Test Structure and Sample Questions: Testing Services
Test Structure and Sample Questions: Testing Services
Test Structure and Sample Questions: Testing Services
ISO / IEC 27001:2013 CERTIFIED
1. What is the primary concern of the passage? Directions (Question 5): Choose the option to fill in
(1) Use of plastic bags should be completely the blanks.
banned. 5. We _________ to inform you that we cannot
(2) There is a need to save energy, especially include your thesis in our library, on the _______
for our future. of not receiving permission from your supervisor.
(3) All of us should not only plant trees but also (1) repent, justification
run the marathon. (2) saddened, reason
(4) We need to respect the Earth and consume (3) lament, pretext
less of its calories. (4) regret, grounds
(1) Machete (2) Machinate (3) if neither conclusion I follows nor II follows
(4) if both conclusions I and II follow
(3) Conspire (4) Fatal
ISO / IEC 27001:2013 CERTIFIED
7. Statement : SECTION-III:
The doctor is of the opinion that the patient’s MATHEMATICAL SKILLS
condition would become normal after this
Conclusions: 11. Three taps A, B and C can fill a tank in 12, 15
and 20 hours respectively. If tap A is open all the
I. The patient’s condition is such that he can
time and tap B and tap C are open for one hour
be operated upon.
each alternately, the tank will be filled in
II. Certain costly medicines can be
administered to the patient and the operation (1) 7 hours. (2) 6 hours.
may not be necessary. (3) 5 hours. (4) None of these
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the (1) `1,50,000 (2) `1,70,000
correct explanation of (A).
(3) `1,25,000 (4) `1,20,000
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false but (R) is true.
13. Two times a two-digit number is 9 times the
8. Assertion (A): Harmonious industrial relations number obtained by reversing the digits and sum
are necessary for faster of the digits is 9. The number is _______.
economic development of a (1) 54 (2) 72
Reason (R): Good relations keep the wheels (3) 63 (4) 81
of production rolling.
ISO / IEC 27001:2013 CERTIFIED
ISO / IEC 27001:2013 CERTIFIED
Directions (Question 20) : This question is consist 23. The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
of two quantities, quantity A and quantity B. Compare has recently launched India’s first indigenous
the two quantities and mark answer as rotavirus vaccine named ‘Rotavac’ to combat
infant mortality due to
(1) if the quantity A is greater.
(1) Polio. (2) Measles.
(2) if the quantity B is greater.
(3) Tetanus. (4) Diarrhea.
(3) if the two quantities A and B are equal.
(4) if comparison cannot be made from the given
information. 24. Who introduced the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ in India?
(1) Lord Canning (2) Lord Hastings
20. Quantity A: Net change when wages of workers (3) Lord Bentinck (4) Lord Dalhousie
were increased by 20% and then reduced by
Quantity B: Net change when wages of workers 25. In economics, Minimum Support Price (MSP) is
were reduced by 10% and then increased by the
20%. (1) minimum wage offered to the workers in the
organized sector.
(2) price at which the government buys
agricultural output from the farmers.
INDIAN AND GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT (3) minimum price the producers demand to sell
their goods.
(4) None of these
21. In Indian history, the first discovery of Rock
Paintings in India was made in_______.
(1) 1867-68 (2) 1885-86 Answers to sample questions
(3) 1901-02 (4) 1957-58 1. (2) 6. (1) 11. (1) 16. (2) 21. (1)
2. (1) 7. (1) 12. (2) 17. (2) 22. (3)
22. Which of the following census years is called the 3. (2) 8. (1) 13. (4) 18. (2) 23. (4)
‘year of the demographic divide’ in India? 4. (2) 9. (3) 14. (1) 19. (3) 24. (4)
(1) 1901 (2) 1871 5. (4) 10. (3) 15. (4) 20. (3) 25. (2)
(3) 1921 (4) 2001