The Washington Post - Year 143 Issue 358 (27 Nov 2020) PDF
The Washington Post - Year 143 Issue 358 (27 Nov 2020) PDF
The Washington Post - Year 143 Issue 358 (27 Nov 2020) PDF
Mostly sunny 61/48 • Tomorrow: Partly sunny 58/39 B6 Democracy Dies in Darkness FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27 , 2020
SU V1 V2 V3 V4
. $2
TOM PENNINGTON/GETTY IMAGES previous peaks. A6 Nearly 1,500 Russians Loans from a $17 bil- have outgrown it. B1
BUSINESS NEWS ....................... A12 CONTENT © 2020
taking part in the Sput- lion bailout fund intend- A development firm COMICS ....................................... C5 The Washington Post / Year 143, No. 358
A Texas-size feast The Washington Football THE WORLD ed for aircraft manufac- plans to transform an old OPINION PAGES.........................A13
nik V vaccine trial have
Weeks after the one- turers ended up at little- Alexandria power plant LOTTERIES...................................B3
Team moves into first place in the NFC East two punch of Hurricanes
joined an online group to
known firms with into a mixed-use project
compare results and TELEVISION ................................. C4
with a 41-16 victory at the rival Cowboys. D1 Eta and Iota, tens of unclear importance to on the Potomac. B1 WORLD NEWS..............................A8
For the latest updates all day, visit
Letters to the editor: Capitalism or call Afghan hounds stand with their handlers at the 2020 National Dog Show, which was held earlier this month and was broadcast on TV on
Andre M. Perry, author, “Know Your Thanksgiving Day. The annual event looked a little different this year because of the coronavirus pandemic. No spectators were allowed in the
Opinion: Price: Valuing Black Lives and Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, Pa., the site of the competition, and safety guidelines such as mask-wearing were enforced. Property in America’s Black Cities”
Published daily (ISSN 0190-8286).
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
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additional mailing office.
Sara Nelson, international
president, Association of Flight NORTH CAROLINA The defendant made similar home for about two years, Cook and killed a man who fired on
Attendants threats toward two other Black County prosecutors said officers and set his trailer on fire,
Hosted by Jonathan Capehart
Man who threatened families living in the same Wednesday. Johnson, who was in the city’s police chief said.
In partnership with the Rockefeller
Black renters gets jail neighborhood, according to the his 40s, had schizoaffective and A SWAT team and other
Justice Department. bipolar disorders and a history of officers were sent to a trailer
Foundation A man who pleaded guilty — Associated Press seizures, prosecutors said. park on the Texas city’s northeast
Thursday, Dec. 3 | 9 a.m. three months ago to charges that Johnson’s bruised body was side about 9 p.m. Wednesday
he threatened to shoot an African ILLINOIS found June 25 after an after people reported a man
First Look American family for renting a anonymous tip, authorities said. firing a gun inside his trailer,
Jonathan Capehart hosts a home has been sentenced to 3 charged in the death Beck, claiming to be his sister, Chief William McManus told the
reporter debrief followed by a more than two years in prison. of mentally ill man had reported Johnson missing San Antonio Express-News.
roundtable discussion with Post According to the Justice two days earlier, Assistant State’s McManus said the man began
opinions columnists Department, the prison sentence A Chicago couple acting as Attorney James Murphy said in shooting out of his trailer at the
handed down to Douglas caretakers for a mentally ill man court. officers and eventually set it on
Hosted by Jonathan Capehart Matthew Gurkins, 34, on Monday and a third person have been Police traced the anonymous fire. The man escaped the
Thursday, Dec. 3 | 11 a.m. is followed by three years of charged with murder in the tip to Gray, who admitted that burning trailer and proceeded to
supervised release. No man’s slaying, authorities said. Carter paid him $100 to help walk around the park firing his
Download The The Future of Work hometown was given for Chicago police found the clean up the scene where gun, McManus told the paper.
Gurkins, and officials didn’t say bruised body of Frederick Johnson was killed and hide the The man was eventually
Washington Post app Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.)
where the incidents occurred. Johnson in the couple’s South body. confronted by six officers. They
Stay informed with award-winning John Zimmer, co-founder and Court documents said Gurkins Side garage on June 25. He died Cook County Circuit Judge exchanged gunfire, the man was
national and international news, president, Lyft drove to the family’s home, yelled of multiple blunt-force trauma John F. Lyke Jr. denied bail for hit and he died at the scene,
PLUS complete local news coverage Hosted by Heather Long racial slurs at them and told injuries. Carter and Gray, and ordered McManus said.
of the D.C. metro area. Create them they didn’t belong in the Santino Carter, 38; Dominique Beck held in lieu of $1 million Police did not identify the
customized news alerts, save Presenting sponsor: Mastercard home. According to the Beck, 29; and Brian Gray, 48, bail. man, who they said was in his
articles for offline reading in My Friday, Dec. 4 | 2 p.m. documents, Gurkins threatened each have each been charged — Associated Press 40s, or say why he began
Post, browse the daily print edition to shoot the mother and four with first-degree murder in shooting.
The Path Forward: Bridging the children and any other Black Johnson’s death. Beck also is TEXAS Firefighters put out the fire at
and scroll through our the Discover
Broadband Gap people who entered the property. charged with neglect as a the trailer, and the six officers
tab to find stories that interest you.
He then threatened the family caregiver. Police kill man in involved in his shooting have
Free to download on the App Store John Stankey, CEO, AT&T
and Play Store, subscribers enjoy Hosted by David Ignatius
with a metal rod, prosecutors Carter and Beck collected shootout at trailer park been placed on leave, McManus
said. The family moved out a few Johnson’s disability checks to said.
unlimited access. days later. serve as his caretakers in their San Antonio police have shot — Associated Press
Supreme Court ruling on covid-19 restrictions gious minority to stand,” the organi-
zations said in court documents.
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Parents feel
helpless as
their kids
help most — telling children when Olivia James attends a virtual class late last month while her mother, Karen James, works at the dining-room table at their home in Alexandria, Va.
the pandemic will be over.
“This is just how life is now,” Biel
said. “None of us can really share 7-year-old daughter, Olivia Gabrie- her teacher. The death of George “No, baby, really, this time Not because of online school — good days, 10 minutes.
with our kids when it is going to la James. She took first-day-of- Floyd added a layer of pain that Grandpa can’t come from Florida,” that’s predictable. He knows how On the most stressful days, he
end. We don’t know.” school photos and dressed her up Olivia, who is Black, is barely able she told her. “It’s real.” many 15-minute screen breaks to just starts crying and can’t stop.
in nice school clothes. Olivia was to process. The second-grader Olivia was in tears. So was her expect. He knows he will be taught “I don’t know why,” Luke said.
‘Frustrated and furious’ right on time to her at-home work- glimpsed some of the news foot- grandfather, leaving James forced by seven teachers over the course “It’s like a roller coaster of emo-
For Creedence Peterson, the station, in the dining room of the age, and her mother felt forced to to comfort both her father and of the week. And he knows exactly tions.”
school day has become a lesson in family’s home in Alexandria, Va. talk with her about injustices years daughter. how tired he will be — and how Ethan, who is in fifth grade, has
discomfort. But as time went by, James before she would have liked. “I just think about the long term much his head will hurt — by the come up with his own words to
It starts when the 12-year-old found there were holes she could “George Floyd died, and it just and how it will affect her academi- third Zoom class. describe what is happening inside
pulls on his uniform: white but- not fill. Sometimes the mother felt made me really sad, upset,” Olivia cally as well as emotionally, and I The uncertainty is due to his his head. “Big feelings,” he calls it.
ton-down shirt, gray slacks, blazer helpless. said. She knows exactly what hap- try to give as many hugs and kisses constantly shifting emotions. “I am feeling very sad and an-
and tie, as mandated by his New “Hands tied, I can’t change any- pened. “The officer put his knee in and support as I can,” James said. “Emotions” is not a word Luke gry,” Ethan said. “Sad because I
York City private school. Then he thing myself,” she thought. “And his neck so he couldn’t breathe.” “And I tell her, you know, we’re all used a lot pre-coronavirus. The can’t see my friends and the people
sits down on his bed, where he will I’m doing the best that I can. The hardest blow came just be- doing this, like everyone in Ameri- sixth-grader, who lives in Gaithers- I miss. Angry because I have to see
spend the next six hours attending Right? Which on some days fore Olivia’s birthday, on Aug. 2, ca this is happening to right now. burg, Md., with his parents and the same people, including my
an almost unbroken string of doesn’t seem good enough.” when James had to tell Olivia that But I wonder sometimes, you little brother, Ethan, never spent annoying brother.”
Zoom classes. A single mom, James had to her grandfather would not be com- know — am I just talking over her time thinking about how he was He also wishes he could see his
Immediately, the waistband balance helping her daughter with ing to the house for her party. He head? So [I] just try to love on her, feeling before. The answer was teachers in person. Watching
cuts into his stomach. The blazer her own demanding work-from- comes every year, so when James the best I can.” almost always “good.” them on Zoom is “fine,” but the
feels hot. home responsibilities. told her daughter that he wouldn’t He is still happy, sometimes. But 10-year-old sometimes feels as if
Two hours in, his neck starts to Olivia complained about tech- be showing up this year, she feared ‘A roller coaster of emotions’ that sense of well-being has an his teachers are not really his
bother him. His muscles feel nology (“It’s glitchy”) and missing Olivia would think it was a trick, Luke Pages, 12, has a lot of expiration date now, and he never teachers — and he’s not a real
strained, stretched. Holding his her friends (“It’s really hard”). She setting up some kind of super-spe- trouble guessing how his days are knows how long it will last. On fifth-grader — because he has nev-
head in the same position for so longed to be in the same room with cial surprise. going to go. good days, an hour. On not-so- er actually set foot in a classroom.
long is unnatural, just plain Ethan has questions about his
wrong. lessons, and he doesn’t know how
But the worst is when his eyes to put them into words that will
start to water and itch, which they make sense in an online chat or an
almost always do. Creedence rubs email, which is the only way to win
them, and that helps, but within private time with the teacher. He
seconds they hurt worse. Soon would like to walk up to his teach-
they’re bloodshot, so ghastly look- er and explain his confusion with
ing that his parents at one point his hands. Sometimes, especially
tested him for pinkeye — but no, it when school is hard, he closes his
was just from staring at a screen eyes and imagines doing that.
for so long. Luke, meanwhile, daydreams
One room over, his 8-year-old about something he always took
sister, Piper, who attends Zoom for granted — the several-minute
classes while in her bedroom, usu- slices between every lesson. Back
ally starts feeling lightheaded at in real school, that is when he
Hour 3. Her eyes begin burning walked the hallways with his
around then, too. She takes every friends, headed for the next class-
one of the “stretch breaks” her room. He can’t remember what
school offers, but what she would they talked about — just random
really like to do is run out to the stuff, probably. Now, he can’t even
playground for a game of tag. see his friends’ faces, because not
That, Piper is sure, would make everybody likes to turn their cam-
her feel better — or at least closer eras on for Zoom class.
to how she used to feel before the Although the rest of his emo-
pandemic, back when she woke up tions have gone haywire, the 12-
every morning feeling happy. year-old said there is one feeling
There wasn’t a particular reason, he can always count on: The end of
she said. She just remembers be- every school day brings the same
ing excited for the day. exhaustion and disappointment.
That almost never happens If Luke could just go play football
now. Instead, “you get frustrated with his best friend after school,
and furious,” Piper said. “Like, you the way he used to, that might
don’t want to look at a screen. You make him feel better. Instead, he’s
don’t want to be at online school. developed a mantra.
You start crying.” “We’re all in this together,” he
Creedence said he is just as LUKE PAGES ETHAN PAGES
tells himself. “We will get through
frustrated as his sister. He would it.”
like to complain about school to
his friends — in online chats, be- It doesn’t feel like she’s
cause he can’t see them in person talking to her best friend
— but so many of his friends have Sophia Sanchez in Los Angeles
moved away. There was the family knows who she would like to tell
that left for Florida, and the twins, about everything going wrong
once his best friends, who now live with her life — her best friend,
in the Hamptons. Their parents Sofia, who shares her name and
decided they didn’t like New York whom she has known since first
anymore, Creedence said. grade. Before the pandemic, she
Piper misses her soccer team. and Sofia were working on an
Creedence misses the doughnut illustrated book about a spy. They
shop across the street, which re- drew side by side at recess, unfold-
cently shut down because of a lack ing new details of the plot with
of customers. every picture. And they talked —
When things get too sad or about school, what was happening
weird, the siblings like to lose that day, how it made them feel.
themselves in video games. The Sofia is the only friend Sophia
nice thing about a video game, has spoken to since school shut
Creedence said, is that it lets you down. But her mother doesn’t
shape the world the way you want have Sofia’s mother’s number, so
it to look — or, he clarified, the way Sophia messages Sofia through
you need it to look. the chat function of an online
But as soon as he closes the game they both play. It’s okay,
console, the same fear surges back. Sophia said, but it doesn’t really
“We might never be able to go feel like she’s talking to her best
back to some of our favorite res- friend.
taurants, because they closed If the coronavirus were some-
down, and we might never really how gone tomorrow, that’s who
see our friends again, because they Sophia would want to see first. She
moved away,” Creedence said. would march straight back to nor-
“This may never get back to nor- mal school. She would head for the
mal.” monkey bars, where she would
race Sofia, just like before.
The holes she could not fill AMANDA ANDRADE-RHOADES FOR THE WASHINGTON POST This time, for once, she’d let
At the start of the school year, TOP LEFT: Luke Pages, 12, a sixth-grader in Gaithersburg, Md., made this to show how the coronavirus has reshaped his life. TOP Sofia win.
Karen James tried to make things RIGHT: Luke’s brother Ethan, 10, a fifth-grader, illustrated how he has felt most of the time. ABOVE: Karen James and daughter
as normal as she could for her Olivia take a break from work and school in Alexandria. “I try to give as many hugs and kisses and support as I can,” James said.
Democratic left signals unease as Biden avoids a warlike posture toward GOP
BIDEN FROM A1 political aspects of the Republi-
cans, many of whom still have not
ness even before he steps into the acknowledged that he’s the presi-
Oval Office. They say Biden, 78, dent of the United States.”
naively thinks the Senate still Rather than gearing up for a
functions as it did during his fight, Biden has said he expects
36 years there, with potential for some back-and-forth with Senate
compromise and conciliation. Majority Leader Mitch McCon-
“To meet Republicans where nell (R-Ky.) when it comes to Cabi-
they are is to meet them in Fanta- net nominations.
syland,” said Rebecca Katz, who “I take McConnell at his word,”
worked as a top aide to Nevada Biden said recently when discuss-
Democrat Harry M. Reid when he ing his process for making selec-
served as Senate majority leader. tions. “I understand he said that
“We don’t have any time to spare. he will make it clear who he’s
Sometimes you’ve got to fight. We prepared to support or not sup-
can’t fold before we’ve had one port, and that’s a negotiation that
fight.” I’m sure we’ll have.”
On Capitol Hill, other Demo- Last week, Biden’s newly mint-
crats are sounding similar warn- ed chief of staff, Ron Klain, of-
ings. fered a more traditional posture
“There is still plenty of room for on the Cabinet, saying that Biden
bipartisanship, but real biparti- would not defer to GOP leaders on
sanship, from a position of his choices.
strength, not begging Republi- “On these executive branch
cans to confer bipartisanship nominations, these are the choic-
upon us if we do things their way,” es for the president to make, and
said Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse then the Senate needs to act on
(D-R.I.), who is worried that those choices,” Klain told CNN’s
Biden’s outreach to the GOP is Wolf Blitzer.
being met with resistance. However, some Democrats
But Biden is making clear have been quick to point out that
through his early moves that he Republicans are showing no indi-
meant it when he said, for months cation they’ll work with Biden —
on the campaign trail, that he even as he tries to work with
would turn down the partisan them.
heat in Washington. His team has Some Democratic operatives
quietly reached out to Republi- see Biden’s current strategy as an
cans in the House and Senate and SALWAN GEORGES/THE WASHINGTON POST effort to claim the higher ground
expressed public sympathy for If President-elect Joe Biden, seen Nov. 19 in Wilmington, Del., assembles a governing team with moderate Democrats and Republicans but with the American public and
their delicate political calculation without “the progressive community,” that would be “enormously insulting” to the left, said Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a liberal icon. predict that it will be short-lived.
in weighing the potential back- “Biden’s entire message —
lash from Trump’s base if they ever going to be his style,” said party untended. Sanders is hoping that Biden nominations. which I did not enjoy, but I think I
acknowledged the election re- Biden friend and donor John “It seems to me pretty clear that will tap him to be labor secretary, Biden, in an NBC interview understand the political calcula-
sults, according to a person famil- Morgan. “He is an institutionalist. progressive views need to be ex- according to a person familiar Tuesday night, indicated that he tion — has always been seeking
iar with the strategy who, like He’s friendly with both sides. And pressed within a Biden adminis- with his ambitions, although that was reluctant to select Democrat- cooperation as part of his ‘healing
others, spoke on the condition of I think the reason he was chosen tration,” Sanders said in an inter- could reignite GOP campaign ic senators or House members for America mission,’ ” said Adam
anonymity to share internal to be vice president was because view with the Associated Press. “It talking points that Biden is cap- his Cabinet because of the poten- Jentleson, a former deputy chief
thinking and private discussions. of his relationships.” would be, for example, enormous- tive to the left. Biden avoided a tial impact on the party’s legisla- of staff to Reid. “It’s fine for Re-
So far, Biden can boast of some As he has awaited formal recog- ly insulting if Biden put together a similar fight by skipping over Sen. tive strength. publicans to be the ones to shoot
success with his approach. Along nition of his victory by the elector- ‘team of rivals’ — and there’s some Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) as Democratic members urged first and break any sort of cease-
with other olive branches to Re- al college next month, Biden has discussion that that’s what he in- treasury secretary, a position she Biden not to dial back any Cabinet fire that may exist.”
publicans, he backed away from showcased bipartisan meetings. tends to do — which might in- sought, according to several War- choices.
filing a lawsuit to force the Gener- Speaking to a group that included clude Republicans and conserva- ren allies. “He should go by the person
al Services Administration to re- Republican governors, he vowed tive Democrats — but which ig- “You can only pick one or two that he feels is the most qualified,”
lease resources for his presiden- to marshal a bipartisan assault on nored the progressive communi- battles,” said a Biden insider, ex- said Rep. Gregory W. Meeks Karoun Demirjian and Karen
tial transition. The GSA instead the coronavirus. During a meet- ty.” plaining Biden’s approach to (D-N.Y.) “Don’t worry about the DeYoung contributed to this report.
relented under pressure that ing with mayors, he declared that
came first from Democrats, and there are not “blue cities” or “red
then Republicans, along with cities.” A panel of medical experts
back-to-back-to-back losses in he named to advise him on the
state courts for the president’s pandemic includes two former
attempt to overturn the election Trump administration officials.
results. Biden’s attempts at unity offer a
“I’m making a judgment based direct contrast to the way in
on many years of experience and which Trump whooshed into the
how to get things done with the presidency four years ago, con-
opposition,” Biden said recently demning the Washington estab-
when asked why he had declined lishment, making early Cabinet
to pursue a legal challenge to decisions that were highly contro-
Trump’s refusal to cooperate with versial and working frenetically
a transition. to undo the actions of his Demo-
The tension between picking cratic predecessor.
fights and pursuing conciliation Though Biden is expected to
so far is typified by questions use executive orders to take on
about Rice, who was a finalist in issues unpopular on the right,
Biden’s vice-presidential search such as mitigating climate change
and was mentioned by Biden al- and liberalizing immigration
lies as a possible secretary of state rules, his early focus will be on
when she didn’t get that post. containing the virus and bolster-
“Susan will land in another key ing the economy — two issues on
job,” said one Biden insider. The which there has been recent his-
person declined to say whether tory of bipartisan agreement.
the position would be one requir- “I am hopeful that I’m going to
ing Senate confirmation. be able to get cooperation from
The person also scoffed at the our Republican colleagues in the
notion that Rice was set to get the Senate and the House, as well as
job but for Biden’s reluctance to the governors, to build a consen-
launch a fight with Republican sus as to how we proceed when we
senators. do,” Biden said recently.
“Tony was always the choice. The conciliatory tone goes be-
Always,” the person said, refer- yond just the division between
ring to Blinken. “Anyone who parties.
thinks Tony was not going to get When talking about his then-
this doesn’t know Joe Biden.” unnamed pick for treasury secre-
Rice was a leading candidate to tary last week, he eagerly pointed
be secretary of state during out that the person would be “ac-
Obama’s second term. The Stan- cepted by all elements of the Dem-
ford University-educated foreign ocratic Party.” Former Federal Re-
policy phenom had risen quickly serve chair Janet L. Yellen, who
in the diplomatic ranks, becom- has been tapped for the position,
ing one of the country’s youngest fits that bill.
assistant secretaries of state. Biden’s recent meeting with na-
But she withdrew from consid- tional security officials included
eration amid furor over her initial retired Gen. Stanley A. McChrys-
comments about the 2012 armed tal, who clashed with Biden over
attacks on U.S. facilities in Ben- troop levels in Afghanistan and
ghazi, Libya — which killed four was fired by President Barack
Americans, including the U.S. am- Obama in 2010 after he dispar-
bassador to Libya — that relied on aged administration officials, in-
what turned out to be inaccurate cluding Biden, in comments to a
talking points supplied by the reporter for Rolling Stone.
White House and CIA. Eight con- On Monday, Biden named for-
gressional panels investigated the mer secretary of state and Senate
events; none found that Rice had colleague John F. Kerry to be a
been deliberately misleading. special presidential envoy for cli-
Instead, Obama named Rice as mate matters, adding him to the
his second-term national security National Security Council —
adviser, a job that does not require showing that the president-elect
Senate confirmation. She worked has no hard feelings about a Feb-
closely with Biden as vice presi- ruary cellphone call in which Ker-
dent, often hashing out policy ry, then in Iowa as a surrogate for
ideas with him in the West Wing. Biden, was overheard musing
Before the Blinken selection, about jumping into the Demo-
GOP senators lined up to oppose cratic primaries.
Rice, even as they refused to fully Part of Biden’s calculation is
acknowledge Biden’s victory. It the reality he faces in a closely
was Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a divided Senate — a chamber with
member of the Armed Services control now in Republican hands.
Committee, who called her the Even if Democrats win both of
The World
BY D ELPHINE S CHRANK of the Ministry of General Coordi- than Honduras, where at least Communities have been flayed families. The overcrowding has ne- municado, the government said.
nation of the Government, charged 3.7 million people, or more than a and flipped inside out, houses gated months of government They included people of the bor-
san pedro sula, honduras — with managing the response. “We third of the population, have been burst open, their contents dumped warnings to stay physically distant do areas, riverbank agglomera-
Blanca Costa crouched on a wood- never thought and never imagined affected. And no region of Hondu- in the road, leaving muddy piles of during the pandemic. tions unrecognized by the govern-
en cart with her three daughters that we would have three emergen- ras has suffered more than the ruptured sofas, smashed televi- Rodríguez was hustling back ment that lack basic services.
under a highway bridge. It had cies of this magnitude in one year.” flood-prone valley surrounding sions, broken fridges. from a brief visit to his apartment Fredy Romero stood outside one
been days since the second of two The government has begun to San Pedro Sula, the country’s sec- “We lost everything. Absolutely in the low-lying La Planeta district such bordo, the Flor de Cuba com-
hurricanes roared through this sketch out a plan in three phases, ond-largest city and industrial cen- everything,” said Charlie of San Pedro Sula. As floodwater munity, cut off from the city when
Central American country, flood- Madero said. The most pressing is ter, where the storms caused the Rodríguez, a vegetable vendor, one from the first storm crept up the an improvised footbridge over the
ing their one-room home with emergency and humanitarian re- Chamelecón and Ulúa rivers to of 368,000 Hondurans who evacu- three-story building, he scrambled rushing Chamelecón snapped.
muddy, chest-high water. lief for tens of thousands of evacu- breach their banks, sending surges ated their homes for higher to the roof with his wife and three Romero’s brother and nephews
The cart was the one possession ees who still need shelter, food, crashing into densely populated ground, according to the govern- children and waited through the were somewhere in the communi-
Costa was able to save when they water and other basic necessities. working-class neighborhoods. ment. Many remain indefinitely night for rescue. Just after dawn, a ty. Without electricity, he said, they
clambered out. The three horses Phase 2 would involve rapid re- “This has overwhelmed the crammed into schools or churches, police boat guided by neighbors had run out of phone battery pow-
that pulled it, enabling her to earn habilitation and repair of homes, city’s capacities,” Mayor Armando around gasoline stations, under rescued them and five other adults er. He didn’t know what they were
money as a trash collector, were roads and bridges. The storms de- Calidonio said. “It’s difficult to con- highway bridges or in trucks parti- and children. The family now doing for food and water.
gone. It would take years, she said, stroyed or damaged more than 850 front this alone.” tioned with sheeting to fit three bunks in the home of his wife’s Government shelters in homes
to save enough to buy another one. square miles of farmland, threat- employer, a grocery store manager, and schools, already at capacity
“I’ll just have to go on foot now,” ening one of the few economic ac- sharing space on the bare floor after the first storm, now house
said Costa, 40, one of about 100 tivities that had remained relative- with some 10 strangers. 15,000 people in San Pedro Sula,
people sheltering under the bridge. ly dependable during the pandem- In the municipality of La Lima, the mayor said, and 89,000 nation-
“But it will be more difficult.” ic. A third phase would address the Rev. Fredy Valdiviezo, a Catho- wide, according to the Permanent
Category 4 Hurricane Eta and “sustainable reconstruction” amid lic priest, bumped along in a pick- Contingency Commission of Hon-
Category 5 Hurricane Iota cut simi- what Madero described as “a up truck past empty health clinics, duras. Government-coordinated
lar paths across Central America change in the climate that will have derelict police stations and aban- medical brigades have deployed
this month, a one-two punch that a direct impact on us poor coun- doned schools. The only visible life rapid coronavirus tests and tried to
killed scores and displaced hun- tries. . . . Honduras is the photo- was goats, pigs and a few people isolate the positive cases, Vice Min-
dreds of thousands. More than a graphic example.” poking through the refuse. The air ister of Health Roberto Cosenza
week after the second storm, vast It’s unclear how much the recov- was heavy with the smell of rot. said. But evacuees have frequently
areas of Honduras, Nicaragua and ery will cost. Madero said the gov- “The water went down, but refused testing, fearful of losing
Guatemala remain flooded. Some ernment is talking with the United there is nothing habitable; the their last chance at a roof.
areas are accessible only by boat. Nations, individual countries and houses are uninhabitable,” Valdivi- Seen from the air this week,
Remote communities are relying multilateral banks: “Once we have ezo said. “Everything is full of con- large stretches of farmland re-
on food dropped by Honduran and a sustainable reconstruction plan, taminated mud.” mained a vast brown lake.
U.S. military helicopters. Now a it will be presented to the interna- The combined death toll for Cristiano Sanchez is contem-
region that had already been ham- tional community for support.” Honduras from the two storms plating migrating. “We had a man-
mered by the coronavirus and a The International Committee of stands at 91, but rescue workers zana of cacao,” the farmer said —
deep economic contraction is fac- the Red Cross estimates the recov- PHOTOS BY ENCARNI PINDADO expect the number to rise as com- about two acres. “Gone. Rotten.
ing a recovery that could take years. ery of damaged areas across Cen- TOP: People wait for a boat to cross a flooded road in San munication networks are restored, Bananas? Rotten. Before this, we
“Honduras is facing probably tral America will take at least two Pedro Sula, Honduras. ABOVE: Bernardino Bustillo looks the waters recede and bodies are were doing well enough. But now?
the greatest catastrophe of its his- years. toward his house in La Lima after it was flooded when the discovered. On Monday, about We have to start from zero.”
tory,” said Carlos Madero, secretary No country has been hit harder Chamelecón River overflowed and broke a levee. 289,000 people remained incom-
VENEZUELA all now U.S. citizens, and Jose past Maradona’s casket inside ETHIOPIA The government campaign is victims — he called them “slaves”
Pereira, a permanent resident. the palace to pay their final against the political party — with calculated precision.
6 U.S. oil executives They’re charged with respects. On Thursday afternoon, Abiy: Assault to take controlling the province, the From his home in Seoul’s
convicted, sentenced embezzlement stemming from a the coffin was taken in a hearse Tigray could begin Tigrayan People’s Liberation suburbs, the 25-year-old
never-executed proposal to on its way to a cemetery on the Front, which once dominated the orchestrated one of South
A Venezuelan judge found six refinance some $4 billion in outskirts of the city. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy coalition that ruled the country Korea’s most infamous sex
American oil executives guilty of Citgo bonds by offering a 50 The death of Maradona at the Ahmed announced Thursday for nearly 30 years. With the rise crimes.
corruption charges Thursday percent stake in the company as age of 60 on Wednesday, that the final operation to take of Abiy, they retreated to their Under an online alias as the
and immediately sentenced them collateral. President Nicolás following a heart attack, has the capital of the rebellious power base in Tigray, and in “Doctor,” he blackmailed at least
to prison. Maduro at the time accused sparked mourning worldwide Tigray province could begin after recent months, relations with the 74 young women, including
The judge’s ruling came with them of “treason.” They all and celebrations of a true a 72-hour ultimatum to central government have soured. minors, into sharing sexually
sentences of more than eight pleaded innocent. sporting star, who was a genius surrender had expired. At least 40,000 refugees have explicit videos of themselves,
years for each. The “Citgo 6” had — Associated Press on the soccer field but lived a life Ethiopia’s military intervened fled the fighting into neighboring then sold the footage online
been lured to Venezuela three marred by struggles with in the rugged northern province Sudan, and there have been through a chat group on the
years ago for a business meeting ARGENTINA addiction. after local forces there attacked reports of hundreds of civilians encrypted app Telegram.
and arrested. In Italy, crowds tied hundreds an army base and made off with massacred. Photos blazed across On Thursday, a court
They are employees of the Crowds gather to bid of blue and white scarfs to the military equipment Nov. 3, social media of people with convicted Cho of organizing a
Houston-based Citgo refining farewell to Maradona railings outside his former club sparking three weeks of unrest in bullet and machete wounds. crime ring and violating child
company, which is owned by Napoli, while in France, sports which federal forces have taken — Paul Schemm protection laws and jailed him
Venezuela’s state oil company, Huge crowds gathered to say paper L’Equipe’s front page over much of Tigray. and Danielle Paquette for 40 years.
PDVSA. goodbye to Diego Maradona on blared out: “God is dead.” With communications to the Prosecutors had sought a life
Their trial started four months Thursday, and with emotions In Argentina, three days of province cut, it was impossible to SOUTH KOREA sentence for Cho. Both they and
ago, and closing arguments took running high, clashes between national mourning were called verify whether the military Cho have a week to appeal the
place Thursday. police and fans broke out near for the player who led the operation against the regional Sex crime ringleader verdict. Cho’s attorney could not
The men accused are Tomeu the presidential palace in the country to a 1986 World Cup win capital of Mekele had begun. jailed for 40 years be reached for comment.
Vadell, Gustavo Cárdenas, Jorge Argentine capital where the and is revered with cultlike Government forces said they had The police have detained 124
Toledo, brothers Jose Luis soccer great was lying in state. devotion. surrounded the city of 500,000 Over nine months starting in suspects.
Zambrano and Alirio Zambrano, Fans had earlier proceeded — Reuters with tanks from 30 miles away. spring 2019, Cho Ju-bin lured his — Min Joo Kim
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aerospace firms
news release in July. The 10 follow- not clear to me what else they could gram. Treasury has ignored re- in circles at speeds up to 5,000 mph
ing loans — worth about $36 mil- have done,” said David Berteau, quests from members of the Senate before launching it into space. The
lion total — have been subsequent- who is president of the Profession- Commerce Committee that it firm has raised $80 million from
ly posted on Treasury’s website in al Services Council, a trade associa- broaden the criteria for how com- prominent investors, including
went elsewhere
the past month. Given the timing tion for government contractors. panies qualify, the aides said. venture capital firms Airbus Ven-
of the disclosures — in the days just Manufacturers were discour- One of the companies that re- tures, Kleiner Perkins and GV, the
before and after a contentious aged by overly restrictive and shift- ceived a Treasury loan this month venture capital arm of Google par-
presidential election and in the ing requirements, Berteau said. is oVio Technologies, based in ent Alphabet.
or unspent
midst of a sharp spike in coronavi- Others, including Boeing, may Newport Beach, Calif. The compa- SpinLaunch’s $2.5 million
rus cases nationwide — the new have found the loan terms unat- ny, which had six U.S. employees in Treasury loan is secured by the
loans have received little scrutiny tractive: Publicly traded compa- March, received a nearly $1.2 mil- company’s assets, and the compa-
thus far. nies had to give stock or stock lion unsecured loan, according to a ny qualified for the loan based on a
It is unclear how the remaining warrants to the government to re- Nov. 2 transaction summary dis- certification from the Defense De-
$16.26 billion in appropriated ceive a loan, something spelled out closed by the Treasury Depart- partment. The company received a
funds will be spent. But some in- by Congress in the Cares Act. Firms ment. It qualified for the loan after contract from the Pentagon to de-
dustry experts and congressional also faced restrictions with respect the Defense Department certified velop a satellite launch system pro-
aides say they are disappointed to stock buybacks, executive com- ners — to handle most of the work company would have received its work was critical to national totype. SpinLaunch did not re-
with how the program has been pensation and layoffs. of evaluating companies’ applica- from venture capital funds, Block security. spond to an interview request.
administered so far, as billions of When Congress passed the tions. Treasury awarded Davis Polk said. In promotional videos, oVio Treasury also awarded a nearly
dollars intended to save jobs in the Cares Act in late March, the $17 bil- a $650,000 contract on May 1, and Congress gave the Treasury De- boasts that its 3-D imaging tech- $2 million loan to SemahTronix, an
fragile aerospace industry went lion national security fund was in- applicants started hearing from partment wide latitude in deciding nology can help law enforcement Arkansas firm that produces cable
unspent for seven months. tended to preserve jobs at a range both firms soon after. Neither firm how to disburse the funds, neglect- and immigration control agencies assemblies and wire harnesses.
A Treasury Department spokes- of companies that sell jets and air- responded to requests for com- ing to define in the legislation what with facial recognition tracking. The company had earlier received
woman, Rebecca Miller, declined craft components to the military ment. makes a company “critical to main- One video published several years a Small Business Administration
to comment on the record. Jessica and to commercial airlines, people It was another two months be- taining national security.” ago says oVio’s technology can loan worth between $350,000 and
Maxwell, a Defense Department involved in the conversations told fore Treasury issued the first loan The agency came up with two make it easier for governments to $1 million as part of a separate
spokeswoman, said the Pentagon, The Washington Post at the time. from the fund: $700 million to YRC criteria through which a company track immigrants and refugees. coronavirus relief program.
which was involved in the loan Boeing and the aviation division Worldwide, a struggling trucking could qualify for the national secu- Another video posted by the As of June, the company em-
approvals, acted in accordance of General Electric were seen as company that lost more than rity loans. Either a business had to company on its Instagram account ployed 97 prison inmates through
with the Cares Act, which estab- likely beneficiaries of the program, $100 million last year, long before already be performing on a in September shows a heavily tat- a venture with the Arkansas De-
lished the program. Mnuchin later clarified. Those the pandemic hit. A YRC spokes- “DX”-rated government contract tooed, Latino-looking man being partment of Corrections, accord-
“It appears again that some mis- companies and hundreds of others man declined to comment. The 10 — a type of urgent defense work photographed in an orange jump- ing to a report from the National
understand the intentions of the that supply them were decimated other loans issued so far each took that relatively few firms carry out suit and placed behind bars. The Correctional Industries Associa-
CARES Act — to get money into by the sudden, near-complete about six months to process. — or operate under a high-level advertisement boasted that oVio’s tion (NCIA), which reviews prison
American businesses and to Amer- shutdown in global air travel start- Several applicants told The Post security clearance. imaging scanners are “compatible jobs programs. The company’s
ican workers who are dealing with ing in March. (Boeing’s bottom line they spent hundreds of hours on Those criteria turned away a lot with tier 1 facial recognition soft- website says its “innovative part-
the financial toll of COVID in a had also taken a beating after its financial due diligence and other of otherwise interested firms, in- ware providers.” nership” with the state prison sys-
rapid, efficient and responsible flagship 737 Max jet was grounded paperwork with consultants from dustry representatives said. Com- The video was removed after tem goes back to 2006.
manner,” Maxwell said in a state- following two crashes that killed Davis Polk and Perella Weinberg. panies could also qualify for the The Post asked oVio’s chief execu- SemahTronix President Travis
ment. “That is what DoD did.” 346 people.) But the Treasury Department was loans if the secretary of defense or tive, George Rebensdorf, about the Atkinson declined to comment.
The Congressional Oversight But major aerospace companies rarely a part of the conversation, director of national intelligence content. Cindy Murphy, a spokeswoman for
Commission, created by the Cares did not access the loan fund, opting they said, making it hard for appli- certified that they are critical to “I don’t control our social media the Arkansas Department of Cor-
Act, is scrutinizing the national instead to raise funds elsewhere cants to figure out who in the gov- maintaining national security. Six manager, who is always pulling rections, said 66 female inmates
security loans and plans a public and cut costs through mass layoffs. ernment was making decisions of the 11 companies that have re- and posting content,” Rebensdorf and 39 male inmates are currently
hearing next month with officials Boeing plans to reduce its work- about their applications and on ceived loans so far got such a certi- said in an email. “Maybe I should working for SemahTronix, earning
from Treasury, the Pentagon and force to roughly 130,000 by the end what criteria. It was unclear to fication from the Defense Depart- be more attentive.” between $10 and $10.21 per hour,
the Office of the Director of Nation- of 2021; it stood at 160,000 before them who determined that they ment. Civil rights advocates argue that which is approximately Arkansas’s
al Intelligence, said the commis- the pandemic. GE Aviation, a ma- met the national security require- Maxwell, the Defense Depart- facial recognition technology pre- minimum wage.
sion’s chief clerk, Amber Venzon. jor jet engine supplier, is cutting a ments. ment spokeswoman, declined to sents myriad privacy concerns be- NCIA data shows that for the
The defense industry was large- quarter of its workforce. “The only stuff I had to do per- share any of the loan justification cause, unlike other biometric data, three-month period ending in
ly uninterested in the loan terms The application period opened taining to national security were documents the agency sent to a digitized image of a person’s face June, the Arkansas Department of
offered by Treasury. Only 74 com- April 23, with a May 1 deadline for the initial documents, like a hand- Treasury as part of the approval can be captured without individu- Corrections deducted, in aggre-
panies have submitted applica- “expedited review,” Treasury De- ful of pages,” said Gareth Block, process. als’ knowledge or consent. gate, about 63 percent of inmates’
tions, standing in stark contrast to partment documents show, mean- whose Austin-based drone soft- “DoD used the same criteria we “Even if this technology was pay from SemahTronix to cover
the millions that sought loans from ing most of the loan applicants ware company Third Insight, also used for other CARES Act funding 100 percent accurate, the serious expenses including “room and
the Small Business Administra- spent only about a week preparing known as Visual Semantics, re- opportunities to assess companies privacy concerns would still be board,” taxes, family support and
tion. Just a handful of applications their requests. ceived a $1 million loan, and quali- for DoD certification for Treasury present,” said Saira Hussain, an victims’ programs.
are still being reviewed. Treasury The Treasury Department then fied thanks to a certification from loans,” Maxwell said. attorney at the Electronic Frontier
Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in turned to a pair of private consul- the Pentagon. The terms of the Senate aides, who spoke on the Foundation. “The notion that this
an appearance on Fox Business last tants — the law firm Davis Polk & Treasury loan, unsecured and at a condition of anonymity to describe is critical to national security is a
month that, with congressional ap- Wardwell and the financial advi- 5.5 percent interest rate, are far internal conversations, said that flawed premise and is a way to try Dalton Bennett and Magda Jean-Louis
proval, the unused national secu- sory firm Perella Weinberg Part- more favorable than those the they found Treasury’s standards to push facial recognition technol- contributed to this report.
In terms of value investing, this money manager says he’s in a losing battle
Now that the Ted Aronson, who is closing his have never heard of: the S&P oriented funds — some of which I why many of their investors are “The latest value drought is
presidential value-oriented money- Value Index and the S&P Growth own, and some of which you may frustrated, too, and taking their about 13 years,” he told me. “It’s
election has been management firm, AJO Partners, Index. own or are thinking of owning — money back. made value investors look like
decided, let’s take and sending back his investors’ I’ve learned about these have underperformed the market. It also explains why AJO’s idiots.” Indeed. For both this year
a look at some $10 billion because he has grown indexes over the years from With one exception — the assets under management, once and for the 12 months ended in
numbers that increasingly dissatisfied with his looking at the numbers Aronson’s month of October — growth has $31 billion, were down to about October, the spread between
Deals don’t involve investment performance and AJO distributes monthly showing outperformed value for every $10 billion when Aronson growth’s gains and value’s losses
ALLAN SLOAN political doesn’t want to keep fighting a the results of value, growth and period in AJO’s statistics from announced that he would close has totaled more than 30 percent.
philosophies. losing battle against markets. 61 other market indicators — three months to 45 years. the firm. A staggering difference.
Rather, they Before we proceed, let me that’s right, 63 sets of numbers — What’s more, except for last “Our secret sauce wasn’t If you’ve studied history — or
involve investment philosophies explain the difference between for 32 periods that range from the month, value has also performing,” Aronson said. For financial markets — you know
— value and growth. value and growth. most recent month to 45 years. underperformed the S&P 500, the the past five years, he had that nothing lasts forever. Is Ted
As a bonus, I’ll give you an Shares of value stocks trade at That’s a lot of numbers. It can most common market underperformed AJO’s Aronson abandoning ship just as
example of how an honorable modest levels relative to their net make for MEGO — you know, My benchmark, during all these performance benchmark, the the tide is beginning to turn in
investment professional behaves assets and earnings. Growth Eyes Glaze Over. But they have a periods. Russell 1000 Value Index. “With value’s favor? If that’s the case, he
when the numbers go against stocks are priced at higher levels real story to tell us. Value hasn’t done better than the handwriting on the wall, we quips, “We’re willing to take one
him. on the assumption that their After Aronson announced on growth since 2007. This means decided to hold our head high, for the [value] team.”
So let me introduce you to earnings and asset values will Oct. 15 that he’s closing AJO at that for the past 13 years, value- return the capital and shutter the Given these strange and
numbers that most retail grow rapidly. Warren Buffett’s the end of the year, I started oriented investors and money business.” uncertain times in both our
investors have never heard of that Berkshire Hathaway is a classic looking more closely at the value managers — whose goal is to Aronson, who opened his firm society and the financial markets,
help explain what’s been going on value stock; Jeff Bezos’s Amazon and growth numbers (which are outperform the markets — have in 1984, says that his age (68) has it would be fitting if AJO’s closing
in the U.S. stock market the past is a classic growth stock. (Bezos subsets of the S&P 500) and faced daunting odds, while nothing to do with his decision to turns out to mark the bottom of
few years. owns The Washington Post). found something that helps growth-oriented investors and close. It’s about the numbers. value’s long slide against growth.
I’d also like to introduce you to Growth is doing much better explain why Aronson is calling it managers have had the wind at “Even if we shot the lights out, it And it would sure make for
the person who introduced me to than value these days, as we can quits. their backs. would take us five years to get fascinating numbers for us to
these numbers. see from two market indicators It also helps explain why any That’s why many value back to showing some decent kick around in the future.
He’s an honorable guy named most nonprofessional investors number of well-known value- managers are frustrated. And historical returns,” he said.
FRIDAY Opinion
A crash Rebranding
course in Trump’s China
civics policy
he past four years have been he Biden administration-in-waiting is
hard, and this past year hard- sending clear signals about its China
est of all. But there is one thing approach, which will look very differ-
for which we can be thankful: ent from President Trump’s — at least
We have collectively experienced an on the surface. But at the same time,
intense, accelerated education in the President-elect Joe Biden’s personnel picks so
structure of our democratic institu- far portend a strategy that maintains the
tions and the values that anchor them, Trump administration’s core thrust of focus-
after decades of declining investment ing on competition — not engagement — with
in civics. Beijing. That should comfort nervous allies
The public, after having processed even if it doesn’t satisfy hawkish Republicans.
the 2016 election, in which the winner On Wednesday, Chinese President Xi Jin-
lost the popular vote but won the elec- ping sent Biden a congratulatory message, in
toral college (and worrying about the which Xi said he hopes the incoming team will
potential for the same outcome this “uphold the spirit of non-conflict, non-
year), now better understands how confrontation, mutual respect and win-win
important the states-based nature of cooperation.” This is standard Chinese Com-
our federation is to our politics. The munist Party doublespeak for asking the Unit-
lesson has also been driven home by ed States to back off criticizing Beijing’s ever-
the dynamics of the Senate, in which increasing external aggression and internal
senators representing just 44 percent ALEX BRANDON/ASSOCIATED PRESS repression. As the joke in Washington has it,
of the population but a majority of the President Trump during a surprise Thanksgiving Day visit at Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan in 2019. when Chinese officials speak of “win-win co-
states can deliver Supreme Court jus- operation,” that means China wins twice.
tices into lifetime appointments.
The impeachment and trial of Presi-
dent Trump were a project-based-
learning curriculum in the checks and
We can’t abandon Afghanistan CCP leaders are surely glad to put the
antagonism and unpredictability of the
Trump administration behind them, but they
might not want to celebrate just yet. Biden
balances of our system and required has selected key national security officials
close study of the constitutional re- BY K ELLY A YOTTE, U.S. troops out of Afghanistan is the curity forces as they keep the Taliban who are relatively hard-line on China within
quirements of the presidency. The J OSEPH D UNFORD Taliban’s main goal. During our consul- from a battlefield victory and continue the Democratic Party. And the Biden team is
process provided an opportunity to AND N ANCY L INDBORG tations with more than 60 interlocu- to lead the fight against terrorist already changing the United States’ Asia
revisit the balance of power between tors, we have looked intensely at the groups. policy, but not in a way that benefits Beijing.
the legislative and executive branches, ver the past four years, the question of whether a credible peace Third, reemphasize to the Taliban Biden’s announcement he plans to nomi-
and to consider why the legislative Trump administration took deal between the Afghan government that the full withdrawal of U.S. troops is nate Antony Blinken as secretary of state and
branch is the first branch listed in the bold actions to initiate negoti- and the Taliban is possible. There has strictly conditional on progress toward Jake Sullivan as national security adviser
Constitution. It has the job of articu- ations between the Kabul gov- been one clear and consistent re- peace, including a genuine and broad shows he is making a break from the Obama
lating the will of the people; it should ernment and the Taliban insurgency. sponse: No deal will emerge as long as reduction in violence — a reduction White House’s engagement-focused China
set the strategic direction for the coun- For the first time since the Afghanistan the Taliban believes the United States is that at the moment is not in evidence. policy. There were fears in the region that
try. The president should execute di- conflict began more than 40 years ago, withdrawing troops imminently, with- Our study group’s assessment is that Susan Rice, who resisted a more competitive
rections established by the people. an Afghan government began talking out regard for the Taliban’s behavior. the Taliban has instigated most of the strategy when she was national security
The stand-up behavior of state elec- to its main insurgent rival about creat- If the United States takes that path recent violence and is undermining adviser, might have become America’s top
tion officials all over the country in the ing a foundation for a stable future. before genuine progress is achieved, it their claim that they can and will pre- diplomat.
lengthy process of counting and re- Thanks to this diplomatic initiative, will give up the leverage that could vent the use of Afghan soil by al-Qaeda, Blinken laid out his thinking on China in a
porting votes reminded us of just how the pressing question about the produce a sustainable political com- the Islamic State or other terrorists. July Hudson Institute event, when he argued
many elected officials are responsible U.S. presence in Afghanistan is no promise. Doing so would also damage Fourth, establish a more robust and that Trump put the United States in a weaker
for the health of democracy. It also longer about winning an “endless war” U.S. credibility with its allies and part- coordinated regional diplomatic strat- strategic position vis-a-vis China by under-
highlighted the fact that, at the end of but about brokering a lasting peace. ners. egy. Afghanistan’s neighbors can be mining alliances and waffling on values pro-
the day, the structures of state govern- Congress called last year for the At the same time, the greatly reduced spoilers in this process, but they can motion. Blinken promised to rally allies
ment are the foundation supporting establishment of the Afghanistan U.S. presence over the past few years also be supporters of peace, united by toward the mission of pushing back on China’s
the whole system. Study Group, which we lead, to exam- has signaled to the Afghan government their collective interest in a stable Af- various bad behaviors.
The disjunction between the out- ine U.S. options in Afghanistan and to that the United States’ patience and ghanistan that would greatly expand “There is a growing consensus across par-
comes of ballot propositions and of report in early 2021. In our eight resources are limited, and that Kabul regional trade and investment oppor- ties that China poses a series of new challenges
candidates for federal office forced us months of consultations with U.S., Af- also must negotiate in good faith. tunities. Concerted, unified diplomatic and that the status quo was really not sustain-
to think again about the mechanisms ghan and international leaders and For the immediate future, the Unit- action by the United States is critical to able,” he said. “We are in a competition with
we use for voting. When we vote on experts, our 15-member bipartisan ed States should embrace a peace- build this support and prevent regional China, and there’s nothing wrong with compe-
ballot propositions, we often achieve group believes it has emerged with a centered strategy that has the follow- spoilers. tition, if it’s fair.”
supermajorities, as Massachusetts did clear understanding of the current sit- ing elements: Americans generally agree that it is Increased coordination was a theme of
in affirming the right of small car- uation in Afghanistan — and what is First, we should make clear to all time to end this war. But withdrawing Biden’s calls with regional democratic leaders,
repair shops to access car data in sup- necessary to protect U.S. national se- parties involved what the desired end U.S. troops irresponsibly would likely all conducted before his still-pending conver-
port of repairs. So, too, did voters in curity interests. state will be. In particular, a post-peace lead to a new civil war, inviting the sation with Xi. The Biden team readouts said
New Jersey, where they affirmed the Our study group has a strong and Afghanistan must be able to either reconstitution of anti-U.S. terrorist Biden emphasized working with them to
legalization of marijuana, or in Missis- united position: An abrupt withdrawal sufficiently control its territory to pre- groups and providing them with a nar- maintain a “secure and prosperous Indo-
sippi, where they adopted a new state of U.S. troops, as is now being contem- vent the harboring of terrorists or ac- rative of victory against the U.S. super- Pacific region.” That phrasing has been delib-
flag. Look at our ballot propositions, plated by the Trump administration, cept international assistance to do so. power. Supporting peace negotiations erately changed from the Trump administra-
and we do not look polarized. But if you would undermine the fragile but po- Second, affirm the U.S. commitment offers the United States the chance to tion’s term, a “free and open Indo-Pacific”
look at the results from our federal tentially transformational peace proc- to Afghanistan’s constitutional order honor U.S. sacrifices, secure core region. Many countries in Asia prefer the term
election, we do. ess. It would embolden the Taliban, and the country’s gains in human U.S. interests and show this nation’s “secure and prosperous,” although there isn’t
Why the difference? The use of a destabilize the Kabul government and rights, including the rights of women. enemies that they cannot prevail. much difference in the substance. Biden is
plurality voting mechanism in many allow terrorist groups to reconsoli- Having put severe pressure on the Af- essentially continuing a key feature of Trump’s
of our primaries makes it possible for date. A civil war could result, provok- ghan government to enter talks with Kelly Ayotte is a former Republican strategy but rebranding it to appeal to allies.
extreme candidates to squeak through ing a wider regional conflict and an the Taliban, the United States must now U.S. senator from New Hampshire. Joseph Sullivan, who served as Secretary of State
and become party nominees. They can inevitable humanitarian and migra- show that its support will continue as Dunford is a retired U.S. Marine Corps Hillary Clinton’s policy planning director, laid
then set a more extreme agenda for the tion crisis. long as the Afghan government negoti- general and former chairman of the Joint out his current thinking on China in a May
whole party, forcing voters into a “two The U.S. military presence in Af- ates in good faith, fights corruption and Chiefs of Staff. Nancy Lindborg is the essay for Foreign Policy co-written with histo-
bad choices” scenario. The alternative ghanistan underpins the negotiations, reaches out to all elements of Afghan former president and CEO of the rian Hal Brands and a Foreign Affairs essay in
— ranked-choice voting — requires which offer the likeliest path to peace society. During the negotiations, our U.S. Institute of Peace. They are co-chairs of September 2019 co-written with former Asia
candidates to surpass a 50 percent in that country since 9/11. Getting remaining troops will back Afghan se- the Afghanistan Study Group. official Kurt Campbell. In the former piece,
threshold. Particularly, when applied Sullivan and Brands argue “the signs that
to primaries, this ensures that candi- China is gearing up to contest America’s global
dates who make it through to become leadership are unmistakable, and they are
the party nominee have to build a ubiquitous.” In the latter piece, Campbell and
broad coalition. This can be expected
to deliver a generally moderating set
of incentives to politicians. Trump got
What a conservative court really means Sullivan write, “There is a growing consensus
that the era of engagement with China has
come to an unceremonious close.”
through the 2016 Republican primary According to American Enterprise Insti-
thanks to the plurality voting mecha- BY STEVEN V. MAZIE worship over movie theaters and sport- anti-discrimination law and religious tute visiting fellow Eric Sayers, there are
nism, allowing him to chart a relative- ing arenas that are closed entirely. She prerogatives. But earlier this month, the three basic camps on China inside the Demo-
ly radical course for the party. Voting hough her name appears no- warns that allowing large groups to court considered whether Philadelphia cratic Party: the competitors, the centrists
mechanisms aren’t just for wonks; where in the 33 pages of opin- congregate in churches “will only exac- can be forced to work with a Catholic and the optimists. Blinken and Sullivan
they are core to our democracy’s ions issued on Thanksgiving erbate the Nation’s suffering.” social services agency that rejects same- could be seen as competitors or centrists,
health. A lot of people have awakened eve, Amy Coney Barrett looms The impact of Barrett’s arrival goes sex couples as foster parents. This case whereas Rice would be considered an opti-
to this, as is evidenced by the adoption large in her first consequential vote as a well beyond tying states’ hands in the tees up a reconsideration of Employment mist. This perception is important because
of ranked-choice voting in Maine, Supreme Court justice. Barrett played fight against covid-19. Her vote will Division v. Smith, a 1990 case written by Republican senators have made clear that
Alaska and New York City. the decisive role in the court’s decision accelerate a trend toward deference to Antonin Scalia holding that neutral laws they want to focus on China during the
We as a nation invest about 50 fed- Wednesday to grant requests from religious institutions that her fellow that apply equally to all do not violate incoming team’s vetting.
eral dollars per child in STEM educa- Catholics and Orthodox Jews in New conservatives — including the chief the Constitution, even if they have an “What constitutes a China-policy centrist
tion each year. For civic education, we York City to block church and syna- justice — have been pursuing for a incidental impact on religious exercise. has moved in a more competitive direction
invest about 5 cents. As the old saw has gogue attendance limits in covid-19 hot decade. Once upon a time, the court This shift is bringing with it a since the Obama years, but that won’t pre-
it, you get what you pay for. A demo- spots. sought to balance the twin religion notable testiness among the justices. vent Congress from imposing a hard China
cratic society has to equip itself with During the pandemic’s first wave in clauses of the First Amendment — In his concurring opinion in the New litmus test on them during confirmation,”
civic strength by offering its rising the spring, the Supreme Court voted separation of church and state on one York case, Justice Neil M. Gorsuch took Sayers said.
generation an education that inspires twice not to interfere when states such hand and free exercise of religion on the aim at Roberts and the liberal dissent- Biden’s calls with Asian leaders all men-
their commitment to constitutional as California and Nevada restricted other. More recently, its right wing has ers, accusing them of sending the tioned climate change, a nod to former secre-
democracy and equips them with the indoor gatherings, including church been all but ignoring the Constitution’s Constitution on “a holiday during this tary of state John F. Kerry, who will sit on
knowledge and skills needed to sus- services. Those votes were 5 to 4, with proscription against an establishment pandemic.” Roberts swatted back with Biden’s National Security Council as special
tain self-government for free and Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. joining of religion while deferring to increasing- his customary restraint: The dissent- envoy on that issue. Everyone will be watching
equal citizens. We haven’t been paying his four liberal colleagues. ly far-fetched religious-liberty claims. ers, he wrote, “simply view the matter how Kerry, perceived as a China optimist, will
for civic education for some time, and But with the death of Justice Ruth Barrett is likely to ramp up the court’s differently after careful study and fit into the new scheme. Biden’s defense secre-
it shows. Bader Ginsburg in September — and support for people and organizations analysis reflecting their best efforts to tary choice will also be a key signal. Former
The past four years have been a very Barrett’s ascension to the bench — the that demand carve-outs from rules that fulfill their responsibility under the undersecretary of defense for policy Michèle
expensive way of closing an achieve- tide has turned. Roberts is now unable the rest of society must follow. In recent Constitution.” Flournoy, who had been seen as the most likely
ment gap on civic knowledge — the to stop a majority from overruling local years, the Supreme Court has let reli- This is not the first time we have seen candidate, is in the competitor camp, but her
gap across our whole population be- officials as they try to combat the gious corporations off the hook from an tensions between Roberts, who strives fortunes appear to be waning.
tween where our civic knowledge is coronavirus’s spread. Limiting attend- Affordable Care Act requirement that to tamp down the court’s perceived The group of Biden officials in the running
and where it should be. Perhaps it’s ance to 10 or 25 worshipers in the most employee health insurance include free politicization, and the justices to his for key sub-Cabinet-level Asia positions also
time to educate ourselves more dangerous zones, the majority said in its contraception. It has bowed to religious right. But Gorsuch’s bombast — and the leans heavily toward the competitor camp.
straightforwardly by investing in civic unsigned opinion, is “far more severe nonprofits that refuse to even sign a uncommonly partisan and recrimina- They include former Obama NSC officials
education in K-12 and by rebuilding than has been shown to be required to form giving them an exemption from tion-filled speech Justice Samuel A. Jeffrey Prescott and Ely Ratner and former
the capacity of higher education insti- prevent the spread of the virus at the this mandate. It has expanded the Alito Jr. delivered to the Federalist Pentagon official Kelly Magsamen. Older op-
tutions to teach American political applicants’ services.” “ministerial exemption” to federal anti- Society this month — carries a disturb- timists such as former NSC official Jeffrey
thought, U.S. political institutions and As infections and deaths spike across discrimination claims for religious- ing air of triumphalism. With Barrett’s Bader and former deputy secretary of state
the theory of democracy and civic the country, the decision is a sign that school teachers. And it told a Christian arrival, the court’s staunchest conserva- Jim Steinberg are not expected to return to
participation. the newly configured Supreme Court baker he did not need to bake a wedding tives have something to give thanks for: government.
I am thankful for the education will not look kindly on steps taken by cake for a gay couple, despite the state’s a five-vote majority that does not rely on The Biden team will never be hawkish
we’ve had over the last four years. state and local officials to protect health protections for LGBT customers. the chief ’s assent. enough on China to satisfy some Republicans,
Now, I hope we can do right by it and and safety if they interfere with the Now the court seems bound to favor but the emerging team should appeal to Asian
directly invest in civic education for autonomy of religious entities. This religion even more heavily. The wedding- Steven V. Mazie is the Supreme Court allies who liked Trump’s enthusiasm but not
our children. switch may come at a painful cost. “I see cake decision was a narrow ruling based correspondent for the Economist and his style. A competition-based approach is not
no justification for the Court’s change of on specific evidence of anti-religious professor of political studies at Bard High a panacea — it’s simply the prerequisite to
Danielle Allen, a Post contributing heart” from its earlier decisions, Justice hostility from a state civil rights commis- School Early College in Manhattan. His most meeting the generational challenge of manag-
columnist, is the author of “Cuz: The Life Sonia Sotomayor wrote in dissent, as sioner; the justices did not grapple with recent book is “American Justice 2015: The ing China’s rise.
and Times of Michael A.” New York’s rules actually favor houses of the more fundamental tensions between Dramatic Tenth Term of the Roberts Court.”
HE WORLD HEALTH Organiza- poorest populations confront the pan- China and Russia are developing
tion’s director-general, Dr. demic, being led by the WHO, the vaccines, too. They have their own
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness national regulatory process, but for
warned in August that no coun- Innovations and Gavi, the Vaccine their vaccines to be used globally
try could afford to go it alone in fighting Alliance. through the Covax Facility, they would
the pandemic. Nations already depend As it stands, 92 lower- income econo- have to meet international standards
on global supply chains for everything mies will be supported by the financing through WHO review of quality, safety
from diagnostic testing to personal mechanism in Covax, the Advanced and impact on disease. They could
protective equipment, he said, and they Market Commitment (AMC). Ninety- distribute the vaccines on their own.
must avoid “vaccine nationalism” when seven higher-income economies have China has joined Covax as a participant,
it comes to the most powerful tool to signed up as self-financing members of allowing it to procure doses from the BY MIKE LUCKOVICH FOR THE ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION
fight covid-19. When the Group of the Covax Facility. The idea is to pool facility, but Russia has not.
20 leaders held their virtual summit vaccine buying power and ensure distri- Among the big donors to the AMC are
meeting last weekend, they again de- bution for all countries, including the the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany
clared their intent not to hoard lifesav- less-developed nations, with a goal of and Saudi Arabia. President-elect Joe LETTERS TO TH E ED ITOR
ing vaccines, saying, “We will spare no obtaining 2 billion doses to protect Biden should commit the United States,
effort to ensure their affordable and 20 percent of their populations by the too. A $200 million donation would
equitable access for all people.” end of 2021, enough to cover front-line amount to only 2 percent of spending on
But as vaccines come closer to reality, health-care workers and the most vul- Operation Warp Speed. And we hope
wealthy nations of the world have
already taken care of their own needs
nerable. Negotiations for the shots are
underway with manufacturers. To make
Mr. Biden will rapidly return the United
States to the WHO.
Revitalize Appalachia were Dixiecrat. The Dixiecrats now are
the GOP core. West Virginia was once a
and signed contracts to buy up hun- this initiative work, according to the The world’s wealthiest countries are The plight of Appalachia, at times, Democratic stronghold. But it doesn’t
dreds of millions of vaccine doses. And WHO, there is an urgent need for on the verge of a science triumph with appears insurmountable, but I was en- vote Republican now because it is rural; it
the poor? A global risk-sharing procure- $7.8 billion next year from international the arrival of an effective vaccine in less couraged to read the Nov. 23 op-ed votes red because it is White.
ment initiative to ensure fair and equita- donors, including $5 billion for the than a year. But in this moment of need, “8 mayors: We need a Marshall Plan for Tom Beal, Glenn Dale
ble access to vaccines, the Covax Facility, 92 lower-income countries, and addi- the haves should also extend a hand to Middle America.” Slowly, over the years,
could bring them protection, but only if tional funds to help them set up distri- the have-nots. As Dr. Tedros said in globalization and other forces have Many of the assertions in Jeff Green-
it can get sufficient funding in 2021. This bution systems, a demanding task. All of August, “No one is safe until everyone is changed many areas of the region. Cities, field’s essay are subject to reasonable dis-
is the world’s best chance to help the that funding remains to be raised. safe.” small towns and farming communities agreement. One is not. He maintained
that once flourished are now in decline, that Article V of the Constitution forever
with diminishing social services and forecloses altering the allocation of Senate
opportunities. Cities such as Pittsburgh seats by providing that “No state, without
have been able to make the transition, its consent, shall be deprived of its equal
The fight for democracy continues but too many other areas are not so
fortunate, and the situation worsens.
I often wondered why we did not look
suffrage in the Senate.” At first blush, he
may appear to be right. That sentence is
unequivocal. In fact, however, it would not
at this region as we did postwar Europe have been possible for the framers to
Mr. Biden should invite the Belarus opposition leader to his inauguration. and offer the same boost to a devastated prevent future generations from amend-
area of our own country. Hopefully, the ing the Constitution to do anything they
OR NEARLY 16 weeks, the streets idea proposed in the op-ed and support- want, including excising this sentence
of Belarus have been a testament ed by several regional alliances will gain from Article V and then either abolishing
to the sacrifice of its citizens and traction. Revitalizing Appalachia would the Senate or altering the allocation of
their determination to recover be a good return on investment, just as senators — so long as they follow one of
their stolen election. Thousands have the Marshall Plan for Europe proved to the two routes established in Article V for
been detained. Many have been beaten, be good for the United States as well. amending the founding document.
threatened and cautioned against Susan Leister, Rockville The first method requires a two-thirds
marching; fired from jobs; expelled vote of each chamber of Congress, fol-
from university — and yet they keep lowed by ratification by three-quarters of
coming to protest President Alexander Scouts’ (lost) honor the states. The second requires convening
Lukashenko’s brazen theft of the Aug. 9 a constitutional convention upon the ap-
ballot, which the opposition candidate Regarding the Nov. 21 editorial “A plication of two-thirds of the states, fol-
Svetlana Tikhanovskaya clearly won. jaw-dropping abuse scandal”: lowed by ratification of any ensuing
Despite all the pressure by Mr. Lu- As a Cub Scout, I found adventure and amendments by three-quarters of the
kashenko’s security forces, including camaraderie, learned practical skills and states. While it is unlikely that superma-
flash grenades and water cannons, the perseverance, and was tested on re- jorities ever could be mustered to deprive
nonviolent protesters returned again for sourcefulness. It was a foundational ex- small states of their “equal suffrage in the
the 111th day on Nov. 22. This time they perience that, years later, evolved Senate,” that is a function of the number
tried a different tactic, holding rallies in through the military’s ethos of leadership of smaller states we currently have, not
multiple residential streets and parks, and selfless service. some constitutional perpetuity.
trying to evade crackdowns. The protest I am distressed by the abuses that have Evan Tager, Washington
movement has been extraordinarily re- been reported and endorse the punish-
silient, coming out over and over again ments being meted out. As a society, we
despite cuts in communications tech- can never condone such malfeasance or Beware the ‘Undertow’
nology and shutdowns of the mass allow it to escape firm sanctions.
transit system. But I also lament the likelihood that a Hugh Hewitt declared in his Nov. 23
Ms. Tikhanovskaya, who is outside century-old institution, having done so op-ed, “The enduring impact of the Trump
Belarus leading the opposition, de- much good for so many, will be run into Undertow,” that the much-vaunted “will
clared, “Belarusians faced today brutal the ground and apparently disappear. of the people” is worth less to him than a
force, gunshots, stun grenades. Hun- This is not a conventional bankruptcy in Republican win. His glee that the GOP will
dreds were detained. Some mothers will which assets are liquidated on behalf of now have more control of reapportion-
not meet their kids today, husbands — creditors. Instead, it represents the death ment following the census gives the game
their wives. The regime is trying to scare of community enterprises built on char- away. His party, he crowed, will be able to
us with terror. But we are not afraid acter and values that have been corrupt- redraw congressional districts and the
anymore. Your time is over.” ed by harmful behavior. electoral college to give an outsize value to
The protests usually grow on Sun- Scouting’s values echo those of most Republican votes. We are not interested in
days, and in recent weeks more than REUTERS people: being “trustworthy, loyal, help- democracy, just in power. All’s fair — if it
1,000 people were arrested each Sunday. Demonstrators gather outside a church during a memorial service for Raman ful, friendly, courteous, kind.” Its institu- works. This is the attitude of his party’s
Overall, the opposition says as many as Bandarenka in Minsk last week. tional mission furthers our human pur- current leader, and Mr. Hewitt is happy to
30,000 people have been detained in pose by “prepar[ing] young people to embrace it. He functions as a good party
various cities since the protests began. A rejected the charge, saying she was eight days earlier after masked security make ethical and moral choices over operative.
video posted online showed security covering the event as a journalist. She forces reportedly beat him. Many in the their lifetimes.” Much of the rancor on In a lame stab at justifying this, he
forces assaulting a bicyclist with trun- was sentenced to eight days in prison. crowd outside of the Church of the today’s political stage would be diffused attempted to minimize President-elect
cheons; he was fined $200 by a judge for Other journalists from the organiza- Resurrection of Christ in Minsk raised if more leaders exhibited such qualities. Joe Biden’s win, by complaining that
“violating the order of mass events,” but tion’s Belarusian service have been pe- their arms and chanted, “You are a I hope, at the end of this national President Trump lost by a mere stadium
none of the baton-wielding police were nalized similarly while doing their jobs. hero!” and “Long live Belarus!” Mr. Ban- nightmare, that Scouting will be re- full of votes in key states. He did not try to
charged. Mr. Lukashenko, who has ruled Belarus darenka’s last known written words — stored to its original purpose by extolling deal with the actual 6 million-vote differ-
The arrests have swept up journalists for a quarter-century, does not tolerate a “I’m going out” — have turned into one diversity and equity in all their forms — ence. This is apparently just a game to
too. According to the Association of free press or free speech — the reason so of the slogans of the protests. race, gender, income, geography — to Mr. Hewitt. Forget that our lives are at
Belarusian journalists, 26 reporters many of his people have stubbornly President-elect Joe Biden should in- rise again as an institution that cel- stake. He wants to win, and the future of
were incarcerated as of Nov. 18. Among returned to the streets. vite Ms. Tikhanovskaya to his inaugura- ebrates individual growth as it helps the nation takes a back seat. Is this
them was the chief video editor for Belarus citizens displayed their anger tion and meet with her at the White shape society. patriotism? Only in his painfully
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Yulia again on Nov. 20, when thousands came House to show the world that the Sandy Apgar, Baltimore abridged vocabulary.
Kotskaya, charged Nov. 15 with taking to pay last respects to Raman Bandaren- United States once again supports Howard Schmitt, Green Tree, Pa.
part in an unsanctioned rally; she ka, a 31-year-old protester who died democracy.
Rigged, White and blue I seldom get a laugh out of Hugh
Hewitt’s columns, but one line in his
Regarding Jeff Greenfield’s Nov. 22 Nov. 23 op-ed made me laugh out loud:
Outlook essay, “No, the U.S. Senate isn’t “The party Trump leads is reluctant to tilt
states from Iowa north through the Dako- phantoms, ghosts. Fever dreams. Illusions.
ijan Ghaisar, an unarmed young on Ghaisar was a “necessary and proper” inching forward? tas, west through Wyoming, Montana He has filed more than 30 lawsuits, and
accountant, died three years ago exercise of their duties? In fact, the officers’ conduct is a case and Idaho is vastly overrepresented in the most were found by courts to be without
this week, shot to death in his That question invites a review of the study, ready-made for the police acad- Senate. The Republicans’ refusal to give legal merit and baseless. Not founded on
barely moving Jeep by two sequence of events in the minutes that emy, of how not to handle what could D.C. representation, even though it has facts. Great big nothingburgers.
U.S. Park Police officers who approached preceded the shooting, which began and should have been a routine officer- more people than Wyoming, is proof that So, many thanks to whatever op-ed
him, guns drawn, after a minor fender when Ghaisar, whose vehicle was lightly involved event. How not to escalate. they fear equal representation. editor left that line in the column when it
bender in northern Virginia — and now rear-ended on the George Washington How not to rashly brandish service The reason some states recently went was on its way to print. It’s fantastic. (In
assert, implausibly, that they felt threat- Memorial Parkway, drove off without weapons. How not to allow exasperation Democratic, but are now GOP strong- both meanings of the word.)
ened. The officers’ stance is preposter- stopping. When the officers, trailed by become a pretext for the unwarranted holds, lies more with the fact that they Margaret Cervarich, Frederick
ous, as a video recording of the incident Fairfax police whose dash cam recorded use of lethal force.
makes clear. Whether it holds up in a the incident, first pulled Ghaisar over To read the motions filed by the
likely federal court proceeding will be a and baselessly pointed their weapons at officers’ attorneys, in federal court, is to
test of whether the judge is persuaded by
tortuous legal pleadings or the plain
him, was that “necessary and proper”?
When, perhaps panicking, he drove off
enter into an upside-down world where
phony justifications are applied retroac-
evidence before his eyes. rather than roll down his window, and tively regardless of the fact that they FREDERICK J. RYAN JR., Publisher and Chief Executive Officer
The officers, Lucas Vinyard and Ale- one of the officers pounded on the side don’t square with the truth. The video of News pages: Editorial and opinion pages: Vice Presidents:
jandro Amaya, were indicted last month of his car with his pistol, was that Ghaisar’s shooting is a plain refutation MARTIN BARON
Executive Editor
Editorial Page Editor JAMES W. COLEY JR.........................................................Production
by a special grand jury in Virginia, each “necessary and proper” police conduct? of the officers’ assertions that they, or CAMERON BARR JACKSON DIEHL L. WAYNE CONNELL............................................Human Resources
Managing Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor KATE M. DAVEY.....................................................Revenue Strategy
for a count of involuntary manslaughter In an encounter stemming from a trivial the public, were somehow in danger. TRACY GRANT RUTH MARCUS ELIZABETH H. DIAZ....................Audience Development & Insights
and a count of reckless use of a firearm. traffic incident? Three years is too long for justice in Managing Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor GREGG J. FERNANDES..........................Customer Care & Logistics
STEPHEN P. GIBSON.....................................Finance & Operations
They are now expected to prevail in an And finally, when the officers opened Ghaisar’s death. Too long for his family, Managing Editor Associate Editorial Page Editor SCOT GILLESPIE ........................................................................... Arc
attempt to shift their cases from Fairfax fire after pulling Ghaisar over for the and too long for the public. The passage KRISSAH THOMPSON
Managing Editor
KRISTINE CORATTI KELLY.....................Communications & Events
JOHN B. KENNEDY...................................General Counsel & Labor
County to federal court, where their last time, each of them firing five times of time has not blunted the sheer SCOTT VANCE
Deputy Managing Editor
MIKI TOLIVER KING .......................................................... Marketing
prospects are likely to turn on a seem- and one officer striking him repeatedly, outrage of such an abuse of power and a BARBARA VOBEJDA
SHAILESH PRAKASH....Digital Product Development & Engineering
JOY ROBINS..............................................................Client Solutions
Deputy Managing Editor
ingly straightforward question: Could was that “necessary and proper”? Con- failure of judgment — the very things we
the officers reasonably believe that sidering that Ghaisar’s car was actually most fear from the people paid to serve The Washington Post
1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20071 (202) 334-6000
drawing their weapons and opening fire turning away from the officers and and protect.
A lame-duck Trump’s
test of wills legacy, by
with Iran the numbers
s the sun sets on Donald s covid-19 hospitalizations
Trump’s presidency, one hit another new high on
piece of potentially danger- Tuesday, President Trump
ous unfinished business is called a news conference to
Iran’s nuclear program. Here’s an boast about a different record: the
area where cool heads must prevail stock market.
over the next two months to avoid an The Dow Jones industrial aver-
11th-hour catastrophe. age, he crowed, had just pierced
Both the United States and Iran 30,000. “That’s a sacred number,
have been messaging their resolve in 30,000,” he said.
recent days, in signals that have It was a bizarre statement even
mostly gone unnoticed. Last Satur- for Trump. After all, Trump has
day, the Air Force flew a B-52 bomber argued for years that any stock
task force from its base in Minot, market gains that occur after a
N.D., to the Middle East, “to deter presidential election should be
aggression and reassure U.S. part- credited to the new president-elect,
ners and allies,” a Centcom news not the guy on his way out the door.
release announced. In reality, neither presidents nor
And this week, three officials said, presidents-elect control stock mar-
the Navy is likely to begin moving an kets, of course; but even if Trump
aircraft carrier task force toward the did unilaterally control equity pric-
Persian Gulf, as a hedge against un- es, and even if he had done so for
anticipated events. the entire duration of his presiden-
The show of force comes as the cy, his record would still pale in
Trump administration is drawing CALLAGHAN O'HARE/REUTERS comparison with his predecessor’s.
down U.S. troops in three Centcom Tammy Benewiat looks at her husband, who is on a ventilator at a hospital in Hutchinson, Kan., on Nov. 20. More important, 30,000 hardly
battle zones: Afghanistan, Iraq and seems like a “sacred number” — or a
Somalia. The Pentagon’s message to
Iran seems to be a cautionary warn-
ing against exploiting the situation,
rather than a direct threat. But the
A parallel pandemic of particularly significant one, in the
context of this administration’s
overall record. Here is a compendi-
um of more memorable metrics that
confrontation over Iran’s nuclear
program looms in the background.
Iran, too, has been signaling its
firmness — along with its willingness
depression, anxiety and grief should forever be linked with the
Trump legacy:
262,000 (and counting): If any-
thing is “sacred,” it is human life.
to revive diplomacy with the new This number is the minimum tally
administration of President-elect Joe BY E RIN N . M ARCUS edly or alone, and without the normal counseling — with adequate backup of American lives lost to the corona-
Biden. Tehran’s potential threat was rituals of community remembrance when we need to refer patients. Low- virus as of Thursday night. By the
underscored this month by the Unit- long with the resurgence of such as a memorial service — may cost community mental health clinics, time Trump leaves office, it will be
ed Nations’ International Atomic En- covid-19, an insidious and less increase the likelihood of prolonged which have long been inundated with higher.
ergy Agency, which reported that perceptible pandemic has grief disorder, a disabling condition patients, need to be expanded so that $750: The amount Trump report-
Iran’s stockpile of low-enriched ura- arisen: one of anxiety, depres- that can last years and raise the risk of they can accommodate more people, edly paid in federal income taxes
nium is now 12 times the level permit- sion and grief. suicide or alcohol and drug abuse. and need to be paid adequately for the year he won the presidency. He
ted under the 2015 nuclear agree- It’s a phenomenon I’ve seen among More than 1 in 10 adult American telephone counseling. Telehealth sup- paid the same amount his first year
ment, which Trump abandoned in people seeking help in the primary workers are employed in the health- port groups, led by trained mental in the White House, too.
2018. The IAEA said Iran is also care clinic where I work. I think of the care sector, and many of them have health professionals, have been help- 14.7 percent: The unemployment
adding more advanced centrifuges to woman who, after her mother and witnessed events that leave them vul- ful for front-line health workers dur- rate in April 2020. Also the highest
speed enrichment. sister died of covid, lost the motiva- nerable to post-traumatic stress disor- ing the pandemic. Perhaps this strat- unemployment rate on record since
Iran has been hoping to wait out tion to take her diabetes medication, der and other psychological conse- egy could be expanded to help the modern statistics on joblessness
Trump’s presidency, and that theme or do much of anything else. The man quences. Other Americans have lost general public as well. began in 1948, and likely the high-
was reinforced last week by Foreign who recovered from covid but who their jobs, which itself can cause anxi- Peer support programs — in which est rate since the Great Depression.
Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. He now can’t sleep because of flashbacks ety and depression. people who themselves have experi- $421 million: The amount of
said Iran would revert to the 2015 to his time in the hospital. The woman Mental illnesses increase a person’s enced anxiety and depression are loans and other debts for which
limits if the new administration re- whose adult children recovered from likelihood of developing other health trained to help others — may be a way Trump is personally responsible,
turned to the deal, too. “This needs no covid — but who is so anxious about problems, such as heart disease. They of reaching more people. Peer support with most of that amount reported-
negotiations and needs no condi- venturing out of her tiny apartment also significantly affect productivity, has been endorsed by the Substance ly coming due within four years —
tions,” he said. that her normally well-controlled costing employers billions annually. Abuse and Mental Health Services that is, a period when Trump had
Anti-Iran hawks in the United blood pressure has rocketed to dan- To get our country on track toward Administration, which is issuing 16- hoped to be serving his second
States and Israel see the window gerously high levels. some sort of normalcy, President-elect month emergency grants to states to presidential term.
closing on the possibility of a pre- My observations are consistent Joe Biden’s pandemic advisory board provide assistance for mental health 100.1 percent: Federal debt held
emptive U.S.-Israeli strike against the with those of national surveys, which will need to address our nation’s psy- and substance abuse disorders during by the public as a share of gross
Iranian nuclear program. Likely sup- have found significant increases in chological recovery. covid-19; that effort may need to be domestic product in the fiscal year
porters of such an attack include depression and anxiety during the Even before the pandemic, a short- continued. Public advertising cam- that recently ended, according to
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Ne- pandemic. In one large nationwide age of mental health professionals — paigns — perhaps in conjunction with the Congressional Budget Office.
tanyahu and some hard-line officials survey, U.S. adults were more than and a lack of adequate insurance the National Ad Council’s efforts to The last time this measure exceeded
around Trump. Netanyahu has said three times more likely to screen posi- coverage — made it difficult if not promote vaccine acceptance — could 100 percent was just after World
often that the potential Iranian nu- tive for anxiety and depressive disor- impossible for many people to get help de-stigmatize mental illness, War II.
clear threat represents an existential ders, compared with one year earlier. timely and appropriate care. Psychiat- help people realize they may be ex- $1.9 trillion: The 10-year cost of
issue for Israel, and the chance to Another survey found a significant ric and psychological services are of- periencing symptoms, and provide Trump’s 2017 tax cut. (This is “dy-
land a knockout punch may expire increase in alcohol use. ten put in a separate silo by insurance information about where to go for namic” cost — that is, it accounts for
Jan. 20. Those surveys were conducted in companies, making it tough for pri- treatment. Social workers and other the effects of economic growth.)
“There must be no return to the April through June, before the spread mary care physicians and nurses to trained counselors need to be placed This contributes to the debt number
previous nuclear agreement. We of the coronavirus escalated to encom- refer patients. People often don’t want in schools, in workplaces and in com- above.
must stick to an uncompromising pass the entire nation. Today, it’s likely to go to a mental health professional, munity centers to make it easier for $130,000: The amount Trump
policy to ensure that Iran does not that the psychological toll is much both because of a perceived stigma everyone to get help. paid an adult-film actress with
develop nuclear weapons,” Netanya- worse. Every person who dies of covid- and because it’s so difficult to jump These actions would help address whom he had an affair; this bought
hu told an Israeli audience this week. 19 leaves behind, on average, nine through the bureaucratic hoops to get the psychological needs created by the her silence ahead of the 2016
Trump considered a strike on Iran close family members — a grandchild, this care. pandemic — and might in the longer election.
earlier this month but decided son, daughter, brother, sister, spouse, But there are affordable ways to term begin to improve a rickety sys- 26: The number of women who
against it. Worried by the IAEA re- mother or father. The grief experi- begin to tackle these problems. Given tem that has failed to reach so many have publicly accused Trump of
ports that Iran was increasing its enced by those surviving family mem- that primary care physicians and for far too long. sexual misconduct.
uranium stockpile, Trump on Nov. 12 bers and friends is a normal reaction nurses are likely to see anxious and 26 million: The number of Amer-
requested military options. He was to loss. But some psychologists fear depressed people, it makes sense for The writer is a professor of clinical ican adults who reported that their
dissuaded from taking action by that the circumstances of covid-19 — us to be trained to routinely screen medicine at the University of Miami and a household didn’t have enough to
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in which people might die unexpect- everyone and provide some initial Public Voices fellow. eat just ahead of Election Day.
Gen. Mark A. Milley, Secretary of Eight: The number of Trump
State Mike Pompeo and other offi- associates to date charged with or
cials. Trump decided it would be convicted of criminal offenses. The
unwise to start a new war with unpre- former aides and advisers are: one-
dictable consequences in his last two MICHAEL GERSON time 2016 campaign chairman Paul
months in office. But several officials Manafort; 2016 deputy campaign
say the possibility isn’t entirely fore-
closed, and, as one official put it,
“we’re not out of the woods yet.”
The moral journalism we need chair Rick Gates; former national
security adviser Michael Flynn,
whom Trump pardoned Wednes-
Skeptics about attacking Iran in- day; foreign policy adviser George
clude senior military officers in both f you know any political journalists or gression. people as objects of manipulation rather Papadopoulos; informal Trump for-
the United States and Israel, who fear pollsters in this holiday season, it This kind of issues journalism is impor- than as human beings with inherent digni- eign policy adviser George Nader;
a chain reaction that would leave all might be a good idea to give them a tant, and there should be more of it. An ty. It is wrong to vilify social and cultural political adviser Roger Stone; per-
sides worse off. One former top de- friendly, socially distanced wave or informed electorate, in the long run, will groups — migrants or refugees or Muslims sonal attorney Michael Cohen; and
fense official warns that the idea of a some nicely wrapped hand sanitizer. They have better democratic outcomes. But the — as a method to stir up anger and gain strategist Stephen K. Bannon.
“clean, limited, surgical strike” could use some bucking up. urgent problem of American politics is not political support. It is wrong. 666: The number of separated
against Iranian nuclear facilities is The horse-race polling that occupies so an insufficient airing of policy disagree- The ultimate political questions are thus: migrant children whose parents
folly; war doesn’t work that way. much of their attention has once again ments; it is that policy views have become a Is moral argumentation still possible? Do still have not been found, because
U.S. intelligence agencies also cau- proved deeply flawed. After the collective function of cultural identity. people still feel shame when their prejudice the Trump administration didn’t
tion that despite the troubling IAEA flub of 2016 — which consistently underes- A matter such as climate disruption, for and cruelty are exposed to scrutiny? Do keep sufficient records.
reports, Iran remains many months timated Donald Trump’s support by about example, attracts comparatively little in- most people have some kernel of con- 23,035: The number of false or
away from being able to deploy a four points — the new, improved, refined, formed and reasoned disagreement. Cli- science that can grow under the right misleading claims Trump had made
bomb. adjusted version of national polling under- mate skepticism has become a tenet of circumstances? as of mid-September, according to
Several insiders stress that Trump estimated Trump’s support by about four populism — a revolt against elitist scientists These ultimate questions are always The Post’s Fact Checker team. Pre-
doesn’t want a new conflict in the points. This means that coverage and and liberal politicians seeking excuses for open ones. In the primordial past — say, the sumably that number will continue
Middle East that would undermine commentary based on the premise of a social and economic control. The denial of 1980s — it was conservatives who stood to grow during Trump’s final weeks
what he sees as his legacy of stopping sizable, sustained Joe Biden lead were climate change has become a cultural against moral relativism. They argued that in office.
“endless” wars there. But squeezing distorted. signifier, the policy equivalent of a gun rack “if it feels good, do it” does not provide an $3: The amount that Trump’s
Iran’s nuclear program has also been The explanation, I am sure, is complex. in a truck. adequate basis for our lives together, be- Mar-a-Lago Club charged taxpayers
one of his signature issues, and he’d But one portion seems simple enough. The Will an issues-based political journal- cause it gives no root to our rights, and for a glass of water served to Trump.
probably like to tighten the pressure type of people who show up at Trump rallies ism/analysis/commentary speak across this because cruel and despicable things feel 289: The number of times Trump
further before leaving office. often do not show up (in representative yawning social gap? Maybe sometimes. good to some. visited a golf course while presi-
Elliott Abrams, Trump’s special en- numbers) in polling. Imagine asking, as a But the problem goes deeper still. Many Now it is the right that embraces relativ- dent. So far.
voy for Iran, stressed nonmilitary warm-up speaker at a Trump rally, “How of our most serious divisions have become ism. No doubt it felt good to Trump and 15: The number of times that
options in comments this week: “All many of you want to inconvenience yourself openly moral. In the current case, the adviser Stephen Miller to have government people have to flush their toilet,
through December and January, for the sake of a Washington Post-ABC president and his strongest supporters agents snatch migrant children from their according to Trump. (Why he made
there will be sanctions that deal with News poll?” Or: “Raise your hand if you believe that their cause — the maintenance parents’ arms. The argument against such this claim on the campaign trail I do
arms, that deal with weapons of mass want to provide personal information for a of power — is worth the massive invalida- an outrage is moral. “Whoever causes one of not know.)
destruction, that deal with human New York Times-Siena College survey.” The tion of legitimate votes in disproportionate- these little ones who believe in me to One: The number of viewers
rights. . . . So this will continue on for reception would probably be poor. ly Black urban areas. They claim this is a stumble,” said a distinguished moral teach- Trump officials sought to reach
another couple of months, right until Whatever its cause, the crisis faced by moral action — to fight socialism, or to er, “it would be better for him to have a during their TV appearances (the
the end.” polling is leading to some soul-searching. protect tradition, or to serve their illustri- heavy millstone hung around his neck, and infamous “audience of one”).
The confrontation with Iran is the Maybe the whole business of political ous leader, or whatever. to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” 49 percent: The peak share of
unpredictable X-factor in national analysis and commentary has placed too They are wrong. And only an ethical This is not to argue against the impor- Americans who said they approved
security. Until Inauguration Day, the much emphasis on opinion polls. Maybe argument can demonstrate it. It is racist to tance of horse-race journalism or issues of Trump’s performance as presi-
danger of a U.S. or Iranian strike there should be less focus on the horse-race seek the invalidation of mainly Black votes journalism, both of which will always have dent, according to Gallup.
remains on the table — a small but aspect of politics and more on the issues in Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia or At- their place. It is only to put in a good word 306: The number of electoral
still real possibility. Starting a war facing the country. Maybe we should rebal- lanta. It is a violation of morality and an for moral journalism and moral commen- college votes Trump won in 2016,
without provocation is never wise, ance political coverage away from who is up attack on democracy to throw away valid tary — which reveal the names and faces of which he called a “landslide.”
but especially not for a divided coun- and who is down in favor of candidates’ votes for nakedly political reasons. those who suffer, and remind us of the 306: The number of electoral
try on the verge of political transition. policy proposals on pandemic response, or Such arguments are located in a larger duties we have to one another. college votes Joe Biden won in 2020.
Twitter: @IgnatiusPost police reform, or containing Chinese ag- moral context. It is wrong to use other
approx. 2 p.m.
Don Brooks, a Carnegie Environmental activists Paolo Gabriele, a butler to
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
61° fixture for five decades, fight to stop a natural gas Pope Benedict XVI, leaked
Precip: 5% died of covid just months pipeline proposed for the papal documents that
52 59 60 55
° ° ° ° Wind: NW
4-8 mph shy of his retirement. B3 Eastern Shore. B4 exposed Vatican turmoil. B4
warn of
Letter says kids exposed
to porn via school laptops
Families add On Thanksgiving at a D.C. shelter, looking ahead in an especially hard year ed to popular video games, such as
Fortnite, and linked their son to
to their feasts
pornographic cartoons and por-
BY F ENIT N IRAPPIL nographic video,” the complaint
to share with ax Mora usually spends Thanksgiving crowded around 30 relatives in the Chicago
suburbs wolfing down turkey and green-bean casserole. ¶ But the pandemic left the
The family was devastated, the
boy’s father said in an interview.
those in need
former personal trainer and cook unemployed and driving around the country living
out of his car. ¶ Yet Mora, 29, couldn’t help but feel a little upbeat as he picked up a boxed
Any other year
and the
Thanksgiving meal from the Central Union Mission homeless shelter in the heart of
Washington. He was grateful for President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, which drew him to the Old power
Whitley house
would be packed.
capital to celebrate. He was thankful for newfound time allowing him to write raps and work on
a novel about Los Angeles. ¶ “As bad as covid has been, it’s actually been a blessing for me plant to be
Petula Cousins and because it made me reconsider what I was doing in life,” said Mora, wearing a floral mask and
Dvorak grandmothers,
children and
preparing to drive to Maryland to volunteer at a meal distribution site there. “It’s launched me
grandchildren, great-aunts and
great friends since kindergarten
— they’d all be there.
into a whole new world.” SEE THANKSGIVING ON B2
“There are people in and out New cases in region
all day,” said Willie Whitley, 49,
describing a usual Thanksgiving Through 5 p.m. Thursday, 5,139
as he stood this week scanning new coronavirus cases were Alexandria site along
the food piled high on the reported in the District, Maryland Potomac slated for green
counters of his kitchen in Fort and Virginia, bringing the total
Washington. number of cases to 440,116. development, firm says
Three turkeys, a chicken, a
D.C. MD. VA.
ham, Stove Top stuffing,
cornbread, towers of dinner +220 +2,319 +2,600 BY L OLA F ADULU
rolls, green beans, collard 20,736 190,480 228,900
greens, mac and cheese, and an A development company with
industrial-size bowl of green Coronavirus-related deaths a history of transforming obso-
confection called “Watergate As of 5 p.m. Wednesday: lete facilities has purchased one
salad.” of the largest industrial sites in
“This year,” the father said, D.C. MD.* VA. Alexandria and plans to build
“it’s just four of us.” +0 +29 +21 housing, office space and retail,
So why all the food? 677 4,547 4,029 granting residents new access to
The Whitleys — like a large swath of the Potomac
thousands of other smart * Includes probable covid-19 deaths River.
families who forwent their usual Elijah Bailey was among those getting a Thanksgiving meal from the The Potomac River Generat-
SEE DVORAK ON B2 D.C. charity, which usually organizes a large sit-down gathering. ing Station, a shuttered, 71-year-
old coal-fired power plant, was
decommissioned in 2012. Hilco
Redevelopment Partners bought
the site last week for an undis-
closed amount after a 31/2-year
pursuit. Pepco will continue to
own part of the site to operate an
Capitol Hill treehouse saga ends with deal for removal in 2024 electrical substation.
“We’re excited about the
chance to reintegrate it into the
surrounding urban fabric, open
BY D ANA H EDGPETH The final agreement between est. lawfully occupying public space,” neighborhood commissioner who up that access to the waterfront
the couple who built the treehouse “We never planned to keep it according to a settlement agree- represents a nearby part of Capitol and create a really dynamic dis-
Like so many controversies in for their two daughters and the forever,” Psychas said. “We’re fine ment filed in the U.S. Court of Hill, said she is glad the treehouse trict with world-class architec-
Washington, the case of a tree- city’s Department of Transporta- with the agreement. We never Appeals for the District of Colum- will stay a few more years and is ture,” said Melissa Schrock, the
house in a family’s backyard on tion came last month, after nearly planned to keep it until the kids bia Circuit. relieved the fight has ended. senior vice president of mixed-
Capitol Hill turned into a long, three months of back-and-forth were teenagers.” A certified arborist must over- “When I heard about the litiga- use development at Hilco. “We
drawn-out saga — complete with with a mediator during the coro- The city agreed to drop $8,000 see the removal of the treehouse tion I thought, ‘What a waste of think the city of Alexandria de-
disagreements between neigh- navirus pandemic. in fines against the couple and when it does come down. time,’ ” Krepp said. “The city was serves nothing less.”
bors, reams of paper on arcane Both parties agreed that the promised no additional fines. Nei- Dave Bloom, a spokesman for dedicating lawyers to work to take Hilco will be guided by Alex-
zoning and permitting regula- treehouse will come down — but ther side admitted wrongdoing, the D.C. attorney general’s office, down a treehouse, and we have so andria’s 2017 Old Town North
tions, allegations of government not until early 2024. And by then, and both agreed to avoid future said in an email that the office had many other problems. That’s a Small Area Plan and must in-
malfeasance, a claim of hacking to say Ellen Psychas and her hus- litigation. The couple maintain no comment on the treehouse. A woeful waste of money.” clude some affordable housing in
the FBI, and a federal lawsuit. band, Bing Yee, their girls, ages 8 that they complied with code re- DDOT spokeswoman also said her Krepp said she always believed the project, officials said.
And after a five-year battle, it and 10, will have outgrown the quirements and that they don’t office had no comment. that the couple had followed The site will include dining
has ended. castle-like play area and lost inter- believe that the treehouse is “un- Denise Krepp, an advisory SEE TREEHOUSE ON B3 SEE PROJECT ON B6
THE DISTRICT everything and easygoing — it says gossip with,” Logania joked.
a lot about his character,” said Ana “There was not a mean bone in his
cifics of the letter — which they are no system is perfect . . . there is a is blocked for students the boy’s “It’s all very distressing,” the Some stories may not run due to breaking news.
still looking into — but said they whole team of folks working to age, according to the complaint, father said. “This happened be-
go to great lengths to protect stu- ensure that the processes we have which included a screenshot of cause he was using the school-
dents. The system of more than in place work.” some sites the child accessed. At issued Chromebook, which we
160,000 students has long com- Technology staff members have some point, the student’s Twitter thought was safe. It felt like such a
plied with safeguards required been responsive to parents with access was blocked. betrayal.”
under federal law and works to concerns, schools officials said. The sixth-grader’s family said
WALID AL-MOALLEM, 79 Syria was forced to end nearly cized for a rambling speech he
three decades of domination and gave at the start of Syria’s peace
Although you are at rest with your mom, Anita On Friday, November 20, 2020, Thomas L CHARLES S. MARSHALL (Age 86)
L. Benton Wingfield, and Our Savior, no amount Davies passed away at his home in Alexandria, of Arlington, Virginia, passed
of time will ever stop our love for you. (The Lord Virginia. He was the beloved son of Ella Davies, away November, 23, 2020.
is My Shepherd.) brother of Patricia Teevan, William Davies and He was born November 29,
Wingfield Family, All Relatives and Friends Edward Davies (deceased), and long time com- 1933 in Wamego, KS, son
panion of Millie Venesi. Tom was also the uncle of George H and Nellie (Van-
DEATH NOTICE of seven and great-uncle of 13 nieces and
Hole) Marstall. Charlie was
a member of Saint Charles
A Memorial Mass will be offered for Tom at St. Catholic Church, and a Honorary Life Mem-
COAKLEY Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Allentown,
Pennsylvania at a future date.
ber of the Knights of Columbus Edward
Douglas White Council #2473 in Arlington,
Donations in Tom's name may be made to the VA. He was married to Loretta Carlo,
PETER W. COAKLEY Salvation Army. who passed away February 12, 2008. He
Peter W. Coakley, 81 passed away on is survived by his daughter, Debra Ann
November 23, 2020. He is preceded in Ruding of Fredericksburg, Va, granddaugh-
death by Pamela Coakley, his wife of 36 ters, Lisa Ruding Lynn, and L. Ruding, both
years, Mason Coakley, his twin brother and of Fredericksburg, Va, and great-grandchil-
his parents, Forrest and Helene Coakley. dren, Phillip S. Lynn and Elizabeth Grace
Lynn; two brothers, Lawrence E Marstall, St.
He is survived by his children, Brett (Jessica)
Coakley of Kennedyville, Maryland and
GIMBLE Marys, KS, and Kenneth P. Marstall, Topeka,
KS. He is preceded in death by his parents,
and brothers, George L. Marstall, James Frances Sours Turner, age 77, of Falls Juanita Carmen Acevedo, age 75, passed
Laura (Andy) Woerner of Chester Springs, Church, VA, passed away peacefully in her peacefully away on Tuesday, November 24, Kay Shear, loving wife and mother of Molly,
Pennsylvania as well as his two grandsons, SIDNEY GIMBLE J. Marstall, and Norman F. Marstall. Mr. Rachel and Andrew passed away suddenly
Of Rockville, MD passed away peacefully Marstall will lie in state at Murphy Funeral sleep on Thursday, November 19, 2020. 2020 at her home in Fairfax, Virginia sur-
Davis and Ryan. He is also survived by She was born in Roanoke, VA, and attended rounded by loved ones. on November 20, 2020 at the age of 53.
his older brother, Gene (Becky) Coakley of on November 25, 2020, at the age of 99. Home, Arlington, VA on Sunday, November Kay was born on October 8, 1967 in Boulder,
Beloved husband of the late Shirley Gimble; 29, 2020, from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Mass Jefferson Senior High School. She went on She earned a Masters in Adult Education
Stuarts Draft, Virginia and four nieces and to attend Queens College (now University) from Boston College in 1974 and pursued Colorado to Pat and Bob Schreiber.
nephews. loving father of Barbara (Larry) Herman, of Christian Burial will be celebrated at St.
Bonnie Gimble, Rona (Alan Unowitz) Gimble, Charles Catholic Church in Arlington, VA, in Charlotte, NC. While at Queens, she was post graduate course work at Fordham
a member of the Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. University in 1976. She worked as an She moved to Memphis, TN in 1976 and spent
Pete grew up in Waldorf, Maryland where Glenn (Chana) Gimble, adored “papa” to November 30, 2020, at 12 noon. Interment her childhood there. She graduated from
his grandchildren, Janna, Elena, Aaron will follow at Columbia Gardens Cemetery, Organizational Development Consultant for
he graduated from LaPlata High School and She was predeceased by her parents, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Central High School and went to college at
then served in the Army. After serving in (Danielle), Matt (Erin), Shayna, Rebecca, Arlington, VA the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kayla, Alyssa and devoted great-grandfa- Harold and Katherine Hughes Sours as well (FDIC) focusing on organization change,
the Army and while attending the University as by her husband Robert of 43 years. leadership development, personal and pro- where she graduated with an undergraduate
of Maryland, he met his wife, Pamela. ther to Jordyn, Ella, Ariel, Hailey, Ryan and degree in Mathematics and Theater and
Noah. Graveside service will be private. She is survived by her sons Christopher fessional coaching, and teamwork.
Together they raised their family in Crofton and Andrew Turner of Denver, CO, and Juanita was a devoted mother and partner. received a graduate degree in Rehabilitative
where he lived for 45 years. He loved Memorial contributions may be made to a Counseling. She also obtained a Masters
charity of your choice. her granddaughter Hayley Grace Turner She sacrificed everything for the ones she
nothing more than spending time in his of Boulder, CO. Hayley was one of the loved. She touched many lives and was of Education from The George Washington
community with his friends and family. Pete highlights of her life, bringing joy to her a happy and loving woman with great University.
loved watching his children play sports. He
and Pamela hardly ever missed a game McDONALD days. She loved to tell her friends all about
her current adventures.
strength, courage and discipline. Her way
of facing things head on was amazing with She married Rob Shear on November 15, 1997
regardless of its location. no fear or judgment. She loved to garden, and raised their three children in Chantilly,
NANCY L. McDONALD (Age 70) Virginia. She taught middle school math in
On Saturday, November 21, 2020, She was a life-long educator, beloved by her travel, and dance. Always with a smile on
Many who know Pete knew him as an students and other teachers, taking time her face. Fairfax County and wrote a book to help
avid volunteer through a variety of different
organizations. Over the years, he spent LEBBIN of Manassas, VA. Beloved wife
of Thomas McDonald; mother of out only to raise her sons. Even after she
retired, she continued to substitute teach
She was especially passionate about danc-
ing. When the music started to play, she
teachers pass their certification exam. She
was very active in the community volunteering
much of his time volunteering for the Anne Davis (Clyde "JR") and Todd as PTA President, Sisterhood President,
GARY H. LEBBIN McDonald (Caroline); grandmoth- until 2018. She began her teaching with the would light up a room with her dancing.
Crofton Athletic Council, St. Stephen’s Epis- On Saturday, November 21, Richmond Public Schools, before moving She would smile from ear to ear and dance Mom's Club President and coordinating the
copal Church, The Heating and Air Con- er of Nicole, Nick, Brayden, Chloe, local Freecycle group. Service on Friday,
2020, Gary H. Lebbin of Delray Nathan, Preston, and Harvey. Also to Northern Virginia to teach at Masonville like there was no tomorrow.
ditioning Contractors of Maryland, Ducks Beach, Florida and formerly Elementary School. She then went on to She is survived by her partner Ken Knapp, November 27, 2020
Unlimited and St. Mary’s High School Ath- survived by her siblings Frederick Leonberger
of Bethesda, Maryland, passed and Janet Allen. Haycock and Churchill Elementary Schools her son Jonathan Allen, two sisters Muni
letic Association. He was particularly good away peacefully at age 103. for the last 25 years of her career, all in Chou and Olga Acevedo and two grand-
at fundraising and planning events. Beloved husband for 72 years
Relatives and friends may call at Collins Funeral
Home, 500 University Boulevard West, Silver Fairfax County, VA. daughters Sophia Allen and Kira Allen.
We will be announcing information about a
to the late Bernice H. Lebbin, Spring, MD, Monday, November 30, from 11:30
In addition to his volunteer service, every he is survived by his children, Carole Sue She was a member of The Falls Church memorial service to celebrate her life when
fall and spring Pete could be found attend- a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Due to Covid, the service
Lebbin (Phillip Spector), Roger (Deborah) and interment at Gate of Heaven Cemetery Episcopal Church and was also a member gatherings permit.
ing the home football and lacrosse games Lebbin, cherished grandchildren, Daniel of the PEO Sisterhood. She enjoyed travel-
for his alma mater, University of Maryland. will be private. In lieu of flowers memorial
He was an active member of the Toy Train
(Erin) Lebbin, Andrea (Mike) Rubinfeld,
Adam (Molly) Spector, David (Heidi) Spector,
contributions may be made to Multiple Sclero-
sis Society, National Capital Chapter, 1800 M
ing, both domestically and internationally,
regularly spending time at the beach during ALEXANDER PAID DEATH
Operators Society and his collection of
Lionel trains was second to none.
and eight great-grandchildren. Born in Ber-
lin, Germany, he narrowly escaped Nazi per-
Street, NW, Suite 750 South, Washington, DC
her summers off, walking and socializing
with friends. She was always full of conver- NOTICES
secution, fleeing to America in 1938 where sation. She loved living in the City of Falls
Funeral services will be private at this he became a chemist at a Baltimore paint Church even moving back to a different
time due to COVID restrictions. The family
would like to celebrate Pete’s life with his
company. Later, he founded the Duron Paint
Manufacturing Company, which grew to
house on Forest Drive, after a few years
living in New Jersey. HOLIDAY HOURS
extended family and friends at a future become the second largest privately owned
date. paint manufacturer in the United States. There will be a Celebration of Life in Falls
Memorial donations and donations in lieu
Mr. Lebbin was an astute businessman, Church and burial in Clifton Forge, VA, Thursday,
of flowers be made to Hospice of the Che-
sapeake, 90 Ritchie Highway, Pasadena, MD
and pursued golf, traveling with family and
friends, and his many philanthropic pursuits NEILL at a later date. We will always carry
Fran’s memory in our hearts. For more November 26, 2020
dedicated to community service. Private information, and to express condolences
21122 (
or the Multiple Myeloma Research Foun-
funeral services to be officiated by Rabbi HENRY NEILL, JR. "Hank" please visit . &
dation (
Lustig of Washington Hebrew Congrega-
tion, where Mr. Lebbin was a member
of Springfield, VA passed November 7,
2020. Beloved husband of Judy Y. Neill;
for 61 years and served on the Board of
Directors for more than a decade. Memorial
brother of Margaret Neill. Mass of Christian
Burial will be held at the Old Post Chapel
TYLER November 27, 2020
contributions may be made to Washington
Hebrew Congregation, Bascom Palmer Eye
at Fort Myer, March 17, 2021 at 10:45 LEE A. TYLER
a.m. Interment Arlington National Ceme- The Officers and Members of John
Institute or The Weizmann Institute of Sci- tery. Contributions in lieu of flowers maybe
ence. Services entrusted to Sagel Bloom- F. Cook Lodge #10 announces the
sent to: Center for Prostate Disease death of our beloved Brother Lee
field Danzansky Goldberg Funeral Care.
When the
Research, c/o The Henry M. Jackson Foun- A. Tyler on November 19, 2020. dation, 6720A Rockledge Dr., Ste. 100, DIANE CAROL GIBSON ALEXANDER
The funeral services will be held
Bethesda, MD 20817. at Marshall Funeral Home, 4308 Diane Carol Gibson Alexander, 75, originally
Suitland Rd., Hill Crest Heights, Maryland from Montreal, Canada, peacefully passed
When the
22, 2020 of COVID-19, complicated by renal Spring, MD, passed on November Friendship Church, Wesley Chapel, FL on Satur-
failure. 24, 2020 after a courageous battle day, November 28, 2020 at 11 a.m. Memorial
He graduated from Northwestern High School, donations may be made in Diane’s name to To place a notice,
with cancer. Nora is survived by
Class of 1965, and completed his degree from
University of Maryland in Electrical Engineering
in 1969. He performed his military service on
her devoted husband, Steven, a
sister, brothers, and extended need arises, Feed the Children or Shriner’s Hospital.
let families 202-334-4122
family. Donations may be made to the Chil-
the USS Bordelon. Subsequently, he worked drens Inn at NIH or The Edmond J. Safra Family
for NAVELEX and NAVSHIPS as a civilian EE. He
was a longtime resident of University Park, MD
Lodge at NIH. A memorial event will be held
find you in the
when safe to gather. Please share memories
To be seen in the and served as an elections supervisor.
Eddy had an avid interest in the arts, including
and condolences at: Ext. 4-4122
Funeral Services Funeral Services
collecting and playing musical instruments,
attending craft shows and making jewelry. He
was a fan of diverse musical genres, especially
Directory, please call
paid Death Notices
folk singing. He was also a barbecue con-
noisseur and participated in local barbecue
competitions. He enjoyed giving his nieces Directory.
and later his great-nephews and niece gifts
SNOWHITE To be seen in the
at 202-334-4122. that encouraged the exploration of science,
engineering and technology.
Eddy is survived by his brothers, David and
Arthur (Pauline), nieces, Susan (Matt Houser) Died peacefully at home in Reston, VA, on Funeral Services
and Karen (Jon Sippel), great-nephews, Joseph, November 19, 2020, of ALS. The daughter of
the late Abe and Ann Zeitz, she was born in Directory, please call
Timothy, and Oliver and great-niece, Hannah.
There are no plans for a service due to the Brooklyn, NY, on April 25, 1946. She graduated
from Oceanside High School on Long Island, paid Death Notices at COATES
pandemic. Burial is private. In lieu of flowers,
donations can be made in his honor to the
National Kidney Foundation. Condolences can
NY, and earned her bachelor’s degree from
Boston University and a master’s degree from 202-334-4122.
be left at Yeshiva University.
DEATH NOTICE She started her career as a teacher in the
COLCLOUGH New York City public schools and then worked
on a task force for New York City Mayor
John Lindsay serving low-income families in
Beloved husband and father passed away LEWIS Brooklyn, NY. She married Larry Snowhite in
1969 and they moved to Virginia, where she
on November 5, 2020. Family will welcome
friends Saturday, November 28, at Johnson & ANNA M. LEWIS (Age 78)
worked first as a teacher and then, from 1985
to 1994, in the labor relations and human WILSON
Jenkins Funeral Home, 716 Kennedy St., NW. Peacefully passed away November 14, 2020. resources department of the American News-
Visitation 1 p.m. Funeral 2 p.m. Interment She is the wife of the late Frank Lewis. She paper Publishers Association.
private. Cheltenham Veterans Cemetery. is survived by her three children: Angela Wash-
ington, Frank Lewis, Jr. (Lisa), and Eric Lewis; She then became a technical writer and editor,
eight siblings: Renee Williams (Steve), Angus first at the engineering/consulting firm CH2M
Williams (Ruby), Tyrone Williams, Gerald Wil- Hill and later at ScoreBoard, a cellular industry
CRAHAN liams, and Richard Williams (Kay); two grand-
children, Erica N. Lewis, and DeLonte Lewis;
startup. She moved on to proposal and senior
writing positions at Northrop Grumman Corp.,
one great-grandchild Charlie P. Crockell; one TASC and ManTech International, where she DEATH NOTICES
CHRISTOPHER GLENN CRAHAN goddaughter LaTasha Thomas; best friend of held a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented GRACE COATES MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
50 years Vera Campbell; family friend Easley Information security clearance. She retired in On Wednesday, November 18, 2020, Grace SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Chris passed away on November 13, 2020, 2013.
due to complications from surgery related Crawley, and other relatives. Visitation will be Patricia Diggs Coates transitioned into eternal
held November 30, 2020 at Johnson & Jenkins rest. The beloved wife of William Coates "Wil- To place a notice, call:
to his 17 year battle with the autoimmune For almost 50 years, Deede and Larry lived in 202-334-4122
disease Myasthenia Gravis and Thymus Funeral Home, 716 Kennedy St., NW, Washing- lie"; mother of Levastian Gregory (Rica); sister
ton, DC, at 12:30 until time of service at 1:30 Reston, a community she loved and supported of Lloyd Diggs (Jonie), Richard Diggs, Sr., Hope 800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
Cancer. He was born to the late Nicole through various endeavors over the years. FAX:
deVarenne and Gary Crahan in Gales Ferry, p.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Mayfield (William) and Adrienne Diggs; and grandmother, aunt, cousin and friend to a 202-334-7188
CT. He was a graduate of the University In retirement she served on the Northern EMAIL:
of Connecticut and spent his professional host of many. A walk through viewing will
Virginia Hebrew Congregation (NVHC) Board be held at St. John Baptist Church, 7730
career as a Certified Financial Planner at of Directors and as editor of their Glance
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management. He Fordson Rd, Alexandria, VA 22306 on Saturday, Email and faxes MUST include
newsletter; as a board administrator for the November 28, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. A
partnered with Rhonda Ebert to form the NVHC Sisterhood Leadership Council; as a name, home address & home phone #
Ebert Crahan Group, where he served as MARSHALL WOODROW WILSON, II private family service will follow (live streaming of the responsible billing party.
greeter for the ADAMS Center’s Friday prayers available). Pastor Charles A Hall, officiating. Fax & email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
Vice President. He was noted for his excep- (Age 80)
tional efforts to work for and support his
clients. He lived in South Riding, VA for 15
LOWE at NVHC; and on the Regional Board of Direc-
tors of Hadassah. Passed away suddenly on Thursday, November
Interment Coleman Cemetery, Alexandria, VA.
Arrangements by Phillip Bell Sr. and Winona
Phone-In deadline
4 p.m. M-F
12, 2020. Marshall graduated from McKinley Morrissette-Johnson Funeral, P.A. 3 p.m. Sa-Su
years supporting his children’s activities of Deede was a mentor, a friend and a fierce Technical High School in Washington, DC in
soccer, swimming, and music. His children ORLANDO E. LOWE, III
advocate for social justice and equality who 1957. After graduation, he proudly served four CURRENT 2020 RATES:
were the center of his life. He also main- Of Washington DC, passed away suddenly will be missed by all those she touched. years in the US Navy and was a Sergeant with ( PER DAY)
tained many strong relationships with on November 15, 2020. He was prede- She was devoted to her family, friends and the Metropolitan Police Department for twenty
friends from high school and college. He ceased by his father, Orlando E. Lowe Jr. volunteer work. In addition to Larry, her years. Left to cherish his memory are Vanessa, MONDAY-SATURDAY
was a selfless, giving person. He never and brother, Jon K. Kennedy. He is survived beloved husband of 51 years, she is survived by his wife of 42 years; four children: Marshall Black & White
refused to help others. He loved wood- by his mother, Jean Kennedy-Lowe, siblings, two sons, Andrew and Robert; two daughters- W. Wilson, III, Sean Wilson, Erica Wilson and 1" - $150 (text only)
working and other art projects shared with Karl Kennedy and Kimberly Lowe, daughter, in-law, Allison and Illona; three grandchildren, Melanie Wilson; sisters Sylvia Benoit (John) 2" - $340 (text only)
his children. Chris is survived by his two Suni Walker-Lowe and grandson, HueyP- Caleb, David and Kirsi; a brother, Carl Zeitz; and Rita Wilson; brother Alan Wilson (Patricia); 3" - $490
children, Trinity and Noah, his father, Gary; ierre Batchler. A 12 noon memorial service two nephews, Joshua and Nate Zeitz; and four nine grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; 4" - $535
his sister, Lauren; his former wife, Heather will be held at Holy Redeemer Catholic first cousins, Karen Gejdenson, Debbie Babson, special nephew Timothy Wilson; a host of 5" - $678
Kelly; his stepmother, Carol, and stepsisters Church, 206 New York Avenue NW, Sat- Julie Gilman and David Black. other nieces, nephews and friends. Funeral
Alexandra Grantham and Victoria Mims. urday, November 28. Due to COVID-19, SUNDAY
services at R. N. Horton’s Funeral Home, 600 Black & White
He was also close to his aunt and uncle only 50 people will be allowed in the A memorial service took place on November Kennedy St NW, Washington, DC 20011 on
Sandra and Remy deVarenne and their church at time. Wearing masks and social 1"- $179 (text only)
21, 2020. Donations in her memory may be Saturday, November 28, 2020. Visitation: 2 2" - $376(text only)
sons Remy and Greg of Chatham, NJ. A distancing required. To livestream log onto made to the Reston-based charity Corner- p.m., Service: 3 p.m. A private Interment will
small Memorial Service was conducted on 3" - $543 In stones. be held at a future date. 4" - $572
November 20 to share memories of Chris’ lieu of flowers donations made in his name 5" - $738
life. He will be sorely missed. He requested
that donations be made to the Myasthenia
to the Capital Campaign/ New annex eleva-
tor is appreciated. Arrangements Robinson DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE 6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
Gravis Foundation in lieu of flowers. Funeral Home. $150 each additional inch wkday
$179 each additional inch Sunday
FREEMAN --------------------
WEBER lence in Management. Angela was known for NASH Color
3" - $628
aggressively meeting challenges. She was 4" - $676
respected, loved by all and never met a 5" - $826
and Dennis practiced podiatry for over 40 stranger. ------
years. Dennis was a leader in his field, SUNDAY
serving two terms as the President of the Angela was preceded in death by parents: Color
Maryland State Board of Podiatric Medical Alice Dean Story and Harvey Lee Story; and 3" - $665
Examiners. 4" - $760
sisters; Joyce Vonda (Story) Ziglar and Bonnie 5" - $926
Jean (Story) Ricks.
Dennis was predeceased by his parents, 6"+ for ALL color notices
Annette and Jerry Weber. He is survived Angela leaves to cherish her memories, her $249 each additional inch wkday
by his wife of 50 years, Ellen, son and husband, Colonel (Retired) Michael E. Free- $277 each additional inch Sunday
daughter-in-law Marc and Cortney Weber, man; son, Michael E. Freeman II, both of
daughter and son-in-law Julie and Eugene Springfield, VA; brother, Dennis Lee Story, Sr., Notices with photos begin at 3"
Gligor, grandchildren Jackson and Caden Forestville, MD; aunt, Mary Carter, Norfolk, (All photos add 2" to your notice.)
Weber, brother Jeffrey (Suzan) Weber, VA; nephews, Dennis Lee Story, Jr., Man-
nephews Brian (Shauna) Weber and David assas, VA, Michael Ziglar, Jr., Norfolk, VA, ALL NOTICES MUST BE PREPAID
Weber, niece Jessica Weber. He will also be Brandon Ricks, Norfolk, VA, Derrick Watson,
deeply missed by the family dogs Griffin, Jacksonville, FL, Mark Freeman, II, and Jesse MEMORIAL PLAQUES:
Addie, Maisie, and Charlotte (of which only All notices over 2" include
Freeman, Jr., both of Huntsville, AL; nieces, complimentary memorial plaque
Griffin was truly welcome in his home!) Rickea Story, Norfolk, VA, Charity Denise
ANGELA RENEE FREEMAN Pope, Richmond, VA, Earkiyah King, Birming- Additional plaques start at $26 each
Dennis had many passions in life, including ham, AL, Marcelia Freeman, Los Angeles, CA, and may be ordered.
Dr. DENNIS MITCHELL WEBER boating, golfing, poker, and Jaguar cars. He Of Springfield, VA, passed away peacefully Lashae King and Morgan Freeman, both of BETTIE LOUISE NASH (Age 78)
loved a good practical joke, was an avid on Friday, November 20, 2020. Montgomery, AL; great nieces, Ryan Story Our family and community lost a matriarch on All Paid Death Notices
Dr. Dennis Mitchell Weber, 72, of Palm Beach
Gardens, FL and Rockville, MD passed away reader, and always looked good in a suit and Azya Story, both of Norfolk, VA, Taylor Friday, November 20, 2020. Survived by her appear on our website through
or blazer. Dennis took enormous joy in Angela was born in Portsmouth, Virginia on Watson, Atlanta, GA, Cadence Freeman- devoted husband of 56 years, Dr. Daniel A.
on Tuesday November 24, 2020, after a May 28, 1956 to Alice Dean Story and Harvey
courageous battle with pancreatic cancer. his grandchildren, introducing them to his Carter, Huntsville, AL; brothers-in-law and Nash, Jr. Left to cherish her memory are her
favorite activities and engaging in theirs, Lee Story. She was a resident of Norfolk, sisters-in-law, Mark (Sandra) Freeman, Laster loving children, Cheryl L. Adams (James, III) LEGACY.COM
For more than four years after his diagnosis, Virginia for many years and graduated from Included in all death notices
Dennis lived life to the fullest and remained a including playing hairdresser for grand- King, Jr.;, Jesse (Donna) Freeman, all of Mont- and Daniel E. Nash (Kathleen); grandchildren,
daughter Caden. Above all, Dennis is most Booker T. Washington High School and Nor- gomery, AL; stepmother-in-law, Evergreen James Adams, IV, Justin Adams, Ryleigh Nash Optional for In Memoriams
rock for his family. Dennis was born in New folk State University. Angela later married
York, NY on October 20, 1948, to Annette and remembered as an incredible friend, who Freeman, Union Springs, AL; godmother, Fan- and Andrew Nash; many other loving relatives
spent a lifetime amassing a group of friends Colonel (Retired) Michael E. Freeman. To this nie Mae, Norfolk, VA; and a host of other and friends.
Jerry Weber, and spent his childhood in New union one son was born, Michael E. Freeman PLEASE NOTE:
York, North Carolina, and Maryland, where who became family. Everywhere he went, relatives and friends. On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at McGuire
people were drawn to his kindness, quick II. Funeral Home, 7400 Georgia Avenue NW,
he attended High Point High School. Dennis Notices must be placed via phone, fax or
graduated from the University of Maryland in wit and willingness to talk for hours or have The family has chosen to follow the COVID- Washington DC, Visitation 9 a.m., Service 10 email. Photos must be emailed. You can
an intellectual debate on almost any topic. Her professional career culminated with the 19 health guidelines in order to protect the a.m. no longer place notices, drop off photos
three years and subsequently attended the Department of Justice as a senior team mem-
Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine, where health and well-being of family and friends Interment to follow at National Harmony and make payment in person.
A private memorial will be held for family and ber in the financial accounting arena with and will have a private family service. In Memorial Park, Landover, MD. Arrangements Payment must be made via phone with
he received a DPM. After marrying his over thirty-six years of federal service. Most
college sweetheart, Ellen Goldberg Weber, close friends with a celebration of Dennis’ life lieu of flowers, please make donations to by McGUIRE
planned for a future date. In lieu of flowers, recently Angela’s hard work, dedication and Norfolk State University on behalf of Angela In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in
and completing his residency in Detroit, MI, professionalism gained her recognition from
they settled in the Maryland suburbs of donations may be made in Dennis’ memory R. Freeman. Condolences may be forwarded her name to: Make a Wish Foundation.
to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network the DOJ leadership and she was awarded to PO Box 10832, Alexandria, VA 22310. Online condolences and fond memories may
Washington DC, where they raised a family with the Attorney General’s Award for Excel-
( be offered at debit/credit card.
The Weather
Sunny but cooler Today Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday OFFICIAL REC ORD
Mostly sunny Partly sunny Partly cloudy Rain, t‑storms Partly sunny, Partly sunny
After some morning clouds, skies cooler Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST
FEELS*: 63° FEELS: 57° FEELS: 55° FEELS: 57° FEELS: 37° FEELS: 41°
CHNCE PRECIP: 5% P: 5% P: 5% P: 65% P: 25% P: 20%
WIND: NW 4–8 mph W: WNW 7–14 mph W: SSW 6–12 mph W: SSE 12–25 mph W: SW 10–20 mph W: SW 8–16 mph
HUMIDITY: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: High H: Moderate H: Low
Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su
Statistics through 5 p.m. Thursday
With us all starring in our own bad ‘Home Alone’ reboot, some think
We’ve grown.
holiday movies feel sad this year. Others started watching in March. Enfant terrible
tropes haven’t.
Stream light
on your pop
blind spots
WILL HOLIDAY FLICKS Are you a film buff who has never seen a
Star Wars movie? A TV enthusiast who
never got around to “Breaking Bad”? This
“Star Wars” (1977)
avid Gowan, 30, has long been known to bust out his favorite Christmas movies a little on George Lucas’s saga about a galaxy far,
far away is available to stream in full. The
the early side, often just before Thanksgiving. “Elf.” “National Lampoon’s Christmas most passionate fans recommend start-
Vacation.” “Christmas With the Kranks.” But in 2020, he pulled the trigger much earlier ing with the original trilogy (“Episode IV:
A New Hope,” “Episode V: The Empire
than even he expected. The instructional-support teacher who lives by himself in Strikes Back” and “Episode VI: Return of
Jamestown, N.Y., was home channel-surfing on a Tuesday night when he unexpectedly took in his the Jedi”), followed by the less-beloved
prequels (“Episode I: The Phantom Men-
first Hallmark Channel holiday movie of the year. It was July 28. ¶ Gowan can’t remember the name ace,” “Episode II: Attack of the Clones”
of the movie he landed on that night, but he remembers it involved a guy losing his job, moving from and “Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.”)
From there, you can tuck into the third
the big city back to his quaint hometown and falling in love with a beautiful woman who owns a trilogy, two anthologies, a fan-favorite an-
bookshop (not terribly helpful as a search filter, it turns out). Gowan also remembers the movie was imated series and “The Mandalorian,” but
first things first, young Padawan.
an excellent distraction from his real life. He wasn’t working at the time. He was bored and stressed (Streams on Disney Plus)
staying home alone. Outside, the country was in the grip of a deadly pandemic. ¶ “Christmas movies “Seinfeld” (1989)
just bring that warm feeling,” he said. In such a tense time, “seeing happy movies just helps.” ¶ In This sitcom, from Larry David and Jer-
2020, a year when an alarmingly small number of things are normal, Christmas movies are affecting ry Seinfeld, remains a classic more than
three decades after its debut — not too bad
viewers and would-be viewers in unusual ways. Over the many months of pandemic-related chaos SEE BLIND SPOTS ON C2
and isolation, some people have made holiday movies their anytime movies, with their low stakes,
guaranteed tidy and hopeful endings, and ability to make staying indoors seem appealingly cozy.
Meanwhile, in a season when festive family gatherings are discouraged, others have found that
watching holiday movies is a more bittersweet experience than usual. SEE HOLIDAY MOVIES ON C2
Merger good
for margins,
bad for words
Are references to the popular canon lost on you? Much to learn, you still have.
BLIND SPOTS FROM C1 tan (and very occasionally, the out-
er boroughs) through the eyes and
for “a show about nothing.” Be newspaper column musings of
sure to watch it while eating a big Sarah Jessica Parker’s Carrie Brad-
salad. (Streams on Hulu) shaw. (Streams on HBO)
“Pulp Fiction” (1994) “Do the Right Thing” (1989)
And here you thought “Once Watch Spike Lee’s still-relevant
Upon a Time in Hollywood” was classic about exploding racial ten-
peak Quentin Tarantino. (Streams sions on a hot day in Brooklyn. Be
on Starz) prepared to be incensed over the
director’s Oscars snub. (Streams
“Friends” (1994) on Showtime)
If you can get past the unrealis-
tically attainable Manhattan “Goodfellas” (1990)
apartments and (as with most ’90s When it comes to mafia films,
sitcoms) jokes that haven’t aged Martin Scorsese’s crime drama is
particularly well, you’re in for a perhaps second only to “The God-
fun and memorable binge. And father” (which is only available to
you’ll finally understand all those buy or rent online). “Goodfellas”
“We were on a break” references. earned Joe Pesci an Oscar for best
(Streams on HBO Max) supporting actor, and honestly, his
most memorable scene is alone
“The Sopranos” (1999) worth the price of admission.
The late James Gandolfini won (Streams on Sling)
three Emmy Awards and a Golden
Globe for playing introspective “Citizen Kane” (1941)
mobster Tony Soprano on this Discover the meaning of “Rose-
HBO drama, which helped usher bud” by watching Orson Welles’s
in the prestige TV era. (Streams on classic feature debut. (Streams on
“Veep” (2012) Marvel Cinematic Universe
Julia Louis-Dreyfus is Selina (2008)
Meyer, a vice president who just Test your stamina and start
can’t catch a break, in this occa- with “Iron Man,” working your
sionally all-too-real political sat- way up to “Spider-Man: Far From
ire. (Streams on HBO) Home.” Depending on your level
of dedication, you just might be all
“Living Single” (1993) RON TOM/PARAMOUNT TELEVISION/EVERETT COLLECTION caught up for the twice-postponed
“Living Single,” about a group of Tracee Ellis Ross, Jill Marie Jones, Golden Brooks and Persia White in “Girlfriends.” If you missed it the first time, catch up on Netflix. release of “Black Widow,” which is
young Black professionals living set to open in May after being
in absurdly spacious New York House administration working been pushed back because of coro- to stream on various other ser- kingpin, you’ve undoubtedly moved around the schedule be-
housing, was “Friends” before toward the greater good. (Streams navirus production delays. vices. (Streams on CBS All Access; heard the name Walter White: cause of the pandemic. (Streams
“Friends” was “Friends.” And on Netflix) (Streams on Netflix) the first five shows are also avail- Vince Gilligan’s Emmy- and Gold- on Disney Plus)
when it comes to representation able on Netflix) en Globe-winning drama was just
on-screen, “Living Single’s” im- “ER” (1994) “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” that popular. (Streams on Netflix) “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”
pact may be even bigger. (Streams This medical drama marked the (1982) “This Is Us” (2016) (1990)
on Hulu) breakout of so many talented ac- “Stranger Things” owes a lot to Dan Fogelman’s multigenera- “The Office” (2005) With a drama reboot in the
tors: George Clooney, Maura Tier- this Spielberg classic about a boy tional family drama is centered on You know a sitcom is iconic works, it’s high time you watch
“Martin” (1992) ney, Eriq La Salle, Noah Wyle and and his alien BFF. (Streams on the loss of a beloved patriarch and when it gets sampled on the Gram- Will Smith’s breakout role, you
The popularity of this ’90s sit- Julianna Margulies among them. Freeform and Hulu + Live TV) the values he taught those he loved mys’ album of the year — 15 years know, while you’re “chillin’ out,
com was perfectly captured in a It’s an obvious forebear to another so deeply. (Streams on Hulu and after the show came out. One maxin’, relaxin’ all cool” on the
scene from Ryan Murphy’s ac- iconic medical drama, “Grey’s “Star Trek” (1966) Peacock) quick spoiler alert, borrowed from couch. (Streams on HBO Max)
claimed “American Crime Story” Anatomy,” which streams on Net- The Star Trek universe is vast our friend Pam: “Every so often,
installment, “The People v. O.J. flix. (Streams on Hulu) and spans decades. For the unini- “Casablanca” (1942) Jim dies of boredom.” (Streams on “Game of Thrones” (2011)
Simpson,” in which the seques- tiated, there is no better place to A classic among classics. Here’s Netflix until 2021, when it will David Benioff and D.B. Weiss’s
tered jury was torn between “Mad Men” (2007) start than Gene Roddenberry’s looking at you, kid. (Streams on move to Peacock) eight-season take on George R.R.
watching “Seinfeld” and Martin This acclaimed, Emmy-win- original series, which follows the HBO Max) Martin’s fantasy series became a
Lawrence’s eponymous series. ning period drama follows dapper Enterprise crew, led by the brazen “Girlfriends” (2000) ratings and water-cooler bonanza.
(Streams on BET Plus) advertising exec Don Draper (Jon Capt. James T. Kirk (William Shat- “The Simpsons” (1989) Fans of this beloved sitcom, Winter is coming, so it’s the per-
Hamm) and his Madison Avenue ner), and set the franchise’s Over its three-decades-and- starring “Blackish’s” Tracee Ellis fect time to visit Westeros.
“Jaws” (1975) colleagues, played by an ensemble groundbreaking tone on diversity counting run, Matt Groening’s an- Ross, rejoiced when it became (Streams on HBO)
Face your fears and watch the including Elisabeth Moss, Vincent and inclusiveness. From there, imated comedy has predicted available to stream in September.
blockbuster that made Steven Kartheiser, John Slattery and you can tackle the spinoffs — “The Donald Trump’s presidency, the Issa Rae has cited the show (along “Chappelle’s Show” (2003)
Spielberg a household name. Christina Hendricks. (Streams on Next Generation,” “Voyager,” horrors of auto-correct and sev- with “Living Single” and others) as As comedian Dave Chappelle
(Streams on HBO) AMC Plus and Amazon Prime) “Deep Space Nine” and the less eral Super Bowl outcomes. Maybe inspiration for her HBO dramedy noted during his post-election
popular “Enterprise” — and the we should all watch it. (Streams on “Insecure,” which counts “Girl- “Saturday Night Live” hosting gig,
“The West Wing” (1999) “Stranger Things” (2016) original films, followed by a trio of Disney Plus) friends” alum Prentice Penny as his brilliant (and famously short-
Creator Aaron Sorkin promotes If you were in the Upside Down more recent spin offs: “Star Trek: its showrunner. (Streams on Net- lived) Comedy Central show is
Martin Sheen from chief of staff when Netflix’s massively popular Discovery,” “Picard” and the ani- “Breaking Bad” (2008) flix) now available on not one but two
(in “The American President,” that sci-fi horror premiered, you can mated “Lower Decks.” And that’s Even if you missed Bryan streaming services. (Streams on
is) to POTUS in this beloved dra- catch up ahead of the show’s not even counting the more recent Cranston as a mild-mannered “Sex and the City” (1998) HBO Max)
ma about an idealistic White fourth season premiere, which has film reboots, which are available high school teacher turned drug Explore love and sex in Manhat-
60 OFF
titles a year. Simon & Schuster was a culinary innovator. In the a less pluralistic society, more
publishes 2,000 titles a year. future that Bertlemann cel- concentration of ideas through
In a statement released ebrates, we can all read anything fewer gatekeepers.”
Wednesday, Penguin Random we want so long as it’s a bestseller Hubbard said margins already
House chief executive Markus by John Grisham. are so squeezed that publishers
Get All
Dohle wrote: “We can successful- Not surprisingly, the Authors do not have as much money “to
ly unite company cultures and Guild, the nation’s largest profes- take risks on new authors who
prestigious publishing teams sional organization of writers, don’t have followings.” Projects
while preserving each imprint’s immediately came out against that take years of research fall by
identity and independence. Si- this proposed merger. In a state- the wayside. But, of course, the
mon & Schuster aligns complete- ment released Wednesday, the damage to our culture is hard to CARPET HARDWOOD LAMINATE VINYL TILE
ly with the creative and entrepre- group warned: “Less competition notice. It’s a shelf of books not
neurial culture that we nurture makes it even more difficult for published.
by providing editorial autonomy agents and authors to negotiate Hubbard and Lynn agree that
to our publishers.” for better deals, or for the Au- the root problem is the swelling
United but somehow inde- thors Guild to help secure chang- power of Amazon. (Amazon CEO
pendent, autonomous but also es to standard publishing con- Jeff Bezos owns The Washington
completely aligned — these are tracts — because authors, even Post.) They say the Justice De-
Orwellian reassurances. (Con- best-sellers, don’t have a lot of partment’s fixation on low prices
veniently, Penguin Random options about where else to pub- has allowed Amazon to become a
House publishes “1984.”) Dohle’s lish.” The Authors Guild also dominant buyer and retailer of
statement is not really a descrip- notes that previous consolida- publishers’ books. The online gi-
tion of corporate culture; it’s a tions in the publishing industry ant is now so large that it can
preemptive defense against anti-
trust concerns.
In his own happy statement
have led to “editorial layoffs, can-
celing of contracts, a reduction in
diversity among authors and
impose increasingly challenging
terms on publishers. “That’s an
extortive and extortionary rela-
Mention Promo Code “WAPO”
about the proposed merger, Si-
mon & Schuster CEO Jonathan
Weeks ago, Barry Lynn, the
tionship,” Hubbard says, “not a
healthy marketplace.” Publishers To Save An Additional $100
Karp suggests that the union was executive director of the Open have responded in exactly the
essentially fated in the stars. Markets Institute, was already way we’re seeing this week: fur-
“From our company’s inception,”
he writes, “there has been much
raising concerns about the Simon
& Schuster sale. “There is no
ther consolidation.
Hubbard said the situation is CALL TODAY!
cross-pollination between Simon imperative in capitalism, there is so extreme that the Justice De-
& Schuster and Penguin Random no imperative in the business for partment should allow publish-
House. In fact, the founder of there to be the kind of consolida- ers to engage in collective bar-
Random House, Bennett Cerf, tion that we already have,” he gaining with Amazon. That could
met Max Schuster when they said. “What we want to see right help protect publishers’ margins
were both students at Columbia now is not less competition but and ensure at least a little variety
Journalism School.” Karp goes on more.” among our creative gatekeepers.
to assure everyone involved that Wednesday morning, the Open But unless there’s a radical
Dohle “wants to bring Simon & Markets Institute condemned the attitude adjustment in Washing-
Schuster into the Bertelsmann Penguin Random House deal, ton, that’s not likely to happen.
family with the same thoughtful saying it “poses multiple dangers On Wednesday, Dohle told Pub-
respect for our creative inde- to American democracy and to lishers Weekly that he does not
pendence that accompanied the the interests of America’s authors expect any antitrust issues to
merger of Penguin and Random and readers.” The group called on arise, which is a shameful com-
House.” the Justice Department to “chal- ment on the attentiveness of the O
But there’s no reason we lenge this deal and to make clear country’s antitrust regulators.
should passively accept this trend that no further consolidation of Anybody who cares about the
toward further concentration. A power will be allowed in Ameri- biodiversity of our intellectual
vibrant democracy needs more ca’s book publishing industry, and creative culture should speak
editorial diversity representing a which is already too concentrat- up now. The future of American
broader range of tastes and inter- ed.” literature could soon be a forest
ests. Bertelsmann’s omnivorous Sally Hubbard, Lynn’s col- of lovely trees — all oaks, neatly
strategy is particularly alarming league and the author of a new trimmed. IN-HOME
because Simon & Schuster plays a book called “Monopolies Suck!” ESTIMATES
unique role in the United States (published by Simon & Schuster),
as a leading publisher of high-risk sees a host of problems already Ron Charles writes about books for Sale Applies To AlI Carpet, Hardwood, Laminate, Tile and Vinyl.
political books, such as John Bol- arising from the unfettered pow- The Washington Post and hosts Offer Good Through November 30, 2020.
ton’s “The Room Where It Hap- er of publishing conglomerates,
7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30
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connected for a lifetime. More at WGN Last-Standing Last-Standing NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) NewsNation (Live) NewsNation
entertainment/tv LEGEND: Bold indicates new or live programs ◆ High Definition Movie Ratings (from TMS) ★★★★ Excellent ★★★ Good ★★ Fair ★ Poor No stars: not rated
1 Easter
4 Small amount
10 Hot tub with a
13 Period often
with a name
14 Ring of color
15 Welcoming
16 Observe
music festival
18 Russian refusal
19 Small battery
20 One snugly in
bed, say
22 2018 SAG Life
Award recipient
23 Ukr., once
24 Comment
not meant for
27 Wish undone
The bidding:
1 ♥ Dbl 3 ♥ 4♠
All Pass
Opening lead — ♥ K
aron Barclay, the world’s
largest source of bridge
books and products, pub-
lished two of my recent
books. In “Play Bridge With
Me,” you sit beside me in 90
deals. In “Keys to Winning
Bridge,” I focus on the factors
that really determine how
well you do.
A vital defensive skill
is distinguishing “active
defense” (grabbing tricks in
a hurry) from “passive” (wait-
ing patiently). In today’s deal
from “Keys,” South takes the
ace of hearts and starts the
trumps. West wins and tries
to cash a heart, and South
ruffs, draws trumps and lets
the queen of diamonds ride.
When West wins, he may
feel like taking his ace of
clubs; dummy’s diamonds LIO MARK TATULLI MIKE PETERS
threaten to provide discards.
But West can count South’s
tricks: four spades, four dia-
monds and a heart.
South can’t succeed
without a club trick, so West
should exit with a diamond.
South must lead clubs him-
self and lose two more tricks.
Baron-Barclay has all
books in print plus gift items
You hold:
♦ K 10 7 ♣ A 9 5
You are the dealer. West
in today’s deal opened one
heart. Do you agree with that
ANSWER: Whether to
open 1NT with, or despite, a
ter of contention. Experts
decide case by case, but I
believe most would open 1NT
here, suggesting the hand’s
strength and approximate
shape in one bid. If you open
one heart and hear a one-
spade response, you will
have no good second bid.
— Frank Stewart
Exciting, instinctive
and quick, you have
an electric quality
that feeds your
accomplished work. In 2021,
you succeed best in a project
with others that has a strict
deadline. If single, you become
very frustrated with a situation
that clearly isn’t working, and
you switch partners frequently.
If attached, you’re happiest
freedom to roam. You have a
rare and wonderful partner.
Aries fits the bill.
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
Spend wisely and seek extra
income opportunities. Your
success depends upon how
well you’re able to adapt to
changing economic conditions
in the world around you. Since
you’re by nature a pioneer,
this should be easy enough to
Loving and being loved is a
focus. A preference for beauty
and comfort always leads
you to insist upon quality. The
force of habit can’t be denied.
A sense of deja vu prevails.
There’s conflict between your
family life and professional
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
Create a wholesome mind-set
and direct your imagination
toward positive creative
projects. You must make
Visualization can generate
powerful magic.
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Today brings word from old
friends. Past life regressions
can be especially vivid and
could bring insights about
future goals. Today can also
bring some tension to shared
finances. Control your own
purse strings.
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER STAN LEE & ALEX SAVIUK The role of teacher or adviser
DUSTIN THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN comes your way now. You’ll
process and analyze facts
with a flair that leaves others
speechless. This promises
growth and an overall
improvement in your standard
of living.
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
Today promises some
interesting social opportunities.
A new relationship can begin
suddenly. You are growing
disenchanted with someone
who hasn’t lived up to his or
her promises.
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
Information is revealed
concerning the feelings and
plans of another. You will
become aware of what you
are about to outgrow, both
personally and professionally.
A well educated or well
traveled new friend can be a
source of happiness.
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
Old relationships can either
assume new sparkle and
excitement or, in some cases,
transform your life. Romantic
happiness is likely to come
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
Mental attitude plays a pivotal
role in your physical health.
Focus on understanding
your health conditions and
communicating with health
care practitioners so you can
alleviate anxiety about your
BIG NATE ON THE FASTRACK A relationship that was on
hold moves forward. A really
wonderful intimacy develops.
A valued and cherished
relationship becomes more
stable. A problem linked to
child care -- for you or a loved
one -- suddenly dissolves.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
Your tastes and priorities
aren’t like those of your
relatives. Flexibility and
patience help. A neighbor
becomes a better friend.
Allow a temperamental family
work on a problem.
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
Strive for clear
communication. A neighbor
can become more important.
Resist the temptation to try
juggling too many projects at
once. As dark falls, the tension
subsides and it will be easier
to focus.
— Madalyn Aslan
More online: Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071;; 202-334-4775.
U.S. ends
long layo≠
familiar foe
Women’s national team
meets World Cup finalist
Netherlands on Friday
“When I play [at peak form], I the outcome won’t matter. “That NFL’s stance that it must be confi- Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson’s positive test jeopardizes Sunday’s game against the Steelers.
don’t think at all,” she said. “And is how the staff is wired, and dent that transmission of the virus
I’ve been away from [soccer] for that’s how this environment func- is contained before a game is to start in Jackson’s place. He had been working in an inter- leading tackler Micah Kiser on
so long, at moments I can hear my tions.” played. Approximately a dozen Ravens val throwing program since last injured reserve, but Coach Sean
thoughts. When I am back to In the big picture, Andonovski The game already has been players and at least seven staff week and was a limited partici- McVay said the injury was not
[being] me, I don’t even know I’m has his eye on the Olympics, pushed back once after originally members have tested positive for pant in practice Wednesday. season-ending.
there. That comes with time.” which are scheduled to take place being scheduled for Thanksgiving the coronavirus in recent days. l BROWNS: Cleveland didn’t l OBITUARY: Jim Hanifan,
Forward Tobin Heath also next summer after the global night. — Mark Maske dodge the coronavirus on the holi- the former St. Louis Cardinals
moved to Manchester United. health crisis forced a postpone- If the Ravens-Steelers game is l DOLPHINS: Tua Ta- day. coach who returned to the city as
Midfielders Rose Lavelle and Sam ment this year. His aim, he said, is further delayed until Monday or govailoa’s sore thumb was better The Browns placed defensive offensive line coach to help the
Mewis signed with Manchester to play as many top teams as Tuesday, that would impact the Thursday, and Miami Coach Brian end Porter Gustin on the covid-19 Rams win the Super Bowl, died.
City. From a fitness standpoint, possible over the next seven Ravens’ scheduled game next Flores expressed optimism that reserve list, further weakening a He was 87.
all are well ahead of their months. If the health situation Thursday against the Dallas Cow- his rookie quarterback will be able group already missing star Myles Hanifan’s daughter, Kathy Hin-
U.S.-based teammates. improves, the United States will boys. If the Ravens-Steelers game to play Sunday against the New Garrett and the latest move for a der, told the St. Louis Post-Dis-
Morgan has made two appear- welcome three high-quality cannot be played at all in Week 12, York Jets. team hit hard by the virus in re- patch that he died Tuesday at Mis-
ances for London-based Totten- teams to the annual SheBelieves the NFL could be forced to add a Tagovailoa hurt the thumb on cent weeks. souri Baptist Hospital. She said
ham Hotspur since giving birth in Cup in February and March. Week 18 to the regular season. his throwing hand in practice and Gustin’s positive test forced the the cause of death hadn’t been
May. She has yet to play for “That is a short amount of time Whenever the Ravens play next, was limited in practice for the Browns to close their facility for determined but it wasn’t related to
Andonovski, who has been on the to get ready [for the Olympics],” they are likely to be without Jack- second day in a row. the third day in a row. the coronavirus.
job for 13 months. Nonetheless, O’Hara said. “We do look pretty son. Under the NFL’s treatment l JETS: Sam Darnold was a full l BRONCOS: No. 3 quarter- The Cardinals’ head coach from
Andonovski said he is impressed good in practice, but to get from protocols, a player with a con- participant at practice, putting back Jeff Driskel was placed on the 1980 to 1985, Hanifan is best
with Morgan’s desire to return to here to Olympic-ready, there is so firmed coronavirus case is placed the New York quarterback on covid-19 reserve list, but contact known for his offensive lines as an
world-class status. much more we have to do.” in isolation and cannot rejoin track to start Sunday against Mi- tracing showed starter Drew Lock assistant with St. Louis and Wash-
“I have gained so much respect team activities for at least 10 days. ami. and Denver’s other quarterbacks ington. He coached star tackle
Robert Griffin III, the former Darnold missed the 0-10 Jets’ weren’t in danger of being infect- Dan Dierdorf and notorious guard
NFL offensive rookie of the year past two games with a shoulder ed by the coronavirus. Conrad Dobler with St. Louis, then
for Washington, would be in line injury, his second since October. l RAMS: Los Angeles placed the “Hogs” in Washington.
Washington pulls out all the tricks to blow out the Cowboys
ing for his life after suffering a Washington rookie running back Antonio Gibson had 115 yards and three touchdowns on the ground and added five catches for 21 yards in Thursday’s victory at Dallas.
severe leg injury — went 19 for 26
for 149 yards and one touchdown have dreamed in a million years Tight end Logan Thomas, a for- quarter, a five-yard touchdown ized. maining.
with one interception. that something like this would be mer quarterback, threw a 28-yard after Dallas’s failed fourth and Jeremy Reaves, an undrafted Throughout the season, Rivera
“To get two wins in five days is happening.” completion to McLaurin on a re- one. safety, broke up a would-be touch- has stressed to his players the
hard in this league, especially But it was Washington’s young- verse. Dustin Hopkins, who had down that forced Dallas to kick a need to “take ownership” and to
coming on the road in a short est stars who shined the brightest. “Scotty’s got some innovation, struggled with misses, had a per- short field goal to make it 20-16 learn to win. Their victory Thurs-
week, juggling the covid protocol Rookie wide receiver-turned- and when you watch some of the fect kicking game with 23- and late in the third quarter. day, he said, was proof his players
that’s intensified. I thought guys running back Antonio Gibson things that we do, some of the 36-yard field goals to pad Wash- Washington quickly expanded have heeded his teachings. But
just did a great job locking in and had 115 of the team’s 182 rushing things we work on in practice, you ington’s lead, and a big play from that edge to 25 points in the just how far they have come will
not letting any of that stuff be a yards and added three touch- can see the potential for big McLaurin preserved it. Smith was fourth, thanks largely to Gibson. be determined in the week ahead,
distraction,” Smith said. “To get downs to become the first player plays,” Rivera said. “And using the intercepted by the Cowboys’ Jay- The rookie needed only one play when it awaits a meeting with the
the opportunity to play on with at least 100 rushing yards guys and giving them the oppor- lon Smith in the third quarter, to find the end zone after Dallas’s league’s only undefeated team,
Thanksgiving is special and with and a hat-trick of rushing touch- tunities to use their skills, that’s and McLaurin sprinted down- failed fake punt, running it in the 10-0 Pittsburgh Steelers.
this rivalry even more special. So downs on Thanksgiving since huge. . . . We have players with field to bring down the linebacker from 23 yards. He followed with a “We got a hell of a test next
to come down and get a win like Barry Sanders in 1997. His first specific skill sets we need to take at Washington’s 4-yard line. 37-yard rushing touchdown to all week,” Rivera said. “We’ll see
we did today, means a lot. touchdown — a five-yarder in the advantage of.” Rivera lauded the hustle play but seal the victory before Montez where you are when you get to test
“And as far as me, it’s hard to first quarter — capped a 12-play Thomas later caught Washing- because it gave the defense “a Sweat provided the exclamation yourself against one of the elites.”
put into words. I never would drive that included another trick: ton’s go-ahead score in the second chance.” And the defense capital- point: a pick-six with 3:36 re-
This time, Rivera’s squad is able to take advantage of another team’s misfortunes
ON THE NFL FROM D1 Snyder was finished with team
president Bruce Allen, finished
they held a tenuous 17-13 lead. with a dismal decade that would
So many times this season, his close two days later, finished
team hasn’t been able to open with a path that had only
that gap or push through when brought misery.
given openings. For the second He refused to even look at the
time in five days, Washington soon-to-be-exiting Allen as they
has done just that: churning, passed in the tunnel below the
churning, churning toward ugly stands, leaving Allen to make a
but effective victories. And now long, slow, humiliating walk to
it is in first place in the wretched the team buses while Snyder’s
NFC East, with a 4-7 record that police-escorted motorcade of
won’t glow proudly from the top black SUVs roared past. Within
of the standings but still screams hours, Rivera would be on a
progress for an organization plane, signing his contract to
where progress has come hard. become the team’s new coach.
Learning to win — earlier this Three days later, Snyder stood
week, Rivera was talking about beside Rivera at the news
what that meant. “Doing your conference announcing a new
job with a little something extra,” beginning, leaned into a
he said. microphone and blurted, “Happy
If you make a block, you need Thanksgiving.”
to hold it longer. If you run a While Snyder obviously had
route, you have to do it at exactly misspoken — botching his
the right pace. If the ball is in holiday wishes and turning his
your hands, push for one yard first comments on a new start
more. into a joke that rolled through a
“Take ownership,” he said. “If tumultuous summer — his
you’re not doing it well, do it mistake may have turned out to
better.” be prophetic. If the winning
Learning to win — there was should continue for Washington,
the burgundy blur of wide Thursday’s will be Rivera’s first
receiver Terry McLaurin, chasing signature win, a blowout on the
Cowboys linebacker Jaylon scoreboard that marks a turning
Smith down the AT&T Stadium point he has been seeking for
sideline, trying to keep Smith weeks.
from a certain touchdown after A hard road looms with a
he had intercepted an Alex Smith game at undefeated Pittsburgh
pass near midfield. Washington in 10 days and one at San
was up, 20-13, and Jaylon Smith Francisco a week later. But in the
was about to tie the score until NFC East, which probably will
McLaurin — after sprinting not be won by a team with a
almost 50 yards — lunged at the RON JENKINS/ASSOCIATED PRESS
winning record, Washington’s
racing Smith, tackling him at the Tight end Logan Thomas (82) and running back J.D. McKissic (41) celebrate Thomas’s touchdown catch Thursday against the Cowboys. back-to-back wins have given it
Washington 4-yard line. what a racing Terry McLaurin
Learning to win — there was “It gave our team a chance,” cries rattled around the empty of the other team’s misfortune others shouldn’t be difficult to did when he ran down Jaylon
Washington’s defense on that 4- Rivera said of McLaurin’s chase stands. And Dallas, already and turned those advantages grasp. Smith: a chance.
yard line, trying to keep Dallas and tackle. “That’s all you need without quarterback Dak into wins in back-to-back games “We’re capitalizing when we And that’s something
from tying the score, stopping to do — give the team a chance.” Prescott, lost both of its starting has to feel especially good. need to capitalize,” running back Washington didn’t have just five
running back Ezekiel Elliot, Perhaps they don’t seem like tackles in the game’s early Football rarely is a game of Antonio Gibson said. days ago, when a young team
stopping wide receiver CeeDee much, these beatings of the minutes Thursday. beauty. The teams that gain from Change was coming on the was still grappling to understand
Lamb, knocking the ball away in Bengals and the Cowboys. But for a Washington team someone else’s affliction are night Washington last slumped that simplest of phrases forever
the end zone, forcing a field goal Cincinnati was never the same that couldn’t win after those that often win most. For from this building, as 47-16 losers uttered by its new coach:
but slicing the heart from Sunday after Burrow fell to the dominating second halves at the years, teams have benefited from in what would become the final “learning to win.”
whatever hope Dallas might have turf at FedEx Field, holding his New York Giants and Detroit, the Washington’s calamities. Rivera’s game played under its old name. Sometimes it’s not that hard.
had. knee, screaming so loud that his fact that it has taken advantage message of doing the same to By then, team owner Daniel
Washington 7 10 3 21 41
Dallas 3 10 3 0 16
4:38. Key play: Elliott 8 run on third and one.
Washington: Gibson 5 run (Hopkins kick), 1:37. Drive: 12
plays, 75 yards, 6:53. Key play: Barber 2 run on third and
Dallas: Cooper 54 pass from Dalton (Zuerlein kick), 14:08.
Drive: 5 plays, 75 yards, 2:29. Key play: Dalton 10 pass to
Washington: FG Hopkins 23, 7:13. Drive: 14 plays, 67
yards, 6:55. Key play: Johnson kick return to Washington
Washington: L.Thomas 5 pass from Smith (Hopkins kick),
2:26. Drive: 5 plays, 19 yards, 2:51. Key play: Gibson 10
Dallas: FG Zuerlein 32, :19. Drive: 10 plays, 61 yards, 2:07.
Key play: Dalton 9 pass to Gallup on third and 10.
WASH DAL Washington: FG Hopkins 36, 10:48. Drive: 6 plays, 15
338 247 yards, 3:29. Key play: Smith 15 pass to Inman.
Dallas: FG Zuerlein 28, 2:32. Drive: 4 plays, -6 yards, 1:38.
66 plays 57 plays Key play: J.Smith 43 interception return to Washington 4.
5.1 avg. 4.3 avg. FOURTH QUARTER
Washington: Gibson 23 run (Hopkins kick), 12:07. Drive: 1
play, 23 yards, 00:06.
Washington: Gibson 37 run (Hopkins kick), 3:31. Drive: 10
plays, 76 yards, 5:50. Key play: Barber 15 run on third and
YARDS Washington: Sweat 15 interception return (Hopkins
kick), 3:24.
Attendance: 30,048.
Washington Cowboys
First downs ........................................ 22 13
Rushing ............................................. 14 6
Passing ................................................ 6 6
Penalty ................................................ 2 1
Third-down efficiency..................... 7-13 4-13
Fourth-down eff. .............................. 1-1 1-4
Total net yards ................................ 338 247
Total plays ......................................... 66 57
Average gain .................................... 5.1 4.3
Net yards rushing ............................ 182 60
Rushes ............................................... 36 18
Average per rush............................... 5.1 3.3
WASH DAL Net yards passing ............................ 156 187
Sacked-Yards lost........................... 3-21 4-28
156 187 Gross-Yards passing ....................... 177 215
27 att. 35 att. Completed-Att. ............................ 20-27
Had Intercepted .................................. 1
5.2 avg. 4.8 avg. Yards-Pass play ................................ 5.2 4.8
Kickoffs-End zone-TB .................. 8-8-8 5-3-3
Punts-Average ............................ 2-58.5 2-55.0
Total return yardage ......................... 71 52
Punt returns ................................... 2-15 1-9
NET RUSHING Kickoff returns ............................... 2-41 0-0
Interceptions .................................. 1-15 1-43
YARDS Penalties-Yards ............................. 5-53 5-45
Fumbles-Lost ................................... 0-0 1-1
Time of possession ...................... 35:56 24:04
7 7:42 Punt WAS 5 9 45 50 Interception 7 4:10 Intercetion WAS 4 4 -6 WAS 10 Field goal
Washington’s schedule
SEPT. 13 SEPT. 20 SEPT. 27 OCT. 4 OCT. 11 OCT. 18 OCT. 25 NOV. NOV. 8 NOV. 15 NOV. 22 NOV. 26 DEC. DEC. DEC. DEC. JAN.
6 13 20 27 3
27-17 30-15 34-20 31-17 30-10 20-19 25-3 23-20 30-27 20-9 41-16 1, Fox 4:25, Fox 1, Fox 1, CBS 1, Fox
against a high-, high-level team. in the Mountaineers’ opening vic- Guard Ashley Owusu, the Big Ten freshman of the year last season, spent the offseason working on her three-point and midrange shooting.
We needed their experience and tory over South Dakota State,
toughness.” finishing two shy of his career
The Bulldogs built a double-
digit lead in the first half at the
Fort Myers Tip-Off, then saw the
Jayhawks tie it twice in the sec-
high. He was 8 of 14 from the field.
Sean McNeil added 16 points,
and Oscar Tshiebwe had 11 points
and 16 rebounds.
Maryland reloads with talented scorers
ond half before putting them Nah’Shon Hyland led the Rams
away. Gonzaga went on a 22-7 run (1-1) with 13 points. MARYLAND FROM D1
to go up 96-78. VCU missed its first nine shots,
Self said he believes the Bull- finally scoring on a goaltending lot to talk more and say what I see
dogs are as talented as the Ken- call midway through the first half. and different stuff like that. . . . I
tucky team in 2014-15 that went The Rams rallied with a full-court don’t look at [sophomore year] as
38-0 before losing to Wisconsin in press and cut it to two with five pressure. I just look at it as this is
the Final Four. minutes left in the half. what I prepared for and this is
“I thought we played a great West Virginia had 21 turnovers. what I worked hard for. So I’m
team,” he said. “They have four just going to go out and play my
guards who I think will be the Maker debuts as Bison fall game and show everyone what
best guards we’ll play all year.” Heralded five-star recruit I’m capable of. We’re pretty much,
Suggs, who got in foul trouble Makur Maker scored 11 points basically, a new team. So we know
in the first half, scored 17 of his 24 and grabbed eight rebounds in that and know we have to jell
points in the second half. his debut with the Bison, but together and just be prepared for
“I played patient, picked my Howard committed 17 turnovers whatever happens.”
spots, picked my moments,” and missed eight of 13 free throws With talent coming in from all
Suggs said. and fell to Belmont, 95-78, in their directions, the most intrigue may
Few said Suggs was special. season opener in the Paradise center on Reese. The Baltimore
“And he’s so good to coach,” he Jam Tournament at the Walter E. native is the highest-ranked in-
added. Washington Convention Center. coming freshman in program his-
Marcus Garrett led Kansas Thomas Weaver led the Bison tory, and ESPN ranked her the
with 22 points, and Ochai Agbaji with 14 points and five assists. No. 1 wing in the country. She
added 17 points. Agbai picked up Jacobi Wood led the Bruins averaged 18 points, 20 rebounds
his fourth foul midway through with 21 points. and five assists in her high school
the second half, which hurt the l GEORGE MASON 66, career at St. Frances Academy. At
Jayhawks. When he left, Kansas QUEENS (N.C.) 65: Javon 6-foot-3, she is a problem in the
trailed 70-67. Greene scored a game-high 19 post with good footwork and an
“We needed Ochai out there,” points, but the Patriots commit- aggressive disposition, but she
Self said. “We’re not deep enough ted 18 turnovers, were out- also can put the ball on the floor
to make up for him.” rebounded by 12 and had to hold from the perimeter and knock
l ILLINOIS 97, CHICAGO on to beat the Royals, a Division II down jumpers. Her length is an
STATE 38: Ayo Dosunmu scored power from Charlotte, in the Par- asset on the defensive end.
22 points, freshman Andres Cur- adise Jam Tournament in the sea- Physical skills are one thing,
belo added 18, and the eighth- son opener for both teams. . . . but Frese raved about Reese’s
ranked Illini trounced the Cou- George Mason redshirt senior competitiveness. Coach Brenda Frese’s Terrapins had a legitimate shot at the NCAA championship this past season.
gars in Champaign, Ill. Ian Boyd is taking a leave of “The thing that has separated
Illinois (2-0) never trailed, absence from the program for Angel has been all the intangi- ent when she speaks. ning, competitiveness is relent- rolling with 17 consecutive wins
scoring the first nine points and personal reasons. bles,” Frese said. “I haven’t had a “I don’t really feel it,” Reese less. It’s something that you really and had a legitimate shot at win-
leading 47-17 at halftime. Big man l SAN FRANCISCO 79, freshman come in with the lead- said. “I understand that pressure can’t teach. I know I’m going to go ning the NCAA tournament be-
Kofi Cockburn had 13 points and TOWSON 68: Jamaree Bouyea ership qualities, the vocal-ness, that I do get, but it felt like a clean hard every single day. Whatever fore the coronavirus pandemic
five rebounds at the break. scored 20 points and Dzmitry the confidence that this freshman fresh start when I got here be- sacrifice Coach tells me I have to ended last season early. The Terps
Adam Miller scored 15 points, Ryuny had 18 points and 10 re- Angel has come in with.” cause my teammates are pushing make, I’m willing to do.” can’t exactly pick up where they
and Cockburn finished with 14 bounds to lead the Dons past the That’s a strong statement from me every day. Nobody really re- The Terrapins begin the season left off after so much roster turn-
points and 11 rebounds. It was Tigers in Uncasville, Conn. a coach who has been named minds me about being the No. 2 in the “Beach Bubble” at the Gulf over, but Frese pointed out that
Cockburn’s 14th double-double in Damari Milstead added 11 Associated Press coach of the [recruit in the nation]. That was Coast Showcase in Estero, Fla., one thing doesn’t change at Mary-
34 career games. He had one points and Samba Kane had 10 year, has won a national champi- in high school. I have a fresh start, with games against Davidson land — and that’s why she’s not
more rebound than the entire points for San Francisco (1-1). onship and consistently sends and this is a new thing for me. I (Friday), No. 24 Missouri State concerned.
Chicago State team. Khalil Shabazz, who scored 31 players to the WNBA. Reese have to rebrand myself and re- (Saturday) and No. 14 Arkansas “When you sign up to come to
The Illini used their huge re- points in the opener, was held to doesn’t shy from the expecta- make myself. It’s just a fresh start. (Sunday). They return home to Maryland,” she said, “you know
bounding edge (55-10) to fuel five points on 2-of-11 shooting. tions, and she spent the offseason . . . I don’t really feel the pressure host Towson, Coppin State and it’s about winning and champion-
their running game. Zane Martin had 25 points for trying to improve her condition- like that. I just feel so confi- Mount St. Mary’s during the first ships and you want to do it at the
“Definitely rebounding is key the Tigers (0-2). Nicolas Timber- ing while knowing she may play dent. . . . eight days of December before highest level. If you had the op-
and will be through the end of the lake added 12 points, and Victor big minutes and will be counted “Of course I’m going to have to starting Big Ten play. portunity to come into our prac-
season,” Illinois Coach Brad Un- Uyaelunmo had 11 points and 10 on to score. That confidence Frese score, but I know my rebounding There’s a bit of unfinished busi- tices, we’re competing for titles.”
derwood said. “It gives us that rebounds. mentioned is immediately appar- ability is relentless and my win- ness for Maryland, which was
COLLEGE FOOTBALL NFL NCAA men W. Kentucky 75, Memphis 69 MLS playoffs
Noon Vanderbilt at Missouri » SEC Network NFC WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS W. KENTUCKY (2-0)
EAST C.Williams 5-8 2-3 14, Bassey 8-13 4-6 21, Anderson 2-6
Noon Ohio State at Illinois » Fox Sports 1 EAST W L T PCT. PF PA 2-2 6, Cooper 1-4 5-7 8, Hollingsworth 6-11 4-4 18, EASTERN CONFERENCE
Washington .................. 4 7 0 .364 241 243 Army 93, United States Merchant Marine Academy 32
Noon Kentucky at Florida » ESPN Georgetown 70, UMBC 62
Frampton 1-6 0-0 3, McKnight 0-3 2-2 2, Rawls 1-2 0-0 3, FRIDAY’S RESULTS
Philadelphia .................. 3 6 1 .350 220 254 Osawe 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 24-54 19-24 75.
Noon Maryland at Indiana » ESPN2, WTEM (570 AM) N.Y. Giants .................... 3 7 0 .300 195 236 Maryland 85, Old Dominion 67 MEMPHIS (1-1) at New England 2, Montreal 1
Mass.-Lowell 76, San Francisco 68 at Nashville SC 3, Inter Miami CF 0
Noon Texas Tech at Oklahoma State » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45) Dallas ............................ 3 8 0 .273 251 359
Navy 78, George Washington 71
Jeffries 3-9 0-0 6, Cisse 3-6 0-0 6, Lomax 2-5 1-2 5, Nolley
9-17 1-1 25, Quinones 1-5 2-4 5, Ellis 5-13 2-4 14, Baugh FIRST ROUND
Noon Penn State at Michigan » WJLA (Ch. 7), WMAR (Ch. 2) New Hampshire 93, Keene State 54 3-6 0-0 6, Dandridge 1-4 0-0 2, Thomas 0-1 0-0 0,
SOUTH W L T PCT. PF PA Providence 97, Fairfield 56
Noon Bowling Green at Ohio » ESPNU New Orleans ................. 8 2 0 .800 295 222 Hardaway 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 27-66 6-11 69. EASTERN CONFERENCE
Quinnipiac 84, Fairleigh Dickinson 66 Halftime_Memphis 35-34. 3-Point Goals_W. Ken- SATURDAY’S RESULTS
Noon Kent State at Buffalo » CBS Sports Network Tampa Bay .................... 7 4 0 .636 320 253 Rutgers 86, Sacred Heart 63
Carolina ......................... 4 7 0 .364 253 272 tucky 8-21 (C.Williams 2-3, Hollingsworth 2-4, at Orlando City 1, New York City FC 1 (Orlando City
Noon North Carolina State at Syracuse » ACC Network St. Francis (Pa.) 80, Pittsburgh 70 Bassey 1-2, Rawls 1-2, Cooper 1-3, Frampton 1-6, advances in shootout, 6-5)
Atlanta .......................... 3 7 0 .300 252 275 St. John’s 76, St. Peter’s 75
3 p.m. North Texas at Texas San Antonio » MASN2 Anderson 0-1), Memphis 9-20 (Nolley 6-10, Ellis 2-6, at Columbus 3, New York 2
UConn 102, CCSU 75 Quinones 1-2, Jeffries 0-1, Thomas 0-1). Fouled
3:30 p.m. Auburn at Alabama » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13) NORTH W L T PCT. PF PA Villanova 76, Boston College 67 TUESDAY’S RESULTS
Out_Lomax, Nolley, Quinones. Rebounds_W. Ken-
Green Bay ..................... 7 3 0 .700 308 258 Virginia 89, Towson 54 tucky 42 (Bassey 14), Memphis 28 (Jeffries 10). Nashville 1, at Toronto 0 (OT)
3:30 p.m. Pittsburgh at Clemson » WJLA (Ch. 7), WMAR (Ch. 2) Chicago ......................... 5 5 0 .500 191 209 West Virginia 79, S. Dakota St. 71 New England 2, at Philadelphia 0
Assists_W. Kentucky 12 (Cooper 4), Memphis 15
3:30 p.m. Northwestern at Michigan State » ESPN Minnesota ..................... 4 6 0 .400 264 278 (Lomax, Nolley 4). Total Fouls_W. Kentucky 15,
Detroit .......................... 4 7 0 .364 252 328 SOUTH WESTERN CONFERENCE
3:30 p.m. Florida Atlantic at Middle Tennessee » CBS Sports Network Memphis 23. SUNDAY’S RESULTS
Alabama 81, Jacksonville St. 57
4 p.m. San Jose State at Boise State » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45) WEST W L T PCT. PF PA Appalachian St. 81, SC State 61 at Sporting KC 3, San Jose 3 (Sporting KC advances in
Chattanooga 99, Lander 63 shootout, 3-0)
4 p.m. Mississippi State at Mississippi » SEC Network L.A. Rams ...................... 7 3 0 .700 243 192
at Minnesota United 3, Colorado 0
Seattle .......................... 7 3 0 .700 318 287 Clemson 53, Mississippi St. 42
4 p.m. Rutgers at Purdue » Fox Sports 1 Arizona ......................... 6 4 0 .600 287 238 Davidson 82, High Point 73 at Portland 3, Dallas 3, (FC Dallas advances in shootout,
4 p.m. Louisville at Boston College » ACC Network San Francisco ................ 4 6 0 .400 238 234 E. Kentucky 80, North Florida 67 Boston College 69, 8-7)
go with you everywhere 2), Illinois 52 (Cockburn 11). Assists_Chicago St. 6 WEST
NFC individual leaders (I.Lewis 4), Illinois 15 (Dosunmu 7). Total Fouls_Chicago N. Arizona 79, UNLV 75
Through Week 11 St. 22, Illinois 14. Portland 82, Seattle 70 Kentucky (3-5) at Florida (6-1), Noon
Southern Cal 85, Loyola Marymount 55 Georgia Southern (6-3) at Georgia St. (4-4), Noon
QUARTERBACKS Stanford 108, Cal Poly 40 SMU (7-2) at East Carolina (2-6), Noon
Att Com Yds TD Int Utah State 81, Montana 74 Miami (7-1) at Wake Forest (4-3), ppd. (virus)
Wilson, Sea..................... 362 256 2986 30 10 Wake Forest (4-3) at Louisville (3-6), ppd. (virus)
Ryan, Atl......................... 388
Brady, TB ........................ 433
No. 15 West Virginia 78, VCU 66 Memphis (5-2) at Tulane (5-5), ppd. (virus)
Louisiana-Lafayette (7-1) at Louisiana-Monroe (0-8), 3
No games scheduled.
Rodgers, GB .................... 352 240 2889 29 4 VCU (1-0) FAU (5-1) at Middle Tennessee (3-6), 3:30
Douglas 3-4 0-0 6, Stockard 3-4 0-2 6, Baldwin 1-3 0-0 3, Pittsburgh (5-4) at Clemson (7-1), 3:30
RUSHERS Curry 3-8 2-6 8, Hyland 5-16 3-3 13, Williams 1-7 8-8 11, Auburn (5-2) at Alabama (7-0), 3:30
Att Yds Avg LG TD Clark 3-10 1-2 7, Watkins 2-6 2-4 7, Brown-Jones 1-2 1-2 Mississippi St. (2-5) at Mississippi (3-4), 4
Cook, Min........................ 201 1069 5.3 70t 13 3, Banks 1-3 0-0 2, Ward 0-0 0-0 0, Medley-Bacon 0-1 0-0 Duke (2-6) at Georgia Tech (2-5), 7
Jones, TB ........................ 153 754 4.9 98t 5 0. Totals 23-64 17-27 66. AUTO RACIN G W. Kentucky (4-6) at Charlotte (2-3), ppd. (virus)
Elliott, Dal....................... 171 675 3.9 24 5 WEST VIRGINIA (2-0) Georgia (5-2) at South Carolina (2-6), 7:30
Drake, Ari........................ 146 641 4.4 69t 5 Culver 8-14 7-9 23, Matthews 1-4 2-2 4, Tshiebwe 4-9 Tennessee (2-5) at Vanderbilt (0-7), ppd. (virus)
3-7 11, McBride 4-11 3-4 12, McNeil 5-15 2-2 16, NASCAR Cup Series Troy (4-4) at Appalachian St. (6-2), 8
RECEIVERS Sherman 4-7 0-0 9, McCabe 0-0 2-2 2, Osabuohien 0-1 1-2 Virginia (4-4) at Florida St. (2-6), 8
No Yds Avg LG TD 1, Bridges 0-1 0-0 0, Cottrell 0-0 0-1 0, Johnson 0-1 0-0 0,
Hopkins, Ari...................... 72 912 12.7 60 4 Thweatt 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 26-63 20-29 78. Through Sunday MIDWEST
McLaurin, Was ................. 62 871 14.0 68t 3 Halftime_West Virginia 42-33. 3-Point Goals_VCU 3-21 1. Chase Elliott, 5040. Maryland (2-1) at Indiana (4-1), Noon
Moore, Car ........................ 46 863 18.8 74t 4 (Baldwin 1-1, Williams 1-3, Watkins 1-5, Douglas 0-1, 2. Brad Keselowski, 5035. Ohio St. (4-0) at Illinois (2-3), Noon
Metcalf, Sea ..................... 48 862 18.0 62 9 Banks 0-2, Clark 0-2, Curry 0-2, Hyland 0-5), West 3. Joey Logano, 5034. N. Illinois (0-3) at W. Michigan (3-0), Noon
Virginia 6-16 (McNeil 4-9, McBride 1-2, Sherman 1-2, 4. Denny Hamlin, 5033. Ball St. (2-1) at Toledo (2-1), Noon
Bridges 0-1, Matthews 0-2). Rebounds_VCU 32 (Wat- 5. Kevin Harvick, 2410. Arkansas (3-5) vs. Missouri (3-3), ppd. (virus)
AFC individual leaders kins 5), West Virginia 45 (Tshiebwe 16). Assists_VCU 11
(Baldwin 6), West Virginia 13 (McBride, McCabe 4).
6. Alex Bowman, 2371. Bowling Green (0-3) at Ohio (1-1), Noon
7. Martin Truex Jr, 2341. Penn St. (0-5) at Michigan (2-3), Noon
Through Week 11 Total Fouls_VCU 25, West Virginia 21. 8. Kyle Busch, 2341. Vanderbilt (0-7) at Missouri (3-3), Noon
9. Ryan Blaney, 2336. Miami (Ohio) (1-1) at Akron (0-3), 1
10. Kurt Busch, 2287.
Att Com Yds TD Int 11. Austin Dillon, 2277. Northwestern (5-0) at Michigan St. (1-3), 3:30
Mahomes, KC.................. 374 254 3035 27 2 Xavier 51, Bradley 50 12. Clint Bowyer, 2254. Rutgers (1-4) at Purdue (2-2), 4
Watson, Hou................... 338 233 2883 20 5 BRADLEY (1-1) 13. Matt DiBenedetto, 2249. TCU (3-4) at Kansas (0-7), 8
Allen, Buf........................ 364 249 2871 21 7 14. William Byron, 2247.
Herbert, LAC................... 350 238 2699 22 6 Boya 2-5 0-0 4, Childs 8-20 0-0 17, East 2-6 0-0 5, Kingsby SOUTHWEST
1-2 0-0 2, Nolan 2-7 0-1 5, Tahvanainen 4-9 0-1 11, Henry 15. Aric Almirola, 2235.
RUSHERS 1-3 2-4 4, McAdoo 0-4 0-0 0, Mast 1-5 0-0 2, Hannah 0-2 16. Cole Custer, 2202. Texas Tech (3-5) at Oklahoma St. (5-2), Noon
0-0 0. Totals 21-63 2-6 50. 17. Erik Jones, 873. Tulsa (5-1) at Houston (3-3), ppd. (virus)
Att Yds Avg LG TD XAVIER (2-0) 18. Jimmie Johnson, 836. UTEP (3-4) at Rice (1-2), 1
Henry, Ten ...................... 229 1079 4.7 94t 9 19. Tyler Reddick, 780. South Alabama (3-6) at Arkansas St. (3-6), 3
J.Robinson, Jac............... 172 762 4.4 39 5 Carter 1-3 0-0 2, Freemantle 8-15 0-0 19, Johnson 1-7 0-0
20. Christopher Bell, 678. North Texas (3-3) at UTSA (6-4), 3
Politics • History • Culture • More Jacobs, Las ..................... 199 755 3.8 24 9 3, Odom 2-10 0-0 4, Scruggs 6-17 4-8 17, Tandy 2-7 0-0 4,
Griffin 1-2 0-0 2, Miles 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 21-62 4-8 51. 21. Chris Buescher, 645. Coastal Carolina (8-0) at Texas State (2-9), 3
Edwards-Helaire, KC ...... 140 655 4.7 31 4 22. Bubba Wallace, 597. LSU (3-3) at Texas A&M (5-1), 7
Halftime_Xavier 22-20. 3-Point Goals_Bradley 6-16
S0108 2x4
RECEIVERS (Tahvanainen 3-5, Childs 1-2, East 1-2, Nolan 1-4, 23. Michael McDowell, 588. Kansas St. (4-4) at Baylor (1-5), 7
Henry 0-1, Mast 0-2), Xavier 5-20 (Freemantle 3-4, 24. Ricky Stenhouse Jr, 584.
Johnson 1-4, Scruggs 1-7, Carter 0-1, Tandy 0-4). 25. Ryan Newman, 566.
Diggs, Buf ......................... 73 906 12.4 49 4 26. Ty Dillon, 556.
Rebounds_Bradley 36 (Childs 7), Xavier 43 (Carter Colorado (2-0) at Southern Cal (3-0), 3:30
Kelce, KC........................... 66 896 13.6 45 7 27. John H. Nemechek, 534.
11). Assists_Bradley 8 (East 3), Xavier 12 (Scruggs San Jose St. (4-0) at Boise St. (4-1), 4
Allen, LAC ......................... 81 835 10.3 28 6 28. Matt Kenseth, 521.
7). Total Fouls_Bradley 12, Xavier 12. A_300 Utah (0-1) at Washington (2-0), 7:30
Hill, KC .............................. 55 752 13.7 54t 10 29. Ryan Preece, 477.
(10,250). Arizona (0-2) at UCLA (1-2), 8
30. Corey Lajoie, 408. Nevada (5-0) at Hawaii (2-3), 11
EZ CLASSIFIED zone EZ | 2020-11-27 | D 7 | BLACK
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for the very best examples.
James E. Clarke, et al.
George's, in the original principal amount of $198,313.00. of Trust, dated August 25, 2003, and recorded in Liber 7582 County, once in each of three (3)
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TO MD RULE 14-215 (A)
but not limited to: in said Deed of Trust including but not limited to: Roommates
ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for
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Tax ID# 18-1994987 Tax ID# 16-128139 CAPITOL HILL- Lg furn room, 2 blocks
825 this 6th day of November, 2020,
Bids & Proposals that the foreclosure sale of the Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Myron D. Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and from Stadium Armory subway. Near
Eastern Market. N/S. Cable, wi-fi &
The past, rediscovered
property described in the deed of Welton and Terrelle D. Welton, dated November 12, 2007 and recorded in
Liber 35269, folio 518 among the Land Records of Montgomery County,
is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, utils incl. $225/week. 240-904-9994
trust docketed herein and located
PUBLIC CHARTER SCHOOL at 3513 56th Street, Hyattsville, MD, default having occurred under the terms thereof and at the request conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may NE- Near Ft. Totten Metro. Bsmt w/
of the parties secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustees will pvt entr & BA, Mstr BR, office sp,
MD 20784 made and reported by
offer for sale at public auction at the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, affect same, if any. affect same, if any. W/D, WiFi, AC. NS. $1300 inc utils
James E. Clarke, Christine Drexel,
at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, on & monthly maid svc. 202-494-3692 S0365 1cx.75
SOURCE CONTRACT Brian Thomas and Jason Murphy,
Substitute Trustees, be RATIFIED
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash or TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash or
DECEMBER 9, 2020 AT 11:30 AM
Onsite Learning Facilitator and CONFIRMED, unless cause to certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The balance certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The balance NW DC-1 furn large BR, $750/mo,
utils incl, share BA, on busline, nr
Two Rivers Public Charter School
the contrary be shown on or
before the 7th day of December, THEREON situated in Montgomery County, Maryland and more fully of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum from the of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum from the shops/laundry. Call 202-403-1465 Home delivery
described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property is improved by a date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within TEN DAYS date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within TEN DAYS MARYLAND
intends to enter into a sole
source contract with AlphaBEST
2020, provided a copy of this Order
after the final ratification of the sale. after the final ratification of the sale. makes good
Education, Inc., to provide onsite
be inserted in The Washington Post
once in each of three (3) succes- The property, will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to Roommates sense.
facilitation of learning. The cost
of this contract will be approxi-
sive weeks before the 7th day of
December, 2020.
conditions, restrictions, easements, encumbrances and agreements of
record affecting the subject property, if any, and with no warranty of any
Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular
mately $145,800. The decision to
The Report of Sale states the kind. assessments will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assessments will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter
sole source was made because
AlphaBEST is uniquely qualified amount of the sale at $177,000.00. Terms of Sale: A deposit in the form of cashier's or certified check, or assumed by purchaser. assumed by purchaser. FORT WASHINGTON- Lg house to 1-800-753-POST
to provide onsite facilitation of Mahasin El Amin #544 in such other form as the Substitute Trustees may determine, at their
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dues and assessments that may become due after the time dues and assessments that may become due after the time
OSSE to provide care at Two
Rivers' campuses and this ser- Nov. 13, 20, 27, 2020 12325523 final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. Title of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. Title LARGO. 2 large rms avail, furn/ Take The Post for a run.
vice is needed ASAP due to the
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Maryland. Interest is to be paid on the unpaid purchase price at the rate
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an entity other than the noteholder and/or servicer. If payment of the
balance does not occur within fifteen days of ratification, the deposit will are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for
be forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk and cost of the the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the
defaulting purchaser. There will be no abatement of interest due from
property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting
Home delivery the purchaser in the event settlement is delayed for any reason. Taxes,
water rent, and all other public charges and assessments payable on an purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees
makes good annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges to be
adjusted for the current year to the date of sale, and assumed thereafter are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms
sense. by the purchaser. Condominium fees and/or homeowners association
dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. The
of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit. of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit.
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We want
TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder's deposit of The balance of the purchase price together with interest thereon particular purpose or use, structural integrity, physical condition, requirement that interest be paid on the unpaid purchase money, and/or
to extend the period of time for settlement.
$20,000.00 by cashier's/certified check or such other form as at 4.5% per annum from date of sale to receipt of purchase construction, extent of construction, workmanship, materials, Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The Purchaser will be
the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole discretion, price by Substitute Trustees must be paid by cashier's check liability, zoning, subdivision, environmental condition, mer- required to execute and deliver to the Substitute Trustee a memorandum
or contract of the sale at the conclusion of bidding.
required at time of sale except for the party secured by the Deed within 10 days after final ratification of sale. The noteholder chantability, compliance with building or housing codes or other
Pardo Drazin Auctioneers LLC, Substitute Trustee
of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser from date and time of auction. laws, ordinances or regulations, or other similar matters, and
shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There FOR INFORMATION, CONTACT:
The balance of the purchase price together with interest thereon will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the subject to easements, agreements and restrictions of record
at 6.875% per annum from date of sale to receipt of purchase event that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if which affect the same, if any. The property will be sold Jason A. Pardo, Attorney
price by Substitute Trustees must be paid by cashier's check settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes and subject to all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2
Washington, DC 20015
within 10 days after final ratification of sale. The noteholder other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted as of the record affecting same including any condominium and of HOA (202) 223-7900
shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110.
We want
date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. If applicable,
will be no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the any condominium and/or homeowners association dues and TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY
November 20, 23, 25, 27, December 1, 2020 12324324
event that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if assessments that may become due after the date of sale shall certified funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH WILL
settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes and be purchaser's responsibility. Purchaser shall pay all transfer, NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance of
other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted as of the the purchase price with interest at 2.375% per annum from
documentary and recording taxes/fees and all other settlement
date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. If applicable, costs. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining possession of the the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within
any condominium and/or homeowners association dues and property. Time is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments
assessments that may become due after the date of sale shall on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments
defaults, deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk
be purchaser's responsibility. Purchaser shall pay all transfer,
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and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed
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costs. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining possession of the association dues and assessments that may become due after
attorney's fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not convey
property. Time is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
title for any reason, purchaser's sole remedy is return of deposit
defaults, deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of the Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer Search our database of tested
and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including but nottaxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement recipes by ingredient or name.
deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and limited to determining whether prior to sale a bankruptcy was are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for Search our database of tested
attorney's fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not convey filed; forbearance, repayment or other agreement was entered the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the
title for any reason, purchaser's sole remedy is return of deposit recipes by ingredient or name.
into; or loan was reinstated or paid off. In any such even this property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting
without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale audit of the sale shall be null and void and purchaser's sole remedy shall purchaser. The purchaser agrees to accept service by first class
status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust including but not be return of deposit without interest. File No. (19-388410) mail and certified mail addressed to the address provided by
limited to determining whether prior to sale a bankruptcy was said Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale for any
filed; forbearance, repayment or other agreement was entered Brittany M. Taylor, Substitute Trustees
Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a
into; or loan was reinstated or paid off. In any such even this Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. If
sale shall be null and void and purchaser's sole remedy shall the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees are unable to
be return of deposit without interest. File No. (20-000867) convey marketable title in accord with these terms of sale, the
Brittany M. Taylor, Substitute Trustees purchaser's only remedy is return of the deposit.
Trustee's File No. (73719) ROBERT A. JONES, et al
A181, A316, A311, A182, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463
NOVEMBER 20, 27, DECEMBER 4, 2020 12325200
NOVEMBER 27, DECEMBER 4, 11, 2020 12325645
S0115-2x6 S0115-2x4
umbrella or sunscreen?
S0141 12x10.5
D 8 | EZ
NOVEMBER 27, 2020
Holiday Happenings
From now until Christmas Day,
there’s an array of things to see and do,
both online and in person. 10
MUSIC New hip-hop and R&B in the D.C. area 5 l MOVIES “Small Axe” review 15
for your Records
and CD’s
(33, 45 and
Take The Post for a workout
12” singles)
TOO SMALL Washington Post podcasts
WE BUY go with you everywhere
at 301-646-5403
or e-mail:
Find us on Facebook/Twitter
We’re back & so is Live Music!
S0108 4x4.75
M1336 4x7
Best Bets Noteworthy events this week
s’mores. For social-distancing The U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Lighting is on Wednesday. Colorado to D.C. must
reasons, Old Ox offers two
l Email: l Telephone: 202-334-6808 l Get listed: Our listings include events in the following categories: pop music, classical music, museums,
theater, dance, comedy and film. We accept events in the District; Montgomery, Prince George’s, Calvert, Charles and St. Mary’s counties in Maryland; and the area including
Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun and Prince William counties and the city of Alexandria in Virginia. If you’d like your event to be considered, please submit the event name, description, date, time, location
and price at Listings are subject to space restrictions. We cannot acknowledge every submission. l Advertising: Ron Ulrich,, 202-334-5289
EZ My D.C. Dream Day
Itineraries from a seasoned rapper
In D.C. Dream Day, we ask our favorite people in the area to tell us performing a streaming version of the show live from the Keegan
how they would spend a perfect day in the District. stage, filmed with pandemic-related health and safety measures in
Four years ago, Dwayne Lawson-Brown found artistic place. Although the 2019 production of “From Gumbo to Mumbo” was
inspiration in a most unlikely place: a plate of wings, and an crafted for young audiences, Lawson-Brown describes this version as
“abhorrent” excuse for mumbo sauce. a more “adult” performance that responds to the coronavirus
The poet and rapper was dining at a local restaurant with fellow pandemic and the 2020 political climate.
performer Drew Anderson when the runny, flavorless take on the “This is an exploration of humanity through the lens of Black men
iconic D.C. condiment steered them into a dialogue about the flavors who are just trying to claim home,” Lawson-Brown says. “That’s really
that define their respective hometowns. For Lawson-Brown, a D.C. what’s at the core of ‘From Gumbo to Mumbo’ — using our voices
native, it was mumbo sauce. For Anderson, who calls New Orleans through poetry, hip-hop, dance and some random ranting and a lot of
home, it was gumbo. humor to help shape what our experience has been.”
“It really became a conversation about home,” says Lawson-Brown, Deciding 24 hours just isn’t enough to do D.C. justice, the Southeast
36, who co-hosts the long-running open mic Spit Dat DC with resident has outlined a pair of perfect days in the District — one
Anderson. “What does it look like, feel like, taste like to have home?” catered to the warmth of spring or summer, and another built around
That conversation led Lawson-Brown and Anderson to create a brisk day in the fall or winter.
“From Gumbo to Mumbo,” a fusion of theater, hip-hop and poetry that — as told to Thomas Floyd
debuted last year at the Keegan Theatre. Through Sunday, the duo is
is such a different city depend-
ing on what season it is, so in my
head, I have two different but
equally perfect days. If it’s the
spring or summer, I wake up, have some tea and head
over to the Congress Heights Arts & Culture Center
for yoga. It’s a Black-woman-owned gallery that
features a ton of different art from around the area.
My spring-summer day would be themed around
the south side of the city. I enjoy quiet spaces and I’m
definitely an introvert, so I would head over to the
Kenilworth Park & Aquatic Gardens to take some
photos and take in nature for a little bit. There’s
nowhere else like it, really. Then I would get Good
Hope Carry-Out for some wings and some mumbo
sauce and head to Anacostia Park. I’d eat on the river,
hang out, people watch and maybe crochet, then go to
the skating pavilion and skate a little bit, too.
After some skating and a good meal, I’d go over to
the Fridge DC and take in some more art. They
specialize in that “counterculture is the culture” sort
of art work, and I just always love what they’re
showing. Since I’m in Eastern Market, I’d close out
my spring evening with District Soul Food. Paul
Spires, a good friend of mine, performs go-go, so I
would just vibe out with Paul, eating some soul food
and listening to go-go in the upstairs lounge. 2015 PHOTO BY AMANDA VOISARD FOR THE WASHINGTON POST
Or if we’re in fall or winter time frame, I would Henry Washington, 51, an entertainer with the Anacostia Rollers & Friends, glides around the skating pavilion at
start my day by waking up, mashing some apples and Anacostia Park, one of Dwayne Lawson-Brown’s stops during his spring-summer dream day.
making hot cider at the house. My fall-winter day
would be more uptown, so I would visit the U.S.
Botanic Garden — that’s a nice little oasis — and go to
NuVegan Cafe on Georgia Avenue for lunch. I don’t
NOVEMBER 27, 2020
Closing out that evening, I’d slide down to the During the warmer seasons, Lawson-Brown
[National Gallery of Art’s] Sculpture Garden and ice would head to Kenilworth Park & Aquatic
skate. So no matter which day it is, I’m going to skate, Gardens, at left, to take some photos, and in the
I’m going to get some nature and I’m going to have colder seasons, the day would include a stop at
some delicious food with various sauces. Hill Country BBQ for karaoke night on with the BONNIE JO MOUNT/THE WASHINGTON POST HariKaraoke Band providing the music.
Music 5
tion, he and JPEGMAFIA Vaughn, “Sense” Noochie is distinctive because he music) there are freestyles over from the spotlight as an adoles-
dropped the satirical “I Might The DMV has an abundance of has music that is both raw, street- beats from songs by Chicago’s cent has proved to be a tough go
Vote 4 Donald Trump,” a track rappers who, regardless of the level storytelling and something Mick Jenkins, New York’s West- for many before her — specifically
that poked fun at the idea of subgenre they operate within, that you can imagine hearing on a side Gunn, and Virginia icon in hip-hop, where any inclination
NOVEMBER 27, 2020
Trump thinking he’d secure a have a relentless work ethic, regu- sports commercial. Pusha T. When he’s not flexing his toward innocence is scoffed at —
victory. The two were off in their larly dropping loose tracks or Active on the scene for years, muscle in that way, Noochie can but with the music she’s been
assumption of him losing, but like even bite-size mix tapes to keep Noochie favors a traditional, Lil give introspective and observant releasing over the past 18 months,
“Force,” it showed that FreakY their listeners occupied. But what Wayne-esque approach rather accounts that are radio-ready. it feels like her continued im-
had a solid grasp on how to make the area doesn’t have is a wealth than what’s trendy in the area. “Sense,” from his Halloween- provement is steadily outgrowing
heads knock while adding assess- of artists who feel as if they’re And because of that, he checks off released “Sneaky Tape,” is an ex- her former role on the show.
ing much of what’s pushed on us groomed for the next level in all the boxes on the rapper check- ample of that. With Prince Deetranada is a rare talent in
as a society. terms of having music that’s pal- list. Like the New Orleans legend, George’s County singer Alex terms of her ability to shape-shift
atable to people outside of this no beat is safe with Noochie. On Vaughn handling a chorus that SEE MUSIC ON 6
PG Music
MUSIC FROM 5 sounds almost identical to the scene, and how she’s like bad long enough makes the locally be- plainly tell things like they are.
smash hits that JetsonMade has knees (because she gets it “crack- loved rapper’s accounts of triumph “Touchin’ ” falls within that
on whatever beat she encounters, crafted for DaBaby, with bass hits in’ ”). so much sweeter. In late October, matter-of-fact storytelling,
and her sharp lyrical acrobatics that come so quick and often that he released “Hood President,” his though it is packed with humble
make it so that you’re going to be they’ll leave you dizzy. Deetrana- I Am Northeast, “Touchin’ ” first mix tape of the year, and like brags about how his track record
finding new gems almost every da’s bars are nothing like the guy The way that I Am Northeast — everything else he’s dropped since has afforded him access to just
time you run one of her tracks from Charlotte, though. On it, she take a guess as to which D.C. 2017, it has a 50/50 balance of about everything he could possi-
back. Her most recent offering, raps about people feeling her quadrant he represents — chroni- narratives about both the highs bly want. At its core, I Am North-
“Help!,” demonstrates that skill across the pond in London, her cles the emotional toll that life on and lows of he’s experienced — if east’s music is classic trap, influ-
set. The HINH x SCXRBOY beat plan to take over the Baltimore the streets can have if you stay in it not just even-keel stories that enced by the likes of Gucci Mane,
Young Dolph and Young Jeezy:
straightforward, vivid and a man-
ual on what to do and what not to
do if you’re in his world.
s ?
CalvoMusic, “Jill Scott —
t ic
Loves Me (New Club Waves
l i
In the early weeks of the covid-
19 shutdowns across the country,
a group of young men from Balti-
more went viral for their disre-
gard of the new restrictions. “B----
we is from Baltimore, we don’t
care about no f------ curfew,” one
of them exclaimed into his front-
Washington Post newsletters deliver more of what you’re looking for. facing camera. Local club music
producer CalvoMusic took the
Discover and subscribe for free at short clip and turned it into 2020’s most entertaining club
song by adding the city’s signa-
S0114 3 X 2.75 S011444X 3X 3
S0114 ture 130BPM sauce to an already
hilarious moment.
Calvo’s newest track isn’t the
attention-grabbing draw that
“B---- We From Baltimore” is, but
it’s significantly more versatile in
terms of when it’d be appropriate
to play. The song is an edit of
veteran Philly singer Jill Scott’s
classic “He Loves Me (Lyzel in E
Flat)” from her 2000 debut album
“Who Is Jill Scott? Words and
Sound Vol. 1.” In Calvo’s version,
the sweet “Oooh’s” from the origi-
nal come at you like overlapping
voices in your head while bongos
with the
and 808s add flair. Tracks like this
show that, with club music, no era
of music is too old for a facelift.
NOVEMBER 27, 2020
Stay one step ahead of this season’s weather with the Capital Weather Gang
Washington rapper I Am
@capitalweather capitalweather capitalweather
N0247 4x7
employees deserve to survive, the cozy Al Tiramisu in Dupont
but that should be in both a Circle, among other spots. Can I
financial and a health-related help you fall in lust with a
sense. Indoor dining puts different but divine pasta,
everyone at risk unnecessarily. though? Because the pappardelle
A: As much as possible, I want with chestnut, white Bolognese,
people to experience restaurants
through takeout/delivery or
outside. I agree, those options
sage and Parmesan at
Centrolina in CityCenter is
something special. The
are safest for all involved. On the restaurant has lovely outdoor i n K e n t C o u n t y, M D .
rare occasion I dine inside an seating to recommend it, too,
Shopping enthusiasts will adore
establishment, I at least like to and is now open for lunch on
point out the safety protocols the Thursdays and Fridays. Kent County, MD! Stroll the tree-lined,
restaurant is following. red-brick sidewalks aglow with holiday
Q: I have a one-year dating
lights while perusing charming Main Street
Q: We are looking to celebrate anniversary coming up in
our anniversary on Friday with December and hopefully it will shops in both Chestertown and Rock
Italian takeout. Any price point still be just warm enough or I Hall. From the quirky, nostalgic gift finds
is okay. We honeymooned in can find a place with heating to in Chestertown to the idyllic treasures
Rome, and cacio e pepe has a eat outdoors. Where would you
special place in our hearts, so a go? I’m thinking about choosing representative of Chesapeake Bay life in
bonus if that is on the menu. Any between Fiola (including the Rock Hall; Kent County is sure to have the
NOVEMBER 27, 2020
Quarter all okay). I’m having a
hard time finding places that are Q: My parents are celebrating
open for lunch. Ideas? their 42nd wedding anniversary
A: Some of my favorite and are looking to have a special
heard back yet. What will near the White House. Of the
become of my account? I tried spots that are open at that time
not to use it during this at the Wharf, there’s Mi Vida for
pandemic, but at this point, is it Mexican. I’m a fan of all three.
use it or lose it? Could they Wish your parents well for me.
honor it at the new restaurant?
Should I just suck it up and Q: Just wanted to say that we
consider it gone? had a really great takeout
ME TO Y A: Do you like tacos and
All your news,
no interruptions. SUBSCRIPTION.
Just another benefit
of automatic payments Enroll your Washington Post
Visit Alissa Diaz, wine director at Centrolina, discusses options with
or call 202-334-6100. diners. The restaurant serves a divine pappardelle with chestnut,
S0447B 2x5 S0447A 1x9
white Bolognese, sage and Parmesan.
Ask Tom EZ
ASK TOM FROM 8 restaurant in Cleveland Park. Virginia that have heaters for
Count me a fan of the bastilla — outdoor dining during the
experience from Sababa in a round of phyllo bursting with pandemic. American Prime in
Cleveland Park. The food was cumin- and cinnamon-laced Tysons is good. Others?
delicious — we are still talking mushrooms, potatoes and A: In Great Falls, there’s the
about the charred eggplant! — onions — in particular. To your tented-and-heated terrace
plus the staff on the phone were point, I can’t think of many outside the charming Jacques’
knowledgeable and helpful, it restaurants that are offering Brasserie. The food is old-school
was ready right on time, and their full, pre-pandemic menus. (savory crepes, soft meringue in
everything was thoughtfully Businesses are trying to buy a pool of vanilla custard sauce)
packaged. Their takeout menu is only as many ingredients as and delicious.
more limited, but they had they think they can cook and
clearly selected options that sell and working with reduced Tom Sietsema hosts a weekly
would travel better. staffs. Q&A on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. at 2018 PHOTO BY TOM MCCORKLE FOR THE WASHINGTON POST
A: Thanks for the feedback For a celebratory lunch on a Monday, when many restaurants are
about the modern Israeli Q: I’m interested in places in closed, consider Le Diplomate.
Now through
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Pedrito Martinez. 27 NOV!
NOVEMBER 27, 2020
* Events marked with an asterisk have suffered during the pandem- Washington’s annual cabaret Epiphany Choir paired with the
take place in person. ic. A dozen neighborhood Main blends traditional choral works, baroque ensemble Modern Mu-
Street organizations in the District finger-snapping a cappella, high- sick for a program that includes
Nov. 27 have joined forces to encourage kicking dance routines and saucy pieces by Henry Purcell, David
Downtown Holiday Market * residents to get out and explore seasonal novelty tunes into a show Willcocks and Bolivian baroque
Now in its 16th year, the popular shops and restaurants during the that balances quiet and beautiful composers. Available for stream-
Penn Quarter shopping destina- holiday season. Stroll one of the moments with laugh-out-loud ing starting at 12:10 p.m. at
tion has expanded to encourage festively decorated strips, includ- production numbers. This year’s Free.
social distancing. F Street NW has ing Georgia Avenue, Mount Pleas- virtual offering, which includes
been blocked off between Seventh ant and Logan Circle, for discounts greatest hits from the group’s pre-
and Ninth streets to make room and participate in a scavenger vious shows, features an at-home Dec. 9
for 60 vendors, including booths hunt, then cast your vote for the singalong. Available for stream- Floral Design How-To: Holiday
focusing on local fashion design- neighborhood with the most spir- ing Dec. 5-20 at $25. Blooms at Hillwood
ers and Black- and minority- it. Through Dec. 31. Free. A colorful spray of flowers makes
owned businesses. Noon to 8 p.m. any home feel instantly festive.
through Dec. 23 (closed Nov. 30, Dec. 6 Learn the secrets of holiday decor
Dec. 7 and 14). Entrance in front of Dec. 2 The Washington Ballet’s from Ami Wilber, the floral design-
the National Portrait Gallery, Give a Can, Get a Can at Pizzeria Nutcracker Tea Party @Home er at the Hillwood Estate, during a
Eighth and F streets NW. Free. Paradiso * The Washington Ballet isn’t stag- Zoom seminar and Q&A session.
Still plenty
Many people feel extra generous at ing a full version of “The Nut- Work with blooms and greenery
this time of year, and so do bars. cracker” this year, but it is keep- you’ve gathered yourself, or preor-
Nov. 28 Since 2011, Pizzeria Paradiso has ing a favorite tradition alive: an der a package of materials that
Mount Vernon Winter Glow * held fundraisers for local nonprofit afternoon tea for the ballet’s includes roses, carnations and
The annual Mount Vernon by Can- Martha’s Table. Give a Can, Get a youngest fans. The Sugar Plum winter greens that can be picked
of cheer for
dlelight is canceled this year, but Can is the most popular: Bring a Fairy and the Dew Drop Fairy up at Hillwood before the pro-
you can still visit the festively lit can of low-sodium pasta sauce, make appearances in a special gram. (Note: This class repeats on
grounds of George Washington’s vegetables or salmon (among other video, which features excerpts Dec. 11.) 6:30 p.m. at hillwoodmu-
estate, listening to carolers, watch- items) to any of the popular Nea- from the 2019 staging of “The $12; $72 with materials.
ing interactive demonstrations, politan pizza restaurant’s locations Nutcracker” at the Warner Thea-
the holidays
and meeting Aladdin the Camel — on Dec. 2, and you can trade it for a tre; a make-at-home Nutcracker
yes, Washington once rented a cam- can of beer to take home. Two cans craft project; and a special “live” Dec. 10
el to entertain Christmas guests — are good for two beers, but custom- performance. (A list of the sup- The First Night of Hanukkah
and a troupe of Revolutionary War ers do need to purchase a food item plies for the craft project will be Expect Hanukkah celebrations to
reenactors. 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. on to help Paradiso meet legal re- posted on the Ballet’s website and be socially distanced and muted
Nov. 27-29 and Dec. 11-13 and 26-28. quirements. It’s a delicious way to social media.) “We’re encourag- this year. Washington is home to
3200 Mount Vernon Memorial do good for others. Locations in ing people to have fun and spend two large menorah displays — the
A list of things to do, every day Hwy., Mount Vernon. $25-$45. Dupont Circle, Georgetown, Spring a nice afternoon together, as if we National Menorah on the Ellipse,
Valley and Hyattsville. Free. were all at the Willard in our which is scheduled to be lit in a
from now until Christmas Sunday finest,” says the Washing- ceremony beginning at 4 p.m., and
Nov. 29 ton Ballet’s Karen Shepherd. a menorah at the Wharf’s District
BY F RITZ H AHN Holiday Movies at Dec. 3 Available for streaming starting Square, lit between 5 and 6 p.m.
the Wharf Transit Pier * National Christmas Tree Lighting at 3 p.m. through the end of the each night during the Festival of
Even if you’ve lost track of the The first National Christmas Tree month on Washington Ballet’s Lights. Those who would rather
he lighting of the National Christmas Tree on the number of times you’ve seen “Elf” at the White House was lit by YouTube channel. Free. not go to a public lighting can join
Ellipse, and the resulting traffic jams. The model and “A Christmas Story,” it’s still fun President Calvin Coolidge in 1923. the Edlavitch DC Jewish Commu-
to gather around a crackling fire (The current specimen isn’t that nity Center, the Pozez Jewish
train display at the U.S. Botanic Garden. “A and watch them on a 20-foot old — the Colorado blue spruce Dec. 7 Community Center of Northern
Christmas Carol” at Ford’s Theatre. Singing along with screen. The $60 ticket to the was transplanted to the Ellipse Tail Lights at Merriweather Virginia, and the Bender Jewish
Wharf’s outdoor holiday film series last fall.) This year’s official light- Symphony of Lights * Community Center of Greater
Handel’s “Messiah” at the Kennedy Center, after waiting gets you up to four Adirondack ing ceremony is taking place on- On most nights, visitors to the Washington for 8 Nights of Lights,
in the long line for free tickets. chairs arranged around a private line, but the public can still visit Symphony of Lights in Columbia a virtual nightly lighting cer-
fire pit, and you can order food and the tree, and the 56 smaller trees admire the animated displays of emony (5:30 p.m., free). At Sixth
For people who live in the Washington area, these drinks from the waterfront Canti- representing states, territories more than 300,000 bulbs from and I, the Count Every Night virtu-
annual events are as much a part of the holidays as na Bambina. A different classic and the District, in person through the warmth of their cars, driving al party on Dec. 10 includes Ha-
movie is shown every weekend, MICHAEL KEY December. Available for stream- the one-mile course while listen- nukkah songs, games and a meno-
gathering around a table with family. You may have gone starting with “Home Alone” from ing at Free. ing to seasonal music. Not on Dec. rah lighting, as well as socializing
to them as a child. You may have brought your own Nov. 27-29, and then every day from 7, though, when customers are — recipes for Hanukkah cocktails
Dec. 26 to 31. Screenings on Fridays allowed to walk on a path through are provided (7 p.m., $12).
children, too. Dec. 4
(6 p.m.), Saturdays (2 and 6 p.m.) the lights with their leashed dogs.
But this year, the National Christmas Tree’s lights will and Sundays (2 p.m.) through Dec. U.S. Army Band Holiday (Festive costumes are encouraged
20. 970 Wharf St. SW. $60. Festival: Latin Jazz for both humans and canines.) Dec. 11
switched on during an online ceremony. There’s no The U.S. Army Band will post new 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., with admission Bad Santa at Park Up DC *
“Messiah” at the Kennedy Center. Ford’s Theatre’s stage videos on Friday afternoons at 10-minute intervals. 10475 Lit- Universal Pictures passed on the
Nov. 30 through Dec. 18 as part of its tle Patuxent Pkwy., Columbia. Coen Brothers’ “Bad Santa” after
will be dark and empty. Ice Skating at Pentagon Row * American Holiday Festival. Differ- $10. Tickets must be purchased in reading the script, which they
Don’t worry: The coronavirus, like the Grinch, can’t While Pentagon Row is home to the ent ensembles and styles of music advance. described as “the most foul, dis-
largest outdoor ice rink in North- are featured each week, but one of gusting, misogynistic, anti-
steal the true spirit of the season. We may admire ern Virginia, it can still get a little the most intriguing finds legend- Christmas, anti-children thing
colorful light displays from the safety of our cars, or busy on weekends, thanks to skat- ary jazz trumpeter Arturo San- Dec. 8 we could imagine,” according to
ing lessons and group outings, as doval and percussionist Pedrito Epiphany Choir Christmas Concert eventual producer Bob Wein-
watch the Rat King leap across our television screens, well as a restricted capacity that Martinez lending Cuban flair to a The Church of the Epiphany can’t stein. No wonder the story of an
but there is no shortage of opportunities to feel merry only allows 50 people at once. Visit program of jazz and holiday music hold concerts in its historic alcoholic safecracker who dou-
on a weeknight for an experience as performed by the 18-piece U.S. downtown building, but that bles as a mall Santa has become a
and bright. For every day from Black Friday to Christmas smooth as freshly Zambonied ice, Army Blues band. Available for hasn’t stopped the church’s long- cult classic. “Bad Santa” plays at
at Ford’s Theatre since 1979, and RANDY SCHMIDT wearing flip-flops and shades. Ar-
while it’s not possible for audienc- chipelago’s owners are cognizant
es to pack into the seats to watch FROM TOP: Step that not everyone wants to eat
Ebenezer Scrooge, Bob Cratchit Afrika!’s annual and drink outdoors at the mo-
and the ghosts, Ford’s isn’t giving Magical Musical ment, so they plan to offer cock-
up on Dickens yet. Instead of Holiday Step will tail boxes featuring the seasonal
filming the play, Ford’s has adapt- stream online; beverages, including themed tiki
ed the story into a one-hour radio Archipelago will glasses, for takeout and delivery.
play, with actor Craig Wallace again host its Starts Dec. 1. 1201 U St. NW.
reprising his frequent stage role Sippin’ Santa Cocktail prices vary.
able for streaming starting Dec. 19 starting Dec. 11. Christmas Day, whether you’re
at Free. opening presents, preparing
lunch, or just settling in for a
quiet afternoon. Organists Thom-
Dec. 22 as Sheehan and George Fergus
Christmas with present an hour-long program of
the Folger Consort festive melodies. Noon to 1 p.m. at
The virtual holiday program by BRITTANY DILIBERTO Free.
the Folger Shakespeare Library’s
EZ Movies
What Washington is watching on DVD
1. Unhinged, right
2. Mulan
3. The New Mutants
4. Antebellum
5. Bill & Ted Face the Music, left
SOURCE: Redbox,
for the week ended Nov. 22
New on DVD
l After We Collided
l Ava
l Iron Mask
The four-week virtual American All More video
2020 American Holiday Festival concludes with a Find us on Social Media: perfor- and music
In 3 weeks finale show featuring the one and only Facebook: @usarmyband education
Holiday Festival Friday, December 18 Gregory Porter, and AGT's Voices of Twitter: @theusarmyband
Deck The Halls archived
at 7:30PM Service and The Silhouettes! Join us as Instagram: @usarmyband on our YT available at
Finale Show we safely celebrate the holidays. Mark YouTube: @usarmyband Channel! usarmy
your calendars and join us online!
Free for the whole family! Sat., Dec. 19, 4pm Share an unforgettable holiday Virtual Concert Hall FREE
A Family + Streaming on demand experience with the whole family, from
home. Enjoy a merry tour of favorites with
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| 16-2898
Movies 15
Small Axe
Micheal Ward, left, and Amarah-Jae St. Aubyn in “Lovers Rock,” the second installment of “Small Axe,” Steve McQueen’s series of five films.
cappella version.
n “Lovers Rock,” we see a It’s a levitating sequence, and
young woman surreptitiously typical of McQueen’s gift for com-
sneaking out of a house, her position, pacing and liltingly
shoes in her hand. Mean- graceful camera movements: As a
while, a group of young men clear heart-stopping juncture, it’s of a
furniture from the main room of piece with the unbroken 17-min-
another London house, making ute shot in “Hunger” when IRA
way for a turntable and speakers. activist Bobby Sands debates with
2008 with “Hunger,” McQueen — this lambent gem of a film. “Lov- Rock,” it centers on Martha (Ama- with the beckoning allure of the family attended (Martha is in-
whose 2013 film “12 Years a Slave” ers Rock” takes place over the rah-Jae St. Aubyn), the young unknown. spired by one of his aunts), the
won best picture — has devel- course of one night in West Lon- woman we see at the film’s begin- That sense of enticement also other films in “Small Axe” are
oped a cinematic language all his don’s West Indian community in ning. She and her friend Patty comes with an element of danger; much more specific and fact-
NOVEMBER 27, 2020
own. It’s a vernacular that’s si- 1980, when the titular musical (Shaniqua Okwok) meet at a near- the viewer is never quite sure based: “Mangrove,” which de-
multaneously expansive and mi- style — a sensuous reggae sub- by playground then make their when the escalating energy might buted last week, chronicled the
croscopically detailed; ruthless, genre — was at its height. As the way to the party, which is in full spill into violence, especially 1971 trial of cafe owner Frank
and filled with tenderness and film’s characters congregate to swing when they get there. Mc- where the men are concerned. But Crichlow (Shaun Parkes), who
compassion. And it’s purely vis- dance, eat, drink and flirt, an Queen, who wrote the script with that sense of destabilization feels had been routinely harassed by
ual, especially when it comes to everyday house party becomes Courttia Newland, has a keen eye just as true to life as the pure the London police until being ar-
the way McQueen — whose roots something soaring and transcen- for the subtle come-hither glances pleasure that McQueen luxuriates rested for incitement to riot; “Red,
are in the contemporary art dent, an earthy celebration of and furtive gestures of seduction: in and invites the audience to White and Blue” stars John Boye-
world — observes and deploys freedom, self-expression and ro- Eventually, Martha begins to share, whether in the perfectly SEE SMALL ON 16
EZ Movies
Ratings guide The Croods: A New Age
New movies available BY M ICHAEL O ’ S ULLIVAN
online 18
For anyone who missed “The
Common Sense Media 19 Croods,” — the animated 2013
comedy about the survival strug-
gles of a family of cave-dwelling
Neanderthals — and their en-
Opening next week counter with a more advanced
hominid, in the form of the Ryan
Reynolds-voiced Guy — the new
Frances McDormand plays sequel opens with a brief pro-
a woman who has lost logue, bringing us up to speed for PHOTOS BY DREAMWORKS ANIMATION
everything in the Great the next chapter in this highly
Recession in Nomadland. fanciful retelling of the Dawn of (brothers Kevin and Dan Hage-
Man. As “The Croods: A New Age” man, Paul Fisher and Bob Logan)
A fairy-tale wedding is gets underway, the titular family may also have been a little high on
threatened by the groom’s — Nicolas Cage and Catherine bee venom when they wrote this
cancer in All My Life. Keener as Grug and Ugga Crood, thing. One of the modest delights
with Emma Stone as their now- of the original film was its imagi-
Two men who have just besotted teenager daughter Eep, native use of hybrid animal spe-
discovered that they’re all gaga for Guy — have piled onto cies that never existed: bear fish;
related take a road trip in the back of their rainbow-hued piranha birds and such. That
Half Brothers. saber-toothed tiger (other family quality continues — to an almost
members in tow) to explore the absurd degree — in “A New Age,”
world beyond their humble cav- whose climax involves such trip-
ern. py “Croodaceous” creatures as
The film’s central tension aris- wolf spiders, punch monkeys and
Editor’s note: Several movie es when the protagonists run into a confrontation with a spiny man-
theaters in Northern Virginia the Bettermans, a family as drilla: a behemoth that is part
and Maryland have re- evolved as the Croods are primi- gorilla, part mandrill, part spiny
opened, with policies in place tive, who live in a paradisiacal TOP: In the animated tween Eep and Dawn, and incor- anteater and part King Kong.
to make moviegoing a safer encampment with bedding, sequel “The Croods: A porating some climactic heroics Okay: So nobody said the mov-
experience. These policies in- showers and the like. They’re New Age,” a family of on the part of other female char- ie was a lesson in paleobiology.
clude: reduced auditorium gatherers to the Croods’ hunters, Neanderthals meets a acters, including Eep’s grand- What you (or your impression-
seating capacity and socially and the culture clash between the more evolved family. mother (Cloris Leachman) — able kids) might take away from
distanced concession check- two clans fuels the serviceable Actors providing the tempers the dumb, throwback this larky, slightly lunatic film is a
out; enhanced cleaning pro- narrative. voices include Nicolas dynamic of two girls fighting over moral about social collaboration
tocols and hand-washing by A side plot involves the roman- Cage, Catherine Keener, a boy. and community. Those things are
employees; mask require- tic rivalry between Eep and the Peter Dinklage, Leslie Ugga, indeed. signs of cultural sophistication —
ments (except while guests adolescent Dawn Betterman (Kel- Mann, Cloris Leachman, A scene in which Eep and evidence that we’re not troglo-
are eating or drinking in the ly Marie Tran), whose social- Clark Duke and Kailey Dawn go out joyriding on the dytes anymore — that, sadly,
auditorium). For more infor- climbing parents (Peter Dinklage Crawford. ABOVE: Rival Croods’ big cat — and from which sometimes seem sorely lacking
NOVEMBER 27, 2020
mation on specific policies and Leslie Mann) think that Guy teens Eep Crood, left, Dawn returns loopy on bee ven- these days.
that have been implemented is a better match for their child and Dawn Betterman are om after a sting — establishes
— and such perks as contact- than he is for Eep and her knuck- voiced by Emma Stone that this tale is not going to cling
less concession ordering, via le-dragging kin. The theme of and Kelly Marie Tran, to fossilized cliche. PG. At area theaters. Contains
Showplace Icon’s Icon Extras female empowerment — centered respectively. But the anarchic spirit of the peril, action and rude humor. 95
app — visit amcthe- on the growing friendship be- film suggests the screenwriters minutes.,,,
and Re- SMALL FROM 15 Queen’s own childhood, during vides the balm of seeing people at is Steve McQueen and, if “Small
gal Cinemas recently an- which he was almost lost to Eng- their most liberated, nourished Axe” is any indication, it’s one that
nounced the temporary clo- ga as Leroy Logan, the son of a land’s punishingly caste-based and self-sustaining. By bringing he's indisputably winning.
sure of all its theaters, while similarly oppressed West Indian school system. these stories to light with such
the AMC and Cinemark immigrant who tried to change Singly and taken together, the clarity, feeling and immersive sen-
chains plan to remain open the system from within by becom- films of “Small Axe” create a po- sory detail, McQueen performs a Unrated. Available on Amazon
for now. Theaters in the Dis- ing a police officer; “Alex Wheatle” tent portrait of individuals, as powerful act of restorative jus- Prime Video. “Red, White and Blue”
trict remain closed. tells the real-life story of a young well as an entire community, that tice: His is a cinema not just of will be available Dec. 4. “Alex
Brixton man who overcame aban- have been virtually erased from intoxicating beauty but of pro- Wheatle” will be available Dec. 11.
donment, neglect and harrowing the cinematic record, along with found healing. At one point in “Education” will be available. Dec.
persecution to become a popular the suffering they endured from a “Red, White and Blue” Leroy Lo- 18. Contains profanity, violence,
children’s book author. The most cruel and hostile system. Along- gan notes that the authorities who disturbing material and mature
personal film of the series, “Edu- side those tales of oppression and routinely hound his friends and themes. 68-126 minutes per
cation,” tacks closely to Mc- resistance, “Lovers Rock” pro- family are playing a long game. So installment.
Movies EZ
mium to an artist who would ROELOF KIERS/MAGNOLIA PICTURES in London that resulted in life- difficult compositions, “The
have been enormously influential Rock icon Frank Zappa is depicted as a remote, demanding and threatening injuries; Zappa’s Black Page.” In that moment, it
had anyone been able to keep up uncompromising leader by his former band mates. feuds with record labels and rock- becomes clear that for all of
with him. Failing that, he’ll sim- lyric alarmists like Tipper Gore Zappa’s earthbound appetites
NOVEMBER 27, 2020
ply go down in history as sui which he attributed various ail- avant-garde composer Edgard and Susan Baker; and his emer- and flaws, he was blessed with the
generis. Tracing Zappa’s child- ments to the years spent near Varese. gence as an unlikely internation- ability to tap into something cos-
hood in Edgewood, Md., where hazardous material. When the As a chronology, “Zappa” is al statesman in post-Soviet mic, lasting and true.
his father worked at the Ab- family moved to California, Zap- pretty straightforward: Winter Czechoslovakia. It’s a whirlwind
erdeen Proving Ground during pa broke out of his stultifying — has a wealth of visual material to yet comprehensive journey
the development of mustard gas and racist — environs by playing work with, and he luckily com- through pop culture and politics, Unrated. Available at
and other chemical compounds, music with Black bandmates at pleted interviews with Zappa’s during which Zappa remains a Contains profanity,
“Zappa” finds a motif that would the same time that he cultivated a wife, Gail, before her death in steadfastly principled but essen- smoking, partial nudity and
recur throughout his life, during lifelong appreciation for the 2015. Although Winter touches tially unknowable presence suggestive material. 129 minutes.
EZ Movies
New movies available online
Set mostly in 1973, “Uncle Nutcracker” goes behind the
Frank” centers on the relation- scenes at the Debbie Allen Dance
ship between 18-year-old Beth Academy to offer a peek at prepa-
Bledsoe (Sophia Lillis of “It”), a rations for Allen’s annual award-
naive but intellectually curious winning holiday version of “The
freshman at New York University, Nutcracker.” TV-G. Available on
and her favorite uncle, the titular Netflix. 80 minutes.
Frank (Paul Bettany), who is a
professor at the same school. The Kristen Stewart plays a woman
death of the emotionally abusive who has decided to propose to her
family patriarch (Stephen Root) girlfriend (Mackenzie Davis) at
— Frank’s father and Beth’s her girlfriend’s traditional Christ-
grandfather — precipitates a road mas dinner with her family —
trip back to their repressive South only to discover the family
Carolina hometown for the funer- doesn’t know she’s gay in the
al, with Walid (Paul Macdissi), rom-com “Happiest Season.” PG-
Frank’s partner of 10 years, along 13. Available on Hulu. Contains
for the ride, despite Frank’s wish- some strong language. 102 min-
es. (Frank, who has only just come utes.
out to his niece, is still closeted to
most of his family. To make things AMAZON STUDIOS The thriller “Mosul” tells the
even more interesting, Walid is From left, Sophia Lillis, Peter Macdissi and Paul Bettany star in “Uncle Frank,” which follows a young story of the campaign to reclaim
Muslim.) Despite some moments woman, her uncle and his partner as they travel from New York City to South Carolina for the funeral the titular Iraqi city from ISIS.
of nicely unforced comedy and of the family’s emotionally abusive patriarch. Variety calls the film “a well-made
just a pinch of melodrama — but troublingly generic war-is-
especially in the overly contrived hell pulse-pounder that inevita-
reading-of-the-will scene — this is bly prompts the question: How
a deeply poignant and beautifully recent is too recent when it comes
acted drama of self-acceptance. to turning a theater of war into
The three main roles feel fully pure theater, pure Hollywood
inhabited by the talented Bettany, spectacle?” TV-MA. Available on
Lillis and Macdissi, and the sup- Netflix. 102 minutes.
porting players — who include
Margo Martindale, Judy Greer, “The Mystery of D.B. Cooper”
Steve Zahn and Lois Smith — are explores the myth that has arisen
all top-notch, as guided by writer- around Cooper, a hijacker who is
director Alan Ball. Sober-minded believed to have parachuted from
yet far from morose or preachy, a plane with $200,000 before
the story of “Uncle Frank” is disappearing in 1971. According
written with compassion for all to IndieWire, somewhere be-
its characters, no matter their neath the surface of the film is an
flaws. (Well, almost all: The fam- “illuminating meditation on the
ily patriarch, shown in a prologue relationship between the banality
and in flashback, is an unmitigat- of modern living and the fanta-
ed jerk.) As he demonstrated in sies that people sell to the masses
“Six Feet Under,” Ball has an ear JOSEPH LEDERER/NETFLIX to help them cope with it.” TV-14.
for how real families work, even Kurt Russell reprises his role as Santa Available on HBO. 87 minutes.
when they don’t. R. Available on NETFLIX Clause in “The Christmas Chronicles:
Amazon Prime Video. Contains April Watson is among the ballerinas featured in “Dance Part 2,” which Variety calls a “harmless The documentary “Saul &
strong language, some sexual ref- Dreams: Hot Chocolate Nutcracker.” piece of hokum.” Ruby’s Holocaust Survivor
erences and drug use. 95 minutes. Band” tells the story of two Flori-
— Michael O’Sullivan da retirees who formed a klezmer
band to honor a fellow musician
Also streaming and Holocaust survivor. Accord-
The documentary “Born to Be” ing to the Austin Chronicle, the
NOVEMBER 27, 2020
follows the work of Dr. Jess Ting, story of the titular musicians is
a surgeon at Mount Sinai Center “such a remarkable and yet im-
for Transgender Medicine and mediately recognizable story that
Surgery, as well as the stories if it’s a true shame that it never feels
several of the medical center’s like we get to know them.” Unrat-
patients. Through these stories, ed. Available on various stream-
the New York Times writes, “Ting ing platforms. 81 minutes.
is an anchor, a presence of com-
passion and good sense. Anyone LACEY TERRELL/HULU Set over a series of three con-
confused about transgender peo- From left, Daniel Levy, Kristen Stewart secutive Christmas holidays
ple will certainly benefit from a and Mackenzie Davis star in “Happiest (which in Brazil take place during
viewing of this picture.” Unrated. SAMUEL GOLDWYN FILMS Season,” a rom-com about a planned the summer), “Three Summers”
Available at and Saul Dreier, right, on percussion, and Ruby Sosnowicz, left, on proposal during a family’s traditional is a dramedy about a housekeeper 92 minutes. the accordion, in “Saul & Ruby’s Holocaust Survivor Band.” Christmas dinner. trying to overcome social barri-
in this family’s life. But as the kicked by horses, nearly Mackenzie Foy stars in “Black Beauty,” the Disney Plus adaptation of Anna Sewell’s 1877 classic novel.
story goes on, more threats drowning in a flooding river and
emerge that could scare younger risking their own lives to pull
viewers. Those threats include horses out of a burning stable. Superintelligence (PG) through closed blinds), as well as However, “Moonbase 8” plays
monkeys with glowing eyes and There’s also emotional intensity STREAMING kissing. Expect lots of mostly like a straightforward,
a giant ape monster that intends throughout. Both the horse, Age 10+ McCarthy’s signature pratfalls traditional sitcom. The show
to eat some of the main Beauty, and her human soul Melissa McCarthy fans will like and physical comedy — other builds comedy around the
characters. Some kids may also mate, Jo (Mackenzie Foy), have A.I. comedy with pratfalls, than that, violent and scary astronauts’ general
find the “punch monkey” suffered the loss of their parents kissing. content consists of the A.I.’s unpreparedness for their
characters — which and find themselves alone, their threat of mass destruction. mission. Jokes come from
communicate by slugging each spirits nearly broken. Teen riders “Superintelligence” is a Ultimately, though the movie has natural and scientific disasters
other — hilarious and try to make fun of Jo for living and comedy about a sophisticated, themes of empathy, compassion that happen along the way,
imitate them. Characters use working at the stables, saying all-powerful artificial and gratitude. (106 minutes) which sometimes cause great
mild insults (“dumb,” “twits,” she smells bad. When Beauty is intelligence (A.I.) system that Available on HBO Max. harm to the characters. Bodily
etc.), there’s some potty humor, sold off to a series of different chooses a perfectly “average” function humor is also a big part
and a bee sting makes one owners, she’s put to hard labor, woman, Carol Peters (Melissa of the show. For example, at one
character act as if she’s drunk. mistreated and nearly worked to McCarthy), to test as an example Moonbase 8 (TV-14) point the characters drink urine.
Characters kiss, and one male is death more than once. Some of of whether humanity should be STREAMING Otherwise, the content is typical
shown shirtless. Parent/child these scenes are quite sad; saved, enslaved or destroyed. Age 14+ sitcom fare: buffoonery and
separation is referenced during a cruelty to animals can be very The A.I. (which uses the voice of Astronaut sitcom features learning from disastrous
flashback, and the death of a difficult to watch. That said, the real-life comedian and talk-show science disasters, body humor. mistakes. (Six half-hour
boy’s family is implied. This film film, told mostly from the horse’s host James Corden) tasks her episodes)
strays even further from actual perspective, ultimately shows a with reconciling with her ex- “Moonbase 8” is a comedy Available on Showtime.
prehistory than the first one did, clear respect and admiration for boyfriend, George (Bobby series about three wannabe
but some tidbits could prompt the animals, and it conveys Cannavale), to prove that astronauts training on a Common Sense
discussions about human positive messages of loyalty, humans are capable of love and simulated moon base in Arizona. Media helps
evolution and migration, and family, perseverance, resilience redemption. Iffy language is The show stars John C. Reilly, families make smart media choices.
there are clear themes of and courage. It ends on an minimal (“what the hell,” Tim Heidecker and Fred Go to for
courage, teamwork and the uplifting note. (109 minutes) “badonkadonk”), but there’s Armisen, three actors who are age-based and educational ratings
importance of being yourself. Available on Disney Plus. some drinking and an implied known for absurdist sketch and reviews for movies, games, apps,
There are also some great “girl love scene (silhouettes shown comedy and anti-comedy. TV shows, web sites and books.
Come Play (PG-13) CC: The War with Grandpa CC: 4:30 Annie (1982) presented Freaky (R) CC: 1:50-4:40- 7:30-8:45 The Last Vermeer (R) The Croods: A New Age
Come Play (PG-13) 6:45 (PG) 2:00-3:30-5:20- Freaky (R) CC: 6:10 The Climb (R) CC: (!) CC: 9:40-12:00-2:30-
6:50-8:10 The Croods: A New Age by TCM 4:00 8:00 (PG) XD: 1:00-1:50-3:40-
Freaky (R) 1:10-4:10- Freaky (R) CC: 3:45- The Croods: A New Age - Freaky (R) CC: 7:15 12:30-6:00 5:00-7:30-9:55
7:10 Tenet (PG-13) 2:20-7:40 (PG) CC: 3:00-6:00 Alamo Drafthouse The Last Vermeer (R) 4:25-6:15-7:00-8:50-9:35
6:45-9:30 The IMAX 2D Experience The Croods: A New Hillbilly Elegy (R) CC;
The Croods: A New The Last Vermeer (R) The Last Vermeer (R) Cinema - One Loudoun CC: 12:35-3:20-5:45 DVS: 10:10-1:00-2:35- University Mall Theatre
Cinemark CC: 4:20 (PG) CC: 2:20-5:00-7:40 Age - The IMAX 2D 20575 East Hampton Plaza
Age - The IMAX 2D 2:40-4:10-5:40-7:20-8:30 Hillbilly Elegy (R) CC: (!) 5:05 10659 Braddock Road
Experience (PG) 2:00- Egyptian 24 and XD Honest Thief (PG-13) Annie (1982) presented The Croods: A New Age Experience (PG) CC: National Lampoon's 1:00-4:00 Mank (R) CC; DVS: The War with Grandpa (PG)
4:45-7:30 7000 Arundel Mills Circle 3:00-4:20-5:50-7:10-8:40 by TCM 4:00 (PG) CC: 1:40-3:00-4:20- 1:00-3:40-6:30-9:15 Christmas Vacation (PG- Mank (R) CC: (!) 1:15- 10:05-1:15-4:15-7:20- CC; DVS: 12:15-2:30-4:45-
The Croods: A New Age The Croods: A New Age Let Him Go (R) 2:30-4:00- The Croods: A New Age - 5:40-7:00-8:20 The Croods: A New Age 13) 4:00-5:15 4:25-7:45 9:50 7:15-9:15
(PG) 1:15-2:30-4:00- (PG) 1:15-2:40-4:05-5:30- 5:30-7:00-8:20 The IMAX 2D Experience The Last Vermeer (R) (PG) CC: 2:50-5:35-8:15 Tenet (PG-13) 7:55 Ammonite (R) CC: (!) Ammonite (R) CC; DVS: Tenet (PG-13) CC; DVS:
5:15-6:45 7:00-8:25-9:55 Freaky (R) 4:30-6:00-7:30 (PG) CC: 4:00-7:00 CC: 7:20 Vanguard (PG-13) 6:50 Freaky (R) 8:20 3:00-8:30 4:00-7:10-9:30 1:00-4:00-7:00-9:45
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! And what better place to celebrate than Museum of the Bible?
Intricate light sculptures, digital displays, live performances, a special exhibition featuring handmade
Nativities from Malta, and an Old World Christmas Market all come together to create a new Christmas
tradition for you and your family. We all need a little Christmas this year, and Museum of the Bible has
taken every precaution to keep you safe and to help make your holiday merry and bright.