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International Programmes in Germany 2018

Master of Arts in Integrated Design • TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences) • Köln

Master of Arts in Integrated Design
Option of a double degree with Tongji University,

Joint Degree/Double

Course language(s)
The complete MA course is offered in English.

Admission semester
Summer semester only

Summer semester - March

Programme duration
Three semesters (four semesters with the double

Application deadline
Please check the "How to Apply" section of the
individual TH Köln programme websites for current
application deadlines.

Technische Hochschule Köln

Course content Köln International School of Design
The Master's degree programme Integrated Design
goes beyond the traditional boundaries of design and Angelica Salcines
combines interdisciplinary experiments with disciplinary Ubierring 40
excellence. This three-semester model continues the 50678 Köln
integrative, interdisciplinary and international approach
of our BA study course Integrated Design and Tel. +49 (0) 2 21-82 75 30 59
consistently focuses on the further development of
individual interdisciplinary questions and problems. E-mail [] »

The Master's degree programme Integrated Design Course website [] »

aims at developing and expanding disciplinary
excellence in design. This means being competent
enough to position oneself with a clear design profile in Facebook []
different disciplines, professions and knowledge
Twitter []
different disciplines, professions and knowledge
cultures. This capability is promoted by KISD by Twitter []
developing interdisciplinary-shaped subjects which are
jointly represented by several areas of expertise and Submit application to
further developed in collaboration with both regional Please visit TH Köln's International Office website.
and international partners. See:
With regard to subjects such as "Urban
Transformations" students pose their own questions [https://www.t
and problems and combine them with theories,]
methods, and techniques from culture sciences, social
sciences, economics or engineering. Consequently, the
students combine interdisciplinary knowledge with
design-specific competences and methods in their
research-oriented, design-oriented or development-
oriented Master's theses.
Research-oriented theses aim at creating new
knowledge and are regarded as an independent
scientific discussion with objects, texts, or facts based
on design-related questions. These include theory-
oriented theses, which develop and verify suggestions
based on existing design and other related scientific
theories and models as well as empirical theses that
involve research while directly observing an object and
documenting it.

KISD: Integrative, Interdisciplinary and International

The Köln International School of Design - KISD, an
institute of the TH Köln (University of Applied
Sciences), is part of one of the largest public
universities in Europe. KISD offers its students a
project-oriented and student-centred learning and
research environment allowing students a high degree
of flexibility and independence.

Integrative Studies - Since its foundation KISD has

relied on a structure that consistently crosses the
traditional design boundaries and combines different
design approaches, practices and techniques. Our
Master's degree programme Integrated Design
systematically integrates different design-specific
perspectives both in theory and in practice.

Interdisciplinary Studies - Design is an integral part of

our everyday culture and culture of knowledge and is
thus incorporated into complex structures. In
accordance with our holistic approach, design can only
be regarded and developed by means of different
scientific and design-related disciplines. The variety of
our Master's degree programme's theories and
techniques provides a basis for elaborating individual
approaches to research, development and design.
Therefore, KISD systematically expands its
interdisciplinary interfaces not only at the Cologne
University of Applied Sciences but within its
international network of partner universities and
economic cooperation partners as well.

International Studies - The KISD degree programme

pursues a strategy of internationalisation covering
projects with international partners and guests as well
as crosscultural and transcultural phenomena and
as crosscultural and transcultural phenomena and
processes. With a high percentage of international
students at KISD we put great emphasis on the
promotion of cross-cultural competences. Within the
Master's degree programme KISD cooperates with
international partner universities inside and outside
Europe and offers the possibility to acquire a double
degree after successfully completing an additional

Educational organisation
The Master's degree programme comprises three
stages of study: integrated, interdisciplinary, and
elaborated. Students will be assisted at all stages by
several university professors and will be supported
intensively by two supervisors during the second and
third semester when determining an individual project.

Stage of Study: integrated - In the first semester the

students deal intensively with the term integrative
design and independently carry out design-related
design and development work. After intensive research
they develop their own questions in projects and
studios, work on prototypes and models in the
KISDlabs and develop their own perspectives in the
fields of theory, action and design - Integrated Design.
Simultaneously, students explore the possibilities of
professionalisation while getting to know and to
evaluate the range of professional prospects in design
within the Professional Opportunities.

Stage of Study: interdisciplinary - In the second

semester the students work out individual research,
development and design approaches and incorporate
them into a reasonable interdisciplinary context in
accordance with the subject chosen by them. The
students develop their individual approaches by means
of design-specific plotting tools, e.g. drawing, texting,
modelling or mapping and then relate them to other
disciplines. In this context, social, cultural and global
dimensions of design are discussed with partners from
industry, culture, education, and research. Enriched by
their own teaching experience the semester finishes
with the depiction of a defined subject approach and a
draft presentation for further work.

Stage of Study: elaborated - The third semester is

dedicated to self-dependent elaboration of the Master's
thesis. The subjects of the second semester are further
developed and, at least in two of the KISD areas of
expertise, related systematically and interdisciplinarily.
Part of the work includes a detailed and professional
documentation, a presentation or exhibition within the
university, and a colloquium.

Relate & Reflect During the Course of Study. All stages

of study will be accompanied by a mentoring
programme and a colloquium, giving the students the
chance to discuss their development and objectives
among each other. In this context, peer learning is
among each other. In this context, peer learning is
regarded as an important aspect of the studies. The
colloquium includes personal reflection and provides
an open culture of discussion and feedback with
participants such as the KISD professors and lecturers,
students, and external partners. Therefore, mentoring
and colloquiums are ground-breaking elements within
the formation of a comprehensive spectrum of

Double Degree With Tongji University Shanghai/China.

Within the subject "Urban Transformations",
outstanding students have the possibility to acquire a
double degree after successfully completing an
additional semester at the College of Design and
Innovation in Shanghai, China - the Master of Design
of Tongji University. Further partners and subjects are
in the planning stage and will follow.

Study abroad unit(s)

One (additional) semester possible

Forms of assessment
Study journal, presentation, colloquium, papers, and a
final thesis

ECTS credits

Diploma supplement

Course-related German
language courses

Course-related English
language courses

Course objectives
Our students explore different possibilities of
professionalisation in permanently changing
occupational fields and realities already at the
beginning of the Master's degree programme. It is
essential to develop an understanding for the
economical, social and technological relations of one's
own work throughout the entire studies. Our students
develop an individual profile within a broad spectrum of
expertise, which unites methodological, theoretical,
social, and communicative aspects. In this context,
individual visions of professional perspectives are
developed. Our graduates are qualified to manage and
guide complex design processes in a permanently
developing professional manner, and to carry out
individual scientific research and development work.
individual scientific research and development work.

Tuition fees
TH Köln does not charge tuition fees.

Enrolment fees
The semester fee at TH Köln includes the following
Administrative fee for Student Services (Kölner
Studierendenwerk) and Student Union (AStA): approx.
85 EUR
Semester ticket: 175 EUR*
*Students enrolled in programmes parallel to
professional employment (i.e., Master of Science in
Web Science or Master of Arts in Game Development
and Research) are no longer eligible for the semester
ticket. Exceptions are only possible for students who
work less than 20 hours per week.

Costs of living
The cost of living for your stay largely depends on your
personal needs. When planning your stay, you should
calculate monthly costs of approximately 700-850

Job opportunities
Taking on a part-time job while studying has lots of
benefits. Students can make some extra money, gain
valuable professional experience, and might take a first
step up on the career ladder.
Whether and how long you are allowed to work during
semester breaks is determined by the immigration
office. The provisions applying to your specific case will
be stated in your residence permit. To find out about
these provisions, we recommend you make an inquiry
at the immigration office during your first visit.
International students from countries that are not
member states of the EU or the EEA or Switzerland are
normally permitted to work 120 full or 240 half days per
year if they are in possession of a valid residence
permit for Germany.
TH Köln can assist you in finding a job that suits your
profile and interests. Our Career Service and our Part-
Time Job Service (Nebenjobservice) offer
comprehensive counselling and specific information
events on all aspects related to part-time jobs.
Please be aware that the level of your German
language skills will strongly affect your chances of
finding a part-time job, as German is the language of
communication in Germany.

Funding opportunities
within the university
TH Köln is among the institutions that offer different
scholarships for international students such as the
Deutschlandstipendium scholarship. Recipients receive
approx. 300 EUR per month.
approx. 300 EUR per month.
.php [

Language requirements
As the language of instruction is English, applicants
should provide proof of English proficiency (TOEFL,
IELTS or similar proof). For TOEFL a minimum of 79
(Internet-based version) is required.

Academic requirements
Academic degree (BA or higher) with three and a half
years' study time (210 ECTS), professional experience
might be taken into account upon individual request.
Please note that the application procedure is divided
into two parts if you are coming from abroad and do not
have a German school or university degree: in this
case, you FIRST have to apply via uni-assist (see [http://www.uni-]
KISD will ask you to take part in an assessment
procedure for the MA "Integrated Design". Please
check the online platform at [] for
further information.
We will request the following documents from you:
Portfolio: if possible, update and adapt your existing
portfolio for this assessment. Choose the projects
and experiences that give a good overview both of
your fields of interest and your design/design-related
experiences and qualifications. Works can come
from academic, professional or even free projects.
Reference and letters of recommendation: please
send us at least one letter of recommendation from
either an academic or a professional
institution/organisation. The person should also act
as a personal referee - in case we require more
information about you.
Letter of motivation: state clearly why you want to
study the graduate programme Integrated Design,
why in Germany and why at KISD. We would like to
find out how much you know about us and how this
meets the expectations you have formulated.
Study programme expectations: please let us know
what exactly you expect from your graduate studies
at KISD. This may take the form of a precise
depiction of an integrated design project you have in
mind - or a substantial argumentation of your general
interest in the field of Integrated Design.

In any case, please try to be as clear and

comprehensive as possible in presenting your
expectations and interests. All materials should be
expectations and interests. All materials should be
designed by you with appropriate means. We give no
specific "format" for the presentation of your application
- so this is your opportunity to give us an idea of your
skills, competencies in presenting your ideas, and
specific interests regarding our programme.

For further information please have a look at: []

Where to apply
Please visit TH Köln's International Office website.
See: [https://w]

Arrival support
A high level of self-reliance is required if you are
interested in doing the MA Integrated Design at KISD.
Through the application process you are supported by
the application work group ( The
International Office of TH Köln provides information
and advice regarding scholarships, studies in
Germany, enrolment at TH Köln and first steps in

Services and support for

international students
TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences - follows the
national code of conduct on foreign students at
German universities established by the German
Rectors' Conference (HRK).
The International Office provides advice and support
for international students concerning all aspects related
to studying at TH Köln. The International Office
accompanies your stay at our university with a variety
of programmes and events and invites you to become a
part of our international community (e.g., mentoring
programmes for new first semester students, TH Köln
buddy programme KARIBU, or the language
partnership programme).
Every semester, the International Office organises a
semester programme including exciting cultural events
to connect German and international students as well
as activities to jointly discover different aspects of
Cologne (e.g., a guided tour of Cologne, trips to
museums and theatres, or a semester trip to the
German capital Berlin).

Boasting a population of just over than one million,
Cologne is Germany's fourth largest city - a highly
attractive one on top of that. The increasing influx of
people can make the search for adequate
accommodation quite difficult. Dozens of apartment
hunters often compete for a single apartment. This is
why the International Office strongly recommends that
why the International Office strongly recommends that
you start looking for a place to live as soon as possible.
The fierce competition on the housing market has
resulted in above-market rents - particularly in
proximity of the city centre. We therefore encourage
you to be flexible. Try to look for apartments outside
the centre, as you will encounter less competition and
lower rents.

Student dormitories
Cologne's most convenient and economical housing
option is often a student dormitory. Student Services
(Kölner Studierendenwerk) operate 88 student dorms
offering roughly 4,800 rooms. Please be aware that TH
Köln does not allocate the rooms in these dorms.
Please apply online on the website of Kölner
w=article&id=315&Itemid=11&lang=en [http://www.kstw
The seemingly large number of dorm rooms is
misleading; as the dormitories are open to the roughly
80,000 students enrolled at all Cologne universities,
they are in extremely high demand. Make sure to apply
for a dorm room at Kölner Studierendenwerk as early
as possible.

Course website []

About the university

TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences - sees itself
as a university of technology, arts, and sciences. With
its disciplinary and cultural diversity and openness, TH
Köln's activities are aimed at cultural and technological
breakthroughs of high societal relevance. Thus, TH
Köln contributes substantially to resolving social
challenges. As a community of faculty and students,
we see ourselves as a learning organisation forging
new paths. For instance, TH Köln is one of the
pioneers in the field of development and formation of
concepts for higher education didactics.
Our subject range includes the fields of applied natural
sciences, architecture and construction, information
and communication, computer science, engineering,
culture, and society and social sciences as well as
business studies. More than 80 degree programmes
are offered as full-time programmes or, in some cases,
as career-integrated or part-time programmes. As a
place where research-based learning and academic
education take place, the university nurtures
prospective scholars through cooperative dissertations.
Annually, about 6,700 students take up their studies at
TH Köln. Overall, 25,000 students from about 120
different countries along with 420 professors and 1,700
staff apply their potential.
staff apply their potential.
Research mainly focuses on future-related issues,
including climate change, energy supply, health, and
food safety as well as demographic changes. While
developing solution strategies for the most important
questions of our time, researchers offer their
professional expertise in interdisciplinary interaction. At
the same time, they collaborate closely with local,
national, and international cooperation partners,
including 290 international institutions of higher
education. The university offers its researchers an
attractive sphere of activity. The quality seal "HR
Excellence in Research" awarded by the European
Commission certifies that TH Köln meets international
standards in the field of human resources
TH Köln consists of eleven faculties divided between
four locations:
Humanities Centre (Geisteswissenschaftliches
Zentrum, GWZ), southern Cologne (Südstadt)
Engineering Sciences Centre
(Ingenieurwissenschaftliches Zentrum, IWZ), Cologne
Leverkusen Campus (LV, approx. 15 km north of
Gummersbach Campus (GM, approx. 55 km east of

Total number of students


Total percentage of
international students
14 %

About the city

Its metropolitan vibe, diverse student scene and a
cityscape abounding with cultural and historical
treasures make Cologne one of Europe's prime
university cities. Cologne's origins date back to the
heyday of the Roman Empire more than 2,000 years
ago. Today, Cologne is Germany's fourth largest city
with a population of just over one million and has
evolved as an economic and cultural metropolis at the
heart of Europe.
The city's characteristic landmark and source of pride
for every inhabitant is without a doubt the magnificent
Cologne Cathedral, locally known as the "Kölner Dom".
Towering over the quaint Old Town of Cologne at 156
meters, this masterpiece of Gothic architecture is the
world's third-highest cathedral and boasts around six
million visitors a year, making it Germany's most
popular tourist attraction.
Visitors from all over the world are bound to feel at
home immediately, as Cologne is a true melting pot of
cultures: Close to one-fifth of its inhabitants have an
international background! Cologne's economy is
characterised by its amalgamation of different
industries and trades. Home to the country's most
industries and trades. Home to the country's most
influential television and radio stations, Cologne is
unquestionably Germany's media capital and host to
some of the continent's biggest trade fairs. Quite a few
of the world's most renowned enterprises call the
metropolitan region their home, in particular
corporations operating in the automobile industry,
biotechnology and life sciences, chemicals and
pharmaceuticals as well as commerce and banking.

Please note that TH Köln also has two remote

campuses outside Cologne, which are located in the
towns of Gummersbach and Leverkusen.
Gummersbach is a town with 50,000 inhabitants
located 55 km east of Cologne, surrounded by a hilly
landscape which is a recreational area for people from
Cologne and other cities nearby. The campus can be
reached in a few minutes from Gummersbach train
station. A train ride to Cologne, which is the cultural
centre of the region, takes one hour and ten minutes
and will be covered by the semester ticket, which is
included in the semester fee. Students will be able to
find affordable accommodation and focus on their
studies in the great environment of a modern campus.
The Leverkusen campus is located 15 north of
Cologne in the CHEMPARK in Leverkusen, which is
one of the largest chemical parks in Europe. Global
players from the chemical and pharmaceutical industry,
such as Bayer and LANXESS, are located there. With
160,000 inhabitants, Leverkusen is a smaller industrial
city which has plenty of opportunities for relaxation
thanks to its location in the foothills of the Bergisches
Land region. In Leverkusen, you can find urban buzz
and village-like tranquillity in close proximity. The
campus can also be reached with the TH Köln
semester ticket.

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