Wellness Tourism: What Motivates Tourists To Participate?: Dr. Demet Tuzunkan
Wellness Tourism: What Motivates Tourists To Participate?: Dr. Demet Tuzunkan
Wellness Tourism: What Motivates Tourists To Participate?: Dr. Demet Tuzunkan
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 1 (2018) pp. 651-661
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
analyze the motivational factors in the wellness tourism of fitness. For the sake of rigorous results, this study defines
context and tourists’ intention to participate in wellness health and wellness tourism as destinations focused on pure
tourism. Exclusively, the purpose of this study is to analyze health and wellness activities and featured with just health and
the “push and pull” factors of tourists’ motivation in wellness wellness facilities and products, for instance spa center.
tourism context, and their effects on tourists’ intention to
Some researchers have studied the perception of wellness
participate in wellness tourism. As a relatively new topic in
seekers. Mueller and Kaufmann (2001) conducted a study on
academic tourism research, the study will provide useful
tourists’ perception about wellness tourism using Importance-
implications for the marketing strategies, management and Performance Analysis (IPA). Further the visitors were
operation of wellness tourism destinations, thus improving clustered as demanding health guests, independent
wellness seekers’ experience and attracting more wellness
infrastructure users, care-intensive cure guests, and
undemanding recreation guests. Suresh, Ganesan, and
Specifically, the study intends to investigate the following Ravinchandran (2007) examined consumers’ service
questions: expectations, attitudes toward wellness services, and the
clusters of clients in five wellness centers in Bangalore, India.
1) What are the motivational factors of people in the US to
Based on the behavioral characteristics of clients, three
participate in wellness tourism?
clusters were identified: occupational ailment prevention
2) How likely is it for people in the US to participate in a seekers and regular weekend clients, heredity ailment
wellness tourism activity during vacation? prevention seekers and new clients, and anti-aging, spirituality
3) What is the role of motivational factors in predicting seekers and strong reviewers.
wellness seeker's behavioral intention? Bennett, King and Milner (2004) conducted an attribute
4) What is the influence of past experience on tourist's analysis on the health and wellness tourism destinations in
motivation and behavioral intention to visit a health and Australia. They developed a four-quadrant model: 1)
wellness destination? mainstream and tourism focus, 2) alternative and wider
tourism focus, 3) medical treatment and mainstream focus, 4)
alternative and medical treatment focus. The four quadrants
LITERATURE REVIEW were labeled as leading market, which takes up the largest
proportion in industry, emerging market, conventional and
An increasingly intensified academic attention has been paid niche market. The results provide implications for marketing
to this niche tourism in recent years (Smith, Kelley, 2006), segmentation of wellness tourism from supply side. Tourism
however, the study on wellness tourism remains in an market segmentations are usually based on demographic
exploratory stage, and the discussions of health and wellness characteristics, psychographic profiles, geographical
tourism have particularly focused on health tourism as a boundaries, buying behavior characteristics and benefits that
market and product (Dimanche, & Dimanche, 2010). Current tourists desire (Hudson, 2008). The market of health and
research interests include definition (e.g. Mueller & wellness tourism has two segmentation approaches: health and
Kaufmann, 2001) and scope (e.g. Bushell, & Sheldon, 2009) income (Goodrich, 1993), some destinations target at people
of wellness tourism; wellness tourists’ motivations (Chen, with certain health care needs, as different people have
Prebensen, & Huan , 2008; Mak, Wong, & Chang, 2009, different health problems; and some other destinations can
etc. ), behaviors (Suresh, Ganesan, and Ravinchandran, 2007), provide luxury health service and treatment for the high-end
perceptions (Mueller & Kaufmann, 2001); wellness tourism consumers as a result of income segmentation. The cluster
resources and destinations (Spivack, 1998; Bennett, King & analysis in Mueller and Kaufmann (2001) and Suresh et al.
Milner, 2004); as well as market segmentation (Goodrich, (2007)’s study segmented the wellness tourism market
1993; Voigt, & Laing, 2010, etc. ) and demand and supply according to the behavioral characteristics of wellness tourists.
analyses (Joppe, 2010; Spivack, 1998). Voigt and Laing (2010) provided a new approach of market
To date, there is still a lack of consistency in the definition of segmentation: characteristics of health and wellness tourism
wellness tourism across the literature but most of the providers, which are different from the traditional approaches
researchers tend to agree that wellness tourism, together with that are based on the perspective of consumers. As business
medical tourism, belongs to the realm of health tourism providers can always keenly perceive even a tiny consumption
(Joppe, 2010; Smith, & Puczko, 2009; Mueller, & Kaufmann, trend in the market.
2001). For the scope of wellness tourism, according to the Studies on health and wellness tourism have diversified on
authors of “Wellness and Tourism: Mind, Body, Spirit, Place”, motivation factors (Konu & Laukkanen, 2009), expenditures
wellness tourism can be divided into six categories based on determinants (Medina-Munoz and Medina-Munoz, 2012),
tourist’s motivations and product purpose and benefits. They analysis of retreat operators (Kelly, 2010) destination
are medical, health, sport/ fitness, adventure, wellbeing and development (Huijbens, 2011). Nonetheless, it is important to
transformation (Bushell, & Sheldon, 2009). Beeton (2010) concentrate on the motivation studies to generate insight to the
concluded that generally wellness tourism include: traveling emerging concepts in tourism (Crompton, 1979). Motivation
for medical reasons (Connell, 2006; Henderson, 2003), is an important factor of individuals that explains tourist
traveling for mental and physical rejuvenation (Mueller, & behavior (Prebensen and Kleiven, 2006), needs (Backman et
Kaufmann, 2001; Smith, & Puczkó, 2009) and traveling for al., 1995), and expectations (Yoon and Uysal, 2005).
physical activities that require and/or encourage certain levels Motivation has an important background in tourism literature,
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 1 (2018) pp. 651-661
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
and various models have been developed to explain water resources with high quality of chemical composition
motivation. Beard and Ragheb (1983) introduced the leisure and appropriate temperature. These features improve
motivation scale. They suggest that intellectual, social, Romania’s potential for attracting an increasing number of
competence mastery, and stimulus avoidance are motives that foreign visitors (Dinu, Zbuchea, & Cioaca, 2010). A case
drive people for travel. Crompton (1979) developed a tourist study on the evolution of health and wellness tourism within
typology in motivation context that includes push and pull Byron Bay, Australia, shows that because of its location,
factors. Push factors are internal individual needs whereas pull unique geographic formation, natural assets, and wide range
factors are external factors such as attributes of a destination of health and wellness facilities such as yoga and spiritual
that drives tourists to participate in a vacation (Crompton retreats, the area is appealing to a large number of foreign
1979). Researchers on tourists’ motivation context have taken visitors and domestic residents (Wray, Laing, & Voigt, 2010).
several approaches. Leisure motivation scale (Beard &
Although motivational factors explain the reasons of why
Ragheb, 1983), push and pull factors (Crompton, 1979), and
visitors’ participate in wellness tourism, understanding
travel career ladder (Pearce & Lee, 2005) are some of the
tourists’ behavioral intention to visit a destination is critically
tourists’ motivation models. Motivation is an important important for destination managers and marketing
construct explaining wellness tourists’ behavior, needs, and organizations. Studies on behavioral intentions mostly focused
expectation, where push and pull factors model allows this
on the topic of behavioral intention as a consequence variable.
study to investigate tourists’ motivation in wellness tourism
Widely accepted theories related with behavioral intention
both internally and externally. In this study, push and pull
include the Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein, & Ajzen,
factors model are used to test tourists’ motivation on wellness
1975, 1980) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (Azjen, 1985,
tourism 1991). In tourism context, researchers have found that
Health or wellness tourism has become a rapid growing destination image (Chen & Tsai, 2007), subjective
industry, where people travel to gain health-related effects norm/interpersonal influence (Hsu, Kang & Lam, 2006),
(Garcia-Altaes 2005). In this particular tourism industry, constraints (Hubbard & Mannell, 2001), service quality
products are designed to meet tourists’ health-related needs, (Alexandris, Dimitriadis, & Markata, 2002), and tourist
so that tourists can recover and improve their quality of life. satisfaction (González, Comesaña, & Brea, 2007) are
Tourism products such as spa, massage, fitness classes, and important factors in predicting of travelers’ behavioral
body treatment (pampering), health gourmet meals, fitness intentions. However, very few studies have explored
classes and clinical treatments are developed to attract tourists motivation as a predictor in explaining behavioral intention.
who travel for healthy activities (Chen, Prebensen, & Huan, Jang and Feng (2007) try to explain the role of one motivation
2008). The motivation of health and wellness tourism has factor “novelty seeking” in tourist’s temporal destination
been discussed by a number of tourism researchers. And the
revisit intention. Konu and Laukkanen (2009, 2010)
‘push and pull’ model is widely adopted in tourist motivation
conducted two consecutive studies to identify the relationship
research, which also applies to health and wellness tourism
between wellness tourists’ motivation factors and their
intentions to make wellbeing holiday in Finland. Results show
Crompton (1979) identified seven socio-psychological that motivations of participating physical activities, getting in
motives considered as ‘push’ factors, including escape from a better shape and promoting and enhancing health have
perceived mundane environment, exploration and evaluation positive effects on tourist’s intentions to make a wellbeing trip,
of self, relaxation, prestige, regression, enhancement of while motivations like visiting new areas and places, viewing
kinship relationships, and facilitation of social interaction. the scenery and experiencing the nature etc. are not so
Based on Crompton’s study, Mak, Wong, and Chang (2009) relevant with intentions to make wellbeing trips. Previous
conducted a focus group survey to spa participants and found experience of wellbeing holidays is confirmed having the
other new motivations for going to spa, namely pampering strongest predictive effect in behavioral intention. Based on
oneself, rewarding oneself for working hard, seeking mental Konu and Laukkanen’s (2009, 2010) studies, the motivation
peacefulness, and getting away from the pressures of work items are limited to those are closely related to wellness
and social life. In the study conducted in Taiwan, by Chen, tourism, such as enhancing mental wellbeing, relaxation, etc.
Prebensen, and Huan (2008), the findings show that in the
The summary of literature review revealed that scant attention
ranking of importance of motivation by wellness tourism
has been given to the motivation in wellness tourism context.
participants, relaxation takes the priority, followed by
The explanation might be in the nature of wellness tourism as
pursuing multiple activities, recreation, and experiencing
being a new niche in tourism literature. On the other hand,
nature, respectively (Chen, Prebensen, & Huan 2008). Mostly, different perspectives of previous studies on the topic might
the various studies on the “push” motivational factors share a be another explanation to this issue. Most of the current
common result that relaxation is one of the most important
studies are exploratory and descriptive in nature, which are
factors that drives tourists going for wellness destinations.
still in an initial research stage. More in-depth studies and a
Apart from the ‘push’ factors that source from tourists wider range of research perspectives are needed. There are
themselves, the ‘pull’ factors are identified as the destinations’ only a few studies on the motivational factors of health and
attributes and their attractions (Mak, Wong, & Chang, 2009). wellness tourists, especially those studying motivation as an
Therefore, the features of destination itself can be a driving explaining variable for tourists’ behavioral intention. Aiming
force of tourists’ visits. A research on health tourism in at examining the motivational factors of health and wellness
Romania spa industry found that Romania has various natural tourists in the United States, further using motivation as an
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 1 (2018) pp. 651-661
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
explanatory variable, this paper is expected to test the effect wellness tourism. Current consumers are those who have had
that tourists’ motivations have on their behavioral intentions the experience of being to wellness destination or
to participate in wellness tourism. participating in wellness tourism activities, while potential
customers are those who have no such experience, but have
the intention to take part in. At the beginning of the survey, a
METHODOLOGY screening question, “have you experienced wellness tourism
Research Design activities before? ‘Yes’ or ‘No’”, is set to help separate two
different types of customers. The questionnaires were
In this paper, a survey research approach is adopted to explore completed by street intercepts, emails and mails. Street
the motivational factors of tourists who participate in health intercepts took place in Charleston, SC on the weekends of
and wellness tourism, and to further examine the influence of December 2015. An email with a web link for the survey were
motivational factors on tourists’ willingness and intention to also sent to randomly to potential respondents. When the data
participate in health and wellness tourism in the United States. gathering stage ended, the variables were coded and the data
A quantitative structured questionnaire is developed based on were recorded directly in SPSS, the statistical package used in
the literature review to collect the data. the analyses.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 1 (2018) pp. 651-661
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
has a high factor loading on “Enhancing my quality of life” internal consistency of each set of items as a group.
and “Experiencing something new”, respondents are Cronbach's α of the first two factors are greater than 0.7,
expecting an improvement through health and wellness which means the internal consistency is acceptable; while the
activities, and thus it is labeled as “life improvement”. A last two factors are poor in internal consistency with an
reliability analysis is run through each factor to test the Cronbach's α falls between 0.5 and 0.6(Kline, 1999).
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 1 (2018) pp. 651-661
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 1 (2018) pp. 651-661
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 1 (2018) pp. 651-661
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
Dependent Variable: I will visit health and wellness destination in the next few years
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 1 (2018) pp. 651-661
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 1 (2018) pp. 651-661
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
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