Grade 1 L2 Gus Takes The Train
Grade 1 L2 Gus Takes The Train
Grade 1 L2 Gus Takes The Train
This lesson’s…
Dear Family, Words to Know: friend, full, good, hold, many,
This week we’ll continue visiting with and meeting different pull
people in the neighborhood, and we’ll ask “How does the setting Phonics Skills: Words with short u (put, up,
make a story interesting?” In the fantasy story Gus Takes the mug); consonants qu, z
Train, we’ll read about a stray cat that rides a train and gets a
Vocabulary Strategy: Antonyms
tour of the town.
Comprehension Skill: Story structure— tell the
Activities to Do Together Your Child setting, character, and events in a story
Comprehension Strategy: Analyze/ evaluate—
During a family meal, ask the question “What are ways to be tell how you feel about the text and why
kind?” Take turns creating sentences to answer this question
using this week’s Words to Know. Writing Focus: Writing a travel ticket- express
trip adventure
Around Town
Discuss how people get around in your neighborhood. Take Language Skill: Adjectives (color, number, &
turns playing a game in which one of you chooses a place in the shape)
neighborhood, and the other says which method of Spelling Words: many, friend, full, pull, hold,
transportation he or she would use to get there. good
Tell About It
Talk about a place that you and your child have visited together,
such as a zoo or museum. Fold a piece of paper into thirds and
ask your child to write a brochure that tells about that place.