Nursing Care Plan-Well Pregnant Client
Nursing Care Plan-Well Pregnant Client
Nursing Care Plan-Well Pregnant Client
SUBJECTIVE DATA: Acute lower back pain After 5 days The nurse was able to: After the implementation
related to pregnancy as implementation of nursing 1. Monitor the vital This serves as a baseline of nursing care, the client
‘’Madalas sumakit yung evidenced by a pain rating care, the client will be signs. on the client’s condition. was able to:
likod ko ngayon, siguro of 6/10, grimacing, able to:
dahil sa pagbubuntis ko, guarding behavior. 2. Assess the Assessing the pain can Report pain scale from
kaso hindi kasi ako Report pain scale characteristics of the help to avoid any 6 out of 10 to 3 out of
sigurado tsaka wala akong from 6 out of 10 to 3 pain, including the complications. Asking 10
gaanong alam tungkol sa out of 10 location, duration, the patient to rate the GOAL WAS MET
pagbubuntis.’’ as stated intensity. Ask the pain helps to
by the client. Move and rest client to rate the pain differentiate the Move and rest
comfortably from the scale of 1-10 previous and current comfortably
OBJECTIVE DATA: and document the pain patterns. GOAL WAS MET
Control and findings.
G1 experience relief Control and
Pain scale of 6/10 of pain 3. Encourage the client To promote calmness and experience relief
Height: 5’5” to have bed rest. comfort to the client and of pain
Weight: 65 kg Improve the reduces pain and anxiety. GOAL WAS MET
Age: 20 client’s feeling and
Face grimaced the pain will not 4. Advise the client to To reduce the risk of Improve the client’s
Guarding behavior occur frequently wear flat or shoes spinal curvature feeling and the pain
with low heels. necessary to maintain an will not occur
upright position. frequently
5. Apply warm compress Heat therapy works by
on the area. relaxing the muscles
increasing blood flow and
easing pain.
9. Refer the client to an To assess further
Obstetrician- diagnosis.