Hereditary Protein S Deficiency and Recurrent Venous Thrombosis: A Case Report
Hereditary Protein S Deficiency and Recurrent Venous Thrombosis: A Case Report
Hereditary Protein S Deficiency and Recurrent Venous Thrombosis: A Case Report
Acta Clinet Croat
al. 2002; 43:301-303 Hereditary protein S deficiency and recurrent venous thrombosis
Case Report
Petar Gaæina1, Dubravka Èaravec1, Biserka Raiæ1, Boris Car2, Vladimir Stanèiæ1 and Vlatko Peja3
Department of Hematology, 2Department of Angiology, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital; 3Department of Hematology,
Dubrava University Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia
SUMMARY A case is presented of a 32-year-old female with hereditary protein S deficiency associated
with pulmonary embolism and recurrent deep venous thrombosis of lower extremities. Other proteins
known to be associated with familial thromboembolic disease, including antithrombin, plasminogen, fibrin-
ogen, protein C, factor V Leiden and prothrombin G20210A, were normal. Her mother, grandmother and
great-grandfather had a history of thromboembolic disease. This report illustrates the importance of protein
S measurement in patients suspected of having inherited venous thrombotic disorders.
Key words: Blood proteins; Glycoproteins deficiency; Protein S deficiency; Thrombophilia etiology; Venous thrombosis
Case Report
Correspondence to: Petar Gaæina, M.D., Department of Hematology,
Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital, Vinogradska c. 29, HR-10000
Zagreb, Croatia The propositus was a 32-year-old female with a histo-
E-mail: ry of thromboembolic disease that had begun at the age of
Received April 19, 2004, accepted in revised form June 29, 2004 24, in 1996. She developed right calf vein thrombosis and
was treated with oral anticoagulants for six months. In continue warfarin because of the severity of thrombotic
2003, four weeks after delivery, she developed ileofemo- diathesis, such individuals can be studied while receiving
ral thrombosis in her left leg again, complicated by pulmo- heparin therapy, which does not alter plasma protein S
nary emboli. Clinical diagnosis was confirmed by doppler concentrations. Women with thrombophilia including pro-
sonography and pulmonary perfusion scintigraphy. The tein S deficiency and a history of previous thromboembo-
patient was treated with intravenous unfractionated hep- lic disease should receive thromboprophylaxis during preg-
arin and subsequently with oral anticoagulants. Her fam- nancy and 6- to 8-week post partum period. Low-molecu-
ily history revealed numerous episodes of thrombosis. Her lar-weight heparin appears to be a safe alternative to un-
mother, now aged 64, developed right calf vein thrombo- fractionated heparin or oral anticoagulants for both the
sis after delivery when she was 32 years old, and left calf fetus and the mother10. Our patient did not receive any
vein thrombosis 21 years later. The patients grandmoth- prophylaxis after delivery, so the risk of thrombosis was
er died from pulmonary emboli when she was 50 years old, much greater.
after operative treatment. The patients great-grandfather Sometimes it is difficult to diagnose familial protein S
suffered from thrombophlebitis and deep venous throm- deficiency. Repeat sampling and family studies are usual-
bosis. Laboratory studies of plasma obtained from the ly required to make definitive diagnosis. We do not know
propositus and her mother showed normal values of pro- the exact incidence of hereditary protein S deficiency in
thrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, antithrombin, the Croatian population. So, additional studies are need-
plasminogen, fibrinogen, protein C and thrombin time, but ed to define the prevalence of protein S deficiency in
a low concentration of total protein S (10% of normal val- Croatia.
ues in the propositus and 30.5% in her mother). No evi-
dence of liver disease or disseminated intravascular coag- References
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Prikazan je sluèaj 32-godinje bolesnice s nasljednim nedostatkom proteina S povezanim s pluænom embolijom i opetovanom
dubokom venskom trombozom donjih ekstremiteta. Ostali èimbenici nasljedne trombofilije, tj. antitrombin, plazminogen, fi-
brinogen, protein C, faktor V. Leiden i protrombin G20210A su bili uredni. Obiteljska anamneza majke, bake i pradjeda ukazivala
je na opetovanu vensku trombozu i pluænu emboliju. Navodi se znaèenje odreðivanja proteina S u bolesnika sa sumnjom na
nasljednu trombofiliju.
Kljuène rijeèi: Krvni proteini deficijencija; Protein S deficijencija; Trombofilija etiologija; Venska tromboza genetika