Republic of The Philippines Department of Trade and Industry Business Name Registration Sole Proprietorship Application Form
Republic of The Philippines Department of Trade and Industry Business Name Registration Sole Proprietorship Application Form
Republic of The Philippines Department of Trade and Industry Business Name Registration Sole Proprietorship Application Form
Same as Business Details provided in box Nos. 16 to 23. Proceed to no. 34
26. House/Building No. & Name: 27. Street 28. Barangay
Dream Beans Purok Maharlika Magugpo East
29. City/Municipality 30. Province 31. Region
Tagum City Davao del Norte Mindanao
32. Phone no. 33. Mobile no. 34. Email Address
8100(Area code) 09652579958 stellaheart26@gm
35. Core agencies registration (Please choose what ERNs you want to have.): PhilHealth [/] SS
36. Asset 37. Capitalization 38. Gross Sale/Rece
BIR Tax Identification No. SSS Employer No. PhilHealth Employer No. PAG
3. Any false or misleading information supplied, or
production of false or misleading document to
support this application shall be a ground for the
automatic denial of this application, automatic
cancellation/revocation of the BN registration,
and/or filing of appropriate criminal, civil and/or
administrative action against me;
4. I undertake to voluntarily cancel and change the
business name immediately upon receipt of
notice or order from the DTI or upon conclusive
determination that a prior owner and lawful user
of an identical or confusingly similar business
name exists;
5. I understand that a post-evaluation may be
conducted after the registration process and
understands that any negative findings may be
ground for the cancellation of my BN registration
from the records of DTI upon failure to comply
with the Post-evaluation recommendations,
without prejudice to the filing of criminal, civil,
and/or administrative action, as applicable;
6. I understand and undertake to comply with the
provisions of Act No. 3883 otherwise known as
the BN Law, as amended, and its implementing
rules and regulations and other related laws and
7. I understand and consent to the disclosure to
the public of the information appearing on my
Certificate of BN Registration in accordance with
the procedure set forth under the applicable
rules and regulations of the BN Law and other
existing rules and regulations on disclosure of
8. I undertake full responsibility in ensuring that my
proposed business name is -
a) not a term or word or group of words that
connote activities or norms that are unlawful,
immoral, scandalous or contrary to propriety
(e.g. Boobs Massage & Spa);
b) not a name, words, terms or expressions
used to designate or distinguish, or
suggestive of quality, of any class of goods,
articles, merchandise, products or services;
c) not those that are registered as trade names,
trademarks, or business names by any
government agency authorized to register
names or trademarks;
Owner’s Signature Over Printed Name
• Accomplish the application form and fill out completely and
clearly all the mandatory fields.
• Do not abbreviate the information, in business name,
business and owner’s address and name of owner as it will
appear in the Certificate of Business Name Registration.
• Only the owner of the business name is authorized to
sign the application form.
• Present one (1) valid government-issued ID together with
the application form to any DTI Regional/ Provincial/
Satellite/ Field Offices/Negosyo Center.
A. Type of Registration
1. DTI Registration Type. Tick the appropriate box for
your business.
• New – Registration Type to be selected if applicant
wishes to register a New BN.
• Renewal - Registration Type to be selected if
applicant wishes to renew an expiring/expired BN.
C. Owner’s Information
3. First Name; 4. Middle Name; 5. Last Name; 6. Suffix (if
applicable). Indicate correct name as these would
appear in the Certificate of BN Registration.
7. Date of Birth. Owner must be of majority age (at least
18 years old) unless otherwise indicated.
8. Civil Status. Tick the appropriate box. 9. Gender. Tick
the appropriate box.
10. Refugee/Stateless Person. Tick the appropriate box
of your answer whether you are a refugee or a
stateless person.
11. Citizenship. Indicate your citizenship.
F. Business Details
16. House/Building No. Includes building name and
floor number, Lot, Block and Phase numbers, and
Subdivision name, among others.
17. Street; 18. Barangay; 19. City/Municipality; 20.
Province; and 21. Region. Exact business address.
22. Phone No. 23. Mobile No. Both landline and mobile
numbers with area code are required.
H. Owner Details
26. House/Building No. This information includes
building name and floor number, Lot, Phase
and Block numbers, and Subdivision, among
27. Street; 28. Barangay; 29. City/Municipality; 30.
Province; and 31. Region. Exact residence
address. 32 & 33. Phone and Mobile Nos.
Either landline or mobile numbers with area
code is required.
34. E-mail Address. This is where e-mail notifications
regarding your registration will be sent.
I. Partner Agencies
35. Core Agencies Registration. Tick the appropriate
box of the agencies where you want to register and
get your Employer Registration No.
J. Other Details
36. Asset. This includes cash and cash equivalents;
accounts receivable; inventory; prepaid expenses;
and property and equipment.
37. Capitalization. The initial investment or money used
to start a business, whether for office space,
permits, licenses, inventory, product development
and manufacturing, marketing or any other
38. Gross Sale/Receipt. The grand total of all sale
transactions within a given period without
39. Planned No. of Employees. Indicate the number of
planned employees to be hired and their gender
(male or female).