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CDI: Drug Education and Vice Control

Prepared by: Dr. Manolito D. Parazo, CST, CSP, MS Crim., DPA

Dangerous Drug Laws:

1. RA No. 9165 - Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (Note: This law created PDEA)
 Signed June 7, 2002
 Published June 19, 2002
 Took effect July 4, 2002
2. RA No. 6425 – Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972 (Note: This old law created DDB)
3. PD 1619- Volatile Substance Law
4. RA 10640- law that amends Sec. 21 of RA 9165

What is Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) – is the policy-making and strategy-formulating body
in the planning and formulation of policies and programs on drug prevention and control.
a. Under the Office of the President (OP);
b. Headed by a Chairman with the rank of Secretary;
c. Appointed by the President of the Philippines;
d. Agency which supervises the enforcement of law on prohibited and regulated drugs.

 Duties/Function of the DDB -To develop and adopt comprehensive, integrated, unified and
balanced national drug abuse prevention and control strategy.

 Composition of DDB-17 members broken down in the following:

1. 3 permanent members
2. 2 regular members
3. 12 ex- officio members

The 12 ex officio members are the following:

1. DOJ secretary or his/her representative- responsible for filing and prosecution of cases.
2. DOH secretary or his/her representative- responsible for the accreditation of drug testing
3. DND secretary or his/her representative
4. DOF secretary or his/her representative
5. DOLE secretary or his/her representative
6. DILG secretary or his/her representative
7. DSWD secretary or his/her representative
8. DFA secretary or his/her representative
9. DECS secretary or his/her representative
10. CHED chairman or his/her representative
11. National Youth Commission chairman or his/her representative
12. PDEA Director General

The Two Regular Members of the DDB:

1.  The President of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP); and

2. The Chairman or President of a non-governmental organization involved in dangerous drug
campaign to be appointed by the President of the Philippines.

Permanent Consultants of the DDB:

1. Director of the NBI

2. Chief of the PNP

Qualification of the 3 Permanent Members of the DDB

 At least 7 years training and experience in the field of dangerous drugs and in any of the
following fields: law, medicine, criminology, psychology or social work;
 Appointed by the President of the Philippines.

 The President shall designate the Chairman of the DDB from among the 3 permanent
members who shall serve for 6 years;
 The Chairman of the DDB shall have a rank of Secretary;
 Term of office of the permanent members of the DDB - 6 years.

 Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA)

- Is the implementing arm of the DDB and RA 9165;
- Regular law enforcement agency; and
-Lead agency responsible for efficient and effective law enforcement of all provisions on any
dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemicals.

 The PDEA shall be headed by a Director General with the rank of Undersecretary;

 The PDEA Director General shall be appointed by the President.

 Under the office of the President.

Duties/Functions of PDEA Director General

  1. Responsible for the general administration and management of the agency.
  2. Perform other duties that may be assigned to him by the President.

There are two (2) PDEA Deputies:

  1. One for Administration
  2. One for Operation
-Shall have a rank of Assistant Secretary;
-Appointed by the President

Qualifications of PDEA Dir. & Deputies:

Must possess adequate knowledge, training and experience in the field of dangerous drugs and in any
of the following field: law enforcement, law, medicine, criminology, psychology and social work.

PDEA Academy – training institution for newly recruited members;

-Headed by Superintendent with the rank of Director;
-Appointed by the PDEA Director General.

Two (2) Pronged Approached in the Solution of Drug Problems

  1. Supply Reduction- requires persistent law enforcement activities, like arrest of drug pushers and
raid of clandestine laboratory.
  2. Demand Reduction
-Requires preventive drug education and information program in school and in communities.
  -Requires treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug dependent.

Pharmacological Classification of Drugs:

1. Depressant - "downers or barbs" - a drug that reduced the function of central nervous
system. Lower the level of arousal when taken. Ex: Alcohol, Tranquilizer, Sedative Drug.
2. Stimulants - "Uppers" - increase mental and/or physical function. A substance that raises
the level of physiological activity in the body. Ex: Shabu or “Bato”
3. Hallucinogens - "psychedelics" - a drug that causes hallucinations. Psychoactive drugs that
cause changes in perception, thought, emotion and consciousness. A drug that when taken into
the body will alter or distort perception, thought, mind and thinking. Ex: Marijuana, Ecstacy
a.k.a. Methyl Dioxy Methamphetamine (MDMA), Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)

Street names of Shabu:

Poor Man’s Cocaine

Effects of Shabu:
 Dilated pupils
 Increase in blood pressure / Heart rate / Breathing rate / Body Temperature
 Involuntary muscle twitching
 Less hunger
 Slurred speech

Street names of Marijuana:

1. MJ
2. Mary Jane
3. Flower

4. Pampapogi
5. Damo
6. Pot
7. Tea
8. Joint and
9. Dope

Effects of MJ:

 Hallucinations/illusions
 Faster heart beat and pulse rate
 Bloodshot Eye/blurred vision/Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
 Dry mouth and throat
 Forgetfulness/inability to think
 Altered sense of time/ disorientation
 Impaired reflexes coordination and concentration
 Acute panic anxiety reaction
 “Food-trip” & sleepiness

Ecstasy or Methyl Dioxy Methamphetamine (MDMA):

1. X-TC,
2. ADAM or Eden Tablet
3. “yuppie”
4. Hug drug
5. “Sex Drug”

Classification of Drugs According to Origin:

a. Natural Drug- anything that comes from nature like, marijuana, papaver somniferum
b. Synthetic- anything that is produced artificially or processed in the laboratory like, shabu,

Pharmacological Classification of Drugs

1. Depressants- sedatives, Sleeping Pills, Tranquilizers

2. Narcotics
3. Tranquilizers
4. Stimulants
5. Hallucinogens- MJ, LSD, Ecstasy, Ketamine
6. Solvents/Inhalants

Classifications of Drugs according to Legal Categories

1. Prohibited Drugs
2. Regulated Drugs
3. Volatile substances (PD 1619)

Golden Triangle of Drug Trafficking

1. Laos
2. Thailand
3. Burma

The Golden Crescent

1. Afghanistan
2. Pakistan
3. Iran
4. India

Classification of Drug user/Abuser

1. Situational user - those who use drugs to keep them awake or for additional energy to
perform an important work. Such individual may or may not exhibit psychological dependence.
2. Spree user - school age user who takes drugs for "kicks", adventure, daring experience or a
means of fun.
3. Hardcore addicts - those whose activities revolve almost entirely around drug use and
securing supplies. They show strong psychological dependence on the drug.
4. Hippies - Those who are addicted to drugs believing that drug is an integral part of life.

Commonly abused drugs:

1. Sedatives - are depressant drugs which reduce anxiety and excitement such as barbiturates,
tranquilizers and alcohol.
2. Stimulants - are drugs which increase alertness and activity such as amphetamine, cocaine
and caffeine.
3. Hallucinogen/Psychedelics - drugs which affect sensation, thinking, self awareness and
4. Narcotics - drugs that relieve pain and often induce sleep. This includes opium and its
derivatives like morphine, codeine and heroin.
5. Solvents - volatile substances which are found to be the most commonly abused. 

Primary causes of drug addiction:

1. Pride - excessive feeling of self worth or self esteem or sense of self importance.
2. Anger - against, himself,family,friends and society in general.
3. Lust - burning sexual desire can distort the human mind to drug abuse.
4. Gluttony - "food trip" in the lingo of junkies.
5. Greed - wealth,fame,recognition as exemplified by people under pressure in their work of art
such as musician,actors and athletes who indulge in rug abuse.
6. Envy - to get attention from someone as sign of protest.
7. Laziness - "i cant syndrome" incapacity to achieve is a breeding ground of drug abuse and
boredom coupled with poor self image.

Commonly Abused Drugs:

1. Marijuana- is hallucinogen; considered the “assassin of the youth”
  2. Depressant or Downer- meaning when drugs had taken into the body, it reduced or lessen the
activity of central nervous system. Ex. Sleeping pills, alcohol.
  3. Stimulants or Upper – meaning when drugs had taken into the body it will increase the activity
of the central nervous system. ex. cocaine, amphetamines
  4. Inhalants - ex. glues, aerosols, vapors
  5 . Hallucinogens or Psychedelics - ex. Lysergic Acid Diethylamine (LSD), PCP, MDMA a.k.a.
Ecstacy, MJ

How Drug is Being Administered/Taken:

 Oral
 Intravenous/Injection
 Inhalation
 Snorting
 Buccal
 Suppositories

 Oral- the drug is taken by the mouth and must pass through the stomach before being
absorbed into the bloodstream.
 Inhalation- a drug in gaseous form enters the lungs and is quickly absorbed by the capillary
 Injection-administration is use of a syringe or hypodermic needle.
a. Subcutaneous-injecting the drug just below the surface of the skin, sometimes called
“skin popping.”
b. Intramuscular-injecting the drug into a large muscle mass that has good blood supply.
c. Intravenous-injecting the drug directly into a bloodstream. This is the most rapid

 Snorting- inhalation through the nose of powder drugs and NOT in gaseous form. It is done
by inhaling the powder of a liquid drug into the nasal coats.
 Buccal-drugs is placed in the buccal cavity just under the lips.
 Suppositories-drug is placed through the vagina or rectum.

Characteristics of Drug Dependency:

1) Physical dependence-the body’s physical system changes until the body needs that particular
drug in order to function;
2). Mental or psychological dependence- a need of drug in order to feel good, to get by or feel
3). Idiosyncrasy or side effect- refers to behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an
individual; mannerism.

Two National Approaches of Government in Fighting Dangerous Drugs:

a. Supply Reduction- this requires persistent police operations to arrest of drug dealers/peddlers and
seizure of illegal substance

b. Demand Reduction- this involves drug education and information campaign to the public regarding
the ill effect of dangerous drugs and the rehabilitation of drug users.

PNP’s Master Plan against Illegal Drugs:

a. Master Plan Sang-banat- PNP’s master plan to eradicate and/or fight proliferation of illegal drugs.

Jargons/Street names of Different Drugs Substance:

 Cannabis Sativa L./Indian Hemp/Hemp/Marijuana

MJ, Mary Jane, Flower, Pampapogi, Damo, Pot, Tea, Joint and Dope
-“The assassin of the youth”
-Favorite drug of youth
-Second most abuse drug
-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)- psychoactive ingredient of marijuana

 Cocaine- Snow
-Erythroxylacea coca/Coca shrubs/plant- plants that are used to make cocaine.

 Opium- from opium poppy or papaver somniferum- latin word means “to dream or induce
-Chemically analyzed by F.W.A Seturner
-Known also as “juice”

 Narcotics -other term is opiates

 Ecstacy a.k.a. Methyl Dioxy Methamphetamine (MDMA)

Popular “sex drugs”

 Heroin a.k.a. diacetylmorphine


 Morphine
“God or dreams”

Important Provisions of RA 9165:

Sec. 11. Possession of Dangerous Drugs – penalty - life imprisonment to death; fine of
(P500,000.00) to (P10,000,000.00)
10 grams or more of opium;
10 grams or more of morphine;
10 grams or more of heroin;
10 grams or more of cocaine or cocaine hydrochloride;
50 grams or more of methamphetamine hydrochloride or “shabu”
10 grams or more of marijuana resin or marijuana resin oil;
500 grams or more of marijuana; and
10 grams or more methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or “ecstacy”,
paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA), trimethoxyamphetamine (TMA), lysergic acid diethylamine
(LSD), gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB);

Second stage:

(10) grams or more but less than (50) grams of “Shabu” the penalty is life imprisonment;
fine P400, 000.00) to (P500, 000.00);
(5) grams or more but less than 10 grams of “shabu”, opium, morphine, heroin, cocaine or
cocaine hydrochloride, marijuana resin oil, 300 grams or more but less than 500 grams of
marijuana the penalty is imprisonment of (20) years and one (1) day to life imprisonment;
fine of from (P400, 000.00) (P500, 000.00) pesos;

Third Stage:

Less than 5 grams of shabu, opium, morphine, etc. 300 grams for marijuana the penalty is
imprisonment (12) years and one (1) day to (20) years and a fine ranging from (P300,000.00)
to (P400,000.00) pesos.

Note: The PDEA shall take charge and have custody of all dangerous drugs, plant sources of
dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and essential chemicals, as well as
instruments/paraphernalia, laboratory equipment so confiscated, seized and/or surrendered,
for proper disposition.
Process/Flow after seizure of illegal drugs (RA 9165):

a. Immediately conduct Physical inventory and photograph of the seized drugs in the
presence of accused, counsel or his representative, media and DOJ representatives,
and elective public officials;
b. Within 24 hours upon seizure submit to PDEA Forensic Laboratory for qualitative
c. Within 24 hours upon receipt of the drugs by PDEA Forensic Lab. shall issue forensic
laboratory examination results;
d. Within 72 hours after filing of the case in court, the court shall conduct ocular inspection of
the said drugs ;
e. Within 24 hours after the ocular inspection, PDEA shall destroy/burning of the said drugs in
the presence of accused or his representative, media and DOJ representatives, civil society
groups and elected public official

 Sec. 23 (RA 9165). Plea-Bargaining – Any person charged under any provision of this Act
regardless of the imposable penalty shall not be allowed to avail of the provision on plea-
 Sec. 24 (RA 9165). Non-Applicability of the Probation Law for Drug Traffickers and
Pushers – Any person convicted for drug trafficking or pushing under this Act, regardless of the
penalty imposed by the Court, cannot avail of the privilege granted by the Probation Law or
Presidential Decree No. 968.
 Sec. 29. Criminal Liability for Planting of Evidence – Any person who is found guilty of
“planting” any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical, regardless of
quantity and purity, shall suffer the penalty of death.
 Sec. 91. Intentional Negligent or Failure/Refusal to Appear as Witness- penalty of 12 years
and 1 day to 20 years; fine of not less than P500,000 + Administrative Liability-dismissal from
the service
 Sec.15. Use of Dangerous Drugs – A person apprehended or arrested, who is found to be
positive for use of any dangerous drug, shall be imposed a penalty of a minimum of six (6)
months rehabilitation. If apprehended using any dangerous drug for the second time, he/she
shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment from (6) years and (1) day to (12) years
 Sec. 36. Authorized Drug Testing - Authorized drug testing shall be done by any
government forensic laboratories or by any of the drug testing laboratories accredited and
monitored by the DOH.

Note: RTC shall have the exclusive jurisdiction of all violations of the provisions of RA 9165

Definition of Terms:

a) Administer. – Any act of introducing any dangerous drug into the body of any person, with or
without his/her knowledge, by injection, inhalation, ingestion or other means, or of committing
any act of indispensable assistance to a person.

b. Clandestine Laboratory. – Any facility used for the illegal manufacture of any dangerous drug.

c) Confirmatory Test. – An analytical test using a device, or tool with a different chemical or
physical principle which will validate and confirm the result of the screening test.

d) Controlled Delivery. – The investigative technique of allowing dangerous drug, equipment or

paraphernalia, to pass into, through or out of the country under the supervision of an authorized

e) Cultivation or Culture. – Any act of knowingly planting, growing, raising, or permitting

the planting, growing, or raising of any plant which is the source of a dangerous drug.

f) Deliver. – Any act of knowingly passing a dangerous drug to another, personally

or otherwise, and by any means, with or without consideration.

g) Den, Dive or Resort. – A place where any dangerous drug is administered, delivered,
stored for illegal purposes, distributed, sold or used in any form.

h) Dispense. – Any act of giving away, selling or distributing medicine and/or

dangerous drugs with or without the use of prescription.

i) Drug Dependence. –the use of psychoactive drug takes on a high priority, a strong desire to take
the substance and the difficulties in controlling.

j) Drug Syndicate. – An organized group of (2) or more persons forming or joining together with
the intention of committing any offense under this Act.

k) Employee of Den, Dive or Resort. – the caretaker, helper, watchman, lookout, and other
persons working in the den, dive or resort, where dangerous drugs is administered, delivered,
distributed, sold or used.

l) Financier – Any person who pays for, raises or supplies money for the illegal activities.

m) Illegal Trafficking. – The illegal cultivation, culture, delivery, administration, dispensation,

manufacture, sale, trading, transportation, distribution, importation, exportation of dangerous drugs.

n) Instrument. –anything that is used in or intended to be used in the commission of illegal drug

o) Laboratory Equipment. – The paraphernalia, apparatus, or appliances used in the manufacture

of dangerous drug, such as reaction vessel, purifying equipment, separatory funnel, flask, heating

p) Cannabis or commonly known as “Marijuana” or “Indian Hemp” or by its any other name. –
Embraces every kind, class, genus, or specie of the plant Cannabis sativa L. including, but not limited
to, Cannabis americana, hashish, bhang, guaza, churrus and ganjab.

q) Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or commonly known as “Ecstasy”,

r) Methamphetamine Hydrochloride or commonly known as “Shabu”, “Ice”, “Meth”,

s) Opium. – Refers to the coagulated juice of the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.)

t) Opium Poppy. – Refers to any part of the plant of the species Papaver somniferum L., Papaver
setigerum DC, Papaver orientale, Papaver bracteatum and Papaver rhoeas.

u) Planting of Evidence. – The willful act by any person of maliciously and surreptitiously
inserting, placing, adding or attaching directly or indirectly, of whatever quantity of any dangerous
drug in the person, house, effects or in the immediate vicinity of an innocent individual for the
purpose of implicating, incriminating or imputing the commission of any violation of this Act.

v) Practitioner. – Any person who is a licensed physician, dentist, chemist, medical technologist,
nurse, midwife, veterinarian or pharmacist in the Philippines.

w) Protector/Coddler. –Any person who knowingly and willfully consents to the unlawful acts
and uses his/her influence, power or position in shielding, harboring, or facilitating the escape of any

x) Pusher. – Any person who sells, trades, administers, dispenses, delivers or gives away to
another, on any terms whatsoever, or distributes, dispatches in transit or transports dangerous drugs
or who acts as a broker in any of such transactions.

y) Screening Test. – A rapid test performed to establish potential/presumptive positive result.

z) Sell. – The act of giving dangerous drugs whether for money or any other material

(zz) Trading. – Transactions involving the illegal trafficking of dangerous drugs using electronic
devices such as, but not limited to, text messages, e-mail, mobile or landlines, two-way radios,

(zz) Use. – The act of injecting, intravenously or intramuscularly, of consuming, either by

chewing, smoking, sniffing, eating, swallowing, drinking or otherwise introducing dangerous drugs.


Sec. 4. Importation of Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential

PENALTY : Life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos (P
500,000.00) to Ten million pesos (P 10,000,000.00)

Sec. 5. Sale, Trading, Administration, Dispensation, Delivery, Distribution and

Transportation of Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals.

PENALTY : Life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos (P
500,000.00) to Ten million pesos (P 10,000,000.00)


PENALTY of twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years of imprisonment and a fine
ranging from One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos

Sec. 6. Maintenance of a Den, Dive or Resort where any dangerous drug is used or sold in
any form.

PENALTY: Life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos
(P500,000,00) to Ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00)

Sec. 7. Employees and Visitors of a Den, Dive or Resort.

PENALTY of imprisonment ranging from twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years and
a fine ranging from One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos

Sec. 8. Manufacture of Dangerous Drugs.


PENALTY of life imprisonment to death and a dine ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos
(P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00)

Sec. 13. Possession of Dangerous Drugs During Parties, Social Gatherings or Meetings

PENALTY of life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos
(P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00)

Sec. 15. Use of Dangerous Drugs


PENALTY of a minimum of six (6) months rehabilitation in a government center


PENALTY of imprisonment ranging from six (6) years and one (1) day to twelve (12) years and a fine
ranging from Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) to Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00)

Sec. 16. Cultivation or Culture of Plants

PENALTY of life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos
(P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00)

Sec. 21. Custody and Disposition of Confiscated, Seized, and/or Surrendered Dangerous
Drugs – The PDEA shall take charge and have custody of all dangerous drugs, as well as
instruments/paraphernalia and/or laboratory equipment so confiscated, seized and/or surrendered, for
proper disposition.

SEC. 23. Plea-Bargaining Provision. – Any person charged under any provision of this Act
regardless of the imposable penalty shall not be allowed to avail of the provision on plea-bargaining.

SEC. 24. Non-Applicability of the Probation Law for Drug Traffickers and Pushers. – Any
person convicted for drug trafficking or pushing under this Act, regardless of the penalty imposed by
the court, cannot avail of the privilege of the Probation Law (PD No. 968).

SEC. 25. Qualifying Aggravating Circumstances in the Commission of a Crime by an
Offender under the Influence of Dangerous Drugs. – a positive finding for the use of dangerous
drugs shall be a qualifying aggravating circumstance in the commission of a crime by an offender.

Sec. 27. Criminal Liability of a Public Officer or Employee for Misappropriation,

Misapplication or Failure to Account for the Confiscated, Seized and/or Surrendered
Dangerous Drugs, Plant Sources of Dangerous Drugs, Instruments/Paraphernalia and/or
Laboratory Equipment Including the Proceeds or Properties Obtained.

Penalty of Life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos
(P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00)

Sec. 29. Criminal Liability for Planting of Evidence

PENALTY: Life Imprisonment

Sec. 37. Issuance of False or Fraudulent Drug Test Results

Penalty of imprisonment ranging from six (6) years and one (1) day to twelve (12) years and a fine
ranging from One hundred thousand pesos (100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos


 Analgesic - any drugs such as morphine or opiates used primarily for the relief of pain.
 Bamboo Gang- Based in Taiwan.
 Bhang or hashish- common name for a drug made from a dried leaves and flowering tops
from hemp/marijuana.
 Cali Cartel- biggest drug syndicate in Columbia in 1990’s
 Cannabis Sativa L or Indian hemp (Marijuana)- “assassins of youth”
 Codeine- reduces pain & suppresses coughing. Also, it is the principal alkaloid of opium
 Cold turkey- a withdrawal symptom, which occurs after repeated use of opiates where addict
produces irritation, restless, perspiration, and lack of appetite
 Custodial Legis- means it is “placed in the custody of the government or court”
 Demand Reduction- is the implementation of preventive education and public information
campaigns to increase awareness of the ill effects of prohibited drugs. This also includes
treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents.
 Drug- chemical substance which affects a person in such a way as to bring out physiological,
behavior or emotional change
 Drug Dependence –strong desire or a sense of compulsion to take the substance and the
difficulties in controlling substance-taking behavior in terms of its onset, termination or levels
of use.
-means a state of physical dependence on a dangerous drug arising from his/her continuous
or periodic use of said drugs.
 Drug Education- government program which refers to the preventive education and public
information campaigns to increase awareness of the ill effects of prohibited drugs. It includes
treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents.
 Drug Use- refers to the act of injecting, intravenously or intramuscularly or of consuming,
either by chewing, smoking, eating, swallowing, drinking, or otherwise introducing into the
physiological system of the body, any of the dangerous drugs.
 Drug overdose-a severely low breathing rate and stupor or coma.
 DOH- government office tasked to license and accredits drug testing centers and physicians
 Drug Tolerance- this refers to the increasing dosage of drug’s being taken to maintain the
same effect.
 Drug Syndicate – any organized group of two (2) or more persons forming or joining
together with the intention of committing any drug offense.
 Ephedrine - (Classified as Dangerous Drugs) Main ingredient of Shabu causing brain damage
 Erythroxylon Coca/ Coca shrubs - plants that are used to make cocaine
 Gambling- a scheme or distribution of prizes by chance among persons who have paid or
agreed to pay a valuable consideration for the chance to obtain a prize
 Heroin- A.K.A. diamorphine/horse- a pain relieving drug
 Hallucinogens- drugs that produce perceptual alteration, varying emotional change, thought
 High- term used to describe the intoxicating effect of a drug in the lingo of drug addicts
 Inhalants- volatile chemical substances that contains psycho-active (mind/mood altering)
vapors producing a state of intoxication.
 LSD- Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
 Methamphetamine Hydrochloride ( Shabu, Ice, Meth)- most abused drug

 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - commonly known as “Ecstacy”. Latest “sex
 Morphine- major constituent of opium chemically analyzed by German Apothecary F.W.A
 Memorandum Cir. Nr. 8- a law and/or regulations which prohibits government officials to
enter and gamble in Philippine in casinos
 Methadone- a drug, which can be used to substitute heroin during a detoxification process
 Morpheus- “Greek God of Dreams” from which morphine was named.
 Marijuana- “the youth’s assassins”
 Prostitution- oldest profession known to man which involves habitual engagement in sexual
intercourse for money or profit
 PAGCOR- office that controls and regulates gambling to include Philippine Charity
Sweepstakes Office (PCSO)
 Narcotics- something soothes, induces sleep, relieves pain or stress, or causes a sensation of
mental numbness. This drug has the capacity to decrease pain, with painkilling properties
 Practitioner – any person who is a licensed physician, dentist, chemist, medical technologist,
nurse, midwife, veterinarian or pharmacist in the Philippines (Note: Criminologist is not
 Opium Poppy – refers to any part of the plant of the species Papaver somniferum L
 Supply Reduction- a government program aimed at reducing or stopping the spread of illegal
drugs through arresting drug personalities and seizure of illegal drug through intensified police
 Sang-Banat- the PNP’s master plan against illegal drugs
 Shabu- “the king’s habit/poor man’s cocaine”
 Tetrahyrocannabinol/ THC- the psychoactive agent of cannabis sativa L.
 Tranquilizer- common name applied to a class of drugs used to treat anxiety and insomnia.
Most drugs under tranquilizer used in mental illness.
 Vice- an immoral conduct or habit, the indulgence of which leads to depravity, wickedness and
corruption of the mind and body
 14K- based in Hongkong


 Colombia- world’s biggest producer of cocaine.

 Afghanistan- major opium producer in the entire world.
 Burma (Myanmar)- is a pillar of the “Golden Triangle”. World’s second largest opium
producer. (Burma, Thailand, Laos)
 Peru- is the second biggest producer of cocaine in the world.
 Bolivia- 3rd major producer of cocaine
 Morocco- hashish large producer.
 Mexico- major supplier of heroin
 Methamphetamine- most abused drug on earth
 Ecstacy- known as a clubbing drug or sex drug
 Amphetamines- street name “speed”
 Heroin- most destructive drug in the world

Biggest Drug Syndicates in the World:

1. Name: Cali Drug Cartel

 Boss: Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela
 Based: Colombia
 Founded: 1977-1998
 Activities: Drug trafficking, bribery, money laundering, prostitution, arms trafficking
 Rivals: Medellin Cartel

2. Name: Mendellin Cartel

 Boss: Ochoa Vazquez brothers (Jorge, Juan, Fabio)
 Founded: 1976-1993
 Based: Colombia
 Criminal activities: Drug trafficking, money laundering, assassinations, bombings, extortion

3. Name: Sinaloa Drug Cartel

 Boss: Joaquin Guzman Loera (El Chapo)- arrested

 Based: Mexico
 Activities: Drug Smuggling
 World’s most powerful drug trafficker. Listed by Forbes magazine as the 701st richest person in the

“Some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because the are
determined to”. Unknown



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