Global Coating Catalogue 2014 PDF
Global Coating Catalogue 2014 PDF
Global Coating Catalogue 2014 PDF
Coating Services
Castolin Eutectic milestones in the evolution of coating technology
Powder Spray-Fusing
Eutalloy® Process - One step Spray & Fuse p. 14
Eutalloy® Powders p. 15-16
Eutalloy® Equipment & Accessories p. 17-18
Eutalloy® SF Process - One Step Spray & Fuse for high yield p. 19
Eutalloy® SF Powders p. 20
Eutalloy® SF Equipment & Accessories p. 21-22
Laser Technology
Laser Process p. 38
Laser Cladding Advantages p. 39-40
Laser Powders p. 41
Our offer p. 42
PTA Coating
EuTroLoy® Process - Plasma Transferred Arc p. 44
EuTroLoy® - PTA Powders p. 45-46
EuTronic GAP® - PTA Equipment & Accessories p. 47-50
Wire Spraying
EuTronic® Arc Process - Wire Arc Spraying Process p. 52
EuTronic® Arc Spray Wires p. 53
EuTronic® Arc Spray Equipment & Accessories p. 54-56
Integrated Systems - System packages p. 57
Industry partner p. 58
TeroLink® p. 58
CastoLab® Services p. 59
Training p. 59
Technical data & Table p. 60
Periodic Table of the Elements p. 61
Contact p. 62
Index p. 63
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 3
Total Coating Solutions
Castolin Eutectic engineers and technicians are all highly qualified to understand industrial application problems in or-
der to recommend optimised tailored solutions. The Research and Development centre is well equipped to resolve most
complex wear phenomena affecting industrial productivity, using appropriate coating technology. Customers can be
be confident that dedicated, in-house development staff will work to fulfill their needs and expectations under a «Total
coating solutions» concept. Using state-of-the-art equipment, every batch of coating alloys produced according to strict
procedures, is rigorously tested by professionals to ensure complete compliance with demanding Castolin Eutectic stan-
dards and exhaustive Quality Assurance criteria.
Classical wear phenomena that occur At Castolin Eutectic, we take the time We have proved for over a century
in industry are : to study industry specific wear phe- that preventive maintenance coating
Abrasion nomena because only when the natu- programs can extend the life of vital
re of the wear is fully understood, machine parts by as much as 500%.
can the correct solution be proposed. Only Castolin Eutectic has the «know-
Damage caused by wear phenomena how» to identify the key critical wear
Friction costs money, especially in lost produc- problems plus the «show-how» to
Heat tion downtime, replacement parts, overcome them, thus greatly increa-
Corrosion repair and ongoing maintenance. sing your plant efficiency and profits.
Heating Coating Coating
Coating Coating Base mate- coating Coating Deposition Deposition Operating Equipment
of work- surface micro- Bonding
families material rial thickness structure rate yield costs investment
piece size porosity
Powder Excellent Liquid fuel,
HVOF - Metals All Low 0.5 Small to Lamelar > 1% mechanical Medium Low combustion Medium to
Tungsten metals Large gases High
Carbide bond
Laser MetalsTungsten All Low 5 (15) Small to Homoge 0% Excellent High Medium Electricity High
Cladding Carbides
metals Very Large -neous Fusion
Powder. Good.
RotoTec Metals & All Low 3 Medium Lamelar 5 to 15% Mechanical Medium to Medium to Combustion Low
polymer metals to large & micro- high high gases
ProXon Powder. All Low 2 (5)* Medium Lamelar 5 to 15% Mechanical Medium Medium to Combustion Low
Metals metals to large & micro- high gases
Meta- Powder. All Low 0,4 (1)* Medium Lamelar 5 to 15% Mechanical Low Medium Combustion Low
Ceram Ceramic metals & micro- gases
Powder. Steels,
Eutalloy Self-fluxing cast iron, Medium 2 (6)* Small & Homoge- Negligible Very good. Medium Medium Combustion Low
alloys (aluminium to high precise neous Diffusion gases
bronze) *
Eutalloy Powder.
SF Self-fluxing Steels & cast
iron High 2 (6)* Medium
to large
neous Negligible Very good.
Diffusion High High Combustion
gases Low
Eutalloy Powder.
RW Self-fluxing Steels & cast
iron High 2 (6)* Medium Homoge-
neous Negligible Very good. Medium to Medium to
Diffusion high high
gases Low
Powder or Steels,
EuTroLoy wire. cast iron, Medium 2 (10)* Large Homoge- Negligible Excellent. Medium to High Electricity & Medium
Metals (aluminium to high neous Fusion high shielding gas
bronze) *
Good. Electricity &
EuTronic Wire. All Low 1 to 2 Very large Lamelar 1 to 10% Mechanical High Medium compressed Medium
Arc Metals metals & micro- air
6 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
Introduction Introduction
Quality Assurance
Over the last few years, the need for quality assured, thermally sprayed coatings has steadily grown. A Total Quality
Management system in a general spraying workshop, education, detailed procedures and quality control testing
are the key elements for success.
Education They must confirm every complet- bond strength measurement and
The first step for a new operator ed step with a signature and the lead to incorrect values.
is to complete a general training sprayed coating has also to be ap- Hardness
course in thermal spraying and proved by the foreman before the
The coating hardness can be meas-
then to gain practical experience part can be delivered.
ured either on a ground area of
over a period of at least 3 months. If The spray shop should store this the surface or in the cross section
a company is prepared to introduce document in a form suitable to be of the coating thickness. However
a complete QA-system, the ETS (Eu- delivered together with the sprayed ,due to the laminar nature of some
ropean Thermal Sprayer) course is part to the customer. coating structures, hardness values
the next step.
Quality control may vary depending on where the
measurement is taken. A special
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 7
Quality Assurance
Microstructure of different materials by measur- The CIAT equipment consists of a
The coating microstructure can be ing the degree of wear caused by drum with two internal impellers
readily examined using an optical hard quartz sand particles forced to both rotating in the same direc-
microscope. The operator can view move against and across the speci- tion but with different speeds. The
directly the coating microstructure, men surface. test specimens are mounted on the
thickness, degree of bonding, de- CIAT - Continuous Impact and Abrasion faster impeller. As the drum rotates
lamination effects, micro or macro Test at a maximum 60 rpm, whilst the
cracks, approximate porosity and The CIAT is a wear test to measure impeller with the mounted speci-
oxide content. resistance to abrasion combined mens spins at 650 rpm, the rotating
with impact using an impeller tum- drum throws the loaded abrasive
bler machine. particles to hit the impeller thus
provoking rapid combined wear to
the mounted specimens.
Abrasive sand
Test specimen
Rotating wheel
8 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
Introduction Introduction
Powder production
Overview of the Powder production processes
Castolin Eutectic has made a major investment at its Dublin (Ireland) consumables plant. In a bid to increase both
efficiency and productivity, the new powder plant incorporates a substantial advance in atomisation technology.
This improvement optimizes powder quality for Castolin Eutectic customers.
Historical Development of Thermal sation. Only with cobalt and other formed in the atomising vessel. The
Spray Powder Atomisation non self-fluxing alloys did dry, inert hot plume of just-atomised drop-
During the first half of the 20th gas atomisation become the indus- lets then passes through this cloud,
century, the earliest thermal spray try standard. However, while this causing the droplets to collide with
powders used to be limited to self- avoided the risk of any oxidation smaller, colder particles of the cloud.
by the water quench, it was found Castolin Eutectic, with over 40 years
fluxing, nickel-based alloys. These
that the particle shape was some-
earlier powders were very resistant of experience in water atomisation
times inferior to water-quenched
to oxidation and were therefore at- and over 15 years in gas atomisation,
powder. Small «satellites» were of-
omised with steam, water or air and is concentrating its know-how at the
ten found welded to the surface of
reached reasonable properties. In- world’s most advanced powder plant
the particles. This seemed to occur
ert gas atomisation in earlier atom- more frequently when finer pow- in Dublin. Leading-edge, powder
isers was carried out using nitrogen, ders were atomised. This feature production specialists were enrolled
and then quenching the particles reduced packing density, flowability as partners to create a state-of-the-
into water. This process produced and could disturb the thermal spray art and unique «anti-satellite» sys-
powders with less oxidation than by satellites being detached. tem. This system was designed us-
air, steam or water atomisation, ing exhaustive Computational Fluid
and also with excellent particle Cause of Satellite Formation
Dynamic (CFD) modelling to ensure
shape. This was because freezing of During dry gas atomisation, sat- that the intended suppression of the
the spray took place within an inert ellite formation is caused mostly dust cloud is indeed achieved. The
gas, allowing for better spherodi- when a dense dust-particle-cloud is
number of particles with satellites
is therefore significantly reduced. As
material proof of this technology’s
success, the appearance of the pow-
gas gas ders under the microscope was vis-
ibly improved.
Melted Metal
Yesterday’s Technology,
Tomorrow’s Technology - today
Another advantage is the increase
in the flow rate through spraying
system passages, with fewer distur-
bances due to satellites.
The new gas atomisation allows
for the production of highly alloyed
powders containing reactive ele-
ments. This would be impossible
with water atomisation. Such pow-
ders can be formulated to produce
unique combinations of wear and
corrosion resistant coatings.
By developing and producing in-
house, every step of the production
is controlled. Only high quality raw
materials are used and every batch
is strictly controlled and tested. Ad-
ditionally products can be adapted
Yesterday’s Technology Technology, Tomorrow’s Technology - today to customers needs.
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 9
Spray wire production
Overview of the
spray wire production
Today the vast majority of wires
used for arc wire spraying are solid,
extruded wires of standard com-
positions of zinc and aluminium.
By shifting to the more advanced
«cored wire», innovation in sur-
face protection is easier to achieve.
Cored wires consist of hollow metal
wires filled with different powders
(metal and mineral). The flexibility
in choice of metal and powder com-
positions, have enabled us to pro-
duce wire compositions with new
high-tech production equipment
that are impossible to produce as
solid wires. Such wires have been
tuned for arc wire spraying and to
produce unique combinations of
wear and corrosion properties for
applications in boiler protection, for
example. Thermal spraying with wires
Equipment production
Our equipment DNA is
ease-of-use, quality, sim-
plicity, reliability
In the history of Castolin Eutectic,
thermal spray coating equipment
has been developed, designed and
manufactured in-house since 1963.
Since the launch of the first Eutral-
loy torches in 1993, Castolin Eutec-
tic have sold more than 80,000 ther-
mal spray units around the world
encompassing also PTA, arc wire
spray and HVOF in addition to the
early oxyacetylene devices.
Optimised coating
12 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
Eutalloy® - Eutalloy® SF
Spray Fusing
Simplified overview
Heating Coating Coating
Coating Coating Base mate- coating Coating Deposition Deposition Operating Equipment
of work- surface micro- Bonding rate yield investment
families material rial thickness structure costs
piece size porosity
Powder. Steels,
Eutalloy Self-fluxing cast iron, Medium 2 (6)* Small & Homoge- Negligible Very good. Medium Medium Combustion Low
alloys (aluminium to high precise neous Diffusion gases
bronze) *
Eutalloy Powder.
SF Self-fluxing Steels & cast
iron High 2 (6)* Medium
to large
Homoge- Negligible Very good.
neous Diffusion High High Combustion
gases Low
Powder Spray-Fusing
Eutalloy® Process - One step Spray & Fuse
Basic Principles
of Eutalloy® process
The powder is introduced into the
torch flame and sprayed in a semi-
molten state onto the preheated
part, for fusion. Bonding is achie-
ved by diffusion of the alloys into
the base metal.
Advantages Applications
Eutalloy® provides a wide range of The Eutalloy® process is designed
benefits compared with conven- for protective coating of machine
tional arc welding process and PTA parts and tools subject to a variety
processes: of wear phenomena. Eutalloy®-
No dilution of the base material type oxy acetylene torches are ca-
Metallurgical bonding with no pable of delivering a wide range
Best purity and performance
dilution of Eutalloy® alloy, on of alloys in powder form. The Eu-
of the coating alloy
stainless steel (enlarged x 500). talloy® system has a coating di-
Homogeneous and pore free
A) Deposit mension range from 0.10 mm to
thicknesses of several millimetres.
B) Diffusion zone Smooth surface for low post The spraying followed by fusion
C) Base metal welding machining and also method can fine-coat to 0.05 mm.
when compared with cold The hardness of a deposit can vary
Bonding of the coating alloy and thermal spraying from 15 to 65 HRC, depending on
base metal is similar to that ob- Higher bond strength the alloy composition. Such depo-
tained in brazing: a liquid phase Better shock resistance sits are perfectly homogeneous
is linked with a solid phase, by and dense.
Thicker coatings capabilities
diffusion. The wetting qualities
of alloys are due to the synergis- Technical data
tic nature of certain constituents. Flame temperature: 3200 °C
These resist oxide formation on Particle velocity: not relevant
the substrate surface during
Deposition rate: 2 to 6 kg/h
spraying, and promote bonding
with the base metal. An oxide- Coating material: Self-fluxing
free surface is essential. Melting Ni, Co or Fe base in powder form
ranges, depending on the type Coating thickness: 0.05 to 10 mm
of alloy, vary between 850°C and Coating density: 100%
1100°C. Spraying distances vary Noise level: 70 - 80 dB(A)
between 6 and 20 mm.
14 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
Powder Spray-Fusing Powder
Eutalloy® Powders
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 15
Powder Spray-Fusing
Eutalloy® Powders
16 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
Powder Spray-Fusing Powder
Eutalloy® Equipment
SuperJet-S- Eutalloy® is an oxy-acety- Advantages
lene thermal spray torch, which deli- Flexible, multi purpose and fast
vers very precise anti-wear protec-
tive coatings, thanks to its sensitive Rapid shut-off of acetylene and
controls. Alloy powders are sprayed oxygen while maintaining setting
onto the part to be coated and are Reliable and precise coatings
fused simultaneously. Diffusion bon- Usable in all positions on a wide
ding with the base metal ensures range of base metals, including
that it does not reach its melting steels, alloy steels, stainless steels
point. The dense coating is not af- and cast-iron
fected by dilution and retains all its
designed properties.
Product N°
290102 SuperJet-S- kit with A1S, B3S and C5S
Other kits with different content are available
on request. Please ask your local Castolin
Eutectic company
* packed in a plastic box.
Special water cooled tip assemblies called KoolTip® kits are recommended
whenever the SuperJet-S-torch is subject to high duty cycle usage or pro-
longed thermal reflections.
Product N°
205073 C6 Air Cooled Tip
Product N° This nozzle is made out of highly alloyed Cu with structural hardening, a
290129 A0S special wear resistant copper alloy which improves service life. It can be
290130 A1S screwed on & off easily. Every standard kit is delivered with this nozzle
290131 A2S
290132 B3S
290133 B4S
290134 C5S
18 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
Powder Spray-Fusing Powder
Eutalloy® SF Process - One Step Spray & Fuse for high yield
The Eutalloy® SF flame spraying
process is designed to deposit a
range of wear resistant powder
coatings with high deposit effi-
ciency. It uses the CastoDyn DS
8000 oxy-acetylene powder spray
system equipped with an SF Lance
to coat onto slowly moving or sta-
tionary even surfaces of massive
steel parts in a one-step Spray &
Fuse operation. CastoDyn DS 8000® Powder Spray with SF Lance
The water cooled SF Lance robust
design has been engineered to Applications Technical data
perform higher powder deposi- A range of self fluxing Eutalloy® SF Flame temperature: 3200 °C
tion spraying rates with simul- powder alloys has been developed Particle velocity: not relevant
taneous fusion capabilities. This to meet the precise granulometry
Deposition rate: 2 to 10 kg/h
creates wear resistant requisite and morphology tolerances of the
Coating material: Self-fluxing
coatings from 0.8 mm to 3 mm SF Lance system, thus ensuring
Ni, Co or Fe base in powder form
thickness with strong metallur- highest possible deposition rates
gical diffusion bonds to the steel combined with efficient yield, re- Coating thickness: 0.8 to 3 mm
substrate. liable deposit quality and ease of Coating density: 100%
application. This comprehensive Noise level: 70 - 80 dB(A)
Advantages range of corrosion resistant nickel
High deposition yield based Eutalloy® SF powder alloys
No dilution of the base material is available to meet different hard-
ness and machinability require-
Best purity and performance
ments when protecting industrial
of the coating alloy
machine parts in service against
Homogeneous and pore free wear by friction, abrasion, erosion,
coatings pressure etc.
Smooth surface for low Coating with densely packed
post machining hard tungsten carbides in
High bond strength a matrix to form an impenetrable
barrier to abrasive particles.
Good shock resistance
Thick coatings capabilities
Alloy Powder
Powder Injector
Cooling Water
Acetylene Air
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 19
Powder Spray-Fusing
Eutalloy® SF Powders
Eutalloy® SF PE 8213 Ni-Cr-B-Si- For thick coatings. Stabilizer in oil ~55 HRC
202536 12.5kg Fe alloy and and gas drilling industry. 55% tungsten carbides.
tungsten Excellent crack resistance.
202537 4.5kg
carbide Abrasion and corrosion resistance.
Eutalloy® SF PE 8215 Ni-Cr-B-Si- For smooth coatings and parts sub- ~850 HV30
202538 4.5kg Fe alloy and ject to severe abrasion such as agri- 60% tungsten carbides.
tungsten culture parts, centrifugal screws. Excellent abrasion resistance even by
carbide fine particles.
Eutalloy® SF PE 8217 Ni-Cr-B-Si- For parts needing a rough surface ~62 HRC
205951 12.5kg Fe alloy and and subject to severe abrasion such 70% tungsten carbides
tungsten as scraper blades, drill heads, scraper Best edge build-up capability.
carbide parts. Abrasion and corrosion resistance.
20 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
Powder Spray-Fusing Powder
CastoDyn SF Lance
The CastoDyn SF Lance kit increases the already wide range of applications by allowing the CDS 8000 to perform spraying
with simultaneous fusion.
Castolin Eutectic’s modular CDS 8000 torch performs more flame spraying processes, with more alloy powder types than
any other comparable system. Its robust, water-cooled design permits sustained high-intensity spraying, and is ideal for
both automated and manual applications.
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 21
Powder Spray-Fusing
Eutalloy® SF Equipment & Accessories
CastoDyn® SF Lance
The kit’s two Standard Spray Modules (SSM 50 and SSM 51) offer different
flame powers, so work elements of any mass or thickness can be coated.
Product N°
203766 CastoDyn SF Lance kit 500 mm
205527 CastoDyn SF Lance kit 450 mm
203784 CastoDyn SF Lance kit 350 mm
205530 CastoDyn SF Lance kit 250 mm
CastoDyn® DS 8000
The CastoDyn DS 8000 torch is de-
livered in a robust carrying and stor-
age case. This CDS 8000 kit is ready
to be used with an SF lance kit and
contains no Standard Spray Modul
Product N°
203754 CDS 8000 kit without SSM
The special Extra-Flat kit contains the SSM 51 and a SF Lance with a length
of 380 mm
Product N°
203763 CastoDyn Extra-Flat SF Lance kit
22 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
RotoTec®- ProXon®- MetaCeram®- Eutalloy® RW
Powder Cold or
Hot Flame Spraying
Simplified overview
Heating Coating Coating Equipment
Coating Coating Base coating Coating Deposition Deposition Operating
of work- surface micro- Bonding rate yield
families material material thickness structure costs ment
piece size porosity
Powder. Good.
RotoTec Metals & All Low 3 Medium Lamelar 5 to 15% Mechanical Medium to Medium to Combustion Low
polymer metals to large & micro- high high gases
ProXon Powder. All Low 2 (5)* Medium Lamelar 5 to 15% Mechanical Medium Medium to Combustion Low
Metals metals to large & micro- high gases
Meta- Powder. All Low 0,4 (1)* Medium Lamelar 5 to 15% Mechanical Low Medium Combustion Low
Ceram Ceramic metals & micro- gases
Eutalloy Powder. Steels &
RW Self-fluxing cast iron High 2 (6)* Medium Homoge-
neous Negligible Very good. Medium to Medium to
Diffusion high high
gases Low
Powder Cold Flame Spraying
RotoTec®, ProXon® & MetaCeram® Processes - Cold Spraying
RotoTec®, ProXon® & MetaCeram®
are «cold» processes whereby a new
alloy or ceramic is reliably coated
onto a cylindrical surface of a metal
workpiece or part. The sprayed coat-
ings are applied to the desired thick-
ness at temperatures that do not
overly stress, change the base metal
properties or create distortion. These
«cold» processes mean that the part
should not exceed about 150°C dur-
ing coating.
Rotor repair with RotoTec® «cold» spray process for lowest heat input
These thermal spray powders are
categorized into the following pro- «Cold» is key to simplicity, In particular, parts suitable for coat-
cesses: efficiency, speed and reliability. ing consist of those which can be ro-
ProXon® process where the Wide range of powders can tated and require repair due to wear
self-bonding powders are be sprayed. on surfaces which are cylindrical in
«cold» sprayed in «one-step». shape. This represents a wide range
Spraying equipment is
RotoTec® & MetaCeram® processes inexpensive. of applications, consisting of shafts,
where the powders are sprayed journals, rolls and bearings on areas
Easy to handle.
in «two-steps». such as bearing seats, press fits, seal
The low level of noise and fumes
The first step is to «cold» spray a and packing zones.
during spraying facilitates setting
bond coat to ensure the bonding
with the part. The second step is to
up a new low cost spraying facility. Technical data
Applications Flame temperature: 3200 °C
«cold» spray a final coating with
the required wear resistance Particle velocity: up to 50 m/s
«Cold» powder flame sprayed coat-
properties. ings have a very broad field of appli- Deposition rate: 1 to 6 kg/h
cations. Both metals and ceramics Coating material: Alloys and
Advantages ceramics in powder form
are sprayed for different application
Low heat input to the base Coating density: 85 - 95%
metal minimizes distortion, Noise level: 70 - 80 dB(A)
warping and changes in the
base metal.
24 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
Powder Cold Flame Spraying Powder
Cold Flame Spraying
RotoTec® Powders
RotoTec® 19300 Alloy Pieces operating with metal-to-metal ~250 HV10 - Machinable with tools.
100639 19300 1.35kg Fe-Cr-Ni- friction such as shafts, bearing surfaces, Good coefficient of friction. Good resis-
Mo pistons, etc. tance to corrosion.
RotoTec® 19310 Alloy Pieces operating with metal-to-metal ~335 HV10 - Machinable with tools (very
100640 19310 1.35kg Fe-Cr-Ni friction. Wear sleeves for pumps. good machinability by turning). Good
resistance to frictional wear.
RotoTec® 19400 Alloy Protective couplings for shafts, press pis- ~420 HV10 - The best surface finish is
100641 19400 1.35kg Fe-Cr-Ni tons, motor casing. obtained by grinding.
RotoTec® 19404 Alloy Pieces operating with metal-to-metal ~400 HV10 - Excellent combination
202903 19404 1.35kg Fe-Cr-Co- friction and corrosion such as bearing of corrosion, wear resistance and low
Mo seats, etc. For replacing hard-chrome. friction. Machinable with nice surface
RotoTec® 19800 Alloy Guides, slides, journal bearings, bearings. ~100 HV10 - Very good machinability by
202905 19800 1.35kg Cu-Sn-Zn turning. Excellent coefficient of friction.
Low sensitivity to residual stress.
RotoTec® 19850 Alloy Compressor pistons, trunnions and pul- ~120 HV10 - Very good machinability by
202907 19850 1.35kg Cu-Al leys. turning. Low coefficient of friction.
RotoTec® 19868 Alloy Interior coatings of chocks, ram slides, ~150 HV10 - Good machinability by
202909 19868 1.35kg Cu-Al-Ni foundry models. turning. Low coefficient of friction and
good pressure resistance. Good corro-
sion resistance.
RotoTec® 19940 Alloy Wear sleeves for pumps, cylinder rods, ~370 HV10 - The best surface finish is
100643 19940 1.35kg Ni-Cr-Fe- drying cylinders for papermaking. obtained by grinding. Good resistance to
Mo friction under pressure.
RotoTec® 19985 Alloy Bearing seatings, pistons. ~200 HV10 - Very good machinability by
100644 19985 1.35kg Ni-Cr-Fe Used in rebuilding worn parts. turning.
RotoTec® 19999 Alloy Ni- Drag roll, wear plates, gripping finger. ~250 HV10 - 50% carbides. High resis-
100646 19999 1.35kg Cr-Fe and tance to abrasion. Rough deposit.
RotoTec® LT 29230 Zn base Sign panels, pylons, gantries, metallic Zn >99% - Low melting temperature.
203013 29230LT 1.35kg structures, machine casing, port equi- Sacrificial layers ensuring cathodic pro-
pment, repair of accidental damage to tection of ferrous supports against cor-
galvanized structures. rosive atmospheric phenomena.
RotoTec® LT 29240 Alloy Antifriction alloys. Resurfacing bearings. Excellent behavior under friction.
203014 29240LT 1.35kg Sn-Sb-Cu The best adhesion is obtained by prepara- Low melting temperature.
tory tinning using CastoTin # 1.
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 25
Powder Cold Flame Spraying
ProXon® & MetaCeram® Powders
ProXon® – One-step alloy powders for "cold" one step spray process
Designations Product Applications Properties
ProXon® 21021 Alloy Mechanical seats, feathering sides. ~170 HV10 - Used without bonding
Product N° Ni-Al-Mo Thin and thick anti-wear coatings. layer.
100648 1.25kg The best surface condition is obtained by
100649 2.5kg grinding.
ProXon® 21023 Alloy Bearing seatings, guides, slides, feathe- ~200 HV10 - Used without bonding
202940 2.5kg Fe-Ni-Al ring sides. layer.
Max. service temperature 800 °C.
Thick deposit capability (<3mm).
ProXon® 21031 Alloy For components subject to wear and ~280 HV10 - Used without bonding
100671 2.5kg Ni-Cr-Al- corrosion such as fan blades, shaft slee- layer.
Fe-Mo ves and roller bearing seats Thick deposit capability (<3mm).
ProXon® 21071 Alloy Compressor pistons, trunnions and ~120 HV10 - Used without bonding
202941 1.25kg Cu-Al pulleys. layer.
Good machinability. Low coefficient of
friction. Thick deposit capability (<4mm).
MetaCeram® – Ceramic and refractory powders for "cold" two step spray process
MetaCeram® Cr2O3 On RotoTec 51000 bonding layer. Microhardness ~2400 HV10g
28010 Cable gland seatings, shaft protector Max. service temperature 500 °C
Product N° sleeves, seam ring joint seatings, plun- Product density 5.2 kg/dm
203004 1.2kg gers, pump shafts, feed chutes. High hardness, excellent resistance to
corrosion, low coefficient of friction.
MetaCeram® Al2O3 On RotoTec 51000 bonding layer. Microhardness ~1950 HV10g
28020 TiO2(2.2%) Seam ring joint seatings, cable gland Max. service temperature 1000 °C
203005 1.2kg seatings, shaft protector sleeves, elec- Product density 4.0 kg/dm
trical isolation of machine parts, press High hardness, excellent resistance to
rings for making radial tyres, sifting corrosion.
plate. Good electrical insulation (dependent on
deposit thickness).
MetaCeram® Al2O3 On RotoTec 51000 bonding layer. Microhardness ~1600 HV10g
28030 TiO2(13%) Printer cylinders, paper transport rol- Max. service temperature 1000 °C
203006 1.2kg lers, thread guide, wear and sliding pla- Product density 4.0 kg/dm
tes, induction oven parts. Good resistance to corrosion and good
friction properties.
MetaCeram® Mo Used without bonding layer. Microhardness ~900 HV10g
28095 Sliders, bearings, spindle guide, cable Max. service temperature 400 °C
203009 0.7kg gland seatings, pistons for high-pres- Product density 10.2 kg/dm
sure pumps. Good resistance to abrasion and excel-
lent coefficient of friction.
Non-magnetic deposit.
26 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
Powder Hot Flame Spraying Powder
Hot Flame Spraying
The second step is then to heat the “RW” powder deposit “red hot” using a flame torch, such as the Casto-
Fuse torch, until a reflective fused surface finish is visible locally. An induction system or an oven can also be
used. Strong metallurgical diffusion bonding of the resultant wear resistant coating is thus achieved without
melting or dilution with the substrate. The coating thickness may then be further increased by continuing to
spray & fuse the powder simultaneously followed by controlled slow cooling to ambient temperatures.
Microstructure of a 2-step
sprayed & fused coating
Smooth surface for low
or no post machining
Second step: red hot fusion using the CastoFuse® flame torch
No dilution of the base material
Best purity and performance
of the coating alloy
The Eutalloy® RW process is designed to hot flame spray a range of wear
Homogeneous and pore
resistant powder coatings onto fast rotating or stationary even sur-
free coatings
faces.Final «RW» pure precision coatings are characterised by smooth
surface finish requiring little or no post machining operations for opti- High bond strength
mum service performance. Good shock resistance
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 27
Powder Hot Flame Spraying
Eutalloy® RW Powders
Eutalloy® RW 12495 Alloy Coating of wear sleeves for pumps, ~390 HV30
100630 3.5kg Ni-Cr-B-Si-Fe glassworks feed plunger, valve parts: Suited for impact and friction.
seats, flaps, etc. Machinable with cutting tool.
Eutalloy® RW 12496 Alloy Coating cylinder rods, wear sleeves, ~680 HV30
100632 3.5kg Ni-Cr-B-Si-Fe pump pistons and faucet parts. Very low coefficient of friction and
103352 50kg Resurfacing coal dust separators, good abrasion resistance.
etc. Excellent resistance to corrosion
and especially to seawater.
Eutalloy® RW 12497 Alloy Coating protective couplings, cylinder ~740 HV30
100634 3.5kg Ni-Cr-B-Si- rods, wear and seal sleeves, Pelton Excellent frictional and corrosion
Fe-Mo-Cu turbine, injection needle valves, etc. resistance.
Coating stainless steel pieces. Excellent corrosion resistance.
Eutalloy® RW 12999 Ni-Cr-B-Si- Coating fan blades, mixers, trans- ~760 HV30
100637 3.5kg Fe alloy and port screws, tensioning pulleys, 40% tungsten carbides.
tungsten guides. Excellent resistance to abrasion.
carbide Wear parts for agricultural
equipment, etc
Eutalloy® RW 17535 Alloy Coating paper mill and household ~480 HV30
202878 3.5kg Ni-Cr-B-Si waste boiler tubes. Resurfacing High Cr alloy.
machine parts operating in corro- Well suited for metal-to-metal
sive environments. friction.
Excellent resistance to oxidation
while hot.
Good resistance to cracking.
Machinable with cutting tool.
Eutalloy® RW 53606 Alloy Boiler tubes, shafts and sleeves in ~600 HV30
100662 3.5kg Ni-Cr-Mo-Si- waste incineration, chemical, pulp Excellent wear and corrosion
B-Cu and paper industries. resistance to both reducing and
oxidizing environments.
28 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
Powder Flame Spraying Powder
Flame Spraying
Extension Neck
Spray extension neck for coating internal surfaces or difficult access areas.
Product N° Length 465 mm
203758 CDS 8000 Extension neck
Technical data
The advantage of local heating using the CastoFuse® torch is obvious compared
with an oven. Local preheating and fusing prevents the dispersion of heat in the
rest of the workpiece, to the surrounding area and into the oven walls. CastoFuse®
offers the heat where needed. Furthermore, only a small investment is required.
Performance: nozzles designed specifically to fuse self-fluxing
powder coatings
Safety and ease-of-use: unique rapid shut-off lever
Full line: assortment of lances to ensure optimum flame power
CastoFuse Lance 20 30 40
Kit with optional lances Oxygen consumption 0.8 - 1.1 m3/h 1.5 - 1.66 m3/h 2.3 - 3.3 m3/h
Acetylene consumption 0.7 - 1.0 m3/h 1.05 - 1.5 m3/h 2.1 - 3.0 m3/h
Product N°
290020 CastoFuse complete kit with lances Flame power ~ 11 KW ~ 20 KW ~ 40 KW
20, 30 and 40 Required acetylene cylinders 1 2 4
Length 270 mm 320 mm 590 mm
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 29
Powders Flame Spraying
Flame Equipment & Accessories
Accessories for CastoFuse®
Heat resistant heating tip for acetylene and hydrogen.
Ring Torches
For pre and post heating, soldering and brazing, forming.
RotoTec® 800
RotoTec® 800 is an advanced modular oxy-acetylene thermal spray system, designed
to spray a wide range of alloys and other materials for many different applications,
from anti-abrasion coatings to thermal shielding. The RotoTec® 800 can be integrated
into automated installations for large-scale mass-production applications.
For «hot» thermal spraying of Eutalloy® RW powders
For «cold» thermal spraying of RotoTec® and Proxon® alloy powders
For «cold» thermal spraying of MetaCeram® alloy powders
For «cold» thermal spraying of CastoPlast thermoplastic powders
Technical data
Fuel gas (acetylene): LH 3/8" left, Oxygen: RH 1/4" right,
Compressed air: M10 x 1
Spraying efficiency
Powder throughput: ~ 3.0 – 6.0 kg/h (depending on powder type,
instrument adjustment, etc.)
Operating pressures and gas consumption values
Oxygen, 3.0 bar: 1400 NL/h ± 50 NL/h,
Acetylene, 0.7 bar: 1130 NL/h ± 50 NL/h
Fuel gas-oxygen mixture, Injection principle (gas-mixing squirting and heat-
Product N° ing nozzle) Weight approx. 1.25 kg (without powders and gas hoses)
307100 RotoTec 800 complete kit
30 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
Simplified overview
Heating Coating Coating
Coating Coating Base coating Coating Deposition Deposition Operating Equipment
of work- surface micro- Bonding rate yield investment
families material material thickness structure costs
piece size porosity
Powder Excellent Liquid fuel,
HVOF - Metals All Low 0.5 Small to Lamelar > 1% mechanical Medium Low combustion Medium to
Tungsten metals Large gases High
Carbide bond
HVOF Process
CastoJet® CJK5
From our history and DNA, Castolin Eutectic’s CJK5 HVOF is the easy-to-use route to the highest coating quality.
During the early 1990s Castolin Eutectic Research & Development were involved in the development of a converging/
diverging nozzle for its CDS 8000 torch to accelerate the particles and improve coating quality.
In 1996, the world’s leading technology of the day was integrated into the Castolin Eutectic history with the pur-
chase of the company TAFA and the JP 5000 HVOF technology, which has been a reference since this date. In 2009
we launched the CJK5, which embodies all that we learned from this period of coating innovation and to which was
added the Castolin Eutectic DNA of ease-of-use and high quality.
HVOF Advantages
The value is in the technology - to make it intuitive to operate, to reduce operator errors, to simplify the mainte-
nance and to obtain repeatable high quality coatings.
High-pressure of the combus- High Bond strength and low po- Simple gun maintenance for re-
tion chamber is typically at least rosity coatings. duced downtime when changing
double that of gas fuelled HVOF, Manual or fully sequenced start- consumables.
which improves the gas speed by up, operation and shut-down. Steel powder feed tubes for reli-
20% over gas fuelled HVOF. able operation – do not melt in
Kerosene start-up / no hydrogen /
PC control with touch screen op- improved safety. operation.
erator interface. Robust chamber pressure trans-
Liquid fuel = thick, low stressed
Multilanguage software / ease of coatings. ducer provides accurate feed-
use. back directly from the chamber.
High hardness, low oxide level
Reversable nozzle design/ pro- Repeatable process control.
vides increased life and reduced Control can either be via the op-
spares costs. Optimised, single point fuel erator interface or directly at the
injection system to promote a powder feeder for stand-alone
Reduced footprint compared to complete, clean burn within the
others systems with unbundled operation.
combustion chamber. Superior
options. coating quality.
Optional keyboard control or op- Three nozzle lengths available,
erator interface unit. 100mm, 150mm and 200mm,
Unlimited recipes and parameter enable a wide range of coating
recording. properties to be achieved.
The CJK5 control system is shown screen operator interface and a gas
with the operator interface mount- box. The PC provides a means of op-
ed onto the gas box for pictorial erator interface and overall system
purposes only. In a typical installa- control. For reliability of operation,
tion, the gas box would be inside the actual control of the individual
the spray booth. The powder feeder operations of the system are con-
would either be inside or outside the trolled by PLC’s in the gas box and
spray booth. The operator interface powder feeder. The PC and PLC’s
would be outside the spray booth. are all linked by serial bus to mini-
The control system for the CJK5 mise wiring and increase reliability.
HVOF consists of a PC with a touch-
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 33
HVOF Applications and Technical
Hard chrome plating alternative
CGL mill rolls - steel industry
Oil andGas - ball and gate valves
Down hole tools used in the oil and gas industry
Paper rolls
Hydraulic rams
Aircraft Landing gear
Suspension components
Hydro-electric turbines
Automotive valves
Ball Valve Finished
Aero Engine Components
Mud Motor Rotors Aircraft Landing Gear HVOF HVOF coating on steel roll
Unlimited recipe storage
Industrial PC
Stainless steel enclosure
Dust/water ingress protection
Standard interfaces (USB, ETHERNET, RS232)
Connected to main control PLC by industrial serial link
Rapid response to changes
Mass flow control of carrier gas = repeatability.
Volumetric feed via hopper and rotating disc design.
Two disc variants to allow optimum feeding of a wide
range of powders.
Feed disc rotational speed is controlled via a closed loop
AC inverter for improved feeding accuracy.
Robot mounting interface.
34 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
HVOF Powders
SEM image of HVOF WC-Co-Cr powder SEM image of HVOF NiCrBSi powder SEM image of CrC-NiCr powder
55588C WC88/Co12 1000/1100 Hv 540°C Good wear and thermal Steel rolls,
757476 5kg shock resistance Wear Plates
55580C CrC -NiCr 80/20 900/1000 Hv 870°C Excellent in high tempera- Aero Engine
757972 3kg ture, corrosion and wear, components and
resists flame impingement Furnace rolls
55396C NiCrBSi 750 Hv 800°C Good corrosion and wear Hydraulic shafts,
757810 5kg properties, hard machinable pump sleeves,
coating. Good build up mate- wear rings,
rial armature shafts.
Castolin Eutectic provides powders Applications requiring improved cor- Important powder characteristics
for High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF) sys- rosion resistance, such as in the oil that Castolin Eutectic control include:
tems. These HVOF tungsten carbide and gas industry, would need a matrix carbide grain size in the powder
powder materials offer high density, of cobalt-chromium. For high service particle
low porosity, and high bond strength. temperatures above 550 °C (1000 °F),
we would recommend chromium homogeneity of carbide dispersion
For the best wear protection and tem- within the powder particle
peratures up to 550 °C (1000 °F) we carbide materials, commonly used in
would recommend Tungsten carbide the aerospace industry. All our carbide density of the powder particle
in a cobalt matrix. based powders are agglomerated and shape of the powder particle
sintered and the metallic powders gas
Materials with a higher percentage of atomized and gas cooled. particle size distribution
cobalt produce coatings with better Check out our powder products above
ductility, and a lower percentage of The powder manufacturing process,
which determines the powder charac- to find out more including typical
cobalt offers greater hardness, resul- applications
ting in superior wear resistance. teristics, will therefore influence the
properties of the deposited coating.
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 35
HVOF Equipment & Accessories
The CastoJet® CJK5 kit comprises:
CJK5 Gun
CJK5 Control interface and gas box
CJK5 Touch screen PC
CJK5 Mass flow powder feeder
Input supplies package 5 m
Output supplies package available in 5,
10 or 14 m
Tool kit and accessories
Flashback arrestor
High pressure oxygen regulator
Nitrogen regulator
CJK5 Powder feeder cabinet
Robot interface
Spares kits (100 hours, 500 hours,
powder feeder change over kit)
Description Characteristics
Canister capacity 2750cc
Electrical supply 240/110V 1ph
Weight 40kg
Dimensions (mm) W-400 x D-400 x H-700
Product N° Description
753912 CastoJet® CJK5 kit - 5 m
758293 CastoJet® CJK5 kit - 10 m
758811 CastoJet® CJK5 kit - 14 m
Product N° Description
753908 Toolkit and accessories
Product N° Description
754390 CJK5 Gun with 100 mm nozzle
756873 CJK5 Gun with 150 mm nozzle
754389 CJK5 Gun with 200 mm nozzle
36 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
Laser Technology PTA
Simplified overview
Heating Coating Coating
Coating Coating Base coating Coating Deposition Deposition Operating Equipment
of work- surface micro- Bonding rate yield investment
families material material thickness structure costs
piece size porosity
Laser MetalsTungsten All Low 5 (15) Small to Homoge 0% Excellent High Medium Electricity High
Cladding Carbides
metals Very Large -neous Fusion
Laser Cladding
Laser Process
In the laser coating process, the
filler alloy in powder form is in-
jected into the laser beam, sprayed
and welded onto the component
in a single step.
This process uses a laser beam to
fuse completely the desired mate-
rial onto a substrate material for
superior wear resistance or for re-
pair. A shielding gas protects the
weld pool from the atmosphere.
The rapid cooling rate gives the
coating a homogeneous and fine
microstructure that is character-
ised by toughness as well as hard-
ness. The laser beam spot and
the heat input can be far better
controlled than a conventional
electric arc. The energy is almost
completely used to fuse the filler
powder, leaving the least heat to
melt the surface of the substrate,
reducing the heat input, the Heat
Affected Zone (HAZ) and dilution
to the minimum.
The melt pool, formed when the
laser fuses the powder, is precisely
controlled in comparison to other
welding or hardfacing processes.
Powder Spot ≥ 0,3 mm Powder Spot ≥ 1,5mm 2D Nozzle for geometries with
Laser Power ≤ 2000 W Laser Power ≤ 6000 W limited access
Oxygen Contamination ≤ 20 ppm Oxygen Contamination ≤ 50 ppm Laser Power ≤ 2000 W
38 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
Laser Cladding Laser
The laser coating process is one
of the cladding processes which
is used to fuse a desired alloy on
a substrate material. The clad
material may be similar to the Coating direction
substrate material in the case of
repairs and rapid prototyping. The
clad material may have a higher
Feeding gas and powder
performance to offer enhanced Laser beam
corrosion resistance or wear re- Coating
sistance to protect a multitude of material
Melt Pool
The laser process is at the cut- Shielding Gas
ting edge of technology in many
industrial fields where modern Work piece
production lines require reliable,
automated and flexible systems
with little maintenance that ways to protect against wear, re- constraints. Below, a simplified
achieve optimum profitability. pair and rebuild parts, each with overview of different coating pro-
There are many different coating their respective advantages and cesses.
Coating Heating of Distorsion of Coating Deposition Deposition Max coating Precision Noise
Processes workpiece workpiece micro-porosity rate yield thickness mm of coating level
Low Low Negligible Excellent High Medium 5 (15)* High Low
High High Negligible Excellent High Medium 5 (40)* Medium Medium
Fusion to high
Medium Medium Negligible Excellent Medium High 2 (10)* Medium Low to
PTA to high Fusion to high medium
Thermal Medium High Negligible Very good Medium Medium 2 (6)* Medium Medium
to high to low Diffusion to high
with fusion
Low Low 1 to 10% Good Medium Medium 0.3 (10)* Medium Medium
Thermal Mechanical to high to high to high
spraying & micro-
Best choice
Second choice
Laser coating: metallurgical fused bonding with Conventional welding process with strong dilution
minimum dilution, low heat input and controlled which degrades the purity of the coating.
coating thickness.
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 39
Laser Cladding
The laser coating process provides pieces than conventional welding. quality.
a wide range of benefits compared Metallurgical fused bonding re- Unlimited coating thickness for
with conventional arc and PTA weld- sulting in high bond strength. rebuilding, repair or rapid proto-
ing processes: Very rapid coating solidification, typing.
Heat input localised and process- producing very fine wear resistant Precise coating thickness control
ing time short. microstructures. and smooth surface for least post-
Lowest dilution of 2 to 5% for Dense, hard and smooth surface weld machining.
maximum purity of the coating. finish coating for high coating High process stability, reliable and
Distortions and HAZ smaller than quality. consistent results ideal for auto-
any other welding processes. It Dense, hard and smooth surface mated processes.
can coat smaller and thinner finish coating for high coating Low noise level.
There is a wide range of applica- The laser coating process is used to quire adapted wear or friction prop-
tions which address the corrosion repair and restore worn machine erties.
and wear protection in the automo- components, such as shafts, shaft Over the decades, Castolin Eutectic
tive industry (such as valve seats), ends, linings, bearing seats and oth- has developed many innovative
the wear protection for tools in off- er parts prone to wear. powders for our established
shore oil drilling, for hydraulic cyl- Eutalloy and PTA processes. Many
inders in mining and for reworking The method is also used for new of these industry proven powders
expensive tools. manufacture of components where have been formulated for use with
the component - or parts of it - ire- the laser technology.
Castolin Eutectic powders give you Precise coatings with fine wear
the best results. Solid and spherical resistant microstructure, metallurgical
satellite free particles with lowest
oxygen content and constancy, batch
bonding and lowest heat input
after batch, are key features of Casto-
lin Eutectic powders. Free flow in all
powder feeding systems is enhanced
and achieves consistent high produc-
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 41
Laser Cladding
Our offer
Laser Powders, Laser Clad- Metallic powders and Blends op- If you need laser cladding work to
ding Service, Laser Clad- timised for the Laser Cladding be done in Europe or Asia do not
process hesitate to contact us and can han-
ding Systems dle very large and heavy parts.
Laser Cladding Service Work-
The laser source and the head are shops (in Europe and Asia) If you are looking to buy a complete
the only equipment in the Castolin integrated laser cladding facility,
System Integration of Laser Clad-
Eutectic Coating Equipment range including laser source, head, pow-
ding component for customers
that are not designed, manufac- der feeder, optimised powder and
tured and sold under our control. parameters, tailored automation,
However, we have been involved The broad range of metallic pow- off line programing and booth that
with laser technology and cladding der and blends that have proven complies with all safely standards,
for several decades, ever increas- themselves against wear and corro- Castolin Eutectic is able to also offer
ing our experience, as the technol- sion in the toughest environments, this service, as we have successfully
ogy itself has rapidly progressed previously deposited with the well- put several systems together for
through advances in the solid state/ established PTA and Eutalloy pro- our own workshops and can offer
diode lasers. cesses, can also be modified and this know how to such customers.
optimised for the laser cladding
Our welding and PTA backgrounds is process. This is being done in our
ideally suited to optimisation of the dedicated laser R&D facilities and
laser cladding process and today we also in several of our CastoLab Ser-
have a broad offer consisting of: vices workshops.
Putting a reliable, performing Package together for OEMs and Workshops
PTA Coating
Simplified overview
Heating Coating Coating
Coating Coating Base coating Coating Deposition Deposition Operating Equipment
of work- surface micro- Bonding rate yield investment
families material material thickness structure costs
piece size porosity
Powder or Steels,
EuTroLoy wire. cast iron, Medium 2 (10)* Large Homoge- Negligible Excellent. Medium to High Electricity & Medium
Metals (aluminium to high neous Fusion high shielding gas
bronze) *
PTA Welding
Plasma Transferred Arc Process
Plasma Transferred Arc
In the PTA process, the plasma is fo-
cused while forced through the heat
resistant anode, causing a conside-
rable increase of the arc density, Smooth surface and spatter free coating
energy and temperature. The filler
alloy in powder form is conveyed
into the plasma arc column where a
shielding gas protects the weld pool
from the atmosphere. The plasma
arc and the heat input can be far
better controlled than a conventio-
nal electric arc and the energy is al-
most completely spent to melt the
filler metal, reducing the heat input Wear resistant coating with metallurgi-
and dilution to the minimum. cal bonding and minimum dilution.
The EuTronic® GAP is the Castolin
Eutectic Plasma Transferred Arc
(PTA) process. GAP is ideal for coa-
ting and joining operations. Casto-
lin Eutectic has developed special
EuTroLoy powders for applications
1) Cathode holding device 6) Feeding gas and powder
carried out with the EuTronic® GAP. 2) Plasma gas 7) Welding direction
3) Cathode 8) Ignition
4) Cooling water 9) Double power supply
5) Shielding gas
44 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
PTA Welding PTA Coating
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 45
PTA Welding
EuTroLoy® - PTA Powders
EuTroLoy® Self-fluxing Ni Gray cast iron and bronze glass moulds, ~270 HV30
PG 8426.04 base alloy Floodfilling of WC/Co Tiles, buffer layers Low energy input for the fusion. Good
on gray cast iron and nodular cast iron. wetting of the base metals. Good adhe-
750556 12.5kg sive strength and corrosion resistance.
46 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
PTA Welding PTA Coating
PTA technology provides a wide range of benefits compared with conventional arc welding
processes Major factors are:
• High energy density in an extremely focussed arc
• High deposition rates for shorter welding times
• Lowest dillution, heat input, distortions and HAZ
• Possible multipass overlays
• Smoother surface for lower machining costs
• Maximum purity and performance of the applied alloy even in the first layer.
• Metallic bond strength and impact resistance
• Optionally suitable for fully automated processes (electronically controlled gas valves and separate interface to link the unit with external
controllers is giving outstanding flexibility for automation)
Focoused plasma arc allows extra control, that results also in lowest dilution among all the arc welding process.
PTA process produces extra smooth and spatter free deposits, minimizing machining and filler alloy costs.
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 47
PTA Welding
EuTronic GAP® - PTA Equipment
GAP® Unicoating V2.0
Provides repeatable precision for plasma joining, coating and braz-
Turn-key robotic cell to increase productivity
Complete modular for immediate, tailor made configuration and
cost effective adaption to application
Why GAP UniCoating V2.0?
Castolin Eutectic´s GAP UniCoating V2.0 integrates all components
necessary for the overlay welding of round parts.
Well suited to the Glass Mould industry for baffle and bottom plates.
Also very efficient at welding various forge dies and moulds as well as
engine valves
With the 200kg table the machine is capable of handling the smallest
parts as well as moderately lage ones.
48 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
PTA Welding PTA Coating
Drive: efficient four roll drive with 30mm wire feeder rolls, fit in wire feeder
for 16 Kg wire coils.
Product N° Special designed pressure arms care for a smooth and reproducible pressure
260395 Cold Wire Feeder WF of the wire onto the feeder rolls within the drive.
Stepless feeding rate control via feeding wheel speed directly from GAP unit.
Powder feed rate 1,5 - 95 g/min, depending on feeding wheel configuration,
torch, anode and powder density.
Two EP2 units can be driven in parallel (optional second motor control card)
for applications that require feeding of different powders into the weld pool:
i.e. matrix and carbides.
Product N°
260229 Powder Feeder EP2
Cooling GAP® *
Weight 40 kg
Dimensions L x W x H (mm) 900 x 445 x 360 mm
(*) Use only Castolin Eutectic dedicated cooling liquid
Product N°
260058 Cooling GAP® (*)
754315 Xuper Cool, 5l tank
Product N°
754273 Cooling GAP® chiller
754315 Xuper Cool, 5l tank
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 49
PTA Welding
EuTronic® GAP - Accessories
Description Characteristics
Construction horizontal
Max current at 100% 100A
Weight with hose pack 1.9 kg (4m)
Product N°
400900 GAP® E12N 4m Liquid cooled manual torch, available also with 70° and 180° neck
Hose pack: 4 metres; longer hose packs on request Cold wire holder available
Construction horizontal
Max current at 100% 150A
Weight with hose pack ca. 2.5 kg (4m)
Liquid cooled manual torch, available also with 70° and 180° neck
Product N° Hose pack: 4 metres; longer hose packs on request
260581 GAP® E15N Cold wire holder available
Construction horizontal
Max current at 100% 200A
Powder flow rate N.A
Weight with hose pack 1.6 kg (4m)
Product N°
Liquid cooled manual torch, available also with 70° and 180° neck
752873 (4m)
GAP® E150P
Construction horizontal
Max current at 100% 150A
Powder flow rate 5-20 g/min
Product N°
260434 GAP® E150P 3m
Weight with hose pack 2.0 kg (3m)
260435 GAP® E150P 4m 3m hose pack Liquid cooled Powder manual torch
GAP® E52
Construction vertical
Max current at 100% 200A
Powder flow rate 3 - 80 g/min
Weight with hose pack 4.8 kg (4m)
Liquid cooled powder machine torch for general applications
Cold wire holder available
Product N° Hose pack: 4 metres; longer hose packs on request
400204 GAP® E52 4m Wide range of anodes and powder nozzles
GAP® E200P
Construction vertical
Max current at 100% 200A
Powder flow rate** up to 80 g/min
Weight with hose pack 2.7 kg (4m)
Liquid cooled powder machine torch for general applications
Hose pack: 4 meters; longer hose packs on request
Wide range of anodes and powders nozzles
Product N°
755952 GAP® E52 (4m)
50 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
EuTronic® Arc
Wire Spraying
Simplified overview
Heating Coating Coating
Coating Coating Base coating Coating Deposition Deposition Operating Equipment
of work- surface micro- Bonding rate yield investment
families material material thickness structure costs
piece size porosity
Good. Electricity &
EuTronic Wire. All Low 1 to 2 Very large Lamelar 1 to 10% Mechanical High Medium compressed Medium
Arc Metals metals & micro- air
Wire Spraying
EuTronic® Arc Process
EuTronic® Arc is the highest productivity thermal spraying process. EuTronic® Arc is an Arc Spray Process using a
pair of wires which are melted by an electric arc.
The arc has a temperature of 5,000 - 6,000°C that melts the wires continuously. Compressed gas - most often air - is
used to atomise the molten wire tips and to propel the droplets towards the substrate at velocities exceeding 100
meters per second. This molten material is atomised by compressed gas and propelled towards the workpiece to
form a coating. This combination of high temperature and high particle velocities gives arc sprayed coatings very
good coating properties with high bond strengths and low porosity.
Arc spraying often produces large amounts of fume and high noise levels.
Arc spraying is a cold thermal spraying process where the temperature of the substrate is held below 150°C. Be-
cause of the low temperature, the work piece is not exposed to any metallurgical changes or distortion.
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 53
Wire Spraying
EuTronic® Arc Spray Equipment
EuTronic® Arc Spray 4 system
The EuTronic® Arc Spray 4 is motor in the gun. Instead, the Gun Sealed 350 amp power source
robust, reliable and easy to use. 4 uses a patented ‘Synchrodrive’ for reliability
The Arc Gun and the drive sys- system, where a single, sealed mo- 1.6 mm wires standard. From
tem are coupled to a 350 amp, tor with a flexible drive arrange- 1.6 mm to 2.5 mm optional
switched voltage power source. ment, powers a reliable, positive
Air cooled cables for low weight
drive push / pull up to a distance of
This power source features sealed Excellent gun manoeuvrability
20 m.
electronics for excellent reliabil-
5 m / 10 m supplies packages
ity in the harshest spray environ- This results in a long reach and
ments. lightweight flexibility of the gun
Steel reinforced, PTFE lined wire
and supplies.
The wire feeder unit is neatly conduits
mounted on the power source, For the operator, working condi-
Easy to maintain for lower
leaving it free to swivel and follow tions are more comfortable and
downtime costs
the operator whilst spraying. productive.
Wire spool, coil and drum feeder
Other options include either floor option capabilities
or trolley mounting. There is no
Soft start for smooth start ups
(Push / Pull)
• Power source, push / pull
drive & wire feeder.
• Arc Spray Gun.
• Drive unit position :
On power source or floor.
• 5 m / 10 m Push / Pull from
• Supplies package includes
power and control cables,
air hose, wire conduits and
flexible drive.
Product N°
263000 complete kit 5m
758558 complete kit 10 m
54 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
Wire Spraying Wire
Power Source
Power & air requirements
Description Characteristics
Power Requirements 380 / 440 V 50-60 Hz 3 Phase
Power Option 220 V 50-60 Hz 3 Phase
Fuses Required 32 A / Phase (415 V input)
Fuses Required Option 40 A/Phase (220 V input)
Max Power Consumption 18 KVA
Duty cycle (100%) 0-350 Amps
Output Voltage 0-50 Vdc (nominal) Switched High/Low & 1 - 5
Air Requirements 1.56 m3 / min @ 6 bar (55 cfm @ 90 psi)
Wire Drive Unit The wire feeder unit can be neatly mounted on the power source, leaving
it free to swivel and follow the operator whilst spraying.
Spool Feeder
Product N°
263223 Wire Feeder for Spools with drive
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 55
Wire Spraying
EuTronic® Arc Spray Accessories
Accessories for EuTronic Arc
Product N°
263273 5 m supplies package
263272 10 m supplies package
263274 20 m supplies package
263275 Extension from 10 to 20 m supplies package
The ArcJet fits on the gun to inject air in front of the nozzle. The ArcJet constricts
the spray pattern thus reducing overspray and allowing more confined areas
such as deep slots, to be sprayed. Therefore significant improvements in deposit
efficiency can be made especially on small diameter components.
«ArcJet mounted on the Gun»
Technical overview
• Reduces Arc Spray footprint • Finer coatings.
• Improved deposit efficiency when • Less apparent porosity.
spraying onto small components. • Improved hardness.
Description Characteristics
Remote Control
The 5 meters remote control allows a remote operation of the EuTronic Arc® Spray
4 system with robust design for use on semi-automatic installations. The remote
control buttons and switch mimic those of the Gun.
Product N°
263326 EAS remote control
56 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
Integrated Systems
Integrated Systems / Putting a reliable, performing Package together for OEMs
and Workshops
Castolin Eutectic has been at the forefront of the coatings industry for more than 30 years. Industry demand for
better coating consistency, enhanced safety and lower costs continues to drive the trend towards system integra-
There is an increasing requirement to utilize computer technology to improve consistency and system perfor-
mance. There is also a need to mitigate risks associated with direct operator contact which further supports this
trend toward automated turnkey systems.
PTA system
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58 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
CastoLab® Services
CastoLab® Services
We believe in making our exten-
sive know-how fully available
to our customers, but for situa-
tions where technology transfer
is complex or requires a rapid
turn-around, we have our own
maintenance service workshops.
These fully resourced skill centers
develop advanced procedures for
transfer to end users.
CastoLab Austria
Castolin Eutectic workshops
are located in several countries
around the world, and are best
contacted via our website. In
countries without CastoLabs,
Castolin Eutectic collaborates
with approved workshops who
are in close contact with Castolin
Eutectic’s specialists and techno- Arc Wire Spraying CastoLab Team
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 59
Technical data & Table
Hardness Conversion Table in accordance with DIN 50150 (Extract)
Tensile Hardness in accordance with Tensile Hardness in accordance with Tensile Hardness in accordance with
strength Vickers Brinell Rockwell strength Vickers Brinell Rockwell strength Vickers Brinell Rockwell
[MPa] [HV] [HB] [HRC] [MPa] [HV] [HB] [HRC] [MPa] [HV] [HB] [HRC]
320 100 95 800 250 238 22.2 1630 500 (476) 49.8
335 105 100 820 255 242 23.1 1665 510 (485) 50.5
350 110 105 835 260 247 24.0 1700 520 (494) 51.1
370 115 109 850 265 252 24.8 1740 530 (504) 51.7
385 120 115 865 270 257 25.6 1775 540 (513) 52.3
400 125 119 880 275 261 26.4 1810 550 (523) 53.0
415 130 124 900 280 266 27.1 1845 560 (532) 53.6
430 135 128 915 285 271 27.8 1880 570 (542) 54.1
450 140 133 930 290 276 28.5 1920 580 (551) 54.7
465 145 138 950 295 280 29.2 1955 590 (561) 55.2
480 150 143 965 300 285 29.8 1995 600 (570) 55.7
495 155 147 995 310 295 31.0 2030 610 (580) 56.3
510 160 152 1030 320 304 32.2 2070 620 (589) 56.8
530 165 156 1060 330 314 33.3 2105 630 (599) 57.3
545 170 162 1095 340 323 33.4 2145 640 (608) 57.8
560 175 166 1125 350 333 35.5 2180 650 (618) 57.8
575 180 171 1155 360 342 36.6 660 58.3
595 185 176 1190 370 352 37.7 670 58.8
610 190 181 1220 380 361 38.8 680 59.2
625 195 185 1255 390 371 39.8 690 59.7
640 200 190 1290 400 380 40.8 700 60.1
660 205 195 1320 410 390 41.8 720 61.0
675 210 199 1350 420 399 42.7 740 61.8
690 215 204 1385 430 409 43.6 760 62.5
705 220 209 1420 440 418 44.5 780 63.3
720 225 214 1455 450 428 45.3 800 64.0
740 230 219 1485 460 437 46.1 820 64.7
755 235 223 1520 470 447 47.7 840 65.3
770 240 228 20.3 1550 480 (456) 48.4
785 245 233 21.3 1595 490 (466) 49.1
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 61
Global with local support
Castolin Eutectic has a presence in Our 350 sales engineers are sup- For more information or addresses of
almost all European countries. ported by over 50 process and ap- Castolin Eutectic companies, please
plication experts. These experts are visit our websites
With over 350 sales engineers trav-
multi-lingual and communicate or
elling around Europe everyday,
daily with our 4 production centers
we are able to provide unbeatable
and research laboratories.
service to our customers. We can
literally be at 90% of customers in
Europe within 2 hours; this allows
us to give unsurpassed service and
We supply all technical documenta-
tion and material safety data sheets
in local languages. Our salesmen all
live locally and speak the language
of our customers, understand the
local cultures. We manage ware-
houses and keep stocks adapted to
local requirements in every Euro-
pean country.
62 Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic
Total Coating Solutions RotoTec 19850 p. 25 EuTroLoy PTA Welding
Overview of the wear phenomena p. 4 RotoTec 19868 p. 25 EuTroLoy Process p. 44
R&D Technical support p. 4 RotoTec 19940 p. 25
RotoTec 19985 p. 25 EuTroLoy Powders
Wear testing labs p. 5
Integrated production p. 5 RotoTec 19999 p. 25 EuTroLoy 16006.04 p. 45
Stringent quality controls p. 5 RotoTec LT 29230 p. 25 EuTroLoy 16008.04 p. 45
Coating Overview p. 6 RotoTec LT 29240 p. 25 EuTroLoy 16012.04 p. 45
Quality Assurance p.7-8 ProXon 21021 p. 26 EuTroLoy 16221.04 p. 45
Powder production p. 9 ProXon 21023 p. 26 EuTroLoy 16223.04 p. 45
Spray Wire Production p. 10 Proxon 21031 p. 26 EuTroLoy 16316.04 p. 45
Equipment Production p. 11 ProXon 21071 p. 26 EuTroLoy 16454.04 p. 45
Our offer p. 12 MetaCeram 28010 p. 26 EuTroLoy 16496.04 p. 46
MetaCeram 28020 p. 26 EuTroLoy 16604 p. 46
Eutalloy Spray and Fuse EuTroLoy 16606A.04 p. 46
MetaCeram 28030 p. 26
Eutalloy Process p. 14 MetaCeram 28095 p. 26 EuTroLoy 16625M.04 p. 46
EuTroLoy 16800 p. 46
Eutalloy® Powders Eutalloy® RW EuTroLoy PG 6503 p. 46
Eutalloy 10009 p. 15 Hot Spray Process - 2 step p. 27 EuTroLoy PG 8426.04 p. 46
Eutalloy 10011 p. 15
Eutalloy 10112 p. 15 Eutalloy® RW Powders EuTronic GAP® PTA Equipment
Eutalloy 10185 p. 15 Eutalloy RW 12112 p. 28 EuTronic GAP 2501 DC with touch screen p. 47
Eutalloy 10224 p. 15 Eutalloy RW 12494 p. 28 GAP® Unicoating V2.0 p. 48
Eutalloy 10611 p. 15 Eutalloy RW 12495 p. 28 EuTronic GAP® Accessories
Eutalloy 10680 p. 15 Eutalloy RW 12496 p. 28
Eutalloy 15999 p. 15 Eutalloy RW 12497 p. 28 Cold Wire Feeder p. 49
Eutalloy LT PE 8418 p. 16 Powder Feeder EP2 p. 49
Eutalloy RW 12999 p. 28
Eutalloy LT PE 8422 p. 16 Cooling GAP p. 49
Eutalloy RW 17535 p. 28
Eutalloy LT PE 8426 p. 16 Cooling GAP chiller p. 49
Eutalloy RW 53606 p. 28
Eutalloy LT PE 8431 p. 16 GAP E12N p. 50
Eutalloy LT PE 8435 p. 16 Flame Thermal Spray Equipment GAP E15N p. 50
Eutalloy LT PE 8440 p. 16 CastoDyn DS 8000 p. 29 GAP E20N p. 50
RotoTec 800 p. 30 GAP E150P p. 50
Eutalloy® Equipment GAP E54 S-M-D-DL p. 50
SuperJet-S - Eutalloy® p. 17 CastoDyn DS 8000® Accessories GAP E52 p. 50
SuperJet-S - Eutalloy® kit p. 17 Extension Neck p. 29 GAP E200P p. 50
KoolTip p. 17 CastoFuse p. 29 EuTronic Arc Spray
Eutalloy® Accessories CastoFuse Accessories EuTronic Process p. 52
C6 Air Cooled Tip p. 18 Konstantherm p. 30 EuTronic Arc Spray Wires
Nozzles p. 18 Line Heating Torch p. 30
Heavy duty Nozzles p. 18 EuTronic Arc 502 p. 53
Ring Torches p. 30
Compact heavy duty tip p. 18 EuTronic Arc 509 p. 53
Compact heavy duty tube p. 18 HVOF Thermal Spray EuTronic Arc 532 p. 53
EuTronic Arc 579 p. 53
Eutalloy SF HVOF Process p. 32-33
EuTronic Arc 595 p. 53
HVOF Applications p. 34
Eutalloy SF Process p. 19
EuTronic Arc Spray Equipment
HVOF Powders
Eutalloy® SF Powders EuTronic Arc Spray 4 system p. 54
55586C p. 35
Eutalloy SF 15211 p. 20 EuTronic Arc Spray Gun 4 p. 55
55588C p. 35
Eutalloy SF PE 8213 p. 20 Power Source p. 55
55583C p. 35
Eutalloy SF PE 8215 p. 20 Wire Feeder and Drive p. 55
55580C p. 35
Eutalloy SF PE 8217 p. 20 55396 C p. 35 EuTronic Arc Accessories
Eutalloy® SF Equipment HVOF Thermal Spray equipment Supplies packages p. 56
CastoDyn SF Lance p. 21-22 ArcJet p. 56
CastoJet CJK5 p. 36 Arc Spray Extension neck p. 56
CastoDyn Extra Flat SF Lance p. 22
CJK5 Accessories Remote Control p. 56
RotoTec®, ProXon® & MetaCeram®
Toolkit p. 36
Cold Spray Process p. 24 Integrated Systems p. 57
CJK5 Gun p. 36
Industry partners p. 58
RotoTec & ProXon® powders Terolink p. 58
Laser Cladding
RotoTec 51000 p. 25 CastoLab Services p. 59
Laser Process and advantages p. 38-40
RotoTec 19300 p. 25 Training p. 59
RotoTec 19310 p. 25 Laser Powders p. 41 Hardness Conversion p. 60
RotoTec 19400 p. 25 Particle Size Conversion p. 60
Powders p. 41
RotoTec 19404 p. 25 Periodic table p. 61
RotoTec 19800 p. 25 Laser Offer, Service, Systems p. 42 Contact Adresses p. 62
Stronger, with Castolin Eutectic 63