10 Pipe Liturele PDF
10 Pipe Liturele PDF
10 Pipe Liturele PDF
In this study, the effect of concrete canvas (CC) panels on retrofitting of buried pipes against surface blast loads in different
situations is investigated. The variable parameters studied are CC panels thickness (20 and 30 mm), the number of CC panels
(1, 2, 3), soil type (two different soils), and the layout of CC panels (complete wrapping and U-wrap), respectively. For this
purpose, the finite element method (FEM) is used to simulate models. In the finite element model, an explosive charge of
45 kg was simulated at a distance of 1 m above the steel pipeline. Validation of FEM used in simulating the present study
was examined through comparing with the experimental results, and a good agreement was observed. The most important
results show that the maximum stress and displacement in buried pipelines retrofitted with CC panels that are subjected to
surface explosive loading are a function of thickness, number, and layout of CC panels, and to achieve optimal performance
of CC panels, a combination of these parameters should be evaluated.
Keywords Concrete canvas panels · Finite element method · Buried pipelines · Surface explosive loading
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering
1 NON CC S1 – – – Soil 1
2 1CC CW T20 S1 20 Complete wrapping 1 Soil 1
3 2CC CW T20 S1 20 Complete wrapping 2 Soil 1
4 3CC CW T20 S1 20 Complete wrapping 3 Soil 1
5 1CC UW T20 S1 20 U-wrap 1 Soil 1
6 2CC UW T20 S1 20 U-wrap 2 Soil 1
7 3CC UW T20 S1 20 U-wrap 3 Soil 1
8 1CC CW T30 S1 30 Complete wrapping 1 Soil 1
9 2CC CW T30 S1 30 Complete wrapping 2 Soil 1
10 3CC CW T30 S1 30 Complete wrapping 3 Soil 1
11 1CC UW T30 S1 30 U-wrap 1 Soil 1
12 2CC UW T30 S1 30 U-wrap 2 Soil 1
13 3CC UW T30 S1 30 U-wrap 3 Soil 2
14 NON CC S2 – – – Soil 2
15 1CC CW T20 S2 20 Complete wrapping 1 Soil 2
16 2CC CW T20 S2 20 Complete wrapping 2 Soil 2
17 3CC CW T20 S2 20 Complete wrapping 3 Soil 2
18 1CC UW T20 S2 20 U-wrap 1 Soil 2
19 2CC UW T20 S2 20 U-wrap 2 Soil 2
20 3CC UW T20 S2 20 U-wrap 3 Soil 2
21 1CC CW T30 S2 30 Complete wrapping 1 Soil 2
22 2CC CW T30 S2 30 Complete wrapping 2 Soil 2
23 3CC CW T30 S2 30 Complete wrapping 3 Soil 2
24 1CC UW T30 S2 30 U-wrap 1 Soil 2
25 2CC UW T30 S2 30 U-wrap 2 Soil 2
26 3CC UW T30 S2 30 U-wrap 3 Soil 2
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering
Table 4 Physical properties of a cube specimen in 28 days of CC (Li explosion which include vehicle collisions, bombs, and fire-
et al. 2016) works (Pourasil et al. 2017; Yandzio and Gough 1999). In
Com- Tensile Poisson Elastic Flexural Density this study, the wave propagation of the bomb caused by the
pressive strength ratio modulus strength (kg/m3) surface pressure on the soil above the buried pipeline will be
strength (MPa) (GPa) (MPa) investigated. For this purpose, an explosive charge of 45 kg
TNT was applied to finite element models at a distance of
37 1.2 0.25 19 6.3 1700 1 m above the buried pipeline (Fig. 2). The AT-Blast soft-
ware uses the TM5-1300 to determine the explosion wave.
This law, which is expressed experimentally by Cranz (1926)
and Hopkinson (1915), is defined as follows:
Z= 1 (1)
where Z is the scale displacement, R is the center of the
object to the explosive, and W is the TNT mass (kg). The
AT-Blast software delivers explosive loading parameters
based on an explosive wave with a hemisphere surface and
distance to the location being investigated. This program
allows the user to enter the amount of explosives, the angle
of the explosive, and the desired distance to the destina-
tion and according to the information, calculate the outputs
that contain the maximum wave velocity of explosion and
the maximum wave pressure to the destination (Pourasil
et al. 2017). To determine the history of loading due to the
Fig. 3 Time-dependent compressive strength of CC (Li et al. 2016) explosion wave, the input parameters to AT-Blast include
the weight of the explosive (W), the reflection angle (α), the
explosion distance to the investigated surface (R). The out-
puts are the maximum pressure applied to the investigated
surface (Ps), the collision velocity (V), and the time it takes
for the explosion wave to reach the target surface (t*). After
taking these steps to apply an explosive charge in the finite
element software, the Friedlander explosive charge equation,
which is a precise and complete numerical solution for the
explosion wave, is used (Larcher 2008).
( )
P(t) = pso e− t∗ 1 − ∗ (2)
The Friedlander equation was numerically solved using
Maple software, and the history of the explosion wave load
was calculated on the soil surface and applied to the finite
element model. Figure 5 shows the history of the explosion
wave loading into the finite element model.
Fig. 4 Time-dependent flexural strength of CC (Li et al. 2016)
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering
2.5 Validation
Fig. 6 Finite element model Fig. 7 Sample sizes and flexural test setup (Zhang et al. 2017)
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering
3 Results and Discussion
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering
Fig. 10 Comparison of flexural
stress for the applied CC panel
finite element model versus
experimental results
In Fig. 18, the maximum stresses of buried pipelines are Fig. 12 Deformable shape and stress counter of retrofitted steel pipe
presented for states in which the CC thickness is 20 mm. As
it is seen, with an increasing number of CC layers, the stress
caused by surface explosion loading in buried pipelines in retrofitted buried pipelines with complete wraping and
walls has decreased in most cases. For example, in CW-soil U-wrap decreased in both studied soils.
1 and UW-soil 1 models, in which CC thickness is 20 mm, Also, according to Fig. 18, it can be stated that the dif-
the stress of pipeline wall in the use of two CC layers com- ference between stresses of one CC case with two and three
pared to one CC layer decreased by 28.88% and 67.15%, CC cases is much greater than the difference between the
respectively. Also, in CW-soil 1 and UW-soil 1 models, that stresses of two and three CC cases, and the two and three CC
CC thickness is 30 mm, the stress of pipeline wall in the cases do not differ much from each other. So, considering
use of two CC layers compared to one CC layer decreased the stress values and considering economic issues, the use of
by 48.45% and 58%, respectively. The use of more num- two CC layers can be a more appropriate choice for buried
ber of CC layers has caused the maximum stresses created pipelines studied in the present study.
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering
Fig. 16 Comparison of effective
plastic strain rate for the applied
explosive loading method ver-
sus experimental results
and 56.55%, respectively, compared to the corresponding layers of CC in both soils had the most effect on reducing
values for U-wrap. Also in soil 2 and in the cases of using the stresses caused by explosives.
one, two, and three layers of CC with complete wrapping and
thickness of 20 mm, the maximum stresses were decreased 3.4 Effect of CC Thickness
25.21, 65.53, and 56.55%, respectively, compared to the cor-
responding values for U-wrap. Also, according to Figs. 20 The CC panel’s thickness is another parameter that has been
and 21, it is seen that from the aspect of displacement, using investigated for its effect on the response of buried steel
complete wrapping is better than U-wrap and has caused less pipelines against explosive loading (Figs. 22 and 23).
displacement in the pipelines. The reason for this is that the In Figs. 22 and 23, the maximum stress in finite element
complete wrapping has caused the pipelines to have a more models of the buried steel pipelines is investigated with the
integrated behavior against the waves caused by the surface aim of assessing the effect of CC thickness in both complete
explosion and by absorbing more energy; it has a higher wrapping and U-wrap, respectively. According to these fig-
resistance than the U-wrap. ures, the maximum stress in the walls of the buried pipelines
located in soil 1 with the thickness of 30 mm, in the cases
of 1, 2, and 3 CC with complete wrapping, is 40, 36.22, and
3.3 Effect of Soil Type 50.67%, respectively, less than the corresponding values of
20 mm thickness. Also, the maximum stress in the walls of
The effect of CC on the retrofitting of buried steel pipe- the buried pipelines located in granular soil with the thick-
lines in this study was carried out on two different soils. The ness of 30 mm, in the cases of 1, 2, and 3 CC with complete
results show that the stresses created in buried steel pipelines wrapping, is 34.36, 27.31, and 59.32%, respectively, less
in the soils with more cohesiveness, which were retrofitted than the corresponding values of 20 mm thickness. This
using CC panels, are much higher than the corresponding stress reduction due to thickness increasing is also seen in
values in the soils with more friction. The reason for this is the case of U-wrap (Fig. 23). The reason for this is that in the
the stiffness of soil 2 compared to soil 1, which has caused case of using a thicker CC panel, the pipes damping against
the waves of explosives to be depleted (Figs. 18 and 19). explosive pressure increase and can have a more suitable
In all cases, CC panels reduce the stress created in the response against explosion-induced loads.
simulated buried pipeline. For example, in soil 1, the maxi- Also, in Figs. 24 and 25, the comparison of the maxi-
mum stress produced by the explosive charge in the pipe mum displacement at the upper point of the retrofitted bur-
wall, in the absence of CC, was 1.73, 5.25, and 8.24 times, ied pipelines with complete wrapping and U-wrap has been
respectively, in the use of one, two, and three layers of com- discussed.
plete wrapping CC and thickness of 20 mm. Also, accord- As can be seen from the viewpoint of displacement,
ing to Figs. 18 and 19, it can be stated that the use of three increasing the 50% of CC thickness has led to reducing the
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering
Fig. 17 (continued)
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering
Fig. 17 (continued)
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering
Fig. 18 Comparison of maximum stresses in buried pipelines walls Fig. 20 Comparison of maximum displacements in simulated buried
with the aim of assessing soil type and CC wrapping arrangement pipe wall (point A) with the aim of assessing soil type and CC wrap-
type (20 mm) ping arrangement type (20 mm)
loading are a function of thickness, number, and layout 4. The results show that the stresses created in buried steel
of CC panels and soil type and to achieve optimal per- pipelines in soil with higher adhesion (soil 1), which
formance of CC panels, a combination of these param- were retrofitted using CC panels, are considerably less
eters should be evaluated. than the corresponding values in soil with lower adhe-
3. Increasing the number of CC layers makes it possible sion (soil 2). The reason for this is the stiffness of soil
to avoid concentration of stress in the walls of the pipe- 2 compared to soil 1, which has caused the waves of
lines, and the distribution of the explosive forces on the explosives to be depleted.
walls is done more uniformly, and thus, the resistance 5. In the case of using a thicker CC panel, the pipes damp-
of the buried pipelines increases against the pressure ing against explosive pressure increases and can have a
applied. more suitable response against explosion-induced loads.
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering
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from the aspect of CC thickness (complete wrapping) the CC thickness aspect (complete wrapping)
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