Learning Spatiotemporal Features With 3D Convolutional Networks
Learning Spatiotemporal Features With 3D Convolutional Networks
Learning Spatiotemporal Features With 3D Convolutional Networks
Abstract ing, and retrieving tasks much more scalable; (iii) it needs to
arXiv:1412.0767v4 [cs.CV] 7 Oct 2015
Dataset Sport1M UCF101 ASLAN YUPENN UMD Object
Task action recognition action recognition action similarity labeling scene classification scene classification object recognition
Method [29] [39]([25]) [31] [9] [9] [32]
Result 90.8 75.8 (89.1) 68.7 96.2 77.7 12.0
C3D 85.2 85.2 (90.4) 78.3 98.1 87.7 22.3
Table 1. C3D compared to best published results. C3D outperforms all previous best reported methods on a range of benchmarks except
for Sports-1M and UCF101. On UCF101, we report accuracy for two groups of methods. The first set of methods use only RGB frame
inputs while the second set of methods (in parentheses) use all possible features (e.g. optical flow, improved Dense Trajectory).
Figure 1. 2D and 3D convolution operations. a) Applying 2D convolution on an image results in an image. b) Applying 2D convolution
on a video volume (multiple frames as multiple channels) also results in an image. c) Applying 3D convolution on a video volume results
in another volume, preserving temporal information of the input signal.
the temporal stream network takes multiple frames as input, size of d where d is the kernel temporal depth (we will later
because of the 2D convolutions, after the first convolution vary the value d of these layers to search for a good 3D ar-
layer, temporal information is collapsed completely. Simi- chitecture). All of these convolution layers are applied with
larly, fusion models in [18] used 2D convolutions, most of appropriate padding (both spatial and temporal) and stride
the networks lose their input’s temporal signal after the first 1, thus there is no change in term of size from the input
convolution layer. Only the Slow Fusion model in [18] uses to the output of these convolution layers. All pooling lay-
3D convolutions and averaging pooling in its first 3 convo- ers are max pooling with kernel size 2 × 2 × 2 (except for
lution layers. We believe this is the key reason why it per- the first layer) with stride 1 which means the size of output
forms best among all networks studied in [18]. However, it signal is reduced by a factor of 8 compared with the input
still loses all temporal information after the third convolu- signal. The first pooling layer has kernel size 1 × 2 × 2
tion layer. with the intention of not to merge the temporal signal too
In this section, we empirically try to identify a good ar- early and also to satisfy the clip length of 16 frames (e.g.
chitecture for 3D ConvNets. Because training deep net- we can temporally pool with factor 2 at most 4 times be-
works on large-scale video datasets is very time-consuming, fore completely collapsing the temporal signal). The two
we first experiment with UCF101, a medium-scale dataset, fully connected layers have 2048 outputs. We train the net-
to search for the best architecture. We verify the findings on works from scratch using mini-batches of 30 clips, with ini-
a large scale dataset with a smaller number of network ex- tial learning rate of 0.003. The learning rate is divided by
periments. According to the findings in 2D ConvNet [37], 10 after every 4 epochs. The training is stopped after 16
small receptive fields of 3 × 3 convolution kernels with epochs.
deeper architectures yield best results. Hence, for our ar- Varying network architectures: For the purposes of
chitecture search study we fix the spatial receptive field to this study we are mainly interested in how to aggregate tem-
3 × 3 and vary only the temporal depth of the 3D convolu- poral information through the deep networks. To search
tion kernels. for a good 3D ConvNet architecture, we only vary kernel
Notations: For simplicity, from now on we refer video temporal depth di of the convolution layers while keeping
clips with a size of c × l × h × w where c is the number of all other common settings fixed as stated above. We ex-
channels, l is length in number of frames, h and w are the periment with two types of architectures: 1) homogeneous
height and width of the frame, respectively. We also refer temporal depth: all convolution layers have the same ker-
3D convolution and pooling kernel size by d × k × k, where nel temporal depth; and 2) varying temporal depth: kernel
d is kernel temporal depth and k is kernel spatial size. temporal depth is changing across the layers. For homoge-
Common network settings: In this section we describe neous setting, we experiment with 4 networks having ker-
the network settings that are common to all the networks we nel temporal depth of d equal to 1, 3, 5, and 7. We name
trained. The networks are set up to take video clips as inputs these networks as depth-d, where d is their homogeneous
and predict the class labels which belong to 101 different temporal depth. Note that depth-1 net is equivalent to ap-
actions. All video frames are resized into 128 × 171. This plying 2D convolutions on separate frames. For the varying
is roughly half resolution of the UCF101 frames. Videos temporal depth setting, we experiment two networks with
are split into non-overlapped 16-frame clips which are then temporal depth increasing: 3-3-5-5-7 and decreasing: 7-
used as input to the networks. The input dimensions are 5-5-3-3 from the first to the fifth convolution layer respec-
3 × 16 × 128 × 171. We also use jittering by using random tively. We note that all of these networks have the same size
crops with a size of 3 × 16 × 112 × 112 of the input clips of the output signal at the last pooling layer, thus they have
during training. The networks have 5 convolution layers the same number of parameters for fully connected layers.
and 5 pooling layers (each convolution layer is immediately Their number of parameters is only different at convolution
followed by a pooling layer), 2 fully-connected layers and layers due to different kernel temporal depth. These differ-
a softmax loss layer to predict action labels. The number ences are quite minute compared to millions of parameters
of filters for 5 convolution layers from 1 to 5 are 64, 128, in the fully connected layers. For example, any two of the
256, 256, 256, respectively. All convolution kernels have a above nets with temporal depth difference of 2, only has
0.5 0.46
0.44 we call this net C3D from now on. All of 3D convolution
filters are 3 × 3 × 3 with stride 1 × 1 × 1. All 3D pooling
clip accuracy
clip accuracy
0.35 0.38
layers are 2 × 2 × 2 with stride 2 × 2 × 2 except for pool1
0.3 0.36 which has kernel size of 1 × 2 × 2 and stride 1 × 2 × 2
depth−1 0.32
with the intention of preserving the temporal information in
depth−3 depth−3
0.3 increase
the early phase. Each fully connected layer has 4096 output
0 2 4 6 8
# epoch
10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8
# epoch
10 12 14 16 units.
Figure 2. 3D convolution kernel temporal depth search. Action Dataset. To learn spatiotemproal features, we train
recognition clip accuracy on UCF101 test split-1 of different ker- our C3D on Sports-1M dataset [18] which is currently the
nel temporal depth settings. 2D ConvNet performs worst and 3D largest video classification benchmark. The dataset consists
ConvNet with 3 × 3 × 3 kernels performs best among the experi- of 1.1 million sports videos. Each video belongs to one
mented nets. of 487 sports categories. Compared with UCF101, Sports-
17K parameters fewer or more from each other. The biggest 1M has 5 times the number of categories and 100 times the
difference in number of parameters is between depth-1 net number of videos.
and depth-7 net where depth-7 net has 51K more parame- Training: Training is done on the Sports-1M train split.
ters which is less than 0.3% of the total of 17.5 millions pa- As Sports-1M has many long videos, we randomly extract
rameters of each network. This indicates that the learning five 2-second long clips from every training video. Clips are
capacity of the networks are comparable and the differences resized to have a frame size of 128 × 171. On training, we
in number of parameters should not affect the results of our randomly crop input clips into 16×112×112 crops for spa-
architecture search. tial and temporal jittering. We also horizontally flip them
with 50% probability. Training is done by SGD with mini-
3.2. Exploring kernel temporal depth batch size of 30 examples. Initial learning rate is 0.003,
We train these networks on the train split 1 of UCF101. and is divided by 2 every 150K iterations. The optimization
Figure 2 presents clip accuracy of different architectures on is stopped at 1.9M iterations (about 13 epochs). Beside the
UCF101 test split 1. The left plot shows results of nets with C3D net trained from scratch, we also experiment with C3D
homogeneous temporal depth and the right plot presents re- net fine-tuned from the model pre-trained on I380K.
sults of nets that changing kernel temporal depth. Depth- Sports-1M classification results: Table 2 presents
3 performs best among the homogeneous nets. Note that the results of our C3D networks compared with Deep-
depth-1 is significantly worse than the other nets which we Video [18] and Convolution pooling [29]. We use only a
believe is due to lack of motion modeling. Compared to the single center crop per clip, and pass it through the network
varying temporal depth nets, depth-3 is the best performer, to make the clip prediction. For video predictions, we av-
but the gap is smaller. We also experiment with bigger spa- erage clip predictions of 10 clips which are randomly ex-
tial receptive field (e.g. 5 × 5) and/or full input resolution tracted from the video. It is worth noting some setting dif-
(240 × 320 frame inputs) and still observe similar behav- ferences between the comparing methods. DeepVideo and
ior. This suggests 3 × 3 × 3 is the best kernel choice for C3D use short clips while Convolution pooling [29] uses
3D ConvNets (according to our subset of experiments) and much longer clips. DeepVideo uses more crops: 4 crops per
3D ConvNets are consistently better than 2D ConvNets for clip and 80 crops per video compared with 1 and 10 used by
video classification. We also verify that 3D ConvNet con- C3D, respectively. The C3D network trained from scratch
sistently performs better than 2D ConvNet on a large-scale yields an accuracy of 84.4% and the one fine-tuned from
internal dataset, namely I380K. the I380K pre-trained model yields 85.5% at video top-
5 accuracy. Both C3D networks outperform DeepVideo’s
3.3. Spatiotemporal feature learning networks. C3D is still 5.6% below the method of [29].
Network architecture: Our findings in the previous sec- However, this method uses convolution pooling of deep
tion indicate that homogeneous setting with convolution image features on long clips of 120 frames, thus it is not
kernels of 3 × 3 × 3 is the best option for 3D ConvNets. directly comparable to C3D and DeepVideo which oper-
This finding is also consistent with a similar finding in 2D ate on much shorter clips. We note that the difference in
ConvNets [37]. With a large-scale dataset, one can train a top-1 accuracy for clips and videos of this method is small
3D ConvNet with 3×3×3 kernel as deep as possible subject (1.6%) as it already uses 120-frame clips as inputs. In prac-
to the machine memory limit and computation affordability. tice, convolution pooling or more sophisticated aggregation
With current GPU memory, we design our 3D ConvNet to schemes [29] can be applied on top of C3D features to im-
have 8 convolution layers, 5 pooling layers, followed by two prove video hit performance.
fully connected layers, and a softmax output layer. The net- C3D video descriptor: After training, C3D can be used
work architecture is presented in figure 3. For simplicity, as a feature extractor for other video analysis tasks. To
Conv1a Conv2a Conv3a Conv3b Conv4a Conv4b Conv5a Conv5b fc6 fc7
64 128 256 256 512 512 512 512 4096 4096
Figure 3. C3D architecture. C3D net has 8 convolution, 5 max-pooling, and 2 fully connected layers, followed by a softmax output layer.
All 3D convolution kernels are 3 × 3 × 3 with stride 1 in both spatial and temporal dimensions. Number of filters are denoted in each box.
The 3D pooling layers are denoted from pool1 to pool5. All pooling kernels are 2 × 2 × 2, except for pool1 is 1 × 2 × 2. Each fully
connected layer has 4096 output units.
extract C3D feature, a video is split into 16 frame long tiple nets setting, we concatenate the L2-normalized C3D
clips with a 8-frame overlap between two consecutive clips. descriptors of these nets.
These clips are passed to the C3D network to extract fc6 Baselines: We compare C3D feature with a few base-
activations. These clip fc6 activations are averaged to lines: the current best hand-crafted features, namely im-
form a 4096-dim video descriptor which is then followed proved dense trajectories (iDT) [44] and the popular-used
by an L2-normalization. We refer to this representation as deep image features, namely Imagenet [16], using Caffe’s
C3D video descriptor/feature in all experiments, unless we Imagenet pre-train model. For iDT, we use the bag-of-word
clearly specify the difference. representation with a codebook size of 5000 for each feature
What does C3D learn? We use the deconvolution channel of iDT which are trajectories, HOG, HOF, MBHx,
method explained in [46] to understand what C3D is learn- and MBHy. We normalize histogram of each channel sepa-
ing internally. We observe that C3D starts by focusing on rately using L1-norm and concatenate these normalized his-
appearance in the first few frames and tracks the salient mo- tograms to form a 25K feature vector for a video. For Im-
tion in the subsequent frames. Figure 4 visualizes deconvo- agenet baseline, similar to C3D, we extract Imagenet fc6
lution of two C3D conv5b feature maps with highest acti- feature for each frame, average these frame features to make
vations projected back to the image space. In the first exam- video descriptor. A multi-class linear SVM is also used for
ple, the feature focuses on the whole person and then tracks these two baselines for a fair comparison.
the motion of the pole vault performance over the rest of the
Results: Table 3 presents action recognition accuracy
frames. Similarly in the second example it first focuses on
of C3D compared with the two baselines and current best
the eyes and then tracks the motion happening around the
methods. The upper part shows results of the two base-
eyes while applying the makeup. Thus C3D differs from
lines. The middle part presents methods that use only RGB
standard 2D ConvNets in that it selectively attends to both
frames as inputs. And the lower part reports all current best
motion and appearance. We provide more visualizations in
methods using all possible feature combinations (e.g. opti-
the supplementary material to give a better insight about the
cal flows, iDT).
learned feature.
C3D fine-tuned net performs best among three C3D nets
4. Action recognition described previously. The performance gap between these
three nets, however, is small (1%). From now on, we refer
Dataset: We evaluate C3D features on UCF101 to the fine-tuned net as C3D, unless otherwise stated. C3D
dataset [38]. The dataset consists of 13, 320 videos of 101 using one net which has only 4, 096 dimensions obtains an
human action categories. We use the three split setting pro- accuracy of 82.3%. C3D with 3 nets boosts the accuracy
vided with this dataset. to 85.2% with the dimension is increased to 12, 288. C3D
Classification model: We extract C3D features and in- when combined with iDT further improves the accuracy to
put them to a multi-class linear SVM for training models. 90.4%, while when it is combined with Imagenet, we ob-
We experiment with C3D descriptor using 3 different nets: serve only 0.6% improvement. This indicates C3D can well
C3D trained on I380K, C3D trained on Sports-1M, and C3D capture both appearance and motion information, thus there
trained on I380K and fine-tuned on Sports-1M. In the mul- is no benefit to combining with Imagenet which is an ap-
Figure 4. Visualization of C3D model, using the method from [46]. Interestingly, C3D captures appearance for the first few frames but
thereafter only attends to salient motion. Best viewed on a color screen.
Spatial stream network [36] 72.6
LRCN [6] 71.1
LSTM composite model [39] 75.8 45
C3D (1 net) + linear SVM 82.3 40
C3D (3 nets) + linear SVM 85.2 35 iDT
iDT w/ Fisher vector [31] 87.9 30
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
pearance based deep feature. On the other hand, it is bene- Imagenet C3D
ficial to combine C3D with iDT as they are highly comple- Figure 6. Feature embedding. Feature embedding visualizations
mentary to each other. In fact, iDT are hand-crafted features of Imagenet and C3D on UCF101 dataset using t-SNE [43]. C3D
based on optical flow tracking and histograms of low-level features are semantically separable compared to Imagenet suggest-
gradients while C3D captures high level abstract/semantic ing that it is a better feature for videos. Each clip is visualized as a
information. point and clips belonging to the same action have the same color.
Best viewed in color.
C3D with 3 nets achieves 85.2% which is 9% and 16.4%
better than the iDT and Imagenet baselines, respectively. methods in term of network architecture and basic opera-
On the only RGB input setting, compared with CNN-based tions. In addition, C3D is trained on Sports-1M and used as
approaches, Our C3D outperforms deep networks [18] and is without any finetuning. Compared with Recurrent Neural
spatial stream network in [36] by 19.8% and 12.6%, respec- Networks (RNN) based methods, C3D outperforms Long-
tively. Both deep networks [18] and spatial stream network term Recurrent Convolutional Networks (LRCN) [6] and
in [36] use AlexNet architecture. While in [18], the net is LSTM composite model [39] by 14.1% and 9.4%, respec-
fine-tuned from their model pre-trained on Sports-1M, spa- tively. C3D with only RGB input still outperforms these
tial stream network in [36] is fine-tuned from Imagenet pre- two RNN-based methods when they used both optical flows
trained model. Our C3D is different from these CNN-base and RGB as well as the temporal stream network in [36].
However, C3D needs to be combined with iDT to outper- 1
ods [31, 25], and the method that focuses on long-term mod- 0.8
ods. 0.5
C3D is compact: In order to evaluate the compactness 0.4 C3D
of C3D features we use PCA to project the features into Human Performance
0.3 STIP [21]
OSSML [22]
lower dimensions and report the classification accuracy of MIP [20]
the projected features on UCF101 [38] using a linear SVM. iDT+FV [45]
0.1 Imagenet
We apply the same process with iDT [44] as well as Ima- Random Chance
genet features [7] and compare the results in Figure 5. At 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
the extreme setting with only 10 dimensions, C3D accuracy false positive rate
is 52.8% which is more than 20% better than the accuracy Figure 7. Action similarity labeling result. ROC curve of C3D
of Imagenet and iDT which are about 32%. At 50 and 100 evaluated on ASLAN. C3D achieves 86.5% on AUC and outper-
dim, C3D obtains an accuracy of 72.6% and 75.6% which forms current state-of-the-art by 11.1%.
are about 10-12% better than Imagenet and iDT. Finally,
with 500 dimensions, C3D is able to achieve 79.4% accu- Method Features Model Acc. AUC
racy which is 6% better than iDT and 11% better than Im- [21] STIP linear 60.9 65.3
agenet. This indicates that our features are both compact [22] STIP metric 64.3 69.1
and discriminative. This is very helpful for large-scale re- [20] MIP metric 65.5 71.9
trieval applications where low storage cost and fast retrieval [11] MIP+STIP+MBH metric 66.1 73.2
are crucial. [45] iDT+FV metric 68.7 75.4
We qualitatively evaluate our learned C3D features to Baseline Imagenet linear 67.5 73.8
verify if it is a good generic feature for video by visual- Ours C3D linear 78.3 86.5
izing the learned feature embedding on another dataset. We Table 4. Action similarity labeling result on ASLAN. C3D sig-
randomly select 100K clips from UCF101, then extract fc6 nificantly outperforms state-of-the-art method [45] by 9.6% in ac-
features for those clips using for features from Imagenet and curacy and by 11.1% in area under ROC curve.
C3D. These features are then projected to 2-dimensional
distances provided in [21]. With 4 types of features, we ob-
space using t-SNE [43]. Figure 6 visualizes the feature
tain 48-dimensional (12 × 4 = 48) feature vector for each
embedding of the features from Imagenet and our C3D on
video pair. As these 48 distances are not comparable to each
UCF101. It is worth noting that we did not do any fine-
other, we normalize them independently such that each di-
tuning as we wanted to verify if the features show good
mension has zero mean and unit variance. Finally, a linear
generalization capability across datasets. We quantitatively
SVM is trained to classify video pairs into same or differ-
observe that C3D is better than Imagenet.
ent on these 48-dim feature vectors. Beside comparing with
current methods, we also compare C3D with a strong base-
5. Action Similarity Labeling line using deep image-based features. The baseline has the
Dataset: The ASLAN dataset consists of 3, 631 videos same setting as our C3D and we replace C3D features with
from 432 action classes. The task is to predict if a given Imagenet features.
pair of videos belong to the same or different action. We Results: We report the result of C3D and compare with
use the prescribed 10-fold cross validation with the splits state-of-the-art methods in table 4. While most current
provided with the dataset. This problem is different from methods use multiple hand-crafted features, strong encod-
action recognition, as the task focuses on predicting action ing methods (VLAD, Fisher Vector), and complex learning
similarity not the actual action label. The task is quite chal- models, our method uses a simple averaging of C3D fea-
lenging because the test set contains videos of “never-seen- tures over the video and a linear SVM. C3D significantly
before” actions. outperforms state-of-the-art method [45] by 9.6% on accu-
Features: We split videos into 16-frame clips with an racy and 11.1% on area under ROC curve (AUC). Imagenet
overlap of 8 frames. We extract C3D features: prob, fc7, baseline performs reasonably well which is just 1.2% below
fc6, pool5 for each clip. The features for videos are com- state-of-the-art method [45], but 10.8% worse than C3D due
puted by averaging the clip features separately for each type to lack of motion modeling. Figure 7 plots the ROC curves
of feature, followed by an L2 normalization. of C3D compared with current methods and human perfor-
Classification model: We follow the same setup used mance. C3D has clearly made a significant improvement
in [21]. Given a pair of videos, we compute the 12 different which is a halfway from current state-of-the-art method to
Dataset [4] [41] [8] [9] Imagenet C3D Method iDT Brox’s Brox’s C3D
Maryland 43.1 74.6 67.7 77.7 87.7 87.7 Usage CPU CPU GPU GPU
YUPENN 80.7 85.0 86.0 96.2 96.7 98.1 RT (hours) 202.2 2513.9 607.8 2.2
Table 5. Scene recognition accuracy. C3D using a simple linear FPS 3.5 0.3 1.2 313.9
SVM outperforms current methods on Maryland and YUPENN. x Slower 91.4 1135.9 274.6 1
Table 6. Runtime analysis on UCF101. C3D is 91x faster than
human performance (98.9%). improved dense trajectories [44] and 274x faster than Brox’s GPU
implementation in OpenCV.
6. Scene and Object Recognition
to work that well on this task. The result is very surprising
Datasets: For dynamic scene recognition, we evaluate and shows how generic C3D is on capturing appearance and
C3D on two benchmarks: YUPENN [4] and Maryland [35]. motion information in videos.
YUPENN consists of 420 videos of 14 scene categories and
Maryland has 130 videos of 13 scene categories. For object
recognition, we test C3D on egocentric dataset [32] which
7. Runtime Analysis
consists 42 types of everyday objects. A point to note, this We compare the runtime of C3D and with iDT [44] and
dataset is egocentric and all videos are recorded in a first the Temporal stream network [36]. For iDT, we use the code
person view which have quite different appearance and mo- kindly provided by the authors [44]. For [36], there is no
tion characteristics than any of the videos we have in the public model available to evaluate. However, this method
training dataset. uses Brox’s optical flows [3] as inputs. We manage to eval-
Classification model: For both datasets, we use the uate runtime of Brox’s method using two different versions:
same setup of feature extraction and linear SVM for classifi- CPU implementation provided by the authors [3] and the
cation and follow the same leave-one-out evaluation proto- GPU implementation provided in OpenCV.
col as described by the authors of these datasets. For object We report runtime of the three above-mentioned methods
dataset, the standard evaluation is based on frames. How- to extract features (including I/O) for the whole UCF101
ever, C3D takes a video clip of length 16 frames to extract dataset in table 6 using using a single CPU or a single K40
the feature. We slide a window of 16 frames over all videos Tesla GPU. [36] reported a computation time (without I/O)
to extract C3D features. We choose the ground truth label of 0.06s for a pair of images. In our experiment, Brox’s
for each clip to be the most frequently occurring label of the GPU implementation takes 0.85-0.9s per image pair includ-
clip. If the most frequent label in a clip occurs fewer than ing I/O. Note that this is not a fair comparison for iDT as it
8 frames, we consider it as negative clip with no object and uses only CPU. We cannot find any GPU implementation
discard it in both training and testing. We train and test C3D of this method and it is not trivial to implement a parallel
features using linear SVM and report the object recognition version of this algorithm on GPU. Note that C3D is much
accuracy. We follow the same split provided in [32]. We faster than real-time, processing at 313 fps while the other
also compare C3D with a baseline using Imagenet feature two methods have a processing speed of less than 4 fps.
on these 3 benchmarks.
Results: Table 5 reports our C3D results and compares it 8. Conclusions
with the current best methods. On scene classification, C3D
outperforms state-of-the-art method [9] by 10% and 1.9% In this work we try to address the problem of learn-
on Maryland and YUPENN respectively. It is worth noth- ing spatiotemporal features for videos using 3D ConvNets
ing that C3D uses only a linear SVM with simple averaging trained on large-scale video datasets. We conducted a sys-
of clip features while the second best method [9] uses dif- tematic study to find the best temporal kernel length for
ferent complex feature encodings (FV, LLC, and dynamic 3D ConvNets. We showed that C3D can model appear-
pooling). The Imagenet baseline achieves similar perfor- ance and motion information simultaneously and outper-
mance with C3D on Maryland and 1.4% lower than C3D forms the 2D ConvNet features on various video analysis
on YUPENN. On object recognition, C3D obtains 22.3% tasks. We demonstrated that C3D features with a linear
accuracy and outperforms [32] by 10.3% with only linear classifier can outperform or approach current best methods
SVM where the comparing method used RBF-kernel on on different video analysis benchmarks. Last but not least,
strong SIFT-RANSAC feature matching. Compared with the proposed C3D features are efficient, compact, and ex-
Imagenet baseline, C3D is still 3.4% worse. This can be tremely simple to use.
explained by the fact that C3D uses smaller input resolution C3D source code and pre-trained model are available
(128 × 128) compared to full-size resolution (256 × 256) at http://vlg.cs.dartmouth.edu/c3d.
using by Imagenet. Since C3D is trained only on Sports- Acknowledgment: we would like to thank Yann Lecun
1M videos without any fine-tuning while Imagenet is fully for his valuable feedback, Nikhil Johri and Engineering at
trained on 1000 object categories, we did not expect C3D Facebook AI Research for data and infrastructure support.
Decovolutions of C3D: We randomly select 20K clips
from UCF101. We group clips that fire strongly for the
same feature map at a pre-selected convolution layer. We
clip accuracy
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