Vernacular Architecture and Construction Techniques in The Karakoram

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Vernacular Architecture
and Construction Techniques in the Karakoram

he Karakoram mountains contain a most remarkable number and variety of historic buildings of
monumental and domestic scale. Their survival up to the present shows how well they have served
their inhabitants; it is proof of excellent material qualities, of superb construction detailing, of
regular maintenance and of minimal external pressures for change. Since the opening up of the region by
the Karakoram Highway (KKH), this important architectural heritage has become readily accessible for
tourists and for specialist research. Meanwhile, this very event and the ensuing recent development trends
also constitute a considerable threat to the survival of the Northern Areas cultural heritage.

The historic buildings of Hunza included many magnificent old strongholds, now represented by the sur-
viving Baltit and Altit forts and the fortified village of Ganish. These forts bear testimony to the times of
the historic Silk Routes from China to northern India and Europe (which provided the local principal-
ities with rich raiding opportunities), while in the late nineteenth century, the local kingdoms became in-
volved in the ‘Great Game’, the political and military ‘tournament of shadows’ between the British and
Russian Empires. There are still good-quality structural remains of other traditional forts and palaces found
to the south and west in Gilgit, Gupis and Yasin. Further east, intact structures are to be found, for exam-
ple at Rondu, Skardu, Shigar, Kiris and Khaplu. In former times there were many other forts – at least
seven in Hunza before the British military campaign at the end of the nineteenth century. Once demolished,
these structures completely disappeared, including underground archaeological features.

On a smaller building scale, historic villages are still intact, mostly including ‘core’ cluster housing with
associated animal byres, stores, simple shops and mosques and other religious buildings. Historic mosques
and tombs of saints (astanas) are found throughout the Karakoram landscape and are spectacular pieces of
architecture. Up in the remoter side and high altitude valleys and summer pastures, individual farms and
small clusters of houses tend to cling to the most precarious mountainsides.

All these traditional buildings are characterised by the use of building materials found at hand, that is rub-
ble and dressed stone, soil (as ‘adobe’ blocks or ‘pisé’ rammed earth) and timber (softwoods today but most-
ly deciduous hardwoods in the past). These materials were used in the most simple of ways for ordinary
buildings. Important buildings involved itinerant craftsmen proudly showing off high-quality structural
engineering skills and carving. The older monuments, probably dating back more than a thousand years,
illustrate indigenous features and also cultural influences derived from the west (typically from Afghanistan
but from as far as western Turkey) and the south-east (Ladakh and Kashmir). Within the region, the use
of ‘cator and cribbage’ construction techniques has reached its zenith, presenting us with wonderful testi-
monies of elaborate timber building techniques.

Fig. . Baltit fort and village from the front, in the s (courtesy Roy- Fig. . Baltit fort from the rear, towering above the ravine
al Geographic Society). of the Ultar nullah (courtesy Royal Geographic Society).

Today, traditional buildings and settlements in the main valleys are rapidly being replaced and upgraded –
much construction work being done in the self-help mode or by governmental and non-governmental or-
ganisations in the field of health, education and agriculture. The first signs of change go back to the s
with the early construction works of the Public Works Department. This was then followed by some ini-
tial development schemes sponsored by the Ismaili communities and dramatically increased with the later
activities of the Aga Khan Development Network programmes.

Many of these recent building activities have resulted in new architectural styles and structural technolo-
gies related to those found around Rawalpindi, for example. The more sophisticated buildings, including
schools and hotels, are now characterised by concrete frames of columns and beams with infilled panels.
New ordinary houses are typically built with concrete block load-bearing walls. New roofs are made of
corrugated galvanised sheet steel. These new self-built structures commonly show poor architectural and
engineering designs, as well as crude craftsmanship, since little construction practice is being transferred
from previous vernacular craft skills. At the same time, the historic houses and monuments are becoming
rare ‘antiquities’ and are threatened by decay. Therefore, efforts to understand, revive and adapt tradition-
al building techniques are needed, both for new construction and for restoration purposes.

Hence, this article aims to throw some light on the vernacular construction techniques of the region and
on the morphology of its most prominent historic structures – the forts and palaces. Beyond this historic
approach, however, it is important to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of traditional building tech-
niques in terms of engineering principles, use of materials, siting, reaction to large stresses, risk of natural
hazards, and so on, in order to evaluate how traditional techniques can best be used and adapted under con-
temporary conditions. This is the underlying theme of the second, more technical part of this article, which
is complemented by considerations on the restoration of historic buildings in chapter  of this book.

Fig. . Altit fort on the high cliff commanding the Hunza river and the old village on the high plateau beneath the fort (see also pl. ).


There are few surviving historic buildings more than about five hundred years old, though it is the case that
materials, such as wood and stone, have been reused from older ones, providing a continuity of construc-
tion tradition. Houses were not built for longevity. Though they may stand on the footprint of older hous-
es, and indeed look old, most are relatively recent. Forts and other defensive structures tend to have been re-
moved – as part of feudal power struggles – and then from the late nineteenth century, obliterated to reduce
the local capabilities to resist control of the British colonial administration. The forts surviving the purge
became palaces of the mirs and rajas, masking the older and rougher innards built by the robber chiefs who
had been raiding the transcontinental silk routes. As such buildings required near constant repair they were
easily abandoned or replaced: Baltit fort was saved in extremis before it fell down, but Nager fort collapsed.

Most surviving historic buildings are therefore mosques and astanas, these retaining most of the as-built and
sacrosanct architectural arrangements and the more elaborate ornamentation. So, while we know from oral
and written history that settlement of the mountains goes back to pre-Islamic times, there is little architec-
tural evidence to support this, with minimal ability to appreciate early tribal differences of building styles
and engineering practices. Carbon  dating of the Altit fort shikari (tower) timbers proves an origin slight-
ly more than one thousand years ago and the first phase of development of Baltit fort dates back about 
years. Otherwise, there is some evidence of Buddhist courtyard cell structures, for example at a monastery
site at Shigar probably dating to the late first century BC.

It is therefore impossible, so far, to describe the origins and any continuity and development of building
styles. However, for a few distinctive structural engineering features it is possible to see them in a wider his-
torical context suggestive of copying ideas, for example transposed as a result of trading, of tribal or fam-
ily migration, or being mimicked by paid itinerant or captured craftsmen.

As simple houses follow simple building techniques, there is no need to suggest a prototype or origin of the
structural system from elsewhere. The complex roof structure resting on four timber posts placed around
the central ha (the core of the room) creates a semi-dome effect supported off the main beams and provides
a central smoke vent. It is a logical approach when using small-sized timbers and desiring a higher central
head room. It is also a roofing technique known from classical antiquity, for example around the eastern
Greek Mediterranean, in Persia and in Buddhist periods of India and Sri Lanka. As a ubiquitous proto-
type, it allowed many spatial and functional variations according to social needs and tribal traditions.

In the surviving historic monuments, timber ‘cators’ (horizontal timber straps found in wall faces) have a
long tradition possibly derived from central Anatolia some nine thousand years ago. This is a technique
that has been researched in the earthquake-prone landscapes of the Middle East and North Africa. Based
on quality of design and construction it reaches its functional best in Macedonia and in the Karakoram.
‘Cribbage’ columns (vertical timber box frames found typically at wall corners) are most sophisticated in
the Karakoram but this may relate to the availability of wood. For the Karakoram, a Ladakh origin is
indicated, based on structures found in Baltistan where decorative motifs on sixteenth- and seventeenth-
century mosques and astanas have a Buddhist affiliation and therefore could have originated more than two
thousand years ago.

The prerequisite for siting houses and settlements in the Karakoram region has always been the avoidance
of dynamic land-modifying geomorphological processes. No doubt in the early days this happened by
trial and error, this theory being supported by the number of disappeared settlements in Yasin valley, for
example. These have been identified from old maps and were located on outwash fans and unstable scree
slopes. More recent settlements took into account observations accumulated by many generations of in-
habitants, especially farmers highly sensitive to every mood of their land. The historical settlements gener-
ally tended to avoid floodplains and actively eroding cliff edges. Less predictable were hazardous locations
resulting from snow and rock avalanches, landslides, mudflows and glacier surges. Such building loca-
tions were neither better nor worse in terms of resisting strong earthquakes, which, fortunately, do not very
often reach a damaging magnitude in this region.

Choice sites were those with an element of natural defence, good microclimatic aspects, a fair supply of
water and with nearby soil slopes able to be improved for farming. Given the mountainous topography there
is nearly always a local supply of easily-won building materials. However, sophisticated engineering was
commonly required to import water supplies via irrigation channels. Many of these are seen today as spec-
tacular winding threads across the mountain faces and have become an integral part of the highly impor-
tant historic landscape. Often houses sought a large boulder against which the walls could be set (a ‘mother-
stone’ or anchor) – perhaps continuing a shepherd tradition of penning animals. Forts often took advan-
tage of up-standing rock outcrops and cliff edges.

Figs. -. Traditional house construction (all by D. Lorimer, ).
Top left, the wazir’s house located in the highest section of Baltit village, just beneath the fort.
Top right, a small lane and adjacent houses on the steep slope of the old Baltit village.
Centre and below left, stages of traditional house construction with rubble stone and timber beams.
Below right, the central roof opening of the ha resulting from an overlay of three narrowing,
diagonally superimposed layers of beams (compare with fig. ).

Overall, the present distribution of settlements indi-
cates that the safest locations have been settled for the
longest time, with historic buildings proving the sta-
bility of the respective places. Meanwhile, new set-
tlements are now tending to move onto land where
there is increased vulnerability to natural hazards.

In respect of traditional housing, a number of com-

mon characteristics can be discussed: they are most-
ly single storey to avoid wall deformation due to slen-
der wall construction. Houses tend to hug the
ground, thus limiting exposure to the freezing win-
ter winds. They are larger where flat space is avail-
able and small when built in clusters or on steep man-
made terraces or natural rock slopes. Generally,
house size does not totally depend on material avail-
ability – structural materials are plentiful, even if
hard to win. Stone was used when possible and oth-
erwise replaced by soil. Roofs are mostly flat and are
Fig. . Axonometric section of the terraced village slope provided with a compacted soil cover. This allows
below Baltit fort, with tiers of stepped housing clusters for simple beam systems and offers the possibility to
(see also fig. ).
use the roof terrace for summer outdoor living. There
are exceptions to this, where former colonial buildings have gently pitched soil roofs. In some valleys south
of Gilgit pitched roofs, typically built with timber planks, reduce snow accumulation and create a large
cavity above the ceiling, providing thermal insulation and a safe storage space. On very steep slopes, houses
are often terraced and follow the contour lines, so that the stepped roofscape results in cascading verandas.
Up in the mountain pastures, the summer houses are quite different to those in the valleys, no more than
loosely clustered single-space round huts composed of low loose rubble walls with thatched conical roofs.
Farm animals are kept in low-walled corrals.

The traditional stone walls of domestic rural Karakoram structures are generally weak: this is because they
have shallow foundations (without spread footings) so are highly susceptible to differential movements and
cracking. Most walls are built with stone rubble of variable quality found locally and placed rather hap-
hazardly in point to point contact. Between the stones thick irregular mortar mud is then placed or thrown
to fill the gaps and increase structural stability. Often large stones are used for the inside and outside wall
faces. They are internally adjusted and wedged in place to establish a vertical face. Frequently stones change
size in vertical direction: as the wall approaches shoulder height, the stones get smaller because they are
manually lifted. The internal core of the wall is progressively infilled with small loose rubble, stone chips
discarded from knapping and leftover mortar. In domestic buildings ‘through-stones’ and long ‘quoins’
are rarely used.

In the following paragraphs, a much more detailed analysis of the most prominent traditional fort and palace
structures in the Northern Areas is given, while the discussion of equally important religious buildings,

such as mosques, khanqahs and astanas is left to the authors of chap-
ters  and  of this book. However, much of the construction
techniques and structural issues presented in this section, also ap-
plies to the monumental religious buildings.

Forts and palaces are the largest and most spectacular type of
monument found in the region. All surviving forts, as well as the
sites of disappeared ones, have been visited during the conserva-
tion campaigns for Baltit and Shigar forts and thus it is possible
to construct a typological development model, taking account of
their style, age, location and function (based on excellent con-
temporary accounts) but excluding architectural details and or-

Type 
This building is the ‘fortified’ tower-house, with the shikari
tower of Altit fort and Baltit fort Phase  being good historic ex-
amples. Typically, this type comprises a free-standing tower of
three or more floors with an enlarged top shooting gallery and
with one or more attached single-storey basic living rooms. Baltit
was once a single tower-house but was quickly extended into three
such units. These were then interlinked to become a cluster com-
plex able to be changed into a large-sized fort. The fortified fam-
ily house was common throughout the western Karakoram and
indeed the classic form is still to be seen in the Indus valley south
of Gilgit, down to Besham. New but traditionally designed
tower-houses are found in Tangir and modernised versions are
now springing up in roadside development areas around Chilas.
As the Altit shikari tower is scientifically dated to be more than
one thousand years old, this fortification type has a long history
and provides us with evidence of the oldest surviving buildings
in the Karakoram (fig. ). The distribution of these forts is sug-
gestive of a high degree of autonomy. In Hunza many tower-
houses existed and seem to have formed networks of watch-
towers – originally perhaps of private character, but then as part
of an overall defensive system for the valley, run from the control
hub at Baltit. Only a few of them have survived in Karimabad
and Ganish (pls. , ).

Fig. . Hypothetic reconstruction of various stages of the development

of Baltit fort, from a single to multiple watchtowers, and eventually
(after the collapse of the upper parts of the towers) to the consolidated
predecessor of the present fort shown in fig. , pl. .

Fig. . The main tower of Altit fort, Fig. . Today’s condition of Baltit fort (after restoration),
representative of the ‘Type ’ stage of fort construction. composed of various layers of rooms wrapped around the initial
tower structures, representative of ‘Type ’ fort construction.
Type 
As seen at Baltit, the small-scale tower-house gave rise to the more substantial fort with greater military
capability – supporting a feudal lord with his private army and entourage and controlling stores, water sup-
ply, routes and associated servant houses and villages. In the Indus and Hunza valleys these forts appear to
be of two types. Type  is the pure purpose-built fort, typically a square structure with four corner shikari
towers. Classic examples are the fort on the roadside of Besham, the great Swat fort and, further to the west,
Gupis fort and Chitral fort (the one withstanding the famous  siege, but then replaced by a ‘colonial’
and imitation ‘Moghul’ structure.) An untypical example is buried within the early phases of Baltit fort
and another is the core structure of Gilgit fort. This type of fort builds upon examples found to the west,
for instance in Afghanistan. Gilgit and Hunza appear to be the eastern limits of its distribution.

Type 
Another type of the local, larger fort results from complex phased expansions of a smaller edifice – such
as found within Baltit, Altit, Nilt, Nager and Astor forts – each one being irregularly formed in response
to the topography and varying functional demands, thus showing a unique shape and internal arrangement.
Baltit, with its constricted footprint, develops upward and is wrapped around with further and precariously

Figs. , . Left, the fortified palace of Kharmang (from De Filippi, , p. ) and, right, the fortified palace of Rondu,
representative of ‘Type ’ forts/palaces.

founded layers of rooms – each phase marked by an added external shell. The last episode here is the pres-
ent whitewashed wall overlooking Karimabad.

Type 
The clustering of old and disparate housing elements also gave rise to the ‘fortified village’. Here, the set-
tlement consisted in tightly packed houses, mosques and stables that became encapsulated within a defen-
sive wall. Usually the defences were completed with shikari watchtowers. Ganish is a fine surviving exam-
ple where the buildings are mostly stone and rather haphazardly distributed within the cluster. Only one
of seven towers survives at the main village entrance (pl. ). South of Gilgit, Gor and Harban villages
are tight clusters of wooden structures regularly planned with a set of external towers and connected hous-
es facing inwards. Baltit village once also had a defensive wall and a ring of watchtowers. The line of the
wall can be traced and one tower fully survives. The old mill above the Berber channel is the remnant of
what must have been a five- or six-storey shikari, with massive walls and possibly the tallest in Hunza.

Type 
Another more mansion-like type of fortification was developed in Baltistan, as a typical residence of
the local rajas. Here the building is square or rectangular, two or three storeys high with a rectangular
grid of rooms and with the top floor having a central courtyard with surrounding veranda. Such struc-
tures are not more than three hundred years old. Excellent examples are found at Rondu, Skardu, Kiris
and Khaplu.

Rondu fort (fig. ) was rebuilt a hundred years ago with reused materials and in the same form. It is about
twenty-five by twenty metres and is mostly two storeys high, with surviving elements of a third one. Half
the top floor is ruinous, with walls and roof missing. The external walls are of cator and cribbage timber
technique. Ground-floor walls have stone infill with adobe in the first floor walls. Externally it is rendered,
except on the wooden elements where render is detached or was not applied. The first floor is reached by
passing through a ground-floor room (now an open area) and then up a right twist spiral wooden stair –
not of a real defensive capability and perhaps reflecting the fort’s relatively recent construction date. The
first floor rooms are set around a two-storey canopied courtyard measuring about  x . metres with a .-
metre-wide veranda.

Kiris is a single phase building comprising two floors set on a base platform. The building sits at a high
point with houses to east, north and west. There are cliffs immediately to the south with fields beyond the
settlement. The platform is of large stones and boulders un-rendered with occasional small openings on
the east and south sides for animal waste removal. The superstructure cator walls are more than one metre
thick. Wall filling is all of adobe blocks; they were last rendered eight years ago and have added chopped
straw while the walls are finished with a fine slip and then mud paint. There is just one way in via a raised
entrance platform and the staircase has a right-angle bend to the left through the wall, suggestive of a de-
fensive design. Lower rooms now used for animals and storage were once winter quarters. The living space
today is on the first floor where there are twenty rooms set around the courtyard.

These forts may have developed out of the more complex Kashmiri fortified house, for which there is one
surviving example – Shigar palace. The original structure was built partially off a massive boulder in a
square and with an architecturally sophisticated rectangular arrangement of rooms. It was then radically
extended and built up to its present form. At Khaplu, the palace is a unique five-storey tower with a full-
height central light well and with an arrangement of three concentric rows of rooms around it – the most
important being on the outside with windows overlooking the spectacular landscape. This is another vari-
ant of Type  and may have some similarities to the tall forts of Ladakh.

The Type  style did not migrate westwards beyond Rondu, but Baltit fort has adopted some of its features
– the courtyard effect of the rani’s (queen’s) summer room and a nineteenth-century modification com-
prising an internal courtyard and surrounding guest rooms at roof level. However, this seems an obvious
arrangement for summer use and does not need to be interpreted as a transfer of architectural style.

During the ‘colonial’ times, further types of forts were introduced and designed by British military engin-
eers, reflecting the needs of a modern-day garrison and its regional functions (the forts of Gilgit, Chitral,
Chilas, and so on). Some other forts show features introduced by the maharajas of Kashmir via their Do-
gra troops (Kharpucho fort and the now disappeared Shigar village fort). Interesting as they are in terms
of continuing local building techniques, these structures no longer fully reflect the traditional fort and palace
styles and functions and are therefore not considered in this article.


All traditional buildings in the Karakoram – whether houses, forts or religious buildings – illustrate a ver-
nacular structural system, using the same basic set of components. The principle is one of simple con-
struction so there is less to go wrong. Because all features are visible, repair is sustainable with minimal fi-
nances. Failed materials are easily discarded, with the exception of the often great and ornamented columns
that are family heirlooms recycled over the centuries.

There is an inherent understanding of the three local building materials (stone, soil and wood). They are
used on a daily basis and their strengths and weaknesses are well appreciated. Throughout the Karakoram
there is a plentiful supply of building stone. The granodiorites and gneisses are preferred and the often very
high mica content means that hammer blows easily fracture off the required lumps. However, slate, mar-
ble and basalt are utilised when found outcropping – whatever is used always has a strength and durabil-
ity far better than is structurally necessary.

Soils are found throughout the region, deriving
from a natural breakdown of the local rock and
as a transported product of glaciers and rivers.
There are endless variations, but consistent is the
lack of clay minerals and the high silt and fine
sand content. Generally, the soils are rich in
quartz and biotite mica and it is the latter that
makes them cohesive – the mineral particles stick
together by having strong electrical charges and
large pore suctions. The soil is commonly used as
adobe blocks and its use in historic monuments
suggests an introduction in the late nineteenth
century. In Baltistan, rammed earth and wattle
and daub are traditional soil building methods.
The trick in using soil is to minimise shrinkage Fig. . Khaplu fort, the most impressive example of a ‘Type ’
cracks and this is done by control of soil particle fortified palace in Baltistan (see also pls. , , ).
grading, the water used in its manipulation and
by heavy compaction. Occasionally, chopped straw and oils are added to help stabilise it and achieve bet-
ter durability. Most problems stem from weak and friable mortars, formed of a sloppy mud mix that results
in major shrinking and fabric cracking. In Hunza, soil renowned for its strength is ‘Damul’, a fine grained
lacustrine soil of a pseudo clay character, making it highly suitable for waterproofing flat roofs and com-
pacted floors. At Kiris, the fine-grained calcareous soil, slowly formed in the bottom of a lake has superb
strength and this is reflected in the beautiful tradition domestic architecture found there.

In the past, hardwoods such as mature Himalayan pine, walnut, mulberry and apricot were the common
structural elements. In Hunza and Baltistan, juniper was the highly favoured wood for its strength and re-
sistance to decay – thus being used for the cator beams and cribbage columns. Today, the main building
woods are poplar and willow, fast-growing softwoods. But they are weak, very bendy and not durable. Pine
of various sorts, a better structural timber, is now imported from south of Gilgit, but generally in short un-
suitable lengths. In Baltistan, if special timbers are required, there are still some fine mountain forests.

Whilst considerable effort went into channelling water for agricultural purposes, there is very limited evi-
dence of water management in historic buildings. We find poor siting with regard to springs and streams,
no storage cisterns and no satisfactory lavatory systems and drains. Rainwater was not collected, either drip-
ping off roofs or thrown off with simple spouts. Wall bases were not saved from water erosion and not pro-
tected with damp-proof courses and plinths.

The typical structure has external load-bearing walls founded on strip foundations. Internal walls sup-
porting roof members are on similar foundations but columns are founded on local shallow pad stones.
Partition walls are usually set on the internal ground. Wall foundations are always shallow – hand dug
to an easily dug depth between . and . of a metre deep. Where the foundation trenches encounter
boulders these hard spots are left in place and not extracted and where soft spots are found these are not
replaced with compacted fill. Nearly always the foundations are stone footings set at the same width as

the above ground walls. Such foundations are formed of dry-stone masonry, there never having been a
cementation method allowing them to work as a rigid ground-beam This means there has been no un-
derstanding of spreading and reducing bearing stresses in places where the foundation soils are weak.
Thus foundations are conceived independent from soils with variable strength which often results in dif-
ferential wall settlement.

Typical walls of simple houses are built in stone but where buildings are sited on broad flood planes or ter-
races with suitable silty soils, earth wall construction was preferred. The walls are built directly off the foun-
dation. Damp-proof courses, such as sheets of slate, are not used. In the simple buildings the walls are nar-
row (one stone or an adobe block thick), which means they are rapid to build, but have a high slender
ratio making them susceptible to distortion. House walls are generally low, two metres or less, since room
height responds best to harsh winter conditions. Because of the small size of stone and blocks the walls are
generally irregular and traditionally had sub-rounded corners. (Sharp corners having no interlocking load-
spreading long quoins would have been weak.) The stone to stone contact means that they are volume sta-
ble, with the mortar render thrown on to the faces to complete them. Soil walls are slower to construct as
the material has to progressively dry out to achieve its working strength.

As previously described, the more sophisticated buildings have better formed walls, with double skins or
formed in solid dressed masonry. This means the wall faces are more regular and can have well-built cor-
ners. The best quality walls as seen in the forts, mosques and expensive houses, incorporate timber mem-
bers – usually cators and occasionally cribbage. The timber provides a degree of ductility, helping to strap
the wall fabric together and able to accept large deformation strains (see below).

Windows and doors have timber lintels that are relatively short, allowing forces to tightly arch around the
openings. These are kept deliberately small, in order to avoid structural weakening. The frames also pro-
vide additional stiffening to the wall structure but can easily fall out in an earthquake as the lintels are not
so well tied into the wall.

Most domestic buildings have flat roofs, thus recognising their functional uses. Roofs are universally sup-
ported on timber beams – in simple buildings the beams are left as semi-round tree trunks which bare in-
to the walls. In better-built structures, roof timbers sit on and are pegged to timber wall plates. This means
the roof structure can work ‘monolithically’, gaining strength from a shear plate configuration.

A harsh climate can be modified internally by suitable design, materials and construction. In the trad-
itional architecture of the region, thermal efficiency involved building thick walls, but there is no tradition
of insulated wall cavities. Buildings are therefore set low, trapping air within an open fabric confined be-
tween rendered surfaces. Clustering of individual houses helps achieve better group performance. Exposed
openings are sealed up in winter. Keeping animal byres and hay storage next to the house (or even below
or above it) helped improve the insulation. It is clearly appreciated that the soil had a good thermal per-
formance, now proved by our own scientific investigations. This efficiency is due to the high mica content
– also a modern heat insulator in the electrical industry.

Render is usually seen as a finish to otherwise rough stone and soil walls. It may or may not be lime-washed
and helps to retain mortar and earth blocks in place. Thus it has no structural function, but is a sacrificial

Fig. . The restored Shigar fort/palace as it is seen today, from the riverside (see also pls. , ).

wearing material easily replaced. In rough walls it also helps to stop draughts and heat loss. Importantly, as
it is weak it provides the first sign of structural movement. In conservation crack patterns act like instru-
mentation in providing evidence about the cause, severity and rate of structural movement.

Portland cements and concrete have got a bad reputation as forcing change in traditional building practices
and are poorly manufactured here, causing rapid decay. Concrete has been responsible for horrendous earth-
quake death tolls. It is avoided in conservation, as it is often too strong and brittle and used for a ‘quick-fix’.
Transportation costs, until recent times, inhibited cement import and building lime was locally made. Thus
we see lime renders and mortars being used on prestigious buildings from the s onwards. Lime mor-
tars are still functional at Chilas and Kharpucho forts and remnants of lime renders have been found in
Baltit and Shigar forts.

The long vernacular tradition raises the question as to what extent construction of new buildings can and
should follow past practice, without requiring more formal engineering design. Today, our designs are
shown on drawings supported by engineering calculation and satisfying local authority regulations and
codes of engineering practice. Some major factors contributing to a good engineering structure are discussed
below, as an attempt to review traditional technologies and guide conservation approaches.

Wall slender ratio
In earth walls or single-thickness rubble stone
walls a ratio of thickness to height of less than
: would be appropriate, but often it is
stretched to more than :. Thus many old
houses show tilting, bowing and twisting walls.
In double-storey walls, these effects can be coun-
teracted by the restraints provided by floor beams
and wall plates. In monuments, the slender ratio
is as much as :. The façade of Baltit fort is
about forty centimetres thick and ten metres high
and it is for this reason that the walls of Baltit, Al-
tit and Shigar forts are reinforced with a frame-
Fig. . Roof maintenance and repair is essential to avoid damage
to traditional houses. work of cators and cribbage (see below).

The slender ratio is essential to keep the wall’s centre of gravity within the middle one third of the wall’s
cross-section at foundation level. Clearly, once the centre of gravity lies outside the line of the foundation
the wall can fall over unless restrained by floors and reinforcement. At Baltit, the grand façade is out of
plumb by nearly . metres and, but for the timber elements, would have fallen a long time ago. Another
trick that is seen in traditional cluster housing, such as Ganish, is to share loads on zigzagging party walls
and have staggered wall junctions that provide buttressing effects, these stiffening up the thin walls.

Compressive, shear and tension stresses

It is well appreciated by everyone in the region that stone is strong and best for walls – far better than con-
crete blocks. But surprisingly it is expensive now. Soil is weak but adequate for providing mud bricks,
mortar and render. Both stone and dried soil are not self-compacting when built up. This is why stone
walls are often dry built, like a rubble field terrace wall with the mortar thrown on afterwards. In local
terms, it is also well appreciated that the small modular units of stone or mud brick do not have a high re-
sistance to tensional forces, they can easily be pulled or shaken apart by natural movements or human ac-
tions. Also, such walls can shear in case of stress concentrations and these only need to be small in the case
of dried soil. Throughout the Karakoram, most old structures show complex strain-cracking patterns il-
lustrating tensile and shear failure, such as diagonal cracks at wall corners, below the ends of beams bear-
ing directly into walls or down through the core of a wall. Buildings are particularly prone to these failure
modes when involved in earthquakes. Traditional timber cators and cribbage walls are the local solution
to these problems.

Dead loads
Dead loads are the permanent loads resulting from a wall’s own weight, along with roof loads and those of
very permanent fixtures such as roof water tanks. Such loads do not significantly change during the life of
the building. In the Karakoram, dead loads tend to be the only design consideration used when sizing the
foundations, wall thickness and roof connections. Given the materials being used, a typical load for a sin-
gle storey structure ranges from  to kN/m_. The dead loads only increase when rooms are added on top
of the building. The foundations are generally not designed with spare dead load capacity for this. Fortu-


Previous page
. View of the restored
Baltit fort towering above
the village, from the veranda
of the restored Ghulwating
mosque (fig. ).

. Baltit fort sitting on a steep
terraced hill, and surrounded by
mountain peaks.
. The royal dais on the second
floor terrace of Baltit fort
(see also fig. ).
. View from the dais
into the Hunza valley.



. The small corner tower of Altit fort, above the village,
with delicate woodcarvings on the window frame.
. The main tower of Altit fort, as accessed from the west.
. The vertical cliff of Altit fort seen from the riverside,
with the village on the high plateau (see also pls. , ).


-. The restored Amburiq mosque near Shigar (see also fig. ),
with its small prayer hall and the Tibetan-type lantern and spire.
-. The representative front side of Khaplu fort
(see also pl. ) in its present unrestored condition.
Below, one of the elaborately carved lateral balconies (left),
and the interior of the projecting room in the centre
of the top floor, with typical ornamental ceiling.




, . Exterior and interior view

of Chakchan mosque in Khaplu
(see also fig. ).
. Tomb and shrine of Mir Aref in Tagas
(Baltistan), close to the khanqah
of the same saint (fig. ).
In the background, the tomb and shrine
of Mir Ishaq (fig. ).


. .

-. Courtyard of the khanqah in Sefarkhur, Churga (near Shigar),

with its large maple tree. Below, the ornamented entrance door and the front side.
. Interior of the Sayyed Mohammad astana in Khaplu.
. Interior of the khanqah in Kiris (Baltisan).

. The restored entrance to the Shigar fort/palace
with an ornamental frieze along the projecting beam
of the upper floor.
. The restored Shigar fort/palace and the Old House
as seen from the river.
, . Details of the ornamental frieze
on the projecting beam in pl. .

Following pages
. View from the cliff of the restored Shigar fort/palace
complex and the surrounding settlement.
The restored fort/palace and the Old House are to the right
(site plan fig. ), the new residence of the raja in the centre,
and Khilingrong mosque (pl. ) can be seen on the left.
The Amacha garden is located between
the foot of the cliff and the fort.


. .


. The restored double-storey

Khilingrong mosque
near Shigar fort.
. Woodcarving detail
from a door in Khaplu palace.
. The carved door frame
of Khilingrong mosque.

nately, in many places the additions consist of light-weight summer structures. Examples of thin wattle
and daub panels are to be seen in the Shigar valley and along the road from Skardu to Khaplu.

Live and dynamic loads

‘Active’ loads result from forces imposed by the weight of people and movable furniture, for example, and
from exceptional or infrequent events. ‘Dynamic’ stresses may result from people occasionally dancing on
roofs and animals charging into walls. Or, they occur at times of very strong winds, avalanches, mudflows
and earthquakes. These events cause additional, sudden stresses that spread down the walls to the founda-
tion, often resulting in an additional ten to forty per cent of the dead-load, and much more in case of an
earthquake. More significantly, such events cause large lateral forces through the walls that are not designed
for this. The additional loads produce cyclical swaying, tilting and even torsional twisting and differential
roof uplift. Once the movements have occurred, the elements rarely return to the original positions, which
results in progressive and permanent distortion. As the load paths tend to follow places of weakness, the
structural system tends to progressively degrade until sudden failure occurs. Excessive one-off dynamic
loads cause catastrophic damage to domestic structures and account for the high levels of collapse observed
in the earthquakes at Patan  and Darel .

Through their survival, historic buildings prove that they have absorbed (and recovered from) the impact
of considerable dynamic loads. Usually they were better built and had a higher resistance capacity due to
special engineering devices (see below). For the modern eye, some resulting structural distortion helps to
create character and give a sense of age and survival against the ravages of nature.

Factors of safety
In the area, tradition dictates what works and what does not – a Darwinistic approach that has generally
succeeded. If a building fails, then it is rebuilt with modifications, and if these work, then they are copied.
In this sense, buildings are always ‘fit-for-purpose’. Generally, they have an appropriate level of safety against
everyday incidents, can be maintained to the original quality and can adapt to simple new uses – therefore
they have good functional qualities. It is interesting to note that the Royal Geographical Society’s 
Karakoram/Yasin studies found that priority for good housing was lower than other concerns, such as bet-
ter living conditions, richer crops and improved education. This picture is now changing, as houses are up-
graded, are built for fashion and have an investment value. More attention thus has to be given to the factors
making it safe in the long run. Factors of safety are a measure of reserve capacity and usually apply to en-
gineering parameters. For example, if a foundation soil has an ‘ultimate capacity’ of kN/m_ but only
kN/m_ is applied, the factor of safety against failure is . While this factor of safety may be considered
acceptable in terms of foundation failure, it may lead to foundation settlements that are unacceptable. The
term ‘allowable bearing capacity’ considers the performance of the foundation. For example, if  kN/m_
is applied to the above foundation soil, a factor of safety of  against failure would be achieved. For soil,
this would typically result in settlements of less than  mm. For a domestic structure using soil and stone
rubble walls, one would generally be looking for an overall factor of safety for the building of  to , com-
pared with a house in Islamabad that would be  to . Safety factors can also apply to resisting natural
hazards such as strong winds, landslides, floods and earthquakes.

Determining safety factors for historic buildings undergoing conservation is important but very difficult.

The adopted safety factors must result in a building being
safe for hundreds of years and this involves predicting
and taking into account future unknowns. In the early
days of a conservation project, a risk assessment is car-
ried out as a result of condition surveys, design process-
es and likely reuse. The overall safety factor being derived
from partial ones, comprehensively higher safety has an
additional cost. However, it is difficult to obtain an ap-
propriate level of future safety, as this implies thinking
forward many hundreds of years and assuming one or
more unique disasters. Conservation ethics require
minimal and one-off intervention, yet there may be un-
predictable global climatic changes, or extra security
measures to be taken against new uses – some of which
cannot be known at the time. Thus there is a delicate bal-
ance to be achieved between authenticity and retention
of a scientific database on the one hand and functional
design and economic viability on the other hand.

Fig. . A small elevated mosque in Ganish, sitting on
Part of a modern engineering process is the identifica-
a tower base and exemplifying the ‘cribbage’ structure
in the corners and the timber lacing in the walls. tion of development risks, which are then taken into ac-
count when prescribing building safety factors. In the
past, hazards and vulnerability were clearly taken into account, confirmed by the fact that most older set-
tlements were well sited. Modern development has a tendency, as previously noted, to occupy hazard-prone
land. This is not always a success and there are examples where houses on denuding cliff edges have been
abandoned, where whole villages have been swept away by mudflows and where whole chunks of land-
scape now lie submerged in new lakes. Risk assessment commonly examines: the quality of building
materials; the location of suitable agricultural land; the potential for landslides, avalanches, cliff collapses,
rolling stones and mudflows; floods, mudflows, local locations of torrential rainfall; local soft and hard
soils difficult for foundation construction; earthquakes; supply of drinking water; and defence capabil-
ities. It is evident from the above discussion that most risks result from sudden impact natural hazards and
vulnerability to them.

Earthquake resistance
There are four construction techniques that would suggest regional familiarity with earthquake hazards.
The simplest improvement method was to build a structure against a large well-embedded boulder, this
serving as a stable anchor, free of vibrations that would induce damage in walls. Another earthquake re-
sistant feature is the simple traditional house structure seen throughout the Karakoram and down the In-
dus to Besham. In the  Patan earthquake, when over  people were killed, there was substantial
building damage. One observation suggested that the toll would have been greater but for the fact that many
roofs performed independently of the walls. While walls fell down, the roofs stood up because the roofs
beams, supported by posts and with structural pinned capitals and foundations, were built first and the

walls afterwards. The next type of structure is
found in the region spanning Skardu to Khaplu.
Here walls contain large numbers of major-sized
internal timber posts jointed to wall plate beams,
altogether providing a hidden, hinged structural
frame. Interestingly, the posts take loads separate-
ly from the first and second floors down to the
foundations. It is said that such walls are tested
by ramming with a farm animal, ensuring the
structure can sway. The walls are effectively infill
panels, somewhat independently working at each Fig. . Schematic drawing of the ‘cribbage’ cage in the wall corners,
floor level, able to deform in an earthquake and to as well as the horizontal ‘cators’ to be filled with rubble stone and mud,
and plastered on the elevations.
be replaced if damaged.


‘Timber lacing’, or the combination of cator and cribbage is a most sophisticated earthquake resisting con-
struction technique, finely demonstrated in the great monuments of Hunza and Baltistan. Here, the walls
of a structure are horizontally strapped with beams, locally known as cators. The timber is generally pre-
pared to a five to twelve centimetre square section and kept as long as possible. The horizontal beams are
placed into the inside and outside wall faces at vertical intervals of . to . metres. In walls of lower qual-
ity, the timber use is less frequent and may only reinforce the corners. Often the timber lengths are not joint-
ed or nailed together. In better constructed walls, the face timbers are tied together through the wall
thickness with joined/nailed cross pieces at one to three metre intervals. Where the beam is of insufficient
length for the whole length of the wall, two or more pieces are connected with tension-resisting scarf and
pegged joints. The beams at the corners are also cross jointed and pegged so that the whole building is
strapped or laced together. Breaks in the integrity of the cator ‘ring beams’ may occur at doors and win-
dows. Altogether, the beams form a lacing that straps the stone (or soil) elements together like the metal
rings found around barrels. Thus the timber provides wall reinforcement and strong resistance against ten-
sion and bending, thereby complementing the qualities of stone or soil blocks that work well in compres-
sion. Reinforced concrete is but a modern version of this.

The advantages of constructing with horizontal timbers are manifold: this technique makes it easy to build
straight-sided walls and dispenses with over-designed foundations. It creates strong corner joints due to
long timbers providing tensile/bending resistance to out-of-plane wall movements. Finally, it also provides
a system which allows the frame and roof to be built first and the walls to be filled in later. The disadvan-
tages of timber lacing are its vulnerability to fire and to rapid decay, especially in the core of a wall and away
from places where structural damage is easily observed. Also, timber can distort due to seasonal changes
in moisture content and defects can cause the wall fabric above to be dislodged for repairs below.

As the forts in Hunza suggest, many structures that use timber lacing are of a military character, with the
technique going back to pre-Christian times. It appears to have an origin in the eastern Mediterranean and
Alexander the Great is known to have made use of the technology in his Asian campaigns. It is part of the
classic murus gallicus described by Julius Caesar and it is later shown on Trajan’s Column in Rome. From

a general appreciation of warfare up to the twentieth century, the military advantages of timber lacing are
obvious: walls could be built very quickly, with random rubble and without slow-setting lime mortars, the
timber being the structural tie along and through the wall. Construction can be expedient reaching max-
imum height with a minimal volume of material and can occur in rugged terrain – where ordinary stone
walls would need to be tied with foundations in to slopes and cliff. Timber-laced walls could not be easily
breached by ballistics – from catapults and cannon – and could not be toppled by mining the foundations
– the timber allowing for walls to span cavities and for corners to cantilever. Localised destruction could
be rapidly repaired as the timber reduces the chances of collapse. Finally, the timbers can be dismantled and
reused following a modular ‘Lego’ approach.

With respect to earthquakes, timber lacing can to a large extent absorb and resist wall cracking and dis-
tortion mechanisms. This effectiveness has been seen in recent major earthquakes, for example, in Turkey
, Pakistan  and Yemen . During conservation of Baltit fort in  we personally felt the
structure swaying around as a response to an earthquake that occurred in far-off Nuristan. Seismic testing
of buildings on a ‘shaking table’ has also proved the value of timber lacing and in Turkey there is an engin-
eering code of practice for the incorporation of timber ‘hatils’ into masonry walls.

Timber cribbage appears to be a wall building technique that is commonly found in the area from Nuris-
tan to Baltistan, including Hunza, where it is strongly represented in Altit and Baltit forts. Whether its use
in buildings originated in one place and spread into other areas, or whether it evolved independently in
many areas is still unknown. The technique consists of short pieces of squared timber staked up two at a
time and then in alternative directions to form an open box. Progressively they rise to become an open-frame
column. The timbers are pegged together and the whole column can move around much like a human ver-
tebrae. Cribbage columns are mainly built at wall junctions, to substitute for stone quoins and to supple-
ment the jointing of timber lacing. They are commonly used along walls to provide tie walls and floors to-
gether and a mechanism to efficiently transfer loads down the floor to the foundations. Obviously, cribbage
is a very useful construction technique in an earthquake-prone area.

While it was currently used in religious buildings and palaces, wall cribbage was most valuable for fort
structures, since it has many military advantages over an ordinary rampart. Vulnerable corners are much
stronger; the rampart can be made taller and narrower for the same quantity of rubble infill; the system can
flex and recover much like a tree in strong wind; the pegging is engineered so that more load applied on the
column makes it stronger and less susceptible to impact-induced lateral distortions; the column-beam con-
nections absorb large dynamic stresses created by the defenders’ cannon fire. Finally, it is very difficult to
pull the system apart; rather it has to be slowly undone by a well-orchestrated attack. Thus, even from a
modern engineering point of view, the traditional construction techniques provide ingenious and most ef-
ficient solutions to the problems encountered.


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