Assess PDF
Assess PDF
Assess PDF
for Administrators of
Child Care Programs
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Name ________________________________________
Self-assessment for Current Position _______________________________
Administrators of
Child Care Programs
I feel my personal strengths are:
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__ 4. I make special adaptations to include children with __ 9. I can communicate clearly with staff to ensure goals
special needs in the educational program. are met.
__ 5. I assure that staff serve on IEP teams and incorporate __ 10. I see my staff modeling my actions with staff,
appropriate activities from the IEP in the classroom. children and parents.
__ 6. I know the warning signs of abuse and neglect and __11.Each staff member has a professional development
know how to make appropriate referrals to plan.
supportive services.
___ Total Staff Management
___ Total Educational Knowledge and Skills
Organizational Skills __ 1. I can use word processing with graphics to create
__ 1.I understand the legal standing and status of the effective newsletters and to prepare other written
program, its history, philosophy, & goals. materials to staff and families.
__ 2. The mission of the program is based on parental __ 2. I use spreadsheets to construct a budget or
advice and needs. summarize data.
__ 3. My work with the Program Advisory Board and __ 3. I communicate effectively by e-mail and can access
other advisory groups is productive. child development and care resources via the
__ 4. I use effective short-term problem-solving techniques.
__ 4. I know how to access information needed to
__ 5. The program has a long-range plan and I refer to it. purchase hardware and software.
__ 6. I understand and promote the use of an educational
accreditation system available through the early
___ Total Technology
childhood or school-age community.
__ 2. I know and comply with all legal standards that __ 2. The program offers family and child educational
affect child care, including licensure, custody issues, experiences to meet the needs of diverse families.
confidentiality laws, labor laws, anti-discrimination
laws, liability, health rules, and basic contract laws. __ 3. We use multiple strategies to enhance family-school
relations, including parental involvement.
__ 3. I know how to ensure healthy nutrition and manage
food service. __ 4. We use effective strategies to connect parents to
community resources.
__ 4. I take appropriate measures to prevent disease
transmission through proper hygiene, universal __ 5. I know how to talk to families about their children’s
precautions, screenings, and immunizations. needs.
__ 5. I know how to ensure safety within the building (or __ 6. I create open communication with parents that
house). respects their values and culture and appropriately
involves them in the program.
__ 6. I know how to apply the wage and hour laws to
staff compensation. ___ Total Parental and Family Support
4 5
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__ 2. I maintain accurate and complete financial records. __ 2. I have a personal philosophy of management and
can articulate it.
__ 3. I use financial planning tools to establish a budget
and analyze costs. __ 3. I seek out professional resources to continue learning
and improve my leadership effectiveness.
__ 4. I develop and use fee policies that fit the needs of
the program. __ 4. I have thought through strategies to achieve a bal-
ance between personal and professional obligations.
__ 5. I develop or access compensation plans that reward
retention and increased knowledge and skills of __ 5. I assess and reassess my personal beliefs, values,
staff. and biases when others’ views differ from my own.
Professional Contributions
__ 1. I know how to effectively train staff and others.
__ 2. I provide service through a professional organization Transfer your totals to this page.
such as being a leader or committee member.
___ Total Educational knowledge and skills
__ 3. I am active in community or state boards and
committees working toward quality child care. ___ Total Organizational Skills
__ 4. I am involved in the early childhood or school-age ___ Total Staff Management
educational community such as through conference
planning, advocacy events, etc.). ___ Total Technology
__ 5. I have presented a workshop or seminar at a local,
state or national educational conference.
___ Total Educational Programming
__ 6. I have mentored other program directors and staff ___ Total Safety and Compliance
members building new programs in their communities
(including being a validator or consultant). ___ Total Communication and Managing Relationships
__ 7. I want to continue to learn and grow professionally. ___ Total Parental and Family Support
__ 8. I know the legislative and political process. ___ Total Financial Management
__ 9. I have used the legislative process to work toward ___ Total Professional Contributions
quality child care.
__10. I participate in and build coalitions and networks to ___ Total Personal Management
support children’s issues.
6 7
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Graph your score using the totals and corresponding Grand Total Scores
numbers for your competency areas. Grand total score: 302-380
You are confident in your abilities. Review those areas in
which you scored less than a 4 so that you can strengthen
those areas through additional professional development.
You should be teaching and mentoring others. Help the
45 child development community through professional
development of others and through advocacy and broad-
40 ened leadership in your community and with state organ-
Grand total score: 226-301
30 There are several areas you could strengthen. Review
those broad areas in which you scored less than 3 and
25 develop a plan to strengthen those areas. Visit the North
Carolina Professional Development planning web site to
20 explore other areas online. Develop a plan to grow per-
sonally and professionally, then use the site to reassess
yourself a year from today.
Grand total score: 151-225
5 You have some work to do in several areas. You might
start by taking some time to study these areas a little. If
0 you have not taken a college administrative credentialing
class, consider it. If you think you need more communi-
ASSESSED AREAS cations or business skills, consider short courses and
credit classes in these areas. Go to the North Carolina
Professional Development web site and revisit this site in
1. Educational knowledge and skills about one year to reassess your skills then.
2. Organizational Skills
3. Staff Management Skills Grand total score: 75-150
4. Technology You may be a new Child Care Administrator or lack many
5. Educational Programming of the experiences that are important to becoming versed
in all areas of management, organization, and planning.
6. Safety and Compliance
There are many sources of information. Start by visiting
7. Communication and Managing Relationships the web sites for self-study listed in the North Carolina
8. Parental and Family Support Professional Development web site:
9. Financial Management Also carefully consider taking some credit classes to
10. Professional Contributions improve your skills. Your individual profile indicates the
11. Personal Management specific areas you will want to learn more about.
Your individual profile tells you the specific areas you will Grand total score: Less than 75
want to learn more about. Perhaps you should carefully think through administra-
tion as a career option. If some of the areas seem too
For individual section scoring challenging, perhaps your skills would best be used in
teaching or another area. This is the time to consider a
If you scored 4 and above in any area: take note of your professional development plan and to think about your
strengths and build on them while helping others build personal goals. Develop a professional development plan
on them, too. Become more involved in promoting quali- using the North Carolina Professional Development web
ty child care for all children through professional devel- site: Go to the button that says
opment activities. teacher workbook.
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Educational Programming
The tone of the program is generally set by the program
administrator and filters to all staff, parents, and children.
If your general relationships and tone are cordial, posi-
tive, and helpful then this attitude will convey to others.
Educational programming also means being able to refer
families to community resources when needed and sup-
porting children through their learning stages.
Financial Management
Child care is a business. Not only must you know about
how children grow and develop, but you must also know
how to manage funds, comply with laws, and keep the
business financially viable.
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