cancers, including those of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, (especially citrus), that vitamin
and breast. Helps make
Long-term use of supplemental and release
vitamin C maytheprotect Many foods,
potatoes, broccoli, NoCrmally
helpsthe body makes small
against cataracts. Helps make collagen, a connectiveacetylcholine,
tissue that especially
bell milk,
peppers, amounts of choline. But experts
which aids in many nerve and eggs, liver, salmon,
don't know whether this amount
knits together wounds and supports blood vessel walls. Helps spinach,
brain activities. Plays a role in and peanuts is colds
at certain ages.
make the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine
metabolizing Actsfats
and transporting as strawberries, not been
an antioxidant, neutralizing unstable molecules that can damage tomatoes, Brussels convincing.
cells. Bolsters the immune system sprouts
PHYLLOQUINONE, Activates proteins and calcium Cabbage, liver, Intestinal bacteria make a form
MENADIONE (vitamin K) essential to blood clotting. May eggs, milk, spinach, of vitamin K that accounts for
help prevent hip fractures broccoli, sprouts, half your requirements. If you
kale, collards, and take an anticoagulant, keep your
other green vitamin K intake consistent.
CALCIUM Builds and protects bones and Yogurt, cheese, milk, Adults absorb roughly 30% of
teeth. Helps with muscle tofu, sardines, calcium ingested, but this can
contractions and relaxation, blood salmon, fortified vary depending on the source.
clotting, and nerve impulse juices, leafy green Diets very high in calcium may
transmission. Plays a role in vegetables, such as increase the risk of prostate
hormone secretion and enzyme broccoli and kale cancer.
activation. Helps maintain healthy (but not spinach or
blood pressure Swiss chard, which
have binders that
lessen absorption)
IRON Helps hemoglobin in red blood Red meat, poultry, Many women of childbearing age
cells and myoglobin in muscle eggs, fruits, green don't get enough iron. Women
cells ferry oxygen throughout the vegetables, fortified who do not menstruate probably
body. Needed for chemical bread and grain need the same amount of iron as
reactions in the body and for products men. Because iron is harder to
making amino acids, collagen, absorb from plants, experts
neurotransmitters, and hormones suggest vegetarians get twice
the recommended amount
(assuming the source is food).
POTASSIUM Balances fluids in the body. Helps Meat, milk, fruits, Food sources do not cause
maintain steady heartbeat and vegetables, grains, toxicity, but high-dose
send nerve impulses. Needed for legumes supplements might.
muscle contractions. A diet rich in
potassium seems to lower blood
pressure. Getting enough
potassium from your diet may
benefit bones