FMC Flow Management Computer: Features
FMC Flow Management Computer: Features
FMC Flow Management Computer: Features
Issue/Rev. 0.2 (9/10) Bulletin SS09042
Main Screen Display
Flexible and scalable Field Input/Output Blocks
Standard report templates, as well as user-config-
Graphical and menu driven Human Machine Inter- urable report templates. Archival of 100 records of
face (HMI) via touch screen; unprecedented in the each report type
flow computer market
Intuitive, efficient and secure file transfer to/from the
Multi-language, user configurable text for displays, Fmc 2 via standard USB flash drive or to a shared
alarms/events and reports (English, Russian, Span- network folder (Archived reports, alarms, configura-
ish, Portuguese, and French) tions, etc.)
All major current and historical standards for API and Standard as well as user-configurable menu system
AGA (Including measurement of Ethanol per Brazilian
specifications) Graphic trending of process variables
Automatic proving support for displacement and Onscreen viewable reports
master meter provers with selectable automatic meter Graphic alarm display screen
factor acceptance Integrated Meter Run Motor Operated Valve (MOV)
Advanced Statistical Control of the meter factor Control and Sequencing (Online/Offline, Onprove/
Multi-manufacturer frequency densitometer inputs Offprove)
User-configurable Modbus Master interface – can be Optional Remote HMI (RHMI) Software for remote
used to collect data from any Modbus Slave device monitoring and control
(Gas Chromatographs, Ultrasonic Meters, other flow Flow computer Dual and Triple Redundancy support
computers, etc.) Condition-Based Monitoring (CBM) of all process
Twelve (12) point meter factor linearization variables
User-configurable Modbus Slave interface to host or
SCADA systems, or any Modbus Master device
Full PI (Proportion/Integral) process loop control
functions, with selectable secondary variable for use
Pipeline Deliveries
in override situations (i.e. back pressure control);
bumpless transfer between modes Batch Deliveries
Proving (Displacement/Master Meter)
Easily manages most fiscal-type displacement and
inference meters (e.g. PD, conventional turbine, heli-
cal turbine, ultrasonic, orifice)
H Prover Display
Digital Inputs
Type: Optically-isolated solid-state voltage sensor inputs
FIOB (Field Input/Output Block) Input Voltage Range: -3VDC to + 30VDC (24 VDC typcal)
Maximum low level voltage: < 5 VDC
Pulse Outputs Minimum high level voltage: > 15 VDC
Type: Optically-isolated, 24VDC, 6 watt solid state Signal Supply Voltage: Short Circuit Proof
output See Note 1
Pulse width/output type software configurable
Analog Inputs Digital Outputs
Single-ended signal inputs for the connection of either Type: Electrically-isolated relay contact output
voltage or current signals. Connection: Form C relay contact output
Measurement ranges: 0 mA to 20 mA, 0 VDC to 10 VDC Maximum Switching Voltage: 250 VDC/VAC
Connection: Shielded pair (two conductors with shield) Output Current: 3A Maximum
See Note 1
Accuracy: +/- 0.02% of range
Measurement resolution: > 14 Bit
Signal Supply Voltage: Short Circuit Proof Approvals/Certifications/Listings
See Note 1 OIML R-117-1, “Measuring systems for liquids other
than water”
EN-12405-1(/A1), “Electronic gas volume conversion
Analog Outputs device”
Type: Outputs to connect either current or voltage outputs GOST (Russian) Pattern Approval
Current range: 0 mA to 20 mA
Voltage range: 0 VDC to 10 VDC
FCC (display)
Connection: Shielded Pair (Two conductors with
Accuracy: +/- 0.008% of range (voltage), +/-0.01 % of
range (current)
Output load: 500 Ohms (current, maximum), 2 kOhms
(voltage, minimum)
Output Resolution: >14 Bit
Current Output: Short Circuit Proof
See Note 1
1: "DP" = Differential Pressure; may be a transmitter or switch for strainers, switch for 4-way seal
2: "DT" = Densitometer (frequency or analog)
3: "AE" = Analyzer Element (S&W)
4: Sample Controller may be driven by integrated pulse output on the Frequency Module
The specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice and any user of said specifications should verify from the manufacturer that the specifications are currently
in effect. Otherwise, the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the use of specifications which may have been changed and are no longer in effect.
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500 North Sam Houston Parkway West, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77067 USA, Phone: +1 (281) 260 2190, Fax: +1 (281) 260 2191
Gas Measurement Products: Liquid Measurement Products:
Erie, PA USA +1 (814) 898 5000 Erie, PA USA +1 (814) 898 5000 Beijing, China +86 (10) 6500 2251
Ellerbek, Germany +49 (4101) 3040 Los Angeles, CA USA +1 (310) 328 1236 Singapore +65 6861 3011
Thetford, England +44 (1842) 822900 Ellerbek, Germany +49 (4101) 3040 Chennai, India +91 (44) 450 4400
Kongsberg, Norway +47 (32) 28 67 00 Slough, England +44 (1753) 571515
Buenos Aires, Argentina +54 (11) 4312 4736 Barcelona, Spain +34 (93) 201 0989
Integrated Measurement Systems: Moscow, Russia +7 (495) 5648705
Corpus Christi, TX USA +1 (361) 289 3400 Melbourne, Australia +61 (3) 9807 2818
Kongsberg, Norway +47 (32) 28 67 00
San Juan, Puerto Rico +1 (787) 772 8100
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