Vag Kssplus Hollow-Jet Discharge Valve: Operation and Maintenance Instructions
Vag Kssplus Hollow-Jet Discharge Valve: Operation and Maintenance Instructions
Vag Kssplus Hollow-Jet Discharge Valve: Operation and Maintenance Instructions
1.1 Safety For any deviating operating conditions and applications, the
manufacturer’s written approval must be obtained!
These Operation and Maintenance Instructions must
be observed and applied at all times along with the These Operation and Maintenance Operation Instructions contain
general “VAG Installation and Operation Instructions important information on the safe and reliable operation of the
for Valves” (see / Category: Ins- VAG KSSplus Hollow-Jet Discharge Valves.
tallation and Operation Instructions).
Observing these Operation and Maintenance Instructions helps
Arbitrary alterations of this product and the parts supplied with it you to:
are not allowed. VAG will not assume any liability for consequenti-
• Prevent hazards
al damage due to non-compliance with these instructions.
• Reduce repair costs and down-time of the valve and/or the en-
When using this valve, the generally acknowledged rules of tech- tire equipment
nology have to be observed (e.g. national standards). The instal-
lation must only be carried out by qualified staff (see also Section • Improve the operational safety and useful life of the equipment.
7.1 General safety instructions). For further technical information
such as dimensions, materials or applications, please refer to the 1.3 Identification
respective documentation (KAT-A 2021).
According to DIN EN 19 all valves bear an identification label spe-
VAG valves are designed and manufactured to the highest stan- cifying the nominal diameter (DN), nominal pressure (PN), body
dards and their safety of operation is generally assured . However, material and the manufacturer’s logo.
valves may be potentially dangerous if they are operated impro-
perly or are not installed for their intended use. A rating plate is attached to the body and contains at least the
following information:
Everyone dealing with the assembly, disassembly, operation, VAG Manufacturer’s name
maintenance and repair of the valves must have read and under- Valve type
stood the complete Operating and Maintenance Instructions (also
DN Nominal diameter of the valve
Accident Prevention Regulations and ANSI Z535).
PN Flange drilling hole pattern PN
Before removing any protective devices and/or performing any PS maximum admissible operating pressure
work on the valves, depressurise the pipeline section and ensure
it is free of hazards. Unauthorised, unintentional and unexpected Date of manufacture
actuation as well as any hazardous movements caused by stored
energy (pressurised air, water under pressure) must be prevented.
2 Transport and Storage
In case of equipment that must be monitored and inspected, all
relevant laws and regulations, such as the Industrial Code, the 2.1 Transport
Accident Prevention Regulations, the Ordinance of Steam Boilers
and instructional pamphlets issued by the Pressure Vessels Study For transportation to its installation site, the valve must be packed
Group must be complied with. In addition, the local accident pre- in stable packaging material suitable for the size of the valve. It
vention regulations must be observed. must be ensured that the valve is protected against atmospheric
influences and external damage. When the valve is shipped under
If a valve serving as an end-of-line valve is to be opened in a pres- specific climatic conditions (e.g. overseas transport), it must be
surised pipeline, this should be done with the utmost care to pre- specially protected and wrapped in plastic film and a desiccant
vent the emerging fluid from causing damage. Care must also be must be added.
taken when closing the valve in order not to crush any limbs
When a valve needs to be dismantled from a pipeline, fluid may
emerge from the pipeline or the valve. The pipeline must be emp-
tied completely before the valve is dismantled. Special care needs
to be taken in case of residue which may continue flowing.
3 Product features
For valves that have been factory-packed in transport crates Picture 3: VAG KSS Hollow-Jet Valve with pipe hood and integrated aeration
(wooden crates), the centre of gravity of the entire unit must be
taken into account. The centre of gravity is marked on each side The rotary motion initiated by the actuator is symmetrically trans-
of the crate at our factory and must be considered for all lifting mitted to both sides via the double-bevel gear. There two bevel
operations. gearboxes are located which in turn transmit the rotary motion to
two threaded stems. These threaded stems ensure the opening
2.2 Storage and closing of the cylindrical sleeves in axial direction.
Picture 4: VAG KSS Hollow-Jet Valve with electric actuator 3.4 Permissible and impermissible modes of
As actuation alternatives, a handwheel or a hydraulic actuator are
available as well as a pipe hood to bundle the emerging water jet The maximum operating temperatures and operating
(see Picture 3). If required, venting equipment can be provided or pressures specified in the technical documentation
customised valves and actuators can be supplied. (KAT-A 2021) and on the valve rating plate must not be
exceeded. The pressure applied to the closed valve
Due to the welded design of hollow-jet discharge valves, the must not exceed its rated pressure.
valves can be customised to meet the requirements of many cus-
tomer-specific installation situations. Nominal diameters range Permanent operation at an opening range of less than 10%
from DN 400 to DN 2000. should be avoided to prevent excessive wear of the valve seal lo-
cated behind the discharge cone. When the VAG KSSplus Hollow-
3.2 Applications Jet Discharge Valve opens, the water jet is deflected at the outer
edge of the cone in a labyrinthine fashion and diverted towards
The VAG KSSplus Hollow-Jet Discharge Valve in its standard ver- the profile seal ring that is exposed to the jet for some seconds
sion can be used for the following media due to its sealing mate- while the valve begins to open. While the valve opens further, the
rials NBR: jet, due to its hollow, conical shape changes direction and spreads
• Water radially like an umbrella (45°). In this way, the valve can control the
water between 8 and 100% opening position.
• Raw water and cooling water
If the valve is installed in the open, it must be protected against
extreme atmospheric influences (e.g. formation of ice) by adequa-
te covers.
5 x DN
If the valve is installed as an end-of-line valve, it must be made
sure that the free outlet side cannot be accessed by non autho-
rised persons.
Picture 5: Arrangement in the pipeline
Attention: pressure on the closed valve must not ex-
ceed its nominal pressure (see KAT-A 2021). If it is not possible to provide the required damping
section or if it is not long enough, this may result in tur-
bulences in the flow accompanied by disturbing noise
To ensure the trouble-free function and long service life of the val- and vibrations which may affect the proper function of
ve, several factors have to be taken into account when positioning the equipment and/or deteriorate its control behaviour.
the valve.
4.2.3 Flow velocity
• Prevent pollution on the outside
The VAG KSSplus Hollow-Jet Discharge Valve is suitable for ope-
• Horizontal installation position
ration at a maximum flow velocity of about ca. 25 m/s.
• Function check at least once per year by opening / closing the
valve The higher the flow velocity, the more important it is to provide a
sufficiently long damping section upstream of the VAG KSSplus
• Provide access for inspection / suspension eyes (for disassem- Hol-low-Jet Discharge Valve (cf. Section 4.2.2).
bly) at the top of the VAG KSSplus Hollow-Jet Discharge Valve
If a damping section cannot be provided, the minimum flow ve-
• Provide a stilling basin of sufficient size locity needs to be reduced according to the installation situation.
While the valve is being installed, it must be ensured that the flan-
ges of the upstream pipeline it is connected to are aligned and
level with each other. Welding works on the pipeline must be per-
Impermissible formed before the valve is installed to prevent damage to the seals
and the corrosion protection. Welding residues must be removed
before the equipment is put into operation.
For the assembly of the VAG KSSplus Hollow-Jet Discharge Valve The sizes of the stems and actuators allow the operation of the
it must be ensured that proper load suspension devices as well as valve via a handwheel by one person. Extensions for operation
means of transport and lifting devices are available. are not permissible and may cause damage to the valve due to
When the items are delivered, the adjustment screws and the If the operator’s employees do not have the qualifications requi-
connection bolts of the gear and the electric actuator are sealed red, they need to attend a training course. This training course can
with labels and/or identified by colour markings. The removal e.g. be held by VAG Service employees.
or breaking of these identifications will result in the loss of the
manufacturer’s warranty. If foreign matter gets stuck while the val- In addition to this, the plant operator needs to ensure that all em-
ve is being operated, the torque switch for the respective direction ployees have understood these Operation and Maintenance Inst-
is activated and switches the motor off. Then the electric actuator ructions as well as all further instructions referred to in them.
can no longer be started in this position. First, the valve must be
inspected and then it must be operated in the opposite direction. Protective equipment such as safety boots, safety helmets, gogg-
les, protective gloves etc. must be worn during all work requiring
Operation in inching mode is permissible as described below: such protective equipment or for which such protective equip-
ment is prescribed.
If the torque switch responds in intermediate position, the valve
must be operated in opposite direction until the torque switch Improper or wrong use of the valve should be avoided. Prior to the
completely returns to its resting position. Only then must the valve performance of any work on the valve and equipment it must be
be operated in the direction in which the malfunction occurred. ensured that the relevant pipeline section has been depressurised
By this procedure, the torques are reached which correspond to and/or de-energised.
the torques adjusted at the torque switch. Additionally, the foreign
matter may come loose and be washed out of the seat area. 7.2 Inspection and operation intervals
Emergency manual operation (handwheel): The valve should be checked for tightness, proper operation and
corrosion protection “at least once per year” (DVGW Instruction
If the valve is operated via the handwheel of the electric actuator, Sheet W 392).
the torque switches do not have any safety function. If foreign
matter is jammed while the valve is in intermediate position, the In case of extreme operating conditions inspection should be per-
higher operating forces required may damage the actuator com- formed more frequently.
ponents – especially in case of high reduction gearing.
For inspection and maintenance work, no protective devices must
Attention: If you feel resistance during manual emer- be removed before the pipeline section in which the valve is ins-
gency operation of the valve, turn the handwheel into talled has been shut off and depressurised.
the opposite direction by making several turns, befo-
• Check the exterior condition of the valve including its actuator,
re turning it back into the direction in which the mal-
clean if necessary and repair damaged places.
function was identified (washing out of foreign matter).
Operate the valve very carefully, avoiding excessive • Check the flanges for leak-freeness
force, and flush the pipeline, if necessary.
• Check whether the valve and actuator run smoothly and operate
them over the entire travel, if possible (see Section 4).
7 Maintenance and repair • Check the body seal for tightness
• Check the gearbox connections for tightness
7.1 General safety instructions • Clean the working surfaces
Prior to the performance of inspection and maintenance work • Check the condition of the cardan shafts and liners
on the valve or its assemblies, shut-off the pressurised pipeline,
depressurise it and secure it against inadvertent activation. De- We recommend operating the valve at regular intervals (several
pending on the kind and dangerousness of the fluid conveyed, times per year) over its entire travel (open – close) to prevent de-
comply with all required safety regulations! posits accumulating on the slide faces of the cylindrical sleeves.
7.3.1 Design
The design is composed of simple cylindrical and annular ele-
ments. This allows the manufacture of the entire hollow-jet di-
scharge valve as a welded assemblage. The valve consists of a
cylindrical body pipe with a jet guiding cone at the outlet. The
body is equipped with slide rails on which the (re)adjustable sli-
ding shoes screwed in the cylindrical sleeve run. By way of the
cylindrical sleeve, the discharge cross section between the cone
surface and the jacket pipe is changed and thus the discharge
rate is controlled. The valve can be actuated via an electric ac-
tuator or a handwheel. The output drive is effected via a double-
bevel gearbox with branches to the lateral bevel gearboxes which
move the cylindrical sleeve via threaded spindles. The controller, Picture 8: Metallic and elastic sealing in the seat
actuator and gearbox are located outside the valve body and thus
are easily accessible for inspection and maintenance. The requi-
red actuating forces are relatively low, as essentially only frictional
forces along the slide rail and inside the actuator must be over-
come whose size hardly changes over the area of motion. The ad-
ditional forces caused by the water flowing along the inner surface
and end face of the cylindrical sleeves are very low.
Should leaks occur at the body seal or the valve seal, these seals Recommended lubricants:
can be replaced. After the disassembly of the seat ring, the pro- • Stem and stem nut: KLÜBERPLEX BE 31-502, in particular if
file ring on the pipe cone can be removed. To disassemble the electric actuators are used
quadring seal (rear seal at the body shell (Picture 9) the cylindrical
sleeve must be moved beyond closed position and disassembled. Manufacturer: Klüber Lubrication, Munich, Germany
To be able to move the cylindrical sleeve beyond the sealing ring,
the rear and front sliding shoes first need to be removed from the
cylindrical sleeve.
When installing the cylindrical sleeve, it must be made sure that its
adjustment is plane-parallel (can be adjusted via the lateral fixing
of the stem nuts).
• FUCHS RENOLIT FEP 2 (article number A 7451125)
Relubricate every five years.
KSSplus Valve Check design and/or operation data, change flow resistance in the
Valve is operating beyond its design limits
makes excessive noise valve, if required, by using different internals
Uneven wear of the sliding shoes Calibration of the sliding shoes by specialised VAG personnel
Foreign matter jammed in the seat area Flush valve, dismantle, if necessary, and remove foreign matter
KSSplus Valve Gear blocked Undo block
cannot be operated
No electrical connection of the electric actuator Establish electrical connection
Operating data has been changed Check size, design and/or operating data
Flow rate too high Water level too high Lower water level
Operating data has been changed Check size, design and/or operating data
Desired flow rate
is not reached Water level too low Increase (dam up) water level
Valve not fully open Check position of valve
Foreign matter jammed between body shell and cylindrical sleeve Close and reopen valve
Dirt accumulation on the working surfaces of the cylindrical sleeves Bring valve to closed position and clean working surfaces
High operating forces
Stem/stem nut has run dry Relubricate parts
Open valve (up to 10-30% of the travel) and close again. This may
Foreign matter jammed in seat have to be repeated several times. Remove foreign matter.
Leak at cylindrical
sleeve in the seat
Profiled seal damaged Replace profiled seal
Leak at cylindrical sleeve Profiled seal damaged Replace seal, clean working surface
of the discharge outlet
9 How to contact us
VAG GmbH Our service hotline can be reached 24/7 world-wide. In case of
Carl-Reuther-Str. 1 emergency, please contact us by phone.
68305 Mannheim
Germany Service hotline: +49 621 - 749 2222