AZ-204 Develop Azure Compute Solutions (25-30%)
AZ-204 Develop Azure Compute Solutions (25-30%)
AZ-204 Develop Azure Compute Solutions (25-30%)
solutions (25-30%)
All code can be found here:
When creating a virtual machine, under Inbound port rules, you can allow
PUBLIC inbound port rules, meaning ANYONE can RDP or SSH into the
virtual machine from a network level. They still need a username,
password/SSH key to access the VM. (demo here in the portal)
All virtual machines are created with a default NSG. The default NSG can
be modified with an inbound or outbound port rule. (demo here in the
Using ACR Tasks. ACR tasks is a new way to create, run, push, and patch
containers that are stored in Azure Container Registry ACR. (demo here
and code found in GitHub)
az login - To ensure you are logged into Azure with the AZ CLI
docker tag - To tag the Docker image with the ACR name
With Azure CLI using the az container create command and switch.
Azure web apps are a serverless function in Azure that allow you to deploy
code for say, a web application, and have the web app run without needing to
create a server to host the code.
Ensure when you are creating a web app, you choose the proper app
service plan. The app service plan is the server, in so many words,
that the serverless web app resides on. The F1 class of app service
plans is free.
PowerShell using the Azure PowerShell module (code can be found here)
Azure allows for up to five different diagnostic settings to send different logs
and metrics. The six defaults that exist in every web app creation are:
Log into the Azure web portal and go to the app services blade
Click on the web app that you want to turn on diagnostic logging for
Log into the Azure web portal and go to the app services blade
Click on the web app that you want to turn on diagnostic logging for
There are two primary ways to deploy code for the scope of the AZ204
💡 There is a third and very valuable way, using CICD to deploy code
with Azure Pipelines Azure DevOps) or GitHub Actions CICD. The
reason why that option is not listed here is because it does not
come up in the exam objectives for the AZ204. I do recommend,
for your own knowledge, to check out Azure Pipelines. You can see
a getting started guide found here.
Azure CLI
Azure CLI
To Configure SSL
There you can upload or buy a .PKG SSL cert for the web app.
Azure Monitor has an autoscaling portion that allows you to set schedules.
For example, let's say you know that an application you are managing gets
utilized far more Monday-Friday vs Saturday and Sunday. You can set up
Azure Monitor autoscaling to scale up VMs Monday-Friday then scale them
back down Saturday and Sunday.
Below is a list of current autoscaling solutions for Microsoft
There are three primary ways you can set up virtual machine scale sets:
From the Azure web portal under the virtual machine scale sets blade
The primary way you will see this done is from C#. You can find a code
example here.
4. Choose where you want to create the function from. In this case, you can
choose In-portal
Log into the Azure web portal and go to the Azure Functions blade
Click on an Azure Function or if you don't have one, create a new one.
Stateful - Store data and requires backend storage. Kind of like a hard
The portal
For the C# with Visual Studio solution, this is a great resource from Microsoft.
Log into the Azure web portal and go to the Azure Functions blade
Click on an Azure Function or if you don't have one, create a new one.
6. Type Durable in the search field and you will see many options for durable
Azure Functions