X (N) (1,2,1) H (N) (1, - 2,2)
X (N) (1,2,1) H (N) (1, - 2,2)
X (N) (1,2,1) H (N) (1, - 2,2)
12. (a) (i) Explain the IIR design using Bilinear Transformation (5) 2 2
(ii) State and Prove any two properties of DFT (5) 1 1
(b) Compute find the circular convolution of the following two (10) 3 1
sequences using DFT and IDFT. X 1(n) ={1,0,2,0}and X2(n)
PART – C (1×10= 10)
13. (a) Design Butterworth digital filter using impulse invariant (10) 3
transformation that satisfy the following specification 2
0.707 < |H(w)| < 1.0; 0 < w < π/2
|H(w)| < 0.2; 3π/4 < w < π
(b) The specification of the desired low pass filter is (10) 3 2
0.8 < |H(w)| < 1.0; 0 < w < 0.2π
|H(w)| < 0.2; 0.6π < w < π
Design Chebyshev digital filter using bilinear
BT Level: 1- Remembering, 2- Understanding, 3- Applying, 4- Analyzing