacity to understand what the public is interested in, to be self-
referential and to be unable to use everyday language to explain his/her work. It turned
out that these projections were a source of quite numerous misunderstandings in the
respective communication processes.
But also scientists felt rather ambivalent about the fun-character of their
representations of science. In a certain way they seemed to hesitate between the more
Science Week and festivals in Austria 286
In May 2003 the Austrian Ministry for traffic, infrastructure and technology launched a
call for proposing a new concept for what they labeled “Fest der Wissenschaft” (title
similar to the French “Fête de la science”). This competition of ideas is meant to
encourage the development of concepts that would be more closely adapted to the
Austrian context. At the time this report is completed it is unclear if and how a science
week-type event will be taking place in 2004 and whether or not it will be funded from
public sources.
Science weeks in the Belgian context 287
In Belgium, the activities related to science weeks are mainly designed and organised
by universities. In both parts of the country (Flanders and Wallonie), there is a contract
between the regional government and the universities in order to carry out a set of
activities of science communication, including the organisation of science weeks.
For this reason, topics related to science weeks are included in the chapter on
Science weeks and festivals in France 288
In France, several scientific festivals are organised on a regular basis at national level
and, less frequently so, on a regional scale. Generally, these involve a synergy
between the various categories of partners (ministries, industrialists, local authorities,
associations, CCSTI and scientists). However, despite the amount of aid granted to
these festivals, particularly at national level, it clearly appears that the manner in which
sciences are presented remains close to the traditional pattern, i.e. the aim is
educational in nature and involves the establishment of a "master / pupil" relationship.
Observing the festival scene in France, it appears that the Science days (la Fête de la
science) represent, for local communities, the major source of expressiveness. Science
days have the benefit of strong supportive actions (at institutional, political and financial
levels). They tend to be predominant compared to local festivals of a more modest size
and are becoming the model to be followed.
Since the mid-1980s, France has developed impressive yearly celebrations related to
CST. In some cases falling outside the scope of our study, the goal is to sensitise the
public to problems involving sciences, technology and society. This has been the case,
for instance, with issues related to health and the environment. Yearly national events
were established at which experts could speak, explain or raise specific issues through
the media or local activities: the Telethon or the Sidaction (at least under its previous
format), focussing on genetic diseases and AIDS, represent typical examples of this
kind of initiative.
At the same time, two important yearly celebrations have been established with a view
to federate the active forces of CST and to decentralise cultural activities: La fête de la
science (Science days) and La nuit des étoiles (Stars night), both initiated by the
Minister of Research and Space and the physicist Hubert Curien in the early 1990s.
These two yearly celebrations carry different philosophies, invest in different areas and
mobilise significantly different actors or organisations and audiences.
Science weeks and festivals in France 289
In 2000, the ninth Science days pursued two main goals. On one hand, the aim was, of
course, to enhance CST through decentralised means whilst also ensure the various
groups develop an appreciation of science and technology. All institutions concerned
were involved in the general coordinating action of the Ministries of Research and the
Ministry of Education, these included major associations and federations as well as the
local energies of 700 towns and cities, universities, research institutions and museums
(Cité des sciences et de l'industrie de la Villette, Musée des arts métiers, Palais de la
découverte), the CCSTI, several radio stations and TV channels. Various
demonstrations were organised: conferences, debates on major issues related to
ethics and society, visits of laboratories and major technological sites, workshops and
various events.
The second goal was of a more conjectural nature. Since 2000 was the "international
year of mathematics", institutions seized this opportunity to attract young persons not
only to mathematics but also to natural sciences. Indeed, in France as in many other
countries, the number of science students is steadily falling and both the government
and the scientific community are trying to counter this relative disaffection. France is
proud to be one of the first four or five "mathematical" nations, and this position must
be defended. 381 Hence, Science days 2000 also represented an opportunity to
promote mathematics, its central role in our society having to be highlighted or even
amplified. This action was more specifically aimed at girls, who are considered more
reticent than boys to undertake scientific studies. 382 TP PT
P See the article by AUGUERAU J.F in Le Monde, "La Fête de la science veut réconcilier les jeunes avec la
recherche", 17-10-2000.
See also the web site, http://www.recherche.gouv.fr/fete/2000/default.htm
P The Minister of Research, Roger Gérard Schwarzenberg, addressed this issue in his opening speech.
He underlined "the excellence of the women" who enlist in science, referring not only to Marie Curie, but
also to the chief director of CNRS, Genevieve Berger, and to the perpetual secretary of the Academy of
Science, Nicole Douarin. Suddenly, the need appears for breaking with the archaic attitude which "directed
boys towards natural or "hard" sciences and the girls towards the literary careers". The need for science to
gain new forces makes appear an issue in the public space, which did not seem very problematic until
now. Source: http://www.recherche.gouv.fr/discours/2000/fete/fetesc.htm
Science weeks and festivals in France 290
These Science days are based on a will to promote science and scientists, addressing
a public who, for the youngest part, may constitute for the institution a wealth of future
It should be stressed that France, banking on the experience gained in organising the
Science days, is increasingly trying to take the lead in the effective establishment of a
science week deployed at European scale.
before or after the TV event, benefiting from their best argument: the sky can never
observed as well as in the open air.
In addition to national events, celebrations of science are also offered to the public at
local level. These events are usually organised around specific themes or techniques,
they are a regular occurrence (annual or biennial) and are aimed at a very wide
audience. It should be stressed that although these initiatives are taken at local level,
their link with regional traditions is rather weak. A few examples are provided by:
2 – Other festivals
Beside the Film Festival on Insects, several scientific film festivals are regularly
organised, particularly by the town of Palaiseau, with the support of the major scientific
institutions (between 1984 and 1998) and by the Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture
(youth club) of the town of Oullins which will organise its 16 th festival in 2003.
Amongst other local festivals, "Sciences frontières" in the town of Cavaillon is worth a
specific mention. It was initiated by a journalist in 1984 with the support of the local
authorities and a number of private businesses. Offering conferences, workshops and
various actions this festival attempts to offer a diversified approach to scientific themes
related to society. Contributors include scientists as well as artists and writers.
The science week in Portugal 293
Every year, in November, since 1997, a Science Week has been held under the
auspices of the Portuguese National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture.
This is the body in charge of the Ciência Viva programme, a programme for the
popularisation of science launched in 1996 by the Minister for Science and Technology.
During this week, scientific institutions, universities, schools, scientific associations and
museums, all over the country, open their doors to the public. The main objective of the
Science Week indeed is to familiarise members of the public with the activities carried
out in scientific institutions. While researchers present their projects, visitors are
encouraged to engage in practical experiments so as to get a notion about the concrete
workings of science.
Being part of the Ciência Viva programme, the Science Week seeks to mobilise
teachers and professors of secondary schools. The titles of some of the events
undertaken in 2002 may give us a flavour about their nature: “My mother is a scientist”,
where science underlying domestic tasks is revealed; Discrete treasures”, on strange
botanic specimens; “the marvelous world of mushrooms”, involving the participation of
a scientist and a famous cook.
All the Science Weeks held until the present also included a high number and variety of
events, from exhibitions on special topics to conferences and colloquia.
The Internet page of the Agency and the Ciência Viva programme, together with daily
newspapers, operate as the main sources of information about the Science Week. 383 TP PT
P P See http://www.cienciaviva.pt/semanact/ .
Science weeks and festivals in Sweden 294
As in many other European countries, both science festivals and science weeks are
present in the landscape of Swedish PUS. This text observes two specific cases, the
International Science Festival in Göteborg and The University of Lund’s Science Week.
Firstly, however, we will try to define what we mean by and show the difference
between science weeks and science festivals.
Arguably, there is only one science festival in Scandinavia. However, this depends on
how you define a science festival and put it as something apart from a popular science
week, something that exists in the other Scandinavian countries as well as in Sweden
(and elsewhere). The major difference is that the popular science week is usually
based in more than one location: on the national basis a science week involves all the
universities, on the regional basis it involves the region around the university. The
University of Lund’s science week exemplifies the latter, where scientists travel all
around southern Sweden giving lectures adapted to local interests. 384 The science TP PT
festival, on the other hand, is an initiative located solely in the city of the university, and
it therefore enjoys a higher profile. Everybody in Göteborg knows that there is a
science festival going on, you cannot miss its activities and the trademark orange
colour is everywhere. Another important difference is that the festival is engineered by
non-scientists, is more popular and there is an emphasis on the fun aspects of science.
The Popular Science Week by comparison is more University driven and serious in
Another entity from which the Science Festival should be distinguished from is the
Open House, in which a faculty or a university for one day or more shows samples of
its activities. This constitutes a local initiative however, which is much smaller in scale
and also university driven.
P P “LUM; Lunds universitet meddelar”; (LUM: Information from The University of Lund), nr 10, 1997.
Science weeks and festivals in Sweden 295
It often takes a long time for good concepts on a grand scale to be realised and the
correct setting needs to exist. An example of this is the Science Festival in Göteborg,
which has now been running on an annual basis since 1997, covering 10 days in
May. 385TP PT
Ideas for the International Science Festival in Göteborg started in the late 1980s and
early 1990s with a small group of people working in the intersection between Göteborg
University and the municipality of Göteborg. The key institution is Göteborg & Co,
which works to promote the development of all types of activities in Göteborg. This
institution is divided into several sections, for instance one dealing with tourism,
another with industry and a third engaged in attracting major events to the city. For the
latter, Göteborg & Co has more of a supporting role. However, the Science Festival is
one of two events that they actually organise themselves, with a staff of four people
working full time to attract the necessary funds and to implement the festival.
The Science Festival in Edinburgh served as a model for the Göteborg initiative.
Several trips were made to study its set up. It was noted that the two cities had some
structural similarities, which suggested that a similar arrangement might work in
Göteborg. In 1994 a survey was made among schools, companies, municipality and
the university on attitudes towards a possible science festival. The survey had a
positive outcome. With this result in hand it was easier to set things in motion and start
implementing the idea.
It is important to note here that starting up a major event like this is a relatively
straightforward thing to achieve in Göteborg. There exists an easy-going and rather
quick decision-making structure among major actors. This can be contrasted with the
situation in Stockholm, which has many more actors, with both a national and local
responsibility. As such, this leads to a much more complex and time-consuming
decision-making process. Perhaps this is one of the advantages of being a second city,
such as Göteborg. It is not uncommon for major initiatives to be set up initially in
Göteborg and after a few years be imitated in Stockholm. Such has been the case with
the Göteborg Film Festival and the Book Fair. Both have been successful and were
later copied in Stockholm, and now this is also the case with the Science Festival.
In implementing the Science Festival in Göteborg, an attempt was made to imitate the
simplicity, creativity and sense of excitement found in Edinburgh. A major difference,
however, was that in Edinburgh, events cost money, whereas in Göteborg almost all
attractions were to be free of charge. The basic idea was to have two programmes, one
for schools and one for the general public. To attend the school programme, there was
an initial charge. The public programme was to be free of charge. The organisers’
P Most of the following is based on an interview with Annika Lotzman Dahl, project leader, Göteborg &
rationale for this lay in their outlook on target groups. Basically, the organisers wanted
to reach everybody in the City. Still, the people were divided into five different target
groups; academics, non-academics, senior citizens, students and youths. An additional
target group was children, which was automatically covered by the school programme.
Extensive yearly evaluations have shown that members of groups that rule more freely
over their time are more prone to interest – academics, senior citizens and students –
are extensively involved in the festival. The problem groups are non-academics and
youths and in order to have a good chance in attracting these groups it was necessary
to have the attractions free of charge.
There exists a necessary ambition to work with flexible concepts and rejuvenate the
Festival each year. Surveys have shown, not surprisingly, that the most popular
subjects are medicine, space and history. The Festival will thus typically revolve around
themes connected to these three fields. At the same time, there is a need to connect
with current events. In the year 2000 the work started with the selection of four themes.
These were communication, scientific turning points, science in everyday life, as well
as life and medicine. In addition, a project leader was selected for each of these.
Thereafter, a general invitation was made to researchers to give talks on subjects of
their own choice. Contributions which could not be pigeon-holed by these categories
were instead included under the heading of a fifth theme: Elementary and
To take care of the logistics, some 80 students are recruited and trained into working
as festival hosts. They serve as guides and check equipment and so on ensure that the
attractions work smoothly. The expectations for the first year was to attract 25,000
people, the outcome was at least 40,000 visitors (Göteborg has 550,000 inhabitants).
Since then the results has been around 48,000, but much hinges on the nature of the
May weather and the number of activities offered. The volume of activities in 1999 was
rather too extended and it was radically cut back for the next year.
Some of the most interesting activities at the Festival should be described further. In
the middle of the central shopping complex of Göteborg, the festival organisers place a
scene, featuring the ‘academic quarter’. Here, researchers are invited to attract crowds
for a 15-minute talk. Usually, this is an abridged version of a full talk that is scheduled
later at a different venue. Thus, a vehicle is created for attempting to get new people
into learning and visiting new knowledge and places. Many researchers shy away from
this scene, perceiving it as too frivolous and somewhat unsettling. However, many
have found it a refreshing experience, both relaxed and interesting. In the first year,
whilst a large number of retired professors were invited to this activity, only three
actually appeared. By 2000 there were 43 researchers participating in the ‘academic
quarter’ exercise.
The idea of new places for new crowds is essential for other activities as well. The
ambition is to attract people who are not familiar with or are uncomfortable with the
Science weeks and festivals in Sweden 297
buildings associated with the university. Instead, attractions are placed in buildings and
places which are not usually associated with science, such as coffeehouses, squares,
parks, shopping malls and museums. Another interesting activity is the expanding co-
operation with the local science centre. The science centre is invited to test its new
instruments and machines during the Festival. These are then thoroughly evaluated by
staff as large crowds are invited to use or test them. An innovation this year was the
so-called ‘private shows’. In these, a researcher sits in a tent, available for private
consultations. Each individual is given five minutes. This quickly turned into a very
popular attraction and queues tended to be on the long side.
The Science Festival has so far been arranged one year at a time, each year awaiting
an evaluation to see if there is to be a continuation the next year. It is a possibility that
soon, decision-making will be committed to three year cycles. This would make it
easier to collect funds for the Festival, which is always a difficult process. The budget is
5.2 million Swedish crowns (SEK). Of these, the main sponsors provide 2 million;
Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg University, Business Region Göteborg
and Göteborg & Co. Each of these invests 500,000 SEK. In addition, large amounts of
money are donated by two large industrial firms in the region: Volvo and SKF. Some 20
other partners donate smaller amounts to the Festival. The regionally dominant
morning daily, Göteborgs-Posten, also plays an important part, freely printing and
distributing the festival programme to its subscribers. The newspaper also includes free
advertisements for activities on each day of the festival. In the year 2000 there was
also co-operation with a local commercial radio channel. Surprisingly, none of the large
research fund givers provided any support.
Different sponsors are involved for different particular reasons. For the universities, it is
a matter of fulfilling the “Third Assignment” 386 with an emphasis on cultural
P In the new University Act of 1977, this new task supplemented the earlier two officially proscribed
responsibilities assigned to the universities, teaching and research, and it was thus called ”the Third
Assignment” (tredje uppgiften). Such disseminated research information (forskningsinformation) should
provide insight into how new knowledge had been gained and how it could be practically useful.
Subsequent revisions of the University Act have come to modify the text, somewhat changing its intent.
Some core ideas are, however, still present, which goes back to the fact that the universities are part of a
unitary national system and publicly funded.
Science weeks and festivals in Sweden 298
Science Week
Since 1994, The University of Lund has arranged a science week. The information unit
at the university formulates the design and content for the week. They co-operate with
the surrounding cities, for instance Ängeholm, Hässleholm, Landskrona, and Ystad, in
order to meet these cities needs of staff training, to highlight local problems and to
reflect upon differing local interests. 387 As such, in 1997, some of the sub-headings of
Some of the new and growing colleges, such as the colleges in Skövde, also arrange
science weeks. In 2001, the focus was on the importance of science and technology for
the commonwealth. In this way, the science week vindicates the existence of economic
investments in the city college. 389 TP PT
P P “LUM; Lunds universitet meddelar”; (LUM: Information from The University of Lund), nr 10, 1997.
P P See “LUM; Lunds universitet meddelar”; (LUM: Information from The University of Lund), nr 10, 1997.
P P See http://www.skovde.se/jubileet/sidor/seminarier.htm .
Celebrating science in the UK 299
Science festivals and science weeks/years in the UK have various roots. Gregory and
Miller have observed that since the beginning of the 19 th century, the British
Association for the Advancement of Science has held an annual weeklong meeting
where leading scientists gave public lectures to ensure that the latest research had the
broadest possible audience (1998:225).
The Great Exhibition of 1851, where the 'scientific genius' of Imperial England was
displayed for all the world to see, is also an important precursor of modern events.
Covering 21 acres in South Kensington, London, The Great Exhibition attracted over
14,000 exhibitors and 6 million visitors (Gregory and Miller, 1998:198). This event left
an indelible mark on South Kensington and on the broader development of scientific
culture in the UK as profits of this event were subsequently used to fund what became
The Science Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum in South Kensington
(Gregory and Miller, 1998:198).
The Festival of Britain of 1951 was a national celebration of British science and
technology, designed to bolster national pride and raise morale in the context of a post
war Britain still in the midst of food rationing. Firth (1999) however believes that
contemporary British science festivals have roots less in creating symbols of national
pride than in the need for economic development of urban cities.
Two major science festivals now take place in the United Kingdom on an annual basis.
The Festival of Science, run by the British Association for the Advancement of Science
(the "British Association" or just the "BA"), is held in a different city in England or Wales
every September. This festival is aimed at school children, journalists and the general
public, and attracts thousands of people every year. The Festival features displays,
interactive exhibitions, lectures, site visits, discussions and special events. It has been
criticised as "preaching to the converted", but the level of enthusiasm amongst the
participants does lend the Festival a highly positive and energetic atmosphere. The
Edinburgh International Science Festival is the older of the two, and as the name
suggests attracts international participation.
Annual Festivals and National Science Weeks, which take place every March, have
become increasingly important as showcase events for the UK PUS movement. The
idea has been extended, with 2001-02 being the first National Science Year in the UK.
Celebrating science in the UK 300
Regional Festivals
The BA sponsors science festivals at the regional level, such as those organised by its
North West Branch with a range of events for adults and children. In addition, there
have been a number of independent ventures emerging over the last decade, a
disproportionate amount of these in Scotland. An annual science festival is held in the
Celebrating science in the UK 301
Orkney Islands 390 , in which energy and environmental issues are prominent. The
festival is noted for its large number of participants from Iceland and Scandinavia
(Scottish Office, 1994:23). The Moray Science Festival, is held at Moray College, Elgin,
Scotland. The Argyle Science Festival occurred in 1993. Elsewhere, the Newcastle
Science Fair ran a open day fair in 1999 supported by COPUS in a school in
Staffordshire (COPUS, 1998).
Established cultural festivals have also added science to the list of concerns that they
address. Thus, in Wales the ‘Urdd Eisteddfod’ (a festival celebrating Welsh language
and culture) has asked the Centre for Alternative Technology to run workshops in its
science and technology pavillion. The Cheltenham Festival of 2002 391 has added a
P P www.orknet.co.uk/scifest/exhibit2001.html
P P www.cheltenhamfestivals.co.uk/
P P www..the-ba.net/
Celebrating science in the UK 302
In terms of atmosphere, The National Science week is known for its ‘refreshingly
madcap approach to presenting science’ (Boddington and Coe, 2000) to the general
public. Much of the activities of Science Week are often reported through the local
media in contrast to the more national media focus on Science Festivals (Boddington
and Coe, 2000). Statistics collated by the BA suggest that participants record high
levels of satisfaction in events. Over 73% of visitors thought the events they attended
met or exceeded expectations ( www.the-ba.net/ ). However, whether this event
• ‘a dampening of enthusiasm and confidence after the initial rapid and innovative
growth of public understanding activities in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s’
• ‘several organisers and commentators have recently expressed disappointment
in progress; they had expected to have achieved a greater increase in public
understanding and support by now’ (Boddington and Coe, 1998:9).
It has also been suggested that the engineering and industrial communities provide
'feeble' (Famelo, 1997:180) support for the event. As Brian Gamble notes, 'industry has
been slow to grasp the opportunities presented by the Weeks, perhaps because they
do not fit comfortably with the public relations campaigns mounted by industry' (cited in
Farmelo, 181). Farmelo has argued that a key factor in the success of media coverage
of Science Week is the backing provided by the BBC.
Science Year
2001-2002 was declared as Science Year 393 by the UK Government. This project is
sponsored by the Department of Education and Skills, who have committed £6 million
P P T www.scienceyear.com/ T
Celebrating science in the UK 303
to its support. The event is co-ordinated between the BA, the Association for Science
Education (ASE) and the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts
The event has been described as ‘a UK-wide educational initiative aimed at 10-19 year
olds, their teachers, parents and other members of the community’
( www.scienceyear.com ). Science Year had various aims, notably to:
with the University of Hertfordshire; it seeks to find the nation's funniest joke and
explore the psychology behind it.
• touring productions which look at ethical issues in genetics, aimed at fourteen
year olds
• a travelling musical hosted by the popular children’s entertainer and science TV
presenter Johnny Ball, which aims to stimulate children to consider science as a
career option through introducing them to leading figures of science in a fun and
accessible way.
• special lectures orientated to science teachers
• BA Conference "The Future of Science in Society" in September 2002, to be
run as part of the Festival of Science; it will ‘take a hard look’ at the role of
formal and informal education sectors on attitudes to science and technology.
(BA Annual Review 2001).
Prior to the launch of Science Year, applications were invited from organisations and
individuals seeking funding for projects that would become part of the programme.
Applications were judged by how far they engaged with the target audience and the
extent to which projects might be inclusive and sustaining beyond the end of the year
(see Scienceyear.com). Nine projects were selected, including after-school science
P P T www.laughlab.co.uk T
Celebrating science in the UK 304
including from INTEL and Pfizer, both of which sponsored additional set of projects.
Boddington A, and Coe, A (1998) ‘SET 98 – The Fifth National Week of Science and
Engineering – An Evaluation by Ea’.(see www.evaluation.co.uk).
Boddington, A and Coe, T (2000) 'Where Goes Public Understanding?' Science and
Public Affairs February.
COPUS (1998) ‘Out and About: Organising Public Events: A Collection of Case Studies
from the Copus Grants Scheme’ The Royal Academy ( www.royalsoc.ac.uk) .
Farmelo, G (1997) 'From Big Bang to Damp Squib' in Levinson, R. and Thomas, J.
Science Today: Problem or Crisis? Routledge, London.
Firth, H. (1999) ‘Starting the Story’ Moray College Centre for the Communication of
Science www.moray.ac.uk/ccs/story.htm .
Ghosh, P (2001)‘A Festival Comes of Age’ Science and Public Affairs October, 2001
Gregory, J and Miller, S. ‘Science and the Public’.
The Scottish Office (1994) Turning the Lights On: A Review of Public Understanding of
Science and Technology in Scotland.
Levinson, R. and Thomas, J. (1997) Science Today: Problem or Crisis? Routledge,
P P T www.scienceweek.com T
Universities as actors at the science-society interface 305
Ulrike Felt
to reach the aim of making science an integral part of culture. The universities would,
from their particular position, be a central actor for reaching that goal.
How is the task of communicating with wider publics defined for the
This is the second question around which to organise our comparative observations.
Indeed the attribution of the role as science communicators and as institutions that
should contribute to community life is not really new and has been formulated in some
countries as long as 20 to 30 years ago. In other national contexts, however, this task
has never been explicitly assigned – neither on the institutional level nor as role to the
individual researchers and teachers. In the Swedish case for example the so-called
“Third assignment” – service to local communities and communication with the wider
public – was formulated explicitly as a task of Universities as early as 1977 and was
reformulated in the late 1990’s; for Belgium – to give another example – this was
explicitly formulated in the late 1980’s. A case of a country where such a task was not
clearly addressed is Austria. This does not mean that there is not a large rhetoric
present in the public sphere about what the Universities should do with regard to this
issues (see the slogan “Universities, leave the ivory-tower!”), but it is not formulated in
any more stringent way.
Although it is interesting to see whether or not such role assignments were defined in
formal terms, it is even more revealing to investigate how they were interpreted and
translated into reality within university life as well as to observe their transformation
process over the recent years. Indeed one could say – and this was clearly the case for
France – that while a general statement of the duty of the university to communicate
with society existed very early on, it was not taken too seriously. Only in the more
recent times this assignment to organise regular interactions with society at large has
become much more urgent as a preoccupation both for scientists as well as for the
university as institution. In the French case in particular, the dialogue with the cultural
and social environment, thus the “mise-en-culture” of science was very much put to the
The Swedish and the Belgian case yet hint at still another interpretation: “service to the
community” was implicitly reinterpreted as “service to business”. Thus much effort went
into what I would call “stakeholder-PUS” or how it was labelled in the Swedish case
“practical PUS”. Such a focus on efforts in the domain of stakeholder-PUS could also
be observed in the Austrian context. Increasingly Universities are expected to become
motors for regional development in knowledge-societies and the role as communicators
of knowledge and know-how is adapted and intensified accordingly.
Universities as actors at the science-society interface 308
What all universities apparently share in the field of PUS activities is their extensive
participation in the national or regional science weeks and festivals. This was explicitly
underlined in the Portuguese case with regard to the national “Ciêntia Viva” program,
the Belgian universities even were to be the chief organisers of these events, and in
the other countries universities would – due to their role as central research institutions
– be key-players in these events. This participation is perceived as strategically
important – partly also as this is a setting through which universities hope to attract
potential students.
students and are thus of vital importance. Girls are targeted in particular here (e.g. in
the Austrian case) in order to make the technical domains more attractive to them.This
focus however was rather caused by the constant worry about the future work
conditions within Universities than by the necessity that was identified from a societal
point of view. Thus there is a certain danger – as was stressed for the Belgian case –
that the integration of adult people into the exchange activities between science and
society is neglected.
Next to children the school teachers are a second important target group in some
countries, as they have the position of multiplicators. Interaction with teachers and
integrating science and society issues into teachers’ education would thus be an
important leverage for initiating change in the school system.
In the French case, the Universities’ own students were explicitly identified as one of
the central targets for PUS initiatives. Through this interaction and exchange one
hoped to create spaces where students could get a more realistic appraisal of science
beyond their own specialisation. They would be in a better position to understand the
social world in which they are acting as future scientists and it could be an initiation for
students to share values with regard to science and society. Following a similar logic of
argumentation, PUS activities were also perceived as important means of exchange
between the researchers of different disciplines. These communication activities
could thus become places of interdisciplinary exchange, offering the possibilities to
think beyond the limits of disciplinary boundaries and to get a better grasp of the overall
development of science and technology.
Finally, as already underlined earlier, stakeholders and in particular industry has
become an important audience for PUS initiatives. They are expected to start to
perceive the University as an important partner for their own development. As much of
the research carried out at Universities needs external funding, building such
relationships has become a vital activity.
this domain. On the teaching side however this field is much less established. In the
other countries investigated in this study there is research and teaching going on,
however on a more marginalized and less institutionalised level.
In particular on the teaching side there is an enormous potential to be developed.
Integrating also science and society courses in science curricula, where the
contemporary aspects of science, technology and society are debated in detail could
contribute to broaden the debate and sensitise young researchers already during the
period of their formation.
Summing up one could say that in fact Universities do by far not use the
communication potential they would have and they realise it in a rather conventional
way. By that we mean that much of the communication still follows the deficit model
(people need to be educated), the audiences are relatively restricted (mainly
addressing schoolchildren and stakeholder), and the focus of what is communicated
lies at the “back-end”, thus on facts and not so much on contexts in and practises
through which scientific knowledge is produced. The challenge for the future lies in the
creation of more open-ended communication contexts in which the public (defined as
broadly as possible) can engage with the scientists about science and technological
Universities and their Publics in the Austrian context 311
The following chapter describes and analyses the role of research institutions in
structuring the interface between science and society within an Austrian context. These
institutions play a fundamental role since they hold the monopoly as producers of
scientific knowledge, while at the same time they need to position their concepts,
theories and empirical findings within the societal sphere. It is thus their direct working
environment that is at stake when they communicate with the general public about
science. Although, this particular role singles out researchers and scientific institutions
when compared to other actors in the field of science communication, they are at the
same time confronted with the fact that in a world of increasing specialisation they have
to live with a double-role: being experts in one field and being lay-person in all the
From all the different research institutions – universities, both public and private sector
institutions – we will have to make a choice. We will mainly focus on universities, as
they are institutions, which have a double task: they produce knowledge, while at the
same time playing a key-role in the reproduction of trained personnel. However, we will
also shortly describe the other research institutions in Austria and outline their role
regarding science communication. This seems crucial as the self-definition of Austrian
universities works strongly with demarcating themselves from other research and
teaching institutions.
For a long time the image of the ivory-tower that stood for the ideal of remoteness from
society and the disinterestedness was used as the metaphor describing the
relationship between science and wider society – and it was not regarded as being a
negative description. On the contrary it stood for the universities’ “necessary
remoteness” from society, which would – and this was the belief – allow the creation of
“objective” knowledge. However it is revealing to observe that over the last decades the
context has changed dramatically and the ivory-tower has become the icon for the
problems that are identified in the relationship between universities and society. This
public institution is expected to open up towards societal needs (although it is often not
Universities and their Publics in the Austrian context 312
very clear what concretely is meant by opening-up and who represents this society). It
is thus expected to develop mechanisms and places where it interacts with different
members of the public.
Universities, 19 public and 9 private exist in Austria, play a central role in the Austrian
research and higher education system. For a long time they did not only hold a quasi-
monopoly in according academic degrees, but they also were the key-players in the
research domain. In recent years, this domination has changed for a number of
First the "Fachhochschulen" were founded and thus the third level education system
became a binary system, as is the case for many European countries. Then a legal
framework was created to allow for private universities to become integrated within the
Austria educational system, so far nine of them have been established. Finally the non-
university research sector began to develop, and in recent years has become much
stronger. Today, it is a clear competitor with the university sector in many contexts.
Historical context
Already around the turn from the 19 th to the 20 th century 396 the universities felt
P For a in detailed study of science popularisation in Vienna from the turn of the 19 th to the 20 th century
and the role of the universities see Felt, Ulrike (1997): Wissenschaft auf der Bühne der Öffentlichkeit.
Alltägliche Popularisierung von Wissenschaft und Technik in Wien, 1900 - 1938 (Habilitationsschrift)
Universities and their Publics in the Austrian context 313
At the same time communication of science moved to the fore-ground, as they wanted
to establish the scientific world-view as the dominant one in the public space. This
seemed particularly important in those areas where folk-knowledge was still very
present. Further the issue of accountability for public money spent in science can be
traced back to this period.
After World War II the tradition of science communication had broken down completely.
Science was in an extremely bad shape as most of the outstanding scientists had left
Austria because of the political situation. In that sense there was no active public
communication of science and also the universities as institutions did not spend any
major effort in making their work visible to a larger public.
implemented during the latter part of the 1990’s, its objective being a transformation of
the universities into more autonomous bodies. While it is plausible to debate if this
autonomy was actually realised and what it meant precisely, for our purpose it is
interesting to underline that for the first time a more or less explicit demand to make the
work accomplished within Austrian universities transparent, to disseminate their
research findings to a wider public and to improve interaction with society at large. The
phrase "Universities have to leave the ivory tower" stands as a rhetoric symbol for
these discussions. This legal step will have and has partly had already clearly
perceivable effects on the way issues around Public Understanding of Science gain
University reform caused an additional number of changes, which touch on the public
perception of the University as an institution and, thus, the perception of science and
technology. In exchange for an increase in autonomy, until then completely absent, a
system of accountability and evaluation of the Universities' work both in research and
teaching was established. It is supposed to lead to the allocation of public resources in
relation to the quality of the output produced. Departments were also asked to develop
clearer profiles in their graduate programmes, in order to reassure the relevance of
university education to "market"-demands, with industry being an important "public"
addressed. And finally, to build up a public image of the Universities has suddenly
become more important, as after severe budgetary cuts in the educational sector, the
current level in research and teaching can only be sustained by acquiring money from
P P Bundesgesetz über die Organisation der Universitäten (UOG 1993), BGBl.Nr. 805/1993
Universities and their Publics in the Austrian context 314
private sources, i.e. research money from private enterprises, the EU and other funding
This reform was however not the last one. The UG2002, which will be implemented
during 2003, is a further step in the direction of so-called autonomy. Explicitly this
means that the decision-making structures within universities are fundamentally
changing. A large part of the strategic decision-making power will be in the hands of an
external university board that will contain no representatives from Universities and only
less than half of the members can be nominated by the Universities. Also Universities
will have to negotiate a global budget for three-year periods on a contractual basis, in
which the number of students and the research agenda will play a central role.
Universities will be founded in Vienna, Innsbruck and Graz. The private Universities
focus for the time being their communication activities mainly to attracting students and
play virtually no role in the science communication field.
As the public universities were restructured under the 1993 law, it is interesting to look
at the statements of objectives and aims (Leitbild). (For the changes to come under the
P Listings see on http://www.portal.ac.at/
Universities and their Publics in the Austrian context 315
UG2002 it is too early to make any remarks.) Indeed most declarations express
ambitious ideas of science-public relations. “The University of Vienna therefore
undertakes to inform the public of teaching and study opportunities, and of the
possibilities and results of research” is a kind of common statement shared by the
majority of the universities 399 . The University of Vienna goes somewhat further and
underlines that “it will accept and examine suggestions, initiatives and application “from
outside” and assess the results of its research with regard to their relevance” 400 , further
the institution would offer a platform for a broad public debate on scientific
standards 401 . The University for Agriculture (Universität für Bodenkultur) is also very
explicit about the necessity of interaction with a wider public: “The University of
Agriculture is a competent and self-confident partner for the public. It combines the
readiness to accept criticism with the obligation to take a positioning openly and
precisely 402 .” Thus one could say that on the rhetoric level there is a clear shift towards
more interaction and debate with the public. But how are these statements turned into
actions? Have they managed to become more than necessary public rhetoric?
P Cited from http://www.univie.ac.at/unileitbildengl.html. Similar formulations can be found on
T for
T the university of Innsbruck and
http://www.jku.at/forschng/index.htm for the university of Linz
P Cited from http://www.univie.ac.at/unileitbildengl.html
P Similar claims are stated by the Danube-University of Krems
P http://www.ud.boku.ac.at/Infos/Werundwas.htm
Universities and their Publics in the Austrian context 316
outcomes and the preparation of press releases and build contacts with enterprises as
potential collaborators or customers. Especially, the technical universities this latter
task played an important role since their techno-scientific output opens more
possibilities for application in industry than for other types Universities. Within this
setting communication with a broader public was definitely not extremely high on the
Over the last five years a process of task differentiation could be observed within this
part of the universities. Most of universities installed “PR-offices” whereas establishing
relations and communication to the outside on the academic level (e.g. student and
teacher exchange) remained in the responsibility of the former Außeninstitute (offices
for external affairs). The “Centre for Research Funding, Third Party Funding and Public
Relations” 403 of the University of Vienna is an exception insofar as it still combines both
functions. Concerning the organisational structure, the offices are located centrally,
directly linked to the rector’s office. The task to establish a contact with the public is
therefore delegated by a centralised unit within the University structure.
Regular activities are, press releases, event calendars and some universities publish
their magazine – the Universities in Salzburg and Innsbruck distribute it four times a
year a University magazine through the local press. Several universities have
established a research database, which should address potential users or research
partners. Further the Universities run specific events some of which will be discussed
P P http://www.univie.ac.at/public/
Universities and their Publics in the Austrian context 317
The journalists are mostly informed on a regular basis through press releases as well
as through special events organised for them. Also University magazines regularly
address this clientele. Regarding the stakeholders the communication on the
institutional level remains very general – through the university’s magazine for
example, the detailed work needs to be done on the level of the individual researchers.
Second, apart from the target groups mentioned above about it still remains unclear
how to communicate with wider segments of the public about scientific activities within
the organisation but also about the development of the sciences and their impact on
society. Often elements of information about scientific and university activities are
taken out of the respective context and presented to a wider public regardless of the
concrete potential consumer and of the context in which the information is consumed.
Finally, most of what is communicated about science is scientific results – facts – and
very little time is invested into reporting on “science-in-the-making”. Thus people get
science presented in an unquestionable way, and consequently they will not grasp the
complexities of the production procedures and thus it will become difficult to get a more
fine-grained understanding of what is at stake in these institutions.
P Verein Sprungbrett: http://www.sprungbrett.or.at/sprhome.htm
P See for instance the website of the PR-office of the university of Linz: http://www.jku.at/rektor/index.htm
Universities and their Publics in the Austrian context 318
Science and Social Studies of Science at the University of Vienna. One of the research
focuses over the past 15 years was on science/society interactions both historically and
contemporary. In the area of technology and policy studies there are several
institutions, such as the Institute of Technology Assessment of the Austrian Academy
of the Sciences, a research unit on Technology and Work in Graz or the Institute for
Technology and Society at the Technical University of Vienna. In the two first
mentioned institutions the topics of public perception of technological development
On the teaching side – to take the example of Vienna University – there are regular
courses offered on PUS issues, open to students from all disciplines. In recent years
one can see an increasing interest in such issues. In particular in the new curricula of
the biological sciences, communication of science has become a module in order to
allow students to be better prepared for their future tasks.
one wants to bring university teachers to the popular Universities where they
should present their work to an interested lay-audience. The initiative runs
under the title "University meets Public". While this kind of engagement of
academics in science communication seems very valuable, we would
nevertheless try to underline the fact that in such settings the idea of
"educating" the public seems very dominant and the hierarchies and power-
relationships between science and the public are reproduced. In fact public
lecture series belongs to the most frequently used communication tool.
• Secondly, it is important to underline the engagement of University scientists in
the so-called "science week" which is – since 2000 – held every year. More
than half of the presentations (approx. 400) made at this occasion come from
University scientists. This was over the last three years a major occasion to
P P http://www.univie.ac.at/wissenschaftstheorie/virusss
Universities and their Publics in the Austrian context 319
present science outside the classical contexts, e.g. in shopping malls, on the
streets, in public places etc.
• Science Cafés also belong to the spectrum of activities that are organised by
members of the Universities in Innsbruck and Vienna, just to give two
• Finally it is important to state that during the last years children have been
identified as target-groups for Universities and there is a number of interesting
activities organised for them. During the ScienceWeek 2002 the Technical
University specialised in a co-operation with the children’s museum ZOOM on a
science programme, which was a great success. This year the University of
Vienna will hold in July the first “KinderuniWien” (childrens’ University Vienna).
2. Fachhochschulen
Apart from the universities, which play a central role among the knowledge-producing
institution, one finds also a number of other public research institutions. From the
perspective of juridical status, financing and purpose they cover a wide range. It seems
Universities and their Publics in the Austrian context 320
to be a characteristic feature of the Austrian profile that the research institutions show
rather heterogeneous features.
There are a number of governmental and non-governmental research institutions,
which engage in informing/involving publics in several ways. The institutions and their
activities that are portrayed in the following part should be seen as examples for
different types of institutions.
The organisational status and financing influences/sets the pattern of Science-Public-
Interaction of the institution. Several of the private-conducted societies present
themselves not only as knowledge-producing but also as knowledge-mediating to the
public in general. Others that have a more entrepreneurial character address specified
target groups, mostly companies, as potential consumers of the provided knowledge.
The Austrian Academy of Sciences 407 is with 700 researchers the leading organisation
for non-university academic research covering nearly all fields/faculties from science to
humanities. Besides their role as knowledge producers they have in recent years
increasingly occupied the terrain of science communication. Apart from offering regular
discussions with the press, an event calendar and establishing a mailing-list for medial
actors as part of usual public relation work they are organising a series of talks
(Schödinger-lectures) in co-operation with the Municipal School Council (Stadtschulrat)
where leading scientists are invited to discuss about their work with school
children in order to “offer the possibility to come into contact with leading international
scientists” 408 . The philosophy behind the project is that if young people were able to
identify closer to science with scientists they could easily become more attracted to
enter a research career. In that sense it is an effort to give science a more human
touch and thus to make it less remote from everyday experience. It would be of interest
to question such efforts from a gender-perspective: fields where men are statistically
dominating will be represented by male leading scientists and thus it will offer little
potential for identification for women. While the goals of such initiatives would be to
overcome the distance between scientists and so-called lay people one could
speculate that horizontal gender segregation of scientific fields would be nevertheless
reproduced. Further the Academy of Sciences is planning to build a science exhibition
area, which is tentatively carrying the title “Galerie der Köpfe” (Gallery of heads). It is
meant on the one hand to promote the history of Austrian science and in particular of
the outstanding scientists that played a major role and on the other hand more current
and changing exhibitions should allow exchange on more recent trends and
developments in science and technology.
P P http://www.oeaw.ac.at/
P P translated from http://www.oeaw.ac.at/deutsch/aktuell/schroedingerl.html
Universities and their Publics in the Austrian context 321
enterprise” TP . Their focus of activity lies mainly on contract-research and development
(R&D) for companies. The organisation presents itself as answering national and social
needs, “providing good services for the public”. The rhetoric in the web-presentation
stresses notions of citizens, responsibility for the population, and knowledge being
needed for society. Following this logic news, event calendar and contact information
are prominently positioned on the website. Much attention is given to media contacts.
The core set of their direct interactions with a wider public is the so-called ”Science
Talks” that are organised every two months. Austrian and international scientists
discuss with citizens what is to be expected from science for the future. They are asked
to present their work “clearly and in an easily understandable way” to “citizens”, and
talk about “how their findings change the world” 411 . While the notion wider public is
used very often, it becomes quickly visible that such initiatives address a rather highly
educated public.
Another locally financed type of research institution is the Joanneum Research Ltd. 412 , TP PT
an independent research enterprise belonging to the province of Styria. It is with its 340
employees the largest province-owned research enterprise in Austria. This R&D
institution works on "key technologies" such as environment and energy, electronics
and information technologies. From the point of view of science communication it is
quite active. Besides more classical features such as an on-line service, where firms
and institutions can explain their specific problems and will receive advice for practical
and theoretical solutions, a large amount of brochures published to present the work
done within the roughly 20 research departments, the centre is taking care of a science
page in the magazine “Korso” as well as of a science column in the local journal
“Grazer Woche”. The latter activity should allow the institution to keep a clearly visible
position in the region where it is active.
We would also like to mention the IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems
Analysis) 413 , a non-governmental research institution sponsored by its national
member organisations in North America, Europe and Asia and located in Laxenburg
south of Vienna. Because of its non-governmental status, IIASA argues, it provides
non-political and unbiased perspectives. It should “remain sensitive to changes in the
needs of its customers without jeopardising the free-natured spirit of true science” it is
stressed. The core research themes are Energy & Technology, Environment & Natural
Resources, Population & Society. Its information office distributes world-wide
information material on research findings, meetings or new publications to 1600
P http://www.arcs.ac.at
P http://www.arcs.ac.at/ . In the English website version it is called information enterprise.
P All citations translated from
http://www.arcs.ac.at/news/events/science-talk;internal&action=_setlanguage.action?LANGUAGE=en .
P http://www.joanneum.ac.at
P http://www.iiasa.ac.at/
Universities and their Publics in the Austrian context 322
journalists and editors from all kinds of media. It also arranges interviews with experts,
organises press conferences or visits of individual journalists and addresses various
"target groups" (like students, enterprises etc.) by distributing promotional material.
These actions and offers are carried by the overall aim to “encourage public
awareness” 414 . It is remarkable that the organisation uses the term of public awareness
The type of customer-ordered research does not exist only in the field of techno-
sciences but also in the social sciences. Several institutions offer empirical sociological
research projects by order, for instance opinion polls and market analyses. Their self-
portrayal is subject roughly to the same conditions and demands of promoting their
scientific competence and offering their research as a supply of services in order to
attract potential customers. 415 TP PT
There are a couple of research institutions working in the fields of sociology, economics
and humanities. Only the minority of them enters into direct contact with the public. The
International Research Centre for Cultural Studies 416 supplies press releases and a
press timer to arrange appointment dates which can be seen as an approach to the
media in the first line. A lecture series organised by the Institute for Human Sciences 417 TP PT
is targeted formally to the wider public and aims to disseminate their research work but
it is to be assumed that the audience have a respective academic background. Beyond
this serial panel discussions about recent issues of political developments take place.
The last to be mentioned here is the Institute for Science and Art 418 . Their objective is
to access scientific studies to the public within the framework of event managing and
vice versa to stimulate life a professional scientific investigation of yet unsolved
problems/issues which have not been studied in the established science system
despite of their topicality for social life. These activities can be interpreted as efforts to
establish a platform for mediating relevant research topics into the science machinery
where the institute functions as a turntable between scientific institutions and public
needs and interests.
P http://www.iiasa.ac.at/docs/research
P See for example the Centre for Social Innovation (Zentrum für soziale Innovation): http://www.zsi.at/
and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences: http://www.iccr.co.at
P http://www.ifk.ac.at/home.php
P http://www.univie.ac.at/iwm/
P http://homehobel.phl.univie.ac.at/~iwk/welcome.html
Universities and their Publics in the Austrian context 323
1. Background
Universities are emerging as key actors in the Public Understanding of Science and
Technology landscape in Belgium. The several reasons for this development are as
Belgian universities are being faced with the efforts of trying to attract more students
into the science faculties, and to improve the image of the scientific curricula. Most
universities in Belgium have for many years been confronted with depletion in the
classical scientific curricula (i.e. maths, physics, chemistry, biology, geology etc.) and a
decline in applied science curricula e.g. engineering and agronomics. As the public
resources allocated to each university, is proportional to the amount of students in
different disciplines, a decrease in student populations entails a decrease in research
funds. In addition a shortage of scientific skills has been recently identified in the
Belgian labour market
The “Third Assignment” of universities, which had been in existence since 1988 but
only on paper, was reactivated by the regional governments of the last two legislatures
in both of the main Regions and by the Walloon Council of Rectors. This assignment of
“service to the local community” had been understood as “service to the business
community” for a long time. As the tide turns however promotion of scientific knowledge
and technological performances have become a key component of the communication
strategy of universities, as well as dialogue with the social and cultural environment.
As a consequence, initiatives in the Public Understanding of Science and Technology
area are now used as promotional arguments in the competition between universities
to win potential students as well as the local socio-economic actors.
Several universities have recently created units or departments of science
communication, which do not belong to the academic structure but to the public
relations activities. These units often run their own science centre or science house,
which are accessible to students of secondary schools, teachers and the general
public. The regional governments allocate specific grants for these new activities both
in Flanders and Walloon Region.
There is however a policy difference between the North and the South of the country.
In Flanders, the government had in 1999 set up an annual “Action plan for scientific
information”, in which although universities play an important part, it is within guidelines
The emerging role of Belgium universities as science communicators 325
autonomy to universities and high schools but keeps an eye on the co-ordination and
synergies between decentralised initiatives (cf. OPUS paper on governmental
Universities and the education system are also the main organisers of science festivals
and science weeks for this reason OPUS-spaces papers on universities and science
weeks are merged.
P Vlaamse regering, Actieplan Wetenschapsinformatie en Innovatie (actieplan 2001 + actieplan 2000).
The emerging role of Belgium universities as science communicators 326
There are a few differences between Flanders and Wallonia-Brussels. For many years
in Flanders, there has been a centralised organisation of regional scientific events, in
correspondence with the European science week, in autumn: the “Science feast” each
even year (6 th edition in 2000) and the “Science happening” each odd year (7 th edition
in 2001). Although there are differences in their practical organisation e.g. location and
duration, both events have similar targets which are families and school kids. They also
involve the same partners, among which universities have a leading role. A sample
survey has been carried out after each event since 1999. The purpose of this is to
analyse the attitude and expectations of the public, the changes induced in their
perception of science and technology, and among the young people, the influence on
their selection of future curricula 420 . The surveys are carried out in two sub-samples,
P Sofres-Dimarso, Effectstudies wetenschapsfeesten en wetenschapshappeningen in Vlaanderen,
The emerging role of Belgium universities as science communicators 328
There is some existing research on the role of science and technology teaching in the
schools, mainly carried out in departments of science didactics. Universities of Namur,
Brussels and Ghent have a long-standing tradition in this aspect. Originally, the idea
was for the Namur department to emphasise on the development sciences and society
dimension in the science teaching curricula 422 . TP PT
The development of the Public Understanding of Science and Technology activities are
not directly united with the development of a research capacity on Public
Understanding of Science and Technology in universities. For instance, the preparatory
study of the Flemish action plan on science information was subcontracted to Price
Waterhouse Coopers, and the evaluation studies are subcontracted to Taylor Nelson
Sofres Dimarso: international business consultants are preferred to the local university
There isn’t a course focused particularly on Public Understanding of Science and
Technology for science students, there are courses on science and society in most of
the universities, but they cover a wider range of topics and do not focus on science
communication. Education in science communication is organised rather on the model
of vocational training for people who are already involved in related professions in the
media, science centres, voluntary associations etc. For example:
The Flemish government has sponsored a training seminar for science communicators,
since 2001. This comes in the form of a cycle of six one-day workshops, organised by
the WeCom project (Flemish association of biologists), the University of Antwerp and
the science centre Technopolis 423 . There are also seminars of specialised vocational
training however the participation fees are relatively high (about 1000 €/person).
Since 2001, the WeCom project has also co-ordinated a course on science
communication in all Flemish universities. This course consists of two modules: written
communication and verbal communication, which take up 15 hours each. The target
audience consists of PhD students, researchers, and public relations officers in
universities. Universities of Antwerp and Brussels organise a specific course for PhD
students. The teachers’ backgrounds are the media (Flemish television and Flemish
P Mormont M. & al., La communication scientifique en matière de développement durable, SSTC-DWTC,
scientifique et technique, De Boeck Université, 1994 ; Brinkerhoff R. & al., Sciences, technologies et
société au quotidien, De Boeck Université, 1992.
P http://www.wecomproject.com
The emerging role of Belgium universities as science communicators 329
press) and the communication departments of universities. Yet again participation fees
are not low. These can cost between 200 € and 375 € for each module, and the model
corresponds rather to specialised vocational training than to university teaching.
In autumn 2000, a group of science journalists (from RTBF, RTL-TVi, and daily
newspapers) and science faculty deans (from all French-speaking universities) decided
to start a network of information exchange between journalists and researchers. The
Regional Ministry for Research and Technology (DGTRE) finances specific training
workshops for this network.
As also mentioned about science centres or the media, the young people are the main
target for many Public Understanding of Science and Technology initiatives. Priority is
given to the youth as a result of several severe statements about the lack of scientific
culture and training among the Belgian children and students:
An international comparative survey, published in 1998 by the International Association
for Scholar Evaluation, showed that the level of scientific knowledge of Belgian French-
speaking pupils (14-15 years old) had a very low ranking, way under the international
mean and the European mean. On the other hand, the level of Flemish pupils was
rated rather high. The estimated gap between Wallonia and the international mean was
1.22 school year, while the estimated advance of Flanders was 0.96 school year TP PT .
The amount of hours allocated to science courses is lower in French-speaking Belgium
than in most European countries, and science courses are introduced later in pupils’
curricula. Science teaching seems particularly weak at primary school level.
According to a recent decision arrived at in Autumn 2000, an extra hour of science
teaching will be introduced next year in the first degree of secondary school. However
there is a general agreement that an improvement of basic scientific knowledge and
motivation can no longer be considered an exclusive matter of school programmes and
that it requires a synergy between the school system, the media and the science
The PASS (see OPUS paper on science centres) and the DGTRE (Regional Ministry
for Research and Technology) organised in October 2000 a conference entitled “La
science, c’est pas sorcier”, devoted to science teaching and scientific culture for
children. The conference gathered teachers, children’s books and review publishers,
children’s TV producers and people that conduct researches into science didactics and
P Monseu C., Demeuse M., L’enseignement des sciences, un réel défi pour notre système éducatif, dans
science communication. The conclusions of the conference 425 emphasize three models
7. Concluding remarks
P P Léonard J-L., Le labo des mioches, dans le Bulletin Athéna, n° 195, novembre 2000.
The emerging role of Belgium universities as science communicators 331
promotion of science and technology may lead to a loss of critical approach to the
relations between science and society.
The third assignment does not only consist of communication towards society, but also
of more interactive communication between university and society, and more widely of
services to society. This latter aspect remains much less developed. Nevertheless, the
reactivation of the third assignment has considerably improved the involvement of
Belgian universities in their socio-economic environment.
Culture of knowledge:
French universities and PUS
I addressed these questions in a report written in December 2000 427 for the Mission de
Once again, it is worth mentioning that, in France, people usually speak of “culture
scientifique et technique” [scientific and technical culture] rather than PUS and that
these words have an influence on what scientists say on the topic. Furthermore, the
survey concerned not only scientific universities (or universities with science
departments) but all kinds of universities; we were also interested in PUS related to
social science, or even art: indeed, our aim was to understand what (if anything !) was
done in order to make the public aware of the knowledge developed in universities.
There are approximately 428 85 universities in France. Some date back to the Middle
Ages, others are more recent; some are specialised in Sciences or in Arts, others are
pluridisciplinary; some are very prestigious, and others less so.
After the troubles of 1968, which emerged partly from the universities, the Government
decided to restructure them and particularly to split the largest universities established
in major cities into smaller ones. The way the former faculties regrouped in order to
P Andrée Bergeron is Member of the Laboratoire Jean Perrin – Palais de la Découverte – Paris
P Andrée Bergeron, La culture des savoirs, rapport pour la Mission de l’information et de la culture
Écoles. What we call Grandes Écoles are usually prestigious institutions (like École Polytechnique or École
Normale Supérieure) that operate beside the usual university system. Since some of those Grandes
Écoles have the same formal administrative status than ‘ordinary’ universities but definitely different
conditions (strictly selected students, many teachers, different funding system) it is sometimes difficult to
decide whether a given institution does belong or not to the category ‘university’.
French universities and PUS 333
form the new universities adhered of course to scientific criteria and to affinities (and, at
the time, particularly to political affinities) between academics. That explains to some
extent the groupings of disciplinary specialities within the universities: while most of
them are not surprising (e.g. Arts with Literature, Science with Medicine, etc.), some
are unexpected (e.g. Law and Medicine, etc.) or irrational (one speciality split in two or
more universities in the same town). The present configuration of universities in France
is still influenced by this history.
For the last few decades, French universities have been undergoing an evolution.
There were 1.2 million students between 1980 and 1981, today there are more than 2.1
million. This evolution, which has been aspired to by successive governments (“we
want 80% of an age-group to get the Baccalauréat” is a very well-known sentence!) is a
huge change for academics: while they used to teach to “heirs”, they now face the
mass university. To add to their perplexity, some disciplines – natural sciences in
particular – are, at the same time, confronted with a decrease of student entries.
Another recent evolution worth mentioning is that since 1982 and the decentralisation
laws, the territorial organisations have played an escalating role. Local organisations –
such as the Region in particular – take part in the development of universities, for
instance by means of funding projects considered useful to local development.
Universities, "cultural” projects or projects linked to PUS may, for such reasons, be
supported by territorial organisations.
Towards students
According to the academics interviewed, PUS initiatives directed toward students are
intended to give them tools that would favour a reflexive attitude on their future practice
and transform them into something more than ‘science technicians’: “The challenge is
to open students’ eyes so as to make it possible for them to see their science not only
from inside, but also from outside, with a detached attitude, being able to change
French universities and PUS 334
perspective, to think over… something they are ordinarily not expected to do!” 429 . In TP PT
addition, it would help them to put their knowledge into context, to understand its
evolution in order to better imagine its future: “we need to position young citizens in the
world they will live in, therefore they have to know what our elders’ heritage is and
where they can go (…). We need to give them an historical and prospective vision for
their professional commitment”. 430 In that context some particular goals are worth
mentioning. For instance, a University physician said that: PUS may be interesting
because it is a way to “enable students to consider the human being as a whole”, while
present curricula stress on specialised knowledge at such a point that “a medicine
student knows when to prescribe antibiotics but doesn’t know how to consider a human
being as a whole, that’s why he is afraid of illness and death”. 431 The same person saw
way to initiate students to “share values” TP PT of (their) science: in short, a way to help
students acculturation at the time of mass university.
Presently facing students' lack of interest for scientific careers, science institutions and
scientists find a very good reason to develop PUS actions: “it may pull youngsters into
scientific domains, the Dean thinks so” 434 ; “in the physics department, we face the
same problem maybe even more than other places: numbers are decreasing. We need
to make high-school students more sensitive to physics and to chemistry”. 435 Those TP PT
P SC, Bordeaux. For each quotation two pieces of information are given: the speaker’s university and
his/her general speciality. SC = natural sciences; AL = art and humanities; HSS = human and social
sciences; HE = health and medicine.
P SC, Marseille
P HE, Bordeaux
P AL, Rennes
P SC, Marseille
P SC-HSS, Marseille
P SC, Marseille
French universities and PUS 335
who have been involved in such actions for some time acknowledge this new interest
but may be disillusioned by the feeling that convincing colleagues to adopt their roles in
this task remains difficult!
Toward academics
Here also, PUS and cultural actions are often used as a way to palliate the
dysfunctionnings of the university or to reaffirm what the university is or should be. In
that sense, some academics insist in reaffirming what they consider as the true nature
of the university: a place of culture and thus “Scientific and technical culture is only a
part of university global cultural problematics. Here we have, so to speak, an
association of scientific intellectuals. Intellectuals are those who think for the world.
Here, they are scientific intellectuals because they are working in science”. 436 PUS TP PT
actions directed toward academics aim at introducing some reflexivity: “to find the
meaning of all that” 437 , they are a concrete tool against what someone called “the
narrowing of knowledge” 438 , a living way toward interdisciplinary which academics are
decidedly in need of today since “scientists are closed on their speciality, they only
know what they are working at. This lack of curiosity induces a lack of culture and
inevitably missed opportunities”. 439 For them, there are no doubts that such PUS
place of education and of research”.
U U TP PT That sort of claim is addressed to an external
public, and academics themselves since “scientist’s mean representation of university
research potential is sometimes below what it really is”. 442 It is also a collective way to
define university scientific policy, particularly because PUS actions, like science policy,
often have a cross dimension: “On all those aspects, we deal with transversality. It is
not possible to separate this question [PUS actions] from university policy”. The fact
that our survey was made when some universities were working on their Maison des
P SC, Lille
P SC, Marseille
P SC-AL, Bordeaux
P SC, Lille
P Universities are directed by 3 councils: Administration Council, Scientific Council and Council of
P HSS, Strasbourg
French universities and PUS 336
Sciences de l’Homme [House of Human Sciences] project 443 probably made this TP PT
What we see here is that, if some researchers in social sciences are convinced that
PUS actions are important for the university, the main outcome is expected within the
university itself.
are close to popularisation: what matters is “the diffusion of knowledge and of technical
progress to the general public” 446 , a dissemination which has to take place because of
the law, but also because academics often have the feeling that they ought not to keep
their knowledge to themselves: “knowledge is not a scarce good one should keep for
himself. The more you share it, the more enriching it is!” 447 TP PT
In the times of mad cow disease, of climate changes, and of GM food there is no doubt
that science will be at the centre of public debates. Scientists (and natural scientists)
are aware of this and, for them, PUS actions may play a crucial part: “Scientific and
technical culture is also a process of opening knowledge to debate” 448 . Some have a TP PT
P The Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme are conceived as transdisciplinary and trans-university places
of research in Human and Social sciences. They are expected to form a network connected to the older of
them: the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Paris.
P HSS, Strasbourg.
P It may be interesting to notice that natural scientists make a direct association (for them understanding
science is understanding the world), while social scientists make it not so straightforward. For social
scientists, science is a way to think the world and, as such, is a cultural fact; furthermore, science
influences the way human being (in particular artists and intellectuals) constructs his relationship to the
world: thus it is in order to understand human beings and their productions that science and techniques are
to be understood.
P SC, Poitiers
P HSS, Marseille.
P SC, Rennes
French universities and PUS 337
General trends
In practice, what do universities do in the PUS domain 450 ? Some activities could be
build a museum and 8 more wanted to make their collections accessible to the general
The following table synthesises data collected in June 1999 from 66 universities.
Action, equipment Existing Project
Museums 7 10
Collections open to the general public 13 8
Collections open to scientists 22 4
Public conferences 45 3
Conferences for students and university staff 44 5
Planetarium 3 2
Science theatre 5 4
Science film-club open to the general public 5 3
Science film-club for students and university staff 5 3
Science shop 2 1
Science bar 14 2
Presentation in secondary schools 33 1
Magazine, editorial collection 26 4
Multimedia workshop 22 9
Web site 42 4
Two experiences of interest for different reasons will be described below in detail.
P SC Marseille
P Data obtained by means of questionnaire in June 1999. Questionnaire sent to 83 universities, 66
The main obstacle is probably the lack of consideration of such initiatives for the
academics’ careers. University teachers have the justified feeling that research is the
only criterion that matters for their careers “The problem is the acknowledgement of
that sort of work. (…) In our status, we have a lot of things to do and we are only
judged on research” 452 . In France, this issue is all the more problematic since the
comparison with the CNRS that bring together more than 11,000 persons whose only
task is research, is quite tricky. For most University people, the fact that the law
stipulates that academics should contribute to PUS but doesn’t grant any kind of
recognition for this investment is contradictory: “One cannot wish that people take their
part in PUS and neglect to take it into account in hiring and career management!” 453 TP PT
And even if academics accept to contribute "for nothing", time itself remains a problem.
Administrative tasks, teaching and research are enough to keep one busy. It seems to
most academics 454 that, in order to translate good wishes into actions, the State should
Belonging to the university is a benefit in itself. Thanks to a large amount of valuable
persons and to a lot of expertise brought together, the university is, for those who know
P P SC, Marseille.
P P SC-HSS, Poitiers
P P Particularly in universities that are poor in teachers and in research credits.
French universities and PUS 340
how to use it, a facilitating context to develop actions. Furthermore, the fact that an
action takes place within the university brings “an organic connection with university” 455 TP PT
to it. That allows for some acknowledgement. Reforms may open new “interstice where
it is possible to slide themselves”. 456 It also seems that, bit by bit, minds are changing:
“When one was involved in PUS actions, before, they had fun. Now, they don’t laugh
that much. I think there are two explanations for this: the first is, the messages coming
from high quarters (ministry and CNRS) and, the second is a change in mentalities” 457 . TP PT
But, maybe, the most valuable help comes from men and women themselves (strong
personalities, people who do their part in the job: “the small knot of persons who really
want to do something” 458 ) and from their belief that “it is good for something” 459 .
P P AL, Marseille
P P SC, Bordeaux
P P SC, Rennes
P P AL, Montpellier
P P SC, Bordeaux
Portuguese universities and PUS 341
1. Background
Before 1974
During the post-war period (the late ‘40s and ‘50s) the Estado Novo (1926-1974)
Portuguese regimen maintained the university under strong control (see Rosas, 1998
460 461 462
TP ; Agudo, 1998
PT TP PT ; Gonçalves, 2000 TP PT ). The university served mainly the functions
of elite reproduction and dissemination of the traditionalist and ruralist values of the
Regimen (Rosas, 1998). During this period only about 0.04% of the population
completed a university degree (ibidem).
Scientific and technological research in the areas of natural, earth and exact sciences
remained outside the university,. In these areas, the research – however incipient –
only had a place in the state laboratories, created by the State and directly dependent
on it. There were no social sciences degrees until the 1974 revolution.
Some voices did of course try to defend the importance of scientific research and
theoretical development for dealing with, for instance, the agricultural problems of the
country (see Câmara, 1943 TP PT) and some wrote about the importance of
understanding science on the making as a product of conjectures, emerging from a
community of scholars (Bento Caraça, 1946 TP PT). The dissident voices had no place in
the regimen however, and the 1947 “purge” drove a number of people that had spoken
against the official ideology away from the academy (, a reputed mathematician called
Bento Caraça among them).
The 1960s were not very different – even if the official rhetoric started indicating on the
need to connect scientific research with the university, the fact remained that this
connection was not systematically pursued and the university was not even reformed,
as the primary and secondary degrees were (Rosas, 1998). It goes without saying that,
in these circumstances, the universities lacked the basic conditions to engage in the
P Rosas, F. (1998). Estado novo, universidade e depuração política. Seara Nova, 62, 11-20
P Agudo, J.D. (1998). Ciência. In Portugal nas artes, nas letras e nas ideias. Lisboa: Centro Nacional de
P Gonçalves, M.E. (2000). The importance of being European: the science and politics of BSE in
diffusion of science in society: there was neither institutional or political support nor
enough public backing.
After 1974
After the fall of the Regimen, in 1974, many dimensions of contestation, reform and
revolution immediately emerged as banners that both the civil society and the political
parties erected urgently. The issues of scientific culture, of more substantial financing
for research and of the public dissemination of a reflection revolving around science,
were not among the most visible of those banners.
This was perhaps because first there had to be an increase in the number of secondary
and university students, the expansion of the university and the scientific community
and the enlargement of the social sciences disciplines being taught in Portugal.
Table 1
PhDs obtained in Portugal or abroad, accumulated values
1970 1974 1980 1985 1990 1995 2001
PhDs obtained in Portugal 23 149 337 802 1791 3389 6761
PhDs obtained in other 38 201 550 927 1382 1969 3026
61 350 887 1729 3173 5358 9787
Source: http://www.oct.mces.pt
As the Table shows, it was only during the ‘90s that the number of PhDs obtained in
Portugal became higher than the number of PhDs obtained abroad.
It is also worth mentioning that while in 1973 there were 3, 400 university teachers
(with and without PhDs), in 1991 there were already 11,000 (Mariano Gago, 1994).
Another example of change is the increase in the percentage of the population with
university degrees - in 1997, 11% of the population aged between 25 and 64 had
completed a degree (Firmino da Costa et al., 2000 465 ). TP PT
P Firmino da Costa, A., Mautitti, R., Martins, S.C., Machado, F.L., & Almeida, J.F. (2000). Classes sociais
And finally, the data displayed in Table 2illustrate some more of the changes that
characterised the last two decades. Until the '80s, the university was predominantly
male. The data show how the expansion of the recent decades was accompanied by a
progressive integration of women. Although the category of full professors (where
people are older in the profession) is in all areas still a category with a large majority of
men, the two categories where people are younger already show a more balanced
percentage of women.
Table 2
Percentage of men in the three categories of university teachers
% teachers % teachers % full
without PhD with PhD professors
Exact sciences 53 54 76
Biology and earth 57 60 82
Health sciences 45 54 71
Engineering 64 69 96
Social sciences 53 56 80
Humanities 52 56 73
Source: OCT, 1999
Also in the area of investments in R&D, the '80s and the '90s was a period of change.
However, although showing an upward trend since the mid-eighties, financial
investments in R&D are currently still low by European standards. The GERD as a
percentage of GDP rose from 0.43% in 1988, to 0.63% in 1992, and 0.77% in 1999
( http://www.oct.mces.pt ).
This growth has been accompanied by a change in the relative position of universities
and State laboratories. From 1982 to 1988, R&D units in the university sector
increased by 88 %.
Universities have in recent years acquired a large degree of autonomy and have
became the most important facilitators of R&D. in 1999 they represented, 44.2% of the
human resources involved in R&D activities (ETIs) ( http://www.oct.mces.pt ).
By contrast, R&D units in the State sector diminished as a result of both the efforts to
rationalise and concentrate R&D and of institutional rigidities, such as lack of scientific
autonomy, financial constraints, and restrictions to new recruitment.
2.1. Introduction
As investments in R&D increased, academic institutions intensified their teaching and
research activities.
Several new courses began, including masters and PhD programmes.
Portuguese universities and PUS 344
due to this programme that some level of involvement of the universities in PUS
activities has been achieved, since 1996. The “Ciência Viva” programme encouraged
the formation of permanent networks among schools, through its special twining
programme, and gave rise to the establishment of “ciência viva” centres, conceived as
interactive meeting places.
Every year, since 1997, a Science and Technology Week is organised by the Ministry.
During this week, which includes “the national day of scientific culture”, a series of
events take place all over the country, including admission being granted to the public
into some scientific institutions, films, conferences and seminars on different scientific
topics. There is also an exibition of the projects developed by the students within the
programme networks.
P Under the Social-Democratic party government empowered in March 2002, the Ministry for Science
and Technology was replaced by a Ministry for Science and Higher Education. At the moment, it is not
clear how the policies for science and technology will evolve in the near future. On the Ciência Viva
programme see below “Governmental initiatives”.
P For example, J. C. Jesuíno et al. (1995), A Comunidade Científica Portuguesa. Oeiras: Celta; M. E.
Gonçalves (ed.) (1996), Ciência e Democracia. Lisboa: Bertrand; M. E. Gonçalves (ed.) (2000), Cultura
Científica e Participação Pública. Oeiras: Celta.
Portuguese universities and PUS 345
These books – together with journal issues, such as the “Revista Crítica de Ciências
Sociais” (“Critical Review of Social Sciences”) thematic number on “Science and
Society” or the organization of some conferences – were important to create a dynamic
network between a growing number of researchers. Moreover, these initiatives allowed
this research area to gain considerable academic and public visibility. Another factor
that contributed to the consolidation of the research area is the internationalisation
process: the publication in international journals, the participation in international
conferences, and the inclusion of Portuguese teams in European funded projects with
other countries.
Today, the STS community interests and studies have reached a considerable
differentiation degree; in the last few years there has been an emerging interest in the
study of:
science teaching in elementary and secondary schools
the “laboratory studies”
the interaction between experts and lay people’s conflicting rationalities in specific
scenarios (like the EIA),
The mass media thematisation of science, and relationships between experts,
politicians and journalists.
Concerning the study of the scientific and technological culture, and the study of the
science’s publics in particular, The Science and Technology Observatory (OCT) of the
Ministry of Science and Technology have played an important role by funding studies
and launching challenges for reflection concerning, in particular, the study of the
scientific and technological culture and the publics of science.
Recently, the Centre for Research and Study in Sociology (CIES) of ISCTE created an
Internet site (called “Scientific Culture and Knowledge Society”: www.ccsc.iscte.pt )
which organizes data on this research community and identifies the studies produced
in this area.
Universities and PUS in Sweden 346
This text discusses the place of Swedish universities and colleges from the perspective of
PUS. The Swedish universities function in a very specific national context. To understand
how aspects concerning PUS are developed, it is first necessary to highlight the
transformation of the historical situation, whereby just a few dominant universities existed, to
the present situation of tension between the traditional universities and new and progressive
Sweden has four large and traditional universities. Two of them lie in the Stockholm region
(Stockholm University and Uppsala University). Another is situated in the west (Göteborg
University), and the fourth is placed in the south (Lund University). In addition, one university
was created in 1965 in the northern part of Sweden (Umeå University).
In addition to these traditional universities, there also exist a number of colleges that have
grown incrementally and have subsequently been invited to assume the role of university;
Karlstad, Växjö and Örebro have so far succeeded. Linköping University was given that
status as early as 1975.
The number of students in colleges has grown rapidly during recent years. However, the
present colleges are not as strong in research and research education as in undergraduate
studies. Colleges do not have the right to award PhDs, hence candidates still have to be
linked to a university supplying the necessary training.
As a consequence, the traditional social and political role of universities and colleges has
been diverse. By and large the Swedish research system continues to be dominated by the
old universities, which are marked by well-established disciplines. 468 The new colleges for
their part are much more geared towards interdisciplinary institutional forms and also towards
the crossing of boundaries between academia and the rest of society. Together with County
Councils and Regional Districts (landsting) they often promote regional and local
development policies to stimulate industry and the public domain. With these newer
institutions a different style of scienctific information exists, more commercial in tone. While
P Wittrock, B & Elzinga, A, (eds.) 1985, The university research system: The public policies of the home of
scientists. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International; Agrell, W, 1990, Makten över forskningspolitiken. Science
and technology policy studies 1. Lund: Lund University Press; Thorpenberg, S, 2002, The Changes of the Nordic
Research Institute Sector – A Critigue of the New Theories of Production of Knowledge. Göteborg: Department of
History of Ideas and Theory of Science.
Universities and PUS in Sweden 347
the traditional universities highlight their international research links, the newcomers are
more integrated into a local setting and motivated toward supporting regional growth. Seen in
another way, the traditional universities have taken a national responsibility for PUS, but this
task has never been very high on their priority list. The colleges, on the other hand, have
taken a regional responsibility and this kind of interaction has from the very start been of
great importance.
In this context, a new formulation of the “Third Assignment” (1997) is important. The original
formulation appeared in the University Act of 1977, requiring researcher to inform the wider
public of their work. This idea was linked to democratic ambitions: education of the people
would increase their ability to act in a democratic society. The objective of the new formation
of the “Third Assignment” was to foster a more intense interplay between the universities and
society at large but in particular with industry. In the Ministry of Education’s directive it was
apparent that universities and colleges were meant to increase the extent of their
collaboration with industry, public administration, organisations, cultural life and popular
education. In the most recent Science Bill, the objective is not only to disseminate research
information to the public but it now explicitly states that industry must be a recipient in the
dissemination process. 469 To make this easier, it is proposed that universities may create
subsidiary companies, co-operating with industrial partners. 470 At the same time it is
underlined that these collaborations should not be allowed to compromise the freedom of
science. 471 TP PT
However, many now reinterpret the “Third Assignment” as a demand that universities and
colleges should interplay more intensely particularly with industry. 472 This is in accordance
with what can be called ‘practical PUS’, which has come to dominate in recent years. Higher
education and research are increasingly seen as important motors for regional development.
This argument has gain added weight since 1995 when Sweden entered the European
Union. In this new trans-national context, the importance of strengthened regions has been
accentuated. In a context where knowledge and quality are more significant for companies
on the international arena, it becomes vital for regions to have strong centres of research and
education supporting the work force and transmitting knowledge from research frontiers into
business and industry. Whereas regional colleges already have this role, this shift into more
practical and economical utilisation can be seen as a challenge to the traditional universities.
This situation has caused a long discussion on the governmental policy of decentralising
university funds from the traditional universities to the new colleges during the past
decade. 473 The proponents of this policy have suggested that the state give research
resources to these areas so that the intellectual capacity in the surrounding region can be
P FoU och samverkan i innovationssystemet (R&D and co-operation in the innovation system). Regeringens
P PBrulin, G, 1998, Den tredje uppgiften: Högskola och omgivning i samverkan. SNS Förlag och
P 1994, Tvärsnitt, no 3-4.
Universities and PUS in Sweden 348
stimulated. Opponents on the other hand maintain that Sweden is too small a country to
disperse its research funding in this manner. In order to produce university departments of
international excellence, they say, one has to focus resources on a few places in such a
sparsely populated country.
An interesting aspect of these recent changes is the influence of the “Third Assignment”. In
the original formulation, the intent was to make research information available to the general
public. It was also literally the third duty of university researchers: the priority of the “Third
Assignment” was not as highly prioritised as the requirements of teaching and research. With
the reformulation a different situation has emerged. The “Third Assignment” now also
includes the notion of co-operation between academia and industry. As the scientific
community is under economic pressure from the state, researchers can therefore solve two
problems at once by establishing joint projects with local business: firstly, they fulfil the new
“Third Assignment” directives by interacting with industry; secondly, these co-operative
agreements will generate economic resources, which is important under the current financial
This process of commercialisation has been a reality in colleges for same time, but has now
started to influence universities too and may do so even further in the future. It is possible
that a situation may arise where the changed requirements of the “Third Assignment” move
up in the priority list and universities may subsequently focus their research efforts towards
the needs of industry. Then we have a situation where the old democratic ideas of the “Third
Assignment” have disappeared, but the new formulation - including the requirement of
industry cooperation - will define the research (the “First Assignment”) pursued at the
It is still too early to tell if this will be the reality of the future but is seems to be a fully possible
development. However, looking at the specific initiatives of PUS at universities and colleges,
the situation is still quite conventional. The traditional universities stress their credibility with
rhetoric emphasising their extensive international research activity, of being on the research
forefront and in this line bringing about initiatives in understanding of science. The traditional
universities have an advantage of the larger number of initiatives in PUS compared with
regional colleges and new universities. This is due to the fact that traditional universities also
have established and large faculties of the humanities and social sciences.
An example of this is the so-called Humanistdagarna (Humanities days), where the
humanities faculties at the traditional universities open their doors for the greater public.
Humanistdagarna features popular lectures and opportunities to visit various departments of
the faculties. Another example is the University of Göteborg’s involvement in and support of
the International Science Festival in the city.
Universities and PUS in Sweden 349
The regional colleges are more likely to promote a practical public understanding of science.
This ties in with the strategic ambitions of regional and local development agencies towards
industry and administration. Several of the regional colleges in Sweden are involved in
networking ambitions aimed at joint actions of knowledge exchange between colleges
throughout the country and local and regional administration and industry. 474 A common TP PT
feature of both universities and colleges towards such aims is the existence of information
In addition to this, in the general discussions on the emerging ‘knowledge society’ ideas on
PUS are reframed. Higher education and research are seen as important motors for regional
development in the new EU-context, which is very much built on the idea of strong regions.
In a context in which knowledge and quality are more important for companies competing on
the international arena it becomes vital for regions to have strong centres of research and
education, which can support the work force and transmit knowledge from research frontiers
into business and industry.
A current tendency in PUS is the direction of knowledge mainly towards groups that can
integrate research information and put it to work in their own professional walks of life in
business and administration. However, there exists another important university trend in
PUS, which can be described as a celebration of research, its cultures and its most
prominent figures.
Due to the existence of the Nobel Prize in Sweden, the celebration of science is
institutionalised and reoccurs every year. Many Swedish scientists are involved in the
selection processes of the Nobel Prize and are targeted by the media when the winners are
announced. A further boost of attention occurs at the tine of the prize ceremony in
December. In addition, universities often arrange special events to celebrate important
researchers and their findings. For instance, there was a conference dedicated to the 100th
anniversary of the publication of the first article on the ‘green house effect’, written by Svante
Arrhenius. This meeting was sponsored by the Royal Academy of Sciences and was aimed
at researchers and journalists. This semi-popular event eventually led to various scientific
publications. 475 Another semi-popular event focused on the 250 th anniversary of the journey
by Carl von Linné through the Southern part of Sweden taking inventory of its fauna. This
made for a symposium hosted by the University of Lund aimed at schoolteachers. The
proceedings from this event became a popular publication written by journalists. These two
events are an example of how a semi-popular celebration can in its extension lead to an
either popular or non-popular publication.
P Talerud, B, 2000, Högskolans arbete med sin samverkansuppgift. (University initiatives to interaction) National
Greenhouse Effect. Stockholm: Stockholm University and The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1998; the
symposium also led to a special issue of the journal Ambio (vol. 26 no. 1 1996).
PUS in British academia 350
Universities play an important, albeit indirect role in PUS in the UK insofar as they seek
to attract people to science courses and science-based careers. British universities
play a more direct role through their involvement in mainstream PUS movement
activities: hosting and contributing to science weeks/festivals, putting on public lectures
and working with schools. However, Prof. Susan Greenfeld, Director of the Royal
Institution, has argued that universities should do more to engage with the public to
improve the public understanding of science. The extent to which universities can be
considered 'institutional actors', as oppposed to the sites of initiatives by individual
academics, specific departments, professional societies and the research councils, is
often unclear.
The UK University sector is characterised by a fragmented organisational structure.
Many universities have high degrees of autonomy from the state and state initiatives.
Governing structures within universities (most obviously Oxford and Cambridge) are
also marked by high degrees of autonomy for individual colleges. This can ensure that
many Universities adopt a more indirect role to facilitating PUS ventures.
The Research Councils have instituted requirements for PUS to be incorporated into
mainstream academic research activity (see section on Government initiatives).
However, academics active in PUS have complained of feeling 'unsupported by their
departments' and penalised for spending too much time on PUS activities which are
regarded as extra to the real work of scientists. Concerns have been raised that the
Research Assessment Exercise (the third of which was completed in 2001) actively
discourages writing and other activities orientated to the general reader in favour of
more specialised academic work (House of Lords, 2000) 476 . TP PT
P See UK House of Lords Select Commitee on Science and Technology, „Science and Society“, HL
evaluation of the 1998 Science Week notes that universities are indeed the ‘mainstays’
of this event. Almost 100 universities and colleges contributed to SET 98. Figures for
1998 suggest that the university sector contributed 39% of all events to Science Week
and attract 26% of the audience. Boddington and Coe though note that these figures
might actually underestimate the total contribution of higher education institutions ‘as
many institutions also support events in schools and elsewhere'. They argue that if
these events were included, a reasonable estimate is that universities and colleges
now support more than half of Science Week's events, attracting two thirds of the
audience (Boddington and Coe, 1998).
This scheme, run by the research councils and the Wellcome Trust, aimed to
encourage Ph.D students to spend some time in secondary school (11-18) science
departments to work with pupils and teachers. The scheme has been in place since
1995. The aim is to provide role models for students and also to break down
stereotypes about science and scientists (PSCI –Com).
These conferences offer the opportunity for pupils to give 10-15 minute presentations
about a scientific investigation or project to a scientific conference attended by real
scientists and engineers. (see EPSRC).
P P T www.rhul.ac.uk/Science-Outreach/Exploring-Science/Index.html T
P P T www.shu.ac.uk/rinr/
PUS in British academia 352
Launched in 1998, these awards committed £1.7 million funding to university projects
that would raise public awareness about science, technology and engineering over a
three year period. Examples include:
Similar outreach developments include the Teacher Scientist Network 480 , a scheme TP PT
that puts the scientific community of the Norwich research park into contact with
science teachers in the local community. This programme supports and encourages
teachers to deliver up to date and relevant science, to counteract stereotypes of the
scientist and to encourage sciences to interact with women and children.
As teacher training institutions, university departments offer other types of outreach,
such as the University of Leicester's website: SCIcentre 481 , with information related to TP PT
British universities support PUS through academic courses in STS-related fields and
through research on PUS itself. At undergraduate level, some examples of degree
programmes are:
• Birkbeck College, University of London runs a four year course in ‘Science for
Society’ 483 , which provides a broad grounding in the physical, life and earth
P P T www.epscr.ac.uk T
P P T www.tsn.org.uk T
P P T www.le.ac.uk/se/centres/sci/about.html T
P P T www.ucl.ac.uk/sts/ T
P P T www.bbk.ac.uk T
PUS in British academia 353
• The University of Newcastle runs two 'Science and Society' courses 484 . The TP PT
and Society’, which requires that students train in both a scientific discipline as
well as engage in a social scientific one.
Research on PUS
The UK has been a leader in academic research on PUS itself, largely under the
sponsorship of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). The first emphasis
of British research into PUS has been to challenge the tenets of the PUS movement
and to examine the basis of citizen engagement with science-based issues such as risk
and the environment. For example, Wynne and Irwin developed critiques of the Deficit
P P T www.ncl.ac.ukT
P P T www.prospectus.stir.ac.uk T
PUS in British academia 354
Model and argued for valorising local, experiential or non-credentialled lay knowledge,
while calling for greater reflexivity within the scientific community.
A number of researchers in the UK, many from the sociology of science, and from
related fields and even outside academia, began to deconstruct what was meant by
"public", "understanding" and "science" 486 . Papers began to appear and meetings were
organised to discuss the constituencies and natures of various "publics", the meaning
of "understanding", and even revisiting the more philosophical basis for defining
genuine "science" amidst the frenzy of popularisation brought about by the PUS
movement. Research on public understanding of science seemed to be spiralling
inwards in some kind of STS whirlpool, with few practical results emerging. There were
two main responses, both of which focused on policy implications of research on PUS.
The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) sponsored a research programme
on Public Understanding of Science in 1998-1999, consisting primarily of a set of
research fellowships in PUS and a set of meetings in which research results could be
presented to practitioners in PUS and policymakers, and discussed. Organised by the
Science Policy Support Group, and under the academic leadership of Alan Irwin,
"users" were identified in the policy community, about a dozen discussion meetings
were held with users and the research fellows.
The second initiative was not undertaken by universities directly, but by the House of
Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology, which undertook its own inquiry
into Science and Society. The Lords inquiry drew not only upon the results of the
ESRC Programme but a great body of additional studies and PUS activities. The Lords
took a comprehensive look at:
The Lords Committee heard or received written evidence from over 100 professional
associations, S&T-based companies, agencies, research institutes, media companies,
non-governmental organisations and individual experts. They were advised by John
Durant, Professor of Public Understanding of Science at Imperial College and Brian
Wynne, two of the UK's most prominent academic scholars in PUS. The Committee
made visits to both the USA and Denmark, which is regarded as having some of the
world's most sophisticated knowledge and experience of public understanding/public
P For example, "What Public? What Understanding? What Science?”, meeting at the University of
Consultation of the civil society is one the key objectives of the European action plan
Science and Society, issued in 2001. The OPUS network has colleted and commented
a series of realisations and experiments in the area of consultation practices and
participatory foresight exercises. What can we learn from this inventory of significant
practices? To what extent do they contribute to an improved citizens’ insight on science
and technology?
At the European level, two important policy documents emphasise the need for an
improved consultation of civil society, particularly in the area of science and technology
(S&T) and the development of a knowledge-based society.
The White Paper on Governance 487 promotes openness, participation, responsibility,
P European Commission, European Governance: a White paper, COM(2001)428 final
P European Commission, Science and Society Action Plan, COM(2001)714 final
Public consultation and foresight exercises across Europe 357
P Bantien H. Jaspers M., Renner A., Governance of the European Research Area: the role of civil
society, IFOK report for the European Commission, Brussels, May 2003, pp. 8-9.
Public consultation and foresight exercises across Europe 358
The six national reports describe and comment a wide variety of initiatives: consultative
councils or committees; technology assessment; consensus conferences or citizens
panels; local, regional or national forums; participatory foresight exercises; participatory
risk assessment or environmental impact assessment.
Institutionalised consultative bodies are generally not considered anymore as the most
efficient way to promote consultation and dialogue on science and technology issues,
even in countries where social partners are systematically involved in consultation
processes in many policy areas (Austria, Belgium, Sweden). The new generation of
consultative committees on bioethics or food security, which escape from the traditional
logic of the social partners, is more perceived as experts committees than as
consultation processes. Consultative bodies suffer from several shortcomings: lack of
reactivity or innovativeness; limited scope of consultation; weak impact in the media
and on the general public. Nevertheless, as compared to more informal or punctual
consultation forms, they present some advantages: institutional permanence and staff
support; policy monitoring over longer time; official involvement in policy advising
(although often with weak impacts).
The recent evolution of parliamentary technology assessment (T.A.) shows an
important emphasis on the organisation of public debates on science and technology
options. Institutions of parliamentary T.A. are present in several reported countries:
Austria, Flanders (Belgium), France, UK. Methods of T.A. are used in various
institutional settings in all six countries. Generally, T.A. institutions and projects have a
twofold mission: policy advising and public debate. The second one has become the
most visible, but too often reduced to the only organisation of consensus conferences.
Public consultation and foresight exercises across Europe 359
Participatory methods of T.A. are however much more diverse and include various
scales of involvement of citizens and stakeholders 490 . TP PT
The design and implementation of consensus conferences is however not anymore the
monopoly of T.A. institutions. The OPUS national reports describe several examples of
consensus conferences organised on specific topics by research councils (Austria,
UK), foundations or commissions for sustainable development (Austria, Belgium,
France), science museums (France, UK). One of the key questions raised by the
national reports is the policy impact of such consensus conferences, although they
were successful communication events.
The organisation of public forums on S&T-related issues is somewhat different from
consensus conferences, as they focus more on stakeholders than on lay citizens. Such
forums can be organised at different levels and with various scopes. At a national level,
the French practice of “Etats-Généraux” (on research policy, health policy and food
policy), also used in the Walloon Region of Belgium (on innovation policy), aims at
gathering all concerned stakeholders of a specific issue and at conciliating the different
interests at stake. They benefit from policy support and media coverage, and they are
designed to have a policy impact at short term. Other examples of public forums at the
local level are described in Austria, France and Sweden.
The purposes of participatory foresight exercises are similar to those of the national
public forums, but rather oriented to long-term policies. They include a forum
dimension, together with other tools: Delphi studies, opinion surveys, scenario drawing,
etc. In Austria, Belgium, Portugal, Sweden and UK, participatory foresight exercises
were used in order to design and legitimate new orientations in technology and
innovation policies, in a context of institutional changes: integration of Austria in the
European innovation policies after its accession to EU, federalisation of S&T policies
and institutions in Belgium, implementation of the Office of Science and Technology in
UK, the future of the energy system in Sweden.
Finally, a lot of consultative and participatory experiences are related to environmental
impact assessment or risk assessment. In France, the “Barnier law” specifies how and
when public debates must be organised before and during the implementation phase of
large-scale projects that might have significant impacts on the environment and the
quality of life. A national “Commission for public debate” is instituted for monitoring this
process. In Portugal, most of the consultation processes on science and technology
are related to environmental issues, but there is an over-emphasis on information or
passive consultation rather than active participation of citizens or stakeholders groups.
In Sweden, public debates on the final storage of nuclear waste resulted in local
referendums with an effective impact on decision-making.
P Joss S., Bellucci S. (eds.), Participatory technology assessment: European perspectives, Report of the
Despite the variety of reported national cases, some common trends may be
distinguished in the evolution of consultative and participatory processes.
First of all, there is an evolution of thematic issues from general policy issues to
specific questions, mostly related to quality of life: environment, health, food, land
planning. General issues such as biotechnology are translated into specific problems:
the use of GMOs in agriculture; genetic screening; the use of genomics in medical
research. A similar trend is observable about energy policy. Bringing the policy debates
closer to the citizens’ concerns seems to boost consultation and participation.
Nevertheless, this “particularisation” of the debates on science and technology
displaces the centre of gravity of the controversies from design to applications, from
science to technology.
The move towards flexible institutional forms is a second visible trend.
Institutionalisation of consultation and participations is still perceived as necessary,
provided it does not result in increasingly bureaucratic procedures. The observed
diversity of realisations and experiments might be interpreted as a set of flexible
responses to complex and unstable issues and problems.
A third trend is the growing importance of the local level. Local level not only means
local consultation and participation processes, but also decentralisation and translation
of national or European questions into debates and procedures at the local level. This
is a quite paradoxical finding: on the one hand, there is an increasing globalisation of
science and technology; on the other hand, the policy debates move to a smaller scale.
A transversal question is raised by all national reports: have consultation and foresight
a direct impact on the decision making process, through an effective influence on the
decisions, or have they only an indirect impact, through better communication between
the policy circles, the stakeholders and the citizens? In other terms: does consultation
mean participation to decisions, or dialogue with the decision makers?
The reports provide several evidences of improved communication and dialogue
between science and civil society. Consultation is one of the tools that bring scientists
closer to the public. Consultation can also bridge other gaps, as for instance between
the public and other policy circles: experts from public authorities, from industry or from
international organisations.
Open consultation and direct participation may enter in conflict with a more classical
approach to decision making: the role of scientific expertise as a support for political
Public consultation and foresight exercises across Europe 361
decision. Consultation and participation can disclose and discuss the role of experts
and the biases of scientific expertise, but there is no guarantee that, in last instance,
the political decision will follow either the experts’ advices or the conclusions of the
public debate, if they are controversial.
Finally, the evaluation of the consultation and foresight processes depends on the
goals to be achieved. If the goal is a better and wider public understanding of science
and technology, most of the consultative or participatory experiments may be assessed
as successful. If the goal is an in-depth democratisation of S&T policy, then there is still
some way to go.
Public consultation and foresight initiatives in Austria 362
The debate about participatory methods of dealing with issues linked to science and
technology and foresight exercises is a priority both on the European level (see the EU
Action Plan on Science and Society), as well as at a national level. This is not only a topic
in itself, but a large difference between national “cultures” in dealing with public
participation becomes clearly visible. While some countries – such as Denmark – have a
longstanding tradition in for example using the tool of consensus conferences, other
countries have virtually no or very limited experiences in this domain. Austria belongs to
this latter group, is in that sense a latecomer and such initiatives have remained, to date,
a rare exception. Additionally the use of direct democratic constitutional mechanisms with
regards to technoscientific issues has been rather rare (3 cases) in the Austrian context: a
referendum in the 70ies on nuclear energy; and in the 80ies concerning a hydro-electric
power plant as well as a public petition concerning genetic engineering in the 90ies.
Five cases that stretch over a period of nearly 10 years will be portrayed briefly in this
chapter. We will ask the question of what is specific about the Austrian approach to this
field, but also in how far one could detect changes in handling this “tool” of science-public
interaction during this period. Four of them could be categorized as attempts to realise
participatory technology assessment 493 in a broad sense, while the fifth was more
Among the different initiatives to be discussed here, the Technology Delphi (1996-98) is
the only example which was explicitly labelled as a Foresight Exercise. Initiated by the
P This chapter is based largely on information collected in a recent project; Felt Ulrike, Maximilian Fochler,
Annina Müller: Sozial robuste Wissenspolitik, Analyse des Wandels von dialogisch orientierten Interaktionen
zwischen Wissenschaft, Politik und Öffentlichkeit; Abschlussbericht Juli 2003.
P All authors are members of the Vienna interdisciplinary research unit for the study of (techno)science and
P For three of the case studies the information presented in this chapter are drawn from: Lars Klüver et al,
P For the fifth case, the “Disourse-day on genetic diagnosis” the Austrian OPUS partner has carried out a
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture 495 , it was intended to identify technological
Another type of a consulting participatory initiative was realised in the Ozone Consensus
Conference (1997) on possible measures related to the issue of air pollution by
tropospheric ozone, mainly caused by traffic emissions and high summer temperatures.
Built initially on the Danish model of the consensus conference, the idea behind this
conference was to find out how far regulations could go without meeting public resistance,
and thus to broaden the usual negotiation mechanisms that take place between the
P See for a summary on =
P Georg Aichholzer, “Das ExpertInnen-Delphi: Methodische Grundlagen und Anwendungsfeld
trigger for the discussion forum were permanent traffic problems in the city of Salzburg
which was already present as an issue in all public spaces to that time. The applied
concept was a mediated discussion forum consisting of an inner and an outer circle that
came together in sessions periodically throughout one year. The inner circle represented
all relevant interest groups, for instance car drivers, pedestrians, but also young people,
students, and tourism-representatives, 20 citizens on the whole; the outer circle
functioned as the representation platform of politicians, civil servants and experts. The
main idea was that in the first line affected public interest groups should participate
whereas the expert’s fractions were supposed to play only a marginal role. That means
that participants from the outer circle could only contribute if an input was wanted or
needed. The mediation process was designed to make it possible to expose the
understandings of the different groups and thus avoid various kinds of misunderstandings.
But during the sessions the moderation was not trusted as being neutral, the outer circle
won influence and the designed concept seems not to have been realised in a well-
structured way. The result was (rather) seen as having improved the discussion culture,
but the outcome was so vaguely defined that the results could not be implemented
P A summary can be found on http://www.tekno.dk/europta/Cases/Salzburgweb.htm : Petra Grabner,
In the last few months two participation oriented initiatives have been started within the
Austrian context, both in the field of the “life sciences/human genetics”. This example
clearly illustrates the urgent need that is felt, in this domain, to get away from the rather
polarised debate toward a more finely tuned argumentative setting whereby adequate
solutions could be negotiated.
The first example, which ran under the title “Discourse day: genetic diagnosis”, was
organised as an accompanying measure under the Austrian Genome research
programme “Gen-Au” by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture
in cooperation together with the communication platform Dialog<>Gentechnik. During one
day three thematic focuses dealing with genetic diagnosis were discussed between a
panel of experts, coming from different backgrounds, but also representatives of patient
organisations and people who decided to participate. The aim was not to create a
concluding statement, but to open a space where people could express their visions,
could ask questions or raise doubts and fears about certain ways in which genetic
diagnosis are handled in contemporary settings. As a follow up working groups were
established, which could continue exchange and debate of certain topics. As a first effort
of public communication on the issue it was generally judged as a success; however
participants clearly doubted that it could have any further reaching political impact in the
domain of regulations regarding human genetic issues. 498 As a one-time event it would
P For details see the hompage www.gen-au.at . The Austrian Ministry also financed an independent
qualitative evaluation of the event. Felt, Ulrike, Maximilian Fochler, Michael Strassnig: Evaluierung des
Diskurstages “Gendiagnostik” (Wien, 24.10.2002), Abschlussbericht eines Forschungsprojektes im
Auftrag des bm:bwk, 2003; to be downloaded from www.univie.ac.at/wissenschaftstheorie/virusss ;
Public consultation and foresight initiatives in Austria 366
Public participation and foresight exercises are not very widely used tools in the Austrian
context. One explanation could be the long-standing political tradition of negotiating with
the “Sozialpartner”. This is largely regarded as a far-reaching and sufficient representation
of society in the policy process. However, one could ask whether issues as complex as
genetic testing or genetic data can be debated on this level that mainly involves traditional
corporatist interest organizations, or whether it would not need broader forms of
consensus building. In fact what remained often unclear was the question: Who
represents and in what form contemporary societies with regard decisions that are
linked to science and technology?
Most of the participatory exercises – if they are not like Delphi on the level of expert
participation – have shown the problem of creating a trust relationship between the
participants and the environment in which this deliberation should be validated. Thus
transferring a well functioning method like the Danish consensus conferences does not
mean that they will also be successful in their new context. It would be central to analyse
these factors of success and be more sensitive in the process of adapting them to
different political contexts. For example, the strong tradition of hierarchical decision
making processes in the Austrian political culture have lead to suspicions that the political
sphere is not really asking for participation, but rather pursuing some other “hidden
agenda”, in most of the cases cited here.
These two observations made above lead to the question whether public participation in
form of lay-participation can so far be seen as a model, which finds political acceptance in
the Austrian context. In fact only expert deliberation seems so far to have found
acceptance on the political level. However it would be interesting and worthwhile to
investigate also in this case, how these recommendations have led to policy
measures by now – e.g. five years after having run Delphi Austria. This would make it
possible to understand why this kind of recommendation seems more adapted to the
political system and how the interface between lay-participation and policy-making could
be arranged in innovative ways in order to allow for new forms of participation. But one
could also argue that it is not the procedures of public participation that are really at stake,
but the political field is challenged to turn participatory exercises into a legitimate
tool on which decisions are based.
On the level of topics there is a clear shift to the “life sciences” as central issues to be
discussed both due to their economic potential, but also due to the wide-ranging impact
they have on our living conditions.
Consultation and foresight in the Belgian context 367
The subject of this section is not so much science communication and scientific culture,
the democratisation process of science and technology policy options. This process
relies on manifold aspects:
Consultation of social groups and representative bodies.
Involvement of stakeholders.
Technology assessment and public debate.
advises the Belgian federal authorities about the federal policy on sustainable
development. The Council gives particular attention to the implementation of
international commitments of Belgium (Agenda 21, framework convention on climate
change, convention on biological diversity, etc.). In addition to its advisory duties, the
Council acts as a forum to encourage sustainable development debate, for instance by
means of organising symposia. Experts in the area, representatives of government and
civil society, and a wider public have the opportunity to explain their point of view and
to dialogue. The Council makes use of the results when formulating advice. The
members of the Council represent various social organisations: environmental
organisations, development organisations, consumers’ unions, trade unions,
employers’ federations, energy producers and the world of science.
The Advisory Committee on Bioethics 500 is a joint creation of all the policy levels in
Belgium (federal state, Regions, Communities). Its mission is to advice and to inform. It
has to inform the public on bioethical questions and to advice public authorities,
scientific institutions, health institutions, health high schools and ethical committees. It
was been created in 1993. The Committee is composed of various members coming
from different backgrounds and disciplines: scientific and medical worlds, philosophy,
law and human sciences. The mission of advice and information concerns problems
raised by R&D and its implications in various fields (biology, medicine, health) when
these problems affect the human being, social groups or the whole society. The ethical,
P P http://www.sstc.fgov.be/frdocfdd/
P P http://www.health.fgov.be/bioeth/
Consultation and foresight in the Belgian context 369
social and jurisdictional aspects of these problems are analysed. The committee treats
questions or formulates advices on request or on its own initiative.
2. Involvement of stakeholders
Besides taking part in consultative bodies, there are some positive examples of deeper
involvement of stakeholders in R&D policy debates.
P P Graitson D., Les rencontres de la recherche, dans le Bulletin Athéna, n° 136, décembre 1997
Consultation and foresight in the Belgian context 370
P Mormont M., Zaccaï E., Loots I., La communication scientifique en matière de développement durable,
SSTC/DWTC, 2001.
Consultation and foresight in the Belgian context 371
the end of the exercise the citizens’ panel formulated proposals to the concerned
The Ministry of public health plans to organise a similar consultation exercise on the
questions raised by GMOs in the food chain. The Ministry asked the same
environmental organisation to organise a similar citizen’s panel within the next months.
P Holemans D., The long awaited birth of the Flemish TA-Institute, in TA-Datenbank-Nachrichten, n° 3,
First of all there is the need for balanced, apprehensible documents on the social
implications of new technological developments.
The second task implies the organisation of broad social debates in a well-structured
Last but not least the results of these debates will be of great importance for the
Flemish Parliament.
In the motivation for the legal proposal for a parliamentary TA institute, two other
important issues are mentioned: not only are there new developing technologies but
there are also existing technological systems that no longer satisfy, or worse still,
cause structural problems. There is also the problematic role of scientific experts in
social and political debates.
Similar to some European examples, VIWTA is a parliamentary institute. It consists of a
small group of experts. Being a knowledge institute rather than a research institute, the
aim is not to conduct its own research. Necessary long-term research is subcontracted.
favourable climate towards technology assessment (TA) in the Walloon Region, and to
support initiatives of mediation between research and the civil society. These
assignments resulted in a pluri-annual programme of activities: exploratory studies,
publications, organisation of public events (conferences, workshops). FTU was
selected as the host institution of EMERIT because of its experience in research on
technology and society, and its close cooperation with social organisations.
In addition, during the last ten years, the region has significantly increased its
promotional efforts in scientific and technical culture, focusing particularly on youth.
However, although concern is still felt for a broader social discussion on the
technological challenges, it is sometimes expressed more discreetly. As a result, the
Walloon situation is paradoxical today because whilst expertise is growing in several
research centres in the “technology and society” field, regional initiatives on TA-
institutionalisation are more or less at a standstill.
Public consultation and foresight exercises in France 374
In France, the first consultative structures were established in the Eighties. Originally,
they were institutional organisations and were required to advise on proposals in
matters of scientific ethics (more particularly in the medical field) and technological
options. These organisations mainly included politicians as well as specialists in
natural, human and social sciences. In the course of the 90s, a number of more diverse
structures or venues became established at national and local scale. They allowed for
the experience or advice of citizens and communities to be heard, giving rise to
dialogues between them and together with institutional partners (experts, politicians,
etc). In certain cases, like with the belated and still rare citizen conferences, the
consultative exercise tends to privilege the "education" of citizens with regards to the
challenges of scientific and technological developments, mainly in the context of a
crisis or where the public does not accept an innovation (for example GMOs). In other
cases, the aim is to try to provide some "hybrid space" 504 where manners of
I. Consultative structures
P We borrow the expression from CALLON M., LASCOUMES P., BARTHE Y., Agir dans un monde
independent body, this committee is related to the ministries of Research and Health.
Its mission is "to advise on ethical issues raised by progress made in fields such as
biology, medicine or health and to publish recommendations" 505 . The CCNE is made
It should be noted that specific ethics committees following the same pattern have
been established within large institutions (INSERM, CNRS, some universities,
hospitals…). Finally, a National AIDS Committee (CNS) has a similar role in the scope
of decisions taken as regards this disease (see below).
members are MPs and the other half are senators, as both parliamentary structures
may require the services of the Office for a specific study. It is assisted by a scientific
committee. In the space of its 20 years of activity, the OPECST has carried out about
75 studies related to technological options as well as to ethical, public health and
environmental issues. In this respect, many reports have been written on the issue of
nuclear energy. More recently, the Office turned to BSE and GMOs. Traditionally, the
role of the Office was limited to undertaking assessments and giving public hearings.
P Law reference n° 94-654 dated 29 July 1994, on the donation and use of elements and products from
the human body, medically assisted reproduction and antenatal diagnostics, Art. 23.
P http://www.comite-ethique.fr/
P Law referenced 83-609 and dated 8 July 1983. Source, http://www.senat.fr/opecst/
Public consultation and foresight exercises in France 376
However, since the end of the Nineties, it seems to have opened up to the public
debate, as shown by the organisation of the citizen conference on GMOs 508 in 1998. TP PT
P Others consultative structures take part in the debates on technological orientations. Thus the Agence
Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments (AFSSA) was established following the "mad-cow" crisis in
1999 and advises the government on issues relating to food safety.
P Law referenced 95-101 and dated 02 February 1995
Public consultation and foresight exercises in France 377
further enlarged when these consultative groups started to accompany several types of
public action programmes at local level: construction and management of nuclear
plants, research on radioactive waste management, local water management (the latter
are called Commissions Locales de l'Eau (CLE) - Local water commissions).
The objective of these commissions is to disseminate information and organise a
dialogue between the administration, experts, local elected representatives,
associations and other stakeholders. Their action is also focused on local issues.
However, they remain relatively unopened: indeed, CLI members are appointed and
placed under the control of a regional prefect or local elected representative. They are
therefore confronted with a double limitation: (1) it is impossible for them to open up on
issues at hand and develop new knowledge and (2) it is extremely difficult for them to
take into account the various identities' involvement 511 . TP PT
1. Citizen conferences
It was as late as 1998 that France, inspired by the model provided by the consensus
conferences of Scandinavian countries, set up its first citizen conference which, on the
occasion, was dealing with GMOs. However, the original model was, as we will see
further, greatly modified 512 .TP PT
The OPECST had been required by the State to organise this event following the
reluctance of French people regarding the introduction of GMOs in food. The first
conference was organised in record time (five months) because the president of the
OPECST was determined to present the declarations voiced by citizens in his report to
Parliament in July 1998. These declarations had very limited impact on the decision-
making process. In reality, considering the way the conference was organised, one
could wonder if, fundamentally, the idea was not to provide the 15 citizens taking part
in the event with the means to understand scientific and technological innovations in
the hope that this understanding may lead to an acceptance of GMOs. Indeed, prior to
debating with experts, the citizens had to attend two weekend training sessions on:
• the evolution of agricultural production in the course of the last several years
• industrial techniques used in food-processing
• general principles on nutrition
• basic knowledge on genetics
P CALLON M., LASCOUMES P., BARTHE Y., op. cit, p. 233
P Clearly, organisers rapidly decided that the title "consensus conference" would not be suitable to the
French context where it would evoke, according to their opinion, a "half-hearted consensus" based on
some ambiguous compromise. Furthermore, according to the organisers, the objective of this type of
conference is not to reach a consensus but to force participants to compare their points of view. Finally, it
seemed to them that the word "citizen" was particularly suited considering the participants' role as laymen.
BOY D., DONNET-KAMEL D., ROQUEPLO P., "A report on the "citizen conference" on GMO's",
Public consultation and foresight exercises in France 378
added, having seen an analysis of the intentions of organisers and experts involved in
the first conference, that it doesn't question the gap between science and society. The
communication model used as reference is always that of a deficiency 514 . TP PT
The second citizen conference, which dealt with climatic changes, differed from the first
one in several respects. It was organised in 2002, just before the presidential elections.
One of the objectives of the organisers was to exert a pressure on the future
government to ensure that recommendations voiced by the French citizens would be
represented the following September at the summit of Johannesburg on sustainable
development. It was therefore important to draw the attention of politicians on this
issues at a stage when it was still rarely discussed in France. Therefore, this event was
not meant to make acceptable some publicly contested innovation. Second difference:
this conference was not answering a public request. It was organised at the initiative of
the Commission Française pour le Développement Durable (CFDD), the French
commission for sustainable development, in a partnership with La Cité des Sciences de
la Villette 515 . The various topics raised during training sessions included less scientific
P CALLON M., LASCOUMES P., BARTHE Y., op. cit, p. 243
P Sezin Topcu has carried out an interesting study on the perception that the experts present at the two
conference had of the "laymen". See TOPCU S., Experts' Perception of citizen in two French citizen
conferences, ESST MA, October 2002, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey/ Université Louis Pasteur,
P The CFDD is independent from the government but it is, however, reporting to the Ministry of the
suited to this manner of proceeding in the sense that it highlights the variety of
opinions: regional differences were brought to light, as were specific expectations and
the expression of specific identities. On the other hand, it is still impossible to
determine if the recommendations voiced at the EGS have really been taken into
account at decision-making level.
P CALLON M., LASCOUMES P., BARTHE Y., op. cit, pp. 248-249. See also: "Bilan provisoire des États
généraux de la santé", in Acteurs magazine, (Special issue, supplement to the in-house magazine
published by the State's administration on health and social issues), n° 36, June 1999,
P Thus conferences organised around the theme of old age, for instance, have allowed for widening the
debate and going beyond the initial interrogation of experts. In the case of some other themes, the debate
remained extremely conventional, dominated by experts at the expense of the "laymen" who only had the
passive role of an observer. See CALLON M., LASCOUMES P., BARTHE Y., op. cit, p. 249
Public consultation and foresight exercises in France 380
• assisting the Government in taking a stand on these issues, answering the real
expectations and concerns of the French people". 518
Like the EGS, the EGA were implemented in several stages. First of all, more or less
restricted pre-forums were organised. They were to be a preparatory ground to the
actual forums which were held in five main French cities, partly chosen due to their
gastronomical traditions (as was highlighted at length during the debates): Lyons, Lille,
Nantes, Marseilles and Toulouse. Finally, the process was brought to a close with a
conference held in Paris and inaugurated by Lionel Jospin, then prime minister.
The five regional forums brought together a wide audience and more institutionalised
actors, invited due to their implication in food issues. They were mainly local elected
representatives, scientific and medical experts (dieticians, etc). Hosted by a journalist,
these forums were opened with the results of an IPSOS survey carried out in the
beginning of October 2000 about the attitude of French people towards food. Right in
the middle of the mad-cow disease crisis, debates rapidly revolved around a "mistrust"
towards food processing.
Despite a open will to enter into a dialogue and concertation process, the EGA aimed
first and foremost at fulfilling an educative and informative role. As stressed by the
Minister for Agriculture in his opening speech, education mainly aims at facilitating the
development of a risk-management culture which, it is believed, French people
somewhat lack. "Through education and information, we will establish in France a
culture of risk prevention which information is helping to put into perspective". 519 TP PT
Finally, the declared objective of the EGA was to establish a trusting relationship
between the various actors involved in the food industry (professionnals of food
production and retailing, scientists, industrialists and … the "general public"). 520 TP PT
In France, the HIV forum represents the best example of a consultation arena allowing
for various forms of knowledge to be confronted. The focal point of discussions is not
only the way research on AIDS is developing, it also includes a political dimension
which manifest itself in the diversity of represented identities. Finally, in the case of
AIDS, we can genuinely consider that all the various demands, recommendations and
P Source : http://www.agriculture.gouv.fr/ega/
P Jean Glavany, in Synthèse du colloque national des EGA, downloadable document at
http://www.agriculture.gouv.fr/ega/tables__rondes/colloque.htm , p. 4.
P The forums were to include about 500 persons per town, representing local actors involved in the field
of food production, associations, elected representatives, health and education professionals, the general
public and the media. The panel of contributors was made of pre-forums witnesses, regional experts
involved in food production, local figures involved in health and education, consumers’ associations,
elected representatives, an “observer of our times” (sociologist, philosopher…), and “a prominent figure
acting as witness giving an outside opinion”. It should be noted that a Public Debate on Energy with a
similar structure has been organised since March 2003.
Public consultation and foresight exercises in France 381
expressions of identities are taken into account in the decision-making process. This
forum represents the outcome of a long history 521 which can be considered as a
genuine process of collective learning TP PT . From the mid-Eighties, patients and persons
close to them established associations – Aides, Act-Up, Arcat-sida, Action-traitement,
Positifs – they claimed their commitment and expressed demands showing indeed
much diversity but being always somewhat linked, one way or another, to scientific
research. At times, these associations forced their way into the debates on clinical trials
(methods, organisation, molecule efficiency criteria). The strength of this commitment
facilitated, for the first time, the fact that a determining role could be granted to the
patient (considered as a "social reformer" to quote Daniel Defert, president of Aides).
As a consequence, the strict boundary between scientists and laymen was totally
blurred : patients and persons close to them were taking part and expressing
themselves, sometimes requiring actual training on research methods. A genuine
debate involving all actors concerned on an equal footing could thus be established.
The second stage in the creation of a hybrid forum was in the opening of these
associations towards the general public arena. The objective was to allow for these
commitments to be socially acknowledged, to ensure identities are accepted, to make
new forms of collaboration more visible. Within this framework, the media played a
fundamental role. Not only could associations be acknowledged as genuine partners in
their own right but, in addition, their diversity found a public place for their expression: it
was no longer possible to believe that there is a typical patient and the idea that
patients are people presenting as much diversity as non-patients had to be accepted. If
such a feat could be achieved, it is mainly due to the wide variety to be found in the
modes of action and commitment of associations involved. Through the means of
spectacular ways to attract media attention, 523 some associations were fighting against
discrimination, thus facilitating solidarity between HIV positive persons, patients and
people not affected by the virus. These associations managed to politicise a debate
which, without them, could have been dominated by medical knowledge alone.
Furthermore, the legal field having been highly involved in the issue, certain rights have
been established, particularly the right for all patients to have the benefit of the same
Investing in the institutional arena where decisions are made has also been a
determining factor in the establishment of the forum. In this respect, the State played
an important role in creating the CNS (Comité National du sida – National committee
P See BARBOT J., DODIER N., ROSMAN S., Les espaces de mobilisation autour des essais
at the seminar on "Thinking sciences, techniques and expertise today", 25 January 2001,
P Let us mention here the examples of the striking image provided by the giant-size condom placed over
the Obelisk, place de la Concorde in Paris, or the red paint thrown at the ministers suspected of complicity
in the scandal on contaminated blood …
Public consultation and foresight exercises in France 382
for AIDS) which was to look after ethical issues following the model of the CCNE ; the
AFLS (Agence Française de Lutte contre le Sida – French agency for fighting AIDS),
mainly in charge of prevention and information; finally and above all, the ANRS
(Agence Française de Recherche sur le Sida – French National Agency for AIDS)
which rapidly became an arena for interaction. Within the framework provided by the
ANRS associations created their own independent and recognised space supported by
the authorities: the TRT5, where the various points of view can be discussed in such a
manner that the community of associations may reach common proposals, particularly
on issues relating to clinical trials. This space rapidly became a ground where the
interests of all actors involved, scientists, patients and association representatives,
were confronted.
This long process, raised by the associations and supported by the media, the
authorities ad legislation allows for the emergence of a structure both consultative in
nature and, above all, participative. Indeed, the point here is not to level differences but
to allow them to confront each other. Furthermore, the influence of this operation over
the decision-making process has proved to be extremely efficient.
The HIV forum should, however, be considered to be an exceptional case, a synthesis
of forces both visible or in the process of becoming visible. Therefore, although a
reflection on consultative processes could benefit from this model, it is impossible to
turn it into a model that would work in all situations. However, this experience opens
new avenues: one could legitimately wonder if participation processes are not all the
more efficient when parties involved are determined to participate and, above all,
decide on the format and location of their participation.
Public consultation and foresight exercises in Portugal 383
1. Background
In Portugal, efforts were made in recent years to involve the public in decision-making
in various legislative areas. This efforts were particularly apparent in the field of
environmental policy.
Public involvement, however, can take many forms and not all of them actually imply
the same level of involvement (Lima, Pinto, Baptista & Castro, 2001 524 ). TP PT
The former implies some form of integration into the final decision of the results of the
public consultation. The latter is a unidirectional mechanism, usually flowing from the
authorities or experts to the citizens, aiming at providing the latter with information, and
very rarely incorporating evaluation procedures for assessing the impact or even the
reception of the information.
Between these two extremes, two other forms of public involvement can be considered
– awareness and consultation .
The former is a form of communication aimed at attitude change, taking the path of
persuasion, and the latter implies the existence of mechanisms for acquiring
knowledge of the public’s attitudes, beliefs, suggestions and complaints – but an
absence of explicit mechanisms for incorporating the information thus gathered into the
decision making process. So, an ordering of these four forms of public involvement
from more to less intense would be as follows participation, consultation, awareness
and information.
P Lima, M.L., Pinto, A.M., Baptista, C. & Castro, P. (2001). Participação, informação e responsabilização
Castro & Lima, 2003 TP ), who leave little space for public intervention. Besides, public
consultation usually takes place during the decision phase, and very rarely during the
phase when alternatives are being considered. In general, there is a low level of public
involvement in these processes due to lack of information about timing and the details
of the projects.
Debate thus seems to be loosing space, a trend that is seen favourably by both the
technicians from the central administration and those involved in the EIA studies.
According to Pott (1999 TP ), these technicians seem to defend a public involvement
that goes no further than consultation, given the low levels of public knowledge and the
reduced number of presences in the public hearings.
Another example are river committees – current legislation demands that these include
representatives of local users and environmental NGOs. However, the process by
which these representatives are chosen is far from transparent, the decisions taken are
in most cases not easily accessible to citizens and there is a lack of mechanisms for
direct claim by the citizens.
Still another example concerns the case of the environmental NGOs. These have
increased in number – there were 42 environmental NGOs in 1987, and 188 in 1998.
However, the fact that they are more of them, does not mean that they are making the
process of public participation and consultation more intense - their work and
contributions are considered only at the Consultation level. This means that there are
no explicit mechanisms for integrating their suggestions into the decision making
P Castro, Paula and Lima, Luísa (2000). A variabilidadedas concepções de ciência entre o público. In M.
E. Gonçalves (ed.) Cultura Científica e Participação Pública. Oeiras: Celta, pp. 41-62.
P Castro, Paula and Lima, Luísa (2003). Discursos sobre a Ciência num Debate Ambiental. In M. E.
Gonçalves (ed.), Os Portugueses e a Ciência. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote, pp. 115-151.
P PGarcia, J.L., Subtil, F. Pott, M. & Conceição, S. (1997). Episódios de conflito e cidadania ambiental:
relatório final de estudos de impacte ambiental. Lisboa: Observa
P Pott, M. (1999). Qualidade ambiental e justiça colectiva. Lisboa: Observa
Public consultation and foresight exercises in Portugal 385
Throughout this whole period there was an intense use by the Minister of the idea that
science and scientific expertise can decide environmental matters via a direct
transposition of its findings to public policy. Science was presented as an activity that
was carried out by specialists in their offices and one that was able to come up with
unproblematic answers. These unproblematic answers were to be used afterwards, as
straightforward foundation for governmental decisions. Since local authorities and the
public were not “illuminated” by science, but instead were “obscured” by local interests,
their voices could not be taken into account for an informed governmental decision.
This version of scientifically informed policy echoed positively in large sectors of public
opinion, and strengthened the Minister’s position in his party.
The co-incineration process also met with strong opposition, on one hand, from
counter-experts from environmentalist associations, like QUERCUS. QUERCUS
focused on the technical details of the procedure and on its comparison with alternative
procedures for hazardous waste-management, such as reduction, regeneration or
recycling of different types of waste, and on the other hand, from leading social
A citizens’ movement was organised in the bigger town near the planned site for the
incineration, and these social scientists were very active in organising the protests and
debates. Nevertheless, most of the “against” arguments marshalled by this movement
explicitly relayed scientific considerations, namely facts and figures of public health
P Gonçalves, Maria Eduarda (2002), Implementation of EIA directives in Portugal: How changes in civic
culture aer challenging political and administrative practice. Environmental Impact Assessment Review,
22/3, pp. 249-269.
Public consultation and foresight exercises in Portugal 386
Public consultation has no tradition in the field of science policy in Portugal. The
formulation of this policy has been largely centralised by the government. Even the role
of the scientific and business communities in these processes has been marginal.
From the mid-1980s until the mid-1990s, the main consultative body of the Secretariat
of State for Science and Technology was the Higher Council for Science and
Technology (Conselho Superior de Ciência e Tecnologia). The mechanisms for
consultation of the scientific community provided for in the legislation that reorganised
the Ministry of Science and Technology in 1996 (a National Scientific Council and
disciplinary councils (“colégios de especialidade”) have not been implemented.
The only significant exercise of public consultation in this area was undertaken in 1998.
It was run by the Ministry of Science and Technology with the objective of elaborating
the White Paper on Portuguese Scientific and Technological Development (1999-
2006). 530 TP PT
P P Http://www.mces.pt/ForumCT/welcome2.html .
Public consultation and foresight exercises: The Swedish case 387
The following text discusses public consultation and foresight research in Sweden. It
will concentrate on one particular but very important case: the referendum on Swedish
nuclear power in 1980. The question was whether Sweden would keep, phase out or
wait and see what to do with the nuclear power. In evaluating the dangers of nuclear
power one must understand several very complicated scientific controversies, ranging
from subjects like physics, chemistry, geology, as well as the social sciences. In the
1970s, this debate was, from a policy perspective, the most important vehicle for
initiatives on public engagements in science.
The text focuses on the background and nature of the referendum, which included
elements of both consultation and foresight. It will also follow the debate surrounding
the referendum to the present time, in particular the debate surrounding the storage of
nuclear waste material in the mid 1990s. Here are also elements of consultation and
foresight present, and it is possible to observe a change over time when it comes to
ambitions to involve the public in such matters in Sweden.
The Background
governments ruled Sweden. After the Second World War, in which Sweden was not
directly involved, a thorough welfare state was created. This meant large investments
in the public sector. The distribution of science to citizens and the use of scientific
findings in public administration were seen as important parts of democracy and
rational governmental ruling.
Two policy reforms reflect this: firstly, the ‘sectorial principle’, introduced in the early
1970s, viewed the university as the main public repository for science which might
solve problems within various societal sectors, be it housing, supply of energy, national
transportation and local systems, environmental protection, health and welfare, etc. 531 TP PT
531 See Elzinga, A, 1980, ”Science Policy in Sweden: Sectorisation and Adjustment to Crisis”, Research
Policy, vol 9, no 7, April, p 116-146; 1990. This means very little applied research is done in special
government laboratories or institutions that fall under the direct authority of one or another ministry. Instead
ministries support special research funding agencies that receive both unsolicited and solicited grant
proposals from universities. These are sometimes called "sectoral research councils" to distinguish them
form the more traditional basic research oriented councils which continue to allocate funds on the basis of
Public consultation and foresight exercises: The Swedish case 388
In the Swedish context it therefore became important to view research in the academic
domain as open to public scrutiny and transparency. This meant that efforts must be
made to inform a wider audience about the existence of this kind of research, making it
accessible particularly to various user categories.
Secondly, a general and very important policy initiative is the requirement for
researchers to disseminate their results. 532 In the University Act of 1977, a new task
was that the citizens needed to increase their awareness and control over these
changes. As knowledge increasingly became important for the possibility of citizens
exercising their democratic rights, it also seemed increasingly problematic that
dissemination processes traditionally were relatively marginal and skewed in favour of
those in power, at the cost of the broader public.
The roots of this view are sometimes held to go back to the previous century when the
Swedish democratic movement sought legitimisation by reference to contemporary
scientific knowledge and scholarship. An important part of that argument was that
education and not revolution is best for empowering people to change society and
become democratic beings. 534 TP PT
Swedish nuclear power plants were planed and built during the 1950s and 60s. During
that time there was practically no debate on the dangers involved in producing energy
a pure peer review process. The sectoral councils combine criteria of societal relevance and scientific
excellence in their review procedures. In some cases the former dominate over the latter, in other cases
the two-tier approach starts with scientific merit. Of course there has been a lot of debate around these
procedures, they may be compared to the notion of "extended peer review".
532 Svensk författningssamling 1977:218.
533 Om forskning. (On research) Forskningsproposition 1986/87:80.
534 Se e. g. Gustavsson, Bernt, 1991, Bildningens väg: Tre bildningsideal i svensk arbetarrörelse 1880-
1930. (”Bildningens” way: Three ideals of educative formation in the Swedish labour movement 1880–
1930.) Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand; Wallerius, Bengt, 1988, Vetenskapens vägar: om akademiker
och folkbildningsarbete. (The ways of science: On academics and popular education) Stockholm:
Public consultation and foresight exercises: The Swedish case 389
of this kind or if it was desirably for Sweden to do so. It was not until the 1970s that
nuclear power started to be conceived as a possible problem. After this it quickly
became the most important political issue of that decade.
In 1974, the first political proposal of a referendum appeared, but it was not until the
Social Democratic party thought a referendum was needed that it was realised.
Further, in the 1976 government election campaign, Centern (The Middle Party) made
the question of nuclear power to an important issue and two years later Folkkampanjen
mot kärnkraft (The Peoples Campaign against Nuclear Power) was established. More
than 100,000 people were involved in this movement between 1978 and 1980. 535 In TP PT
this perspective, the referendum on nuclear power in 1980 was a result of the national
commitment of engaging and educating citizens in scientific questions. The matter of
consulting lay people became urgent after the nuclear accident in Harrisburg in March
1979. After the accident, attitude research showed that 48 % of the citizens were
negative towards nuclear power while only 31 % were positive.
There was an officially perceived need to find means to systematise and channel
efforts to popularise the issues at stake and give wider publics insight into the science-
based controversies that kept emerging. A year after the Harrisburg accident, on the
23rd of March 1980, the referendum was held. 536 TP PT
In the late 1970s, a massive debate emerged with disagreements between different
kinds of scientific experts. There were also political struggles between diverse parties,
some promoting nuclear power and some criticising it. In addition, the media coverage
was immense: Due to this debate, several of Sweden’s larger daily newspapers
established editorial staffs and feature pages on science. These phenomenon therefore
was born in a context of linking science to environmental issues and risk society.
Preparatory to the referendum a host of study circles were organised to stimulate
people to weigh expert arguments and the pros and cons of nuclear power. In 1979
Forskningsrådsnämnden (the Council for Planning and Co-ordination of Research
(FRN)) was established in order to support, among other things, the “Third
Assignment”. The creation of FRN was in the first place stimulated by the debate on
nuclear power and the growing awareness of linkages of science and democracy.
Naturally, FRN got involved in the questions surrounding the referendum and it
launched a publication series called ”Källa” (Source).
This series particularly focused on areas where one finds differences amongst experts,
i.e., controversies in and about science. A Källa-publication typically is structured
535 Rolf Lidskog (1998) “Bortom tid och rum: Svensk kärnkraftspolitik i historisk belysning” (Beyond time
and space: Swedish nuclear power politics in historical light), in Rolf Lidskog (ed.) Kommunen och
kärnavfallet Stockholm: Carlssons Bokförlag, p. 38f. 535 See Rolf Lidskog (1994) Radioactive and
Hazardous Waste Management in Sweden: Movements, Politics and Science. Doctoral Dissertation.
Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, chapter 3.
536 See Rolf Lidskog (1998) “Bortom tid och rum: Svensk kärnkraftspolitik i historisk belysning” (Beyond
time and space: Swedish nuclear power politics in historical light), in Rolf Lidskog (ed.) Kommunen och
kärnavfallet Stockholm: Carlssons Bokförlag, p. 39.
Public consultation and foresight exercises: The Swedish case 390
around a dialogue between two researchers who differ in their views and
understanding regarding a given question of considerable public interest. A third party,
the mediator, comments on the propositions of the two antagonists, and try to find a
middle ground of convergence as well as distinct lines of disagreement. The mediator
for the most part plays the role of a pedagogical consultant rather than trying to
promote convergence of views for the sake of some policy objective. The aim of these
publications is “not to reach an indisputable truth” but to enlighten complex question of
scientific character and to further an understanding of why experts differ in their
opinions. As far as it is possible, the texts will leave the reader with facts as well as
evaluations and matters of values. 537 The first eleven issues of Källa dealt with the
problem of nuclear power. Central to these publication is a foresight focus, for example
discussing the future problem of reactor safety and nuclear waste storage. 538 TP PT
There were three options in the referendum: the first stated that no more reactors
would be built but that the existing ones only would be out-phased if the need of
electricity could be granted; the second was similar to the first but had some
supplements of ownership of the reactors and taxation of electricity; the third was more
radical, proposing no more reactors would be started and that the existing would be
decommissioned in ten years. 539 TP PT
In the referendum, 78 % of the entitled voted and the second alternative won close
before the third. But in the Swedish legislation, a national referendum can only be
consultative. The government is not obliged to follow the outcome: it is only a way for
the regimes to obtain information of the public opinion in a specific question. However,
the political parties stated that following this referendum the popular vote would decide
future policy. Still, the winning option was more vague than the other two and actually
did not determine policy on this issue. Twenty years later, there are still political
debates whether or not to close reactors and if so, how fast to do it.
As sociologist Rolf Lidskog observes, since the national referendum the political debate
of nuclear power has been transformed: No longer is it a broad debate, involving
hundreds of thousand of people but the negotiation and decisions of the future of the
537 See Källa 1: Kärnkraft och kärnvapen. (Souce 1: Nuclear Power and Nuclear Weapon). Stockholm:
538 Later ones have taken up issues like computerisation and its social impacts, forestry and acid rain,
cancer research, the ozone depletion, violence in society, sports/steroids, and the most recent numbers
are devoted to bio-technology.
539 Rolf Lidskog (1998) “Bortom tid och rum: Svensk kärnkraftspolitik i historisk belysning” (Beyond time
and space: Swedish nuclear power politics in historical light), in Rolf Lidskog (ed.) Kommunen och
kärnavfallet Stockholm: Carlssons Bokförlag, p. 38f
Public consultation and foresight exercises: The Swedish case 391
nuclear power plants is done by a small group of politicians. 540 However, during this
time new questions in relation to nuclear power have emerged. As these primarily
involved the matter of where to store the nuclear waste material, the debates moved
from decisions in principle to decisions of a more particular nature, from the national
level to local, from the “if” question to the “how” question. 541 In the studies pursued by
540 See Rolf Lidskog (1998) “Bortom tid och rum: Svensk kärnkraftspolitik i historisk belysning” (Beyond
time and space: Swedish nuclear power politics in historical light), in Rolf Lidskog (ed.) Kommunen och
kärnavfallet Stockholm: Carlssons Bokförlag, p. 39 and p. 45f
541 See Rolf Lidskog (1994) Radioactive and Hazardous Waste Management in Sweden: Movements,
Politics and Science. Doctoral Dissertation. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
542 Ibid., chapter 3. Also see Rolf Lidskog (1998) “Bortom tid och rum: Svensk kärnkraftspolitik i historisk
belysning” (Beyond time and space: Swedish nuclear power politics in historical light), in Rolf Lidskog (ed.)
Kommunen och kärnavfallet Stockholm: Carlssons Bokförlag, p. 48.
543 See Partik Olofsson & Evert Vedung (1998) ”Kärnkraftsavfall och lokalt beslutsfattande – fallen
Storuman, Malå och Överkalix” [Nuclear waste and local decision-making – the cases of Storuman, Malå
and Överkalix], in Rolf Lidskog (ed.) Kommunen och kärnavfallet Stockholm: Carlssons Bokförlag, p. 123-
180. Also see Rolf Lidskog (1998) “Bortom tid och rum: Svensk kärnkraftspolitik i historisk belysning”
(Beyond time and space: Swedish nuclear power politics in historical light), in Rolf Lidskog (ed.)
Kommunen och kärnavfallet Stockholm: Carlssons Bokförlag, p. 49f.
Public consultation and foresight exercises: The Swedish case 392
Looking back over two decades of debate regarding nuclear power, it is possible to
observe a change in the political role of citizens. In the spirit of democracy and the
legislation of the “Third Assignment” in the 1970s with its idea of educating the lay
people, a national referendum was held in 1980 regarding the future of nuclear power.
In the process leading up to the referendum, large social movements appeared and
information campaigns were launched. Here research with a foresight character was an
important ingredient. While the referendum was only consultative, the political parties
wowed to follow the decision from the citizens. As the winning alternative had a flexible
character, the referendum actually served to close public engagement and give free
hands to the policy makers. An important effect was, however, the creation of certain
features of public debate, such as FRN and science sections in the newspapers. In
addition, the public awareness of scientific knowledge as something important and
controversial had been established among broad segments of the public.
Twenty years later after referendum, the debate had transformed from the national
level to the local when discussing possible places for terminal storage of the
radioactive waste material. The considered municipalities also used information
campaigns, foresight studies and referendums in the decision processes. However,
with the important difference that the local referendums in the 1990s were of a more
executive nature than the national in 1980. A reason for that can nevertheless be that
in these cases the vagueness from the national referendums second alternative is
absent: the question for the municipalities is only yes or no.
If we are going to conceptualise this change, we can utilise the three degrees of public
participation developed by Gene Rowe and Lynn J. Frewer. They make distinctions
between a low degree of public involvement, such as the enhancement of (risk)
information; a middle degree where views of the public is “solicited through such
mechanisms as consultations exercises” 545 ; and a high degree of involvement, where
544 See Olle Findahl (1998) ”Media som folkbildare: Malå och kärnavfallet” [Media as educator of lay
people: Malå and nuclear waste], in Rolf Lidskog (ed.) Kommunen och kärnavfallet Stockholm: Carlssons
Bokförlag, p. 237.
545 Gene Rowe & Lynn J. Frewer (2000) ”Public Participation Methods: A Framework of Evalution”, in
Science, Technology, and Human Values, vol. 25(1), p 3.
Public consultation and foresight exercises: The Swedish case 393
the public may take part in “exercises that provide them with a degree of decision-
making authority”. 546 TP PT
If we relate this to the discussed Swedish case of questions related to nuclear power,
we find the first level, of targeting the public with information of risk etc, present as well
in the national referendum in 1980 as in the local referendums in the 1990s. In 1980,
there also was an ingredient of consultation (second-degree involvement). However, in
the 1990s the role of the public seems to have moved from the middle level with its
consultative exercises to the higher level, giving actual authority to lay people through
local executive referendums.
As with most political processes, this is not an unambiguous development. Still there
are traditional decision-making procedures where scientists have a conventional expert
function, giving advice to governmental bodies. Recent examples of this are the
question of radiation from cellular phones and the need to stop the cod fishing in the
Baltic Sea.
P P Ibid., p. 3.
Public Consultation and Technology Foresight in the UK 394
was a highly devolved, expert-led, and secretive process, operating under the
strictures of the Official Secrets Act. The Cabinet did not ordinarily get involved, let
alone the Prime Minister.
Thatcher changed all that. She regularly summoned scientists to No. 10 Downing
Street to give her briefings on the latest scientific developments. According to one such
scientist, a young physicist at Imperial College, politics did not enter into the
discussion 549 . The Prime Minister, who prepared for these meetings in advance (and
had a background in chemistry), subjected the scientists to her famous questioning and
took an active interest in the substance of their research. These briefings were private;
although the scientific community and the press were aware that they took place, there
was no public interface -- just as was the case for the scientific advisory system. But
that too was about to change.
In 1992, a new Office of Science and Technology (OST) was established within the
Cabinet Office, headed by a minister with Cabinet rank (with the colourful title of
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, who was also responsible for the Civil Service).
William Waldegrave, the first to inhabit this post, launched a major, open public
consultation on the future of science policy in the UK, inviting evidence from the
P Discussion of Technology Foresight and the UN National Consensus Conference on Biotechnology in
this section is based largely on J.A. Stein’s chapters in P. den Hertog, J.A. Stein, J. Schot and D. Gritsalis
(1996), User involvement in generating and applying Hertog RTD: Concepts, practices and policy lessons,
project report to the European Commission (DG XII), TNO report STB/96/011, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands,
April 1996, also published by the European Commission, DG XIII/D2, as a report of the Interfaces: Science -
Technology - Society programme.
P J. Irvine and B.R. Martin (1984), Foresight in Science: Picking the Winners (Pinter, London).
P J. Hassard, personal communication.
Public Consultation and Technology Foresight in the UK 395
scientific community and the public. Some 800 submissions were received from
professional bodies, universities, associations and individuals. Not all of them were
The consultations fed into the development of the first major science policy document
to emerge from Government in decades: Realising Our Potential 550 , in 1993. This TP PT
White Paper signalled the start of major reorganisations of the UK science base and
policy shifts, amongst them a commitment to public understanding of science and to
expanding expert consultation on science and technology policy.
This section examines six key consultations that took place in the decade following the
publication of the White Paper: two foresight exercises (expert led and expert-
dominated), two consensus conferences (with experts defining the scope and content
for lay panel deliberations) and two more elaborate exercises in which the public had a
more influential role in determining their own way of working and thus their own
(Technology) Foresight
The first Technology Foresight exercise was initiated by OST in 1993 with the aim of
identifying technologies likely to emerge by 2015 that would have a significant impact
on wealth creation and the quality of life. It was, at the time, the largest and most
complex exercise of this type ever undertaken in Europe, and it was accompanied by
extensive commentary and some degree of controversy 551 . TP PT
P Office of Science and Technology (1993), Realising Our Potential: A Strategy for Science, Engineering
applying Hertog RTD: Concepts, practices and policy lessons, project report to the European Commission
(DG XII), TNO report STB/96/011, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, April 1996, also published by the
European Commission, DG XIII/D2, as a report of the Interfaces: Science - Technology - Society
Public Consultation and Technology Foresight in the UK 396
be consulted by the panels 552 . The remainder were identified more informally, on a
significantly greater in practice than had been the case for Technology Foresight.
P D. Loveridge, L. Georghiou and M. Nedeva (1995), United Kingdom Technology Foresight Programme:
Delphi Survey, report to the Office of Science and Technologyk, PREST, University of Manchester.
P S Hewer, personal communication.
Public Consultation and Technology Foresight in the UK 397
Consensus conferences
The first of two national consensus conferences in the UK, on Plant Biotechnology,
took place in London in November 1994. It was organised by the Science Museum and
funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC),
largely at the instigation of Tom Blundell, the Chief Executive of the BBSRC. Modelled
on the consensus conferences in Denmark organised by the Danish Board of
Technology in the 1980s, this conference brought together research specialists, other
experts and members of the lay public to engage in dialogue on scientific and policy
aspects of plant biotechnology research.
The UK consensus conference was based on the questioning of experts in
biotechnology and related areas by a panel of lay members of the public, selected to
be broadly representative of the general public. However, in the UK (as in the case of
Dutch consensus conferences) the primary purpose of the consensus conference was
to stimulate debate and to inform the public about plant biotechnology and the issues
surrounding its research and application. According to Blundell,
Public Consultation and Technology Foresight in the UK 398
Plant biotechnology was chosen as the topic of the conference as there was both great
scientific and public interest in genetic manipulation. Animal biotechnology was ruled
out as it is a highly contentious area in the UK: so much so that laboratories and
individual scientists have come under attack by animal rights groups.
A Steering Committee was constituted to oversee the consensus conference, chaired
by John Durant, the UK’s first Professor of Public Understanding of Science, who holds
a joint appointment by Imperial College and the Science Museum. Other members
included the research director of a large biotechnology company, a journalist, an
academic from a different scientific field, a senior official of the Consumers’ Association
and the Director of the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (serving in a
personal rather than an official capacity), along with the conference project manager
and the lay panel facilitator. Steering Committee meetings were also attended by a
representative of the sponsoring BBSRC and the conference evaluator 554 . TP PT
reference to, the results of a recent inquiry by the House of Lords Select Committee on
Science and Technology on the same topic. The government initially agreed to take the
conclusions of the consensus conference into account in formulating a response to the
P S. Joss and J. Durant (1995), “The UK National Consensus Conference on Plant Biotechnology”,
Durant, Eds. (1995) Public participation in Science: The Role of Consensus Conferences in Europe
(Science Museum, London).
P UK Centre for Economic and Environmental Development (1999), UK National Consensus Conference
House of Lords report, but its response was written before the consensus conference
was completed.
There were three basic elements of public involvement in the UK consensus
conferences. First of all, the panels themselves were comprised of lay members
selected to be broadly representative of the public at large. Secondly, the presentation
of the panels’ findings were conducted in well-publicised and well-attended public
meetings at which there were also presentations by experts and stakeholders
associated with the process, plus extensive opportunities for questions and discussion.
Finally, members of the public were informed of the outcomes through a series of
publications and press reports.
In the case of both consensus conferences, the topic under discussion had already
been investigated by the House of Lords Select Committee on S&T. In both cases, the
outcomes of the lay panels deliberations were not dissimilar from the conclusions
reached by the Lords. This has prompted some critics to question the utility - and cost -
of the consensus conference exercises (the first one had a budget of £86,000).
According to the POST report 557 , the results of the first consensus conference had
John Battle, Minister for Science, launched the Public Consultation on the Biosciences
in November 1997, on behalf of the Office of Science and Technology, which by then
had been transferred from the Cabinet Office to the Department of Trade and Industry.
The terms of reference and the methodologies to be employed were finalised by the
new Minister, Lord Sainsbury, in the summer of 1998 with the support of an advisory
group comprised of experts and stakeholders.
The consultation consisted of six citizens’ juries and a larger survey involving 1,000
people from the Cabinet Office People’s Panel (see section on Government Initiatives).
While explicitly set up to seek the public’s views and to promote informed debate,
P Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, OPEN CHANNELS: Public dialogue in science and
participants were seriously engaged in the process and the citizens were effective in
shaping conclusions. However, the influence of their findings was limited. Irwin traces
how the discourse shifted from the initial participatory formulation used by John Battle
to the ultimate reception of the results by Lord Sainsbury, as clearly subordinate to the
mainstream scientific advisory mechanisms informing government policy.
Citizen Foresight
Technology Foresight was heavily criticised by those who felt that the exercise was too
remote from societal needs assessment to form the basis of democratic decision-
making. One initiative organised by the University of East London and The Genetic
Forum, on “The Future of Food and Agriculture”, experimented with a different, citizen-
led approach in which the lay panel was able to refine its own terms of reference in
addition to contribute to the selection of expert participants.
The twelve members of the Citizens’ Panel were randomly selected, in a constituency
that had voted consistently in accordance to the UK as a whole in national elections for
over 40 years. The panel met weekly in the function room of a local pub over a period
of ten weeks. The process was overseen by a Stakeholder Panel comprised of
representatives of key interest groups, in order to present the panel with an initial set of
briefings that could be considered balanced, well-informed and fair. The panel
considered evidence presented by a wide range experts and stakeholders, refining
their own terms of reference as the exercise progressed, and requesting that the
organisers provide additional information and invite additional, specific types of
witnesses. With the help of a facilitator, the panel drew up a final report with a set of
findings, most of which were by consensus. Where there was disagreement, the report
used italic text and identified how many of the panellists were in agreement or
The report of the Citizens’ Panel was presented at a public event/press conference in
Central London, at which the exercise was presented by the organisers and several
panellists read out selected portions of their report (being unaccustomed to speaking in
public). The final report of the Citizen Foresight exercise included background context,
P T. Wakeford et. al. (1999), Citizen Foresight: A tool to enhance democratic policy-making, report of the
London Centre for Governance Innovation and Science and The Genetics Forum, London.
P A. Irwin (2001), "Constructing the scientific citizen: science and democracy in the biosciences", Public
This section focuses on three major types of citizen consultation: expert-led Foresight
exercises, consensus conferences and more interactive, citizen-based examples of
consultation. Of the six examples presented, it is Technology Foresight, in which the
public was for the most part excluded, that had the clearest influence on British
innovation policy.
The two consensus conferences, for which the terms of reference were tightly defined,
broadly replicated the results of expert-led, House of Lords inquiries, which directly
informed Parliamentary debate. The degree of influence these consensus conferences
had on policy may have been limited 560 , but they are likely to have played as much a
role in building public confidence as in reinforcing the outcome of the more traditional
Parliamentary science advisory process.
The influence of the public consultation on the biosciences is similarly difficult to
assess; like the consensus conferences it may have played a dual role (communicating
informed lay opinion to policymakers and to the public at large). Citizen Foresight, the
most radically citizen-led example, was highly effective in bridging the gaps between
Parliamentary, expert, corporate, scientific, civil society and ordinary public citizen to
engage in interactive dialogue. While welcomed by all involved, the impact of the
P J Seargeant and J Steele (1998), Consulting the Public: Guidelines and Good Practice, (Policy Studies
Institute, London).
Public Consultation and Technology Foresight in the UK 402
specific findings on British agriculture is difficult to assess and Citizen Foresight may
have been the least influential of all of the consultations described in this section. The
main interest in Citizen Foresight appeared to focus rather on its approach to public
consultation more generally. While considered an interesting experiment, the Citizen
Foresight approach has not taken root in the UK. The traditional scientific advisory
system serving Government, the Parliamentary Select Committee inquiries, expert-
based public inquiries of other types, regulatory systems and special expert-led
consultations are firmly embedded in public policymaking structures, while the more
citizen-led consultations would appear to have limited scope for interaction with
policymakers and even more limited influence on the democratic process.
One could raise the question of “why bother”? Why go to a great deal of trouble to
assemble a citizens’ panel that is broadly representative of UK society to consider
highly technical issues, when Parliament is itself constituted as a representative body
and has the resources and responsibilities at its disposal to deliberate as well as to
deliver? Why not seek to improve Parliamentary democracy itself? We do not propose
an answer, but only to raise a more fundamental question about the capacity of any
single representative body to responsibly engage with the full range of highly complex
issues that face British society today.
In general, those who organise consultation exercises express satisfaction with the
outcome; some have also expressed concern that future exercises remain under
careful control to prevent their "capture" by special interests. Others express concern
that they have already been captured -- by those who already control science and
technology in the United Kingdom: industry, government and the research community.
Non-governmental initiatives in PUS 403
The OPUS network has chosen to consider NGOs as an arena showing diversity. It
includes a whole variety of structures, which share two fundamental elements. First of
all, NGOs have the benefit of being independent of governments and this places them
in a position to work out their actions according to specific interests. Furthermore, these
structures benefit from actions initiated in other arenas of the Public Understanding of
Science (PUS) such as, for example, the media or museums.
Therefore, we will not limit our understanding to the sole work of "traditional" NGOs,
like Greenpeace, but propose to extend our vision to structures defending the interests
of consumers, patients or the environment. We will also take into account the actions of
older structures such as the Royal Society in Britain, the Académies des Sciences in
France and Austria and the Nobel Institution in Sweden. Structures originating from
movements involved in popular education may also be considered as NGOs as their
objective is to ensure the promotion of science and techniques. Finally, the
independence – at least theoretical - of industries towards governments leads us to
include them in our analysis.
If we are to consider that the NGO arena includes such a wide variety of actors and
points of view, a whole array of positions towards the values attributed to science may
then be perceived. For the sake of clarity, we will distinguish between two main groups.
First of all, the actors looking into strengthening the role of science in society. These
include "historical" groups playing a role in scientific education (academies, groups of
professional scientists, popular education movements, etc) and their heirs
(associations aimed at children, etc). In their case, the views adopted are rather
universalist in nature and focused on science more than on society, the objective being
to defend science. New actors have emerged since the 70s and they have become
even more prominent since the mid-90s. These include: militant NGOs, associations of
individuals touched by a specific problem or a cause (patients, consumers, the
environment), independent counter-assessment centres. These groups of actors are
focusing their action on the environment and on the individual, attempting to
Non-governmental initiatives in PUS 404
demonstrate the impact, both positive and negative, that techno-sciences have on the
environment, on people and on society. Science is thus less at the centre of this kind of
debate or, at least, its importance is relative to other types of approach. In this case,
the debate is of a political rather than scientific nature. Some of these actors are aiming
at helping science regain, for example through educating children, a prominent place in
democracy , some consider it as a form of knowledge among others and, finally, others
try to mobilise science in counter-assessments. We can therefore see a renewed
interest for the debate revolving around the social role that science should play. In this
respect the NGO arena is far from being set in its ways and, on the contrary, it is made
up of moving and dynamic interactions. Finally, all the various actors attempt to
redefine the role that the citizen should play in a democracy and in all cases this
redefinition involves the position of each individual towards science.
To understand the role played by NGOs in the evolution of the Public Understanding of
Science, it is necessary to develop sufficient knowledge of the locations where they
emerged, their purpose and their actual power. In this respect, disparities may be
observed from one country to another. These are due to the types of actors involved,
the influence of the scientific community as well as to the existing tradition in matters of
public consultation or citizen debates (see chapter on Consultation and Foresight).
As highlighted previously, the NGO arena includes actors defending specific interests
and pursuing many objectives.
• To federate groups of actors working on the promotion of science and
technologies: this is the self-assigned role of academies and, to a certain
extend, associations existing within the scientific community (in this case, the
objective being also to promote scientific research and studies which nowadays
suffer from a lack of interest).
• To promote scientific education: this task is mainly undertaken by associations
aimed at young people and children, popular education movements aiming at
both adults and children, etc.
• To defend the interests of citizens or communities: this is the objective of
associations of consumers, patients and their relatives, etc.
• To defend the environment: associations and green movements politicised to
various degrees as well as groups involved in awareness-raising actions
focused on nature or animal life take on this cause.
• Independent control organisations attempt to promote counter-assessment in
the scope of controversies involving safety, nuisances, wrong-doings, etc,
related to techno-scientific developments.
Non-governmental initiatives in PUS 405
• For some of the more "contesting" NGOs - politicised and militant movements,
associations grouping "affected actors" - their aim may be to open up the
decision-making process to citizens' participation.
P Note however that Portugal has recently established institutions undertaking the same role: the
Association of Science and Technology for Development (established in 1985) and the Portuguese
Federation of Scientific Societies and Associations (established in 1990).
Non-governmental initiatives in PUS 406
the number of students studying scientific subjects is constantly getting lower; society
may not give sufficient value to science anymore.
Through the emergence of these problems we clearly see that the NGO arena
dedicated to the defence of science and technologies has a specific manner to raise
issues. Indeed, most actors are professional scientists or, possibly, are trained to act
as mediators between science and society (which, moreover, is an notable element of
the current scientific and technical culture policy in France). As a consequence, their
objectives are related to a "corporatist" interest: defending and promoting the
institution, the profession and the values associated with science.
Non-governmental initiatives in PUS 408
B – Science in perspective
Beside these areas dedicated to the defence and promotion of science, which are
thoroughly integrated in the official fabric of organisations involved in the PUS, NGOs
of a more "militant" nature are relatively recent actors in the debates surrounding
science and techniques. Their influence is more or less significant, both as regards
scientific and technical policies and PUS policies.
It is mainly when public controversies arise that these NGOs manage to be heard, at
least partially, as they voice their interpretation of techno-sciences in the public arena.
This has sometimes led governments to open new consultation areas following
awareness-raising and pressure actions undertaken by these NGOs.
Two examples allow for the illustration of the influence that this type of structures can
1. In Sweden, the creation in 1979 of the Council for Planning and Co-ordination
of Research (FRN) - involved in the information and education campaigns that
preceded the 1980 referendum on nuclear energy - appears to be the
government's answer to the mobilisation against nuclear energy organised by a
specific movement: The Peoples Campaign against Nuclear Power.
2. In France, the first citizen conference on GMOs organised by the Office
Parlementaire d'Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques
(OPECST - Parliamentary Office for the Assessment of Scientific and
Technological Options), also appeared to be an answer to the joint pressure
actions of NGOs and consumers' associations opposed to the cultivation of
Even though these are specific examples, the manner in which these militant and
independent structures establish their position in public negotiations involving techno-
scientific developments allows us to perceive the forthcoming evolution of these
contexts. We see the existence, beside official experts, of counter-assessing
authorities. Also, techno-scientific innovations are not necessarily to be seen through a
scientific distorting lens, whether or not it is popularised. In this respect, these "militant"
NGOs could be a representation of what Ulrich Beck calls reflexive modernity 562 . TP PT
P P Ulrich Beck, World Risk Society, Cambridge, Polity Press, 1999.
Non-governmental initiatives in PUS 409
Using both the notion of NGOs (meaning classical Non Governmental Organisations)
as well as non-governmental initiatives in the heading of this chapter, hints at the fact
that we intend to cover a broad range of organised structures, which are actors in the
domain of PUS-activities and are not under direct influence of the national government.
In that sense we leave an approach, which would focus specifically on the highly visible
big multinational actors such as Greenpeace or Global 2000, and will also take a look
at the role played by smaller associations, self-help movements and private enterprises
that are present in this domain. Needless to say we will not, of course, be able to cover
all initiatives, but we will give a general impression of the different types of activities
that structure this space.
How to organise a chapter on such a dispersed variety of activities and actors? We
decided to divide the material in two major categories. On the one hand we will discuss
those who could be regarded as bigger institutional socio-political actors, which carry
out PUS activities mainly as annex activities to their political agenda. In this group
organisations for consumer protection, the classical NGOs in the environmental domain
as well as bigger organisations in the medical domain can be categorized. On the other
hand we will regroup smaller initiatives and in particular those who took their start as
citizens’ engagement.
Thus, we will discuss the bigger players in this part of the chapter. None of them are
explicitly aiming at doing science communication, but do so as part of their pursued
political agenda.
organisation established in 1961, and the department for consumer policy of the
P P http://www.konsument.at
NGOs and non-governmental initiatives as PUS-actors in Austria 413
Workers’ Chamber (AK) 564 . Both institutions are politically identified with the left-wing
party (social democrats). Although they can neither be classified as clear-cut PUS-
initiators nor as institutions mainly concerned with issues of science and technology (a
lot of their work is on rental, insurance and consumer law), they nevertheless play a
role in transporting information about and conveying certain images of science and
technology to Austrian publics. This role is particularly visible in public techno-scientific
controversies, where they have to position themselves (e.g. “gene-food”).
What is specific about the consumer protection institutions in Austria is primarily their
direct contact with the people: The AK offers phone information/consultation as well as
personal counselling; the VKI has a call-centre-like information service and also does
personal consultation. Both publish a series of information brochures that are not only
distributed locally, but also in contexts where information for special target groups is
needed, like adult-education centres, schools etc. Secondly, they enter the stage when
products (also when linked to scientific and technological developments) seem
problematic for consumers. Constant fields of preoccupation are for example issues on
food (GMOs, chemical and other food additives etc.) and information technologies,
especially mobile communication (mainly marketing issues, but also the discussion
over the risks of EM radiation).
The VKI, a more consumer and service-oriented organisation, focuses on individual
counselling and works as an accredited product- and service-testing institute in co-
operation with several laboratories on a national level, as well as internationally 565 . The
AK, on the contrary, is more policy oriented, trying to enforce "improvements on the
legal level for all consumers", and thus keeps close contact to the ministry in charge of
consumer issues as well as to chambers and associations from industry and
P Bundesarbeitskammer (1995), 75 Jahre Kammern für Arbeiter und Angestellte, Verlag des
Européen des Unions de Consommateurs (BEUC) and International Consumer Research and Testing Ltd.
P www.klimabuendnis.at/root/start.asp
NGOs and non-governmental initiatives as PUS-actors in Austria 414
Constant (media) presence and general visibility across various topics however is
maintained only by the two bigger environmental organisations, Greenpeace Austria 567 TP PT
and Global 2000 TP PT (affiliated to Friends of the Earth International). They are the only
two organisations, who, despite competing in a very small donation and membership
market, on which they rely financially, can afford larger-scale campaigning activity in
the environmental sector. In addition to the lobbying of politicians, they try to remain
present in the public sphere by "revealing scandals" and sensitizing people for certain
issues. This is important both for assuring their symbolic and financial survival, but also
to push through and make their political agendas more forceful.
With regard to their "historically grown topics" like the concern about nuclear energy,
the two organisations have also established themselves as centres of know-how and
participants in powerful networks (media, politics). Other important topics are of course
genetic engineering, climate, nature and animal preservation, and biological farming,
which is very strong in Austria and lobbied respectively.
Additionally there is a wide range of organisations that, although not all of them can be
presented here in detail, we would at least like to mention some. They all provide
information for the interested or (potentially) affected public, with more or less political
motivation. Firstly the Bioclub 569 , which is an association of promoters and practitioners
of biological farming in Austria, then the Ökobüro, the umbrella organisation of Austrian
environmental organisations, and finally, the Umweltberatung 570 , which is the TP PT
P P www.greenpeace.at
P P www.global2000.at/intro.htm
P P www.bioclub.at/
P P www.umweltberatung.at/
P P http://www.aidshilfe.at
NGOs and non-governmental initiatives as PUS-actors in Austria 415
right action in a given situation”. Apart from targeting the segment of young people and
those already affected, they in particular address so-called multiplicators, i.e. teachers,
medical staff etc. The ways in which they organise their PUS activities cover a very
broad range from lectures with discussions, over information platforms on the internet
(with a particular segment for young people as a target group), projects with school
children, “radio positive”, which is broadcasted once a week and addresses affected
people, to a newsletter, a journal as well as information brochures,
This second group of initiatives that do have a role regarding PUS-initiatives are much
smaller in size and have a large diversity of organisational formats, aims and visions
about the relation of scientific and technological development with regard to their aims.
We will begin with a more extensive discussion of self-help groups and patients’
associations, will briefly touch what is called Bürgerinitiativen (citizens initiatives) who
are indirectly also active in communicating about science and technology, then we
describe the implementation of the science shop movement in Austria. We will look at
two examples of what could be called info-brokers in the domain of gene-technology,
and end with a short description of yet another imported idea, namely that of science
To end this chapter we will add an observation that in fact with the growing importance
of the PUS movement a new group of actors was born, namely those who do
professional counselling on science communication.
P Svoboda, Brigitte: Sebsthilfegruppen im Gesundheitssystem, in: Forster, R., Froschauer, U., Pelikan,
J.M. (Hg.): Gesunde Projekte. Initiativen und Modelle im österreichischen System der Gesundheits-
sicherung und Krankheitsbewältigung, Wien: Jugend und Volk
P For example the Self-Help-Group-Registry SIGIS of the Fonds Gesundes Oesterreich, www.fgoe.org
NGOs and non-governmental initiatives as PUS-actors in Austria 416
it seems possible to state that the number of self-help-groups in proportion to the total
population 574 is far below levels in comparable countries, for example Germany 575 .
The existing groups can be characterised as grass-root organizations in the sense that
they show less formal organizational structures than the larger NGO’s in the health
sector, but not necessarily in the sense that they are initiated by citizens/patients in a
bottom up-approach. Rather, it is not necessarily the exception that self-help-groups
are initiated and sometimes even lead by doctors. It can be expected that the work of
these groups concerning PUS, especially the critical comparison of different medical
approaches, will differ from that of more independent self-help-groups.
The reasons for this situation may, on the one hand, be seen in the general
development of the relations between science and society in Austria 576 , and more TP PT
specifically in the little financial and organizational assistance offered by the state.
Nevertheless, recent years have witnessed quite an increase in the activities of self-
help groups and patient organizations. For example, the internet platform
TU www.patients-online.at (see also the chapter on media and internet) offers medical
information from patients for patients. Furthermore, several groups have started public
campaigns to alter the public perception of their respective diseases, Multiple
Sclerosis 577 being the most recent example. The maybe most noteworthy development
concerning the discussion of issues concerning medical science and technology has
been the institutionalisation of an alternative ethics commission 578 comprising of TP PT
Research TP . Often linked with similar groups in other countries, the goal of these
groups is not only to improve the frequently suboptimal conditions for treating these
diseases in the Austrian health care system, but also to raise money to fund specific
research projects in order to find a cure for their disease. Since no public money is
available for these groups (they are regarded as too small in number), they see the
P Hribernig, Karin (1998): Die quantitative und qualitative Dimensionierung des Nonprofit-Sektors in
Uexküll, Thure von et.al. (Hg.), Psychosomatische Medizin, München: Urban und Schwarzenberg
P See Chapter 4 for a detailed description;
P http://www.ms-ges.or.at/
P http://www.service4u.at/ethikkommission/
P An orphan disease is a disease that statistically affects so few people that neither public nor
P See http://www.arcs.ac.at/news/events/science-talk/docs/muskelforschung_broschuere.pdf
NGOs and non-governmental initiatives as PUS-actors in Austria 417
need to communicate about their disease in order to raise funds. Interestingly for
example Debra Austria has consciously chosen not to communicate the scientific
content of their research projects, but to rely on describing the difficult living conditions
caused by the disease that these projects are hoped to find a cure for. Besides the
lacking a tradition of science communication in Austria that these initiatives could build
on, a major reason for doing so is the fear that for example communicating projects
involving medical genetics and gene therapy might be connected to the controversial
topic of gene food.
further such centres followed in 1993 in Graz, Linz and Innsbruck. The idea was to
establish a rather active intermediary agency between the public sphere and university
research. The activities included initiating masters and PhD theses on issues of public
relevance, contacting experts in case somebody needs scientific or technological
advice and carrying out literature surveys on certain areas of research of general
P P http://members.chello.at/wilawien/
NGOs and non-governmental initiatives as PUS-actors in Austria 418
interest. The services are free as long as the requests are non-profit oriented, of
"practical nature" and "affecting a larger group of people".
Initially funded by the Federal Ministry for Science and Research, the situation became
increasingly difficult for them due to the radically changing conditions in the science
system in the 1990’s. The Science Shops never managed to develop into a network of
stable institutions of a similar kind in the four different places. On the contrary, after the
support of the Ministry was cut, each Science Shop had to find an individual solution. In
the case of Graz 583 it managed to be integrated in the University of Graz and work
communication agency, which would among others also give support for initiatives in
science communication. And finally in Innsbruck the former Science Shop is now
attached to the Institute für gesellschaftliche Forschung, Bildung und Information 585 TP PT
and is active in initiating masters and doctoral thesis on topics which are of relevance
to users outside university. Newly founded was a structure similar to the Science
Shops at the University Salzburg 586 , which also aims at the transfer of knowledge from
the university to the societal environment. It also uses the tool of initiating masters and
doctoral thesis in areas interesting for larger societal groups.
In conclusion, one could say that the idea of the Science Shops could not really
develop into strong actors and stabilise in the Austrian context. The situation was too
dependent on local configuration and on the interest of the universities to get into co-
operation with them. While this worked out in Graz, in Vienna such a co-operation
never saw life. Thus the profiles of the different science shops had to adapt in order to
survive and moved partly quite far away from the initial idea – thus this is an interesting
case of how difficult it is to transfer a well working model from one context (and time;
namely in the Netherlands and the 1970’s) to another cultural context and another
period in time. The Austrian science shops are however rather active in a number of
networks funded under the 5 th framework program, which try to analyse the potential of
P P http://www-gewi.kfunigraz.ac.at/wila
P P http://www.fabrikanten.at/
P P http://info.uibk.ac.at/c115/c11508/
P P http://www.sbg.ac.at/was
NGOs and non-governmental initiatives as PUS-actors in Austria 419
The first, Dialog Gentechnik 587 (formally named Gentechnik & Wir), is an association
would like to present briefly. It is a publicly funded service recently established by the
Interuniversity Research Center for Technology, Work and Culture in Graz. This
service formulates its aims as: informing, fostering interdisciplinary co-operation on this
topic as well as allowing for a broad discussion on the societal consequences of gene
technology. INFOGen in particular aims at addressing those people who work as
teachers, in adult education, as health and nutrition counselors, and people who have
to deal with these issues in the context of their profession, such as doctors and
farmers. They provide information on their web-page, organize public conferences and
do direct counseling work.
P P http://www.dialoggentechnik.at
P P http://www.ifz.tu-graz.ac.at/infogen/frames.html
NGOs and non-governmental initiatives as PUS-actors in Austria 420
Science Cafés
Science Cafés are another example – after the science shops – of an “imported” (from
France) science communication setting. In fact it is unclear whether these cafés would
at all have their place under this heading of non-governmental initiatives, as in some
cases they are simply organised by individuals or under the heading of universities like
in Vienna (1. Wiener Philosophen Café) and Innsbruck (Philosophisches Café) and not
by associations. In the Austrian case there is a small number of such cafés, which have
so far not gained much visibility. In fact, the question to be asked is why, in a cultural
context where the coffee-houses have always held a central role as a place for
communication and exchange, the idea of the science cafés did not really work out –
measured by the relative small number of participants who attend.
Apart from these more concrete initiatives there are other developments, which merit
our attention. Through the growing public discourse on the necessity of more and
better communication of science, a number of initiatives were created which aim at
offering know-how in organizing science communication initiatives. Thus the interface
between science and society begins to be shaped by such in part more commercially
oriented undertakings.
Let us briefly mention two such examples; one specialized in the biosciences, the field
with the highest growth rate in science communication, the other with a broader focus.
We start with DNA-Consult, which in the beginning was an association of young natural
scientists who for roughly a few years are engaged in planning and carrying out
initiatives for the communication of science in public settings. Their projects and
initiatives are financed both by public and private sponsors. Based on the idea that
without being educated and informed people should not take part in decision-making,
they are involved in preparing information campaigns and similar types of initiatives.
Their philosophy has been self-described as aiming amongst others at
"Sciencetainment". The latest example was the organization of a "Sperm Race", an
initiative at the Ars Electronica, where men could hand in their sperm to be “tested for
fitness" and women would be supplied with some information about the donor (color of
hair, size, weight, what car he drives...) and could bet money on whose sperm is going
to win. The event was thought to provoke discussion on prejudices present in the field
of technologically assisted reproduction and heredity in general. More recently DNA-
Consult was transformed into a private company doing PR or preparing PR concepts
for all kinds of scientific institutions and helping to find sponsors for such initiatives.
NGOs and non-governmental initiatives as PUS-actors in Austria 421
The second case to mention would be “Brainbows- the information company” 589 , which TP PT
P In the domain of biotechnology and food, “Brainbows – the information company” has a rather rich web-
1. Background
A large range of initiatives in the PUST area is initiated by NGOs, however their
activities are developed within different frameworks. In order to understand the diversity
of NGOs in this field, it is useful to point out some fundamental distinctions between
these NGOs as regards PUST.
Within the latter different types of NGOs can be distinguished depending on their target
groups, main orientation or institutional environment:
• Many NGOs target groups of young people in their PUST activities whereas
others address the general public.
• While some NGOs focus on cultural development for example museums or
cultural centres, others have education as their main purpose. These latter
groups of NGOs address pupils and schools.
• Some NGOs have structural links with big institutions like universities and
museums), others are independent non-profit organisations that sometimes
network with other similar organisations in other countries an example of
this is “les petits débrouillards”.
Several NGOs active in this area are independent non-profit organisations, created on
a voluntary base and often involving unpaid work from teachers, animators or
researchers. They often get subventions from the Regional authorities, either as youth
NGOs and non-profit associations in Belgium 423
standing organisation devoted to the promotion of science. Its twin purposes are to
promote interest for science within youth without discrimination and to contribute to the
training and the scientific culture of young people. The organisation proposes training
courses, holiday activities, etc. Many scientific subjects are treated in connection with
actuality and not just restricted to matters included in official school programmes.
“Jeugd en Wetenschap” (Youth and science) is a result of the merger in 1999 of two
non-profit organisations, the Flemish part of the “Belgian scientific youth” and another
Flemish organisation “Youth and cultural patrimony”. It has the same purposes as its
French-speaking counterpart plus additional purposes related to the conservation of
the industrial and cultural patrimony in Flanders. The units of archaeology in
universities of Leuven and Antwerp support the latter aspect.
Other NGOs are also closely linked to universities as a result of the emerging role of
universities in PUST, cf. ad hoc paper and partially subsidised by them:
“Ose la science” (dare science) 592 ; is an association for the promotion of the scientific
activity for the youth within the university of Namur. The first concern of this association
is to give young people a taste for search, encouraging team spirit, promoting tolerance
and a respect for differences. The scientific activity is seen as a framework in which the
young people can develop a new confidence in the future and become aware that they
can conclude a project. The organisers are above all concerned with the following
P P http://www.lespetitsdebrouillards.be
P P http://www.jsb.be
P P http://oselascience.be.tf or http://www.sciences.be
NGOs and non-profit associations in Belgium 424
significant aspect of education: to actively reconnect young people with the real word
and help them locate themselves in a world dominated by technology.
“Science infuse” 593 is an organisation that has been created by the science faculty of
communication between scientists and the general public in the area of environment
and sustainability:
Public information offices or “counters”: all three regions (Flanders, Brussels and
Wallonie) have set up for more than 10 years a network of “energy counters” and
P http://www.sc.ucl.ac.be/scienceinfuse/
P P Mormont M. & al., La communication scientifique en matière de développement durable, SSTC-
DWTC, Brussels, May 2000.
NGOs and non-profit associations in Belgium 425
“environment counters”, where the general public can access technical and scientific
information on rational use of energy in housing, hazardous substances, environmental
regulation, etc. These offices, which are present in a lot of big and medium-size cities,
also provide technical advice. The three regional federations of environmental
associations (Inter-Environment Wallonie, Inter-Environment Bruxelles and Bond Beter
Leefmilieu) who operate these counters are more engaged towards environmental
Targeted scientific and technical publications: organisations such as Greenpeace and
the federations of environmental associations publish very well documented files for
their members. As in other countries, every campaign of Greenpeace is supported by
extended sources of information, including reports, bibliography, policy papers, etc.
b) Consumption
Information of consumers is another channel through which NGOs can diffuse scientific
and technical information:
The most classical and well-known channel is the diffusion of comparative tests of
technical products or devices, which are a very widespread source of technical
information, related to everyday life for the general public. The quality of this
information is much better than corresponding information in the “technical press”, for
instance in the case of computer technology, where technical magazines are much less
critical than consumers’ magazines. In Belgium, the audience of the consumers’
organisation “Test-Achats / Test Aankoop” is very broad. Its advisers are often called
as experts in the media or in public debates.
In 1998 the national research centre of consumers’ organisations (CRIOC/OIVO)
supported the creation of a “Network of responsible consumers”, of which activities are
directly devoted to sustainable consumption 595 . This network involves researchers from
several universities and publishes information files on GMOs and chemicals in the food
chain, risks linked to domestic products, socially sustainable consumption, etc.
c) Health
As in other countries, patients’ associations are answering specific information needs
linked to specific diseases (cancer, children diseases, rare diseases, etc.). More
particular to Belgium is the role of mutual insurance organisations (“Mutuelles”) in
developing awareness and prevention on health issues for their members, especially
for the youth. Some of them also provide advisory services, in order to help understand
complex medial matters.
P P http://www.oivo-crioc.org
NGOs and non-profit associations in Belgium 426
d) Working conditions
The most active organisations in this area are trade unions. Diffusion of information
and knowledge related to S&T is obviously not their core business, but a useful tool at
two levels:
General information for union members on hazardous substances, technological risks,
health and safety at work, through their usual communication means: leaflets, trade
union magazines, TV-programmes, etc.
Training of union delegates (shop stewards) and union negotiators in technical matters,
for intervention at the enterprise level (within the committees for prevention and
protection at work) and at the macro-level (consultative bodies on health and safety at
work and on environmental protection).
In the area of work and environment, the RISE project (inter-union network for
environmental awareness) is carried out by the two main Walloon trade unions and
supported by the Regional Government 596 . This is an interesting example of capacity
building for workers and social negotiators including a lot of scientific and technical
aspects. RISE also establishes cooperation between workers’ organisations and
existing expertise in universities and research centres 597 .TP PT
P http://www.rise.be
P Valenduc G., Trade unions as agents of environmental change : outcomes from the RISE project, in
Hidebrandt E., Lorentzen B., Schmidt E. (eds.), Towards sustainable worklife, Hans Böckler Stiftung,
Sigma Verlag, Berlin, 2002.
Non-governmental PUS initiatives in France 427
We propose, with the present chapter, to turn away from the traditional definition of
Non Governmental Organisations (NGO), which would require us to solely consider
organisations institutionally acknowledged as such, namely the French branches of
transnational organisations involved in defending a specific cause, such as
Greenpeace for instance. Indeed, we felt that it would be appropriate, as well as more
fruitful, to extend the definition of "NGO" to all structures which are not directly under
the control of the government. This explains the reason why we propose to deal with
some associations involved in scientific culture, environmentalist and consumerist
movements, CST initiatives (Culture Scientifique et Technique) addressed to the youth,
associations of patients or relatives and, finally, actions aiming at disseminating
knowledge undertaken by private businesses. From this perspective, the field open to
NGOs initiatives is extremely wide and varied. We will have to limit ourselves to
providing a few examples, arbitrarily classified in thematic groups.
"facilitating a citizen command of the challenges facing society due to the evolution of
sciences and technologies, particularly with the establishment of links between citizens
and scientists involved in all scientific fields;
promoting the scientific and technical dimensions of culture in order to establish a
manner of humanism for the 21 st ." 598 P P TP PT
involved in CST (CSSTI, unions, popular education, scientists, representatives from the
Ministry of Research, etc). The rhetoric developed in the wording of a "Call" highlights
the "progressive" paradigm on which are based most CTS actions in France:
"facilitating large scale debates; encouraging dialogue between all the actors for the
development of sciences and technologies and mediation with fellow-citizens; mapping
out ways of establishing long-lasting exchanges, all represent the best means to
ensure the control of our shared future, to help science and individual progress
together and to establish a new manner of humanism." 600 TP PT
P P http://www.asts.asso.fr/
P P See chp. Policy.
P P http://assises.sciencecitoyen.org/
Non-governmental PUS initiatives in France 429
This Association includes 500 local clubs and proposes specific training for persons in
charge of children during school holidays (the BAFA). Hence, the ANTSJ is a key
organisation for the actions of CST directed towards young people.
Many collective institutions and associations directly involved in the CST for young
people appeared during the 1980s, when the public debates on the authority of science
became institutionalised 602 : that was the case, for the Collectif inter-associatif pour la
P Many institutions support the actions of the ANSTJ: The Ministries of Youth and Sports, of Education,
of Research, of Culture and Communication, of the Environment, the CBES, the GIFAS, Matra, Météo
France, SEP, Aérospatiale, ANVAR, ADEME, the Palais de la Découverte, the Cité des Sciences et de
l'Industrie, the General and regional Councils, and numerous local institutions.
P Per comparison, the ANTSJ had been established when strong criticism movements existed within the
scientific community.
Non-governmental PUS initiatives in France 430
activities target the very young – who are seen as curious about anything, open and
imaginative – gives the diversified, playful, and explanatory forms to these spaces.
We propose the following assumption. We are wondering if the differences between the
CST activities for child and for adult may not be linked with what is considered to be the
attitudes of these two groups. It is as if the so-called curiosity – presumed to be
general, directed towards any issue and with no limits – of the young leads the
designers of CST activities not to define what should be exactly their interests. This
situation contrasts – and maybe explains the difference – with the CST actions directed
towards the general public: indeed one may quickly realise what are the presumed
interests of the reader as regards to the CST when reading a magazine intended for
women. In addition, the "level" and the cognition of a child is presumed to be evolving
and adapting, whereas the level and cognition of an adult is presumed to be fixed and
differentiated: that explains this tendency in CST activities intended for adults to search
for the "lowest common denominator" (this bias is quite visible when comparing the two
versions of the Science et Vie journal, one for adults, the other for children).
In what follows, we will only describe three significant initiatives among the CST actions
intended for children: Exposciences, the Clubs des petits débrouillards (Clubs of Small
Copers) and La main à la Pâte (The Hand to the Plough).
The exposciences
The activity Exposcience brings together every two years for several days, young
people aged 5 to 25. 603 The young persons present a scientific or technical realisation
or project in front of a large audience – including scientists, who act as experts. Hence,
the philosophy of Exposcience is twofold: firstly, to make scientists, young persons and
the general public challenge each other and, secondly, to enhance CST through direct
involvement in scientific logics – the projects or achievements are decided and carried
out by the young persons.
The Exposciences constitute to some extent the most visible and federative realisation
of the associations gathered within CIRASTI. 604 It contributes to an active and
experimental conception of CST directed towards young people. The policy of the
CIRASTI could be summarised by this quote from Albert Jacquard "Understanding
science is as important, for all of us, as love." 605 Hence, the CST is expected to put this
philosophy into practice. Indeed, in that case, the CST is not understood as a mere
transmission of science to some passive receptor but as an opportunity "to enhance
P The next Exposcience meeting will be held in Grenoble. An international formula also exists and is
the Association Nationale des petits débrouillards (ANPD, Association of small copers), the
Confédérations des MJC de France (CMJCF, the Confederation of Youth and Culture clubs), the
Fédération Nationale Léo Lagrange, FRANCAS…
P Source, CIRASTI web site: http://www.cirasti.org/exposciences.htm .
Non-governmental PUS initiatives in France 431
curiosity and to build up experiences by acting on the youngest possible persons." 606 TP PT
Most people involved in these activities share the idea that an early and in-depth
contact with CST may not only help children and young people to awaken to science
and technology but also lead them to develop a responsible and curious attitude. This
was confirmed by the interviews done in Strasbourg with local CST actors.
The Association of Small Copers builds the interactive potentialities of the spaces it
invests on a philosophy that encourages the curiosity of the youngest. While it
proposes play activities, it strives toward a vocation of popular education (this society
favours activities for a public who has few opportunities to gain access to culture).
Thus, it is a matter of training, during childhood, a responsible and critical citizen. In
this context, the CST represents a particular access to this role: "after the discovery,
questioning and the joy of handling scientific objects and phenomena, the child learns
how to build his knowledge, to call it into question, to interpret it, to overcome his/her
difficulties and, finally, to express his/her own reading of the facts and to put new
questions. This would, quite naturally, lead him/her to have a different perception of
Nature and the World: a perception that would be both critical and constructive, a first
step in the construction of his/her mind that would no longer be based on reflexes and
automatism." 608
P Source, CIRASTI web site: http://www.cirasti.org/exposciences.htm .
P The members of this committee are: Pierre-Gilles DE GENNES (Nobel prize winner in Physics), Jean
JACQUES (Chemist, Collège de France), Albert JACQUART (geneticist, INED), Yves COPPENS
(anthropologist, Collège de France), Michel CROZON (physicist, CNRS), Sylvie VAUCLAIR
(astrophysicist, Midi-Pyrénées Observatory), Hubert REEVES (astrophysicist), Pierre BOURDIEU
(sociologist, Collège de France), Michel DEMAZURE (mathematician, director of the Cité des Sciences et
de l'Industrie), Henry DE LUMLEY (anthropologist, director of the MNHN), Etienne GUYON (physicist,
director of the Ecole Normale Supérieure), Jean-Marc LEVY-LEBLOND (physicist, CNRS), Olivier LAS
VERGNAS (astrophysicist, director of the Cité des Métiers).
P Source, Les petits débrouillards web site: http://www.lespetitsdebrouillards.com/ .
Non-governmental PUS initiatives in France 432
II – Citizens' initiatives
P See ERNST S., "La main à la pâte, qu'est-ce que c'est ?", INRP, Académie des sciences, 1997.
P See the chapter on "Consultation and foresight". Mention should be made of patients' associations
such as the Association Française contre les Myopathies (AFM) - French Association against Myopathies -
which manages to funds its own researchers with the proceeds of its yearly information campaign and
calls for donations. See Rabeharisoa, V., Callon, M. (1999). Le Pouvoir des malades. L’Association
Non-governmental PUS initiatives in France 433
of the medical institution and so have started to play an important role in the fight
against the disease: they participate in decisional choices, they give advice for
prevention campaigns and have been able to bring about significant changes in the
clinical protocols. 611 These activists have invented a new form of interaction with
scientists and physicians, more egalitarian, and displayed an innovative capacity for
the management and the appropriation of scientific information.
A – Critically-minded organisations
française contre les myopathies et la Recherche. Paris, Les Presses de l’Ecole des mines, Paris and
Callon, Lascoumes, Barthes, 2001.
P For instance, members of Act-Up France are present in the clinical committee of the National Research
Agency against AIDS (ANRS). Let us also mention the information activities of the Association Aides. They
have established a whole network that permits to diffuse scientific information in the different regions. This
information, once rewritten, not only reaches the patients but also their close relations and, in some extent,
the general public. They succeeded also in bringing conviviality to their informative actions through the
institution of Caf'Aides. These Cafés have been established as spaces in which guests could either have a
drink, consults books and information booklets, but also receive advice or support from the members of the
P Some Boutiques des Sciences are still operating - like in Strasbourg - but they have lost their initial
French STS analyses, intends to encourage public controversies and the establishment
of hybrid forums.
The first Science Cafés were established in 1997, under the impulse of scientific
institutions, such as the French Society of Physics (the Paris Café) or the Club
"Science and Citizens" of the CNRS (the Lyons Café). Other Cafés have been
established as part of CCSTI's activities. For most of them, the goal was to open a
"neutral area" in which general public and scientists may confront each other's point of
view on specific issues. Each meeting focuses on a given topic, and it starts by talks
given by scientists who are selected on the basis of their authority on this particular
P http://www.france.attac.org/
P 16 cities have established one or several Science Cafés: Angers, Annecy, Besançon, Caen, Clermont-
Ferrand, Gentilly, Grenoble, Le Havre, Lyons, Marseilles, Montpellier, Nancy, Nantes, Nice, Paris,
Non-governmental PUS initiatives in France 435
topic. Then, the general public may ask questions and the whole debate is moderated
by a journalist. Let us underline the fact that these institutional initiatives aim primarily
to promote science and technique through popularisation. Indeed, these Cafés are
based on the master / student model of transmission of knowledge and they tend to
answer public concerns with a dialogue that takes the shape of successive questions
and answers.
Several other Cafés have been established since 1997: most of them follow the initial
path; a few try to find new ways to establish a dialogue on science and technology
issues. 616 Thus, the Café of Besançon (Doubs), created in 1998, does not invite
scientists since they aim "to break with the constant reference to experts". Hence, this
Café "is not a space dedicated to the transmission of knowledge but rather a place
which allows the demystification of science and its actors " 617 . Nonetheless, the
The history of the consumerist movement started, in France, at the end of the 19 th P P
century. However, it was only shortly after the Second World War that consumers'
associations became essential as counter-evaluation authorities. The main unions
were created in the 1950s and 1960s: the Union Fédérale des Consommateurs (UFC,
Federal Union of the Consumers) in 1951, and the Comité National de la
Consommation (CNC, National Committee of Consumption) in 1960. In the mid-1960s
a resource institution had been established: The Institut National de la Consommation
(INC, National Institute of Consumption), which is defined as a "Technical Centre for
Research, Information and Study". This is a public institute and as such it is partly
funded by the State but its status authorises it to sell its products for a profit (mostly
P The French Society of Physics has tried to patent the name "Café ou Bar des sciences", in order to
ensure a control on the content of the debates and on the persons authorised to speak before the public.
P Statements from the first national meeting of the Cafés des Sciences groups.
Non-governmental PUS initiatives in France 436
Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, groups for the defence of consumers multiplied at
the local and the national levels, and they are by now gathered within 18 federations.
Some of these associations and federations are directly related to trade unions (like the
Association Force ouvrière consommateurs), while others are independent (like the
Union féminine civique or the Confédération de la Consommation, du logement et du
cadre de vie). All these associations work in a network and are deeply rooted in their
regional contexts.
Most consumer groups prioritise three levels of action: the defence of consumers at
local level, through offices in which members of associations listen and provide mutual
help to the consumers; informing consumers via various media, either local or national;
discussing issues, some of them related to the development of science and technology.
We will comment only on the last two levels.
The public has become familiar with consumers associations because of their constant
presence in the media. There are two major monthly consumers' journals: Que Choisir?
(created by the UFC in 1961) and 60 millions de Consommateurs (created in 1970 by
the INC). Both journals publish specific files devoted to new products or to comparison.
Here, scientific and technical information may be used either as a resource or as
material subjected to criticism or scepticism (as, for instance, on issues related to
mobile telephones, antibiotics, or organic food…).
These two magazines have gained in authority since they promoted large scale actions
and their legitimacy has been widely acknowledged by the public. This encouraged the
government to change its policy: for instance, they called, in 1976, for the boycott of
food dyes ; in 1980 they protested against the use of hormones in calf breeding. The
information disseminated through these two magazines is often recycled in a different
format by other media. Indeed, consumers' associations also produce several TV
programmes that can be broadcast either by the public channels (such as Consomag)
or by the regional channels (when these programs are produced at the local level).
There are also many local journals (for example, Consommateur Alsacien).
This significant use of the media makes it possible to inform the consumers about
studies or counter-evaluations related to great consumer products that are undertaken
by the associations. The local and national medias are also used as a public forum in
which the consumers federations can express their opinions on current issues. For
instance, many associations were at the forefront for criticising GM-foods and non-
adapted rearing systems (which led to the mad cow crisis). This extensive use of media
is complemented by the establishment of web sites and electronic forums.
Non-governmental PUS initiatives in France 437
Since a few years ago, environmental groups have, in France, an important influence in
CST. But, the appearance of green movements in the public arena has been gradual,
progressively integrating a positive vision of sciences and techniques.
In the late 1960s, several activists' journals were created to oppose scientific and
technological developments, such as La Gueule ouverte, Le Journal qui annonce la fin
du monde (The open mouth, the newspaper which announces the end of the world),
published between 1972 and 1977 and Le Sauvage (The savage) published from 1973
to 1981. But, in the late 1970s, the green movements were losing credibility: they had
not been convincing enough to stop the progression of nuclear power in France, and
have been discredited by both the government and industrialists as "backward-looking
movements". 618 Later on, they lost their independence as a critical authority, when the
socialist government of the early 1980s managed to get them involved in local
decisional committees, and in 1985, the heart of the green movement was tragically hit.
Greenpeace France lost the Rainbow Warrior – a former French marine ship – and this
event is described by the media and politicians as the failure of the whole movement.
Greenpeace France stopped its activities during two years.
The green movements reappeared in France, in their diverse formats, in the mid-
1990s. The Green party became an institutionalised political movement and succeeded
in entering the government with Dominique Voynet as the Minister of the
environment. 619 Other environmental groups try not to get involved in political life and
problems (acid rains, nuclear waste...) or on issues related to the local environment.
The participating associations often play a counter-power function in the decision
making process and thus engage themselves in a fight against the local authorities. 621 TP PT
Hence, the information that may help to gain public support becomes a crucial issue.
The information campaigns are generally done in informal ways, with actions in the
streets of cities or villages and the distributions of leaflets. But these groups may also
get more formal actions under way, through the organisation of public debates or even
P For a critical history of the French ecologist movements, see LASCOUMES P., L'éco-pouvoir, La
P These associations function also in federative local networks, such as Alsace Nature or the Societé
through the infiltration of governmental actions directed towards consumers (that was
the case, for instance, for the Etats Généraux de l'Alimentation). 622 TP PT
P See supra, the chapter related to the CST actions of INRA. To give a second example, during the
fourth Carrefour des Biotechnologies held at Strasbourg in 2000, Alsace Nature was present to distribute
leaflets informing the general public about the issues related to GMOs and on the way this public forum
was organised. The Carrefour des Biotechnologies was organised by industrialists and scientists involved
in that field, and aimed at promoting biotechnology economy within Alsace.
P http://www.criirad.com
Non-governmental PUS initiatives in France 439
V – Private institutions
We will not list all the private institutions involved in some way in CST. We will pick out
two of them whose actions answer – among other things – current interrogations.
much improved. Like most French research institutions or agencies, the Pasteur
institute has established its own communication service that connects researchers with
journalists, and proposes scientific training for journalists. So, the institution made the
choice of an internal regulation of scientific information, which may affect any action
towards the public.
2 – The COGEMA
The various campaigns of antinuclear activists – and especially the " scandal of La
Hague ", initiated by Greenpeace in the late 1990s – has placed the COGEMA in the
following situation: either the company 625 that manages the French nuclear plants can
keep a low profile (and thus invites criticism), or it can launch a communication policy
P See the report to the French research agency for AIDS: MASSERAN A. & CHAVOT P., Le sida des
to answer the charges put against it and restore public confidence. The COGEMA has
chosen an intermediary strategy, a transparency policy as regards its activities and
policies. It seems to us important to include this type of action in our national profile,
because it is an information policy that tends to develop in several fields enduring a
crisis in France (such as transplantation or agronomy). In that context, informing means
to reassure the general public by calling on universal concepts like "transparency",
"honesty", "humanity" and "science". Informing also means providing an answer for
public concerns by privileging two axes: the integrity of the institution and scientific
guarantees (for security for example). Since November 1999 the COGEMA has been
communicating through mass media, such as television and national and regional
newspapers, to inform on the activities of the La Hague plant. This campaign aimed to
"make information accessible to all". In addition, a website makes it possible to
visualise on line, 24 hours a day, activities within the plant. According to the COGEMA,
the transparency actions were largely followed by the public: in one month, more than 4
000 contacts were established via phone calls to a free number and 40 000
connections were recorded on their web site. Finally, an opinion poll showed that this
reassurance campaign was fruitful and demonstrated "the adequacy of this action to
the public demands." 626 TP PT
The transparency policy has also taken more concrete form through real and virtual
visits of the plant, as well as a consultation of inhabitants living close to the biggest
plants managed by the COGEMA (La Hague and Tricastin). In a later stage of this
survey we will investigate that sort of actions in order to clearly identify the strategies
that are followed through informing publics on scientific, technical and institutional
matters, and to assess whether these strategies succeed or not in bringing an answer
to the public resistance to technological issues. Undoubtedly, it would be an interesting
case study, especially in a national context where the massive installation of nuclear
power plants has not, until now, been based on any consultation of the citizens.
P P Source, Cogema, report for 1999, especially the chapter "Des hommes et des femmes responsables".
Non-governmental initiatives in PUS in Portugal 441
1. Background
Once most of its “political” goals had been achieved (with the creation of a ministerial
department for science and technology, and the greater relevance acquired by
research and development at the governmental level), the ACTD was transformed, in
1995, into an association devoted exclusively to the diffusion of science. However the
Association decided to close its doors in 2000, because of its inability to mobilise
scientists to carry out its purposes.
Another association involving members of different scientific disciplines and
Institutions, the Portuguese Federation of Scientific Societies and Associations
(FEPASC) was created in 1990.
This non-governmental organisation has not been directly engaged in popularising
science activities in its traditional sense, rather its activities centre on the promotion of
public and academic debates about the social and political implications of science and
FEPASC published a newspaper for a few years and organised conferences and
colloquia about general themes such as science and politics, scientific culture and
public participation as well as a number of debates on topics of actuality.
Since the mid-nineties, the involvement of scientific societies and associations in the
popularisation of science has received a strong impulse from the “Ciência Viva”
programme (see “governmental initiatives”).
The more favourable climate surrounding science in the public sphere in recent years
has encouraged other private institutions such as for the Calouste Gulbenkian
Foundation to promote initiatives for the diffusion of science among the general public.
Examples are the series of conferences on scientific topics organised, for very large
audiences at the seat of the Foundation in Lisbon and a number of exhibitions for
example, on scientific instrumentation on time and temporal scales, etc.
Some reference should also be made to the establishment to the Visionarium, an
interactive science centre by the Industrial Association of Oporto in Northern Portugal.
Non-governmental PUS initiatives in Sweden 443
The following text highlights the role of non-governmental actors in Swedish PUS
initiatives. The text will try to connect the different efforts to the Swedish social and
political context. Some aspects have already been discussed under other headings, but
the objective here is to give a general indication of the non-governmental role with
regard to public understanding of science.
NGOs: a definition
For pedagogical reasons, the NGO initiatives with regard to public understanding of
science are divided into two categories: 1) research oriented NGOs, 2) politically
oriented NGOs. As with all groupings, these categories are of course contingent and
only used for pragmatic reasons.
Research oriented
In this category, associations, societies and institutions whose main objective is to
support different kinds of R&D are included. Perhaps the most influential of all these
actors are so-called Strategiska stiftelser (Strategic Research Foundations). They are
part of the transformation in recent years of the Swedish research funding structures.
Their mandate is to fund long-term motivated research that can provide added value in
an economically or socially beneficial sense. These foundations only support strategic
research, i.e. basic research with long-term application. Arguably, these kinds of
Non-governmental PUS initiatives in Sweden 444
research ventures, due to the fact that they are aimed at certain socially relevant
clusters of problems, are more geared toward extroverted activities than basic and
applied research. Initially, their original economical resources were provided by the
government of Sweden, but the Foundations are now totally independent: the capital is
mostly invested in the stock market, which is supposed to generate a surplus to be
distributed to researchers. In recent years however, economic turbulence in the stock
market has caused the distributed capital to decrease. 627
The Nobel Foundation is an important and influential actor in the Swedish context. The
Nobel Foundation is an institution that has changed very little during its 100 years in
existence. The activities of the Nobel Foundation can be described as somewhat
circular; each year, every working procedure is implemented according to the same
procedure in the preceding year, culminating in the Nobel festivities. Nearing its
centennial celebrations in the year 2001, the foundation decided to do something
radically different. It was decided to make Nobel more public. A Nobel museum would
be erected to celebrate, science, literature and peace, as well as the prizewinners.
There are already several other Nobel museums in the world, situated in places in
which Alfred Nobel marked his presence. Sweden and Stockholm are thus rather late
in joining the bandwagon.
Preparations for this museum have been ongoing for several years. The name Nobel
conjures an association with excellence in several ways, so of course the museum
itself has to excel and display exhibitions of the highest possible quality. The museum
project has also attracted people with high competence and generous fund givers. The
Nobel trademark is a strong one, and as such, many actors wish to be associated with
While most reactions to the Nobel initiative have been very positive, there has been
some criticism regarding funding. The Nobel Foundation is obviously a very wealthy
organisation. Still, the foundation has claimed that it cannot give funding to the
museum from its own resources. It is claimed that the money in the foundation can only
be used for the Nobel awards and the ceremony surrounding it, since that is what is
stipulated in the testament of Alfred Nobel. This has meant that the municipality of
Stockholm has agreed to finance the building, while the foundation is responsible for
filling it with content of high quality. Thereafter, the foundation applied for funds from a
large pool of Swedish fund givers and from various business sponsors. Most of these
requests gained a positive outcome. However, there have been some complaints that if
Nobel’s testament had been interpreted differently, then the foundation would have
been able to use some of its wealth for this project. Instead, money has been taken
from fund givers which would otherwise have been awarded to research activity.
P P See http://www.stratresearch.se .
Non-governmental PUS initiatives in Sweden 445
While this may be a valid complaint, those working with the museum have argued that
the total amount of money being received, is, in perspective, so slight and taken from
such a diverse amount of fund givers that it does not warrant heavy criticism.
Moreover, the ‘pro’ of opening such a great public window for science in Sweden and
an added profile for Swedish research outweighs the aforementioned ‘con’. In addition,
it can be said that this is a prime example of the “Third Assignment” actually being
prioritised: why should only the first and second assignments receive funding?
The theme of the first exhibition in the museum is ‘Creativity’. It is hoped that this would
encourage common links between research, literature and peace work. The exhibition
opened on April 1 2001 and was produced in three replicas. One of these will stay put
in Stockholm while the others two will tour the world.
Interestingly enough, there is a bridging of the two cultures of humanities and the
natural sciences involved in the project. The ideas put down by Alfred Nobel a hundred
years ago make this connection necessary. Prizes are awarded both to natural science
and to literature. The construction of the Nobel categories, formulated so long ago,
places restrictions on how research can be treated in the museum. It also makes for an
interesting juxtaposition and a rather exciting combination, something that would not
likely be put together under different circumstances.
Another well established institution is Kungliga vetenskapsakademien (The Royal
Swedish Academy of Sciences). The Academy is perhaps best known for awarding the
Nobel prizes in physics and chemistry. But it also publishes a newsletter, Akademin
anser (According to the academy), where prominent members of the academy discuss
the scientific aspects of important societal problems. The academy has a long tradition
(the oldest in Sweden, according to some) in PUS with a focus on the practical. By
1741, the Grundregler (Ground rules) already stated that as soon as a research result
‘matured’ it should be brought to the attention of the public. 628 TP PT
One more example of this type of actor deserves to be mentioned: The Royal Swedish
Academy of Engineering Science which also publishes its own newsletter (IVA-
Aktuellt). This advocates a practical public understanding with a focus on engineering
and economics. Ny teknik (New Technology) is a journal owned by the associations of
civil engineers and engineers. Its circulation (approx. 135,000) is spread very widely
amongst professionals from varied fields but with an Engineering background.
Politically oriented
This category includes both politically traditional actors, such as labour unions, as well
as more alternative organisation, such as social movements.
P Kärnfelt, J, 2000, Mellan nytta och nöje. (Between utility and pleasure) Diss: Institutionen för idé- och
lärdomshistoria, p 70.
Non-governmental PUS initiatives in Sweden 446
If we start with the former, Labour unions have a strong standing in Swedish society.
Almost every Swedish union has its own magazine where scientific results often in the
form of a (practical) base for the profession are presented. A current example is the
professionalization via science of teachers, and earlier examples are that of social
workers and journalists.
Another important actor is Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund (The Adult Education
Organisation of The Workers (ABF)). 629 Established in 1912, it is an organization close
to the social democratic and labour movements, pursuing adult education in seminars
and study circles. In 2001, ABF had more than 100,000 study circles with almost 1
million participants. 630 The subjects of study ranged from the humanities and arts to the
natural sciences.
We also find a large group of actors with a focus on environmental problems. As in
most western countries, Greenpeace is an important actor in the environmental debate.
In addition, Greenpeace actively supports research aimed at finding alternative and
better solutions to problems with less harmful environmental consequences. 631 There TP PT
are however various other active organisations. With its 140,000 members, an
organisations such as Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen (The Swedish Society for
Nature Conservation (SSNC)) is very influential. The Society was established as early
as 1909 and in the following near-century has grown to be the biggest nature
conservation and environmental organisation in Sweden. Of the SSNC it is stated
“[e]xperts carry out investigations and provide for actions that are used in work locally,
regionally and nationally. Politicians and other decision-makers on a national level are
lobbied in order to influence decisions for the benefit of the environment.” 632 TP PT
SSNC have a youth organisation called Fältbiologerna (the Field Biologists), founded in
1947. The organisation has local, regional and national divisions and gathers young
people “interested in studying the flora and fauna and/or work for the protection of the
environment” 633 . The organization publishes books, has its own magazine and gives
lectures in schools.
It is important to remember that Sweden utilises a broad conceptualisation of science,
including also the human and social sciences. These means that organisations that
work with other kinds of knowledge than the natural can also be seen and described as
important actors.
An example of this is a group of feminist organisations, debating different kinds of
gender theory. Such groupings play a vital part in both facilitating debate and ideas
about science in society, and in Swedish culture generally. There is a certain logic in
P See www.abf.se
P See ABFs Verksamhetsberättelse (The Annual rapport of ABF), ISBN 91-7994-097-8, p. 58 and p. 65.
P See http://www.greenpeace.se/ .
P See http://www.snf.se/english.cfm .
P See http://www.faltbiologerna.se/ .
Non-governmental PUS initiatives in Sweden 447
the idea that if science is seen as producing patriarchal knowledge and structures, then
PUS consists of activities that serves to strengthen certain problems of inequality. An
example is Fredrika-Bremer-Förbundet (The Fredrika Bremer Society), which is
working towards equality of the sexes. In the principles of the Society, a vision of an
equal education system is mentioned. 634 A magazine, Hertha, is also published; in a
recent edition, the magazine discussed gender in relation to medical research. 635
P P See http://www.fredrika.org .
P P See Hertha nr 1 2002; http://www.fredrika.org/hertha/index.htm
The "PUS Industry" in the UK 448
Perhaps the premier non-governmental body promoting PUS in the UK is COPUS, the
Committee on the Public Understanding of Science 636 . Formed by The Royal Society,
The British Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Royal Institution of
Great Britain, it draws its members from science, the media, museums, education,
government and public life. Informed essentially by an 'expert led' version of PUS, it
has been involved in a wide range of activities since its founding in 1986.
P P http://www.copus.org.uk/
The "PUS Industry" in the UK 449
Over half of COPUS’ annual budget is spent on the awarding of research grants for
innovative projects in science communication. However, COPUS also provides
bursaries to enable practising scientists to go on communication skills promotional
courses. It is responsible for the Rhône-Phoulenc Prizes which seek to encourage the
writing and publishing of popular science. (The prizes are worth up to $10,000 each on
the popular science section).
More generally, COPUS also seeks to encourage the sharing of best practise of all
those that are involved in PUS. The COPUS Forum for example brings together
individuals involved in PUS to initiate dialogue and exchange ideas. COPUS also
produces a series of guides which have provided case studies of research on the
public understanding of science.
Critics of COPUS (e.g. Tudge, 2002) have argued that the organisation has been
problematic since its founding due to its espousal of a deficit model of PUS. In the light
of recent shifts in the PUS debate and growing expectations of dialogue between
experts and the public, the three organisations that had founded COPUS undertook a
review of the Committee’s role. The outcome came as something of a surprise. On 9
December 2002, they issued a joint announcement:
“We have reached the conclusion that the top-down approach which Copus
currently exemplifies is no longer appropriate to the wider agenda that the
science communication community is now addressing. We believe it will be
more effective to allow organisations to seek their own
partnerships…….For this reason, we have decided not to appoint a new
Chair for Copus and to stand down the Council as it is presently
constituted….” 637
Professional Societies
A very significant contribution to PUS in the UK is made by the ever growing body of
professional scientific societies, many of which organise public lectures and other PUS
events. There are too many to mention in full here, but notable examples would include
the following:
P P http://www.copus.org.uk/news_detail_091202.html
The "PUS Industry" in the UK 450
major annual PUS activities in the UK from the annual Festival of Science to National
Science Week. BA events generate extensive coverage for science stories during the
week they are held in the national press (Gregory and Miller: 225). Additionally, the BA
publishes the journal 'Science and Public Affairs' and it runs a number of science
communication forums. At the formal level, it regularly hosts public lectures by leading
research scientists. More informally, developments such as 'SciBar' have experimented
with hosting discussions on science in a wine bar (Kass, 2001). This event has been so
successful that from September 2002, the BA plans to expand its programme of
sciBArs to encompass the whole country. It also runs a national network of science
clubs and activities which are supported by 16 BA regional officers (www.the-ba.net).
P P http://www.britassoc.org.uk/
The "PUS Industry" in the UK 451
providing open lectures, scientific and social meetings, workshops, visits and mentoring
schemes which promote science, technology and engineering amongst girls and
Independent Charities
Charities, particularly in the medical and health areas, have become important
sponsors of PUS activities in the UK in addition to their main activities in supporting
were more positive. A rather more sobering note for reflection on the state of PUS in
Britain though is that the report also noted that participants in this project demonstrated
'very little confidence that any system of regulation could effectively control research'. It
found that 'participants were unconvinced that public opinion would have any effect on
what research was done.'
Cancer Research UK
Formed by the February 2002 merger of two major UK cancer research charities (the
Cancer Research Campaign and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund), Cancer
Research UK supports 3,000 scientists a year with an annual budget of £130 million.
As the world's largest voluntary-supported cancer charity, its public interface is highly
developed. It publicises the research it supports and provides detailed information on
the state of knowledge in various areas of cancer-related medical science, both as a
service to those affected by cancer and to enlist the support of volunteers and
donors. 639 In addition to its prominence amongst the natural constituency of those
Most prestigious here would be a conference it co-hosted with OPUS in 2001 entitled
Science, Society and Citizenship in the 21 st Century. P P
P P http://www.icrf.org/
P P www.spsg.org/science_society/forum.html
The "PUS Industry" in the UK 453
Civil Society
The public understanding of science in the UK has also been developing by a very
large range of organisations in civil society run by volunteers. Once again, the variety
of organisations, groups and initiatives are too numerous to log in full. However, some
of the more pertinent examples would include:
Science Café
Café Scientifique is a venture where ‘for the price of a cup of coffee or glass of wine,
people gather to discuss new ideas and developments in science which are changing
our lives’ (House of Lords, 2000: 271) Developed by Duncan Dallas, head of a TV
company that makes scientific and medical documentaries, it holds twice-monthly
P P T www.hansardsociety.org.uk/ T
P P T www.parliament.uk/post/pn133.pdf T
The "PUS Industry" in the UK 454
public lectures and events at cafés in Leeds and Nottingham. It has brought together a
range of eminent experts (John Maddox, Oliver Sacks, Alan Sokal, Mary Midgeley) to
discuss scientific issues that grab the public imagination.
such groups have come to occupy an increasingly central role in PUS developments
over the past 15 years in the UK.
It could be argued that the everyday campaigning activity of these groups directly
contribute to PUS. More generally, both FOE and Greenpeace have begun to
commission their own research providing counter-expertise to contest dominant
positions on, for example, genetic modification or nuclear waste. FOE has also
developed its PUS work on the internet providing web information about polluting
factories on its homepage 644 . Such groups have also begun to run public lectures to
P P find MORI poll reference, Wellcome Trust
P P http://www.foe.org/
The "PUS Industry" in the UK 456
More direct forms of industry PUS have emerged in the form of visitors centres.
Sellafield Visitor's Centre, deserves mention as one of the most successful
developments in this area. Opening in 1988, this visitors centre provides tours and
information on the Sellafield Nuclear Power Station. The visitors centre attracts
200,000 visitors a year and is advertised on national television in the school holidays
(Gregory and Miller, 1998).
A more recent development with the growth of the 'PUS industry' has been the growth
of private consultancies offering advise on PUS or polling information. One of the most
active consultants in this area is 'Evaluation Associates', a UK-based consultancy
concerned with evaluating the effectiveness of public understanding of science
activities. The agency has done evaluation reports on the following topics: Royal
Society of Chemistry: Huddersfield experiment; ScienceLine; COPUS-Committee on
the Public Understanding of Science, SETweek 1995-97, British Association Annual
Festival, Wellcome Trust: The People Decide and Cracked, Pupil Researcher Initiative,
ESRC funded survey of public understanding of science (Durant et al), Social Trends
(Durant et al), Daily Telegraph, So did it work? (evaluation guidelines), K-Zone - an
evaluation of a pilot exhibition designed to take science and health issues out to young
people in youth clubs, bus stations. (PSCI-Com)
The consultancy People Science & Policy was set up in late 2000, to provide "support
for science communication to improve relations between science and the public at
local, national and international levels." River Path Associates also does business in
the PUS industry, for example by running a cyberconference in 2000 that is described
in the "Internet" section.
culture via e.g. the BA, the cancer charities' high street shops and the vast number of
surveys, events, Websites, activities, tours, and promotional materials in the media and
in schools.
We believe that other aspects of the PUS movement, such as the impacts of PUS on
public confidence in and support for science, need to be taken into account in
assessing the true "success" of PUS in the UK. As a test bed for developing new
democratic tools, interactive PUS in the UK is an interesting area for further research
and evaluation. While not disputing the benefits of educational aspects of PUS, we
would simply raise the question as to whether the "UK model" is a good one for
European countries (including the UK itself) -- or for Europe as a whole.
European governments now recognise that they have a role to play in the promotion of
the public understanding of science and technology, as part of their policies for science
and technology. The interest shown by political authorities concerning levels of
knowledge, as well as attitudes of the general public towards science and technology
may be explained by two main kinds of reasons: on the one hand, scientific and
technological knowledge is nowadays generally accepted as a crucial basis of
professional qualifications that enable the economic and social development of any
country; on the other hand, governments are eager to obtain social support for their
investments in research and development at a time when the public perception of risks
derived from the applications of science and technology are challenging the traditional
image of science in technologically advanced societies. Policy action in this new field
can thus be regarded as a prerequisite for reducing the distance and tension between
science and society.
The European Union (EU) has also been attentive to this requirement. Scientific
literacy has been the object of the public opinion surveys carried out by the
Eurobarometer since the late 1970s. Under its 5th Framework Programme, the EC
launched a specific research line into issues of public awareness about science and
the public understanding of science. In July 2002, a plan of action was adopted by the
European Commission to stimulate and to support popularisation of science activities
as such at the EU level.
However, notwithstanding the common recognition by governments of the importance
to engage actively in the promotion of the public’s scientific awareness, as well as
social acceptance of scientific and technological developments, the guiding principles,
institutional structures and tools that they have used to that end show a remarkable
One could point out at the outset that, whereas in some European countries, such as
Belgium, France, Sweden and the United Kingdom, science popularisation has a long
history, going back to the Enlightenment, in others, such as Austria or Portugal, the
diffusion of science has not been encouraged in a systematic manner until recent
times. Whilst in the former countries, scientific institutions were in general supported by
government, and benefited from a favourable educational and cultural climate, and a
dynamic economy, in the latter, political and institutional, as well as economic
conditions have kept science and the scientists in isolation from society for a long time.
Governmental initiatives in PUS 459
Culture) acknowledged the need to invest in the promotion of the public’s scientific
Thus, highly industrialised countries, namely France and Belgium, have actively
promoted the dissemination of science and technology in society as part of broader
public policies, at the central or regional levels, aimed at furthering the synergy
between science and technology, industrial growth and competition, on the one hand,
and at raising awareness about science and bringing science into culture, on the other
hand. These options account for the fact that the concept commonly used in political
and social discourse be scientific, technological and industrial culture. In Sweden, a
combination of the civic tradition that relates science to democracy, and a more
practical, economically oriented tradition of industrial exploitation of science can be
observed as well. The democratic argument played a major role in policies for the
university and the public understanding of science.
In contrast, in Portugal, a country at an intermediate state of development, the new
policy in this field was born out of a decisive struggle against Portuguese scientific
backwardness. The concept most commonly used has been that of ‘scientific culture’.
This reflects both a cultural and a civic, but not so much a technological approach to
the public understanding of science.
The establishment of institutional structures at the governmental level for co-
ordinating the policy measures designed to further the scientific culture of citizens has
proved to be a decisive factor of the policies’ success. In France, a number of
mechanisms have been created since the 1980s with specific informational functions,
the most recent ones being the ‘Mission de la Culture et de l’Information Scientifique’,
and the ‘Conseil scientifique de la culture et de l’information scientifique et technique et
des musées’. In Belgium, a specific department for scientific and technical
communication at Walloon Regional Ministry for Research and Technology was
established. Sweden’s Nordic Forum for Research Information was set up to stimulate
greater interest and enhance quality assurance of knowledge diffusion. In Portugal, the
establishment of the Ministry for Science and Technology, in 1995, was followed by the
establishment, in the late 1990s, of an Agency for Scientific Culture whose main
responsibilities have been to run the ‘Ciência Viva’ programme and to manage the
Knowledge Pavilion, an interactive science centre.
Public intervention for the communication of science to the public may also be
characterised according to their more centralised or decentralised nature. The extent to
which the political systems themselves are more or less centralised explains, to a
certain extent, the differences in the degree and the nature of public bodies’
involvement in science popularisation. The Belgium case provides a clear example of
how regional and local authorities can be in a good position to strengthen science and
technology’s visibility in the public arena, and to promote the consultation of social and
economic partners.
Governmental initiatives in PUS 461
Policies in this field have, in general, featured a wide variety of tools. Countries that
have a scientific tradition and experience in the field of public communication of
science exhibit a broader spectrum of mechanisms and activities launched either by
governmental or non-governmental agents, whereas countries with a more recent
involvement in these activities usually resort to a smaller array of tools.
In Sweden, for example, the means used to raise the public understanding of science
range from science festivals, magazines and newsletters, to the ‘science theatre’, and
scientific documentaries. Public service TV and radio have also been instrumental in
the diffusion of science in society.
In the United Kingdom, governmental institutions such as the Office of Science and
Technology and the Research Councils support small initiatives organised by practicing
scientists to communicate their work to the public. More recently, Web sites and the
Internet have also been used by public entities as means to promote public debate
about science. These communication means have been complemented, in the last
decade, by more discursive tools, namely consensus conferences (the first one on
plant biotechnology, organised by the science Museum, in 1994, and the second one
on management of nuclear waste, held in 1999 under the sponsorship of the Centre for
Economic and Environmental Development).
In Portugal and Austria, public authorities have been supportive of interactive museums
and exhibitions, co-operative ventures between schools and universities and science
weeks. The Portuguese ‘Ciência Viva’ programme encouraged the formation of
permanent networks among schools, through its special twining programme, and gave
rise to the establishment of decentralised centres, conceived as interactive meeting
places. Every year, since 1997, a Science and Technology Week is organised by the
The policy instruments resorted to in order to promote the science-society relationship
may also be distinguished according to their unidirectional or bi-directional character. In
the United Kingdom and France predominantly unidirectional approaches have been
followed, whereby what is sought is mainly to inform or to educate people. In both
countries, however, centralised activities combined with decentralised ones. In France,
whilst the ‘Cité des sciences et de l’industrie’ (‘Cité de La Villette’), was officially
presented as “the biggest CST centre in the world”, and strongly supported by the
central state, as a source of national prestige, the ‘centres de culture scientifique,
technologique et industrielle’ provide illustrations of local dynamism as regards
scientific and technological developments.
In Sweden, the intertwining of central and regional initiatives can be remarked, with
regional universities, in cooperation with regional and local administration and industry,
more inclined towards practical understanding of science, and traditional universities in
larger cities developing cultural and civic forms of science popularisation.
Governmental initiatives in PUS in Austria 462
In this chapter we will have a closer look at the activities of public sector institutions
(with the exception of universities, museums etc. which we treated separately) in the
domain of Public Understanding of Science. In part, these activities overlap with what
we have already mentioned in Chapter 2, yet our focus here will be on the concrete
realizations of what was expressed on the programmatic level. We will thus be able to
observe how the often wide-ranging rhetoric fits with what is actually done.
Furthermore this focus will give us some indication about the ways in which the publics,
whom these initiatives want to engage with on technoscientific issues, are imagined
and conceptualized.
We will start by presenting some of the main activities by the Ministries and other
players on the federal level such as the Council for Research and Technology
Development. In a second step we will have a brief glance at the level of the provinces,
which partly have their own independent initiatives. In a third and last part we will look
at the special audiences targeted by these initiatives.
Prior to describing the current role of the Federal Ministries regarding PUS initiatives, it
is imperative to say that this field was, during the time of this project, in continuous
transformation. The government has changed twice, both times resulting in a
rearrangement of the ministerial tasks and of the persons in charge. Thus, the names
and tasks of the Ministries changed, rendering it difficult to follow which activities
disappeared and which eventually reappeared in a different Ministry under a similar or
different heading.
Several ministries touch on science and technology, though in different perspectives.
The first to be mentioned is the Ministry for Education, Science and Culture. Apart from
supporting a number of projects in the field of PUS, such as the Science Week, the
internet science channel of the Austrian Radio and Broadcasting company,
Math.Space 645 – a new initiative that tries to popularize mathematics – and many
P This is a newly created setting in which issues concerning mathematics are discussed from many
different perspectives through public lectures, courses for children and many other initiatives:
Governmental initiatives in PUS in Austria 463
more, they have also themselves organized a one day event to publicly discuss issues
of genetic diagnosis within their research program on Genomics (Gen-au) in co-
operation with an association specialized in communication in the field of genetics. In
parallel, the ministry is also giving some financial support for research in the PUS field,
is engaged with improving the situation of women in science and technology (e.g. they
run an internet-site on the history of female scientists 646 ) and school curricula, where
least concerning the presentation to the outside. Registered activities are the Science
Week and several other information campaigns, on “Energy from Biomass” 648 , TP PT
649 650
innovative energy technologies TP PT and sustainable product development TP PT . The
former is co-sponsored with the Ministry for Education, Science and Culture and
addresses a broader public, while the rest are more-technology-oriented information
sites directed to firms, enterprises and engineering-offices that deal professionally with
these topics. One more recent activity was an open call for new ideas concerning a
“Festival for Science and Technology” which should become an event similar to the
Science Week or even replace it in future. However the realization is unclear at the
time of writing this report.
The federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water (BMLFUW), also
called Lebensministerium (Life-ministry), maintains many databases and info-nets 651 TP PT
on the areas of environment, water, landscape, forest and agriculture where a very
broad variety of documents is collected: project reports, results of ordered studies,
media articles, information documents about campaigns and hints for consumers,
press releases, reports on public-relation works and also official statements about
debated issues are collected. In these domains they also organize or are sponsors of
events that could be counted as PUS-initiatives. An example of such an initiative could
be this year’s “aquarama 2003: Festival for Rivers”, which is organized around the topic
water. During four days there are exhibitions, demonstrations, games and other
activities, all dealing with different problematic aspects concerning water quality and its
sustainability. 652 TP PT
P P http://www.bmbwk.gv.at/womenscience/
P P http://www.bmvit.gv.at
P P http://www.bmvit.gv.at/biomasse
P P http://www.energytech.at/
P P http://www.ecodesign.at/ecodesign_eng/
P P http://www.lebensministerium.at
P P http://www.aquaramabregenz.at
Governmental initiatives in PUS in Austria 464
The Ministry for Health and Women 653 (BMGF) is in fact quite active and houses a
number of initiatives, which could be partially understood as falling into the category of
creating public awareness – initiatives. One is explicitly focusing at women and ICT
(Information and communication technologies), furthermore, the ministry provides a
platform on genetic engineering exclusively established for this purpose 654 . Brochures
and articles on medical and agricultural issues related to genetic engineering are
offered, with a bias on the juridical aspects of gene-technology. The ministry sees it “as
its task to inform about gene- and bio-technology in the most comprehensive way.” It
should “not be a campaign against or in favor of genetic engineering, instead it should
provide an information platform with all corresponding opinions. The only form to inform
objectively about genetic engineering is to confront divergent opinions” 655 It is also TP PT
the council, has already been discussed in the chapter of public consultation initiatives,
and will hence not be further treated here.
Yet, most of the funds available for the PUS-initiative by the Council have so far gone
into a media campaign and an accompanying web-page which runs under the header
“innovatives Österreich” (innovative Austria) 657 . The use of “innovation” as central
notion already hints that the focus of the campaign is not so much science, but rather
technology. The information campaign inscribed itself into a tradition of science and
technology communication, which sets technological progress equal with social and
economic progress and gives the impression of being largely uncritical towards the
potential impact of science and technology on society. Accompanied by pictures of
animals (a monkey, a rabbit, an eagle, a chick, a fox and a squirrel) short slogans are
meant to convey a positive image for innovation. An example for the accompanying
slogan would be: “Innovation is, if your cash is ok.” (Innovation ist, wenn die Kassa
stimmt.) or “Innovation is, if your child explains the computer to you.” ( Innovation ist,
wenn ihnen ihr Kind den Computer erklärt. ). The accompanying TV spot, which
showed a monkey trying to open a glass containing a pear, had a spoken background
P P http://www.bmgf.gv.at/cms/site
P P http://www.gentechnik.gv.at
P P http://www.gentechnik.gv.at/gentechnik/set/G_ueberSeite_set.html
P P http://www.rat-fte.at/en.php
P P http:// www.innovatives-oesterreich.at
Governmental initiatives in PUS in Austria 465
text stressing the importance of a secure and well paid job, a fast car, a house on your
own as well as of a big pension … all that would be reachable through Innovation. 658 A TP PT
number of questions remain open when analyzing this campaign: What message
arrives when people read or watch this campaign? What in the end are they told about
the role of innovation, science and technology in society? Can this reduced and
positivistic vision of the potential of science and technology in society actually
contribute to building the trust relationship necessary in order to gain stable support by
a wider public? Or will this on the contrary not reinforce certain suspicions that the aim
is not dialogue with the public, but simply persuasion to accept what they are told to be
the best way?
Apart from the Ministries and government agencies, Austria also has a few offices on
the federal level that provide science-based information services for the population.
The Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik ZAMG (Central Institute of
Meteorology and Geodynamics) 659 is one of them, working on themes related to
science and environment. TP PT Generally speaking these offices originated in the needs
of providing current information about specific topics for the public that are related to
science. The Geologische Bundesanstalt (Geological Federal Office) puts it as
“providing geology in service of Austria”. The ZAMG provides day-to-day information
about climate changes, weather forecast and earthquake documentation. It is not
primarily a research institution insofar as its purpose is not to produce scientific
knowledge but to disseminate specific science-based information as a supply of
services. Their work is characterized by strong orientation towards public requests. The
process of information distribution has an enlightening impetus that appeals to the
model of the “enlightened citizen”. On the website one for example finds a text about
earthquakes titled by “What you should know about earthquakes?” which explicitly
refers to this notion.
The role of the municipalities in fostering science communication activities is not very
high, with a few exceptions. Of course they partly support initiatives but the regional
governments often have no clear policy regarding science communication or PUS-
activities. Some of them are financing initiatives like science shops, or special events
P For further examples of the newspaper and TV campaign see http:// www.innovatives-oesterreich.at
P http://www.zamg.ac.at/
P Among others should be mentioned the Umweltbundeaamt (Federal Office of Environment) on
http://www.geolba.ac.at/ ) and the Bundesanstalt für Agrarbiologie (Federal Office for Agrobiology)
Governmental initiatives in PUS in Austria 466
(like the “aquarama” mentioned above) linked to science communication, they support
museums and other science exhibition activities, but most of it remains on a very
selective level and is not integrated in a bigger strategy.
To give an example we have chosen to look at a more active region, namely Vienna,
and the role played by the municipality in fostering PUS activities.
which has existed since 1987 and where well-known scientists from Austria but also
from the international community participate. So far more than 1000 such lectures were
held in the city-hall of Vienna. They remain in the rather classical format of a lecture –
as the title indicates – with the possibility to discuss afterwards. However, given the
level of the talks and the setting in which they take place, these lectures address
already highly educated people and not a broader public.
The regional government has also been involved in organizing the ozone consensus
conference in 1997, which has already been described in the corresponding chapter.
Furthermore the city of Vienna supports initiatives in the domain of PUS financially,
examples being the Math.space mentioned above, but also many other smaller
Many of the PUS-activities of the city are in the domain of the humanities, such as the
history or archeology of the region, but also on issues of democracy (e.g.
For more than two years the Wissenschaftskompass 662 (Science-Compass) exists and
registers events, mainly courses and lectures, concerning science, humanities and
social sciences that are directed either to the public in general – like courses of the
adult evening classes – or aim at an interdisciplinary academic audience – as for
instance lectures held in academic research institutes. All events are covered in a
calendar in printed and online version each quarter of the year. Initiated by the city of
Vienna and TuWas, an association for extension studies located at the Technical
University of Vienna, the intention of the Wissenschaftskompass is to ensure both the
intellectual significance and economic position of the city. In the introducing statements
where the originators formulate their approach, the purpose is strongly referred to the
city of Vienna and its cultural history and tradition. It is claimed that the critical reflection
of cultural and intellectual heritage of the city should be continued and thus fostered.
Vienna is portrayed as an intellectual city where it came to “impressing merits of
science and arts”. Scientific life is described as being carried by qualified personalities
P P http://www.magwien.gv.at/ma07/vorlesungen
P P http://www.wissenschaftskompass.at/
Governmental initiatives in PUS in Austria 467
and teams as well as by the mediation of results to professional colleagues and also to
a wider public. This should be realized by calling the public’s attention to the copious
presentations of scientific outputs and thereby opening an intellectual, reflective and
discursive space where “presentation, documentation, valuation and criticism are the
‘humus’ of creativity, fantasy and intellectuality” in order to kick-off ”critical reflection of
societal developments from the past to the future”. Through regular and widespread
announcements concerning scientific events, the wider public would be more aware of
Vienna as a “colorful city of science”. 663 TP PT
If one chooses to look at the audiences targeted by programmes that are organised by
the regions or on the federal level, three such groups can be identified. The first could
be summarized as adult-education that tries to motivate people to continue engaging
with science and technology beyond the end of their formal education. The second
would be children, who have been “discovered” as a central target group for such
initiatives. And finally women are high on the agenda in particular in connection with
technological developments.
Adult education
It is interesting to stress that a co-operation between the University of Vienna and the
Vienna Association for Adult Education is trying to revive a long-forgotten tradition,
namely the performance of science courses given by university teachers at the popular
universities in the first part of the 20 century. The project University meets Public 664 TP PT
started in 1998 and is mainly funded by the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation and the
City of Vienna 665 . In the first two years, 300 public events took place that attracted
4000 visitors. The low entrance fee was possible due to using the adult education
infrastructure throughout the town. These events usually have the form of talks or
series of talks around certain fields of interest, e.g., dealing with “Europe”, issues of
medical science or science fiction. They are held by university teachers from various
fields in a rather classical format of lectures with the possibility to ask questions
Given the fact that the number of students in the classical core fields of the natural
science is decreasing, children have been identified as an important target group. They
P P http://www.wissenschaftskompass.at/ ; statement by the Major of Vienna
P P http://vwv.at/InitiativenUmp.do
P P http://www.magwien.gv.at/
Governmental initiatives in PUS in Austria 468
Women in science
Another target group that is important on the political level are women. As the
proportion of women teaching in the university was only 31% on the level of assistant
professors dropping to 7% on the level of professors in 2001 667 how to realize gender
equality in the science and technology sector has also become a political issue.
The marginalization of women in the scientific community finds nearly no repercussion
in PUS initiatives. However with respect to science and technology as fields of
university studies women have become the new target group of initiatives. These have
been organized due to the decrease in the number of students starting scientific or
technical studies, in order to motivate the potential academic offspring, especially
female school leavers.
Corresponding to the governmental science-policy paper Grünbuch (the Green Book)
the situation of women in science and university has been analyzed in the so-called
Weißbuch (the White Book) where initiatives to support women are described
programmatically. Concerning the technology-sector an initiative to be mentioned is
FemTech 668 , a series of events aiming at increasing the percentage of women in
P Curricula see on http://www.bmbwk.gv.at
P The most recent numbers are from 2001. See ”Frauenbericht 2002”, Ministry for Education, Science
and Culture.
P http://www.bmv.gv.at/femtech/bmvinternet.htm
Governmental initiatives in PUS in Austria 469
programme called FFORTE (bringing women into science and technology). Further
plans include mentoring and networking for female engineers. But it should be noted
that the target group of this actions are predominantly women who are already settled
down in technical fields. New programs addressing the younger generation are under
Summary remarks
Since the federalisation of the State, several governments can take initiatives and
decisions in the area of Public Understanding of Science and Technology; the federal
government, the Flemish government (one single government for the Flemish Region
and the Flemish Community) and the Walloon and Brussels governments (Walloon
government, Brussels government and French Community Wallonie-Brussels
Governmental initiatives in Flanders and Wallonie-Bruxelles reveal quite different
policies. Since 1995, the Flemish government has set up a yearly action plan for
science information, which aims at coordinating initiatives coming from public
authorities, universities and schools, science centres and associations in the area of
science information and scientific culture. External consultants evaluate each yearly
action plan and prepare a report for the regional government and parliament. In
Wallonie-Brussels there is no such coordinated policy. There is however a cell for
science dissemination in the regional administration for science policy, which supports
and grants decentralised initiatives. At the federal level, the well-known European
“principle of subsidiary” guides governmental actions: federal authorities do not make
decisions that can be made more efficiently at the regional level. Federal initiatives are
limited to bi-cultural institutions and federal competencies (cf. paper on policy context).
Governmental initiatives on consultation, social dialogue and public debate, at
whatever level, are presented in the paper on consultation and foresight. As already
mentioned in the paper on policy context, it is important to remember that science
communication is closely linked to innovation policy, in the main regions of the country.
The action plan 2001 is entitled “Action Plan for Science Information and Innovation”.
The formulation of the strategic goal of this plan shows that scientific and innovative
culture are strongly linked in the meaning of the Flemish authorities: “Creativity, which
is an essential property of both scientists and entrepreneurs, must be part of the day-
to-day attitude, in such a way that people could act in an innovative way at the
Belgian governmental initiatives 471
workplace and in daily life. The mental involvement of groups and individuals in
knowledge and innovation is essential for welfare and quality of life” 669 . TP PT
Science communication is explicitly linked with innovation policy; scientific culture must
serve the economy. This strategic goal is translated into three general objectives of the
Flemish governmental policy, which must be targeted to specific groups and evaluated
through a set of indicators 670 : TP PT
• To bring more scientifically and technically skilled people to the labour market.
Target public: youth at school.
Intermediates: teachers, career advisers, parents.
Indicators: number of students and graduates in scientific and technical curricula in
high schools and universities, quality of the training programmes, adequacy to
business needs and labour market shortages.
P Vlaamse regering, Actieplan Wetenschapsinformatie en Innovatie 2001, Administratie Wetenschap en
P Price Waterhouse Coopers, Startonderzoek Wetenschapsinformatie, Administratie Wetenschap en
• Awareness modules “Switch Courses” (how daily-life technical devices work), for
parents associations, senior associations and other cultural groups.
• Media campaign for science curricula in universities and high schools.
• Construction of a database on available expertise in science communication in
• Specific actions in order to involve more girls in science curricula and professions.
Flemish policy level, this conference was designed as an opportunity for giving a
European dimension to recent realisations such as Technopolis and the clustered
initiatives towards schools.
The budget allocated by the Flemish government to public awareness of Science and
Technology increased from about €0.75M in 1994 to €6.2M in 2001. It now represents
0.54% of the regional public expenditure in R&D. An important policy decision is to
make a part of the annual budget (about €0.8 M) available through a call for proposals,
open to any institution or group who wants to carry out targeted actions of Science and
Technology awareness. In 1999, 19 projects were selected among 40 proposals; in
2000, 25 among 61 proposals; and in 2001, 65 proposals were received 672 . A specific TP PT
department within the Flemish administration for research and innovation (AWI)
manages the programmes of public awareness on Science and Technology.
A cell in the regional administration for research and technology (DGTRE) now
coordinates all the efforts of the Walloon regional authorities in the area of science
communication and scientific culture. This cell called “Promotion of diffusion of
scientific and technical culture” is responsible for the management of subventions
allocated to decentralised initiatives of science centres, universities and associations,
for all kind of activities: festivals, exhibitions, workshops, publications, multimedia
products, etc. It also initiates private sponsoring for these activities. The cell’s
objectives are:
( 672 ) Borey S., Flanders: a case study, in the proceedings of the conference Public awareness of Science
and Technology in Europe and its regions: building bridges with society, Brussels, December 2001.
Belgian governmental initiatives 473
• Raising awareness for scientific curricula and professions among the youth?
• Developing a critical approach to scientific progress and technological
achievements, including the social, economic and cultural issues.
• Giving an impulse to “cultural leisure” using science as an opportunity for
surprising, having fun and learning.
The overall budget devoted by the Walloon Region to the promotion of innovation and
the diffusion of scientific and technical culture is about €5.4M (2001), including the
regional co-financing of the projects funded by the ESF, plus €0.6M coming from the
French Community for Public Understanding of Science and Technology in the
universities (since 2002). Since 1999, there has been a specific department for
scientific and technical communication within DGTRE.
The Federal Science Policy Office (SSTC-DWTC) coordinates initiatives of the federal
government, which are mainly limited to bi-cultural or international activities, for
• Management of the National Museum of Natural Sciences (cf. paper on science
centres), which is the only bi-cultural institution in the area of Public Understanding
of Science and Technology.
• Design, implementation and operation of a specific web site of SSTC-DWTC for the
youth ( www.belspo.be/young ).
As a conclusion, it is fair to say that SSTC-DWTC does not appear as a very visible
actor in the Public Understanding of Science and Technology landscape. It does
however play an important supporting role in the “back-office” of Public Understanding
of Science and Technology and in international networking.
French governmental actions 475
A – Ministries
Ministries offer their support to many local initiatives (including associations) and
coordinate certain events, organisations and museums. In addition, they also back
various actions aimed at broadcasting scientific and technological knowledge. The
latter will be the main focus of this chapter. For the sake of clarity, we propose to
structure it around ministries and institutions involved in CST actions. Note, however,
that these headings are arbitrary. Indeed, many projects are collaborative in nature and
involve several institutions.
The MCIS is given directives by the Conseil scientifique pour la Culture et l'Information
Scientifique et Technique et les Musées (Scientific Council for Scientific and
Technological Culture, Information and Museums). The first president of the Council
P P See final section of this report for details on Science Days.
French governmental actions 476
was Jean-Marc Lévy Leblond, a physicist who played a major role in the science critics’
movement of the 1970s and is now highly committed to CST actions. Based on
directives, the MCIS is meant to assess and guide current actions, proceed with
international comparisons, suggest new directions to explore, and provide impetus to
the sector. The influence of this new organisation is still difficult to assess due to recent
government reorganisation.
The Ministry of Research supervises the following CST institutions :
• La Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie de la Villette (situated in Paris but with
collections managed by La Direction Générale de l'Administration);
• Le Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN, Paris);
• Le Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM, Paris); and
• Le Palais de la Découverte (Paris).
In addition, it partly supports the various CCSTIs, nationwide and decentralised
organisations that come under the control of the MNHN and CNAM.
covered by the media, like Téléthon or Sidaction, which respectively focus on genetic
diseases and AIDS.
P See the chapter dedicated to the media in this report.
P Such as the Conseils d'Éducation Populaire et de Jeunesse (Councils for Popular Education and
Youth) and the Associations d'Éducation Populaire et de Jeunesse (Associations for Popular Education
and Youth).
French governmental actions 477
children. Hence, organising CST actions aimed at young people falls within its
prerogatives and is the subject of constant initiatives. In 1999 for instance, the Ministry
of Youth was instrumental in the preparation of different exhibitions and events related
to the solar eclipse. The Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports has long privileged
astronomy due, perhaps, to the large number of learned societies or groups of young
enthusiasts. It is worth mentioning that CST is considered here as "social and cultural
practices" in the broadest sense, a definition that deeply affects the nature of CST
actions. Indeed, this makes initiatives intended for children quite different from those
intended for adults (i.e. the "general public"). 677 Unlike most CST actions – which
P The same may be noted between popularisation magazines intended for the general public, such as
Science et Vie, Science et Avenir, and those intended for children. See, in this report, the chapter
dedicated to the media.
P www.prim.net
French governmental actions 478
Along with the universities, the Ministry of Research supervises several research
institutions. While these are quite often involved in CST actions supported by other
institutions or associations, they also initiate their own actions with increased
frequency. All have set up their own press office, which sets up and controls relations
with the media.
P The AFSSA is placed under the authority of the Ministries of Health, Agriculture and Consumers
Affairs. The Établissement Français du Sang comes under the sole authority of the Ministry of Health.
P There are other expert committees which come under the Ministry of Research or the Ministry of
Agriculture: let us only mention the Commission de Génie Biomoléculaire (CGB – Commission for
Biomolecular Engineering), in charge of the GMO issue and the Dormont Committee in charge of ESB.
French governmental actions 479
initiatives and cooperates with other institutions, as with Oser le savoir (Daring
knowledge), a series of exhibitions presented last year at the Cité des Sciences et de
l'Industrie de la Villette. On the occasion, the CNRS delegated members to act both as
consulting experts and communicators, delivering public lectures during specific
exhibitions such as the one dedicated to GMOs.
In addition, the CNRS organises its own scientific communication initiatives. Headed
Science pour tous (Science for all) they are available on the CNRS website. These
initiatives aim at establishing a contact between the public (generally the younger
generations) and science with the organisation of debates on current issues. Although
the idea underlying such actions is described as "debating as to the whys and
wherefores of scientific achievements", they aim to satisfy what is presumed to be the
public's thirst for scientific responses to its questions.
Among these activities, let us mention for instance the yearly Science et Société
conferences held since 1990, at which young people are given an opportunity to
discuss current issues with researchers. 682 They involve the organisation of debates on
current affairs during which researchers are face to face with young people. Similarly,
the objective of the operation headed Recherche et Passion (Research and Passion) is
to organise events for young people, teachers and researchers to meet and talk. At
these meetings, teachers and young people may present scientific projects and receive
guidance and information from researchers. The aim is to answer the teachers' queries,
with the involvement of researchers and engineers, and to enhance the curiosity and
scientific reflection of young people by offering them an authentic approach to
research. 683 Thus science is able to find its place within the world of culture and this
context contributes to highlighting its social utility. Finally, the sciences-citoyens clubs
(sciences-citizens clubs) aim at establishing links between research and young citizens
and include the visit of laboratories, conference-debates on current subjects or local
In summary, two a-priori assumptions are strongly underlying these actions where the
citizen is confronted with science: (i) the public is asking for scientific information and
(ii) science is a legitimate authority when it comes to addressing current issues.
Moreover, let us insist on the fact that these actions are also intended to inform young
people and make them aware of scientific career possibilities. As a result, they also
contribute in the renewal of the scientific community.
P Details on the history of the CNRS may be obtained in the bi-annual journal Histoire du CNRS, (CNRS
edition), published since 1988 by the Committee for the history of the CNRS.
P In 2000, it was organised at the Futuroscope in Poitiers.
P Source: CNRS web site.
French governmental actions 480
2 – The National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM – Institut
National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale)
Like the CNRS and the INRA, the INSERM is involved in a great number of CST
actions, most of them related to health and medicine. It organises conferences,
exhibitions (such as, for instance, the itinerant exhibition "When science meets art"),
and has established a European network "INSERM-Young people" and INSERM youth
clubs mainly developed in secondary schools. It broadcast information to teachers and
funds several journals, such as Medicine-Sciences, a Franco-Canadian (Quebec)
journal aimed at the general public which creates a link between medicine and
citizenship, or the more specialised journal Dialogue – Recherche – Clinique – Santé,
published by the committee Inserm/Société. Reference should also be made of the
collection of scientific files Repères (reference marks), established in 2001. "This
collection will be directed such as to provide each of us with "reference marks", not
only in scientific fields but also in history, sociology and economy, enabling us to be in
a better position to define scientific challenges and interactions between research and
society to open, ultimately, to public questions". For the moment, three issues have
been published, on prion diseases, stem cells and life patentability. This collection is
therefore intended to be topical, tackling problems raised by scientific and technological
developments. 684 Finally, it has recently established a committee for ethical issues,
P P Source: INSERM web site.
French governmental actions 481
that may be instrumentalised by the institution. Indeed, the objective of the EGA is
clearly stated: "to facilitate the government's decision-making process on these
subjects, to take into account the real needs and worries of the population, and to
clarify the situation related to the public's expectations regarding the security and the
quality of food, particularly as regards information." 685 Hence, the philosophy of the
In the continuation of the program, we will take into account this transformation of the
CST areas and the way in which they can be colonised by non-institutional actors.
Within the framework of CST actions run by public institutions, let us mention those of
the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA, Atomic Energy Authority), which aims, in
collaboration with others involved in this field, "to improve public information on
research in physical sciences and on its applications." 687 The information disseminated
is formal and the aim is clearly to transform, by making it more transparent, the public's
perception of an institution whose main objective – i.e. to develop nuclear energy – is
being less accepted by French people.
P Source: Ministry of Agriculture web site: http://www.agriculture.gouv.fr
P Study: "Etats généraux de l’alimentation : retour critique sur une expérience de participation citoyenne"
(General Conference on Food: critical thoughts on an experience of citizens participation) , Source: INRA
web site.
P Source: CEA web site: http://www.cea.fr/html/decouvrirlecea.htm
Governmental initiatives in Portugal 482
1. Background
A Ministry for Science and Technology was established, for the first time in Portugal, in
October 1995, within the government formed by the Socialist Party. 688 This Department
has introduced as one central axis of its policy – and for the first time in Portuguese
history, the promotion of scientific culture to the general public. This objective has been
implemented mainly through the “Ciência Viva” (Science Alive) programme, launched
1996 and is now run by the new Agency for Scientific Culture.
P The Ministry for Science and Technology gave place to the Ministry for Science and Higher Education
(MCES), following the March 2002 legislative elections that led to the formation of a new government
based on a coalition of the Social-Democratic Party and the Popular Party.
Governmental initiatives in Portugal 483
community” being also understood as a “collective responsibility”. TP PT In fact, as has
already been pointed out, the government has played a decisive role, since the mid-
nineties, in encouraging scientists and scientific institutions’ involvement in the diffusion
of science to the public.
The “Ciência Viva” programme relies on the notion of scientific practice as the
understanding and manipulation of nature and of technical objects. One of its
underlying goals is to counter the traditional theoretically-based teaching of sciences,
by a methodology of teaching based on experimentation. A concrete consequence of
this policy has been, recognition, contributions towards providing schools with scientific
equipment and instrumentation. 690 The programme’s emphasis on experimentation
and on technology manipulation excludes both the discussion on the nature of science
and technology, and the consideration of the social, economic and political contexts of
their production from the learning and awareness processes. 691 TP PT
It could be noted that, this scientific culture policy is out of phase with the public image
that science is acquiring in the mass media to the extent that it does not consider the
social and political dimensions of scientific activity. This is because it is an image of
science that is not only viewed as increasingly relevant to people’s lives but also as
uncertain and controversial.
The very use of the word "experimental" in describing the turn towards "science as it is
actually done" tends to reinforce the epistemological primacy of those scientific
disciplines organized around laboratory and experimental practice, such as physics,
chemistry and some areas of biology.
"Science as it is actually done" was the title of a cycle of public lectures organised by
the Ministry of Science, in Lisbon, between October 1996 and January 1998. These
lectures brought a number of philosophers and historians of science, as well as many
of the most prominent names in STS to Portugal.
The lectures, which consistently had a high attendance of both students and high
school teachers, were published shortly after the cycle ended.
In this context, another initiative by the Ministry of Science and Technology is worth
mentioning. This is the Scientific Culture Survey. This Survey was first conducted in
Portugal in 1990 and 1992, under the responsibility of Eurobarometer, the research
instrument being the Portuguese version of the Eurobarometer questionnaire. After
P Cf. MCT, Ciência Viva, Livro de Actas, 2º Fórum Ciência Viva, http://www.mces.pt/ .
P Idem.
P It should, however, be pointed out that there has been one, but just one, experiment of the programme
in the field of sociology: the initiative was taken by the Centre for Research and Study in Sociology (CIES),
of ISCTE, in 2000.
Governmental initiatives in Portugal 484
these first years, problems with both the methodology and the rationale were largely
invoked and the survey was discontinued in Europe.
Portugal, however, decided otherwise. From the mid-1990s onwards, the Science and
Technology Observatory (OCT) – a structure of the Ministry of Science and Higher
Education – took the responsibility for these surveys. These followed both the same
rationale and the same methodology of the previous Eurobarometer surveys, with only
minor changes in some questions.
According to the OCT, to maintain these national surveys served an important
comparative aim, since it is an opportunity to analyse the evolution of the scientific
culture of the Portuguese. It has also been suggested that these surveys are still
important in a country like Portugal to legitimatise more investments in scientific
Governmental initiatives in Sweden 485
The following text provides an indication of the role the Swedish government has in
PUS initiatives. The text will try to connect the different efforts to the specific social and
political context of Sweden. Some aspects have already been discussed under other
headings, but the objective here is to give an overall picture of the governmental role in
questions of public understanding of science.
For the majority of the 20 th century, Sweden was ruled by strong Social Democratic
governments. After the Second World War, in which Sweden was not directly involved,
a thorough welfare state was created. This meant large investment in the public sector.
The distribution of science to citizens and the use of scientific findings in public
administration were seen as important parts of democracy and rational governmental
ruling. In the 1990s Sweden as an industrial country experienced a deep structural
crisis. Half a million people were unfortunate enough to lose their employment, mostly
from the traditional manufacturing industries. Governmental policy was to reframe
Sweden towards a knowledge economy and geared workers towards the expanding
field of information technology. Of course, this dramatic shift changed the way
knowledge is viewed in the Swedish context. Increasingly, it is seen as something that
can be commercially exploited. As will be evident, both the features of the traditional
welfare state and the changes due to the crisis in the 1990s have influenced science
policy and PUS in Sweden. Questions of democracy, social relevance and economic
growth have directed the governmental efforts in different ways and at different times.
In the early 1970s, the ‘sectorial principle’, a Swedish variant of the Rotschild principle,
was introduced into Swedish science policy. 692 In accordance with this idea, the
university is the main public repository for science and scientific knowledge which may
then help to solve problems within various societal sectors, be it housing, supply of
P Elzinga, A, 1993, "Universities, Research, and the Transformation of the State.” In Sheldon Rothblatt &
Björn Wittrock (eds) The European and American University since 1800. Historical and Sociological
Essays. Cambridge University Press, p 191-233. The Rotschild principle is a policy initiative, which entail a
contractual relationship between researcher and funder, in which the latter supplies resources on the
condition that the knowledge produced has specific policy and social relevance; see A Framework for
Government Research and Development. London: HMSO 1971, usually referred to as the Rothschild
Governmental initiatives in Sweden 486
energy, national transportation and local systems, environmental protection, health and
welfare, etc. 693TP PT
In the Swedish context it therefore became important to view research in the academic
domain as open to public scrutiny and transparency. To this end, efforts must be made
to inform a wider audience about the existence of academic scientific research, making
it accessible to various user categories.
During the 1970s, a number of new sectorial funding councils were created. With this
came an increasing attention to user information, both before and after projects were
begun and finished. 694 For example the information was transferred via contacts with
the media, special brochures, research catalogues, and the creation of publications
targeted at specific sectors and funded by the sectorial councils themselves.
Another very important policy initiative is the requirement for researchers to
disseminate their results. 695 In the new University Act of 1977, this new task
P See Elzinga, A, 1980, "Science Policy in Sweden: Sectorisation and Adjustment to Crisis", Research
P Om forskning. (About research) Forskningsproposition 1986/87:80.
Governmental initiatives in Sweden 487
A new formulation of the “Third Assignment” (1997) was intended to foster a more
intense interaction between the universities and society at large and in particular with
industry. In the Ministry of Education’s directive it was apparent that universities and
colleges are meant to increase the extent of their collaboration with industry, public
administration, organisations, cultural life and popular education. In a recent Science
Bill, the objective is not only to disseminate research information to the public; it also
explicitly states that industry must be a recipient in the dissemination process. 698 To TP PT
make this easier, it is proposed that universities may create subsidiary companies, co-
operating with industrial partners. 699 At the same time it is underlined that these
However, many now reinterpret the “Third Assignment” as a demand that universities
and colleges should interact more intensely with industry. 701 For some, the “Third
Assignment” is now associated with forms of interaction that go beyond informing about
R&D results. One of the driving forces is globalisation, which is often referred to as a
motive for developing university-industry landscapes to improve local or regional
competitiveness in the marketplace. In addition, the government has recently stated
that the “Third Assignment” has been important in fostering a new entrepreneurial spirit
in universities and colleges. 702 TP PT
Another general policy directive is the current change which the Swedish research
funding landscape is undergoing. Research granting agencies, of which there were
many, are now brought together to form a small number of integrated agencies. Earlier,
the responsibility of allocating research grants was divided between the Swedish
Council for Planning and Coordination of Research (FRN), the Swedish Council for
Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSFR), the Swedish Medical
P See e. g. Gustavsson, Bernt, 1991, Bildningens väg: Tre bildningsideal i svensk arbetarrörelse 1880-
1930. (”Bildningens” way: Three ideals of educative formation in the Swedish labour movement 1880–
1930.) Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand; Wallerius, Bengt, 1988, Vetenskapens vägar: om akademiker
och folkbildningsarbete. (The ways of science: On academics and popular education) Stockholm:
FoU och samverkan i innovationssystemet (R&D and cooperation in the innovation system).
Regeringens proposition 2001/02:2, p. 31.
FoU och samverkan i innovationssystemet (R&D and cooperation in the innovation system).
Regeringens proposition 2001/02:2, p. 44.
Forskning och samhälle. Regeringens proposition 1996/97:5, s 60.
Brulin, G, 1998, Den tredje uppgiften: Högskola och omgivning i samverkan. SNS Förlag och
FoU och samverkan i innovationssystemet (R&D and cooperation in the innovation system).
Regeringens proposition 2001/02:2, p. 6.
Governmental initiatives in Sweden 488
Research Council (MFR), the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (NFR) and
the Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences (TFR). In the beginning of
2001, the new The Science Council (Vetenskapsrådet) was established, taking over all
of the commitments of the aforementioned agencies.
The Council has three divisions: one for humanities and the social sciences, one for
medicine and one for the natural and engineering sciences. 703 . In addition to its
commitment to “..support research” and to “..promote the scientific quality and renewal
of basic research in Sweden”, the objectives of the Council also include a responsibility
“on a national level for general information on research and research results” 704. TP PT
Specific aspects
In addition to these large policy initiatives, the Swedish government has taken a
number of other decisions regarding PUS. The discussed policy changes demanded
information strategies on behalf of the universities, particularly stressing the internal
information directed at employees while outward ambitions were restricted to
information on new courses. 707 In 1964 the universities at Lund and Uppsala created
Information gathered from the homepage of the Council; see http://www.vetenskapsradet.se/ .
See http://www.vetenskapsradet.se/
Forskning och samhälle. (Research and Society) Regeringens proposition 1996/97:7, p 45-47.
Den öppna högskolan (The Open Higher Education). Regeringens proposition 2001/02:15, p. 220.
Hjort, C, et al, 1981, Ut med forskningen. UHÄ & Liber, Södertälje, p 149.
Governmental initiatives in Sweden 489
The system aims at supporting groups like journalists, upper secondary school
students, firms and other organisations, to find information about research in Sweden
from a single source. The Agency (Högskoleverket) is responsible for developing and
maintaining the system and universities and other research organisations are
responsible for the information input.
Other government agencies not directly pursuing research and education policies are
also involved in questions of PUS. One example is Naturvårdsverket (The Swedish
Enviromental Protection Agency (SEPA)). The Swedish EPA has five fundamental
principles: the promotion of human health, preservation of biological diversity,
preservation of cultural heritage assets, preservation of long-term production capacity
Governmental initiatives in Sweden 490
concern the public, the SEPA is also involved in addressing questions of the relation
between science, citizens and politicians.
In May 2001, during the Swedish EU presidency, EPA organized a conference called
“Bridging the Gap” together with the EU Commission and the European Environment
Agency (EEA). The conference addressed several important questions; for example,
the key issues incorporated discussions relating to whether there is a proper balance
between the responsibilities of scientists and end users to pursue environmental
policies; if the voices of the scientific community should express themselves more
audibly; and if the European Research Area, the sustainable development concept and
the Environmental action programme are the right tools to communicate research
findings. 709 One of the conclusions of the conference was that “sustainability research
must involve all stakeholders. Research on the dialogue between science, society and
citizens is necessary, as a basis for a better understanding of user needs, decision-
making under uncertainty and the nature of science” 710 . TP PT
See http://www.naturvardsverket.se .
See http://www.bridging.environ.se ; also see the rapport Bridging the Gap from the conference, to be
Bridging the Gap; conference rapport (ISBN 620-8057-1), p. 26
The role of UK Government in PUS 491
Promotionalism, “spin” and “market research” are sometimes difficult to decouple from
genuine public consultation and engagement in the UK; much of the controversy
surrounding UK Government PUS activities stems from differences in perspective over the
actual character and utility of these initiatives. Educational and other “deficit model” modes
of science communication predominate in the British PUS movement; these are covered in
other sections of this report such as those devoted to universities, science festivals and
museums. These mainstream PUS activities receive government funding, both directly and
indirectly, and as such reflect explicit UK Government policy on the merits of promotional
PUS. Government-run consultative exercises such as (Technology) Foresight 711 and the TP PT
Public Consultation on Biotechnology, which are also covered elsewhere in this report,
similarly reflect Government policies and priorities as well as those of the people and
organisations being consulted. The role of the UK Government in defining and in
supporting these activities ranges from passive sponsorship to active execution.
This section focuses on the PUS initiatives of Government bodies themselves, including
the scientific Research Councils. Much of the material on the Research Councils is drawn
from Pearson (2001) 712 ; that on public dialogue from Kass (2001) 713 . To place these
activities into context, it is useful to consider the extent to which they are educational or
promotional in character (ie deficit model) or genuinely consultative (ie democratic), and
the extent to which the Government plays an active vs. a passive role.
The Technology Foresight exercise that began in 1993 was intended to bring generators of new knowledge
together with knowledge users to discuss national priorities for innovation support. Technology Foresight did
not include a significant element of public consultation, and its producer/marketing/expert-led character was
subsequently felt inadequate; the next exercise dropped the word “Technology” and expanded stakeholder
representation in an effort to extend the consultation to a broader constituency.
Gillian Pearson, “The participation of scientists in public understanding of science activities: the policy and
practice of the U.K. Research Councils”, Public Understanding of Science, Vol. 10 (2001) 121-137.
Gary Kass, “Open Channels: Public dialogue in science and technology”, Parliamentary Office of Science
and Technology report No. 153, March 2001.
The role of UK Government in PUS 492
Central Government
Until little more than a decade ago, consultations by the UK Government were conducted
under strict adherence to the Official Secrets Act and were by definition inaccessible to the
public. They were characterised by an odd mixture of expert-led advice and a culture of
amateurism (closely associated with an ethos within the Civil Service that considered in-
house expertise susceptible to bias). Advisory groups met in secret and delivered advice
to Government in secret. It was not until the 1970s that the Government began to publish
reports based on the recommendations of scientific advisory committees, where they could
then be examined and challenged by other experts or by the public. By and large, these
reports were not widely circulated and were relatively uncontroversial. Public access and
public criticism were initially limited.
Gradually, however, a climate of openness and transparency in government took hold,
accelerating in the 1990s, and with it the emergence of scientific advisory mechanisms
from the shadows 714 . With this emergence, however, came controversy, culminating in the
uncertainty over BSE coupled with the extent of public debate led to a situation in which
“the lay public was almost as well positioned as the experts to make sensible decisions
about how to avoid the risk of BSE”. This was clearly a profound challenge not only to the
authority of the scientific advisory system but to the authority of Government itself, with
questions raised over its capacity to protect public health and safety.
In the aftermath of the BSE crisis, and with the coming to power of New Labour in 1997,
public consultation by the UK Government began to flower; S&T related issues prominent
amongst those under consideration. Whether this was undertaken in order to elicit public
input or to provide public reassurance cannot be established definitively, but a clear
separation continues to be maintained in the UK between citizen consultation exercises
and expert advisory processes that are embedded into policymaking processes. One
See, for example, a paper by Sir Robert May, “A Note by the Chief Scientific Adviser,” Office of Science &
Technology, March 1997.
Sheila Jasanoff, “Civilization and madness: the great BSE scare of 1996”, Public Understanding of Science,
Vol. 6, July 1997, 221-232.
The role of UK Government in PUS 493
illustration of this is that the Kass/POST report on public dialogue in S&T (2001) was
released on the very same day as the House of Commons Report on the Scientific
Advisory System 716 , in separate launch events (during national Science Week).
This, then, sets the context for our review and critique of public consultation/PUS activities
by the UK Government over the past decade.
The first major public S&T-related consultation of the UK public by the UK Government
was launched in 1992, by William Waldegrave, then Cabinet Minister under Margaret
Thatcher, who was responsible for the newly-constituted Office of Science and Technology
(OST, located within the Cabinet Office, and subsequently moved to the Department of
Trade and Industry. This was a far-reaching, open process in which scientific bodies,
universities, social groups, industry, professional associations, research entities of any
type, and individuals, were invited to give their advice on the future direction of British
science policy. Anyone could participate, and OST reported that it had received more than
800 submissions. The resulting report laid out a comprehensive strategy for Science,
Engineering and Technology and how the Government’s policies and objectives could
contribute to the UK economy and to the quality of life. 717 Although many organisations
(and some individuals) published their own views, the Government did not publish the
evidence it had received, and according to sources familiar with OST, there was such a
volume of evidence that not all of it was read.
A main outcome of this consultation served to reinforce the Government’s contentions that
science needed stronger linkages to industry, through a variety of means, in order to
enhance wealth creation (and quality of life, although this always took a back seat to the
economic aims). Was this exercise done to legitimise a pre-existing Government view, or
was it a legitimate consultative process that allowed democratic shaping of national
policies? Opinion differs.
More recent public consultations raise similar questions. A major initiative was the Cabinet
Office’s People’s Panel, a sample constructed in 1998 which comprised 5,000 members of
the British public with a profile representative of the population as a whole, using standard
demographic categories such as age, gender and region. This Panel was constituted as a
resource which could be engaged in different types of consultation, from focus groups to
surveys, some of which relate to science. The consultation exercise on public attitudes
towards the biosciences, perhaps the most significant example of this, is covered
elsewhere in this report. It is worth mentioning here, however, that opinions of the nature
of this consultation varied, with some activities seen more as market research conducted
UK House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, “The Scientific Advisory System”, Report HC
257, The Stationery Office Ltd., London, 12 March 2001.
“Realising Our Potential: A Strategy for Science, Engineering and Technology”, May 1993, HMSO, London.
The role of UK Government in PUS 494
under firm Government control than as a democratic process in which participants had
meaningful influence over the outcome (Irwin, 2001).
This type of public consultation at the level of Central Government remains relatively
unusual, the Government’s strategy being more focused on extending the more traditional
consultation tools by putting discussion documents on line (at www.ukonline.gov.uk ).
Nevertheless, the Cabinet Office has developed guidelines on Government use of public
consultation, and it used the results of an online consultation in the preparation of new
guidelines on scientific advice (need reference!). More detailed discussion of this mode of
public consultation is covered in another part of this report. Guidelines on public
consultation have also been produced by the Department of the Environment, Transport
and the Regions (DETR), aimed both at local authorities and concerning environmental
risks. DETR has set up a Chemicals Stakeholder Forum as an advisory body on chemicals
policy, risk assessment and regulatory issues. Both the Department of Health and the
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food are considering participatory dialogue as a way
to address public concerns over food safety. An interdepartmental liaison group on risk
assessment, drawn from a number of Government Ministries and agencies, recommended
a greater role for public dialogue in all stages of risk assessment, from the identification of
potential risks to the development of regulatory controls.
Three official bodies set up by the UK Government since the BSE and GMO controversies
in the 1990s have a specific remit to include public consultation in their decision-making
• The Food Standards Agency
• The Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology Commission
• The Human Genetics Commission
In all three cases, science and the biosciences in particular are central to the areas for
which these bodies are responsible.
The Food Standards Agency has an exceptionally clear commitment to “ensure that all
relevant parties are given the opportunity and, whenever possible, the time to make their
views known, including representatives of those affected by any proposed activity and the
public.” (FSA, quoted in Kass, p. 26). The Human Genetics Commission used the People’s
Panel to conduct a consultation on public attitudes towards human genetic information,
and set up a Public Involvement in Genetics Sub-Group to consider various options for
The role of UK Government in PUS 495
public consultation, such as public meetings, internet discussion groups, focus groups and
citizens’ juries.
UK Parliament
The “Mother of Parliaments” is of course the most prominent and influential form of lay
citizen involvement in deliberating on S&T-related issues and shaping national policies.
Under New Labour, efforts to improve the representational composition of the House of
Commons was most visible in the election of record numbers of women as Members of
Parliament; reforms to the House of Lords aim to diminish hereditary membership while
broadening the basis for nomination and selection of new members. However, the
Parliament has relatively more internal expertise than the public at large. The House of
Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology includes a number of highly
distinguished scientists; the House of Commons Select Committee too has impressive
expertise in science, technology and medicine amongst its membership.
In addition to the technology assessment studies performed by the Parliamentary Office of
Science and Technology (POST), the Parliament receives advice through the “usual
channels”, inviting expert witnesses to give evidence, reading and responding to
constituent mail and lobby groups, and accepting public petitions. More recently, the
Parliament has been experimenting with electronic discussion groups, initially in such self-
referential areas as electronic democracy and mechanisms for public consultation in S&T.
The new Scottish Parliament is a strong proponent of teledemocracy, allowing for example
the submission of petitions electronically through its Website. The devolved Scottish
Executive maintains a Website through which the public can access and comment upon
consultation documents, and hosts electronic discussion fora on topics such as services
for those with learning disabilities. The Welsh Assembly has implemented a moderated
electronic discussion forum to augment more traditional forms of interaction with the
public. A Civic Forum in Northern Ireland, comprising representatives of a highly diverse
set of social groups, has been established as a consultative group on social, cultural and
economic issues, providing advice to the Northern Ireland Assembly.
The role of UK Government in PUS 496
It is at local level, and within health authorities in particular, that public consultation in the
UK is at its most highly developed and widespread. By 1997, over 40 local authorities had
used citizens’ panels. It is, however, in the healthcare sector that some of the most
sophisticated S&T-related public consultations have occurred. One such example was a
consultation of disabled users of health services in the Rochdale area (near Manchester),
in which blind, deaf and disabled representatives of the user community served on the
Steering Group defining the content of the study, selecting the contractors, and advising
on the study progress, interpreting the data, and drawing conclusions 718 . Although the
purpose of the exercise was to improve healthcare delivery, the Steering Group took a
very broad view of what was required to do so, and addressed highly technological
questions such as advanced communications and mobility aids.
Research Councils
A call to scientists to engage in PUS concluded the Bodmer report of 1985 719 , “Learn to TP PT
communicate with the public, be willing to do so and consider it your duty to do so.”
Ten years later, a committee chaired by Sir Arnold Wolfendale reinforced this by stating
“Scientists, engineers and research students in receipt of public funds have a duty to
explain their work to the general public,” (quoted in Pearson, 2001). These appeals to civic
duty undoubtedly resonated with the scientific community and stimulated the PUS
movement in Britain, but duty became more formalised and less voluntary as both strings
and incentives were attached to Research Council funding.
Following the restructuring of the Research Councils called for in the White Paper of 1993,
the engineering, physical and life sciences were given a remit to promote the Public
Understanding of Science in their respective areas. This mission was incorporated into
their respective charters and led to a great number and variety of activities, much of it
sponsored by small grants schemes aimed at getting scientists to engage in PUS projects.
All five of the “hard” science and engineering Research Councils require their grant
holders to participate in PUS activities, and to report on what they have done.
All of the Research Councils either operate their own PUS training schemes or provide
sponsorship for scientists to undertake training in science communication. While they
typically spend about a quarter of 1% of their respective budgets on PUS activities, the
total Research Council spending on PUS in 1999 amounted to £2.8 million (Pearson,
Public Health Resource Centre, Rochdale, “Needs Assessment of Rochdale Residents (aged 16 - 60) with
Physical Disabilities and Sensory Impairments”, Final Report, February 1995.
The Royal Society, "The Public Understanding of Science”, 1985.
The role of UK Government in PUS 497
2001). In that same year, the Research Councils employed a total of 25 full-time
equivalent staff to administer their PUS programmes. All of the Research Councils operate
PUS Websites, mainly targeted at children, and run activities for and produce publications
for schools.
Three of the Research Councils require grant applicants to say how they will communicate
their work to the public, and those receiving funding from a fourth are required to do the
same. Upon completion of their grants, the awardees are required to report on what they
have done.
The Economic and Social Research Council, not covered in the above discussion, takes a
slightly different approach, encouraging grantholders to disseminate research results in the
popular press and to engage with user groups in designing and conducting research.
However, it most obviously manifests its commitment to PUS by sponsoring research on
PUS. How does one communicate research on PUS to the public? This is where we leave
the discussion!
As this section has shown, there have been a great number of UK Government initiatives
in promoting science (largely through the so-called “Science Base”, which is dominated by
the Research Councils) and in promoting public dialogue on science-related issues
through augmenting and innovating democratic processes at all levels of Government.
The main emphasis of the UK Central Government policy is relatively passive support of
mainstream PUS activities through its sponsorship of PUS activities by NGOs, through the
Research Councils and related bodies such as The Royal Society, and by its agencies
(such as the National Physical Laboratory). Although interactivity is encouraged, the
educational or deficit model approach clearly predominates.
In areas like Foresight, and in the biosciences consultation exercise, the UK Government
has played a very active role. The extent to which these processes are genuinely open
and democratic is disputed. Some parts of the biosciences exercise would appear to have
been conducted in a considered, deliberative manner, although the uptake of the results of
these consultations is not necessarily influential. Other parts of the biosciences
“consultation” more closely resemble market research.
The focus group exercises undertaken by New Labour, which some have perceived as
influential in shaping national policies, are welcomed by some but have also attracted
criticism for being anti-democratic means to bypass legitimate representative government.
The role of UK Government in PUS 498
Certainly there is a preoccupation with news management or “spin” that permeates current
British politics, especially with respect to New Labour.
During the 1990s, the surge in interest in public consultation and dialogue was closely
associated with the “popularisation” of PUS through, inter alia, government-funded science
centres and government-sponsored civic activities. By 2003, the shine may have started to
go off much of the consultative activity, although the promotional activities seem to have
become more institutionalised. At the same time, following a two-decade decline in public
funding of science, it has “bottomed out” and even started to recover.
Has the post-BSE, New Labour era ushered in new democratic tools related to PUS that
are likely to withstand the test of time, or is the current wave of enthusiasm for public
consultation a passing fancy? There is every indication that the mainstream scientific
advisory system remains intact in terms of its expert orientation and control, and that the
great bulk of Government-sponsored or organised PUS activities are conducted according
to standard educational/deficit thinking. However, there has been an indisputable sea
change in recognising the importance of science-related communication through direct
links between the Government and its supporting bodies with the public. Whether this
continues to develop into robust and lasting democratic development or becomes
marginalised remains to be seen.
National Profiles on Public Understanding of Science and Technology in Europe 499
National Profiles on
Public Understanding of Science and Technology in Europe
Ulrike Felt
Throughout the rather detailed description and analysis of the situation in different
countries with regard to PUS activities, we managed to identify rather different
approaches to the problem, to observe a large variety of forces and dynamics at work
and we were confronted in very different ways with the power of traditions and political
cultures. We have met countries who position themselves as leaders and other as
followers, we have realised the difficulty to think and speak about national concepts
when in certain domains geographical borders have ceased to be a meaningful entity
when it comes to science communication, we have seen the large discrepancies
between rhetoric of the need for more society in science and the sometimes rather
limited realisations.
Chapter two has confronted us with the national policy world and with the ways – the
possibilities and limitations – the question of science, technology and society is
conceptualised there. Throughout chapter 3 we have then delivered a rich and colourful
picture of the concrete spaces, of the large diversity of activities that have been taking
place there, of the multiple actors that inhabit and structure these spaces and of the
diverse motivations and logics that are at work. Now we want to halt and try to draw the
threads together.
The aim of the following six parts in this chapter is not to get into the details of a
description of the divers national situations, but remain quasi on a meta-level and look
at the overall structure with regard to PUS-initiatives that developed in each national
setting. In a sense it is like taking an a real picture of a landscape – we are in this
description not so much interested in all the little details, but much more want to see
the overall structure, the great lines of development. These chapters will contain
different elements to compose this picture. Offering a historical contextualisation is
essential as it often delivers the necessary pieces of information in order to understand
current developments. But writing these national profiles will above all mean to offer a
narrative on the dominant lines of development, on the relation between the activities in
the different fields we described, on the strength of particular practices which a country
National Profiles on Public Understanding of Science and Technology in Europe 500
has developed, on places where important innovations have been taking place, but
also about the weaknesses and the white spots on the landscape that became
As in all the chapters so far also here the country reports will be presented in an
alphabetic order.
National Profile Austria 501
Ulrike Felt
Introductory remarks
The following chapter tries to draw an overall picture of the Austrian national profile
regarding the initiatives in the field of Public Understanding of Science and Technology
(PUS). The aim is to go beyond what has been described and analysed in the
individual chapters and to take a look at the changes from a more meta-oriented-
perspective. What are the major trends that we can discern in the Austrian case? What
are the specificities of this national context, the difficulties, but also the more positive
developments? And, can we formulate challenges to be taken up for the future?
This contribution will be structured in two parts.
In a first part I will try to sketch the historical relationship between science, politics and
publics throughout the 20th Century in Austria. I believe that this historical excursion is
necessary in order to be able to judge some of the contemporary difficulties/problems
we meet in the area of PUS. It will also provide elements of information on the cultural
context in which these initiatives are embedded.
The second part will then draw on the different spaces, which have been described in
detail in Chapter 3. I will try to develop an overall assessment of the more positive
developments that could be recognised in recent years; I will highlight the weak points
remaining and will conclude with some ideas about how one could face the challenges
that lie ahead for the Austrian context.
Writing about the relationship between science and the public in Austria within the 20 th P P
century from a historical perspective is difficult for a number of reasons. First, the
nation state Austria – as it is known today – emerged only after WW I a small part (6
million inhabitants) of the large Austrian-Hungarian Empire (with a population of no less
than 55 million inhabitants). This moment in the Austrian history – as we would like to
argue – had a long-lasting influence on the relationship between science and the
National Profile Austria 502
Second, it is important to comment that Austria had/has 720 no strong tradition in the
history of science, although the country, and in particular Vienna, played in many ways
a key-role in science in the late 19 th and early 20 th century. Consequently, writing this
chapter I could not draw on a more or less comprehensive work on the role of science
and scientists in the Viennese context. Further it is of interest to draw attention to the
fact that most scientific books and articles written on fin-de-siècle Vienna make
reference to the exceptional spirit that prevailed at that time in Vienna, but when it
comes down to arguing this in a more detailed manner, they discuss philosophy, art,
architecture or literature, but not science. 721 On top of the general lack of Austrian
history of science even less has been done with regard to questions like science
popularisation, the cultural embeddedness of science, science communication or public
up-take of science. Only recently a number of projects have been commenced trying to
shed light on this area. 722TP PT
can observe the overwhelmingly central role played by Vienna, as the capital first, of
the Austrian-Hungarian Empire and then of Austria. At the end of the 19 th century with P P
The few science history projects done in Austria were carried out on a project basis by free-lance
researchers outside the university. There is not a single university chair devoted explicitly to the history of
science. Only in the last 3 years a small group at the university of Vienna has been trying to build up a
programme in the history of science in Austria.
See for example: SCHORSKE, C. E. (1982/1980): Wien. Geist und Gesellschaft im Fin de Siècle.
(Frankfurt/Main: S. Fischer).
There is a group working on zoos as places of knowledge production and dissemination. Some work
has been done on the members of the Wiener Kreis and their diffusion of scientific results. Research has
been done on the working class movement and the popular universities however more under the
institutional perspective than regarding the interaction-mechanisms between science and the public in this
U. Felt has been carrying out a larger project funded by the Austrian National Science Foundation on
media coverage of science and technology from 1900 - 1938. See some articles: "Lire la science à Vienne:
1900 — 1938", in B. Bensaude-Vincent et A. Rasmussen. (Hrsg.), La science populaire dans la press et
l'edition (Paris: CNRS 1997): 237-255. "Why should the public »understand« science? Some aspects of
Public Understanding of Science from a historical perspective", In M. Dierkes und C. von Grote (Hrsg.):
Between understanding and trust: the public, science and technology (Berkshire: Harwood Academic
Publishers, 1999); A Adaptacao do conhecimento cientifico ao espaco publico (The social and cultural
tayloring of scientific knowledge in the public space), in M.E.Goncalves (org.) (2000): Cultura Cientifica e
Participacao Publica (Oeiras): S. 265-289; Die Stadt als verdichteter Raum der Begegnung zwischen
Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit: Refelxionen zu einem Vergleich der Wissenschaftspopularisierung in
Wien und Berlin um die Jahrhundertwende, in Constantin Goschler (Hsg.) (2000): Wissenschaft und
Öffentlichkeit in Berlin, 1870-1930 (Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart): S. 185-220. A book publication is on its
National Profile Austria 503
Let us now try to assemble some important elements in the history of science/society
relationships within Austria. To begin, we should stress that the period late 19 th /early
20 century was particularly important with regard to science communication. It has to
Secondly, the working class movement started to become one of the driving forces in
the popular science movement.
• Science and ideology were closely interwoven in the working-class movement
(scientific thinking and being a social democrat were thought to be closely
National Profile Austria 505
• Education, and in particular with respect to science and technology, was seen
as a major possibility to improve workers' situation within society;
• The movement was financially supported by the liberal bourgeoisie, as they
needed better qualified workers in order to face the increasingly technologized
work environment and they wanted to make sure that people would accept and
support these changes. (Parts of these liberal bourgeoisie discourses resemble
in certain argumentative structures those put forward in contemporary settings)
• Special buildings like the Urania, the Volksheim etc. were constructed in order
to dedicate a clear "space" to science education in the town. These buildings
were generally located in those districts of Vienna where most of the working
class people and the low level employees lived. Thus the concept of creating
local “knowledge-spaces” where people would live and meet science was
Thirdly, the university needed to demarcate its place in the public sphere and thus
started to use science communication as one possibility to do so.
• Around the turn of century the university felt increasingly threatened by the lack
of support they got from the government. Quite contrary to the general picture of
the situation in Vienna with regard to science at the turn of the century, the
situation was far from being ideal. The buildings and laboratories were in a
rather bad shape, technology for the labs outdated and little money available to
improve the situation. Scientists often complained that much more attention was
spent for improving the external appearance than to the development inside the
• The University was under influence of strongly conservative forces and this had
as a consequence that researchers which were seen as too "left" had little
chance to get any of the university positions, but also anti-semitism can be
discerned very clearly. This means that many excellent scientists had to earn
their money outside university in order to be able to continue their research.
Many of them taught evening classes in the popular universities, which explains
the high quality of teaching offered there to a wider public.
• Scientists thought that they should address the public in order to gain them as
support against the government.
• But scientists also invested time in the communication of science because they
wanted to establish the scientific world-view as the dominant one in the public
space; this seemed particularly important in those areas where a large amount
of folk-knowledge was present.
• The discussion about accountability for public money spent can be traced back
to this period, and thus is nothing fundamentally new in the current debate.
National Profile Austria 506
Post WW I Austria entered a phase of crisis. First, there was a long phase during which
Austria tried to adapt to the fact that it was now only an extremely small country without
political power and that it had to build up a completely new identity. This also meant
that other systems within the country, such as the educational system, the media
system, etc. had to revise their policies. For the press this was an important period in
which on the international level a number of changes occurred that were not really
picked up in the Austrian context. One of them was the professionalisation of science
This first phase of crisis and redefinition of the self-understanding was followed quasi-
immediately by the international economic crises of the late 1920’s. The early 1930’s
then had to see the rise of fascism in Austria and the Anschluss in 1938 marked a clear
break with the developments in the pre-war period.
Summarising this pre-war period, one could say that although rhetoric sometimes
suggested otherwise, science-society relationships were clearly framed in the terms of
a linear model. The public should be educated and taught the major scientific ideas by
scientists in order to fight superstition and forms of folk-knowledge. 723 The initiatives
taken were thus not at all concerned with making possible an interaction between
science and the public or with taking the public serious in their views on problems and
in their forms of knowledge, but much more with convincing/imposing a dominant
scientific model on the whole society.
This attitude did not change fundamentally throughout the immediate period after WW
II. As already mentioned, in the first years after WW II science and technology issues
were not considered to be very important and scientists who had remained in Austria
complained heavily about the disastrous situation in which they found themselves.
Strong "brain drain" movements made many of the best students immigrate from
It was not until in the late 1960’s and 1970’s that a new phase started. Funding
agencies for research had been founded in the late 1960’s, a Ministry for Science and
Research was created for the first time under the new socialist government, the
universities were opened to a wider public and research and science in general got a
higher (although still rather low) attention on the policy level. Expansion of universities
also meant that an increasing segment of the population had followed higher education
and thus was also acquainted with issues in science and technology. At the same time
the 1970’s were characterised by a growing environmental movement, which would
play an important role in making scientific and technological change an issue of public
DOLBY, R. G. A. (1982): ”On the autonomy of pure science. The construction and maintenance of
barriers between scientific establishments and popular culture”, Scientific Establishments and Hierarchies,
Sociology of the Sciences VI: 267-292.
National Profile Austria 507
From the 1970’s onwards many gradual changes were slowly occurring. Although
science and technology became – for short moments – hotly debated issues – as
exemplified in the famous public vote around the first Austrian nuclear power plant
Zwentendorf – they did at the same time not become a topic present in the public
sphere on a continual basis. Science and technology never managed to gain the status
of central issues, neither in the political arena, nor in the public esteem. This is
reflected in the media, where science and technology had only a marginal place – if at
This is about to change since the mid-1990’s. The debates about genetically
engineered organisms, environmental problems and other kinds of controversial
issues, the fact that there is increasing awareness that scientific and technological
know-how and knowledge is essential for economic development, as well as a rising
public pressure for accountability have led also to an increased presence of science
and technology in the public space.
Having now described in some detail the societal situation, let us reflect on the actual
developments in Austria. To do so I will proceed in four steps. I will start by some more
general observations that are of importance as they are the boundary conditions for
any PUS-activity to be developed. Then I will focus on the general developments in the
field of PUS activities in Austria and the structure this field has. I will summarize the
most important observations we made regarding the way the communication of science
and technology is undertaken. Finally I will take a look at how and for what reasons
science communication is taking place and close with remarks on what is
communicated about science.
What are the main observations one could make with regard the development of PUS
activities in the Austrian context?
• The first argument here would be a quantitative one, stressing that there one
can observe a definite increase in activities trying to communicate about
science and technological developments with wider publics. Classical medias
are performing in this area with higher intensity, but also some new settings
were created and experimented with, such as the science weeks or other
smaller initiatives. Thus the sheer number of places where science and the
public can potentially “meet” has increased and slightly diversified over the past
National Profile Austria 509
• With regard to the classical players, such as print-media, radio and TV we could
observe a diversification in the communication genres. Thus we have hinted at
the fact that the Austrian Broadcasting company also runs symposia on “hot”
topics, inviting scientists to discuss with a general audience and then use this
material to make all kinds of elements to be broadcasted. Also the fact that the
Austrian Radio initiated the greatest internet platform on science news in
Austria is one such example. Thus actors in this field try to work with synergy
effects to increase the impact of their science reporting.
• Late but now quite intensively, the new media are used to disseminate scientific
information. The notion dissemination was used deliberately here to hint at the
fact that the idea that the internet could be an interactive medium and allow – in
contrast to the print-media and TV – an interaction of the readers through
forums has not yet been realised. The debates on science and technology,
remain in these forums quasi inexistent.
• A further important observation to be made is the strong centre/periphery divide
with regard to science communication. Indeed most of the big science
museums are in Vienna or other regional capitals, there is an extremely high
concentration of media in Vienna, the science week events virtually all
happened in the cities which house universities. So far there is no clear
tendency visible to counterbalance this polarisation.
• The state is still one of the central financiers of science communication activities
and thus remains an important actor in shaping what is happening in this
domain. Further more due to severe budgetary cuts which have been
characteristic for the recent years, this is also a threat to the continuity in this
• Finally, we should remark that by the time this report is being written there is still
no clearly established specialised curriculum for science communicators. After
an experiment of a post-graduate one year special training, which took place in
the academic year 2002/2003, it is unclear whether it will continue or not.
Switching focus from the structural development to the way science and technology is
communicated in the Austrian context, there are a number of interesting points to be
made. In doing so, however, it is important to keep in mind that the way
communicational settings are developed also clearly reflects the reasons why one
wants to communicate with wider segments of the public.
enlightenment is rather robust although at least two big examples in the recent
Austrian history – the refusal of nuclear energy plants and the GMO debate –
have clearly indicated the contrary. This is not only an Austrian phenomenon,
and one could thus pose the question about what the underlying ideals and
mechanisms in the different enterprises of science communication are. Thus the
classical distance between science, which holds the expertise and the public
which should be educated is still extremely present. We still often find ourselves
confronted with what Dorothy Nelkin labelled so nicely “selling science”.
Science is definitely celebrated more, it is communicated or opened up for
exchange or debate.
• As a consequence, the second point I make is that participatory exercises have
so far neither been used very often, nor have been very successful. There is no
tradition in this domain, no central actors who would push such initiatives, no
institutional settings, to assure that such undertakings could be carried out in an
independent way and thus gain credibility in the public sphere. The few cases
carried out so far are good examples for models that have been imported (in the
case of the consensus conference from Denmark), but could not be
implemented in a way which would fit both the methodological need for such an
undertaking as well as the local political and social context.
• Positive to remark is an increased reflection from the side of the museums
about who their visitors are and how they could seduce them to get into
interaction with science and technology. Many of the museums have at least
partly integrated hands-on elements in order to enable visitors to engage with
the object and the ideas that are embedded in this setting. Furthermore special
institutions like the Kindermusum ZOOM have been founded, which address the
younger age group and try to use their curiosity in order to make them engage
with science. What is still missing in the Austrian landscape in this respect are
science centres which are entirely based on a more interactive concept. There
had been plans for one, however so far no steps have been taken bringing it
any closer to a realisation.
Finally we should also take a look at what is – or what is not – communicated about
science in the Austrian context.
• The most striking feature that becomes visible when analysing the science
communication in Austria is the strong focus of what I would like to call “back-
end communication”. Indeed science is virtually never communicated as an
activity as something “in-the-making”, as a practice with all the difficulties and
limitations, as a social world in which scientists act. Science is presented as
ready made, as producing facts and breakthroughs, as a heroic enterprise – the
heroes being predominantly male. In that sense science communication is not
National Profile Austria 511
This overview describes a set of initiatives that have contributed towards the launch of
public understanding of science and technology (PUS) in Belgium, for the last five
years. The evolution of PUS refers to the preliminary state of the question, based on
surveys and studies that were carried out mainly during a “Technology Week”, in the
French-speaking part of the country in 1995.
Without going too far in typical Belgian institutional problems, we must remember that
the country is characterised by the coexistence of two main languages and cultures,
Flemish and French. For all cultural matters such as media, books, periodicals,
literature, and any form of mass communication, those cultures are closely linked to
happenings in the Netherlands and France, respectively. The federal structure of the
State entails a splitting of public initiatives and policies related to science and culture
between the North and the South of the country. Science & technology policy itself is
largely a proficiency of the regional governments.
For obvious cultural reasons, our overview mainly refers to activities within the French-
speaking part of the country. However as far as possible, we have included some
practical information on initiatives and institutions in Flanders.
Belgian overview 513
The Walloon Regional Minister for Research and Technology decided to include the
issues of scientific culture and science communication in the programme of a
Technology Week held in 1995. The Technology Week, which started in 1990,
consisted of a series of promotional activities for technological innovation in enterprises
and research centres. It was initially designed as a response to the technology fair
“Flanders Technology”, which has been organised by the Flemish Government since
1985. Three opinion surveys were carried out in the region and published in a special
issue of the Bulletin Athena 724 : TP PT
These four surveys were productive empirical contribution to several conferences and
debates with science journalists, researchers and policy makers, which were organised
during and after Technology Week 95, in order to draw up a “state of the art” of science
communication in the French-speaking part of the country.
The findings were not optimistic. They can be summarised as follows:
1. Science was poorly represented in the media. Although some newspaper had tried
to publish a weekly science page, they had all disappeared. Scientific information
was dispersed in economy, health or nature columns. The general scientific
broadcast at the national French-speaking television (RTBF) was stopped, except
for a bi-monthly programme on health and medicine; scientific correspondents only
delivered occasional papers within radio or TV news.
The FTU survey however showed that press and TV-broadcasts were the most
important source of scientific and technical information for the general public;
professional experience ranked second, education third, museums and exhibitions
Dossier Les Wallons, la recherche et la culture scientifique, in Bulletin Athéna, n°110, April 1995.
Dossier Les sciences dans les médias, Objectif Recherche, n° 15, February 1995.
Belgian overview 514
far behind in fourth place. There was a demand from 42% of the respondents for
more frequent and extended scientific information in the mass media.
A previous study, carried out in 1992 at the University of Brussels, showed that
Flemish newspapers only devoted 2% of their written space to scientific information;
that 13% of the articles were comments of well known scientists on current political
events, 25% announced or commented on exhibitions or conferences, while 60%
were related to research itself; among these, only a minority gave account of the
whole process of a research project (initial questions, scope, context, methods,
results, limits and new questions). 726
3. At this time, the only well known science museum was the Natural Science
Museum in Brussels, one of the last federal level scientific institutions, which was
known mainly for its famous collection of dinosaurs. This museum was however
undergoing a restructuring process. Other projects of creation of modern science
parks were in gestation. There was thus very little supply of events and
infrastructure in the area of scientific culture. The lack of national supply was
however eclipsed by the fact that several foreign science centres were located
nearby and could be accessed easily by Belgian visitors, for instance Evoluon in
Eindhoven (NL), Espace ALIAS in Lille, and the City of sciences and industry in La
Villette (Paris).
4. There were no structured debates on science and technology policy options, and
consequently few initiatives for enhancing public participation in these kinds of
debates. There were however emerging concerns for democratisation of R&D
policy making, mainly through the development of technology assessment. The
Canini G., Bloemen A., Wetenschap in de Vlaamse dagbladpers, in Massacommunicatie, Vrije
Universiteit Brussel, 1992.
Belgian overview 515
5. Public understanding of science and technology was not a policy matter, neither at
the federal or the regional level. There was no department for science
communication in any regional or federal administration of R&D policy or of cultural
policy and up till now, there still is not one
This was the state of affairs five years ago. The overview is not really exciting, but
some factors of change were already nascent and they started to grow rapidly.
Proceedings of the conference “Technology and Society”, Conclusions of Workshop 1 “Access to
information and expertise”, SSTC/DWTC, Brussels, Nov. 1994.
Berckmans P., Stichting Technologie Vlaanderen and participative technology assessment, in
European Technology Assessment Panorama, European Commission, DG XIII, 1994.
Belgian overview 516
closed in 1969 and which has since 1989 been classified as an industrial patrimony.
This choice of location was explicitly intended to bridge the past with the future. The
architecture traduces this option: a foot-bridge, designed as long coloured pipe, linking
the old building with the new one, leads the visitor from the exhibition of the former
industrial patrimony to the new area of interactive scientific activities.
The project is supported by DGTRE, the regional ministry for research and technology,
and financed by the European structural funds (€16 million from the European Fund for
Regional Development (FEDER) and € 5 million from the European Social Fund
(FSE)). The design stage of the project started in 1996. The main reference sources
used by the designers were the Futuroscope in Poitiers (F), the Experimentarium in
Copenhagen, the Civilisation Museum in Québec and, to a lesser extent, the Cité des
sciences et de l’industrie of La Villette in Paris. The construction of the project started
in 1998 and it was inaugurated in May 2000. Private sponsors and public agencies are
now involved with financing the activities and exhibitions of the PASS 730 . TP PT
The PASS includes two permanent areas: the “Pass’age”, dedicated to children, and
the “Grenier des histoires” (from the industrial past to the technological future). Eight
other areas are devoted to sometimes temporary thematic exhibitions (planned for one
or two seasons). A set of “scientific and diverting expeditions” have been proposed
Outside for the park of adventures (40 ha): an ecological exploratory walk, a walk-down
in an ancient mining tunnel with experiments on sound and light, a park of experimental
machines of human propulsion, and a set of scientific observatories disseminated in
the park.
The management of PASS expects about 300 000 visitors a year, not only from
Belgium, but also from the North of France. Through the European programme Inter-
Reg II, agreements have been made with partners in France and Flanders. It is
primarily targeting schoolchildren, students and teachers, who are estimated to provide
about 40% of the visitors. PASS develops specific marketing initiatives towards
children, schools and teachers: packages for families, scientific documentation files for
teachers and special conditions for school groups.
Another original initiative is that visitors are not left alone. A welcome team of scientific
mediators address groups and individuals and propose pathways, schedules and
expeditions in the park as well as documentation for a fruitful visit. This service is
provided in French, Dutch and English. Scientific mediators are recruited and trained in
the region of Mons, through a specific training programme supported by the European
Social Fund.
Quintart J-C., Passport pour l’avenir, in Athéna, n° 159, mars 2000.
Belgian overview 517
belonging to the Free University of Brussels (ULB), who inherited it from the well-
known industrial family Solvay. The ULB transformed the ancient Solvay domain in a
new infrastructure for science popularisation. The science centre is mainly designed for
scholars and students. Its location near Charleroi allowed the University to get
supplementary funding from the European structural funds, as an Objective 1 zone.
Initially named “Museum of sciences and techniques”, it was renamed “Centre of
scientific culture” in 2002 732 . TP PT
The science centre includes a permanent area of interactive scientific activities, named
Experimentation Space, and another permanent Communication Space (sponsored by
the regional administration DGTRE). A third permanent area, devoted to biotechnology,
will open in early 2004. Other areas are devoted to temporary exhibitions. The science
centre also organises workshops and conferences for the students in the last two years
of secondary school aged between 15 and18 years. During the holidays, science
weeks are organised for children aged 10 and14 and teenagers between the ages of
15 and18.
The centre of Parentville also develops a series of partnerships with local cultural
associations. Its integration in the ULB allows for close relationships with university
researchers and professors, who are invited to give conferences and presentations in
The science centre of Parentville takes part, as a Belgian correspondent, in several
initiatives for scientific culture in France: for instance the night of stars held at end of
March and the science week held in November. The science centre of Parentville is
currently hosting the coordination of the European network of science museums
Léonard J-L., Quand un musée fait peau neuve, in Athéna, n° 178, février 2002.
Belgian overview 518
During the last five seasons, very successful thematic exhibitions have been organised:
examples of these kind of exhibitions include; “Five billion humans, all parents, all
different” which ran from 1998 to 1999, “To live or to survive” from 1999 to 2000,
“Communication” from 2000 to 2001 and “Very touch” from 2001 to 2002. Most of these
exhibitions have an international trajectory, being adapted from or exported to other
museums in Europe.
The preparation and implementation process of thematic exhibitions sometimes involve
extensive participation of university researchers and potential users. For instance, “To
live or to survive” was prepared in close cooperation with the research teams involved
in a federal R&D programme on sustainable development. Different groups from the
civil society were also associated with the project: for example environmental groups,
North-South cooperation organisations, parents and teachers associations and the
Federal Council for Sustainable Development.
(More information under §3.2).
2.1.4. Miscellaneous
Without attempting to be exhaustive, other permanent exhibitions related to science or
technology can also be cited:
• The Euro-Space Centre, located in Libramont (Belgian Luxembourg), is an
interactive exhibition of space technology, mainly attractive to children and
• The Belgacom Centre in Lessive (Belgian Luxembourg) is a permanent exhibition
on the history of the telephone and the new information and communication
technologies, located on the site of spatial telecommunication antennas of the first
Belgian telecom operator.
• At the Belgian coast, the Sea Life Centre of Blankenberg is a permanent exhibitions
devoted to marine life and costal zone protection.
Once more, it is worthwhile remembering that the country’s small size and its cultural
connection to France and the Netherlands allows Belgians easy access to scientific
cultural events in neighbouring countries.
Belgian overview 519
In 1997, the editorial board of Athena carried out a survey among the subscribers, in
order to characterise the journal’s readers. The average age of the readers is 43.5
years; 25% are less than 30 years old, 20% between 31 and 40, 25% between 41 and
50. The readership is composed of employees (19%), professionals and executives
(18% upper level, 14% middle management), and teachers (14%). 68% of the survey
respondents have high school degrees. The main motivations of the readers are the
improvement of their scientific culture (70%), the need for information on new
technology (65%) and the enrichment of their professional documentation (26%
comprised mainly of teachers and students). The reading ratio is relatively high: 38% of
the readers read more than a half of the pages. The average satisfaction of the readers
is rated 8/10.
The Bulletin Athena is a long-standing initiative of the Walloon public authorities,
combining the promotion of scientific culture and a shop-window for regional scientific
and technological activities. The financial investment of the Region is relatively low and
the results are fruitful.
and the international mean was 1.22 school year, while the estimated advance
of Flanders was 0.96 school year. 734 . TP PT
According to a recent decision made in the autumn of 2000, one more hour of science
teaching will be introduced in the first few years of secondary school. However, there is
a general agreement that an improvement of basic scientific knowledge and motivation
can no longer be considered an exclusive matter to school programmes and that it
requires a synergy between the school system, the media and the science centres.
PUS initiatives and schools. The first is to be avoided, but the others can be promoted.
• In the first model, the schools become clients of external cultural institutions and
science centres. Although it could be profitable for the science centres’ visitors,
this model is counter-productive, because it leads to a progressive abdication of
the school system, which transfers the responsibility for science teaching to
other actors.
• In the second model, schools cooperate with science centres and the media.
This cooperation must however be well balanced: the school system has to
formulate a learning project, in such a way that it can be understood and
translated by the other partners.
• The third model is the resource centre. Resources available to teachers and
pupils must be diversified, extended and made easily accessible: books,
Monseu C., Demeuse M., L’enseignement des sciences, un réel défi pour notre système éducatif, dans
le Bulletin Athéna n°142, Juin 1998.
Léonard J-L., Le labo des mioches, dans le Bulletin Athéna, n 195, novembre 2000.
Belgian overview 523
magazines, videos, cd-rom, visits, experiments, etc. Science centres can play
an important role as service providers and “information brokers” for teachers.
This short section briefly highlights some specific initiatives of public understanding of
science and technology in two topical areas: The information society and sustainable
In addition to this, a recent report from ULB researchers highlights the positive role of
“information offices”, which aim at developing information and awareness for
consumers on thematic topics, such as energy use, building renovations, transport,
food, health, etc. 736 Some of these information offices are set up by the public
authorities (e.g. the “energy counters” in the Walloon Region), other are set up by
associations and receive some public subventions.
Sustainable development is however not only a matter of understanding, but also a
matter of public debate on science and technology options. Public understanding and
science communication are a necessary condition, but not a sufficient condition to
implement such a public debate.
The subject of this last section is not so much science communication and scientific
culture, but the democratisation process of science and technology policy options. This
process relies on manifold aspects:
• Access of social groups to relevant scientific expertise.
• Consultation of representative bodies in R&D policy making.
• Involvement of stakeholders in debates on R&D policy options.
• Direct participation of the public.
Although important, the first aspect is somewhat outside the scope of this report; we
have analysed it in earlier studies and reports. 737 The other three aspects are briefly
commented on hereafter.
Defrise D., Wallenborn G., Zaccaï E., Modèles de communication des connaissances scientifiques,
Cahiers du Centre d’Etude du Développement Durable (CEDD/IGEAT), ULB, Bruxelles, 1999.
Valenduc G., Vendramin P., Building a bridge between research programmes and the needs of society,
Report for the European programme VALUE / Interfaces for innovation, FTU, December 1995.
Valenduc G., Vendramin P., La recherche scientifique et la demande sociale, dans “Associations
transnationales”, revue de l’Union des Associations Internationales, Bruxelles, n° 6, 1997.
Belgian overview 527
2. The R&D implementation level. Many federal and regional research programmes
have a management structure that includes specialised “accompanying
committees” for the different sub-programmes. For many years, the accompanying
committees of programmes such as applied social sciences, information society,
sustainable development, transport and mobility, have been open to so-called
“users representatives”, i.e. social groups directly affected by the research topics. In
some cases, these committees are also associated with the preparation of the calls
for tender, the evaluation and selection of projects. There is now a policy decision
to include groups of concerned users in all the accompanying committees of federal
research programmes.
The participation of social groups in R&D consultative bodies can be met with several
obstacles and be weakened by filtering and compromises. The pyramid of
representation and delegation tends to filter out the “grass-root questions”. Consensus
seeking between divergent interests is not very favourable to the emergence of new
ideas, although occasionally the compromises may be on new ideas rather than
established understandings.
Belgian overview 528
About 900 participants attended at least one of the debates. They came from industry,
universities, public agencies and administrations, government, education, trade unions
and other social organisations.
The Council published a synthesis of the contributions and debates and issued nine
key policy recommendations for the future of research and technological development
in the Region. 738 TP PT
Graitson D., Les rencontres de la recherche, dans le Bulletin Athéna, n° 136, décembre 1997.
Belgian overview 529
Science infuse
Mormont M., Zaccaï E., Loots I., La communication scientifique en matière de développement durable,
SSTC/DWTC, to be published in 2001.
National Profile France 530
We have opted to draw the main lines of certain aspects of the evolution which led to
the current concepts of CST in France. Thus this study provides a number of elements
which may appear fragmented and should be considered as being part of a far more
complex environment.
In France, there is no word for ”Public Understanding of Science” except the rather
recent notion of Culture Scientifique et Technique (CST, Scientific and Technical
Culture). Realisations in this domain take little into account IN the way the various
publics take over or negotiate the scientific and technical knowledge with which they
are faced in exhibitions or through direct experiments. 740 Of course, assessments are
made through surveys or quantitative studies. However, the way the public (with its
knowledge and culture) put scientific or technical knowledge into perspective – give it a
meaning – is often of secondary concern. Instead, most studies insist on the purposes
of the actors who have made CST exist, who give it shape, as well as the new ways of
designing and considering CST spaces.
In fact, everything is as if the necessity to develop CST was taken for granted, as is the
idea that "the public needs scientific and technological information". 741 This a prioriTP PT
hides a shade of meanings that becomes perceptible when one studies the terms used
to describe CST actions. A first set of words refers to a very linear idea of the
transmission and the acquisition of knowledge: "Transmission", "diffusion",
"communication", "popularisation" of sciences and technology. These terms are
generally used by ministries or research institutions, but also by some science societies
of amateurs. A second set includes expressions such as "putting science in culture" or
"sharing knowledge". They are used by actors carrying out actions and realisations that
have their roots in the science criticism movement of the 1970's. These actors share
both a will to put science, technique and society into close contact and an interest for
the studies that highlight the perverse effects of scientific popularisation and of the
Even though numerous studies have been carried out in France in museology, sometimes with an
historical or theoretical stance (See the bibliography at the end of the report). These questions have been
addressed during a symposium: Les nouveaux territoires de la CST, international workshop, Cité des
Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris, 8-9 December 2000.
Ulrike Felt has analysed the interrelation and the social consequences of the following a priories: "the
public is ignorant about science" and "the public wish to know more about science". Cf. FELT U., "Why
should the public "understand" science? A historical perspective on aspects of the public understanding of
science", in DIERKES M. & VON GROTES C.(Dir.), Between understanding and trust - The public, science
and technology, Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, 1999.
National Profile France 531
In order to understand the actions taken in the field of CST in France it is necessary to
know the background. Let us make a detour through the history of science politics and
look at the current context.
A – Historical elements
In France, CST actions are not merely attempts to spread or communicate (some)
knowledge. What matters in the French case is to make science meaningful and
arouse, in the public space, interest in and support for a pÍarticular value system based
on and founded by science. This approach arises from the idea that, if the public
benefits from a facilitated access to science, it will be in a position to judge and truly
appreciate things or events. That presupposes that, on one hand, science is in a pre-
eminent position in relation to the other means of understanding the world. On the
other hand, to communicate science also means to promote science and the scientists
(who are often represented as charismatic personalities such as, in France, Hubert
Reeves or Pierre-Gilles de Gennes). This idea of CST is easily identifiable in current
CST actions.
In the history of science politics, four key periods may be distinguished, during which
the characteristics of present French scientific culture have progressively appeared.
The ideals at the core of conceptions of communication of science and technology
have been both stable and variable. Stable because, until today, the equation between
scientific progress and social progress has hardly been questioned; variable because
this equation has always been subject to redefinition. This can be linked to the fact that
the notion of social progress has had different meanings according to the context:
• progress of living conditions in the 1930s;
• technical progress adapted to daily life and to the construction of a national
identity during "les trente glorieuses" (the years 1945-1975);
• progress of the power of criticism in the 1970s;
• and, finally, progress of citizenship from the 1980s onwards.
In consequence, the evolution of the politics of diffusion of science and technology in
France is directly bound – at the level of institutions, ideologies and actors – to the
National Profile France 532
evolution of the more general political context. Below is a broad outline of this
process. 742
legitimacy to the "sciences", TP PT by defending their virtues before the public. During the
second half of the 18th century, this trend was reinforced, leading to communication
being considered inseparable from the production of knowledge. The Encyclopaedists,
particularly Denis Diderot, considered the diffusion of knowledge – of all knowledges
that fitted in with their philosophic principles – as a fight: they needed to justify its
legitimacy faced with religious conservatism. In this context, the issue of the aptness of
the new "sciences of life and of nature" had to be addressed in the public space in
order to make it acknowledged together with the true philosophers who carried this
knowledge. 745 TP PT
Of course, these developments are more complex. They are bound to the international context as well,
a process that we cannot describe here.
FONTENELLE Le Bovier de, Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes, éditions de l'aube, la Tour d'Aigue,
1990. Préface. On scientific popularisation intended for women under the ancient regime, see, for
instance, PEIFFER J., "L'engouement des femmes pour les sciences au XVIIIème siècle", in HAASE-
DUBOSQ D. & VIENNOT E. (dir.), Femmes et pouvoirs sous l'Ancien Régime, Rivages, Paris, 1991.
The term "science" with its modern meaning appeared in France only at the end of the 18th century.
The knowledge of Fontenelle mixed philosophy, "physical appearance" ("physics"), astronomy, history, and
even "literature".
On the formation of boundaries between science and religion in the Encyclopaedia, see: DARNTON R.,
"Philosophers trim the tree of knowledge", in The great cat massacre and other episodes in French cultural
history, Basic books, New York, 1984. On the general context of this transformation see: ROGER J., Les
sciences de la vie dans la pensée française du XVIIIème siècle. La génération des animaux de Descartes
à l'Encyclopédie, (3ème édition, complétée), Albin Michel, Paris, 1993.
National Profile France 533
were looking for new marks. As Charles Longuet put it in the Official Journal of the
Commune (March 30th 1871): "This is the revenge of science and work, freedom and
order, whose advent had been put off for nearly a century by government routine."
After the defeat of the worker's revolt of the Commune (1871) and the government of
MacMahon, the first Republic came to power in 1877 and made the education of
citizens a priority. Jules Ferry opened schools for ordinary people, who would perceive
the access to knowledge, especially to science, as a means to free themselves from an
authoritarian regime and as the basis of an equalitarian society. 746 Furthermore, TP PT
science education allowed the working class to find an alternative to and escape from
the religious reference, to improve their condition of life, and to adapt themselves to the
fast evolution of techniques that was taking place in the working world.
This movement involved new spaces of knowledge such as the Natural History
Museum being opened to the public. The first popular newspapers dedicated to
science appeared (La Nature, La Presse scientifique des deux mondes, and later on
Science et Vie) and scientific articles of high standard were more and more present in
popular newspapers. 747 Authors specialised in science popularisation, such as Camille
Flammarion or Louis Figuier, published books intended for both the layman and the
more cultivated members of the public. Finally, science made its appearance in novels
and fictions, written by authors that were convinced of its social utility, such as Émile
Zola (or, for a different literary genre, Jules Verne). This intricacy of science and fiction
had contributed to the diffusion of values connected to science and their re-
appropriation by various categories of public. 748 At the same time, the first societies for
Soon after the First World War, science entered a "moral crisis". It was accused of
having permitted a systematisation of massacres. So, the confidence that links science
See, for instance, TERRAL H., Les savoirs du maître. Enseigner de Guizot à Ferry, l'Harmattan, Paris,
BENSAUDE-VINCENT B. & RASMUSSEN A. (dir.), La science populaire dans la presse et l'édtition,
19ème et 20ème siècles, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 1997. In particular PANET E., "Les éditeurs et le marché :
la vulgarisation scientifique dans l’édition française", P. 33/50.
B Beguet asks interesting questions on the readership of the various forms of scientific popularisation at
the time where borders were built to protect the "serious and scientific”popularisation from fanciful works.
See BÉGUET B., "Lecture et vulgarisation scientifique au XIXème siècle en France", in BENSAUDE-
VINCENT B. & RASMUSSEN A. (dir.), La science populaire dans la presse et l'édtition, 19ème et 20ème
siècles, op. cit., P. 51/68
See Raichvarg D. & JACQUES J., Savants et ignorants, Une histoire de la vulgarisation des sciences,
Paris, 1991 and BÉGUET B. (dir), La science pour tous. Sur la vulgarisation scientifique en France de
1850 à 1914, CNAM, Paris, 1990. Particularly: BÉGUET B., "La vulgarisation scientifique en France de
1850 à 1914. Contexte, conceptions et procédés", P. 6 /29 ; and BÉGUET B., "La science mise en scène :
les pratiques collectives de vulgarisation au XIXème siècle", P. 129/147
National Profile France 534
to its public needed to be restored. During this period, there was a significant increase
in the number of popularisation magazines, together with the development of
technologies supposed to improve working conditions and daily life. Moreover,
politicians displayed an unshakeable confidence in rationality and in the beneficial
progress of science. The State became active in providing grants for science, justifying
its support by the efficiency that science had during the times of war.
In 1929, the economic crisis struck France along with most European countries. Hence,
science appeared as a means to attain a more deserving and better life (thanks to
hygiene and health care) and a symbol of the prosperity of a nation. In this context,
science was positively opposed to the values of capitalism, which has forgotten the
essentials, the well being of each individual. Hence, Science appeared as the symbol
of the good social order and as the guarantee of the prosperity of the individual.
Moreover, scientific progress was often presented as the model of the necessary
progress of humankind.
This peculiar ideology was intensely present in the left wing political movement. So,
with the victory of the Popular Front of Léon Blum, the 1930s became the theatre of a
revival of science education through the mobilisation of scientists, the creation of
numerous associations, and the institution of new sites devoted to knowledge. The
Palais de la Découverte, in Paris, was established with Blum's support, within the
framework of the international exhibition Science et art. His designer, the physicist
Jean Perrin, conceived it as a means to promote science, to make it closer to society
by insisting on the values which he attributed to scientific research: beauty, indifference
and purity. 750 Science was being considered as a "source of moral and social values,
of democracy", 751 and popularisers thought that they could push aside the obscurantist
theories that hinder social progress. As underlined by Petitjean, "There was in the
1930s a resurgence of an ostentatious neo-positivism, which presented itself as the
modernisation of the Enlightenment." 752 TP PT
During the second world war, the positive, or even positivist, the various anti-Nazi
political movements shared definition of “true”science and of “progressive”technologies.
In this context, scientists had contributed to the war effort in the name of two
irreproachable causes: the defence of science against its "ideological", dangerous and
corrupted avatars and the defence of the free nation. The consensus that existed
between left and right over the value of science lasted and would constitute a solid
basis for CST actions after WW II.
See BENSAUDE VINCENT B., "In the name of Science", in KRIGE J., PESTRE D. (ED), Science in the
twentieth century, Harwood Academic Publisher, Amsterdam, 1997, P. 319-338
PETITJEAN P., "La critique des sciences en France", Alliage, n°35-36, automne 1998, P. 121
Ibid, P. 121
National Profile France 535
CST actions brought criticism over the politico-economic system – as was the case in
the Maisons de la Jeunesse et de la Culture (MJC, Youth and culture houses), created
in 1944, and within the Association Nationale Science Technique Jeunesse (ANSTJ)
created in 1962. In the public space, science benefited from such a positive consensus
that it was totally protected from political debates, or even from public debates.
ideology, accommodated well with existing hierarchies and defended the dominant
position of science.
This movement, carried by young research workers influenced by the 1968 revolt,
expressed its opinion through trade unions, several journals (Impasciences, Labo-
contestation, Survivre et vivre...) and aimed at giving an international dimension to the
See DOLBY R.G.A., "On the Autonomy of Pure Science: The Construction and Maintenance of Barriers
between Scientific Establishment and Popular Culture", in ELIAS, N., MARTINS H. and WHITLEY R.,
Scientific Establishments and Hierarchies, Reidel, London 1982. P. 267 – 292.
See LEVY-LEBLOND J.M. & JAUBERT A. (textes réunis par), (Auto)critique de la science, Le Seuil,
Paris, 1973.
National Profile France 536
criticism. In the late 1970's the movement softened: the PCF regained power within
trade-unions and the newly established Union de la Gauche domesticated social
contestation by making it a positive force within institutions. Although this science
criticism movement lasted ten years or so, it would leave its fingerprint on CST actions.
For the first time, debates over scientific development had taken place in the public
space. In addition, while some actors of this movement launched the first critical
studies on science popularisation, others inspired today's initiatives to promote CST.
Indeed, most initiatives that have taken place since the 1980's are often directly or
indirectly connected with this critical inheritance: the Centres de Culture Scientifique,
Technique et Industrielle (CCSTI), The Association nationale des petits débrouillards
(ANPD, National society of small copers), the Boutiques des sciences (Science shops).
The critical debate surrounding science and technology resurfaced during the last
decade. Scandals such as the contaminated blood scandal in the late 1980s or, more
recently mad-cow disease..., and pressure from the public (such as AIDS activists
aiming at establishing an equalitarian relationship between physicians and patients and
making the patients participate in decisions related to clinical trials), show that a
reflective democracy is progressively taking root in France. 755 The equation scientific
case, science is equated with other knowledges, and its status as an ultimate resource
is negated. At least, new spaces have appeared that permit scientists and citizens to
confront each other, for example, the Cafés des Sciences (Science Cafés).
In brief, the spaces where science and society interact have been largely redefined
during the last years, and some of them are constantly colonised by different pressure
groups. Also, after a long history in which science was both protected and kept at a
distance from critics, science is finally questioned in the public space. Hence, if these
debates are sometimes so intense, 757 it is maybe because they were not able to take
For an introduction on the concept of reflexive modernity, see BECK U., "Risk Society and the
Provident State", in LASH S. & al., Risk, Environment & Modernity, Towards a New Ecology, Sage,
London, 1996, pp. 27-43.
Marylise Lebranchu who was in charge of the consummation issue in the French Government called on
consumerist associations to organise public debates on GMO. During the fall 2000, forums were organised
in 60 cities in order to collect citizen’s opinion on GMO. However most forums were colonised by activists
of several environmental organisations.
Hence, if one follows the logic that wants that only the scientific rationality is able to propose technical
solutions, one may only qualify the reactions of the French public faced with the Mad-Cow crisis as
"psychotics" or "irrational".
National Profile France 538
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rites commémoratifs, Editions des archives contemporaines, 1998
ALBERT P. (dir.), Histoire générale de la presse française, Paris, 1967
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National Profile France 541
Prolegomena about words
Scientific culture in Portugal
2. The public policy for scientific culture
2.1 Main goals and instruments
2.2 The policy’s rationale
2.3 The scientific culture survey
3. The role of the Department of the Environment
4. Organization and role of Science Museums
5. Development of the Portuguese STS community
6. Non-governmental initiatives
7. Science and technology in the mass media
8. Conclusion
9. References
1. Introduction
are most frequently used in our country, both in political and in academic discourses,
are the following: scientific culture and scientific literacy. Both are used in the sense of
interest and information about science, and capability to use scientific knowledge,
reasoning and tools.
When the first public opinion surveys about these issues were conducted in our
country, the expression scientific literacy was much used, and there were complaints
about our lack of scientific literacy, or about the high percentage of our scientific
illiteracy , this being the other term of the oppositional pair. Since the word illiteracy in
its most common usage had been a source of complaints and preoccupations for our
society, given the high percentages of illiteracy that traditionally characterized our
population, this term gained some importance for framing the debate. Thus, this
debate, in our society, started out as a debate about a lack, that is, it started as a
debate that proclaimed the existence of a deficit.
This idea of a deficit was present in a very common discourse, prevailing until recently,
and stating that the level of scientific knowledge of the Portuguese is relatively weak, a
fact that could explain its lack of understanding and interest for science.
This state of affairs has been attributed to both general factors – the traditional
economic and social underdevelopment of the country, a high level of illiteracy, a
history of political authoritarian regimes which looked at scientific research, and more
generally at independent and critical scientific reasoning, with strong suspicion -, and to
factors specific to science and technology.
More recently, that is, since the mid-nineties, the term scientific culture has gained
space, and is now the official term for these issues, as can be seen by the fact that it is
the term that the Science Ministry uses in its communication and documents. For this
reason, we will use throughout this paper the expression “scientific and technological
The expression scientific culture , by the words it aggregates, could be seen as a direct
link to the idea of science as culture, that is, the idea that science is a part of culture,
broadly understood. Nevertheless, the actual usage of the expression, and the way it
connects to many current social practices, makes it acquire the more narrow sense of
scientific information, or knowledge. We hope this will be apparent from what is said
The framing of the debate in our society around the oppositional pairs of
literacy/illiteracy, knowledge/ignorance, information/lack of information, contact/lack of
contact with science, may thus be another reason why the expression “public
understanding of science” is not of common usage in Portugal. The term
“understanding” can of course also be seen as opposed to the term lack of U
– when we talk about the public “understanding science” we can also consider this
expression as an incitement to trying to analyse the different paths that the
National Profile Portugal 545
appropriation of science and technology by the public may follow, and how this
understanding connects to the contexts of appropriation and the identities and
representations of the public (Irwin & Wynne, 1996). This would be a way of stepping
out of a debate framed exclusively in terms of gaps that have to be filled, and of moving
it to a terrain of more complex conceptualisations.
and other scientific institutions (namely, scientific societies) have also been socially and
politically isolated for a long time. All these factors underlie the fragility of current
structures and activities for the diffusion of science. No modern science museum was
established until the mid-nineties. A limited number of initiatives in the popular science
press survived only for a short period of time for lack of support, as well as of market.
Referring to scientific popularization in the seventies and the eighties, José Mariano
Gago wrote, in 1990: “the popularization of significant science activities is scarce and,
as a rule, lacks continuity. To the absence of a tradition of scientific journalism one can
add the chronic emptiness of television in this area... “. He stressed “the non-existence
of science museums and the fact that even a small exhibition on scientific themes,
when conceived for the general public, is seen as an exceptional event” (Gago, 1990:
The results of the most recent survey of scientific culture undertaken by the Science
and Technology Observatory (STO) – a structure of the Department for Science and
Technology – (the results were made public in November 2000) show that public
awareness towards scientific themes and problems with scientific implications has
increased, if compared to the results of the STO survey of 1997.
From the results of this survey it is also apparent a clearer recognition that science and
technology can contribute to improve the quality of life, work and of the environment.
The survey also reveals a considerable increase in the interest in new discoveries in
medicine, and in recent inventions and new technologies. The percentage of those
surveyed who are “very interested” in themes related to science amounts to 20% (twice
the percentage obtained in the previous edition of the STO survey, in 1996/97) (OCT,
The pioneering role of Portugal in the development of maritime navigations in the fourteenth and
fifteenth centuries, which paved the way for scientific experimentalism, was, however, not matched, within
the country, by a systematic recourse to the observation and critical reasoning that make up science
(Macedo, 1991). Recent studies have shown the contradictions involved in the “intermediate” role of
Portuguese science within world science (Nunes and Gonçalves, 2001).
National Profile Portugal 546
2000). However, these numbers are still below comparable ones in other European
countries, coming out of the survey carried out under the Eurobarometer in 1992. 759 TP PT
Moreover, the growth of the interest and awareness of the Portuguese towards science
has not been followed by improvements in the level of available information about
these subject-matters. The percentage of those who say they consider themselves to
be very well informed is still quite low. As stated in the survey’s report, “the most
striking result of this survey is, is at first sight, the growth of the distance between, on
the one hand, the perception of the importance of science and technology as well as of
interest towards them, which have clearly risen; and, on the other, the control of
cognitive contents and the access to them, where there have also been improvements,
but quite minor ones.” 760 TP PT
Some changes in the behaviour of the Portuguese civil society, in the context of
debates that involve scientific matters, are also apparent. The traditional passivity of
civil society is giving place to greater activism, particularly in domains such as the
protection of the environment.
In recent years, social movements in this field seem to be followed by a greater
awareness, on the part of certain sectors of the population, concerning the relevance of
scientific knowledge, as well as the tensions that surround it in contemporary
technological society. By the same token, the encounters of science and the public
appear to be expanding. Signs of this evolution are provided by the increase of media-
driven social and political controversies where science turned out to be one of the main
focus of the debate, and scientists have become first plan actors. 761 TP PT
These changes in the relationship between science and society in Portugal are, we
suggest, the outcome of a series of convergent factors, that are not independent from
political democratisation and openness of Portuguese society: improvements in
educational and cultural levels of the Portuguese, their higher presence in school and
in the university, a greater availability of information on science in the mass media, and
the latter’s more active role in the coverage of news about science and about scientific
controversies. A further indicator of this new relationship between the public and
science has been the inclusion throughout the nineties in various daily newspapers
(namely the “Público”, and the “Diário de Notícias”), of specialised sections on Science,
and on Science and the Environment.
Inquérito à cultura científica dos portugueses 2000,
in http://www.oct.mct.pt/pt/actividades/cultura/cultura2000/index.htm ; see also “Afinal sabemos mais sobre
During the summer, the “Ciência Viva” programme organises a programme for the
“occupation of young people during their holidays”, particularly in geology and
Cf. Mais Ciência, Mais Viva, Ciência Viva, Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia, Lisboa, s/d.
National Profile Portugal 548
The “Ciência Viva” programme has encouraged the formation of permanent networks
among schools, through its special twinning programme, and has given rise to the
establishment of “Ciência viva” centres, conceived as interactive meeting spaces.
Examples of these centres are the “Centro Ciência Viva” of Algarve, the Planetarium of
the Centre of Astrophysics of Oporto and the Infante D. Henrique Exploratorium of
Coimbra. The “Pavilhão do Conhecimento” (Knowledge Pavilion) created in 1999, in
the setting of EXPO-98 (“The Oceans – A Heritage for the Future”) at the ”Parque das
Nações” (Park of Nations), in Lisbon, has been presenting a number of temporary
exhibitions on science themes, most of them “imported” from other museums or similar
institutions of foreign countries. Near Oporto, an interactive science space has been
established as well, the Visionarium, under the initiative of a private body, the Industrial
Association from Oporto.
In the words of the Minister for Science and Technology, the “Ciência Viva” programme
found its origin in the recognition of the need to struggle for the “general appropriation
of scientific culture by the Portuguese population”. “This programme was born out of a
decisive debate against Portuguese scientific backwardness”, the Minister added
(MCT, 1999). “We are firmly engaged in suppressing in a definitive manner this
endemic and centuries-old malediction that has repeatedly broken down our capacity to
innovate, maintained us internationally isolated, and has so many times expelled from
the country those who could have contributed to its development” (p. 15).
The “Ciência Viva” programme is based on “a political belief” that “affirms without any
doubt the decisive relationship between people’s scientific culture and citizenship” (id.).
According to the Minister, there is a close relationship between the exercise of freedom
and scientific practice understood as the use of critical reasoning based on knowledge
and experience, which are, in their turn, grounded on “registering” and “observation”,
“hypotheses”, “deductions” and “learning by doing” (p. 14). “The teaching and learning
of the sciences cannot be but experimental” (p. 18). “It is unacceptable that primary
education is not technological education also” (p. 18). ”... Ancient and melancholic
Portugal ... limited itself to copying to its school programmes, as if they were modern,
the last novelties, but it did not teach, nor did it allow the learning of measuring,
registering or cutting, or the construction of hypotheses or proofs” (p. 16).
These popularisation activities are seen as “a responsibility, in the first place, of the
national scientific community” being also understood as a “collective responsibility”. 763 TP PT
In fact, the government has played a decisive role, since the mid-nineties, in
encouraging scientists and scientific institutions’ involvement in the diffusion of science
to the public.
Cf. MCT, Ciência Viva, Livro de Actas, 2º Fórum Ciência Viva, http://www.mct.pt/ .
National Profile Portugal 549
The “Ciência Viva” programme has been the object of generally very favourable
assessments, namely from its international evaluation board, with regard to both its
workings and efficacy. However, one of the members of the evaluation commission, V.
Koulaidis, has called the attention to the fact that in “primary schools the teachers
stimulate the involvement of students on a rather restricted set of subject-matters, ...
(and) considerations on the nature of science are unfortunately reduced to
methodological recipes”. “In secondary schools, which present a broader set of subject-
matters, the approach to teaching is traditional and, as a whole, activities and
relationships do reflect an empirical image of the sciences”. 766 TP PT
For Koulaidis, “it is not the experience as such that is important in the teaching of
science, but rather the way in which the experience is used to put order into the
interaction between theory and practice, to initiate students into the structure of the
scientific conception, into the scientific way of expressing ideas, and into the scientific
method of doing things” (p. 154-5).
Stressing the relational side of the projects carried out within the programme, the head
of the National Council for Education, Teresa Ambrósio, has noted, however, that since
“the partnerships value social knowledge, concrete things happening at local level, and
It should, however, be pointed out that there has been one, but just one, experiment of the program in
the field of sociology: the initiative was taken by the Center for Research and Study in Sociology (CIES),
of ISCTE, in 2000.
Cf. MCT, Livro de Actas, 2º Fórum Ciência Viva, p. 153.
National Profile Portugal 550
in enterprises, not only in research centres”, they “develop the capacity of students and
teachers, as well as parents and other social partners to interact”, “they develop the
capacity to take initiatives, as well as (their) understanding of the world, since these
projects are related to practical issues of environmental education, agro-food problems,
all of them in very concrete contexts and, therefore, the students improve their
understanding of the world”. 767 “... (T)hese projects ... are a means to promote
democracy and thus to fight ignorance and the powers that accentuate ignorance”, she
added (id.).
Nevertheless, the privilege that the national policy for scientific culture assigns both to
the natural and exact sciences and to technology does reproduce to a certain extent
the distance between the “two cultures”. Strikingly enough, in his Manifesto, in 1990,
Mariano Gago called for a “special attention to be given also to socio-scientific
questions, which emerge naturally as a candidate to the fulfilment of the gap resulting
from the social separation of work and scientific culture ... this field tends progressively
in almost every country to be excluded from the teaching room...”, a trend which,
according to Gago, “it is indispensable to combat” (p. 112).
Gago also criticised “the very strange cultural history that tends to render science
autonomous in order to exclude it or separate it from the cultural image that it carries
with it, and, by doing this, to legitimate the social non appropriation of the sciences and
technologies” (p.121).
To the extent that it does not consider the social and political dimensions of scientific
activity, this scientific culture policy is out of phase with the public image that science is
acquiring in the mass media. Because this is an image of science that views it as, on
the one hand, something increasingly relevant to people’s lives and, on the other hand,
as something uncertain and controversial.
It should be added that the very use of the word "experimental" in describing the turn
towards "science as it is actually done" 768 tends to reinforce the epistemological
Cf. Livro de Actas, 2º Fórum, p. 123.
This was the title of a cycle of public lectures organized by the Ministry of Science, in Lisbon, between
October 1996 and January 1998, which brought to Portugal a number of philosophers and historians of
science, as well as many of the most prominent names in STS. The lectures, which consistently had a high
attendance of students and high school teachers, were published shortly after the cycle ended (Gil, 1999).
National Profile Portugal 551
Meanwhile, the 1999/2000 version of the scientific culture questionnaire was launched,
with some revised questions. Nevertheless, in the whole, the rationale and the
structure remain untouched (see Ávila & Castro, 2000, for an analysis of the fragilities
of this survey – also an outcome of the project the STO financed, this working paper
can now be found in the STO internet site, listed in the webliography).
As we have pointed out already, the results of the 1999/2000 questionnaire, when
compared with the 1996/1997 ones, allow the report’s authors to state that it is possible
to find an increase in the scientific knowledge of the Portuguese, in the interest they
reveal for scientific issues, in their declared scientific practices (such as reading
scientific magazines and visiting science museums) and in the importance they accord
The results of the research project on “Science and its Publics” are under publication.
National Profile Portugal 552
In view of the importance of present debates concerning the environment, which are so
closely related with issues and expertise of scientific nature, one would expect that the
Department of the Environment (established in 1990, in Portugal) would promote action
in the field of the popularisation of science, for the clarification of the scientific issues
involved in such debates. However, initiatives in this area are not being pursued in a
direct manner.
It is, nevertheless, possible to consider that, connected with the activities of the
Environment Department, two issues are worth mentioning as contributions to the
penetration of scientific issues into the public realm and media discussions.
One of them are the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures and
hearings. These procedures and hearings, and mainly those connected with the EIA
studies, are always a medium that brings scientific issues to public reflexion and
discussion. The scientists who are responsible for the studies often dwell lengthily on
scientific considerations. The public involved in these processes is, thus, often lead to
perceive scientific methods and instruments through the impact that these may have on
their lives. We could consider this is the way to actually involve the public into a
contextual understanding of science, and a motivated one. These EIA audiences may,
thus, be considered an interface where science meets the public, even if they do not
incorporate an explicit motivation of scientific diffusion. Several commentators have
now analysed these EIA audiences and are unanimous in considering that they are
monopolised by participants with a scientific background. Communication with the
public follows mainly the deficit model, the public being seen as lacking in scientific
information and constructed as in need of instructions and as subject to nimby
A recent EIA process, concerning the incineration of toxic waste, clearly illustrates this
point. In the beginning of 2000, the Environment Minister, faced with strong public
contestation of a co-incineration project of toxic waste, decided that an Independent
Scientific Committee (ISC) would study advantages and disadvantages of co-
incineration in cement factories, and come up with a recommendation that would be
followed by the government. Nevertheless, an even stronger public and parliamentary
contest followed the ISC recommendation favouring co-incineration, and choosing the
factories where it should be done. Several debates and interviews both with the
Minister and with public figures opposing co-incineration, took place. And, to make a
National Profile Portugal 553
long story short, another Independent Committee, this time with public health
specialists, was appointed.
The main dimension that seems worth mentioning in connection with the question of
public understanding of science, is the one pertaining to the intense use by the Minister
of the idea that science and scientific expertise can decide environmental matters via a
direct transposition of its findings to public policy. Translation and interpretation from
the scientific data realm to the public policy realm were thoroughly constructed by the
Minister as inexistent. Science was presented as something specialists do in their
offices and is able to come up with unproblematic answers. These unproblematic
answers were, afterwards, to be used as the basis for governmental decisions. Since
the local authorities and the populations from the chosen places were not “illuminated”
by science, but instead “obscured” by local interests, their voices could not be taken
into account for an informed governmental decision.
This version of science – and of scientifically informed policy – echoed positively in
large sectors of public opinion, and even strengthened the Minister’s position in his own
party. He is now often presented in the press as someone who is capable of informed
decision-making, even if facing public (defined as local) contestation.
This co-incineration project, besides attracting criticism from the other political parties,
also met with strong contestation from leading intellectuals from the area of the social
sciences, as well as from scientists who actively contested the reports of the scientific
committees, namely a number of members of the School of Medicine of the University.
A citizens’ movement was organised in the larger town near the planned site for the
incineration, and social scientists were very active in the protests and debates in which
local authorities and populations were given voice. Nevertheless, the difficulties of the
management of the interface between local preoccupations and local interests, and of
the interactions between local problems and global solutions somehow hampered the
efficacy of the message, and, in the end, the Minister’s construction of the issue seems
to have gained more general purchase.
The science museums are traditionally seen as decisive arenas for the creation and
diffusion of scientific and technological culture. Contrary to what happens with the
mass media, here the agents of the popularisation of science and technology have the
control over the instruments of diffusion, where in the former case they always remain
dependent of the journalists. It is also true, however, that science museums were
usually seen as part of the “high culture”, and this socio-cultural definition 770 TP PT
Here the science museums share the characteristics common to the art or archaeological museums.
National Profile Portugal 554
the near future in cities of medium or small dimension all over the country. 772 These TP PT
policy measures have the objective of constituting a dense network of science centres
which, in articulation with the “classical” science museums (which also follow the
modernising strategies employed in the science centres, as the use of interactive
technologies) will be able to develop popularisation strategies (e.g., expositions and
courses) directed to different and fragmented publics on a vast range of scientific
subjects, not only with historical and general interest (e.g. physics or astronomy), but
also highly actual and controversial (e.g., bioethics or environmental pollution).
As the “Pavilhão do Conhecimento” (“Knowledge Pavilion”) in Lisbon, the “Visionarium” in Santa Maria
da Feira and the “Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve” (Algarve Science Alive Centre) in Faro.
The “Ciência Viva” program includes the creation of science centres in Ovar, Amadora, Açores,
Estremoz, Setúbal and Proença-a-Nova.
National Profile Portugal 555
Due to the youth of the social sciences in a country like Portugal, with the recent
politically democratic history like Portugal, the studies on science (in its plural
dimensions and carried by different disciplinary frames) are quite recent. Only in the
decade of 1990 the STS community started to emerge, as a network of researchers
working from different backgrounds (sociology, law, social psychology, education
sciences, anthropology) began to produce systematic studies on various issues – the
study of scientific based public controversies, of the scientific community’s
representations and practices, or of the relations between science and the industry and
the economy –, or to participate in books organized under the subject of science’s
relationship with political power and democracy.
These books – together with similar events, as the “Revista Crítica de Ciências
Sociais” (“Critical Review of Social Sciences”) thematic number on “Science and
Society” or the organization of various conferences – were important to create a
network dynamic between a growing number of researchers, as the heterogeneity of
their disciplinary backgrounds could hinder the establishment of intellectual and
institutional ties and the communication between the studies carried from different
theoretical and methodological frames. Moreover, these initiatives allowed this
research area to gain considerable academic and public visibility. Another factor that
contributed to the consolidation of the research area is related with the
internationalisation process: the publication in international journals by Portuguese
researchers, their participation in international conferences, and the inclusion of
Portuguese teams in European funded projects with other countries form the EU space
function as an expression of the developing status of the Portuguese STS community,
contributing also to the research area’s maturation.
Today, the STS community interests and studies reached a considerable degree of
differentiation; in the last years there was an emerging interest in the study of science
teaching in elementary and secondary schools, in the “laboratory studies”, in the
interaction between experts and lay people’s conflicting rationalities in specific
scenarios (like the EIA), and in the mass media coverage of science and the relations
between experts, politicians and journalists. Concerning the study of the scientific and
technological culture, and the study of the science’s publics in particular, the Science
and Technology Observatory (OCT) has played an important role in funding studies
and launching challenges for reflection. Recently, the Centre for Research and Study in
Sociology (CIES) created an Internet site (called “Scientific Culture and Knowledge
Society”) which organizes data on the research community and the studies produced in
this area. This can be seen as an attempt to tighten the common cognitive and
institutional references in a field, which grows at a fast pace.
National Profile Portugal 556
6. Non-governmental initiatives
It comes out from what has been written that, in Portugal, the government has played a
crucial, and direct role in furthering the public understanding of science by the citizens.
This does not mean that non-governmental organisations have not been involved in
this area, on their own initiative. However, in general, the popularisation of science by
the scientists and scientific institutions has most often been occasional. Practical
difficulties such as lack of funds and of institutional conditions, the insufficient
motivation of scientists to engage in such activities (which are not taken into
consideration for career progression purposes), and the lack of interest in the public,
have hampered the efforts of those few who took the initiative of launching
popularisation of science activities.
One may recall the activity of the “Associação de Ciência e Tecnologia para o
Desenvolvimento” (ACTD) (the Association of Science and Technology for
Development”), a non-governmental organisation created in 1995. Besides operating
as a “lobby” of Portuguese scientists and technologists for the promotion of better
conditions for the undertaking of research in Portugal, the ACTD organised a number
of science exhibitions, in various parts of the country, in the late eighties and the
beginning of the nineties. These exhibitions involved the participation of a considerable
number of members of the scientific community, and received financial support from
the then Secretariat of State for Science and Technology. Once most of its “political”
goals had been achieved (with the creation of a ministerial department for science and
technology, and the greater relevance acquired by research and development at the
governmental level), the ACTD was transformed, in 1995, into an association devoted
exclusively to the diffusion of science. But the Association decided to close its doors in
2000, based on the recognition of its inability to mobilise scientists to carry out its
Another association involving members of different scientific disciplines and institutions,
the Portuguese Federation of Scientific Societies and Associations (FEPASC) was
created in 1990. This non-governmental organisation has not been directly engaged in
popularisation of science activities in its traditional sense, but rather in the promotion of
public and academic debates about the social and political implications of science and
In a country with low levels of scientific and technological culture, with low levels of
public and private R&D funding, the historical absence of a popularisation of science
National Profile Portugal 557
and technology policy and the invisibility of science both in the public sphere and the
schools, the role played by the mass media in the construction of a public image of
science and technology and in the creation of a scientific and technological culture may
be even stronger than the one played in other European countries.
This does not mean, however, that the mass media, historically, had a special interest
in the scientific and technological issues. During the decades of 1970 and 1980, the
volume of articles in the newspapers and TV programmes, while pointing to an
increasing trend in the near future, was quite low. 773 So, if the introduction of the
One of the subjects given regular attention by the mass media is science policy: the
development and evaluation of scientific and academic institutions (state laboratories,
research units, etc.), the training of human resources, international cooperation,
besides the promotion and evaluation of scientific and technological culture. Yet,
science policy is far from being the subject given most attention by the mass media –
the same happens with news related to basic scientific research: studies have shown
that the issues related to the environment and technological applications enjoy the
biggest portion of the press news in the nineties. 775 The emergence of supplements in
the daily and weekly newspapers contributed to an impressive increase in the number
of news printed within this decade, yet, as an unintended outcome, this trend resulted
in an “escape” of the articles where science was more “visible” (the ones focusing in
basic scientific research and science policy) from the main body of the newspapers to
the supplements, restricting its potential public.
Machado, F.L. and I. Conde (1989), “Públicos da divulgação científica”, Sociologia – Problemas e
Práticas, 6, pp.81-100.
The newspapers promote communication channels with their audience in order to probe its interests. In
2000, the daily newspaper “Público” promoted a survey where it asked the subjects their audience would
like to see more developed. The two subjects most selected were tourism and science, technology and
environment. Some months later, two supplement sections appeared about these subjects (the one
dedicated to science, technology and environment is called “Terra” (“Earth”)).
Within the TV arena, this trend was followed and reinforced by the emergence of a programme called
“Saúde Pública” (“Public Health”) in SIC Notícias (the first Portuguese channel dedicated fully to
information and news).
National Profile Portugal 558
So, while being strongly related with political institutions’ attention and dynamics – with
the political actors functioning as important sources on which scientific journalists must
draw upon, responding to needs of the latter to preserve their space within the internal
news economy of their organization –, the mass media develop their own logic of
theme-choice, moving away from the issues and concerns demonstrated by the
political institutions’ official discourse. This non-coincidence between the official and
the media attention has its most clear example in the mass media coverage of science-
based public controversies (an important number of which have emerged in the last
decade). A second group of studies undertaken in these field focused upon this
intense, conflicting and sometimes highly charged with political significance events,
highlighting the way mass media both represented and shaped the controversies,
constituting an extension of the public arena where different actors state their
arguments and try to influence the political and the scientific outcomes of the
From the political point of view, these events were seen as triply damaging: for the
scientific institutions and scientists, for the political institutions responsible for the
scientific and environmental issues, and for the creation of a scientific and
technological culture. These apprehensions could well be justified: it is very likely that
these highly media-driven events – which reach the TV prime time and radio news, and
not only the newspapers – are prone to shape the public’s image of science and
scientists in a stronger way than the daily news appearing mainly in the newspapers,
read by a very small number of people TP . If to this fact we add the lack of visible
Following results from the most recent survey of scientific culture undertaken by the Science and
Technology Observatory (STO), only 8,3% and 19% of the respondents declared to read “regularly” and
“once in a while”, respectively, news articles on science and technology in the press. The TV, not
surprisingly, enjoys a larger slice of the market: 13,4% and 32,6% of the respondents declared to see
“regularly” and “once in a while”, respectively, TV programmes on science and technology.
National Profile Portugal 559
8. Conclusion
4. What this few indicators may show is the complex and contradictory terrain in which
discourses and practices connected with science-public issues are taking shape in
our country. On the one hand, bureaucratic and hierarchical values ascribing social
responsibility mainly to experts and governments, and elites in general, are still
widespread. On the other hand, new values of public information and participation,
ascribing responsibility also to civil society and individuals are penetrating society,
both as a general normative discourse, imported from the outside, and as a genuine
aspiration of many sectors.
9. References
Putnam, H. (1989), Representation and reality, Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press.
National Profile Sweden 562
Three “archetypes” of PUS-initiatives
The Universities
Science journalists
Morning dailies
Magazines and newsletters
TV and radio
Talerud, B, 2000, Högskolans arbete med sin samverkansuppgift. (University strategies for interaction)
National Agency for Higher Education, 2000:2 AR, p 24-27.
National Profile Sweden 564
The present overview of Swedish initiatives in PUS is divided into three parts. The first
deals with some important research and policy contexts. The second section maps
various media and actors on the Swedish PUS landscape. The third part highlights a
few cases that seem to be of particular interest and which also illustrate (and blur the
boundaries between) the three archetypes mentioned above.
I. Contexts
The Universities
Sweden has four large and traditional universities; these also act as generators of
scientific information to broader publics. Two of them, as mentioned, are located in the
Stockholm region (Stockholm University and Uppsala University). One is situated in the
west of Sweden (Göteborg University). The fourth is located in the south of Sweden
(Lund University). In addition one university was created in 1965 in the northern part of
Sweden (Umeå University). Linköping University was given that status 1975. There
also exist a number of colleges that have grown incrementally and subsequently invited
into assuming the role of university; Karlstad, Växjö and Örebro have so far succeeded.
Previously, colleges did not have the right to award PhDs. Candidates had to be linked
to a university, which supplied the necessary training. With these newer institutions
also comes a somewhat different type of scientific information, more commercial in
These three ”archetypes” are also identified by Shen. See, Shen B, P, S, 1975, ”Science literacy and
public understanding of science”. In S B Day (Ed) Communication of scientific information. Basel: Kargel, p
44-52. Variants of the three ”archetypes” are also used in Swedish research policy. See Forskning i
kontakt med samhället (Research in contact with society). SOU 1977:5
National Profile Sweden 565
During the last decade there has been a long-winded discussion on the governmental
policy of decentralising university funds from the traditional universities to the new
colleges. 779 The proponents of this policy have suggested that the state give research
resources to these areas so that the intellectual capacity in the surrounding region can
be stimulated. Opponents on the other have hand maintained that Sweden is too small
a country to disperse its research funding in this way. In order to produce university
departments of international excellence, they say, one has to focus resources on a few
specific places in such a sparsely populated country.
By and large the Swedish research system continues to be dominated by the old
universities which in turn are marked by well-established disciplines. 780 The new TP PT
colleges for their part are geared more towards interdisciplinary institutional forms and
also towards crossing the boundaries between academia and the rest of society.
Together with County Councils and Regional Districts (landsting), they often promote
regional and local development policies to stimulate industry and the public domain.
Thus, while the traditional universities highlight their international research links, the
newcomers are more integrated with their regional setting and are motivated into
supporting regional growth. Seen in another way, the traditional universities have taken
a national responsibility for PUS, but this task has never actually been very high on
their list of priorities. The colleges have taken a regional responsibility and this kind of
interaction has from the very start been of great importance.
Apart from the tensions between new and old institutions another factor important for
understanding the Swedish context is the deeply-rooted academic chair system. In the
past, university departments were led by one specifically designated professor who
was responsible for quality and specialisation in his/her department. Indeed, in many
cases a university department only had this one professor. This old system is a
survivor from the times when a professor was supposed to knew ‘everything’ in his/her
field. In today's specialised science, this system has become obsolete, with one
department hosting many specialities, the professor only in control of one or a few of
them. Professorships, as they had been so scarce, were extremely sought after and
the basis for many an academic conflict. However, in 1997, the new system was
established, whereby the title of professor is awarded not on availability, but on merit.
Since then, many researchers have acquired the title of professor, however, the
fundamentals of the chair system remain. The new system, which shares similarities
with the American tenure track system, does however seem to enhance one of the
problems in the Swedish system: the lack of academic mobility.
1994, Tvärsnitt, no 3-4.
Wittrock, B & Elzinga, A, (Ed) 1985, The university research system: The public policies of the home of
scientists. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International; Agrell, W, 1990, Makten över forskningspolitiken.
Science and technology policy studies 1. Lund: Lund University Press.
National Profile Sweden 566
In the Swedish research system, it is very common to take your degree at a particular
university and then stay there for most of your academic career. One of the few
incentives to move has been the chair system which itself provided very few positions
on the national scene. These ‘chairs’ have been so attractive in the past that it seemed
to be worth the move. In the new system, however, this impetus seems to have lost
some of its attractiveness.
The chair system, as it has been structured in Sweden, has had repercussions on PUS
as well. Journalists have traditionally sought opinions from researchers with a
professor’s title, rather than from an actual specialist at the same department. When a
researcher is given space on TV news, more often than not you will find that s/he is
presented as “Professor” whilst very little precise information about his/her field of
expertise is given. The title alone seems to give credibility to news features.
This tendency of reporting from the top, is strengthened by the way less established
researchers are often more cautious in their public statements, afraid of saying
something that might jeopardise their academic career. Senior researchers have
already proven their worth, have less to lose and are often more at ease in an interview
situation both on air or in the press. For the future, the new tenure track system is an
important feature with regard to different PUS initiatives, since merit portfolios and
teaching acumen are given much more credence.
mandate supplemented teaching and research, the two earlier officially proscribed
tasks assigned to the universities, it was called the “Third Assignment” (tredje
uppgiften). In the new University Act of 1977 it was stipulated that, apart from
education, research and research training, universities would henceforth also be
officially responsible for disseminating research information (forskningsinformation) to
the public. In addition, such information should provide insight into how new knowledge
had been gained and how it could be practically useful. Subsequent revisions of the
University Act have modified the text, but without fundamentally changing its intent or
rationale, which goes back to the fact that the universities are part of a unitary national
system and are publicly funded.
An important motivating element of the “Third Assignment” is an emphasis on the
democratic significance of research based knowledge. The notion of research being a
resource for changing society is created from a political perspective and has produced
two democratic problems. 782 Firstly, the citizens needed to increase their awareness
and control over these changes. Secondly, as knowledge has increasingly become
important for the possibility of citizens exercising their democratic rights, then it seemed
increasingly problematic that dissemination processes were traditionally relatively
marginal and skewed in favour of those in power, at the cost of a broader public.
The roots of this view are sometimes held to go back to the previous century when the
Swedish democratic movement sought to legitimise its cause by reference to
contemporary scientific knowledge and scholarship. An important part of this argument
was that education and not revolution is best for empowering people to change society
and become democratic beings! 783 The notion of an officially stipulated “Third
Assignment” is not as alien as it may appear. In actual fact, the Swedish academic
tradition has, since the beginning of the 20 th century, prided itself on its professors
being “civil servants close to the people” (folkliga ämbetsmän) due to the fact that
universities have always been national/public institutions. In the 1920s and 30s this
ideal was perhaps more prominent than it is today; at Göteborg University for example
every year professors held public lectures which were then published in a special
university series. 784 Now that the universities are under pressure to define their
identities, profiles and raison d’être more clearly, their mission statements or ‘visions’
often gain impetus from this chapter of the past.
Over the years, the “Third Assignment” has been criticised for being toothless. 785 Very TP PT
little money has been allocated to support what is a monumental task. In addition, there
has been very little pressure put on researchers to invest in work in popularising their
research. It is still common in some disciplines that popularisation is detrimental to
one’s academic career. The universities have mostly been satisfied in their
implementation of the “Third Assignment” by assigning the task to specific information
units. Furthermore, some researchers with a penchant for popularisation are frequently
used by the media consulting them free of charge since it is taken for granted to be part
of your duties as a scientist. Other colleagues not burdened by such assignments have
more time for research. This reinforces the prejudice that popularisation efforts on
behalf of scientists are far from meritorious with regards to academic credibility.
This is also reflected in a new formulation of the “Third assignment” (1997) intended to
foster a more intense interaction between the universities and society at large, but in
particular with industry. In the Ministry of Education’s directive it is apparent that
783 See e.g. Gustavsson, Bernt, 1991, Bildningens väg: Tre bildningsideal i svensk arbetarrörelse 1880-
1930. (”Bildningens” way: Three ideals of educative formation in the Swedish labour movement 1880–
1930.) Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand; Wallerius, Bengt, 1988, Vetenskapens vägar: om akademiker
och folkbildningsarbete. (The ways of science: On academics and popular education) Stockholm:
784 See e.g. Olsson, Björn, 1998, ”Att torgföra vetenskap: Det vetenskapliga föredragets och
populärföreläsningen teori, praktik och kultur.” (To promote science) Svensk sakprosa, nr 24, Lund;
Poppius, Ulla, 1991, När lundaprofessorerna höll bondföreläsningar: Centralbyrån i Lund för populära
vetenskapliga föreläsningar, folkbildningsavdelning vid Lunds universitet 1898-1970. (When Lund
professors held lectures for the peasantry.) Lund: Skånes bildningsförbund.
785 Högskolans samverkan med näringslivet. Riksrevisionsverket, RRV 1996:53, RRV 1996:56.
National Profile Sweden 568
universities and colleges are now supposed to increase the extent of their collaboration
with industry, public administration, organisations, cultural life and popular education.
At the same time it is underlined that these collaborations should not be allowed to
compromise the freedom of science. 786 TP PT
In practice, many now reinterpret the “Third Assignment” as a demand that universities
and colleges should interplay more intensely particularly with industry. 787 What is TP PT
most significant.
The first more general science policy reform of interest is the introduction, in the early
1970s, of the ‘sectorial principle’, which is a Swedish variant of the Rotschild
principle. 789 In accordance with its aims the university is the main public repository for
any science that may be applied to solve problems within various societal sectors, be it
housing, supply of energy, national transportation and local systems, environmental
protection, health and welfare, etc. 790 TP PT
The argument for this system of engaging academics in applied research is that first of
all the universities are, after all, national civil service facilities belonging to a national
unitary system of science and higher education in Sweden. Secondly, research in the
academic domain is generally open to public scrutiny and transparency, which is
important since sectoral research is supported from the public purse. This means that
efforts must be made to inform a wider audience about the existence of this kind of
research, making it accessible particularly to various user categories.
The manner in which the ‘sectorial principle’ has been played out in the Swedish
context makes for a very special situation. In most other countries, a large array of
special research institutions and in house research units exist. These, to a large extent,
supply specified knowledge to users within government. This takes a burden off the
shoulders of university scientists, who in general can concentrate their work within
academia. Many Swedish researchers, it has been claimed, work within two different
worlds and are asked to fulfil needs both inside and outside of the University. 791 It is TP PT
interesting to relate this to ideas of PUS. As many Swedish researchers work within
these two worlds, the task of communicating with the public is not as well motivated
and comes at best third on the list of priorities.
During the 1970s there was a proliferation of sectoral funding councils, and with this
increasing attention to user information, both before and after projects were begun and
finished, respectively. 792 In some cases the information was direct, but in many cases it
was indirect, for example through contacts with the media, special brochures and
research catalogues, or the creation of sectorally oriented publications funded by the
sectoral councils themselves.
A second general policy initiative is that of the “Third Assignment”. In line with the
general impact of neo-liberal ideologies, and certain structural adjustments in the
science funding landscape, the late 1980s saw a greater emphasis placed on
facilitating university-industry partnerships. During the 1990s this led to a re-
conceptualisation of the “Third Assignment”. The meaning of ‘interplay’ is now taken to
also include changing the accent of undergraduate and research training in the
special government laboratories or institutions that fall under the direct authority of one or another ministry.
Instead ministries support special research funding agencies that recieve both unsolicited and solicited
grant proposals from universities. These are sometimes called "sectoral research councils" to distinguish
them form the more traditonal basic research oriented councils which continue to allocate funds on the
basis of a pure peer review process. The sectoral councils combine criteria of societal relevance and
scientific excellence in their review procedures. In some cases the former dominate over the latter, in other
cases the two-tier approach starts with scientific merit. Of course there has been a lot of debate around
these procedures, they may be compared to the notion of "extended peer review".
791 Flodström, A, 1999, Utredning av vissa myndigheter. Näringsdepartementet, 19 nov. See also
Talerud, B, 2000, Högskolans arbete med sin samverkansuppgift. National Agency for Higher Education,
2000:2 AR.
792 Several studies have been carried out during the 1980s on research utilization and modes of
disseminating results linked to sectors: Björklöf, S, 1986, “Byggbranschens innovationsbenägenhet.”
Linköping studies in management and economics, no 15, Diss; Boalt, C & Lönn, R, 1987,
“Forskningsanvändning.” Tidskrift för arkitekturforskning, vol 1, nr 1; Ericson, B & Johansson, B-M, 1990,
Att bygga på kunskap. Användning av av samhällsvetenskaplig FoU inom byggsektorn. BRF Rapport R 3;
Nilsson, K & Sunesson, S, 1988, Konflikt, kontroll, expertis. Arkiv, Lund.
National Profile Sweden 570
793 Forskning och samhälle. (Research and Society) Proposition 1996/97:7,p 45-47.
National Profile Sweden 571
four new public authorities started their work in January 2001 whilst the previous
research councils and some other agencies ceased to exist. One interesting new
change is the creation of Forskningsforum (The Research Forum) with the task of
creating dialogue and collaboration between researchers, fund-givers and others
affected by research. 794 TP PT
794 Forskning för framtiden: En ny organisation för forskningsfinansiering. (Research for the future: A new
organisation for funding research) Proposition 1999/2000:81
795 Hjort, C, et al, 1981, Ut med forskningen. UHÄ & Liber, Södertälje, p 149.
National Profile Sweden 572
being at the forefront of research and in this line bringing about initiatives in practical
understanding of science. In addition to this the traditional universities have an
advantage in the larger number of initiatives in civic and cultural understanding of
science compared with regional colleges (and recent universities), since they have long
established and large faculties of the humanities and social sciences.
Once every year many humanities faculties at the traditional universities open their
doors for the larger public. These Humanistdagarna (Humanities days) feature popular
lectures as well as opportunities to visit university departments to see and participate in
various activities. This initiative has been going on since 1985, when it started at Lund
University. Soon, Stockholm and Göteborg Universities followed suit. It is one of the
most important actions towards a cultural public understanding of science. In
Gothenburg this activity results in a yearly publication collecting the popular lectures.
The regional colleges are more likely to promote a practical public understanding of
science. This obviously ties in with strategies of regional and local developments
towards industry and administration. Several of the regional colleges in Sweden are
involved in networking ambitions aimed at joint actions of knowledge exchange
between colleges throughout the country and local and regional administration and
industry. 796
Practical public understanding of science has been the hallmark of The Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) from its establishment. SLU was established
in 1977 but its roots stretch back more than 200 years. Its main campuses are located
at Alnarp, Skara, Ultuna (Uppsala) and Umeå. Research and teaching activities are
carried out throughout the country. As in other countries, agriculture has a long-
standing tradition of experiments with agricultural extension services. 797 TP PT
SLU is a university with a clearly defined role in society: to take responsibility for the
development of learning and expertise in areas concerning biological resources and
biological production. This responsibility stretches over the wide-ranging fields of
agriculture forestry and the food industry to environmental questions, veterinary
medicine and biotechnology. Applicability is a keyword in research at SLU and in its
contacts with industry and society. Such contacts are cultivated by SLU Kontakt
working in co-operation with the different departments at the university as well as with
industry, organisations and national and regional authorities. This is accomplished
through an array of initiatives from seminars, distance learning courses, collaborative
web-sites, and the coordination of projects to assisting in the commercialisation of
research results. In fact, the latter raises questions of what should and should not be
included in the concept of practical public understanding of science.
796 Talerud, B, 2000, Högskolans arbete med sin samverkansuppgift. (University initiatives to interaction)
National Asgency for Higher Education, 2000:2 AR, p 34-35.
797 See Eriksson. O, 1993, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet och centrumbildningar: Fågel, fisk eller…? En
kartläggning. En kartläggning av nio centrumbildningar med SLU-anknytning. (The University of
Agricultural Sciences and creation of new knowledge centres) Uppsala: SLU/Förvaltning, 30.
National Profile Sweden 573
Science journalists
The Swedish Association for Science Journalism was established in 1972, by 2000 it
had 135 members. 798 Its purpose is to:
“facilitate open, multifaceted, well-grounded but critical science journalism that sheds
light on the impact of science on society, nature and culture. Further it is to facilitate
exchange of knowledge and collaboration between members and to carry on
continuous discussion relating to professional ethics, as well as promoting international
In accordance with the latter, the Association is a member of the European Union of
Science Journalists Associations (EUSJA). The Swedish Association organises
science journalists from the media, and informateurs at the universities, colleges and
public agencies. Since the mid 1990s it has, together with the Institute for Future
Studies and the Science Radio (public service) organised recurrent annual seminars.
These constitute some of the few fora in Sweden today where representatives from
research on popular science (often international guest speakers), journalists and
natural scientists can meet and exchange ideas, experiences and opinions. The
seminars are usually held in a large auditorium. They draw a huge crowd, although
many of those attending only have a slight interest in the research angle; however they
of course may be stimulated further in this direction. The association also produces a
newsletter called Ugglan (The Owl).
Morning dailies
The referendum on nuclear power (1980) had repercussions on the interest in the
reporting of science in the media. Several of Sweden’s larger daily newspapers
established editorial staffs and feature pages on science in the late 1970s and early
1980s. However, due to falling advertisement revenues and circulation in the 1990s,
some of these initiatives have now ceased, and science is now covered as any other
possible newsworthy subject would be.
Sweden’s three largest morning dailies (Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet and
Göteborgs-Posten) all have editorial staffs concentrating on science both as a news
and feature area. Almost all of Sweden’s morning papers have cultural pages covering
literature, art, research in the humanities and they function as a forum for cultural
criticism. Indeed, the highest frequency of PhDs in the Swedish press is probably to be
found at the editorial staff and freelance writers on the cultural sections.
Swedish tabloids also have cultural pages but lack specialist sections on science.
However, most tabloids include magazine supplements, most notably on Sundays, that
feature research results on popular topics such as health, nutrition, beauty, lifestyles
and psychology. These articles are written and graphically packaged in a very popular
form. Scientific results are redressed by journalists who often know very little of the
research background. Still, these articles find a very large readership. Two additional
aspects of these kinds of articles are worthy of note. First, while some research
material is featured in two or maybe three pages, it is just as common to see results
cut-down to a few lines and displayed almost as an object of curiosity. Second,
scientific knowledge is often published adjacent to knowledge from other professions
and sometimes even beside articles from the New Age sphere.
readership of about 50,000 for each of its 8 issues per year. It is worthwhile noting that
this would enable it to be solvent even without the money from the Foundation. Still,
this extra money enables the journal to put together a product totally without
advertisements, which further ensures independence and integrity. Many of Sweden's
most noted science journalists are on the staff of this journal and articles are either
written solely by these or in collaboration with a researcher. In the latter case a process
starts with the researcher producing an article in as popular a language that s/he can
muster. This is usually not sufficient for popular publication and the journalist thereafter
799 The Foundation is supported by several sectoral councils, but also among other the Humanities and
Social Sciences Research Council (HSFR), the Medical Research Council (MFR), the Social Science
Research Council (SFR), the Engineerings Sciences Research Council (TFR), and the Royal Academy of
National Profile Sweden 575
rewrites the article and feeds it back to the original author who will then perform
another rewrite. Articles from this journal actually often carry some weight within
academia, despite their popular form. As it is serious and research driven, many
researchers read it in order to keep up with other research fields other than their own to
uphold a general scientific literacy.
Apart from this very important initiative, for the most part, Sweden had its commercial
boom of popular science magazines in the beginning of the 1980s. Again, in the mid
1990s there was a rise in publications of this kind. Some of the earlier magazines were
rather short lived, for instance Populärvetenskap – Rymd, medicin, teknik, framtid
(Popular science – Space, medicine, technology, future, 1982-83), Teknikmagasinet:
Populärvetenskap, äventyr, science fiction, rymd, data (The Technology Magazine:
Popular science, adventure, science fiction, space, computers, 1983-86) and
Vetenskap för alla: Populärvetenskapligt magasin (Science for all: Popular science
magazine, 1985-87).
Illustrerad vetenskap (Illustrated science, 1984-), which has a circulation of about
140,000 is the most widely read popular science magazine in Sweden at present and
seems to proliferate. Illustrerad vetenskap presents science stressing visual
representations and it sometimes features archaeology and social anthropology. In
contrast to this publication stands Teknik och vetenskap (Technology and science,
1985-) issued by Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg in association with
a commercial publishing firm. Like Forskning & framsteg this publication is research
driven and researchers read it in order to keep up with other research fields. With a
circulation of 13,700 it aims to reach technicians, civil engineers and decision-makers
in trade and industry.
The 1980s period also saw some good examples of the popularisation of the
humanities. The journal Tvärsnitt (1979- Crosscuts) is an example of a PUS-initiative
from a cultural angle. The journal is funded through the Humanities and Social
Sciences Research Council (HSFR) and has a circulation of approximately 5,000. Its
successive editors have come from the history of ideas and science, a discipline that
has a special Swedish tradition, and enjoys widespread popularity when it comes to
cultivating the national heritage of learning. Several scholars in the history of ideas and
science are also active in research on the popularisation of science in Sweden, e.g.,
Kjell Jonsson, former editor of Tvärsnitt, Gunnar Eriksson (former Chair history of ideas
and learning Uppsala University), and others.
Tvärsnitt features articles specifically in the realm of the humanities and social
sciences, but more recently also in science and technology studies in a broad sense.
The ambition is explicitly to contribute to a greater cultural and civic public
understanding of contemporary scientific theories, research and debate.
Populär arkeologi (Popular archaeology, 1983-) is an example of another research
driven publication with cultural and civic ambitions. Its civic ambitions are represented
National Profile Sweden 576
The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Science also publishes its own newsletter
(IVA-Aktuellt ). This features a practical public understanding with a focus on
engineering and economics. Ny teknik (New Technology) is a journal owned by the
associations of civil engineers and engineers. It has a wide circulation (approximately
135,000) among professionals from different fields but with an Engineering
800 Kärnfelt, J, 2000, Mellan nytta och nöje. (Between utility and pleasure) Diss: Institutionen för idé- och
lärdomshistoria, p 70.
National Profile Sweden 577
Labour unions have a strong standing in Swedish society. As such, almost every
Swedish union has its own magazine where scientific results are presented, often in
the form of a practical base for the profession. A current example is the
professionalisation of teachers via science, and earlier examples are the similar
processes regarding social workers and journalists.
Sweden has one of the highest percentages of Internet users in the world, 27%
compared with 23% in the USA. Internet use in the Stockholm area is even higher at
34%. According to some statistics, Swedish Internet usage scores twice the European
average. 801 Most dailies, tabloids, magazines, newsletters and the institutions behind
them can be found on the Internet. For instance the Council for Planning and Co-
ordination of Research (Forskningsrådsnämnden (FRN)) has an extensive Web-site
with the newsletter Vetskap (Knowing) easily available on- line. Populär arkeologi also
offers a free electronic version of its newsletter.
The Swedish government pursues an active IT policy in several areas. At the end of
1996, the Government assigned Högskoleverket (the National Agency for Higher
Education) to co-ordinate a national system for disseminating research information on
the Internet. The project resulted in SAFARI, an acronym in Swedish translated as “the
spreading of research information to the general public over the Internet”.
This system aims at supporting groups like journalists, upper secondary school
students, firms and other organisations, to find information on Swedish research from a
single source. The Agency (Högskoleverket) is responsible for developing and
maintaining the system and universities and other research organisations are
responsible for information input.
Popular science books seem to be somewhat out of fashion in Sweden today. Except
for translations of particularly English and North American best-sellers, Swedish writers
in this tradition today are relatively few; Peter Nilsson (Astronomy) and Georg Klein
(Cancer research) are two of the few examples. When it comes to children’s books the
situation is somewhat different as publishing houses are more willing to publish
“science for kids”, for the most part because children’s books are viewed as an
important commercial area to exploit. 802 TP PT
801 Figures from database ”Ditt land och ditt liv” (Your country and your life) created and controlled by
Forskningsgruppen för samhälls- och informationsstudier (The researchgroup for societal and information
issues) These figures are not to find in any public report, but made accessible on request.
802 See for instance the books by astronomer Marie Rådbo, 1998, Runt i rymden (Around in space),
Opals förlag, Stockholm; 1996, Rymdens gåtor (Enigmas of space), Opals förlag, Stockholm.
National Profile Sweden 578
Reviews and comments on this kind of literature have not been particularly abundant
on the cultural pages in the press. Nevertheless, since the late 1980s Sweden has
experienced a boom in popular history, starting with historian Peter Englund’s Poltava
– The defeat of an army. (Poltava – Berättelsen om en armés undergång), published in
1988. Englund has since written a number of books and has also been active in cultural
journalism. He is currently connected to the daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter. In
connection with the boom of popular history, Sweden had its own modest version of a
science war. Well known journalist Herman Lindquist wrote several books and featured
in a series of documentaries (1993-1995) on Swedish public television under the title
Hermans historia (Herman’s’ History). Following Lindquist’s first book, a rather hectic
discussion on his (outdated) perspective of Swedish history ensued. His opponents
characterised his work as reductionist, claiming he focused too much on a few
important personalities and events. Peter Englund was among the many proffesional
historians to engage in this debate on the cultural pages of Dagens Nyheter.
One book which gained short-lived but intense attention in the 1990s was written by the
linguist Sven Öhman (who has a background in science) His book of 1993 entitled
Svindlande perspektiv (Dizzying perspectives /note:in Swedish the word svindlande
also means cheating) prompted a series of debate articles in the cultural pages of
major national newspapers. One of Öhman’s most prominent and most discussed
theses is that popularisation can be or usually is dangerous – it seduces the reader into
believing that s/he knows something when such is not really the case. Popularisation is
dangerous because it erodes ordinary people’s common healthy anchorage in the
world of everyday reality around them, a world they have no problem navigating in
normal situations. What the popularisation of science can do, according to Öhman, is
destroy this sense of certainty, forcing people to take seriously the fact that their
understanding and life experience actually does not rest on the solid ground that it is
often claimed to do, thus removing the seemingly secure basis for taking a position on
fundamental questions. 803TP PT
TV and radio
The 1980s saw the advent and subsequent boom of commercial TV and radio in
Sweden. Since, the Swedish based commercial channels occasionally take up science.
A wide array of channels is now also available via satellite that offer popular science
programs (Discovery etc). As Sweden is a country of nature romantics, nature and
wildlife programming has a strong tradition in TV and radio. Almost all of the Swedish
based commercial channels have regular programmes on nature and wildlife.
Occasionally, more spectacular foreign produced science programmes are broadcast,
with very high production values. Commercial radio however, has so far not attempted
803 Öhman, S, 1993, Svindlande perspektiv, Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand, s 160
National Profile Sweden 579
to include any initiatives concerning PUS, although one commercial radio station is
collaborating with the arrangers of the Gothenburg International Science Festival for
shorter feature reports during the event.
Public service broadcasting in Sweden, in particular radio, has a long tradition in
PUS. 804 Beginning in 1949 and experiencing bursts of development during the 1970s
and in the late 1990s, Swedish public service radio (SR) now boasts an extensive
editorial staff and several programs (news and features) covering the humanities,
social and natural sciences and medicine.
Swedish public service TV (SVT) started covering science in 1971, but even in the late
1950s, progress in technology was regularly featured on Tekniskt magasin
(Technology magazine). The TV programme “The world of knowledge” (Vetenskapens
värld) hosted by channel one, has since produced feature-length programmes often
jointly produced with TV-companies in the UK and the USA. “Nova” on channel two,
which has a more news oriented perspective on science started in 1994. In 1995,
“Upper storey” (Hjärnkontoret) on channel one was launched. This programme
presents science for schoolchildren, and is often followed up with discussions or
question and answer sessions with scientists on the Internet.
The Swedish public service network also broadcasts educational programmes both on
TV and in the radio, often in collaboration with the universities. Lately some of the
universities have started broadcasting lectures on TV sometimes as part of distance
education programmes. The onset of digital TV has seen the creation of a specialist
(commercial) knowledge channel (K–World), featuring high-quality programmes on
science and culture.
804 Nordberg, K, 1998, Folkhemmets röst: Radion som folkbildare 1925–1950. (The voice of the people)
Eslöv: Symposion.
National Profile Sweden 580
Gothenburg is also the scene for a massive political and economic effort in creating a
new institution, The National Museums of World Culture. Established in 1999, it is a
state museum authority which groups together four museums with collections
originating mainly from outside of Sweden and Europe. Three of the museums are
located in Stockholm: The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, the Museum of
Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities, and the National Museum of
Ethnography, whilst one is located in Gothenburg: the Ethnographic Museum. The
latter will be incorporated into the new building of the Museum of World Culture in
Gothenburg, set to open its doors in 2003. The Museum of World Culture is itself is one
of the largest museum projects in Sweden in recent years. The general mission of the
National Museums of World Culture is to display, represent, and interpret the various
cultures of the world. The museum authority strives to further the understanding of the
world and humankind through cross-disciplinary scientific work, and through new forms
of exhibits and public outreach activities, using a range of artistic, archaeological,
ethnographic, historical, and other perspectives. The aim is to promote public
understanding and appreciation of different cultures, their history, as well as their
III. Cases
stipends for journalists wanting to spend a few months in scientific labs, or researchers
wanting to spend some time with national newspaper editorial offices. In 1979, FRN
was provided with special funds earmarked for “research information”. It was not a
large sum, amounting to 4 Mkr; by 1996/97 the sum set aside for FRN in this context
was 9 Mkr; by 1999 it was 10 Mkr and for 2000, down to 8.5 Mkr.
In 1979, the question of whether or not to phase out nuclear power was the most
important political issue in Sweden. It would remain an issue of high policy priority in
the decades to come. In 1980 there was a referendum on this topic in an attempt to
totally remove it from a seemingly endless political debate. As the nuclear power issue
was based on many different research fields, the link between science and democracy
seemed obvious. 806 There was an officially perceived need to find means to channel
efforts and systematise them to popularise the issues at stake and give wider publics
insight into the science-based controversies that kept emerging.
In preparation for the referendum, a host of study circles were organised to stimulate
expert arguments and to analyse the pros and cons of nuclear power. In subsequent
years, this civic initiative towards PUS has continued to be very important in Sweden.
However in later years, it has perhaps been overshadowed by activities aimed at a
more practical understanding of science. With a strong civic ambition, FRN launched a
publication series called “Källa” (The Fount), focusing particularly on areas where one
finds differences amongst experts, i.e., controversies in and about science. A Källa
publication is typically structured around a dialogue between two researchers who
805 For an example see 1984, Utbildning i forskningsinformation inom högskolan. FRN. Rapport 84:7. For
examples of youth as a prioritized group concerning research information, se: Barn och ungdom och
forskningsinformation. Projektstöd från FRN 1979-1981. Översikt 19811006, dnr 81/21/78:1; Forkman, B,
1981, Barn möter forskare. Rapport från ett försök i Lund vårteminen 1981. Utgiven av delegationen för
forskningsinformation vid FRN, okt 1981, ISSN 0280-0950:2; Forskningsinformation för barn och
ungdomar. Förslag till åtgärder. FRN, ISSN 0348-3991; Låta veta. Vägar till forskningsinformation till barn
och ungdom. FRN, ISSN 0348-3991.
806 Dyring, A, 1988, ”Public dialogue on science in Sweden.” Impact of Science on Society, no 152.
National Profile Sweden 582
An interesting form of PUS is a collaboration between FRN and Klara soppteater (Klara
Soup Theatre – a theatre company in Stockholm) resulting in Science Theatre. Here
scientists and researcher re-enact important scientific and societal issues on stage.
The initiative has resulted in six performances so far, covering subjects like gene
technology (Gensvar) and Brain research (Ja, hjärna!). Some of the performances
have been broadcast on public service TV.
FRN is also initiating and providing support to projects directed towards schools at the
gymnasium level (ages 16-18). A strong ambition has been to overcome the culture
gap between natural sciences and the humanities. This has resulted in a nation-wide
theme revolving around the environment as history. Taken up by gymnasium schools
all over Sweden, this has led to exhibitions at museums and public presentations.
Another example of this kind is directed towards the program of education in caring at
the gymnasium level which aims at fostering awareness among pupils concerning
research in the area of caring and the treatment of this type of research by the media.
Food has been the theme of yet another project directed towards the gymnasium, in
this instance with an extensive web-site in collaboration with Högskoleverket (the
National Profile Sweden 583
National Agency for Higher Education), where pupils can engage in chat sessions with
scientists. The aim is to make pupils and teachers more familiar with the Internet, make
contact with researchers and learn about recent research on food and health.
Arguably, this is the only science festival existent in Scandinavia. However, this
depends on how one defines a science festival as something apart from a popular
science week, as the science week is prevalent in Sweden as well as in the other
Scandinavian countries (and indeed elsewhere). The major difference is that the
popular science week is usually on a national basis, and involves all the universities.
The science festival is a local initiative and therefore enjoys a higher profile. Everybody
in Gothenburg knows that there is science festival occurring, you cannot miss its
activities, and the trademark orange colour is everywhere. An important difference is
that the festival is much more popular and is conceptualised by non-scientists, there is
also an emphasis on science being fun. The Popular Science Week is, by comparison,
more University driven and serious in tone.
Another entity from which the Science Festival should be distinguished is the ‘Open
House’, in which a faculty or a university for one or more days invites the greater public
to sample its activities. This constitutes a local initiative, which is much smaller in scale
and also university driven.
Ideas for the International Gothenburg Science Festival started in the late 1980s and
early 90s with a small group of people working in the intersection between Göteborg
University and the municipality of Gothenburg. The key institution is Göteborg & Co,
which works to promote the development of all types of activities in Gothenburg. This
institution is divided into several sections, for instance one dealing with tourism,
another with industry and a third engaged in attracting major events to the city. Mostly,
Göteborg & Co has only a supporting role in the latter. However, the Science Festival is
one of two events which it actually organises itself, with a staff of four people working
full time to draw in necessary funds and to implement the festival.
The Science Festival in Edinburgh served as a model for the Gothenburg initiative.
Several trips were made to study its organisational set up. It was noted that the two
cities had some structural similarities, which suggested that a similar arrangement
could work in Gothenburg.
807 Most of the following is based on an interview with Annika Lotzman Dahl, projectleader, Göteborg &
Co, August 21, 2000.
National Profile Sweden 584
In 1994, a survey was made among schools, companies, the municipality and the
university on attitudes towards a possible science festival. The survey had a positive
outcome. With this result in hand it was somewhat easier to set things in motion and
start implementing the idea of a Gothenburg Science Festival.
It is important to note here that starting up a major event like this is actually relatively
easy in Gothenburg. There exists an easy-going and rather quick decision-making
structure among the city’s major actors. This can be contrasted with the situation in
Stockholm, with many more actors, with both a national and local responsibility,
exhibiting a much more complex and time-consuming decision-making process.
Perhaps this is one of the advantages of being a second city, such as Gothenburg. It is
not uncommon for major initiatives to be set up initially in Gothenburg and after a few
years be replicated in Stockholm. Such has been the case with the Göteborg Film
Festival and the Book Fair. Both of these have attained a high level of success and
have later been replicated in Stockholm, as with the Science Festival. A pilot event for
a science festival took place in 2001 in Stockholm, while the major effort was made in
2002, when Stockholm celebrated its 750 th anniversary as a city.
In implementing the Science Festival, an attempt was made to imitate the simplicity,
creativity and sense of excitement found in Edinburgh. A major difference, however,
was that in Edinburgh, events cost money, whilst for Gothenburg, almost all attractions
were to be free of charge. The basic idea was to have two programmes, one for
schools and one for the general public. To attend the school programme, there was an
initial charge, but the public programme was to be free of charge. The rationale for this
lay in the organisers outlook on target groups. Basically, the organisers wanted to
reach everybody in the City. Still, the people were divided into five different target
groups: academics, non-academics, senior citizens, students and youths. An additional
target group was children, a group automatically covered by the school programme.
Extensive yearly evaluations have shown that members of groups that rule more freely
over their time are more likely to be interested, as such, academics, senior citizens and
students are extensively involved in the festival. The problem groups are non-
academics and the greater youth, and in order to have a good chance in attracting
these groups it was necessary for the attractions to be free of charge.
There exists a necessary ambition to work with flexible concepts and rejuvenate the
Festival each year. Surveys have shown, not surprisingly, that the most popular
subjects are medicine, space and history. The Festival will thus typically revolve around
themes connected to these fields. At the same time, there is a need to connect with
current events. In the year 2000 the organisational work started with the selection of
four themes; communication, scientific turning points, science in everyday life and life
and medicine. In addition, a project leader was selected for each of these topics.
Thereafter, a general invitation was made to researchers to give talks on subjects of
National Profile Sweden 585
their own choice. Contributions coming in this way which could not fit into the themes
were instead put under the heading of a fifth theme: elementary and extraordinary.
To take care of the logistics, some 80 students are recruited and trained for the role of
festival host. They serve as guides and see to it that the attractions work smoothly,
checking equipment and so on.
The expectation for the first year was to attract 25,000 people, but the outcome was at
least 40,000 (Gothenburg has 550,000 inhabitants). Since then the results has been
around 48,000, but much hinges on the nature of the May weather and the number of
activities offered. The volume of activities in 1999 was rather too extended and it was
radically cut back for the next year.
Some of the most interesting activities at the Festival should be noted. In the middle of
the central shopping complex of Gothenburg, the festival sets up a scene featuring the
‘Academic Quarter’. Here, researchers are invited to attract crowds whilst giving a 15
minute talk. Usually, this is a condensed version of a full talk that is scheduled later at a
different location. As such, this is a vehicle for trying to get new people into visiting new
places. Many researchers prefer to avoid the ‘Academic Quarter’, perceiving it to be
both unserious and unsettling. However, many visitors and researchers have found it a
refreshingly relaxed experience. In the first year, only three of a large number of invited
retired professors showed up for this activity. But in 2000, there were 43 researchers
performing in the ‘Academic Quarter’.
The idea of new places for new crowds is essential for other activities as well. A central
ambition of the festival is to attract people who are not used to, and are uncomfortable
with the buildings associated with the university. Instead, attractions are placed in
buildings and places, which are not usually associated with science, such as
coffeehouses, museums, squares, parks and shopping malls.
Another interesting activity is the co-operation with the local science centre. The
science centre is invited to test its new instruments and machines during the Festival.
These are then thoroughly evaluated by staff as large crowds watch, often in
amazement. Members of the audience are also invited to use this technology.
A particular innovation this year was the so-called ‘Private Show’. In these ‘Private
Shows’, a researcher situates him/herself in a tent, and is available for private
consultations with visitors. Each individual visitor is given five minutes. This quickly
turned into a very popular attraction and queues can be somewhat on the long side.
Thus far, the Science Festival has been arranged one year at a time. Each year an
evaluation is made to see if there is to be a continuation the following year. It is hoped
that there will soon be a decision on whether a commitment of three years is
preferable. Organising the festival in three year cycles would make it easier to collect
the necessary funds, which is usually a difficult process. The budget for the festival is
currently 5.2 million Swedish crowns. Providing the bulk of sponsorship are four
organisations; Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg University, Business
National Profile Sweden 586
Region Gothenburg and Göteborg & Co. Each of these invests 500,000 SEK. In
addition, large amounts of money are donated by two industrial firms in the region:
Volvo and SKF. Some 20 other partners donate smaller amounts of money. The
regionally dominant morning daily, Göteborgs-Posten also plays an important part,
freely printing and distributing the festival programme to its subscribers. The
newspaper also includes in free advertisements for activities on each day of the
festival. In the year 2000 there was also a co-operative agreement with a local
commercial radio channel. Surprisingly however, none of the large research fund-
givers, including FRN, have chosen to support the festival.
It is important to note that different sponsors are involved for different reasons. For the
universities it is a matter of fulfilling the “Third Assignment” directive, with an emphasis
on cultural understanding of science. Another reason is that the festival is a good
platform to work in a proactive way in recruiting students. Other sponsors are more
interested in attracting good will and also in the long term strategy of placing more
people in universities and subsequently into local companies. In a sense, this is also a
way of implementing a long term practical understanding of science. Some sponsors
see their involvement as good citizenship, and stress the civic aspects of being
involved in the public understanding of science.
the museum project has succeeded in attracting people with very high intellectual
competence, as well as generous fund-givers.
Whilst most reactions to this initiative have been very positive, there has been some
criticism regarding funding. The Nobel Foundation is obviously very wealthy, yet the
foundation has claimed that it cannot give funding to the museum from its own
resources. It is said that the money in the foundation can only be used for the Nobel
awards and the ceremony surrounding it, since that is what is stipulated in the
testament of Alfred Nobel. This has meant that the municipality of Stockholm has
agreed to finance the building, while the foundation is responsible for filling it with
content of high quality. Thereafter, the foundation applied for funds from a large
amount of Swedish fund-givers and also from various business sponsors. Most of
these were only too happy to provide support. However, there have been some
complaints that the testament could have been interpreted more generously, in which
case the foundation would have been able to use some of its vast wealth for this
project. Instead, money has been taken from fund-givers who would otherwise have
been able to give it to research.
While this has been a valid complaint, the people working with the museum have
answered that the total amount of money being taken is, in perspective, so slight and
taken from such a diverse amount of fund givers that it does not warrant such criticism.
In any case, what comes out is the opening of a great public window for science in
Sweden and an added profile for Swedish research. In addition, proponents claim, the
Nobel case is a prime example of the “Third Assignment” in action and why should only
the first and second assignments receive funding?
The first exhibition at the Nobel museum has ‘creativity’ as its theme. It is thought that
this topic crosses disciplinary boundaries, and will help to find common ground
between research, literature and peace work. The exhibition opened in April 2001 and
has been produced in three copies. One of these will stay put in Stockholm while the
other two will tour the world.
The Nobel Museum is an example of a cultural public understanding of science.
Interestingly enough, there is a bridging of the two cultures involved in the project. The
ideas put down by Alfred Nobel a hundred years ago make this connection necessary,
as prizes are awarded both to natural science and to literature. The construction of the
Nobel categories, formulated so long ago, places restrictions on how research can be
treated in the museum. It can be said that such differing fields make for strange
bedfellows, but in effect it is a rather exciting combination, and something that would
not be put together like this in another circumstance.
National Profile Sweden 588
PUS is a very hot topic in Sweden at present. However, there is a very specific slant in
this trend. Against the background of the “Third Assignment”, initially conceived
primarily as a democratic project, the main idea is now to build interfaces between
universities and other institutions. The new colleges and universities are at the forefront
of this process, whilst the more traditional universities are slower in catching on.
In general discussions on the emerging ‘knowledge society’, ideas on PUS are
reframed. What we, in this text term ‘practical PUS’ has come to dominate in recent
years. Higher education and research are seen as important motors for regional
development in the new EU-context, which is very much built on the idea of strong
regions. In a context in which knowledge and quality are more important for companies
competing on the international arena it becomes vital for regions to have strong centres
of research and education, which can support the work force and transmit knowledge
from research frontiers into business and industry.
Initiatives in practical PUS are therefore directed mainly towards groups that can
integrate research information and put it to work in their own professional fields in
business and administration. The sectoral research councils counted this as an
important part of their task and lately it has been a crucial function of the contact and
information agencies at universities in Sweden.
Civic PUS, that is research information of significance for the citizen as a member of a
democratic society, is an ambition that has been toned down with the general
reinterpretation of the “Third Assignment”. Still, some new interesting initiatives have
evolved in this area, for instance those directed towards schools. These initiatives are
connected to the development of ideas on the knowledge and multicultural society. To
understand this fully it is important to bear in mind that PUS initiatives in Sweden are
based of the concept “Vetenskap”, equivalent to the German “Wissenschaft” and much
broader than the British notion of “Science”. FRN is the foremost actor pushing for a
civic PUS. In regular news reporting, the media tends to highlight scientific
controversies connected to political sensitive areas such as biotechnology.
Cultural PUS is not as constrained to immediate utility as is the practical, but is instead
valued more as a resource, contributing to a more general appreciation of science and
its culture. This ambition has long been cultivated in feature length science journalism
and in science documentaries featuring contexts of discoveries. The Gothenburg
International Science Festival and The Nobel Museum are interesting new initiatives in
this direction.
National Profile United Kingdom 589
The United Kingdom regards itself as a pioneering, highly innovative country in the field of
Public Understanding of Science (PUS), leading the way in developing a great variety of
organisations, techniques and activities associated with the promotion of science. It is also
a country in which many science-based industries have suffered severe, even catastrophic
declines due to the erosion or collapse of public confidence. One has only to look at the
nuclear power industry, which has one of the biggest and most lavish programmes aimed
at public understanding, and the recent devastation of the beef industry in the wake of the
BSE ("mad cow") crisis, to see how the two phenomena co-exist.
Another peculiarity of the UK is the continuing influence of the Royal Family and the House
of Lords in public life. Perhaps the paradoxes associated with PUS in the UK are best
symbolised by the current controversy over genetically-modified foodstuffs, which was
inflamed by comments made by the Prince of Wales, a prominent organic farmer. The
British Science Minister is Lord Sainsbury, whose family runs one of the largest grocery
businesses in the UK and has strong links with the biotechnology industry. Surveys
conducted by MORI show that the UK public is second only to Denmark's in its knowledge
of science -- but whom can they trust?
This OPUS profile report starts by reviewing the origins and development of the PUS
movement, and goes on to review the emergence of the deficit theory and various related
academic critiques of "standard PUS", which are in turn critically analysed. The main PUS
actors in the UK are described, along with major PUS activities such as "Science Week"
and the Edinburgh Science Festival, and major popular science publications and
broadcast programmes. Recent interest in public consultation has also led to a spate of
academic and policy studies, public opinion polling, and experimentation with public
participation, including over the Internet; brief descriptions of some exemplars are
included, with additional references appended in a bibliography/webliography. The profile
concludes with some reflections on current plans to expand PUS activities in the UK,
particularly through interactive science museums, and on what may have – or have not –
been learned from the past 15 years' experience of PUS and research into PUS itself.
National Profile United Kingdom 590
In addition, the Bodmer report found that there was a mismatch between public interest in
science (high) and public understanding (low), and called for more research on PUS (of
the monitoring, survey variety). The report called upon museums to innovate and to
expand their science-related exhibits and activities. It called upon the media to promote
positive images of science and scientists, and for educationalists, authors and those in the
cultural industries to expand their coverage of science-related themes.
The "bottom line" of the Bodmer report was that there being few public issues without
some scientific content, public understanding of science was essential to the proper
functioning of Britain as a democracy. It is worth a minor diversion to observe that in the
National Profile United Kingdom 591
mid 1980's, another commonly used term for Britain was "UK plc" (expressing the
Conservative philosophy that the country should be run like a private company – without
reference to democratic principles ...). The scientific community was called upon to
simultaneously come to the aid of the ailing British economy – and an ailing British
Prior to this explicit recognition of "science as the engine of national prosperity", a clear
malaise characterised the relationship between British science and its supposed economic
and social beneficiaries. Beleaguered "boffins" in the laboratory, feeling the effects of
successive years of cuts to academic and research funding, hunkered down defensively,
while the "chattering classes" bemoaned the inability of British industry to capitalise on the
wealth of knowledge and inventions produced by UK scientists and engineers in the
The Bodmer report was the first of two major (apparent) tonics to the British scientific
community. The second, Technology Foresight, was initiated by the Office of Science and
Technology in 1993 with the aim of identifying emerging technologies that would have a
significant influence on wealth creation and the quality of life in the UK. Although the
research community continued to experience cutbacks in public funding, they did receive a
form of public approbation, and the call for relevance and accountability struck a chord
with both the public and the scientific community. Once the calls were sounded, the
policies (and the funding priorities) followed. In a time of declining budgets, one couldn't
affort not to subscribe to the new orthodoxy. Whether reluctantly or enthusiastically, the
scientific community responded. Public Understanding of Science activities began to
In specific terms, the Bodmer report laid the groundwork for a new body, the Committee on
the Public Understanding of Science (COPUS), which was established jointly in 1986 by
The Royal Society, the Royal Institution and the British Association for the Advancement of
Science (BAAS). COPUS has provided a focal point for the expert-led PUS movement,
coordinating a stream of activities, some of which are described later in this report. Both
the Bodmer report and COPUS served as a catalyst for a more widespread and diffuse
movement to promote science: the Public Understanding of Science movement.
The Public Understanding of Science movement arose from a perceived need in the
scientific community to increase public knowledge of science in order both to improve the
basic competence of the citizenry and to promote public support for government R&D
expenditure. PUS was animated by observations of public “scientific illiteracy” as
measured by surveys that revealed extensive public ignorance of specific “general
knowledge”-level established scientific facts and theories. This ignorance, it was feared,
indicated an inability of the citizenry to exercise responsible democratic influence over
National Profile United Kingdom 592
public issues increasingly based on science and its applications. (It is interesting to reflect
that scientists’ illiteracy of other types of knowledge, such as minority natural languages
and cultural values, was not perceived as a threat to democracy).
It wasn't long before the Public Understanding of Science movement attracted criticism in
the UK. The essential nature of the criticism was to challenge the notion of what
constitutes "public understanding of science". According to the PUS Deficit Model, the
Public Understanding of Science movement is constructed around imparting expert
knowledge and building public competence in formal scientific assessment techniques in
order to overcome deficiencies in public understanding, thus promulgating a more sound
basis for citizenship. In other words, PUS was a unidirectional communication process
whereby the expert supplied the knowledge to fill gaps in lay public understanding.
To some observers, PUS was little more than a public relations exercise designed to elicit
public support for public funding of research by having the experts convey the excitement
of discovery to an ignorant but eager public. In other words, to some critics, Public
Understanding of Science was not so much about understanding as about reinforcing the
traditional social position of scientists as learned, enlightened, and beneficent authorities.
Traditional or standard PUS activities have not acknowledged the public’s less formal
understanding of everyday phenomena; nor have they examined the public’s capacity to
absorb and deliberate on scientific theory and evidence when offered in a balanced and
interactive format. The PUS movement drew criticism for its failure to acknowledge lay
competence in absorbing and assessing scientific evidence in context, and for its failure to
recognise the ability of social movements and individuals to undertake their own research
and form their own working models of, for example, reliability and risk.
As Wynne (Handbook) observed in the case of the sheep farming communities affected by
the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, lay experiential knowledge could be more sophisticated,
accurate and relevant than abstracted or reductionist expert knowledge, and he argued
vigorously for legitimisation of lay, experiential knowledge. Irwin and Wynne carried these
ideas further by exploring the capabilities of "citizen science" as a way of both promoting
and legitimising the way in which public understanding can both encompass and convey
reliable, evidence-based knowledge, especially in specific cases of public controversies.
Wynne and Irwin's critiques of the Deficit Model argued for valorising local, experiential or
non-credentialled lay knowledge, while calling for greater reflexivity within the scientific
community. However, even these theories implicitly espouse a form of scientific rationality,
National Profile United Kingdom 593
formal or informal, as being the appropriate basis of sound decisionmaking in the real
world. As in “Science Wars”, a shared commitment to scientific rationality within the both
the mainstream "hard" scientific community and the STS (Science Technology and
Society, or science studies) community is almost uncontested. The debate centres more
on credentialism than on how to reconcile scientific rationality with social values in public
A number of academic researchers in the UK, many from the sociology of science, and
from related fields and even outside academia, began to deconstruct what was meant by
"public", "understanding" and "science" TP . Papers began to appear and meetings were
organised to discuss the constituencies and natures of various "publics", the meaning of
"understanding", and even revisiting the more philosophical basis for defining genuine
"science" amidst the frenzy of popularisation brought about by the PUS movement.
Research on public understanding of science seemed to be spiralling inwards in some kind
of STS whirlpool, with few practical results emerging that would have identifiable relevance
to policymaking. There were two main responses:
The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) sponsored a research programme on
Public Understanding of Science in 1998-1999, consisting primarily of a set of research
fellowships in PUS and a set of meetings in which research results could be presented to
practitioners in PUS and policymakers, and discussed. Organised by the Science Policy
Support Group, and under the academic leadership of Alan Irwin, "users" were identified in
the policy community, about a dozen discussion meetings were held with users and the
research fellows.
The House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology undertook its own
inquiry into Science and Society, drawing upon not only the ESRC Programme but a great
body of additional studies and PUS activities. The report took a comprehensive look at:
• Public attitudes and values
• Public understanding of science
• Communicating uncertainty and risk
• Engaging the public
• Science education in schools
• Science and the media
The Lords Committee heard or received written evidence from over 100 professional
associations, S&T-based companies, agencies, research institutes, media companies,
non-governmental organisations and individual experts. They were advised by John
For example, "What Public? hat Understanding? What Science?”, meeting at the University of Leicester, 9
July 1998.
National Profile United Kingdom 594
Participants were invited, many of them selected by co-nomination within the expert
community, and were overwhelmingly white, male, well-educated, and well-connected. As
one member of the Manufacturing, Production and Business panel observed, with tongue
slightly in cheek, "There were no people under the age of 35, no small companies, and no
women: in other words, none of the people who would deliver the results" (David Stout,
SPSG Seminar on "The Technology Foresight Exercise: History and Process", London,
Although the experiment was proclaimed a success by those who organised and
conducted it, the lack of end-users or public involvement attracted widespread criticism at
the time and led to the establishment of new exercises intended to include the public. For
example, the British Association for the Advancement of Science almost immediately set
up a new programme, called "Visions for the Future", that set out to involve young people
in discussions with prominent scientists. However, whereas the main, multi-million pound
Technology Foresight exercise was firmly embedded in the Office of Science and
Technology with the explicit objective of informing policymaking, the BAAS' initiative was
small, and enjoyed only informal and episodic contact with policymakers.
The second Foresight exercise run by the DTI dropped the word "Technology" altogether.
It added the tagline "Making the future work for you", in an attempt to make the exercise
both more relevant and more accessible to the public. Although the consultation did
include a broader range of stakeholders, not necessarily themselves expert in science or
technology, some participants did concede that there was little difference in practice to the
previous round of Technology Foresight, in terms of public involvement or even public
The failure of both Technology Foresight and standard PUS activities to reverse the
directionality of information flow (i.e., to achieve "scientists understanding of the public")
led to many other initiatives designed to achieve mutual understanding through interaction
between scientists and the public, often with an explicit objective to influence policy.
However, the bulk of PUS activities in the United Kingdom continue to fall under the rubric
of the Public Understanding of Science movement as characterised by the deficit model.
Many PUS activities have become more entertaining and more interactive, but retain more
of the traditional "mission to explain" (a phrase often employed by the BBC) than the
"mission to understand" in a mutual sense.
National Profile United Kingdom 596
Science festivals
Two major science festivals take place in the United Kingdom on an annual basis. The
larger of these is the Festival of Science, run by the British Association for the
Advancement of Science, which is held in a different city in England or Wales every
September. This festival is aimed at school children, journalists and the general public,
and attracts thousands of people every year. The Festival features displays, interactive
exhibitions, lectures, site visits, discussions and special events. It has been criticised as
"preaching to the converted", but the level of enthusiasm amongst the participants does
lend the Festival a highly positive and energetic atmosphere.
In 2000, the Festival of Science took place in London, under the sponsorship of Rolls-
Royce. More than 400 events were offered over a full week. It featured lectures and
exhibitions on some topics that would be of interest anywhere, such as advances in
medical surgery, information technology and environmental protection. However, the BA
Festival also featured some peculiarly British fascinations such as horticulture and animal
The British Association also oversees National Science Week, which this year (2001) is
taking place from Friday 16th to Sunday 25th of March. The event is aimed at raising
awareness, appreciation and understanding of science through a variety of community
sponsored events taking place all over the United Kingdom.
Scotland has its own Science Festival, which takes place in Edinburgh every April.
innovation continues. In the 1990s, museums such as the Natural History Museum in
South Kensington, London, have been transformed. Sterile display cases with row upon
row of rocks and minerals, difficult for most adults to cope with let alone children, have
been replaced by rather more exciting, dynamic displays that are more accessible,
imaginative and entertaining. Interactive science centres aimed primarily at children are
being set up around the country.
While few would criticise the intent, some believe that the extent of this type of public
attraction may be excessive, citing the failure of the much-hyped Millennium Dome to
attract the projected number of visitors. Others think that entertaining children may come
at the expense of educating visitors with a more serious interest in science. To put the
costs into perspective, however, consider that the Millennium Commission spent about £2
billion of National Lottery money in 2000, of which the largest share of “non-Dome” money,
over £400 million, was awarded to projects with a science and technology element. Even
those promoting the science centres and other S&T-related projects supported under this
scheme admit that this is a risky undertaking, as the funding does not cover recurrent
expenditure or operating costs.
The Parliamentary and Scientific Committee organised a discussion meeting on
"Communicating Science: The role of museums and science centres" on 17 July 2000. At
a reception following this meeting, several teenagers, who had sat largely in silence during
the discussions in the imposing Grand Committee Room of the Palace of Westminster,
were invited to offer their opinions of science museums in a more informal setting. These
young people, most of whom were planning to go into science, made the point, quite
forcefully, that most science museums seemed designed for kids. In other words, for
children aged 15 and older, there wasn't enough of the sort of information they were
interested in. What they would prefer, they said, was an opportunity to meet real scientists,
to have them explain their work through exhibits and hands-on experiments, and to be
able to ask them questions.
A good example of how PUS in the media mobilises multiple sponsors and activities is
PAWS: Public Awareness of Science and Engineering. PAWS' funding comes from major
high-technology companies (such as AstraZeneca, BP Amoco and Unilever), public bodies
(such as the Department of Trade and Industry, the Office of Science and Technology and
the Glasgow City Council), professional organisations (such as the Institution of Electrical
Engineers and the Campaign to Promote Engineering) -- and the BBC. PAWS organises
major public events such as the programme "Creating Sparks", promoted as "the biggest
and best celebration of the sciences and the arts since the Great Exhibition of 1851". It
also provides grants of £2000 to writers to develop science-related ideas into treatments
for television dramas, and confers prizes to those judged to have the best potential for
In some cases, science-related drama on stage in the UK achieves very high intellectual
and performance standards. The award-winning play by Michael Frayn, "Copenhagen",
about the relationship between Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg and the issues
surrounding the contribution of physicists to the invention of the atomic bomb, has enjoyed
a highly successful run in a London West End theatre (the Duchess) since 1998.
Consensus conferences
There have been two consensus conferences in the United Kingdom, both organised on a
national basis. The first of these, on Plant Biotechnology in 1994, was sponsored by the
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and organised by the Science
Museum. The second, on the management of nuclear waste, was sponsored by the
Centre for Economic and Environmental Development in 1999. In both cases, the
organisers were satisfied by the outcomes; the citizens' panels in both cases expressed
both concerns over the applications of science and technology while supporting further
research. In both cases, the House of Lords had conducted their own inquiries in these
areas prior to the consensus conferences.
Some were critical of the consensus conferences on the basis that they broadly replicated
the results of the Lords' inquiries, though without the detailed study and knowledge that the
House of Lords was able to access -- to say nothing of the expert knowledge that the
Lords themselves possess. Nevertheless those critics felt that the consensus conferences,
though unlikely to influence policy, were a useful way of informing the public about a
complex set of issues, and possibly building public confidence through improving
transparency. Other critics, however, noted that both UK consensus conferences were
very tightly controlled by the organisers, and that the time devoted to the citizen panels'
National Profile United Kingdom 600
deliberations was kept extremely short. Under the circumstances, they asked, how could
the citizen panelists reasonably be expected to exert any true independence?
• In 1996, John Durant of Imperial College and Martin Bauer of the London School of
Economic conducted a major survey on PUS, commissioned by OST and the
Nuffield Foundation. When compared to a similar survey that was conducted in
1988, they found that public knowledge of science had increased by 11%, with the
most notable increase in the area of genetics (check). Public attitudes to science,
however, were largely unchanged.
• The Nuffield Council on Bioethics conducted a survey in 1997 to investigate public
attitudes towards genetic testing in the light of the Association of British Insurer's
deliberations on using genetic information in assessing applicants for life
• A public consultation exercise on human cloning and the use of cloning technology
in medical research was commissioned by the Wellcome Trust in the spring of
1998. According to the press release accompanying the report on this exercise,
"The survey found virtually no support for cloning for reproductive purposes even
from groups which might have been expected to support it...... Initially people were
more prepared to support the idea of cloning to create tissues and organs [for
research and therapeutic purposes]...... But later, having thought about the
implications, they expressed growing concern.....".
• A Public Consultation on the Biosciences was launched by the Science Minister,
Lord Sainsbury, in December 1998. Conducted by MORI, the exercise involved six
two-day workshops and a large-scale survey. It probed both public understanding
and public attitudes, finding, for example, widespread misconceptions about the
presence and functions of genes.
• A major opinion poll on PUS issues, with over 1000 British adult respondents, was
conducted by MORI for the Office of Science and Technology in March-April 1999.
National Profile United Kingdom 601
The survey included several questions on whom people would most trust to advise
them on science-related issues such as BSE.
There have been a great many other studies, polls, meetings and smaller exercises in
public consultation. References to selected books, reports and journal articles can be
found in the Bibliography at the end of this report; more comprehensive listings are
contained in some of those references.
The use of animals in medical experimentation is so contentious in the UK that terrorist
organisations have conducted serious attacks against research scientists; some medical
research facilities are heavily fortified and protected by both human and canine guards.
Under the circumstances, it is not surprising that organised PUS activities in the UK tend
to avoid such areas.
Although many variants of public understanding/public consultation exercises have been
tried in the UK, most of them are carefully constructed and conducted according to
parameters set by the organisers. Market research-led exercises and passive opinion
polling are notoriously poor indicators of the public's capacity to understand complex,
science-based issues. Experiments in deliberative polling have been carried out, and the
broadcast media have developed successful formats where members of the public can
challenge experts. Explicit efforts are made to balance the composition of expert steering
groups and citizen panels, for example. But in all these examples, the terms of reference,
the methodologies employed, and the selection of the participants generally remains firmly
in the control of the organisers.
In general, those who organise such studies and consultation exercises express
satisfaction with the outcome; some have also expressed concern that future exercises
remain under careful control to prevent their "capture" by special interests. Others express
concern that they have already been captured -- by those who already control science and
technology in the United Kingdom: industry, government and the research community.
Citizen Foresight
In Citizen Foresight, the University of East London and the Genetics Forum developed
new methodologies for public consultation, drawing in particular upon the notions of
citizens' juries and consensus conferences to organise a "Citizen Foresight" exercise
examining "The Future of Food and Agriculture". This exercise, held in 1998, was
premised on a perceived need to remedy the inbuilt bias of public consultation exercises
towards the experts, the articulate and those already in positions of control and/or with a
vested interest in the outcome.
National Profile United Kingdom 602
The methodology of the Citizen Foresight exercise is described in detail in the final project
report (Wakeford, 1998). It was a locally-based exercise, but situated in a district whose
voting patterns in national elections were nearly identical to the UK as a whole since the
Second World War. Participants were selected from respondents to newspaper advertise-
ments, which did not include any information about the topic to be addressed by the citizen
The main innovation of Citizen Foresight was to adapt methodologies used for consensus
conferences in such a way that as the citizens became more knowledgeable, they
gradually assumed more control over the process. A Stakeholder Panel of experts was
designated to provide introductory information and to recommend expert witnesses.
Stakeholders and expert witnesses were drawn from organisations such as the
Consumers' Association, the National Farmers Union (representing conventional farmers),
the Soil Association (representing organic farmers), Sainsbury's (the supermarket, not the
Minister), Whole Earth Foods, the John Innes research institute, and Monsanto. The
process took place over a ten-week period, during which time the citizen panelists had
time to read written documentation, undertake independent research and to think over the
way in which the exercise was proceeding. The citizens' panel requested the participation
of different types of expert witnesses as it sought to rectify preceived gaps or imbalances
in the evidence. Ultimately, the citizens redefined their own terms of reference and
asserted their independence.
The results of the Citizen Foresight process were presented at a press conference, at
which members of the panel, not being accustomed to public speaking, read out selected
excerpts from their final report. The organisers explained the background, the
methodology, and the overall results, and handled most of the questions, although as time
went on the citizens themselves increasingly joined the discussion. At a later meeting at
the Palace of Westminster, at which Lords and MPs were present, a project report was
distributed which included not only the citizens' report, but an explanation of the
background and conduct of the exercise, plus a number of responses from the
stakeholders and expert witnesses. Istead of putting the citizen panel members in such a
potentially intimidating position, it was left to the stakeholders and some expert witnesses
to present their responses. The floor was then opened to questions from the public.
The outcome of the process was both radical and conventional. On the radical side, the
citizens came to conclusions such as "Genetically modified (GM) crops are unnecessary
and may have irreversible consequences." The Westminster meeting TP PT was an unusual
Gene-Foods: The Interplay between Science, Environmental protection & Trade Issues, Parliamentary
meeting, House of Commons Grand Committee Room, 27 January 1999.
National Profile United Kingdom 603
opportunity for discussion to take place between such a wide-ranging set of people -- from
Lords with plummy voices to little old ladies who were concerned about the lack of organic
produce in their neighbourhood markets. Some remarkable exchanges took place. For
example, a representative of Montsanto argued vigorously that it was in the company's
best interests to insure that their GM products were entirely safe, asking "why would we
want to poison our customers?" She went on to say categorically that there was no threat
to human health, safety or the environment from Monsanto's GM products, upon which a
representative of an environmental organisation demanded why Monsanto was opposed to
having corporate liability included in a European Directive. There was no immediate
answer; she promised to investigate and to get back to the questioner.
For the UK, Citizen Foresight appeared to provide an almost unique forum, in terms of its
capacity to allow citizens to become informed through briefings and documents from key
experts, in terms of the degree of autonomy conferred upon the citizens, and in terms of
delivering the results directly to Parliament through engaging with dialogue between
scientists, other experts, companies, NGOs and the public, as well as members of both
Houses of Parliament.
One could also observe that the Citizen Foresight panel resembled a very familiar
democratic mechanism for conducting public inquiries: the Select Committee on Science
and Technology of the House of Commons. After all, MPs are by and large lay citizens
with a responsibility to represent the public. The main difference would appear to be simply
the selection mechanism of the panel as compared to a Parliamentary Committee, whose
members are elected. Of course, the differences are more profound. The composition of
the UK Parliament is hardly representative of the UK as a whole; one has only to look at
the percentage of women members. However, it is also the case that in both the House of
Lords and the House of Commons, members of the Select Committees on S&T include
qualified research scientists, engineers and doctors.
as a global exercise, it does demonstrate an aspect of the leadership position that the UK
has achieved in PUS research. The most interesting result to emerge from this exercise
was the extent to which PUS is understood differently according to the cultures in which it
is embedded. Although some have long regarded science itself as a cultural phenomenon,
the cyberconference extended this idea to Public Understanding of Science as well.
The cultural character of PUS was also a feature of a subsequent cyberconference, but
this time as an explicit expression of British culture. The British Council, an organisation
that promotes British culture, commissioned a consultancy (River Path Associates) to run
a six-week cyberconference Towards a Democratic Science in September - October 2000.
The "e-conference", as the organisers called it, covered a different topic each week:
• Perceptions of science
• Risk and uncertainty
• The need for regulation
• Ethical responsibility
• Public consultation
• Consumer protection
and the results of each week's electronic discussions were summarised and posted to
conference participants. The overall results are available in two volumes on the Web (see
Webliography below). While neither the content of the conference nor the conclusions
were particularly original or surprising, what is striking is how Public Understanding of
Science has come to occupy such a central position in British life that the British Council
should choose to organise such a conference. And this was not an isolated exercise.
As a follow-up to the e-conference, the British Council commissioned River Path
Associates to run an electronic International Seminar on Democratic Science involving
scientific experts from 17 countries around the world. The week-long "e-seminar", which
ran for the week of 12 March 2001, provides a daily digest of proceedings to those who
subscribed to the earler "e-conference", and offers the opportunity to respond to points
raised by the seminar experts. The e-seminar addresses the complex interplay between
democracy and science in the context of globalisation, examining modern science and its
National Profile United Kingdom 605
opponents. The UK is clearly eager to establish itself as a leader in world discussion fora
on PUS issues.
A new consultancy "People Science & Policy" was set up in late 2000, to provide "support
for science communication to improve relations between science and the public at local,
national and international levels." It is placing an emphasis on its Website as a primary
communications medium.
One of the most recent Internet-based public consultation exercises comes from the very
highest place in UK Government. Under the banner "Have Your Say", the Prime Minister's
office launched an Internet-based consultation on "Scientific Advice and Public
Confidence" in November 2000. The home page of the Website invites public feedback as
input to the development of a new Code of Practice that will apply to all scientific advisory
The 10 Downing Street Science forum Website provides links to some of the main S&T-
related government departments and activities, and identifies six specific issues for public
feedback. One of these relates directly to PUS itself: "How do you think the risks and
benefits in science and technology might best be communicated?"
The main stated objective of the exercise is in itself is a fitting encapsulation of the state of
British Public Understanding of Science:
"The Government wants your views on how science is handled. We want to
know whether you are concerned about current developments in science
and what you think about the ways that the risks are controlled."
At the end of the Home Page, in bold type, it says "We want to know what you think.
Click here to join in the discussion."
Whether this initiative will lead to new public understanding of science, or new
understanding of the public by scientists and government, remains to be seen. Whether it
genuinely improves democratic processes for public "ownership" and "management" of
science is an even more open question. It does, however, convey New Labour's strong
predilection for public relations.
At the same time that the United Kingdom has put enormous effort and resources into
Public Understanding of Science activities and research into PUS, it has experienced one
National Profile United Kingdom 606
crisis after another in public confidence in science, technology and the ability of the
government to support and regulate S&T-related industries in the public interest.
The Public Understanding of Science movement was intended to improve communication
between scientists and citizens in a way that would strengthen the basis for informed
citizenship and improve responsible governance. However, secularisation and post-
modern scepticism characteristic of the late 20 th century generally has led to a self-
reinforcing dynamic in which scientists increasingly need to explain and justify their
activities and conclusions to the public, while publics increasingly regard both the
promotionalism and the content of the scientists' messages as suspect, requiring further
explanation and justification. The decline in trust between scientists and the public is a
natural outgrowth of this dynamic. But is this recognised as problematic?
Sir Robert May, then the UK's Chief Scientific Adviser, in oral evidence to the Science &
Technology Committee of the House of Commons on 22 June 2000, stated, "The UK is
second only to Denmark [in the public's understanding of science as measured by
surveys]. The more they understand, the more they question new developments -- and so
they should."
It is also worth considering the British public's response to the BSE ("mad cow") affair. An
article published in The Lancet, entitled "BSE inquiry uncovers 'a peculiarly British
disaster'" (Vol. 356, 4.11.00), outlined how the scientific advisory system was seen to fail
dismally, causing a spontaneous boycott of beef by ordinary consumers. In other words,
the boycott was only partially an expression of concern over the safety of eating beef. The
public were also registering their protest over the way in which the whole BSE affair had
been handled by scientists, the scientific advisory system and the Government.
It would appear that the UK has wound itself into an inescapable dilemma. The British
public would appear to be very volatile at present, with mass protests on "countryside
issues" in 1999 and on fuel prices in 2000 both catching everyone by surprise and
immobilising much of the country, albeit for a short period of time. For vulnerable science-
based industries, such as the beef industry, such expressions of public frustration can be
catastrophic. Will more, and more "reliable", scientific information, serve to reassure the
public, or will efforts to communicate merely arouse further public suspicions and lead to
further consumer and citizen revolts?
Has the recent flourishing of public consultation exercises in S&T had identifiable influence
on science-related policy? Will consensus conferences come to complement other types of
expert-led science advice, or will they become regarded as costly exercises that merely
broadly replicate the results of House of Lords inquiries? It may be too soon to say.
However, there are some indications that the current interest in public dialogue may turn
out to be a passing fancy. The POST Report on "Open Channels" was launched on the
National Profile United Kingdom 607
same day as a House of Commons S&T Committee Report on "The Scientific Advisory
System", but at a separate event. One might infer that public consultation is fine but the
decision-making process will remain firmly under the control of the policymakers on the
basis of expert advice, as it has been "all along".
Meanwhile, plans to massively increase investment in Public Understanding of Science
activities arouse suspicion that the public will be presented with a surfeit of new museums
and exhibitions. Investment of money from the National Lottery must be matched by other
sources of funding and revenue, and is not intended to cover operating costs. Many
people are asking what fate will befall all these new science centres, which may well go
the way of the Millennium Dome. Are they merely a sponge to soak up both public and
private funds for the benefit of a relatively small (and invariably underestimated) segment
of the British population, and would they in reality cater to the "converted" at the expense
of the "masses"? Is the balance between conveying knowledge, building mutual
understanding with the public and sheer entertainment appropriate?
What of COPUS, the linchpin of the British Public Understanding of Science movement,
which was so heavily criticised for its “deficit model” approach? In 2002, the three
organisations that had founded COPUS undertook a review of the Committee’s role. The
outcome came as something of a surprise. On 9 December 2002, they announced:
“We have reached the conclusion that the top-down approach which Copus
currently exemplifies is no longer appropriate to the wider agenda that the
science communication community is now addressing. We believe it will be more
effective to allow organisations to seek their own partnerships…….For this
reason, we have decided not to appoint a new Chair for Copus and to stand
down the Council as it is presently constituted….” 810
million has been reserved to boost the salaries of high-profile scientists who might
otherwise be tempted to move to greener pastures, specifically in the USA. Meanwhile,
unions representing university staff organised a national action (short of a strike) on pay
and conditions, which have not been noticeably affected.
Since this turnaround in the fortunes of science, there have been small increases
throughout the system, but actual receipts of government funding have not always
matched the figures given in the budget statements, especially since the war in Iraq.
Recent world economic conditions, combined with the political sensitivities associated with
increasing taxation levels do not bode well for most Western governments’ primary
sources of income, and the UK is no exception. The political will to increase funding for
education and science may have recovered, but if the tax base does not recover, political
backing may be of only “academic” interest, while real-life academics and researchers
themselves see little change.
Public understanding of science in the UK has become an issue of national importance.
But, somewhere along the line, science itself would appear to have been forgotten.
G. Evans and J. Durant, "The relationship between knowledge and attitudes in the public
understanding of science in Britain", Public Understanding of Science, Vol. 4, 1995.
J. Gregory and S. Miller, Science in Public: Communication, Culture and Credibility, (New
York and London: Plenum, 1998.
I. Hargreaves and G. Ferguson, Who's misunderstanding whom? An inquiry into the
relationship between science and the media, UK Economic and Social Research Council,
http://www.esrc.ac.uk/whom/whofirst.html, 12 September 2000.
G. Holton, Science and Anti-Science, (Cambridge MA and London: Harvard Univ Press,
United Kingdom House of Lords, Science and Society: 3 rd Report, (London: HMSO), 23
Feb 2000.
A. Irwin, Citizen Science: A Study of People Expertise and Sustainable Development
(London: Routledge, 1996).
A. Irwin and B. Wynne, eds, Misunderstanding Science? The public reconstruction of
science and technology, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996).
S. Joss and J. Durant, Public participation in science: The role of consensus conferences
in Europe, (London: Science Museum, 1995).
National Profile United Kingdom 609
S. King, I. Muchimore et. al., Public Perspectives on Human Cloning: A Social Research
Study, (London: The Wellcome Trust, 1998)
J. Thomas, "Informed ambivalence: Changing attitudes to the public understanding of
science", in R. Levinson and J. Thomas (eds), Science Today: Problem or crisis? (London:
Routledge, 1997)
J.A. Stein, "Technology Foresight (UK)", in P. den Hertog, J.A. Stein, J. Schot and D.
Gritzalis, User Involvement in RTD: Concepts, Practices and Lessons (Luxembourg:
Eur.Commission, 1996).
T. Wakeford, Citizen Foresight: A tool to enhance democratic policy-making: 1: The Future
of Food and Agriculture, (London: London Centre for Governance, Innovation and Science
and The Genetics Forum, 1998).
L. Wolpert, The Unnatural Nature of Science, (London: Faber and Faber; 1993).
B. Wynne, “Public Understanding of Science”, in Handbook of Science and Technology
Studies, S. Jasanoff, G. Markle, J. Petersen and T. Pinch, eds., (Thousand Oaks, London
and New Delhi: Sage, 1995) 361-388.
www.number-10.gov.uk/default.asp?Page ID=2846
Comparative Perspective 610
The objective of this chapter is to offer a broad overview of overview of both the
differences and similarities national features in ten different aspects of public
understanding of science.
The chapter also serves as a condensed version of some of the most significant
features of PUS developed more extensively in sections of this report contributed by
the six partner countries. Thus, more in-depth presentations of the features discussed
here can be found under other headings.
Before entering the investigation of similarities and differences under the 10
perspectives, we shortly review the STS community of the different countries and also
introduce the idea of linking science to culture in various ways, which is most important
for understanding the French context and how it differs from the Anglo-Saxon tradition.
Comparative Perspective 611
The OPUS project has been developed within the European Science, Technology and
Society (STS) community, a research field that is understood and situated in widely
differing ways in the six partner countries, as indeed across Europe as a whole. This is
a reflection of the degree and type of discourse that exists on science and society
within each country. In cross-national studies such as OPUS, one must take into
account that the larger research communities in certain countries can work with richer
resource material than those with a less developed research base. In addition,
countries with a strong STS community are likely to have a greater impact on the public
debates on issues relating to science and society. In this way we find a reflexive
dimension in that STS scholars may interact with the objects of their study. There are
other dimensions characterising a research field apart from size. One of these, for
example, is the way in which STS research can be more or less imbedded in a policy
advisory system at the regional, national or European level.
The only research institution in Austria specifically engaged in science studies in a
traditional sense is the VIRUSSS working group of the Department of Philosophy of
Science and Social Studies of Science at the University of Vienna. In the area of
technology and policy studies there are several institutions, such as the Institute of
Technology Assessment of the Austrian Academy of the Sciences, a research unit on
Technology and Work in Graz or the Institute for Technology and Society at the
Technical University of Vienna. In addition, there are numerous individuals spread
across a variety of different scientific institutions that undertake STS type research.
The Austrian STS community is relatively underdeveloped, possibly due to the fact that
STS studies originated from an Anglo-Saxon tradition. In the German-speaking regions
of Europe, there is an apparent separation between three research strands with only
loose connections: philosophy of science (including epistemology), history of science
and sociology of science.
It is difficult to say if a STS community exists in Belgium. On the French-speaking side,
well-known STS departments have existed for a long time at the universities of
Brussels and Namur and more recently in Louvain-la-Neuve. Individuals in universities
and research institutions throughout Belgium are involved in science and technology
studies. However, as the country is small, researchers are relatively more integrated
into European or other international STS networks than at national level. Furthermore,
Comparative Perspective 612
Belgian STS researchers produce relatively few publications in the PUST area, which
explains the lack of reference materials relevant to OPUS.
Despite the fact that French academics are becoming more and more involved in
research related to risk, expertise, science in the making, communication of science
and popularisation, and in the social history of science, STS research remains small
and fragmented. There are in France internationally renowned scholars such as Bruno
Latour and Michel Callon, and a set of small STS centres in Paris and in the provinces.
However, despite a few attempts to create a French STS network, an STS research
community as such is underdeveloped. This may explain in part why, for the most part
in France, science and technology continue to enjoy a positive public image. The
rigidity of the boundary between natural and social sciences may also be a contributing
factor. In addition, French social studies remain isolated from research results and
approaches developed in other countries. Furthermore, the French regard foreign
literature with considerable scepticism.
The STS community started to emerge in the late 1980s, as a network of researchers
working from different backgrounds (sociology, law, social psychology, education
sciences, anthropology) who have centred their attention on the study of science-based
public controversies, the scientific community’s representations and practices, the
relations between science and economy, or science and democracy. Conferences
were important to create a network between a growing numbers of researchers with
heterogeneous disciplinary backgrounds. The publication in international journals by
Portuguese researchers and their participation in international projects have been also
been important.
The STS community in Portugal has achieved a considerable degree of coherence and
a distinct presence as part of an identified research field. The Centre for Research and
Study in Sociology (CIES), at ISCTE, created, in 2001, an Internet site called “Scientific
Culture and the Knowledge Society” that contains data on the Portuguese research
community and information on studies carried out in this field.
In comparison with other small countries, the STS community in Sweden is quite large
and has developed within the context of internationalised STS communities from all
parts of the developed world. Institutionen för vetenskapsteori (The Department for
Theory of Science and Research) was established already in the 1960s at Göteborg
Comparative Perspective 613
University, and from the 1970s grew to be an important centre of STS scholarship.
Today, the department has merged with Institutionen för idé- och lärdomshistoria
(Department for History of Ideas) but remains an independent branch of learning.
A number of STS institutions have a focus on technology studies. These include
Sektionen för teknik- och vetenskapsstudier (Section for Science and Technology
Studies), at Göteborg university, and Tema T (Theme Technology) at Linköping
university. Some of higher education institutes of technology, such as Chalmers in
Göteborg and Kunglinga tekniska högskolan (the Royal Location of Technology) in
Stockholm, have sections which do STS research. With a focus on issues of science
and technology policy, Institutet för forskningspolitiska studier (the Institute of research
policy) is a small but important actor in the Swedish STS community.
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom regards itself as a pioneering, highly innovative country in the field
of Public Understanding of Science (PUS), leading the way in developing a great
variety of organisations, techniques and activities associated with the promotion of
science, and in parallel developing the academic aspects of science and technology
studies. The STS community in the UK emerged in the 1970s from research on the
economics of innovation and so-called "liberal studies". Major STS research centres
exist in universities such as Brunel, Cambridge, East London, Edinburgh, Lancaster,
Manchester, Sussex, University College London, West of Enland (Bristol) and York,
and there are clusters of STS scholarship in Aston, Middlesex, Newcastle, Cardiff,
Leicester, Durham and in other academic, charitable, governmental and consultancy
bodies. Some of the more unusual, yet important centres of STS research can be
found in the Science Museum in London, the Parliamentary Office of Science and
Technology, the House of Lords and the Wellcome Trust, a charitable body. British
STS scholars are prominent in international as well as national networks, and in the
literature on PUS.
The STS field was given a boost by numerous programmes offering targeted research
funding by the UK Economic and Social Research Council, and the community has
been reinforced by close interaction between STS scholars and policymakers. There is
a "Science Policy Support Group" that engages in networking activities, and numerous
national activities that further consolidate the British STS community.
“Scientific Culture”
expressed by C.P. Snow 811 in the late 1950s as a lamentable separation between
Ministries and governmental agencies often develop PUS initiatives. Usually, the
research-based actors take the initiative. Sometimes, however, other actors such as
those working with the cultural sector control public spending on PUS activities, for
instance within museums. In some countries the cultural and scientific/educational
C P Snow (1959), The Two Cultures: & A Second Look (Blackie & Sons, Glasgow).
Comparative Perspective 615
sector are seen as intimately connected. This is the case in Austria and in France, but
to a lesser degree in the other countries. The case of the UK is more complicated
because the promotional aspects of government involvement in PUS, which are highly
visible, are distinct from the main forces at work in the governance of science.
There are also other differences that have an effect on PUS issues, such as the
relationship between ministries and agencies, and the way in which research-based
advice is taken up by the policy system. Below, we highlight some of the most
important characteristics for the countries involved.
It is important to state that the policy situation regarding PUS-issues has changed
several times quite drastically during the running of this project.
In Austria, most of the influential PUS initiatives target improving science-public
relations, and are at least partially funded by the state. An important actor was,
amongst others, the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. Prior to the year 2000,
most of its activities were not part of any explicit programme directed to develop the
science-public relations. It was more the changes to the environment for research
system which called for increasing efforts to communicate science to the public (e.g.
the fragilisation of the university system through the numerous reforms carried out
through the 1990s; difficulties in public financing of research). Ministerial actions
developed from 1999 onwards pertained explicitly to public awareness of science.
However, they had a more programmatic character and did not develop very concrete
strategies or set many actions. Despite this some special programmes were enabled or
supported by state funding (e.g. the Science Week, the internet science channel). More
recently, the Council for Research and Technological Development is trying to become
a key-player on the policy level, so far, however money has been mainly spent on a
rather ill-defined PR-campaign for innovation. The logic behind these programmes is
still very much directed by the enlightenment ideal of public empowerment through
As described in the section on “Policy context”, PUST matters (as all other cultural
matters) are mainly regionalised since the last big federalisation reform in 1990. Only
some “bi-cultural” institutions have kept a national character – most notably the
Museum for Natural Sciences in Brussels. Although dissemination of scientific
knowledge is formally the responsibility of the regional governments, the creation of ad-
hoc departments or services is rather new in regional administrations for research and
technology. PUST is not (and has never been) a leading policy issue in R&D policies
and cultural policies, it is merely a “plug-in” without an identifiable constituency.
Comparative Perspective 616
Funding for PUST activities do not come from cultural budgets, but from budgets for
research and innovation, regional and local development, conversion of industrial
zones, youth activities, and continued education.
The most prestigious education and research institutions are located in Paris and this
affects the way in which CST initiatives are organised. In the 1980s, while the
government attempted to decentralise initiatives (through the creation of Centres de
Culture Scientifique technique et industrielle [CCSTI] in the provinces), the model of
CST was nevertheless created in Paris: La Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie de la
Villette (open to the public in 1986). Since that time, other big Parisian CST structures
were modernised (Le Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Le Musée des Arts et des Métiers).
By way of comparison – and apart from a few exceptions – CCSTI of the provinces
benefited from only limited financial support.
A true governmental policy directed at CST appeared in 1981. In the early 2000's, a
thorough renewal of CST initiatives was launched by the government. This policy is
visible at the national level (through the Ministries) and the local level (through the
CCSTIs, the Regional structures of the CNRS, the newly created Missions de culture
scientifique et technique developed in several Universities).
A Department for Science and Technology was established for the first time in Portugal
in October 1995, within the government formed by the Socialist Party. This Department
introduced as one central axis of its policy the promotion of scientific culture for the
benefit of the general public. This objective has been implemented mainly through the
“Ciência Viva” (Science Alive) programme, launched in 1996. Moreover, every year
since 1997, in November, a Science and Technology Week is organised by the
ministry. During this week, which includes “the national day of scientific culture”, a
series of events are held, including opening the doors of some scientific institutions to
the public, conferences and public seminars on different scientific topics. These events
take place all over the country.
Policy and programmes for scientific culture undertaken by the Department for Science
and Technology have been guided by an ideological frame of reference according to
which science was essentially the search for the laws of nature and of things, based on
logic and induction. The same ideology espoused the values of liberty and of
democracy and thought of them as intrinsic elements of scientific practice.
In an indirect way, the Department of the Environment (established in 1990) also
contributes to the penetration of scientific issues into the public realm and media
discussions. This role has been played mainly through the Environmental Impact
Comparative Perspective 617
A very important policy initiative in Sweden was the requirement for researchers to
disseminate their results. In Sweden very little applied research is done in special
government laboratories or institutions that fall under the direct authority of one or
another ministry. Instead, ministries support special research funding agencies that
receive both unsolicited and solicited grant proposals from universities. One part of this
system was the creation of sectorial research councils; another is the dependence on
governmental agencies for applied research. It is important to note that governmental
agencies thus become involved in discussions and actions concerning the "third
assignment" (discussed in the national profile section). In addition, in the Swedish
governmental system the ministries are relatively small and flexible, while their
agencies are much larger organisations, contrary to the system in most other countries.
This gives the agencies a special position in Sweden, which must be taken into
account when discussing governmental activities.
The agency "Högskoleverket" is responsible for developing and maintaining the
system, the overall research infrastructure, research universities and other research
organisations which in turn are responsible for providing scientific information. Other
government agencies that may not be directly responsible for research and education
policies are involved in questions of PUS.
United Kingdom
Since the PUS movement took hold in the 1980s, the UK Government has become a
major funder of PUS activities throughout the research system, to the point where PUS
has become an element of most publicly-funded scientific activity. The main emphasis
of the UK Central Government policy is relatively passive support of PUS activities
through its sponsorship of activities by NGOs, museums, through the Research
Councils and related bodies such as The Royal Society, and by its agencies (such as
the National Physical Laboratory). This is complemented by "bottom-up" PUS activities
that are in practice subsidised by Government funding for mainstream science and
education. A significant, though unquantifiable, percentage of public funding for
science, culture and education supports PUS activities in the UK.
Comparative Perspective 618
Issues concerning centralisation are often linked to PUS activities. A major issue
concerns the way in which research-based knowledge is produced in central locations
and how diffusion models are invoked in order to spread knowledge. Variations of
“deficit models” have been thoroughly criticised within current PUS research by the
STS communities in different European countries. Some of the findings of this research
suggest that centralisation and decentralisation must both be considered where issues
of power and knowledge are linked. The centralisation of knowledge and power may or
may not be seen as a problem by governments; it carries obvious advantages by
making it easy to construct and control power networks. Research on PUS, on the
other hand, is typically highly critical of centralised structures on the basis that
promoting citizen empowerment and democratisation of science requires
decentralisation and local control.
The Austrian PUS profile exhibits a relatively strong centralisation. Governmental
bodies are undisputedly the key players. Furthermore, there is a very high
concentration of media power in the hands of very few players, who thus wield
enormous influence over what information is given to the public. Finally, geographical
centralisation, with Vienna as the focal point, is a clear feature of the Austrian PUS
landscape. Centralisation is even identified as a problem in numerous policy
documents, but so far there have been no clear measures to change towards a more
balanced spread of activities over the regions. Recently, there have been initiatives by
regional administrations to foster more science-public activities and science
communication at the regional level.
There are several reasons why regional institutions are seeking to establish a
counterbalance to the centralisation present around the national capital. One such
reason is simply that public responsibilities in the local sphere differ from national
competencies and issues. Thus, the regions try to contribute to science-public-
interactions that are relevant to specific, local issues such as environmental quality,
GMOs and farming.
As a consequence of the bi-cultural character of the country and the federalisation of
the State, PUST is obviously decentralised in Belgium. There is little symmetry
between PUST initiatives in the Flemish and Walloon parts of the country, in the areas
of media, science centres, NGOs, consultation and foresight, and events. The only
broadly similar initiatives are those inherited from before federalisation and those
Comparative Perspective 619
imported from the European level (e.g. science week). The system of regionalised
public support of museums, science centres and NGOs enhances decentralisation. The
use of European Social Fund Objective-1 subventions further decentralises such
activities by favouring the less-developed sub-regions.
Centralism is currently an important issue in France. While a few attempts are made to
develop structures and actions in the provinces, the most prestigious sites related to
PUS are installed in Paris and continue to exert a strong influence nationally.
Sweden has a strong tradition of centralising governance and cultural institutions,
including the mass media and centres of higher education. However, there is in parallel
with this a political consensus on working with decentralisation strategies to counter
what is perceived as a structural problem. There are two main decentralisation
strategies, which can be illustrated by the case of science museums. The first aims at
redistributing resources from the capital city Stockholm to other major cities, as
exemplified by the recent investment in Världskulturmuseet (The National Museum of
World Cultures) in Göteborg. The objective of the second order decentralisation is to
disperse resources from the major cities to smaller towns and sparsely populated
regions, including the siting of minor museums in rural areas.
These two types of decentralisations can also be observed in policies towards
universities and colleges. The second type has grown in importance with the recent
increase in resources allocated to local colleges, where earlier Sweden had a few very
important universities located to major cities or important regions.
United Kingdom
During the Thatcher years, the UK experienced great tensions concerning the
geographical distribution of power, resisting at the same time pressures for European
integration and intra-national regionalisation. Under the New Labour Government,
regionalisation was prioritised, with the establishment of a Scottish Parliament, a Welsh
Assembly, a Greater London Assembly and a directly elected mayor for London.
Ironically, the ground floor of the former headquarters of the Greater London Council
(abolished by Margaret Thatcher) became a science museum: an aquarium; a new
building had to be constructed for the revamped London government. Scotland has a
high degree of educational autonomy, with all this implies for science, research and its
relationship to the Scottish public.
Comparative Perspective 620
The resistance to European integration, however, has been unchanged since then-
Prime Minister Thatcher gave her famous anti-European speech in Bruges. This is not
only expressed by the UK's remaining outside the Euro zone, and blocking the word
"federal" from the draft constitution for the European Union, but in British attitudes
towards the science/society interface with respect to Continental practices. There is a
self-perception that the UK is a leading country in the development of PUS activities, in
STS research on PUS and in the incorporation of at least some aspects of PUS
research into the scientific advisory process. This has ironically isolated the British PUS
community from outside influences apart from the USA, from which it imported ideas
such as participatory exhibitions from the Exploratorium in San Francisco, and from
other parts of the English-speaking world. Perhaps this stance explains the arrogance
that is sometimes apparent in British PUS circles.
Social science has traditionally been used as a vehicle for addressing questions of
public understanding of science, both as a resource for assessing the public's
understanding of science and in order to address the problems of diffusion (e.g. OPUS
as a project of the "Raising Public Awareness" strand of the EC Framework
Programme). A more autonomous expression of social science has been the critical
stance through which it questions the PUS enterprise as a legitimate project. The social
sciences are in some countries seen as a part of science in general that need, in the
same way as the natural sciences, public recognition and comprehension.
Most PUS initiatives in Austria were established due to an alleged lack of awareness of
science and technology in the public. The social sciences play only a marginal role in
different PUS initiatives. While, the Austrian Council for Research and Technological
Development has come to play a central role in PUS it has no members from either a
social science or a humanities background. As a consequence, there is a bias towards
"hard" science and technology in PUS initiatives. However it is interesting to remark
that even in settings where the social sciences and humanities find a place to
communicate with wider publics – as for example during the science weeks – clear
difficulties become visible in doing so (e.g. drawing the boarder-line between a cultural
event and social science popularisation appears to be difficult).
Comparative Perspective 621
In various types of PUS activities and institutions such as science centres, science
festivals, university initiatives etc, technology is usually the starting point for PUS
initiatives, more often than fundamental research. Human or social aspects of
technology may be taken into account or not, in a critical way or not (depending on the
actors involved). In the popular press and on television, social sciences and economics
have their own pages or broadcast programmes, which are distinct from the “science
and technology” sections or programmes. S&T in the media have their own
characteristic life and rhythm. The reporting mainly concerns the physical and natural
sciences, less often anthropology or behavioural sciences, and occasionally societal
aspects of S&T (e.g. sustainable development).
In 18 th century France the understanding of the meaning of science extended to both
natural sciences and social sciences. However, this broad conceptualisation of science
has progressively been reduced in scope to include the natural sciences and
mathematics only.
No PUS initiatives related to social sciences exist in France, reflecting a strong
boundary between the natural sciences and the social sciences. In addition,
representatives of both camps believe that PUS initiatives should concern natural
sciences only. Social sciences are occasionally present in the public sphere as
consultancy bodies in the context of public controversies or in the form of ethics
The national policy for scientific culture of the Science Ministry privileges science and
technology. The dominant trend has been to exclude the social sciences from most
state initiatives. However, one important role for the social sciences is to carry out
Scientific Culture Surveys. More recent surveys follow the same rationale and
methodology of the previous Eurobarometer ones, with minor changes in some
Social scientists are in this sense an important source of the discourses that circulate
through society about the extend of the public's scientific culture -- or lack of scientific
culture. Critically appraising the instrument and at the same time trying to be reflexive
about the models of science and the public it embodies can thus be problematic for
PUS scholarship in Portugal.
In an attempt to foster a more systematic reflection about the interaction between
science and society, in 1997 the STO financed a three-year multidisciplinary research
project of qualitative studies about concrete contexts of interaction between science
Comparative Perspective 622
and its multiple publics. Some summary guidelines for re-thinking the science-public
relationship were published as part of an official document.
Both the humanities and the social sciences are very important components of PUS
scholarship in Sweden. The split between the "softer" and the "harder" sciences that is
common in the Anglo-Saxon world has not occurred. This is due to the Swedish notion
of vetenskap (science), descending from the German concept of Wissenschaft and
incorporating the humanities as well as the social sciences and the natural sciences. In
respect of PUS, this means that there is no discrimination between any scientific
activity – soft or hard – the Swedish concept of PUS is very inclusive. In theory, this
means that Swedish PUS activities possibly are connected to every important societal
issue within the public sphere. In practice, this broad conceptualisation means that
PUS activities very much are an issue for the humanities and social science.
United Kingdom
While philosophers of science and the scientific élite in the UK debate the extent to
which overcoming the schism between the social and natural sciences is important, the
fact remains that it persists. The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is the
newest (in disciplinary terms) of the main governmental scientific funding bodies, and it
is no accident that the word "economic" precedes the word "social". Quantitative
methods ("hard") have traditionally been considered more "scientific", with the "hard
sciences" paradoxically enjoying more "social" status. However, it was not long before
the ESRC turned its attentions to PUS, with an almost inbuilt reflexivity about the role
of social science in both deconstructing and influencing science/society relationships.
The result has been a partial integration of the social and the natural sciences, and the
institutionalisation of PUS in mainstream scientific activities. Nevertheless, as argued
above, the persistence of the "two cultures" still affects the way in which
science/society interactions occur in the UK.
The status of science varies from country to country. There are sharp differences
concerning how scientific knowledge has been perceived as privileged or not when
compared with other types of knowledge. Important factors here include the size and
maturity of the scientific community, as well as the general state of development of the
intellectual debate. In addition, various disasters and other risk-related event are
instrumental in the way scientific criticism takes shape.
Comparative Perspective 623
If one were to examine the results of survey research, the Austrian citizen would
appear to be rather critical towards technology. This is often taken as an argument for
the need to increase PUS initiatives, as a conservative attitude towards technology
seems to be a hindrance to economic development. We do not, however, agree with
this analysis as it does not take into account Austria's specific history and particular
experiences with regard to resistance to technology. In that sense, certain technologies
that are seen in contradiction to more general value systems (e.g. biotechnology and
nuclear energy) are rejected in favour of organic farming and "clean" hydroelectric
power. However, many other "smaller" but equally sophisticated technologies are
embraced by the public with a great deal of enthusiasm.
It is difficult to speak of one clear period of general criticism towards science in the
Austrian case. However, the first significant debates emerged in the 1970s, most
notably within the environmental movement. The controversy reached its zenith in the
second half of the 1970’s, when an organised social movement resisted the
construction of the first Austrian nuclear power plant in Zwentendorf. Other periods of
controversy have been experience in Austria on an occasional basis, but there is a
general tendency not to engage in an open public debate about certain problems linked
to scientific and technological development (e.g. there has been little public debate on
BSE or on many of the biomedical innovations).
Periods of public criticism towards S&T are respectively related to those in France and
the Netherlands, although attenuated in Belgium. In the Flemish speaking part, during
the 1980s, there was an active section of the Dutch movement “Wetenschap &
Samenleving" (Science and Society) in Flanders. In Flemish universities, there were
several (unsuccessful) attempts to create science shops according to the Dutch model.
In the French-speaking part, during the late 1970s and the 1980s, a great many
connections existed with French groups and associations. Some examples of the more
significant organisational links are the Association for cultural scientific animation (get
the correct French name and its translation) in Paris and the group of radical science
critics around Impascience, represented by Centre Galilée in Louvain-la-Neuve and
Librex in Brussels. There is no institutional continuity with the situation today.
Transferring the science shop model also failed in the Walloon part of the country.
Comparative Perspective 624
Soon after the First World War, French science entered a "moral crisis". It was accused
of having permitted the systematisation of conducting massacres. Public confidence in
science needed to be restored. During this period, there was a significant increase in
the number of magazines popularising science, together with the development and
promotion of technologies intended to improve working conditions and daily life.
Moreover, politicians displayed an unshakeable confidence in rationality and in the
beneficial progress of science.
During the Second World War, the positive, or even positivist, definition of "true"
science and of "progressive" technologies was shared by the various anti-Nazi political
movements. The consensus that existed between left and right over the value of
science persisted and came to constitute a solid basis for CST actions after WW II.
After the end of the Vichy regime, the democratic political tendencies of both the left
and the right believed that scientific and technological developments would help to
reconstruct France. Big programmes (grands projets) were implemented – nuclear,
computer, etc. – that would be pursued up to the 1980s. A wide social consensus was
formed on the legitimacy of science and technology.
The consensus over the legitimacy of science started to weaken with the 1968 revolt,
which led to a reform of the universities. However, only possible threats linked to
scientific developments – i.e. scientism, but also potential risks related to nuclear
research and genetics – were discussed and not the essence of scientific activities per
se. Nonetheless, while some actors of this movement launched the first critical studies
on science popularisation, others inspired more recent initiatives to promote what
would come to be called Culture Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle (CSTI).
A few months after the victory of the socialist party in 1981, the new government
started to promote actions that would thereafter leave their mark on most CSTI
activities of the 1980s and 1990s. These actions were aiming at putting French science
"at the first place in international competition". Meanwhile, a critical debate around
science and technology surfaced during the 1990s. Several scandals (such as the
contaminated blood scandal and more recently the mad-cow disease issue) but also
pressures coming from the public (such as AIDS activists aiming at making the patients
active in decisions related to clinical trials), show that a democratic treatment of
science is progressively taking root in France.
In Portugal, the impact of critical international trends was negligible and had little social
visibility. During the immediate post-War period the Portuguese regime took care to
continue to maintain the university under strong centralised control. The university
served mainly the function of élite reproduction and dissemination of the traditional and
Comparative Perspective 625
ruralist values of the Regimen. The university remained alien to scientific and
technological research, in the areas of natural, earth and exact sciences. There were
no social sciences degrees.
Some voices did of course try to defend the importance of scientific research and
theoretical development for dealing with, for instance, the agricultural problems of the
countryside. Some wrote about the importance of understanding science and its
conduct as a product of conjectures and reflexion emerging from a community of
scholars. Dissident voices had no place in the regimen. The ‘60s were not very
different – even if the official rhetoric started mentioning the need to connect scientific
research and the university. Only towards the late 1980s were these and other
conditions consolidated enough for the wider issues of science and culture to emerge
with stronger social visibility.
For a long time, science was considered socially unproblematic and politically
important. The Social Democratic governments regarded science as an essential part
in their overall policies towards both higher education and adult (further) education. In
academia, other ideas began to emerge and grow, culminating around the years of the
student revolutions in 1968 with criticism of both the political and the rational aspects of
science. These protests and debates led to some universities establishing new
academic disciplines in the decades to come which could engage with the
science/society debates.
The big upsurge in science criticism was, however, not directly connected to academia,
but to the political debate surrounding nuclear power during the late 1970s and the
early 1980s. Prior to that period, there had been practically no debate on the dangers
involved in producing energy of this kind or if it was desirable for Sweden to do so. It
was not until the 1970s that nuclear power started to be conceived as a possible
problem. It quickly became the most important political issue of that decade. The
matter of consulting lay people became urgent after the nuclear accident in Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania, in March 1979.
Preparatory to a referendum, a host of study circles were organised to stimulate people
to weigh expert arguments and to debate the pros and cons of nuclear power. In
addition, a publication series called ”Källa” (Source) was launched. The aim of these
publications was “not to reach an indisputable truth” but to enlighten complex question
of a scientific character and to further an understanding of why experts differ in their
Comparative Perspective 626
United Kingdom
In common with many other European and industrialised countries around the world,
public criticism of science and technology first emerged in the turbulent decades of the
late 1960s in response to perceived dangers of new applications of science and
technology. Public concern over nuclear power has centred upon planning applications,
such as for the Sizewell B nuclear plant, and radioactive waste disposal.
Science-based controversies in the UK have erupted one after another, with serious
consequences for the nuclear and biotechnology-based industries in particular.
Volumes have been written about the effects of the Windscale (Sellafield) nuclear
accident, the Chernobyl fallout, the BSE "mad cow" affair, genetically-modified
"Frankinfoods", and the (over)reaction to the foot-and-mouth epidemic, which brought
not only science but scientific advice to governments into the public arena.
5. Celebrating science
An important visible element of PUS initiatives has traditionally been what can be
called celebratory activities. In connection with the exploration of national identities,
most countries have identified “scientific heroes”. These have been idealised together
with other “great men” within politics, military and the arts. It has also been common to
celebrate the scientific culture as an ideal environment and as a model for society.
National celebrations of scientific achievements do not play a very significant role in the
Austrian public life, although this is in a process of change. One explanation for this
absence of celebrative activities could be seen in the relationship between science and
National Socialism. Austria did not only loose much of its outstanding intellectuals as
they were obliged to leave the country or were killed, but it also did not undertake any
measures to bring them back after the war or to debate on the role played by
researchers during this period. Thus silencing science in the public domain could be
seen as part of this picture. On a national level, science does not seem so far to be an
element that is important in constituting national identity. The success stories about
Austrian scientists who were involved in recent discoveries are starting to become a
more visible element in the reporting of science. Famous scientists such as Erwin
Schrödinger and Sigmund Freud appeared until the introduction of the Euro on
Austrian bank notes. However, this type of celebratory expression as a part of national
identity only happened in the latter part of the 20 th century.
In the late 1990’s, one newspaper (Der Standard) ran a series of biographies on major
scientists working in Austria that could be seen as an effort to create public awareness
Comparative Perspective 627
about the more humane aspects of science. Recently, Austrian scientists have been
gaining greater prominence in science news articles. In school curricula teachers are
expected to stress the contributions of Austrian researchers and scientists. Hence,
there is a trend towards promoting Austrian science through staging scientists and thus
making science more understandable (human) for a wider public.
Generally, technology is much more celebrated than science. Celebration of
technological achievements is also a gateway to science communication. Some
examples are:
Performances in aerospace technology (Belgian astronauts, Belgian contributions to
the space shuttle, etc.) are celebrated and allow for opportunities of science
communication in the area of astronomy, astrophysics, etc.
Performances in biotechnology (awards conferred to or achievements by genetic
engineers) are celebrated as an economic challenge and subsequently give rise to
opportunities for science communication on biology, genomics, etc.
France has a strong tradition of celebrating the achievements of numerous famous
French scientists. Monuments, street names, portraits on bank notes and on stamps
reinforce the contribution of scientists to the national heritage. Current activities also
tend to transform historically significant scientific instruments (as in the CNAM for
instance) and old scientific structures into patrimonial objects (such as the Montagne
Sainte Genevieve in Paris).
Some Museums devote a large space for leading figures such as in the New Evolution
Gallery in the Natural History Museum in Paris. Two French scientists have been
particularly extensively celebrated: Louis Pasteur and Marie Curie. There is a Curie
Museum and at least three Pasteur Museums (including his different living and working
places). These two figures represent different values attached to science: the
usefulness of science to society (Louis Pasteur as a saviour France and the French
people) and the purity of science (Marie Curie, who appears almost as a Saint).
Comparative Perspective 628
National recognition of scientists as individuals is not very important in Portugal. The
only Nobel Prize awarded to a Portuguese for a scientific achievement was presented
in 1949, to Egas Moniz, for his development of the leucotomy technique. This fact is
nowadays hardly celebrated at all.
The biggest celebratory issues and dates with impact upon the Portuguese national
identity are connected to the past history of maritime discoveries. The caravelle, a
symbol of this past maritime glory, was found on all denominations of national currency
and banknotes. Around this dimension of the Portuguese identity there are important
institutional structures mounting celebrations, commemorations and associated events
and publications. Some of these are connected to science, since the discoveries
involved a series of new navigation instruments and a set of associated scientific
developments. Nevertheless, the scientific dimension is not the one most often
The Nobel Prizes and the activities associated with them is the most important
celebration of science as an expression of national identity in Sweden. Both the Nobel
Prizes and the donor Alfred Nobel are an important part of Swedish culture. The
announcement of the prizes in October and the prize ceremony in November are rare
occasions when science and scientific work receive broad coverage in the media in a
celebratory manner. These are also predictable events suitable for media planning.
Nearing its Centennial in the year 2001, the Nobel Foundation decided to do something
radically different by making Nobel more public. A Nobel museum would be erected to
celebrate the prizewinners and their achievements in science, literature and peace.
The first exhibition of the museum had creativity as its theme, bringing together a
common element of research, literature and peace work. The exhibition was produced
in three copies. One of these will stay in Stockholm while the others two tour the world.
There are also several other Nobel museums in the world, placed were the donor
Alfred Nobel has marked his presence.
United Kingdom
Prior to the public controversies that erupted since the 1960s, the modernist "triumphs"
of science, technology and progress helped to create both a strong public confidence in
science and pride in technological accomplishments. The Industrial Revolution is part
of the national heritage which is celebrated alongside the past glories of imperial
Britain, the 1851 Great Exhibition in Victorian times being one prominent symbol
celebrating British dominance. The very name of the Royal Society of London, which
dates from the mid 17 th century, conveys the social status bestowed upon the
Comparative Perspective 629
gentlemen scientists and those who followed in their footsteps (women had to wait until
the 20 th century before gaining admission as "Fellows"). The names of Newton,
Darwin, Rutherford, and of Brunel, Faraday and Watt, are part of the currency of British
culture, literally in the case of Faraday, whose image decorated a sterling bank note.
The PUS movement emerged from this august heritage, stimulated by a 1985 Royal
Society report often referred to as the "Bodmer Report" after Sir Walter Bodmer, the
chairman of the working party that produced the report.
Controversies seem to be the most efficient mechanism through which science-public
relations come to change (if gradually) in Austria. Many of the bigger non-governmental
PUS initiatives have their topical origin in contested techno-scientific issues. The
debate over genetically modified organisms raised in 1997 was one of the central
issues which functioned as a trigger, even on the governmental level where a project
was funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture in order to establish
In Belgium, short term and long term triggering effects must be distinguished. With
respect to short term effects, it is not clear whether recent controversies (ESB, dioxins,
GMOs) give an impulse to the demand or the supply of scientific knowledge through
usual PUST channels or through other channels. Such controversies put scientific
knowledge and expertise at the foreground of the political debate and in the news.
Scientists and experts are then welcome in the broadcast media and the press, and
they are invited to participate in public debates. In this case, the initiative comes from
political journalists rather than science journalists or professional science
communicators. Over the longer term, issues such as sustainable development,
Comparative Perspective 630
climate change, food security, genetics and health are emerging subjects in TV
broadcasts, science centres, science festivals and other events. Even if they are not
topically “hot”, they are attractive for the general public and science communicators use
them as "hooks" to gain attention.
The controversies that have taken place in France since the mid-1990s have led actors
to affirm their particular representations of CST and of the public, resulting in two
antagonistic models of communicating science in the public sphere. On one side, we
can observe a reformulation of the deficit model. At the rhetorical level, politicians no
longer address the "general public" but "citizens". Institutions tend to reaffirm their
legitimacy; for instance, CST has become a priority in the spectrum of initiatives by the
Ministry of Research. The dominant representation of the public presents in this first
model can be roughly described as an undereducated population, ignorant of science.
In this context, science is perceived as neutral and objective and properly constituting
common ground from which to educate the public and build up a democratic debate.
On the other side, critics force open the doors of the institutional spaces to get their
points of view heard by the institutions. These spaces are colonised by NGOs involved
in environmental issues, some trade unions, and also local and national associations.
Furthermore, science is equated with other types of knowledge, and its status as an
ultimate determinant of objective truth is contested. New activities have appeared on
the French PUS landscape that permit scientists and citizens to confront each other,
such as, for example, some of the Cafés des Sciences (Science Cafés).
In recent years, social movements in this field seem to be followed by a greater
awareness, on the part of certain sectors of the population, concerning the relevance of
scientific knowledge, as well as the tensions that surround it in contemporary
technological society. By the same token, the form and extent of encounters between
science and the public appear to be expanding. Signs of this growth include the
increase of media-driven social and political controversies where science emerges as
one of the main foci of the debate, and scientists take on active roles as discussants.
There are many illustrations of this trend, such as the controversies over the Foz Côa
rock art engravings (1994-97), the geophysical experiment COMBO (1996), and the
installation of co-incinerators of industrial waste in Central Portugal (1998-00).
These changes in the relationship between science and society in Portugal are, we
suggest, the outcome of a series of convergent factors, that are not independent from
political democratisation and openness of Portuguese society, improvements in the
educational and cultural level of the Portuguese, a greater proportion of the population
Comparative Perspective 631
Environmental-based risk issues have been important in Sweden. The single most
important event was the referendum on nuclear power. In addition, Sweden has had a
strong research base on acid rain that for many years was reflected in public debate.
Research competence on issues such as stratospheric ozone depletion and climate
change has been weaker and therefore the controversies have not been debated as
forcefully. Another strong research tradition within a controversial area has been the
link between different types of radiation and health effects. This has been an area in
which one type of controversy continuously has been followed by another. Concerns
about high-voltage transmission lines and cancer has been followed by discussions of
radiation from computers and currently also on mobile phone technology.
United Kingdom
Biotechnology is such a controversial topic in the United Kingdom that it is not
surprising that so much PUS activity centres around issues such as human cloning,
genetic testing, genetically-modified food and agricultural practices such as feeding
natural herbivores animal-derived products. The nuclear industry responded to the
Windscale event by renaming the facility, now known as Sellafield, and when that didn't
"work", constructed a large and elaborate visitors centre which is one of Britain's major
tourist attractions, complete with a museum, activities and a children's playground. The
Sizewell B nuclear site also has a visitors centre, with an impressive museum, and
which seems to be staffed by friendly but not particularly knowledgeable PR people.
The tourism industry in the countryside, however, was devastated by the restrictions on
movement imposed by the government following the foot-and-mouth epidemic, to say
nothing of the farming industry, who suffered the slaughter of millions of animals, many
of whom were perfectly healthy, ostensibly as a "precaution" intended to regain
consumer confidence.
Under this heading, two related issues are discussed. The first one concerns the
relative number of women involved in national research. The second concerns the way
this is perceived as problematic.
Comparative Perspective 632
The proportion of women teaching in universities was 22.2% in 1999, aggregated
across all hierarchical levels. Together with Germany, the percentages of women in the
scientific community range amongst the lower levels of the European Union. Amongst
matriculating science students, 49.1% are women, but the proportion of women
decreases secularly to 5.7% at the highest levels. For non-university research
institutions there are no gender statistics for scientific staff.
The marginalisation of women in the scientific community is not reflected in the PUS
activities in Austria, with the exception of programmatic policy statements and one
recent initiative to bring more women into the technical professions. It is not reflected
that communicating science and technology in a certain way might have a great impact
on the choice of women to go into technical studies. However, universities have started
to actively recruit women to study science and technology and thus also
communication activities are starting to be targeted for this audience (see university
chapter). This may be due to the decreasing number of male students matriculating in
scientific or technical fields; women may now represent a new and interesting clientele
for universities in certain areas of studies. Women have thus become a resource to
counterbalance the shift of men away from studying science.
No relevant information available for comparative perspectives.
In France, gender inequalities are most apparent in the natural sciences, and
particularly in the medical sciences. For instance, there is a great discrepancy between
the proportion of female assistant professors (48%) and female professors (11%) in the
medical sciences in academia. As in most European countries, females are
underrepresented in the most prestigious positions.
The Ministries of Education and of Research have recently launched several initiatives
in an effort to construct a new equilibrium, including an "equality" programme. There
have been calls by the Minister of Research that aim at encouraging women to enter
university careers, which are often associated with the crisis which currently affects the
natural sciences. Several associations such as "Femmes et mathématiques" and
“Femmes et sciences” have recently been created in an attempt to change the
Although a great number of women are involved in CST activities, those who speak of
these actions in the public are almost entirely men. In addition, social and human
sciences – the disciplines in which women are the most present – are hardly
represented in CST actions, making women as scientists even less visible overall. One
Comparative Perspective 633
At the level of public discourse, the issues connecting gender and science are not very
visible in Portugal. Overall, the proportion of women in the educational system is
currently larger than the proportion of men. However, the scientific community still
shows a higher percentage of men, as shown in the following table:
Table 1
Percentage of men in the three categories of university teachers
% teachers % teachers % full
without PhD with PhD professors
Exact sciences 53 54 76
Biology and 57 60 82
earth sciences
Health 45 54 71
Engineering 64 69 96
Social 53 56 80
Humanities 52 56 73
Source: OCT, 1999
Over the past few decades, the Swedish government has worked to increase the
number of women in science and higher education and to improve the conditions for
women already in science. In the year 2000, almost 40% of the educational and
research personnel of state universities and colleges were women. However, in higher
level academic positions, there are still remarkably few women: only 13 percent of the
professors and 27 percent of the senior lectures are women.
The gender structure of the university student body is dependent upon the which
institution and type of education is concerned: at the Karolinska institutet, which offers
training in nursing, 64% of the students were women. However, only 32% women
attended Chalmers tekniska högskolan, which emphasises engineering and
technology. As for all state institutions, universities and colleges are required to have a
plan of improving gender equality.
Comparative Perspective 634
United Kingdom
The UK has traditionally regarded its scientific system as a pure meritocracy, so that
under-representation of women in science could be seen as a failure of girls and
women to engage in scientific study or to pursue scientific careers. In common with
most other European countries, there is a secular decrease in the proportion of women
in science by age cohort in the UK, with very few reaching senior positions in
academia, research laboratories or professional bodies. The structure of career
progression for women being described by Hilary Rose as a "leaky pipe".
A sign that attitudes were changing came with the appointment of an expert panel,
chaired by Nancy Lane, which published the "facts" about women in science in a
landmark report called "The Rising Tide". This study was largely restricted to
quantitative data gathering and presentation, leaving analysis and explanations mainly
unaddressed. Another study found that there was no gender bias in the peer review
process, but women got fewer research grants than men because they submitted fewer
proposals. Sir Robert May, in response to a question in a hearing of the House of
Commons Select Committee on S&T on 22 June 2000, said that "no one knew why"
this was the case. Even though the problematisation of the gender imbalance was thus
implied as a female failure, that there was recognition of a problem was a first step in
attempting to rectify the imbalance.
It is possible that the relative decline in salaries for scientists can be correlated with
increasing attempts to recruit women into the scientific professions in Britain. An office
for promoting women in science and technology was established in the Department of
Trade and Industry (within which the Office of Science and Technology is located).
British women scientists were recruited to some very high-level positions, in public or
quasi-public organisations such as the British Institution, the Royal Society and the
Wellcome Trust, giving women disproportionate visibility relative to the actual gender
structure of science as a whole.
PUS activities are frequently aimed at children and youth. The main objectives appear
to be a desire to generate more interest in research as a career and to recruit students
to higher education. An important instrument to do this is museums and science
In theory science curricula in Austrian schools should contain explanations of scientific
knowledge as well as to convey an idea about “scientific reasoning” and “typical
Comparative Perspective 635
scientific working methods”. Recently, additional topic has been placed on the agenda
aimed at raising the awareness of the “cultural and economic meaning of science for
society and the environment”. It is hoped that through this additional teaching to
enhance pupils ability to “better judge scientific developments” and thus to lower critical
voices towards science.
Furthermore, science education is seen as preparation for participation in social
decision-making, with scientific competence as an indispensable basis for responsible
governance. Therefore, issues of responsibility, norms and values emerging with the
application of scientific knowledge are embedded in scientific education. Furthermore,
the curriculum reinforces the concept that basic scientific literacy is essential for any
form of public participation in decision making processes.
It remains to be seen how these aspirations are turned into reality in the life of school
In general it can also be remarked that recent PUS activities in Austria have started to
be strongly targeted at children of school age. University departments organise special
open day events for school children, which are designed to attract them to study
science or technology. Several museums offer special programmes for schoolchildren.
Young pupils and students have become key target publics of the new generation of
PUST initiatives undertaken by public authorities, universities, science centres and
voluntary associations in Belgium. Universities have started to appear as actors in
PUST-activities for youth (mainly 16-18 years), from a desire to stop and to reverse the
disaffection of students towards scientific curricula. The number of university students
in science faculties decreased dramatically during the 90s, leading to a shortage of
physicists, mathematicians, and chemists and, to a lesser extent, biologists, both as
teachers and as researchers, in both Flanders and Wallonia-Brussels.
Science centres consider the school public as their basic source of income. Recent
science centres such as Pass in Wallonia and Technopolis in Flanders are explicitly
designed to attract school parties and families with children during the holidays.
Several non-profit or voluntary associations support awareness activities within
schools; the teacher invites a member of the association to visit the school and to carry
out the activity, with appropriate media and didactical tools.
A large part of CST activities is directed towards a (very) young public, and it is in this
sphere that French initiatives are the most innovative. Many activities are designed for
in-school experience, such as the Main à la pâte (The hand in the Plough) or the Plan
Comparative Perspective 636
Action Education. Children are a target public during the Science weeks. In these
different examples, science education is conceived of as a way to allow children to
become open to the world, to better understand it and to be better able to situate
themselves within it. In most of these activities, as science is considered to be an
important element of the culture of the future citizens, it is frequently linked to other
A recurrent criticism of science teaching in schools, and of scientific curricula, is the
lack of "hands on" experience and of adequate equipment and resources to anchor
science teaching in experimental or observational activities. The skills required for
laboratory and observation work thus have, at best, in most schools, a marginal role in
science education. These skills are seen to be best acquired and developed from an
early age on, starting with exposure to experiment and observation in elementary
school. From its creation in 1995, the Ministry of Science and Technology tried to
respond to these shortcomings of scientific education through the creation of an
agency, "Ciência Viva". Partnerships were established, and science clubs formed in a
number of schools in the Metropolitan Area of Porto, selected from those with relatively
fewer resources, most of them located in poor neighbourhoods.
Despite "Ciência Viva"'s successful record of achievements, two weaknesses remain.
The first has to do with the almost total absence of the social sciences in its overall
coverage. The specific difficulties facing a "hands on" approach to teaching the social
sciences are yet to be identified. Some potential for innovative experiments in this field
exists, and some research institutions are already trying to explore partnerships with
schools for the development of scientific citizenship.
Another weakness relates to the failure to bridge the gap between official science
curricula and routine science teaching in schools and the activities of science clubs.
Problems of allocating time for teachers to carry out extra-curricular activities or of
institutionalising innovative activities as part of the "normal" workings of the schools are
amplified by the lack of coordination between the Ministries of Education and of
Science in this field.
The main principle of PUS in Sweden is frequently expressed in official and public
debate as “we have to catch them young”. Various institutions compete for the attention
of children in order to prepare them for citizenship today's "knowledge society". Most
PUS activities, thus, heavily target young people and schools. There is also a broad
collaboration between museums and schools, through which school classes can go on
visits, with guides to explain the contents of the museums and answer questions.
Comparative Perspective 637
Sweden’s main science council also supports activities of this type. The international
prize-winning TV program Hjärnkontoret (Upper Storey), launched in 1995, is an
example of a particularly successful PUS vehicle.
In addition to these more or less governmental initiatives, non-governmental efforts
have a strong emphasis on targeting children.
United Kingdom
The PUS movement in the UK permeates throughout the research system and
engages the public in a great variety of ways. However, institutionalised PUS is heavily
orientated towards the education of the young (and the young-at-heart). Hands-on
experiential science and technology exhibitions, as pioneered by the Exploratorium in
San Francisco, have found a devoted following in the UK, where further innovation
continues. In the 1990s, museums such as the Natural History Museum in South
Kensington, London, have been transformed. Sterile display cases with row upon row
of rocks and minerals, difficult for most adults to cope with let alone children, have
been replaced by rather more exciting, dynamic displays that are more accessible,
imaginative and entertaining. Museums often have special play areas for toddlers and
young children where they can explore and experiment. Interactive science centres
aimed primarily at children are being set up around the country. Teenagers, however,
are not so well catered for; they regard this sort of thing as being "for kids".
Increasingly, however, museums are experimenting with more sophisticated
presentations of science in which incertitude and controversy are incorporated into
special exhibitions.
Book and magazine publishers have discovered an eager audience for publications
such as "Horrible History" and "Disgusting Digestion" that present science in a format
that is popular with the under-tens; Children's BBC integrates science into its
programming. Science in schools is taught under a National Curriculum that follows a
fairly conventional format in presenting scientific "facts" and raises awareness of
responsible citizenship through education on, inter alia, anthropogenic pollution,
recycling, and public health. There is little inbuilt criticism of science as an endeavor;
this is left to teachers, who may not be well informed on these matters themselves.
9. Promoting science
The promotion of science has always been an important aspect of PUS activities, if not
the raison d'être of PUS. Scientific knowledge has traditionally been portrayed as
unproblematic and the objective has been to equate understanding with appreciation of
science. Initiatives of this kind often emanate from the scientific community and
Comparative Perspective 638
governmental institutions. However, since the mid 1980s, research on PUS has
problematised the relationship between science and the public, highlighting a power
gap of relatively greater significance than the traditionally held view of a knowledge
Most research institutions have public relations "PR" offices to assemble information on
their main outcomes or "products" and to communicate their scientific findings to the
public. This service is mostly conducted by employees who specialise in this task,
rather than by the scientists themselves. There are, as always exceptions to the rule. In
the public debate on GMOs – for Austria a central case – one could observe for the first
time a thematically focused cooperation programme between PR offices in research
institutions, the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and a private agency
specialising in PR. Its main purpose was to protect the scientists who were involved in
research on genetically modified plants (apricots).
Further the Austrian Council for Research and Technological Development has initiated
and funded a large scale publicity campaign for “innovation” through TV spots,
newspaper advertisements and posters. (see governmental initiatives) The message
behind, however, remains unclear and so far no qualitative investigation has been
carried out.
Increasingly, scientists are also asked to actively participate in communicating their
results (science week being one good example). This is often interpreted as a trust
building form of interaction (if people know the scientists, they might trust him/her as a
person, and thereby their science).
There are a number of different roles played by the various actors and stakeholders in
the promotion of science and technology in Belgium. Regional public authorities play a
triple role: as main authors of the political discourse, as initiators of activities and as a
source of direct and indirect financial support. Universities try to improve the image of
scientific curricula and have another long-term objective: to promote science
communication as a “service from university to society” which is now integrated in a
broader approach to the role of each university within the city and its local community
(so-called “third assignment” of the universities). Universities are also, in Belgium, the
main actors in the production of scientific knowledge and expertise.
Industry has been playing an increasing role in sponsoring PUST initiatives undertaken
by public bodies: TV-broadcasts, science centres, technology week, etc. Some high-
tech industries take part in science and technology weeks on an equal basis to
universities and public research centres. They have several interests: improving their
Comparative Perspective 639
image, expressing their own opinion about controversial matters, attracting more S&T-
skilled people into industrial jobs and influencing public policy. Press and audiovisual
media appear as a weak actor (their initiatives rely on external resources), but as a key
mediator. Non-profit cultural or educational associations are increasingly active in the
PUST area, mainly in order to develop specific tools and topics for the youth. Social
movements, such as environmental groups, citizens groups and patients associations
play an important part in the dissemination of knowledge and in animating thematic
Relative to what happens in other European countries, some actors are nearly absent
in the Belgian PUST landscape. There is no “reference report” on scientific culture and
science communication put out by any Belgian institution or authority, and well-known
scientific personalities do not intervene in this area. Academies of sciences are not
active in the PUST area. There is no national scientific institution such as CNRS in
France or TNO in the Netherlands, as universities are the main public source of
research and knowledge. Although industry is an increasingly active sponsor, there is
no big industry-owned PUST infrastructure, such as Evoluon (Philips) in Eindhoven,
NL. Most of the popular science books and journals that are sold on the Belgian market
are published in France and the Netherlands.
The main actors in CST are universities, research institutions, ministries, private
institutions, museum and science centres, the media and citizen movements. In 1982
and 1984, two laws charged scientists and academics with a new assignment: "to
diffuse CST towards the whole population, and particularly towards young people".
However, the present trend is to professionalise CST actions through the creation of
public relations or/and media departments in each research and education institution.
Big public and private companies such as COGEMA (responsible for exploiting nuclear
energy resources), EDF (Electricité de France), the Pasteur Institute and Aventis have
become active in the diffusion of scientific and technological information. These actions
are part of their "R&D politics" and the communication is in the hand of professionals.
Most Portuguese citizens are familiar with a diversity of forms of expert or professional
knowledge derived from science. "Lay" citizens often identify these forms of knowledge
with the socially relevant and "practical" face of science. They include all activities
which relate knowledge to problem-solving applications. Medicine, engineering,
computer engineering, psychotherapy, environmental management, forensic science,
social work, architecture, urban planning and science teaching are just some of those
activities that come to mind. These professional activities appear as crucial mediations
Comparative Perspective 640
between citizens and science. Most encounters between "lay" people and scientific
knowledge on a daily basis are through these expert or professional practitioners.
These practitioners are situated in an ambiguous position mediating between science
and the public. While scientists often regard practitioners as mere "appliers" of
knowledge developed in research units, to the public these professionals are the
embodiment of scientific knowledge.
The main actors of promoting in Swedish PUS are the government and their different
councils. Many of the PUS initiatives start at a governmental level, in some cases as
legislation (The Third Assignment) and in some cases as recommendations (as from
the Science Council). Other very important actors are universities and colleges,
museums and science centres. These are often essential to more local and regional
PUS activities, as are science festivals and weeks. There are also a number of
important non-governmental organisations influencing the Swedish PUS landscape:
Greenpeace, Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen (The Swedish Society for Nature
Conservation (SSNC)) and Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund (The Adult Education
Organisation of The Workers (ABF)) are three influential actors.
United Kingdom
There is such a vast "industry" devoted to PUS in the UK that it would take a lengthy
directory to list all the relevant actors. Animated by the Bodmer report of 1985, the
British PUS movement grew and spread until today it permeates virtually all parts of the
scientific establishment, the media and education. It is impossible to do justice to the
extensive PUS movement in the UK in a short report, especially as so much activity is
organised in "bottom-up" fashion by schools, universities, research institutes,
companies, industrial and professional associations, museums, libraries, the media, the
arts and letters, community associations, charities, regional authorities and individuals.
PUS activities are mainstreamed into research council projects, funded by special
programmes, included in public consultation exercises as well as built into mainstream
cultural institutions and the corporate execution of public relations.
science as power has increased while the traditional picture of science as objective
truth seeking has diminished.
The fact that, until recently, there were almost no PUS activities in Austria and that
science was not viewed as a major factor in national power or performance, are
seemingly inter-related. Science as a "national good" is only present as a peripheral
idea. In the emergence of PUS initiatives there has been a quite strong connotation of
enlightening the public, which has steadily grown in importance. Simultaneously,
techno-scientific controversies have had a strong triggering influence on the
development of the PUS landscape. Thus we are confronted with a rather contradictory
situation full of tensions: On the one hand science and technology are put in question
hinting at the fact that more and more refined interactions between science and society
are needed. On the other hand science communication is put in place with the view of
making people accept and support techno-scientific developments also as a form of
social progress.
Political discourses attribute an important role to technology in restructuring the
economy and in promoting growth and welfare, in both Flanders and Wallonia. Policies
of both main Regions strongly rely on new technology: synergies between industries
and universities, focus on applied research, support to innovation at the enterprise
level, etc. Surveys of the attitudes of citizens towards science and technology show
that they are rather confident in the potential of science and technology for growth and
welfare, but that they are also aware of risks or negative consequences such as
unemployment or environmental damage. Confidence in scientists is tempered by the
wish to impose ethical standards on the conduct of research.
CST became part of government policy related to science and technology in 1981,
promoting actions that would thereafter leave their imprint on most CSTI activities. The
general policy was aimed at putting French science technology at the international
forefront. A large Ministry of Research and Technology was created and two laws were
enacted in 1982 and 1984 that charged scientists and academics with the assignment
"to diffuse CST towards the whole population, and particularly towards young people".
Science shops have been important in helping people defend themselves against
negative consequences of scientific, technological and industrial developments.
Conceived as negotiation spaces, they provided counter-expertise with which to
Comparative Perspective 642
challenge industries’ and institutions’ expert assertions. Science shops were rapidly
replaced by other, rather uncritical structures: the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie de
la Villette and the Centres de Culture Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle, products
of the very same policies yet playing quite a different function. These new institutions
demonstrate that science and technology enjoy a prominent place at the centre of
French society, and that the promotional character of CST is still robust, despite the
public controversies.
While other European countries have used science as a tool to bolster democracy, as
well as to support industrial development, Portugal has lagged behind. Modern and
contemporary history has shown that the efforts of a few to promote scientific education
and research, most often inspired or guided by examples or models coming from
abroad, faced strong resistance at both political and social levels. Therefore, Portugal
has not been a scientific innovator, but rather a receptor of models and methods
created in countries better equipped and more powerful economically and
technologically. Nevertheless, broadly speaking, the Portuguese scientific community
has been attentive to major scientific developments occurring outside.
Though showing an upward trend since the mid-eighties, financial investments in R&D
are still low by European standards. Growth has been accompanied by a change in the
relative position of universities and State laboratories. Universities have in recent years
acquired a large degree of autonomy and have become the most important performers
of R&D.
Nowadays, the relationships between the scientific community and the State are still
distant from the Northern European pattern, with its stronger reliance on scientific
expertise for policy purposes. However, other aspects of the presence of science in the
Portuguese society appear to be approaching the European pattern. This is the case,
for example, concerning the role of the mass media in the diffusion of news about
science and science policy. Science has indeed became a visible item in Portuguese
society, especially in the context of some science-based public controversies on
environmental and public health issues which arose in recent years.
Science has traditionally been regarded as important in the Swedish society. One
aspect is in science's relation to the role of education in Sweden and in turn education's
role in democratic society. In addition, there has also been a long tradition of using
science in rational governmental decision-making process. Nowadays, the position of
science in Swedish society has acquired economic justification as well.
Comparative Perspective 643
During the 20 th century, Sweden was transformed from a country with a important
agricultural community to an industrial society and in the last few decades industry has
become increasingly dependent upon research. The growth in employment
opportunities for researchers and technicians has increased the number of young
people going into science. As researchers have power over the knowledge
disseminated in the educational system, they are important in policy formulation, yet at
the same time researchers are increasingly working in private sector.
United Kingdom
The UK has been a leading country in terms of explicitly identifying science and
technology as key contributors to “wealth creation” and the “quality of life”; these two
parameters in turn defining governmental responsibility for the national welfare.
However, that the Office of Science and Technology, responsible for almost all funding
for the “science base” (research councils etc.), resides in the Department of Trade and
Industry is one indicator that S&T are viewed primarily in terms of their contributions to
the national economy.
Science as power in the UK is best understood through a critical examination of the
foresight process. The first Technology Foresight exercise was initiated by OST in
1993 with the aim of identifying technologies likely to emerge by 2015 that would have
a significant impact on wealth creation and the quality of life.
Technology Foresight was designed to marshal the intellectual resources of UK experts
in research, technology and “exploitation”, significantly broadening the range and
degree of input by the expert community into innovation policymaking. As such, it was
not intended to include, in a substantial way, consultation with end users or
representatives of the general public. “Quality of life” issues were treated equally with
those associated with “wealth creation” in the context setting part of Foresight, but
tended to fade in the substantive parts of the exercise, and to disappear almost entirely
in the outcomes. The most obvious of questions (How does one reconcile conflicting
objectives of, say, industrial competitiveness and environmental quality?) were left
Although the word “technology” has been dropped from the UK’s Foresight
Programme, and social actors have been increasingly consulted, the actual decision
making process remains firmly in the hands of those expert, industrial and
governmental actors who have traditionally shaped S&T policy.
Comparative Perspective 644
In this chapter, we have explored the ways in which different aspects of the science-
society interface are expressed and understood in the six European countries of the
OPUS project. By focusing on ten comparative aspects, we have attempted to illustrate
similarities and differences present in the context of national cultures and national STS
communities’ own analyses of the science-society dynamic.
Such is the complexity and variety of the position of PUS in different national contexts
that it is extremely difficult to derive simple yet meaningful conclusions. One
conclusion, however, clearly emerges; that the relationships between science and
society at European level will not be manageable through a single, unified approach.
Greater understanding of PUS in the other nine Member States, and in the ten
accession countries expected to join the European Union in 2004, will be essential if
public understanding of science is to be optimised in Europe.
One science – many Europes? 645
The aim of this chapter is to investigate and reflect the possibilities and limitations of
transferring experiences in the domain of Public Understanding of Science across
Europe. I regard it as an important aspect of our work not only to analyse the different
ways in which science and society meet in the various national contexts, but also to
investigate how specific PUS-experiments – which were judged in one national/local
context as successful – could be transferred and taken up in other countries. This is
central, as the building of a European Research Area would also mean facing the
challenge of communicating and interacting with broader publics in very different (and
soon even more diversified) cultural, social and political settings on issues that are
linked to science and technology.
My reflections will be organised around four questions. I will start by asking: Why does
it make sense in an increasingly globalised world to investigate science-society
interactions on the national level? Then the focus will shift to export-import
relationships with regard to PUS-models and what that tells us about relationships of
power in the technoscientific domain. The third aspect will deal with the question of
how to understand the process of transferring PUS-models. And finally the limitations
and possibilities of boundary crossing for such models will be discussed.
The title „One science – many Europes“ was indeed chosen for this chapter in order to
remind the reader that we have argued right from the beginning that while science and
technology have managed to construct a rather homogeneous system of knowledge
production and exchange which understands itself as global, the communication of
science to wider publics as well as the public up-take of science and technology remain
largely tied to local settings. This statement would even hold when looking at media like
the internet, TV or certain journals and newspapers that have become internationalised
and are not bound to the territory of the nation state. People have to interpret the
information and knowledge they are confronted with, they balance it against other
One science – many Europes? 646
existing experiences and forms of knowledge they possess and finally integrate it or not
into their existing knowledge systems. In this process of interpretation and evaluation
local contexts, which means the direct cultural environment people live in, the social
identities they hold, and the other value systems they are part of, play a central role. In
that sense of cultural diversity, multiple social worlds and different histories I speak of
“many Europes” in the title of this chapter.
Indeed the national contexts we analysed are neither easily comparable nor internally
homogeneous. They have different histories of the development of the science and
technology system, even the word science gets fundamentally different meanings
attributed, there are different cultures of public participation in political decision making
prevailing and so does also the readiness of people to engage in debates over science
and technology vary. Within a national context, though the situation is rather
heterogeneous, one can say at the same time that a certain set of implicit
understandings about science-society relationship have emerged. They find
themselves framed in different notions such as Public Understanding of Science, Public
Awareness of Science or culture scientifique et technique. In that sense any initiative
aiming at interactions between technoscience and society, which takes place in a given
context will be confronted with the logic, the expectations and values embedded in the
respective notions.
Trust or distrust in science, what is regarded as relevant expertise or not, what seems
an adequate way of treating a question or not, what gains credibility or not will thus be
judged against this background. As much of the political decisions with regard to
science and technology are still taken on the national level, these mechanisms become
powerful there.
In order to be able to further refine the reflections I would like to introduce an important
differentiation between public understanding of science and public understanding of
science in society. The first notion would stand for the way people perceive, judge and
position themselves towards technoscientific developments, while the second
describes citizens’ perception of the role and impact of technoscience in society.
Indeed the national profiles of science-society interactions did not only differ on the
level of PUS activities, but also the “culture” of questioning and reflecting science in
society showed large variations. Thus what people know about science and how they
perceive science and society interactions are two rather distinct perspectives. Indeed in
our sample we found quite striking differences in the readiness to engage in public
debate about “science in society”. In the Austrian case, to take one example, over
recent years one can observe an increase in the activity around communicating
science, but very little that would open up the reflection on science in society. The
spectrum of initiatives that was developed reflects this aspect clearly. To generalise,
one can say that the readiness for a systematic reflection of the impact of
technoscience on society, depends very much on how society and public discourse is
One science – many Europes? 647
organised in a specific socio-political context and thus national differences play a non-
negligible role.
Finally, one has to be aware of the fact that no kind of transnational forum exists in the
European context so far, which could become the arena where the relation of science
and society can be debated and negotiated. This is still the case although increasingly
technoscientific developments and regulatory issues are dealt with at a level, which
goes well beyond the individual national contexts. Discussion within the national
settings somehow replaces these transnational mechanisms. Indeed there are debates
that try to address this problem on the European level, namely those who see the
internet as one possible way of realising a cross-European democracy through
electronic voting and consultation systems. However so far the internet has not really
managed to gain the credibility and weight in the political process which would move
this idea close to a political reality.
To sum up, I would argue that the understanding of the differences and variations
between and within national contexts is essential to manage the taking of a first step in
the construction of a common scientific Europe.
into another context. The risk however remains that through these processes of
transfer and through the creation of leader-follower relationships new kinds of rather
rigid implicit norms are created which limit the possibilities for future development.
Talking about good practice always has these two sides: one wants to make others
benefit from a functioning setting of science society interactions while at the same time
such an approach would tend to forget the context of its success.
Here a rather tricky question comes up: What can be regarded as a successful PUS
initiative, using what kinds of criteria and defined by whom? The rendering visible as
well as the reflection on such criteria seems important if one wishes to avoid a transfer
of models or initiatives that may have concrete meanings at one level, while being
completely unrecognisable at another. Here one should start by insisting on the fact
that such criteria of success – when taking a closer look – may look quite different even
in the same national context. Part of the actors in the PUS domain try to account for the
success of an initiative in quantitative terms, i.e. how many people visited, read,
watched, ... the public representations of science. Others want to “measure” public
understanding of science in terms of increased capacity to answer to “knowledge-
questions” through the use of standardised questionnaires (like Eurobarometer
surveys, or visitor studies in museums). Or do we define as quality that people took
their time and confronted or engaged with technoscience and thus started to negotiate
their knowledge with scientific knowledge. To decide on these criteria and to
operationalise them, i.e. to make them „measurable“, becomes indeed a difficult if not
impossible undertaking. The debates linked to the Eurobarometer results are a good
example. While the communication activities of science and technology have increased
strongly over the past years, the results of the Eurobarometer surveys did not change
in any significant way. In a quiz-like situation as it is simulated by the questionnaire
used, one mainly measures if people are sufficiently well conditioned to give the „right“
answers. This clearly points to the difficulty of defining and measuring success in any
straight-forward manner.
These mentioned differences in what could be used as a measure for the „quality“ of a
PUS initiative reflects however also the place that each actor occupies in the field and
the actions they are involved in. While museums tend to measure their success in
terms of number of visitors, the visitors might have very different criteria to judge the
quality of the setting and finally an analyst would again formulate other expectations
towards a science museum. Did it have too much or too little „scientainment“ elements,
do we measure it in terms of „people have changed their minds“ as some visitor studies
do, or do we simply want to have visitors come back as science communication has
become a commercial segment as many others.
The criteria would have to shift the moment we look at initiatives like science cafés or
citizen conferences. Here we are generally confronted with relatively small groups of
citizens and the quality lies in the very fact that they engage with science. But how to
One science – many Europes? 649
decide if the investment in such structures „was worth while“. Critics of citizen
conferences have underlined, that while this can undoubtedly be an enriching
experience for the selected citizens, it remains unclear how the impact on society could
be determined and who would be represented by these „ordinary citizens“. The
difficulty one has to face is to assure credibility for such a setting both on the side of the
citizens as well as on the political level. The success lies not so much in the method
itself – which could be ever more refined – but in the fact if a PUS activity manages to
become a recognisable object for policy-making and for society at large.
To sum up, we can say first that any evaluation which would justify the transfer of a
concept should take the very core of an initiative as a starting point: i.e. what is the
political paradigm behind the communicational setting, what are its functions, what are
its embedded meanings, and many more. Second, any attempt to transfer models or
initiatives should consider both the contexts in which they have first appeared and the
contexts in which they will be transferred. In short, we should be modest enough to say
that models or initiatives are not transferable everywhere. For instance, the importation
of the model of the Science Shops to France in the early 1980s can be considered as a
failure, despite the efforts made by local actors to make the meanings and interests of
such initiative visible to the publics and to institutions. But it would be misleading to
base any transfer only on the success that a model or initiative has had in a specific
something but “container notions”, which set a frame, but still need to be filled with
meaning in a given setting. We have seen for example that the model of the consensus
conference, to stay with this example, did not “survive” its transfer to the Austrian
context, as the political setting was not ready to enter the same set of rules as they had
been defined in the Danish case. Too little political independence, no sufficient
representation of important segments of the population and virtually no attention was
paid to it by the media. Similar shifts could be observed when the science shops were
taken over as a concept in France.
because it worked out well in a different context, but with the potential of contributing to
the creation of what the French call so nicely “mise-en-culture de la science”.
One science – many Europes? 652
As Europe prepares to constitute itself as a sovereign entity with legal personality, the
challenges of democratic scientific governance in Europe are compounded by the
immature state of European citizenship in combination with the precarious state of
public confidence in science. The implications of scientific and technological research
are however so profound across a broad spectrum of public issues, to say nothing of
the governance structures themselves, that it is highly important to address
science/society relations in the context of the new, Constitutional Europe.
European Science
Most European citizens are unaware of the extent to which science is conducted at
European level, even if they do recognise the international character of science and
acknowledge the presence of “foreigners” in their universities and laboratories. Citizens
may be aware of the role that the EC/EU plays in producing regulations, which are
more often than not reported in a derogatory way in the national press; we have all
seen the tabloid "Euro-banana" stories. However, most citizens are unaware of the
scientific and technological expertise that informs the process of regulatory
development; most also do not realise the extent to which European science
complements and reinforces research done in their own countries on a national or
regional basis. Scientific and technological research conducted at European level,
through collaboration amongst laboratories almost entirely emplaced in national
institutions, is practically invisible to the citizen.
What is "European science"? At its most basic, it can be conceived as the ensemble of
scientific organisations, policies and programmes operating at European level 812 . It TP PT
consists of European research projects and the consortia that have been brought
together by the Framework Programmes and other such programmatic S&T
As part of the SEGERA project, funded by the EC STRATA programme, research is currently under
way at the University of East London on knowledge dynamics at European level. Part of this research
includes mapping and characterising European scientific institutions and organisations.
One science – many Europes? 653
cooperation, but also the networks, R&D facilities, the professional societies, and the
various exchanges and cooperative ventures between European universities and those
involving corporate and public research laboratories. It also comprises major scientific
installations such as CERN, which has more of a public profile, not only for its physics
but as being the "birthplace" of the World Wide Web.
But there is more to European science than institutions, organisations and official
activities. These are complemented by a myriad of scientific collaborations between
individuals in Europe, spontaneous mobility of researchers, coauthored publications,
intra-European conferences, awards, and so forth. Many of these are bottom-up
activities which are not documented, but the internationalisation of the research
workforce, whether in academia or in industrial laboratories, is apparent to any
participant or visitor. Scientific internationalisation of course extends to countries
around the world, but with the geographic, political and administrative orientation of so
much scientific activity shaped by European programmes and institutions, there is
something identifiably "European" about the scientific culture in Europe.
This European scientific culture has been emerging as part of the shared experiences
of researchers and students participating in all of the institutions and activities
mentioned above, an experience that is aligned with the broader processes of
European integration. It is shaped by the European notions of mutual recognition,
common purpose, acceptance of diversity, distributed responsibility and dynamism that
characterise not only scientific practice at European level, but the European
governance structures themselves. With the establishment of the European Research
Area and the new instruments of the Sixth Framework Programme, the institutional
relations of research bodies will further evolve, which will in turn reinforce the European
scientific culture. These processes are expected to intensify with the adoption of a
Constitution for Europe.
The history and development of the European Union has evolved through a succession
of treaties, starting in 1951 with the six-member European Coal and Steel Community
(now expired), and through enlargement to comprise the fifteen Member States
currently in the European Union; a further ten countries are expected to accede in
2004. Science and technology have been a part of the European integration process
from the very outset. 813
Stein, J.A., (2002), "Science, technology and European foreign policy: European integration, global
interaction", Science and Public Policy, Vol. 29, No. 6, pages 463-477.
One science – many Europes? 654
at the heart of European RTD policy, but the provisions of ex-Articles 168 and 169,
which allow for supplementary programmes, are strengthened by principle of
“enhanced cooperation” (Article I-43). The EU may participate in multilateral
programmes run by groups of Member States, a provision currently being tested as
part of the 6 th Framework Programme. Other supplementary programmes may be
included within the Framework Programme, by countries wishing to “opt in” with the
possible participation of the EU itself, the participating entities committing the financial
Research is also built into the common European security and defence policy, in the
form of a European Armaments, Research and Military Capabilities Agency (Article I-
40.3), which would be open to those Member States wishing to be part of it. It would,
inter alia, support defence technology research, coordinate and plan joint research
activities, and support studies of future military operational needs.
Representative democracy is seen as a cornerstone of the Union, and under Article I-
44 of the draft Constitution, “Decisions shall be taken as openly as possible and as
closely as possible to the citizens.” But what does citizenship in Europe really mean?
Citizenship in Europe
The draft version of the Constitution to which this paper refers is CONV 797/03 of the European
Convention, Brussels, 10 June 2003.
The articles on research and technological development, and space (Section 9 within Title III) are
largely unchanged from those currently applicable (Articles 163 – 173), except for article 172, which is
replaced by Article III-150; this provides for a European space policy to support research and technological
development related for the exploration and exploitation of space.
One science – many Europes? 655
With the Treaty on European Union (Maastricht, 1993), European citizenship was
established; with the new Constitution the European Union will have legal personality
and European citizenship will acquire new meaning as it become more formalised.
However, despite the increasing importance of European legislation in its transposition
into national law, links between the ordinary citizen and European processes are
practically non-existent. Knowledge of European institutions and the highly complex
and arcane legal and policy processes is minimal even amongst the highly educated;
all of the major European Parliament political parties are artificial constructs that bear
little relationship to the more familiar politics within the Member States.
One consequence of the increasing complexity of democratic systems within Europe
and the unfamiliarity of European legal and policy processes is that "Brussels" seems
ever more remote, anonymised and centralised. The services of the European
Commission, perceived as a huge bureaucracy, are often smaller than their
counterparts in the Member States; their capacity to engage with the public is
extremely limited in practice. Ironically, the only directly elected European body, the
European Parliament, is currently unable to introduce legislation; its powers are
restricted to giving opinions or assent in some cases, amendment in others, and co-
decision with the Council of Ministers in other areas.
Despite the discourse emanating from within the European system, the state of
European democracy is embryonic. The European institutions, most prominently the
Commission, issue a huge volume of information in the form of free publications,
Websites, press notices etc. The Commission's ethos is one of relative openness
compared to most national administrations in Europe, with information officers, public
discussion fora, on-line "surgeries" with European Commissioners, and other forms of
public engagement in place. However, they seem to have succeeded better in
attracting lobbying organisations and expert consultants to Brussels than in effecting a
genuinely substantive direct intercourse with the public.
Recognising the difficulties in direct engagement with the public, the European
Commission presented a report, "Democratising Expertise and Establishing Scientific
Reference Systems" in 2001 816 , which focused on the role of expert advice but
Working group 1b (R. Gerold and A Liberatore, 2001) "Democratising Expertise and Estabilshing
Scientific Reference Systems," report of the Working Group in area 1 of the White Paper on Governance,
Broadening and enriching the public debate on European matters, May 2001.
One science – many Europes? 656
making and public debate." One stated objective was "to deliver knowledge for decision
making that is 'socially robust'."; another was to achieve "effective interface and
networking between risk assessment and risk management" (emphasis in original
in both cases.) The proposals included measures to open scientific advisory meetings
to stakeholders and to the general public, to explain as part of the policymaking
process how expert advice was used in reaching a particular decision, to promote the
use of various mechanisms, such as citizens' juries, consensus conferences and
participatory foresight.
The efficacy of such public involvement clearly depends upon the extent to which the
public are equipped, with knowledge, rhetorical and other skills and support
mechanisms, to engage with and influence the policymaking process. Public
Understanding of Science, in other words, is a precondition to effective democratic
governance related to science, technology and innovation.
European level have been very limited, and they have largely conformed to the deficit
model of expert-lay relations. Eurobarometer surveys began, in 1973, to test the
knowledge and opinions of European citizens. Two major general surveys on science
and technology were done, in 1992 and 2001.
The Eurobarometer survey of 2001 817 surveyed over 16,000 people on their attitudes
European Commission (2001), Research Directorate-General, Europeans, science and technology,
EUROBAROMETER 55.2, December 2001.
One science – many Europes? 657
• While the overall attitude towards science remains positive, S&T are no longer
considered panaceas; problems need to be addressed by other agencies such
as public social and environmental policies;
• There is strong support for basic research, even if only to further knowledge
(75.0%), support which increases to 83.2% if the aim is to develop new
• 80.3% of the respondents believed that scientists should be obliged to observe
ethical rules, but were almost equally divided on the statement, "scientists are
responsible for the misuse of their discoveries by others", with 42.8% in
agreement and 42.3% in disagreement;
• Of the three S&T-related professions most highly regarded by Europeans,
doctors come first (71.1%) followed by scientists (44.9%) and engineers
(29.8%); however, in the event of a disaster more trust is placed in scientists
(62.7%) than doctors (55.3%);
• The most significant demand with respect to GMOs is for information, both
scientific and in food labelling, and almost 60% believe that GMOs may damage
the environment;
• Science as a career is seen to suffer from the lack of appeal of the subject to
young people, its difficulty, and poor career prospects (although just under 30%
believed this was due to science's poor image in society);
• When asked what areas are covered by the EU, over half of the respondents
identified agriculture, international trade and the environment, followed by
foreign affairs, defence, science and technology (38.2%) and energy. Fewer
than one-third identified consumer protection, employment and social affairs
and regional development.
• Most respondents wanted the EU to increase its activities in consumer
protection, employment and social affairs, energy and science;
• The three measures seen as most likely to improve the level of European
research did not include the level of investment in science, but improving
cooperation between European researchers (84.1%), coordinating research
(80.4%) and improving cooperation between public research and industry
• While 62.7% of respondents believed that enlargement would benefit the
scientific potential of the candidate countries, 53% believed that the process
would also benefit existing Member States.
of radioactive waste. TP PT The results were not encouraging, with for example almost half
of Belgian respondents considering themselves "not very well informed." While 32% of
Europeans expressed confidence in independent scientists and 31% in what they hear
from NGOs, EU bodies were believed by only 11% of the population; only the nuclear
industry itself fared worse, with only 10% expressing confidence in their veracity.
As part of the implementation of the European Research Area TP , the Council of
2010, the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. In
reference to the 2001 Eurobarometer survey, the Commission recognised "that
"Europe's citizens do not always have a very positive perception of science and
technology, and that science is remote for some sections of the population."
The Action Plan articulated three specific objectives:
• Promote scientific and educational culture in Europe;
• Bring science policies closer to citizens;
• Put responsible science at the heart of policymaking.
which would be brought about by acting as a catalyst, using all available instruments
but also seeking to work in coordination with the Member States.
The document outlined 38 specific actions covering a very wide range of approaches
and objectives. It is an extremely ambitious agenda. In some respects, it "inherits"
activities from existing programmes and consolidates them under a new banner. One
of the main predecessors to the Action Plan was the "Raising Public Awareness"
theme introduced in the 5 th Framework Programme. Activities supported under this
European Commission (2002), Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, Europeans and
radioactive waste, EUROBAROMETER 56.2.
European Commission (2000), "Towards a European Research Area", COM(2000)6, 18.01.2000.
European Commission (2001), "Science and Society Action Plan", COM(2001)714 Final, published as a
book by the Luxembourg Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2002.
One science – many Europes? 659
museums. 821 While the OPUS project would naturally applaud the types of activities
being undertaken, it is worth keeping them in perspective. From the standpoint of some
of the smaller, less well-developed Member States, European-level initiatives represent
a significant amount of activity. However, the PUS activities sponsored at European
level are roughly comparable in extent to those organised by some of the larger
Member States, and are far less extensive than the activities of the "PUS industry" the
United Kingdom.
Under the Science and Society Action Plan, the levels of investment are not expected
to rise significantly. The Commission therefore concentrates its proposals on
information exchange, including translation, discussion fora and committees,
networking, internet-based activities, evaluation and benchmarking, and raising the
profile of science and technology within already-existing European promotional
In order to develop its theme of S&T-related citizenship and governance, a number of
specific actions are proposed. The first is to conduct high-profile events, "European
Conventions for Science", designed to bring together "the widest possible range of
stakeholders interested in science and technology at European level", modelled on the
annual meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Regional S&T fora will be encouraged and supported by developing a database of
qualified experts willing to participate. Thirdly, the Action Plan will support the
networking of Science Shops, with an emphasis on the accession states by maintaining
databases and providing promotional tools.
The Action Plan also includes plans to involve civil society, and to increase the
representation of women and girls in S&T-related activities. The Commission plans to
conduct regular events such as public hearings, consensus conferences or on-line
interactive fora, on specific S&T issues such as biotechnology, information technology
and the environment, in cooperation with the Economic and Social Committee and the
Committee of the Regions. Existing activities related to women and science are to be
reinforced under the Action Plan, including the consolidation of networks concerned
with women, gender equality and science, and the refinement and systematisation of
gender statistical indicators and benchmarking progress towards gender equality in
Europe. The Commission plans to convene a group of experts to investigate career
patterns for women researchers in the private sector, and another expert group
focusing on the situation for women scientists in the accession countries.
Ethical decision-making and risk governance are a central theme of the Science and
Society Action Plan, which picked up on the themes of social robustness in the
Commission's 2001 report on "Democratising Expertise..." 822 . Specifically, the Action
Plan includes measures to track and document the development of S&T-related ethical
Working group 1b (R. Gerold and A Liberatore, 2001) op. cit.
One science – many Europes? 660
The previous section outlined the numerous ways in which the European Union
supports and promotes PUS at European level, including through an Action Plan that
explicitly targets citizenship and governance. It is an agenda as progressive as it is
ambitious in its inclusivity. However, there are certain realities about the state of the
European polity and European science that circumscribe what can reasonably be
achievable by way of a European PUS. This is most easily considered in spatial terms.
The OPUS national spaces range from the geographically fixed (universities,
museums) to the highly dispersed (media, internet), with others occupying intermediate
positions. Government and NGO initiatives may be concentrated in national capitals or
major urban areas; science festivals can migrate from one city to another (BAAS in the
UK) or remain fixed (Edinburgh); consultation exercises and science weeks can be
widely dispersed or highly localised.
What about Europe? To some extent, Brussels is "the capital of Europe", with the
European institutions' employees and their families, and the constellation of
organisations that service or otherwise interact with these institutions enlarging this
mixed and often transient European population. The Borschette centre and similar
venues cater to numerous conferences and committee meetings that convene in
proximity to the European institutions, attracting a large though even more transient
population. The architecture of European buildings such as the Berlaymont, the Justus
Lipsius building and the European Parliament complex, the mix of shops and
restaurants in the "European district", the international schools and the variety of
One science – many Europes? 661
profile. In this regard, an interactive virtual space may prove interesting; it could
accommodate the different European languages through translation more easily than
spoken communication through interpreters. The Commission already holds "surgeries"
in which a Commissioner surrounded by terminals and translators is available to
respond to e-mail inquiries for a couple of hours -- much like the OPUS virtual meeting.
What about advertised Internet chats with eminent European scientists (including
winners of European prizes)? Other ideas include:
• The UK national lottery has raised a very large sum for a national network of
science centres – John Durant claimed this is 'the largest and most important
experiment in science communication ... [the UK] ... has ever undertaken'; what
about a European lottery for PUS?
• European consensus conferences modeled on national precedents, perhaps to
include an element of internet-based citizen research, expert input and
• Internet-based discussion groups on the public acceptability of new
technologies (learning from the difficulties encountered by technologically
deterministic, economically-driven producer attempts to market HDTV, 3 rd P P
Many of the above ideas already fall within the scope of the Science and Society Action
Plan; others are natural complements to its coverage. There are undoubtedly a great
many other gaps to fill. But political realities will limit the extent to which the
Commission, the European Parliament and the other EU institutions can become
involved, most obviously through control of the European budget.
The challenges of PUS, science and citizenship in Europe will be even greater in the
enlargement process, as so many new languages, national systems and cultures will
need to be accommodated.
At a more fundamental level, there are potential pitfalls in invoking an inclusive,
comprehensive consultation strategy when, realistically, limited resources also
necessarily limit the extent to which consultation can reasonably be expected to work
as advertised. "Short cuts" inevitably introduce compromises, as timeframes needed to
One science – many Europes? 663
reach "socially robust" conclusions often exceed the pace of scientific, technological
and even social change.
Those who have spent time organising or participating in science and technology policy
debates have recognised, but not solved, the problem that when a forum is organised,
the desire to invite "the best" people results in a collection of familiar faces around the
table time after time. A second well-recognised pitfall is in balancing the need for
representational authenticity with the pragmatics of interpersonal and group
interactions, which limit the numbers of participants in deliberative exercises. Thus,
surveys can be used to poll large numbers of people, with accurate representation of a
population, but the difficulties in interactivity or learning activities limit the usefulness of
such exercises. In contrast, deliberative bodies, whether juries, committees or panels,
appear to function best when between ten and twenty people interact intensively over a
period of time; this limits the scope of representation and can result in imbalances
and/or tokenism, whatever the selection mechanism. In the first case (conventional
polling), the design of the questionnaire is all important and can either greatly influence
outcomes or introduce a great many distortions. In the second case, deliberation by
small bodies, problems in the selection of participants can result in the same problems
manifesting themselves.
Even more fundamentally, there is a risk of over-reliance on any form of surrogate
decision-making. Sequestration of deliberation and removal from the public sphere can
be problematic, whether done in administrative, democratic or consultative mode.
Engaging in dialogue and/or public participation activities can also be used as a
substitute for action, whereby policymakers in effect abrogate their responsibilities.
Public engagement activities can also consist of pandering to the public through
consultation while keeping decision-making firmly in the hands of those traditionally "in
charge". Public Understanding of Science activities, if conducted on the deficit model,
may have features that may seem superficially attractive but may undermine the entire
enterprise if European citizens are not able to influence the outcomes of public policy
This leads to the difficult question: how can science and citizenship co-evolve in a
European democracy that is well-informed, dynamic, accountable and effective?
The ideal of European integration arose from a determination to secure peace and to
develop economic and social progress through pooling sovereignty amongst nation
states and peoples that had experienced so many centuries of bloody conflict. Whilst
political theory can be applied to identify elements of federalism, functionalism and
One science – many Europes? 664
Rosamond, B., (2000), Theories of European Integration, (Palgrave, New York).
One science – many Europes? 665
So how can one optimise the Public Understanding of Science in order to empower the
new, Constitutional European citizen under this sort of regime?
It is impossible to avoid the home truth that there is a knowledge deficit about
European science in the public sphere. Thus, there is a legitimate case to be made for
classical, deficit model-style promotion, education, celebration, and exhibition of
European S&T; the citizens have a basic right to know what research is being done in
their name, with their money and on their behalf, and a basic right to information about
how this research is organised and used. "Raising Public Awareness" activities at
European level and the specific actions of this sort outlined in the Science and Society
Action Plan are commendable so far as they go. However, with the limited resources at
the Commission's disposal, there is only so much that can be accomplished. The
resources of the European Parliament are even more limited.
Beyond classical PUS, however, citizens need democratic instruments with which to
interact with the European science system in such a way that proper representations of
social values and priorities are conveyed, heard, and acted upon.
If we look to the six Member States of the OPUS consortium which illustrate a range of
science/society interactions intended to improve the democractic functioning of S&T-
related public policymaking (inter alia), numerous examples of good practice can be
identified. However, a clear outcome of the comparative analysis of national practices
is that they are culturally embedded in national forms of understanding and social
organisation. The OPUS analysis of the science/society interactions in each of the six
countries has found as much to criticise as to celebrate; there are inadequacies,
structural deficiencies and limitations to what is accomplished at national level. Those
instances of good practice that have contributed to socially robust, democratic
decision-making can and do function well, but necessarily require adaptation if they are
to be transferred successfully to different national environments.
Looking again to the Science and Society Action Plan, the emphasis on consultative
fora and the explicit inclusion of so many different types of stakeholders goes well
beyond what is currently available and influential in the six OPUS countries. The
problem here is not in the conceptualisation of science/society interaction; it is the near
absence of a European Gemeinschaft or Gesellschaft with which to interact. Thus, the
European system falls back upon its customary approach to representational inclusivity
by nationality; to this it has, to its credit, added gender inclusivity, for example in its
explicit targets for the representation of women in scientific advisory committees. The
effectiveness of these discussion fora, even with the diversity of approaches included
(workshops, on-line dialogue, conferences etc.), is likely to be, as in the case of
classical PUS, similarly resource-limited.
One science – many Europes? 666
It is a paradox, but the understanding of science and governance issues within the
European technocracy may be more advanced than in any of its Member States (if we
were to extrapolate OPUS results to Europe as a whole) -- yet at the same time, the
capacity for this understanding to diffuse and to be taken up in democratic mechanisms
supporting S&T-related governance in the European Union is minimal.
One obvious response to this situation would be to increase the resources going into
implementing the European Science and Society Action Plan, both those "classical
PUS" actions that respond to the real knowledge deficit that exists about European
research and technological development, and those that employ tools to improve
democratic participation in S&T-related public policymaking.
It would be particularly important to increase the capacity of the European Parliament
to engage in these processes, as the only democratically elected institution of the
European Union. This can be done in at least two ways. The most obvious approach
would be to increase the European Parliament's resource base so that it can employ
the staff and the expertise necessary to implement actions of its own.
A less obvious approach, but potentially a more effective one, would be for the
European Parliament to join with the Commission in the implementation of all parts of
the Science and Society Action Plan. This would necessitate overcoming the huge
inter-institutional barriers between the Parliament and the Commission that currently
exist, but it would at the same time help to overcome the constraints on the European
Parliament that are still present in the Constitution. It would also bring representational
democracy into the European science/society interface in a systematic way.
A central theme of European integration is overcoming barriers and differences for the
common good of the peoples of Europe. If this could be applied not just to the Member
States but to the institutions of the European Union itself, the combined forces of the
Commission, the Parliament, and other bodies such as the Economic and Social
Committee and the Committee of the Regions, the European Union could create a
powerful means to effect change in Europe.
Another approach to overcoming the "democratic deficit" in S&T-related public
policymaking would be to focus not only on the Public Understanding of Science in the
European context, but on the Public Understanding of European Governance, to
enable citizens to participate more effectively in dialogue and decision-making fora. A
precondition for this is that the technocracy itself must improve its own understanding
of these two, complementary approaches to the democratisation of science and
science-based policy in Europe.
This is why better communication and cooperation between experts in Science-
Technology-Society (STS) interactions and those in Science and Technology Policy
(including policy practitioners) will be essential to progress in democratic governance
related to science and technology. The OPUS project has, in its profiles of national
One science – many Europes? 667
STS capacity in six Member States, demonstrated how academic knowledge can be
quite isolated from real-world processes that actually shape the science/society
“contract” through policy and legislation (with some notable exceptions). This is a
significant barrier.
At the OPUS conference in Vienna in November 2002, “Envisioning Scientific
Citizenship: Science, Governance and Public Participation in Europe”, it was clear that
almost none of the experts present (mostly drawn from STS and related disciplines)
had more than a cursory knowledge of European decision-making bodies or processes,
even those with arguably the most influence over European science and S&T-related
policy 824 . There was some evidence of academic disdain for descriptive, practical
knowledge (for example about European institutions and processes) over theoretical
conceptualisations (such as the citizen as consumer) or more philosophical questions
about the meaning of Public Understanding of Science in different cultural contexts. But
if even the experts in science/society interactions don’t understand European
governance, how could one expect to have an informed, democratically-empowered
Given the reality that Europe as a legal entity is evolving much more rapidly than the
construction of a Euro-social culture or a European polity, it is clear that special efforts
need to be made to overcome democratic deficiencies and knowledge barriers.
Certainly, the many actions reinforcing European integration as an exercise in building
Gemeinschaft or Gesellschaft, or in constructing a European System of Innovation, will
enable the “society” element of science/society intercourse to function more
democratically as time goes on. However, more radical measures are needed if the
European Union is to succeed in gaining the confidence of its citizens in its legitimacy
as a democratic form of governance capable of valid decision-making on S&T-related
public policy issues.
The Single European Act of 1986 was a catalyst for accelerating European integration,
most famously with the “1992” programme for completing the Single European Market -
Participants in a plenary session of the OPUS conference were asked about their familiarity with the
“Groupe Recherche”, the Conciliation Procedure and the preliminary draft Constitution for Europe, which
had been published on the Internet one month prior to the conference. In each case, only three or four
hands went up (one individual, a legal expert, being the only person who was familiar with all three). For
the benefit of readers, the “Groupe Recheche” is an informal group of diplomatic staff in the Permament
Representations of the Member States to the European Union in Brussels, who are responsible for their
countries’ S&T portfolios. In the runup to the Commission’s preparation of the draft Framework Programme
in 1997/8, this group met as often as every week to scrutinise progress on the development of the
proposed legislation. The Conciliation Procedure, introduced in the Maastricht Treaty as part of co-decision
between the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, is how differences between these two
institutions are resolved, in order for European law to be enacted. These are examples of highly influential,
largely invisible processes in the development and finalisation of European legislation, respectively. The
preliminary draft of the European Constitution, at this stage, was little more than an outline with main
headings. However, the principle establishing the Commission as having a “monopoly” on initiating
legislation (European Convention, 2002, “Preliminary draft Constitutional Treaty”, CONV 369/02, 28
October 2002) already signalled the exclusion of the European Parliament from assuming this power.
One science – many Europes? 668
- but also in a great number of other areas, including science and technology (through
the establishment of an explicit legal basis for the Framework Programme).
A Constitution for Europe provides a fresh opportunity to give impetus to European
integration. This requires vision, courage and the investment of time, money and
creativity, and perhaps most importantly the transcendence of inter-institutional rivalries
amongst the European institutions. But by promoting Public Understanding of
European Science, Public Understanding of European Governance and scientific
citizenship as the key concept linking the two, science and democracy can flourish
synergistically in a Constitutional European Union.
Concluding remarks 669
Concluding remarks
Ulrike Felt
We have started three years ago with the goal of exploring the idea of similarities and
cultural differences in the way issues of public understanding of science or public
awareness of science and technology were dealt within six European countries. Our
examples were probably as divers as it could be in the European context: we had the
Anglo-Saxon model present, the fundamentally different French approach, with
Portugal a small southern European country on its way to catch up, Belgium as an
excellent example of a national setting were the cultural boarder runs right through the
country, Sweden somehow stands for the Nordic type model and Austria as another
case of a small country however with a rather different cultural and a political history
with clear ruptures also with regard to science and society.
What can we learn from this exercise? What are the conclusions one could draw?
These concluding remarks will only try to address a number of major issues, smaller,
but also more detailed observations can be found right through the chapters and in
particular also in the comparison between the national settings (chapter 5). The
following reflections will be organised around five topics which seem central for further
debates in the field of Public Understanding of Science and Technology in particular
with regard to the European dimension of the issue.
The first aspect to discuss in some detail is whether or not, and up to what degree our
basic assumption that the local cultural contexts play a dominant role in the
communication and public up-take of science and technology can be regarded valid
after our analysis and how this became manifest in our investigations. To start with one
should point out that the phenomenon of migration of concepts for PUS-activities
across Europe, but also between Europe and the US has been rather important.
Examples for such favoured “migrating concepts” are among others Science Weeks,
Science Shops, consensus conferences, but also science exhibitions. At the same time
our analysis has pointed out very nicely that these concepts – if they proved to be
successful – needed to be adapted to the local contexts, to be filled with cultural
meaning and as a consequence to take a shape different from its original. In that sense
Concluding remarks 670
these concepts for PUS activities behaved like classical “boundary objects” – a concept
we have developed earlier (chapter 1) – which are sufficiently malleable to adapt to the
local settings while at the same time being also robust and structured enough to be
identified as a common object.
When observing the phenomena of transfer, the fundamental differences between the
national contexts become most clearly visible. They manifest themselves in the ways in
which the public sphere is organised in general and has developed over the decades,
in how science and technology are embedded in the cultural terrain (e.g. do they play
an important role in national identity building), but also in the place science and
technology manages to occupy in the political and economic system. Further trust
relations towards the political actors and the expert systems that are at the basis of
decision-making appeared of rather different quality and stability, the experiences in
implementing or resisting to technological change varied largely and the national
traditions of preparing and disseminating information in general and on science and
technology in particular were rather divers. And, not to forget, there are even
fundamental differences in the meaning attributed to notions like science and
technology, which needed to be considered.
In that sense one can ascertain that while there is an increasing homogenisation of the
discourses around science, technology and society, which are reflected in EU
documents like the Action Plan on Science and Society, the concepts had to be
translated in quite different ways into concrete measures. This makes it difficult and
complex to compare national contexts in a very direct and quantitative way (as it is
done in the survey research, but partly also in the bench-marking exercises), but much
more the fine-grained articulations have to be investigated and understood.
Two cases of transfer of concepts for PUS-initiatives can be mentioned as examples.
The first would be the consensus conference, a setting developed and being rather
successful in the Danish context, which is meant to allow for direct engagement of
members of the public with topics of science, technology and society. One can nicely
see that neither in the French nor in the Austrian case this setting managed to be
implemented with success. It did not gain sufficient credibility, neither in the political nor
in the public domain and thus could not develop the momentum and occupy the place it
did in the Danish case. An example for a rather more successful exchange of
experiences would be the case of science centres where through the building of
networks one is trying to accelerate positive developments.
These examples but also the many other cases presented throughout the report hint us
to the fundamental differences that cannot be neglected. First we have seen that PUS-
initiatives were closely tied to other more general national problems such as the crisis
of the national press in Belgium, the years of Thatcher’s science policy in the UK or a
lack of culture of public debate in the Austrian case. These special settings transformed
the way in which issues of science, technology and society could be and were
Concluding remarks 671
addressed. Then, to give a second example, there are countries with a stronger
tradition in public participation in politics than others, and this obviously shaped also
the possibilities of integrating the public in decisions with regard to technoscientific
issues. A third point would be linked to the question whether PUS-issues were centrally
dealt with or where much more left to the regions or to local players. Such a regional
model would be the case of Belgium, where the two language communities would go
quite different ways and would be submitted to different influences; cases of more
central steering forces would be France and Austria. Fourth, we pointed several times
at the fundamentally different meanings of the notions used to describe the equivalents
of “science” in the different countries. Sweden, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium and
Austria would subscribe to the notion of “Vetenskap-Wetenschap-Wissenschaft”, while
the others would more use the term in the English meaning. This divide is however not
reproduced in the divide with regard to the labelling of science-society initiatives. Here
France and Portugal (and partly Belgium) use the term “scientific and technological
culture”, while the others have imported the UK notion of “Public Understanding of
Science”. Finally, the presence of strong industrial partners for science and technology
would also have an influence on the way science communication as a whole is taking
As a consequence thinking of PUS on a European level, poses a number of problems.
First, implementing mechanisms of science-society interactions would need a rather
differentiated approach. While it seems less difficult as long as one works in the
classical linear model of information dissemination, the moment public engagement is
aimed at, things become more complex. In particular the language barrier and the
system of cultural values that goes along with it, poses a major challenge to any
attempt to open a debate on science and technology issues across all European
countries. In many of the discussions on European PUS initiatives the internet and the
possibility of using the different national languages is suggested as a way out, but even
if such an approach works out, one would have to be reflexive about the origin of the
communication models used and about the language the basic information and
concepts to be discussed are translated from. The PUS-debate as it takes place right
now is an excellent example for this problem. In the German language the English term
Public Understanding of Science (and Humanities) is used although it completely
contradicts the very meaning of Wissenschaft, which would embrace all the different
scientific disciplines. With the use of the English term however also the debate and
some of the implicit preconditions are imported along with.
The second concluding remark touches upon the important gap between the rhetoric
and the concrete realisation which became visible in many contexts. We address here
explicitly the increasing call for more participatory and interactive aspects in science-
technology-society relations and the aim to develop something one could label
Concluding remarks 672
“scientific citizenship”, while at the same time the deficit model and linear
communication are present in the public arena stronger than ever. In fact this tension is
felt all along the spaces, contexts and actions we have described in this report. Science
and technology have come under a certain pressure and are forced to engage in new
ways with the divers publics, on the other hand the “political paradigms” behind the
actions taken clearly aim at consolidating their position as authority in the societal
sphere. This tension leads in fact to two categories of reactions: For the first category
one can observe a certain increase in engagement with the public while at the same
time there are efforts made to channel and to a certain extend to control this “new
freedom” for the public. The second category separates the different initiatives and
runs in parallel classical PR and information campaigns while also performing more
interactive PUS-initiatives. The relation between the two often remains unclear and so
does the role of these actors in the public arena. A good example for such a case of
rather ambivalent positioning would be the Austrian Council for Research and
Technology development, who launched on the one hand a huge PR-campaign (see
chapter 3.6.) while on the other hand also financing a citizen conference.
The third concluding remark is linked to the apparent difficulties to conceptualise the
public with regard to these PUS initiatives. This perspective has two rather different
levels, which need to be discussed separately. The first level is linked to the questions
of who is in more concrete terms “the public” that should be reached, of how is the
access to communication about science assured and finally of how exchange between
science and society is possible overcoming the classical hierarchies between scientific
and other forms of knowledge. The second level then addressing more explicitly the
question of mass-communication of technoscientific issues, representative democracy
and the realisation of the idea of scientific citizenship.
Indeed when looking through the seven concrete settings we have investigated in the
six countries one quickly realises that with a few exceptions the majority of initiatives is
not having any direct contact to the public they are addressing their representations of
science to. There is a kind of technical rupture in this process of communication, i.e.
the person who produces the element that is to be communicated never directly meets
the individuals or social group to whom it is addressed. In that sense one mainly works
with projections of “the other” and these imaginations about the expectations, interests,
capabilities and necessities of “the other” would have with regard to science and
technology to be built into this communication. This means the majority of what is
handled as daily communication of science and technology, only takes place in form of
an imagined encounter, which never finds its realisation. The consequences for the
way science and technology are embedded into contemporary societies are wide-
ranging, as we know extremely little about how technoscientific information is received,
interpreted and used in personal and professional decision-making contexts. Thus also
Concluding remarks 673
the pretended open access people would have to this information does never have to
stand any reality check. As a consequence of the power of these public discourses lies
precisely in the fact that the underlying concepts and values attributed to this imagined
public do not need to be made explicit.
The second level then addresses the idea of the scientific citizenship and
representative democracy in contemporary knowledge societies. Indeed we have seen
that consultative procedures which involve members of the public start to play an
important role besides the classical forms of democratic representation. To clarify the
precise nature and role of these new “added on” arenas where technoscientific change
of science should be negotiated is an urgent need. While public participation is
generally greeted as positive change as a broader spectrum of vision finds its place
and thus any decision taken would better fit with the societal context, at the same time
the questions about the persons that will get voice and in the name of whom they will
speak become an issue. Indeed we have seen that in those interaction-oriented
settings that are closely linked to the sphere of politics there is an apparent need for
clarification. Here it is up to the organisers, but above all also up to the political system
to make such interactive, participative PUS settings legitim “objects” in the public as
well as in the political arena.
The new figure that enters the stage is the “scientific citizen”. Living in/with knowledge
societies/economies creates not only new rights, but above all new needs expressed
towards those who live in these societies. Thus the scientific citizen can claim voice in
taking decisions on technoscientific issues, can claim that his/her know-how,
experiences and values are considered, but is at the same time also requested to
engage in a new intensity with science and technology. In a highly individualised
society this figure of the citizen however is not a homogeneous one, but needs to be
realised in its differences, contradictions and changing positions. Thus also new forms
of expression of political action need to be though about.
Taking this again from the national settings to the European level, the issue gets even
more complex. How would in a European context with such big differences in past
experiences, value systems and priority setting such a citizen become a representative
of others? Who will be those that formulate what is often labelled “social demand”, or to
formulate it differently, who will speak in the name of the others and how will this figure
gain the necessary credibility and trust in order to be able to do so? These will be one
of the most important challenges for building also a technoscientific Europe in the years
to come.
The forth perspective to be considered are the reasons for increasing the public
engagement with science and technology. Based on our reflections made in chapter 1
and the large evidence in the empirical parts we could at least mention two major
reasons. The first is closely linked to the apparent loss in attraction of some of the core
Concluding remarks 674
fields in science and technology from the side of students. Here it is interesting to
remark that the overall number of students has not decreased, but their centre of
interest has shifted away. Before looking at the reactions developed to this “problem”
one could ask why we identify it as such. What are the hidden values behind this
overwhelming attention that is given to the natural sciences, whereas other scientific
fields – social and cultural sciences and humanities – are only treated as being of
secondary importance? Thus children and in particular women should be attracted to
these fields of studies, without however questioning the implicit values that are
embedded in the image of science and technology which is transmitted.
The second reason is closely tied to the fact that we do not only speak about
knowledge societies, but above all about knowledge economies. Much of the
communication is aiming at building the ground for a far-reaching acceptance of
technoscientific innovations, at underlining the benefits of technological progress and at
fostering trust in those who define the possible paths to take. They are meant to act
against the dismissal of the ideal of social progress through technological advances. Of
course the more negative consequences of technological change are also addressed,
but often in such a way that concerns can easily be eliminated rhetorically.
Finally, and this is the last issue to be touched upon here, one can observe in many
countries that through this political discourse on the importance of structuring the
interface between science and society a professionalisation can be observed in this
terrain. Numerous actors who had before done other communication activities now
perceive science and technology as a new market, which can be conquered by them.
While there is nothing to be said against making science communication more
professional one has at the same time to be aware that with every layer of mediating
actors and institutions the distance between the science system and the public sphere
is also reconstructed. In that sense scientists as human beings, but also science-in-the-
making, as a cultural practice, get alienated from the public. The direct interaction with
all its limitations and its limited professionalism from the communication point of view
gets lost and is being replaced by a number of displaced interactions that translate and
reshape the representations about science present in the public sphere. But it also
takes away from scientists the possibility of encountering the publics and confronting
the social worlds into which they intervene with the technoscientific knowledge they
develop. In that sense making science and technology communication uniquely the
task of professionals and understanding it as a market to be conquered, will hinder to
develop what we claimed would be essential for any further development, namely to
build a scientists’ understanding of the public along-side with a public understanding of
need the corresponding budgets, for learning from each others experiments without
falling into the leader/follower dichotomy, for developing a clearer vision of what we
define as quality (and not in terms of quantity) for interactions between technoscience
and society, for diversity and complementarity of actions in order to enable a large
diversity of citizens to engage with technoscience, for understanding differences in
order to cultivate the cultural variety and for actually encountering and engaging with
the different publics as they are and not so much imagining how one would like them to