Understanding The Experience of Your Child's Transport To PICU
Understanding The Experience of Your Child's Transport To PICU
Understanding The Experience of Your Child's Transport To PICU
transport to PICU
Children and young people who are very ill often need to be
transferred to a specialist ward called a paediatric intensive
care unit or a ‘PICU’.
If you decide that you do not want to take part this decision
will in no way affect the care your child receives. Your
child’s treatment is always what his or her doctors and
nurses decide is best, based on their experience and
Dr Padmanabhan Ramnarayan
Consultant, Children’s Acute Transport Service
26-27 Boswell Street, London WC1N 3JZ
Tel: 020 74305850
Email: p.ramnarayan@gosh.nhs.uk
Ruth Evans
Research Associate
ORCHID, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London
Study mobile telephone number: 07592 560 4824
Email: ruth.evans10@.nhs.net