What Is PCATP?: Role of Council

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What is PCATP?

Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners (PCATP) is a statutory body

established by the Government of Pakistan under the Pakistan Council of Architects
and Town Planners Ordinance 1983 (Ordinance IX of 1983) to regulate the
professions of Architecture and Town Planning in Pakistan.

"The Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners Ordinance 1983 has been
promulgated with a view to give recognition and protection to the profession of
architecture and town planning in Pakistan. The council has wide ranging powers and
is authorized to perform all functions and to take steps connected with or ancillary to
all aspects of the two professions including laying down standards of conduct,
safeguarding interests of its members, assisting the Government and national
institutions in solving national problems relating to the professions, promotion of
reforms in the professions, promotion of education of these professions, reviewing
and advising the Government in the matter of architecture and town planning
education, etc."(PCATP OFFICIAL WEBSITE1)


An architectural Council is a council-on national or international level that has the

task of establishing, advocating and coordinating the standards (national, local or
international) for the architect’s community it symbolizes. The larger body of the
Council is composed of a number of smaller sub committees. Examples can be

 Schools of Architecture/Design/Town Planning Accreditation and

 Continuing Education Development for Students and Professional
Development for Architects in the Field
 Professional Indemnity Insurance
 Raising Public Awareness about the role of Architecture and Town



 “To promote academic standards throughout the country for

registration of architects and to facilitate national and international
recognition for qualifications.
 To co-ordinate acceptable standards of architectural education for
national and international mutual recognition agreements.
 To define and, where appropriate, co-ordinate acceptable standards of
practical experience for registration.
 To accredit applicants who meet the standards of the Council and
grant the PCATP certificate.
 To define and where appropriate, co-ordinate acceptable standards
for architects seeking the annual renewal of their registration
 To negotiate mutual recognition agreements with appropriate
authorities in other countries.”



 “To raise standards and promote excellence in architecture and town

planning education.
 To enhance the provision of high quality professional programs and
encourage ingenuity, innovation and contemporary relevance in
course and teaching methods to strengthen the overall education of
 To promote PCATP established standards and systems of
architectural and town planning education in the country.
 To enhance the stature, credibility and influence of the Institute and
its members.
 To increase the number of architects and town planners eligible for
PCATP Membership who are qualified with recognized standards.”

(Accreditation Guide)


Constituting a Chairman, Registrar, Vice Chairman and executive Committee as their

main members, the Council has many other members and several permanent or non-
permanent sub committees that address one or multiple issues and providing solutions
and insights for any problems that may arise during the professional practice of any
architect or town planner, resolving the issues as a third party with no ulterior motives
or favoritism behavior.

PCATP Council highlights architectural practice as the act of imparting professional

advice and opinions to the clientele for the measurements, layouts and designs of
buildings and spaces. In a more technical context, an architect gives shape to
feasibility reports and any other needed report as per the project context (Tender
Documents, Contract Documents, working Drawings, BOQ’s). The design stage itself
involves an architect to produce a concept, origin, design and plan.

The definition by PCATP also states “and other works for which an architect offers
his professional services” which cover the area broader than the actions specified, but
which fall in the architectural practicing domain.

In the same way, PCATP defines Professional Town Planning Work as practical field
work that is done by any professional who provides his services for any area of
expertise that falls into the mentioned fields; urban and regional planning, the
carrying out of physical and socioeconomic surveys, the preparation of feasibility
reports, layout plans, and development plans, and, in association with relevant
professionals, carrying out inspection and supervision of works and issue of
certificates of such schemes and other works”

Through it’s laid out code of conducts and principles, any professional in the
abovementioned fields must follow these codes and layout in his working and not
diverge from it. The penalty for the lack of rules abiding would be discrediting by the
Council institute and suing action.


An accredited degree is one of the foremost requirements for all professionals to be

able to acquire the license of professional practice in Architecture and Town
Planning. The accrediting process is intended to verify that each accredited program
substantially meets those standards that, as a whole, comprise an appropriate
education for an Architect or Town Planner.

PCATP accreditation process is to assist in the identification of those institutions, and

their specific programs in Architecture and Town Planning, which meet the standards
and other quality indicators specified by PCATP and Higher Education Commission
(The Educational Governing Board in Pakistan).

The Criteria required for Accreditation by PCATP are

 Organizational Resources
 Physical Resources
 Human Resources
 Financial Resources Allocation and Usage


The admission test is a definite requirement and the department should give
more weightage to this test, which should be specially designed to assess the
aptitude of the student in Architecture/ Town planning typically in the form of
aptitude for creative thinking, mathematics and writing skills of students


PCATP’s Accreditation Guide describes the curriculum to be “General and

specialized professional content of adequate depth and breadth, and should
follow the guidelines provided by the PCATP / HEC curriculum. The syllabi of
courses must be continually updated and revised to accommodate the new
technologies and requirements of modern times, and reflects the diversity of
programs of an individual institution.”


The program will have to develop certain rules and regulations to keep the whole
process of examination clear and transparent. Continuous evaluation procedure
including mid semester class tests, assignments, other methods, regularity in
conducting/announcing results, and involvement of external examiner should be
clearly defined, to avoid any misunderstanding.


The institution should provide the environment, which fosters the personality of
the students and provide them opportunities through co-curricular and
extracurricular activities and student services.


The students undergoing the program should have access to facilities for career
development, counseling and health education.


In the case of undergraduate Degree programs, teachers should participate in

projects and quality improvement programs in research institutions/University
departments. Such an involvement will not only improve the teaching-learning
processes, but also enhance the quality of project work.


Industry participation in curriculum planning, consultancy, project work and

extension lectures are essential to achieve the professional goals of the academic
programs in architecture and town planning. At the same time, the knowledge
and experience of the teachers can be utilized by the industry for technical

PCATP requires for the Department to impart education that is essential for the
student to become a better and educated professional who is an asset to the
profession, rather than a liability.

The Accreditation process contains that these requirements be fulfilled by the
institution seeking accreditation, and once awarded accreditation, regular visits are
still made to the institute to decipher whether the course outlines and facilities are up
to date and beneficial to students. Other than these steps, the Accreditation Process

 Documentation required by PCATP from said Institute

 Inspection Visits
 Inspectors Reports
 Accreditation Decision

A cycle for the Accreditation Process, as given by PCATP is shown ahead:

PCATP description of the role of Architects responsibilities, Architects
appointment and code of conduct

Architects are known as people who design building keeping in mind the factors that
contractors and builders usually forget. They also coordinate and integrate
engineering design. PCATP, going into a broader and local context, defines an
architect as a “Person who holds any of the architectural qualifications specified
in the First Schedule or the Second Schedule and is registered as an architect
with the Council”.

Before an Architects Appointment, it is necessary for him/her to define the scope of

services they shall provide in their field and the liability limitations, the hierarchy of
which is

Preliminary Services

Work stage A: Inception

Work stage B: Feasibility

Basic Services

Work stage C: Outline proposal

Work stage D: Final design proposal

Work stage E: Detailed architectural design

Work stage F: Information for bill of quantities and tenders

Work stage G: Tender action and project planning

Work stage H: Operations on site and completion of works.

Other Services

PCATP’s role in organizing competitions, and appointments of consultants for


As PCATP outlines in the Architect and Town Planners Code of Conduct; “An
architect or town planner shall enter only such design competitions as are conducted

in accordance with the Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners’
Regulations for the Promotion and Conduct of Competitions”

In organizing competitions, PCATP acts as the council and body in charge. For any
firm or person wishing to organize a competition, the first step is to contact and get
the full procedure and help regarded in organizing the competition.


The PCATP Handbook forms a guidebook of regulations for architectural and Town
Planning Practice which makes the architecture profession proficient and increases the
communication and working of the architectural and town planning field to its inner
working.there is specific chapters in the PCATP book which highlight the codes of
business ,bye-laws, professional conduct down to architects appointment as well as
town planners appointment, regulations for promotion and conduction of architectural
competitions and regulations for town planning competition.

While browsing through the internet for searching for the latest events, working and
developments by PCATP the author came across interviews of different architects in
ARCHITIMES. These interviews give an insight to the thinking of different
architects about PCATP in Pakistan.

Architect Zain-ul-Abedin, Associate Professor, Department of

Architecture, Comsats Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad

By Ar. Sumera Bilgrami

AT: What steps do you suggest for maintaining a certain educational standard at
various institutions imparting architectural education throughout Pakistan,
particularly in current scenario where many private ventures are also entering the
field? Please also shed light on the role of PCATP (Pakistan Council of Architects
and Town Planners) and HEC (Higher Education Commission) in this context.

ZA: Flexibility, diversity and freedom must continue in architectural education. Yet
our institutions must continue to focus on faculty development and maintain a student
centered learning environment to create self-learners who shall become sensitive

problem solvers. Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners has also become
a pro-active and forward looking accrediting body over times thanks to dedicated and
committed executives and staff. I feel that PCATP must get the lead role as given in
the charter with HEC backing up with guidance and resources in order to keep pace
with national objectives.

Architect Shaukat Nawaz Raja is the principal architect of SNR Associate

and the former president of the Institute of Architect Pakistan(IAP). In
this exclusive interview he tells ARCHI TIMES about his architecture
and other issues related to the professional.

By Sumera Bilgarmi

AT: What are your personal observations regarding the role of IAP and PCATP in
promoting and save guarding architects interests and rising public awareness about

SNR: The role of PCATP and the IAP is clearly defined and even pursued
intermittently. In the eighties, one would have sought excuse by saying its doing well
in its post-infancy period, and perhaps it was leading on to 1994, ARCASIA, Lahore
being the jewel in the crown. Since, there seems to be a state of general apathy
towards the development of institutions. However, some chapters of the IAP,
Islamabad for one, are doing better perhaps being smaller and more knitted. The IAP
is no match to the PEC and I fear, the TPs once independent will fare better.

Parvaiz Iqbal the renowned architect of Pakistan, has been active for the
last more than 30 years in design, planning and implementation of
architectural engineering and infrastructure projects

By Arch. Maliha S. Vahla, Photo Credit Parvez Iqbal

AT: How do you view the role of IAP and PCATP in the field of architecture?

PI: I think the roles are well defined in the constitution of PCATP and Memorandum
Article of Association of the IAP. The reason for the dissatisfaction of most members
is the inconsistent performance of the elected executive bodies. It is more important to
make IAP and PCATP vigilant and operative than spending time in defining roles
only. I know a little bit more about IAP-LC as I was the chairman 2008-2009. Both

the organizations need young and enthusiastic workers who should replace the older
generation with full respect and gratitude towards them for their contributions. In my
opinion that may be the only solution to make our professional bodies more effective.

Pervaiz Vandal the renowned architect of Pakistan, has been active for
the last more than 40 years in education, design, planning and
implementation of architectural engineering and infrastructure projects.

By Arch. Maliha S. Vahla

AT: How do you view the role of professional bodies in the field of Architecture?

PV: It's very easy to sit back and criticize. You see, every Institute is part of the larger
whole. The institute will develop directly in proportion to the larger whole. IAP, in all
these years, has played a very big role. Above all getting the PCATP formed and
organized; a marvelous job in the given situation. Each one of them has worked very
hard. When you talk about improvement tell me what cannot be improved?

What I see is that there is a need of serious documentation in form of publications

which is not just a photographic display but with serious content commemorating the
key events and happenings. The Symposium on Green Architecture that took place at
the event of the Grand Convention, I wish in vain, that we had recorded all those
papers in form of a publication.

Anjum Pervez the renowned architect of Pakistan, is the Principal of

Environ & Envison has been active for the last more than 30 years in
design, planning and implementation of architectural engineering and
infrastructure projects.

By Yasira Naeem Pasha

AT: What steps should be taken for Architectural competitions held in our
country for them to be more transparent and competent with international
regulations? What steps should professional bodies take to safeguard the
interests of professionals?

AP: The guidelines given by the PCATP Handbook for competitions are very good.
Unfortunately not all competitions abide by those rules. But whenever a competition

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has been held under PCATP rules, the end product has been a vast improvement on
what would have been otherwise. So the need is to try and enforce these rather than
modify or change them. Maybe there is something that can be done about the
selection criteria for jury members. For bigger competitions maybe we could have
some international representation as this will help in moving away from conventional,
predetermined design ideas.

The steps that the professional bodies need to take are numerous but the underlying
principle should be justice and fair play for all.

AT: What is your observations regarding the role of IAP and PCATP in
promoting and safe-guarding architects' interests and raising public awareness
about architecture?

AP: To answer the first part of your question their roles could be vastly improved. As
for the second part, the process has only recently been started by holding IAPEX and
other such events that interact with the general public. However, it is nowhere near
what is required. IAP, PCATP and the community as a whole needs to have much
more interaction with the general public in terms of events, publications, media and in
terms of creating interest and educating the general public about the advantages of
good building design.

Skill and experience are not the only assets Ar. Jahangir Sherpao
possesses. He also has a storehouse of innovative ideas that contribute to
the development of the architectural profession. His experience on
international projects, coupled with an understanding of Pakistani
architectural education system, has made him an impressive personality
in architectural circles. He shares with ARCHI TIMES some of his
enlightening thoughts to inspire the new generation of architects.

By Yasira Naeem Pasha

AT: What is your opinion about professional bodies like PCATP and IAP in
Pakistan? Do you feel any shortcomings in their working?

JS: Both PCATP and IAP are now in a stage where competent professionals involved
in both bodies have realized that we have to rectify all shortcomings, since the

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profession has come of age in Pakistan, and that to compete internationally and act
professionally we have to improve the workings of both bodies continually as per
need. The professionals at the helm of affairs at both bodies in recent years have done
a tremendous job and continue to do so. Since this work is voluntary and takes away
from their professional time I have great respect for people like Ejaz Ahad and
Shahab Ghani Khan who have given their best to both bodies last two years.

Rashid Rasheed is one of the most prominent architects of the country. He has
been running his firm by the name of SR design Works with his friend and
partner Saad Mehmood Khan since 2007. Before this, he and Saad were
associated with Designer East as partners between 1992 & 2007.

By Arch. Maliha S. Vahla

AT: You have been member of Executive committee of IAP Lahore Chapter and have
also served PCATP. How do you view the role of professional bodies in the field of
Architecture in our country as compared to the developed countries? What have your
contributions been in this regard?

RR: I have served on the PCATP as elected member from Punjab and it was my first
experience campaigning for elections. While on the council I helped facilitate our
members from the government departments to voice their concerns on the national
level regarding appointments of architects on the jobs which were designated for
architects like building controls for which planners were appointed. It took the entire
duration of my tenure and the Chairman PCATP with the help of IAP chapters was
able to get the decision in the architects' favor which was quite an achievement. I
mention this not to take credit but to emphasize that our profession is not very
organized and there are a lot of confusions that need to be resolved but if we come
together to improve it and fight for our rights, it can be done and the PCATP as the
'regulatory body' and IAP as 'the body that promotes architecture' can make a huge

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An interview, regarding the role of PCATP and its benefits and drawbacks was
conducted of a practicing architect. The architect I interviewed is Ar. G. Mohammed,
PCATP ID A-0187, and has now been practicing for over 30 years.

 What is the role of PCATP that you have observed in your years of
practice and expertise?

General thinking, its role is just to collect registeration/renewal fee and to conduct
elections but PCATP has played vital role in enhancing the architectural syllabus in
different colleges/universities which has boosted the standard of architectural
education in Pakistan. PCATP is also involved in architectural competitions but lots
of projects in the market are still done by individuals with good links and PCATP
should discourage such practices.

 How is PCATP as a governing body?

PCATP still has lots to do. Most of the office bearers have been trying to introduce
their own firms rather than to work for the architectural profession.

 What are the benefits of such a governing body, in your view?

Benefits are enormous. They should arrange seminars and special competitions should
also be arranged for architectural students and develop coordination with the
organizations working worldwide.

 How can PCATP’s actions make the realm of practice in the field better?

Actions by PCATP for the up gradation of architectural practice in Pakistan

 Identification of black sheep in different authorities all over Pakistan and

cancellation of their memberships
 Transparency in architectural Competitions

Are there any improvements or changes you think would benefit the PCATP
policy and its services to both Architects/Town Planners and their clientele?

Further Improvements are really needed to benefit both architects and Town Planners,
in whatever manner.

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 ARCHITIMES, 2008, 2009 year issues.


 PCATP HANDBOOK, (Published in the Gazette of Pakistan Extraordinary

on March 7, 1983)
 ACCREDITATION GUIDE, Criteria and Proforma for
Accreditation/Revalidation of Architectural & Town Planning Programs

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