Villner - en Rikare Modernism
Villner - en Rikare Modernism
Villner - en Rikare Modernism
Associate Professor
School of Architecture, KTH
S-100 44 Stockholm
Phone +46 (0)8 790 9167
The last decade’s critical discussion on modernism questions prevalent simplifications, as
expressed in the metaphor of modernism as a tabula rasa, the heroic picture of
propagandists as Giedion, Hitchcock and Pevsner.
The paper discusses modernism and its relation to the decorative, ornament, and art,
starting in theories formulated of e.g. Joan Ockman and Sarah Goldhagen. Postwar
architecture, in the Swedish version labelled “New Empiricism”, can be read as a critique of
modernism’s neglect of social and human values, and focus on form and rationality. This
critique could be read as political, but formulated in an aesthetic frame of reference. It also
connects to questions as the autonomous, the utopian, the avant-garde, the societal
responsibility of the architect and architecture as a remedy for social problems, then
represented by e.g. Adorno and Benjamin; today by writers as Jacques Rancière.
The focus of the discussion is Sven Backström and Leif Reinius and their postwar work in
Gröndal. Their aim could be described as solving problems produced by the social
development – on a material plane, housing shortage and problems; on a psychological,
alienation and rootlessness. Here they tried to compensate political problems with aesthetic
contributions. The architectonic means are subtle and personal; however, if scrutinised,
analytically well anchored in contemporary theories, of social medicine and sociology, of
Gestalt psychology, of architecture and art. By extending the concept of art, the everyday
became richer, in presenting aesthetic experiences, surprises and unexpected encounters.
Against modernism’s claims for unity, integration, monotony and avoidance of ornament, as
expressed by Hitchcock, Backström & Reinius introduced complexity, richness, variation,
decoration, and ornament.
Internationally Backström & Reinius became honoured for renewing for the modern dwelling.
In Sweden, on the contrary, the “New Empiricism” met a sharp critic, among colleagues as
Nils Ahrbom. Once again, architecture was discussed as morality.
Relief i entré.
Demokratisk frihet
Att skapa samlingsplatser för en integrerad kultur
var en viktig ambition för tiden och för Olle
Engkvist. Också för arkitekterna var detta en
central fråga, att ge möjligheter till en blandning
av kultur och mänskliga möten, i den storstad och
den tid de upplevde som hektisk och krävande.
Leif Reinius reflekterade över hur central
uppgiften var för arkitekten i avslutningen till
artikeln ”Strövtåg”: