Indonesia East Timor R (Ed
Indonesia East Timor R (Ed
Indonesia East Timor R (Ed
in East
Timor. With over 230 million speakers, there are a lot of people to talk to in Indonesian. -Indonesian is closely related to Bahasa
Malaysia, but the main difference is the vocabulary: Indonesian has been influenced by Dutch, while Bahasa Malaysia has been
influenced by English. Both have been influenced by Sanskrit, Arabic and Javanese. --Grammar[edit] The basic word order of
Indonesian is similar to English:subject-verb-object with one basic difference being that the noun or subject comes before the predicate
or adjective. For example, Kucing hitam = Black cat; Buku saya = My book. In general, there are no plurals, grammatical gender, or
verb conjugation for person, number or tense, all of which are expressed with adverbs or tense indicators: saya makan, "I eat" (now),
saya sudah makan, "I already eat" = "I ate". -When plurals are in use, they're often simply a repetition of the singular form, connected
by a dash (or, in shortened informal Indonesian, indicated with a "2" at the end). For example, "mobil-mobil" (cars) is simply the
plural form of "mobil" (car). One can also choose to use other words, especially in informal situations, such as "banyak" (many)
instead: "banyak mobil". The use of singular form doesn't guarantee a single object; the phrase "Ada mobil di depan" (There is; car;
in; front) may mean 1 or more cars. Some words don't exhibit plural forms; to be safe, simply use the singular form. The repetitive
plural form is most often found in writing. -A characteristic of Indonesian is that it is a so-called agglutinative language, which means
that affixes are all attached to a word stem. So a word can become very long. For example there is a base word hasil which means
"result" or "success". But it can be extended as far as ketidakberhasilannya, which means his/her failure: "ke"(the state
of)-"tidak"(not)-"ber"(-ing)-"hasil"(success)-"an"(the state of, with ke)-"nya"(his/her). These are largely modular; "berhasil" means
"to succeed", for example. -If all else fails, simply using standard subject-verb-object form and common particles, while disregarding
prefixes and suffixes, is generally unambiguous. For example, to state your intention to find a train station, simply "saya mau pergi ke
stasiun" (I; want to; go; to; the station) is both clear and polite. -- Pronunciation guide[edit] Indonesian newspeak -One legacy of the
Sukarno-Suharto era still affecting Indonesia is an inordinate fondness for vaguely Orwellian Newspeak-y abbreviations, chosen more
for pronouncability than logic or comprehensibility. For example, the National Monument (Monumen Nasional) is universally known as
Monas, the Jakarta-Bogor-Tangerang-Bekasi capital region is called Jabotabek and a police captain at the East Kalimantan HQ
(Kepala Kepolisian Resor Kalimantan Timur) would be known as Kapolres Kaltim. Even the socialistic exhortation to stand on your
own feet (berdiri diatas kaki sendiri) can be snappily rendered as berdikari and the humble fried rice nasi goreng can be chopped up
into nasgor! -Indonesian is very easy to pronounce: it has one of the most phonetic writing systems in the world, with only a small
number of simple consonants and relatively few vowel sounds. One peculiarity of the spelling is the lack of a separate sign to denote the
schwa. It is written as an 'e', which can sometimes be confusing. -In Indonesia, spelling reforms in 1947 and 1972 have officially
eliminated several vestiges of Dutch in the otherwise very phonetic spelling, and the writing system is now nearly identical to Bahasa
Malaysia. However, the older forms remain in use to some extent (especially in names) and have been noted in parenthesis below. -Stress
usually falls on the second-to-last syllable, so in two-syllable words the first syllable is stressed.
a like 'a' in "father" (never like "cat")
e one (and by far the more common) is the schwa sound, as in 'e' in "stern", "learn","vowel"
e second one is like the 'e' in "bed", "red".
e and third is like in 'a' in "foray" and "came"
i (ie, j) like 'i' in "thin" or 'i' in "antique"
o like 'ow' in "low", in open positions or like 'o' in "top" in close positions
u (oe) like 'oo' in "hoop", in open positions or like 'o' in “hope” in close positions
Prefix attack -Having trouble finding a word in a dictionary? m like 'm' in "mother"
Trying dropping the extra cruft. n like 'n' in "nice"
Prefixes: be-, bel-, ber-, di-, ke-, me-, mem-, men-, meng-, per-, ng like 'ng' in "sing" (no hard 'g' sound)
se-, ter- ngg like 'ng' in "finger" ('ng' plus a hard 'g')
Postfixes: -an, -i, -kan, -lah, -nya ny like 'ny' in "canyon"
b like 'b' in "bed" p like 'p' in "pig"
bh like 'b' in "bed", only in Sanskrit borrowings q similar to the 'k' or 'kh' sound (with "u", almost always,
c (ch, tj) like 'ch' in "China" only in Arabic borrowings)
d like 'd' in "dog" r like 'rr' in Spanish "perro"
dh like 'd' in "dog", only in Sanskrit borrowings s like 'ss' in "hiss"
f like 'ph' in "phone" sy (sj) like 'sh' in "sheep"
g like 'g' in "go" t like 't' in "top"
h like 'h' in "help" v the same as 'f' (like 'ph' in "phone")
j (dj) like 'dg' in "edge" w like 'w' in "weight"
k like 'c' in "cat", or a glottal stop at the end of a word (sounds x like 'cks' in "kicks"
like it's silent, if you're not used to it). y (j) like 'y' in "yes"
kh (ch) like 'ch' in "loch" z Either the same as 's' (like 's' in "hiss"), or like 'z' in "haze",
l like 'l' in "love" or like 'dg' in "edge"
Common diphthongs[edit]
ai like 'aye' in "eye" or "why" Unless noted as (informal), phrases in this phrasebook use the
au like 'ow' in "cow" formal, polite Anda and saya forms for "you" and "I"
oi like 'oy' in "boy" respectively
Phrase list[edit]
Common signs DORONG Push WANITA Women
BUKA Open TARIK Pull AWAS Caution
TUTUP Closed TEKAN Press DILARANG Forbidden
MASUK Entrance WC Toilet The shorter the better
Colloquial Indonesian shortens commonly used words mercilessly.
tidak → tak → nggak → gak no/ /tidak ada → tiada → gak ada/gaada not have/ /
sudah → udah → dah already/ /bapak → pak father; you (polite, for men)
/ ibu → bu mother; you (polite, for older women)/ /aku → ku I (informal)/ /kamu → mu you (informal)
-ku and -mu also act as suffixes: mobilku is short for mobil aku, "my car". Note that shortened words are often less formal, and there
for clarity, the standard form may be preferred.
Referring to others politely
Terms for "you" are considered impolite in Indonesia. To call anyone "kamu" is in itself often condescending; opt for the honorific
Bapak/Pak (male)/Ibu/Bu (female) adults. Defaulting to this is usually safe.
Kakak/Kak slightly older people, but still in the same age group. E.g. school seniors
Adik/Dik younger people.
It is also safe to call people by their name (with honorifics) or their title, such as "Pak Guru" (a male teacher). In some areas, local
terms are in use, such as "Abang" for older males in the Jakarta region. Using the standard Indonesian phrases are also fine in these
Hello. Halo. (HAH-lo) / Hello. (informal) He. (Hey) /How are you? Apa kabar? (AH-pah KAH-bar?)
Fine, thank you. Baik, terima kasih. (bah-EEK, TREE-mah KAH-see)
What is your name? Namamu siapa? (NAH-mah-moo see-AH-pah?)
My name is ______ . Nama saya ______ . (NAH-mah sahy-yah _____ .)
Nice to meet you. Senang bertemu anda. (Se-NAHNG berr-teh-moo AHN-dah)
Please. Silakan. (suh-LAH-kann)
Please. (request) Tolong. (TOH-long) /Thank you. Terima kasih. (Tuh-REE-mah KAH-see)
You're welcome. Terima kasih kembali. (… kem-BAH-lee)
Yes. Ya. (EEYAH)/ No. Tidak. (TEE-dah/), Tak (TAH/) (short, hard vowel, cut off before "k")
Excuse me. (getting attention) Maaf. (mah-AHF)
Excuse me. (begging pardon) Maaf, permisi. (…, pehr-mee-see)/ I'm sorry. Maaf. (…)
Goodbye Selamat tinggal. (S'LAH-maht TING-gahl)/ Goodbye (informal) Dadah. (DaH-DaH)
I can't speak Indonesian [well]. Saya tidak bisa bicara bahasa Indonesia [dengan baik]. (Sahy-ya tee-dah/ bee-sah bee-chah-rah bah-
hah-sah in-do-NEE-sha [dng-gan bayk])
Do you speak English? Bisa bicara bahasa Inggris? (Bee-sah bee-chah-rah bah-hah-sah Ing-griss)
Is there someone here who speaks English? Ada orang yang bisa bahasa Inggris? (Ah-dah o-rahng yahng bee-sah bah-hah-sah Ing-
griss") /Help! Tolong! (Toh-long)/ Look out! Hati-hati! (Hah-ti hah-ti)
Good morning. Selamat pagi. (S'LAH-maht PAH-ghee)/ Good day. Selamat siang. (... SEE-yang)
Good afternoon. Selamat siang. (... SEE-yang) (before 2-3 PM), Selamat sore. (... soh-ray) (after 2-3 PM)
Good evening. Selamat sore. (... soh-ray) (early evening), Selamat malam. (... MAH-lahm) (late evening)
Good night. Selamat malam. (... MAH-lahm)/ Good night (to sleep) Selamat tidur. (... TEE-door)
I don't understand. Saya tidak mengerti. (SAHY-yah TEE-dah/ mng-GEHR-tee)
Where is the toilet? Di mana kamar kecil? (Dee MAH-nah kam-AR ke-CH-ill?)
How much (does this cost)? (harga) ini berapa? (HARR-guh EE-nee buh-ROPP-uh)
What time is it (now)? Jam berapa (sekarang) / Pukul berapa (sekarang)? (jom buh-ROPP-uh (s'KAR-ong)? / pook-ool - )
No means no Indonesian has a number of ways to say "no".
tidak (tak, nggak) "Not" — used to negate verbs and adjectives.
Ada apel? (Do you) have an apple? Tidak ada. (No, I) don't have.
Apel baik? (Is it a) good apple? Tidak baik. (No, it's) not good/ bukan (kan) "No" — used to negate nouns.
Ini apel? Is this an apple? Bukan. Ini jeruk. No, it's not. It's an orange.
belum "Not yet" — used when something has not happened (yet).
Sudah makan apel? (Did you) already eat the apple? / Belum. No, not yet.
jangan "Don't" — to tell somebody not to do something. /Jangan makan apel! Don't eat the apple!
dilarang "Forbidden" — used mostly on signs. /Dilarang makan apel. Eating apples is forbidden.
Bule Foreigner (locals refer Bule Foreigners to the more western caucasian type)
Leave me alone. Jangan ganggu saya. (...) It's an emergency. Ini darurat. (...)
Don't touch me! Jangan pegang saya! (...) I'm lost. Saya tersesat. (...)
I'll call the police. Saya panggil polisi. (...) I lost my bag. Saya kehilangan tas saya. (...)
Police! Polisi! (...) I lost my wallet. Saya kehilangan dompet saya…
Stop! Thief! Stop! Maling! (...) I'm sick. Saya sakit. (...)
Hey! Pickpocket! Hey! Copet! (...) I've been injured. Saya terluka. (...)
I need water Saya perlu air (...) I need a doctor. Saya perlu dokter. (...)
I need your help. Saya minta tolong. (...) Can I use your phone? Bisa saya pakai telepon anda? (...)
0 nol / kosong (COSS-ong) 13 tiga belas (TIGA-b´las) 1100 seribu seratus (S´RIBU-s´ratus)
1 satu (...) 14 empat belas (uhMPHAT-b´las) 1152 seribu seratus lima puluh dua
2 dua (...) 20 dua puluh (...) (...)
3 tiga (...) 21 dua puluh satu (...) 1200 seribu dua ratus (...)
4 empat (uhm-phut) 22 dua puluh dua (...) 1500 seribu lima ratus (...)
5 lima (LEE-ma) 23 dua puluh tiga (...) 2000 dua ribu (...)
6 enam (Uh-nam or NAM) 30 tiga puluh (...) 2100 dua ribu seratus (...)
7 tujuh (...) 40 empat puluh (...) 10,000 sepuluh ribu (...)
8 delapan (D´LAPAN) 50 lima puluh (...) 20,000 dua puluh ribu (...)
9 sembilan (...) 100 seratus (Suh´RA-tus) 100,000 seratus ribu (...)
10 sepuluh (...) 200 dua ratus (...) 150,000 seratus lima puluh ribu (...)
11 sebelas (SE-b´las) 300 tiga ratus (...)
12 dua belas (DUA-b´las) 1000 seribu (S´RI-bu)
156,125 seratus lima puluh enam ribu seratus dua puluh lima (...)
250,000 dua ratus lima puluh ribu / seperempat juta (quarter of a million) (...)
500,000 lima ratus ribu / setengah juta (half a million) (...)
1,000,000 satu juta (...)/ 1,150,000 satu juta seratus lima puluh ribu (...)
1,250,000 satu seperempat juta (...)/ 1,500,000 satu setengah juta (...)/
1,750,000 satu juta tujuh ratus lima puluh ribu (...)/ 1,000,000,000 satu milyar
1,000,000,000,000 satu trilyun/ number _____ (train, bus, etc.) nomor _____ (NO-more)/ half setengah…
quarter seperempat (...)/ three quarter tiga perempat (...) /less kurang (KU-rang) /more lebih (LEB-ih)
now sekarang (...)/ later nanti (NUN-tee)
before sebelum (se-BEL-um)/wee hours dinihari (0.00 - 4.00) (...)/ morning pagi (4.00 – 10.30) (PA-gi)
daytime siang (10.30 - 15.00) (see-YOUNG) / noon tengah hari (12.00) (...)
afternoon siang (12.01 – 15.00) (see-YOUNG), sore (15.00 – 18.00) (sore-RAY),
evening sore (18.00 – 19.00) (sore-RAY), malam (19.00 – 20.00) (...)/ night malam (20.00 – 0.00) (...)
The following terms are borrowed from Arabic, and relate to Muslim prayer times.
dawn subuh (4.00 – 6.00) / dusk maghrib (17.00 – 19.00)
Clock time[edit]
one o'clock AM jam satu dinihari (...) one o'clock PM jam satu siang (...)
two o'clock AM jam dua dinihari (...) two o'clock PM jam dua siang (...)
noon tengah hari (...) midnight tengah malam (...)
_____ second(s) _____ detik (...) _____ week(s) _____ minggu (...)
_____ minute(s) _____ menit (...) _____ month(s) _____ bulan (BOO-lun)
_____ hour(s) _____ jam (...) _____ year(s) _____ tahun (...)
_____ day(s) _____ hari (...)
today hari ini (HAH-ree EE-nee) Monday Senin (se-NEEN)
yesterday kemarin (ke-MAHR-reen) Tuesday Selasa (S'LAH-sah)
tomorrow besok (beh-SOAK) Wednesday Rabu (RAH-boo)
this week minggu ini (MEENG-goo EE-nee) Thursday Kamis (KAH-mees)
last week minggu lalu (MEENG-goo LAH-loo) Friday Jum’at (joom/-AHT)
next week minggu depan (MEENG-goo dah-PAHN) Saturday Sabtu (SAHB-too)
Sunday Minggu (MEENG-goo)
January Januari (...) July Juli (JOOL-lee)
February Februari (...) August Agustus (a-GOOS-tuhs)
March Maret (MAR-ruht) September September (...)
April April (...) October Oktober (...)
May Mei (...) November Nopember (...)
June Juni (JOON-nee) December Desember (day-SEM-burr)
Writing time and date[edit]
Writing time[edit]
1.00 pukul / jam satu
1.01 jam satu lewat / lebih satu
1.15 jam satu seperempat
1.20 jam satu lewat duapuluh / jam setengah dua kurang sepuluh
1.30 jam setengah dua
1.40 jam setengah dua lebih sepuluh / jam satu lewat empat puluh
1.45 jam dua kurang seperempat
The hours are written from zero to 23. So 06.00 PM is written as 18.00.
First one should write the day, after that the month and then the year. August 17th 1945 17 Agustus 1945
black hitam (HEE-tahm) yellow kuning (KOO-ning)
white putih (POO-teeh) green hijau (HEE-jow)
gray abu-abu (AH-boo AH-boo) orange jingga/oranye (oh-RAHN-nyah)
red merah (MEH-rah) purple ungu (OONG-oo)
blue biru (BEE-roo) brown coklat (choh-KLAHT) (also the word for chocolate)
Bus and train[edit]
How much is a ticket to _____?
Berapa harga karcis ke _____? (Brr-AH-pah hahr-GEES kahr-CHEES kuh _____?)
One ticket to _____, please.
Tolong, satu karcis ke _____. (Toh-LONG, SAH-too kahr-CHEES kuh _____)
Where does this train/bus go?
Kereta/bis ini ke mana? (Kuh-REH-tah / Boos EE-nee kuh MAH-nah?)
Where is the train/bus to _____?
Di mana kereta/bis ke _____? (Dee MAH-nah kuh-REH-tah / boos kuh _____?)
Does this train/bus stop in _____?
Apa kereta/bis ini berhenti di _____? (AH-pah kuh-REH-tah / boos EE_nee brr-HEN-tee dee _____?)
What time does the train/bus for _____ leave?
Jam berapa kereta/bis ke _____ berangkat? (Jahm brr-AH-pah kuh-REH-tah / boos kuh _____ brr-AHNG-kaht?)
What time does this train/bus arrive in _____?
Jam berapa kereta/bis ini sampai di _____? (Jahm brr-AH-pah kuh-REH-tah / boos EE-nee sahm-PAHY dee _____?)
How do I get to _____ ? Bagaimana saya bisa ke _____ ? (...)/...the train station? ...stasiun kereta api? (...)
...the bus station? ...terminal bis? (...)/ ...the airport? ...bandara? (...)/...downtown? ...pusat kota? (...)
...the _____ hotel? ... hotel _____ ? (...)/ ...the American/Canadian/Australian/British embassy/consulate?
... Kedutaan Besar/Konsulat Amerika/Kanada/Australia/Inggris ? (...)
Where are there a lot of... Di mana ada banyak... (...) / ...hotel? (...)
...restaurants? ...rumah makan? (...)/ ...bars? (...)/ ...sites to see? ...tempat-tempat bagus? (...)
Can you show me on the map? Bisa anda tunjukkan di peta? (BEE-SUH un-duh TOON-jook-kunn dee PEY-TUH?)
street jalan (...) /left kiri (...)/ right kanan (...)/ straight ahead lurus (...)
towards the _____ menuju _____ (...) /past the _____ melewati _____ (...)
before the _____ sebelum _____ (...) /near the dekat _____ (...)
in front of di depan _____ (...)/intersection persimpangan (...)
north utara (...) /south selatan (...) /east timur (...)/ west barat (...)
north-east timur laut (...) /north-west barat laut (...) / south-east tenggara (tuhng-GAH-rah)
south-west barat daya (...)
Taxi! Taksi! (TUKS-see)/ Take me to _____, please. Bisa pergi ke _____. (...)
How much does it cost to get to _____? Berapa harganya ke _____? (...)
Take me there, please. Tolong antar saya ke sana. (...)
Turn left. Belok kiri. (...)/ Turn right. Belok kanan. (...) /Turn around. (U-turn) Putar balik. (...)
Watch for the _____. Lihat _____. (...) /Stop here. Berhenti di sini. (...) /Wait here. Tunggu di sini. (...)
Do you have any rooms available? Ada kamar kosong? (UH-duh kum-muhr COS-SONG?)
How much is a room for one person/two people? Berapa harganya kamar untuk satu/dua orang? (...)
Does the room come with... Apakah ini termasuk... (...)
...bedsheets? ...seprei? (...) / ...a bathroom? ...kamar mandi? (...) /...a telephone? ...telepon? (...)
...a TV? ...TV? (tee-FEE) /May I see the room first? Bisa lihat kamarnya dulu? (...)
Do you have anything quieter? Ada yang lebih tenang? (...) /...bigger? ...besar? (...)
...cleaner? ...bersih? (...) /...cheaper? ...murah?.. /OK, I'll take it. Baik saya mau. (BAYK, sah-yah MaH-oo)
I will stay for _____ night(s). Saya tinggal _____ malam. (...)
Can you suggest another hotel? Tahu hotel lainnya? (...) /
Do you have a safe? Anda punya deposit box? (...) /...lockers? (...)
Is breakfast/supper included? Sudah termasuk sarapan/makan malam? (...)
What time is breakfast/supper? Sarapannya/makan malamnya jam berapa? (...)
Please clean my room. Tolong kamar saya dibersihkan. (...)
Can you wake me at _____? | Saya bisa dibangunkan pada pukul _____? (...)
I want to check out. Saya mau check out. (...)
Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars? Bisa pakai dollar Amerika /Australia / Kanada? (...)
Do you accept British pounds? Bisa pakai poundsterling Inggris? (...)
Do you accept credit cards? Bisa pakai kartu kredit? (...)
Can you change money for me? Apa saya bisa tukar uang? (...)
Where can I get money changed? Di mana saya bisa tukar uang? (...)
Can you change a traveler's check for me? Anda bisa tukar traveler's check saya? (...)
Where can I get a traveler's check changed? Di mana saya bisa tukar traveler's check? (
What is the exchange rate? Apa kursnya? (...)
Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)? Di mana ada ATM? (dee MUN-nuh UH-duh AH-TEY-EM)
Edible adjectives
asin Salty /asam Sour /dingin Cold /enak Delicious /"gurih" Savory /manis Sweet /"pahit" Bitter
panas Hot (temperature) /pedas Hot (spicy)/tawar Tasteless, bland
A table for one person/two people, please.
Tolong, satu meja untuk satu/dua orang. (...) Can I look at the menu, please?
Bisa lihat menunya? (...) Is there a house specialty?
Ada makanan istimewa? (...) Is there a local specialty?
Ada makanan khas daerah ini? (...) I'm a vegetarian.
Saya vegetarian. (...) I don't eat pork.
Saya tidak makan babi. (...) I don't eat beef.
Saya tidak makan sapi. (...) Can you make it "lite", please? (less oil/butter/lard)
Tolong bisa dibuat dengan lebih sedikit minyak? (...) I want _____.
Saya mau pesan _____. (...) I want a dish containing _____.
Saya mau makanan yang mengandung _____. (...)
chicken ayam (...) / beef sapi (...) / fish ikan (...) /pork daging babi (...) / sausage sosis (...)
cheese keju (...) /eggs telur (...) / tofu tahu (...) /(fresh) vegetables sayuran (...) /(fresh) fruit buah (...)
bread roti (...) /toast roti bakar (...) / noodles mie (MEE) /rice nasi (...) /porridge bubur (...)
May I have a glass of _____? Saya bisa minta satu gelas _____? (...)
May I have a cup of _____? Saya bisa minta satu cangkir_____? (...)
May I have a bottle of _____? Saya bisa minta satu botol _____? (...)
coffee kopi (...) /tea (drink) teh (...) / juice jus (...) /(bubbly) water / air bersoda (...)/
water air (AH-yer) /beer bir (...) / red/white wine anggur merah/putih (...)
May I have some _____? Saya bisa minta _____? (...)
salt garam (...) / black pepper merica hitam (MREE-chah) /chili sauce saus sambal (...)
butter mentega (muhn-TEY-gah) /Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server)
Mas-Mas! (young male), Bang-Bang! (older male) Mbak-Mbak! (female) Bu-Bu! (older Female)(...)
I'm finished. Saya sudah selesai. (...) /It was delicious. Tadi enak rasanya. (...)
Please clear the plates. Tolong piringnya diambil. (...) /The check, please. Minta bon. (...)
Do you serve alcohol? Anda menyajikan alkohol? (...) /A beer/two beers, please. Tolong, satu/dua bir. (...)
A glass of red/white wine, please. Tolong, satu gelas anggur merah/putih. (...)
A bottle, please. Tolong, satu botol. (...)
_____ (hard liquor) and _____ (mixer), please. _____ and _____, please. (...)
whisky whisky (...)/ vodka vodka (...) /rum rum (...) /local spirits arak (...)// water air (...)
club soda club soda (...) //tonic water tonic water (...) /orange juice jus jeruk (...)/ Coke (soda) Coca cola (...) //Do you have any bar
snacks? Ada makanan kecil? (...) /One more, please. Tolong, satu lagi. (...)
Another round, please. Tolong, satu ronde lagi. (...) //When is closing time? Pukul berapa tutup? (...)
Do you have this in my size? Ada yang ukuran saya? (...)/How much is this? Berapa harganya? (...)
That's too expensive. Terlalu mahal. (...) /Would you take _____? Kalau _____ bagaimana? (...)
expensive mahal (...)/ /cheap murah (...) /I can't afford it. Saya tidak bisa beli itu. (...)
I don't want it. ‘nggak mau (informal) / Saya tidak mau (formal) (...)
You're cheating me. Saya ditipu ya? (...) / i'm not interested. Saya tidak tertarik. (..)
OK, I'll take it. OK, saya mau. (...) /Can I have a bag? Ada tas? (...)
Do you ship (overseas)? Bisa kirim (ke luar negeri)? (...) /I need... Saya perlu... (...)
...toothpaste. ...odol. (...)/ ...a toothbrush. ...sikat gigi. (...)/ ...condoms. ...kondom. (...)
...tampons. ...softeks / pembalut. (...)/ ...soap. ...sabun. (...)/ ...shampoo. ...sampo. (...)
...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen) ...obat pereda sakit (aspirin, parasetamol, …) (Note: ibuprofen is not widely available).
(...) / ...cold medicine. ...obat masuk angin. (...) /...stomach medicine. ...obat sakit perut. (...)/ ...a razor. ...cukuran kumis/jenggot.
(...)/ umbrella. ...payung. (...)
...a postcard. ...kartu pos. (...)/ ...postage stamps. ...perangko. (...)
...batteries. ...baterai. (...)/ ...writing paper. ...kertas. (...)/ ...a pen. ...balpen. (...)
...English-language books. ...buku-buku Inggris. (...)/ ...English-language magazines. ...majalah Inggris. (...) English-language newspaper. ...koran Inggris. (...)/ English-Indonesian dictionary. ...kamus Inggris-Indonesia. (...)
I want to rent a car. Saya mau sewa mobil. (...)/ Can I get insurance? Saya bisa minta asuransi? (...)
stop (on a street sign) stop (...)/ one way Satu arah (...)/ no parking Dilarang Parkir (...)
gas (petrol) station Pompa Bensin or SPBU (abbreviation for Stasiun Pengisian Bahan bakar Umum) (...)
petrol premium (...)/ diesel diesel, solar (...)
I haven't done anything wrong. Saya tidak bersalah. (...)/ It was a misunderstanding. Itu salah paham. (...)
Where are you taking me? Saya dibawa ke mana ? (...)/ Am I under arrest? Apakah saya ditahan ? (...)
I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen. Saya warga negara Amerika /Australia / Inggris / Kanada. (...)/ I want to talk to
the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
Saya ingin bicara dengan Kedutaan Besar/Konsulat Amerika / Australia / Inggris / Kanada. (...)
I want to talk to a lawyer. Saya mau bicara dengan pengacara/advokat. (...)
Can I just pay a fine here now? Bisakah saya bayar denda di tempat saja? (...)