Power-Quality Improvement in Ac Railway Substations: The Concept of Chopper-Controlled Impedance
Power-Quality Improvement in Ac Railway Substations: The Concept of Chopper-Controlled Impedance
Power-Quality Improvement in Ac Railway Substations: The Concept of Chopper-Controlled Impedance
Improvement in ac
Railway Substations
The concept of chopper-controlled impedance.
a widely used railway system in France with a
length of 9,698 km. Overhead lines are sup-
plied by substations drawing power from two
phases of a three-phase utility. They behave
as nonlinear and time-varying loads and represent one of the
most important sources of voltage unbalance for the electric-
ity-transmission network. In the case of weak networks, rail-
way operators are required to install compensation systems
in substations to satisfy utility regulations and to avoid pen-
alties regarding voltage unbalance and reactive power con-
sumption. The limits are established by the energy provider
with a view to guaranteeing an acceptable power quality to
other customers.
In three-phase networks, the most widely used solutions are
the classical static var (volt ampere reactive) compensators
(SVCs), based on thyristor-controlled reactors (TCRs), and the
static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) based on voltage-
source inverters (VSIs). The TCR allows the variation of funda-
mental lagging current by phase control, counterbalancing large
leading currents from associated fixed capacitors and allowing
continuous compensation of the lagging line. However, this
solution generates a high level of harmonics and requires oner-
ous LC filters. On the other hand, VSIs offer several advantages
over thyristor-based solutions in terms of compensation
dynamics and reduced harmonic distortion. For the last ten
V2 = aV1 .(1)
I 1 = aI 2 .(2)
v1 v2
V 2
Q = Z in a 2, (5)
ac out
α Q= . (6)
a 2 Z out
iin i1 i2 = iout LF
Ln ic
Vin = V1 V2 Vout Zout
iout i1 i2 = iin LF Ln
ic VL
Zout V2 Vn
Vout = V1 Vin
Figure 3. The CCI with buck or boost ac/ac converter: (a) the step-down configuration and (b) the step-up configuration.
Overhead Line
L1 L2
Compensation Banks
C1 C2
iin1 iout1.1 iin2 iout2.1
ac ac
Co1 Co2
Vin1.1 Vout1.1 Vin2.1 Vout2.1
L3 ac ac Vline
α α iout2.2
C3 iout1.2
ac ac
Co1 Co2
Vin1.2 Vout1.2 Vin2.2 Vout2.2
V1 N1 V2 N2
ac ac
α α
iout1.N1 iout1.N2
ac Co1 ac Co2
Vin1.N1 Vout1.N1 Vin2.N2 Vout2.N2
ac ac
α α Rails
New N1 Step-Up ac Choppers N2 Step-Up ac Choppers
Compensation Bank
1 18
ac Chopper Duty Cycle α
0.5 12
0.4 ∆Q = 3 Mvar
8 Initial Circuit
0.1 With ac Chopper
0 6
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Vline (kV) Vline (kV)
(a) (b)
Figure 6. The (a) duty cycle and (b) reactive power are plotted versus the line voltage.
tive power of 3 Mvar at 22 kV (for a total maximum of
13 Mvar). The controlled impedance part allows reactive
2,000 power control by variation of the duty cycle according to
1,000 Figure 6 as a function of the line voltage and the maxi-
0 mum compensated reactive power, limited to 13 Mvar.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Vline (kV) The peak voltage on each ac chopper is limited to
Peak Value of iin (A)
LV 2 Vout2.N2
ac Chopper 2.2
LV 2 Vout2.2
Impedance α2
CF 2 Vin2 LV 2 Vout2.1
NT 2 I
ac Chopper 1.1
Iin1 LF 1
LV 1
ICA CF 1 Vin1 Vout1.1
CV 1
NT 1
Capacitive α1
Impedance ac Chopper 1.2
LV 1
CV 1
ac-Chopper 1.N1
LV 1
CV 1
2 1,700
1 Capacitive CCI
Inductive CCI
0 1,550
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
α α
(a) (b)
Figure 14. The (a) reactive powers and (b) input ac choppers’ peak voltage are plotted versus duty cycle a 1,2 .
Comparison of VSI Versus Active Steinmetz 300,000
Energy (J)
voltage-balancer topologies. Losses are referred to a 181,116
working condition for the compensators when the load
phase is z L = 0c. Comparing the two solutions based on 100,000 10,472
VSI converters, the three-level neutral point clamped 50,000
(NPC) solution is characterized by lower losses. In addition, 0
if the active Steinmetz compensator is compared with the Energy Energy Total
Capacitor Inductors
three-level NPC topology, a reduction in the power losses
of about 60% is achieved. VSI-2L VSI NPC-3L Active Steinmetz
The energy stored in the reactive elements is used as a
qualitative index of the components space volume. The Figure 16. A comparison in terms of energy stored in reactive elements
peak values for current I| and voltage V| in the inductors ^S comp = 5.7MVAh .
4,000 K
2,000 K
1 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.1
Time (s)
Figure 17. (a) The substation current waveform and (b) active and reactive power.
2 1.5%
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Time (s)
Figure 18. (a) The line currents and (b) the voltage UF%.
and capacitors of the three studied topologies are evaluat- a third harmonic of about 20 A. Resulting line currents
ed and used in and UF% are presented in Figure 18, in which three
working periods can be distinguished in the simulation
1 1
E cap = 2 CV| 2 E ind = 2 LI| 2 . (8) corresponding to three modes of operation:
xx The substation is not loaded and appears as a bal-
Figure 16 shows a comparison of the total energies for anced load to the power network.
the three solutions. Comparing the energy stored in the xx The substation is loaded, and the UF reaches 2%.
reactive elements for the three topologies, a huge xx The chopper-controlled Steinmetz circuit is turned on
difference exists between the proposed compensator and and UF is close to zero, well under the limit of 1.5%.
the classical solutions based on VSI Figure 19 shows a zoom on the
converters. Particularly for the size of three-phase line-currents and the
the dc-link capacitors, the capacitive currents drawn by the compensator. It
stored energy in these conversion
The semiconductor can be seen that currents i ca and i cb
structures is significant. In fact, as power losses and are quasi-sinusoidal, which confirms
the converter is injecting a purely that harmonic interactions are avoid-
negative sequence three-phase cur- energy-storage ed, as expected, with the frequency
rent, the fluctuating power makes it analysis presented above. Further-
necessary to install large capacitors
requirements more, the line voltage drop corre-
to limit the voltage ripple at the compared to the sponding to the negative current
dc side. sequence is strongly reduced, and the
widely used VSI substation voltage is boosted by 1.7 %.
Simulation Results of the
Chopper-Controlled Steinmetz
topology make the Conclusion
Circuit proposed solution In this article, reactive power and
The worst-case condition, i.e., voltage unbalance compensators
at lowest short-circuit power, very attractive for based on PWM ac choppers were pro-
S CC = 295 MVA, is considered. The posed. In multilevel structures, cur-
chopper-controlled Steinmetz circuit
railway operators. rent or voltage sharing is naturally
is connected in parallel to the sub- ensured by the choice of impedance
station. In the circuit, the substation values. A very simple control of reac-
and the trains were replaced by a controlled c urrent tive power can be achieved by varying only the duty cycle;
source. Then, simulations with PSIM software were car- no control loops for internal variables are required. Com-
ried out using measured current waveforms. The substa- pared to a TCR solution, the ac chopper does not generate
tion current waveform is given in Figure 17 and presents any low-order harmonics, thanks to its PWM operation.
1.52 1.54 1.56 1.58 1.6
Time (s)
Figure 19. (a) The line currents and (b) the injected currents i ab and i ca .