Matthew: Notes & Outlines
Matthew: Notes & Outlines
Matthew: Notes & Outlines
J. Vernon McGee
Although it is not alleged that the arrangement of the books of the Bible is
inspired, it is a historical fact that spiritual and scholarly men supervised the
arrangement of the books of the New Testament canon. Therefore, it is no acci-
dent that the Gospel of Matthew is first. Even Renan, the French skeptic, said
of this Gospel, “…the most important book in Christendom — the most impor-
tant book that ever has been written.” This Gospel stands like a swinging door
between the two Testaments. It swings back into the Old Testament and gath-
ers up prophecies fulfilled at the first coming of Christ, and it swings into the
New Testament and speaks of the “new creation” of God, “Upon this rock I will
build my church” (Matthew 16:18).
Matthew was a converted publican (Matthew 9:9) who was chosen to write to
the Jews concerning their Messiah.
Matthew presents the program of God. The “kingdom of heaven” is an expres-
sion which is peculiar to this Gospel. It occurs 32 times. The word “kingdom”
occurs 50 times. A proper understanding of the phrase “kingdom of heaven” is
essential to any interpretation of the Bible. The kingdom of heaven and the
church are not the same. John the Baptist was the first to use the expression
“the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 3:2). He began his ministry with the bold
and startling announcement, “Repent; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
When the Lord Jesus Christ began His ministry, He likewise began with this
very announcement (Matthew 4:17). Neither John nor Jesus attempted to
explain the meaning of the term. It is reasonable to assume that the people to
whom the message was given had some conception of its meaning. The Jews
of the first century in Palestine had a clearer understanding of the term than the
average church member in Christendom today. They were not confused by the
theologians of 19 centuries who have attempted to fit the term into some sys-
tem of theology. In this they were fortunate. They understood the term to be
the sum total of all the prophecies of the Old Testament concerning the coming
of the King from heaven to set up a kingdom on this earth with heaven’s stan-
dard. The concept is not new (Daniel 2:44; 7:14, 27).
To read into this expression the history since John and Jesus made the first
announcement is a presumption which the Scriptures will not countenance. The
kingdom was near in the person of the King. The kingdom has not been post-
poned, as God still intends to carry out His earthly purpose on schedule — “Yet
have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion” (Psalm 2:6). God’s dealing with
men since the rejection and crucifixion of the King has been in the framework
of the kingdom of heaven. He is carrying out a heavenly purpose today “bring-
ing many sons unto glory” (Hebrews 2:10). The calling out of the church is not
synonymous with the kingdom of heaven, though the church is in the kingdom
of heaven (Matthew 13). Neither is the term “kingdom of God” synonymous
with “kingdom of heaven.” The “kingdom of God”' is a broader term that
encompasses all of God’s creation, including angels. The following chart may
be helpful in thinking of these terms with the proper distinction.
The church is in the kingdom of heaven, but it is not the same; likewise it is
in the kingdom of God. Los Angeles is in the state of California, but it is not the
same. California is in the United States and is part of it, but it is not identical to
the whole country — in spite of what the Chamber of Commerce claims.
It will be seen that the term “kingdom of heaven” is a progressive term in the
Gospel of Matthew. It assumes the mystery form during the days of the rejection
of the King, but the King becomes a sower in the world (Matthew 13). The king-
dom will be established on this earth at the return of the King (Matthew 24, 25).
The four Gospels constitute a modern newspaper: Matthew contains the
announcements and advertising, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand”; Mark
carries the flaming headlines, “Behold my servant” (we need to know the head-
lines, at least, of God’s program); Luke has the special features — he alone
records the songs connected with the birth of Christ, the stories of the Good
Samaritan and of the Prodigal Son; John has the editorial section — he has writ-
ten on the bread of life, the water of life, the true vine, and the Christian life.
OUTLINE: “Behold Your King” — Matthew presents the Lord Jesus Christ
as the King.
These notes, prepared by J. Vernon McGee, are for the purpose of giving
assistance to the listeners of the THRU THE BIBLE RADIO program.
They are to be used with the Bible and will be more meaningful as you
look up all the Scripture references. Due to the necessary brevity of both
notes and broadcasts, a list of recommended books is included for those
wanting a more detailed study. These books may be obtained from a
Christian library or bookstore or ordered from the publishers.