Sale Agency
Sale Agency
Sale Agency
Table 1
Sale Agency
Buyer has to pay the price. Agents are only accountable for the
proceeds of the sale he/ she can make on
the principal’s behalf.
Ownership of the goods will be Receives the goods but the ownership
transferred to the buyer. remains to the principal
As a general rule, the buyer cannot return Agents can return the object to be sold in
the object sold. case he/ she will not be able to sell it to a
third person.
All the things sold, the seller gives The agent makes no warranty for which
warrants. he assumes personal liability.
Being the owner, buyer can deal with In dealing with the thing received, the
thing sold as he pleases. agent must act and bound according to
the instructions of the principal.
Table 2
Sale Barter
Contract is an element present in the No contract involved
The vendor gives a thing in consideration Transaction involves direct exchange of
for a price in money. things without the use of money
Table 3
The risk of loss is borne by the buyer. The risk of loss before delivery is borne by
the worker or contractor and not by the
Covered by the Statute of Fraud. Not covered by the Statute of Fraud.
Table 4
Sale Dation in Payment
The cause or consideration of the sale is The cause is the extinguishment of the
the price and delivery of the object. obligation.
There is no pre-existing credit. There is a pre-existing credit.
Has greater freedom in terms of fixing the The amount of its pre-existing credit
price. allows the dation in payment to have less
freedom in terms of fixing the price in
which the parties seek to extinguish.
Table 5