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Colloids and Surfaces A 555 (2018) 586–594

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Effects of crude oil composition on the ASP flooding: A case from Saertu, T
Xingshugang and Lamadian Oilfield in Daqing

Zhe Suna,b,c, , Xiaodong Kanga,c, Xiangguo Lud, Qiang Lia,c, Weidong Jiangc,e
CNOOC Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 100028, China
College of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China
State Key Laboratory of Offshore Oil Exploitation, Beijing 100028, China
Key Laboratory of Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery of Education Ministry, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, Heilongjiang 163318, China
Development and Production Department, CNOOC Ltd., Beijing 100010, China


In order to evaluate reservoir adaptability of the ASP (alkali/surfactant/polymer) system, its field tests have been carried out in Saertu, Xingshugang and Lamadian
Oilfield of Daqing. The results show that crude oil compositions have a great effect on the agent concentration in produced liquid and oil recovery increment.
Therefore, this paper researches crude oil composition of three oilfields in Daqing, and the interaction between oil and ASP system. The effect of crude oil com-
positions on the oil recovery increment and the properties of produced liquid are also further studied.


Keywords: In order to evaluate reservoir adaptability of the ASP (alkali/surfactant/polymer) system, its field tests have been
Crude oil composition carried out in Saertu, Xingshugang and Lamadian Oilfield of Daqing. The results show that crude oil composi-
ASP flooding tions have a great effect on the agent concentration in produced liquid and oil recovery increment. Therefore,
Physical simulation this paper researches crude oil composition of three oilfields in Daqing, and the interaction between oil and ASP
Field test
system. The effect of crude oil compositions on the oil recovery increment and the properties of produced liquid
Mechanism analysis
are also further studied. Results show that, the active components of crude oil from three oilfields have the peak
feature of typical saturated monocarboxylic acids (fatty acid and naphthenic acid). And there are larger types of
organic acids in Lamadian oil active components, from nonane acid to nonacosane acid. In addition, the content
of n-alkanes with high carbon component in Lamadian raffinate is larger, and its composition is closer to that of

Corresponding author at: CNOOC Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 100028, China.
E-mail address: (Z. Sun).
Received 30 April 2018; Received in revised form 14 July 2018; Accepted 14 July 2018
Available online 17 July 2018
0927-7757/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z. Sun et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 555 (2018) 586–594

heavy alkylbenzene sulfonate. After the interaction between various crude oil and ASP system, the partition
coefficients of surfactant and alkali in Lamadian oil is higher. Besides that, the interfacial tension between ASP
system and active components or raffinate are both higher. However, there is ultra-low interfacial tension be-
tween ASP system and crude oil. This indicates that synergistic effect exists among the colloid and asphaltene in
crude oil and surfactant component, which jointly promotes the substantial decrease in interfacial tension.
Furthermore, the field tests have proved the results of laboratory physical simulation experiments.

1. Introduction 2.2. Experimental apparatuses

ASP (alkali/surfactant/polymer) flooding has drawn widely atten- The apparatuses include pear-shaped separatory funnel, PHS-2 A
tion from oil technical workers as a greatly enhanced oil recovery precision acidity meter, termovap sample concentrator, Fourier infrared
technology. In recently years, field tests of ASP flooding have been spectrometer (see Fig. 2), gas chromatography - mass spectrometry
carried out in Saertu, Xingshugang and Lamadian Oilfield of Daqing, instrument (see Fig. 3), Ux-300 energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence
which significantly increases oil production and decreases water cut spectrometer, TX-500C spinning drop interfacial tensiometer and core
[1–5]. With the enlargement of ASP experiment scale, the oil increment flooding experiment apparatuses (see Fig. 4).
effect and the properties of produced liquid show the diverse char- The core flooding experiment apparatuses include a constant-flux
acteristics. The ASP flooding process is the interaction between dis- pump, a pressure sensor, a core holder, a hand pump and an inter-
placement agent, reservoir fluid and rock minerals. The ultra-low in- mediate container. All the apparatuses except the constant-flux pump
terfacial tension between displacement agent and crude oil is vital for and the hand pump are kept in a 45℃ thermostat.
obtaining better oil increment effect. Field tests show that the surfac-
tant is late to find and its concentration is low in the produced liquid, 2.3. Plan design and experiment principle
which indicates that there is a large amount of agent loss in the re-
servoir. This will inevitably affect the best proportion relationship and (1) Active components separation
synergistic effect of displacement agents, which further reduces the oil Separation process of active components in crude oil is as follows
displacement efficiency [6–8]. [16–18]:
Crude oil is a complex colloidal system and its relative molecular ① Dilute crude oil with n-hexane. And then extract with 2% KOH
mass distribution is wide. Its physicochemical properties are closely ethanol solution (the volume ratio of ethanol to water is 7:3). Let stand
related to the oil compositions. Researches show that the organic acids and separate into layers.
in crude oil can react with alkali, which forms the organic acid soap in ② Separate the lower alcohol alkali solution and extract the upper
the oil-water interface. The synergistic effect between organic acid soap oil sample with alcoholic-alkaline treatment for several times. Combine
and surfactant can reduce the interfacial tension greatly [9–12]. the extraction and place it in the separating funnel. And then reextract
Therefore, the research on the interaction between ASP system and it with n-hexane until colourless. Finally, extract the n-hexane extrac-
crude oil and its impact on oil increment effect is very important. tion with alcoholic-alkaline treatment.
In this paper, guided by physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry and ③ Combine and concentrate all the extractions. Adjust its pH value
reservoir engineering, by means of instrumental detection, chemical to 2–3 by diluted hydrochloric acid. Extract it with diethyl ether until
analysis and physical simulation, taking the water and oil samples from colourless. Then wash diethyl ether to neutral and remove it by atmo-
Daqing Saertu, Xingshugang and Lamadian Oilfield, the crude oil spheric distillation. Finally, dry to a constant weight in thermostat at
composition analysis of three oilfields and the interaction between ASP 60 °C and obtain the active components of alcoholic-alkaline extraction.
system and oil have been carried out. The effect of crude oil composi- (2) Infrared spectrometer analysis
tions on the oil recovery increment and the properties of produced li- Spread the active components on the potassium bromide tablets,
quid are further studied. It is of great significance to deeper understand and then analyze it by means of Fourier infrared spectrometer.
the mechanism of ASP flooding and improve its field application effect. (3) Gas chromatography - mass spectrometry instrument analysis
① Active components
2. Experimental condition Methyl-esterify the active components and volatilize solvent. Then
concentrate to 1 mL and analyze it by GC–MS.
2.1. Experimental materials ② Raffinate
The raffinate is eluted with a polar chromatography column and
Chemical reagents include potassium hydroxide, sodium chloride, obtain the saturated hydrocarbon component. Then concentrate to 1 mL
ethyl alcohol, n-hexane, diethyl ether and hydrochloric acid etc. The and analyze it by GC–MS.
reagents used in the experiment are all analytically pure. (4) Distribution law of agent concentration in oil-water phase
The polymer is partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide. Its relative Prepare the ASP system with injected sewage (polymer
molecular mass is 2500 × 104 and the solid content is 88%, which is
produced by PetroChina Daqing Refining and Chemical Company. The
surfactant is heavy alkylbenzene sulfonate, and the solid content is
50%, which is produced by Donghao Company of Daqing Oilfield. The
alkali is sodium hydroxide, and the solid content is 96%.
The oil and water samples used in the experiment are taken from
well 1-341-S661 of Saertu Oilfield, well X3-2-34 of Xingshugang
Oilfield and L4AS-2603 of Lamadian Oilfield respectively.
Experimental cores are quartz sands cemented by epoxy resin,
which are shown in Fig.1 [13–15]. The height, width and length of the
core is 4.5 cm × 4.5 cm × 30 cm. It has three permeability layers and
the permeability is 2500 × 10−3 μm2, 600 × 10−3 μm2 and
200 × 10−3 μm2 respectively. The thickness of each layer is 1.5 cm. Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of core appearance structure.

Z. Sun et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 555 (2018) 586–594

given as follows:
C0 (C − Cw )
λ= =
Kg Core permeability measured by gas, 10−3μm2 Cw Cw (1)
CP Polymer concentration, mg/L
where C is the initial concentration of displacement agent, mg/L; C0 is
CA Alkali concentration, mg/L
the agent concentration in oil phase, mg/L; CW is the agent con-
CS Surfactant concentration, mg/L
centration in water phase, mg/L.
PV Pore volume, non-dimension
(5) Interfacial tension test
Prepare ASP system (CP = 2000 mg/L; CA = 12,000 mg/L;
CS = 3000 mg/L) with sewage from the three oilfields. And then test
concentration (CP) = 2000 mg/L; alkali concentration
the dynamic interfacial tension between ASP system and crude oil from
(CA) = 12,000 mg/L; surfactant concentration (CS) = 3000 mg/L), mix
the corresponding oilfield.
them with crude oil from the three oilfields according to the ration of
(6) Oil displacement effect evaluation
4:6, 5:5, 6:4, 7:3, 8:2 and 9:1. Heat the mixtures to 45℃ and stir for 1,3
① Evacuate and saturate the core with water, calculate its pore
and 5 min respectively. Let stand for 24 h at 65 °C and then separate the
oil-water phase. The surfactant concentration in water phase is de-
② Prepare ASP system (CP = 2000 mg/L; CA = 12,000 mg/L;
termined by means of two phase titration. The alkali concentration is
CS = 3000 mg/L) with sewage from the three oilfields, and saturate
determination by acid-base titration. And the polymer concentration is
cores with crude oil from the corresponding oilfield at 45℃. Then
determined by fixed nitrogen method.
calculate the oil saturation.
The partition coefficient of displacement agent in oil-water phase is
③ Water flood the cores at 45 °C until the water cut reaches 92%,
calculate the waterflood recovery rate.
④ Perform 0.73 P V ASP flooding at 45 °C and then follow by sub-
sequent water flooding until water cut reaches 98%. Then calculate the
oil recovery rate.
⑤ Test the concentration of alkali, surfactant and polymer in the
produced liquid respectively, and then test the interfacial tension be-
tween produced liquid and crude oil.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Crude oil composition analysis

(1) Infrared spectrometer analysis

The infrared spectrometer test result of active components in crude
Fig. 2. Fourier infrared spectrometer.
oil from three oilfields is shown in Fig. 5.
As shown in Fig. 5 that in the infrared spectrogram of active com-
ponents from Lamadian oil, the wide and strong characteristic peak at
3397–3079 cm−1 is resulted from OH stretching vibration. The peak at
1715 cm−1 is resulted from C]O stretching vibration, and the peak at
1262–1137cm-1 is from CeO stretching vibration, which indicates that
there is a large amount of saturated carboxylic acid in the active
components. The peak at 2922–2852 cm−1 is from symmetry and an-
tisymmetric vibration of methyl and saturated cyclic CeH. The peak at
1463–1377 cm−1 is from eCH3 anti-symmetric stretching vibration and
symmetric bending vibration. The peaks above show that the chemical
bond is saturated bond, which proves that there is a large amount of
saturated hydrocarbon in the active components, namely typical satu-
rated monocarboxylic acid (fatty acid and naphthenic acid). The peaks
above also appear at the infrared spectrogram of Saertu and

Fig. 3. Gas chromatography- mass spectrometry instrument.

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of equipment and process. Fig. 5. The infrared spectrometer test result.

Z. Sun et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 555 (2018) 586–594

Xingshugang oil. While the characteristic peak at 3300–3000 cm−1 of the strongest interfacial activity in the active components. After adding
OeH stretching vibration is not obvious. As a result, there is little sa- the alkali system, it reacts with the organic acid in crude oil to form
turated monocarboxylic acid, and dimer may be included in the acidic surfactant. The relative molecular mass of organic acid has effects on
component. the interfacial activity. The active components of low molecular weight
Further research shows that the absorption peak at 722 cm−1 is organic acid contain more fatty hydrocarbons in the R-group. Among
from methylene chain e(CH2)n–(n > 4) rocking mode in the methylene them, the fat chain (and the fatty cyclic) are the main ones, which
surface. However, the characteristic peak shows unobviously, which shows the strong interfacial activity [19,20].
indicates that methylene chain exists as short chain (n < 4). Thus, there On the other hand, the R-group in the active components of high
is a large amount of naphthenic acid and less long chain alkyl car- molecular weight organic acid has higher aromatization degree, which
boxylic acid in the samples. shows the weak interfacial activity. The strong interfacial activity can
(2) GC–MS analysis of the active component extractions reduce or eliminate the capillary action of formation, and improve the
The GC–MS diagrams of methyl ester products from the active oil displacement efficiency, which finally results in the high oil recovery
components in three oils are shown in Fig. 6. And the composition rate.
analysis result is listed in Table 1. (3) GC–MS analysis of the n-alkanes component in raffinate
As shown in Fig. 6 and Table 1 that there are larger types of organic The analysis result of the n-alkanes component in raffinate from
acids in the active components of Lamadian oil, from nonane acid to three oils is listed in Table 2.
nonacosanoic acid. The relative content of single acid is low. The As shown in Table 2 that from Lamadian, Xingshugang to Saertu
content of octadecanoic acid is the most, and followed by docosanoic Oilfield, the heavy components in raffinate becomes less. Crude oil is a
acid. The organic acids are from nonane acid to octadecanoic acid in the mixture of hydrocarbons with different carbon numbers. The partition
active components of Xingshugang oil. The content of hexadecanoic coefficient of surfactant in crude oil varies with the carbon chain
acid is the most, and followed by lauric acid. The organic acid dis- length. The surfactant of ASP system used in Daqing Oilfield is heavy
tribution in the active components of Saertu oil is concentrated, from alkylbenzene sulfonate, which is obtained by sulfonation of heavy
lauric acid to octadecanoic acid. The content of hexadecanoic acid is components in crude oil (C15 or above alkylbenzene) [21,22]. Ac-
the most, and followed by pentadecanoic acid. Acidic component has cording to the principle of similar phase dissolution, the heavy com-
ponent content in Lamadian oil is higher, which is closer to the heavy
alkylbenzene sulfonate. Therefore, it is more easily dissolved into the
crude oil after contact.

3.2. Effect of crude oil composition on the performance of ASP system

(1) Distribution law of agent concentration in oil-water phase

According to the formula (1), the partition coefficients of surfactant
and alkali in oil phase are shown in Figs. 7 and 8 respectively. (Due to
the good water solubility of polymer, it exists in the water phase and is
difficult to migrate into the oil phase. As a result, the partition coeffi-
cient of polymer in oil phase is very low.)
As shown in Fig. 7 that the partition coefficient of surfactant in oil
phase vary with the physical properties of crude oil. The surfactant is
more prone to dissolve into the oil with more heavy components.
Therefore, from Lamadian, Xingshugang to Saertu, the partition coef-
ficient of surfactant in oil phase become smaller. Moreover, the sur-
factant molecules enter the oil phase in a physical way due to the li-
pophilic groups on its molecular chains. When the ratio of crude oil to
ASP and stirring time increases, the migration trend of surfactant mo-
lecules from water phase to oil phase gradually becomes stronger.
As shown in Fig. 8 that the partition coefficient of alkali in oil phase
also become smaller from Lamadian, Xingshugang to Saertu. This is
because the distribution of organic acids in the active components of
Saertu and Xingshugang oil is concentrated. While Lamadian oil has
larger types of organic acids, and its acid value is the highest. It con-
sumes a larger amount of alkali after contact. Therefore, the partition
coefficient of alkali in Lamadian oil is higher than that of Saertu and
Xingshugang oil. Moreover, when the ratio of crude oil to ASP and
stirring time increases, the contact area between alkali and crude oil
expands, and they can react more fully. The emulsion type changes
from O/W to W/O (see Fig. 9). As a results, the consumption of alkali in
oil phase increases and its partition coefficient becomes larger corre-
(2) Dynamic interfacial tension
The test results of dynamic interfacial tension between the ASP
system and crude oil, raffinate or active components are shown in
Fig. 10.
As shown in Fig. 10 that with the prolongation of the test time, the
interfacial tension between crude oil and ASP system first decreases,
Fig. 6. The GC–MS diagrams of methyl ester products from the active compo- then increases, and eventually tends to be stable. The ultra low inter-
nents. facial tension can be achieved. Heavy alkylbenzene sulfonate is a

Z. Sun et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 555 (2018) 586–594

Table 1
The composition analysis result.
Number Organic acid methyl ester Peak flowing out (min) Relative Content (%)

Saertu Xingshugang Lamadian

1 Nonane acid methyl ester 9.143 – 3.1 0.5

2 Kwai alkanes acid methyl ester 12.852 – 3.4 –
3 Undecane acid methyl ester 17.108 – 4.0 0.3
4 Lauric acid methyl ester 19.768 3.9 22.5 0.8
5 Tridecane acid methyl ester 23.481 3.6 4.4 0.7
6 Tetradecanoic acid methyl ester 26.887 7.8 8.0 1.3
7 Pentadecanoic acid methyl ester 30.044 13.8 7.0 8.4
8 Hexadecanoic acid methyl ester 33.622 62.5 39.1 11.2
9 Heptadecanoic acid methyl ester 36.627 4.3 1.6 1.6
10 Octadecanoic acid methyl ester 39.876 4.1 5.9 18.0
11 Nonane-decanoic acid methyl ester 41.560 – – 0.3
12 Eicosanoic acid methyl ester 44.069 – – 12.6
13 Heneicosanoic acid methyl ester 47.939 – – 8.8
14 Docosanoic acid methyl ester 50.932 – – 17.6
15 Lignoceric acid methyl ester 54.986 – – 7.1
16 Pentacosanoic acid methyl ester 58.175 – – 4.6
17 Hexacosanoic acid methyl ester 61.153 – – 3.5
18 Octocosoic acid methyl ester 63.948 – –
19 Nonacosanoic acid methyl ester 66.587 – –

Table 2 occurs as the last one, and its decrease magnitude is the smallest.
The composition of the n-alkanes in raffinate. Compared with Saertu and Xingshugang oil, more active components
Parameters Relative Content (%)
dissolve into the Lamadian oil. And the accumulation of active com-
ponents in the oil-water interface decreases, which also reduces its
Component Saertu Xingshugang Lamadian migration speed to the oil-water interface [27]. As a result, the inter-
facial tension between Lamadian oil and ASP system is relatively high
C10∼C14 15.35 6.20 3.62
C14∼C40 84.65 93.80 96.38
in Fig. 10(a).
Main peak carbon nC22 nC21 nC23 Further research shows that the interfacial tension between ASP
Before ∑C31/After ∑C31 26.70 12.97 9.88 system and active components or raffinate are both higher (10−1mN/m
and 10-2mN/m). However, there is ultra-low interfacial tension be-
tween ASP system and crude oil (10-3mN/m), Therefore, synergistic
mixture of different polar compounds. It is distributed in the oil phase, effect exists among the colloid and asphaltene in crude oil and surfac-
oil-water interface and water phase according to its lipophilicity. Only tant component, which jointly promotes the substantial decrease in
surfactant molecules with affinity to oil and water can be adsorbed in interfacial tension.
the oil-water interface, which forms the interface adsorption layer to
reduce the interfacial tension [23–25]. When the adsorption quantity of
surfactant in the phase interface increases, the concentration gradient is 3.3. Effect of crude oil composition on the oil recovery increment and the
formed between the phase interface and ASP system. Thus the deso- properties of produced liquid
rption rate increases and the concentration of interface active substance
decreases, which leads to the increase of interfacial tension. Different (1) Oil recovery increment
oil properties have different selectivity to hydrophile lipophilic balance The test results of the effect of crude oil composition on the oil re-
of heavy alkylbenzene sulfonate molecules, which results in the uneven covery increment are shown in Fig. 11 and Table 3.
distribution in the oil - water system [26]. In the three oils, the As shown in Fig. 11 and Table 3 that the crude oil composition has
minimum interfacial tension between Lamadian oil and ASP system effect on the oil recovery increment. Under the same experiment

Fig. 7. The partition coefficient of surfactant in oil phase.

Z. Sun et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 555 (2018) 586–594

Fig. 8. The partition coefficient of alkali in oil phase.

Fig. 9. The emulsion type.

conditions, from Lamadian, Xingshugan to Saertu, the oil increment phenomenon in Lamadian Oilfield is more obvious. And the synergistic
effect becomes better. In the three experiments, the viscosity of ASP effect between alkali and surfactant becoms worse, which results in the
system and the abilities of enlarging sweep volume are almost the same. poor oil increment effect.
However, the interfacial tension between Saertu and Xingshugang oil (3) Interfacial tension
and ASP system is lower, so the displacement efficiency is higher, which The test results of interfacial tension between the produced liquid
resultes in the larger oil recovery increment. and crude oil is shown in Fig. 13.
(2) Chromatographic separation phenomenon As seen in Fig. 13 that with the increase of pore volume, the in-
The relationship between non-dimensional concentration of pro- terfacial tension between produced liquid and crude oil first decreases,
duced liquid and pore volume in three oilfields is shown in Fig. 12. but then increases. This is because at the beginning the surfactant
As shown in Fig. 12 that when the non-dimensional concentration molecules gather in the oil-water interface to reduce the interfacial
(C/C0) was 0.3 [28–30], the equal concentration distances of polymer tension. But with the increase of adsorption quantity of surfactant, the
and surfactant in Lamadian Oilfield are larger than that in Saertu and concentration gradient is formed between the phase interface and
Xingshugang Oilfield. Therefore, the chromatographic separation produced liquid. Therefore, its desorption rate increases and the

Fig. 10. Relationship between interfacial tension and test time.

Z. Sun et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 555 (2018) 586–594

Fig. 11. Relationship between injection-pressure, water cut, oil recovery rate and pore volume.

Table 3
The test results of recovery efficiency.
Parameters Crude Oil and Water Viscosity of ASP system Interfacial Tension Oil Saturation Recovery Efficiency(%) The Increment
Sources (mPa s) (10−3mN/m) (%) (%)
Plan Water Flooding Chemical

1 Saertu 32.2 5.26 72.7 29.0 63.1 34.1

2 Xingshugang 32.1 4.31 72.7 29.3 62.0 32.5
3 Lamadian 32.4 7.25 72.6 28.6 58.7 30.1

Fig. 12. Relationship between non-dimensional concentration and pore volume.

In conclusion, compared with Saertu and Xingshugang oil, the

content of heavy components in Lamadian oil is higher and its com-
ponent is closer to that of heavy alkylbenzene sulfonate. Thus more
active components will dissolve into the Lamadian oil, which reduces
the active components in the water phase and oil-water interface. As a
result, the interfacial tension becomes higher and oil incremental effect
gets worse. Meanwhile, the agent concentration of produced liquid

4. Field application

4.1. Polymer concentration

According to the field test results of ASP flooding in North-Ⅰ block of

Saertu Oilfield, Southern-Ⅴ of Xingshugang Oilfield and North-Ⅱ-West
block of Lamadian Oilfield, the relation scatter plot of polymer con-
Fig. 13. Relationship between interfacial tension and pore volume. centration in produced liquid and oil recovery increment is shown in
Fig. 14(a).
interface active components become less, which causes the interfacial As seen in Fig. 14(a) that with the increase of polymer concentra-
tension to rise again. Compared with the agent concentration in La- tion, the oil recovery increment of the three oilfields shows an upward
madian Oilfield, the concentration of alkali and surfactant in Saertu and trend. When the polymer concentration is the same, from Saertu,
Xingshugang Oilfield is higher, thus the interfacial tension between Xingshugang to Lamadian, the oil increment effect becomes worse,
produced liquid and crude oil is lower. which is consistent with laboratory physical simulation results.

Z. Sun et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 555 (2018) 586–594

Fig. 14. Relationship between agent concentration and oil recovery increment.

4.2. Alkali concentration into Lamadian oil.

3 The interfacial tension between ASP system and active components
According to the field test results of ASP flooding in North-Ⅰ block of or raffinate are both higher (10−1mN/m and 10-2mN/m). However,
Saertu Oilfield, Southern-Ⅴ of Xingshugang Oilfield and North-Ⅱ-West there is ultra-low interfacial tension between ASP system and crude
block of Lamadian Oilfield, the relation scatter plot of alkali con- oil (10-3mN/m), which shows that synergistic effect exists among
centration in produced liquid and oil recovery increment is shown in the colloid and asphaltene in crude oil and surfactant component,
Fig. 14(b). which jointly promotes the substantial decrease in interfacial ten-
As seen in Fig. 14(b) that with the increase of alkali concentration, sion.
the oil recovery increment of the three oilfields shows an upward trend. 4 The physical simulation experiments and field tests both have
When the alkali concentration is the same, from Lamadian, Xing- proved that, if the crude oil has a large amount of heavy components
shugang to Saertu, the oil increment effect becomes better. The reason and its composition is closer to that of surfactant, then more sur-
is that the acid value of Lamadian oil is the highest, which consumes a factant will dissolve into the oil. This leads to the increase of in-
large amount of alkali. On the other hand, its formation permeability is terfacial tension, and the oil incremental effect gets worse corre-
lower, and the adsorption and retention of alkali in formation is larger, spondingly. Therefore, the crude oil composition has significant
which results in the low alkali concentration in produced liquid. impact on the effect of ASP flooding.

4.3. Surfactant concentration Acknowledgements

According to the field test results of ASP flooding in North-Ⅰ block of This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science
Saertu Oilfield, Southern-Ⅴ of Xingshugang Oilfield and North-Ⅱ-West Foundation of China (51574086), Northeast Petroleum University
block of Lamadian Oilfield, the relation scatter plot of surfactant con- Innovation Foundation For Postgraduate (YJSCX2015-010NEPU), and
centration in produced liquid and oil recovery increment is shown in “Exploration of Blockage Removal technology for heavy component
Fig. 14(c). sediments in crude oil” (YXKY-2017-ZY-ZZCX-06).
As seen in Fig. 14(c) that with the increase of surfactant con-
centration, the oil recovery increment of the three oilfields shows an Appendix A. Supplementary data
upward trend. When the oil recovery increment is the same, the sur-
factant concentration of Saertu Oilfield is the highest. This is because its Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
formation permeability is higher, and the adsorption and retention of online version, at doi:
surfactant in formation is less. As a result, the surfactant concentration
in produced liquid is higher. References

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