Efecto Arco Horizontal Plaxis 3D
Efecto Arco Horizontal Plaxis 3D
Efecto Arco Horizontal Plaxis 3D
ABSTRACT: High cost value of traditional methods for stabilization of pit, encouraged the engineers to
study more about soil characteristics and its application. Arching effect is one of these characteristics, it
To cite this paper: Hosseinian S. and Cheraghi Seifabad M. 2013. Optimization the Distance Between Piles in Supporting Structure Using Soil Arching Effect. J. Civil Eng.
Urban., 3(6): 386-391.
Journal homepage: http://www.ojceu.ir/main/
Numerical results were validated by the finding of between soil and anchor in unload area. It is clear that if
Prakash (1962), Cox et al. (1984), Reese et al. (1992), load transfer performs in unload area, failure wedge will
Liang and Zeng (2002), Smethurst and Powrie (2007), be pulled towards excavation and the anchor not only
Pradel and Carrillo (2008), Kahyaoglu et al. (2009), prevent to fall but the available force in the anchor
chang et al. (2010) and Kourkoulis et al. (2011). causes to pull failure wedge towards excavation and to
according to which pile spacing S≤4D is required to fall excavation. Generally, stages of anchorage system
generate a group effect and the associated soil arching are operated as follow as:
between the pile. Hence, such an arrangment cannot be At first, several wells are drilled close to
applied for slope stabilization and will not be further excavation. Then, steel profiles in the forms of H or I
examined. Therefore, S=4D can be thought of as the will be installed in these wells vertically. Sometimes,
most cost-effective arrangment, because it has the largest two profiles are placed side by side to able to fasten the
spacing required to produce soil arching between the anchors on the piles. Depth of wells should be
piles for the inter-pile soil to be adequately retained. This considered 1.25 -1.35 in height. Broms and Wang- Reese
is consistent with both common engineering practice and methods (they are used in FHWA standard) can be used
numerous research findings. to determine effective depth of piles. In the next stage,
excavation is performed in considered depth that it
MATERIALS AND METHODS depends on soil conditions, stable depth and interval of
Anchorage method piles that it is 2-4m. Then concrete around steel columns
If we consider an excavation, we can determine is shaved to facilitate. The boring is drilled to place
an failure plane in low safety factor. We can increase anchors in considered depth, slope and diameter. The
safety factor of stability in excavation by reinforcing this anchors are placed in the boring and end of boring will
plane with using special elements. Anchorage method be filled with grout. After that, an anchor will be pulled
has been suggested on the basis of stabilization of slope and this force is transferred to the soil. After placing
and prevention of wall slide of excavation by using anchor and armatures on the walls of excavation and
reinforcing soil. In this method, some anchors are performing concrete cover in shotcrete method, a surface
entered in the ground and they play reinforcing role as in high stiffness is made on the excavation wall. This
the same as armature in reinforced concrete. surface can transfer all forces and changes of excavation
In this method, the anchors will be pre-stressed in wall to the anchor place. Then, the first stage of safe
the soil and their performance is as the same as available excavation is finished and the next stage of excavation
cables in the pre-stressed concrete. Then, pre-stressing in will be the same. This operation will continued in the
the soil causes to increase stabilization of soil and next stages to finish the excavation.
decrease deformation of adjacent buildings significantly.
In this method, anchor is anchored to the Numerical modelling
excavation wall on one side and its end on the other side Finite element method is used to analysis the
and tensioned that this tension causes to lateral and patterns applied in this research. Soil arching
vertical pressure and prevent to move the wall. The soil phenomenon is applied for three dimensional process
is stressed in the place of probable failure wedge by (3D) since 2D has different difficulties. Plaxis 3D
stretching the anchor. It is clear that load transfer will Tunnel is utilized regard to special characteristics and
transfer to the soil only at the back of failure wedge abilities.
where called load transfer area (load zone) and load
transfer at this place that called unload area (no load Geometry of the method and support
zone) cause to fail (fig.3). conditions
To achieve specified aim, soil arching
phenomenon is investigated between steel piles. A 10m
deep excavation with vertical depth and horizontal
surface behind the wall is selected to utilize anchorage
method for stabilization. It should choose boundary
conditions sufficient far from excavation or zone of
influence under stress states, as there is no difference
between stress states and displacements before and after
applied changes. Without consideration of this, the
modeling result is mistake and provides less safety
factor. To define and investigate the required dimensions
for modeling, Plaxis 2D version 8.5 is used in addition to
suggested dimension to suggested dimensions with
different researchers including Briaud and Lim (1999).
With the use of try and error method, different geometry
dimensions specially width of excavation is simulated
with this software and the desired distance is obtained
from model boundaries.
Figure 3. Load zone and no load zone in anchorage method Therefore, according to specified dimensions of
excavation and considered documents, the geometry of
Then, it is necessary to consider transferring load the model is illustrated in fig 4 with 2D dimensional
only in load transfer area and there isn't any stress condition.
To cite this paper: Hosseinian S. and Cheraghi Seifabad M. 2013. Optimization the Distance Between Piles in Supporting Structure Using Soil Arching Effect. J. Civil Eng.
Urban., 3(6): 386-391.
Journal homepage: http://www.ojceu.ir/main/
(2m and 4m). the modeling of water flow is not
considered in this research.
Steel piles and anchors characteristics considered 8 m. the location of anchors are considered as
In Y direction of the models, structural elements FHWA standard method (consists of the distance for the
of steel piles are selected as 2IPE300 construction first row of anchors to surface and the vertical,
profile. The piles characteristics are illustrated in fig 5 as horizontal distance between anchors). In all models, the
shown schematically. Number of piles is 4 in Z direction distance of first anchor from surface is 1.2 m, and the
of models from centre to centre 2m and 4m. These piles distance from end of first row anchors to surface is 4.5
are simulated with plate element. Then, with m. Therefore, free length of first row anchor in all
combination of node to node anchor and geogrid, the models is 15 m which considers the length of the other
simulation is made for anchor and cement grouts. Cable anchors relative to the length of first row anchors.
anchors are performed to have 18600 kg/cm2 failure In order to investigate arching phenomenon in
strength. Each cable consists of 7 string twisted together numerical modeling, it was not used any lining or
and diameter of cable is 0.6 inch. To perform cables, 116 structural support between steel piles (lagging or
mm drilling diameter with 10 degrees relative to horizon shotcrete) is not utilized. Physical characteristics of
is used. The length of the grouts for all the cables are assumed elements are illustrated in table 2.
To cite this paper: Hosseinian S. and Cheraghi Seifabad M. 2013. Optimization the Distance Between Piles in Supporting Structure Using Soil Arching Effect. J. Civil Eng.
Urban., 3(6): 386-391.
Journal homepage: http://www.ojceu.ir/main/
Calculation phases consolidation, dynamic, staged construction, Phi-c
After making geometry of the model, soil reduction analysis and simulate the real conditions. As
characteristics definition, structural elements and the time-dependant parameters and dynamic analysis are
underground water condition, the calculation of phases is not concerned in this research, thus with selection of
considered in next section. stage construction analysis, the excavation stages and
In calculation section, it is possible to simulate environment condition are simulated with reality and
loading condition and excavation steps according to FHWA standard method. Fig.5 shows final calculation
reality. The type of analysis can be selected in relation to phase for distances 2 m and 4 m between piles.
a b
Figure 5. Final excavation phase: a) 2m distance between piles; b) 4m distance between piles
Figure 6. Horizontal stress distribution ( ) in different depths between two piles with axial distance 2 m
To cite this paper: Hosseinian S. and Cheraghi Seifabad M. 2013. Optimization the Distance Between Piles in Supporting Structure Using Soil Arching Effect. J. Civil Eng.
Urban., 3(6): 386-391.
Journal homepage: http://www.ojceu.ir/main/
Figure 7. Horizontal stress distribution ( ) in different depths between two piles with axial distance 4 m
To cite this paper: Hosseinian S. and Cheraghi Seifabad M. 2013. Optimization the Distance Between Piles in Supporting Structure Using Soil Arching Effect. J. Civil Eng.
Urban., 3(6): 386-391.
Journal homepage: http://www.ojceu.ir/main/
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To cite this paper: Hosseinian S. and Cheraghi Seifabad M. 2013. Optimization the Distance Between Piles in Supporting Structure Using Soil Arching Effect. J. Civil Eng.
Urban., 3(6): 386-391.
Journal homepage: http://www.ojceu.ir/main/