4 차 Technical Proposal 견적 기준 Check List (WP7) : Owner Requirement
4 차 Technical Proposal 견적 기준 Check List (WP7) : Owner Requirement
4 차 Technical Proposal 견적 기준 Check List (WP7) : Owner Requirement
Sea Water Pump의 개수는 5+1이며, 각 Pump의 Capa.는 11,200 ton/hr, Yes, As per Latest Data (MDS) share by Daelim to WIKA,
6 SW Pumps Quantity for Seawater pump is : 5+1 , with capacity : 12.200 Numbers of seawater pump is 5 + 1. Capacity of each pump is
Diff. Pressure는 49.0m이도록 설계 반영할 것 11,200 ton/hr and Diff. Pressure is 49.0m.
ton/hr and Diff. Press : 49.0m
Loading Arm OWNER Inform을 반영하여 각 제품 별 Import / Export 및 배관 Size를
7 -Piping Piping size was considered as per OWNER information.
Arrangement 반영할 것
8 Equipment Naphtha Unloading Line에 Naphtha Filter 설치 및 견적 반영할 것 Yes, As per latest data (MDS, P&ID ) EPC will provide. Naphtha Filer was reflected in Naphatha Unloading Line.
OWNER Inform 사항을 반영하여 각 Berth 별 K.O Drum을 1EA 씩만 Yes, As per latest Data (BOQ), K.O drum will provide by EPC
9 Equipment for Berth #2,#4,#5, but for Birth #1 is Existing Facility ( we Reflecting the OWNER information, design and reflect only
설계 반영할 것 1EA of K.O Drum for each Berth
don't have any information) and also for Birth #3 ( Future )
Jetty로 출하하는 모든 제품 배관 Trestle 입구 구분에 Emergency Shut Emergency Shut Off Valve (XV Type) should be reflected in
11 P&ID -Instrument
Off Valve (XV Type) 반영할 것 the trestle entrance division of all products shipped by Jetty