Soal Fisika Answer
Soal Fisika Answer
Soal Fisika Answer
2. The arrows represent the processes involved when matter changes state. Add the name for each
process to your flow chart.
3. What is diffusion?
4. Which particles that move the most freely? Circle the answer.
Pollen grain
11. If a gas is forced into a small space, what happens to the pressure?
12. The air in the balloon is heated up by leaving it in a warm place. What the effect that happen?
13. What happen if the vacuum pump is used to pump air out of a plastic bottle?
Answer :
1. - The particles in solids are arranged in regular rows with the particles touching each other. Solid
particles are held firmly in place by forces of attraction. The particles can only vibrate, they
cannot move or changes places.
-The particles in liquids are arranged with the particles touching each other but not in a pattern
of rows. Liquids are held together by weaker forces of attraction. The particles can move past
each other.
-The particles in a gas don’t touch each other. Gas are not attracted to each other and can move