Supplemental Type Certificate: N Umber
Supplemental Type Certificate: N Umber
Supplemental Type Certificate: N Umber
therefor as specified hereon meets the airworthiness requirements of P art 33 of the Federal Aviation
R egulations.
Original P roductT ype Certificate N umber: E7CE
M ake: Continental Motors
M odel: GTSIO-520-D, -H, -L, -M and -N
Description of the T ype Design Change:
Installation of an auxiliary oil sump port on the oil sump pan in accordance with DRAWING LIST -520 Sump
Drain Installation, Drawning No. 520400, dated April 11, 2012, FAA approved October 27, 2012, or later FAA
approved revision.
T his certificate and the supporting data which is the basis for approval shall remain in effect untl
surrendered, suspended, revoked, or a termination date is otherwise established by the A dministrator of
the F ederal A viation A dministration.
Date of application: October 31, 2011 Date reissued: January 11, 2013
Todd G. Dixon
Northwest Mountain Region Manager
Denver Aircraft Certification Office
Any alteration of this certificate is punishable by a fine of not exceeding $1,000, or imprisonment not exceeding 3 years, or both.
FAA Form 8110-2 (10-68) Page 1 of 3 This certificate may be transferred in accordance with FAR 21.47.
N umber SE00754DE
L imitations and Conditions (continued):
2. Instructions for Continued Airworthiness, Oil Sump Port Installation Continental GTSIO-520 Engines,
Document No. CW0720-1095, Revision IR, dated October 5, 2012, or later FAA accepted revision is required.
3. A copy of this STC must be included in the permanent records of the modified aircraft.
4. The installer must determine whether this design change is compatible with previously approved
5. If the holder agrees to permit another person to use this certificate to alter the product, the holder must give the
other person written evidence of that permission.
6. The FAA has not certified the equipment for which these provisions are intended. You must get additional
FAA approval to install this equipment. The FAA must evaluate the installation to ensure it complies with the
applicable airworthiness standards.
Certification B asis:
The type certification basis for the Continental Motors Model GTSIO-520 series engine is shown on TCDS
E7CE for parts not changed or affected by this Supplemental Type Certificate. For parts changed or affected by
this Supplemental Type Certificate, the certification basis is as follows:
Any alteration of this certificate is punishable by a fine of not exceeding $1,000, or imprisonment not exceeding 3 years, or both.
FAA Form 8110-2 (10-68) Page 3 of 3 This certificate may be transferred in accordance with FAR 21.47.