Test Structure and Sample Questions: Testing Services

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ISO / IEC 27001:2013 CERTIFIED


MAT is an objective type test designed and devel- SECTION-I:

oped to ascertain the aptitude of the candidates to LANGUAGE COMPREHENSION
undergo Post Graduate Programme in Management.
Aptitude is the potential of an individual to perform Directions (Question 1-2): Study the given passage
subsequent to proper training. Therefore MAT is de- to answer the questions that follows the passage.
signed to identify the potential. It is tested and per- Passage
fected over a decade.
Until a hundred years ago as humans we had a
simple, uncomplicated biological connect. It was a
The MAT has five sections, each section having forty straightforward equation: we drew roughly 3,000
questions. The total 200 questions are to be attempted calories each of energy out of the Earth for our food
over 150 minutes. The test structure is given below: and life’s sustenance. Today that number per capita
has grown to 1,00,000 calories. We still need only
3,000 calories each to nourish life itself. All the rest
Section Section Name No of Time of this energy is what we extract from the Earth for
No. Questions Suggested everything else besides keeping ourselves alive. In
(Minutes) some countries, like the US, this per capita number
runs at over 2,00,000 calories. Some of us are
I Language Comprehension 40 30 concerned about this. We fret over what we could —
II Intelligence & Critical Reasoning 40 30 and should — really be doing to soften this abuse of
resources. Little things fox us in the welter of things
III Mathematical Skills 40 40 that we get to read. What is sustainable
IV Data Analysis & Sufficiency 40 35 development? How can it be started at our homes?
Beyond the ceremonial planting of green and getting
V Indian & Global Environment 40 15 people to run marathons of various lengths in support
Total 200 150 of the environment, is there more that we can add to
the abstract value of ‘sustainability’? What are the
little things we can do in our day-to-day lives, to
reduce demand for things that people make and
market? Of course, we know that it helps to avoid a
A few sample questions are given below for the plastic bag when you can use a newspaper bag, or a
brown bag, or even a jute bag which you can use for
guidance of the candidates in the preparation. These
many more years unlike a plastic bag which you throw
samples do not necessarily indicate either the types away in less than a week or after a few uses.
or the difficulty levels of questions that can be in the However, there’s actually quite a bit more that you
actual test. In general the preparation standard and I can do, without compromise on comfort, with
expected is that of a graduate from an Indian very little as cost incurred, with financial savings that
University having completed 10 + 2 + 3 pattern of you can gain on energy and water use, and with
solutions that are very feasible and within your reach.
education. However, the knowledge level required for
It is possible to understand our ecological footprint
attempting the section on Mathematical Skills is that and its disastrous consequences, not merely in terms
of 10th standard under Central Board of Secondary of our own behaviour as consumers, but really in
Education. terms of the impact on the environment we make.

ISO / IEC 27001:2013 CERTIFIED

1. What is the primary concern of the passage? Directions (Question 5): Choose the option to fill in
(1) Use of plastic bags should be completely the blanks.
banned. 5. We _________ to inform you that we cannot
(2) There is a need to save energy, especially include your thesis in our library, on the _______
for our future. of not receiving permission from your supervisor.

(3) All of us should not only plant trees but also (1) repent, justification
run the marathon. (2) saddened, reason
(4) We need to respect the Earth and consume (3) lament, pretext
less of its calories. (4) regret, grounds

2. Which one of the following statements cannot

be inferred from the passage?
(1) We do not depend on the Earth for our food
and life sustenance.
(2) There are many little things we can do to
save our Earth. Directions (Question 6): Study the given information
carefully to answer the question.
(3) Only running marathons of various lengths
does not help. From among the five doctors l, 2, 3, 4 and 5, four
engineers G, H, K, L and six teachers M, N, O, P, Q
(4) A lot many years before, our association with
and R, some teams are to be selected. Of these 1,
the Nature was quite simple.
2, G, H, O, P, Q are females and the rest are males.
The formation of teams is subject to the following
Directions (Question 3): In this question, a sentence conditions. Wherever there is a male doctor, there
has been broken into four parts. Choose the part that will not be a female teacher. Wherever there is a
has an error. male engineer, there will not be a female doctor.
There shall not be more than two male teachers in
3. (1) The hardy colonist and the trained European
any team.
who fought at his side,
(2) frequently expended months in struggling 6. If the team consists of two doctors, two-female
against the rapid of the streams, teachers and two engineers, then all the following
(3) or in effecting the rugged passes of the teams are possible except
mountains, (1) l, 2, K, L, P Q (2) 1, 2, G, H, P, Q
(4) in quest of an opportunity to exhibit their (3) 1, 2, G, H, O, Q (4) O, P, G, H, 1, 2
courage in a more martial conflict.

Directions (Question 7): The given question has a

Directions (Question 4): In this question, choose statement followed by two conclusions I and II.
the option which can be substituted for the given Decide which of the conclusions follows from the
words. statement. Mark answer as
4. To form a plot or scheme, especially one to do (1) if conclusion I follows
something wrong or wicked, or designed to
cause harm (2) if conclusion II follows

(1) Machete (2) Machinate (3) if neither conclusion I follows nor II follows
(4) if both conclusions I and II follow
(3) Conspire (4) Fatal

ISO / IEC 27001:2013 CERTIFIED

7. Statement : SECTION-III:
The doctor is of the opinion that the patient’s MATHEMATICAL SKILLS
condition would become normal after this
Conclusions: 11. Three taps A, B and C can fill a tank in 12, 15
and 20 hours respectively. If tap A is open all the
I. The patient’s condition is such that he can
time and tap B and tap C are open for one hour
be operated upon.
each alternately, the tank will be filled in
II. Certain costly medicines can be
administered to the patient and the operation (1) 7 hours. (2) 6 hours.
may not be necessary. (3) 5 hours. (4) None of these

Directions (Question 8): For the Assertion (A) and

Reason (R) below, choose the correct alternative 12. A sum was put at simple interest at a certain rate
from the following: for 3 years. Had it been put at 1% higher rate, it
would have fetched `5,100 more. The sum is
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
correct explanation of (A). _______.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the (1) `1,50,000 (2) `1,70,000
correct explanation of (A).
(3) `1,25,000 (4) `1,20,000
(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false but (R) is true.
13. Two times a two-digit number is 9 times the
8. Assertion (A): Harmonious industrial relations number obtained by reversing the digits and sum
are necessary for faster of the digits is 9. The number is _______.
economic development of a (1) 54 (2) 72
Reason (R): Good relations keep the wheels (3) 63 (4) 81
of production rolling.

14. In measuring the sides of a rectangular plot, one

9. Varun is the brother of Meghna and Nikhil, Prerna side is taken 5% in excess and the other 6% in
is the mother of Nikhil. Raghu is the father deficit. The error percent in area calculated, of
of Varun. Which of the given statements cannot the plot, is _______.
be said to be definitely true?
(1) 1.3% (2) 1%
(1) Varun is the son of Prerna.
(2) Raghu is the husband of Prerna. (3) 1.5% (4) 3%
(3) Raghu is the brother of Meghna.
(4) Prerna is the mother of Varun. 15. Shiva invested a certain sum of money in a
simple interest bond whose value grew to `300
10. Pointing to Abhishek, Seema said, “His father is at the end of 3 years and to `400 at the end of
the only son of my grandfather.” How is Seema another 5 years. What was the rate of interest at
related to Abhishek? which he invested his sum?
(1) Niece (2) Mother (1) 12.5% (2) 12%
(3) Sister (4) Daughter (3) 6.67% (4) 8.33%

ISO / IEC 27001:2013 CERTIFIED

SECTION-IV: Directions (Question 18): Study the following

DATA ANALYSIS & SUFFICIENCY information carefully to answer the question.
Ram sold 10 acres of land to Mani and Dinesh who
paid him the total amount in the ratio of 2 : 3. Mani
Directions (Question 16-17) : Study the following invested a further `3 lakh in the land for the purpose
pie-graphs carefully to answers the question. of planting coconut and lemon trees in the ratio of
4:1. These trees were planted on equal areas of land.
There are seven different types of tyres manufactured
There were a total of 200 lemon trees. The sale price
by a factory. The pie charts show the percentage of of one coconut was `10 in 2019. The crop took 7
sales of the tyres in a city in two consecutive months years to mature and when the crop was reaped in
April and May. The total number of type B tyre sold 2019, the total revenue generated was 50% of the
in April and May were 1560 and 2250 respectively. total initial amount put in by Mani and Dinesh together.
The revenue generated from the coconut and lemon
trees was in the ratio of 5 : 4 and it was shared equally
April MAY by Mani and Dinesh as the initial amount spent by
them was equal.
18. How many coconuts were reaped?
(1) 24000 (2) 50000
(3) 25000 (4) 19000

Directions (Question 19) : This question is consist

of a question and two statements I and II. Decide
whether the data provided in the statements are
sufficient to answer the question. Mark answer as
16. What is the maximum difference between the (1) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient
numbers of tyres of any two types sold taken to answer the question, while the data in
together for April and that of other two types sold statement II alone are not sufficient to
for May? answer the question.
(2) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient
(1) 3390
to answer the question, while the data in
(2) 5430 statement I alone are not sufficient to answer
the question.
(3) 4523
(3) if the data in both statements I and II are
(4) 4230 required to answer the question.
(4) if the data in both statements I and II together
are not sufficient to answer the question.
17. What is the difference in total sales between April
and May in respect of only those types where
19. Mr. Rahim invested his saving in term deposit of
there was an increase in sale? three different limited companies. If the average
(1) 6520 size of 3 term deposits is `3 crore, is the smallest
deposit less than `2.5 crore?
(2) 3540 I. The highest term deposit is `3.9 crore.
(3) 4530 II. There are two more term deposits other than
the highest term deposit. One of the two term
(4) None of these deposits is `2.1 crore.

ISO / IEC 27001:2013 CERTIFIED

Directions (Question 20) : This question is consist 23. The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
of two quantities, quantity A and quantity B. Compare has recently launched India’s first indigenous
the two quantities and mark answer as rotavirus vaccine named ‘Rotavac’ to combat
infant mortality due to
(1) if the quantity A is greater.
(1) Polio. (2) Measles.
(2) if the quantity B is greater.
(3) Tetanus. (4) Diarrhea.
(3) if the two quantities A and B are equal.
(4) if comparison cannot be made from the given
information. 24. Who introduced the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ in India?
(1) Lord Canning (2) Lord Hastings
20. Quantity A: Net change when wages of workers (3) Lord Bentinck (4) Lord Dalhousie
were increased by 20% and then reduced by
Quantity B: Net change when wages of workers 25. In economics, Minimum Support Price (MSP) is
were reduced by 10% and then increased by the
20%. (1) minimum wage offered to the workers in the
organized sector.
(2) price at which the government buys
agricultural output from the farmers.
INDIAN AND GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT (3) minimum price the producers demand to sell
their goods.
(4) None of these
21. In Indian history, the first discovery of Rock
Paintings in India was made in_______.
(1) 1867-68 (2) 1885-86 Answers to sample questions

(3) 1901-02 (4) 1957-58 1. (2) 6. (1) 11. (1) 16. (2) 21. (1)
2. (1) 7. (1) 12. (2) 17. (2) 22. (3)

22. Which of the following census years is called the 3. (2) 8. (1) 13. (4) 18. (2) 23. (4)
‘year of the demographic divide’ in India? 4. (2) 9. (3) 14. (1) 19. (3) 24. (4)
(1) 1901 (2) 1871 5. (4) 10. (3) 15. (4) 20. (3) 25. (2)
(3) 1921 (4) 2001

Sample Answer Sheet is given in page xi.


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