Author Keywords:
covid-19 pandemic;
public panic; ©2020 Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi. Published by Universitas Airlangga.
public health preparedness; This is an open-access article under CC-BY-SA license
social and health risks (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)
movement restrictions, not long after they The best outbreak response is a collective
confirmed their first case on 28 February 2020; response (Gille & Brall, 2020), which could
they have recently begun a gradual exit from effectively contain the disease and the panic
coronavirus lockdown (Knight, 2020). caused by the disease. People naturally experience
The public expects leaders to curb the spread fear when dealing with a catastrophic event. This
of COVID-19 responsibly, appropriately, unprecedented threat triggered panic purchasing or
effectively, and proactively. Meanwhile, leaders falling for viral hoaxes, which reflects
are urging the public to stay calm and adopt new misconceptions about the problem, most likely
norms during this rapidly evolving situation. This because people lack trust in the measures taken
crisis is not limited to any individual and requires (Heide, 2004), When designing and implementing
cooperation rather than a unilateral response. public health measures, we must ensure we do not
just acknowledge that, but actively engage relevant
DISCUSSION stakeholders. In an age of uncertainty, community
solidarity and collective action are key to
How to do this? maintaining community vigilance against the crisis
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