Writing A Narrative Biomedical Review: Considerations For Authors, Peer Reviewers, and Editors
Writing A Narrative Biomedical Review: Considerations For Authors, Peer Reviewers, and Editors
Writing A Narrative Biomedical Review: Considerations For Authors, Peer Reviewers, and Editors
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4 authors, including:
George Kitas
The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust
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Received: 2 January 2011 / Accepted: 10 July 2011 / Published online: 29 July 2011
© Springer-Verlag 2011
Abstract Review articles comprehensively covering a Keywords Narrative review · Title · Abstract ·
speciWc topic are crucial for successful research and aca- Authorship · Ethics · Peer-review · Research methods ·
demic projects. Most editors consider review articles for Medical writing
special and regular issues of journals. Writing a review
requires deep knowledge and understanding of a Weld. The
aim of this review is to analyze the main steps in writing a Introduction
narrative biomedical review and to consider points that may
increase the chances of success. We performed a compre- Recent advances in biomedical sciences are marked by an
hensive search through MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scopus, and ever-increasing number of publications maintaining com-
Web of Science using the following keywords: review of munication between clinicians and scientists worldwide [1].
the literature, narrative review, title, abstract, authorship, Individuals involved in biomedical research are now
ethics, peer review, research methods, medical writing, sci- required to acquire speciWc skills in processing scientiWc
entiWc writing, and writing standards. Opinions expressed information, selecting reliable and relevant data, and pre-
in the review are also based on personal experience as senting original points of view. Perhaps, the most diYcult
authors, peer reviewers, and editors. task, in this regard, is writing review articles.
Review articles comprehensively covering a speciWc
biomedical topic and justifying future research directions
are crucial for successful master, doctoral, and postdoctoral
courses. Not less important, for senior academic staV, pur-
suing new career goals and guiding younger colleagues,
A. Y. Gasparyan (&) · G. D. Kitas
Department of Rheumatology, Clinical Research Unit, communicating messages through reviews is a matter
Dudley Group of Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Teaching of intellectual enrichment and enhancing standards of
Trust of University of Birmingham, UK), Russell’s Hall Hospital, research. Writing a review requires knowledge and continu-
North Block, Dudley, West Midlands DY1 2HQ, United Kingdom ous improvement of qualiWcations in line with the accumu-
e-mail: a.gasparyan@gmail.com; armen.gasparyan@dgoh.nhs.uk
lation of better scientiWc evidence and updated publication
L. Ayvazyan ethics standards [2]. In the era of impact factors where
Department of Medical Chemistry, research and academic institutions are prioritizing their
Yerevan State Medical University, Yerevan, Armenia resource allocation, reviews published in high-rank peer-
H. Blackmore reviewed journals are becoming a driving force for visibil-
Institute of Metabolic Sciences, Metabolic Research Laboratories, ity and sustainable growth of the institutions. In fact,
Addenbrookes Hospital, University of Cambridge, reviews attract more journal, textbook, and thesis citations
Cambridge, United Kingdom than any other type of articles and substantially contribute
G. D. Kitas to the impact of the journals [3]. Remarkably, reviews are
Arthritis Research UK (AR UK) Epidemiology Unit, an inseparable part of the writing culture in countries top-
University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom ping the list of research quality and productivity (e.g., US
1410 Rheumatol Int (2011) 31:1409–1417
and UK). It is impossible to imagine an issue of The New review are also based on personal experience of writing,
England Journal of Medicine or The Lancet and other top editing, and commenting on review articles.
general medical journals without a comprehensive review
impacting upon clinical practice and further research stud-
ies. Reviews may boost the proWle of both established and Writing a review
emerging scientiWc powers, where understanding of the
importance of reviews is improving, given the recent scien- There are some basic tips for writing a review. Generally
tometric evidence [4, 5]. Undoubtedly, reviews proposing speaking, these tips are, to some extent, also applicable to edi-
genuine hypotheses and carrying messages of global impor- torials and commentaries. Not surprisingly, those who write
tance may lead to the sustainable development of research reviews frequently also publish editorials and commentaries.
institutions with limited resources and expand international
collaborations. Authorship
Most editors currently encourage authors to prepare
review articles, and publishing houses provide more The circle of contributors with suYcient qualiWcations in a
resources for soliciting these articles for either regular or speciWc biomedical Weld, experience in writing reviews,
special issues of journals. An invitation to write a review is and advanced English writing skills has to be deWned early
an appreciation of an author’s or research group’s previous in the process of writing and structuring of the manuscript.
scientiWc work on a speciWc topic and an opportunity to add Though there have been suggestions to move from author-
new information to the global medical literature. ship to contributorship in biomedical articles [6], acknowl-
Writing for a target journal requires a thorough search for edging the co-authors’ eVorts by listing their names in
similar publications in that journal to avoid redundancies, to footnotes of a review is still an important issue. Co-authors
correctly cite relevant publications, and to stick to the format should meet the authorship criteria suggested by the Inter-
of publications. Editors of solicited reviews, in turn, have to national Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE): (1)
inform the invited authors about topics of other submitted substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisi-
manuscripts in the process of peer review or editing. Also, tion of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, (2) draft-
editors can be contacted prior to the submission of an unso- ing the article or revising it critically for important
licited review to discuss the relevance of the review to the intellectual content, and (3) approval of the Wnal version [7].
journal’s scope, thereby increasing the chances for success- The whole process of writing may stretch for several
ful publication. The editor’s response (either positive or neg- months, with several rounds of drafting, reassessing the
ative) in that case and in case of submissions without prior expressed medical ideas, updating the reference list, and
arrangements should not take long. In most cases, depending improving clarity of writing and quality of graphics. Several
on the editor’s workload, a decision before proceeding to the contributors may take part in the writing process by adding
peer review can be conveyed to the author within 48 h. Edi- new quality to the manuscript, but only those meeting all
tors working on special issues can also informally guide the three criteria of authorship can be listed as co-authors. Con-
authors in the process of writing. tributors suggesting structural changes, improving the style
The aim of this review was to analyze the main steps in and grammar, paraphrasing and rewording some or even all
writing a narrative biomedical review and to consider parts of the text have to be credited by mentioning their
points that may increase the chances of successful publica- eVorts in the acknowledgment section [8].
tion and future impact. It is more likely to eVectively write and edit a review
within a limited timeframe and with limited contributors/
co-authors involved. Each co-author should be responsible
Search strategy for a certain part of work. Even though there are no strict
rules, it seems reasonable to have 1–2 authors for an
We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scopus, and Web of authoritative review (summarizing an expert’s own data in
Science for English-language sources using the following the light of new evidence) and 1–5 authors for a narrative
keywords: review of the literature, narrative review, title, literature review. The number of authors/contributors may
abstract, authorship, ethics, peer review, research methods, also depend on the topic and volume of the manuscript.
medical writing, scientiWc writing, and writing standards. From conception to proof reading stage, one individual,
Preference was given to the sources published within the preferably the corresponding author, should take responsi-
past 7 years. We searched the bibliographies of the bility for the whole manuscript and coordinate communica-
retrieved articles written by experts in biomedical writing/ tion among contributors. Sharing responsibilities also imply
editing. We discuss some points and guidelines of relevant the order of individuals listed as authors in the Wnal version
professional associations. Opinions expressed in this of the manuscript.
Rheumatol Int (2011) 31:1409–1417 1411
1412 Rheumatol Int (2011) 31:1409–1417
[42, 43]. Providing information on the databases accessed, tiWc information, tracking citations, and free access to elec-
terms, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and time limits adds tronic journals, books, theses, and abstracts.
objectivity to the main messages and conclusions. The liter- In some cases, authors are required to obtain information
ature search is directed toward retrieving sources with the from regional or local online databases. For example,
highest level of evidence and relevance to the topic. Opti- reviews on medicinal plants, traditional medicine, and dis-
mal search methodology is a comprehensive and unbiased eases common in some Asian countries may beneWt from
coverage of highly reliable and updated information. the literature searches through Asian Science Citation
To comprehensively cover scientiWc information and to Index (ASCI), IranMedex, ScientiWc Information Database
overcome limitations of separate online libraries, catalogs, (SID), Index Medicus for the World Health Organization
and databases, it is advisable to undertake searches through Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR) and other regions,
at least 2–3 credible databases, selective toward high-qual- PakMediNet, IndMed, etc. Regrettably, not all of these
ity publications and containing most up-to-date information databases are up to high international standards [47, 48].
(i.e., MEDLINE/PubMed, Excerpta Medica/EMBASE, The latter makes it diYcult to retrieve trusted sources and
Scopus, Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science). Widely used disseminate biomedical information obtained from some
global databases are equipped with advanced Web brows- Asian countries.
ers and have links or even access to full-text content of Search methodologies of reviews may also include a
most academic journals. notion about unpublished data, usually presented in the
PubMed, a service of the US National Library of Medi- form of abstracts of biomedical congresses. Unfortunately,
cine, is the oldest and still the most popular hub of updated not all abstracts printed in congress books or supplements
bibliographic information on scholarly biomedical jour- of journals are accessible, indexed in Web of Science, and
nals and online books. It indexes journal articles listed in selected based on scientiWc merits. Most abstracts, particu-
MEDLINE and has links to free full-text content of Pub- larly those on inconclusive or preliminary data, are never
Med Central free digital library. EMBASE is a biomedical published as articles in peer-reviewed and indexed journals
online service of Elsevier, indexing mainly European and [49–51]. That is why abstracts are rightly not favored by
non-English literature sources. Scopus, launched in 2004, most journal editors. For the same reason, other unpub-
is another online database of Elsevier and a hub for bio- lished sources particularly theses not supported by peer-
medical and non-biomedical journals. It combines features reviewed and highly visible journal publications have to be
of PubMed and Web of Science, keeping track of citations rejected.
and oVering access to full texts of journals published by Sometimes questions arise from incompletely described
Elsevier and to abstracts and reference lists of other laboratory methods or uncertainties in published sources,
indexed journal articles. Importantly, it covers about 20% necessitating direct consultations with authors of these pub-
more journals than Web of Science [44]. Scopus and Web lications. They are also frequently contacted to provide
of Science distinguish highly cited sources, essential for reprints of their articles, which may be of great help to
comprehensive coverage of the literature in a narrative researchers with limited open access to the literature and
review. have to be mentioned as a part of the search methods.
Reviews concerned with evidence from randomized con-
trolled trials and eVects of drugs include searches through Main body
the Cochrane Library, particularly Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews and Database of Abstracts and The best, but not the only way to organize the analysis of
Reviews of EVectiveness (DARE). Another online data- the sources in the main body is to transform information
base, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health from the retrieved publications into bibliographic cards
Literature (CINAHL), operated by EBSCO publishing, is with a short description of the main results, level of evi-
essential for nursing reviews. Access to this and some other dence, strengths and limitations of each study, and
online databases requires paid subscription. Currently, in relevance to each section of the manuscript. Reference
most academic and research institutions, including the management software packages are now available to store
world’s top universities [45], access to online libraries and references, to apply diVerent in-text citation styles, and to
catalogues is free for faculty and students. For institutions adjust bibliographies in line with the format of numerous
and researchers from developing countries, the World journals. EndNote and Reference Manager are among the
Health Organization set the Programme for Access to most widely used packages oVered by Thomson Reuters.
Health Research (HINARI) in 2002, ensure free or low-cost These commercial packages help authors to organize the
access to scientiWc sources of major publishers [46]. In reference collection and formatting. The latter is of particu-
addition, Google Scholar, a Web-based engine launched in lar importance when the writing is part of a long-term
2004, is getting popular for its expanded coverage of scien- research project and numerous publications are expected to
Rheumatol Int (2011) 31:1409–1417 1413
− Structuring an abstract
− Selecting keywords
Crediting contributors
be analyzed. Not less importantly, a software-based refer- also be viewed as a bias, with the exception of authorita-
ence management saves time during multiple revisions that tive, expert opinion reviews, where the authors are encour-
may require restructuring, moving citations from one part aged to share their extensive experience in a certain
to another while formatting the reference list. biomedical Weld, and this has to be clearly mentioned in the
Quality of writing in the main body depends on whether aim and methodology section of the review.
the topic is correctly chosen, speciWc databases are A systematic approach implies grouping and analyzing
searched, and correct search terms, inclusion and exclusion sources with similar Wndings and/or same level of evidence.
criteria are used. The main ideas of a review, aggregated in This can be done by placing some data from the selected
the aim/purpose, have to Wnd a reXection in this part of the sources in tables and analyzing in the main body, without
manuscript. In the process of building up the main text, pre- duplicating information. Selection of publications is usually
vious sections have to be reassessed and necessary altera- based on predeWned timeline and inclusion and exclusion
tions have to be made (Fig. 1). It is especially important criteria. Animal and human studies have to be grouped sep-
when similar articles come to light and new published data arately. Studies with positive and negative data have to be
accumulate during the writing process. In this case, proper contrasted. With an exception of reviews concerned with
structuring of the main text and addition of new subhead- rare disorders, in most cases, preference is given to sources
ings, with emphasis on previously not discussed and with high level of evidence, ethically sound studies with a
unclear issues, may contribute to the novelty of the manu- large sample size, advanced laboratory methods, and justi-
script in progress. Critical assessment of the topic, aim, and Wed conclusions. Letters, preliminary/short communica-
search methodology is also required when the retrieved tions, and meeting abstracts are disadvantageous during
literature sources are either scarce, based on low level of selection process and are mostly not considered for
evidence, or too many. publication.
To demonstrate a systematic approach, authors have to Lengthy, author-centered (rather than events or phenom-
collect and critically analyze all relevant sources. It is also ena-centered) descriptive writing, lacking the separation of
critical to ensure diversity in the sources and to avoid a important features from minor points, and without distin-
selection bias. The prime example of this type of bias is the guishing strengths and limitations, diminishes the value of
inclusion of most references from the same, even high-rank a review. On the other hand, the inclusion of the authors’
journal. Multiple citations of the authors’ publications can personal opinion, a priori assertions, and unnecessary
1414 Rheumatol Int (2011) 31:1409–1417
sections (e.g., Discussion) further weakens the main text of While revising a review, each sentence must be carefully
a narrative review. Also, tables with unprocessed informa- checked to distinguish the authors’ own words and ideas
tion directly extrapolated from multiple sources complicate from those extracted from literature. At this stage, support
reading the manuscript. of experienced colleagues and medical writers by critical
Readability of a review can be improved by including a reading, paraphrasing, additional referencing in “suspi-
few self-explanatory tables (1–3), boxes (1–2), and Wgures cious” parts of the manuscript, and minimizing number of
(1–4), synthesizing essential information, and conveying similar references or those from the same journal or book
original messages. The number of these important elements can be helpful. Sections of the text left without citations
is dependent on the content of the review and requirements imply the descriptions of widely known facts, personal
of a target journal. Tables and Wgures drawn by the authors experience, or rare phenomena not covered by literature
are preferable. Materials taken from previous publications [54].
can be included when it is absolutely necessary and an One should also bear in mind that the number of refer-
oYcial permission is obtained from copyright owner. ences ranges within certain limits. Both too short and too
Importantly, the number of adopted illustrative materials long lists of references raise concerns over the appropriate-
should be strictly limited to preserve originality of a manu- ness of a chosen topic and purpose of a review. The reason-
script. able number of references for an authoritative review may
range between 50 and 100, while for more comprehensive
Conclusions narrative reviews, the list of references can be more
Major conclusions derived from the analysis of the litera-
ture are placed in this section. It brings together new Wnd- Where to submit a review manuscript
ings and clearly outlines major points for future research
and/or clinical practice. Extensive analysis of literature data Currently, there are plenty of opportunities for publishing
and drawing conclusions not supported by previous sec- a good review in journals taking predominantly or solely
tions is incorrect. A few unanswered questions can be dis- this type of research articles. Numerous examples of suc-
cussed with a limited referencing. Inherent limitations of cessful journals with high impact factors gained over a
the review and their impact on the validity of the main mes- short publishing period, such as Nature Reviews…, Sem-
sages should also be mentioned. Finally, authors may inars in…, Expert Reviews in…, Expert Opinion on…,
brieXy express their opinion on how these limitations could Current Opinion in…, or Current… journal series, sug-
be overcome. gest that the readership interest and demand toward
updated and objectively processed scientiWc information
Acknowledgments is as high now as never before. Publishers of review jour-
nals (e.g., Bentham Science Publishers) regularly publish
This section is the place for acknowledging any support of special issues on speciWc topics to provide the readership
contributors. It is obligatory to disclose any funding from with quintessential information and prospects of research.
sponsors and their involvement in the writing process. Major publishers of biomedical literature (e.g., Elsevier
Authors have to disclose any aYliation to organization or and Springer) are also now strongly encouraging frequent
association sponsoring their research activities. Editors and publication of authoritative and comprehensive reviews
reviewers have to pay attention to this section, as it can reX- as part of regular and special issues. A relevant example
ect the level of bias in selecting the sources of literature and is seminar review series of the Lancet, covering diverse
formulating trustworthiness of the conclusions [52, 53]. topics of clinical and/or public health relevance. Each
review in this series serves as a guide for the global medi-
References cal community and, therefore, attracts numerous citations
and leaves an enduring eVect in its Weld of biomedicine
Accurate referencing, citing sources with known Digital [55, 56].
Object IdentiWers (DOI) accessible through CrossRef and To help potential authors in taking decision on possible
ScienceDirect electronic services, and correct formatting submission of their review manuscripts, the publishers dis-
references are indicative of quality of writing. In case of play timeframes of peer review and online and print publi-
non-English sources, titles should appear in square brack- cations on the Web sites. Rapid publication of review
ets. When referring to guidelines or articles published on articles is increasingly becoming indicative of the journal’s
the Internet, correct links and date of access have to be pro- impact [3]. Hence, editors and reviewers are now taking
vided. Avoid referring to unpublished and inaccessible more responsibility for rapid and fair processing of these
sources [9]. articles to provide good service to both authors and publish-
Rheumatol Int (2011) 31:1409–1417 1415
Choosing a Choosing
Author target journal Editor experienced Reviewer
for submission reviewers
ers concerned with the dissemination of information and conclusions lacking a reXection on research prospects
rise of individual and journal impact (Fig. 2). Thoughtful have to be considered as additional reasons for the rejec-
selection of responsible editors and peer reviewers experi- tion or major revision. Finally, diYculties with following
enced in both writing and commenting review manuscripts the text, lack of tables with processed information, and
is a major task, which contributes to further increasing a inappropriate graphical material or its absence can lead to
journal’s rank and widening its audience (i.e., readers and major technical revisions, delaying the publication of a
authors) [57]. To ensure objective, rigorous, and a timely review.
peer review, it seems crucial to support the selected review-
ers by providing access to the sources used by the authors
(e.g., through access to Scopus, Web of Science, or relevant Concluding remarks
digital libraries during the peer review), by sharing other
reviewers’ comments, and by acknowledging their eVorts Writing and properly structuring a biomedical narrative
[58]. review is a process requiring the authors’ expertise in a cer-
tain Weld of science and scientiWc environment favoring
Reasons for rejection and major revision comprehensive, balanced, and accurate processing of rele-
vant literature. The aim of review articles is to critically
Obviously, current trends in biomedical publishing are evaluate available evidence and provide new research pros-
requiring a standardized approach toward publishing bet- pects. This type of research article is a critical part of most
ter-structured, more systematic, and unbiased reviews. research and academic projects and a means for science
Reviews, as other research articles, should be comprehen- communication worldwide. With the latter in mind, it
sive (to cover all pertinent issues), concise, and easily seems useful to incorporate relevant writing courses in the
understandable [9]. Lack of novelty, redundant informa- curricula for undergraduate and postgraduate biomedical
tion substantially overlapping with the authors’ previous students and to consider skills in writing and reviewing
publications, or a topic comprehensively analyzed in these articles as an essential part of medical editors’ profes-
recent publications of a target journal should be prime sional qualiWcation.
reasons for the rejection of a review manuscript by Each section of a review article has to be constructed
reviewers and editors, acting as journal gatekeepers. An based on widely accepted rules and relevant evidence.
inappropriate structure, uncertain aims, an unbalanced Although most experienced authors possess the required
and descriptive presentation of information, an analysis of writing skills, there are still no relevant standards and avail-
predominantly authors’ own publications or articles from able evidence only partly relates to successful constructing
the same journal (i.e., lack of diversity in sources), numer- of some sections of review [10]. More evidence is war-
ous citations of inaccessible, non-peer-reviewed sources, ranted to elucidate common pitfalls in review writing and to
those on low level of evidence (i.e., expert opinion, case analyze successful highly impacting scientiWc writing expe-
reports, preliminary reports, small studies), and vague rience.
1416 Rheumatol Int (2011) 31:1409–1417
Acknowledgments The authors thank Dr. Dimitri P. Mikhailidis, 18. Hasani-Ranjbar S, Nayebi N, Moradi L, Mehri A, Larijani B,
academic head of the Department of Clinical Biochemistry (Vascular Abdollahi M (2010) The eYcacy and safety of herbal medicines
Prevention Clinic), Royal Free Hospital, University College London used in the treatment of hyperlipidemia; a systematic review. Curr
Medical School, University College London (UCL), London, United Pharm Des 16:2935–2947
Kingdom, and Dr. Jayashree Shanker, head of Functional Genomics 19. Ligthart SA, van Charante EP, Van Gool WA, Richard E (2010)
Department, Thrombosis Research Institute, Bangalore, India, for crit- Treatment of cardiovascular risk factors to prevent cognitive
ical comments and editing of the Wnal version of the review. AYG and decline and dementia: a systematic review. Vasc Health Risk
GDK thank the Dudley Group of Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK Manag 6:775–785
(A Teaching Trust of University of Birmingham, UK), for support. 20. Yao Q, Altman RD, Brahn E (2009) Periostitis and hypertrophic
pulmonary osteoarthropathy: report of 2 cases and review of the
ConXict of interest AYG is a sponsored member of the European literature. Semin Arthritis Rheum 38:458–466
Association of Science Editors and member of the World Association 21. Rashid-Farokhi F, Cheraghvandi A, Masjedi MR (2009) Pheo-
of Medical Editors. He also serves as an editorial advisory board mem- chromocytoma crisis due to glucocorticoid administration: a case
ber and reviewer of more than 20 rheumatological, cardiological and report and review of the literature. Arch Iran Med 12:190–194
general medical journals. 22. Trapani S, Mariotti P, Resti M, Nappini L, de Martino M, Falcini
LA declares no conXict of interest. F (2010) Severe hemorrhagic bullous lesions in Henoch Schonlein
HB is a member of the University of Cambridge British Heart purpura: three pediatric cases and review of the literature. Rheu-
Foundation 4-year PhD programme in Cardiovascular Research. matol Int 30:1355–1359
GDK is editorial board member of 5 international journals and reviewer 23. Kornerup KN, Page CP (2007) The role of platelets in the patho-
for more than 30 international journals and research funding bodies. physiology of asthma. Platelets 18:319–328
24. Eleftheriadis T, Lawson BR (2009) Toll-like receptors and kidney
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25. Salari Sharif P, Abdollahi M (2010) The role of platelets in bone
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