Cap.3 1cum Fuhnctioneaza Un Deetanizator
Cap.3 1cum Fuhnctioneaza Un Deetanizator
Cap.3 1cum Fuhnctioneaza Un Deetanizator
October 7, 2019
De-ethanizer columns shape the skylines of chemical processing plants. That's how large these towering
metal structures can become, so a chosen manufacturing partner must be equipped to handle this kind of
large-scale fabrication work. Functionally, the pressure vessels that fall under this fractionation category
are designed to separate ethane from hydrocarbon-rich natural gas streams. In reality, there's more to
the process than a simple separation mechanism.
Immense pressures and high fluid boiling temperatures tear at the insides of these hollow pillars. Often
several storeys tall, no square centimetre of the construct can present a single weld weakness or material
flaw. That's an intimidating project specification, one that can't be properly understood until we take a
peek inside the column to see how the inner workings of a de-ethanizer operate in real-time. Splitting the
associated gasses into their component streams, the process begins after NGL (Natural Gas Liquid) is
piped into the vessel. Perforated plates and trays are welded inside this unit, so it's obviously packed with
a number of geometrically intricate features. As the fractionation operation commences, a heat
exchanger delivers heat to the bottom of the vessel. The heat rises, carrying the evaporated ethane
upwards, where it exits an outlet as a purified ethane condensate.
There's normally at least two of these tall columns grouped together. They work in series as high-
technology NGL processors. The de-ethanizer comes first. Stripped of ethane, the remaining
hydrocarbons continue on to a de-propanizer, then on again to a de-butanizer.
That's how the equipment looks from the outside, like the giant wickets of a massive game of cricket.
From the inside, things are a little more complicated. Split into its constituent parts, the manufacturing
vendor has installed all the perforated plates and trays. They've been welded and exhaustively checked
so that they'll contain the heat-evaporated ethane fraction. Otherwise, some small quantity of this
hydrocarbon would continue on towards the other fractionation columns. Without fabrication quality
management, without a quality control and inspection program monitoring those welded seams and
vessel wall geometries, the purity of the fractionated fuels would be in question.
This is a three-way process, one that works in series to reduce natural gas liquids into their associated
gasses and fuels. With de-ethanizer columns located at the front of this array of columns, the welded
interior elements cannot exhibit any material discontinuities or dimensional inconsistencies. That's a
quality control matter that guarantees pure ethane and pure butane or propane. If the heat exchanger
vapours condense on the wrong levels or if those welded levels are found wanting, then purity issues will
inevitably arise.
Fusion - Weld Engineering Pty Ltd
ABN 98 068 987619